3 Logical Constructions deductive logic (syllogism) three premises All-All-All, etc. middle term inductive logic analogy (metaphor) induction (generalization) Professor Crump, 2012 How to Reason Visual Aids 1/15/2016 1 Fallacy (Next Chapter) 1.a. All ABX’s = farfles; All farfles = Z3's; ∴ all ABX’s = Z3's. b. No Wookies = feathers; Chewbacca = Wookie; ∴ Chewbacca ≠ feathers. c. All 3d Thurs = meeting; today = 3d Thurs; ∴ today = meeting. d. All past Thurs, market up; today Thurs; ∴ market up. (NO) e. Cogito ergo sum. (NO) 3 Problems (continued) 1/15/2016 4 4 Types of Premises 2. Legal syllogisms: look to the structure 3. Fixing cogito argument? “All reasoning things exist; I reason; ∴ I exist.” Valid? 4. Law school examinations: Why “This, therefore that” or “This, because that” doesn’t work 5. Fixing cogito w/induction? 6. “You can observe a lot by watching:” syllogism? analogy? induction? none of the above? 7. “I’m going to lose because this court always has invalidated affirmative action plans.” Induction; is it reliable? 8. mixing inductive & deductive: fingerprint uniqueness: inductive; used deductively 9. language problems 10. chain syllogisms 1/15/2016 2 Examples & Problems previewing fallacy “all dogs have four legs; all cats have four legs; ∴ all dogs are cats.” “illegal searches get suppressed; this search was illegal; ∴ this search gets suppressed.” “this team has lost 8 out of last 10 games; ∴ loser.” Bertrand Russell’s chicken 1/15/2016 1/15/2016 premise forms A (Affirmo) “All __ are __” E (nEgo) “No __ are __” I (affIrmo) “Some __ are __” O (negO) “Some __ are not __” 5 1/15/2016 6 1 bArbArA (AAA) All dogs are mammals; all mammals are animals; ∴ all dogs are animals bArbArI All dogs are mammals; all mammals are animals; ∴ some dogs are animals bArbArE (FALSE) All dogs are mammals; all mammals are animals; ∴ no dogs are animals 1/15/2016 1. 2. 3. 7 and means Barbara: all a are m, all m are b a b m the fEstInO syllogism: no birds are fish (E) some fish are edible (I) some edibles are not birds (O) 1/15/2016 8 Propositional (Symbolic) Logic IRAC [Issue] Rule [major premise] Analysis (facts) [minor] Conclusion MPC defines murder as . . . Evidence here shows . . . Conclusion: murder Note limits Analogy Induction 1/15/2016 “SG is Russian” (p) “SG is a thief” (q) “SG is fit” (r) “If SG is either Russian or a thief, unfit” = “If p or q, then not r” = (p∨q)⊃∼r. Since this is false: ∼[(p∨q)⊃∼r] (“It is not true that ‘either Russian or thief’ implies SG is unfit”) 9 1/15/2016 10 Problems ∼ not ⋅ and ∨ or ⊃ implies ≡ is equiv to ∼p (not p) p⋅q (p and q) p∨q (p or q) p⊃q (if p, ∴ q) p≡q (equiv truth value) 1/15/2016 1. baseball, strike, p∨(q⋅∼t)∨(r⋅t)∨s∨u≡x (may be better: p∨(q⋅∼t)∨(r⋅t)∨s∨u⊃x 2. “If discrim & not least discrim, or if nondiscrimin & burden clearly greater than gain, unconst.”: [D⋅∼l)∨(∼D⋅[b>g])]⊃U 11 1/15/2016 12 2 Problems Figure 13: A Propositional Calculus ("PC") 1.(p≡q)⋅[(p⋅q)∨(p⋅r)] (p≡q)⋅[p⋅(q∨r)] distributive (p≡q)⋅[p⋅(p∨r)] substitution (p≡q)⋅p⋅∼r excluded midl or: (p≡q)⋅[(p⋅p)∨(p⋅r)] subst (p≡q)⋅[p∨(p⋅r)] identity (p≡q)⋅p⋅∼r excluded midl 2. [(D⋅∼l)∨(∼D⋅b>g)]⊃U 3. substitute ∼l for (D⋅∼l): [∼l ∨(∼D⋅b>g)]⊃U 4. Why? (1) precision. (2) shorter. (3) transformation. 1/15/2016 13 1/15/2016 structural semiotics and metaphysics fallacy/circularity fallacy/def’n fallacy/issue transfmtn fallacy/authority fallacy/middle term fallacy/conflation fallacy/confl entire premise semiotics = symbols metaphysics = concept/ true nature of things 1. rookie ofcr: “perp = red shirt; this ≠ red; ˆ not perp” 2. word = “skin of a living thought” 3. “Yes, Virginia”: Christmas symbolism = real; Santa = Christmas symbolism; ˆ Santa = real 4. Importance to logic 1/15/2016 15 linguistic/conceptual 1/15/2016 16 examples/problems 1. (semiotics/ metaphysics) fallacy/substituted meaning fallacy/ambivalent middle fallacy/metaphor analogy 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1/15/2016 14 17 circular; def’n: death penalty “barbarous” or “justice” issue transfmtn: “he gave false testimony; ˆ perjurer” no middle term: “mayor → law & order; Hitler → law & order; ˆ mayor = Hitler.” conflation: the cogito argumt ambivalent middle: APA → peds “normal” “normal” = acceptable ˆ APA → peds acceptbl metaphor/analogy torture = unconst mental depr similar ˆ mental depr unconst 1/15/2016 18 3 inductive: structural examples/problems fallacy/post hoc = propter fallacy/consistency fallacy/inadequate sample too small unrepresentative 1 2 3 inductive: bias 4 fallacy/availability fallacy/anchoring fallacy/configuration fallacy/clumps/random 5 1/15/2016 6 19 smoking “cause” cancer? perhaps--“yes” (but what is “cause”?) consistency/sampling dist closer to power line, high cancer rate overcoming anchoring dism of power line suits availability black: racism = procedure producing disparate result white: racism = intent configuration/completion F-16 pilot fires on fleeing civilians random clumps newspaper stories & gun violence 1/15/2016 testing induction examples/problems summative vs. ampliative enumerative v. variative “calendar: no Jan. 1" “water boils 100°” abduction & retroduction of mechanism: creation & rejectn of H1, H2 etc. about “why” 1 1/15/2016 1/15/2016 21 2 3 4 state ct, case 1st impression 8 Virginia decis 8 other states voluminous hosp data = nonpaternal male child abuse enum. v. variatv abductn/retroductn re nonpaternal abuse H1: maternal prefrnc H2: male jealousy H3? H4? H5? Pierce’s optimism, abductn, justified? Abduction/Retroduction? holistic Morgellon’s Disease: Painful lesions, skin-crawling feeling, perception of colorful fibers sticking through skin dialectical thesis v. antithesis, synthesis story theory the “smell test” 1 sci theories, trials as dialectic 2 U.S. S. Ct: “a syllogism is not a story”; ˆ pros can use prej/probative ev & refuse stipulatn Related to what? 1/15/2016 23 20 1/15/2016 22 24 4 epistemology/metaphysics skepticism, empiricism, rationalism, coherence 1 syllogisms proved by: (a) reason, (b) observation, (c) consistency, (d) nothing? 