Plan Groupoid cocycles and derivations Jean Renault Université d’Orléans November 2, 2011 1 Introduction: the scalar case 2 Conditionally negative type functions 3 Cocycles and derivations 4 Sauvageot’s construction J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 1 / 22 Plan Groupoid cocycles and derivations Jean Renault Université d’Orléans November 2, 2011 1 Introduction: the scalar case 2 Conditionally negative type functions 3 Cocycles and derivations 4 Sauvageot’s construction J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 1 / 22 Plan Groupoid cocycles and derivations Jean Renault Université d’Orléans November 2, 2011 1 Introduction: the scalar case 2 Conditionally negative type functions 3 Cocycles and derivations 4 Sauvageot’s construction J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 1 / 22 Plan Groupoid cocycles and derivations Jean Renault Université d’Orléans November 2, 2011 1 Introduction: the scalar case 2 Conditionally negative type functions 3 Cocycles and derivations 4 Sauvageot’s construction J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 1 / 22 Plan Groupoid cocycles and derivations Jean Renault Université d’Orléans November 2, 2011 1 Introduction: the scalar case 2 Conditionally negative type functions 3 Cocycles and derivations 4 Sauvageot’s construction J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 1 / 22 Introduction: the scalar case One-parameter automorphism groups Let H be an unbounded self-adjoint operator on a Hilbert space H. It defines a one-parameter automorphism group of B(H) according to αt (A) = e itH Ae −itH whose generator is the derivation δ where δ(A) = i[H, A] = i(HA − AH). We are usually interested in the C*-dynamical system (A, α), where A is a sub C*-algebra of B(H) invariant under α. J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 2 / 22 Introduction: the scalar case One-parameter automorphism groups Let H be an unbounded self-adjoint operator on a Hilbert space H. It defines a one-parameter automorphism group of B(H) according to αt (A) = e itH Ae −itH whose generator is the derivation δ where δ(A) = i[H, A] = i(HA − AH). We are usually interested in the C*-dynamical system (A, α), where A is a sub C*-algebra of B(H) invariant under α. J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 2 / 22 Introduction: the scalar case One-parameter automorphism groups Let H be an unbounded self-adjoint operator on a Hilbert space H. It defines a one-parameter automorphism group of B(H) according to αt (A) = e itH Ae −itH whose generator is the derivation δ where δ(A) = i[H, A] = i(HA − AH). We are usually interested in the C*-dynamical system (A, α), where A is a sub C*-algebra of B(H) invariant under α. J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 2 / 22 Introduction: the scalar case A toy model for derivations 1 Some interesting examples of dynamical systems (A, α) appear in a diagonal form and admit a groupoid description: Let A = C ∗ (S1 , . . . , Sn ) be the Cuntz algebra and let αt be the automorphism such that αt (Sk ) = e it Sk . Its groupoid description is A = C ∗ (G ), where G = {(x, m − n, y ) : x, y ∈ X , m, n ∈ N, T n x = T m y } where T is the one-sided shift on X = {1, . . . , n}N . Recall that C ∗ (G ) is the C*-completion of the ∗-algebra Cc (G ) of continuous compactly supported functions on G , where X f ∗ g (γ) = f (γ 0 )g (γ 00 ); f ∗ (γ) = f (γ −1 ). γ 0 γ 00 =γ J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 3 / 22 Introduction: the scalar case A toy model for derivations 1 Some interesting examples of dynamical systems (A, α) appear in a diagonal form and admit a groupoid description: Let A = C ∗ (S1 , . . . , Sn ) be the Cuntz algebra and let αt be the automorphism such that αt (Sk ) = e it Sk . Its groupoid description is A = C ∗ (G ), where G = {(x, m − n, y ) : x, y ∈ X , m, n ∈ N, T n x = T m y } where T is the one-sided shift on X = {1, . . . , n}N . Recall that C ∗ (G ) is the C*-completion of the ∗-algebra Cc (G ) of continuous compactly supported functions on G , where X f ∗ g (γ) = f (γ 0 )g (γ 00 ); f ∗ (γ) = f (γ −1 ). γ 0 γ 00 =γ J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 3 / 22 Introduction: the scalar case A toy model for derivations 1 Some interesting examples of dynamical systems (A, α) appear in a diagonal form and admit a groupoid description: Let A = C ∗ (S1 , . . . , Sn ) be the Cuntz algebra and let αt be the automorphism such that αt (Sk ) = e it Sk . Its groupoid description is A = C ∗ (G ), where G = {(x, m − n, y ) : x, y ∈ X , m, n ∈ N, T n x = T m y } where T is the one-sided shift on X = {1, . . . , n}N . Recall that C ∗ (G ) is the C*-completion of the ∗-algebra Cc (G ) of continuous compactly supported functions on G , where X f ∗ g (γ) = f (γ 0 )g (γ 00 ); f ∗ (γ) = f (γ −1 ). γ 0 γ 00 =γ J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 3 / 22 Introduction: the scalar case A toy model for derivations 1 Some interesting examples of dynamical systems (A, α) appear in a diagonal form and admit a groupoid description: Let A = C ∗ (S1 , . . . , Sn ) be the Cuntz algebra and let αt be the automorphism such that αt (Sk ) = e it Sk . Its groupoid description is A = C ∗ (G ), where G = {(x, m − n, y ) : x, y ∈ X , m, n ∈ N, T n x = T m y } where T is the one-sided shift on X = {1, . . . , n}N . Recall that C ∗ (G ) is the C*-completion of the ∗-algebra Cc (G ) of continuous compactly supported functions on G , where X f ∗ g (γ) = f (γ 0 )g (γ 00 ); f ∗ (γ) = f (γ −1 ). γ 0 γ 00 =γ J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 3 / 22 Introduction: the scalar case A toy model for derivations 2 The above gauge automorphism group α is then given by αt (f )(γ) = e itc(γ) f (γ) where c : G → R is the gauge cocycle such that c(x, k, y ) = k. Here, cocycle just means groupoid homomorphism. The associated derivation is defined on Cc (G ) by δ(f )(γ) = ic(γ)f (γ). All this makes sense in the general framework of locally compact groupoids with Haar systems: a continuous cocycle c : G → R defines an automorphism group α of C ∗ (G ) and a derivation δ on the ∗-algebra Cc (G ) by the above formulas. J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 4 / 22 Introduction: the scalar case A toy model for derivations 2 The above gauge automorphism group α is then given by αt (f )(γ) = e itc(γ) f (γ) where c : G → R is the gauge cocycle such that c(x, k, y ) = k. Here, cocycle just means groupoid homomorphism. The associated derivation is defined on Cc (G ) by δ(f )(γ) = ic(γ)f (γ). All this makes sense in the general framework of locally compact groupoids with Haar systems: a continuous cocycle c : G → R defines an automorphism group α of C ∗ (G ) and a derivation δ on the ∗-algebra Cc (G ) by the above formulas. J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 4 / 22 Introduction: the scalar case A toy model for derivations 2 The above gauge automorphism group α is then given by αt (f )(γ) = e itc(γ) f (γ) where c : G → R is the gauge cocycle such that c(x, k, y ) = k. Here, cocycle just means groupoid homomorphism. The associated derivation is defined on Cc (G ) by δ(f )(γ) = ic(γ)f (γ). All this makes sense in the general framework of locally compact groupoids with Haar systems: a continuous cocycle c : G → R defines an automorphism group α of C ∗ (G ) and a derivation δ on the ∗-algebra Cc (G ) by the above formulas. J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 4 / 22 Introduction: the scalar case A toy model for derivations 3 In particular, we see that our derivation, which is a pregenerator, is closable. We can ask the usual questions: When is δ bounded? When is δ inner, i.e. of the form δ(A) = [H, A], where H belongs to the C*-algebra C ∗ (G ) or its multiplier algebra? In our toy model, these properties correspond exactly to cocycle properties. Proposition Let G , c, δ be as above. Then, 1 δ is bounded iff c is bounded; 2 δ is inner if c is a coboundary. We say that a cocycle c : G → R is a coboundary if there exists b : G (0) → R such that c = b ◦ r − b ◦ s. Here, we are dealing with continuous cocycles and we insist on having b continuous. J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 5 / 22 Introduction: the scalar case A toy model for derivations 3 In particular, we see that our derivation, which is a pregenerator, is closable. We can ask the usual questions: When is δ bounded? When is δ inner, i.e. of the form δ(A) = [H, A], where H belongs to the C*-algebra C ∗ (G ) or its multiplier algebra? In our toy model, these properties correspond exactly to cocycle properties. Proposition Let G , c, δ be as above. Then, 1 δ is bounded iff c is bounded; 2 δ is inner if c is a coboundary. We say that a cocycle c : G → R is a coboundary if there exists b : G (0) → R such that c = b ◦ r − b ◦ s. Here, we are dealing with continuous cocycles and we insist on having b continuous. J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 5 / 22 Introduction: the scalar case A toy model for derivations 3 In particular, we see that our derivation, which is a pregenerator, is closable. We can ask the usual questions: When is δ bounded? When is δ inner, i.e. of the form δ(A) = [H, A], where H belongs to the C*-algebra C ∗ (G ) or its multiplier algebra? In our toy model, these properties correspond exactly to cocycle properties. Proposition Let G , c, δ be as above. Then, 1 δ is bounded iff c is bounded; 2 δ is inner if c is a coboundary. We say that a cocycle c : G → R is a coboundary if there