NATIONAL DEFENSE BUDGET ESTIMATES FOR FY 2011 OFFICE OF THE UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE (COMPTROLLER) MARCH 2010 Table of Contents Overview – National Defense Budget Estimates for FY 2011 ........................................................................................................................... 1 Chapter 1: National Defense – An Overview...................................................................................................................................................... 5 Table 1-1: National Defense Budget Summary ....................................................................................................................................... 6 Table 1-2: National Defense Budget – Long Range Forecast ................................................................................................................. 7 Table 1-3: National Defense BA (Current Dollars)................................................................................................................................. 8 Table 1-4: National Defense BA (FY 2011 Constant Dollars) ............................................................................................................... 9 Table 1-5: National Defense Outlays (Current Dollars) ........................................................................................................................ 10 Table 1-6: National Defense Outlays (FY 2011 Constant Dollars)....................................................................................................... 11 Table 1-7: Federal Unified Budget – BA by Function (On-Budget) ..................................................................................................... 12 Table 1-8: Federal Unified Budget – Outlays by Function (On-Budget) .............................................................................................. 13 Table 1-9: Function 050 National Defense BA ..................................................................................................................................... 14 Table 1-10: Function 050 National Defense Outlays .............................................................................................................................. 16 Chapter 2: Supplemental Funding .................................................................................................................................................................... 19 Table 2-1: Supplemental Funding by Service ....................................................................................................................................... 20 Chapter 3: Legislative Authorization ................................................................................................................................................................ 23 Table 3-1: FY 2011 Defense Budget Reconciliation of Authorization, Appropriation, BA, and TOA ................................................ 24 Table 3-2: Personnel Authorizations ..................................................................................................................................................... 33 Chapter 4: Chronology ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 35 Table 4-1: FY 2009 National Defense BA Chronology ........................................................................................................................ 36 Table 4-2: FY 2010 National Defense BA Chronology ........................................................................................................................ 38 Chapter 5: Treatment of Inflation ..................................................................................................................................................................... 39 Table 5-1: DoD and Selected Economy-Wide Indicies ......................................................................................................................... 41 Table 5-2: Pay and Inflation Rate Assumptions – Outlays ................................................................................................................... 43 Table 5-3: Pay and Inflation Rate Assumptions – BA .......................................................................................................................... 44 Table 5-4: DoD Deflators – TOA by Appropriation Title..................................................................................................................... 45 i Table of Contents (Continued) Table 5-5: Table 5-6: Table 5-7: Table 5-8: Table 5-9: Table 5-10: Table 5-11: Table 5-12: Table 5-13: DoD Deflators – TOA for Pay and Purchases ..................................................................................................................... 46 DoD Deflators – BA by Appropriation Title ....................................................................................................................... 47 DoD Deflators – BA for Pay and Purchases ........................................................................................................................ 48 DoD Deflators – Outlays by Appropriation Title ................................................................................................................ 49 DoD Deflators – Outlays for Pay and Purchases ................................................................................................................. 50 Long-Range Inflation – Defense .......................................................................................................................................... 51 Outlay Rates for Incremental Changes in Budget Authority Purchases .............................................................................. 53 Military and Civilian Pay Increases Since 1945 .................................................................................................................. 56 Civilian Pay Deflators by Category ..................................................................................................................................... 57 Chapter 6: TOA, BA, and Outlay Trends/Program Changes ........................................................................................................................ 59 Table 6-1: DoD TOA by Appropriation Title – FY 1948 to FY 2015 .................................................................................................. 61 Table 6-2: DoD TOA by Category – FY 1948 to FY 2015 ................................................................................................................... 67 Table 6-3: DoD TOA by Service – FY 1948 to FY 2015 ..................................................................................................................... 73 Table 6-4: DoD TOA by Program – FY 1962 to FY 2015 (Current Dollars) ....................................................................................... 79 Table 6-5: DoD TOA by Program – FY 1962 to FY 2015 (FY 2011 Constant Dollars) ...................................................................... 80 Table 6-6: DoD TOA, BA, and Outlays by Appropriation Account – FY 2008 to FY 2015 (Current Dollars) ................................... 81 Table 6-7: DoD TOA, BA, and Outlays by Appropriation Account – FY 2008 to FY 2015 (FY 2011 Constant Dollars).................. 95 Table 6-8: DoD BA by Appropriation Title – FY 1948 to FY 2015 ................................................................................................... 109 Table 6-9: DoD BA by Category – FY 1948 to FY 2015 ................................................................................................................... 115 Table 6-10: DoD BA by Service – FY 1948 to FY 2015 ...................................................................................................................... 121 Table 6-11: DoD Outlays by Appropriation Title – FY 1948 to FY 2015 ............................................................................................ 127 Table 6-12: DoD Outlays by Category – FY 1948 to FY 2015 ............................................................................................................ 133 Table 6-13: DoD Outlays by Service – FY 1948 to FY 2015 ............................................................................................................... 139 Table 6-14: DoD Civilian Pay – FY 1970 to FY 2015 (Current Dollars) ............................................................................................. 145 Table 6-15: DoD Civilian Pay – FY 1970 to FY 2015 (FY 2011 Constant Dollars) ............................................................................ 147 Table 6-16: Army TOA by Appropriation Title – FY 1948 to FY 2015............................................................................................... 149 ii Table of Contents (Continued) Table 6-17: Table 6-18: Table 6-19: Table 6-20: Table 6-21: Table 6-22: Table 6-23: Table 6-24: Navy TOA by Appropriation Title – FY 1948 to FY 2015 ............................................................................................... 155 Air Force TOA by Appropriation Title – FY 1948 to FY 2015......................................................................................... 161 Army BA by Appropriation Title – FY 1948 to FY 2015 ................................................................................................. 167 Navy BA by Appropriation Title – FY 1948 to FY 2015 .................................................................................................. 173 Air Force BA by Appropriation Title – FY 1948 to FY 2015 ........................................................................................... 179 Army Outlays by Appropriation Title – FY 1948 to FY 2015 .......................................................................................... 185 Navy Outlays by Appropriation Title – FY 1948 to FY 2015 ........................................................................................... 191 Air Force Outlays by Appropriation Title – FY 1948 to FY 2015 .................................................................................... 197 Chapter 7: Defense, the Public Sector, and the Economy ............................................................................................................................. 203 Table 7-1: Total Federal Outlays – FY 1945 to FY 2015 (Current Dollars) ....................................................................................... 204 Table 7-2: Total Federal Outlays – FY 1945 to FY 2015 (FY 2005 Constant Dollars) ...................................................................... 207 Table 7-3: U.S. Public Spending – Federal, State, Local, and GDP – FY 1945 to FY 2015 (Current Dollars) ................................. 210 Table 7-4: U.S. Public Spending – Federal, State, Local, and GDP – FY 1945 to FY 2015 (FY 2005 Constant Dollars) ................ 213 Table 7-5: DoD Manpower – FY 1940 to FY 2011 ............................................................................................................................ 216 Table 7-6: U.S. Employment and Labor Force – FY 1940 to FY 2011 .............................................................................................. 219 Table 7-7: Defense Shares of Economic and Budgetary Aggregates – FY 1940 to FY 2011 ............................................................ 222 Glossary of Terms ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 225 End Notes ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 229 iii This Page Intentionally Left Blank National Defense Budget Authority Overview - National Defense Budget Estimates for FY 2011 (Dollars in Billions) The National Defense Budget Estimates, commonly referred to as "The Green Book," is a convenient reference source for data associated with the current budget estimates of the Department of Defense (DoD). It also provides current and constant dollar historical data for the Department, as well as selected data on all National Defense, the total Federal Budget, and the U.S. economy. This edition reflects the FY 2011 President’s Budget as submitted to Congress in February 2010. 697.8 $800 722.1 31.5 738.7 61.7 189.8 $600 $400 666.3 660.4 FY 2009 FY 2010 548.9 $200 The FY 2011 Green Book may be used as a companion to the FY 2011 Budget Request Summary Justification Book. However, while the Justification Book speaks mainly to the Department's budgetary request in terms of discretionary budget authority, the Green Book deals with discretionary and mandatory dollars combined. The difference between discretionary and mandatory funding is discussed later, and can also be found in the Glossary of Terms on page 225. $0 FY 2011 (Includes enacted supplemental funding.) DoD Discretionary BA Mandatory and Additional National Defense BA incur legally binding obligations (signing contracts and placing orders), which will result in current year and future outlays. TOA, on the other hand, is a DoD financial term expressing the value of the direct Defense program for a fiscal year, exclusive of the obligation authority from other sources such as reimbursable orders accepted. This concept may become clearer as some differences between BA and TOA are listed below: Also to follow is a short tutorial for understanding the data presented in this document. There is an explanation of budget authority vs. total obligational authority, along with outlays. Next is a section on discretionary, mandatory, and emergency funding. Current vs. constant dollars, a mainstay of inflationary analysis, is then discussed, followed by an explanation of deflators. Finally there is a description of this book's calculation methodology and how rounding plays a role in the final product. • If BA expires before obligations are incurred, the TOA for that year is reduced by the expired amount, while there is no effect on BA. • If legislation (proposed or enacted) transfers the unobligated balance of one account to another, where the purpose of the balance has changed, scoring rules require that transfer to be reflected as a change in BA in the year in which the transfer occurred (reduction of BA in the losing account, increase of BA Budget Authority, Total Obligational Authority, and Outlays Green Book funding data are provided in three standard categories: budget authority (BA) (both discretionary and mandatory), total obligational authority (TOA), and outlays. While DoD analysts distinguish between BA and TOA, BA is what the general public recognizes as the amount of funding appropriated to the DoD by Congress (in most cases). It is authority given to the government to 1 in the gaining account). TOA is adjusted in the original program, regardless of when the transaction occurred. • Reappropriations (the extension of availability of previously appropriated funds) are scored as BA in the first year of extended availability. TOA is unchanged. • Rescissions (congressional action canceling new budget authority or unobligated balances) are reflected as a reduction to BA in the fiscal year in which the rescission is enacted. However, TOA reflects this adjustment in the program year of the rescinded funds (i.e., fiscal year funds were appropriated). If rescissions are proposed in the budget, they would be reflected in the TOA as if enacted. • Discretionary, Mandatory, and Emergency Programs Discretionary programs are funded annually through the congressional appropriations process. The scorekeeping guidelines in the Budget Enforcement Act (BEA) of 1990, as amended, established annual limits on the amount of BA and outlays available for these programs. Though the BEA expired in 2002, OMB and the Congressional Budget Office continue to apply many of the concepts and scorekeeping principles embodied within the Act, such as payas-you-go requirements. Mandatory programs, also known as “pay-as-you-go” or PAYGO programs, are direct spending programs and receipts defined as entitlement authority. This is BA authorized by permanent law, rather than annual appropriations acts. Social Security and Medicare are examples of mandatory programs. The Military Retirement and Medicare-Eligible Retiree Health Care Funds are examples of DoDspecific mandatory programs. Even though the BEA expired, the Administration has proposed that statutory PAYGO requirements be reinstituted in slightly modified form. Net offsetting receipts (collections from the public that arise out of business-type or market-oriented activities of the government, and are deposited in receipt accounts) are deducted from BA, but have no effect on TOA. The third category of data reflected in this book is outlays, also known as expenditures. Outlays are the liquidation of the government's obligations and generally represent cash payments. Outlays in a given fiscal year may represent the liquidation of obligations incurred over a number of years. There is a time lag between budgeting funds (congressional appropriation), signing contracts and placing orders (obligations), receiving goods or services and making payments (liquidation obligations). For acquisition and construction programs, the Department operates under a "full funding" policy by which Congress approves, in the year of the request, sufficient funds to complete a given quantity of items or build a facility, even though it may take a number of years to actually build and deliver these items. Thus, in extreme cases (such as the building of an aircraft carrier), final outlays may be recorded a decade after the BA for the program was originally granted. Emergency programs are programs that the President deems “emergency requirements” and are designated as such in law by Congress. Many supplemental appropriations are designated “emergency.” Supplemental appropriations provide additional budget authority for unanticipated activities or requirements too urgent to be delayed until the regular appropriation is enacted. Emergency programs are not bound by the overall caps on discretionary programs. Once these emergency appropriations are released, they are recorded as discretionary funding, and the BEA caps are adjusted accordingly. Programs specifically noted in the budget resolution, such as Overseas Contingency Operations, are treated like emergency programs for scoring purposes. 2 accounted for in the inflation figure. For example, if typewriters were regularly purchased in 1970, but by 1990 had become obsolete in favor of PCs, a chain-weighted index would account for this new purchasing pattern. The Department of Defense is unique in that it is one of the few federal entities where the majority of its funding falls into the discretionary category. The majority of the entire Federal Budget is mandatory, and much of the discretionary funding in the budget goes to DoD. The dollar amounts listed in this book are mainly comprised of discretionary, mandatory, and enacted supplemental funding rolled together. Deflators Deflators are the ratio of current prices to constant prices. They are a measure of broad price movements in the economy. The deflator in the base year always equals 100. For purposes of the Green Book, the base year is the budget year - FY 2011 in this edition. A deflator of 50 tells you that the current price is half the base year price, while a deflator of 200 means the current price is twice the base year price. Current Dollars and Constant Dollars The Green Book displays dollar amounts in both current dollars and constant dollars. If an item or service is priced in current dollars, the price includes all inflationary changes expected to occur in the program over the duration of the spendout of that program's appropriation. Deflator Definition and Usage Constant dollars measure the value of purchased goods and services at price levels that are the same as the base year level. Constant dollars do not contain any adjustments for inflation that have occurred outside the base year. Thus, by looking at dollar amounts across various years in the constant-dollar format, one will see the program change, often referred to as “real growth.” This will show how much programs increased or decreased in cost – without the impact of inflation. Definition: Deflator (for a given base year) = Current $ X 100 Constant $ Example: Determining FY 2002 DoD Budget Authority in FY 2011 Constant Dollars Through understanding current dollars and constant dollars, variations in purchasing power become evident. If one dollar buys one widget in 2009, but in 1950 one dollar purchased five widgets, purchasing power has declined. The consumer now gets less "bang for the buck." Inflation is usually a dominant factor in the decline of purchasing power. A current dollar analysis portrays the DoD as spending more now than it did in 1950, but a constant dollar analysis reveals that the percentage of program growth (its "real growth") is not as great. Deflator (FY 2002 $ to FY 2011 $) = 78.18 FY 2002 Budget Authority (Current $) = $345.6B FY 2002 Budget Authority (FY 2011 Constant $): Constant $ = Current $ X 100 = Deflator Constant $ = $442.1B It is important to note that many inflation indices, such as the GDP index, are chain-weighted. This means they account for differences in products purchased over the years; new expenditure patterns are 3 $345.6B X 100 78.18 OMB publications. These differences result from the way in which account totals are calculated and scored. For example, beginning with the FY 1998 budget, OMB added data that had been rounded to the millions of dollars, while all DoD data in this book were derived from non-rounded data in thousands. In those instances where a discrepancy exists, an amount is displayed as “OMB scoring and rounding.” Calculation Methodology and Rounding The DoD arrives at the figures in this book using inflation rates published by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) as a baseline. The OMB typically bases their rates on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) composite rates, accounting for non-pay factors only. The DoD, however, includes pay, fuel, and medical accrual factors in its composite rates. In addition, outlay rates for each account/appropriation are factored into the final DoD inflation rates. In those tables for which column totals appear, small differences between the total shown and the sum of the column entries are possible. The discrepancies are due to rounding. There are some discrepancies between the dollar amounts shown for several DoD accounts in this document, and those same figures in 4 Chapter 1: National Defense – An Overview This chapter provides an overview of the National Defense function of the federal budget. The National Defense Function (function 050) includes: DoD military activities (subfunction 051); the atomic energy defense activities of the Department of Energy (subfunction 053); and defense related activities of other federal agencies (subfunction 054). Dollar amounts are provided in three standard categories: Budget Authority (BA) (discretionary and mandatory), Total Obligational Authority (TOA), and Outlays. Tables Pg 1-1 National Defense Budget Summary………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Budget request for the National Defense Function. Data are provided in both current and constant FY 2011 dollars. 6 1-2 National Defense Budget – Long Range Forecast ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… The DoD long range forecast for the National Defense Function provided in both current and constant FY 2011 dollars. 7 1-3 National Defense BA (Current Dollars)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… The National Defense Budget Authority request, by Appropriation Act, in current dollars. 8 1-4 National Defense BA (FY 2011 Constant Dollars) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… The National Defense Budget Authority estimate, by Appropriation Act, in constant FY 2011 dollars. 9 1-5 National Defense Outlays (Current Dollars)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10 The National Defense Outlays estimate, by Appropriation Act, in current dollars. 1-6 National Defense Outlays (FY 2011 Constant Dollars) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11 The National Defense Outlays estimate, by Appropriation Act, in constant FY 2011 dollars. 1-7 Federal Unified Budget – BA by Function (On-Budget) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Budget Authority for all functions of the total Federal Budget for fiscal years 2009 to 2015. The functions are those used in the Budget of the United States, which is the source document for this table. 1-8 Federal Unified Budget – Outlays by Function (On-Budget) …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Outlays for all functions of the total Federal Budget for fiscal years 2009 to 2015 in the same format as Table 1-7. 12 13 1-9 Function 050 National Defense BA………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14 Discretionary, Emergency and Mandatory Budget Authority for the National Defense function for FY 2009 to FY 2015. 1-10 Function 050 National Defense Outlays…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16 Discretionary, Emergency and Mandatory Outlays for the National Defense function for FY 2009 to FY 2015. 5 Table 1-1 NATIONAL DEFENSE BUDGET SUMMARY (Dollars in Millions) Current Dollars Budget Authority DoD - 051 1/ Additional OCO Requests Total DoD - 051 (Enacted + Requests) Delta OMB Scoring and Rounding 2/ DoE and Other 3/ Total National Defense 050 3/ Total Obligational Authority (TOA) DoD - 051 1/ Outlays DoD - 051 1/ Additional OCO Requests Total DoD - 051 (Enacted + Requests) Delta OMB Scoring and Rounding DoE and Other 4/ Total National Defense 050 4/ Change FY 09-10 FY 2010 Change FY 10-11 FY 2011 664,524 2,990 30,249 697,763 -589 33,014 32,425 -2,995 -5,055 24,375 663,935 33,014 696,949 -5 25,194 722,138 -111,141 126,322 15,181 146 1,258 16,585 552,794 159,336 712,130 141 26,452 738,723 665,861 -707 665,154 -116,061 549,093 636,337 47,336 8,679 56,015 -725 2,840 58,130 683,673 8,679 692,352 -320 27,147 719,179 -81,909 110,626 28,717 537 1,315 30,569 601,764 119,305 721,069 217 28,462 749,748 689,768 3,112 31,398 724,278 -15,120 33,586 18,466 -3,141 -5,799 9,526 674,648 33,586 708,234 -29 25,599 733,804 -121,854 125,750 3,896 170 853 4,919 552,794 159,336 712,130 141 26,452 738,723 691,136 -15,245 675,891 -126,798 549,093 658,301 34,798 8,808 43,606 -725 2,376 45,262 693,099 8,808 701,907 -316 27,522 729,118 -91,335 110,497 19,162 533 940 20,630 601,764 119,305 721,069 217 28,462 749,748 FY 2009 664,524 636,337 405 24,307 661,049 Constant FY 2011 Dollars Budget Authority DoD - 051 1/ Additional OCO Requests Total DoD - 051 (Enacted + Requests) Delta OMB Scoring and Rounding 2/ DoE and Other Total National Defense 050 Total Obligational Authority (TOA) DoD - 051 1/ Outlays DoD - 051 1/ Additional OCO Requests Total DoD - 051 (Enacted + Requests) Delta OMB Scoring and Rounding DoE and Other Total National Defense 050 689,768 658,301 409 25,146 683,856 1/ Includes enacted budget authority and indefinite budget authority amounts, enacted OCO funding, and funding for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. 2/ These differences are due primarily to the presentation of contract authority withdrawn. In the President’s Budget, contract authority withdrawn reduces unobligated balances. In the Department’s internal budget system, contract authority withdrawn reduces mandatory budget authority. 3/ From OMB Historical Table 5.1. 4/ From OMB Historical Table 3.2. 6 Table 1-2 NATIONAL DEFENSE BUDGET - LONG RANGE FORECAST (Dollars in Billions) Current Dollars Budget Authority DoD - 051 1/ Additional OCO Requests Total DoD - 051 (Enacted + Requests) Delta OMB Scoring and Rounding 2/ OMB DoD - 051 3/ DoE and Other 3/ Total National Defense 050 3/ Outlays DoD - 051 1/ Additional OCO Requests Total DoD - 051 (Enacted + Requests) Delta OMB Scoring and Rounding OMB DoD - 051 4/ DoE and Other 4/ Total National Defense 050 4/ FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 664.5 663.9 33.0 696.9 696.9 25.2 722.1 552.8 159.3 712.1 0.1 712.3 26.5 738.7 570.1 50.0 620.1 0.4 620.5 26.2 646.6 585.7 50.0 635.7 0.4 636.1 26.3 662.3 601.8 50.0 651.8 0.4 652.2 26.9 679.1 620.2 50.0 670.2 0.4 670.6 27.5 698.2 683.7 8.7 692.4 -0.3 692.0 27.1 719.2 601.8 119.3 721.1 0.2 721.3 28.5 749.7 575.3 77.9 653.2 0.2 653.4 28.3 681.7 579.1 54.4 633.5 0.4 633.9 26.4 660.3 591.0 51.5 642.5 0.4 642.9 26.7 669.6 606.4 50.6 656.9 0.4 657.3 27.3 684.6 674.6 33.6 708.2 708.2 25.6 733.8 552.8 159.3 712.1 0.1 712.3 26.5 738.7 558.8 49.0 607.9 0.4 608.2 25.7 633.9 562.7 48.0 610.8 0.4 611.1 25.3 636.4 566.3 47.0 613.3 0.4 613.7 25.3 639.0 571.5 46.1 617.6 0.4 618.0 25.4 643.3 693.1 8.8 701.9 -0.3 701.6 27.5 729.1 601.8 119.3 721.1 0.2 721.3 28.5 749.7 564.3 76.4 640.7 0.3 640.9 27.7 668.6 556.8 52.3 609.0 0.4 609.4 25.4 634.8 556.5 48.5 604.9 0.4 605.3 25.1 630.4 559.1 46.6 605.7 0.4 606.1 25.1 631.2 664.5 3.0 667.5 30.2 697.8 636.3 636.3 0.4 636.7 24.3 661.0 Constant FY 2011 Dollars Budget B d tA Authority th it DoD - 051 1/ Additional OCO Requests Total DoD - 051 (Enacted + Requests) Delta OMB Scoring and Rounding OMB DoD - 051 DoE and Other Total National Defense 050 Outlays DoD - 051 1/ Additional OCO Requests Total DoD - 051 (Enacted + Requests) Delta OMB Scoring and Rounding OMB DoD - 051 DoE and Other Total National Defense 050 689.8 689.8 3.1 692.9 31.4 724.3 658.3 658.3 0.4 658.7 25.1 683.9 1/ Includes enacted budget authority and indefinite budget authority amounts, enacted OCO funding, and funding for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. 2/ These differences are due primarily to the presentation of contract authority withdrawn. In the President’s Budget, contract authority withdrawn reduces unobligated balances. In the Department’s internal budget system, contract authority withdrawn reduces mandatory budget authority. 3/ From OMB Historical Table 5.1. 4/ From OMB Historical Table 3.2. 7 Table 1-3 NATIONAL DEFENSE BUDGET AUTHORITY (Dollars in Millions) FY 2010 FY 2009 Actual* Department of Defense: Military Personnel Operation & Maintenance Procurement RDT&E Revolving & Mgmt Funds DoD Bill Military Construction Family Housing Military Construction Bill DoD Offsetting Receipts (Net) & Other 051 - TOTAL DoD Delta OMB Scoring and Rounding** 051 - OMB TOTAL DoD*** Defense-Related Activities:*** 053 Defense-Related Activities: Atomic Energy Defense Activities Occupational Illness Compensation Fund Former Sites Remedial Action Nuclear Facilities Safety Board 053 - Total Defense Related 054 Defense-Related Activities: CIA Retirement & Disab. Fund Radiation Exposure Compensation Trust FBI (Defense Related) Other Discretionary Programs 054 - Total Defense Related 053 / 054 - Total Defense Related 050 - Total National Defense 050 - OMB Total National Defense 149,290 271,564 135,438 80,005 -1,217 635,080 26,815 3,848 30,663 -1,219 664,524 2,990 667,514 Base + Enacted 154,492 272,827 129,650 80,366 3,531 640,866 22,420 2,259 24,679 -1,610 663,935 -5 663,930 OCO Supplemental Request 1,896 24,494 4,843 277 975 32,485 521 8 529 33,014 33,014 FY 2011 REQUEST Total 156,388 297,321 134,493 80,643 4,506 673,351 22,941 2,267 25,208 -1,610 696,949 -5 696,944 Base 143,524 200,875 112,873 76,131 2,379 535,782 16,924 1,823 18,747 -1,735 552,794 141 552,935 OCO Total 15,276 117,071 24,612 635 485 158,079 1,257 158,800 317,946 137,485 76,766 2,864 693,861 18,181 1,823 20,004 -1,735 712,130 141 712,271 1,257 159,336 159,336 21,452 1,274 240 25 22,991 16,470 1,135 134 26 17,765 17,661 1,015 130 29 18,835 279 74 4,182 2,723 7,258 30,249 694,773 697,763 291 60 4,443 2,635 7,429 25,194 722,143 722,138 292 54 4,688 2,583 7,617 26,452 738,582 738,723 * "Actual" totals include enacted budget authority and indefinite budget authority amounts, enacted OCO funding, and funding for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. ** These differences are due primarily to the presentation of contract authority withdrawn. In the President’s Budget, contract authority withdrawn reduces unobligated balances. In the Department’s internal budget system, contract authority withdrawn reduces mandatory budget authority. *** From OMB Analytical Perspectives Table 38-1. 8 Table 1-4 NATIONAL DEFENSE BUDGET AUTHORITY (FY 2011 Dollars in Millions) FY 2010 FY 2009 Actual* Department of Defense: Military Personnel Operation & Maintenance Procurement RDT&E Revolving & Mgmt Funds DoD Bill Military Construction Family Housing Military Construction Bill DoD Offsetting Receipts (Net) & Other 051 - TOTAL DoD Delta OMB Scoring and Rounding** 051 - OMB TOTAL DoD Defense-Related Activities: 053 D Defense-Related f R l t dA Activities: ti iti Atomic Energy Defense Activities Occupational Illness Compensation Fund Former Sites Remedial Action Nuclear Facilities Safety Board 053 - Total Defense Related 054 Defense-Related Activities: CIA Retirement & Disab. Fund Radiation Exposure Compensation Trust FBI (Defense Related) Other Discretionary Programs 054 - Total Defense Related 053 / 054 - Total Defense Related 050 - Total National Defense 050 - OMB Total National Defense 155,352 284,009 139,256 82,120 -1,235 659,502 27,562 3,947 31,509 -1,243 689,768 3,112 692,880 Base + Enacted 156,751 277,814 131,597 81,487 3,572 651,221 22,762 2,294 25,056 -1,629 674,648 -29 674,619 OCO Supplemental Request 1,924 24,942 4,916 281 986 33,049 529 8 537 33,586 33,586 FY 2011 REQUEST Total 158,675 302,756 136,513 81,768 4,558 684,270 23,291 2,302 25,593 -1,629 708,234 -29 708,205 Base 143,524 200,875 112,873 76,131 2,379 535,782 16,924 1,823 18,747 -1,735 552,794 141 552,935 OCO Total 15,276 117,071 24,612 635 485 158,079 1,257 158,800 317,946 137,485 76,766 2,864 693,861 18,181 1,823 20,004 -1,735 712,130 141 712,271 1,257 159,336 159,336 22,267 1,322 249 26 23,864 16,735 1,153 136 26 18,050 17,661 1,015 130 29 18,835 290 77 4,341 2,826 7,534 31,398 721,166 724,278 296 61 4,515 2,677 7,549 25,599 733,833 733,804 292 54 4,688 2,583 7,617 26,452 738,582 738,723 * "Actual" totals include enacted budget authority and indefinite budget authority amounts, enacted OCO funding, and funding for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. ** These differences are due primarily to the presentation of contract authority withdrawn. In the President’s Budget, contract authority withdrawn reduces unobligated balances. In the Department’s internal budget system, contract authority withdrawn reduces mandatory budget authority. 