Plan Groupoid cocycles and derivations

Groupoid cocycles and derivations
Jean Renault
Université d’Orléans
November 2, 2011
Introduction: the scalar case
Conditionally negative type functions
Cocycles and derivations
Sauvageot’s construction
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
1 / 22
Groupoid cocycles and derivations
Jean Renault
Université d’Orléans
November 2, 2011
Introduction: the scalar case
Conditionally negative type functions
Cocycles and derivations
Sauvageot’s construction
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
1 / 22
Groupoid cocycles and derivations
Jean Renault
Université d’Orléans
November 2, 2011
Introduction: the scalar case
Conditionally negative type functions
Cocycles and derivations
Sauvageot’s construction
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
1 / 22
Groupoid cocycles and derivations
Jean Renault
Université d’Orléans
November 2, 2011
Introduction: the scalar case
Conditionally negative type functions
Cocycles and derivations
Sauvageot’s construction
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
1 / 22
Groupoid cocycles and derivations
Jean Renault
Université d’Orléans
November 2, 2011
Introduction: the scalar case
Conditionally negative type functions
Cocycles and derivations
Sauvageot’s construction
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
1 / 22
Introduction: the scalar case
One-parameter automorphism groups
Let H be an unbounded self-adjoint operator on a Hilbert space H. It
defines a one-parameter automorphism group of B(H) according to
αt (A) = e itH Ae −itH
whose generator is the derivation δ where
δ(A) = i[H, A] = i(HA − AH).
We are usually interested in the C*-dynamical system (A, α), where A is
a sub C*-algebra of B(H) invariant under α.
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
2 / 22
Introduction: the scalar case
One-parameter automorphism groups
Let H be an unbounded self-adjoint operator on a Hilbert space H. It
defines a one-parameter automorphism group of B(H) according to
αt (A) = e itH Ae −itH
whose generator is the derivation δ where
δ(A) = i[H, A] = i(HA − AH).
We are usually interested in the C*-dynamical system (A, α), where A is
a sub C*-algebra of B(H) invariant under α.
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
2 / 22
Introduction: the scalar case
One-parameter automorphism groups
Let H be an unbounded self-adjoint operator on a Hilbert space H. It
defines a one-parameter automorphism group of B(H) according to
αt (A) = e itH Ae −itH
whose generator is the derivation δ where
δ(A) = i[H, A] = i(HA − AH).
We are usually interested in the C*-dynamical system (A, α), where A is
a sub C*-algebra of B(H) invariant under α.
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
2 / 22
Introduction: the scalar case
A toy model for derivations 1
Some interesting examples of dynamical systems (A, α) appear in a
diagonal form and admit a groupoid description:
Let A = C ∗ (S1 , . . . , Sn ) be the Cuntz algebra and let αt be the
automorphism such that αt (Sk ) = e it Sk .
Its groupoid description is A = C ∗ (G ), where
G = {(x, m − n, y ) : x, y ∈ X , m, n ∈ N, T n x = T m y }
where T is the one-sided shift on X = {1, . . . , n}N .
Recall that C ∗ (G ) is the C*-completion of the ∗-algebra Cc (G ) of
continuous compactly supported functions on G , where
f ∗ g (γ) =
f (γ 0 )g (γ 00 );
f ∗ (γ) = f (γ −1 ).
γ 0 γ 00 =γ
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
3 / 22
Introduction: the scalar case
A toy model for derivations 1
Some interesting examples of dynamical systems (A, α) appear in a
diagonal form and admit a groupoid description:
Let A = C ∗ (S1 , . . . , Sn ) be the Cuntz algebra and let αt be the
automorphism such that αt (Sk ) = e it Sk .
Its groupoid description is A = C ∗ (G ), where
G = {(x, m − n, y ) : x, y ∈ X , m, n ∈ N, T n x = T m y }
where T is the one-sided shift on X = {1, . . . , n}N .
Recall that C ∗ (G ) is the C*-completion of the ∗-algebra Cc (G ) of
continuous compactly supported functions on G , where
f ∗ g (γ) =
f (γ 0 )g (γ 00 );
f ∗ (γ) = f (γ −1 ).
γ 0 γ 00 =γ
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
3 / 22
Introduction: the scalar case
A toy model for derivations 1
Some interesting examples of dynamical systems (A, α) appear in a
diagonal form and admit a groupoid description:
Let A = C ∗ (S1 , . . . , Sn ) be the Cuntz algebra and let αt be the
automorphism such that αt (Sk ) = e it Sk .
Its groupoid description is A = C ∗ (G ), where
G = {(x, m − n, y ) : x, y ∈ X , m, n ∈ N, T n x = T m y }
where T is the one-sided shift on X = {1, . . . , n}N .
Recall that C ∗ (G ) is the C*-completion of the ∗-algebra Cc (G ) of
continuous compactly supported functions on G , where
f ∗ g (γ) =
f (γ 0 )g (γ 00 );
f ∗ (γ) = f (γ −1 ).