1/15/2016 2 St. Anselm’s ontological proof: God = nothing greater imaginable; greatest must exist since if not, greater; ˆ God exists 3 Thomistic proof: all motion has cause; ˆ Prime Mover 4 skeptics’ response 25 1/15/2016 Limits of Logic economics: the market nonsense, jokes; whimsical choices (discipline) 1 appeal of magicians? 2 penguins: “look! orange juice!” 3 appeal of humor? 4 car salesman: picture yourself . . . . faith & reason 1 Darwin/Genesis 2 Pascal’s bet: God = 0 to 1 prob; heaven = ∞; ˆ expectancy = ∞ 3 evil in name/faith a. inevitable? b. use reason/prevent? the allocative effect of the market: supply and demand comparison to central planning the invisible hand equilibrium 1/15/2016 27 Internet Proposal: 28 signaling effect of prices: demand or supply curve shifts; equil price changes; and equil quantity follows Let’s all boycott ONE gas station company— to force prices down! 1/15/2016 1/15/2016 26 price controls: shortages 29 1/15/2016 30 5 Price Controls =“no shale gas revolution in China,” in spite of ambitious goals. “Price caps on Prescription Drugs Is Bad Medicine” Op Ed: Chron 1/21/00 1/15/2016 31 1/15/2016 32 consumer sovereignty Also: What if government sets a price FLOOR (or requires a useless expense)? one & ½ cheers? 1 school vouchers support? oppositn? 2 taxicab fare reg or competition? 3 the efficiency of enforcing contracts (It works the other way too.) 1/15/2016 33 1/15/2016 marginal cost, productivity, & revenue problems marginal cost: 1 more unit m cost curve-factors/production marginal productiv: tends to equal marginal cost marginal revenue: tends to equal marginal cost efficient mix/factors 1 how much spend to renovate a law firm property? 2 how decide what renovation ideas to spend it on? 1/15/2016 35 1/15/2016 34 36 6 efficiencies (benefits) productn efficiency mix of factors/prod innovation production volume investment (prsnt/fut) distribution efficiency marginal utility Pareto-optimality no trade improves satisfaction not “equal” Kaldor-H efficiency tot gains/winners exceed tot losses Pareto-superior if compensate 1/15/2016 37 problems efficiency v. equality mkt = efficiency, not distrib equality tolerable? gross inequality? wealth distrib inconsis/efficiency 1 H Chavez’s Venezuela 2 scarce necess 3 in-kind or unrestricted? 4 price controls/tax & transfer? 5 erad poverty/reduce billionrs? 39 macroeconomics 1/15/2016 40 Macroeconomics growth, employmt, stability interrelated/inconsis? Keynsian macroeconomy GDP = Ye =C+I+G+F Fig 5, p. 70 investment “reverberates” the multiplier, k 1 GDP, CPI, unemp 2 unemp-inflation– double digit; Fed cut money supply inflation → 6.2% unemp: 6 → 10+% 1/15/2016 38 efficiency and equality 1 Pareto-optimality from market: Why? 2 factory’s 100-lb effluent; citizens prefer 50; $100,000 cost, $500,000 benefit: K-H efficiency for $100,000 cost to be imposed (should citizens pay it?) 1/15/2016 1/15/2016 41 1/15/2016 42 7 market imperfections: structural monopoly evil? rational? restrict output, same motives oligopoly few enuf/indiv strategic behavior prod different’n barriers/entry responses regulation antitrust the Fed rediscount rate open mkt trans (f funds rate) reserve reqmt 1 departures/Keynsian supply side contrary 3 4 5 all Keynsians? why do open mkt trans work? “new” economy? low unemp, & low inflatn what/Fed do? 1/15/2016 43 1/15/2016 problems Monopoly Restricts Supply 1 Rockets want SMALLER arena? 2 historical cost: signaling f’n? 3 lag, politics, undercap, noninnovatn→ brownouts; why? 4 prudent cost reg v. used & useful: higher return 5 conscious parallel in prices → antitrust violatn? 6 antitrust & politics “As the Economy Improves, Air Fares No Longer a Bargain” 1/15/2016 44 Op-Ed, Chron. 9/5/10 45 1/15/2016 distressed firms & overcompetition public goods distressed firms overcompetition 1 2nd largest acq 5th largest (distressed) 2 let’s start a band! $$![OR: entertainmt law firm!] 3 lender, bus plan, market analysis: competition public goods hybrid goods free riders tragedy/commons 1 school privitzn advocates → vouchers 2 trade secret law: efficient? 3 Fiss, Against Settlement, bc doesn’t contrib to precedent bank. Efficient? 1/15/2016 1/15/2016 47 46 48 8 socioeconomics externalities homo economicus Thaler’s experiment max price/beer brought from [exp resort] [cheap grocer] 1 2 employees, same m u/money, same opp/embezzl, one does, one no can econ predict? 2 what factors make non-embezzlr? externalities pollution accidents [positive ext] responses ignore pvt negotiatn prohib activity perform stds cost-internlzn: taxes, permits, subsidies, dmgs Problems: 1. Internalizatn Better than Standards? 2. Level of Deterrence/Expense: Last safety exp. of $1 = exactly $ 1 in safety 1/15/2016 49 1/15/2016 problems damages & externalities 1 negl std for person w/disability efficient? 2 vagueness/negl std: inefficient 3 Easterbrook: airline safety increase → increased autos less safety accident claims, efficiency compens dmgs: deterrence? compensatn? punitive dmgs? gap-fillers? overkill? 1 Stachura case: compens & pun & “additional,” illegal 2 Smith v. Wade fn of punitives; gross neg? intent? 1/15/2016 51 1/15/2016 unknown factors Coase Theorem incommensurability shadow markets irrationality/enforcemt uncertainty/future 1 eminent dom, value/strip 2 em dom, hist cost transaction costs 1 litig trans costs, no-fault? 2 higher ins deduct? 3 class actn efficiency? Coase Theorem railroad → sparks; 2 poss rules: railroad liable/ farmers absorb if trans costs = 0, immaterial/efficiency which rule; parties will negot eff argumt for pvt barg wealth effects remain is Coase meaningless? 