What I can do to get a better grade in... Language learning is like any skill, it requires regular practice...

What I can do to get a better grade in German class checklist.
Language learning is like any skill, it requires regular practice to gain mastery and achieve
___ When working on homework assignments, be sure to read and understand all of the
activities, donʼt just fill in the blanks.
___ Be sure to check your homework against the correct answers given in class the next day. If
you have a wrong answer and donʼt understand why, ask the teacher for better understanding.
___ Use as much German in and outside of the classroom as possible.
___ Study out loud, read homework assignments out loud to yourself review vocabulary and
grammar by speaking out loud.
___ Participate in class as much as possible.
___ Find a friend to study and practice with.
___ Work and study regularly on the on-line web sites suggested by the teacher and practice
until you receive 100%. If you practice only at 50%, you should only expect to earn 50% on
quizzes and tests.
___ Review and practice old vocabulary and grammar concepts regularly, if not daily.
___ Be sure to challenge yourself everyday in class by attempting to answer all of the questions
presented in class, not just waiting for someone else or the teacher to answer them.
___ Look up vocabulary words that you donʼt know in the book glossary or a dictionary.
___ Use iPod apps to help you study (flashcards/verb conjugations).
___ Study the sentence structures in the book or form your own sentences when writing.
___ When studying vocabulary, link or web words together (ie. spoon with eating, soup, ice
cream, etc.) adding in old vocabulary too.
___ Ask for help from the teacher before the test or quiz, not after you have not earned the
grade you wanted.
___ DONʼT CRAM!!! Learn the concepts and vocabulary that are presented right away so that
you can practice until you have it perfect. Cramming also only commits to short term memory,
successful language learning comes from concepts and vocabulary committed to long term
___ Teach what you have learned in class to someone else, like a parent, friend, or sibling. 