Undergraduate Student Success Strategic Planning Report 2 March 2009 Team Leaders: Mel Tyler and Cynthia Pemberton Team Members: Arnie Abels, Klassie Alcine, Larry Bunce, Ghulam Chaudhry, Stephen Dilks, Jane Greer, Eric Grospitch, Robin Hamilton, Glen Jacobs, Bridgett Johnson, Eve McGee, Ginny Miller, Tamera Murdock, Richard Murphy, Jerry Place, Lynda Plamann, Tom Sandreczki, Thomas Stroik, Kami Thomas, Peggy Ward-Smith, Susan Wilson. 1 Undergraduate Student Success at UMKC The Undergraduate Student Success Subcommittee focused on how the university can ensure all students have the support and resources they need to be successful both academically and personally. We recognize that the experiences students have at UMKC will shape them as people and prepare them to actively engage in our global community. The integration of support services, meaningful cocurricular activities, and academic experiences are paramount. Therefore, the subcommittee proposes the following two goals for UMKC: GOAL 1: Provide academic experiences that empower all students to contribute to a dynamic and complex world. GOAL 2: Create a university culture where all students feel they matter and the focus is on student success both personally and academically. Because we created the document as two teams, more integration is needed to reflect the fact that all units, academic and student services, are responsible for each goal. Our two teams tended to focus our conversations on the academic side versus the student services side; thus, strategies for Goal 1 tend to be more from Academic Affairs and for Goal 2, Student Affairs. Care should be taken to make sure this split does not exist in the final document. This integration should also include mechanisms to support and deepen the collaborative relationships that exist between Student Affairs and Academic Affairs. Key Assumptions The Subcommittee has made the following key assumptions in defining these goals: 1. We must ensure all student populations are included in our discussions of student success: First-Time College LGBT Transfers Part-time undergraduates Non-traditional undergraduates Commuters Greeks On-line Learners Student-Athletes Residential students International undergraduates Diversity Honors students Students with disabilities Trial admits/at-risk/APP students Undergraduate professional students Deciding students Hospital Hill campus / Volker campus First-generation college students 2. All staff and faculty want students to succeed. We are committed to academic excellence for all. Ensure that students have the resources and support to successfully persist and graduate Reduce student runaround and increasing student satisfaction with campus services Improve campus communications and processes Quality relationships are the catalysts for student success 2 3. We need to define what we want our students to know and do by the time they leave UMKC. Articulate how the educational experiences at UMKC reflect the unique mission and strengths of UMKC such as performing arts, life sciences, etc. ―Excellence‖ in education requires continuous redefinition in view of the constant changes in student backgrounds, technological advances, workforce needs, etc. Achieving academic excellence requires the participation of all units on campus. 4. Providing individualized opportunities is a unique aspect of UMKC and will provide students with experiences they specifically value and increase graduates’ marketability. Will help achieve mission to create a vibrant learning and campus life experience Will help achieve mission of promoting urban education Will move UMKC to forefront of achieving ―Time to Get it Right‖ report and challenge our community to respond 5. Student enrollment and faculty should reflect our community—and future demographic shift. 6. The support and reward structure of the university will need to adapt to the changes in expectations for faculty, staff and administrators. Accomplishment of our goals will require a significant change in faculty, staff and administrative roles. Strengths and Enablers In addition to our key assumptions, the Subcommittee has articulated what strengths UMKC has currently that will enable us to achieve our goals: 1. Already offer many valuable experiences to students: study abroad, undergraduate research, Greek life, internships, service learning, intramurals, student organizations, expanded residential opportunities, etc. Most Academic Units already offer a freshman seminar or intro course. 2. Our student body is rich and diverse in terms of age groups, backgrounds, race/ethnicity, nationality, citizenship, etc. We become continuously more diverse. Many offices exist to support campus diversity: Multicultural Student Affairs, Women’s Center, Disability Services, LGBT, Safe Space training, Diversity Access and Equity, Residential Life Social Justice Coordinator program, student organizations. 