γ 0 γ 00 =γ
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
3 / 22
Introduction: the scalar case
A toy model for derivations 1
Some interesting examples of dynamical systems (A, α) appear in a
diagonal form and admit a groupoid description:
Let A = C ∗ (S1 , . . . , Sn ) be the Cuntz algebra and let αt be the
automorphism such that αt (Sk ) = e it Sk .
Its groupoid description is A = C ∗ (G ), where
G = {(x, m − n, y ) : x, y ∈ X , m, n ∈ N, T n x = T m y }
where T is the one-sided shift on X = {1, . . . , n}N .
Recall that C ∗ (G ) is the C*-completion of the ∗-algebra Cc (G ) of
continuous compactly supported functions on G , where
f ∗ g (γ) =
f (γ 0 )g (γ 00 );
f ∗ (γ) = f (γ −1 ).
γ 0 γ 00 =γ
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
3 / 22
Introduction: the scalar case
A toy model for derivations 2
The above gauge automorphism group α is then given by
αt (f )(γ) = e itc(γ) f (γ)
where c : G → R is the gauge cocycle such that c(x, k, y ) = k. Here,
cocycle just means groupoid homomorphism.
The associated derivation is defined on Cc (G ) by
δ(f )(γ) = ic(γ)f (γ).
All this makes sense in the general framework of locally compact
groupoids with Haar systems: a continuous cocycle c : G → R defines an
automorphism group α of C ∗ (G ) and a derivation δ on the ∗-algebra
Cc (G ) by the above formulas.
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
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Introduction: the scalar case
A toy model for derivations 2
The above gauge automorphism group α is then given by
αt (f )(γ) = e itc(γ) f (γ)
where c : G → R is the gauge cocycle such that c(x, k, y ) = k. Here,
cocycle just means groupoid homomorphism.
The associated derivation is defined on Cc (G ) by
δ(f )(γ) = ic(γ)f (γ).
All this makes sense in the general framework of locally compact
groupoids with Haar systems: a continuous cocycle c : G → R defines an
automorphism group α of C ∗ (G ) and a derivation δ on the ∗-algebra
Cc (G ) by the above formulas.
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
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Introduction: the scalar case
A toy model for derivations 2
The above gauge automorphism group α is then given by
αt (f )(γ) = e itc(γ) f (γ)
where c : G → R is the gauge cocycle such that c(x, k, y ) = k. Here,
cocycle just means groupoid homomorphism.
The associated derivation is defined on Cc (G ) by
δ(f )(γ) = ic(γ)f (γ).
All this makes sense in the general framework of locally compact
groupoids with Haar systems: a continuous cocycle c : G → R defines an
automorphism group α of C ∗ (G ) and a derivation δ on the ∗-algebra
Cc (G ) by the above formulas.
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
4 / 22
Introduction: the scalar case
A toy model for derivations 3
In particular, we see that our derivation, which is a pregenerator, is
closable. We can ask the usual questions:
When is δ bounded?
When is δ inner, i.e. of the form δ(A) = [H, A], where H belongs to the
C*-algebra C ∗ (G ) or its multiplier algebra? In our toy model, these
properties correspond exactly to cocycle properties.
Let G , c, δ be as above. Then,
δ is bounded iff c is bounded;
δ is inner if c is a coboundary.
We say that a cocycle c : G → R is a coboundary if there exists
b : G (0) → R such that c = b ◦ r − b ◦ s. Here, we are dealing with
continuous cocycles and we insist on having b continuous.
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
5 / 22
Introduction: the scalar case
A toy model for derivations 3
In particular, we see that our derivation, which is a pregenerator, is
closable. We can ask the usual questions:
When is δ bounded?
When is δ inner, i.e. of the form δ(A) = [H, A], where H belongs to the
C*-algebra C ∗ (G ) or its multiplier algebra? In our toy model, these
properties correspond exactly to cocycle properties.
Let G , c, δ be as above. Then,
δ is bounded iff c is bounded;
δ is inner if c is a coboundary.
We say that a cocycle c : G → R is a coboundary if there exists
b : G (0) → R such that c = b ◦ r − b ◦ s. Here, we are dealing with
continuous cocycles and we insist on having b continuous.
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
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Introduction: the scalar case
A toy model for derivations 3
In particular, we see that our derivation, which is a pregenerator, is
closable. We can ask the usual questions:
When is δ bounded?
When is δ inner, i.e. of the form δ(A) = [H, A], where H belongs to the
C*-algebra C ∗ (G ) or its multiplier algebra? In our toy model, these
properties correspond exactly to cocycle properties.
Let G , c, δ be as above. Then,
δ is bounded iff c is bounded;
δ is inner if c is a coboundary.
We say that a cocycle c : G → R is a coboundary if there exists
b : G (0) → R such that c = b ◦ r − b ◦ s. Here, we are dealing with
continuous cocycles and we insist on having b continuous.