1/15/2016 53 1/15/2016 50 52 54 9 Economic Policy: A Summary of This Coverage I. The Market System and Its Efficiencies A. The Allocative Effect of the Market 1. Supply & Demand; the Invisible Hand 2. Contrasting Central Control 3. Equilibrium Price & Quantity: No Waste B. The Signaling Effect of Prices 1. Supply or Demand Curve Change 2. Effect of Price Controls: Shortage (or Waste) C. Marginal Cost etc. 1. Efficient Use of Factors of Production 1/15/2016 2. Marginal Cost, M. Productivity, M. Revenue55 II. Imperfections Justifying Intervention in Markets A. Equality as a Value (Traded vs. Efficiency) B. Industry Structure 1. Monopoly, Oligopoly 2. Restriction of Supply C. Overcompetition and Distressed Firms D. Public Goods, Hybrids, Free Riders, Tragedy/Commons E. Socioeconomics: The Failures of “Homo Economicus” 1/15/2016 D. Production Efficiencies Factor Use; Innovation; Quantity; Investment E. Distributional Efficiencies 1. Pareto Optimality 2. Kaldor-Hicks Efficiency F. The Coase Theorem: Efficiency of Pvt Barg 1/15/2016 F. Externalities 1. Types of Responses: Ignore; Regulate; Damages 2. Efficiency of Negligence Law: Cost Internalization 3. Actual & Exemplary Damages: Economic Functions G. Incommensurability, Uncertainty, Irrationality H. Transaction Costs I. Information Asymmetries [NOT “Bargaining Power” (but lawyers use it)] 57 1/15/2016 accounting: journal & ledger balance sheet & income statement journal (chronolog) double entry balance sheet: yr-end snapshot credit where $ came from; debit where it went ledger (categories) dbl entry facilitates ledger, balance sheet, & income stmt ASSETS = LIAB + EQUITY REVENUES = EXPNSES + NET INC 1/15/2016 56 58 income statement: change over yr 59 1/15/2016 60 10 problems 1. bal sheet: how related to journal? 2. income stmt: income; what return? accrual or cash? “accrue” earned but not rec’d; “defer” rec’d but not earned 1/15/2016 61 1/15/2016 accrual accounting judgment and manipulation accrual: reserves or allowances judgmt: standards FASB, GAAP, etc. example: inventory; use lower/cost or mkt LIFO/FIFO/etc. conservatism: loss reas likely, reas estimate GAAP’s depreciation 1. 2. Footnotes cooking books: characterizatn, inconsistency, valuatn, reserves, depreciation, etc. collect fees in advance: accrual, tax reasons accel. deprec: double-decl balance 1/15/2016 62 63 1/15/2016 64 problems “[Enron Officers] Acted in Good Faith” 1. lawsuit defendant’s books: (a) defer income, (b) characterize unearned, (c) high reserves, (d) inventory at mkt (pessimistic), (e) cash → sister corps, (f) LIFO, (g) ddb depreciatn 2. how read? (a) ftnotes?, (b) read fns, (c) consider impact, (d) rep of conformity to GAAP, (e) solvent acctnt, (f) audit Principles . . . require estimate . . . Not everything right” Chron. May 4, 2006 1/15/2016 65 1/15/2016 66 11 controls and auditing finance: methods internal controls separatn & duplicatn: custody, recording, authorizatn; receiving cash (2 people) record, paper trail: mech forcing cash accounted, deposited check-paid items: separatn auditing: verificatn audit ltr: responsibility; descr of performance; opinion (GAAP; qualificatn) equity/net worth capital accts retained earnings debt vs. equity 1. finance thru retained earnings? 2. LBO: equity, 20% of $40,000, or $8,000; borrow $32,000 @ 8%: $5,750 net means yield of 40%. all equity, only 14%. “leverage.” 3. why not borrow 100%? 1/15/2016 67 1/15/2016 time value of money problems cont’d Time value of $ why important? compound int present value $1 PV = 1/(1+i)n PV = FV/(1+i)n What interest, i? yield (rate/return) i = (FV/PV)1/n - 1 1. present val, Sloan’s 5-yr recovery PV = 1/(1+i)n (assume 10% rate) 2. lottery, $50,000 in 20th yr: PV = 1/(1+i)n (assume 10% rate) 3. total lottery PV for $1 million? PV = [1 - 1/(1+i)]n/i x (paymt) = [1 - 1/(1.1)]20/0.1 x (paymt) = 8.5136 x (payment) 8.5136 x 50,000 = 425,678 4. 1/15/2016 68 yield/return, $1000 stock sold, $2000, 4 yr later? i = (FV/PV)1/n - 1 = (2000/1000)1/4 - 1 = 21/4 - 1 = 1.19 - 1 = 19%. 5. valuation/investmt: returns $10,000/yr for 15 yrs. PV = paymt x [1 - 1/(1+i)n]/i = 10,000 [1 - 1/(1+0.08)15]/0.08 = 10,000 x 8.56 = 85,600 6. Family lawyers’ tactics: value assets your client will receive as low as possible (why)? (How accomplish?) 7. Commercial litigators, re damages: (a) Book value; (b) Liquidation value; (c) “Going concern” (income stream) value. 69 1/15/2016 70 management approaches risk premium statistical: std dev X Bond, Y Bond: SD of Y is greater, = greater fluctuation real vs. nominal 1. inflation goes up, bond price goes down. Why? 2. adjustable rate mortgage: Why cheaper than fixed? 3. fine-tuning risk sharing: yearly cap, overall cap 1/15/2016 classical mgmt rule-oriented systems scientific mgmt administrative mgmt human relatns modern mgmt quantitative theory organizatnl theory system theory contingency theory contemporary mgmt Total Quality Mgmt (TQM) just-in-time mgmt 71 1/15/2016 72 12 decisionmaking problems decisions unstructured, uncertain psych & political conflict group conformity process: due diligence 1. mkt share falls, 2 yr, new CEO. conflict, politics, groupthink? decision called for? 2. why due diligence, & what? (a) new div mgr (b) auditor opinion for an IPO (c) med clinic, new bldg 1. 1/15/2016 2. 73 flaws: (a) rule-oriented sys: no manual; emp’ees arrive late (b) scientific: 2 printers, no thought/consolidate (c) administrative: pres reprimands, praises floor workers (d) human relatns: higher wages for dirty factory (e) quantitative: no change in inventory, process for a decade (f) org theory: higher wages in dirty factory, but same system (g) systems theory: mail-order doesn’t understand product (h) contingency: mgr uses same techniques for internet bus as for failing bank TQM & Just-in-Time: (a) gen practice attorney (b) new rural hosp, (c) apt bldg for students 1/15/2016 a decision model decision aids diagnosis ↓ options ↓ investigate ↓ decision ↓ execution ↓ review quantitative/visual formal/informal Explicit consideration of bias, fallacy groups: information, understanding, acceptance (conflict, politics, norm effect, groupthink) 1. decision steps: (a) military reenlistmt (b) physicians, crowded (c) lawyer: defense case 2. crowded physicians: quant/visual, formal/ informal, bias/fallacy, groups/not feedback throughout 1/15/2016 75 1/15/2016 74 76 marketing: the business plan problems entrepreneur’s dream, business