exists b : G (0) → R such that c = b ◦ r − b ◦ s. Here, we are dealing with continuous cocycles and we insist on having b continuous. J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 5 / 22 Introduction: the scalar case A toy model for derivations 4 The converse in 2 holds in many cases. This can be shown directly, for example if G is étale, principal and amenable or undirectly by the following theorem. Recall the well-known result of Sakai that every (bounded) derivation of a simple C*-algebra with unit is inner. Here is a groupoid version of Sakai’s theorem (which is essentially Gottschalk-Hedlund’s theorem). A groupoid G is minimal if every orbit [x] in G (0) is dense. Theorem (R, 1980) Let G be a minimal topological groupoid on a compact space X . For a continuous cocycle c : G → R, the following conditions are equivalent: 1 c is a continuous coboundary; 2 there exists x ∈ X such that c(Gx ) is bounded; 3 c is bounded. J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 6 / 22 Introduction: the scalar case A toy model for derivations 4 The converse in 2 holds in many cases. This can be shown directly, for example if G is étale, principal and amenable or undirectly by the following theorem. Recall the well-known result of Sakai that every (bounded) derivation of a simple C*-algebra with unit is inner. Here is a groupoid version of Sakai’s theorem (which is essentially Gottschalk-Hedlund’s theorem). A groupoid G is minimal if every orbit [x] in G (0) is dense. Theorem (R, 1980) Let G be a minimal topological groupoid on a compact space X . For a continuous cocycle c : G → R, the following conditions are equivalent: 1 c is a continuous coboundary; 2 there exists x ∈ X such that c(Gx ) is bounded; 3 c is bounded. J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 6 / 22 Introduction: the scalar case Our objectives Let us summarize our study of our toy model: A continuous cocycle c : G → R defines a derivation δ : Cc (G ) → C ∗ (G ). This derivation is a pregenerator. Properties of the derivation and of the cocycle are intimately related. There are interesting examples of derivations constructed in that fashion. Our goal is to extend this study to cocycles for G -Hilbert bundles. When G is a group, this is the study of cocycles for unitary (or orthogonal) representations and it amounts to the study of Kazhdan property (T). J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 7 / 22 Conditionally negative type functions G -Hilbert bundles We use Fell’s definition of a Banach bundle. Definition A bundle consists of topological spaces E and X and a continuous, open and surjective map π : E → X . A bundle π : E → X is a Hilbert bundle if each fiber Ex = π −1 (x) is a Hilbert space and 1 2 addition, scalar multiplication and norm are continuous; if (ui ) is a net in E such that kui k → 0 and π(ui ) → x, then ui → 0x . Let G be a topological groupoid with G (0) = X . A G -Hilbert bundle is a Hilbert bundle π : E → X endowed with a continuous, linear and isometric action of G . Linear and isometric means that for all γ ∈ G , L(γ) : Es(γ) → Er (γ) is a linear isometry. An important example is the regular G -Hilbert bundle L2 (G , λ) where (G , λ) is a locally compact groupoid with Haar system. J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 8 / 22 Conditionally negative type functions G -Hilbert bundles We use Fell’s definition of a Banach bundle. Definition A bundle consists of topological spaces E and X and a continuous, open and surjective map π : E → X . A bundle π : E → X is a Hilbert bundle if each fiber Ex = π −1 (x) is a Hilbert space and 1 2 addition, scalar multiplication and norm are continuous; if (ui ) is a net in E such that kui k → 0 and π(ui ) → x, then ui → 0x . Let G be a topological groupoid with G (0) = X . A G -Hilbert bundle is a Hilbert bundle π : E → X endowed with a continuous, linear and isometric action of G . Linear and isometric means that for all γ ∈ G , L(γ) : Es(γ) → Er (γ) is a linear isometry. An important example is the regular G -Hilbert bundle L2 (G , λ) where (G , λ) is a locally compact groupoid with Haar system. J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 8 / 22 Conditionally negative type functions G -Hilbert bundles We use Fell’s definition of a Banach bundle. Definition A bundle consists of topological spaces E and X and a continuous, open and surjective map π : E → X . A bundle π : E → X is a Hilbert bundle if each fiber Ex = π −1 (x) is a Hilbert space and 1 2 addition, scalar multiplication and norm are continuous; if (ui ) is a net in E such that kui k → 0 and π(ui ) → x, then ui → 0x . Let G be a topological groupoid with G (0) = X . A G -Hilbert bundle is a Hilbert bundle π : E → X endowed with a continuous, linear