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
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Introduction: the scalar case
A toy model for derivations 4
The converse in 2 holds in many cases. This can be shown directly, for
example if G is étale, principal and amenable or undirectly by the following
Recall the well-known result of Sakai that every (bounded) derivation of a
simple C*-algebra with unit is inner. Here is a groupoid version of Sakai’s
theorem (which is essentially Gottschalk-Hedlund’s theorem). A groupoid
G is minimal if every orbit [x] in G (0) is dense.
Theorem (R, 1980)
Let G be a minimal topological groupoid on a compact space X . For a
continuous cocycle c : G → R, the following conditions are equivalent:
c is a continuous coboundary;
there exists x ∈ X such that c(Gx ) is bounded;
c is bounded.
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
6 / 22
Introduction: the scalar case
A toy model for derivations 4
The converse in 2 holds in many cases. This can be shown directly, for
example if G is étale, principal and amenable or undirectly by the following
Recall the well-known result of Sakai that every (bounded) derivation of a
simple C*-algebra with unit is inner. Here is a groupoid version of Sakai’s
theorem (which is essentially Gottschalk-Hedlund’s theorem). A groupoid
G is minimal if every orbit [x] in G (0) is dense.
Theorem (R, 1980)
Let G be a minimal topological groupoid on a compact space X . For a
continuous cocycle c : G → R, the following conditions are equivalent:
c is a continuous coboundary;
there exists x ∈ X such that c(Gx ) is bounded;
c is bounded.
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
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Introduction: the scalar case
Our objectives
Let us summarize our study of our toy model:
A continuous cocycle c : G → R defines a derivation
δ : Cc (G ) → C ∗ (G ).
This derivation is a pregenerator.
Properties of the derivation and of the cocycle are intimately related.
There are interesting examples of derivations constructed in that
Our goal is to extend this study to cocycles for G -Hilbert bundles. When
G is a group, this is the study of cocycles for unitary (or orthogonal)
representations and it amounts to the study of Kazhdan property (T).
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
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Conditionally negative type functions
G -Hilbert bundles
We use Fell’s definition of a Banach bundle.
A bundle consists of topological spaces E and X and a continuous,
open and surjective map π : E → X .
A bundle π : E → X is a Hilbert bundle if each fiber Ex = π −1 (x) is a
Hilbert space and
addition, scalar multiplication and norm are continuous;
if (ui ) is a net in E such that kui k → 0 and π(ui ) → x, then ui → 0x .
Let G be a topological groupoid with G (0) = X . A G -Hilbert bundle
is a Hilbert bundle π : E → X endowed with a continuous, linear and
isometric action of G .
Linear and isometric means that for all γ ∈ G , L(γ) : Es(γ) → Er (γ) is a
linear isometry. An important example is the regular G -Hilbert bundle
L2 (G , λ) where (G , λ) is a locally compact groupoid with Haar system.
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
8 / 22
Conditionally negative type functions
G -Hilbert bundles
We use Fell’s definition of a Banach bundle.
A bundle consists of topological spaces E and X and a continuous,
open and surjective map π : E → X .
A bundle π : E → X is a Hilbert bundle if each fiber Ex = π −1 (x) is a
Hilbert space and
addition, scalar multiplication and norm are continuous;
if (ui ) is a net in E such that kui k → 0 and π(ui ) → x, then ui → 0x .
Let G be a topological groupoid with G (0) = X . A G -Hilbert bundle
is a Hilbert bundle π : E → X endowed with a continuous, linear and
isometric action of G .
Linear and isometric means that for all γ ∈ G , L(γ) : Es(γ) → Er (γ) is a
linear isometry. An important example is the regular G -Hilbert bundle
L2 (G , λ) where (G , λ) is a locally compact groupoid with Haar system.
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
8 / 22
Conditionally negative type functions
G -Hilbert bundles
We use Fell’s definition of a Banach bundle.
A bundle consists of topological spaces E and X and a continuous,
open and surjective map π : E → X .
A bundle π : E → X is a Hilbert bundle if each fiber Ex = π −1 (x) is a
Hilbert space and
addition, scalar multiplication and norm are continuous;
if (ui ) is a net in E such that kui k → 0 and π(ui ) → x, then ui → 0x .
Let G be a topological groupoid with G (0) = X . A G -Hilbert bundle
is a Hilbert bundle π : E → X endowed with a continuous, linear and
isometric action of G .
Linear and isometric means that for all γ ∈ G , L(γ) : Es(γ) → Er (γ) is a
linear isometry. An important example is the regular G -Hilbert bundle
L2 (G , λ) where (G , λ) is a locally compact groupoid with Haar system.
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
8 / 22
Conditionally negative type functions
Positive type functions
The well-known relation between positive type functions and G -Hilbert
spaces for groups still holds for groupoids.
Let G be a groupoid. A function ϕ : G → C is said PT (of positive type)
if ∀n ∈ N∗ , ∀ζ1 , . . . , ζn ∈ C, ∀x ∈ G (0) and ∀γ1 , . . . , γn ∈ G x ,
ϕ(γi−1 γj )ζ i ζj ≥ 0.