plan (a) goals, short/long (b) market analysis (c) internal assets (d) pro forma stmts: bal sheet, income, cash flow 1. describe bus plan ingredients: (a) new GP lawyer in Madisonville; (b) HDTV venture by electronics firm 2. market analysis for new Madisonville atty product strategies: operational (price) quality (differentiatn) niche (segment focus, customer intimacy) Chevy, Mercedes, Porsche compare ch. 2 (economics) 1/15/2016 77 1/15/2016 78 13 marketing: three models market shares & strategies operational (stable mkt, finance, structured op, labor/cost suprvisn) (tech or soc change? competitors? cost pressure?) (Ford loses to GM) quality (differential too great; cost competitors learn; changed preferences?) segment focus mkt signals: price publicity, pre-announce, traditnl leader, match or not, discount cooperative: devel new mkt; differentiate aggressive: advertising, terr. expansn, discount, new entry retaliatn (reciprocal discount, terr. expansn, advertising, regulators) discipline (fighting brands) commitment (resources, history, burning bridges) 1/15/2016 1/15/2016 79 80 problems problems cont’d 1. operational, quality, niche? (a) HDTV standardized, cheap. (b) “fine furniture, abs dependbl.” (c) adapted to sports. 2. which at risk from (a) innovatn, (b) cost differential betw exp & cheap, (c) changed customer base, (d) unstable mkt share? 3. one firm advertises aggressively. competitor response? (signals, discpln, commitment, matching, territory, fighting brands) 4. prisoners’ game 5. public policy? retaliatn, etc. bad? 6. Compaq v. Dell, mkt share, both growing. decisions? strategies? competitive analysis? 1/15/2016 81 1/15/2016 ethics & politics: history teleology v. deontology 1 Teleology = nature & purpose consequentialism utilitarianism Bentham, Mill Deontology = non-purposive (not cost/benefit) Kant imitation principle categorical impertv 2 3 4 Greeks → Burke & Rousseau? Duty! Who shd own TV station, according to: (a) Greeks, (b) Hobbes, (c) Locke, (d) Rousseau, (e) Burke? sep/powers, Plato → Montesquieu social contract → many unconsist conclusns. Why? 1/15/2016 83 1/15/2016 82 84 14 problems more history 1 Utilitarianism & slavery--slave owners wd like. But Kantianism opposes; why? 2 Utilitarianism & vulnerable minorities: how treat ADA, confiscation of amusemt park? 3 Kant: conflicting categorical impo? (performance of promise illegal?) 4 Kant: must you tell truth to terrorist (neighbor in closet?) or: contract bankrupts promisor w/negligible benefit Hegel dialectic communitarianism Marx dialectical struggle → classlessness Nietzche alienation Ubermenschen existentialism 1 dialectics and “compassnt conserv” 2 Marxism: growth & retrenchmt 3 Fascists liked Nietzche: why? 1/15/2016 1/15/2016 85 consequentialism v. deontology: modern issues modern political theory classical liberalism Mill, Smith, Jefferson modern liberalism Green: pos freedom Bernstein: democ soc modern conserv economic traditionalist social 1 all econ liberals? or, econ conservs? 2-3 Sweden: 3 out of 5 kronas = taxes. Sweden more moral? U.S. more moral? 4 chart: p. 111 inaccuracies? 1/15/2016 1 2 3 4 87 pun dmgs seen as mkt corrective, vs as retributive, proportional justice the Advil problem? death p, drunk drivers? synthesis? diff ways of same thing? conseq; deontol at “borders”? BMW v. Gore: reprehens, ratio, comparables-deontol measures of pun dm? what role for conseq? efficient breach/K: conseq? deontol? Bok’s “test of publicity” 1/15/2016 distributional ethics problems Rawls’s method orignl positn perfect knowlg veil of ignorance Rawls’s conclusions equality principl (basic rts) difference principl (wealth, status, only if poorest improved) “maximin” utopian: ’60's - ’70's Nozick M. Jordan example “night watchmn state” Calabresi tragic choices strategics 1 Rawls: perfectionism? projection 2 one value (equalty) at exp of all others (freedom, autonomy, culture, art, future)? 3 1st (equalty) prin: supermajorities, unequal Senate, contract clause, etc.? 4 2d (diff) prin: the Fed’s monetarism, min wage 5 Nozick: must have govt; why must it favor M. Jordan? 1/15/2016 86 89 1/15/2016 88 90 15 other ethical ideas problems trolley problem only way save 6 is divert, killing 1 invol org donor: only way save 6 is harvest his organs indeterminancy relativism process theory tautology social m theory devel m theory 1 nonpros of polyg, S. Utah: Kantian, util, rule util, relativist, process, soc’l theorists? 2 indeterminancy sex-sel’n abortn sex-sel’n infantcd slavery 1/15/2016 91 1/15/2016 political: gov’t types problems Authoritarianism Totalitarianism ideology; 1 party; org terror; control/communicatns, weapons, economy Democracy accountable/electn; pop support; competition; openness/ofc; learn pub opinion; rts/minority, dissent Civic Republicanism communitarianism; debate, negotiation; decisions/ neutral decisnmakers why democracy? indiv dignity, autonomy freedom, equality rule of law transfer power confidence/future econ benefits how much civic republicanism? constitutionalism nat’l goals structure/govt lawmakg powr limits flexibility change 1/15/2016 93 1/15/2016 problems Arrow’s Theorem 1 2 3 4 5 Arrow’s Theorem J1: P > D > N J2: D > N > P J3: N > P > D “cycling” generality Clinton elect’n: runoff? other methods: supermajority, markets 1 cycling; inconsistency (Easterbrook) 2 changing order: decide juris first 3 blame ct for inconsis? 4 strategic vote: J2 votes “N” 5 log rolling? party whip? people’s democracies: equality democratizatn/Russia separation/judiciary 3-member “presidency?” unelected ofcrs fed judges; state bureaucracy (indepndnc, consistncy, continuity, comptncy) 6 whose democracy? children & child abuse 1/15/2016 95 1/15/2016 92 94 96 16 the Madisonian Dilemma parliamentary v. separation/powers Madison Dilemma majority rule minority protect’n can’t have both, perfectly political branches vs. judiciary judiciary anti-democratic? Carolene formula: specific viol pol process discr/ins minorities 1 Carolene work? (abortion: which is discr/ins minor?) 