9 Table 1-5 NATIONAL DEFENSE OUTLAYS (Dollars in Millions) FY 2010 FY 2009 Actual Department of Defense: Military Personnel Operation & Maintenance Procurement RDT&E Revolving & Mgmt Funds DoD Bill Military Construction Family Housing Military Construction Bill DoD Offsetting Receipts (Net) & Other 051 - TOTAL DoD OMB Scoring and Rounding 051 - OMB TOTAL DoD* Defense-Related Activities: ** 053 Defense Defense-Related Related Activities: Atomic Energy Defense Activities Occupational Illness Compensation Fund Former Sites Remedial Action Nuclear Facilities Safety Board 053 - Total Defense Related 054 Defense-Related Activities: CIA Retirement & Disab. Fund Radiation Exposure Compensation Trust FBI (Defense Related) Other Discretionary Programs 054 - Total Defense Related 053 / 054 - Total Defense Related 050 - Total National Defense 050 - OMB Total National Defense 147,340 259,228 130,119 79,030 2,642 618,359 16,624 2,719 19,343 -1,365 636,337 405 636,742 Base + Enacted 153,213 274,025 146,888 79,272 4,451 657,849 23,744 3,333 27,077 -1,253 683,673 -2,821 680,852 OCO Supplemental Request 1,793 5,645 344 52 830 8,664 13 2 15 8,679 8,679 FY 2011 REQUEST Total 155,006 279,670 147,232 79,324 5,281 666,513 23,757 3,335 27,092 -1,253 692,352 -320 692,032 Base 143,993 226,734 130,508 77,348 2,996 581,579 19,016 2,872 21,888 -1,703 601,764 217 601,981 OCO Total 14,812 92,330 10,815 525 559 119,041 264 158,805 319,064 141,323 77,873 3,555 700,620 19,280 2,872 22,152 -1,703 721,069 217 721,286 264 119,305 119,305 16,194 1,209 125 24 17,552 18,611 1,127 209 28 19,975 19,730 1,007 148 30 20,915 279 60 4,206 2,210 6,755 24,307 660,644 661,049 291 51 4,279 2,551 7,172 27,147 719,499 719,179 292 56 4,602 2,597 7,547 28,462 749,531 749,748 Totals include enacted budget authority and indefinite budget authority amounts, enacted OCO funding, and funding for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. * From OMB Historical Table 3.2. ** From OMB Analytical Perspectives Table 38-1. 10 Table 1-6 NATIONAL DEFENSE OUTLAYS (FY 2011 Dollars in Millions) FY 2010 FY 2009 Actual Department of Defense: Military Personnel Operation & Maintenance Procurement RDT&E Revolving & Mgmt Funds DoD Bill Military Construction Family Housing Military Construction Bill DoD Offsetting Receipts (Net) & Other 051 - TOTAL DoD OMB Scoring and Rounding 051 - OMB TOTAL DoD Defense-Related Activities: 053 Defense-Related Activities: Atomic Energy Defense Activities Occupational Illness Compensation Fund Former Sites Remedial Action Nuclear Facilities Safety Board 053 - Total Defense Related 054 Defense-Related Activities: CIA Retirement & Disab. Fund Radiation Exposure Compensation Trust FBI (Defense Related) Other Discretionary Programs 054 - Total Defense Related 053 / 054 - Total Defense Related 050 - Total National Defense 050 - OMB Total National Defense 153,304 270,435 132,734 80,779 2,695 639,947 16,972 2,776 19,748 -1,394 658,301 409 658,710 Base + Enacted 155,420 278,395 148,504 80,173 4,495 666,987 24,008 3,373 27,381 -1,269 693,099 -316 692,783 OCO Supplemental Request 1,819 5,735 348 53 838 8,793 13 2 15 8,808 8,808 FY 2011 REQUEST Total 157,239 284,130 148,852 80,226 5,333 675,780 24,021 3,375 27,396 -1,269 701,907 -316 701,591 Base 143,993 226,734 130,508 77,348 2,996 581,579 19,016 2,872 21,888 -1,703 601,764 217 601,981 OCO Total 14,812 92,330 10,815 525 559 119,041 264 158,805 319,064 141,323 77,873 3,555 700,620 19,280 2,872 22,152 -1,703 721,069 217 721,286 264 119,305 119,305 16,753 1,251 129 25 18,158 18,868 1,143 212 28 20,251 19,730 1,007 148 30 20,915 289 62 4,351 2,286 6,988 25,146 683,447 683,856 295 52 4,338 2,586 7,271 27,522 729,429 729,118 292 56 4,602 2,597 7,547 28,462 749,531 749,748 Totals include enacted budget authority and indefinite budget authority amounts, enacted OCO funding, and funding for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. 11 Table 1-7 FEDERAL UNIFIED BUDGET BUDGET AUTHORITY BY FUNCTION (On-budget) (Dollars in Billions) 050 150 250 270 300 350 370 400 450 500 550 570 600 650 700 750 800 900 920 950 National defense International affairs General science, space and technology Energy Natural resources and environment Agriculture Commerce and housing credit Transportation Community & regional development Education, training, employment, and social services Health Medicare Income security Social security Veterans benefit/services Administration of justice General government Net interest Allowances Undistributed Grand Total FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 697.8 63.4 35.0 42.8 57.4 24.1 445.1 125.0 23.8 167.6 722.1 67.4 31.0 8.8 39.5 25.4 -118.2 93.7 19.9 91.9 738.7 65.3 31.4 10.0 38.6 24.7 -17.6 91.6 20.7 113.9 646.6 69.8 32.0 8.9 38.4 16.2 9.7 91.9 21.7 117.7 662.3 73.5 33.3 6.0 36.6 22.8 -1.6 92.3 21.5 122.6 679.1 71.4 35.0 5.1 36.6 21.5 4.0 92.8 21.9 129.3 698.1 70.1 36.3 4.0 36.6 20.7 4.8 94.3 23.4 133.3 373.6 373. 6 437.0 610.6 35.0 96.9 56.6 30.2 304.8 -78.4 386.4 386. 4 462.1 664.6 37.2 125.0 53.5 29.0 306.2 60.5 -64.8 381.3 381 .3 497.6 588.2 27.6 122.0 55.8 27.0 369.8 -1.6 -74.9 372.8 507.5 558.5 29.6 128.7 60.5 27.9 465.1 -11.2 -73.8 393.8 393.8 562.0 538.0 33.1 135.1 55.9 28.6 564.1 7.6 -78.0 403.8 403.8 629.3 539.6 36.4 142.4 57.5 30.7 645.6 35.6 -79.1 430.7 430.7 658.9 541.0 39.5 149.2 59.2 33.2 715.4 78.5 -82.1 3,548.3 3,041.2 3,110.1 3,118.5 3,309.5 3,538.5 3,745.1 Data from OMB Historical Table 5.1. 12 Table 1-8 FEDERAL UNIFIED BUDGET OUTLAYS BY FUNCTION (On-budget) (Dollars in Billions) 050 150 250 270 300 350 370 400 450 500 550 570 600 650 700 750 800 900 920 950 National defense International affairs General science, space and technology Energy Natural resources and environment Agriculture Commerce and housing credit Transportation Community & regional development Education, training, employment, and social services Health Medicare Income security Social security Veterans benefit/services Administration of justice General government Net interest Allowances Undistributed Grand Total FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 661.0 37.5 29.5 4.8 35.6 22.2 291.2 84.3 27.7 79.8 719.2 51.1 33.0 18.9 47.0 26.6 -31.7 106.4 28.5 142.5 749.7 54.2 31.5 24.9 42.5 25.6 17.9 104.2 32.0 126.4 681.7 59.5 31.6 14.1 39.4 17.1 -1.7 98.2 26.0 117.7 660.3 62.6 32.4 6.8 37.3 22.7 -15.6 96.2 22.7 121.0 669.6 65.4 33.7 4.8 37.0 21.5 -20.0 93.6 21.8 126.7 684.6 68.6 34.6 2.8 36.8 20.5 -22.6 95.6 21.2 130.5 334.3 334. 3 430.1 533.2 34.1 95.4 51.5 22.0 304.9 -78.4 372.3 372. 3 457.2 685.9 37.6 124.7 55.0 29.3 306.2 18.8 -64.8 400.7 400 .7 497.3 595.0 27.7 124.5 57.3 27.7 369.8 21.7 -74.9 371.5 507.1 565.3 29.6 122.7 59.2 28.5 465.1 -4.2 -73.8 388.8 388.8 562.0 539.8 33.1 133.6 57.2 28.6 564.1 9.9 -78.0 407.9 407.9 629.2 539.8 36.3 140.8 57.1 29.9 645.6 37.1 -79.1 429.6 429.6 658.8 537.6 39.5 147.5 58.2 32.3 715.4 78.3 -82.1 3,000.7 3,163.7 3,255.7 3,154.6 3,285.5 3,498.7 3,687.7 Data from OMB Historical Table 3.2. 13 Table 1-9 NATIONAL DEFENSE BUDGET AUTHORITY - FUNCTION 050 (Dollars in Millions) FY2010 FY2009 051 Discretionary Actual* Base + Enacted Military Personnel O&M Procurement RDT&E Revolving and Mgmt Funds DoD Bill Military Construction Family Housing Military Construction Bill Offsetting Receipts Trust Funds Interfund Transactions Outyear OCO Projection 145,545 270,675 135,438 80,005 4,018 635,681 26,815 3,848 30,663 149,976 272,192 129,650 80,366 3,531 635,715 22,420 2,259 24,679 Total 051 Discretionary 666,344 660,394 3,745 889 OCO Supplemental Request 1,896 24,494 4,843 277 975 32,485 521 8 529 33,014 FY2011 Request FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 142,051 212,172 120,265 75,913 765 551,166 13,553 1,641 15,194 145,927 221,274 124,114 72,799 1,198 565,312 14,901 1,566 16,467 150,081 230,927 132,749 70,000 750 584,507 11,733 1,530 13,263 154,149 239,628 137,419 69,280 1,254 601,730 12,726 1,579 14,305 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 708,255 616,360 631,779 647,770 666,035 Total Base OCO Total 151,872 296,686 134,493 80,643 4,506 668,200 22,941 2,267 25,208 138,541 200,248 112,873 76,131 2,379 530,172 16,924 1,823 18,747 15,276 117,071 24,612 635 485 158,079 1,257 153,817 317,319 137,485 76,766 2,864 688,251 18,181 1,823 20,004 1,257 693,408 548,919 159,336 4,516 635 4,516 635 4,983 628 4,983 628 4,833 628 4,953 628 5,083 628 5,195 628 -5,235 -601 5,151 5,151 5,611 5,611 5,461 5,581 5,711 5,823 -1,682 574 -111 -1,741 255 -124 -1,741 255 -124 -1,864 250 -122 -1,864 250 -122 -1,852 244 -122 -1,803 236 -122 -1,756 228 -122 -1,743 219 -122 -1,820 3,541 3,541 3,875 3,875 3,731 3,892 4,061 4,177 051 Mandator Mandatory Military Personnel O&M Procurement RDT&E Revolving and Mgmt Funds DoD Bill Military Construction Family Housing Military Construction Bill Offsetting Receipts Trust Funds Interfund Transactions Allowances Total 051 Mandatory * "Actual" totals include enacted budget authority and indefinite budget authority amounts, enacted OCO funding, and funding for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. 14 Table 1-9 (Continued) NATIONAL DEFENSE BUDGET AUTHORITY - FUNCTION 050 (Dollars in Millions) FY2010 FY2009 051 Budget Authority (Total) Actual* Base + Enacted OCO Supplemental Request FY2011 Request FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 158,800 317,947 137,485 76,766 2,864 693,862 18,181 1,823 20,004 -1,864 250 -122 146,884 212,800 120,265 75,913 765 556,627 13,553 1,641 15,194 -1,852 244 -122 50,000 150,880 221,902 124,114 72,799 1,198 570,893 14,901 1,566 16,467 -1,803 236 -122 50,000 155,164 231,555 132,749 70,000 750 590,218 11,733 1,530 13,263 -1,756 228 -122 50,000 159,344 240,256 137,419 69,280 1,254 607,553 12,726 1,579 14,305 -1,743 219 -122 50,000 712,130 620,091 635,671 651,831 670,212 Total Base OCO Total Military Personnel O&M Procurement RDT&E Revolving and Mgmt Funds DoD Bill Military Construction Family Housing Military Construction Bill Offsetting Receipts Trust Funds Interfund Transactions Outyear OCO Projection 149,290 271,564 135,438 80,005 -1,217 635,080 26,815 3,848 30,663 -1,682 574 -111 154,492 272,827 129,650 80,366 3,531 640,866 22,420 2,259 24,679 -1,741 255 -124 1,896 24,494 4,843 277 975 32,485 521 8 529 156,388 297,321 134,493 80,643 4,506 673,351 22,941 2,267 25,208 -1,741 255 -124 143,524 200,876 112,873 76,131 2,379 535,783 16,924 1,823 18,747 -1,864 250 -122 15,276 117,071 24,612 635 485 158,079 1,257 Total 051 Budget Authority 664,524 663,935 33,014 696,949 552,794 159,336 1,257 2 990 2,990 -55 141 377 388 411 422 053 Discretionary BA 053 Mandatory BA 21,717 1,274 16,630 1,135 17,820 1,015 18,216 828 18,519 800 19,025 735 19,523 702 Total 053 Budget Authority*** 22,991 17,765 18,835 19,044 19,319 19,760 20,225 054 Discretionary BA 054 Mandatory BA 6,905 353 7,078 351 7,271 346 6,786 346 6,628 337 6,791 348 6,951 348 Total 054 Budget Authority*** 7,258 7,429 7,617 7,132 6,965 7,139 7,299 050 Discretionary BA 050 Mandatory BA 050 Other 694,966 -193 2,990 717,116 5,027 -5 733,346 5,236 141 641,362 4,905 377 656,926 5,029 388 673,586 5,144 411 692,509 5,227 422 Total 050 Budget Authority*** 697,763 722,138 738,723 646,644 662,343 679,141 698,158 OMB S Scoring i and dR Rounding** di ** * "Actual" totals include enacted budget authority and indefinite budget authority amounts, enacted OCO funding, and funding for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. ** These differences are due primarily to the presentation of contract authority withdrawn. In the President’s Budget, contract authority withdrawn reduces unobligated balances. In the Department’s internal budget system, contract authority withdrawn reduces mandatory budget authority. *** From OMB Analytical Perspectives table 38-1. 15 Table 1-10 NATIONAL DEFENSE OUTLAYS - FUNCTION 050 (Dollars in Millions) FY2010 FY2009 051 Discretionary Actual Base + Enacted Military Personnel O&M Procurement RDT&E Revolving and Mgmt Funds DoD Bill Military Construction Family Housing Military Construction Bill Defense-Wide Contingencies Offsetting Receipts Trust Funds Interfund Transactions Allowances* Outyear OCO Projection 2010 OCO / 2011 OCO Request 143,595 258,397 130,119 79,030 1,693 612,834 16,624 2,720 19,344 148,697 273,388 146,871 79,270 4,436 652,662 23,744 3,333 27,077 100 Total 051 Discretionary 631,865 680,115 3,745 831 OCO Supplemental Request 1,793 5,645 344 52 830 8,664 13 2 15 FY2011 Request FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 141,806 211,380 120,769 75,646 1,266 550,867 18,605 2,099 20,704 145,631 218,058 119,093 73,397 1,189 557,368 16,098 1,749 17,847 149,769 226,534 122,255 71,124 973 570,655 14,681 1,639 16,320 153,843 234,992 127,423 69,771 1,109 587,138 13,494 1,558 15,052 6 29,670 48,186 44,685 9,700 48,085 3,384 49,095 1,468 717,052 649,433 629,600 638,444 652,753 Total Base OCO Total 150,490 279,033 147,215 79,322 5,266 661,326 23,757 3,335 27,092 139,010 226,106 130,501 77,347 2,895 575,859 19,016 2,872 21,888 14,812 92,330 10,815 525 559 119,041 264 153,822 318,436 141,316 77,872 3,454 694,900 19,280 2,872 22,152 264 -313 276 24 8,679 688,418 597,771 119,305 4,516 637 17 2 15 5,187 4,983 628 7 1 101 5,720 4,983 628 7 1 101 5,720 4,833 628 3 4,953 628 1 5,083 628 5,195 628 949 5,525 4,516 637 17 2 15 5,187 5,464 5,582 5,711 5,823 -1,481 539 -111 -1,739 233 -124 -1,739 233 -124 -1,851 246 -122 -1,851 246 -122 -1,838 244 -122 -1,788 236 -122 -1,747 228 -122 -1,733 219 -122 4,472 3,557 3,557 3,993 3,993 3,748 3,908 4,070 4,187 051 Mandatory Military Personnel O&M Procurement RDT&E Revolving and Mgmt Funds DoD Bill Military Construction Family Housing Military Construction Bill Offsetting Receipts Trust Funds Interfund Transactions Allowances Total 051 Mandatory * The Allowances line is comprised of the DoD Adj - Admin Policy account. 16 Table 1-10 (Continued) NATIONAL DEFENSE OUTLAYS - FUNCTION 050 (Dollars in Millions) FY2010 FY2009 051 Outlays (Total) Actual Military Personnel O&M Procurement RDT&E Revolving and Mgmt Funds DoD Bill Military Construction Family Housing Military Construction Bill Defense-Wide Contingencies Offsetting Receipts Trust Funds Interfund Transactions Allowances* Outyear OCO Projection 2010 OCO / 2011 OCO Request 147,340 259,228 130,119 79,030 2,642 618,359 16,624 2,720 19,344 Total 051 Outlays 636,337 OMB Scoring and Rounding -1,481 226 -111 Base + Enacted 153,213 274,025 146,888 79,272 4,451 657,849 23,744 3,333 27,077 100 -1,739 233 -124 276 683,672 OCO Supplemental Request 1,793 5,645 344 52 830 8,664 13 2 15 8,679 FY2011 Request FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 158,805 319,064 141,323 77,873 3,555 700,620 19,280 2,872 22,152 146,639 212,008 120,772 75,646 1,266 556,331 18,605 2,099 20,704 150,584 218,686 119,094 73,397 1,189 562,950 16,098 1,749 17,847 154,852 227,162 122,255 71,124 973 576,366 14,681 1,639 16,320 159,038 235,620 127,423 69,771 1,109 592,961 13,494 1,558 15,052 -1,851 246 -122 -1,838 244 -122 6 29,670 48,186 -1,788 236 -122 -1,747 228 -122 -1,733 219 -122 44,685 9,700 48,085 3,384 49,095 1,468 721,045 653,181 633,508 642,514 656,940 Total Base OCO Total 155,006 279,670 147,232 79,324 5,281 666,513 23,757 3,335 27,092 143,993 226,734 130,508 77,348 2,996 581,579 19,016 2,872 21,888 14,812 92,330 10,815 525 559 119,041 264 -1,739 233 -124 -1,851 246 -122 24 691,975 601,764 264 119,305 405 -320 217 244 411 390 397 053 Discretionary Outlays 053 Mandatory Outlays 16,343 1,209 18,848 1,127 19,908 1,007 20,215 827 18,584 800 18,824 734 19,302 702 Total 053 Outlays** 17,552 19,975 20,915 21,042 19,384 19,558 20,004 054 Discretionary Outlays 054 Mandatory Outlays 6,416 339 6,830 342 7,199 348 6,867 349 6,691 343 6,758 346 6,899 351 Total 054 Outlays** 6,755 7,172 7,547 7,216 7,034 7,104 7,250 050 Discretionary Outlays 050 Mandatory Outlays 050 Other 654,624 6,020 405 714,096 5,026 -320 744,159 5,348 217 676,515 4,924 244 654,875 5,051 411 664,026 5,150 390 678,954 5,240 397 Total 050 Outlays** 661,049 718,802 749,724 681,683 660,337 669,566 684,591 * The Allowances line is comprised of the DoD Adj - Admin Policy account. ** From OMB Analytical Perspectives table 38-1. 17 This Page Intentionally Left Blank 18 Chapter 2: Supplemental Funding This chapter provides data on supplemental funding for the Department of Defense. Supplemental funding is comprised of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the Global War on Terror, and Overseas Contingency Operations. Tables Pg 2-1 Supplemental Funding by Service Both enacted and requested supplemental funding by Service, for FY 2009 and FY 2010. 19 20 Table 2-1 SUPPLEMENTAL FUNDING BY SERVICE DISCRETIONARY BUDGET AUTHORITY (Dollars in Thousands) Army FY 2009 Enacted Base Milpers O&M Proc RDT&E Milcon FamHsg RevFund 52,280,296 40,092,479 25,878,928 12,162,412 5,805,852 1,296,490 1,768,772 Total 139,285,229 Enacted ARA FY 2010 Enacted GWOT Enacted OCO 1,839,098 989,000 39,689,493 3,932,924 75,000 230,000 38,439 -143,242 2,182,537 44,468,175 Enacted Total Outstanding OCO Request Enacted Base Enacted OCO Enacted Total 13,944,575 67,213,871 18,654,642 100,275,712 11,966,619 41,778,471 -134,775 12,102,637 1,326,231 7,218,841 1,334,929 443,200 2,211,972 57,891,748 39,967,609 19,202,093 11,414,514 4,437,041 796,654 38,367 11,076,943 54,909,895 10,811,800 57,962 924,484 68,968,691 94,877,504 30,013,893 11,472,476 5,361,525 796,654 38,367 1,671,111 15,410,898 2,600,143 61,962 242,296 46,200,492 232,136,433 133,748,026 77,781,084 211,529,110 19,995,202 8,792 Navy FY 2009 Enacted Base Milpers O&M Proc RDT&E Milcon FamHsg RevFund 41,498,223 42,529,466 38,718,773 19,706,788 3,390,414 756,185 1,576 Total 146,601,425 Enacted ARA 865,908 75,000 280,000 1,220,908 Enacted GWOT 130,000 6,323,100 528,673 101,928 7,083,701 FY 2010 Enacted OCO Enacted Total Enacted Base 44,849,115 52,138,446 41,975,872 19,803,442 3,906,295 756,185 1,576 43,936,822 41,983,390 43,426,250 19,888,486 3,608,409 515,109 1,667,945 8,524,897 163,430,931 155,026,411 3,220,892 2,419,972 2,728,426 -80,274 235,881 Enacted OCO 2,235,700 9,060,909 2,714,169 58,660 Enacted Total Outstanding OCO Request 46,172,522 51,044,299 46,140,419 19,947,146 3,608,409 515,109 1,667,945 127,772 3,448,791 138,620 5,360 14,069,438 169,095,849 3,875,833 155,290 NOTE: Supplemental funding is comprised of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the Global War on Terror, and Overseas Contingency Operations. 20 Table 2-1 (Continued) SUPPLEMENTAL FUNDING BY SERVICE DISCRETIONARY BUDGET AUTHORITY (Dollars in Thousands) Air Force FY 2009 Enacted Base Milpers O&M Proc RDT&E Milcon FamHsg RevFund 31,846,810 44,353,457 35,937,971 26,305,168 1,404,307 990,344 61,465 Total 140,899,522 Enacted ARA 1,134,994 75,000 230,000 96,561 Enacted GWOT 75,000 4,139,840 1,658,486 35,934 FY 2010 Enacted Total Enacted Base 33,482,493 55,228,845 44,181,508 26,289,009 1,915,927 1,086,905 76,465 33,138,107 42,680,782 36,413,686 28,135,720 1,825,330 569,037 64,054 13,915,815 162,261,152 142,826,716 Enacted OCO 1,560,683 5,600,554 6,585,051 -127,093 281,620 15,000 1,536,555 5,909,260 Enacted OCO 1,696,698 9,632,106 3,613,366 39,286 474,500 Enacted Total Outstanding OCO Request 34,834,805 52,312,888 40,027,052 28,175,006 2,299,830 569,037 79,354 96,878 3,968,747 791,661 187,651 279,090 7,953 738,506 15,471,256 158,297,972 6,070,486 15,300 Defense-Wide FY 2009 Enacted Base Milpers O&M Proc RDT&E Milcon FamHsg RevFund Total 52,126,409 350,783 21,218,374 11,298,750 114,858 1,323,993 86,433,167 Enacted ARA 415,000 75,000 1,450,000 555,000 Enacted GWOT 3,936,569 1,877,237 33,435 FY 2010 Enacted OCO Enacted Total Enacted Base Enacted OCO Enacted Total 63,031,685 7,502,488 21,810,113 13,773,602 669,858 1,727,519 59,854,723 5,756,885 20,658,875 11,150,472 377,898 1,348,396 14,103,054 7,711,780 112,196 73,957,777 13,468,665 20,771,071 11,150,472 377,898 1,745,311 1,665,788 1,312,276 22,138 13,739,857 108,515,265 99,147,249 22,323,945 121,471,194 3,072,581 6,553,707 5,274,468 483,304 1,024,852 403,526 2,495,000 5,847,241 Outstanding OCO Request 396,915 72,379 NOTE: Supplemental funding is comprised of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the Global War on Terror, and Overseas Contingency Operations. 21 Table 2-1 (Continued) SUPPLEMENTAL FUNDING BY SERVICE DISCRETIONARY BUDGET AUTHORITY (Dollars in Thousands) Total DoD FY 2009 Enacted Base Enacted ARA Milpers O&M Proc RDT&E Milcon FamHsg RevFund 125,625,329 179,101,811 100,886,455 79,392,742 21,899,323 3,157,877 3,155,806 Total 513,219,343 Tot 513 219 343 4,255,000 300,000 2,190,000 690,000 7,435 435,000 000 Enacted GWOT FY 2010 Enacted OCO Enacted Total Enacted Base Enacted OCO Enacted Total Outstanding OCO Request 1,194,000 54,089,002 7,997,320 171,297 -143,242 18,726,150 145,545,479 33,228,875 270,674,688 26,554,564 135,438,339 141,162 80,005,201 2,868,584 26,814,665 3,847,877 861,726 4,017,532 134,966,677 184,486,504 104,798,914 80,097,595 21,021,252 2,258,698 3,118,762 15,009,341 149,976,018 87,705,964 272,192,468 24,851,115 129,650,029 268,104 80,365,699 1,398,984 22,420,236 2,258,698 412,215 3,530,977 1,895,761 24,494,224 4,842,700 277,111 521,386 7,953 974,967 63 308,377 63,308 377 82,381,061 381 061 666,343 666 343,781 781 530 748 402 129,645,723 530,748,402 129 645 723 660,394,125 660 394 125 33 014 102 33,014,102 NOTE: Supplemental funding is comprised of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the Global War on Terror, and Overseas Contingency Operations. 22 Chapter 3: Legislative Authorization Authorization legislation provides the authority for an agency to carry out a particular activity. This legislation may be annual, for a specified number of years, or indefinite. Most National Defense activities require annual authorization. Table 3-1 provides a reconciliation between the FY 2011 DoD Authorization Request, Appropriation Request, Budget Authority (BA), and Total Obligational Authority (TOA). Table 3-2 presents personnel authorizations enacted for FY 2009 and FY 2010, and the FY 2011 budget request for the DoD. Selected Reserves are shown as end strength in accordance with Congressional direction. Tables Pg 3-1 FY 2011 Defense Budget Reconciliation of Authorization, Appropriation, BA, and TOA …………………………………………………………………… Reconciles the FY 2011 DoD Authorization Request, Appropriation Request, Budget Authority, and Total Obligation Authority. 24 3-2 Personnel Authorization Levels…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Personnel authorizations enacted for FY 2009 and FY 2010, and the FY 2011 budget request for DoD. Selected Reserves are shown as end strength in accordance with Congressional direction. 33 23 Table 3-1 FY 2011 DEFENSE BUDGET RECONCILIATION OF AUTHORIZATION, APPROPRIATION, BA & TOA (Dollars in Thousands) Summaries Military Personnel Operation & Maintenance Procurement RDT&E Revolving & Management Funds DoD Bill Military Construction Family Housing Military Construction Bill Subtotal of DoD Bills Authorization Request BASE Appropriation Budget Request* Authority Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) Authorization Appn Request, Request BA, and TOA** 127,668,630 200,228,358 112,873,126 76,130,700 2,379,402 519,280,216 138,540,700 200,228,358 112,873,126 76,130,700 2,379,402 530,152,286 143,523,700 200,875,184 112,873,126 76,130,700 2,379,402 535,782,112 138,540,700 200,228,358 112,873,126 76,130,700 2,379,402 530,152,286 15,132,054 117,071,183 24,611,868 634,788 485,384 157,935,277 15,275,502 117,071,183 24,611,868 634,788 485,384 158,078,725 14,464,738 109,013 14,573,751 16,924,177 1,823,191 18,747,368 16,924,177 1,823,191 18,747,368 16,924,177 2,016,599 18,940,776 1,021,350 1,257,002 1,021,350 1,257,002 533,853,967 548,899,654 554,529,480 549,093,062 158,956,627 159,335,727 533,853,967 548,899,654 552,794,213 549,093,062 158,956,627 159,335,727 Trust Funds, Contingency Savings, Offsetting Receipts, and Other Total DoD Total Obligational Authority -1,735,267 Total DoD Reconciliation Authorization Medicare-eligible retirees health fund contributions Milcon Program requiring just authorization of appropriation Milcon Funding for previously authorized projects Appropriation Concurrent Receipt Accrual Payment Mil Ret Fund Disposal of DoD Real Property Lease of DoD Real Property National Science Center, Army Restoration of Rocky Mountain Arsenal Defense Burdensharing - Allies/NATO Offsetting Receipts, Other Trust Funds & Interfund Transactions 533,853,967 10,872,070 2,788,234 1,385,383 548,899,654 158,956,627 143,448 235,652 548,899,654 4,983,000 10,317 8,884 25 7,600 620,000 -1,735,267 552,794,213 Budget Authority Concurrent Receipt Accrual Payment Mil Ret Fund Family Housing Constr., Army Family Housing Improvement Fund Disposal of DoD Real Property Lease of DoD Real Property National Science Center, Army Restoration of Rocky Mountain Arsenal Defense Burdensharing - Allies/NATO Offsetting Receipts 159,335,727 552,794,213 -4,983,000 -35,000 228,408 -10,317 -8,884 -25 -7,600 -620,000 1,735,267 549,093,062 TOA 159,335,727 549,093,062 * Includes permanent indefinite authority for medicare-eligible retirees health fund contributions. ** For OCO, the appropriation request, BA, and TOA are the same. 24 158,956,627 159,335,727 Table 3-1 (Continued) FY 2011 DEFENSE BUDGET RECONCILIATION OF AUTHORIZATION, APPROPRIATION, BA & TOA (Dollars in Thousands) Military Personnel Military Personnel, Army Medicare-Ret. Contrib., Army Military Personnel, Navy Medicare-Ret. Contrib., Navy Military Personnel, Marine Corps Medicare-Ret. Contrib., Marine Corps Military Personnel, Air Force Medicare-Ret. Contrib., Air Force Reserve Personnel, Army Medicare-Ret. Contrib., Army Res. Reserve Personnel, Navy Medicare-Ret. Contrib., Navy Res. Reserve Personnel, Marine Corps Medicare-Ret. Contrib., MC Res. Reserve Personnel, Air Force Medicare-Ret. Contrib., AF Res. National Guard Personnel, Army Medicare-Ret. Contrib., ARNG National Guard Personnel, AF Medicare-Ret. Contrib., ANG Con Rcpt Acc Pmt Mil Ret Fd Total Military Personnel BASE Authorization Appropriation Budget Request Request* Authority 41,972,277 25,950,949 13,250,161 27,121,755 4,397,165 1,944,191 617,441 1,686,797 7,624,296 3,103,598 127,668,630 Total Obligational Authority Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) Authorization Appn Request, Request BA, and TOA** 41,972,277 3,078,925 25,950,949 1,816,535 13,250,161 1,142,321 27,121,755 1,855,047 4,397,165 715,630 1,944,191 241,584 617,441 132,115 1,686,797 240,074 7,624,296 1,262,143 3,103,598 387,696 41,972,277 3,078,925 25,950,949 1,816,535 13,250,161 1,142,321 27,121,755 1,855,047 4,397,165 715,630 1,944,191 241,584 617,441 132,115 1,686,797 240,074 7,624,296 1,262,143 3,103,598 387,696 4,983,000 41,972,277 3,078,925 25,950,949 1,816,535 13,250,161 1,142,321 27,121,755 1,855,047 4,397,165 715,630 1,944,191 241,584 617,441 132,115 1,686,797 240,074 7,624,296 1,262,143 3,103,598 387,696 10,678,409 644,775 10,678,409 117,070 1,178,719 26,378 644,775 1,406,387 1,406,387 268,031 268,031 48,912 48,912 30,637 30,637 27,002 27,002 828,122 828,122 21,060 21,060 138,540,700 143,523,700 138,540,700 15,132,054 15,275,502 1,178,719 Military Personnel Reconciliation Authorization Medicare-eligible retirees health fund contributions Appropriation Concurrent Receipt Accrual Payment Mil Ret Fund 127,668,630 10,872,070 138,540,700 15,132,054 143,448 15,275,502 138,540,700 4,983,000 143,523,700 Budget Authority Concurrent Receipt Accrual Payment Mil Ret Fund 15,275,502 143,523,700 -4,983,000 138,540,700 TOA * Includes permanent indefinite authority for medicare-eligible retirees health fund contributions. ** For OCO, the appropriation request, BA, and TOA are the same. 25 15,275,502 138,540,700 15,275,502 Table 3-1 (Continued) FY 2011 DEFENSE BUDGET RECONCILIATION OF AUTHORIZATION, APPROPRIATION, BA & TOA (Dollars in Thousands) Operation and Maintenance Operation & Maintenance, Army Operation & Maintenance, Navy Operation & Maintenance, Marine Corps Operation & Maintenance, Air Force Operation & Maintenance, Defense-Wide DoD Acq Workforce Dev Fund Office of the Inspector General Operation & Maintenance, Army Reserve Operation & Maintenance, Navy Reserve Operation & Maintenance, Marine Corps Reserve Operation & Maintenance, Air Force Reserve Operation & Maintenance, Army National Guard Operation & Maintenance, Air National Guard Court of Appeals, Armed Forces Environmental Restoration, Army Environmental Restoration, Navy Environmental Restoration, Air Force Environmental Restoration, Defense-Wide Environmental Restoration, FUDS Disposal of DoD Real Property Lease of DoD Real Property National Science Center, Army FSU Threat Reduction Overseas Humanitarian Disaster & Civic Aid Drug Interdiction & Counter-Drug Counter Drug Act, Act Defense Restoration of Rocky Mountain Arsenal Afghan Sec Forces Fund Iraq Security Forces Fund Defense Health Program Defense Burdensharing - Allies/NATO Overseas Contingency Total Operation & Maintenance BASE Authorization Appropriation Budget Total Obligational Request Request Authority Authority 33,971,965 38,134,308 5,590,340 36,844,512 30,583,896 217,561 283,354 2,879,077 1,367,764 285,234 3,301,035 6,572,704 5,941,143 14,068 444,581 304,867 502,653 10,744 276,546 33,971,965 38,134,308 5,590,340 36,844,512 30,583,896 217,561 283,354 2,879,077 1,367,764 285,234 3,301,035 6,572,704 5,941,143 14,068 444,581 304,867 502,653 10,744 276,546 522,512 108,032 1 131 351 1,131,351 522,512 108,032 1 131 351 1,131,351 30,935,111 30,935,111 33,971,965 38,134,308 5,590,340 36,844,512 30,583,896 217,561 283,354 2,879,077 1,367,764 285,234 3,301,035 6,572,704 5,941,143 14,068 444,581 304,867 502,653 10,744 276,546 10,317 8,884 25 522,512 108,032 1 131 351 1,131,351 7,600 5,000 5,000 30,935,111 620,000 5,000 200,228,358 200,228,358 200,875,184 33,971,965 38,134,308 5,590,340 36,844,512 30,583,896 217,561 283,354 2,879,077 1,367,764 285,234 3,301,035 6,572,704 5,941,143 14,068 444,581 304,867 502,653 10,744 276,546 Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) Authorization Appn Request, Request BA, and TOA* 62,602,618 8,946,634 4,136,522 13,487,283 9,426,358 62,602,618 8,946,634 4,136,522 13,487,283 9,426,358 10,529 286,950 93,559 29,685 129,607 544,349 350,823 10,529 286,950 93,559 29,685 129,607 544,349 350,823 522,512 108,032 1 131 351 1,131,351 457 110 457,110 457 110 457,110 30,935,111 11,619,283 2,000,000 1,398,092 11,619,283 2,000,000 1,398,092 5,000 1,551,781 1,551,781 200,228,358 117,071,183 117,071,183 117,071,183 117,071,183 117,071,183 117,071,183 117,071,183 117,071,183 Operation and Maintenance Reconciliation Authorization 200,228,358 Appropriation Disposal of DoD Real Property Lease of DoD Real Property National Science Center, Army Restoration of Rocky Mountain Arsenal Defense Burdensharing - Allies/NATO 200,228,358 10,317 8,884 25 7,600 620,000 200,875,184 Budget Authority Disposal of DoD Real Property Lease of DoD Real Property National Science Center, Army Restoration of Rocky Mountain Arsenal Defense Burdensharing - Allies/NATO 200,875,184 -10,317 -8,884 -25 -7,600 -620,000 200,228,358 TOA 200,228,358 * For OCO, the appropriation request, BA, and TOA are the same. 26 Table 3-1 (Continued) FY 2011 DEFENSE BUDGET RECONCILIATION OF AUTHORIZATION, APPROPRIATION, BA & TOA (Dollars in Thousands) Procurement Army Aircraft Procurement, Army Missiles Procurement, Army Procurement of Weapons & Tracked Comb Vehicles, Army Procurement of Ammunition, Army Other Procurement, Army Jt IED Defeat Fund Navy Aircraft Procurement, Navy Weapons Procurement, Navy Shipbuilding & Conversion, Navy Procurement of Ammunition, Navy & MC Other Procurement, Navy Procurement Marine Corps MRAP Vehicle Fund Air Force Aircraft Procurement, Air Force Missiles Procurement, Air Force Procurement of Ammunition, Air Force Other Procurement, Air Force Defense-Wide Procurement, Defense-Wide Defense Production Act Purchases Chemical Agents & Munitions Destruction Total Procurement BASE Authorization Appropriation Budget Total Obligational Request Request Authority Authority Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) Authorization Appn Request, Request BA, and TOA* 5,976,867 1,887,437 1,723,561 1,979,414 9,765,808 215,868 5,976,867 1,887,437 1,723,561 1,979,414 9,765,808 215,868 5,976,867 1,887,437 1,723,561 1,979,414 9,765,808 215,868 5,976,867 1,887,437 1,723,561 1,979,414 9,765,808 215,868 1,373,803 343,828 687,500 702,591 5,827,274 3,250,000 1,373,803 343,828 687,500 702,591 5,827,274 3,250,000 18,508,613 3,359,794 15,724,520 817,991 6,450,208 1,344,044 18,508,613 3,359,794 15,724,520 817,991 6,450,208 1,344,044 18,508,613 3,359,794 15,724,520 817,991 6,450,208 1,344,044 18,508,613 3,359,794 15,724,520 817,991 6,450,208 1,344,044 420,358 93,425 420,358 93,425 565,084 480,735 1,778,243 3 415 000 3,415,000 565,084 480,735 1,778,243 3 415 000 3,415,000 15,366,508 5,463,272 667,420 17,845,380 15,366,508 5,463,272 667,420 17,845,380 15,366,508 5,463,272 667,420 17,845,380 15,366,508 5,463,272 667,420 17,845,380 1,362,420 56,621 292,959 3,087,481 1,362,420 56,621 292,959 3,087,481 4,280,368 28,746 1,467,307 4,280,368 28,746 1,467,307 4,280,368 28,746 1,467,307 4,280,368 28,746 1,467,307 874,546 874,546 112,873,126 112,873,126 112,873,126 112,873,126 24,611,868 24,611,868 Procurement Reconciliation Authorization Appropriation Budget Authority TOA 112,873,126 24,611,868 112,873,126 112,873,126 112,873,126 * For