Kristen Jana COURSE TITLE: Digital Archives GRADE LEVEL: UNIT


Kristen Jana

COURSE TITLE: Digital Archives

GRADE LEVEL: Fourth Grade

UNIT : World War I posters from the Elisabeth Ball Collection

ABSTRACT In this unit the students will be looking at a wide variety of World War I posters. The students will make a list of all of the things that the posters contain that would draw attention to them, including how the words used and the picture would help gain momentum for the war effort. The students will then take a position of either pro World War I or anti World War I. The students will write a letter to someone of their choice describing why they choose that position. The letters will be written from the perspective of someone alive during the war.


The students as a whole will look at a variety of different World War I posters. The students will work alone to come up with a list of things that make the posters eye catching and would help the war effort to gain momentum. The students will then take a position of either pro war or anti war, pretending like they are living back then. The students will write letters to someone of their choice describing why they are pro war or anti war. The letters must include at least 3 reasons for their choice and must be written in a professional manor.


The students will be given posters to view.

The students will work alone and come up with a list of things that make the posters eye catching, this list should include things like word choice, colors, and the picture.

The students will then take the choice of pro war or anti war pretending like they were living during World War I.

The students will write a letter to someone of their choice that gives at least 3 reasons why they are for or against the war. The letter should include why the students choose that side and should be persuasive in nature to try to persuade the person receiving the letter to think like they do.

The letters will be hung up in the local library on display.


The students will look at the posters and then create a list of things such as the color or the poster, word choice, and the picture in the poster that they believe make the poster eye catching and persuasive. The students will then take either a pro war or an anti war side and write a letter that contains at least 3 reasons why they are for or against the war.



4.2.7 Roles of

Citizens: Use a variety of information resources to take a position or recommend a course of action on a public issue relating to Indiana's past or present.


The students letter does not contain any reasons why they are for or against the war effort.



The students letter contains

1 reason why they are for or against the war effort.


3 student’s letter contains 2 reasons why they are for or against the war effort.


The student’s letter contain at least 3 reasons why they are for or against the war effort.

Kristen Jana

COURSE TITLE: Digital Archives

GRADE LEVEL: Fourth Grade

UNIT: World War I posters from the Elisabeth Ball Collection


The students will take the position of an Indiana factory owner, they may choose what their factory makes, that provided materials to the Allies during the war, the students will write a few paragraphs describing how they helped during the war effort and whether or not they are for the war or against the war, because it took the factory workers away from creating profit for the owner and instead focused on creating important items for the war effort.


The students will look at the different things that factories provided for the war effort, this could include metal, food, and other items. The students will take the role of being an

Indiana factory owner, of a factory of their choice. The students will write a paper that includes at least 3 paragraphs describing how they have helped with the war effort. One of these paragraphs need to include the students taking an either pro war stance or an anti war stance and give reasons why. These papers will be hung in the local library history section.


The students will look at the different roles that factories played in providing supplies during World War I, mainly focusing on Indiana.

The students will take the role of being an Indiana factory owner of a factory that produces something of their choice that would be helpful to the war effort.

The students will complete a paper with at least 3 paragraphs that details how their factory has helped in the war effort and the students will need to take a side of either for or against the war based on their factory helping with the war effort.


The students will be taught about how different factories helped out during the war effort by ceasing creating the products they normally create and creating items for the war, mainly focusing on Indiana factories. The students will assume the role of an Indiana factory owner whose factory has been asked to help out with the war effort. The students will need to provide at least a 3 paragraph paper that includes how the factory would help out, and what they would make. The students will also need to take a side of either pro war or anti war and provide reasons for their decision. Some of these reasons for being pro war could be, to ensure the United States wins the war, and it’s the patriotic thing to

do. Some of the anti reasons could be, the factory could not be making money, the factory could not be providing the people at home with essential items.





Roles of Citizens:

Use a variety of information resources to take a position or recommend a course of action on a public issue relating to

Indiana's past or present.


The students did not follow directions and the paper does not choose a side and does not include information about their factory.


Either the students paper only

SCORE includes 1 paragraph or they did not take a side of either pro war or anti war.


The students create a paper that is 2 paragraphs long and takes a side of either pro war or anti war.


The students create a paper with at least 3 paragraphs and include what their factory makes, and a side is taken for either pro war or anti war.

Growth and


1900 to 1950.

Describe the participation of

Indiana citizens in World War I and World War

