T Ha rr is hi ec. Field R ec.RField 11 11 l li p Hammer Throw R ec. Field 12 R ec. Field 12 M s R Lot 14 d. 44 West Deck 18 77 64 Lot 7 18 Under Construction Cra ve Lot 15 543 rR d. 38 504 4b 10 Bl vd 19 Br oa dr ick 502 Lot LotMSU MSU 29 V Lot 8A 8A Lot Lot 8 Macy Kulwicki Laboratory McEniry Macy Memorial McEniry Hall Motorsports Memorial HallResearch PORTAL Motorsports Research Robinson PORTAL Hall Rowe Robinson Hall Smith Rowe Storrs Smith Winningham Storrs Woodward Hall Winningham Woodward Hall R ec. Field 16 Bl vd . R ec. Field 15 Lot 6 NRFC Lot 6A Special Permit Only an e pl ar L Van Land Rd. M Lot 4 Lo t2 Mar ingham Lot 4A East Deck 3 15 y Ale . x ander Rd Main Entrance Administration 48 Cato Hall - Admissions 01 Kennedy 11 King - Registrar 36 Reese - Student Accounts Dining Services 31 Cafeteria Activities Bld. 34 Prospector 29 Residence Dining Hall 69 UnionCrossing 82 Student South Village 82 South Village 69 Student UnionDining Places of Interest 13 Belk Tower 54 Bissel House - Chancellor’s Residence 71 Foundation 77 Halton Wagner Complex 64 Harris Alumni Center 44 Irwin Belk Track & Field 15 Niner House 14 Receiving/Stores 79 Richardson Stadium 78 Rose Football Center Susie Hardwood Garden Van Landingham Glen 43 Wells Fargo Fieldhouse Campus Housing 562 535 543 560 538 536 504 563 546 542 564 561 501 540 541 502 503 Belk Hall Ceder Hall Elm Hall Greek Village Hawthorn Hall Hickory Hall Holshouser Hall Hunt Hall Lynch Hall Maple Hall Martin Hall Miltimore Hall Moore Hall Oak Hall Pine Hall Sanford Hall Scott Hall 537 Sycamore Hall 545 Wallis Hall 544 Witherspoon Hall V Parking Areas Resident, Commuter & F/S - Lot 6 - Lot 25 - Lot 27 - Lot 101 - North Deck - S. Village Deck Faculty & Staff - Lot 11 & 11A - Lot 15 - Lot 29 & 29A - CRI 3 - Cone Deck 1 & 2 - East Deck 1 - Union Deck Resident & F/S - Lot 8A - Lot 8 - Lot 12 - Lot 13 - Lot 16* - Lot 20 - Lot 21 - Lot MSU *Note: *Note:No NoF/S F/Sininthis thislot lot except exceptininmarket markedspaces spaces irk nK Joh Lot 5A Visitor Parking Areas Cone Deck 1 CRI Deck 1 East Deck 1 Lot 4 Lot 28 Lot 30 South Village Deck Union Deck Services - Places of Interest General 39 Aux. Services Building 46 Barnhardt - Student Activity Center - Halton Arena 05 Cone University Center 4b Counseling Center 55a Facilities Management 23 Facilities Operations Parking Services 67 Hayes Stadium 37 McMillan Greenhouse 49 Miltimore-Wallis Center 55b Police 65 Student Health Center 2 10 Glen Lot 101 02 62 20 02 18 20 75 18 80 75 51 80 19 51 12 19 41 12 10 41 56 10 56 McC Darryl Ca m er on M . HWY 49) Academic Buildings all Cr. Lot 5 Van Landingham M 560 East Deck 2 8 University City Blvd. (N.C Atkins Barnard Belk Gym Bioinformatics Burson Cameron Hall College of Education Colvard Denny Duke Centennial Hall EPIC Fretwell Friday Garinger Grigg Hall Health & Human Services Kulwicki Laboratory High School K J 71 4a 16 17 68 38 42 52 32 08 57 72 45 35 09 58 63 62 85 M L M East Deck 1 V R ec. Field 14a R ec. Field 14a R ec. Field 14 T ennis Co urts To W T Harris Blvd. 45 M R ec. Field 14 Alu m ni Way N 41 51 O I 48 . South Village Deck Ca me ro el nB lvd ac Pl C hanc ’s lor 31 H 8 9 e 503 16 564 Susie Harwood Garden 37 Rd er 538 536 537 d an Greek Village 535 Parking Services Office 35 2 13 . 82 L 16 ot A M lex yA e 2 Lot 1 65 14 23 20 1 32 32 501 563 36 M 54 M 39 34 11 ac err lar T Pop Lot 13 M 4a 5 V Rd. Lo t 1 1 541 542 42 Co ne Dec Co k2 ne Dec k1 Univ ers ity 55b Lot 11A 11A Lot 540 46 r Ma Lot 21 69 12 7A M Lot 20 17 Lot Po 544 546 63 Updated 04/15/2014 ck De 55a V 49 rth No Lot 26 Lot 19 M ay . 562 t Lo 56 Alumni W Lot 27 . vd Bl 52 T rack & T rack & A thletic A thletic Field 1 Field 1 Blvd . on er m Ca nB lvd Lot 25 Lot W T en nis C ourt s Field 2 P To Phillips Field Softball Venture Venture Course HTC Course HTC Venture Course TC 545 43 Soccer Practice Cam ero 561 67 ec. Field R ec. R Field 13 13` Field 4 Lot 29 Martin Village Rd. V 78 t1 6 t1 6 M 72 Campus Map McColl-Richardson Field 79 29A Resident, Commuter, & F/S Resident & F/S Commuter & F/S Faculty & Staff Disability Accessible Lots Disability Accessible Parking Metered Parking Visitor Parking V CRI Deck 1 Lo 85 62 57 58 CRI 2 Lot Parking Services er Rd. D. Snyd Lo Robert CRI 3 75 Un De ion ck Co 68 80 Lot 2 3 Bonnie . Institute Cr JW d. Clay R ) WY 29 (U.S. H ighway orial H ne Mem Commuter & F/S - Lot 4A - Lot 5 & 5A - Lot 7 - Lot 7A - Lot 14 - Lot 18 & 19 - Lot 23 - Lot 26 - CRI 2 - East Deck 2 - East Deck 3 - Union Deck - West Deck - CRI Deck 1 Dr