We are interested here in topological groupoids and in continuous PT
functions. If e : X → E is a continuous section of a G -Hilbert bundle,
then the coefficient ϕ = (e, e) defined by
ϕ(γ) = (e ◦ r (γ)|L(γ)e ◦ s(γ))
is a continuous PT function.
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
9 / 22
Conditionally negative type functions
Positive type functions
The well-known relation between positive type functions and G -Hilbert
spaces for groups still holds for groupoids.
Let G be a groupoid. A function ϕ : G → C is said PT (of positive type)
if ∀n ∈ N∗ , ∀ζ1 , . . . , ζn ∈ C, ∀x ∈ G (0) and ∀γ1 , . . . , γn ∈ G x ,
ϕ(γi−1 γj )ζ i ζj ≥ 0.
We are interested here in topological groupoids and in continuous PT
functions. If e : X → E is a continuous section of a G -Hilbert bundle,
then the coefficient ϕ = (e, e) defined by
ϕ(γ) = (e ◦ r (γ)|L(γ)e ◦ s(γ))
is a continuous PT function.
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
9 / 22
Conditionally negative type functions
Positive type functions
The well-known relation between positive type functions and G -Hilbert
spaces for groups still holds for groupoids.
Let G be a groupoid. A function ϕ : G → C is said PT (of positive type)
if ∀n ∈ N∗ , ∀ζ1 , . . . , ζn ∈ C, ∀x ∈ G (0) and ∀γ1 , . . . , γn ∈ G x ,
ϕ(γi−1 γj )ζ i ζj ≥ 0.
We are interested here in topological groupoids and in continuous PT
functions. If e : X → E is a continuous section of a G -Hilbert bundle,
then the coefficient ϕ = (e, e) defined by
ϕ(γ) = (e ◦ r (γ)|L(γ)e ◦ s(γ))
is a continuous PT function.
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
9 / 22
Conditionally negative type functions
GNS representation 1
The converse holds. More precisely:
Theorem (J.-L. Tu, 1999)
Let (G , λ) be a locally compact groupoid with Haar system. Let
ϕ : G → C be a continuous function of positive type. Then
1 There exists a pair (E , e) consisting of a continuous G -Hilbert bundle
E and a continuous section e such that
for all γ ∈ G , ϕ(γ) = (e ◦ r (γ)|L(γ)e ◦ s(γ));
for all x ∈ G (0) , {L(γ)e ◦ s(γ), γ ∈ G x } is total in Ex .
If (E 0 , e 0 ) is another pair satisfying the same properties, there exists a
G -equivariant isometric continuous bundle map u : E → E 0 such that
e 0 = u ◦ e.
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
10 / 22
Conditionally negative type functions
GNS representation 1
The converse holds. More precisely:
Theorem (J.-L. Tu, 1999)
Let (G , λ) be a locally compact groupoid with Haar system. Let
ϕ : G → C be a continuous function of positive type. Then
1 There exists a pair (E , e) consisting of a continuous G -Hilbert bundle
E and a continuous section e such that
for all γ ∈ G , ϕ(γ) = (e ◦ r (γ)|L(γ)e ◦ s(γ));
for all x ∈ G (0) , {L(γ)e ◦ s(γ), γ ∈ G x } is total in Ex .
If (E 0 , e 0 ) is another pair satisfying the same properties, there exists a
G -equivariant isometric continuous bundle map u : E → E 0 such that
e 0 = u ◦ e.
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
10 / 22
Conditionally negative type functions
G -affine Hilbert bundles
An affine Hilbert bundle is a bundle π : E → X endowed with a
~ → E of a Hilbert bundle π : E
~ → X which is
continuous action E ∗ E
fiberwise free and transitive.
Let G be a topological groupoid with G (0) = X . A G -affine Hilbert
bundle is an affine Hilbert bundle π : E → X endowed with a
continuous, affine and isometric action of G .
Affine and isometric means that for all γ ∈ G , a(γ) : Es(γ) → Er (γ) is an
affine isometry. Thus, we have
a(γ)(e + ~u ) = a(γ)e + L(γ)~u .
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
11 / 22
Conditionally negative type functions
G -affine Hilbert bundles
An affine Hilbert bundle is a bundle π : E → X endowed with a
~ → E of a Hilbert bundle π : E
~ → X which is
continuous action E ∗ E
fiberwise free and transitive.
Let G be a topological groupoid with G (0) = X . A G -affine Hilbert
bundle is an affine Hilbert bundle π : E → X endowed with a
continuous, affine and isometric action of G .
Affine and isometric means that for all γ ∈ G , a(γ) : Es(γ) → Er (γ) is an
affine isometry. Thus, we have
a(γ)(e + ~u ) = a(γ)e + L(γ)~u .
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
11 / 22
Conditionally negative type functions
Cocycles and affine bundles
The relation between cocycles and affine bundles is well-known: let E be a
G -affine Hilbert bundle. A continuous section e : X → E identifies E with
~ (as topological spaces) and defines a continuous section c : G → r ∗ E
(where r E is the pull-back along r : G → X ) according to:
c(γ) = a(γ)e ◦ s(γ) − e ◦ r (γ).
c satisfies the cocycle property:
c(γγ 0 ) = c(γ) + L(γ)c(γ 0 ).
