Document 10883491

 Statement of the Police Foundation Regarding
Proposed Amendment to the Sportsman’s Bill (HR 2406)
February 25, 2016
The Police Foundation expresses its grave concerns with a proposed amendment to the
Sportsman’s Bill (HR 2406), by Congressman Morgan Griffith from Virginia, which will have a
chilling effect on enforcement of illegal gun possession and other gun crimes. We strongly oppose
the amendment’s provision that could make law enforcement agencies liable for investigative stops
and detentions of armed subjects.
Further, the proposed amendment will drastically undermine states’ concealed carry licensing
laws. States must be able to determine their own concealed carry statutes and regulations that fit
the values and enhance the safety of their communities and constituents.
At a time when many cities and counties have just witnessed 2015 come to an end with increased
homicides and non-fatal shootings, Congress should strengthen, not weaken enforcement of our
nation’s gun laws.
We call on Members of Congress to support law enforcement officers as they perform the most
dangerous job of confronting shooters and other armed criminals, and to uphold state and local
efforts to make communities safer.
We urge Members of Congress to oppose the proposed amendment.
A d van cing P o licing Thro ug h Inno vatio n & Science
1 2 0 1 C o n n e c tic u t A v e , N W , S u ite 2 0 0 , W a sh in g to n , D C 2 0 0 3 6 | P h o n e : (2 0 2 ) 8 3 3 -1 4 6 0 |
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