3. Many collaborative arrangements already exist between UMKC. Career Services currently works with several Academic Units and organizations on campus to provide students career exploration services Planned implementation of DARWIN and major maps We have many people with knowledge about the development and tracking of educational outcomes because of their experiences with outside accrediting bodies. 3 4. Current trends in higher education support integrative education. Current efforts are underway to revise general education requirements to support more integrative learning. FaCET encourages conversations about teaching among faculty and supports faculty learning. Our new faculty teaching scholars program reinforces UMKC’s commitment to teaching and supports pedagogical excellence. IPhD lays the groundwork for bringing interdisciplinarity into our undergraduate experiences. Barriers Conversely, the Subcommittee reviewed current barriers to achieving our goals: 1. Some students may attend UMKC with no intention of graduating from here. 2. Need comprehensive and concerted diversity training program and other opportunities for faculty and staff to learn about and engage with other cultures. Need faculty and staff who reflect the diversity of our community. 3. Need consistent training / professional development for academic advisors. 4. Need community support for increasing internships and service learning opportunities 5. Budget Issues: advising is time- and cost-intensive (but the investment has high returns) administrative structure for new University College renovations to University Center 6. The state of available instructional technology on campus is below many of our peer institutions; lack updated and centralized classroom scheduling policy 7. Need a university-wide financial aid leveraging plan; currently lack unrestricted need-based scholarship funds 8. Our current faculty reward system does not prioritize student engagement. 9. There are relatively few resources for faculty to improve their teaching, including a minimally funded Center for Teaching and no money for external travel to learn about new teaching methods. There are few available models for faculty of what constitutes ―engaging pedagogies‖ Only new faculty can be part of the teaching scholars program; many faculty members who have been here for 15+ years may have not been exposed to changing pedagogical models and might welcome the chance to do so Our evaluation of teaching does not consider actual learning 4 Many of us have ―mind sets‖ that limit our views of our specific disciplines as needing to be the way they ―have always been‖ We are often unaware of what our colleagues are doing; there are pockets of excellence ALL OVER the campus that could serve as models for all of us Faculty feels very little support for dealing with uncivil students Few of us have knowledge about what students who come to UMKC are experiencing in K-12 classrooms and community college settings 10. We have a system that emphasizes credit hours accumulated rather than competencies obtained. The new budget model rewards more credit hour production but also encourages academic silos and cross-unit competition 11. Our administrative structure spreads academic support services across two major administrative units, making lines of communication and accountability less clear than they might optimally be. Assessment Finally, the Subcommittee considered several methodologies to assess our work towards achieving these goals. The following tools can easily be integrated into a strategic plan: 1. 2. 3. 4. Student focus groups Develop student comment cards for quick feedback on services Student survey results: NSSE, SSI, senior survey Long-term results seen in increased retention and graduation rates A draft assessment metric is provided at the end of this document. 5 GOAL 1: Provide academic experiences that empower all students to contribute to a dynamic and complex world. OBJECTIVE 1.1: Academic Excellence for ALL. Provide academic programs for undergraduates that challenge the potential of all students to achieve at a high level. Key Strategy 1.1.1 Develop an agreed upon set of core educational learning outcomes which should be achieved by all students earning a degree at UMKC, a process for making sure those outcomes are supported by our curriculum, and a set of tools to assess progress towards those outcomes. ACTION PLAN a. Develop common educational outcomes. Accountability – Institutional Assessment Director/Committee on Assessment Timeline – on-going b. Assess common educational outcomes across the university campus. Accountability – Institutional Assessment Director/Committee on Assessment) Timeline – Spring 2009 - Fall 2009 c. Implement faculty development program to support faculty in the integration and assessment of these educational outcomes. Accountability – Institutional Assessment Director, Committee on Assessment Timeline – Fall 2009 - Spring 2010 d. Review and revise current academic courses and programs of study to ensure opportunities to meet these outcomes. Accountability – Department Head, Program Head Timeline – Spring 2010 - Summer 2010 e. Develop assessment