2 Ely’s theory: process/cts intervene (non-interpretivist? idiosyncratic?) parliamentary voters → reps → exec sep/powers voters reps exec 1 preconst: cong elect pres? 2 better resolutn Madsn dilemma, sep/powers? (or just tilt twd minority?) 3 sep/powers = pork? 4 line item veto = closer to parl? 5 sep/powers & military: Powell 6 sep/powers, declare war? 7 Arrow’s? 8 Venezuela--how? 1/15/2016 97 1/15/2016 political parties direct v. representative political parties antidote/Arrow recruit; educ; “bridge”; packages; org/goot; incentive strength: parl; central; discpln; spoils 1 weakness, Amer 2 costs/benefits weakness: turnout, platfms, sp interests, stability, locl control 3 tensn: pty loyalty, constituency, indep 4 bureaucracy direct: removes middle; waste & difference representative: informatn, negot pluralism, elitism 1 direct/representv? initiatives; electoral coll 2 Walden Two: leave govt to “few . . . assignd?” 3 de Tocqueville: U.S., don’t “hate & fear” law 4 Partnership A, 3-member gov; B, direct dem 5 Apportn stock: 4 w/25%? 40, 20, 20, 20? 1/15/2016 99 1/15/2016 property rights and government “equality”? lesser protn? Friedman: prop → polit contrary 1 Tushnet: const → prop “bad” 2 Rehnquist: not “poor relat’n” 3 Zapata: “la tierra . . . trabaja” A, 50%; B, 30%; C, 20%; divide 30 individual? 10/10/10 by the shares? 15/9/6 coalitional? 20/5/5 avoid invidious? [any] 1 coalitional “equality”? 2 equal--result, opp? 3 needs-based, efficient use? 4 invidious/affirm: 22 to A, 8 to C, cut out B murderer, Repub 5 define “equal”? 6 one pers/, 1 vote? 1/15/2016 101 1/15/2016 98 100 102 17 “freedom” versus “equality” freedom v. equality tradeoff ct mandates ABC 10 each: freedom? equalty-mandates impact freedom (by def’n) 1 religious landlord, unmarried couple, Calif Unruh Act 2 mandate equality when outweigh freedom lost? employmt discrim housing discrim exceptn/small resident 1/15/2016 nat’l selection (“evolutn” or “survival/fittest” misleadg?) non-teleological changes in gene frequencies Dwin fitness increases lifetime repro success Lamarckian; sp generatn; creationist “fossil record” punctuated equil 103 problems 1 2 3 4 5 6 A = πr2; π = A (1/r2) grav, elec, other phenomena 1. proton → elec Fg = G(m1m2)/r2 m1 = 9.1 x 10-31 m2 = 1.7 x 10-27 r = 5.3 x 10-11 2. proton → elec Fe = k(q1xq2)/r2 3. 2 electrons: r1 = 2 x 10-10 r2= 5.3 x 10-11 4. elec force 5. analogy: compliance % 1/(disagreemt) 2 105 1/15/2016 uncertainty principle 1st law thermodynamics: uncertnty principl, location & momentm impossible to know simultaneously general stmt: observatn changes observd system 1. official opp to ct-ordered pris monitors 2. cameras/ct rooms 3. focus groups, TV, & Heisenberg conserv energy 2d law: heat, hot → cold body entropy increases/ all real processes entropy ≈ disorg ≈ no. posbl states Clausius’s stmt math: ÎS = ÎQ/T if heat Q flows hot → cold, S increases icemaker: S of ice decreases, of universe increases 1/15/2016 104 inverse square relationships nat sel & pub health, competitv, taboos vancomycin resistance pub health response to resistance animal offspring abuse computerz “evolutn” “truel” paradox 1/15/2016 1/15/2016 107 1/15/2016 106 108 18 problems what is “science”? 1. 2. empiricist/positivist “falsifiability,” Popper/Boyle’s Law? rationalist concept/theory Newton/observatn? quant theorist all 3? 1. falsifiability & biol. taxonomy? 2. “tachyons” unscientif? 3. S.Ct., Daubert--falsifiability, narrow-minded? 4. law/justice = sci? 5. science in Brown v. Bd of Educ? rubber band demo air conditioning 3. entropy measuremt of indus concentratn? 4. analogy: Wilson’s qual-life enforcemt 5. Boba Fett’s “evil” 6. “good” entropy 1/15/2016 109 1/15/2016 models and pragmatism Is history scientific? Models: map, not territry multiple modls limits/modls Occam’s razor 1. how bad, still usefl? wave v. photon 2. mult model: Erie doct 3. Ptolemaic solar, scientif? epicycles? 4. early Copernican scientif? 5. “updated, accurate” Ptolemaic? 6. acctg/law modls: inventory, LIFO/FIFO accel depreciatn negl/ reas person linear history v. critical, analys theological cyclical comparative scientific: Spengler, Toynbee interpreters, emphathists positivists hist method 1. history “scientif”? 2. moral inputs? 3. fall of Rome? 4. game theo, psych, ethics, scientif? 5. original intent = empathy 6. hist method & rules/evidence 1/15/2016 111 1/15/2016 jurisprudence: selected ideas idealism and realism formalism instrumentalism 1. murder statute, construed by each 2. Douglas’s penumbra, Black’s no provisn natural law positivism 1-2. Iredell & Chase 3. rt to define “meaning of universe”? Langdell’s formalism Pound’s socio juris Holmes & the realists 1. Langdell: inductn & deductn 2. Holmes’s positivism: anti-logic, nihilistic? Lewellyn’s realism process school 1. Brandeis brief 2. sentence guidelines & process school 1/15/2016 113 1/15/2016 110 112 114 19 feminist jurisprudence law & economics Kohlberg & Gilligan commun, compromise, interdep, tolerance critical legal: deconstruction critical race 1. “relational” K’s, ADR 2. fem juris hurt women? 3. CLS: property, K’s, & pub-pvt: realism? why no influence? 1. econ analysis crim law 2. analysis/voters & politicians 3. criticisms 1/15/2016 1/15/2016 115 116 interpretive principles hermeneutics & related ideas ejusdem generis expressio unius exclusio alterius plain meang: no extrins ambiguous: extrins merger intent/drafters type/document 1. 9th amend & expressio unius 2. “it is a const we/expounding” 3. “men committed shameless acts . . . due penalty” hermeneutics holistic approach law & literature 1. 21-year-old guru: President? 2. does “he” mean women excluded? 3. Posner: clause by clause. Dworkin: got to be holistic; Posner’s holistic is clause by clause 1/15/2016 117 1/15/2016 modalities of interpreting rules Bobbitt’s 6 Modalities textual historical structural doctrinal prudential ethical 1. const of death penalty 2. different interp of Bible? 