Another choice of section gives a cohomologous cocycle.
~ endow E = E
~ with a
Conversely, a continuous cocycle c : G → r ∗ E
G -affine action according to: a(γ)e = c(γ) + L(γ)e. The G affine Hilbert
bundle defined by c will be denoted by E (c).
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
12 / 22
Conditionally negative type functions
Cocycles and affine bundles
The relation between cocycles and affine bundles is well-known: let E be a
G -affine Hilbert bundle. A continuous section e : X → E identifies E with
~ (as topological spaces) and defines a continuous section c : G → r ∗ E
(where r E is the pull-back along r : G → X ) according to:
c(γ) = a(γ)e ◦ s(γ) − e ◦ r (γ).
c satisfies the cocycle property:
c(γγ 0 ) = c(γ) + L(γ)c(γ 0 ).
Another choice of section gives a cohomologous cocycle.
~ endow E = E
~ with a
Conversely, a continuous cocycle c : G → r ∗ E
G -affine action according to: a(γ)e = c(γ) + L(γ)e. The G affine Hilbert
bundle defined by c will be denoted by E (c).
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
12 / 22
Conditionally negative type functions
Cocycles and affine bundles
The relation between cocycles and affine bundles is well-known: let E be a
G -affine Hilbert bundle. A continuous section e : X → E identifies E with
~ (as topological spaces) and defines a continuous section c : G → r ∗ E
(where r E is the pull-back along r : G → X ) according to:
c(γ) = a(γ)e ◦ s(γ) − e ◦ r (γ).
c satisfies the cocycle property:
c(γγ 0 ) = c(γ) + L(γ)c(γ 0 ).
Another choice of section gives a cohomologous cocycle.
~ endow E = E
~ with a
Conversely, a continuous cocycle c : G → r ∗ E
G -affine action according to: a(γ)e = c(γ) + L(γ)e. The G affine Hilbert
bundle defined by c will be denoted by E (c).
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
12 / 22
Conditionally negative type functions
Conditionally negative type functions
The well-known relation between conditionally negative type functions and
G -affine real Hilbert spaces for groups still holds for groupoids.
Let G be a groupoid. A function ψ : G → R is said CNT (conditionally of
negative type) if
∀x ∈ G (0) , ψ(x) = 0,
∀γ ∈ G , ψ(γ −1 ) = ψ(γ),
∀n ∈ N∗ , ∀ζ1 , . . . , ζn ∈ R such that
∀x ∈ G (0) ,
∀γ1 , . . . , γn ∈ G x ,
1 ζi
= 0,
ψ(γi−1 γj )ζi ζj ≤ 0.
Again, we are interested in topological groupoids and in continuous CNT
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
13 / 22
Conditionally negative type functions
GNS representation 2
Just as for continuous PT functions, we have a universal construction for
continuous CNT functions.
Theorem (J.-L. Tu, 1999)
Let (G , λ) be a locally compact groupoid with Haar system. Let
ψ : G → R be a continuous function conditionally of negative type. Then
1 There exists a pair (E , c) consisting of a continuous G -Hilbert bundle
E and a continuous cocycle c : G → r ∗ E such that
for all γ ∈ G , ψ(γ) = kc(γ)k2 ;
for all x ∈ G (0) , {c(γ), γ ∈ G x } is total in Ex .
If (E 0 , c 0 ) is another pair satisfying the same properties, there exists a
G -equivariant isometric continuous bundle map u : E → E 0 such that
c 0 = u ◦ c.
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
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Conditionally negative type functions
GNS representation 2
Just as for continuous PT functions, we have a universal construction for
continuous CNT functions.
Theorem (J.-L. Tu, 1999)
Let (G , λ) be a locally compact groupoid with Haar system. Let
ψ : G → R be a continuous function conditionally of negative type. Then
1 There exists a pair (E , c) consisting of a continuous G -Hilbert bundle
E and a continuous cocycle c : G → r ∗ E such that
for all γ ∈ G , ψ(γ) = kc(γ)k2 ;
for all x ∈ G (0) , {c(γ), γ ∈ G x } is total in Ex .
If (E 0 , c 0 ) is another pair satisfying the same properties, there exists a
G -equivariant isometric continuous bundle map u : E → E 0 such that
c 0 = u ◦ c.
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
14 / 22
Conditionally negative type functions
Bounded cocycles are coboundaries
The following theorem extends the groupoid version of the
Gottschalk-Hedlund’s theorem given in the introduction. It is inspired a
preprint of D. Coronel, A. Navas, M. Ponce [Bounded orbits versus
invariant sections for cocycles of affine isometries over a minimal
dynamics, Math arXiv :1101.3523v2, (2011)] which considers the case of
a semi-group action and a constant Hilbert bundle.
