Lean Aircraft Initiative Plenary Workshop Communications IPT October 16, 1996 Presented by: Deneen Silviano MIT LEAN AIRCRAFT INITIATIVE Communications IPT “Providing the common thread.” Tell the Lai Story Extend and Enhance LAI’s collaborative nature Facilitate and enable systemic change CommIPT101696-2 CommIPT101696-2 ©1996 ©1996 Massachusetts Massachusetts Institute Institute of of Technology Technology LEAN AIRCRAFT INITIATIVE Communications IPT Providing a common sense approach: ◗ ◗ ◗ Leadership Vision First-hand knowledge CommIPT101696-3 CommIPT101696-3 ©1996 ©1996 Massachusetts Massachusetts Institute Institute of of Technology Technology LEAN AIRCRAFT INITIATIVE Communications IPT Goal “Provide communications leadership to facilitate a shared vision of LAI and “lean” within the LAI community and among external constituencies.” Multi-faceted communications to: • improve information exchange,and extend and sustain the “lean” dialogue within the LAI community; Industry LAI Government Labor Communications IPT • create awareness and understanding of LAI and “lean” among external audiences. MIT CommIPT101696-4 CommIPT101696-4 ©1996 ©1996 Massachusetts Massachusetts Institute Institute of of Technology Technology LEAN AIRCRAFT INITIATIVE The Communications Challenge Answering the Why, Who, What, How, When: ◗ Why communicate? (Goals) ◗ Who needs the information? (Audiences) ◗ What is the information? (Messages) ◗ How do we package it? (Products) ◗ When do we deliver it? (Timelines) In other words -- developing a plan. CommIPT101696-5 CommIPT101696-5 ©1996 ©1996 Massachusetts Massachusetts Institute Institute of of Technology Technology LEAN AIRCRAFT INITIATIVE Communication Opportunities Including but not limited to: ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ Online discussions groups World Wide Web Intranet sites within member organizations Teleconferencing/ video-conferencing Speakers Bureau Media Relations LAI “Network News” Feature column in LEANAIR newsletter Video CommIPT101696-6 CommIPT101696-6 ©1996 ©1996 Massachusetts Massachusetts Institute Institute of of Technology Technology LEAN AIRCRAFT INITIATIVE Communications IPT: Next Steps ◗ Work with POC’s to identify likely recruits including in-house communications/telecommunications professionals ◗ Confirm “co-leads” from government and industry ◗ Host first Communications IPT meeting Dec. 96- Jan. 97 CommIPT101696-7 CommIPT101696-7 ©1996 ©1996 Massachusetts Massachusetts Institute Institute of of Technology Technology