3. which modalities superior/disfavored? categorical rules balancing rules complex rules multi-step neg commerce clause unevenly wtd balancing neg commerce clause multi-factor regulatory taking 1/15/2016 119 1/15/2016 118 120 20 probabilities 0 zero Possibility 0.5 problems 1 certainty 1 math expctatn, lottery: $4 mil, 100 mil to 1, “value” = $0.04 2 prob of P win = 0.4. D win? 0. ? . What other info? 3 injunctn formula tradition: “balance” likelihood/success, harm/P, harm /D Posner: P x Hp > (1 - P )Hd coin flip 1:1 odds = 0.5 1:4 odds = ? (answer: 0.20) probability of not - P = (1 - P). 1/15/2016 121 1/15/2016 the product rule Bayes’ Theorem product rule independence 1. draw 2 spades, 2 decks? 1/4 x 1/4 = 1/16 (0.25 x 0.25 = 0.0625) 2. Collins case: prob of blonde, ponytail, convertible, yellow, Af-Am, mustache, beard literal use: figure new prob, based on old prob plus new ev (of known occurrence) (draw 2 spades, 1 deck) practical use: figure new probability, based on subjective estmt & new ev, OR figure cause/eff from non-statistical estmt & new ev a. independent? b. estimates? c. what probs of? 3. 4. 5. cond’l probs: beard-w/-must DNA: indep? 1 tail, 5 flips? 1st flip, (1/2)5 for ea place, (1/2)5 ˆ 5(1/2)5; n (1/2)n 1/15/2016 123 Bayes examples 124 Bayes math—the basic idea Examples: a. figure prob of paternity from (1) subjective estmt based on testimony, plus (2) blood ev b. figure causal link for disease from weak, non-signif stats plus new ev of known prob 1/15/2016 1/15/2016 122 125 intuitive: new ev changes prob of a proposition, in proportion to the likelihood of seeing the new ev if the proposition is true versus the likelihood of seeing it if the proposition is not true. (prob/paternity of 0.5, or even odds, is greatly increased by blood ev certain to be present upon paternity but rare in populatn) 1/15/2016 126 21 problems—the math fallacies in Bayes reasoning 1-2. draw 2 cards, 1 deck. Initial Odds of 2nd being spade? 1:3 (0.25). but: what if know 1st, spade? likelihood ratio = Peviftrue Pevifnot = prob of 1st being spade if 2nd is spade prob of 1st being spade if 2nd is not spade = (12/51) ÷ (13/51) = 12/13 so: what are Oddsnew? Oddsnew = Peviftrue Pevifnot x Oddsinitial = (12/13) x 1:3 = 0.0923:3 3. prob paternity: Oddsinitial = 1:1 [=0.5] new ev: blood compatible; 1/100 in populn so: what are Oddsnew? Oddsnew = Peviftrue Pevifnot x Oddsold = 1 ÷ (1/1,000) x (1:1) = 1,000:1 Bayes fallacy? 1. Is initial probability accurate? (1:1 paternity?) 2. Is new ev ratio accurate? (is it really 1 in 1,000?) 3. an alternative: use as heuristic (chart) 4. public policy use: cause (paternity, disease, crime) 1/15/2016 127 1/15/2016 the interval distribution an example of false interval reasoning interval distribn “Poisson process” interval = gap of time/space betw random events distribn = graph of numbers of intervals of each length betw baseball losses; betw switchbd calls; betw cars enter fwy; betw nubs, bolt/cloth switchbd, 3 calls/hr, 5 min avg-overlap? mgr assumes periodicity (wrong!) 3 birth defects in Pleasantville, 1 month! citizens infer cause: pollution! backgrnd: 3 defects yr, 10 yr. inference fallacious: prob of 3/month clump ≈ 0.25. absent: periodicity; large aberrance (100/month); temporal coincidence (cf. power lines) 1/15/2016 129 1/15/2016 understanding the interval distribution problems Poisson distrib: short intervals exponentially more common than long. IT % 1/e(TR), decreasing exp function. 1. seeming paradox (why hard to grasp, short ints more common than long?) 2. “copycat” crime? school shooting 1 wk after another in news. blame newspapers? (what is prob of 1 wk interval, T = 1/52 ≈ 0.02, if R = 3/yr? pretty high.) 3. carjackings different? 4. tickets, 1/6mos; intervls > 2 mos. behav mod? if 3/yr, none 1 yr (1 yr intvl), 6 next yr to “make up”: more short ints precisely because short! 1/15/2016 131 1/15/2016 128 130 132 22 statistics: correlations statistics terminology correlatn coeff tells NOTHING about whether we can rely on the claim that a correlatn exists! null hypothesis = no correlation p-value = prob that data result from null hypoth p-val (observed signif level): prob of similarly strong data from null hypothesis high p-value (30%): low confidence low p-value (1%): higher confidence alpha value (α) = preset signif level demanded type I err = false pos type II err = false neg power = likelihood/detecting existing correlatn (β) 1/15/2016 133 1/15/2016 problems problems continued 1-2 biased coin? 5-flip experimt, 4 heads. null hypoth = coin not biased; 4 heads random. set α = 0.05 (or 5%). 3 compute p-value, (or prob of 4 of 5 heads; null hypoth). prob 5 heads = (1/2)5 = 1/32 prob 4 heads = 5(1/2)5 = 5/32 p = 6/32 = 0.187, almost 20%. ˆ inconclusv. 4 graphic view of expermt: Figure 7 5 now, 10-flip expermt produces 9 heads. p-value = prob/null = (1/2)10 = 10(1/2)10 = 11/1024 = 0.0107. P<α; significant. 6 two-tailed test: prob of random 9 heads or tails 7 power (β): 10-flip expmt w 9 heads has more power than 4 heads in 5. 1/15/2016 135 1/15/2016 134 136 the normal distribution statistical estimation idealized (theoretical) normal distributn equation μ = mean = avg σ = SD = std dev (dispersal) bigger σ = flatter 1 compare normal curves: μ = 0, σ = 0.001 μ = 0, σ = 1,000 2 mean: compare mean hts, all college studnts, w mean of varsity basketball 3 pro basketball, ht > 3 SD? Shaquille O’Neal? central limit th: sample of means, large enuf, approaches normal distributn even if populatn not normal dist σ and μ are populatn stats (theoretical) usually: sample; obtain estimatrs sample mean = 0, estimatr of μ sample SD = s, estimatr of σ because of central lim theorem, can tell how good sample by seeing how nearly normal “confidence intvls” 1/15/2016 137 1/15/2016 138 23 confidence issues problems example: what is mean, μ, of Ajax Corp’s applicant typing scores? hypothesis: it exceeds 40. null hypo: μ ≤ 40. set α = 5%; 95% conf intervl for scores, fig. p. 243: 6 30's, 12 40's, 6 50's, & 6 70's. first step: figure the sample mean, 0. easy: [6(30) + 12(40) + 6(50) + 6(70)]/30 = 46. but: can we rely? how confident? 