Theorem (R, 2011)
Let G be a minimal topological groupoid on a compact space X . Let
c : G → r ∗ E be a continuous cocycle, where E is a G -Hilbert bundle and
let E (c) be the associated G -affine bundle. Then the following conditions
are equivalent:
c is a continuous coboundary;
E (c) admits an equivariant continuous section;
E (c) admits a bounded orbit;
kck is bounded.
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
15 / 22
Conditionally negative type functions
Bounded cocycles are coboundaries
The following theorem extends the groupoid version of the
Gottschalk-Hedlund’s theorem given in the introduction. It is inspired a
preprint of D. Coronel, A. Navas, M. Ponce [Bounded orbits versus
invariant sections for cocycles of affine isometries over a minimal
dynamics, Math arXiv :1101.3523v2, (2011)] which considers the case of
a semi-group action and a constant Hilbert bundle.
Theorem (R, 2011)
Let G be a minimal topological groupoid on a compact space X . Let
c : G → r ∗ E be a continuous cocycle, where E is a G -Hilbert bundle and
let E (c) be the associated G -affine bundle. Then the following conditions
are equivalent:
c is a continuous coboundary;
E (c) admits an equivariant continuous section;
E (c) admits a bounded orbit;
kck is bounded.
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
15 / 22
Cocycles and derivations
Construction of the C*-bimodule
Let (G , λ) be a locally compact groupoid with Haar system. We construct
from a G -Hilbert bundle E a C ∗ (G )-bimodule C ∗ (G , r ∗ E ). Let Cc (G , r ∗ E )
be the space of compactly supported continuous sections of r ∗ E . We
define the left and right actions: for f , g ∈ Cc (G ) and ξ ∈ Cc (G , r ∗ E ),
f ξ(γ) = f (γ 0 )L(γ 0 )ξ(γ 0 γ)dλr (γ) (γ 0 )
ξg (γ) =
ξ(γγ 0 )g (γ 0
)dλs(γ) (γ 0 )
and the left and right inner products: for ξ, η ∈ Cc (G ),
(ξ(γ 0 )|L(γ)η(γ −1 γ 0 ))r (γ) dλr (γ) (γ 0 )
l < ξ, η > (γ) =
< ξ, η >r (γ) =
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
(ξ(γ 0
)|η(γ 0
γ))s(γ 0 ) dλr (γ) (γ 0 )
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
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Cocycles and derivations
Construction of the C*-bimodule
Let (G , λ) be a locally compact groupoid with Haar system. We construct
from a G -Hilbert bundle E a C ∗ (G )-bimodule C ∗ (G , r ∗ E ). Let Cc (G , r ∗ E )
be the space of compactly supported continuous sections of r ∗ E . We
define the left and right actions: for f , g ∈ Cc (G ) and ξ ∈ Cc (G , r ∗ E ),
f ξ(γ) = f (γ 0 )L(γ 0 )ξ(γ 0 γ)dλr (γ) (γ 0 )
ξg (γ) =
ξ(γγ 0 )g (γ 0
)dλs(γ) (γ 0 )
and the left and right inner products: for ξ, η ∈ Cc (G ),
(ξ(γ 0 )|L(γ)η(γ −1 γ 0 ))r (γ) dλr (γ) (γ 0 )
l < ξ, η > (γ) =
< ξ, η >r (γ) =
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
(ξ(γ 0
)|η(γ 0
γ))s(γ 0 ) dλr (γ) (γ 0 )
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November 2, 2011
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Cocycles and derivations
Construction of the derivation
We define C ∗ (G , r ∗ E ) as the completion of Cc (G , r ∗ E ) for the norm
kξk = k < ξ, ξ >r k1/2 .
C ∗ (G , r ∗ E ) is a (C ∗ (G ), C ∗ (G ))-bimodule and the inner products have a
continuous extension.
Let c : G → r ∗ E be a continuous cocycle. Define δ : Cc (G ) → Cc (G , r ∗ E )
δ(f )(γ) = ic(γ)f (γ).
δ is a derivation: δ(f ∗ g ) = δ(f )g + f δ(g );
< δ(f ), δ(g ) >r =
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
< δ(f ∗ ), δ(g ∗ ) >.
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November 2, 2011
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Cocycles and derivations
Construction of the derivation
We define C ∗ (G , r ∗ E ) as the completion of Cc (G , r ∗ E ) for the norm
kξk = k < ξ, ξ >r k1/2 .
C ∗ (G , r ∗ E ) is a (C ∗ (G ), C ∗ (G ))-bimodule and the inner products have a
continuous extension.
Let c : G → r ∗ E be a continuous cocycle. Define δ : Cc (G ) → Cc (G , r ∗ E )
δ(f )(γ) = ic(γ)f (γ).
δ is a derivation: δ(f ∗ g ) = δ(f )g + f δ(g );
< δ(f ), δ(g ) >r =
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
< δ(f ∗ ), δ(g ∗ ) >.
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November 2, 2011
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Cocycles and derivations
Some questions
What can be said about this derivation in the C*-algebraic framework?
In the scalar case, i.e. E = X × C and c : G → R, the bimodule is C ∗ (G ).