and isometric action of G . Linear and isometric means that for all γ ∈ G , L(γ) : Es(γ) → Er (γ) is a linear isometry. An important example is the regular G -Hilbert bundle L2 (G , λ) where (G , λ) is a locally compact groupoid with Haar system. J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 8 / 22 Conditionally negative type functions Positive type functions The well-known relation between positive type functions and G -Hilbert spaces for groups still holds for groupoids. Definition Let G be a groupoid. A function ϕ : G → C is said PT (of positive type) if ∀n ∈ N∗ , ∀ζ1 , . . . , ζn ∈ C, ∀x ∈ G (0) and ∀γ1 , . . . , γn ∈ G x , X ϕ(γi−1 γj )ζ i ζj ≥ 0. i,j We are interested here in topological groupoids and in continuous PT functions. If e : X → E is a continuous section of a G -Hilbert bundle, then the coefficient ϕ = (e, e) defined by ϕ(γ) = (e ◦ r (γ)|L(γ)e ◦ s(γ)) is a continuous PT function. J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 9 / 22 Conditionally negative type functions Positive type functions The well-known relation between positive type functions and G -Hilbert spaces for groups still holds for groupoids. Definition Let G be a groupoid. A function ϕ : G → C is said PT (of positive type) if ∀n ∈ N∗ , ∀ζ1 , . . . , ζn ∈ C, ∀x ∈ G (0) and ∀γ1 , . . . , γn ∈ G x , X ϕ(γi−1 γj )ζ i ζj ≥ 0. i,j We are interested here in topological groupoids and in continuous PT functions. If e : X → E is a continuous section of a G -Hilbert bundle, then the coefficient ϕ = (e, e) defined by ϕ(γ) = (e ◦ r (γ)|L(γ)e ◦ s(γ)) is a continuous PT function. J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 9 / 22 Conditionally negative type functions Positive type functions The well-known relation between positive type functions and G -Hilbert spaces for groups still holds for groupoids. Definition Let G be a groupoid. A function ϕ : G → C is said PT (of positive type) if ∀n ∈ N∗ , ∀ζ1 , . . . , ζn ∈ C, ∀x ∈ G (0) and ∀γ1 , . . . , γn ∈ G x , X ϕ(γi−1 γj )ζ i ζj ≥ 0. i,j We are interested here in topological groupoids and in continuous PT functions. If e : X → E is a continuous section of a G -Hilbert bundle, then the coefficient ϕ = (e, e) defined by ϕ(γ) = (e ◦ r (γ)|L(γ)e ◦ s(γ)) is a continuous PT function. J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 9 / 22 Conditionally negative type functions GNS representation 1 The converse holds. More precisely: Theorem (J.-L. Tu, 1999) Let (G , λ) be a locally compact groupoid with Haar system. Let ϕ : G → C be a continuous function of positive type. Then 1 There exists a pair (E , e) consisting of a continuous G -Hilbert bundle E and a continuous section e such that for all γ ∈ G , ϕ(γ) = (e ◦ r (γ)|L(γ)e ◦ s(γ)); for all x ∈ G (0) , {L(γ)e ◦ s(γ), γ ∈ G x } is total in Ex . 2 If (E 0 , e 0 ) is another pair satisfying the same properties, there exists a G -equivariant isometric continuous bundle map u : E → E 0 such that e 0 = u ◦ e. J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 10 / 22 Conditionally negative type functions GNS representation 1 The converse holds. More precisely: Theorem (J.-L. Tu, 1999) Let (G , λ) be a locally compact groupoid with Haar system. Let ϕ : G → C be a continuous function of positive type. Then 1 There exists a pair (E , e) consisting of a continuous G -Hilbert bundle E and a continuous section e such that for all γ ∈ G , ϕ(γ) = (e ◦ r (γ)|L(γ)e ◦ s(γ)); for all x ∈ G (0) , {L(γ)e ◦ s(γ), γ ∈ G x } is total in Ex . 2 If (E 0 , e 0 ) is another pair satisfying the same properties, there exists a G -equivariant isometric continuous bundle map u : E → E 0 such that e 0 = u ◦ e. J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 10 / 22 Conditionally negative type functions G -affine Hilbert bundles Definition An affine Hilbert bundle is a bundle π : E → X endowed with a ~ → E of a Hilbert bundle π : E ~ → X which is continuous action E ∗ E fiberwise free and transitive. Let G be a topological groupoid with G (0) = X . A G -affine Hilbert bundle is an affine Hilbert bundle π : E → X endowed with a continuous, affine and isometric action of G . Affine and isometric means that for all γ ∈ G , a(γ) : Es(γ) → Er (γ) is an affine isometry. Thus, we have a(γ)(e + ~u ) = a(γ)e + L(γ)~u . J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 11 / 22 Conditionally negative type functions G -affine Hilbert bundles Definition An affine Hilbert bundle is a bundle π : E → X endowed with a ~ → E of a Hilbert bundle π : E ~ → X which is continuous action E ∗ E fiberwise free and transitive. Let G be a topological groupoid with G (0) = X . A G -affine Hilbert bundle is an affine Hilbert bundle π : E → X endowed with a continuous, affine and isometric action of G . Affine and isometric means