1. compute s, sample SD. figure deviations & squares 30 scores, = 30-46 = -16 (dev)2 = 256 40 scores, = 40-46 = -6 (dev)2 = 36 each 50 scores, = 50-46 = 4 for 50 (dev)2 = 16 each 70 scores, = 70-46 = 24 for 70 (dev)2 = 576 each summed sqs = 6(256) + 12(36) + 6(16) + 6(576) = 5520. sum of (deviatns)2 s = q number of data = 5520 = p 184 = 13.5 q 30 2. 1/15/2016 139 how well does s fit? are 68% of data, or 18 of 30, within 1 SD of 46? (close: 20) are 95%, or 28.5, w/in 2 SD? (close: 30) 1/15/2016 problems problems cont’d confidence intervals = int around estimator, w/ req’d α value if α = 0.05, saying μ (mean) = 46 ± 5, means 95% conf it’s betw 41 and 51. 1. compute 95% conf int for 0 = 46: beyond scope, but gives intervl = 5; 0 = 46 ± 5. signif (barely) 2. recall 9 heads coin flip: 95% conf int, 10 flips honest, ≈ 2 to 8 heads. (replicates signif) 3. Cimino case: ct believed 99% better than 95% shd have figured conf int for null 1/15/2016 141 errors 142 problems census errors: validity (scorer not see); reliability (diff scorers); recordation sampling bias: sample frame convenience sample (grab) selection bias nonresponse bias dealing w/ bias: quotas secondary meas control double blind disclosure 1/15/2016 1/15/2016 140 1 2 3 4 5 143 bat avg exactly .750, last yr, .283. misleading? power line problem: compare 1 area to another. sample frame? Hite report: 100,000 surveys, 5,000 responses. conclusn: “outcry” bias? Hite claims respondents “mirrored” pop. sample bias? nonresp bias? spanked kids behaved worse. bias? hosp has hi mortality rate. bias? 1/15/2016 144 24 the theoretical normal distribution psychology for theortcl normal: 1 SD ≈ 68% of pop 2 SD ≈ 95% 3 SD ≈ 99.7% or: approx 68% of area under norml curve is w’/in 1 SD of mean. psychology “science”? Skinner’s pigeons Asch & Milgram Gardner’s 7 “intelligncs” Freud, Adler, Horney, Erikson learning theory v. theories/personality 1. Freud scientific? 2. “mind to behavior & back to mind” 3. Freud (or Gardner) allowed/testify? [what if they know more/anyone else?] 1/15/2016 145 1/15/2016 The Diagnostic & Statistical Manual one type of disorder DSM deliberate stereotypes? 1. sexual orientatn: “sociopath per disturbnc”; “sexual deviatn”; “pers disorders etc.”; “sexl orientatn disturbnc” (why the changes?) 2. today: “sexl disorder,” “persistnt, marked distress.” (changes “scientific”? why or why not?) personality disorders (“maladaptive”): narcissistic, dependent, obsessive-compulsv (8 criteria) antisocl (see criteria) 1. the driven doctor: obsessive-compulsv? 2. differences of degree? (some pathologies “good”?) 3. intervention for the driven doctor 4. lack/consistency: the “voices” expermt 5. “sociopath,” then “sociopathic pers,” then “antisocial.” scientific? 6. Henry Lee Lucas: diagnosable? 7. drug/alc dependncy: 13.8%. a “disorder”? 1/15/2016 147 1/15/2016 disorders generally etiology and treatment pers disorders psychoses schizophrenia (types) dissociative disorders diss amnesia fugue identity disorder mood disorders major depressive bipolar anxiety disorders phobias general anx disorder 1. common cold (pers disorder), cancer (schizo) 2. split personality 3. suicide & depression 4. categorize: (a) postpartum disorder, (b) PTSD, (c) somatoforms 5. disorders, insanity, crim responsiblty--undiff schizo, severe biological/genetic model medical model learning theory model stimulus/response conditioning executive monkey psychoanalytical model treatmt: 1. learning (aversion, systematic desens); 2. psychotherapy (free assoc, resistance, transference, interp; humanistic); 3. cognitive; 4. medical 1/15/2016 149 1/15/2016 146 148 150 25 problems problems cont’d 1. schizo etiology: genetic? med? psych? treatmt: psychotherapy? learn th? med? 2. systematic desens: TV violence? def atty shows gruesome pics early? 3. Seligman’s learned helplessness; useful/ depression? why are attribution, nonuniversalization, and temporariness relevant? 4. S.Ct.: can’t protect child witness w/out “particularized need.” cf. borderline pers: unpredictable factors. denial (toughness) may lead to misdiagnosis by judge? 5. cross examining the “shrink”: can’t predict behavior; 5 out of 11 characteristics; disagreemt (what if your witness?) 1/15/2016 1/15/2016 151 152 cognitive dissonance Festinger: cognitive dissonance (inconsistent cognitive inputs = dissonance, discomfort; people want to reduce) torturer disparages victim; snitch sees law enf as noble Zimbardo’s “prison” behavior → attitudes; when attitudes → behavior? (1) no repercussn; (2) behavior linked; (3) attitude studied “Getting Ahead: Does Intelligence or Personality Count More?” Early on, intelligence Once learn job, personal skills Chronicle April 18, 2013 1/15/2016 153 attribution, attraction, persuasion, authority & conformity 154 problems attributn: to pers, to situation fund attr error (Napolitan & G) attraction: exposure, phys, similarity, reward persuasion: audience reward familiar, attractive speaker identification framing small steps (sign experiment) dissonance: horrible consequences; commitmt authority, conformity (below) 1/15/2016 1/15/2016 1. interrogatn & cog diss: confront falsehood, omniscience, suggest mitigation 2. lawyer persuasn: (a) jury scenarios; (b) early themes; (c) thank jurors; (d) blaming victim; (e) voir dire commitmts; (f) x-exam, start w/agreemt; (g) “Sarah’s company”; (h) over-repetition 155 1/15/2016 156 26 conformity and authority game theory: payoff matrices Asch’s conformity exp normative v. informtnl group influence conformity increase: insecurity, noncommitted, unanimity, status, size, ambiguity Milgram’s obedience exp obedience increase: status, role model absent, phys proximity, depersonalization 1. non-unanimous juries 2. group deindividuation 3. interrogation: closeness 4. groupthink: Bay of Pigs Battle/Bismarck Sea 1/15/2016 zero sum saddle pt (Nash eq) dominant/inadmiss value of the game “minimax” 157 1/15/2016 problems game objectives 1. reframe Bismarck as cops & robbers 2. psych impact of framing 3. utility: may not be same for both (e.g., Imamura destroyed/ 2 days) 4. utility matrix, Fig. 6 5. psych effects vs. strategy: Maximizing Diff players choose lower payoff! maximax: maximize best possible outcome Kenney chooses row w/ 3 days, heedless of Imamura romantic; lottery maximin: maximize worst possible outcome 1/15/2016 pessimistic; defeatist minimax: minimize opportunity loss 159 1/15/2016 problems mixed strategies limit of minimax: uncertainty (Imamura’s Konaranoku bd will tell him, go south) 1. greedy father’s child cust gambit: mother choose minimax? 