strategies to document student’s progress toward the common set of educational learning outcomes. Accountability – Department Head, Program Head, Institutional Assessment Director Timeline – Spring 2010 - Summer 2010 6 f. Develop reporting mechanisms that allow student learning outcome data to be aggregated at the department, school/college, and campus level. Accountability – Institutional Assessment Director Timeline – Spring 2010 - Summer 2010 Key Strategy 1.1.2 Develop an honors college which allows students who enter UMKC with advanced educational competencies to experience appropriate academic challenges that may include more focused and challenging courses and/or the opportunity to fast track into graduate/professional programs ACTION PLAN a. Faculty group examines models of recognized honors colleges. Accountability – Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Timeline – Fall 2009 b. Faculty group makes recommendation for structure of UMKC honors colleges to the Provost. Accountability – Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Timeline – Fall 2009 c. Hire a faculty director for the honor’s college. Accountability: Vice-Provost for Academic Affairs Timeline – start Summer 2010 d. Implement the agreed upon model. Accountability: Vice-Provost for Academic Affairs Timeline – start Summer 2010 7 Key Strategy 1.1.3 Develop a world-class online learning system that enables students to earn and/or complete degrees and/or develop the competencies needed to advance their personal, professional, and cultural goals. ACTION PLAN a. Conduct an audit of UMKC’s current uses of online learning and support systems at the campus and system level for this type of learning (hardware, software, and technical support). Accountability: Chief Information Officer Timeline – start Summer 2010 b. Identify models of online teaching and learning that are effective in delivering college-level instructional content, research strategies, and techniques of critical analysis. Accountability: Vice Provost for Academic Affairs; Facet Director Timeline – Fall 2010 c. Identify areas of opportunity for UMKC in terms of courses and/or programs where opportunities exist. Accountability: Chief Information Officer (CIO) Timeline – start Summer 2010 d. Provide educational opportunities for faculty to broaden and deepen the implementation of effective on-line teaching and learning and contribute to scholarship in this area. Accountability: Chief Information Officer (CIO); FaCET Timeline – start Summer 2010 e. Design Instructional Technology Services across campus that prioritize effective teaching and learning. Identify support structure needed to ensure technology continues to be an active learning and teaching tool. Accountability: Chief Information Officer (CIO); FaCET Timeline – start Summer 2010 8 Key Strategy 1.1.4 Identify students whose skills at the time of entry into UMKC put them at a disadvantage for achieving the agreed upon education outcomes and provide the resources and supports needed to ensure they will meet those standards. ACTION PLAN a. Develop statistical prediction models for academic success based on past 5 years data and that can be used to identify students who have a high probability of dropping out. Accountability: Director of Institutional Research Timeline – Spring 2010 b. Develop a campus wide early warning system to identity students whose early performance at UMKC suggests they have a high probability of dropping out. Accountability: Provost, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Timeline – Spring 2010 c. Conduct an audit of all support systems currently available and data on the success of those systems. Accountability: Provost, Vice-Provost for Academic Affairs, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Timeline – Spring 2010 d. Review how other campuses with similar students’ populations provide comprehensive support for academic success. Accountability: Provost, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Timeline – Fall 2010 e. Develop and implement comprehensive model for UMKC to integrate all support services. Accountability: Provost, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Timeline – Spring 2010 9 Key Strategy 1.1.5 Develop opportunities for undergraduate majors in specific areas to customize their program of study to meet their future personal educational, professional and cultural goals (e.g., Psychology major who wants to coordinate youth program vs. attend graduate school in neuroscience). This might include the development of new interdisciplinary majors. ACTION PLAN a. Survey current students to determine career and educational goals being pursued. Accountability – Department Head, Program Head Timeline – Fall 2009 - Spring 2009 b. Examine opportunities being provided by other valued institutions that offer similar degrees. Accountability – Department Head, Program Head Timeline – Fall 2009 - Spring 2009 c. Examine world trends for future use of knowledge/skills gained by a specific discipline. Accountability – Department Head, Program Head Timeline – Spring 2010 - Fall 2010 d. Using all of the above, evaluate and identify the current curriculum offerings and what is needed – including the possibilities of cross-disciplinary coursework. Accountability – Department Head, Program Head, Deans Timeline – Spring 2010 e. Develop proposal for changes and gain student input. Accountability – Department Head, Program Head, Deans Timeline – Fall 2010 f. Implement changes and develop ongoing assessment of changes. Accountability – Department Head, Program Head, Deans Timeline – Spring 2011 10 Key Strategy 1.1.6 Revise the general education curriculum to reflect an integrated and interdisciplinary framework capitalizing on our unique university mission (e.g, performing arts, life sciences, etc.). ACTION PLAN a. Develop an undergraduate general education committee to oversee the development of the objectives, courses and assessment within the general education curriculum. Accountability – Provost, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Deans Timeline – Spring 2010 b. Review literature on current practices in general education and interdisciplinary models of general educational requirements. c. Accountability – Committee of undergraduate general education Timeline – Fall 2010 Develop a proposal for a general education curricululum which includes a rationale, learning outcomes, a set of suggested courses and an assessment strategy. Accountability – Provost, VP for Undergraduate Education, Taskforce on General education Timeline – Spring 2011 d. Vet the proposed curriculum with the appropriate consitutiences including community colleges, faculty, program heads, Dean and students, and make revisions based on feedback. Accountability – Department Head, Program Head, Deans Timeline – Spring 2011 e. Implement and assess curriculum changes. Accountability – Department Head, Program Head, Deans Timeline – Spring 2011 11 GOAL 1: Provide academic experiences that empower all students to contribute to a dynamic and complex world. OBJECTIVE 1.2: Community Engagement. Community engagement refers to the application of knowledge and skills, in a mutually beneficial partnership with the larger community (e.g., local, regional, national, international), to address important and challenging problems, issues and concerns. UMKC will provide students with multiple formal and informal learning opportunities through community engagement experiences. Our university wide commitment to community engagement will be recognized by earning the ―Community Engagement‖ classification designation from the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Key Strategy 1.2.1 Provide students with formal learning experiences that require them to identify community based issues/concerns and bring their knowledge and skills to collaborate with communities in addressing those concerns. ACTION PLAN a. Create a task force charged with leading the university in developing and submitting an application to the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching to achieve Community Engagement status. b. Accountability: Department Chairs Report to Deans and Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Timeline: End of Fall 2009 Audit current offerings to determine examples of community engagement within UMKC curricula. Accountability: Taskforce, Department Chairs, Deans, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Provost Timeline: End of Fall 2009 c. Provide feedback to academic units on how well they are doing in this area with targets for improvement. Accountability: Taskforce, Department Chairs, Deans, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Provost Timeline: End of Spring 2010 d. Units create a plan to address the feedback provided in b and develop a mechanism for assessment of their progress. 12 Accountability: Taskforce, Department Chairs, Deans, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Provost Timeline: Fall 2010 e. Units implement the plan. Accountability: Taskforce, Department Chairs, Deans, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Provost Timeline: Spring 2011 f. Units provide audit data on an annual basis that tracks progress in this area with future goals. Accountability: Department /Program Chairs/ Deans Timeline: Spring 2011 Key Strategy 1.2.2 Create a climate that fosters commitment to civic responsibility at all levels (local, national, international community) through campus-wide programming, student-sponsored organizations, living-learning communities, etc. ACTION PLAN a. Audit current programs provided under the auspices of Student Services to determine levels of opportunities and participation in community enhancing activities. Accountability: Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Timeline: Fall 2009 b. Bring together representatives from relevant campus groups and community organizations to find areas of common commitment. Accountability: Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Timeline: End of Fall 2009 c. Use feedback from audit