OCO, the appropriation request, BA, and TOA are the same. 27 24,611,868 24,611,868 24,611,868 24,611,868 24,611,868 Table 3-1 (Continued) FY 2011 DEFENSE BUDGET RECONCILIATION OF AUTHORIZATION, APPROPRIATION, BA & TOA (Dollars in Thousands) BASE Authorization Appropriation Budget Total Obligational Request Request Authority Authority Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) Authorization Appn Request, Request BA, and TOA* RDT&E RDT&E, Army RDT&E, Navy RDT&E, Air Force RDT&E, Defense-Wide Operational Test & Evaluation 10,333,392 17,693,496 27,247,302 20,661,600 194,910 10,333,392 17,693,496 27,247,302 20,661,600 194,910 10,333,392 17,693,496 27,247,302 20,661,600 194,910 10,333,392 17,693,496 27,247,302 20,661,600 194,910 150,906 60,401 266,241 157,240 150,906 60,401 266,241 157,240 Total RDT&E 76,130,700 76,130,700 76,130,700 76,130,700 634,788 634,788 RDT&E Reconciliation Authorization Appropriation Budget Authority TOA 76 130 700 76,130,700 634 788 634,788 76,130,700 76,130,700 76,130,700 * For OCO, the appropriation request, BA, and TOA are the same. 28 634,788 634,788 634,788 634,788 634,788 Table 3-1 (Continued) FY 2011 DEFENSE BUDGET RECONCILIATION OF AUTHORIZATION, APPROPRIATION, BA & TOA (Dollars in Thousands) BASE Authorization Appropriation Budget Total Obligational Request Request Authority Authority Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) Authorization Appn Request, Request BA, and TOA* Revolving & Management Funds Defense Coalition Acquisition Working Capital Funds National Defense Sealift Fund 10,000 1,434,536 934,866 10,000 1,434,536 934,866 10,000 1,434,536 934,866 10,000 1,434,536 934,866 485,384 485,384 Total Revolving & Management Funds 2,379,402 2,379,402 2,379,402 2,379,402 485,384 485,384 Revolving & Management Funds Reconciliation Authorization Appropriation Budget Authority TOA 2,379,402 485,384 2 379 402 2,379,402 2,379,402 2,379,402 * For OCO, the appropriation request, BA, and TOA are the same. 29 485,384 485,384 485,384 485 384 485,384 485,384 Table 3-1 (Continued) FY 2011 DEFENSE BUDGET RECONCILIATION OF AUTHORIZATION, APPROPRIATION, BA & TOA (Dollars in Thousands) Military Construction Military Construction, Army Military Construction, Navy Military Construction, Air Force Military Construction, Defense-Wide NATO Security Investment Military Construction, Army National Guard Military Construction, Air National Guard Military Construction, Army Reserve Military Construction, Navy Reserve Military Construction, Air Force Reserve Chemical Demil Construction, Defense Base Realign & Closure IV Base Realign & Closure FY 2005 Total Military Construction BASE Authorization Appropriation Budget Total Obligational Request Request Authority Authority 3,665,662 3,376,123 1,227,049 1,875,731 258,884 836,601 159,772 289,275 57,462 3,420 Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) Authorization Appn Request, Request BA, and TOA* 4,078,798 3,879,104 1,311,385 3,118,062 258,884 873,664 176,986 318,175 61,557 7,832 124,971 360,474 2,354,285 4,078,798 3,879,104 1,311,385 3,118,062 258,884 873,664 176,986 318,175 61,557 7,832 124,971 360,474 2,354,285 761,950 929,996 217,500 41,900 280,506 46,500 360,474 2,354,285 4,078,798 3,879,104 1,311,385 3,118,062 258,884 873,664 176,986 318,175 61,557 7,832 124,971 360,474 2,354,285 14,464,738 16,924,177 16,924,177 16,924,177 1,021,350 1,257,002 Military Construction Reconciliation Authorization Authorized in Prior Years: Military Construction, Army Military Construction, Navy Military Construction, Air Force Military Construction, Defense-Wide Military Construction, Army National Guar Military Construction, Air National Guard Military Construction, Army Reserve Military Construction, Navy Reserve Military Construction, Air Force Reserve Chemical Demil Construction, Defense 14,464,738 1,021,350 413,136 502,981 84,336 1,242,331 37,063 17,214 28,900 4,095 4,412 124,971 16,924,177 168,046 Appropriation Budget Authority TOA 63,006 4,600 1,257,002 16,924,177 16,924,177 16,924,177 * For OCO, the appropriation request, BA, and TOA are the same. 30 1,257,002 1,257,002 1,257,002 1,257,002 1,257,002 Table 3-1 (Continued) FY 2011 DEFENSE BUDGET RECONCILIATION OF AUTHORIZATION, APPROPRIATION, BA & TOA (Dollars in Thousands) Family Housing Family Housing Construction, Army Family Housing Ops, Army Family Housing, Navy & Marine Corps Family Housing Ops, Navy & MC Family Housing Construction, Air Force Family Housing Ops, Air Force Family Housing Construction, Defense-Wide Family Housing Ops, Defense-Wide Homeowner's Asst. Fund, Defense DoD Family Housing Improvement Fund Total Family Housing BASE Authorization Appropriation Budget Total Obligational Request Request Authority Authority 55,329 92,369 518,140 186,444 366,346 78,025 513,792 92,369 518,140 186,444 366,346 78,025 513,792 57,369 518,140 186,444 366,346 78,025 513,792 16,515 50,464 16,515 1,096 50,464 16,515 1,096 50,464 16,515 229,504 109,013 1,823,191 1,823,191 2,016,599 37,169 Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) Authorization Appn Request, Request BA, and TOA* Family Housing Reconciliation Authorization Requiring just authorization of approprization: Family Housing Construction, Army Family y Housing g Ops, p , Army y Family Housing, Navy & Marine Corps Family Housing Ops, Navy & MC Family Housing Construction, Air Force Family Housing Ops, Air Force Family Housing Ops, Defense-Wide DoD Family Housing Improvement Fund 109,013 37,040 518,140 , 149,275 366,346 78,025 513,792 50,464 1,096 1,823,191 Appropriation 1,823,191 Budget Authority Family Housing Construction, Army Family Housing Improvement Fund 1,823,191 -35,000 228,408 2,016,599 TOA 2,016,599 Subtotal Military Construction Bills Military Construction Family Housing 14,464,738 109,013 16,924,177 1,823,191 16,924,177 1,823,191 16,924,177 2,016,599 1,021,350 1,257,002 Military Construction Bills 14,573,751 18,747,368 18,747,368 18,940,776 1,021,350 1,257,002 * For OCO, the appropriation request, BA, and TOA are the same. 31 Table 3-1 (Continued) FY 2011 DEFENSE BUDGET RECONCILIATION OF AUTHORIZATION, APPROPRIATION, BA & TOA (Dollars in Thousands) BASE Authorization Appropriation Budget Total Obligational Request Request* Authority Authority Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) Authorization Appn Request, Request BA, and TOA** RECAP DoD Bills Military Construction Bills Trust Funds, Contingency Savings, Offsetting Receipts, and Other 519,280,216 14,573,751 530,152,286 18,747,368 535,782,112 18,747,368 -1,735,267 530,152,286 18,940,776 157,935,277 1,021,350 158,078,725 1,257,002 DoD Grand Total 533,853,967 548,899,654 552,794,213 549,093,062 158,956,627 159,335,727 * Includes permanent indefinite authority for medicare-eligible retirees health fund contributions. ** For OCO, the appropriation request, BA, and TOA are the same. 32 Table 3-2 PERSONNEL AUTHORIZATIONS (End Strength) FY 2009 FY 2010 Base FY 2011 Base FY 2010 OCO FY 2011 OCO Authorization Request Army Navy Marine Corps Air Force 1,418,542 553,044 329,304 202,786 333,408 1,405,600 547,400 324,400 202,100 331,700 1,406,000 547,400 324,300 202,100 332,200 19,400 15,000 4,400 26,400 22,000 4,400 Enacted Authorization 1,369,773 1,405,600 TBD 19,400 TBD Current Estimate 1,418,542 1,405,600 1,406,000 19,400 26,400 Authorization Request Army Navy Marine Corps Air Force 845,888 563,688 66,508 38,510 177,182 844,500 563,200 65,500 39,600 176,200 846,200 563,200 65,500 39,600 177,900 Enacted Authorization 838,056 844,500 TBD Current Estimate 845,888 844,500 846,200 Active Military Personnel Selected Reserve Personnel* * Excludes Coast Guard. 33 This Page Intentionally Left Blank 34 Chapter 4: Chronology Chronologies are important because of the scorekeeping provisions of the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Act. Table 4-1 provides a chronology of FY 2009 National Defense budget authority, beginning with the FY 2009 budget estimate for the FY 2009 budget submitted to Congress in February, 2008. This estimate reflects congressional action, rescissions/reappropriations and transfers which occurred during CY 2008, and resulted in the FY 2009 column of the FY 2010 budget submitted to Congress in May 2009. Finally, reappropriations/rescissions, contract authority, and other adjustments are shown, resulting in the FY 2009 column of the FY 2011 budget request submitted to Congress in February 2010. Tables Pg 4-1 FY 2009 National Defense BA Chronology ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 36 4-2 FY 2010 National Defense BA Chronology ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 38 35 Table 4-1 FY 2009 NATIONAL DEFENSE BUDGET AUTHORITY CHRONOLOGY (Dollars in Millions) DoD Bill Military Construction / Quality of Life Additional Supplemental Requests Atomic Energy Defense Activities - 053* Energy & Water Bill - 053 Labor, HHS, Education - 053 Total Defense Related - 054* Homeland Security - 054 Commerce, Justice, Science - 054 Transportation, HUD - 054 Energy & Water Bill - 054 Other Defense Related - 054 Rounding** OMB Scoring and Rounding Sub-Total DoD in Above (OMB) Net DoD Trust Funds & Rceipts Net CHIMP Total National Defense (OMB) DoD in Above (OMB) FY 09 Col FY 09 Budget Congressional Action 496,625 24,400 70,000 17,167 16,117 1,050 5,673 1,475 3,050 176 6 966 -1 613,865 521,025 -1,434 -1,300 611,131 518,291 1,812 3,613 CY 2008 Rescissions and Reappropriations -1,321 -83 Requested Supplementals Transfers and Other 65,809 -130 32,486 -26,657 5,732 5,614 118 1,300 12 1,288 -1 1 12,457 5,425 -1,404 -1,404 98,295 65,809 -26,787 -26,787 12,554 5,425 -1,404 -1,404 65,809 65,809 -26,787 -26,787 CY 2009 FY 09 Col FY 10 Budget 562,795 27,930 75,829 22,899 21,731 1,168 6,973 1,487 4,338 176 5 967 -72 7 696,354 666,482 -1,434 -1,300 693,620 663,748 * Data provided by OMB. ** These differences are due primarily to the presentation of contract authority withdrawn. In the President’s Budget, contract authority withdrawn reduces unobligated balances. In the Department’s internal budget system, contract authority withdrawn reduces mandatory budget authority. 36 Table 4-1 (Continued) FY 2009 NATIONAL DEFENSE BUDGET AUTHORITY CHRONOLOGY (Dollars in Millions) CY 2009 DoD Bill Military Construction / Quality of Life Additional Supplemental Requests Atomic Energy Defense Activities - 053* Energy & Water Bill - 053 Labor, HHS, Education - 053 Total Defense Related - 054* Homeland Security - 054 Commerce, Justice, Science - 054 Transportation, HUD - 054 Energy & Water Bill - 054 Other Defense Related - 054 OMB Scoring and Rounding** Sub-Total DoD in Above (OMB) Net DoD Trust Funds & Rceipts Net CHIMP Total National Defense (OMB) DoD in Above (OMB) CY 2010 FY 09 Col FY 10 Budget Rescissions and Reappropriations Contract and Other Authorities 562,795 27,930 75,829 22,899 21,731 1,168 6,973 1,487 4,338 176 5 967 -72 696,354 666,482 -1,434 -1,300 693,620 663,748 -5,817 -226 -3,529 Transfers, Supplementals and Other 81,631 2,959 -75,829 92 -14 106 285 239 50 -4 -6,043 -6,043 -3,529 -3,529 9,515 8,761 -6,043 -6,043 -3,529 -3,529 11,030 10,276 FY 09 Col FY 11 Budget 635,080 30,663 22,991 21,717 1,274 7,258 1,726 4,388 176 5 963 2,990 698,982 668,733 -1,219 697,763 667,514 * Data provided by OMB. ** These differences are due primarily to the presentation of contract authority withdrawn. In the President’s Budget, contract authority withdrawn reduces unobligated balances. In the Department’s internal budget system, contract authority withdrawn reduces mandatory budget authority. 37 Table 4-2 FY 2010 NATIONAL DEFENSE BUDGET AUTHORITY CHRONOLOGY (Dollars in Millions) DoD Bill Military Construction / Quality of Life Additional Supplemental Requests Atomic Energy Defense Activities - 053* Energy & Water Bill - 053 Labor, HHS, Education - 053 Total Defense Related - 054* Homeland Security - 054 Commerce, Justice, Science - 054 Transportation, HUD - 054 Energy & Water Bill - 054 Other Defense Related - 054 OMB Scoring and Rounding** Sub-Total DoD in Above (OMB) Net DoD Trust Funds & Rceipts Total National Defense (OMB) DoD in Above (OMB) FY 10 Col FY 10 Budget Congressional Action CY 2009 Rescissions and Reappropriations Requested Supplementals Transfers and Other 516,585 22,946 130,000 17,671 16,557 1,114 7,416 1,607 4,639 176 6 988 -237 694 381 694,381 669,294 -1,601 692,780 667,693 -2,716 741 -972 -679 128,247 1,399 -15 -96,986 94 73 21 13 18 -37 -2 -1 35 -1,868 -1 868 -1,975 -1,651 -1 651 -1,651 129,646 129 646 129,646 -97,001 -97 001 -97,001 -1,868 -1,975 -1,651 -1,651 129,646 129,646 -97,001 -97,001 CY 2010 FY 10 Col FY 11 Budget 641,129 24,407 33,014 17,765 16,630 1,135 7,429 1,625 4,602 174 5 1,023 -5 723 739 723,739 698,545 -1,601 722,138 696,944 * Data provided by OMB. ** These differences are due primarily to the presentation of contract authority withdrawn. In the President’s Budget, contract authority withdrawn reduces unobligated balances. In the Department’s internal budget system, contract authority withdrawn reduces mandatory budget authority. 38 Chapter 5: Treatment of Inflation Inflation is an increase in the general level of prices in the economy. Inflation does not mean that prices rise evenly or that all prices are rising. Some prices may be constant and others actually may be falling. Prices of some commodities rise faster than others because of differences in the magnitude and direction of changes in supply and demand in various markets. Chapter 5 provides the standard economic factors, known as deflators, for calculating the effect of changes in price. Tables Pg 5-1 DoD and Selected Economic Indicies………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………….………… 41 Inflation indices, in base year FY 2011, for selected economy-wide measures as a comparison of inflation in DoD with that in the general economy. 5-2 Pay and Inflation Rate Assumptions – Outlays……………………………………………………………………………………….………………….………… 43 Pay and inflation assumptions used in the FY 2011 budget for DoD outlays. These rates are based on the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) guidance which reflects the change in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) deflator. The historical inflation rates for fuel are based on the change in the cost per barrel paid by the customer to the stock fund while the outyear forecasts of fuel increases are based on the Administration's estimate of Refiners Acquisition Cost (RAC). Inflation estimates for all other purchases are in line with the GDP deflator. 5-3 Pay and Inflation Rate Assumptions – BA………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 44 Pay and inflation assumptions used in the FY 2011 budget for DoD Budget Authority. The pay raises are annual rates and parallel Table 5-2. The purchases rates are based on the annual outlay rates in Table 5-2 converted to Budget Authority using the spendout profiles published in Table 5-11. 5-4 DoD Deflators – TOA by Appropriation Title……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 45 Inflation indices in base year FY 2011 for each DoD appropriation title to be used in converting Total Obligation Authority from current to constant FY 2011 dollars. DoD Deflators – TOA for Pay and Purchases……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 46 5-5 Inflation indices in base year FY 2011 to be used in converting pay and purchases Total Obligation Authority from current to constant FY 2011 dollars. 5-6 DoD Deflators – BA by Appropriation Title…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………… 47 Inflation indices in base year FY 2011 for each DoD appropriation title to be used in converting Budget Authority from current to constant FY 2011 dollars. 39 5-7 DoD Deflators – BA for Pay and Purchases……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 48 Inflation indices in base year FY 2011 to be used in converting pay and purchases Budget Authority from current to constant FY 2011 dollars. 5-8 DoD Deflators – Outlays by Appropriation Title………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 49 Inflation indices in base year FY 2011 for each DoD appropriation title to be used to convert outlays from current to constant FY 2011 dollars. 5-9 DoD Deflators – Outlays for Pay and Purchases …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 50 Inflation indices in base year FY 2011 to be used in converting pay and purchases outlays from current to constant FY 2011 dollars. 5-10 Long-Range Inflation – Defense…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 51 Chronology of inflation estimates since January 1986, showing that estimated inflation rates for a given year are revised many times before becoming actual. 5-11 Outlay Rates for Incremental Changes in BA Purchases………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 53 Outlay rates used in developing outyear inflation factors for estimating future costs of Defense purchases. These rates, derived from rates used to develop the overall outlay estimates, do not account for lapses in the accounts and only reflect the spending profile for Defense purchases, excluding fuel. 5-12 Military and Civilian Pay Increases Since 1945 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 56 Military and civilian [general schedule] pay increases from 1945 to the pay raises assumed in the FY 2011 budget request. 5-13 Civilian Pay Deflators by Category………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 57 Pay indices in base year FY 2011 for each component of civilian pay in DoD. Separate rates are maintained for General Schedule [GS], Wage Bboard [WB], Direct Hire Foreign National [DHFN], and Indirect Hire of Foreign National [IHFN]. 40 Table 5-1 DoD and SELECTED ECONOMY-WIDE INDICES (Base Year = 2011) FY GDP CPI-W DoD NON-PAY DoD PURCHASES DoD TOTAL 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 21.24 22.30 23.36 24.38 26.13 28.87 30.94 33.26 35.50 38.36 41.74 45.86 49.00 51.15 53.04 54.76 56.03 57.52 57 52 59.37 61.67 63.94 66.36 68.09 69.60 71.07 72.58 73.98 75.34 76.29 77.31 78.83 80.69 82.02 83.74 85.88 17.79 18.70 19.39 20.17 21.98 24.40 26.13 28.12 30.09 33.22 37.70 41.88 44.90 46.43 47.96 49.68 50.78 52.15 52 15 54.29 56.89 59.62 62.55 64.30 66.16 67.82 69.78 71.74 73.60 74.63 76.05 78.10 79.98 80.94 82.80 84.62 18.48 19.41 20.01 20.67 22.37 25.30 27.30 29.69 32.03 34.77 40.54 45.15 49.77 51.90 53.81 55.46 56.78 58 58.06 06 59.52 61.83 63.97 67.73 69.52 69.35 70.56 71.63 73.00 74.78 75.80 76.15 77.18 79.26 80.00 80.84 83.32 19.87 20.87 22.03 23.80 26.41 29.56 32.62 33.90 36.93 40.68 44.80 48.69 51.75 54.09 55.95 57.66 59.36 61 61.20 20 63.48 65.98 68.48 70.81 72.41 73.93 75.33 76.71 78.00 78.96 79.67 80.61 81.86 83.03 84.02 85.45 87.58 15.57 16.52 17.77 18.86 20.40 22.58 24.26 26.22 28.27 30.50 34.39 38.61 42.66 44.92 46.83 48.84 50.41 51 51.81 81 53.59 55.82 57.32 59.41 61.86 62.95 64.33 65.41 66.74 68.67 70.41 71.69 73.87 76.13 78.30 80.10 82.79 41 Table 5-1 (Continued) DoD and SELECTED ECONOMY-WIDE INDICES (Base Year = 2011) FY 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 GDP CPI-W DoD NON-PAY DoD PURCHASES DoD TOTAL 88.68 91.72 94.39 96.58 98.03 98.91 100.00 101.56 103.30 105.05 106.85 87.50 90.82 92.82 97.27 96.50 98.62 100.00 101.90 103.94 106.02 108.14 87.12 90.25 92.95 96.06 96.89 98.64 100.00 101.82 103.76 105.75 107.80 90.07 92.51 94.64 96.30 97.48 98.60 100.00 101.66 103.39 105.15 106.94 86.36 89.35 91.94 95.12 96.66 98.64 100.00 101.95 104.02 106.21 108.46 42 Table 5-2 PAY AND INFLATION RATE ASSUMPTIONS - OUTLAYS FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 3.9 3.9 3.4 2.0 1.4 1.4 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.8 2.3 2.8 2.3 -31.2 30.8 7.8 3.0 1.9 1.9 2.2 6.2 6.2 3.3 3.6 3.7 3.7 3.7 1.5 1.5 0 0.9 .9 1 1.1 .1 1 1.6 .6 1.7 1 1.7 .7 1. 1.7 7 1.6 2.0 1.4 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.1 PAY Military Pay Raise* Civilian Pay Raise* PURCHASES Fuel Defense Health Program (Excludes Pay & Fuel) Other Purchases (Excludes Fuel & DHP) COMPOSITE OUTLAYS * Pay raises are effective on January 1 of each year. NOTE: These rates are provided by OMB and do not account for the spendout behavior of the DoD accounts. 43 Table 5-3 PAY AND INFLATION RATE ASSUMPTIONS - BUDGET AUTHORITY FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 3.9 3.9 3.4 2.0 1.4 1.4 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.8 2.3 2.8 2.3 -31.2 30.8 7.8 3.0 1.9 1.9 2.2 5.9 5.2 3.4 3.6 3.7 3.7 3.7 1.2 1.2 1 1.1 .1 1. 1.4 4 1 1.7 .7 1.7 1 1.7 .7 1. 1.7 7 1.3 2.1 1.6 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.1 PAY Military Pay Raise* Civilian Pay Raise* PURCHASES Fuel Defense Health Program (Excludes Pay & Fuel) Other Purchases (Excludes Fuel & DHP) DHP) COMPOSITE BA * Pay raises are effective on January 1 of each year. NOTE: These rates are provided by OMB; then the spendout behavior of the DoD accounts is applied to each rate. 44 Table 5-4 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE DEFLATORS - TOA (Deflators = Current/Constant) FY OPR MIL OPR & MAINT PROCUREPERSONNEL MAINT excl DHP MENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS SPECIAL GRAND FOREIGN TOTAL GRAND CURRENCY excl DHP TOTAL 1970 12.78 15.76 15.76 19.12 19.64 20.36 18.98 21.47 15.72 15.72 1971 13.68 16.72 16.72 20.25 20.65 21.89 20.39 21.65 16.69 16.69 1972 15.56 17.52 17.52 21.53 21.74 23.42 21.37 22.46 18.16 18.16 1973 17.27 18.87 18.87 23.35 23.16 26.00 22.30 23.62 19.75 19.75 1974 18.42 21.04 21.04 25.57 25.46 29.31 23.82 25.01 21.53 21.53 1975 19.77 22.44 22.44 28.62 28.03 32.18 26.82 28.44 23.35 23.35 1976 20.92 24.88 24.88 31.80 31.03 34.91 28.91 30.58 30.57 25.72 25.72 1977 22.03 26.83 26.83 32.94 32.80 35.72 31.40 33.09 33.08 27.51 27.51 1978 23.52 29.25 29.25 36.13 35.65 38.69 33.59 35.44 35.43 29.85 29.85 1979 24.97 30.82 30.82 40.21 39.89 42.61 38.41 38.67 38.66 32.19 32.19 1980 26.95 36.29 36.29 44.40 43.62 45.42 44.16 42.77 36.06 36.06 1981 30.87 40.45 40.45 48.43 47.48 48.78 48.32 47.30 47.30 40.53 40.53 1982 35.37 42.57 42.57 51.75 50.14 50.98 51.87 50.89 50.89 44.15 44.15 1983 37.03 43.95 43.95 54.38 52.14 52.07 52.70 52.93 52.93 46.34 46.34 1984 38.75 44.77 44.77 56.27 54.10 53.92 54.10 54.94 54.94 48.03 48.03 1985 42.84 46.17 46.17 57.97 55.81 55.84 55.84 56.81 56.81 49.78 49.78 1986 44.45 46.48 46.48 59.73 57.28 57.28 57.20 58.40 58.40 50.90 50.90 1987 45.64 48.21 48.21 61.76 59.13 59.51 59.14 59.98 59.98 52.35 52.35 1988 47.44 49.95 49.95 64.15 61.55 62.35 61.37 61.78 54.27 54.27 1989 48.99 52.20 52.20 66.57 64.11 64.85 63.77 64.37 56.21 56.21 1990 49 79 49.79 53 96 53.96 53 96 53.96 68 91 68.91 66 53 66.53 66 92 66.92 66 14 66.14 67 01 67.01 57 74 57.74 57 74 57.74 1991 52.52 59.67 59.67 70.88 68.81 69.05 69.09 69.89 60.84 60.84 1992 53.77 59.38 59.38 72.53 70.78 70.72 70.82 68.70 61.70 61.70 1993 56.18 57.86 60.25 74.00 71.61 71.74 72.39 70.52 63.23 62.22 1994 57.56 59.38 61.85 75.37 73.05 73.96 74.02 68.83 64.45 63.37 1995 58.99 61.11 63.49 76.66 74.60 75.11 75.16 66.91 65.82 64.76 1996 60.29 62.67 65.05 77.79 76.10 76.51 76.81 69.60 67.42 66.36 1997 62.15 64.19 66.64 78.67 77.25 77.26 77.92 72.75 68.95 67.88 1998 64.93 66.50 69.00 79.48 78.26 77.97 78.63 73.18 71.05 69.97 1999 66.96 68.28 70.65 80.54 79.10 79.20 79.62 80.66 72.75 71.71 2000 70.19 69.64 72.20 81.73 80.64 80.46 80.71 81.90 74.86 73.70 2001 72.61 72.68 75.41 82.89 82.00 81.58 82.25 83.30 77.23 76.06 2002 76.80 75.01 77.58 84.16 83.24 83.34 83.15 84.13 79.54 78.33 2003 79.75 77.90 79.46 85.88 84.82 85.40 84.34 85.25 81.59 80.85 2004 82.14 80.75 82.32 88.09 87.10 87.83 86.54 86.99 84.16 83.45 2005 84.95 85.76 87.26 90.50 89.69 90.37 89.77 89.49 87.73 87.10 2006 87.76 88.89 90.31 92.74 92.13 92.47 92.27 92.08 90.48 89.90 2007 90.18 91.55 92.67 94.66 94.30 94.37 94.12 94.42 92.82 92.36 2008 93.16 95.02 95.91 96.10 96.07 95.94 96.23 96.48 95.38 95.06 2009 96.04 95.61 95.99 97.26 97.43 97.29 97.43 97.73 96.52 96.34 2010 98.55 98.20 98.37 98.52 98.62 98.50 98.68 98.86 98.48 98.41 2011 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 2012 102.21 102.20 101.97 101.68 101.73 101.73 101.73 101.64 101.93 102.01 2013 104.51 104.42 103.93 103.41 103.54 103.50 103.51 103.37 103.90 104.08 2014 107.19 106.69 105.91 105.16 105.39 105.33 105.33 105.13 105.99 106.29 2015 109.95 109.02 107.95 106.95 107.27 107.16 107.19 106.92 108.13 108.54 Calculated from DoD funding that includes enacted budget authority and indefinite budget authority amounts, enacted OCO funding, and funding for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. 45 Table 5-5 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE DEFLATORS - TOA (Deflators = Current/Constant) FY 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 MEDICAL CIVPAY MILPAY RET PAY ACCRUAL 14.66 15.93 17.25 18.29 19.92 21.53 23.29 25.33 27.36 28.97 30.95 33.66 34.54 36.42 37.90 39.19 40.04 42.53 45.23 48.07 50.43 52.43 54.62 56.71 58.14 59.58 61.01 62.84 64.60 66.92 70.14 72.73 76.08 79.20 82.44 85.33 87.97 89.91 93.06 96.69 98.63 100.00 102.28 104.61 107.00 109.43 11.73 12.69 14.77 16.59 17.71 18.86 19.85 20.97 22.43 23.74 25.43 29.00 33.71 35.24 36.95 38.87 40.54 41.45 43.49 45.06 47.52 49.82 51.56 54.09 55.49 56.87 58.24 59.98 61.66 63.88 66.95 69.43 74.22 77.71 80.93 83.76 86.36 88.69 91.80 95.38 98.62 100.00 102.30 104.65 107.58 110.60 15.70 17.37 18.53 19.65 21.55 24.59 27.31 28.92 31.09 33.66 37.73 41.96 44.72 47.31 48.91 74.21 77.33 80.57 83.88 87.32 91.07 93.80 96.81 100.00 103.60 107.43 111.41 115.53 DEFENSE DHP excl OTHER FUEL HEALTH PAY&FUEL MILPERS TOTAL* Excluding Pay, Fuel and Medical FH and TOTAL excl GRAND O&M PROC RDT&E MILCON TOTAL NON PAY PAY&MED TOTAL 9.66 10.09 10.48 10.92 11.56 13.30 14.30 15.47 16.57 19.15 36.06 41.66 46.33 41.48 35.75 33.16 28.74 26.38 22.12 22.13 19.75 36.97 24.66 25.00 28.53 24.99 26.39 26.73 32.00 29.18 21.80 35.51 35.16 29.54 32.00 61.18 75.25 76.30 103.08 70.92 92.73 100.00 103.00 104.96 106.95 109.30 19.57 20.31 21.34 23.26 26.97 30.27 33.34 34.71 37.62 41.31 45.43 49.19 51.81 53.78 55.66 57.36 58.99 60.77 63.01 65.59 68.25 70.59 72.36 73.91 75.33 76.75 78.12 79.04 79.70 80.63 81.94 83.03 83.95 85.35 87.51 90.00 92.49 94.69 96.41 97.53 98.60 100.00 101.66 103.39 105.15 106.93 43.29 44.65 46.42 48.20 49.60 51.17 52.80 54.73 57.26 60.71 64.86 68.99 73.40 77.88 82.55 87.57 92.48 96.94 100.00 103.47 107.12 110.93 114.86 41.23 42.40 44.31 46.09 47.47 48.97 50.69 52.74 55.35 59.10 63.10 67.30 71.73 76.48 81.55 86.73 91.88 96.70 100.00 103.63 107.47 111.44 115.57 20.76 21.68 22.52 23.55 25.28 28.76 31.23 33.41 35.91 39.27 43.43 47.77 51.11 53.13 55.11 56.92 58.52 60.14 62.06 64.66 67.32 70.05 72.09 73.77 75.23 76.67 78.16 79.43 80.01 80.73 81.91 83.33 84.03 85.02 86.84 89.31 92.01 94.44 96.55 97.91 98.83 100.00 101.62 103.34 105.10 106.89 19.42 20.53 21.77 23.64 25.88 28.86 32.02 33.15 36.37 40.21 44.40 48.43 51.75 54.38 56.27 57.97 59.73 61.76 64.15 66.57 68.91 70.88 72.53 74.00 75.37 76.66 77.79 78.67 79.48 80.54 81.73 82.89 84.16 85.88 88.09 90.50 92.74 94.66 96.10 97.26 98.52 100.00 101.68 103.41 105.16 106.95 21.11 22.05 23.08 24.49 27.02 30.02 33.19 34.68 37.58 41.24 45.32 49.04 51.75 53.71 55.59 57.32 58.95 60.72 62.91 65.49 68.12 70.50 72.34 73.90 75.32 76.74 78.10 79.08 79.74 80.64 81.91 83.05 83.95 85.34 87.44 89.95 92.45 94.65 96.40 97.58 98.63 100.00 101.65 103.38 105.14 106.93 21.35 22.42 23.64 25.43 27.89 31.24 34.19 35.63 38.42 42.01 45.77 49.37 52.17 54.22 56.04 57.79 59.56 61.53 63.87 66.36 68.53 70.68 72.46 73.96 75.38 76.69 77.92 78.83 79.60 80.57 81.72 82.90 84.11 85.84 88.10 90.57 92.76 94.57 96.08 97.33 98.53 100.00 101.69 103.42 105.17 106.96 19.90 20.91 22.03 23.78 26.43 29.55 32.60 33.92 36.94 40.68 44.82 48.71 51.75 54.07 55.95 57.66 59.34 61.22 63.49 65.99 68.48 70.64 72.40 73.93 75.34 76.71 78.00 78.95 79.67 80.61 81.85 83.01 84.02 85.47 87.60 90.08 92.51 94.64 96.30 97.49 98.60 100.00 101.66 103.39 105.15 106.93 18.99 20.03 20.87 22.55 24.94 27.23 30.43 31.92 34.87 38.16 43.84 48.04 51.29 53.14 54.51 56.01 57.24 58.76 60.62 62.70 64.75 68.27 69.29 68.23 69.37 70.60 72.17 73.39 74.89 75.88 76.79 78.88 79.88 81.77 84.21 88.10 90.92 93.36 95.85 96.47 98.34 100.00 101.90 103.85 105.86 107.91 18.99 20.03 20.87 22.55 24.94 27.23 30.43 31.92 34.87 38.16 43.84 48.04 51.29 53.14 54.51 56.01 57.24 58.76 60.62 62.70 64.75 68.27 69.29 70.63 71.96 73.11 74.62 75.83 77.12 77.91 78.89 80.94 81.81 83.08 85.50 89.28 91.99 94.18 96.41 96.78 98.47 100.00 101.70 103.44 105.20 107.01 * Excludes all pay data, Military Medical Accrual data, and data for the Defense Health Program. All deflators are calculated from DoD funding that includes enacted budget authority and indefinite budget authority amounts, enacted OCO funding, and funding for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. 46 15.72 16.69 18.16 19.75 21.53 23.35 25.72 27.51 29.85 32.19 36.06 40.53 44.15 46.34 48.03 49.78 50.90 52.35 54.27 56.21 57.74 60.84 61.70 62.22 63.37 64.76 66.36 67.88 69.97 71.71 73.70 76.06 78.33 80.85 83.45 87.10 89.90 92.36 95.06 96.34 98.41 100.00 102.01 104.08 106.29 108.54 Table 5-6 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE DEFLATORS - BA (Deflators = Current/Constant) FY 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 OPR MIL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E PERSONNEL MAINT excl DHP 12.79 13.68 15.52 17.29 18.43 19.79 20.92 22.07 23.54 24.98 26.93 30.92 35.38 37.04 38.80 42.79 43.85 45.57 47.45 49.00 49.79 52.56 53.79 56.18 57.57 59.01 60.30 62.17 64.96 66.94 70.23 72.57 76.79 79.75 82.17 84.94 87.81 90.22 93.15 96.10 98.56 100.00 102.19 104.47 107.12 109.85 15.76 16.73 17.46 18.80 21.06 22.43 24.87 26.85 29.21 30.86 36.25 40.48 42.62 43.92 44.84 46.19 46.28 48.12 49.81 52.15 53.94 60.23 59.56 57.63 59.32 61.08 62.72 64.20 66.65 68.52 69.76 72.75 74.46 78.10 81.13 85.32 88.89 91.54 95.01 95.62 98.20 100.00 102.20 104.41 106.69 109.02 15.76 16.73 17.46 18.80 21.06 22.43 24.87 26.85 29.21 30.86 36.25 40.48 42.62 43.92 44.84 46.19 46.28 48.12 49.81 52.15 53.94 60.23 59.56 60.03 61.79 63.46 65.11 66.69 69.14 70.87 72.35 75.50 77.11 79.64 82.66 86.94 90.32 92.67 95.91 95.99 98.37 100.00 101.97 103.93 105.91 107.95 19.01 20.10 21.50 23.38 25.55 28.59 31.77 32.93 36.14 40.23 44.42 48.45 51.76 54.40 56.27 57.98 59.73 61.74 64.13 66.56 68.91 70.88 72.54 74.00 75.37 76.66 77.79 78.67 79.48 80.54 81.73 82.89 84.16 85.88 88.09 90.51 92.74 94.66 96.10 97.26 98.52 100.00 101.68 103.41 105.16 106.95 19.64 20.64 21.73 23.15 25.45 28.01 31.01 32.77 35.63 39.89 43.62 47.48 50.14 52.14 54.10 55.84 57.29 59.12 61.54 64.11 66.56 68.88 70.72 71.63 73.05 74.60 76.09 77.25 78.26 79.11 80.63 82.00 83.24 84.82 87.10 89.69 92.13 94.30 96.07 97.43 98.62 100.00 101.73 103.54 105.39 107.27 MIL CON FMLY HSNG 20.27 21.99 23.46 25.82 29.20 32.19 35.04 35.69 38.42 42.40 45.48 48.79 51.00 52.23 53.83 55.86 57.37 59.45 62.28 64.83 66.89 68.92 70.80 72.06 73.82 74.99 76.42 77.20 77.98 79.26 80.39 81.61 83.33 85.41 87.78 90.37 92.45 94.36 95.93 97.29 98.50 100.00 101.73 103.50 105.33 107.16 19.00 20.39 21.39 22.29 23.82 26.89 28.87 31.35 33.53 38.41 44.18 48.27 51.81 52.76 54.12 55.88 57.27 59.12 61.32 63.73 66.14 69.03 70.84 72.43 73.99 75.00 76.79 77.93 78.60 79.63 80.70 82.23 83.20 84.35 86.43 89.80 92.26 94.10 96.19 97.49 98.50 100.00 101.73 103.51 105.33 107.19 REV & MGT FNDS GRAND SPECIAL FOREIGN OFFSETG TRUST INTERFUND TOTAL GRAND excl DHP TOTAL TRANS CURRENCY RECEIPT FUNDS 20.65 28.45 30.58 33.09 35.44 38.67 42.77 47.30 50.89 52.93 54.94 56.81 58.40 59.98 61.78 64.37 67.01 69.89 69.48 70.95 70.93 73.34 72.62 77.18 74.35 80.71 81.91 83.34 84.10 85.16 86.91 89.37 92.07 94.47 96.52 98.59 98.86 100.00 101.64 103.37 105.13 106.92 21.59 22.42 23.35 24.73 28.45 30.59 33.09 35.44 38.67 42.77 47.30 50.89 52.93 54.94 56.81 58.40 59.98 20.65 21.59 22.42 23.35 24.73 28.45 30.59 33.09 35.44 38.67 42.77 47.30 50.89 52.93 54.94 56.81 58.40 59.98 61.78 64.37 67.01 69.89 71.99 73.72 75.19 76.62 78.15 79.56 80.12 80.76 81.89 83.44 84.11 84.95 86.65 89.08 91.84 94.32 96.58 98.03 98.91 100.00 101.60 103.33 105.08 106.87 20.65 21.59 22.42 23.35 24.73 28.45 30.59 33.09 35.44 38.67 42.77 47.30 50.90 52.93 54.94 56.81 58.40 59.98 61.78 64.37 67.01 69.89 71.99 73.72 75.19 76.62 78.15 79.56 80.11 80.76 81.89 83.44 84.11 84.95 86.65 89.08 91.84 94.32 96.58 98.03 98.91 100.00 101.60 103.33 105.08 106.87 20.65 21.59 22.42 23.35 24.73 28.45 30.59 33.09 35.44 38.67 42.77 47.30 50.89 52.93 54.94 56.81 58.40 59.98 61.78 64.37 67.01 69.89 71.99 73.72 75.19 76.62 78.15 79.56 80.12 80.76 81.89 83.44 84.11 84.95 86.65 89.08 91.84 94.32 96.58 98.03 98.91 100.00 101.60 103.33 105.08 106.87 Calculated from DoD funding that includes enacted budget authority and indefinite budget authority amounts, enacted OCO funding, and funding for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. 