We have seen that the derivation δ defined by c is a pregenerator of a
one-parameter automorphism group (αt )t∈R of C ∗ (G ). In particular, it is
In the Hilbert bundle case, we can relate the derivation δ to a
one-parameter semi-group of contractions of C ∗ (G ) as a particular case of
Sauvageot’s construction.
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
18 / 22
Cocycles and derivations
Some questions
What can be said about this derivation in the C*-algebraic framework?
In the scalar case, i.e. E = X × C and c : G → R, the bimodule is C ∗ (G ).
We have seen that the derivation δ defined by c is a pregenerator of a
one-parameter automorphism group (αt )t∈R of C ∗ (G ). In particular, it is
In the Hilbert bundle case, we can relate the derivation δ to a
one-parameter semi-group of contractions of C ∗ (G ) as a particular case of
Sauvageot’s construction.
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
18 / 22
Cocycles and derivations
Some questions
What can be said about this derivation in the C*-algebraic framework?
In the scalar case, i.e. E = X × C and c : G → R, the bimodule is C ∗ (G ).
We have seen that the derivation δ defined by c is a pregenerator of a
one-parameter automorphism group (αt )t∈R of C ∗ (G ). In particular, it is
In the Hilbert bundle case, we can relate the derivation δ to a
one-parameter semi-group of contractions of C ∗ (G ) as a particular case of
Sauvageot’s construction.
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
18 / 22
Sauvageot’s construction
Non-commutative Dirichlet forms
In the theory of non-commutative Dirichlet forms, one finds the following
construction (J.-L. Sauvageot, 1989).
Let (Tt )t≥0 be a strongly continuous semi-group of completely positive
contractions of a C*-algebra A. We denote by −∆ its generator (it is a
dissipation). We assume that A is a dense sub ∗-algebra in its domain.
The associated Dirichlet form is the sesquilinear map L : A × A → A
defined by
L(α, β) = [α∗ ∆(β) + ∆(α∗ )β − ∆(α∗ β)].
One can prove that L is completely positive in the sense that
∀n ∈ N, ∀α1 , . . . , αn ∈ A, [L(αi , αj )] ∈ Mn (A)+ .
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
19 / 22
Sauvageot’s construction
Non-commutative Dirichlet forms
In the theory of non-commutative Dirichlet forms, one finds the following
construction (J.-L. Sauvageot, 1989).
Let (Tt )t≥0 be a strongly continuous semi-group of completely positive
contractions of a C*-algebra A. We denote by −∆ its generator (it is a
dissipation). We assume that A is a dense sub ∗-algebra in its domain.
The associated Dirichlet form is the sesquilinear map L : A × A → A
defined by
L(α, β) = [α∗ ∆(β) + ∆(α∗ )β − ∆(α∗ β)].
One can prove that L is completely positive in the sense that
∀n ∈ N, ∀α1 , . . . , αn ∈ A, [L(αi , αj )] ∈ Mn (A)+ .
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
19 / 22
Sauvageot’s construction
Non-commutative Dirichlet forms
In the theory of non-commutative Dirichlet forms, one finds the following
construction (J.-L. Sauvageot, 1989).
Let (Tt )t≥0 be a strongly continuous semi-group of completely positive
contractions of a C*-algebra A. We denote by −∆ its generator (it is a
dissipation). We assume that A is a dense sub ∗-algebra in its domain.
The associated Dirichlet form is the sesquilinear map L : A × A → A
defined by
L(α, β) = [α∗ ∆(β) + ∆(α∗ )β − ∆(α∗ β)].
One can prove that L is completely positive in the sense that
∀n ∈ N, ∀α1 , . . . , αn ∈ A, [L(αi , αj )] ∈ Mn (A)+ .
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
19 / 22
Sauvageot’s construction
Non-commutative Dirichlet forms
In the theory of non-commutative Dirichlet forms, one finds the following
construction (J.-L. Sauvageot, 1989).
Let (Tt )t≥0 be a strongly continuous semi-group of completely positive
contractions of a C*-algebra A. We denote by −∆ its generator (it is a
dissipation). We assume that A is a dense sub ∗-algebra in its domain.
The associated Dirichlet form is the sesquilinear map L : A × A → A
defined by
L(α, β) = [α∗ ∆(β) + ∆(α∗ )β − ∆(α∗ β)].
One can prove that L is completely positive in the sense that
∀n ∈ N, ∀α1 , . . . , αn ∈ A, [L(αi , αj )] ∈ Mn (A)+ .
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
19 / 22
Sauvageot’s construction
GNS construction 3
The positivity of the non-commutative Dirichlet form gives the following
GNS representation.
Theorem (J.-L. Sauvageot, 1989)
Let (Tt )t≥0 be a semi-group of CP contractions of a C*-algebra A as
above and let L be its associated Dirichlet form. Then
1 There exists an (A, A)-C*-bimodule E and a derivation δ : A → E
such that
for all α, β ∈ A, L(α, β) =< δ(α), δ(β) >A ;
the range of δ generates E as a right Banach A-module.