that for all γ ∈ G , a(γ) : Es(γ) → Er (γ) is an affine isometry. Thus, we have a(γ)(e + ~u ) = a(γ)e + L(γ)~u . J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 11 / 22 Conditionally negative type functions Cocycles and affine bundles The relation between cocycles and affine bundles is well-known: let E be a G -affine Hilbert bundle. A continuous section e : X → E identifies E with ~ (as topological spaces) and defines a continuous section c : G → r ∗ E ~ E ∗ ~ (where r E is the pull-back along r : G → X ) according to: c(γ) = a(γ)e ◦ s(γ) − e ◦ r (γ). c satisfies the cocycle property: c(γγ 0 ) = c(γ) + L(γ)c(γ 0 ). Another choice of section gives a cohomologous cocycle. ~ endow E = E ~ with a Conversely, a continuous cocycle c : G → r ∗ E G -affine action according to: a(γ)e = c(γ) + L(γ)e. The G affine Hilbert bundle defined by c will be denoted by E (c). J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 12 / 22 Conditionally negative type functions Cocycles and affine bundles The relation between cocycles and affine bundles is well-known: let E be a G -affine Hilbert bundle. A continuous section e : X → E identifies E with ~ (as topological spaces) and defines a continuous section c : G → r ∗ E ~ E ∗ ~ (where r E is the pull-back along r : G → X ) according to: c(γ) = a(γ)e ◦ s(γ) − e ◦ r (γ). c satisfies the cocycle property: c(γγ 0 ) = c(γ) + L(γ)c(γ 0 ). Another choice of section gives a cohomologous cocycle. ~ endow E = E ~ with a Conversely, a continuous cocycle c : G → r ∗ E G -affine action according to: a(γ)e = c(γ) + L(γ)e. The G affine Hilbert bundle defined by c will be denoted by E (c). J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 12 / 22 Conditionally negative type functions Cocycles and affine bundles The relation between cocycles and affine bundles is well-known: let E be a G -affine Hilbert bundle. A continuous section e : X → E identifies E with ~ (as topological spaces) and defines a continuous section c : G → r ∗ E ~ E ∗ ~ (where r E is the pull-back along r : G → X ) according to: c(γ) = a(γ)e ◦ s(γ) − e ◦ r (γ). c satisfies the cocycle property: c(γγ 0 ) = c(γ) + L(γ)c(γ 0 ). Another choice of section gives a cohomologous cocycle. ~ endow E = E ~ with a Conversely, a continuous cocycle c : G → r ∗ E G -affine action according to: a(γ)e = c(γ) + L(γ)e. The G affine Hilbert bundle defined by c will be denoted by E (c). J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 12 / 22 Conditionally negative type functions Conditionally negative type functions The well-known relation between conditionally negative type functions and G -affine real Hilbert spaces for groups still holds for groupoids. Definition Let G be a groupoid. A function ψ : G → R is said CNT (conditionally of negative type) if 1 ∀x ∈ G (0) , ψ(x) = 0, 2 ∀γ ∈ G , ψ(γ −1 ) = ψ(γ), 3 ∀n ∈ N∗ , ∀ζ1 , . . . , ζn ∈ R such that ∀x ∈ G (0) , Pn ∀γ1 , . . . , γn ∈ G x , 1 ζi = 0, X ψ(γi−1 γj )ζi ζj ≤ 0. i,j Again, we are interested in topological groupoids and in continuous CNT functions. J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 13 / 22 Conditionally negative type functions GNS representation 2 Just as for continuous PT functions, we have a universal construction for continuous CNT functions. Theorem (J.-L. Tu, 1999) Let (G , λ) be a locally compact groupoid with Haar system. Let ψ : G → R be a continuous function conditionally of negative type. Then 1 There exists a pair (E , c) consisting of a continuous G -Hilbert bundle E and a continuous cocycle c : G → r ∗ E such that for all γ ∈ G , ψ(γ) = kc(γ)k2 ; for all x ∈ G (0) , {c(γ), γ ∈ G x } is total in Ex . 2 If (E 0 , c 0 ) is another pair satisfying the same properties, there exists a G -equivariant isometric continuous bundle map u : E → E 0 such that c 0 = u ◦ c. J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 14 / 22 Conditionally negative type functions GNS representation 2 Just as for continuous PT functions, we have a universal construction for continuous CNT functions. Theorem (J.-L. Tu, 1999) Let (G , λ) be a locally compact groupoid with Haar system. Let ψ : G → R be a continuous function conditionally of negative type. Then 1 There exists a pair (E , c) consisting of a continuous G -Hilbert bundle E and a continuous cocycle c : G → r ∗ E such that for all γ ∈ G , ψ(γ) = kc(γ)k2 ; for all x ∈ G (0) , {c(γ), γ ∈ G x } is total in Ex . 