47 15.64 16.60 18.09 19.70 21.49 23.33 25.71 27.54 29.81 32.21 36.09 40.62 44.24 46.45 48.11 50.04 51.00 52.25 54.16 56.19 57.79 59.87 61.60 63.15 64.45 65.88 67.40 69.08 71.03 72.91 74.94 77.29 79.41 81.62 84.26 87.63 90.47 92.82 95.38 96.52 98.48 100.00 101.92 103.89 105.98 108.12 15.64 16.60 18.09 19.70 21.49 23.33 25.71 27.54 29.81 32.21 36.09 40.62 44.24 46.45 48.11 50.04 51.00 52.25 54.16 56.19 57.79 59.87 61.60 62.13 63.37 64.82 66.34 68.01 69.95 71.88 73.76 76.11 78.18 80.89 83.55 86.99 89.89 92.35 95.06 96.34 98.41 100.00 102.01 104.08 106.28 108.52 Table 5-7 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE DEFLATORS - BA (Deflators = Current/Constant) FY 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 MEDICAL CIVPAY MILPAY RET PAY ACCRUAL 14.66 15.93 17.25 18.29 19.92 21.53 23.29 25.33 27.36 28.97 30.95 33.66 34.54 36.42 37.90 39.19 40.04 42.53 45.23 48.07 50.43 52.43 54.62 56.71 58.14 59.58 61.01 62.84 64.60 66.92 70.14 72.73 76.08 79.20 82.44 85.33 87.97 89.91 93.06 96.69 98.63 100.00 102.28 104.61 107.00 109.43 11.73 12.69 14.77 16.59 17.71 18.86 19.85 20.97 22.43 23.74 25.43 29.00 33.71 35.24 36.95 38.87 40.54 41.45 43.49 45.06 47.52 49.82 51.56 54.09 55.49 56.87 58.24 59.98 61.66 63.88 66.95 69.43 74.22 77.71 80.93 83.76 86.36 88.69 91.80 95.38 98.62 100.00 102.30 104.65 107.58 110.60 15.70 17.37 18.53 19.65 21.55 24.59 27.31 28.92 31.09 33.66 37.73 41.96 44.72 47.31 48.91 74.21 77.33 80.57 83.88 87.32 91.07 93.80 96.81 100.00 103.60 107.43 111.41 115.53 DEFENSE DHP excl OTHER FUEL HEALTH PAY&FUEL MILPERS TOTAL* Excluding Pay, Fuel and Medical FH and TOTAL excl GRAND O&M PROC RDT&E MILCON TOTAL NON PAY PAY&MED TOTAL 9.66 10.09 10.48 10.92 11.56 13.30 14.30 15.47 16.57 19.15 36.06 41.66 46.33 41.48 35.75 33.16 28.74 26.38 22.12 22.13 19.75 36.97 24.66 25.00 28.53 24.99 26.39 26.73 32.00 29.18 21.80 35.51 35.16 29.54 32.00 61.18 75.25 76.30 103.08 70.92 92.73 100.00 103.00 104.96 106.95 109.30 19.57 20.31 21.36 23.28 26.97 30.28 33.37 34.71 37.62 41.32 45.43 49.17 51.80 53.77 55.66 57.36 58.99 60.77 63.01 65.58 68.23 70.51 72.34 73.90 75.33 76.75 78.12 79.05 79.70 80.63 81.94 83.05 83.93 85.33 87.51 89.97 92.48 94.69 96.41 97.54 98.60 100.00 101.66 103.39 105.15 106.93 43.29 44.65 46.42 48.20 49.57 51.17 52.81 54.69 57.24 60.71 64.87 68.97 73.40 77.85 82.55 87.57 92.48 96.94 100.00 103.47 107.12 110.93 114.86 41.23 42.40 44.31 46.09 47.47 48.97 50.69 52.74 55.35 59.10 63.10 67.30 71.73 76.48 81.55 86.73 91.88 96.70 100.00 103.63 107.47 111.44 115.57 20.76 21.68 22.52 23.56 25.28 28.76 31.23 33.41 35.91 39.27 43.43 47.77 51.11 53.13 55.11 56.93 58.52 60.14 62.06 64.66 67.32 70.06 72.09 73.77 75.23 76.67 78.16 79.43 80.01 80.73 81.91 83.33 84.03 85.02 86.84 89.31 92.01 94.44 96.55 97.91 98.83 100.00 101.62 103.34 105.10 106.89 19.33 20.40 21.75 23.68 25.86 28.84 31.99 33.14 36.38 40.23 44.42 48.45 51.76 54.40 56.27 57.98 59.73 61.74 64.13 66.56 68.91 70.88 72.54 74.00 75.37 76.66 77.79 78.67 79.48 80.54 81.73 82.89 84.16 85.88 88.09 90.51 92.74 94.66 96.10 97.26 98.52 100.00 101.68 103.41 105.16 106.95 21.11 22.05 23.08 24.49 27.02 30.02 33.19 34.68 37.58 41.24 45.32 49.04 51.75 53.71 55.59 57.32 58.95 60.72 62.92 65.49 68.12 70.50 72.34 73.90 75.32 76.74 78.10 79.08 79.74 80.64 81.91 83.05 83.95 85.34 87.44 89.95 92.45 94.65 96.40 97.58 98.63 100.00 101.65 103.38 105.14 106.93 21.31 22.46 23.65 25.28 27.67 31.22 34.36 35.64 38.27 41.89 45.83 49.37 52.16 54.23 56.05 57.80 59.58 61.53 63.85 66.35 68.53 70.66 72.46 73.97 75.36 76.69 77.92 78.84 79.60 80.56 81.72 82.89 84.12 85.87 88.11 90.61 92.76 94.57 96.07 97.34 98.50 100.00 101.69 103.42 105.17 106.96 19.87 20.87 22.03 23.80 26.41 29.56 32.62 33.90 36.93 40.68 44.80 48.69 51.75 54.09 55.95 57.66 59.36 61.20 63.48 65.98 68.48 70.81 72.41 73.93 75.33 76.71 78.00 78.96 79.67 80.61 81.86 83.03 84.02 85.45 87.58 90.07 92.51 94.64 96.30 97.48 98.60 100.00 101.66 103.39 105.15 106.94 18.94 19.96 20.83 22.52 24.90 27.21 30.43 31.92 34.83 38.16 43.84 48.04 51.30 53.18 54.54 56.09 57.29 58.70 60.55 62.69 64.78 67.94 69.24 68.15 69.38 70.66 72.15 73.49 74.87 76.03 76.83 78.92 79.72 81.81 84.33 87.98 90.90 93.34 95.85 96.45 98.34 100.00 101.90 103.85 105.86 107.91 18.94 19.96 20.83 22.52 24.90 27.21 30.43 31.92 34.83 38.16 43.84 48.04 51.30 53.18 54.54 56.09 57.29 58.70 60.55 62.69 64.78 67.94 69.24 70.58 71.96 73.14 74.61 75.91 77.11 78.00 78.95 80.98 81.71 83.10 85.58 89.22 91.98 94.18 96.41 96.76 98.47 100.00 101.70 103.44 105.20 107.01 * Excludes all pay data, Military Medical Accrual data, and data for the Defense Health Program. All deflators are calculated from DoD funding that includes enacted budget authority and indefinite budget authority amounts, enacted OCO funding, and funding for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. 48 15.64 16.60 18.09 19.70 21.49 23.33 25.71 27.54 29.81 32.21 36.09 40.62 44.24 46.45 48.11 50.04 51.00 52.25 54.16 56.19 57.79 59.87 61.60 62.13 63.37 64.82 66.34 68.01 69.95 71.88 73.76 76.11 78.18 80.89 83.55 86.99 89.89 92.35 95.06 96.34 98.41 100.00 102.01 104.08 106.28 108.52 Table 5-8 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE DEFLATORS - OUTLAYS (Deflators = Current/Constant) FY OPR MIL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E PERSONNEL MAINT excl DHP MIL CON FMLY HSNG GRAND SPECIAL REV & FOREIGN OFFSETG TRUST INTERFUND TOTAL GRAND MGT excl DHP TOTAL TRANS FNDS CURRENCY RECEIPT FUNDS 1970 12.79 15.62 15.62 18.51 19.27 19.68 19.02 20.65 20.65 20.65 20.65 20.65 15.57 1971 13.67 16.65 16.65 19.36 20.34 20.73 20.16 21.59 21.59 21.59 21.59 21.59 16.52 1972 15.53 17.38 17.38 20.29 21.30 21.64 21.14 22.42 22.42 22.42 22.42 22.42 17.77 1973 17.18 18.13 18.13 21.02 22.32 22.80 21.97 23.35 23.35 23.35 23.35 23.35 18.86 1974 18.30 19.96 19.96 22.41 23.79 24.44 23.59 24.73 24.73 24.73 24.73 24.73 20.40 1975 19.77 22.13 22.13 25.25 26.93 27.99 26.84 28.45 28.45 28.45 28.45 28.45 22.58 1976 20.78 24.06 24.06 27.08 29.00 29.84 28.82 30.59 30.59 30.59 30.59 30.59 24.26 1977 21.94 26.39 26.39 29.25 31.49 32.13 31.47 33.09 33.09 33.09 33.09 33.09 26.22 28.72 31.43 33.88 34.39 33.61 35.44 35.44 35.44 35.44 35.44 28.27 1978 23.46 28.72 1979 24.86 30.40 30.40 34.38 37.57 37.33 38.39 38.67 38.67 38.67 38.67 38.67 30.50 1980 26.84 35.88 35.88 38.30 41.43 41.21 44.05 42.77 42.77 42.77 42.77 42.77 34.39 1981 30.75 40.04 40.04 42.59 45.87 45.35 47.86 47.30 47.30 47.30 47.30 47.30 38.61 1982 35.23 42.72 42.72 47.97 49.23 48.39 51.40 50.89 50.89 50.89 50.90 50.89 42.66 1983 36.99 44.16 44.16 51.70 51.36 50.30 51.82 52.93 52.93 52.93 52.93 52.93 44.92 1984 38.62 44.88 44.88 54.94 53.35 52.19 53.42 54.94 54.94 54.94 54.94 54.94 46.83 1985 42.79 46.12 46.12 56.81 55.23 54.25 55.24 56.81 56.81 56.81 56.81 56.81 48.84 1986 44.42 46.93 46.93 58.40 56.83 56.06 56.65 58.40 58.40 58.40 58.40 58.40 50.41 59.98 59.98 59.98 51.81 1987 45.26 48.21 48.21 59.98 58.46 58.08 58.18 59.98 59.98 1988 47.39 50.47 50.47 61.78 60.53 60.20 60.09 61.78 61.78 61.78 61.78 61.78 53.59 1989 49.30 52.57 52.57 64.37 63.16 62.55 62.63 64.37 64.37 64.37 64.37 64.37 55.82 1990 49.23 54.28 54.28 67.01 65.70 65.23 65.44 67.01 67.01 67.01 67.01 67.01 57.32 1991 52.42 52 42 59.62 59 62 59.62 59 62 69.89 69 89 68.37 68 37 67.28 67 28 68.56 68 56 69.89 69 89 69.89 69 89 69.89 69 89 69.89 69 89 69.89 69 89 59.41 59 41 1992 53.78 60.01 60.01 71.99 70.42 69.92 70.32 68.24 71.99 71.99 71.99 71.99 61.86 1993 56.16 59.56 61.66 73.72 71.50 71.91 71.95 76.67 73.72 73.72 73.72 73.72 63.79 1994 57.90 60.12 62.66 75.19 73.05 73.34 73.81 70.35 75.19 75.19 75.19 65.35 1995 59.06 61.75 64.09 76.62 74.63 75.25 75.05 115.62 76.62 76.62 76.62 66.39 1996 59.67 62.99 65.46 78.15 76.34 76.61 76.84 71.59 78.15 78.15 78.15 67.78 1997 62.07 65.37 67.88 79.56 77.81 78.06 78.43 73.65 79.56 79.56 79.56 69.72 1998 64.82 67.17 69.79 80.12 78.70 78.66 79.00 50.40 80.12 80.12 80.12 71.50 1999 66.76 68.29 70.83 80.76 79.17 79.49 79.80 80.76 80.76 80.76 80.76 72.78 2000 70.51 70.26 72.78 81.89 80.58 80.60 80.73 81.89 81.89 81.89 81.89 74.99 2001 72.22 73.15 76.04 83.44 82.32 82.10 82.55 83.44 83.44 83.44 83.44 77.38 84.11 84.11 79.46 2002 76.79 74.99 77.53 84.11 83.32 83.10 83.10 84.11 84.11 2003 79.62 76.89 78.66 84.95 84.41 84.36 83.57 84.95 84.95 84.95 84.95 80.93 2004 82.03 80.36 81.92 86.65 86.34 86.22 85.51 86.65 86.65 86.65 86.65 83.51 2005 85.08 85.12 86.69 89.08 88.86 88.60 88.76 89.08 89.08 89.08 89.08 87.00 2006 87.74 88.51 89.97 91.84 91.56 91.35 91.54 91.84 91.84 91.84 91.84 89.96 2007 90.10 91.22 92.40 94.32 93.99 93.93 93.86 94.32 94.32 94.32 94.32 92.43 2008 93.15 95.13 96.15 96.58 96.23 96.32 96.56 96.58 96.58 96.58 96.58 95.51 2009 96.11 95.86 96.36 98.03 97.83 97.95 97.98 98.03 98.03 98.03 98.03 96.89 2010 98.58 98.43 98.60 98.91 98.88 98.90 98.82 99.04 98.91 98.91 98.91 98.71 2011 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 2012 102.19 102.13 101.90 101.60 101.68 101.63 101.67 101.60 101.60 101.60 101.60 101.87 103.33 103.33 103.33 103.83 2013 104.47 104.32 103.83 103.33 103.48 103.40 103.45 103.33 2014 107.12 106.57 105.78 105.08 105.32 105.21 105.28 105.08 105.08 105.08 105.08 105.92 2015 109.85 108.87 107.79 106.87 107.19 107.06 107.14 106.87 106.87 106.87 106.87 108.06 Calculated from DoD funding that includes enacted budget authority and indefinite budget authority amounts, enacted OCO funding, and funding for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. 49 15.57 16.52 17.77 18.86 20.40 22.58 24.26 26.22 28.27 30.50 34.39 38.61 42.66 44.92 46.83 48.84 50.41 51.81 53.59 55.82 57.32 59.41 59 41 61.86 62.95 64.33 65.41 66.74 68.67 70.41 71.69 73.87 76.13 78.30 80.10 82.79 86.36 89.35 91.94 95.12 96.66 98.64 100.00 101.95 104.02 106.21 108.46 Table 5-9 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE DEFLATORS - OUTLAYS (Deflators = Current/Constant) MEDICAL FY CIVPAY MILPAY RET PAY ACCRUAL DEFENSE DHP excl OTHER FUEL HEALTH PAY&FUEL MIL PERS TOTAL* Excluding Pay, Fuel and Medical FH and TOTAL excl GRAND O&M PROC RDT&E MILCON TOTAL NON PAY PAY&MED TOTAL 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 9.66 10.09 10.48 10.92 11.56 13.30 14.30 15.47 16.57 19.15 36.06 41.66 46.33 41.48 35.75 33.16 28.74 26.38 22.12 22.13 19.75 36.97 24.66 25.00 28.53 24.99 26.39 26.73 32.00 29.18 21.80 35.51 35.16 29.54 32.00 61.18 75.25 76.30 103.08 70.92 92.73 100.00 103.00 104.96 106.95 109.30 19.06 19.83 20.64 21.13 23.78 28.75 30.83 33.36 35.74 38.98 43.10 47.63 51.23 53.29 55.29 57.18 58.78 60.39 62.19 64.80 67.45 70.34 72.42 74.13 75.58 76.98 78.49 79.87 80.39 81.00 82.17 83.70 84.35 85.16 86.86 89.25 91.98 94.44 96.67 98.09 98.93 100.00 101.55 103.23 104.94 106.68 14.66 15.93 17.25 18.29 19.92 21.53 23.29 25.33 27.36 28.97 30.95 33.66 34.54 36.42 37.90 39.19 40.04 42.53 45.23 48.07 50.43 52.43 54.62 56.71 58.14 59.58 61.01 62.84 64.60 66.92 70.14 72.73 76.08 79.20 82.44 85.33 87.97 89.91 93.06 96.69 98.63 100.00 102.28 104.61 107.00 109.43 11.73 12.69 14.77 16.59 17.71 18.86 19.85 20.97 22.43 23.74 25.43 29.00 33.71 35.24 36.95 38.87 40.54 41.45 43.49 45.06 47.52 49.82 51.56 54.09 55.49 56.87 58.24 59.98 61.66 63.88 66.95 69.43 74.22 77.71 80.93 83.76 86.36 88.69 91.80 95.38 98.62 100.00 102.30 104.65 107.58 110.60 15.70 17.37 18.53 19.65 21.55 24.59 27.31 28.92 31.09 33.66 37.73 41.96 44.72 47.31 48.91 74.21 77.33 80.57 83.88 87.32 91.07 93.80 96.81 100.00 103.60 107.43 111.41 115.53 43.82 44.61 46.53 48.38 49.77 51.24 52.73 54.64 56.64 60.20 64.09 68.28 72.60 77.06 81.81 86.82 91.86 97.03 100.00 103.44 107.09 110.88 114.81 41.41 42.24 44.22 46.21 47.55 48.98 50.59 52.47 54.56 58.27 62.24 66.41 70.79 75.46 80.59 85.83 91.15 96.81 100.00 103.60 107.43 111.41 115.53 20.65 21.59 22.42 23.35 24.73 28.45 30.59 33.09 35.44 38.67 42.77 47.30 50.89 52.93 54.94 56.81 58.40 59.98 61.78 64.37 67.01 69.89 71.99 73.72 75.19 76.62 78.15 79.56 80.12 80.76 81.89 83.44 84.11 84.95 86.65 89.08 91.84 94.32 96.58 98.03 98.91 100.00 101.60 103.33 105.08 106.87 18.73 19.56 20.46 21.19 22.55 25.37 27.19 29.39 31.57 34.38 38.30 42.59 47.97 51.70 54.94 56.81 58.40 59.98 61.78 64.37 67.01 69.89 71.99 73.72 75.19 76.62 78.15 79.56 80.12 80.76 81.89 83.44 84.11 84.95 86.65 89.08 91.84 94.32 96.58 98.03 98.91 100.00 101.60 103.33 105.08 106.87 20.65 21.59 22.42 23.35 24.73 28.45 30.58 33.12 35.47 38.69 42.79 47.33 50.93 53.00 55.01 56.87 58.50 60.08 61.87 64.47 67.12 70.01 72.10 73.83 75.30 76.75 78.29 79.69 80.22 80.76 81.89 83.44 84.11 84.95 86.65 89.09 91.85 94.33 96.60 98.04 98.91 100.00 101.59 103.31 105.06 106.84 20.65 21.59 22.42 23.35 24.73 28.45 30.59 33.09 35.44 38.67 42.77 47.30 50.89 52.93 54.94 56.81 58.40 59.98 61.78 64.37 67.01 69.89 71.99 73.72 75.19 76.62 78.15 79.56 80.12 80.76 81.89 83.44 84.11 84.95 86.65 89.08 91.84 94.32 96.58 98.03 98.91 100.00 101.60 103.33 105.08 106.87 19.28 20.18 21.06 21.79 23.56 27.19 29.18 31.75 34.08 36.99 41.13 45.58 50.17 52.94 55.55 57.41 59.00 60.56 62.34 64.93 67.63 70.86 72.63 74.41 75.94 77.41 78.99 80.33 80.79 81.31 82.31 83.83 84.38 85.13 86.78 89.18 91.94 94.43 96.66 98.08 98.92 100.00 101.58 103.29 105.02 106.79 18.48 19.41 20.01 20.67 22.37 25.30 27.30 29.69 32.03 34.77 40.54 45.15 49.77 51.90 53.81 55.46 56.78 58.06 59.52 61.83 63.97 67.73 69.52 69.35 70.56 71.63 73.00 74.78 75.80 76.15 77.18 79.26 80.00 80.84 83.32 87.12 90.25 92.95 96.06 96.89 98.64 100.00 101.82 103.76 105.75 107.80 18.48 19.41 20.01 20.67 22.37 25.30 27.30 29.69 32.03 34.77 40.54 45.15 49.77 51.90 53.81 55.46 56.78 58.06 59.52 61.83 63.97 67.73 69.52 71.26 72.87 73.90 75.47 77.17 78.11 78.36 79.23 81.53 81.92 82.35 84.60 88.34 91.38 93.88 96.79 97.30 98.79 100.00 101.62 103.34 105.09 106.87 * Excludes all pay data, Military Medical Accrual data, and data for the Defense Health Program. All deflators are calculated from DoD funding that includes enacted budget authority and indefinite budget authority amounts, enacted OCO funding, and funding for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. 50 15.57 16.52 17.77 18.86 20.40 22.58 24.26 26.22 28.27 30.50 34.39 38.61 42.66 44.92 46.83 48.84 50.41 51.81 53.59 55.82 57.32 59.41 61.86 62.95 64.33 65.41 66.74 68.67 70.41 71.69 73.87 76.13 78.30 80.10 82.79 86.36 89.35 91.94 95.12 96.66 98.64 100.00 101.95 104.02 106.21 108.46 Table 5-10 LONG RANGE INFLATION - DEFENSE Forcast 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Date DoD BUDGET AUTHORITY Jan-86 2.8 Jan-87 3.1 2.9 Jan-88 3.2 2.9 2.9 Jan-89 2.9 2.5 2.3 2.1 Jan-90 4.0 3.7 3.5 3.3 Jan-91 5.0 2.9 4.0 3.8 Jan-92 4.9 2.4 3.7 3.8 Mar-93 4.9 1.9 3.1 2.0 Jan-94 5.0 2.0 3.3 2.3 Jan-95 4.8 2.0 3.2 2.7 Jan-96 4.8 2.0 3.2 2.7 Jan-97 4.8 2.0 3.0 2.4 Jan-98 4.6 1.9 2.9 2.3 Jan-99 4.5 1.9 2.9 2.3 Jan-00 4.4 2.1 2.9 2.2 Jan-01 4.2 2.2 2.9 2.2 Jan-02 4.2 2.2 2.4 2.2 Jan-03 4.0 2.2 2.2 2.2 Jan-04 4.0 2.3 2.0 2.1 Jan-05 3.9 2.6 2.0 2.2 Jan-06 3.9 2.6 1.9 2.1 Jan-07 3.8 2.7 1.8 2.1 Jan-08 3.7 2.9 1.1 2.0 Feb-09 3.7 2.6 0.9 2.0 F b 10 Feb-10 3.6 3 6 2.9 2 9 0.9 0 9 2. 20 DoD OUTLAYS Jan-86 2.8 Jan-87 3.4 3.0 Jan-88 3.5 3.2 3.2 Jan-89 3.2 2.9 2.5 2.1 Jan-90 4.3 4.0 3.7 3.4 Jan-91 5.2 3.1 4.0 3.9 Jan-92 5.3 2.2 3.7 3.8 Mar-93 5.3 2.1 3.1 2.0 Jan-94 5.3 2.1 3.3 2.2 Jan-95 5.3 2.1 3.3 2.4 Jan-96 5.3 2.1 3.3 2.4 Jan-97 5.3 2.1 3.3 2.4 Jan-98 5.3 2.1 3.3 2.4 Jan-99 5.3 2.1 3.3 2.4 Jan-00 5.3 2.1 3.3 2.4 Jan-01 5.3 2.1 3.3 2.4 Jan-02 5.3 2.1 3.3 2.4 Jan-03 5.3 2.1 3.3 2.4 Jan-04 5.3 2.1 3.3 2.4 Jan-05 5.3 2.1 3.3 2.4 Jan-06 5.3 2.1 3.3 2.4 Jan-07 5.3 2.1 3.3 2.4 Jan-08 5.3 2.1 3.3 2.4 Feb-09 5.3 2.1 3.3 2.4 Feb-10 5.3 2.1 3.3 2.4 3.1 3.7 3.8 2.0 2.2 2.5 2.0 2.0 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.3 2.3 2.3 23 3.6 3.8 2.1 2.6 2.8 2.3 2.3 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.3 23 3.4 2.0 2.8 2.9 2.5 2.5 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.5 2.4 2.5 25 2.2 2.9 2.9 2.5 2.6 2.2 2.0 2.1 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.5 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 29 2.9 2.9 2.4 2.2 2.1 2.0 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.4 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.7 2.8 28 2.7 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.3 2.2 2.5 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.5 2.6 2.6 2.6 26 2.4 2.4 2.2 2.5 2.8 2.8 3.0 2.9 2.9 2.9 3.0 3.0 3.2 3.1 3.2 32 2.4 2.3 2.5 2.2 2.9 3.0 2.7 2.8 2.7 2.7 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.7 27 2.4 2.6 2.2 2.4 2.2 2.1 2.6 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.5 35 2.7 2.4 2.6 2.4 2.3 2.3 2.8 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.1 3.3 33 2.4 2.7 2.5 2.3 2.0 2.9 3.2 3.4 4.1 4.0 4.1 41 2.7 2.5 2.4 2.4 2.3 2.9 3.8 3.3 3.4 3.3 33 2.5 2.4 2.5 2.4 2.4 2.7 2.6 2.6 2.7 27 2.4 2.6 2.5 2.5 2.6 3.0 2.7 2.9 29 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.6 2.4 1.6 1.3 13 2.6 2.5 2.5 2.4 1.9 2.1 21 2.5 2.5 2.4 2.5 1.6 16 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.0 20 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.0 20 2.5 2.1 21 2.5 2.1 21 3.1 3.7 3.9 2.0 2.2 2.4 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 3.6 3.8 2.1 2.6 2.8 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 3.4 1.9 2.8 3.0 2.5 2.5 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.2 2.8 2.9 2.5 2.6 2.2 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 2.8 2.9 2.5 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 2.7 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.6 2.8 2.8 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.3 2.2 2.4 2.1 2.9 3.2 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.1 2.4 2.0 2.3 2.1 1.9 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.7 2.4 2.7 2.4 2.3 2.5 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.4 2.7 2.4 2.3 1.9 2.9 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 2.7 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 2.6 2.4 2.4 2.5 2.4 2.7 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.4 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.6 3.0 3.2 3.2 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.7 2.4 1.8 1.6 2.6 2.5 2.5 2.4 1.6 2.0 2.5 2.5 2.4 2.3 1.4 2.5 2.5 2.4 2.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.5 2.1 2.5 2.1 51 Table 5-10 (Continued) LONG RANGE INFLATION - DEFENSE Forcast 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Date GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT Jan-86 2.3 Jan-87 2.8 2.5 Jan-88 3.3 2.8 2.3 Jan-89 3.3 2.8 2.3 1.8 Jan-90 4.2 4.0 3.7 3.4 Jan-91 4.4 4.1 3.7 3.6 Jan-92 3.9 3.1 3.3 3.3 Mar-93 4.3 2.8 2.4 2.4 Jan-94 4.3 3.0 2.7 2.5 Jan-95 4.3 3.0 2.4 2.0 Jan-96 4.3 3.0 2.4 2.0 Jan-97 4.3 2.9 2.6 2.3 Jan-98 4.3 2.9 2.6 2.4 Jan-99 4.3 2.9 2.6 2.4 Jan-00 3.7 2.3 2.5 2.3 Jan-01 3.9 2.6 2.4 2.2 Jan-02 3.9 2.6 2.4 2.2 Jan-03 3.9 2.6 2.4 2.2 Jan-04 3.8 2.5 2.3 2.1 Jan-05 3.8 2.5 2.3 2.1 Jan-06 3.8 2.5 2.3 2.1 Jan-07 3.7 2.5 2.3 2.1 Jan-08 3.7 2.5 2.3 2.2 Feb-09 3.8 2.5 2.3 2.1 F b 10 Feb-10 3.8 3 8 2.6 2 6 2.2 2 2 2. 21 CONSUMER PRICE INDEX Jan-86 2.3 Jan-87 3.0 2.4 Jan-88 3.3 2.8 2.3 Jan-89 3.3 2.8 2.3 1.8 Jan-90 4.1 3.9 3.7 3.4 Jan-91 5.7 4.1 3.8 3.6 Jan-92 4.9 2.8 3.2 3.2 Mar-93 5.1 2.8 3.1 2.7 Jan-94 4.9 2.8 2.9 2.7 Jan-95 4.9 2.8 2.9 2.5 Jan-96 4.9 2.8 2.9 2.5 Jan-97 4.9 2.8 2.9 2.5 Jan-98 5.1 3.0 3.1 2.6 Jan-99 5.1 3.0 3.1 2.6 Jan-00 4.9 2.8 2.9 2.5 Jan-01 4.9 2.8 2.9 2.5 Jan-02 4.9 2.8 2.9 2.5 Jan-03 4.9 2.8 2.9 2.5 Jan-04 4.9 2.8 2.9 2.5 Jan-05 4.9 2.8 2.9 2.5 Jan-06 4.9 2.8 2.9 2.5 Jan-07 4.9 2.8 2.9 2.5 Jan-08 4.9 2.8 2.9 2.5 Feb-09 4.9 2.8 2.9 2.5 Feb-10 4.9 2.8 2.9 2.5 3.1 3.5 3.3 2.3 2.8 2.7 1.9 2.5 2.6 2.4 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 21 3.4 3.2 2.3 2.9 3.0 2.0 2.2 2.3 2.0 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 19 3.2 2.2 3.0 3.0 2.2 2.5 2.2 1.9 1.7 2.0 1.9 2.0 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.8 18 2.2 3.0 3.0 2.2 2.6 1.9 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.3 13 3.0 3.0 2.3 2.6 2.0 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 13 3.0 2.2 2.6 2.1 2.0 1.5 1.9 2.1 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 20 2.2 2.6 2.2 2.1 2.0 2.1 2.3 2.4 2.3 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 24 2.6 2.2 2.1 2.0 2.1 2.2 1.3 1.8 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.6 16 2.2 2.1 2.0 2.1 1.8 1.3 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.1 21 2.1 2.0 2.1 1.7 1.5 1.3 2.0 2.4 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 26 2.0 2.1 1.8 1.5 1.2 2.0 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.2 3.3 33 2.1 1.9 1.6 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.1 3.3 3.4 3.4 34 1.9 1.7 1.7 2.1 2.2 2.5 2.7 2.7 2.9 29 1.8 1.9 2.1 2.2 2.4 1.9 2.4 2.3 23 2.0 2.1 2.1 2.3 2.0 1.5 1.5 15 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.0 1.0 0.9 09 2.1 2.1 2.0 1.4 1.1 11 2.0 2.0 1.7 1.6 16 2.0 1.8 1.7 17 1.8 1.7 17 1.7 17 3.1 3.5 3.2 2.7 3.1 3.0 2.9 2.9 2.8 2.8 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 3.4 3.2 2.7 3.3 3.2 2.6 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 3.2 2.7 3.3 3.2 3.0 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.7 3.4 3.2 2.9 2.6 2.1 1.6 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 3.4 3.2 2.8 2.7 2.2 2.0 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 3.1 2.8 2.7 2.2 2.3 2.7 3.3 3.3 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.8 2.7 2.3 2.3 2.4 3.4 3.2 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.7 2.3 2.3 2.5 2.8 1.7 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 2.3 2.3 2.6 2.6 2.3 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.6 2.5 2.3 2.0 1.5 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.6 2.5 2.3 2.1 1.4 2.8 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 2.5 2.4 2.1 1.7 2.2 3.5 3.7 3.8 3.8 3.8 2.4 2.2 2.0 2.4 2.4 2.0 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.4 2.6 3.2 4.8 4.8 2.5 2.4 2.4 2.6 2.1 -0.9 -0.8 2.4 2.4 2.5 2.3 1.4 2.2 2.4 2.4 2.3 1.7 1.4 2.3 2.3 2.0 1.9 2.3 2.3 2.1 2.0 2.1 2.0 2.1 2.0 52 Table 5-11 OUTLAY RATES TO BE USED FOR INCREMENTAL CHANGES IN BA PURCHASES (as Percent of BA Purchases) FIRST YEAR SECOND YEAR THIRD YEAR Military Personnel Army Navy Marine Corps Air Force Army Reserve Navy Reserve Marine Corps Reserve Air Force Reserve Army National Guard Air Force National Guard 82.31 91.27 85.17 83.56 69.98 77.41 85.79 73.73 78.40 87.64 17.05 8.15 11.21 15.12 24.68 11.75 11.37 17.51 19.44 10.24 0.64 0.58 3.62 1.32 5.34 9.34 2.84 8.76 2.16 2.12 Operation and Maintenance Army Navy Marine Corps Air Force Defense Wide Army Reserve Navy Reserve Marine Corps Reserve Air Force Reserve Army National Guard Air Force National Guard Inspect General Drug Interdiction Court of Appeals, Armed Forces Environmental Restoration Defense Health Program Ovrs Hum, Dis, Civ Asst Overseas Contingencies FSU Threat Reduction 25.07 53.57 28.39 40.11 44.50 41.74 61.86 49.01 47.21 49.31 48.42 41.83 65.36 63.32 22.00 67.97 24.00 74.50 16.50 64.80 37.86 56.45 47.56 44.71 45.99 33.05 40.57 43.61 40.55 42.60 48.40 28.18 14.67 45.00 23.57 46.00 19.90 43.00 4.46 4.82 8.09 7.75 6.94 6.90 2.29 5.54 5.74 5.40 3.82 3.26 3.46 9.78 22.00 6.98 15.00 3.30 23.00 53 FOURTH YEAR FIFTH YEAR 0.90 0.60 2.23 2.14 5.06 2.64 2.16 3.07 1.91 3.21 1.38 1.80 2.48 2.33 1.15 6.11 6.00 0.57 7.00 1.10 8.00 2.03 1.61 0.84 0.88 0.77 0.92 0.89 0.55 2.06 1.47 1.34 1.40 0.69 3.67 3.00 0.34 4.00 0.70 9.00 SIXTH YEAR SEVENTH YEAR 1.41 1.17 1.06 0.92 1.38 1.12 1.47 1.34 2.78 1.16 2.45 2.00 0.57 4.00 0.50 0.50 Table 5-11 (Continued) OUTLAY RATES TO BE USED FOR INCREMENTAL CHANGES IN BA PURCHASES (as Percent of BA Purchases) FIRST YEAR SECOND YEAR THIRD YEAR FOURTH YEAR FIFTH YEAR SIXTH YEAR SEVENTH YEAR Procurement - Army Army Aircraft Army Missiles Army W&TCV Army Ammunition Army Other JIEDDO 11.00 8.30 7.00 10.00 15.00 12.00 47.10 42.00 35.00 44.00 47.40 60.00 29.80 32.50 33.00 30.00 30.00 20.40 8.80 14.00 12.00 12.00 4.80 4.80 1.80 2.00 9.00 2.60 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.20 3.00 1.40 1.30 0.80 0.50 0.50 Procurement - Navy Navy Aircraft Navy Weapons Navy Shipbuilding Navy Ammunition Navy Other Procurement MC 15.00 22.00 15.00 9.00 23.00 12.00 40.00 32.00 25.00 39.00 40.00 44.00 28.60 27.00 20.00 35.00 20.00 30.00 10.00 12.00 15.00 12.00 8.00 9.00 4.50 3.50 12.50 3.00 5.00 2.50 1.90 2.00 8.50 1.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 4.00 1.00 1.50 0.50 Air Force Procurement -Air Air Force Aircraft Air Force Missiles Air Force Ammunition Air Force Other 7.00 39.00 4.50 62.00 40.00 31.00 50.00 25.00 28.00 16.00 30.50 8.00 14.00 8.00 8.20 3.00 8.00 3.80 5.00 0.70 1.80 1.20 1.80 0.30 1.20 1.00 24.00 32.50 100.00 59.00 5.00 40.50 47.90 24.00 12.40 7.00 4.40 2.10 1.50 1.40 1.30 1.00 25.00 37.00 16.00 35.00 15.00 5.00 2.50 0.50 25.13 40.36 58.51 43.55 58.00 55.50 47.71 31.12 43.11 36.20 12.91 9.28 5.19 7.18 3.00 3.61 1.33 3.11 4.11 1.80 1.94 1.32 1.04 1.03 1.00 0.91 Procurement - Defense Wide Procurement, Def Wide Rapid Acquisition Fund NG Equipment Defense Prod Act Chemical Demil RDT&E Army Navy Air Force Defense Wide Dir OT&E 54 1.03 1.02 1.00 1.00 Table 5-11 (Continued) OUTLAY RATES TO BE USED FOR INCREMENTAL CHANGES IN BA PURCHASES (as Percent of BA Purchases) FIRST YEAR SECOND YEAR THIRD YEAR FOURTH YEAR FIFTH YEAR SIXTH YEAR SEVENTH YEAR Military Construction Army Navy Air Force Defense Wide Army National Guard Air Force National Guard Army Reserve Navy Reserve Air Force Reserve NATO Chemical Demil Construction Base Closure, Army Base Closure, Navy Base Closure, Air Force Base Closure, Def Wide FY2005 BRAC - Army FY2005 BRAC - Navy FY2005 BRAC - Air Force FY2005 BRAC - DefWide 1.00 5.00 13.00 6.50 4.00 4.00 6.00 4.00 3.00 50.00 5.00 43.00 39.70 55.00 22.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 40.00 35.50 45.50 40.80 35.00 38.00 53.00 46.20 50.00 47.00 20.00 37.00 25.60 45.30 23.00 36.12 20.00 20.00 20.00 25.00 28.00 30.00 33.00 34.00 30.00 31.90 32.00 25.00 36.00 20.00 35.00 18.40 6.00 15.00 26.10 10.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 23.00 15.00 8.30 16.00 15.00 6.50 10.80 18.00 10.00 5.00 15.00 5.50 4.00 3.00 8.31 5.00 5.00 5.00 12.50 10.00 3.00 2.90 6.00 8.00 2.50 3.50 1.50 2.50 5.00 5.00 4.50 3.00 2.50 3.99 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 1.50 1.50 2.50 4.50 2.10 1.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 2.50 3.00 1.00 1.50 3.48 0.50 Family Housing Opns & Maint, Army Opns & Maint, Navy Opns & Maint, Air Force Opns & Maint, Def Wide Construction, Army Construction, Navy Construction, Air Force 66.24 62.22 63.00 75.00 5.00 2.00 10.00 27.57 29.82 28.50 18.00 42.00 25.00 15.00 3.38 3.51 4.50 3.00 25.00 36.00 30.00 1.46 2.34 2.00 2.00 17.00 20.00 25.00 0.56 1.17 1.00 1.00 8.00 12.50 15.00 0.79 0.94 1.00 1.00 3.00 4.50 4.00 1.00 Def Sealift Fund 50.20 22.30 9.60 6.80 5.50 3.50 2.10 55 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 1.00 2.50 Table 5-12 MILITARY & CIVILIAN PAY INCREASES SINCE 1945 Effective Date Jul Jul Jul Oct Oct 1, 1, 1, 1, 28, 1945 1946 1948 1949 1949 Jul 1, May 1, Mar 1, Apr 1, Jan 1, 1951 1952 1955 1955 1958 Jun Jul Oct Oct Jan 1, 1, 14, 1, 5, 1958 1960 1962 1963 1964 Jul Sep S Sep Oct Jul 1, 1, 11, 1, 1, 1964 1964 1965 1965 1966 Oct Jul Jul Jan Jan 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, Nov Jan Jan Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct 1/ 2/ 3/ Military Pay 23.7 Effective Date General Schedule Salaries 15.9 14.2 11.0 21.6 4.1 10.0 10.9 7.5 2.8 10.0 6.3 7.7 5.5 8.4 4.1 4.2 Military Pay General Schedule Salaries Oct Oct Oct Jan Jan 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1980 1981 1982 1984 1985 11.7 14.3 4.0 4.0 4.0 9.1 4.8 4.0 4.0 3.5 Oct Jan Jan Jan Jan 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1985 1987 1988 1989 1990 3.0 3.0 2.0 4.1 3.6 3.0 2.0 4.1 3.6 Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 4.1 4.2 3.7 2.2 2.6 4.1 4.2 3.7 3.6 2.6 1, 1, 1, 1 1, 1, 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2.4 3.0 28 2.8 3.6 4.8 2.4 3.0 28 2.8 3.6 4.8 2.8 3.6 2.9 Jan Jan J Jan Jan Jan 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 4.5 4.9 9.1 6.0 6.0 4.5 4.9 9.1 6.0 6.0 Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 3.7 6.9 1/ 4.7 2/ 4.2 3/ 3.5 3.7 4.6 4.1 4.1 3.5 14, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1971 1972 1973 1973 1974 13.1 5.5 5.1 4.8 5.5 5.5 5.1 4.8 5.5 Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 3.1 2.2 4/ 3.5 3.9 3.4 3.1 2.2 3.5 3.9 2.0 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 5.0 4.8 7.0 5.5 7.0 5.0 4.8 7.0 5.5 7.0 Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 1.4 2.3 2.3 2.8 2.8 1.4 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 1.4 64 6.4 4/ Reflects an average 6.9% across-the-board and targeted pay raise. Reflects an average 4.7% across-the-board and targeted pay raise. Reflects an average 4.15% across-the-board and targeted pay raise. 56 Excludes selected targeted increase for certain warrant officers and mid-grade/senior enlisted personnel implemented in FY 2007. Table 5-13 CIVILIAN PAY DEFLATORS by CATEGORY (Base Year = 2011) FY 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 GS W.B. TOTAL U.S. D.H. F.N. TOTAL D.H. I.H. F.N. TOTAL CIV 17.04 18.13 19.16 20.18 21.47 22.68 23.87 25.38 27.24 28.75 30.76 33.56 34.48 37.44 38.88 40.61 41.55 43.85 43 85 46.05 49.08 51.38 53.42 55.65 57.79 59.27 60.76 62.21 64.07 65.87 68.25 70.18 72.78 76.08 79.20 82.45 85.33 13.74 14.97 16.42 17.32 18.78 20.80 23.47 26.20 28.36 30.21 32.15 34.87 36.59 38.31 39.77 41.11 42.12 43.04 43 04 46.30 49.18 51.48 53.53 55.76 57.89 59.30 60.76 62.21 64.07 65.87 68.25 70.18 72.78 76.08 79.20 82.45 85.33 15.68 16.85 18.11 19.07 20.44 21.97 23.72 25.66 27.64 29.24 31.23 34.01 35.18 37.73 39.16 40.76 41.73 43.61 43 61 46.12 49.10 51.41 53.45 55.68 57.81 59.28 60.76 62.21 64.07 65.87 68.25 70.18 72.78 76.08 79.20 82.45 85.33 7.38 9.18 9.21 9.20 11.95 13.34 15.26 19.94 23.10 26.57 29.75 32.73 35.42 32.83 33.35 33.19 35.54 40 40.32 32 44.53 50.97 51.60 53.66 55.90 58.04 59.53 60.76 62.21 64.07 65.87 68.25 70.18 72.78 76.08 79.20 82.45 85.33 15.24 16.51 17.76 18.79 20.26 21.79 23.55 25.57 27.56 29.20 31.22 33.98 35.19 37.65 39.08 40.65 41.64 43 43.56 56 46.10 49.13 51.41 53.45 55.68 57.81 59.28 60.76 62.21 64.07 65.87 68.25 70.18 72.78 76.08 79.20 82.45 85.33 9.02 10.76 13.73 16.03 20.85 24.81 27.19 30.77 32.95 34.93 37.03 39.26 35.13 27.83 30.70 27.64 26.06 39 39.23 23 45.66 45.97 50.61 52.63 54.82 56.92 58.38 59.58 61.02 62.84 64.61 66.93 70.14 72.74 76.08 79.20 82.45 85.33 14.66 15.93 17.25 18.29 19.92 21.54 23.29 25.33 27.36 28.97 30.96 33.67 34.55 36.42 37.90 39.19 40.05 42 42.54 54 45.24 48.07 50.43 52.44 54.62 56.72 58.14 59.58 61.02 62.84 64.61 66.93 70.14 72.74 76.08 79.20 82.45 85.33 57 Table 5-13 (Continued) CIVILIAN PAY DEFLATORS by CATEGORY (Base Year = 2011) FY 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 GS W.B. TOTAL U.S. D.H. F.N. TOTAL D.H. I.H. F.N. TOTAL CIV 87.97 89.92 93.06 96.69 98.62 100.00 102.30 104.65 107.06 109.52 87.97 89.92 93.06 96.69 98.62 100.00 102.30 104.65 107.06 109.52 87.97 89.92 93.06 96.69 98.62 100.00 102.30 104.65 107.06 109.52 87.97 89.92 93.06 96.69 98.62 100.00 102.30 104.65 107.06 109.52 87.97 89.92 93.06 96.69 98.62 100.00 102.30 104.65 107.06 109.52 87.97 89.92 93.06 96.69 98.62 100.00 102.30 104.65 107.06 109.52 87.97 89.92 93.06 96.69 98.62 100.00 102.30 104.65 107.06 109.52 58 Chapter 6: TOA, BA, Outlay Trends & Program Changes Enacted supplemental funding is included in all totals, and all funding is inflation-adjusted (FY 2011 constant dollars). Tables in this chapter provide data series that are useful in analyzing historical trends in defense spending. Data elements include DoD TOA, BA, and Outlays by appropriation title, functional category, and military service. Tables Pg 6-1 DoD TOA by Appropriation Title – FY 1948 to FY 2015 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 61 DoD Total Obligation Authority by appropriation title from FY 1948 to FY 2015 in both current and constant FY 2011 dollars. 6-2 DoD TOA by Category – FY 1948 to FY 2015 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 67 DoD Total Obligation Authority by pay, non-pay operations and investment from FY 1948 to FY 2015 in both current and constant FY 2011 dollars. This format aggregates the DoD investment and non-pay operations costs on separate lines. 6-3 DoD TOA by Service – FY 1948 to FY 2015 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 73 DoD Total Obligation Authority for each Military Service and Defense-wide activities from FY 1948 to FY 2015 in both current and constant FY 2011 dollars. The Defense-wide totals include all items in the Defense budget that are not identified to a specific Military Service and include Retired Pay, Defense (until FY 1984); Contingencies, Defense; and Claims, Defense and all costs associated with the activities of the various Defense Agencies. Beginning in FY 1983, Family Housing costs are allocated to the Military Departments, and in FY 1985, the military retired pay costs were budgeted by the Services in their Military Personnel accounts. 6-4 DoD TOA by Program – FY 1962 to FY 2015 (Current Dollars) ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 79 Total Obligation Authority by major force program from FY 1962 to FY 2015 in current dollars. 6-5 DoD TOA by Program – FY 1962 to FY 2015 (FY 2010 Constant Dollars) ……………………………………………………………………………………… 80 Total Obligation Authority by major force program from FY 1962 to FY 2015 in constant FY 2011 dollars. 6-6 DoD TOA, BA, and Outlays by Appropriation Account (In-Years and Out-Years) – FY 2008 to FY 2015 (Current Dollars) ……………………………… 81 Appropriation account summaries for In-Years, FY 2008 to FY 2011 Total Obligation Authority, Budget Authority and Outlays in current dollars. Appropriation account summaries for Out-Years, FY 2012 to FY 2015 Total Obligation Authority, Budget Authority and Outlays in current dollars. 6-7 DoD TOA, BA, and Outlays by Appropriation Account (In-Years and Out-Years) – FY 2008 to FY 2015 (FY 2011 Constant Dollars) ………………… 95 Appropriation account summaries for In-Years, FY 2008 to FY 2011 Total Obligation Authority, Budget Authority and Outlays in constant FY 2011 dollars. Appropriation account summaries for Out-Years, FY 2012 to FY 2015 Total Obligation Authority, Budget Authority and Outlays in constant FY 2011 6-8 DoD BA by Appropriation Title – FY 1948 to FY 2015 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………109 DoD Budget Authority by appropriation title from FY 1948 to FY 2015 in both current and constant FY 2011 dollars. 59 6-9 DoD BA by Category – FY 1948 to FY 2015 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 115 DoD Budget Authority by pay, non-pay operations and investment from FY 1948 to FY 2015 in both current and constant FY 2011 dollars. This format aggregates the DoD investment and non-pay operations costs on separate lines. 6-10 DoD BA by Service – FY 1948 to FY 2015 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 121 DoD Budget Authority for each Military Service and Defense-wide activities from FY 1948 to FY 2015 in both current and constant FY 2011 dollars. 6-11 DoD Outlays by Appropriation Title – FY 1948 to FY 2015 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………127 DoD Outlays by appropriation title from FY 1948 to FY 2015 in both current and constant FY 2011 dollars. 