If (E 0 , δ 0 ) is another pair satisfying the same properties, there exists a
C*-bimodule isomorphism u : E → E 0 such that δ 0 = u ◦ δ.
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
20 / 22
Sauvageot’s construction
GNS construction 3
The positivity of the non-commutative Dirichlet form gives the following
GNS representation.
Theorem (J.-L. Sauvageot, 1989)
Let (Tt )t≥0 be a semi-group of CP contractions of a C*-algebra A as
above and let L be its associated Dirichlet form. Then
1 There exists an (A, A)-C*-bimodule E and a derivation δ : A → E
such that
for all α, β ∈ A, L(α, β) =< δ(α), δ(β) >A ;
the range of δ generates E as a right Banach A-module.
If (E 0 , δ 0 ) is another pair satisfying the same properties, there exists a
C*-bimodule isomorphism u : E → E 0 such that δ 0 = u ◦ δ.
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
20 / 22
Sauvageot’s construction
CNT functions and Sauvageot’s construction
Let (G , λ) be a locally compact groupoid with Haar system.
Given a continuous CNT function ψ : G → R
Pointwise multiplication by e −tψ , where t ≥ 0 defines a completely
positive contraction Tt : C ∗ (G ) → C ∗ (G ) and (Tt )t≥0 is a strongly
continuous semi-group of completely positive contractions of C ∗ (G ).
Its generator is −∆ with the dense sub-∗algebra A = Cc (G ) as
essential domain and with ∆f = ψf .
Up to isomorphism, the Sauvageot pair (E, δ) associated with ∆ is
(C ∗ (G , r ∗ E ), δc ), where (E , c) is the representation of ψ described in GNS
representation 2.
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
21 / 22
Sauvageot’s construction
CNT functions and Sauvageot’s construction
Let (G , λ) be a locally compact groupoid with Haar system.
Given a continuous CNT function ψ : G → R
Pointwise multiplication by e −tψ , where t ≥ 0 defines a completely
positive contraction Tt : C ∗ (G ) → C ∗ (G ) and (Tt )t≥0 is a strongly
continuous semi-group of completely positive contractions of C ∗ (G ).
Its generator is −∆ with the dense sub-∗algebra A = Cc (G ) as
essential domain and with ∆f = ψf .
Up to isomorphism, the Sauvageot pair (E, δ) associated with ∆ is
(C ∗ (G , r ∗ E ), δc ), where (E , c) is the representation of ψ described in GNS
representation 2.
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
21 / 22
Sauvageot’s construction
CNT functions and Sauvageot’s construction
Let (G , λ) be a locally compact groupoid with Haar system.
Given a continuous CNT function ψ : G → R
Pointwise multiplication by e −tψ , where t ≥ 0 defines a completely
positive contraction Tt : C ∗ (G ) → C ∗ (G ) and (Tt )t≥0 is a strongly
continuous semi-group of completely positive contractions of C ∗ (G ).
Its generator is −∆ with the dense sub-∗algebra A = Cc (G ) as
essential domain and with ∆f = ψf .
Up to isomorphism, the Sauvageot pair (E, δ) associated with ∆ is
(C ∗ (G , r ∗ E ), δc ), where (E , c) is the representation of ψ described in GNS
representation 2.
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
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Sauvageot’s construction
One can apply Sauvageot and Cipriani-Sauvageot results to conclude that
the derivation δc associated with a cocycle c : G → r ∗ E is closable. It
would be desirable to have a direct proof. Just as in the scalar case, δc is
bounded iff c is bounded and it is inner if c is a continuous boundary.
Remark. The theory of unbounded derivations with values in
(M, M)-Hilbert modules, where M is a von Neumann algebra (usually
equipped with a finite trace is well developed. This is not the case for
unbounded derivations with values in (A, A)-C*-modules. The above
groupoid example may be useful to develop this theory. In our example,
there are both a left and a right A-valued inner products and we have the
L(α, β) =< δ(α), δ(β) >A = A < δ(α∗ ), δ(β ∗ ) >
which seems to express that δ is a ∗-derivation.
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
22 / 22
Sauvageot’s construction
One can apply Sauvageot and Cipriani-Sauvageot results to conclude that
the derivation δc associated with a cocycle c : G → r ∗ E is closable. It
would be desirable to have a direct proof. Just as in the scalar case, δc is
bounded iff c is bounded and it is inner if c is a continuous boundary.
Remark. The theory of unbounded derivations with values in
(M, M)-Hilbert modules, where M is a von Neumann algebra (usually
equipped with a finite trace is well developed. This is not the case for
unbounded derivations with values in (A, A)-C*-modules. The above
groupoid example may be useful to develop this theory. In our example,
there are both a left and a right A-valued inner products and we have the
L(α, β) =< δ(α), δ(β) >A = A < δ(α∗ ), δ(β ∗ ) >
which seems to express that δ is a ∗-derivation.
J. Renault (Université d’Orléans)
Cocycles and derivations — Settat 11
November 2, 2011
22 / 22