and focus groups to develop an action plan for increasing community participation/student involvement. Accountability: Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Timeline: End of Spring 2010 13 d. Implement the plan. Accountability: Heads of Campus Organizations reporting to Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Timeline: Fall 2010 Key Strategy 1.2.3 Develop collaborations with community based organizations that will mentor advanced undergraduate students so they can develop the skills required to attain leadership positions in similar community-based organization organizations. ACTION PLAN a. Create a comprehensive list of joint ventures between academic units and community based organizations that currently have student placements. Accountability: Provost, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Timeline: Fall 2009 b. Establish a set of criteria for what constitutes a developmentally appropriate mentoring experience. Accountability: Provost, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Faculty Timeline: Spring 2010 c. Disseminate the criteria to the academic unit to use in establishing community partnerships. Accountability: Provost, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Faculty Timeline: Spring 2010 d. Units establish a mechanism for evaluating the partnership from the vantage point of the student and the agency. Accountability: Faculty/Department tor Program Chairs Timeline: Fall 2010 e. Units establish partnerships. Accountability: Faculty/Department tor Program Chairs 14 Timeline Fall 2010 f. Ongoing data collection as per above; feedback loop. Accountability: Faculty/Department tor Program Chairs Spring 2011 15 GOAL 1: Provide academic experiences that empower all students to contribute to a dynamic and complex world. OBJECTIVE 1.3: Engaging Pedagogies. Provide integrative learning environments that promote the acquisition and application of higher-level knowledge and facilitate the academic success and retention of all students. Key Strategy 1.3.1: Provide all students with ―high impact‖ educational experiences that have been associated with increased student engagement and retention. These include service learning, learning communities, first-year seminars, faculty mentoring, undergraduate research, internships/practica, study abroad, and culminating experiences. ACTION PLAN a. Assess areas of strength and weakness in terms of the number of high impact educational experiences being provided by each unit and the quality of the data they have to assess the outcomes of these experiences. Accountability: Provost; Institutional Director of Assessment; VP of Academic Affairs Timeline: Summer 2009 b. Increase visibility of high impact experiences across the campus & provide necessary resources Accountability: Provost; VP of Academic Affairs Timeline: Fall 2009 c. Support faculty development for implementing high impact educational experiences. Accountability: VP of Academic Affairs, Deans, Dept. Chairs, FaCET Timeline: Spring 2010 16 Key Strategy 1.3.2: Change the faculty recognition and reward structure to reflect the importance of teaching and other forms of student engagement in the mission of the university. ACTION PLAN a. Create criteria for annual evaluation and promotion/ tenure that reflect the importance of excellence in teaching and engagement with students. Accountability: Provost, VP of Academic Affairs, Deans, Dept. Chairs, Faculty Timeline: Spring 2010 b. Implement new criteria Accountability: Provost, VP of Academic Affairs, Deans, Dept. Chairs, Faculty Timeline: Spring 2010 Key Strategy 1.3.3 Provide appropriate faculty development to support all faculty to provide high impact educational experiences. a. Create criteria for annual evaluation and promotion/ tenure that reflect the importance of excellence in teaching and engagement with students. Accountability: Provost, VP of Academic Affairs, FaCET Timeline: Fall 2009 b. Revise and Implement 3-5 year plan focused on high impact pedagogies. Accountability: Provost, VP of Academic Affairs, Deans, Dept. Chairs, Faculty Timeline Spring 2010 17 GOAL 1: Provide academic experiences that empower all students to contribute to a dynamic and complex world. OBJECTIVE 1.4: Cultural Competence. Provide informal and formal learning opportunities to ensure that our students acquire the skills, knowledge and attitudes to effectively work in a society characterized by significant demographic and technological change. Cultural competence differs from cultural awareness or cultural sensitivity by its emphasis on action and behavior. Key Strategy 1.4.1 Provide formal learning experiences both through general education and majorspecific coursework that supports students to recognize the cultural-boundedness of their own world’s views and acquire the dispositions, knowledge and skills to effectively interact with people who differ from themselves (e.g., nationality, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, etc.) ACTION PLAN a. Conduct an audit of current cultural