6-12 DoD Outlays by Category – FY 1948 to FY 2015 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 133 DoD Outlays by pay, non-pay operations and investment from FY 1948 to FY 2015 in both current and constant FY 2011 dollars. This format aggregates the DoD investment and non-pay operations costs on separate lines. 6-13 DoD Outlays by Service – FY 1948 to FY 2015 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 139 DoD Outlays for each Military Service and all Defense-wide activities from FY 1948 to FY 2015 in current and constant FY 2011 dollars. 6-14 DoD Civilian Pay – FY 1970 to FY 2015 (Current Dollars) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 145 DoD Civilian pay in current dollars. 6-15 DoD Civilian Pay – FY 1970 to FY 2015 (FY 2011 Constant Dollars) ……………………………………………………………………………………………147 DoD Civilian pay in constant FY 2011 dollars. 6-16 Army TOA by Appropriation Title – FY 1948 to FY 2015 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 149 Army Total Obligation Authority by appropriation title from FY 1948 to FY 2015 in both current and constant FY 2011 dollars. 6-17 Navy TOA by Appropriation Title – FY 1948 to FY 2015 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………155 Navy Total Obligation Authority by appropriation title from FY 1948 to FY 2015 in both current and constant FY 2011 dollars. 6 18 Air Force TOA by Appropriation Title – FY 1948 to FY 2015 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………161 6-18 161 Air Force Total Obligation Authority by appropriation title from FY 1948 to FY 2015 in both current and constant FY 2011 dollars. 6-19 Army BA by Appropriation Title – FY 1948 to FY 2015 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 167 Army Budget Authority by appropriation title from FY 1948 to FY 2015 in both current and constant FY 2011 dollars. 6-20 Navy BA by Appropriation Title – FY 1948 to FY 2015 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 173 Navy Budget Authority by appropriation title from FY 1948 to FY 2015 in both current and constant FY 2011 dollars. 6-21 Air Force BA by Appropriation Title – FY 1948 to FY 2015 …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 179 Air Force Budget Authority by appropriation title from FY 1948 to FY 2015 in both current and constant FY 2011 dollars. 6-22 Army Outlays by Appropriation Title – FY 1948 to FY 2015 …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 185 Army Outlays by appropriation title from FY 1948 to FY 2015 in both current and constant FY 2011 dollars. 6-23 Navy Outlays by Appropriation Title – FY 1948 to FY 2015 …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 191 Navy Outlays by appropriation title from FY 1948 to FY 2015 in both current and constant FY 2011 dollars. 6-24 Air Force Outlays by Appropriation Title – FY 1948 to FY 2015 …………………………………………………………………………………………………197 Air Force Outlays by appropriation title from FY 1948 to FY 2015 in both current and constant FY 2011 dollars. 60 Table 6-1 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE TOA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 48 FY 49 FY 50 FY 51 FY 52 FY 53 FY 54 FY 55 FY 56 FY 57 FY 58 4,232 175 3,881 2,995 405 215 4,601 193 4,436 3,251 484 239 4,942 197 4,205 4,176 553 265 8,522 324 11,676 21,837 1,183 1,631 11,141 331 13,661 28,173 1,796 2,087 12,181 356 10,884 16,481 2,112 2,269 11,190 386 8,678 6,469 2,243 1,464 11,040 422 8,407 8,917 2,621 2,338 44 10,888 479 9,195 11,844 3,539 2,095 25 10,945 511 9,614 12,221 4,381 2,048 3 10,987 561 10,112 13,628 4,159 1,634 42 11,903 13,204 14,337 45,173 57,188 44,283 30,429 33,790 38,065 39,724 41,124 79,558 2,696 61,909 28,015 , 4,206 1,685 86,676 2,957 65,267 29,162 , 4,190 1,837 85,133 3,149 59,384 36,077 , 5,113 1,973 134,832 3,212 127,506 170,470 , 10,656 12,100 181,786 3,345 151,117 231,442 , 15,490 15,747 185,452 3,549 127,802 136,595 , 18,074 16,869 174,177 4,121 106,693 55,089 , 18,572 10,534 166,744 4,244 100,775 69,402 , 20,469 15,790 299 157,265 4,507 103,583 89,826 , 25,384 13,723 167 159,245 4,626 104,495 89,457 , 29,562 13,126 30 151,658 5,037 104,639 101,846 , 28,208 10,723 258 178,070 190,089 190,829 458,776 598,926 488,340 369,186 377,723 394,455 400,541 402,369 8.9 9.7 5.4 4.1 -0.4 9.0 6.7 -1.8 6.5 -9.0 23.7 22.0 7.4 0.4 58.4 2.0 114.7 372.5 108.4 513.3 140.4 34.8 4.1 18.5 35.8 45.4 30.1 30.5 2.0 6.1 -15.4 -41.0 16.7 7.1 -18.5 -6.1 16.1 -16.5 -59.7 2.8 -37.6 -24.4 -4.3 3.0 -5.5 26.0 10.2 49.9 2.3 -5.7 6.2 2.8 29.4 24.0 -13.1 4.4 1.3 2.6 0.9 -0.4 16.5 -4.4 1.5 -4.8 8.9 0.1 13.8 -4.6 -18.3 0.5 61 Table 6-1 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE TOA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT OCU N PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 59 FY 60 FY 61 FY 62 FY 63 FY 64 FY 65 FY 66 FY 67 FY 68 FY 69 11,294 635 10,214 13,118 5,144 1,748 42 11,241 693 10,329 11,137 5,476 1,350 32 11,356 788 10,671 14,238 6,366 1,115 108 12,158 896 11,562 16,194 6,269 915 440 12,042 1,015 11,467 16,026 7,028 1,286 556 12,983 1,211 11,693 15,028 7,053 977 602 13,430 1,386 12,563 14,111 6,433 1,063 575 15,455 1,592 15,378 22,012 6,885 2,595 613 18,236 1,831 19,363 23,277 7,225 1,217 439 19,961 2,093 20,950 22,528 7,263 1,557 612 21,385 2,443 22,285 22,245 7,730 1,142 518 3 4 42,193 40,257 44,643 48,434 49,420 49,547 49,560 64,531 71,590 74,965 77,752 146,461 5,325 101,966 96,3 96,321 33,601 11,188 251 143,975 5,863 99,451 8 ,0 81,022 35,213 8,660 192 143,493 6,686 97,957 03,988 103,988 40,131 7,167 630 155,261 7,595 103,982 5,333 115,33 3 39,609 5,853 2,870 152,007 8,675 101,397 1133,121 43,890 7,945 3,538 152,555 9,951 100,888 0 ,570 102,570 43,710 5,982 3,779 152,521 11,193 102,713 93,609 39,202 6,260 3,574 159,815 12,306 117,863 3 ,79 134,792 40,562 14,275 3,689 178,708 13,651 141,372 ,95 144,952 42,062 7,009 2,624 185,742 15,100 147,252 6,357 126,357 40,199 8,136 3,465 187,039 16,725 149,257 9,808 119,808 41,282 5,809 2,899 16 22 395,113 374,376 400,053 430,502 430,574 419,434 409,073 483,303 530,394 526,252 522,841 -3.4 5.7 -2.6 -5.4 19.1 4.3 -1.8 -1.7 10.1 -2.5 -15.9 4.8 -22.6 -5.2 -0.3 14.0 -1.5 28.3 14.0 -17.2 6.9 8.2 13.6 6.2 10.9 -1.3 -18.3 7.6 -2.1 14.2 -2.5 -1.9 10.8 35.7 0.4 14.7 -0.5 -9.3 -0.4 -24.7 -2.6 12.5 1.8 -8.7 -10.3 4.6 -2.5 4.8 9.9 14.7 44.0 3.5 128.0 18.1 11.8 10.9 19.9 7.5 3.7 -50.9 9.7 3.9 10.6 4.2 -12.8 -4.4 16.1 -0.8 0.7 10.8 1.4 -5.2 2.7 -28.6 -0.6 62 Table 6-1 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE TOA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT OCU N PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 70 FY 71 FY 72 FY 73 FY 74 FY 75 FY 76 FY 77 FY 78 FY 79 FY 80 22,978 2,853 21,516 19,156 7,399 1,015 593 22,625 3,389 20,410 17,364 7,123 1,209 714 23,147 3,889 21,242 18,491 7,584 1,262 839 23,639 4,392 22,148 18,199 8,020 1,550 974 24,104 5,137 23,862 17,437 8,200 1,847 1,104 24,885 6,239 26,153 17,289 8,632 1,828 1,103 12 12 3 3 3 25,947 8,219 32,011 27,075 10,585 2,210 1,297 220 4 27,184 9,173 34,902 29,948 11,503 1,860 1,385 171 2 28,650 10,282 37,861 31,311 12,362 2,535 1,605 101 14 31,065 11,920 46,606 35,087 13,492 2,255 1,552 2 25,430 7,326 28,848 20,996 9,520 2,147 1,254 135 3 75,512 72,846 76,467 78,925 81,693 86,132 95,658 107,567 116,128 124,721 141,983 179,775 18,171 136,511 00, 9 100,194 37,678 4,983 3,126 165,429 19,511 122,047 85,766 34,501 5,522 3,503 148,804 20,992 121,242 85,875 34,890 5,387 3,929 136,875 22,348 117,399 77,939 77,93 9 34,623 5,963 4,365 130,889 23,835 113,414 68,,185 85 68 32,211 6,300 4,633 125,888 25,369 116,557 60, 07 60,407 30,800 5,679 4,112 55 53 14 10 10 117,805 28,417 119,302 8 , 8 82,182 32,273 6,186 4,129 664 11 115,577 29,501 119,342 8 ,88 82,881 32,263 4,807 4,123 482 7 114,751 30,543 122,843 77,86 77,861 30,992 5,949 4,178 261 37 115,284 31,590 128,424 79,0 79,021 30,933 4,965 3,515 8 121,582 26,829 115,930 66,033 30,679 6,151 4,337 441 9 480,445 436,334 421,172 399,526 379,477 368,822 371,992 390,969 388,982 387,414 393,749 -3.9 8.6 -8.5 -16.4 -8.7 -14.2 -8.1 -8.0 7.4 -10.6 -14.4 -8.4 10.8 -9.2 -10.0 7.6 -0.7 0.1 1.1 -2.4 -3.5 -8.0 6.5 -3.2 -9.2 -0.8 10.7 -5.1 -4.4 6.7 -3.4 -12.5 -7.0 5.7 -5.0 -3.8 6.4 2.8 -11.4 -4.4 -9.9 -2.8 -3.4 5.8 -0.5 9.3 -0.4 8.3 0.9 -3.1 5.9 2.9 24.5 5.2 0.6 5.1 -1.9 3.8 -0.7 3.5 2.9 -6.1 -3.9 23.8 -0.4 0.5 3.4 4.5 1.5 -0.2 -16.5 1.6 63 0.9 -22.3 -0.5 7 16 Table 6-1 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE TOA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT OCU N PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 81 FY 82 FY 83 FY 84 FY 85 FY 86 FY 87 FY 88 FY 89 FY 90 FY 91 36,746 13,724 55,245 47,204 16,630 3,403 2,069 525 3 42,829 14,940 62,011 63,281 20,090 4,849 2,317 347 3 45,638 15,954 66,756 76,614 22,789 4,204 2,624 909 4 48,177 16,503 70,426 83,399 26,865 4,744 2,630 2,525 3 68,079 71,695 74,491 76,563 78,448 78,864 83,974 77,638 90,025 30,574 5,468 2,826 1,554 9 76,336 87,301 33,470 5,107 2,732 1,497 2 80,312 83,230 35,720 5,169 3,132 661 4 82,720 82,101 36,878 5,461 3,253 830 86,623 79,412 37,306 5,680 3,350 722 88,531 79,709 35,793 5,158 3,165 137 109,764 71,416 34,714 5,496 3,385 1,871 175,549 210,667 235,493 255,271 276,173 278,140 282,718 287,806 291,540 291,356 310,620 119,016 32,708 136,577 97, 69 97,469 35,025 6,977 4,280 1,109 6 121,089 33,411 145,685 , 73 122,273 40,063 9,512 4,466 682 6 123,243 33,724 151,904 0,87 140,874 43,704 8,073 4,979 1,718 7 124,314 33,738 157,304 8, 6 148,21 49,662 8,799 4,862 4,595 6 158,932 161,288 163,222 161,377 160,115 158,392 159,887 168,146 55,,284 8 155 54,784 9,793 5,061 2,735 15 164,250 6, 7 146,171 58,428 8,916 4,775 2,563 3 166,578 3 ,77 134,772 60,411 8,686 5,296 1,102 6 165,607 7,990 127,990 59,915 8,760 5,301 1,344 165,929 9, 86 119,286 58,194 8,760 5,253 1,122 164,065 5,669 115,669 53,797 7,708 4,786 204 183,958 00,76 100,762 50,448 7,960 4,900 2,677 433,168 477,188 508,227 531,494 554,751 546,395 540,073 530,294 518,659 504,620 510,592 3.2 3.5 6.3 23.3 13.2 40.5 10.0 1.7 2.1 6.7 25.4 14.4 36.3 10.2 1.8 0.9 4.3 15.2 9.1 -15.1 6.5 0.9 27.8 1.5 1.2 -1.1 -0.8 -1.1 0.9 3.6 5.2 13.6 9.0 4.6 6.9 4.8 10.3 11.3 4.4 -2.3 -5.9 6.7 -9.0 -1.5 1.4 -7.8 3.4 -2.6 -1.2 -0.6 -5.0 -0.8 0.9 -1.8 0.2 -6.8 -2.9 -1.1 -3.0 -7.6 -12.0 -2.7 12.1 -12.9 -6.2 3.3 1.2 64 -2.2 Table 6-1 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE TOA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT OCU N RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 92 FY 93 FY 94 FY 95 FY 96 FY 97 FY 98 FY 99 FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 81,055 75,983 71,293 71,473 69,699 70,187 69,686 70,731 73,538 77,251 87,146 92,145 61,919 37,879 4,988 3,705 3,504 90,767 53,621 37,677 3,905 3,822 3,881 89,091 43,761 34,508 6,477 3,566 2,643 93,989 43,084 34,422 5,874 3,728 1,645 93,233 43,432 35,115 7,358 4,312 1,903 91,834 43,149 36,481 6,003 4,122 2,411 95,856 44,884 37,184 5,469 3,931 2,114 102,661 50,770 38,104 5,148 3,553 1,764 106,791 55,502 38,753 5,404 3,601 3,369 114,545 62,930 41,748 5,280 3,727 1,579 142,974 63,342 48,623 6,745 3,894 2,570 83 285,195 269,655 251,339 254,215 255,052 254,186 259,123 272,729 286,958 307,060 355,378 150,757 135,253 123,863 121,155 115,606 112,940 107,321 105,636 104,768 106,385 113,469 155,179 85,365 53,519 7,054 5,232 5,101 156,869 72,456 7 , 56 52,614 5,443 5,280 5,503 150,041 58,063 47,239 8,758 4,818 3,840 153,800 56,198 56, 98 46,143 7,820 4,960 2,458 148,772 55,831 55,83 46,146 9,617 5,614 2,734 143,076 54,849 5 ,8 9 47,224 7,770 5,289 3,314 144,144 56,472 56, 7 47,513 7,014 4,999 2,888 150,350 63,038 48,172 6,500 4,462 2,186 153,355 67,909 48,060 6,717 4,462 4,113 157,605 75,920 75,9 0 50,911 6,472 4,532 1,895 190,604 75,266 75, 66 58,411 8,093 4,683 3,055 99 462,206 433,419 396,622 392,534 384,319 374,463 370,351 380,345 389,383 403,721 453,681 -5.7 -10.3 -8.4 -2.2 -4.6 -2.3 -5.0 -1.6 -0.8 1.5 6.7 -15.6 -15.3 6.1 -11.4 -9.5 1.1 -15.1 -1.7 -22.8 -6.2 -4.4 -19.9 -10.2 60.9 -8.5 2.5 -3.2 -2.3 -10.7 -1.0 -3.3 -0.7 -3.8 -1.8 2.3 -19.2 -2.6 0.7 3.0 0.6 -9.7 -1.1 4.3 11.6 1.4 -7.3 2.7 2.0 7.7 -0.2 3.3 2.4 2.8 11.8 5.9 -3.6 3.7 20.9 -0.9 14.7 25.0 12.4 23.0 -2.1 65 Table 6-1 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE TOA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 03 FY 04 FY 05 FY 06 FY 07 FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 109,061 115,549 121,311 126,665 130,287 139,776 145,183 149,976 138,541 142,051 145,926 150,081 154,149 172,680 79,571 58,307 6,592 4,323 2,488 177,494 83,161 64,367 6,505 4,260 4,716 197,848 98,549 69,296 7,305 4,495 3,671 211,636 105,315 72,691 9,826 4,653 5,485 239,894 134,384 77,589 14,373 4,420 2,850 75 256,878 164,684 79,448 22,423 3,461 5,386 270,550 134,837 80,651 26,743 3,544 4,354 273,378 131,213 80,639 22,827 3,591 3,531 200,228 112,873 76,131 16,924 2,017 2,379 212,153 120,265 75,913 13,553 1,642 765 221,255 124,114 72,799 14,901 1,566 1,198 230,908 132,749 70,000 11,733 1,530 750 239,608 137,419 69,280 12,726 1,579 1,254 433,024 456,052 502,476 536,272 603,872 672,055 665,861 665,154 549,093 566,341 581,760 597,750 616,016 136,753 140,665 142,810 144,336 144,480 150,032 151,161 152,185 138,541 138,979 139,634 140,014 140,197 221,680 92,654 68,744 7,720 720 5,126 2,919 219,795 94,404 73,899 7,406 406 4,923 5,421 230,709 108,892 77,260 8,084 084 5,007 4,102 238,088 113,562 78,900 10,627 627 5,043 5,958 262,047 141,969 82,276 15 231 15,231 4,696 3,018 80 270,339 171,368 82,700 23 373 23,373 3,597 5,582 282,972 138,642 82,780 27 489 27,489 3,637 4,455 278,375 133,182 81,763 23,175 175 3,639 3,572 200,228 112,873 76,131 16 924 16,924 2,017 2,379 207,585 118,282 74,623 13 322 13,322 1,614 753 211,897 120,026 70,312 14 398 14,398 1,513 1,159 216,422 126,230 66,423 11 139 11,139 1,452 713 219,780 128,486 64,586 11 876 11,876 1,473 1,172 535,596 546,513 576,864 596,513 653,796 706,991 691,136 675,891 549,093 555,157 558,939 562,394 567,571 20.5 2.9 1.5 1.1 0.1 3.8 0.8 0.7 -9.0 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.1 16.3 23.1 17.7 -4.6 18.1 -0.9 1.9 7.5 -4.1 2.0 5.0 15.3 4.5 9.2 5.6 3.2 4.3 2.1 31.5 3.4 10.1 25.0 4.3 43.3 9.6 3.2 20.7 0.5 53.5 8.1 4.7 -19.1 0.1 17.6 -2.2 -1.6 -3.9 -1.2 -15.7 -2.2 -28.1 -15.2 -6.9 -27.0 -18.8 3.7 4.8 -2.0 -21.3 1.1 2.1 1.5 -5.8 8.1 0.7 2.1 5.2 -5.5 -22.6 0.6 1.6 1.8 -2.8 6.6 0.9 Totals include enacted budget authority and indefinite budget authority amounts, enacted OCO funding, and funding for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. 66 Table 6-2 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE TOA BY CATEGORY (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS CIVILIAN PAYROLL MILITARY PAY MILITARY RETIRED PAY / ACCRUAL TOTAL PAY MILITARY MEDICAL ACCRUAL OTHER MIL PERS O+M EXCL PAY PROC, RDT&E, CONST TOTAL NON PAY TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT FY DOLLARS CIVILIAN PAYROLL MILITARY PAY MILITARY RETIRED PAY / ACCRUAL TOTAL PAY MILITARY MEDICAL ACCRUAL OTHER MIL PERS O+M EXCL PAY PROC, RDTE, CONST TOTAL NON PAY TOTAL, CONSTANT $ FY 48 FY 49 FY 50 FY 51 FY 52 FY 53 FY 54 FY 55 FY 56 FY 57 FY 58 2,472 3,428 175 2,712 3,747 193 2,586 4,154 197 3,222 6,890 324 4,780 9,375 331 5,516 10,097 356 5,271 9,461 386 5,255 9,244 422 5,502 9,136 479 5,701 9,117 511 6,003 8,993 561 6,075 6,652 6,937 10,437 14,487 15,970 15,119 14,921 15,116 15,329 15,558 804 1,608 3,416 5,828 11,903 854 1,900 3,798 6,552 13,204 788 1,828 4,784 7,400 14,337 1,632 8,855 24,250 34,736 45,173 1,766 9,686 31,251 42,702 57,188 2,084 6,419 19,811 28,313 44,283 1,729 4,289 9,292 15,310 30,429 1,796 3,943 13,130 18,869 33,790 1,752 4,485 16,711 22,949 38,065 1,828 4,695 17,872 24,394 39,724 1,994 5,032 18,541 25,566 41,124 50,095 73,288 2,696 50,824 80,323 2,957 46,304 79,212 3 149 3,149 58,485 123,414 3,212 81,229 169,082 3,345 90,265 170,596 3,549 82,062 161,771 4,121 77,185 154,611 4,244 75,858 145,946 4,507 75,545 148,166 4,626 74,602 139,685 5,037 126,078 134,103 128,665 185,110 253,656 264,409 247,955 236,040 226,311 228,338 219,323 6,270 15,847 29,874 51,991 178,070 6,354 17,741 31,892 55,986 190,089 5,921 16,823 39,421 62,165 190,829 11,418 76,309 185,938 273,666 458,776 12,703 83,572 248,995 345,270 598,926 14,856 54,739 154,336 223,931 488,340 12,406 38,367 70,459 121,232 369,186 12,133 34,852 94,698 141,683 377,723 11,318 38,465 118,360 168,143 394,455 11,079 39,300 121,824 172,203 400,541 11,974 41,236 129,836 183,046 402,369 67 Table 6-2 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE TOA BY CATEGORY (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS CIVILIAN PAYROLL MILITARY PAY MILITARY RETIRED PAY / ACCRUAL TOTAL PAY MILITARY MEDICAL ACCRUAL OTHER MIL PERS O+M EXCL PAY PROC, RDT&E, CONST TOTAL NON PAY TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT FY DOLLARS CIVILIAN PAYROLL MILITARY PAY MILITARY RETIRED PAY / ACCRUAL TOTAL PAY MILITARY MEDICAL ACCRUAL OTHER MIL PERS O+M EXCL PAY PROC, RDTE, CONST TOTAL NON PAY TOTAL, CONSTANT $ FY 59 FY 60 FY 61 FY 62 FY 63 FY 64 FY 65 FY 66 FY 67 FY 68 FY 69 6,327 9,269 635 6,240 9,168 693 6,616 9,181 788 7,034 9,917 896 7,295 9,762 1,015 7,502 10,615 1,211 7,833 11,019 1,386 8,500 12,178 1,592 9,654 14,111 1,831 10,578 15,264 2,093 11,301 16,699 2,443 16,231 16,102 16,585 17,847 18,072 19,328 20,238 22,270 25,596 27,936 30,443 2,025 4,946 18,992 25,962 42,193 2,072 5,149 16,934 24,155 40,257 2,176 5,428 20,454 28,058 44,643 2,240 6,271 22,075 30,586 48,434 2,279 6,132 22,936 31,348 49,420 2,368 6,156 21,694 30,219 49,547 2,411 6,728 20,184 29,322 49,560 3,277 9,015 29,968 42,260 64,531 4,125 11,923 29,946 45,994 71,590 4,697 12,859 29,474 47,029 74,965 4,686 13,793 28,831 47,310 77,752 73,999 134,571 5,325 70,974 131,756 5,863 69,898 130,860 6 686 6,686 72,596 142,126 7,595 72,583 138,686 8,675 71,609 138,789 9,951 70,565 138,712 11,193 73,938 141,654 12,306 80,835 156,499 13,651 85,664 161,425 15,100 86,063 163,555 16,725 213,895 208,593 207,444 222,317 219,945 220,349 220,469 227,898 250,986 262,190 266,343 11,889 40,120 129,209 181,218 395,113 12,219 40,371 113,193 165,783 374,376 12,633 42,053 137,923 192,609 400,053 13,135 47,711 147,340 208,186 430,502 13,321 46,320 150,989 210,629 430,574 13,766 46,076 139,243 199,085 419,434 13,809 48,537 126,257 188,603 409,073 18,162 60,871 176,372 255,405 483,303 22,208 78,018 179,181 279,408 530,394 24,316 80,233 159,513 264,062 526,252 23,484 83,523 149,491 256,498 522,841 68 Table 6-2 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE TOA BY CATEGORY (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS CIVILIAN PAYROLL MILITARY PAY MILITARY RETIRED PAY / ACCRUAL TOTAL PAY MILITARY MEDICAL ACCRUAL OTHER MIL PERS O+M EXCL PAY PROC, RDT&E, CONST TOTAL NON PAY TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT FY DOLLARS CIVILIAN PAYROLL MILITARY PAY MILITARY RETIRED PAY / ACCRUAL TOTAL PAY MILITARY MEDICAL ACCRUAL OTHER MIL PERS O+M EXCL PAY PROC, RDTE, CONST TOTAL NON PAY TOTAL, CONSTANT $ FY 70 FY 71 FY 72 FY 73 FY 74 FY 75 FY 76 FY 77 FY 78 FY 79 FY 80 12,204 18,638 2,853 12,504 18,676 3,389 13,222 19,762 3,889 13,574 20,494 4,392 14,137 21,013 5,137 15,334 21,573 6,239 16,418 21,885 7,326 17,549 22,598 8,219 18,854 23,815 9,173 20,494 25,084 10,282 22,262 26,854 11,920 33,695 34,569 36,873 38,460 40,287 43,145 45,629 48,366 51,842 55,860 61,035 4,340 12,239 25,238 41,817 75,512 3,949 10,856 23,471 38,276 72,846 3,385 11,172 25,037 39,594 76,467 3,145 11,782 25,538 40,465 78,925 3,090 13,021 25,294 41,406 81,693 3,312 13,982 25,693 42,987 86,132 3,544 15,929 30,556 50,029 95,658 3,350 18,374 37,478 59,201 107,567 3,369 20,069 40,848 64,286 116,128 3,566 20,304 44,991 68,861 124,721 4,211 27,226 49,510 80,947 141,983 83,243 158,865 18,171 78,492 147,212 19,511 76,664 133,774 20 992 20,992 74,200 123,521 22,348 70,970 118,663 23,835 71,212 114,371 25,369 70,500 110,232 26,829 69,287 107,780 28,417 68,915 106,196 29,501 70,737 105,669 30,543 71,923 105,588 31,590 260,279 245,214 231,430 220,068 213,468 210,953 207,560 205,484 204,612 206,949 209,101 20,909 72,306 126,951 220,166 480,445 18,217 61,077 111,826 191,120 436,334 15,030 61,899 112,813 189,742 421,172 13,354 59,775 106,330 179,458 399,526 12,226 58,079 95,704 166,009 379,477 11,517 59,016 87,337 157,870 368,822 11,351 59,265 93,816 164,432 371,992 10,025 64,263 111,198 185,486 390,969 9,381 64,039 110,950 184,370 388,982 9,082 60,781 110,602 180,465 387,414 9,696 64,307 110,644 184,648 393,749 69 Table 6-2 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE TOA BY CATEGORY (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS CIVILIAN PAYROLL MILITARY PAY MILITARY RETIRED PAY / ACCRUAL TOTAL PAY MILITARY MEDICAL ACCRUAL OTHER MIL PERS O+M EXCL PAY PROC, RDT&E, CONST TOTAL NON PAY TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT FY DOLLARS CIVILIAN PAYROLL MILITARY PAY MILITARY RETIRED PAY / ACCRUAL TOTAL PAY MILITARY MEDICAL ACCRUAL OTHER MIL PERS O+M EXCL PAY PROC, RDTE, CONST TOTAL NON PAY TOTAL, CONSTANT $ FY 81 FY 82 FY 83 FY 84 FY 85 FY 86 FY 87 FY 88 FY 89 FY 90 FY 91 23,775 31,067 13,724 26,065 36,930 14,940 27,762 39,090 15,954 29,452 41,367 16,503 31,404 43,967 17,072 32,161 46,220 17,415 34,095 47,713 18,241 35,851 49,494 18,265 37,612 50,920 18,466 39,806 52,844 16,248 41,139 53,520 17,201 68,567 77,936 82,806 87,322 92,443 95,796 100,049 103,610 106,998 108,898 111,860 5,679 35,443 65,860 106,982 175,549 5,899 40,088 86,744 132,731 210,667 6,548 44,009 102,130 152,687 235,493 6,810 47,669 113,470 167,949 255,271 7,040 52,254 124,436 183,731 276,173 8,061 50,250 124,034 182,344 278,140 8,537 51,877 122,254 182,669 282,718 8,804 52,420 122,972 184,196 287,806 9,062 54,750 120,730 184,542 291,540 9,773 54,178 118,507 182,458 291,356 13,254 76,082 109,425 198,761 310,620 70,632 107,128 32,708 75,460 109,547 33,411 76,229 110,919 33 724 33,724 77,709 111,957 33,738 80,133 113,118 33,447 80,321 114,004 33,509 80,165 115,117 33,910 79,264 113,805 33,385 78,250 112,997 33,102 78,938 111,194 32,680 78,465 107,428 33,540 210,468 218,417 220,873 223,405 226,697 227,835 229,192 226,454 224,350 222,812 219,432 11,888 75,475 135,336 222,700 433,168 11,542 79,751 167,478 258,770 477,188 12,324 86,739 188,291 287,354 508,227 12,357 93,406 202,326 308,090 531,494 12,368 100,342 215,343 328,053 554,751 13,775 96,294 208,492 318,561 546,395 14,195 97,669 199,018 310,882 540,073 14,187 96,690 192,963 303,840 530,294 14,015 97,896 182,398 294,309 518,659 14,518 94,565 172,726 281,808 504,620 18,919 117,473 154,768 291,160 510,592 70 Table 6-2 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE TOA BY CATEGORY (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS CIVILIAN PAYROLL MILITARY PAY MILITARY RETIRED PAY / ACCRUAL TOTAL PAY MILITARY MEDICAL ACCRUAL OTHER MIL PERS O+M EXCL PAY PROC, RDT&E, CONST TOTAL NON PAY TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT FY DOLLARS CIVILIAN PAYROLL MILITARY PAY MILITARY RETIRED PAY / ACCRUAL TOTAL PAY MILITARY MEDICAL ACCRUAL OTHER MIL PERS O+M EXCL PAY PROC, RDTE, CONST TOTAL NON PAY TOTAL, CONSTANT $ FY 92 FY 93 FY 94 FY 95 FY 96 FY 97 FY 98 FY 99 FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 41,779 54,084 15,913 44,168 52,377 13,029 43,580 49,235 12,277 43,559 49,400 12,123 43,031 49,238 11,153 42,740 49,146 11,070 41,255 44,007 10,380 41,226 44,722 10,454 41,932 43,585 11,366 43,241 45,619 11,308 45,864 48,698 13,355 111,776 109,574 105,093 105,082 103,422 102,957 95,642 96,403 96,883 100,168 107,916 11,058 59,490 102,871 173,419 285,195 10,577 57,458 92,047 160,082 269,655 9,780 54,574 81,893 146,247 251,339 9,950 58,615 80,569 149,133 254,215 9,308 59,039 83,283 151,630 255,052 9,971 58,193 83,066 151,230 254,186 15,300 62,996 85,186 163,481 259,123 15,554 69,833 90,939 176,326 272,729 18,587 74,740 96,748 190,075 286,958 20,324 79,706 106,862 206,892 307,060 25,093 106,825 115,543 247,461 355,378 76,494 104,896 30,521 77,889 96,828 24,086 74,952 88,736 22 127 22,127 73,110 86,862 21,316 70,533 84,547 19,151 68,015 81,931 18,455 63,863 71,366 16,833 61,601 70,006 16,365 59,786 65,100 16,977 59,453 65,707 16,287 60,286 65,614 17,994 211,911 198,803 185,815 181,288 174,231 168,402 152,062 147,972 141,863 141,448 143,894 15,340 92,809 142,146 250,295 462,206 14,339 95,654 124,623 234,616 433,419 13,000 88,966 108,841 210,807 396,622 12,977 93,095 105,173 211,245 392,534 11,908 91,213 106,967 210,089 384,319 12,553 88,057 105,451 206,061 374,463 19,122 92,062 107,105 218,289 370,351 19,266 100,174 112,933 232,373 380,345 22,691 106,448 118,381 247,520 389,383 24,390 108,983 128,899 262,273 403,721 29,860 142,435 137,492 309,787 453,681 71 Table 6-2 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE TOA BY CATEGORY (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS CIVILIAN PAYROLL MILITARY PAY MILITARY RETIRED PAY / ACCRUAL TOTAL PAY MILITARY MEDICAL ACCRUAL OTHER MIL PERS O+M EXCL PAY PROC, RDT&E, CONST TOTAL NON PAY TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT FY DOLLARS CIVILIAN PAYROLL MILITARY PAY MILITARY RETIRED PAY / ACCRUAL TOTAL PAY MILITARY MEDICAL ACCRUAL OTHER MIL PERS O+M EXCL PAY PROC, RDTE, CONST TOTAL NON PAY TOTAL, CONSTANT $ FY 03 FY 04 FY 05 FY 06 FY 07 FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 47,346 51,144 13,507 50,305 62,348 14,096 53,535 63,039 14,592 57,222 64,603 14,211 58,148 65,634 15,261 61,296 69,043 16,106 66,424 71,549 17,493 72,039 74,865 19,926 77,074 69,381 19,311 80,009 70,894 19,419 82,617 72,539 19,833 84,616 74,426 20,286 86,581 76,464 20,758 111,997 7,695 126,749 8,307 131,166 10,065 136,037 10,135 139,042 11,231 146,445 11,185 155,465 10,351 166,830 10,796 165,766 10,872 170,322 11,586 174,989 12,297 179,328 13,055 183,804 13,863 36,715 135,263 141,353 321,027 433,024 30,798 138,654 151,544 329,303 456,052 33,616 154,977 172,653 371,310 502,476 37,715 167,868 184,517 400,235 536,272 38,162 192,814 222,623 464,830 603,872 43,442 211,888 259,096 525,611 672,055 45,790 219,090 235,164 510,395 665,861 44,389 216,677 226,462 498,324 665,154 38,976 136,280 197,199 383,327 549,093 40,151 143,625 200,657 396,019 566,341 41,257 150,835 202,382 406,770 581,760 42,314 158,273 204,780 418,423 597,750 43,064 165,701 209,585 432,213 616,016 59,783 65,817 17,382 61,018 77,038 17,417 62,740 75,258 17,420 65,044 74,807 16,456 64,674 74,002 17,207 65,870 75,213 17,545 68,697 75,017 18,341 73,042 75,913 20,205 77,074 69,381 19,311 78,226 69,300 18,983 78,975 69,314 18,951 79,084 69,180 18,856 79,118 69,139 18,769 142,982 10,370 , 155,473 10,743 , 155,418 12,491 , 156,307 12,083 , 155,882 12,862 , 158,628 12,282 , 162,055 11,034 , 169,160 11,152 , 165,766 10,872 , 166,508 11,183 , 167,241 11,446 , 167,120 11,718 , 167,026 11,999 , 43,184 174,005 165,055 392,614 535,596 35,467 172,247 172,583 391,040 546,513 37,640 180,115 191,200 421,446 576,864 40,990 187,937 199,197 440,207 596,513 40,410 209,413 235,230 497,915 653,796 44,992 221,698 269,391 548,363 706,991 46,769 229,682 241,596 529,081 691,136 44,915 220,874 229,790 506,731 675,891 38,976 136,280 197,199 383,327 549,093 39,513 140,593 197,359 388,648 555,157 39,922 144,604 195,725 391,698 558,939 40,261 148,561 194,734 395,274 562,394 40,289 152,286 195,971 400,545 567,571 Totals include enacted budget authority and indefinite budget authority amounts, enacted OCO funding, and funding for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. 72 Table 6-3 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE TOA BY SERVICE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE DEFENSE-WIDE TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE DEFENSE-WIDE TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE TOTAL FY 48 FY 49 FY 50 FY 51 FY 52 FY 53 FY 54 FY 55 FY 56 FY 57 FY 58 3,162 4,469 4,097 175 11,903 4,034 4,726 4,244 200 13,204 4,288 4,517 5,323 208 14,337 17,453 12,212 15,102 405 45,173 21,685 15,147 19,986 371 57,188 13,475 11,762 18,650 397 44,283 9,892 8,080 12,029 428 30,429 10,813 9,993 12,469 514 33,790 9,901 10,615 16,997 553 38,065 9,919 10,805 18,449 551 39,724 9,757 11,550 19,158 659 41,124 56,946 65,562 52,861 2,700 178,070 65,403 65,919 55,725 3,042 190,089 62,068 61,855 63,601 3,306 190,829 173,887 129,134 151,878 3,877 458,776 222,741 167,853 204,582 3,750 598,926 159,181 136,015 189,198 3,946 488,340 126,769 105,753 132,151 4,513 369,186 125,678 115,259 131,823 4,963 377,723 110,687 116,824 161,867 5,077 394,455 109,442 117,010 169,131 4,958 400,541 104,302 119,960 172,401 5,706 402,369 14.9 0.5 5.4 6.7 -5.1 -6.2 14.1 0.4 180.2 108.8 138.8 140.4 28.1 30.0 34.7 30.5 -28.5 -19.0 -7.5 -18.5 -20.4 -22.2 -30.2 -24.4 -0.9 9.0 -0.2 2.3 -11.9 1.4 22.8 4.4 -1.1 0.2 4.5 1.5 -4.7 2.5 19 1.9 0.5 73 Table 6-3 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE TOA BY SERVICE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE DEFENSE-WIDE TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE DEFENSE-WIDE TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE TOTAL FY 59 FY 60 FY 61 FY 62 FY 63 FY 64 FY 65 FY 66 FY 67 FY 68 FY 69 9,555 12,148 19,599 892 42,193 9,867 11,727 17,662 1,001 40,257 10,528 12,820 20,098 1,197 44,643 12,467 14,592 19,730 1,646 48,434 11,826 14,657 20,427 2,510 49,420 12,275 14,450 19,958 2,864 49,547 12,219 14,856 19,428 3,057 49,560 18,510 19,185 23,309 3,527 64,531 22,369 21,190 24,270 3,760 71,590 24,962 20,781 24,974 4,247 74,965 25,769 21,552 25,857 4,574 77,752 98,753 120,280 169,156 6,924 395,113 98,605 113,719 154,287 7,764 374,376 101,024 121,518 168,355 9,155 400,053 116,369 134,380 167,390 12,363 430,502 110,008 132,262 169,770 18,535 430,574 109,418 126,236 162,983 20,798 419,434 106,162 125,093 155,772 22,046 409,073 139,672 146,024 172,804 24,803 483,303 163,867 160,894 179,387 26,245 530,394 174,561 147,934 175,299 28,458 526,252 173,389 146,412 173,523 29,517 522,841 -5.3 0.3 -1 9 -1.9 -1.8 -0.1 -5.5 -8.8 -5.2 2.5 6.9 9.1 6.9 15.2 10.6 -0.6 7.6 -5.5 -1.6 1.4 0.0 -0.5 -4.6 -4.0 -2.6 -3.0 -0.9 -4.4 -2.5 31.6 16.7 10.9 18.1 17.3 10.2 3.8 9.7 6.5 -8.1 -2.3 -0.8 -0.7 -1.0 -1 0 -1.0 -0.6 74 Table 6-3 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE TOA BY SERVICE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE DEFENSE-WIDE TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE DEFENSE-WIDE TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE TOTAL FY 70 FY 71 FY 72 FY 73 FY 74 FY 75 FY 76 FY 77 FY 78 FY 79 FY 80 23,963 22,462 23,875 5,212 75,512 22,280 21,691 23,016 5,859 72,846 22,094 24,041 23,799 6,533 76,467 21,480 25,324 24,696 7,425 78,925 21,548 26,934 24,772 8,439 81,693 21,644 27,962 26,024 10,501 86,132 23,759 31,360 28,395 12,144 95,658 26,703 36,353 31,145 13,367 107,567 28,950 39,504 32,877 14,797 116,128 31,497 41,694 34,873 16,657 124,721 34,572 46,984 41,556 18,871 141,983 153,146 142,469 153,511 31,319 480,445 135,777 128,541 139,618 32,398 436,334 123,133 130,935 133,150 33,954 421,172 110,187 126,596 126,279 36,464 399,526 102,079 123,081 116,284 38,033 379,477 96,130 118,225 112,973 41,493 368,822 96,918 119,768 111,842 43,464 371,992 101,472 129,611 115,007 44,879 390,969 101,280 129,379 111,931 46,392 388,982 102,391 126,788 109,966 48,268 387,414 102,735 127,703 114,133 49,178 393,749 -11.7 -2.7 -11 5 -11.5 -8.1 -11.3 -9.8 -9.1 -9.2 -9.3 1.9 -4.6 -3.5 -10.5 -3.3 -5.2 -5.1 -7.4 -2.8 -7.9 -5.0 -5.8 -3.9 -2.8 -2.8 0.8 1.3 -1.0 0.9 4.7 8.2 2.8 5.1 -0.2 -0.2 -2.7 -0.5 1.1 -2.0 -1.8 -0.4 0.3 0.7 38 3.8 1.6 75 Table 6-3 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE TOA BY SERVICE (Dollars in Millions) FY 81 FY 82 FY 83 FY 84 FY 85 FY 86 FY 87 FY 88 FY 89 FY 90 FY 91 CURRENT DOLLARS ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE DEFENSE-WIDE TOTAL, CURRENT $ 43,177 57,050 52,370 22,952 175,549 52,099 68,034 65,017 25,518 210,667 57,359 78,951 73,440 25,743 235,493 61,516 80,553 85,304 27,898 255,271 72,760 93,124 96,499 13,790 276,173 73,770 93,259 93,932 17,178 278,140 75,241 95,132 93,621 18,723 282,718 76,346 102,364 90,268 18,828 287,806 78,562 98,195 94,713 20,070 291,540 79,131 98,597 93,244 20,384 291,356 92,498 101,477 91,189 25,457 310,620 CONSTANT DOLLARS ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE DEFENSE-WIDE TOTAL, CONSTANT $ 113,076 138,847 127,602 53,642 433,168 124,074 152,503 144,305 56,306 477,188 129,602 168,270 155,914 54,441 508,227 133,698 167,113 173,892 56,792 531,494 150,866 186,456 190,638 26,791 554,751 148,942 182,838 182,591 32,024 546,395 147,929 180,921 177,644 33,579 540,073 144,456 186,407 166,849 32,582 530,294 142,852 174,319 168,313 33,174 518,659 139,972 170,312 161,856 32,480 504,620 153,950 167,395 150,215 39,032 510,592 10.1 8.7 11 8 11.8 10 9.7 9.8 13.1 10.2 4.5 10.3 8.0 6.5 3.2 -0.7 11.5 4.6 12.8 11.6 9.6 4.4 -1.3 -1.9 -4.2 -1.5 -0.7 -1.0 -2.7 -1.2 -2.3 3.0 -6.1 -1.8 -1.1 -6.5 0.9 -2.2 -2.0 -2.3 -3.8 -2.7 10.0 -1.7 -7 2 -7.2 1.2 % REAL GROWTH ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE TOTAL 76 Table 6-3 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE TOA BY SERVICE (Dollars in Millions) FY 92 FY 93 FY 94 FY 95 FY 96 FY 97 FY 98 FY 99 FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 CURRENT DOLLARS ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE DEFENSE-WIDE TOTAL, CURRENT $ 74,709 89,927 83,048 37,511 285,195 66,731 84,995 79,566 38,364 269,655 63,087 77,981 74,938 35,334 251,339 63,953 78,585 73,773 37,904 254,215 65,463 79,560 74,230 35,799 255,052 64,664 79,171 73,170 37,182 254,186 64,001 81,958 76,543 36,621 259,123 69,331 84,398 80,862 38,138 272,729 73,264 88,509 83,368 41,818 286,958 78,047 96,117 90,051 42,845 307,060 86,099 101,778 100,266 67,235 355,378 CONSTANT DOLLARS ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE DEFENSE-WIDE TOTAL, CONSTANT $ 125,794 147,350 134,791 54,270 462,206 108,789 136,225 124,990 63,415 433,419 100,981 121,299 116,270 58,072 396,622 99,818 119,322 113,217 60,176 392,534 99,254 118,012 110,935 56,119 384,319 95,995 114,944 106,803 56,721 374,463 92,093 115,185 108,106 54,968 370,351 96,197 116,963 111,640 55,545 380,345 98,463 118,961 112,284 59,676 389,383 102,000 124,830 116,921 59,970 403,721 108,862 128,876 127,067 88,875 453,681 -18.3 -12 -10 3 -10.3 -9.5 -13.5 -7.6 -7.3 -6.2 -7.2 -11.0 -7.0 -8.5 -1.2 -1.6 -2.6 -1.0 -0.6 -1.1 -2.0 -2.1 -3.3 -2.6 -3.7 -2.6 -4.1 0.2 1.2 -1.1 4.5 1.5 3.3 2.7 2.4 1.7 0.6 2.4 3.6 4.9 4.1 3.7 6.7 3.2 87 8.7 12.4 % REAL GROWTH ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE TOTAL 77 Table 6-3 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE TOA BY SERVICE (Dollars in Millions) FY 03 FY 04 FY 05 FY 06 FY 07 FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 CURRENT DOLLARS ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE DEFENSE-WIDE TOTAL, CURRENT $ 122,268 123,887 125,770 61,099 433,024 141,551 121,608 125,353 67,541 456,052 167,261 133,560 131,673 69,981 502,476 176,455 144,596 140,864 74,357 536,272 221,133 150,834 149,348 82,557 603,872 250,603 164,893 159,729 96,830 672,055 235,752 166,765 163,138 100,205 665,861 216,601 170,072 159,936 118,545 665,154 141,788 160,609 149,981 96,715 549,093 147,614 163,045 154,225 101,457 566,341 151,344 168,545 153,261 108,610 581,760 152,993 171,038 159,779 113,941 597,750 154,750 176,544 165,680 119,042 616,016 CONSTANT DOLLARS ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE DEFENSE-WIDE TOTAL, CONSTANT $ 149,198 152,933 155,534 77,931 535,596 167,343 145,440 150,496 83,234 546,513 190,343 152,591 151,061 82,869 576,864 194,959 160,190 156,198 85,166 596,513 237,687 163,018 161,655 91,436 653,796 263,067 173,264 167,214 103,446 706,991 243,670 173,302 169,651 104,514 691,136 219,883 172,800 162,482 120,726 675,891 141,788 160,609 149,981 96,715 549,093 144,698 159,949 151,345 99,164 555,157 145,405 162,215 147,569 103,750 558,939 143,860 161,347 150,864 106,323 562,394 142,387 163,240 153,397 108,546 567,571 37.1 18.7 22.4 18.1 12.2 -4.9 -3.2 2.0 13.7 4.9 0.4 5.6 2.4 5.0 3.4 3.4 21.9 1.8 3.5 9.6 10.7 6.3 3.4 8.1 -7.4 0.0 1.5 -2.2 -9.8 -0.3 -4.2 -2.2 -35.5 -7.1 -7.7 -18.8 2.1 -0.4 0.9 1.1 0.5 1.4 -2.5 0.7 -1.1 -0.5 2.2 0.6 -1.0 1.2 1.7 0.9 % REAL GROWTH ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE TOTAL Totals include enacted budget authority and indefinite budget authority amounts, enacted OCO funding, and funding for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. 