2. Rawls’s maximin: maximize worst 3. lawyer → maximax: $100,000 offer; 0.5 prob of verdict; 0.1 prob of $500,000; 0.9 prob of $100,000 0.5 x [.9($100,000) + .1($500,000)] = $70,000 settle! maximax foolish. mixed strategy burglar v. guard: E safe, $10,000 W safe, $20,000 1/15/2016 158 160 mixed strategy: 2 red coins, 1 blue guard → 2/3 W; burg → 2/3 E (twice as often to side w/half $!) coin essential? no; inscrutability 161 1/15/2016 162 27 problems psychology of games 1. larger matrix 2. mult saddles: all equivalent 3. Morra: call 1, 2, 3; put out fingers. 9 x 9 = 81 sq.(?) mixed strategy, 5/12, 4/12, 3/12; die + coin(?) 4. every finite game solvable psychology: people play saddle games well; NOT non-saddled. dollar auction: 2d player pays his bid events: 2d bid; over 50¢; over $1. Concorde fallacy entrapmt/escalatn astonishing frequency 1. auction strategy and “lock-in” 2. motivational change: men v. women 3. the uneconomical, unresolvable dispute, labor strike, arms race 1/15/2016 163 1/15/2016 164 165 1/15/2016 166 military strategy M-E-T-T-T cklist intelligence, flexibility, maneuver, surprise “paradox”: “reversal”; bad is good 1. concentrated force 2. positional flexibility 3. simplicity: “friction” 4. unified command 5. surprise & paradox 6. economy of force 7. protection/command 8. center of gravity 9. initiative/reactive 10. scarcities/attrition 11. timing 12. culminating point fight outnumbered & win 1. frontal attack 2. flanking 3. infiltration 4. penetration 5. turning movemt 1/15/2016 problems rules of combat 1. tradeoffs: concentration v. maneuver, maneuver v. command, surprise v. timing, etc. 2. choosing maneuver: METTT. turning: dug-in enemy. infiltratn: punctuated lines. when (a) flanking? (b) penetration? 3. least expectatn: Israel v. Syria; bad-road attack, diversion for frontal(!) 4. suicide pass as primary strategy? consider flexibility, concentrated force, protection/command, complexity, surprise 5. lawyer litigation tactics, (a) thru (h) 6. culminating pt, litigation? rules of engagemt? clandestine/open viol 1. animal ordinance: guilty if “not in business/boarding animals”? 2. “intentional” grounding? 3. world “less moral”? Saddam’s mustard gas, etc.: just desserts? 4. strategies/rulewriting: detectable; each elt provable; principled/fair; automatic enforcemt 5. avoiding behavior: consider dollar auction! outside mentors; don’t try to outdo; deal w/failure; don’t expect ideal enforcemt; tactful “no” 1/15/2016 1/15/2016 167 168 28 mixed-motive games the prisoner’s dilemma Battle of the Sexes Prisoners’ Dilemma 1. reframe as Arms Race 2. reframe as Golden Rule 3. effect of communicatn? Iterated game; Axelrod Tit for Tat (“TFT”) 1. nice, retaliatory, forgiving & clear? 2. compare Joss to TFT? 3. last-move nastiness? 4. compare TFTT to TFT? 5. Axelrod’s nat selectn? 6. compare to Perlmutter’s lawsuit letter? 7. psych differences: men and women 8. maximizing diff game: perverse Chicken 1. contrast to Bismarck 2. madman/lock-in (particularly Chicken) 3. reframing Chicken: “Child Custody Suit” 1/15/2016 169 1/15/2016 rhetoric: questioning/listening barriers to communication investigative ?-ing funnel sequence: narration, exhaust, specific 1. depositions 2. tell me what happened? is that all? difference/trial 3. manager/doc examples active listen: (a) repeat, (b) ask, (c) repeat what’s added (& ask), (d) ask what do, (e) repeat, (f) tell what agree, (g) negotiate 1. psychotherapy 2. when not to use? 3. agitated/abusive 4. urge to defend 5. “I” statemts social resistance: status incong, etiquette, hostility cognitive: goal inconsis, self-esteem, repression, perceived irrel., memory manifestation v. cause falsehoods & story theory [Russell’s chicken] resistance, passive agg reasons for resistance inconsistency falsehood from truth--tellers: suggestion, confabulatn, hardening worst method: demeanor 1/15/2016 1/15/2016 171 overcoming barriers persuasion overcoming barriers communicate expectatn authority/conformity empathy/diss reductn motivational stmts confidentiality promise timing/small steps confrontation: “clarificatn,” role-play (indirect), direct 1. Clinton/Lewinsky: soc’l factors, goal inconsis, self-esteem, perceived irrel 2. Clinton: indicatns/falsehood; why associates duped? 3. Clinton: use of techniques persuasion: Aristotle simple, clear, expressive symbolic detail connotations raise/lower the std use opponent’s rhetoric 1. restaurant selling: “nice, crispy fries” 2. doctor’s analogy 3. D atty: “drunk driving” case, “machine” (intoxylizer) Pros: “driving under influence”; “instrument” 1/15/2016 173 1/15/2016 170 172 174 29 negotiation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. firm fair offer conceal settl pt (unreas offer) opponent, 1st reas irrationality blame client mediator merits appeal/mercy bargain vs. self bargain vs. each other ganging up clubbiness timing problems 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 1. ethical? “make deal, reject, raise demands” 2. importance/lawyers 3. merits--irrelevant? [both, maximin?] 4. (a) no liability; out-pocket only (b) get w/client & make offer, I’ll see if can get mine to accept (c) client unreasonable, offer 5000 more (d) do what’s fair (e) I’ll make deal w/other defs (f) last thing she wants is cashed out activity collateral cons. lock-in focal pt drafter agenda false demand reverse psych phys factors involve princpl good feelings test/strength 1/15/2016 175 1/15/2016 177 1/15/2016 176 30