competency programming that exists on campus and the outcomes associated with that programming. Accountability: Provost, VP of Academic Affairs, Deans Timeline: Spring 2010 b. Develop specific skills / competencies and examples of how they might be measured. Accountability: Deans, Chairs, Faculty Spring 2010 c. Charge the academic units to demonstrate how they will ensure their graduates attain cultural competency. Accountability: Provost, VP of Academic Affairs, Deans, Chairs, Faculty Fall 2010 d. Charge the committee on undergraduate general education to demonstrate how they will ensure UMKC graduates attain these competencies. Accountability: Provost, Undergraduate General Education Committee Fall 2010 18 Key Strategy 1.4.2 Create a climate that fosters interpersonal civility among faculty, students, staff and administrators through policies that define and encourage civility, modeling of civility and enforcements for incivility. MOVE TO TOM POE’S GROUP Key Strategy 1.4.3 Provide formal learning experiences both through general education and majorspecific coursework that challenges students to engage with the relevant current technologies so they can maximally function and continuously adapt to our dynamic society. ACTION PLAN a. Develop specific technological competencies that we would like our graduates to demonstrate and examples of how they might be measured. Accountability: Ad-hoc task force at the campus level; Deans, Chairs, Faculty Spring 2010 b. Identify resources that are needed (human, technological, etc) to achieve these competencies. Accountability: CIO, Ad Hoc task force Fall 2010 c. Charge the academic units to demonstrate how their graduates will attain these competencies. Accountability: Provost, Deans, Chairs Spring 2011 d. Charge the committee on undergraduate general education to demonstrate how they will ensure UMKC graduates attain these competencies. Accountability: Provost, VP for Academic Affairs, Deans, Chairs, Faculty Fall 2011 e. Implement suggestions from c and d above. Accountability: Deans, Chairs, Faculty Fall 2011 19 Key Strategy 1.4.4 Create a climate that fosters cultural competence across campus through modeling by all UMKC personnel, campus-wide programming (e.g., diversity week), studentsponsored organizations, living-learning communities, etc. ACTION PLAN a. Form a committee of key constituencies to define cultural competency based on skill sets: values, principles, behaviors, attitudes and policies for the Campus. Accountability: Provost, VC Academic, VC Student, VC Diversity Spring 2010 b. Devise and deploy a training program to develop and nurture a cadre of cultural competency trainers that will be charged with providing cultural competency training for all UMKC faculty and staff. Accountability: Provost, VC Academic, VC Student, VC Diversity Fall 2010 c. Require every unit to incorporate cultural competency into annual performance evaluations. Accountability: Provost, VC Diversity, VC Administration Spring 2011 d. Ensure that unit leaders are well-trained in cultural competency and are also trained in evaluating subordinates’ cultural competency skills. Accountability: Provost, VC Diversity, VC Administration Spring 2011 e. Ensure that all new hires are informed about our cultural competency programs and are scheduled for cultural competency training as soon as practical. Accountability: Provost, VC Diversity, VC Administration Spring 2011 20 GOAL 2: Create a university culture where all students feel they matter and the focus is on student success both personally and academically. Objective 2.1: Create a service model that allows a one-stop approach to meeting student needs (real and virtual). Key Strategy 2.1.1 Improve service delivery and communication with students. ACTION PLAN a. Conduct student focus groups to determine how support services, communication, and advising can be improved. Accountability: VC for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Timeline: Spring 2009 b. Develop plan to cross-train personnel and improve services/ communication—as much as possible, solve student issues at point of contact. Accountability: VC for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Timeline: Fall 2009 Key Strategy 2.1.2 Determine which services should be offered in a one-stop Student Success Center and which services can be enhanced on-line. ACTION PLAN a. Conduct student focus groups. Accountability: VC for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Timeline: Spring 2009 b. Conduct space analysis—what kinds of space needs do these services have? Accountability: VC for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Timeline: Fall 2009 c. Conduct cost analysis of renovating space in the University Center. Accountability: VC for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Timeline: Fall 2009 21 GOAL 2: Create a university culture where all students feel they matter and the focus is on student success both personally and academically. Objective 2.2: Provide all students with individualized opportunities for