2 If (E 0 , c 0 ) is another pair satisfying the same properties, there exists a G -equivariant isometric continuous bundle map u : E → E 0 such that c 0 = u ◦ c. J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 14 / 22 Conditionally negative type functions Bounded cocycles are coboundaries The following theorem extends the groupoid version of the Gottschalk-Hedlund’s theorem given in the introduction. It is inspired a preprint of D. Coronel, A. Navas, M. Ponce [Bounded orbits versus invariant sections for cocycles of affine isometries over a minimal dynamics, Math arXiv :1101.3523v2, (2011)] which considers the case of a semi-group action and a constant Hilbert bundle. Theorem (R, 2011) Let G be a minimal topological groupoid on a compact space X . Let c : G → r ∗ E be a continuous cocycle, where E is a G -Hilbert bundle and let E (c) be the associated G -affine bundle. Then the following conditions are equivalent: 1 c is a continuous coboundary; 2 E (c) admits an equivariant continuous section; 3 E (c) admits a bounded orbit; 4 kck is bounded. J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 15 / 22 Conditionally negative type functions Bounded cocycles are coboundaries The following theorem extends the groupoid version of the Gottschalk-Hedlund’s theorem given in the introduction. It is inspired a preprint of D. Coronel, A. Navas, M. Ponce [Bounded orbits versus invariant sections for cocycles of affine isometries over a minimal dynamics, Math arXiv :1101.3523v2, (2011)] which considers the case of a semi-group action and a constant Hilbert bundle. Theorem (R, 2011) Let G be a minimal topological groupoid on a compact space X . Let c : G → r ∗ E be a continuous cocycle, where E is a G -Hilbert bundle and let E (c) be the associated G -affine bundle. Then the following conditions are equivalent: 1 c is a continuous coboundary; 2 E (c) admits an equivariant continuous section; 3 E (c) admits a bounded orbit; 4 kck is bounded. J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 15 / 22 Cocycles and derivations Construction of the C*-bimodule Let (G , λ) be a locally compact groupoid with Haar system. We construct from a G -Hilbert bundle E a C ∗ (G )-bimodule C ∗ (G , r ∗ E ). Let Cc (G , r ∗ E ) be the space of compactly supported continuous sections of r ∗ E . We define the left and right actions: for f , g ∈ Cc (G ) and ξ ∈ Cc (G , r ∗ E ), Z −1 f ξ(γ) = f (γ 0 )L(γ 0 )ξ(γ 0 γ)dλr (γ) (γ 0 ) Z ξg (γ) = ξ(γγ 0 )g (γ 0 −1 )dλs(γ) (γ 0 ) and the left and right inner products: for ξ, η ∈ Cc (G ), Z (ξ(γ 0 )|L(γ)η(γ −1 γ 0 ))r (γ) dλr (γ) (γ 0 ) l < ξ, η > (γ) = Z < ξ, η >r (γ) = J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) (ξ(γ 0 −1 )|η(γ 0 −1 γ))s(γ 0 ) dλr (γ) (γ 0 ) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 16 / 22 Cocycles and derivations Construction of the C*-bimodule Let (G , λ) be a locally compact groupoid with Haar system. We construct from a G -Hilbert bundle E a C ∗ (G )-bimodule C ∗ (G , r ∗ E ). Let Cc (G , r ∗ E ) be the space of compactly supported continuous sections of r ∗ E . We define the left and right actions: for f , g ∈ Cc (G ) and ξ ∈ Cc (G , r ∗ E ), Z −1 f ξ(γ) = f (γ 0 )L(γ 0 )ξ(γ 0 γ)dλr (γ) (γ 0 ) Z ξg (γ) = ξ(γγ 0 )g (γ 0 −1 )dλs(γ) (γ 0 ) and the left and right inner products: for ξ, η ∈ Cc (G ), Z (ξ(γ 0 )|L(γ)η(γ −1 γ 0 ))r (γ) dλr (γ) (γ 0 ) l < ξ, η > (γ) = Z < ξ, η >r (γ) = J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) (ξ(γ 0 −1 )|η(γ 0 −1 γ))s(γ 0 ) dλr (γ) (γ 0 ) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 16 / 22 Cocycles and derivations Construction of the derivation We define C ∗ (G , r ∗ E ) as the completion of Cc (G , r ∗ E ) for the norm kξk = k < ξ, ξ >r k1/2 . Proposition C ∗ (G , r ∗ E ) is a (C ∗ (G ), C ∗ (G ))-bimodule and the inner products have a continuous extension. Let c : G → r ∗ E be a continuous cocycle. Define δ : Cc (G ) → Cc (G , r ∗ E ) by δ(f )(γ) = ic(γ)f (γ). Proposition 1 δ is a derivation: δ(f ∗ g ) = δ(f )g + f δ(g ); 2 < δ(f ), δ(g ) >r = J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) l < δ(f ∗ ), δ(g ∗ ) >. Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 17 / 22 Cocycles and derivations Construction of the derivation We define C ∗ (G , r ∗ E ) as the completion of Cc (G , r ∗ E ) for the norm kξk = k < ξ, ξ >r k1/2 . Proposition C ∗ (G , r ∗ E ) is a (C ∗ (G ), C ∗ (G ))-bimodule and the inner products have a continuous extension. Let c : G → r ∗ E be a continuous cocycle. Define δ : Cc (G ) → Cc (G , r ∗ E ) by δ(f )(γ) = ic(γ)f (γ). Proposition 1 δ is a derivation: δ(f ∗ g ) = δ(f )g + f δ(g ); 2 < δ(f ), δ(g ) >r = J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) l < δ(f ∗ ), δ(g ∗ ) >. Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 17 / 22 Cocycles and derivations Some questions What can be said about this derivation in the C*-algebraic framework? In the scalar case, i.e. E = X × C and c : G → R, the bimodule is C ∗ (G ). We have seen that the derivation δ defined by c is a pregenerator of a one-parameter automorphism group (αt )t∈R of C ∗ (G ). In particular, it is closable. In the Hilbert bundle case, we can relate the derivation δ to a one-parameter semi-group of contractions of C ∗ (G ) as a particular case of Sauvageot’s construction. J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 18 / 22 Cocycles and derivations Some questions What can be said about this derivation in the C*-algebraic framework? In the scalar case, i.e. E = X × C and c : G → R, the bimodule is C ∗ (G ). We have seen that the derivation δ defined by c is a pregenerator of a one-parameter automorphism group (αt )t∈R of C ∗ (G ). In particular, it is closable. In the Hilbert bundle case, we can relate the derivation δ to a one-parameter semi-group of contractions of C ∗ (G ) as a particular case of Sauvageot’s construction. J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 18 / 22 Cocycles and derivations Some questions What can be said about this derivation in the C*-algebraic framework? In the scalar case, i.e. E = X × C and c : G → R, the bimodule is C ∗ (G ). We have seen that the derivation δ defined by c is a pregenerator of a one-parameter automorphism group (αt )t∈R of C ∗ (G ). In particular, it is closable. In the Hilbert bundle case, we can relate the derivation δ to a one-parameter semi-group of contractions of C ∗ (G ) as a particular case of Sauvageot’s construction. J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 18 / 22 Sauvageot’s construction Non-commutative Dirichlet forms In the theory of non-commutative Dirichlet forms, one finds the following construction (J.-L. Sauvageot, 1989). Let (Tt )t≥0 be a strongly continuous semi-group of completely positive contractions of a C*-algebra A. We denote by −∆ its generator (it is a dissipation). We assume that A is a dense sub ∗-algebra in its domain. The associated Dirichlet form is the sesquilinear map L : A × A → A defined by 1 L(α, β) = [α∗ ∆(β) + ∆(α∗ )β − ∆(α∗ β)]. 2 One can prove that L is completely positive in the sense that ∀n ∈ N, ∀α1 , . . . , αn ∈ A, [L(αi , αj )] ∈ Mn (A)+ . J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 19 / 22 Sauvageot’s construction Non-commutative Dirichlet forms In the theory of non-commutative Dirichlet forms, one finds the following construction (J.-L. Sauvageot, 1989). Let (Tt )t≥0 be a strongly continuous semi-group of completely positive contractions of a C*-algebra A. We denote by −∆ its generator (it is a dissipation). We assume that A is a dense sub ∗-algebra in its domain. The associated Dirichlet form is the sesquilinear map L : A × A → A defined by 1 L(α, β) = [α∗ ∆(β) + ∆(α∗ )β − ∆(α∗ β)]. 2 One can prove that L is completely positive in the sense that ∀n ∈ N, ∀α1 , . . . , αn ∈ A, [L(αi , αj )] ∈ Mn (A)+ . J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 19 / 22 Sauvageot’s construction Non-commutative Dirichlet forms In the theory of non-commutative Dirichlet forms, one finds the following construction (J.-L. Sauvageot, 1989). Let (Tt )t≥0 be a strongly continuous semi-group of completely positive contractions of a C*-algebra A. We denote by −∆ its generator (it is a dissipation). We assume that A is a dense sub ∗-algebra in its domain. The associated Dirichlet form is the sesquilinear map L : A × A → A defined by 1 L(α, β) = [α∗ ∆(β) + ∆(α∗ )β − ∆(α∗ β)]. 2 One can prove that L is completely positive in the sense that ∀n ∈ N, ∀α1 , . . . , αn ∈ A, [L(αi , αj )] ∈ Mn (A)+ . J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 19 / 22 Sauvageot’s construction Non-commutative Dirichlet forms In the theory of non-commutative Dirichlet forms, one finds the following construction (J.-L. Sauvageot, 1989). Let (Tt )t≥0 be a strongly continuous semi-group of completely positive contractions of a C*-algebra A. We denote by −∆ its generator (it is a dissipation). We assume that A is a dense sub ∗-algebra in its domain. The associated Dirichlet form is the sesquilinear map L : A × A → A defined by 1 L(α, β) = [α∗ ∆(β) + ∆(α∗ )β − ∆(α∗ β)]. 2 One can prove that L is completely positive in the sense that ∀n ∈ N, ∀α1 , . . . , αn ∈ A, [L(αi , αj )] ∈ Mn (A)+ . J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 19 / 22 Sauvageot’s construction GNS construction 3 The positivity of the non-commutative Dirichlet form gives the following GNS representation. Theorem (J.-L. Sauvageot, 1989) Let (Tt )t≥0 be a semi-group of CP contractions of a C*-algebra A as above and let L be its associated Dirichlet form. Then 1 There exists an (A, A)-C*-bimodule E and a derivation δ : A → E such that for all α, β ∈ A, L(α, β) =< δ(α), δ(β) >A ; the range of δ generates E as a right Banach A-module. 2 If (E 0 , δ 0 ) is another pair satisfying the same properties, there exists a C*-bimodule isomorphism u : E → E 0 such that δ 0 = u ◦ δ. J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 20 / 22 Sauvageot’s construction GNS construction 3 The positivity of the non-commutative Dirichlet form gives the following GNS representation. Theorem (J.