Complex Litigation - Fall 2016 Professor Razvan Ungureanu Phone: 713-221-2370 Email: 1. Course Description Welcome to Complex Litigation! This advanced civil procedure course covers the major procedural issues that arise in complex civil litigation. We will focus primarily on multi-party, multi-jurisdictional disputes, with particular emphasis on topics such as class actions, multidistrict litigation (MDL) practice, and other methods of aggregating claims. We will consider the strategic choices available to lawyers handling complex cases, economic and practical problems of settlement, the role of judges in supervising and managing aggregate litigation, and modifications to the traditional rules of procedure intended for single-party, single-claim disputes. Those students interested in pursuing federal clerkships or careers in litigation may find this course particularly beneficial. 2. Class Schedule This class will meet Monday and Wednesday evenings from 7:30 to 9:00. attendance is required. Class 3. Course Materials The casebook for this course is Marcus, Sherman, and Erichson’s Complex Litigation: Cases and Materials on Advanced Civil Procedure (6th edition). 4. Reading Assignments The tentative reading assignments are listed below. You are also responsible for reading the text of any rule or statute referenced in the assigned casebook reading. Class 1 Reading 1-24 2 24-33 3 33-52 4 57-68 5 68-85 6 100-116 Topics The Nature of Complex Litigation Permissive Party Joinder Mosleyv.GeneralMotorsCompany Permissive Party Joinder InreStand’nSealProductsLiabilityLitigation Stanfordv.TennesseeValleyAuthority Permissive Party Joinder Hallv.E.I.DuPontDeNemours&Co. Compulsory Party Joinder Eldredgev.Carpenters46 TheRule19(b)Determination Intervention AnimalProtectionInstitutev.Merriam Consequences of Failure to Join Martinv.Wilks Consolidation Katzv.RealtyEquitiesCorp.ofNY C:\Users\rungureanu\Desktop\complex lit syllabus fall 2016.doc 7 128-146 8 147-158 9 158-171 10 181-197 11 199-214 12 214-236 13 236-256 14 256-266 15 266-285 16 285-299 17 299-316 18 326-348 Transfer to a More Convenient Forum GinseyIndustriesv.I.T.K.Plastics Multidistrict Litigation – The Role of the Panel HeyburnII,AViewfromthePanel:PartoftheSolution Multidistrict Litigation – The Decision to Transfer InreShoulderPainPump InreAviationProductsLiabilityLitigation Multidistrict Litigation – Powers of the Transferee Court Weigel,TheJudicialPanelonMultidistrictLitigation, TransferorCourtsandTransfereeCourts InreFactorVIIIorIXConcentrateBloodProducts Litigation Multidistrict Litigation – Resolving Complex Litigation through MDL Sherman,TheMDLModelforResolvingComplex LitigationifaClassActionIsNotPossible InreVioxxProductsLiabilityLitigation Dual State-Federal Proceedings – Stay of Federal Suit in Interests of Wise Judicial Administration Life‐LinkInternationalv.Lalla Dual State-Federal Proceedings – Federal Court Injunction against Prosecution of State Proceedings StandardMicrosystemsCorp.v.TexasInstruments,Inc. Class Actions – The Nature of Class Action Practice Hansberryv.Lee,Klinev.Coldwell,Banker&Co. Class Definition Simmerv.Rios Overview of the Rule 23(a) Requirements Oplchenskiv.ParfumsGivenchy,Inc. The Rule23(a)(2) Commonality Requirement Wal‐MartStores,Inc.v.Dukes Adequacy of Representation Pielv.NationalSemiconductorCorp. Rodriguezv.WestPublishingCorp. Limited Fund Class Actions Ortizv.FibreboardCorp. Injunctive/Declaratory Relief Class Actions Parsonsv.Ryan Wal‐MartStores,Inc.v.Dukes Common Question Class Actions Amgen,Inc.v.ConnecticutRetirementPlansandTrust Funds Mass Tort Class Actions 19 348-362, 383-398 20 362-383 21 400-412 22 412-427 23 427-443, 454-460 24 607-636 25 652-657, 721-732 26 736-753 27 753-777 28 777-785, 803-821 29 821-841 Castanov.TheAmericanTobaccoCo. Issue Classes InreNassauCountyStripSearchCases Litigating Class Certification InreHydrogenPeroxideAntitrustLitigation Certification Solely for Settlement AmchemProducts,Inc.v.Windsor Overlapping Class Actions InreDietDrugs Subject Matter Jurisdiction and CAFA Evansv.WalterIndustries,Inc. Personal Jurisdiction and Choice of Law PhillipsPetroleumCo.v.Shutts Notice, Opt-Out, and Communications with Class Members Class Action Settlements Parkerv.Anderson InrePrudentialInsuranceCo.SalesPracticesLitigation The Role of Objectors InreUnitedHealthGroupInc.PSLRALitigation Preclusive Effect of Judgments in Complex Litigation – Persons Bound by Judgment Taylorv.Sturgell The Effect of Class Action Judgments Matsushitav.Epstein The Effect of Class Action Judgments Stephensonv.DowChemicalCo. Cooperv.FederalReserveBankofRichmond Issue Preclusion in Complex Litigation FriendsforAllChildrenv.LockheedAircraft Arbitrating Complex Cases Arbitration Clause Prohibitions on Class Treatment AT&TMobilityLLCv.Concepcion 5. Grading Your final grade will be determined principally by your performance on the final exam. I may also take the quality of your participation in the course and your attendance into account when assigning your final grade. I anticipate, but do not promise, that your final exam will have ten to fifteen short answer essay questions over a three-hour period. 6. Office Hours I want to be fully accessible to you. I will generally be available both before and after class to answer questions. You can also call my office or email me at any time. I will also give you my cell phone number as the final exam approaches.