personal and professional development. Key Strategy 2.2.1 Determine how faculty and advisors can assist in matching students to these individualized experiences. ACTION PLAN a. Create master database of all opportunities: study abroad, Greek life, internships, service learning opportunities, intramurals, undergraduate research opportunities, student organizations, etc. Accountability: VC Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, VP Academic Affairs, CIO Timeline: Fall 2009 b. Increase community support for increasing internships and service learning opportunities. Accountability: VC University Advancement, VC Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, Provost Timeline: Fall 2009 c. Investigate staffing and technology to assist in matching functions. Accountability: VC Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, VP Academic Affairs, CIO Timeline: Fall 2009 Key Strategy 2.2.2: Increase numbers/percentages of students taking advantage of these opportunities. ACTION PLAN a. Determine baseline of students already participating in these activities and set goal for increasing participation. 22 Accountability: VC Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, VP Academic Affairs, Director of Institutional Research Timeline: Spring 2009 b. Develop methods to advertise these activities and experiences to our students. Accountability: VC Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, VP Academic Affairs Timeline: Fall 2009 Key Strategy 2.2.3: Develop co-curricular transcript for students. ACTION PLAN a. Investigate technology needed to develop co-curricular transcripts. Accountability: VC Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Timeline: Fall 2009 b. Determine set-up and responsibility for upkeep of the system. Accountability: VC Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Timeline: Fall 2009 23 GOAL 2: Create a university culture where all students feel they matter and the focus is on student success both personally and academically. Objective 2.3: Support all students to successfully progress towards graduation at UMKC. Key Strategy 2.3.1 Provide all new students with a coordinated first year UMKC course. ACTION PLAN a. Determine how to coordinate this course among the Academic Units, utilizing the seminar concept already in place in several Units. Accountability: Provost, VP Academic Affairs, VC Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Timeline: Fall 2010 b. Develop on-line version for new transfers. Accountability: Provost, VP Academic Affairs, VC Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Timeline: Fall 2010 Key Strategy 2.3.2 Review advising structure at UMKC to be more developmental for students ACTION PLAN a. Conduct student focus groups to determine how advising can be enhanced Accountability: VC Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, VP Academic Affairs Timeline: Fall 2009 Key Strategy 2.3.3 Develop a short-term deciding students program ACTION PLAN a. Determine how to coordinate this program among the Academic Units 24 Accountability: Provost, VP Academic Affairs, VC Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Timeline: Fall 2010 Key Strategy 2.3.4 Develop Early Alert System ACTION PLAN a. Determine how to coordinate this program among the Academic Units Accountability: Provost, VP Academic Affairs, VC Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Timeline: Fall 2010 Key Strategy 2.3.5 Complete major maps for all degree programs; ensure major maps are maintained and updated for changing degree programs or for newly designed degree programs ACTION PLAN a. Determine course sequences and requirements for each degree program Accountability: Dean, Dept. Chairs Timeline: complete b. Develop website for upkeep of major maps Accountability: Provost, VC Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Timeline: complete Key Strategy 2.3.6 Fully implement DARWIN degree-audit system in Pathway ACTION PLAN a. Continue working to complete implementation Accountability: VC Student Affairs and Enrollment Management 25 Timeline: Fall 2010 Key Strategy 2.3.7 Develop and implement centralized classroom scheduling ACTION PLAN a. Continue working to develop and implement policy Accountability: Provost, VC Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Timeline: Fall 2010 26 GOAL 2: Create a university culture where all students feel they matter and the focus is on student success both personally and academically. Objective 2.4: Promote university culture where diversity of people and ideas is valued. Key Strategy 2.4.1 Increase opportunities for students to learn about and interact with other groups of people and ideas. ACTION PLAN a. Enhance cultural programming and events on campus for students, faculty and staff. Accountability: VP Academic Affairs, VC Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Timeline: Fall 2009 b. Infuse cultural awareness in the curricula [cultural competency] Accountability: Provost, VP Academic Affairs, Deans, Dept. Chairs Timeline: Fall 2010 Key