78 Table 6-4 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE TOA by PROGRAM (Dollars in Millions) FISCAL STRATEGIC YEAR FORCES 1962 10,641 1963 9,718 1964 8,387 1965 6,241 1966 6,023 1967 6,217 1968 7,156 1969 8,457 1970 6,928 1971 7,196 1972 7,158 1973 7,141 1974 6,694 1975 7,075 1976 7,135 1977 9,062 1978 9,149 1979 8,322 1980 10,992 1981 12,290 1982 15,387 1983 19,578 1984 25,938 1985 25,974 1986 24,015 24 015 1987 22,343 1988 20,122 1989 21,331 1990 18,432 1991 18,809 1992 15,410 1993 12,787 1994 9,138 1995 7,712 1996 7,443 1997 6,145 1998 6,687 1999 6,759 2000 6,927 2001 6,800 2002 8,239 2003 8,162 2004 8,795 2005 9,025 2006 9,737 2007 10,027 2008 10,683 2009 9,827 2010 12,619 2011 11,083 2012 10,736 2013 10,390 2014 10,883 2015 12,457 GENERAL PURPOSE C3, INTEL MOBILITY FORCES FORCES & SPACE 16,625 3,049 1,005 16,464 3,819 1,034 16,337 4,292 1,177 17,472 4,136 1,605 26,445 4,701 2,365 29,058 5,075 2,654 29,404 5,392 2,967 28,428 5,728 2,661 26,943 5,463 2,443 24,179 5,349 1,733 25,135 5,378 1,540 25,421 5,707 1,036 27,552 5,941 882 27,931 6,280 992 32,806 6,623 1,344 37,920 7,343 1,615 41,874 7,821 1,720 46,967 7,981 1,835 52,217 9,049 2,267 67,807 11,178 3,092 86,892 13,769 4,135 95,836 17,482 4,438 98,278 20,064 5,673 24,808 6,789 115,207 113,108 113 108 26 211 26,211 7 612 7,612 115,906 28,129 6,711 28,520 4,570 116,401 29,590 5,424 112,320 30,254 6,083 112,519 30,320 5,625 122,741 32,724 6,932 102,085 94,437 31,726 7,951 88,137 30,984 8,434 89,472 29,098 10,338 88,536 30,017 10,347 88,966 29,894 10,556 91,399 30,511 10,526 97,498 32,364 11,811 33,637 11,797 102,680 36,820 10,918 114,178 40,021 14,100 125,054 56,173 16,401 173,523 58,160 14,693 183,138 63,602 16,680 197,639 69,648 18,270 219,981 74,873 19,637 263,320 84,115 22,883 299,231 88,232 19,470 289,538 89,366 16,275 283,036 83,944 12,705 214,253 87,157 12,672 219,313 85,116 14,189 228,186 86,906 15,622 234,926 88,996 16,222 241,852 GUARD & RESEARCH & RESERVE FORCES DEVLPMNT 1,615 4,066 1,551 4,798 1,768 4,834 1,779 4,647 2,114 4,734 2,452 4,627 2,177 4,269 2,134 4,526 2,546 4,711 2,678 4,861 3,255 5,756 3,877 6,459 4,317 6,861 4,790 7,698 5,374 8,655 5,890 9,858 6,972 10,137 7,035 10,862 7,874 11,794 9,865 14,169 10,330 16,897 11,709 18,718 11,656 21,424 15,423 23,858 16 397 16,397 25,737 25 737 15,945 27,228 16,858 28,772 17,128 28,979 17,245 27,582 18,013 27,103 20,544 28,264 20,064 27,911 20,128 24,198 20,255 25,655 21,079 25,779 20,932 26,071 21,432 26,639 22,888 27,101 23,275 27,819 24,802 30,060 26,483 35,772 29,898 40,236 30,013 45,595 30,671 50,017 35,657 52,580 38,862 55,033 40,952 54,091 40,125 54,916 42,081 53,169 41,473 48,156 41,315 49,205 42,666 48,887 44,134 46,825 45,862 45,046 79 CENTRAL SUPPLY & MAINT 4,448 4,531 4,638 4,909 6,515 7,880 8,378 9,288 9,027 8,402 8,658 8,647 8,582 9,074 9,699 11,071 11,962 12,808 15,305 17,584 18,797 20,767 22,952 24,096 22,903 22 903 22,767 24,899 26,389 28,140 31,746 24,317 20,479 17,864 17,293 16,736 16,387 16,211 17,114 20,030 18,753 20,827 26,273 26,931 26,133 28,692 25,717 30,347 27,780 30,591 23,934 26,594 27,205 28,127 29,445 TRAINING MEDICAL & OTHER 5,868 6,325 6,921 7,429 9,158 10,624 12,150 12,778 13,665 14,444 15,199 16,241 17,930 19,938 21,499 22,463 23,989 26,067 29,302 35,278 39,872 42,202 43,812 33,601 34 551 34,551 36,557 37,816 39,331 40,374 44,210 44,136 42,775 42,043 43,072 44,138 43,713 43,692 44,165 47,594 51,816 56,134 62,191 64,033 63,489 75,764 68,687 72,646 83,560 83,699 84,023 87,662 90,416 92,890 96,322 SUPPORT ADMIN & OF OTHER NATIONS ASSOC 1,058 60 1,113 67 1,111 81 1,186 157 1,470 1,005 1,308 1,694 1,287 1,785 1,377 2,374 1,514 2,270 1,607 2,395 1,737 2,652 1,849 2,547 1,896 1,040 2,103 251 2,259 264 2,127 218 2,244 260 2,403 441 2,542 641 3,353 932 3,684 905 4,109 654 4,826 646 5,892 525 7 170 7,170 437 6,250 727 6,785 924 6,833 1,035 6,669 1,007 8,614 814 6,370 1,069 7,786 835 6,449 907 7,372 830 6,886 890 7,345 999 7,621 939 8,386 1,064 8,406 987 9,057 783 22,399 1,259 11,440 1,968 15,639 2,756 29,269 9,777 10,024 7,759 20,310 17,117 32,115 9,963 29,654 10,508 29,099 12,218 16,611 2,358 17,982 2,313 19,140 2,298 20,941 2,426 21,446 2,546 SPECIAL OPS FORCES UNDIST 154 2,137 3,180 3,051 2,626 3,343 2,903 3,060 3,118 3,201 3,178 3,466 3,578 3,683 3,070 5,024 6,758 6,511 6,424 8,301 10,908 12,252 12,251 12,218 10,361 11,392 13,267 14,071 15,822 122 3 66 -213 -249 -141 -620 2,776 783 192 -1 TOTAL 48,434 49,420 49,547 49,560 64,531 71,590 74,965 77,752 75,512 72,846 76,467 78,925 81,693 86,132 95,658 107,567 116,128 124,721 141,983 175,549 210,667 235,493 255,271 276,173 278 140 278,140 282,718 287,806 291,540 291,356 310,620 285,195 269,655 251,339 254,215 255,052 254,186 259,123 272,729 286,958 307,060 355,378 433,024 456,052 502,476 536,272 603,872 672,055 665,861 665,154 549,093 566,341 581,760 597,750 616,016 Table 6-5 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE TOA by PROGRAM (FY 2011 Dollars in Millions) FISCAL STRATEGIC YEAR FORCES 1962 88,442 1963 79,954 1964 68,469 1965 51,269 1966 46,200 1967 46,156 1968 49,128 1969 53,635 1970 42,256 1971 40,872 1972 38,694 1973 35,443 1974 30,416 1975 29,053 1976 26,750 1977 31,821 1978 29,236 1979 25,239 1980 28,831 1981 28,997 1982 33,316 1983 40,170 1984 50,856 1985 49,542 1986 44,947 44 947 1987 40,781 1988 35,623 1989 36,351 1990 30,866 1991 29,764 1992 24,486 1993 19,910 1994 14,170 1995 11,834 1996 11,112 1997 9,072 1998 9,496 1999 9,388 2000 9,389 2001 8,879 2002 10,448 2003 10,085 2004 10,530 2005 10,355 2006 10,792 2007 10,882 2008 11,154 2009 10,247 2010 12,832 2011 11,083 2012 10,531 2013 9,995 2014 10,261 2015 11,523 GENERAL PURPOSE C3, INTEL MOBILITY FORCES FORCES & SPACE 149,290 25,693 9,271 30,289 9,290 145,337 33,568 10,018 139,227 32,324 12,636 143,678 33,924 16,497 192,046 36,198 18,431 211,914 36,690 19,408 201,481 37,432 16,924 188,893 34,277 15,008 169,210 31,686 10,388 143,562 29,650 8,595 135,806 28,519 5,525 126,218 27,071 4,360 125,904 25,938 4,476 119,660 24,551 5,501 126,068 25,413 6,308 137,428 24,989 6,191 139,720 23,829 6,077 144,410 24,153 6,455 144,430 26,719 7,689 165,876 30,396 9,220 193,600 36,624 9,525 203,669 40,554 11,663 202,287 48,187 13,395 226,692 217,970 217 970 49 758 49,758 14 596 14,596 216,471 51,630 12,600 50,398 8,586 208,968 50,229 9,642 195,767 49,661 10,442 191,106 47,709 9,268 199,069 50,396 10,974 165,242 48,279 12,326 150,649 46,317 12,869 137,860 42,758 15,640 136,674 43,118 15,136 132,166 42,068 15,127 129,926 41,892 14,701 129,464 43,519 16,071 134,753 43,935 15,716 138,424 46,807 14,095 149,288 49,864 17,765 158,733 68,249 20,135 213,714 68,890 17,537 219,074 72,657 19,090 226,508 77,144 20,228 243,973 80,502 21,236 283,983 88,029 23,823 312,929 90,951 20,261 300,037 90,668 16,525 287,468 83,944 12,705 214,253 85,621 12,432 215,153 82,112 13,664 219,619 82,321 14,761 221,617 82,773 15,036 223,612 GUARD & RESEARCH & RESERVE FORCES DEVLPMNT 18,235 28,853 17,770 33,331 18,783 33,076 18,576 31,205 19,851 30,141 21,578 29,233 19,023 25,717 17,990 26,325 19,670 26,090 19,455 25,402 20,800 28,386 22,048 29,676 22,226 28,721 22,954 29,534 22,993 29,341 23,698 31,819 25,485 30,192 24,184 29,045 24,119 28,648 26,280 31,397 25,251 35,224 26,441 37,512 25,915 41,270 30,673 44,595 32 139 32,139 46,888 46 888 31,949 48,065 32,619 48,707 31,985 47,156 32,130 43,329 31,671 41,028 34,598 41,679 33,647 41,012 32,803 34,969 32,402 36,232 32,757 35,616 31,718 35,409 31,318 35,591 32,609 35,737 32,454 35,073 33,120 37,228 34,075 43,575 37,404 48,162 36,169 53,508 35,298 57,071 39,644 58,266 42,556 59,053 43,111 56,825 42,188 56,473 42,813 53,945 41,473 48,156 40,442 48,345 40,889 47,170 41,347 44,360 42,002 41,896 80 CENTRAL SUPPLY & MAINT 38,664 38,579 38,194 38,636 47,322 55,190 56,007 59,377 54,446 47,937 46,397 43,164 38,526 36,952 35,538 38,428 38,343 38,366 39,758 41,012 41,735 44,603 48,030 49,274 46 304 46,304 44,425 47,182 47,871 49,007 50,872 39,001 32,614 27,630 26,230 24,766 23,714 22,754 23,579 26,702 24,222 26,227 32,183 32,117 29,700 31,777 27,821 31,632 28,879 31,088 23,934 26,082 26,176 26,547 27,261 TRAINING MEDICAL & OTHER 61,269 65,052 67,393 69,468 79,627 90,413 97,949 98,689 96,562 94,230 89,878 87,630 88,764 90,235 91,566 87,498 86,431 87,459 88,501 94,636 97,869 99,078 99,213 79,188 78 813 78,813 80,394 80,139 80,230 79,660 81,736 78,570 76,864 73,742 73,497 73,220 70,637 68,105 66,740 70,138 73,483 77,206 81,074 79,321 74,332 85,953 76,328 78,928 87,967 85,454 84,023 85,470 85,916 85,859 86,640 SUPPORT ADMIN & OF OTHER NATIONS ASSOC 10,036 751 10,139 833 9,792 914 9,881 1,399 11,170 6,526 9,763 11,519 9,329 11,520 9,552 14,022 9,849 13,077 9,720 13,082 9,746 13,220 9,456 11,848 8,809 4,679 8,938 1,083 8,668 1,017 7,750 805 7,520 876 7,526 1,279 7,179 1,675 8,349 2,212 8,596 1,981 9,207 1,398 10,365 1,341 12,105 1,100 14 067 14,067 913 12,107 1,380 12,549 1,667 12,157 1,789 11,550 1,697 13,908 1,330 10,321 1,717 12,237 1,324 10,152 1,405 11,272 1,280 10,364 1,324 10,733 1,443 10,832 1,331 11,562 1,457 11,236 1,328 11,706 1,023 27,862 1,598 14,007 2,412 18,724 3,278 33,636 11,163 11,078 8,603 22,040 18,298 34,189 10,430 30,677 10,757 29,519 12,371 16,611 2,358 17,634 2,271 18,412 2,213 19,751 2,292 19,826 2,359 SPECIAL OPS FORCES UNDIST 272 3,857 5,483 5,171 4,236 5,221 4,557 4,705 4,715 4,740 4,617 4,867 4,930 4,823 3,865 6,243 8,170 7,620 7,340 9,211 11,758 12,871 12,699 12,407 10,361 11,176 12,773 13,278 14,643 166 4 84 -255 -286 -157 -663 3,070 801 192 TOTAL 430,502 430,574 419,434 409,073 483,303 530,394 526,252 522,841 480,445 436,334 421,172 399,526 379,477 368,822 371,992 390,969 388,982 387,414 393,749 433,168 477,188 508,227 531,494 554,751 546 395 546,395 540,073 530,294 518,659 504,620 510,592 462,206 433,419 396,622 392,534 384,319 374,463 370,351 380,345 389,383 403,721 453,681 535,596 546,513 576,864 596,513 653,796 706,991 691,136 675,891 549,093 555,157 558,939 562,394 567,571 Table 6-6 In Years DOD TOA, BA, & OUTLAYS by ACCOUNT (Current Dollars in Millions) 2008 MIL PERSONNEL MIL.PERS.ARMY MIL MED ACC ACT A MIL.PERS.NAVY MIL MED ACC ACT N MIL.PERS.M.C. MIL MED ACC ACT MC MIL.PERS.A.F. MIL MED ACC ACT F RES.PERS.ARMY MIL MED ACC RES A RES.PERS.NAVY MIL MED ACC RES N RES.PERS.M.C. MIL MED ACC RES MC RES.PERS.A.F. MIL MED ACC RES F NAT'L GUARD PERS.A. MIL MED ACC NG A NAT'L GUARD PERS.AF MIL MED ACC NG F CON RCPT PAY MIL RET Total MIL PERSONNEL TOA 2009 2010 2011 2008 BA 2009 2010 2011 2008 OUTLAYS 2009 2010 2011 44,831 3,132 24,729 1,935 12,086 1,116 25,661 1,959 4,014 718 1,873 266 597 142 1,366 252 7,894 1,262 2,763 402 2,776 2,776 49,250 2,902 25,848 1,771 13,355 1,053 26,764 1,778 4,283 679 1,907 240 648 134 1,434 224 8,484 1,194 2,859 376 50,964 3,124 26,677 1,826 13,579 1,136 27,842 1,836 4,598 694 1,946 234 645 129 1,609 225 8,372 1,217 2,948 375 41,972 3,079 25,951 1,817 13,250 1,142 27,122 1,855 4,397 716 1,944 242 617 132 1,687 240 7,624 1,262 3,104 388 44,541 3,132 24,653 1,935 12,076 1,116 25,419 1,959 4,014 718 1,874 266 601 142 1,374 252 7,746 1,262 2,774 402 2,776 2,776 49,615 2,902 25,741 1,771 13,350 1,053 26,803 1,778 4,283 679 1,908 240 652 134 1,443 224 8,541 1,194 2,859 376 3,745 3,745 50,964 3,124 26,678 1,826 13,579 1,136 27,842 1,836 4,598 694 1,946 234 645 129 1,609 225 8,372 1,217 2,948 375 4,516 4,516 41,972 3,079 25,951 1,817 13,250 1,142 27,122 1,855 4,397 716 1,944 242 617 132 1,687 240 7,624 1,262 3,104 388 4,983 4,983 44,579 3,132 24,977 1,935 12,084 1,116 25,262 1,959 3,832 718 1,856 266 560 142 1,352 252 7,614 1,262 2,863 402 2,776 2, 776 48,618 2,902 25,615 1,771 13,113 1,053 26,444 1,778 4,151 679 1,887 240 650 134 1,404 224 8,479 1,194 2,883 376 3,745 3, 745 49,843 3,124 26,613 1,826 13,521 1,136 27,813 1,836 4,612 694 1,921 234 671 129 1,583 225 8,410 1,217 2,913 375 4,516 4, 516 42,415 3,079 25,920 1,817 13,248 1,142 27,212 1,855 4,368 716 1,940 242 615 132 1,664 240 7,663 1,262 3,094 388 4,983 4, 983 139,774 145,183 149,976 138,541 139,032 149,291 154,493 143,524 138,939 147,340 153,212 143,995 Totals include enacted budget authority and indefinite budget authority amounts, enacted OCO funding, and funding for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. 81 Table 6-6 In Years (Continued) DOD TOA, BA, & OUTLAYS by ACCOUNT (Current Dollars in Millions) 2008 OPR & MAINT OPER.AND MAINT.,A. OPER.AND MAINT.,N. OPER.AND MAINT.,M.C OPER.AND MAINT.,A.F. OPER.AND MAINT.,DA TOT O&M.,ARMY RESERVE O&M.,NAVY RESERVE O&M.,MC RESERVE O&M.,AF RESERVE O&M.,ARMY NAT'L.GUAR O&M.,AIR NAT'L.GUARD INSPECTOR GENERAL TRANS/DISP COMM FAC IRAQ FREEDOM FUND COURT OF MIL.APPEALS DRUG INTERDICTION ENVIRON.REST.FUND, A ENVIRON.REST.FUND, N ENVIRON.REST.FUND,AF ENVIRON.REST.FUND,DE ENV.REST., FORMERLY DOD ACQ ACQ WORKFORCE DEV FD OVERSEAS CONTG OPS DEF BURDENSHARING CURRENCY FLUCTUATION EMER. RESP. FUND AFGAN SEC FORCES FND IRAQ SEC FORCES FND INTERNATIONAL SPORTS PAKISTAN COUNT CAP FUND HUMANITARIAN ASST,DE FSU THREAT REDUCTION OVERSEAS MIL FAC INV REST ROCKY MTN ARSNL DEF COOP ACT LEASE REAL PROPERTY DEFENSE HEALTH PROG. DISP REAL PROPERTY CASH EQUAL PAYMTS ACQ Total OPR & MAINT TOA 2009 2010 2011 2008 81,067 39,818 9,252 43,419 29,300 2,726 1,303 346 2,981 6,868 5,824 247 10 34 13 46 82,838 39,923 9,256 43,491 29,401 2,725 1,299 346 2,974 6,858 5,806 244 84,353 40,504 9,871 46,485 33,107 2,892 1,371 328 2,901 6,698 5,692 294 78,716 40,147 8,962 42,651 35,687 2,819 1,340 310 3,253 6,507 6,165 297 33,971 38,134 5,590 36,845 30,584 2,879 1,368 285 3,301 6,573 5,941 283 13 13 14 1,505 423 286 494 11 292 100 5,000 14 1,131 445 305 503 11 277 218 5 25 2,750 3,000 5 133 426 35 5,607 1,002 1 400 83 433 6,563 700 110 424 108 523 25,367 28,479 30,604 30,935 256,880 270,549 273,380 200,229 3 BA 2009 2011 2008 83,617 40,577 9,858 46,600 33,614 2,894 1,375 329 2,910 6,703 5,719 296 78,567 40,147 8,962 42,401 35,687 2,819 1,340 310 3,253 6,507 6,165 297 33,973 38,134 5,590 36,845 30,584 2,879 1,368 285 3,301 6,573 5,941 283 74,937 39,038 8,314 40,895 26,500 2,469 1,332 282 2,898 6,348 5,431 236 10 80,185 39,655 8,974 42,969 30,048 2,743 1,262 331 2,649 6,716 5,494 267 13 54 55 14 1,505 423 286 494 11 292 100 5,000 620 14 1,131 445 305 503 11 277 21 218 8 5 620 13 13 -5 -13 -4 -169 169 -441 441 1,153 829 12 6,255 3,694 4 5 5,716 3,453 2 125 93 547 1 3 8 1,086 879 2,750 3,000 5,607 1,000 133 426 5 9 7 52 25,417 80 256,222 82 OUTLAYS 2009 2010 2010 400 83 433 6,563 2011 81,643 40,532 9,092 43,744 33,807 2,833 1,394 329 3,331 6,556 6,065 275 50,612 38,792 7,032 39,433 32,206 2,879 1,405 321 3,298 6,514 5,938 287 4 13 1,070 214 129 209 10 64 87 3,725 620 13 30 5,679 1,871 2 14 1,163 326 213 360 10 193 202 999 620 4 30 1,799 837 220 149 389 1 17 40 109 421 108 523 73 590 10 110 424 1 15 8 10 20 28,505 6 20 30,489 8 9 30,935 10 11 24,506 3 5 12 27,566 14 16 29,882 12 30,665 271,565 272,830 200,878 244,832 259,227 274,025 226,732 8 Table 6-6 In Years (Continued) DOD TOA, BA, & OUTLAYS by ACCOUNT (Current Dollars in Millions) 2008 PROCUREMENT AIRCRAFT PROC.,ARMY MISSILE PROC.ARMY PROC.WPNS&TRAC.VEH,A PROC.AMMUNITION,ARMY JIEDDO OTHER PROC.,ARMY AIRCRAFT PROC.,NAVY WEAPONS PROC.,NAVY SHIPS & CONVERSION,N PROC.AMMUNITION,N&MC OTHER PROCUREMENT,N PROC.,MARINE CORPS AIRCRAFT PROC.,A.F. MISSILE PROC.,A.F. PROC.AMMUNITION,A.F. OTHER PROC.,A.F. PROC., DA TOTAL MRAP VEH FUND EQUIP.PROC.,NG & RES DEF.PROD.PURCHASES DOD CHEM DEMIL PROG, D DOD CHEM DEMIL PROG, A TOA 2009 2010 2011 2008 5,977 1,887 1,724 1,979 216 9,766 18,509 3,360 15,725 818 6,450 1,344 15,367 5,463 667 17,845 4,280 6,130 2,474 9,442 2,773 4,317 40,563 15,742 3,375 13,425 1,640 6,873 6,297 18,613 5,030 938 19,234 4,788 29 1,467 BA 2009 2011 2008 6,316 1,723 3,457 2,415 1,884 14,218 19,439 3,398 13,839 1,474 5,581 2,410 13,362 5,953 1,056 19,656 4,527 6,281 950 150 1,561 5,977 1,887 1,724 1,979 216 9,766 18,509 3,360 15,725 818 6,450 1,344 15,367 5,463 667 17,845 4,280 4,250 1,468 5,358 2,453 3,199 22,067 10,266 2,701 11,185 1,090 5,534 6,903 11,448 4,080 908 18,385 3,961 5,076 2,057 6,391 2,268 3,552 26,218 11,996 2,966 12,183 1,244 6,164 5,258 13,503 4,337 885 18,840 4,737 1,743 94 1,513 6,025 2,852 6,161 2,378 3,117 21,246 14,765 3,230 12,686 1,422 5,564 4,309 17,899 5,648 1,023 19,611 4,064 592 1,241 100 1,506 29 1,467 710 55 801 574 5,955 2,474 9,445 2,703 4,317 40,568 15,742 3,375 13,177 1,640 6,885 6,312 18,690 5,030 938 19,234 4,847 6,369 2,852 6,120 2,447 3,117 21,168 14,765 3,230 13,022 1,422 5,496 4,374 17,314 5,588 1,023 19,624 4,059 1,743 94 1,513 1,241 100 1,506 6,316 1,723 3,498 2,415 1,884 14,357 19,438 3,398 13,839 1,474 5,665 2,410 13,991 6,013 1,056 19,667 4,534 6,873 950 150 1,561 164,682 134,837 131,212 112,873 165,004 135,439 129,650 112,873 RDT&E RDT&E, ARMY RDT&E, NAVY RDT&E, AIR FORCE RDT&E, DA TOT DIR OF OPER, T&E, OTE TANKER REP XFER FUND 12,554 18,487 26,347 21,883 178 12,154 19,809 26,768 21,736 185 11,472 19,966 27,982 20,737 188 292 10,333 17,693 27,247 20,662 195 12,447 18,439 26,480 21,874 178 150 12,103 19,803 26,529 21,625 185 -240 11,472 19,947 27,883 20,583 188 292 Total RDT&E 79,449 80,652 80,637 76,130 79,568 80,005 80,365 Total PROCUREMENT OUTLAYS 2009 2010 2010 83 2011 6,419 2,243 5,221 2,495 2,093 19,358 17,210 3,234 13,652 1,442 5,777 3,658 15,643 5,504 1,132 18,422 4,203 980 83 1,314 68 6,439 2,445 7,110 2,720 3,205 26,237 14,759 3,182 12,841 1,446 5,653 5,085 16,138 5,807 971 19,042 4,395 6,281 1,425 136 1,506 66 117,396 130,120 146,889 130,509 10,333 17,693 27,247 20,662 195 11,285 18,563 24,665 20,426 180 11,764 19,411 26,105 21,571 179 11,559 19,659 26,696 20,882 185 292 10,833 18,495 26,983 20,832 190 17 76,130 75,119 79,030 79,273 77,350 1,217 71 1,494 21 Table 6-6 In Years (Continued) DOD TOA, BA, & OUTLAYS by ACCOUNT (Current Dollars in Millions) MIL CON MIL.CON., ARMY MIL.CON., NAVY MIL.CON., AIR FORCE MIL.CON.,DA TOT MIL.CON.ARMY NAT'L.G MIL.CON.AIR NAT'L.G MIL.CON.ARMY RESERVE MIL.CON.NAVAL RES. MIL.CON.A.F.RES. NATO INFRASTRUCTURE CHEM DEMIL CONSTRUCT BASE CLOSURE - 90, A BASE CLOSURE - 90, N BASE CLOSURE - 90, F BASE CLOSURE - 90, DLA FY2005 BRAC - A FY2005 BRAC - N FY2005 BRAC - F FY2005 BRAC - DA TOT Total MIL CON FMLY HSNG HOME ASSIST.FUND,DEF FAM.HOUS.INVEST.A FAM.HOUS.DBT PAYMT,A FAM.HOUS.INVEST,N FAM.HOUS.DBT PAYMT,N FAM.HOUS.INVEST,A.F. FAM.HOUS.DEBT PAY,AF FAM.HOUS.INVEST,DA TOT FAM.HOUS.DEBT,DA TOT DOD FAM HSG IMPRV FD UNACCMP HSG IMPRV FD Total FMLY HSNG 2008 TOA 2009 2010 2011 2008 BA 2009 2010 2011 2008 5,289 2,577 1,561 2,515 560 288 148 64 28 507 104 104 56 141 4 3,987 712 1,087 2,692 6,242 3,808 1,567 3,574 900 314 283 57 37 321 144 103 224 137 3 4,354 753 1,050 2,872 4,414 3,534 1,861 3,094 582 371 432 126 112 197 152 139 228 127 3 4,057 592 418 2,389 4,079 3,879 1,311 3,118 874 177 318 62 8 259 125 74 162 125 6,004 3,849 1,558 3,803 932 321 283 57 37 331 144 103 224 137 3 4,354 753 1,050 2,872 4,381 3,483 1,823 2,849 549 364 432 126 112 197 152 139 228 127 3 4,057 592 418 2,389 4,079 3,879 1,311 3,118 874 177 318 62 8 259 125 74 162 125 1,012 342 127 872 2,134 1,357 1,144 1,106 648 236 138 68 61 249 82 106 241 127 12 2,553 307 434 561 3,571 1,798 1,151 1,306 667 212 172 74 37 231 112 84 1,012 342 127 872 5,271 2,544 1,549 2,490 562 288 148 64 25 201 104 104 56 141 4 4,023 712 1,087 2,692 22,424 22,424 26,743 26,743 22,828 22,828 16,924 16,924 22,065 22,065 26,815 26,815 22,421 22,421 16,924 16,924 406 743 307 380 404 699 6 630 727 385 384 512 615 17 57 518 186 366 78 514 391 667 305 371 313 688 50 230 49 62 560 615 720 380 376 476 610 -6 49 67 323 273 523 147 369 66 503 3 49 3 2,016 2,846 3,847 2,259 47 437 37 49 236 872 54 523 147 369 66 503 3 49 1,005 3,460 3,544 3,591 84 OUTLAYS 2009 2010 2011 90 7 3,385 635 1,952 1,141 5,243 3,391 1,209 3,114 821 278 219 71 43 214 101 123 199 127 111 5,057 828 924 1,672 3,172 3,603 1,432 2,909 800 321 333 96 70 245 121 104 184 127 138 2,873 583 530 1,374 11,564 11,564 16,625 16,625 23,745 23,745 19,015 19,015 17 92 518 186 366 78 514 3 415 734 132 393 733 673 50 1 43 427 37 12 142 575 124 373 619 629 2 53 192 349 127 596 109 382 872 542 2 46 309 399 205 559 119 362 554 517 1 48 107 1,822 3,590 2,721 3,334 2,871 Table 6-6 In Years (Continued) DOD TOA, BA, & OUTLAYS by ACCOUNT (Current Dollars in Millions) 2008 BA 2009 2010 2011 2008 -9 -18 -9 -218 -225 -10 -7 -8 -74 -144 -7 -21 -1 -71 -157 -7 -10 -7 -8 -74 -144 -7 -21 -1 -71 -157 -223 -3 -639 9 -10 -278 -4 -458 -1 -223 -3 -639 9 -10 -278 -4 -458 -1 -303 -1 -117 -174 1 -336 -499 -554 -16 -1 -14 -1 -14 -4 -20 -2 -303 -1 -499 -1 -6 -1 -21 -1 -12 -1 -1 -117 -174 1 -336 -11 -554 -1 -6 -1 -21 -1 -12 -1 -9 -18 -9 -218 -225 -16 -1 -14 -1 -6 -1 -21 -1 -12 -1 -22 -13 -43 -4 -609 128 -55 420 -44 -19 -47 -23 -4 -293 -218 -32 57 -44 -20 -156 -41 -5 -79 -82 -96 -87 -11 -7 -22 -156 -41 -5 -68 -82 -97 -87 -33 -7 -22 -13 -43 -4 -90 -58 -52 -59 -4 4 -14 -4 -20 -2 -3 -19 -47 -23 -4 -212 -20 -49 -60 -44 -6 -1 -21 -1 -12 -1 -20 -156 -41 -5 -79 -82 -96 -87 -11 -7 -22 -156 -41 -5 -68 -82 -97 -87 -33 -7 LEASE REAL PROP, A -8 -7 -17 -6 -8 -7 -17 -6 LEASE REAL PROP, AF DISP REAL PROP, N OVERSEAS FACIL REC F UNDIST INTRAGOV A UNDIST INTRAGOV N UNDIST INTRAGOV F UNDIST INTRAGOV D COL CANCL'D ACCTS N -3 -27 -3 -8 -2 -1 -1 -2 -1 -1 -3 -27 -3 -8 -2 -1 -1 -2 -1 -1 -6 -73 -40 -46 101 -45 -45 -45 -45 -1,683 -1,743 -1,865 -1,741 -1,853 2008 OFFSETG RECEIPT ROCKY MT ARSEN REC. FHIF, DOWNWA LEASE REAL PROP, N STKPLE SALES FED AG BURDSHR CTRB KUWAIT DISP REAL PROP RCPTS,D BURDSHR CTRB JAPAN LEASE REAL PROP RCPT,D BURDSHR CTRB S KOREA FEES COLL, COM FAC D FEES COLL, COM FAC RENT EQUIP OTH, AF DEPOSITS, ANNUITY D SALE SCR, SAL MAT, D RECOVERY GOV PROP, A RECOVERY GOV PROP, F RECOVERY GOV PROP, D RECOVERY FMS PROG, A RECOVERY FMS PROG, N RECOVERY FMS PROG, F RECOVERY FMS PROG, D GEN FUND PROP REC, A GEN FUND PROP REC, N GEN FUND PROP REC, F GEN FUND PROP REC, D DISP REAL PROP PROP, A DISP REAL PROP, AF Total OFFSETG RECEIPT TOA 2009 2010 2011 OUTLAYS 2009 2010 2011 -7 -3 -1,626 85 -1,760 -1,483 Table 6-6 In Years (Continued) DOD TOA, BA, & OUTLAYS by ACCOUNT (Current Dollars in Millions) 2008 TOA 2009 2010 2011 REV & MGT FNDS N DEF STKPLE FND, DLA PENT RES MNT REV FD BUILDINGS MAINT FUND DEF COALITION SPT, D WCF, A WCF, N WCF, F WCF, DA TOTAL NAT DEF SEALIFT WCF, DECA 1,324 265 608 598 1,345 1,246 545 2 76 436 2,003 1,291 38 10 55 79 435 1,668 1,310 Total REV & MGT FNDS 5,386 4,353 3,530 2008 BA 2009 2010 2011 -1,300 2008 OUTLAYS 2009 2010 2011 -203 74 -1 49 46 -1 15 96 -5 256 -401 -200 -27 1,660 1,260 474 203 670 117 1,585 1,297 -15 123 -7 9 243 140 -120 83 1,241 1,300 -944 315 251 -2,569 1,667 1,363 38 10 55 67 39 935 1,274 3,560 620 -934 4,400 1,378 1,274 79 435 1,668 1,310 67 39 935 1,274 -418 401 869 1,355 1,491 1,234 2,380 10,298 -1,217 3,530 2,380 4,802 2,642 4,452 2,997 TRUST FUNDS ARMY GIFT FUND (T) USNA GIFT FUND (T) NAVY GIFT FUND (T) SHIPS STORES PROF(T) FOR NAT EMP SEP FND AF GIFT FUND (T) VOL SEP TRUST FUND COM SUR COLL TR DE HOST NATION SUPPORT 7 13 1 10 59 3 140 -24 4 6 6 2 16 32 7 133 -18 389 5 5 1 20 44 2 141 5 5 1 20 44 2 137 36 36 7 7 1 12 44 2 140 28 11 7 13 1 12 41 2 133 -35 52 5 5 1 20 44 2 141 -22 36 5 5 1 20 44 2 137 -4 36 Total TRUST FUNDS 213 573 254 250 252 226 232 246 276 24 ALLOWANCES DOD ADJ ADMIN POLICY INTERFUND TRANS INTERFUND TRANS, FNE INTERFUND TRANS, VSI PROFITS SALES SHIP ST -59 -66 -10 -32 -63 -16 -44 -60 -20 -44 -58 -20 -59 -66 -10 -32 -63 -16 -44 -60 -20 -44 -58 -20 Total INTERFUND TRANS -135 -111 -124 -122 -135 -111 -124 -122 DEF-WIDE CONT GEN TRNSFR AUTH 100 86 Table 6-6 In Years (Continued) DOD TOA, BA, & OUTLAYS by ACCOUNT (Current Dollars in Millions) 2008 TOA 2009 2010 2011 2008 BA 2009 2010 2011 2008 OUTLAYS 2009 2010 2011 SUMMARY BY SERVICE ARMY TOTAL NAVY TOTAL AIR FORCE TOTAL DOD WIDE TOTAL 250,603 164,893 159,729 96,830 235,752 166,765 163,138 100,205 216,601 170,072 159,936 118,545 141,788 160,609 149,981 96,715 250,057 165,345 157,909 100,175 233,039 166,091 163,526 101,868 215,628 169,638 158,707 119,962 141,728 160,332 149,843 100,892 211,682 152,459 144,983 85,475 230,958 158,108 152,307 94,963 239,262 166,642 161,567 116,202 179,387 162,338 154,477 105,563 GRAND TOTAL-DOD 672,055 665,861 665,154 549,093 673,487 664,524 663,935 552,794 594,599 636,337 683,673 601,764 MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS DEF-WIDE CONT OFFSETG RECEIPT TRUST FUNDS ALLOWANCES INTERFUND TRANS 139,774 256,880 164,682 79,449 22,424 3,460 5 386 5,386 145,183 270,549 134,837 80,652 26,743 3,544 4,353 4 353 149,976 273,380 131,212 80,637 22,828 3,591 3,530 3 530 138,541 200,229 112,873 76,130 16,924 2,016 2,380 380 139,032 256,222 165,004 79,568 22,065 2,846 10,298 10 298 149,291 271,565 135,439 80,005 26,815 3,847 -1,217 1 217 154,493 272,830 129,650 80,365 22,421 2,259 3,530 3 530 143,524 200,878 112,873 76,130 16,924 1,822 2,38 3800 138,939 244,832 117,396 75,119 11,564 3,590 4 802 4,802 147,340 259,227 130,120 79,030 16,625 2,721 2,642 2 642 143,995 226,732 130,509 77,350 19,015 2,871 2,997 2 997 -1,626 213 -1,683 573 -1,743 254 -1,865 250 -1,760 252 -1,483 226 -135 -111 -124 -122 -135 -111 153,212 274,025 146,889 79,273 23,745 3,334 4,452 4 452 100 -1,741 232 276 -124 GRAND TOTAL-DOD 672,055 673,487 664,524 663,935 552,794 594,599 636,337 683,673 601,764 SUMMARY BY FUNCTIONAL TITLE 665,861 665,154 549,093 87 -1,853 246 24 -122 Table 6-6 Out Years DOD TOA, BA, & OUTLAYS by ACCOUNT (Current Dollars in Millions) 2012 MIL PERSONNEL MIL.PERS.ARMY MIL MED ACC ACT A MIL.PERS.NAVY MIL MED ACC ACT N MIL.PERS.M.C. MIL MED ACC ACT MC MIL.PERS.A.F. MIL MED ACC ACT F RES.PERS.ARMY MIL MED ACC RES A RES.PERS.NAVY MIL MED ACC RES N RES.PERS.M.C. MIL MED ACC RES MC RES.PERS.A.F. MIL MED ACC RES F NAT'L GUARD PERS.A. MIL MED ACC NG A NAT'L GUARD PERS.AF MIL MED ACC NG F CON RCPT PAY MIL RET Total MIL PERSONNEL TOA 2013 2014 2015 2012 BA 2013 2014 2015 2012 OUTLAYS 2013 2014 2015 42,822 3,273 26,674 1,942 13,619 1,214 27,746 1,985 4,455 762 2,033 256 626 143 1,730 258 7,718 1,341 3,042 411 43,893 3,478 27,421 2,048 13,970 1,290 28,398 2,107 4,526 812 2,042 272 637 152 1,813 276 7,807 1,425 3,122 438 44,841 3,695 28,132 2,164 14,377 1,370 29,276 2,240 4,600 862 2,136 289 641 162 1,880 295 7,934 1,514 3,209 464 45,577 3,926 28,948 2,293 14,819 1,456 30,114 2,379 4,688 916 2,210 307 646 172 1,929 314 8,055 1,608 3,299 492 42,822 3,273 26,674 1,942 13,619 1,214 27,746 1,985 4,455 762 2,033 256 626 143 1,730 258 7,718 1,341 3,042 411 4,833 4,833 43,893 3,478 27,421 2,048 13,970 1,290 28,398 2,107 4,526 812 2,042 272 637 152 1,813 276 7,807 1,425 3,122 438 4,953 4,953 44,841 3,695 28,132 2,164 14,377 1,370 29,276 2,240 4,600 862 2,136 289 641 162 1,880 295 7,934 1,514 3,209 464 5,083 5,083 45,579 3,926 28,948 2,293 14,819 1,456 30,114 2,379 4,688 916 2,210 307 646 172 1,929 314 8,055 1,608 3,299 492 5,195 5,195 42,740 3,273 26,627 1,942 13,593 1,214 27,690 1,985 4,448 762 2,025 256 625 143 1,722 258 7,708 1,341 3,041 411 4,833 4, 833 43,790 3,478 27,371 2,048 13,937 1,290 28,335 2,107 4,515 812 2,036 272 636 152 1,804 276 7,794 1,425 3,117 438 4,953 4, 953 44,744 3,695 28,082 2,164 14,341 1,370 29,202 2,240 4,588 862 2,126 289 640 162 1,871 295 7,918 1,514 3,203 464 5,083 5, 083 45,491 3,926 28,895 2,293 14,781 1,456 30,040 2,379 4,674 916 2,199 307 646 172 1,922 314 8,039 1,608 3,293 492 5,195 5,195 142,050 145,927 150,081 154,148 146,883 150,880 155,164 159,345 146,637 150,586 154,853 159,038 Totals include enacted budget authority and indefinite budget authority amounts, enacted OCO funding, and funding for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. 