-L. Sauvageot, 1989) Let (Tt )t≥0 be a semi-group of CP contractions of a C*-algebra A as above and let L be its associated Dirichlet form. Then 1 There exists an (A, A)-C*-bimodule E and a derivation δ : A → E such that for all α, β ∈ A, L(α, β) =< δ(α), δ(β) >A ; the range of δ generates E as a right Banach A-module. 2 If (E 0 , δ 0 ) is another pair satisfying the same properties, there exists a C*-bimodule isomorphism u : E → E 0 such that δ 0 = u ◦ δ. J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 20 / 22 Sauvageot’s construction CNT functions and Sauvageot’s construction Let (G , λ) be a locally compact groupoid with Haar system. Proposition Given a continuous CNT function ψ : G → R 1 2 Pointwise multiplication by e −tψ , where t ≥ 0 defines a completely positive contraction Tt : C ∗ (G ) → C ∗ (G ) and (Tt )t≥0 is a strongly continuous semi-group of completely positive contractions of C ∗ (G ). Its generator is −∆ with the dense sub-∗algebra A = Cc (G ) as essential domain and with ∆f = ψf . Proposition Up to isomorphism, the Sauvageot pair (E, δ) associated with ∆ is (C ∗ (G , r ∗ E ), δc ), where (E , c) is the representation of ψ described in GNS representation 2. J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 21 / 22 Sauvageot’s construction CNT functions and Sauvageot’s construction Let (G , λ) be a locally compact groupoid with Haar system. Proposition Given a continuous CNT function ψ : G → R 1 2 Pointwise multiplication by e −tψ , where t ≥ 0 defines a completely positive contraction Tt : C ∗ (G ) → C ∗ (G ) and (Tt )t≥0 is a strongly continuous semi-group of completely positive contractions of C ∗ (G ). Its generator is −∆ with the dense sub-∗algebra A = Cc (G ) as essential domain and with ∆f = ψf . Proposition Up to isomorphism, the Sauvageot pair (E, δ) associated with ∆ is (C ∗ (G , r ∗ E ), δc ), where (E , c) is the representation of ψ described in GNS representation 2. J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 21 / 22 Sauvageot’s construction CNT functions and Sauvageot’s construction Let (G , λ) be a locally compact groupoid with Haar system. Proposition Given a continuous CNT function ψ : G → R 1 2 Pointwise multiplication by e −tψ , where t ≥ 0 defines a completely positive contraction Tt : C ∗ (G ) → C ∗ (G ) and (Tt )t≥0 is a strongly continuous semi-group of completely positive contractions of C ∗ (G ). Its generator is −∆ with the dense sub-∗algebra A = Cc (G ) as essential domain and with ∆f = ψf . Proposition Up to isomorphism, the Sauvageot pair (E, δ) associated with ∆ is (C ∗ (G , r ∗ E ), δc ), where (E , c) is the representation of ψ described in GNS representation 2. J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 21 / 22 Sauvageot’s construction Consequences One can apply Sauvageot and Cipriani-Sauvageot results to conclude that the derivation δc associated with a cocycle c : G → r ∗ E is closable. It would be desirable to have a direct proof. Just as in the scalar case, δc is bounded iff c is bounded and it is inner if c is a continuous boundary. Remark. The theory of unbounded derivations with values in (M, M)-Hilbert modules, where M is a von Neumann algebra (usually equipped with a finite trace is well developed. This is not the case for unbounded derivations with values in (A, A)-C*-modules. The above groupoid example may be useful to develop this theory. In our example, there are both a left and a right A-valued inner products and we have the relation L(α, β) =< δ(α), δ(β) >A = A < δ(α∗ ), δ(β ∗ ) > which seems to express that δ is a ∗-derivation. J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 22 / 22 Sauvageot’s construction Consequences One can apply Sauvageot and Cipriani-Sauvageot results to conclude that the derivation δc associated with a cocycle c : G → r ∗ E is closable. It would be desirable to have a direct proof. Just as in the scalar case, δc is bounded iff c is bounded and it is inner if c is a continuous boundary. Remark. The theory of unbounded derivations with values in (M, M)-Hilbert modules, where M is a von Neumann algebra (usually equipped with a finite trace is well developed. This is not the case for unbounded derivations with values in (A, A)-C*-modules. The above groupoid example may be useful to develop this theory. In our example, there are both a left and a right A-valued inner products and we have the relation L(α, β) =< δ(α), δ(β) >A = A < δ(α∗ ), δ(β ∗ ) > which seems to express that δ is a ∗-derivation. J. Renault (Université d’Orléans) Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11 November 2, 2011 22 / 22