Strategy 2.4.2 Ensure staff and faculty are culturally aware of the unique needs of all students. ACTION PLAN c. Enhance and increase attendance at cultural awareness and diversity training workshops. Accountability: Provost, Diversity Access & Equity, VC Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Timeline: Fall 2009 27 GOAL 2: Create a university culture where all students feel they matter and the focus is on student success both personally and academically. Objective 2.5: Develop University College for Deciding Students Key Strategy 2.5.1 Create a sense of place and connection by developing a new University College for our deciding students to ensure they have the resources and support to persist at UMKC. ACTION PLAN a. Evaluate and assess the previous deciding students program. Accountability: Provost, VP Academic Affairs, VC Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, Dean Timeline: Fall 2009 b. Develop curriculum and codify services needed for deciding students Accountability: Provost, VP Academic Affairs, Deans, VC Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Timeline: Fall 2011 c. Determine administrative structure and begin hiring process Accountability: Provost, VP Academic Affairs, Dean Timeline: Fall 2012 28 UNDERGRADUATE SUCCESS METRICS Goal 1.1. Academic Excellence An increase in the number of students from UMKC who receive competitive and externally recognized awards (e.g., prestigious fellowships such as Rhodes, Truman, Fulbright). Increase in 4 and 6 year graduation rates. Decrease in the gap in graduation gaps by race/ethnicity and socioeconomic status. An increase in students’ rates of acceptance into graduate program. An increase in the average level of selectivity of graduate programs that our students are admitted to. Increased student participation in study abroad, service learning, and undergraduate research. Students are recruited for jobs of their choice. Students achieve at benchmark levels on identified campus learning outcomes. Goal 1.2 Community Engagement Goal 1.3 Engaging Pedagogies Goal 1.4 Cultural Competence x x x x X X x x x x x x X X x Goal 2.1 One Stop Goal 2.2 Individualized Opportunities Goal 2.3 Successful Progress X X X Goal 2.4 Value Diversity Goal 2.5 University College x X X X x x X X 29 Goal 1.1. Academic Excellence Students in credentialing fields achieve high pass rates on licensing exams. Increase in retention rates of 1st year and 1st time (e.g., transfer) students. Improved satisfaction of students’ 1-st year experience. Increase number of national merit scholars in the undergraduate student population. Increase the average entering ACT scores and high school class rank. Increase the number of UMKC students attending our own graduate groups. Increase in graduation rates of students who are provisionally admitted. Increase in student satisfactions with the academic support services available Increase in students’ rating of quality of instruction (by upper vs. lower division, first year vs. seniors, class size. Increase in students’ reports of the quality of their relationships with faculty. Goal 1.2 Community Engagement Goal 1.3 Engaging Pedagogies x x Goal 2.3 Successful Progress Goal 2.4 Value Diversity Goal 2.5 University College x x X X X X X x x X X X X X x x x X X X x x x Goal 2.2 Individualized Opportunities x x x Goal 2.1 One Stop x x X Goal 1.4 Cultural Competence X x x x x x X X X X X X 30 Goal 1.1. Academic Excellence Increase in students’ reports of the quality of advising they have received. Increase in students’ reports of the quality of their educational experience. Increase in the number of courses offered in eformats, the number of students enrolling in those courses Increase in the number of degrees that can be completed via elearning. Graduates articulate and embrace the unique aspects of UMKC’s mission. Percent of students who participate in community events or organizations or volunteer on campus or in the community. Faculty and staff diversity. An increase in the number of students from UMKC who receive competitive and externally recognized awards (e.g., prestigious fellowships such as Rhodes, Truman, Fulbright). There will be a significant increase in the number of UMKC students reporting a positive and supportive campus climate. x Goal 1.2 Community Engagement x Goal 1.3 Engaging Pedagogies x Goal 1.4 Cultural Competence Goal 2.2 Individualized Opportunities Goal 2.3 Successful Progress x X X X x X X X x x x x Goal 2.1 One Stop x Goal 2.5 University College X x x x Goal 2.4 Value Diversity x X x x X x X X X X X 31 Goal 1.1. Academic Excellence Student Focus Groups Student Comment Cards Student Survey Results (NSSE, SSI, Senior Survey, etc.) Long Term results seen in increased retention and graduation rates Goal 1.2 Community Engagement Goal 1.3 Engaging Pedagogies Goal 1.4 Cultural Competence Goal 2.1 One Stop Goal 2.2 Individualized Opportunities Goal 2.3 Successful Progress Goal 2.4 Value Diversity Goal 2.5 University College X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 32