88 Table 6-6 Out Years (Continued) DOD TOA, BA, & OUTLAYS by ACCOUNT (Current Dollars in Millions) 2012 OPR & MAINT OPER.AND MAINT.,A. OPER.AND MAINT.,N. OPER.AND MAINT.,M.C OPER.AND MAINT.,A.F. OPER.AND MAINT.,DA TOT O&M.,ARMY RESERVE O&M.,NAVY RESERVE O&M.,MC RESERVE O&M.,AF RESERVE O&M.,ARMY NAT'L.GUAR O&M.,AIR NAT'L.GUARD INSPECTOR GENERAL IRAQ FREEDOM FUND COURT OF MIL.APPEALS DRUG INTERDICTION ENVIRON.REST.FUND, A ENVIRON.REST.FUND, N ENVIRON.REST.FUND,AF ENVIRON.REST.FUND,DE ENV.REST., FORMERLY DOD ACQ WORKFORCE DEV FD OVERSEAS CONTG OPS OPS DEF BURDENSHARING EMER. RESP. FUND AFGAN SEC FORCES FND IRAQ SEC FORCES FND PAKISTAN COUNT CAP FUND HUMANITARIAN ASST,DE FSU THREAT REDUCTION REST ROCKY MTN ARSNL LEASE REAL PROPERTY DEFENSE HEALTH PROG. DISP REAL PROPERTY Total OPR & MAINT TOA 2013 2014 2015 2012 BA 2013 2015 2012 38,459 39,630 6,202 37,383 32,622 2,842 1,349 280 3,204 6,326 5,809 285 1 13 1,103 400 278 465 11 251 303 726 620 20 347 195 13 106 453 8 39,492 41,002 6,301 37,332 34,908 2,915 1,357 286 3,270 6,570 5,936 293 40,117 41,755 6,294 38,484 37,620 3,036 1,377 289 3,358 7,073 6,138 299 40,344 42,914 6,327 40,298 40,182 3,183 1,373 295 3,409 7,316 6,312 306 15 1,119 416 300 504 11 270 314 769 620 15 1,141 428 308 521 10 284 312 771 620 15 1,165 443 319 543 10 296 310 772 620 107 497 8 106 510 8 109 520 8 32,303 33,952 36,288 38,231 212,007 218,687 227,162 235,620 38,061 39,927 6,160 37,289 33,115 2,908 1,356 287 3,202 6,405 5,841 289 39,230 41,709 6,318 37,479 36,300 2,993 1,370 290 3,309 6,800 6,021 297 40,322 42,184 6,350 39,196 39,002 3,118 1,392 294 3,397 7,312 6,229 302 40,733 43,533 6,375 41,334 41,541 3,268 1,375 300 3,439 7,423 6,402 308 38,062 39,927 6,160 37,289 33,115 2,908 1,356 287 3,202 6,405 5,841 289 39,230 41,710 6,318 37,479 36,300 2,993 1,370 290 3,309 6,800 6,021 297 40,322 42,184 6,350 39,196 39,002 3,118 1,392 294 3,397 7,312 6,229 302 40,733 43,533 6,375 41,334 41,541 3,268 1,375 300 3,439 7,423 6,405 308 14 1,115 413 313 530 11 283 315 750 15 1,140 440 314 529 10 292 313 750 15 1,156 448 320 551 10 297 311 750 15 1,175 445 328 556 10 303 309 750 14 1,115 413 313 530 11 283 315 750 620 15 1,139 440 314 529 10 292 313 750 620 15 1,156 448 320 551 10 297 311 750 620 15 1,175 445 328 556 10 303 309 750 620 108 524 108 530 110 513 111 461 32,937 34,699 37,328 39,111 212,153 221,256 230,907 239,605 108 524 8 9 32,937 10 108 530 8 9 34,699 10 110 513 8 9 37,328 10 111 461 8 9 39,111 10 212,801 221,903 231,554 240,255 89 OUTLAYS 2013 2014 2014 2015 98 25 Table 6-6 Out Years (Continued) DOD TOA, BA, & OUTLAYS by ACCOUNT (Current Dollars in Millions) 2012 PROCUREMENT AIRCRAFT PROC.,ARMY MISSILE PROC.ARMY PROC.WPNS&TRAC.VEH,A PROC.AMMUNITION,ARMY JIEDDO OTHER PROC.,ARMY AIRCRAFT PROC.,NAVY WEAPONS PROC.,NAVY SHIPS & CONVERSION,N PROC.AMMUNITION,N&MC OTHER PROCUREMENT,N PROC.,MARINE CORPS AIRCRAFT PROC.,A.F. MISSILE PROC.,A.F. PROC.AMMUNITION,A.F. OTHER PROC.,A.F. PROC., DA TOTAL EQUIP.PROC.,NG & RES DEF.PROD.PURCHASES DOD CHEM DEMIL PROG, D DOD CHEM DEMIL PROG, A TOA 2013 2014 2015 2012 BA 2013 OUTLAYS 2013 2014 2014 2015 2012 2015 6,191 1,949 3,385 2,226 754 13,383 18,377 3,355 14,087 1,197 6,211 2,275 15,231 5,936 863 18,447 4,474 872 43 1,515 2 6,410 2,011 2,524 2,163 376 10,988 19,410 3,474 14,636 954 6,748 1,637 15,862 5,657 725 18,494 5,038 420 20 1,547 6,719 2,189 1,937 2,140 290 10,675 20,245 3,577 15,373 969 7,031 1,843 16,838 5,536 694 18,885 5,653 67 17 1,577 6,910 2,406 1,482 2,240 254 10,958 20,931 3,721 16,044 1,018 7,227 2,393 18,624 5,312 693 19,353 6,216 19 16 1,607 6,657 2,123 1,496 2,275 221 10,726 19,870 3,504 14,896 892 7,224 1,183 16,109 6,664 668 18,737 5,457 6,904 2,304 1,227 2,095 226 10,396 21,226 3,758 16,225 1,003 7,230 2,000 17,630 5,040 688 18,707 5,847 7,107 2,556 1,342 2,349 232 11,187 20,930 3,749 17,367 1,051 7,476 2,833 20,828 5,579 708 19,320 6,521 6,524 2,841 2,037 2,317 237 11,747 22,641 3,952 18,364 1,040 7,440 2,929 21,515 4,964 742 19,745 6,733 6,657 2,123 1,496 2,275 221 10,726 19,870 3,504 14,896 892 7,224 1,183 16,109 6,664 668 18,737 5,457 6,904 2,304 1,227 2,095 226 10,396 21,227 3,758 16,225 1,003 7,230 2,000 17,630 5,040 688 18,707 5,847 7,107 2,556 1,342 2,349 232 11,187 20,931 3,749 17,367 1,051 7,476 2,833 20,828 5,579 708 19,320 6,521 6,524 2,841 2,037 2,317 237 11,747 22,641 3,952 18,364 1,040 7,440 2,929 21,515 4,964 742 19,747 6,733 20 1,544 19 1,586 15 1,599 15 1,634 20 1,544 19 1,586 15 1,599 15 1,634 120,266 124,111 132,749 137,417 120,266 124,112 132,750 137,419 120,773 119,094 122,255 127,424 RDT&E RDT&E, ARMY RDT&E, NAVY RDT&E, AIR FORCE RDT&E, DA TOT DIR OF OPER, T&E, OTE TANKER REP XFER FUND 10,321 16,684 28,226 20,482 199 9,923 15,617 26,086 20,969 205 8,712 14,594 24,816 21,669 209 7,917 13,444 25,739 21,968 212 10,321 16,684 28,226 20,482 199 9,923 15,617 26,086 20,969 205 8,712 14,594 24,817 21,669 209 7,917 13,444 25,739 21,969 212 10,538 17,140 27,441 20,323 195 8 10,167 16,133 26,587 20,308 201 2 9,444 15,093 25,357 21,024 206 8,530 13,997 25,450 21,584 209 Total RDT&E 75,912 72,800 70,000 69,280 75,912 72,800 70,001 69,281 75,645 73,398 71,124 69,770 Total PROCUREMENT 90 Table 6-6 Out Years (Continued) DOD TOA, BA, & OUTLAYS by ACCOUNT (Current Dollars in Millions) MIL CON MIL.CON., ARMY MIL.CON., NAVY MIL.CON., AIR FORCE MIL.CON.,DA TOT MIL.CON.ARMY NAT'L.G MIL.CON.AIR NAT'L.G MIL.CON.ARMY RESERVE MIL.CON.NAVAL RES. MIL.CON.A.F.RES. NATO INFRASTRUCTURE CHEM DEMIL CONSTRUCT BASE CLOSURE - 90, A BASE CLOSURE - 90, N BASE CLOSURE - 90, F BASE CLOSURE - 90, DLA FY2005 BRAC - A FY2005 BRAC - N FY2005 BRAC - F FY2005 BRAC - DA TOT Total MIL CON FMLY HSNG HOME ASSIST.FUND,DEF FAM.HOUS.INVEST.A FAM.HOUS.DBT PAYMT,A FAM.HOUS.INVEST,N FAM.HOUS.DBT PAYMT,N FAM.HOUS.INVEST,A.F. FAM.HOUS.DEBT PAY,AF FAM.HOUS.DEBT,DA TOT DOD FAM HSG IMPRV FD Total FMLY HSNG 2012 TOA 2013 2014 2015 2012 BA 2013 2014 2015 2012 3,609 2,951 1,036 3,768 790 92 262 46 19 333 82 71 130 124 4,888 2,008 923 5,068 713 52 363 59 14 287 81 66 90 131 3,334 2,098 1,026 3,652 414 79 211 56 37 287 96 71 77 133 3,065 2,299 1,801 3,854 354 186 175 50 67 342 89 77 67 135 3,609 2,951 1,036 3,768 790 92 262 46 19 333 82 71 130 124 4,888 2,008 923 5,068 713 52 363 59 14 287 81 66 90 131 3,334 2,098 1,026 3,652 414 79 211 56 37 287 96 71 77 133 3,065 2,299 1,801 3,855 354 186 175 50 67 342 89 77 67 135 229 8 2 2 149 7 3 152 9 3 154 8 3 229 8 2 2 149 7 3 152 9 3 154 8 3 13,554 13,554 14,902 14,902 11,735 11,735 12,726 12,726 13,554 13,554 14,902 14,902 11,735 11,735 14 59 518 186 363 76 372 51 3 59 526 135 364 75 352 51 3 51 522 93 365 90 353 52 3 131 472 102 364 93 361 52 3 14 59 518 186 363 76 372 51 3 59 526 135 364 75 352 51 3 1,642 1,565 1,529 1,578 1,642 1,565 91 OUTLAYS 2013 2014 2015 5,290 3,860 1,503 3,177 630 244 338 77 50 285 130 88 146 125 1 1,438 257 246 720 4,842 3,392 1,193 3,431 677 147 303 65 24 289 110 75 118 128 4,400 2,665 1,036 4,037 703 86 317 57 19 291 94 73 92 130 3,975 2,266 1,111 4,099 599 82 269 55 28 315 93 74 80 133 636 118 105 445 377 51 27 228 195 23 8 90 12,727 12,727 18,605 18,605 16,098 16,098 14,683 14,683 13,495 13,495 51 522 93 365 90 353 52 3 131 472 102 365 93 361 52 3 105 165 534 103 359 360 422 50 3 27 120 521 146 362 150 370 50 2 14 81 520 158 363 91 357 51 3 11 67 484 140 362 80 359 52 3 1,529 1,579 2,101 1,748 1,638 1,558 Table 6-6 Out Years (Continued) DOD TOA, BA, & OUTLAYS by ACCOUNT (Current Dollars in Millions) 2012 BA 2013 -7 -1 -97 -174 -5 -336 -13 -554 -1 -6 -1 -21 -1 -12 -1 -7 -1 -48 -174 -5 -336 -13 -554 -1 -6 -1 -21 -1 -12 -1 -22 -156 -41 -5 -68 -82 -97 -87 -3 -77 LEASE REAL PROP, A LEASE REAL PROP, AF DISP REAL PROP, N OVERSEAS FACIL REC F UNDIST INTRAGOV N 2012 OFFSETG RECEIPT ROCKY MT ARSEN REC. LEASE REAL PROP, N STKPLE SALES FED AG BURDSHR CTRB KUWAIT DISP REAL PROP RCPTS,D BURDSHR CTRB JAPAN LEASE REAL PROP RCPT,D BURDSHR CTRB S KOREA FEES COLL, COM FAC D FEES COLL, COM FAC RENT EQUIP OTH, AF DEPOSITS, ANNUITY D SALE SCR, SAL MAT, D RECOVERY GOV PROP, A RECOVERY GOV PROP, F RECOVERY GOV PROP, D RECOVERY FMS PROG, A RECOVERY FMS PROG, N RECOVERY FMS PROG, F RECOVERY FMS PROG, D GEN FUND PROP REC, A GEN FUND PROP REC, N GEN FUND PROP REC, F GEN FUND PROP REC, D DISP REAL PROP, A DISP REAL PROP PROP, AF Total OFFSETG RECEIPT TOA 2013 2014 2015 OUTLAYS 2013 2014 2014 2015 2012 -7 -1 -7 -174 8 -336 -8 -554 -1 -6 -1 -21 -1 -12 -1 1 -22 -156 -41 -5 -68 -82 -97 -87 -3 -77 -7 -1 -97 -174 -5 -336 -7 -1 -48 -174 -5 -336 -7 -1 -20 -174 8 -336 -7 -1 -7 -174 8 -336 -554 -554 -554 -554 -6 -1 -21 -1 -12 -1 -6 -1 -21 -1 -12 -1 -22 -156 -41 -5 -68 -82 -97 -87 -3 -77 -7 -1 -20 -174 8 -336 -8 -554 -1 -6 -1 -21 -1 -12 -1 1 -22 -156 -41 -5 -68 -82 -97 -87 -3 -77 -22 -156 -41 -5 -68 -82 -97 -87 -3 -7 7 -22 -156 -41 -5 -68 -82 -97 -87 -3 -77 -6 -1 -21 -1 -12 -1 1 -22 -156 -41 -5 -68 -82 -97 -87 -3 -77 -6 -1 -21 -1 -12 -1 1 -22 -156 -41 -5 -68 -82 -97 -87 -3 -77 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -2 -1 -1 -45 -2 -1 -1 -45 -2 -1 -1 -45 -2 -1 -1 -45 -2 -1 -1 -45 -2 -1 -1 -45 -2 -1 -1 -45 -2 -1 -1 -45 -1,853 -1,804 -1,757 -1,744 -1,839 -1,790 -1,748 -1,735 92 2015 Table 6-6 Out Years (Continued) DOD TOA, BA, & OUTLAYS by ACCOUNT (Current Dollars in Millions) 2012 TOA 2013 2014 2015 2012 BA 2013 2014 2015 2012 OUTLAYS 2013 2014 2015 REV & MGT FNDS DEF COALITION SPT, D WCF, A WCF, F WCF, DA TOTAL NAT DEF SEALIFT WCF, DECA 101 65 38 557 3 100 68 39 989 3 109 69 40 528 3 10 59 69 41 1,080 3 101 65 38 557 3 100 68 39 989 3 109 69 40 528 3 59 69 41 1,082 3 2 94 66 38 873 194 100 67 39 979 3 108 69 40 753 3 67 69 41 929 3 Total REV & MGT FNDS 764 1,199 749 1,262 764 1,199 749 1,254 1,267 1,188 973 1,109 TRUST FUNDS ARMY GIFT FUND (T) USNA GIFT FUND (T) NAVY GIFT FUND (T) SHIPS STORES PROF(T) FOR NAT EMP SEP FND AF GIFT FUND (T) VOL SEP TRUST FUND HOST NATION SUPPORT 5 6 1 20 44 2 131 35 5 6 1 20 44 2 123 35 5 6 1 20 44 2 115 35 5 6 1 20 44 2 106 35 5 6 1 20 44 2 131 35 5 6 1 20 44 2 123 35 5 6 1 20 44 2 115 35 5 6 1 20 44 2 106 35 Total TRUST FUNDS 244 236 228 219 244 236 228 219 ALLOWANCES DOD ADJ ADMIN POLICY 6 INTERFUND TRANS INTERFUND TRANS, TRANS FNE INTERFUND TRANS, VSI PROFITS SALES SHIP ST -44 44 -58 -20 -44 44 -58 -20 -44 44 -58 -20 -44 44 -58 -20 -44 44 -58 -20 -44 44 -58 -20 -44 44 -58 -20 -44 44 -58 -20 Total INTERFUND TRANS -122 -122 -122 -122 -122 -122 -122 -122 93 Table 6-6 Out Years (Continued) DOD TOA, BA, & OUTLAYS by ACCOUNT (Current Dollars in Millions) 2012 TOA 2013 2014 2015 2012 BA 2013 2014 2015 2012 OUTLAYS 2013 2014 2015 SUMMARY BY SERVICE ARMY TOTAL NAVY TOTAL AIR FORCE TOTAL DOD WIDE TOTAL 147,614 163,045 154,225 101,457 151,344 168,545 153,261 108,610 152,993 171,038 159,779 113,941 154,750 176,544 165,680 119,042 147,519 162,768 154,087 105,717 151,249 168,268 153,123 113,031 152,898 170,761 159,640 118,532 154,655 176,267 165,542 123,749 155,765 162,202 152,771 104,585 153,147 164,884 152,493 108,600 153,851 167,190 154,764 115,241 154,355 170,884 160,168 120,969 GRAND TOTAL-DOD 566,341 581,760 597,750 616,016 570,091 585,671 601,831 620,213 575,324 579,123 591,046 606,376 MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS DEF-WIDE CONT OFFSETG RECEIPT TRUST FUNDS ALLOWANCES INTERFUND TRANS 142,050 212,153 120,266 75,912 13,554 1,642 764 145,927 221,256 124,111 72,800 14,902 1,565 1,199 1 199 150,081 230,907 132,749 70,000 11,735 1,529 749 154,148 239,605 137,417 69,280 12,726 1,578 1,2262 62 146,883 212,801 120,266 75,912 13,554 1,642 764 150,880 221,903 124,112 72,800 14,902 1,565 1,199 1 199 155,164 231,554 132,750 70,001 11,735 1,529 749 159,345 240,255 137,419 69,281 12,727 1,579 1,25 254 4 146,637 212,007 120,773 75,645 18,605 2,101 1,267 1 267 150,586 218,687 119,094 73,398 16,098 1,748 1,188 1 188 154,853 227,162 122,255 71,124 14,683 1,638 973 159,038 235,620 127,424 69,770 13,495 1,558 11,109 109 -1,853 244 -1,804 236 -1,757 228 -1,744 219 -1,790 236 -1,748 228 -1,735 219 -122 -122 -122 -122 -1,839 244 6 -122 -122 -122 -122 GRAND TOTAL-DOD 566,341 570,091 585,671 601,831 620,213 575,324 579,123 591,046 606,376 SUMMARY BY FUNCTIONAL TITLE 581,760 597,750 616,016 94 Table 6-7 In Years DOD TOA, BA, & OUTLAYS by ACCOUNT (Constant FY 2011 Dollars in Millions) 2008 MIL PERSONNEL MIL.PERS.ARMY MIL MED ACC ACT A MIL.PERS.NAVY MIL MED ACC ACT N MIL.PERS.M.C. MIL MED ACC ACT MC MIL.PERS.A.F. MIL MED ACC ACT F RES.PERS.ARMY MIL MED ACC RES A RES.PERS.NAVY MIL MED ACC RES N RES.PERS.M.C. MIL MED ACC RES MC RES.PERS.A.F. MIL MED ACC RES F NAT'L GUARD PERS.A. MIL MED ACC NG A NAT'L GUARD PERS.AF MIL MED ACC NG F CON RCPT PAY MIL RET Total MIL PERSONNEL TOA 2009 2010 2011 2008 BA 2009 2010 2011 2008 OUTLAYS 2009 2010 2011 48,000 3,440 26,481 2,125 12,973 1,226 27,537 2,151 4,303 789 2,006 292 638 156 1,466 277 8,510 1,386 2,961 442 2,874 2,874 51,159 3,094 26,851 1,888 13,891 1,122 27,835 1,895 4,455 724 1,982 256 674 143 1,492 238 8,816 1,273 2,973 401 51,641 3,227 27,028 1,886 13,760 1,174 28,214 1,897 4,660 717 1,972 242 653 133 1,631 233 8,485 1,257 2,987 387 41,972 3,079 25,951 1,817 13,250 1,142 27,122 1,855 4,397 716 1,944 242 617 132 1,687 240 7,624 1,262 3,104 388 47,700 3,440 26,401 2,125 12,962 1,226 27,287 2,151 4,303 789 2,007 292 642 156 1,475 277 8,356 1,386 2,972 442 2,874 2,874 51,531 3,094 26,742 1,888 13,886 1,122 27,874 1,895 4,455 724 1,984 256 677 143 1,501 238 8,873 1,273 2,973 401 3,820 3,820 51,643 3,227 27,028 1,886 13,760 1,174 28,214 1,897 4,660 717 1,972 242 653 133 1,631 233 8,485 1,257 2,987 387 4,566 4,566 41,972 3,079 25,951 1,817 13,250 1,142 27,122 1,855 4,397 716 1,944 242 617 132 1,687 240 7,624 1,262 3,104 388 4,983 4,983 47,736 3,440 26,738 2,125 12,968 1,226 27,121 2,151 4,113 789 1,988 292 599 156 1,451 277 8,219 1,386 3,064 442 2,874 2, 874 50,491 3,094 26,607 1,888 13,639 1,122 27,498 1,895 4,317 724 1,961 256 675 143 1,460 238 8,806 1,273 2,996 401 3,820 3, 820 50,494 3,227 26,959 1,886 13,699 1,174 28,179 1,897 4,672 717 1,946 242 680 133 1,604 233 8,520 1,257 2,951 387 4,566 4, 566 42,415 3,079 25,920 1,817 13,248 1,142 27,212 1,855 4,368 716 1,940 242 615 132 1,664 240 7,663 1,262 3,094 388 4,983 4, 983 150,033 151,161 152,184 138,541 149,263 155,350 156,752 143,524 149,155 153,304 155,423 143,995 Totals include enacted budget authority and indefinite budget authority amounts, enacted OCO funding, and funding for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. 95 Table 6-7 In Years (Continued) DOD TOA, BA, & OUTLAYS by ACCOUNT (Constant FY 2011 Dollars in Millions) 2008 OPR & MAINT OPER.AND MAINT.,A. OPER.AND MAINT.,N. OPER.AND MAINT.,M.C OPER.AND MAINT.,A.F. OPER.AND MAINT.,DA TOT O&M.,ARMY RESERVE O&M.,NAVY RESERVE O&M.,MC RESERVE O&M.,AF RESERVE O&M.,ARMY NAT'L.GUAR O&M.,AIR NAT'L.GUARD INSPECTOR GENERAL TRANS/DISP COMM FAC IRAQ FREEDOM FUND COURT OF MIL.APPEALS DRUG INTERDICTION ENVIRON.REST.FUND, A ENVIRON.REST.FUND, N ENVIRON.REST.FUND,AF ENVIRON.REST.FUND,DE ENV.REST., FORMERLY DOD ACQ ACQ WORKFORCE DEV FD OVERSEAS CONTG OPS DEF BURDENSHARING CURRENCY FLUCTUATION EMER. RESP. FUND AFGAN SEC FORCES FND IRAQ SEC FORCES FND INTERNATIONAL SPORTS PAKISTAN COUNT CAP FUND HUMANITARIAN ASST,DE FSU THREAT REDUCTION OVERSEAS MIL FAC INV REST ROCKY MTN ARSNL DEF COOP ACT LEASE REAL PROPERTY DEFENSE HEALTH PROG. DISP REAL PROPERTY CASH EQUAL PAYMTS ACQ Total OPR & MAINT TOA 2009 2010 2011 2008 84,496 41,521 9,654 45,166 30,696 2,853 1,342 359 3,106 7,187 6,066 263 10 36 14 52 86,335 41,629 9,658 45,241 30,800 2,852 1,337 359 3,099 7,177 6,047 260 87,087 42,706 10,211 48,900 34,114 2,999 1,483 338 3,185 6,952 6,161 303 79,953 40,902 9,103 43,454 36,203 2,861 1,373 314 3,331 6,606 6,295 301 33,971 38,134 5,590 36,845 30,584 2,879 1,368 285 3,301 6,573 5,941 283 13 13 14 1,524 429 290 501 11 297 97 5,062 14 1,131 445 305 503 11 277 218 5 26 2,847 3,106 5 138 443 36 5,720 1,022 1 408 85 446 6,635 708 111 430 108 523 28,966 30,801 31,570 30,935 270,338 282,970 278,375 200,229 4 BA 2009 2011 2008 86,331 42,781 10,197 49,018 34,633 3,002 1,486 338 3,194 6,957 6,188 306 79,802 40,902 9,103 43,200 36,203 2,861 1,373 314 3,331 6,606 6,295 301 33,973 38,134 5,590 36,845 30,584 2,879 1,368 285 3,301 6,573 5,941 283 78,009 40,673 8,663 42,494 27,438 2,584 1,370 292 3,018 6,641 5,653 252 10 82,418 41,742 9,248 45,146 30,652 2,838 1,368 340 2,922 6,953 5,946 275 14 56 57 14 1,524 429 290 501 11 297 97 5,062 627 14 1,131 445 305 503 11 277 21 2188 5 620 14 13 -6 -13 -4 -175 175 -450 450 1,194 845 13 6,477 3,824 4 6 5,831 3,522 2 127 95 558 1 3 9 1,124 897 2,847 3,106 5,720 1,020 138 443 5 10 7 54 29,026 83 269,668 96 OUTLAYS 2009 2010 2010 408 85 446 6,635 2011 82,668 41,232 9,206 44,468 34,179 2,870 1,426 333 3,406 6,645 6,184 279 50,612 38,792 7,032 39,433 32,206 2,879 1,405 321 3,298 6,514 5,938 287 4 13 1,082 216 130 211 10 65 88 3,766 627 14 30 5,741 1,892 2 14 1,163 326 213 360 10 193 202 999 620 4 30 1,799 837 222 151 394 1 17 40 109 421 108 523 75 611 10 111 430 1 15 8 10 20 30,829 6 20 31,451 8 9 30,935 10 11 28,227 3 5 13 30,010 14 16 30,796 12 30,665 284,008 277,814 200,878 257,371 270,434 278,394 226,732 8 Table 6-7 In Years (Continued) DOD TOA, BA, & OUTLAYS by ACCOUNT (Constant FY 2011 Dollars in Millions) 2008 PROCUREMENT AIRCRAFT PROC.,ARMY MISSILE PROC.ARMY PROC.WPNS&TRAC.VEH,A PROC.AMMUNITION,ARMY JIEDDO OTHER PROC.,ARMY AIRCRAFT PROC.,NAVY WEAPONS PROC.,NAVY SHIPS & CONVERSION,N PROC.AMMUNITION,N&MC OTHER PROCUREMENT,N PROC.,MARINE CORPS AIRCRAFT PROC.,A.F. MISSILE PROC.,A.F. PROC.AMMUNITION,A.F. OTHER PROC.,A.F. PROC., DA TOTAL MRAP VEH FUND EQUIP.PROC.,NG & RES DEF.PROD.PURCHASES DOD CHEM DEMIL PROG, D DOD CHEM DEMIL PROG, A TOA 2009 2010 2011 2008 5,977 1,887 1,724 1,979 216 9,766 18,509 3,360 15,725 818 6,450 1,344 15,367 5,463 667 17,845 4,280 6,379 2,577 9,847 2,887 4,486 42,182 16,389 3,514 14,017 1,709 7,151 6,555 19,403 5,229 977 19,951 4,979 29 1,467 BA 2009 2011 2008 6,417 1,751 3,513 2,454 1,913 14,441 19,745 3,450 14,059 1,498 5,666 2,448 13,578 6,038 1,073 19,913 4,595 6,350 960 152 1,582 5,977 1,887 1,724 1,979 216 9,766 18,509 3,360 15,725 818 6,450 1,344 15,367 5,463 667 17,845 4,280 4,400 1,520 5,547 2,540 3,312 22,849 10,628 2,797 11,581 1,129 5,730 7,148 11,853 4,225 941 19,036 4,101 5,178 2,098 6,519 2,314 3,624 26,746 12,237 3,025 12,427 1,269 6,288 5,364 13,774 4,424 902 19,219 4,832 1,804 98 1,569 6,201 2,937 6,349 2,448 3,204 21,851 15,194 3,323 13,070 1,465 5,720 4,435 18,440 5,798 1,054 20,075 4,177 604 1,266 103 1,543 29 1,467 735 57 829 594 6,197 2,577 9,850 2,815 4,486 42,187 16,389 3,514 13,758 1,709 7,163 6,571 19,483 5,229 977 19,951 5,040 6,555 2,937 6,307 2,519 3,204 21,771 15,194 3,323 13,416 1,465 5,650 4,501 17,838 5,736 1,054 20,089 4,171 1,804 98 1,569 1,266 103 1,543 6,417 1,751 3,555 2,454 1,913 14,581 19,745 3,450 14,059 1,498 5,752 2,448 14,218 6,099 1,073 19,924 4,603 6,949 960 152 1,582 171,367 138,642 133,183 112,873 171,703 139,257 131,596 112,873 RDT&E RDT&E, ARMY RDT&E, NAVY RDT&E, AIR FORCE RDT&E, DA TOT DIR OF OPER, T&E, OTE TANKER REP XFER FUND 13,116 19,334 27,352 22,714 185 12,497 20,380 27,431 22,284 190 11,642 20,255 28,353 21,027 191 295 10,333 17,693 27,247 20,662 195 13,005 19,284 27,490 22,705 185 155 12,445 20,375 27,187 22,170 190 -245 11,642 20,235 28,253 20,871 191 295 Total RDT&E 82,701 82,782 81,763 76,130 82,824 82,122 81,487 Total PROCUREMENT OUTLAYS 2009 2010 2010 97 2011 6,419 2,243 5,221 2,495 2,093 19,358 17,210 3,234 13,652 1,442 5,777 3,658 15,643 5,504 1,132 18,422 4,203 1,000 85 1,340 69 6,510 2,472 7,188 2,749 3,240 26,527 14,922 3,217 12,982 1,462 5,715 5,141 16,315 5,870 982 19,251 4,443 6,350 1,441 137 1,522 67 121,552 132,734 148,503 130,509 10,333 17,693 27,247 20,662 195 11,773 19,387 25,569 21,149 187 12,036 19,895 26,661 22,004 182 11,692 19,894 26,992 21,112 187 295 10,833 18,495 26,983 20,832 190 17 76,130 78,065 80,778 80,172 77,350 1,217 71 1,494 21 Table 6-7 In Years (Continued) DOD TOA, BA, & OUTLAYS by ACCOUNT (Constant FY 2011 Dollars in Millions) MIL CON MIL.CON., ARMY MIL.CON., NAVY MIL.CON., AIR FORCE MIL.CON.,DA TOT MIL.CON.ARMY NAT'L.G MIL.CON.AIR NAT'L.G MIL.CON.ARMY RESERVE MIL.CON.NAVAL RES. MIL.CON.A.F.RES. NATO INFRASTRUCTURE CHEM DEMIL CONSTRUCT BASE CLOSURE - 90, A BASE CLOSURE - 90, N BASE CLOSURE - 90, F BASE CLOSURE - 90, DLA FY2005 BRAC - A FY2005 BRAC - N FY2005 BRAC - F FY2005 BRAC - DA TOT Total MIL CON FMLY HSNG HOME ASSIST.FUND,DEF FAM.HOUS.INVEST.A FAM.HOUS.DBT PAYMT,A FAM.HOUS.INVEST,N FAM.HOUS.DBT PAYMT,N FAM.HOUS.INVEST,A.F. FAM.HOUS.DEBT PAY,AF FAM.HOUS.INVEST,DA TOT FAM.HOUS.DEBT,DA TOT DOD FAM HSG IMPRV FD UNACCMP HSG IMPRV FD Total FMLY HSNG 2008 TOA 2009 2010 2011 2008 BA 2009 2010 2011 2008 5,540 2,692 1,625 2,623 584 299 154 67 30 527 109 108 58 146 4 4,140 740 1,128 2,800 6,438 3,922 1,611 3,668 927 323 291 59 38 329 149 105 230 140 3 4,460 771 1,075 2,949 4,486 3,591 1,890 3,144 592 377 439 128 114 200 154 141 231 129 3 4,111 599 424 2,423 4,079 3,879 1,311 3,118 874 177 318 62 8 259 125 74 162 125 6,193 3,964 1,602 3,904 960 330 291 59 38 339 149 105 230 140 3 4,460 771 1,075 2,949 4,452 3,538 1,852 2,896 558 370 439 128 114 200 154 141 231 129 3 4,111 599 424 2,423 4,079 3,879 1,311 3,118 874 177 318 62 8 259 125 74 162 125 1,012 342 127 872 2,233 1,414 1,184 1,145 671 244 143 70 63 258 85 110 250 132 12 2,644 318 449 581 3,652 1,839 1,174 1,333 680 216 175 75 38 235 114 86 1,012 342 127 872 5,521 2,658 1,612 2,597 586 299 154 67 26 209 109 108 58 146 4 4,177 740 1,128 2,800 23,374 23,374 27,488 27,488 23,176 23,176 16,924 16,924 22,999 22,999 27,562 27,562 22,762 22,762 16,924 16,924 424 772 321 396 423 722 6 648 744 397 394 528 630 17 57 518 186 366 78 514 408 692 319 387 327 711 50 230 51 64 571 633 737 392 385 490 625 -6 50 69 328 278 530 149 373 67 512 3 50 3 2,016 2,959 3,946 2,293 48 452 38 50 241 883 55 530 149 373 67 512 3 50 1,016 3,596 3,638 3,638 98 OUTLAYS 2009 2010 2011 92 7 3,453 648 1,991 1,164 5,302 3,430 1,223 3,148 830 281 221 72 44 216 102 124 201 128 113 5,112 837 934 1,690 3,172 3,603 1,432 2,909 800 321 333 96 70 245 121 104 184 127 138 2,873 583 530 1,374 12,006 12,006 16,972 16,972 24,008 24,008 19,015 19,015 17 92 518 186 366 78 514 3 429 762 137 409 759 694 50 1 44 442 38 12 145 588 126 381 631 641 2 54 196 352 128 603 110 386 881 551 2 47 312 399 205 559 119 362 554 517 1 48 107 1,822 3,717 2,776 3,372 2,871 Table 6-7 In Years (Continued) DOD TOA, BA, & OUTLAYS by ACCOUNT (Constant FY 2011 Dollars in Millions) 2008 BA 2009 2010 2011 2008 -10 -19 -9 -226 -233 -10 -7 -8 -75 -147 -7 -21 -1 -72 -159 -7 -10 -7 -8 -75 -147 -7 -21 -1 -72 -159 -231 -3 -661 10 -10 -283 -4 -467 -1 -231 -3 -661 10 -10 -283 -4 -467 -1 -306 -1 -117 -174 1 -336 -504 -554 -16 -1 -14 -1 -14 -4 -20 -3 -306 -1 -504 -1 -6 -1 -21 -1 -12 -1 -1 -117 -174 1 -336 -11 -554 -1 -6 -1 -21 -1 -12 -1 -10 -19 -9 -226 -233 -16 -1 -14 -1 -6 -1 -21 -1 -12 -1 -23 -13 -45 -4 -634 133 -57 435 -55 -19 -47 -23 -4 -299 -222 -33 58 -44 -20 -158 -41 -5 -80 -83 -97 -88 -11 -7 -22 -156 -41 -5 -68 -82 -97 -87 -33 -7 -23 -13 -45 -4 -93 -60 -54 -61 -5 5 -14 -4 -20 -3 -3 -19 -47 -23 -4 -216 -21 -50 -61 -44 -6 -1 -21 -1 -12 -1 -20 -158 -41 -5 -80 -83 -97 -88 -11 -7 -22 -156 -41 -5 -68 -82 -97 -87 -33 -7 LEASE REAL PROP, A -8 -7 -17 -6 -8 -7 -17 -6 LEASE REAL PROP, AF DISP REAL PROP, N OVERSEAS FACIL REC F UNDIST INTRAGOV A UNDIST INTRAGOV N UNDIST INTRAGOV F UNDIST INTRAGOV D COL CANCL'D ACCTS N -3 -28 -3 -8 -2 -1 -1 -2 -1 -1 -3 -28 -3 -8 -2 -1 -1 -2 -1 -1 -6 -74 -41 -47 103 -45 -45 -45 -45 -1,713 -1,760 -1,865 -1,758 -1,853 2008 OFFSETG RECEIPT ROCKY MT ARSEN REC. FHIF, DOWNWA LEASE REAL PROP, N STKPLE SALES FED AG BURDSHR CTRB KUWAIT DISP REAL PROP RCPTS,D BURDSHR CTRB JAPAN LEASE REAL PROP RCPT,D BURDSHR CTRB S KOREA FEES COLL, COM FAC D FEES COLL, COM FAC RENT EQUIP OTH, AF DEPOSITS, ANNUITY D SALE SCR, SAL MAT, D RECOVERY GOV PROP, A RECOVERY GOV PROP, F RECOVERY GOV PROP, D RECOVERY FMS PROG, A RECOVERY FMS PROG, N RECOVERY FMS PROG, F RECOVERY FMS PROG, D GEN FUND PROP REC, A GEN FUND PROP REC, N GEN FUND PROP REC, F GEN FUND PROP REC, D DISP REAL PROP PROP, A DISP REAL PROP, AF Total OFFSETG RECEIPT TOA 2009 2010 2011 OUTLAYS 2009 2010 2011 -7 -3 -1,685 99 -1,821 -1,509 Table 6-7 In Years (Continued) DOD TOA, BA, & OUTLAYS by ACCOUNT (Constant FY 2011 Dollars in Millions) 2008 TOA 2009 2010 2011 REV & MGT FNDS N DEF STKPLE FND, DLA PENT RES MNT REV FD BUILDINGS MAINT FUND DEF COALITION SPT, D WCF, A WCF, N WCF, F WCF, DA TOTAL NAT DEF SEALIFT WCF, DECA 1,371 274 630 619 1,398 1,290 557 2 78 446 2,054 1,318 39 10 55 76 441 1,691 1,325 Total REV & MGT FNDS 5,582 4,455 3,572 2008 BA 2009 2010 2011 -1,326 2008 OUTLAYS 2009 2010 2011 -210 76 -1 50 47 -1 15 97 -5 262 -410 -204 -27 1,693 1,285 479 204 674 118 1,602 1,311 -15 123 -7 9 243 140 -120 83 1,241 1,300 -964 321 256 -2,623 1,709 1,392 39 10 55 67 39 935 1,274 3,686 642 -967 4,556 1,432 1,319 76 441 1,691 1,325 67 39 935 1,274 -433 415 900 1,403 1,543 1,278 2,380 10,668 -1,235 3,572 2,380 4,971 2,695 4,495 2,997 TRUST FUNDS ARMY GIFT FUND (T) USNA GIFT FUND (T) NAVY GIFT FUND (T) SHIPS STORES PROF(T) FOR NAT EMP SEP FND AF GIFT FUND (T) VOL SEP TRUST FUND COM SUR COLL TR DE HOST NATION SUPPORT 8 14 1 11 61 3 144 -25 4 6 6 2 17 32 7 136 -18 396 6 5 1 20 44 2 143 5 5 1 20 44 2 137 36 36 7 7 1 12 46 2 145 29 12 7 13 1 13 41 2 136 -36 53 6 5 1 20 44 2 143 -22 36 5 5 1 20 44 2 137 -4 36 Total TRUST FUNDS 221 584 257 250 261 230 235 246 279 24 ALLOWANCES DOD ADJ ADMIN POLICY INTERFUND TRANS INTERFUND TRANS, FNE INTERFUND TRANS, VSI PROFITS SALES SHIP ST -61 -68 -11 -32 -64 -17 -44 -61 -20 -44 -58 -20 -61 -68 -11 -32 -64 -17 -44 -61 -20 -44 -58 -20 Total INTERFUND TRANS -140 -113 -125 -122 -140 -113 -125 -122 DEF-WIDE CONT GEN TRNSFR AUTH 101 100 Table 6-7 In Years (Continued) DOD TOA, BA, & OUTLAYS by ACCOUNT (Constant FY 2011 Dollars in Millions) 2008 TOA 2009 2010 2011 2008 BA 2009 2010 2011 2008 OUTLAYS 2009 2010 2011 SUMMARY BY SERVICE ARMY TOTAL NAVY TOTAL AIR FORCE TOTAL DOD WIDE TOTAL 263,067 173,264 167,214 103,446 243,670 173,302 169,651 104,514 219,883 172,800 162,482 120,726 141,788 160,609 149,981 96,715 262,500 173,733 165,328 106,919 240,891 172,610 170,052 106,215 218,899 172,361 161,234 122,153 141,728 160,332 149,843 100,892 222,184 159,969 151,621 91,362 237,763 163,784 157,989 98,764 242,290 168,940 163,804 118,066 179,387 162,338 154,477 105,563 GRAND TOTAL-DOD 706,991 691,136 675,891 549,093 708,480 689,768 674,648 552,794 625,137 658,301 693,099 601,764 MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS DEF-WIDE CONT OFFSETG RECEIPT TRUST FUNDS ALLOWANCES INTERFUND TRANS 150,033 270,338 171,367 82,701 23,374 3,596 5 582 5,582 151,161 282,970 138,642 82,782 27,488 3,638 4,455 4 455 152,184 278,375 133,183 81,763 23,176 3,638 3,572 3 572 138,541 200,229 112,873 76,130 16,924 2,016 2,380 380 149,263 269,668 171,703 82,824 22,999 2,959 10,668 10 668 155,350 284,008 139,257 82,122 27,562 3,946 -1,235 1 235 156,752 277,814 131,596 81,487 22,762 2,293 3,572 3 572 143,524 200,878 112,873 76,130 16,924 1,822 2,38 3800 149,155 257,371 121,552 78,065 12,006 3,717 4 971 4,971 153,304 270,434 132,734 80,778 16,972 2,776 2,695 2 695 143,995 226,732 130,509 77,350 19,015 2,871 2,997 2 997 -1,685 221 -1,713 584 -1,760 257 -1,865 250 -1,821 261 -1,509 230 -140 -113 -125 -122 -140 -113 155,423 278,394 148,503 80,172 24,008 3,372 4,495 4 495 101 -1,758 235 279 -125 GRAND TOTAL-DOD 706,991 708,480 689,768 674,648 552,794 625,137 658,301 693,099 601,764 SUMMARY BY FUNCTIONAL TITLE 691,136 675,891 549,093 101 -1,853 246 24 -122 Table 6-7 Out Years DOD TOA, BA, & OUTLAYS by ACCOUNT (Constant FY 2011 Dollars in Millions) 2012 MIL PERSONNEL MIL.PERS.ARMY MIL MED ACC ACT A MIL.PERS.NAVY MIL MED ACC ACT N MIL.PERS.M.C. MIL MED ACC ACT MC MIL.PERS.A.F. MIL MED ACC ACT F RES.PERS.ARMY MIL MED ACC RES A RES.PERS.NAVY MIL MED ACC RES N RES.PERS.M.C. MIL MED ACC RES MC RES.PERS.A.F. MIL MED ACC RES F NAT'L GUARD PERS.A. MIL MED ACC NG A NAT'L GUARD PERS.AF MIL MED ACC NG F CON RCPT PAY MIL RET Total MIL PERSONNEL TOA 2013 2014 2015 2012 BA 2013 2014 2015 2012 OUTLAYS 2013 2014 2015 41,945 3,160 26,135 1,875 13,340 1,172 27,176 1,916 4,363 736 1,992 247 613 138 1,695 249 7,558 1,294 2,979 397 42,104 3,238 26,318 1,906 13,401 1,200 27,237 1,961 4,340 756 1,960 253 611 142 1,739 257 7,484 1,326 2,993 408 41,979 3,317 26,368 1,943 13,461 1,230 27,403 2,010 4,304 774 2,001 259 600 145 1,761 265 7,418 1,359 3,000 416 41,636 3,398 26,499 1,984 13,544 1,260 27,510 2,059 4,279 793 2,022 266 590 149 1,763 272 7,345 1,392 3,009 426 41,945 3,160 26,135 1,875 13,340 1,172 27,176 1,916 4,363 736 1,992 247 613 138 1,695 249 7,558 1,294 2,979 397 4,757 4,757 42,102 3,238 26,318 1,906 13,401 1,200 27,237 1,961 4,340 756 1,960 253 611 142 1,739 257 7,484 1,326 2,993 408 4,794 4,794 41,978 3,317 26,368 1,943 13,461 1,230 27,403 2,010 4,304 774 2,001 259 600 145 1,761 265 7,418 1,359 3,000 416 4,837 4,837 41,635 3,398 26,499 1,984 13,544 1,260 27,510 2,059 4,279 793 2,022 266 590 149 1,763 272 7,345 1,392 3,009 426 4,861 4,861 41,867 3,160 26,090 1,875 13,315 1,172 27,122 1,916 4,357 736 1,984 247 612 138 1,687 249 7,548 1,294 2,978 397 4,757 4, 757 42,006 3,238 26,271 1,906 13,370 1,200 27,177 1,961 4,330 756 1,954 253 610 142 1,731 257 7,472 1,326 2,988 408 4,794 4,794 41,887 3,317 26,322 1,943 13,428 1,230 27,334 2,010 4,293 774 1,992 259 599 145 1,752 265 7,404 1,359 2,995 416 4,837 4, 837 41,556 3,398 26,450 1,984 13,509 1,260 27,442 2,059 4,266 793 2,012 266 590 149 1,756 272 7,330 1,392 3,004 426 4,861 4, 861 138,980 139,634 140,013 140,196 143,737 144,426 144,849 145,056 143,501 144,150 144,561 144,775 Totals include enacted budget authority and indefinite budget authority amounts, enacted OCO funding, and funding for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. 102 Table 6-7 Out Years (Continued) DOD TOA, BA, & OUTLAYS by ACCOUNT (Constant FY 2011 Dollars in Millions) 2012 OPR & MAINT OPER.AND MAINT.,A. OPER.AND MAINT.,N. OPER.AND MAINT.,M.C OPER.AND MAINT.,A.F. OPER.AND MAINT.,DA TOT O&M.,ARMY RESERVE O&M.,NAVY RESERVE O&M.,MC RESERVE O&M.,AF RESERVE O&M.,ARMY NAT'L.GUAR O&M.,AIR NAT'L.GUARD INSPECTOR GENERAL IRAQ FREEDOM FUND COURT OF MIL.APPEALS DRUG INTERDICTION ENVIRON.REST.FUND, A ENVIRON.REST.FUND, N ENVIRON.REST.FUND,AF ENVIRON.REST.FUND,DE ENV.REST., FORMERLY DOD ACQ WORKFORCE DEV FD OVERSEAS CONTG OPS OPS DEF BURDENSHARING EMER. RESP. FUND AFGAN SEC FORCES FND IRAQ SEC FORCES FND PAKISTAN COUNT CAP FUND HUMANITARIAN ASST,DE FSU THREAT REDUCTION REST ROCKY MTN ARSNL LEASE REAL PROPERTY DEFENSE HEALTH PROG. DISP REAL PROPERTY Total OPR & MAINT TOA 2013 2014 2015 2012 BA 2013 2015 2012 37,723 38,858 6,087 36,654 32,108 2,790 1,324 275 3,136 6,208 5,693 279 1 13 1,085 394 273 458 10 247 298 714 610 20 341 192 13 104 446 7 37,986 39,442 6,067 35,900 33,784 2,808 1,308 276 3,138 6,325 5,705 281 37,841 39,404 5,945 36,302 35,800 2,870 1,304 275 3,160 6,683 5,787 280 37,311 39,720 5,862 37,287 37,599 2,954 1,276 276 3,143 6,782 5,835 280 14 1,081 403 291 488 10 261 304 744 600 14 1,083 407 293 496 10 270 297 734 590 14 1,086 414 299 509 10 277 290 722 580 103 481 8 101 485 7 102 487 7 31,230 31,704 32,727 33,298 207,591 209,631 213,165 216,420 37,315 39,140 6,043 36,551 32,501 2,854 1,330 282 3,133 6,283 5,722 283 37,719 40,116 6,081 36,031 34,971 2,882 1,321 280 3,175 6,546 5,785 284 38,021 39,802 5,996 36,967 36,886 2,947 1,319 279 3,196 6,908 5,872 283 37,660 40,289 5,904 38,243 38,572 3,032 1,279 280 3,171 6,880 5,918 283 37,316 39,140 6,043 36,550 32,501 2,854 1,330 282 3,133 6,283 5,722 283 37,719 40,116 6,081 36,031 34,971 2,882 1,321 280 3,175 6,546 5,785 284 38,021 39,801 5,996 36,969 36,886 2,947 1,319 279 3,196 6,908 5,872 283 37,660 40,288 5,904 38,243 38,572 3,032 1,279 280 3,171 6,880 5,918 283 14 1,096 406 308 522 11 278 321 738 14 1,100 426 304 512 10 282 326 726 14 1,097 426 305 524 10 282 331 714 14 1,095 416 307 520 9 283 337 702 14 1,096 406 308 522 11 278 321 738 610 14 1,100 426 304 512 10 282 326 726 600 14 1,097 426 305 524 10 282 331 714 590 14 1,095 416 307 520 9 283 337 702 580 106 515 105 512 104 488 104 431 31,833 32,391 33,651 34,050 207,585 211,899 216,422 219,779 106 515 7 9 31,833 10 105 512 7 9 32,391 10 104 488 7 8 33,651 10 104 431 7 8 34,050 10 208,221 212,525 217,038 220,383 103 OUTLAYS 2013 2014 2014 2015 95 24 Table 6-7 Out Years (Continued) DOD TOA, BA, & OUTLAYS by ACCOUNT (Constant FY 2011 Dollars in Millions) 2012 PROCUREMENT AIRCRAFT PROC.,ARMY MISSILE PROC.ARMY PROC.WPNS&TRAC.VEH,A PROC.AMMUNITION,ARMY JIEDDO OTHER PROC.,ARMY AIRCRAFT PROC.,NAVY WEAPONS PROC.,NAVY SHIPS & CONVERSION,N PROC.AMMUNITION,N&MC OTHER PROCUREMENT,N PROC.,MARINE CORPS AIRCRAFT PROC.,A.F. MISSILE PROC.,A.F. PROC.AMMUNITION,A.F. OTHER PROC.,A.F. PROC., DA TOTAL EQUIP.PROC.,NG & RES DEF.PROD.PURCHASES DOD CHEM DEMIL PROG, D DOD CHEM DEMIL PROG, A TOA 2013 2014 2015 2012 BA 2013 OUTLAYS 2013 2014 2014 2015 2012 2015 6,094 1,918 3,332 2,191 742 13,172 18,089 3,302 13,865 1,178 6,113 2,239 14,991 5,842 849 18,156 4,403 859 42 1,491 2 6,204 1,946 2,443 2,094 364 10,634 18,785 3,362 14,165 923 6,531 1,584 15,350 5,475 702 17,899 4,876 407 19 1,497 6,394 2,083 1,844 2,036 276 10,159 19,266 3,404 14,629 922 6,691 1,754 16,024 5,268 661 17,971 5,380 64 16 1,500 6,466 2,251 1,387 2,096 238 10,253 19,584 3,482 15,013 952 6,762 2,239 17,427 4,971 649 18,109 5,816 18 15 1,504 6,546 2,087 1,471 2,237 217 10,548 19,540 3,446 14,649 878 7,105 1,164 15,841 6,555 657 18,435 5,367 6,676 2,228 1,187 2,026 219 10,053 20,525 3,634 15,689 970 6,992 1,934 17,047 4,875 665 18,097 5,655 6,758 2,430 1,276 2,233 220 10,638 19,900 3,565 16,513 999 7,109 2,694 19,802 5,306 673 18,379 6,201 6,100 2,656 1,904 2,167 222 10,983 21,168 3,695 17,169 973 6,956 2,739 20,114 4,642 694 18,469 6,295 6,546 2,087 1,471 2,237 217 10,548 19,541 3,446 14,649 878 7,105 1,164 15,841 6,555 657 18,435 5,367 6,676 2,228 1,187 2,026 219 10,053 20,525 3,634 15,689 970 6,992 1,934 17,047 4,875 665 18,097 5,655 6,758 2,430 1,276 2,233 220 10,637 19,900 3,565 16,513 999 7,109 2,694 19,802 5,306 673 18,379 6,201 6,100 2,656 1,904 2,167 222 10,983 21,168 3,695 17,169 973 6,956 2,739 20,114 4,642 694 18,469 6,295 20 1,519 19 1,534 14 1,521 14 1,529 20 1,519 19 1,534 14 1,521 14 1,529 118,282 120,025 126,231 128,489 118,283 120,025 126,230 128,489 118,870 115,260 116,342 119,232 RDT&E RDT&E, ARMY RDT&E, NAVY RDT&E, AIR FORCE RDT&E, DA TOT DIR OF OPER, T&E, OTE TANKER REP XFER FUND 10,136 16,383 27,763 20,145 196 9,567 15,050 25,222 20,275 198 8,241 13,798 23,587 20,599 198 7,344 12,464 24,049 20,530 199 10,137 16,383 27,763 20,145 196 9,567 15,050 25,222 20,275 198 8,241 13,798 23,587 20,599 198 7,344 12,464 24,049 20,530 199 10,355 16,840 27,002 20,003 192 7 9,809 15,555 25,718 19,654 195 1 8,941 14,279 24,111 20,006 196 7,922 12,985 23,789 20,195 196 Total RDT&E 74,623 70,312 66,423 64,586 74,624 70,312 66,423 64,586 74,399 70,932 67,533 65,087 Total PROCUREMENT 104 Table 6-7 Out Years (Continued) DOD TOA, BA, & OUTLAYS by ACCOUNT (Constant FY 2011 Dollars in Millions) MIL CON MIL.CON., ARMY MIL.CON., NAVY MIL.CON., AIR FORCE MIL.CON.,DA TOT MIL.CON.ARMY NAT'L.G MIL.CON.AIR NAT'L.G MIL.CON.ARMY RESERVE MIL.CON.NAVAL RES. MIL.CON.A.F.RES. NATO INFRASTRUCTURE CHEM DEMIL CONSTRUCT BASE CLOSURE - 90, A BASE CLOSURE - 90, N BASE CLOSURE - 90, F BASE CLOSURE - 90, DLA FY2005 BRAC - A FY2005 BRAC - N FY2005 BRAC - F FY2005 BRAC - DA TOT Total MIL CON FMLY HSNG HOME ASSIST.FUND,DEF FAM.HOUS.INVEST.A FAM.HOUS.DBT PAYMT,A FAM.HOUS.INVEST,N FAM.HOUS.DBT PAYMT,N FAM.HOUS.INVEST,A.F. FAM.HOUS.DEBT PAY,AF FAM.HOUS.DEBT,DA TOT DOD FAM HSG IMPRV FD Total FMLY HSNG 2012 TOA 2013 2014 2015 2012 BA 2013 2014 2015 2012 3,545 2,900 1,019 3,705 776 90 258 45 19 327 81 70 128 122 4,719 1,938 893 4,901 689 51 351 57 13 277 78 63 87 127 3,159 1,989 976 3,472 393 75 200 53 35 273 91 67 73 127 2,851 2,142 1,684 3,603 331 174 164 47 63 320 83 72 63 126 3,545 2,900 1,019 3,705 776 90 258 45 19 327 81 70 128 122 4,719 1,938 893 4,901 689 51 351 57 13 277 78 63 87 127 3,160 1,989 976 3,472 393 75 200 53 35 273 91 67 73 127 2,851 2,142 1,684 3,603 331 174 164 47 63 320 83 72 63 126 225 8 2 2 144 7 2 144 9 2 144 8 2 225 8 2 2 144 7 2 144 9 2 144 8 2 13,322 13,322 14,397 14,397 11,138 11,138 11,877 11,877 13,322 13,322 14,397 14,397 11,139 11,139 14 58 509 182 357 75 365 50 3 57 508 130 352 73 340 49 3 49 495 89 347 86 336 49 3 122 440 96 339 87 337 49 3 14 58 509 182 357 75 365 50 3 57 508 130 352 73 340 49 3 1,613 1,512 1,454 1,473 1,613 1,512 105 OUTLAYS 2013 2014 2015 5,203 3,797 1,479 3,127 619 241 333 76 49 280 128 87 143 123 1 1,416 253 242 709 4,679 3,279 1,155 3,320 655 142 293 63 24 279 107 72 114 124 4,175 2,531 986 3,842 668 82 301 54 18 277 89 70 88 124 3,704 2,113 1,040 3,835 561 77 252 52 26 295 87 69 75 124 615 114 101 430 359 49 26 217 182 22 8 84 11,877 11,877 18,306 18,306 15,566 15,566 13,956 13,956 12,606 12,606 49 495 89 347 86 336 49 3 122 440 96 339 87 337 49 3 103 162 525 101 353 354 415 49 3 27 116 504 141 350 146 357 49 2 14 77 494 151 345 87 339 48 3 10 63 452 131 337 75 335 49 2 1,454 1,473 2,065 1,692 1,558 1,454 Table 6-7 Out Years (Continued) DOD TOA, BA, & OUTLAYS by ACCOUNT (Constant FY 2011 Dollars in Millions) 2012 BA 2013 -7 -1 -95 -171 -5 -331 -13 -545 -1 -6 -1 -20 -1 -11 -1 -7 -1 -46 -168 -5 -325 -13 -536 -1 -6 -1 -20 -1 -11 -1 -22 -154 -40 -5 -67 -81 -96 -86 -3 -77 LEASE REAL PROP, A LEASE REAL PROP, AF DISP REAL PROP, N OVERSEAS FACIL REC F UNDIST INTRAGOV N 2012 OFFSETG RECEIPT ROCKY MT ARSEN REC. LEASE REAL PROP, N STKPLE SALES FED AG BURDSHR CTRB KUWAIT DISP REAL PROP RCPTS,D BURDSHR CTRB JAPAN LEASE REAL PROP RCPT,D BURDSHR CTRB S KOREA FEES COLL, COM FAC D FEES COLL, COM FAC RENT EQUIP OTH, AF DEPOSITS, ANNUITY D SALE SCR, SAL MAT, D RECOVERY GOV PROP, A RECOVERY GOV PROP, F RECOVERY GOV PROP, D RECOVERY FMS PROG, A RECOVERY FMS PROG, N RECOVERY FMS PROG, F RECOVERY FMS PROG, D GEN FUND PROP REC, A GEN FUND PROP REC, N GEN FUND PROP REC, F GEN FUND PROP REC, D DISP REAL PROP, A DISP REAL PROP PROP, AF Total OFFSETG RECEIPT TOA 2013 2014 2015 OUTLAYS 2013 2014 2014 2015 2012 -7 -1 -7 -163 8 -314 -8 -518 -1 -6 -1 -19 -1 -11 -1 1 -20 -146 -38 -5 -64 -77 -91 -81 -3 -66 -7 -1 -95 -171 -5 -331 -7 -1 -46 -168 -5 -325 -7 -1 -19 -166 8 -320 -7 -1 -7 -163 8 -314 -543 -536 -527 -518 -6 -1 -20 -1 -11 -1 -6 -1 -20 -1 -11 -1 -21 -151 -39 -5 -66 -79 -94 -84 -3 -66 -7 -1 -19 -166 8 -316 -8 -527 -1 -6 -1 -20 -1 -11 -1 1 -21 -148 -39 -5 -65 -78 -93 -83 -3 -66 -22 -154 -40 -5 -67 -81 -96 -86 -3 -7 7 -21 -151 -39 -5 -66 -79 -94 -84 -3 -66 -6 -1 -20 -1 -11 -1 1 -21 -148 -39 -5 -65 -78 -93 -83 -3 -66 -6 -1 -19 -1 -11 -1 1 -20 -146 -38 -5 -64 -77 -91 -81 -3 -66 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -2 -1 -1 -44 -2 -1 -1 -44 -2 -1 -1 -43 -1 -1 -1 -42 -2 -1 -1 -44 -2 -1 -1 -44 -2 -1 -1 -43 -1 -1 -1 -42 -1,824 -1,744 -1,670 -1,631 -1,808 -1,730 -1,665 -1,622 106 2015 Table 6-7 Out Years (Continued) DOD TOA, BA, & OUTLAYS by ACCOUNT (Constant FY 2011 Dollars in Millions) 2012 TOA 2013 2014 2015 2012 BA 2013 2014 2015 2012 OUTLAYS 2013 2014 2015 REV & MGT FNDS DEF COALITION SPT, D WCF, A WCF, F WCF, DA TOTAL NAT DEF SEALIFT WCF, DECA 100 64 37 548 3 97 66 38 956 3 104 66 38 502 3 56 65 39 1,010 3 100 64 37 548 3 97 66 38 956 3 104 66 38 502 3 56 65 39 1,010 3 1 93 65 38 860 190 97 65 37 948 3 103 66 38 716 3 63 65 38 869 3 Total REV & MGT FNDS 752 1,160 713 1,173 752 1,160 713 1,173 1,246 1,150 926 1,038 TRUST FUNDS ARMY GIFT FUND (T) USNA GIFT FUND (T) NAVY GIFT FUND (T) SHIPS STORES PROF(T) FOR NAT EMP SEP FND AF GIFT FUND (T) VOL SEP TRUST FUND HOST NATION SUPPORT 5 6 1 20 43 2 129 34 5 6 1 19 43 2 119 34 5 6 1 19 42 2 109 33 5 6 1 19 41 2 99 33 5 6 1 20 43 2 129 34 5 6 1 19 43 2 119 34 5 6 1 19 42 2 109 33 5 6 1 19 41 2 99 33 Total TRUST FUNDS 240 229 217 206 240 229 217 206 ALLOWANCES DOD ADJ ADMIN POLICY 6 INTERFUND TRANS INTERFUND TRANS, TRANS FNE INTERFUND TRANS, VSI PROFITS SALES SHIP ST -43 43 -57 -20 -43 43 -56 -19 -42 42 -55 -19 -41 41 -54 -19 -43 43 -57 -20 -43 43 -56 -19 -42 42 -55 -19 -41 41 -54 -19 Total INTERFUND TRANS -120 -118 -116 -114 -120 -118 -116 -114 107 Table 6-7 Out Years (Continued) DOD TOA, BA, & OUTLAYS by ACCOUNT (Constant FY 2011 Dollars in Millions) 2012 TOA 2013 2014 2015 2012 BA 2013 2014 2015 2012 OUTLAYS 2013 2014 2015 SUMMARY BY SERVICE ARMY TOTAL NAVY TOTAL AIR FORCE TOTAL DOD WIDE TOTAL 144,698 159,949 151,345 99,164 145,405 162,215 147,569 103,750 143,860 161,347 150,864 106,323 142,387 163,240 153,397 108,546 144,604 159,676 151,209 103,358 145,313 161,947 147,435 108,029 143,769 161,083 150,732 110,692 142,298 162,981 153,268 112,950 152,772 159,183 149,969 102,371 147,201 158,737 146,878 103,945 144,726 157,750 146,148 107,853 142,067 158,011 148,297 110,707 GRAND TOTAL-DOD 555,157 558,939 562,394 567,571 558,848 562,724 566,277 571,498 564,296 556,762 556,477 559,082 MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS DEF-WIDE CONT OFFSETG RECEIPT TRUST FUNDS ALLOWANCES INTERFUND TRANS 138,980 207,585 118,282 74,623 13,322 1,613 752 139,634 211,899 120,025 70,312 14,397 1,512 1,160 1 160 140,013 216,422 126,231 66,423 11,138 1,454 713 140,196 219,779 128,489 64,586 11,877 1,473 1,173 173 143,737 208,221 118,283 74,624 13,322 1,613 752 144,426 212,525 120,025 70,312 14,397 1,512 1,160 1 160 144,849 217,038 126,230 66,423 11,139 1,454 713 145,056 220,383 128,489 64,586 11,877 1,473 1,17 173 3 143,501 207,591 118,870 74,399 18,306 2,065 1,246 1 246 144,150 209,631 115,260 70,932 15,566 1,692 1,150 1 150 144,561 213,165 116,342 67,533 13,956 1,558 926 144,775 216,420 119,232 65,087 12,606 1,454 11,038 038 -1,824 240 -1,744 229 -1,670 217 -1,631 206 -1,730 229 -1,665 217 -1,622 206 -120 -118 -116 -114 -1,808 240 6 -120 -118 -116 -114 GRAND TOTAL-DOD 555,157 558,848 562,724 566,277 571,498 564,296 556,762 556,477 559,082 SUMMARY BY FUNCTIONAL TITLE 558,939 562,394 567,573 108 Table 6-8 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE BA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 48 FY 49 FY 50 FY 51 FY 52 FY 53 FY 54 FY 55 FY 56 FY 57 FY 58 4,301 175 3,858 3,695 461 253 4,507 193 4,191 1,745 242 127 4,891 180 4,332 3,728 610 388 8,709 342 12,116 22,257 1,254 2,471 11,152 345 12,948 29,367 1,755 4,037 12,130 357 10,628 20,766 2,233 2,336 11,559 387 10,295 9,648 2,290 313 11,058 495 9,009 8,016 3,340 1,269 11,038 515 9,526 9,405 4,220 1,475 75 -943 -572 168 -212 574 -189 775 -183 360 -206 100 -273 11,140 424 8,036 6,762 2,335 896 75 1,119 -362 -396 -339 10,415 567 10,108 9,477 3,964 2,086 55 75 224 11,800 10,433 14,086 47,534 60,196 48,603 34,319 30,425 32,791 35,916 36,971 80,096 2,696 61,690 34,377 4,639 1,974 85,977 2,957 63,037 15,692 2,370 997 84,751 2,877 60,389 31,819 5,541 2,875 136,146 3,389 130,726 173,350 11,163 18,236 181,866 3,490 145,792 242,386 15,194 29,885 185,082 3,555 125,911 168,980 18,940 17,326 176,827 4,129 118,494 79,182 18,918 2,658 158,362 4,658 102,365 64,680 24,134 8,599 159,810 4,665 103,929 71,658 28,582 9,441 464 -7,400 -4,231 1,280 -1,612 3,980 -1,314 5,570 -1,316 2,553 -1,461 721 -1,975 167,420 4,258 98,191 55,779 18,587 6,502 512 7,594 -2,457 -2,582 -2,053 148,221 5,091 104,630 74,112 27,019 13,493 335 449 1,341 178,072 166,799 187,921 475,676 622,869 520,887 398,953 356,386 360,215 376,496 374,692 7.3 9.7 2.2 -54.4 -48.9 -49.5 -6.3 -1.4 -2.7 -4.2 102.8 133.8 188.4 12.7 60.6 17.8 116.5 444.8 101.5 534.3 153.1 33.6 3.0 11.5 39.8 36.1 63.9 30.9 1.8 1.9 -13.6 -30.3 24.7 -42.0 -16.4 -4.5 16.1 -5.9 -53.1 -0.1 -84.7 -23.4 -5.3 3.1 -17.1 -29.6 -1.7 144.6 -10.7 -5.4 9.4 4.3 16.0 29.8 32.3 1.1 0.9 0.2 1.5 10.8 18.4 9.8 4.5 -7.3 9.1 0.7 3.4 -5.5 42.9 -0.5 109 Table 6-8 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE BA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 59 FY 60 FY 61 FY 62 FY 63 FY 64 FY 65 FY 66 FY 67 FY 68 FY 69 10,823 640 10,276 12,709 5,278 1,384 57 10,881 715 10,317 11,596 5,725 1,364 30 10,989 790 10,702 11,716 6,033 1,061 30 13,257 1,399 12,603 13,836 6,483 1,049 631 279 65 11,713 1,026 11,496 16,647 6,993 1,204 590 1 -109 12,655 1,228 11,705 15,645 6,984 949 644 234 11,790 920 11,503 15,746 6,402 787 440 325 101 -183 -200 15,473 1,600 15,339 20,013 6,746 2,566 666 1,383 -231 18,377 1,839 19,434 22,871 7,172 1,098 507 1,014 -135 20,023 2,095 20,950 23,408 7,285 1,543 612 516 -146 21,427 2,450 22,349 20,543 7,629 1,168 512 961 -133 41,402 40,907 41,386 48,014 49,560 49,627 49,058 63,555 72,177 76,286 76,905 143,697 5,371 102,348 93 334 93,334 34,404 8,990 338 141,856 6,049 99,368 82 870 82,870 36,687 8,745 181 141,360 6,700 98,152 86 916 86,916 38,174 6,846 177 151,529 11,301 102,953 91 623 91,623 39,487 6,187 3,896 1,645 376 150,085 8,768 101,581 118,962 962 43,690 7,460 3,740 5 -636 150,648 10,088 100,966 106,044 044 43,313 5,822 4,023 1,369 153,104 7,800 103,693 115 075 115,075 40,390 5,093 2,870 1,899 591 -1,063 -1,149 159,914 12,366 117,639 122 184 122,184 39,800 14,121 3,983 7,689 -1,285 179,469 13,710 141,784 140 409 140,409 41,779 6,351 2,992 5,441 -726 186,063 15,111 147,246 131 409 131,409 40,312 8,066 3,462 2,680 -757 187,251 16,773 149,602 110 488 110,488 40,782 5,932 2,868 4,836 -671 389,851 377,402 378,702 430,514 433,656 419,841 405,828 476,412 531,209 533,591 517,861 -3.1 5.5 -2.2 25.9 27.3 -33.4 4.0 -1.3 12.6 -2.9 -11.2 6.6 -2.7 -3.2 -0.3 10.8 -1.2 4.9 4.1 -21.7 0.3 8.3 16.4 5.6 32.4 5.8 -25.6 13.7 -2.0 12.4 -2.0 3.4 8.2 46.5 0.7 0.4 15.1 -0.6 -10.9 -0.9 -22.0 -3.2 0.6 12.0 2.0 -13.6 -8.8 6.3 -3.3 5.5 9.4 14.3 33.4 0.8 128.2 17.4 12.2 10.9 20.5 14.9 5.0 -55.0 11.5 3.7 10.2 3.9 -6.4 -3.5 27.0 0.4 0.6 11.0 1.6 -15.9 1.2 -26.5 -2.9 110 Table 6-8 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE BA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 70 FY 71 FY 72 FY 73 FY 74 FY 75 FY 76 FY 77 FY 78 FY 79 FY 80 22,995 2,858 21,529 17,867 7,406 960 604 5 -140 22,643 3,391 20,434 15,702 7,066 1,322 717 22,964 3,901 20,792 17,777 7,519 1,287 860 23,727 4,442 21,731 17,473 7,960 1,356 967 24,167 5,151 23,955 17,028 8,176 1,563 1,099 -117 -94 -102 -150 24,963 6,251 26,107 16,698 8,572 1,927 1,157 158 -172 25,430 7,326 28,731 20,991 9,451 2,360 1,229 135 -144 26,118 8,238 32,108 27,922 10,439 2,204 1,258 220 -168 27,246 9,180 34,732 29,529 11,371 1,641 1,346 423 -145 28,703 10,283 38,023 31,428 12,437 2,319 1,563 726 -477 31,014 11,965 46,365 35,283 13,561 2,293 1,526 1,336 -721 74,083 71,159 75,006 77,555 80,991 85,661 95,508 108,338 115,322 125,004 142,621 179,854 18,201 136,576 93 970 93,970 37,711 4,736 3,179 22 -680 165,513 19,522 122,178 78 123 78,123 34,242 6,011 3,517 147,991 21,059 119,108 82 687 82,687 34,605 5,484 4,019 137,247 22,600 115,586 74 737 74,737 34,383 5,250 4,339 131,140 23,899 113,758 66,658 658 32,125 5,354 4,615 -540 -420 -436 -605 126,159 25,419 116,391 58 396 58,396 30,602 5,986 4,302 556 -606 121,582 26,829 115,545 66 069 66,069 30,473 6,735 4,256 441 -471 118,315 28,484 119,581 84 785 84,785 31,851 6,175 4,012 664 -509 115,748 29,521 118,891 81 707 81,707 31,912 4,271 4,013 1,195 -410 114,885 30,546 123,226 78 121 78,121 31,174 5,468 4,070 1,877 -1,235 115,168 31,710 127,897 79 438 79,438 31,087 5,041 3,454 3,123 -1,685 473,568 428,567 414,535 393,707 376,945 367,205 371,461 393,359 386,848 388,132 395,233 -4.0 8.5 -8.7 -15.0 -7.5 -20.2 -8.6 -8.0 7.3 -10.5 -16.9 -9.2 26.9 -9.5 -10.6 7.9 -2.5 5.8 1.1 -8.8 -3.3 -7.3 7.3 -3.0 -9.6 -0.6 -4.3 -5.0 -4.4 5.7 -1.6 -10.8 -6.6 2.0 -4.3 -3.8 6.4 2.3 -12.4 -4.7 11.8 -2.6 -3.6 5.5 -0.7 13.1 -0.4 12.5 1.2 -2.7 6.2 3.5 28.3 4.5 -8.3 5.9 -2.2 3.6 -0.6 -3.6 0.2 -30.8 -1.7 -0.7 3.5 3.6 -4.4 -2.3 28.0 0.3 0.2 3.8 3.8 1.7 -0.3 -7.8 1.8 111 Table 6-8 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE BA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 81 FY 82 FY 83 FY 84 FY 85 FY 86 FY 87 FY 88 FY 89 FY 90 FY 91 36,909 13,840 55,548 48,025 16,609 3,398 2,004 2,677 -646 42,875 14,986 62,466 64,462 20,060 4,916 2,203 2,494 -711 45,688 16,155 66,540 80,355 22,798 4,512 2,712 1,075 -361 48,363 16,503 70,950 86,161 26,867 4,510 2,669 2,774 -647 67,773 67,794 74,010 76,584 78,477 78,876 84,213 77,803 96,842 31,327 5,517 2,890 5,088 -438 74,888 92,506 33,609 5,281 2,803 5,235 -727 79,607 80,234 35,644 5,093 3,075 2,612 -806 81,629 80,053 36,521 5,349 3,199 1,246 -827 86,221 79,390 37,530 5,738 3,276 897 -693 88,409 81,376 36,459 5,130 3,143 466 -859 117,234 71,740 36,193 5,188 3,296 2,701 -44,358 178,365 213,751 239,474 258,150 286,802 281,390 279,469 283,755 290,837 292,999 276,208 119,357 32,983 137,211 99 132 99,132 34,982 6,965 4,151 5,661 -1,367 121,179 33,513 146,572 124 532 124,532 40,006 9,641 4,252 4,900 -1,397 123,336 34,149 151,506 147 700 147,700 43,721 8,640 5,139 2,031 -682 124,651 33,738 158,248 153 111 153,111 49,665 8,379 4,931 5,049 -1,178 158,394 154,621 162,422 161,411 160,160 158,409 160,228 168,434 167,027 027 56,098 9,877 5,171 8,956 -771 161,800 154,863 863 58,663 9,204 4,895 8,964 -1,244 165,420 129 955 129,955 60,287 8,567 5,202 4,354 -1,343 163,882 124 823 124,823 59,346 8,589 5,217 2,017 -1,339 165,330 119 281 119,281 58,538 8,851 5,141 1,394 -1,077 163,908 118 090 118,090 54,774 7,669 4,751 695 -1,282 194,647 101 219 101,219 52,545 7,528 4,775 3,865 -63,466 439,075 483,198 515,541 536,594 573,187 551,767 534,864 523,946 517,618 507,014 461,341 3.6 4.0 7.3 24.8 12.5 38.2 11.1 1.5 1.6 6.8 25.6 14.4 38.4 10.0 1.8 1.9 3.4 18.6 9.3 -10.4 6.7 1.1 -1.2 4.4 3.7 13.6 -3.0 4.1 27.1 -2.4 5.0 -0.6 -0.8 -1.1 1.1 6.4 9.1 13.0 17.9 6.8 -3.9 -7.3 4.6 -6.8 -3.7 2.2 -16.1 2.8 -6.9 -3.1 -0.9 -3.9 -1.6 0.3 -2.0 0.9 -4.4 -1.4 3.1 -1.2 -0.9 -1.0 -6.4 -13.4 -2.0 18.8 -14.3 -4.1 -1.8 -9.0 112 Table 6-8 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE BA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 92 FY 93 FY 94 FY 95 FY 96 FY 97 FY 98 FY 99 FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 81,221 75,974 71,365 71,557 69,775 70,338 69,821 70,650 73,838 76,888 86,957 93,791 62,952 36,623 5,254 3,738 4,587 -6,283 89,172 52,789 37,974 4,554 3,941 4,503 -1,504 88,640 44,141 34,567 6,009 3,501 4,054 -914 93,751 43,647 34,522 5,426 3,393 5,260 -1,828 93,658 42,572 34,972 6,893 4,260 3,061 -622 92,353 42,963 36,404 5,718 4,131 7,534 -1,436 97,215 44,818 37,089 5,466 3,828 2,591 -2,245 104,992 51,112 38,290 5,405 3,592 5,381 -827 108,776 54,973 38,706 5,106 3,543 7,314 -1,721 115,758 62,607 41,594 5,423 3,683 5,333 -1,338 133,851 62,740 48,718 6,631 4,048 4,389 -1,702 281,883 267,402 251,364 255,727 254,569 258,006 258,583 278,595 290,534 309,948 345,632 150,988 135,242 123,959 121,264 115,704 113,130 107,489 105,537 105,134 105,950 113,245 157,475 86 784 86,784 51,782 7,420 5,277 6,602 -8,728 154,725 71 333 71,333 53,016 6,319 5,441 6,346 -2,041 149,426 58 569 58,569 47,317 8,140 4,731 5,716 -1,215 153,483 56 935 56,935 46,273 7,236 4,523 7,171 -2,386 149,339 54,729 729 45,963 9,019 5,547 4,216 -796 143,850 54 614 54,614 47,127 7,407 5,301 9,761 -1,804 145,860 56 389 56,389 47,395 7,010 4,870 3,485 -2,802 153,218 63 464 63,464 48,403 6,820 4,511 6,667 -1,025 155,937 67 261 67,261 48,002 6,351 4,390 8,929 -2,102 159,126 75 532 75,532 50,725 6,645 4,479 6,399 -1,603 179,751 74 552 74,552 58,524 7,957 4,866 5,218 -2,024 457,601 430,381 396,643 394,500 383,720 379,386 369,694 387,594 393,903 407,253 442,088 -5.8 -10.4 -8.3 -2.2 -4.6 -2.2 -5.0 -1.8 -0.4 0.8 6.9 -19.1 -14.3 -1.5 -1.4 -0.8 -1.7 -17.8 2.4 -14.8 -5.9 -3.4 -17.9 -10.7 28.8 -7.8 2.7 -2.8 -2.2 -11.1 -0.5 -2.7 -3.9 -0.7 24.6 -2.7 -3.7 -0.2 2.5 -17.9 -1.1 1.4 3.3 0.6 -5.4 -2.6 5.0 12.5 2.1 -2.7 4.8 1.8 6.0 -0.8 -6.9 1.6 2.0 12.3 5.7 4.6 3.4 13.0 -1.3 15.4 19.7 8.6 113 Table 6-8 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE BA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 03 FY 04 FY 05 FY 06 FY 07 FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 109,062 116,111 121,279 128,483 131,756 139,033 149,290 154,492 143,524 146,884 150,879 155,164 159,344 178,316 78,490 58,103 6,670 4,183 4,154 -1,178 189,763 83,073 64,641 6,137 3,829 7,977 -521 179,215 96,614 68,825 7,260 4,098 7,880 -1,259 213,532 105,371 72,855 9,530 4,426 4,754 -2,489 240,252 133,772 77,549 13,961 4,024 2,836 -1,905 256,223 165,006 79,567 22,064 2,846 10,296 -1,549 271,564 135,438 80,005 26,815 3,848 -1,217 -1,219 272,827 129,650 80,366 22,420 2,259 3,531 -1,610 200,875 112,873 76,131 16,924 1,823 2,379 -1,735 212,800 120,265 75,913 13,553 1,642 765 -1,730 221,902 124,114 72,799 14,901 1,566 1,198 -1,689 231,555 132,749 70,000 11,733 1,530 750 -1,649 240,255 137,419 69,280 12,726 1,579 1,254 -1,645 437,801 471,011 483,913 536,462 602,246 673,487 664,524 663,935 552,794 570,091 585,671 601,831 620,213 136,754 141,312 142,778 146,318 146,039 149,262 155,352 156,751 143,524 143,736 144,427 144,851 145,058 228,315 91,396 68,504 7,809 4,959 4,879 879 -1,386 233,887 94,305 74,214 6,992 4,430 9,179 179 -601 210,052 106,745 76,738 8,034 4,563 8,818 818 -1,413 240,225 113,622 79,076 10,308 4,797 5 163 5,163 -2,710 262,455 141,323 82,233 14,796 4,276 3,002 002 -2,020 269,668 171,703 82,824 23,000 2,959 10 668 10,668 -1,604 284,009 139,256 82,120 27,562 3,947 -1 235 -1,235 -1,243 277,814 131,597 81,487 22,762 2,294 3,572 572 -1,628 200,875 112,873 76,131 16,924 1,823 2 379 2,379 -1,735 208,221 118,282 74,623 13,322 1,614 753 -1,702 212,523 120,026 70,312 14,398 1,513 1,159 159 -1,634 217,038 126,230 66,423 11,139 1,452 713 -1,570 220,385 128,486 64,586 11,876 1,473 1,172 172 -1,540 541,228 563,717 556,315 596,800 652,106 708,480 689,768 674,648 552,794 558,848 562,724 566,277 571,498 20.8 3.3 1.0 2.5 -0.2 2.2 4.1 0.9 -8.4 0.1 0.5 0.3 0.1 27.0 22.6 17.1 -1.9 22.4 2.4 3.2 8.3 -10.5 4.2 -10.2 13.2 3.4 14.9 -1.3 14.4 6.4 3.0 28.3 7.3 9.3 24.4 4.0 43.5 9.3 2.7 21.5 0.7 55.4 8.6 5.3 -18.9 -0.8 19.8 -2.6 -2.2 -5.5 -0.8 -17.4 -2.2 -27.7 -14.2 -6.6 -25.6 -18.1 3.7 4.8 -2.0 -21.3 1.1 2.1 1.5 -5.8 8.1 0.7 2.1 5.2 -5.5 -22.6 0.6 1.5 1.8 -2.8 6.6 0.9 Totals include enacted budget authority and indefinite budget authority amounts, enacted OCO funding, and funding for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. 114 Table 6-9 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE BA BY CATEGORY (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS CIVILIAN PAYROLL MILITARY PAY MILITARY RETIRED PAY / ACCRUAL TOTAL PAY MILITARY MEDICAL ACCRUAL OTHER MIL PERS O+M EXCL PAY PROC, RDT&E, CONST TOTAL NON PAY TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT FY DOLLARS CIVILIAN PAYROLL MILITARY PAY MILITARY RETIRED PAY / ACCRUAL TOTAL PAY MILITARY MEDICAL ACCRUAL OTHER MIL PERS O+M EXCL PAY PROC, RDTE, CONST TOTAL NON PAY TOTAL, CONSTANT $ FY 48 FY 49 FY 50 FY 51 FY 52 FY 53 FY 54 FY 55 FY 56 FY 57 FY 58 2,472 3,428 175 2,712 3,747 193 2,586 4,154 180 3,222 6,890 342 4,780 9,375 345 5,516 10,097 357 5,271 9,461 387 5,255 9,244 424 5,502 9,136 495 5,701 9,117 515 6,003 8,993 567 6,075 6,652 6,920 10,455 14,501 15,970 15,119 14,922 15,132 15,333 15,564 873 642 4,210 5,725 11,800 760 1,083 1,938 3,781 10,433 737 1,911 4,517 7,166 14,086 1,819 9,680 25,581 37,079 47,534 1,777 9,565 34,354 45,696 60,196 2,032 6,318 24,283 32,632 48,603 2,098 5,733 11,369 19,200 34,319 1,896 4,360 9,247 15,503 30,425 1,922 3,878 11,858 17,658 32,791 1,921 4,339 14,322 20,582 35,916 1,421 5,339 14,646 21,407 36,971 50,095 73,288 2,696 50,824 80,323 2,957 46,304 79,212 2 877 2,877 58,485 123,414 3,389 81,229 169,082 3,490 90,265 170,596 3,555 82,062 161,771 4,129 77,185 154,611 4,258 75,858 145,946 4,658 75,545 148,166 4,665 74,602 139,685 5,091 126,078 134,103 128,393 185,288 253,802 264,415 247,962 236,054 226,462 228,376 219,377 6,808 8,229 36,957 51,994 178,072 5,654 11,281 15,760 32,696 166,799 5,539 17,496 36,493 59,528 187,921 12,731 82,196 195,461 290,388 475,676 12,784 82,502 273,780 369,067 622,869 14,487 53,940 188,044 256,472 520,887 15,055 48,914 87,021 150,991 398,953 12,809 37,618 69,904 120,332 356,386 12,415 34,498 86,840 133,753 360,215 11,643 37,116 99,361 148,121 376,496 8,536 43,095 103,683 155,315 374,692 115 Table 6-9 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE BA BY CATEGORY (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS CIVILIAN PAYROLL MILITARY PAY MILITARY RETIRED PAY / ACCRUAL TOTAL PAY MILITARY MEDICAL ACCRUAL OTHER MIL PERS O+M EXCL PAY PROC, RDT&E, CONST TOTAL NON PAY TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT FY DOLLARS CIVILIAN PAYROLL MILITARY PAY MILITARY RETIRED PAY / ACCRUAL TOTAL PAY MILITARY MEDICAL ACCRUAL OTHER MIL PERS O+M EXCL PAY PROC, RDTE, CONST TOTAL NON PAY TOTAL, CONSTANT $ FY 59 FY 60 FY 61 FY 62 FY 63 FY 64 FY 65 FY 66 FY 67 FY 68 FY 69 6,327 9,269 640 6,240 9,168 715 6,616 9,181 790 7,034 9,917 920 7,295 9,762 1,026 7,502 10,615 1,228 7,833 11,019 1,399 8,500 12,178 1,600 9,654 14,111 1,839 10,578 15,264 2,095 11,301 16,699 2,450 16,237 16,124 16,586 17,872 18,083 19,344 20,251 22,278 25,604 27,938 30,450 1,554 5,258 18,353 25,165 41,402 1,713 5,414 17,656 24,783 40,907 1,808 5,445 17,545 24,799 41,386 1,873 6,638 21,632 30,142 48,014 1,951 6,087 23,440 31,478 49,560 2,040 6,027 22,215 30,283 49,627 2,237 6,624 19,946 28,807 49,058 3,295 10,181 27,801 41,277 63,555 4,267 12,938 29,369 46,574 72,177 4,759 13,228 30,362 48,349 76,286 4,728 14,673 27,054 46,455 76,905 73,999 134,571 5,371 70,974 131,756 6,049 69,898 130,860 6 700 6,700 72,596 142,126 7,800 72,583 138,686 8,768 71,609 138,789 10,088 70,565 138,712 11,301 73,938 141,654 12,366 80,835 156,499 13,710 85,664 161,425 15,111 86,063 163,555 16,773 213,941 208,780 207,458 222,521 220,038 220,487 220,578 227,957 251,044 262,201 266,391 9,125 41,958 124,826 175,910 389,851 10,100 41,923 116,599 168,622 377,402 10,500 42,170 118,573 171,244 378,702 10,978 49,913 147,102 207,993 430,514 11,399 46,075 156,144 213,618 433,656 11,858 45,335 142,161 199,355 419,841 12,817 47,950 124,484 185,250 405,828 18,261 67,345 162,849 248,455 476,412 22,969 83,498 173,697 280,165 531,209 24,637 82,146 164,607 271,391 533,591 23,697 87,979 139,794 251,470 517,861 116 Table 6-9 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE BA BY CATEGORY (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS CIVILIAN PAYROLL MILITARY PAY MILITARY RETIRED PAY / ACCRUAL TOTAL PAY MILITARY MEDICAL ACCRUAL OTHER MIL PERS O+M EXCL PAY PROC, RDT&E, CONST TOTAL NON PAY TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT FY DOLLARS CIVILIAN PAYROLL MILITARY PAY MILITARY RETIRED PAY / ACCRUAL TOTAL PAY MILITARY MEDICAL ACCRUAL OTHER MIL PERS O+M EXCL PAY PROC, RDTE, CONST TOTAL NON PAY TOTAL, CONSTANT $ FY 70 FY 71 FY 72 FY 73 FY 74 FY 75 FY 76 FY 77 FY 78 FY 79 FY 80 12,204 18,638 2,858 12,504 18,676 3,391 13,222 19,762 3,901 13,574 20,494 4,442 14,137 21,013 5,151 15,334 21,573 6,251 16,418 21,885 7,326 17,549 22,598 8,238 18,854 23,815 9,180 20,494 25,084 10,283 22,262 26,854 11,965 33,700 34,571 36,885 38,509 40,301 43,157 45,629 48,385 51,848 55,861 61,080 4,356 12,125 23,902 40,383 74,083 3,967 10,755 21,866 36,588 71,159 3,202 10,636 24,282 38,121 75,006 3,233 11,254 24,558 39,045 77,555 3,154 12,957 24,578 40,689 80,991 3,391 13,972 25,141 42,504 85,661 3,544 15,640 30,695 49,880 95,508 3,520 18,260 38,173 59,953 108,338 3,430 19,964 40,079 63,474 115,322 3,619 20,558 44,967 69,144 125,004 4,160 27,567 49,813 81,541 142,621 83,243 158,865 18,201 78,492 147,212 19,522 76,664 133,774 21 059 21,059 74,200 123,521 22,600 70,970 118,663 23,899 71,212 114,371 25,419 70,500 110,232 26,829 69,287 107,780 28,484 68,915 106,196 29,521 70,737 105,669 30,546 71,923 105,588 31,710 260,309 245,226 231,497 220,320 213,532 211,003 207,560 205,551 204,633 206,951 209,221 20,988 71,759 120,511 213,259 473,568 18,301 60,626 104,414 183,341 428,567 14,217 59,382 109,439 183,038 414,535 13,727 57,485 102,175 173,387 393,707 12,478 57,790 93,146 163,414 376,945 11,788 58,980 85,434 156,202 367,205 11,351 58,320 94,230 163,901 371,461 10,535 63,905 113,368 187,808 393,359 9,552 63,773 108,891 182,216 386,848 9,216 61,401 110,564 181,180 388,132 9,580 65,141 111,291 186,012 395,233 117 Table 6-9 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE BA BY CATEGORY (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS CIVILIAN PAYROLL MILITARY PAY MILITARY RETIRED PAY / ACCRUAL TOTAL PAY MILITARY MEDICAL ACCRUAL OTHER MIL PERS O+M EXCL PAY PROC, RDT&E, CONST TOTAL NON PAY TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT FY DOLLARS CIVILIAN PAYROLL MILITARY PAY MILITARY RETIRED PAY / ACCRUAL TOTAL PAY MILITARY MEDICAL ACCRUAL OTHER MIL PERS O+M EXCL PAY PROC, RDTE, CONST TOTAL NON PAY TOTAL, CONSTANT $ FY 81 FY 82 FY 83 FY 84 FY 85 FY 86 FY 87 FY 88 FY 89 FY 90 FY 91 23,775 31,067 13,840 26,065 36,930 14,986 27,762 39,090 16,155 29,452 41,367 16,503 31,404 43,967 17,072 32,161 46,220 17,415 34,095 47,713 18,241 35,851 49,494 18,265 37,612 50,920 18,466 39,806 52,844 16,248 41,139 53,520 17,201 68,682 77,981 83,007 87,322 92,443 95,796 100,049 103,610 106,998 108,898 111,860 5,841 37,227 66,614 109,682 178,365 5,945 41,958 87,866 135,770 213,751 6,597 43,620 106,249 156,467 239,474 6,996 47,815 116,018 170,829 258,150 6,734 55,550 132,075 194,360 286,802 4,160 51,823 129,611 185,594 281,390 8,056 52,247 119,117 179,420 279,469 8,826 50,887 120,431 180,145 283,755 9,091 53,762 120,986 183,839 290,837 9,784 53,484 120,833 184,101 292,999 13,493 39,997 110,859 164,349 276,208 70,632 107,128 32,983 75,460 109,547 33,513 76,229 110,919 34 149 34,149 77,709 111,957 33,738 80,133 113,118 33,447 80,321 114,004 33,509 80,165 115,117 33,910 79,264 113,805 33,385 78,250 112,997 33,102 78,938 111,194 32,680 78,465 107,428 33,540 210,744 218,519 221,298 223,405 226,697 227,835 229,192 226,454 224,350 222,812 219,432 12,228 79,239 136,864 228,331 439,075 11,632 83,417 169,628 264,678 483,198 12,417 86,015 195,811 294,244 515,541 12,694 93,660 206,835 313,189 536,594 11,829 106,141 228,519 346,489 573,187 7,107 99,018 217,807 323,932 551,767 13,396 98,304 193,973 305,673 534,864 14,221 94,252 189,019 297,492 523,946 14,061 96,386 182,821 293,268 517,618 14,535 93,553 176,114 284,202 507,014 19,260 65,845 156,803 241,909 461,341 118 Table 6-9 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE BA BY CATEGORY (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS CIVILIAN PAYROLL MILITARY PAY MILITARY RETIRED PAY / ACCRUAL TOTAL PAY MILITARY MEDICAL ACCRUAL OTHER MIL PERS O+M EXCL PAY PROC, RDT&E, CONST TOTAL NON PAY TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT FY DOLLARS CIVILIAN PAYROLL MILITARY PAY MILITARY RETIRED PAY / ACCRUAL TOTAL PAY MILITARY MEDICAL ACCRUAL OTHER MIL PERS O+M EXCL PAY PROC, RDTE, CONST TOTAL NON PAY TOTAL, CONSTANT $ FY 92 FY 93 FY 94 FY 95 FY 96 FY 97 FY 98 FY 99 FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 41,779 54,084 15,913 44,168 52,377 13,029 43,580 49,235 12,277 43,559 49,400 12,123 43,031 49,238 11,153 42,740 49,146 11,070 41,255 44,007 10,380 41,226 44,722 10,454 41,932 43,585 11,366 43,241 45,619 11,308 45,864 48,698 13,355 111,776 109,574 105,093 105,082 103,422 102,957 95,642 96,403 96,883 100,168 107,916 11,225 55,934 102,948 170,107 281,883 10,569 55,058 92,202 157,829 267,402 9,852 54,654 81,765 146,271 251,364 10,033 59,833 80,780 150,645 255,727 9,384 59,948 81,814 151,146 254,569 10,122 62,410 82,517 155,049 258,006 15,434 62,487 85,021 162,942 258,583 15,474 74,922 91,796 182,192 278,595 18,887 78,955 95,809 193,651 290,534 19,961 83,290 106,529 209,780 309,948 24,905 97,615 115,196 237,716 345,632 76,494 104,896 30,521 77,889 96,828 24,086 74,952 88,736 22 127 22,127 73,110 86,862 21,316 70,533 84,547 19,151 68,015 81,931 18,455 63,863 71,366 16,833 61,601 70,006 16,365 59,786 65,100 16,977 59,453 65,707 16,287 60,286 65,614 17,994 211,911 198,803 185,815 181,288 174,231 168,402 152,062 147,972 141,863 141,448 143,894 15,571 87,876 142,243 245,690 457,601 14,327 92,416 124,834 231,578 430,381 13,096 89,056 108,676 210,829 396,643 13,086 94,674 105,452 213,212 394,500 12,006 92,398 105,085 209,490 383,720 12,743 93,487 104,754 210,984 379,386 19,290 91,445 106,897 217,633 369,694 19,166 106,458 113,998 239,622 387,594 23,057 111,752 117,231 252,040 393,903 23,956 113,350 128,500 265,805 407,253 29,636 131,479 137,078 298,194 442,088 119 Table 6-9 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE BA BY CATEGORY (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS CIVILIAN PAYROLL MILITARY PAY MILITARY RETIRED PAY / ACCRUAL TOTAL PAY MILITARY MEDICAL ACCRUAL OTHER MIL PERS O+M EXCL PAY PROC, RDT&E, CONST TOTAL NON PAY TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT FY DOLLARS CIVILIAN PAYROLL MILITARY PAY MILITARY RETIRED PAY / ACCRUAL TOTAL PAY MILITARY MEDICAL ACCRUAL OTHER MIL PERS O+M EXCL PAY PROC, RDTE, CONST TOTAL NON PAY TOTAL, CONSTANT $ FY 03 FY 04 FY 05 FY 06 FY 07 FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 47,346 51,144 13,507 50,305 62,348 14,096 53,535 63,039 14,592 57,222 64,603 14,211 58,148 65,634 15,261 61,296 69,043 16,106 66,424 71,549 17,493 72,039 74,865 19,926 77,074 69,381 19,311 80,009 70,894 19,419 82,617 72,539 19,833 84,616 74,426 20,286 86,581 76,464 20,758 111,997 7,695 126,749 8,307 131,166 10,065 136,037 10,135 139,042 11,231 146,445 11,185 155,465 10,351 166,830 10,796 165,766 10,872 170,322 11,586 174,989 12,297 179,328 13,055 183,804 13,863 36,716 141,131 140,261 325,804 437,801 31,361 153,406 151,188 344,262 471,011 33,584 138,948 170,151 352,747 483,913 39,533 166,425 184,332 400,425 536,462 39,631 190,875 221,468 463,204 602,246 42,699 214,088 259,070 527,042 673,487 49,898 213,680 235,130 509,059 664,524 48,905 212,965 224,439 497,105 663,935 43,959 134,963 197,234 387,028 552,794 44,984 142,542 200,657 399,769 570,091 46,210 149,793 202,382 410,682 585,671 47,397 157,271 204,780 422,503 601,831 48,259 164,702 209,585 436,409 620,213 59,783 65,817 17,382 61,018 77,038 17,417 62,740 75,258 17,420 65,044 74,807 16,456 64,674 74,002 17,207 65,870 75,213 17,545 68,697 75,017 18,341 73,042 75,913 20,205 77,074 69,381 19,311 78,226 69,300 18,983 78,975 69,314 18,951 79,084 69,180 18,856 79,118 69,139 18,769 142,982 10,370 , 155,473 10,743 , 155,418 12,491 , 156,307 12,083 , 155,882 12,862 , 158,628 12,282 , 162,055 11,034 , 169,160 11,152 , 165,766 10,872 , 166,508 11,183 , 167,241 11,446 , 167,120 11,718 , 167,026 11,999 , 43,185 180,911 163,780 398,247 541,228 36,114 189,200 172,187 408,244 563,717 37,609 162,371 188,426 400,897 556,315 42,972 186,441 198,998 440,493 596,800 41,969 207,385 234,009 496,224 652,106 44,222 223,984 269,364 549,852 708,480 50,960 224,159 241,559 527,713 689,768 49,481 217,117 227,738 505,489 674,648 43,959 134,963 197,234 387,028 552,794 44,270 139,528 197,359 392,339 558,848 44,715 143,596 195,725 395,483 562,724 45,098 147,607 194,734 399,157 566,277 45,150 151,351 195,971 404,472 571,498 Totals include enacted budget authority and indefinite budget authority amounts, enacted OCO funding, and funding for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. 120 Table 6-10 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE BA BY SERVICE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE DEFENSE-WIDE TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE DEFENSE-WIDE TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE TOTAL FY 48 FY 49 FY 50 FY 51 FY 52 FY 53 FY 54 FY 55 FY 56 FY 57 FY 58 2,840 4,212 4,573 175 11,800 4,011 3,719 2,503 200 10,433 4,279 4,253 5,363 191 14,086 19,520 12,431 15,139 444 47,534 21,279 16,170 22,315 433 60,196 15,077 12,684 20,427 415 48,603 12,847 9,389 11,542 541 34,319 7,646 10,182 12,026 572 30,425 7,333 9,518 15,374 565 32,791 7,577 10,106 17,567 666 35,916 7,808 10,617 17,803 743 36,971 54,413 63,674 57,289 2,696 178,072 65,251 57,605 40,900 3,043 166,799 61,979 59,181 63,725 3,035 187,921 188,472 131,262 151,739 4,203 475,676 219,754 176,417 222,459 4,239 622,869 170,461 143,006 203,344 4,076 520,887 148,133 116,356 129,134 5,330 398,953 104,124 117,961 128,942 5,359 356,386 93,836 110,063 151,115 5,201 360,215 94,634 112,971 163,225 5,667 376,496 92,263 114,369 161,825 6,234 374,692 19.9 -9.5 -28.6 -28.6 -6.3 -5.0 2.7 55.8 55.8 12.7 204.1 121.8 138.1 138.1 153.1 16.6 34.4 46.6 46.6 30.9 -22.4 -18.9 -8.6 -8.6 -16.4 -13.1 -18.6 -36.5 -36.5 -23.4 -29.7 1.4 -0.1 -0.1 -10.7 -9.9 -6.7 17.2 17.2 1.1 0.9 2.6 8.00 8. 4.5 -2.5 1.2 -0.9 -0 9 -0.5 121 Table 6-10 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE BA BY SERVICE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE DEFENSE-WIDE TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE DEFENSE-WIDE TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE TOTAL FY 59 FY 60 FY 61 FY 62 FY 63 FY 64 FY 65 FY 66 FY 67 FY 68 FY 69 9,502 11,971 18,864 1,065 41,402 9,748 11,352 18,581 1,226 40,907 9,928 12,450 17,903 1,105 41,386 11,951 14,845 19,424 1,794 48,014 11,608 15,255 20,147 2,550 49,560 12,474 14,845 19,393 2,914 49,627 11,955 14,785 19,149 3,170 49,058 17,629 18,581 22,589 4,756 63,555 22,997 20,773 24,203 4,204 72,177 25,407 21,122 25,364 4,394 76,286 25,143 21,278 25,722 4,763 76,905 98,424 119,389 164,077 7,960 389,851 97,909 109,604 160,737 9,151 377,402 97,536 119,096 153,449 8,621 378,702 113,329 138,690 165,203 13,292 430,514 108,741 138,076 168,040 18,798 433,656 110,574 128,779 159,357 21,131 419,841 104,647 124,332 154,129 22,720 405,828 134,808 141,570 168,414 31,619 476,412 167,224 156,504 178,837 28,643 531,209 176,868 150,058 177,448 29,217 533,591 170,236 144,763 172,394 30,468 517,861 6.7 4.4 1.4 1.4 4.0 -0.5 -8.2 -2.0 -2.0 -3.2 -0.4 8.7 -4.5 -4.5 0.3 16.2 16.5 7.7 7.7 13.7 -4.0 -0.4 1.7 1.7 0.7 1.7 -6.7 -5.2 -5.2 -3.2 -5.4 -3.5 -3.3 -3.3 -3.3 28.8 13.9 9.3 9.3 17.4 24.0 10.5 6.22 6. 11.5 5.8 -4.1 -0.8 -0.8 0.4 -3.7 -3.5 -2.8 -2 8 -2.9 122 Table 6-10 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE BA BY SERVICE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE DEFENSE-WIDE TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE DEFENSE-WIDE TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE TOTAL FY 70 FY 71 FY 72 FY 73 FY 74 FY 75 FY 76 FY 77 FY 78 FY 79 FY 80 23,610 21,932 23,356 5,185 74,083 21,495 21,321 22,481 5,863 71,159 21,582 23,602 23,245 6,577 75,006 21,048 25,097 23,934 7,475 77,555 21,262 26,679 24,670 8,380 80,991 21,299 27,808 25,967 10,586 85,661 23,644 31,302 28,444 12,119 95,508 26,667 36,378 31,969 13,324 108,338 28,434 39,499 32,595 14,794 115,322 31,341 42,103 34,943 16,618 125,004 34,380 47,225 41,720 19,296 142,621 151,459 140,119 150,793 31,197 473,568 132,118 126,989 137,048 32,412 428,567 120,861 128,976 130,536 34,161 414,535 108,424 125,627 122,946 36,710 393,707 101,088 122,128 115,912 37,817 376,945 94,974 117,688 112,747 41,796 367,205 96,549 119,535 111,998 43,380 371,461 101,363 129,667 117,571 44,757 393,359 99,932 129,369 111,161 46,387 386,848 101,993 127,808 110,139 48,191 388,132 102,287 128,237 114,515 50,193 395,233 -11.0 -3.2 -12.5 -12.5 -8.6 -12.8 -9.4 -9.1 -9.1 -9.5 -8.5 1.6 -4.8 -4.8 -3.3 -10.3 -2.6 -5.8 -5.8 -5.0 -6.8 -2.8 -5.7 -5.7 -4.3 -6.0 -3.6 -2.7 -2.7 -2.6 1.7 1.6 -0.7 -0.7 1.2 5.0 8.5 5.0 5.0 5.9 -1.4 -0.2 -5.5 -5.5 -1.7 2.1 -1.2 -0.9 -0.9 0.3 0.3 0.3 40 4.0 1.8 123 Table 6-10 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE BA BY SERVICE (Dollars in Millions) FY 81 FY 82 FY 83 FY 84 FY 85 FY 86 FY 87 FY 88 FY 89 FY 90 FY 91 CURRENT DOLLARS ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE DEFENSE-WIDE TOTAL, CURRENT $ 43,252 58,011 53,144 23,957 178,365 52,254 69,569 64,821 27,107 213,751 57,529 81,854 74,074 26,017 239,474 62,181 82,088 86,108 27,773 258,150 74,270 99,015 99,420 14,096 286,802 73,128 96,113 94,870 17,279 281,390 73,984 93,500 91,624 20,362 279,469 75,813 100,281 88,324 19,336 283,755 78,079 97,675 94,685 20,399 290,837 78,479 99,977 92,890 21,652 292,999 91,825 103,470 91,257 -10,344 276,208 CONSTANT DOLLARS ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE DEFENSE-WIDE TOTAL, CONSTANT $ 113,226 140,823 129,232 55,795 439,075 124,368 155,467 143,924 59,439 483,198 129,911 173,560 157,071 54,999 515,541 134,870 169,843 175,315 56,566 536,594 153,475 196,719 195,668 27,325 573,187 147,821 187,625 184,117 32,203 551,767 145,858 178,324 174,372 36,311 534,864 143,602 183,134 163,797 33,412 523,946 142,104 173,560 168,261 33,692 517,618 139,008 172,303 161,326 34,377 507,014 153,000 170,208 150,322 -12,189 461,341 10.7 9.8 12.9 12.9 11.1 9.8 10.4 11.4 11.4 10.0 4.5 11.6 9.1 9.1 6.7 3.8 -2.1 11.6 11.6 4.1 13.8 15.8 11.6 11.6 6.8 -3.7 -4.6 -5.9 -5.9 -3.7 -1.3 -5.0 -5.3 -5.3 -3.1 -1.5 2.7 -6.1 -6.1 -2.0 -1.0 -5.2 2.77 2. -1.2 -2.2 -0.7 -4.1 -4.1 -2.0 10.1 -1.2 -6.8 -6 8 -9.0 % REAL GROWTH ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE TOTAL 124 Table 6-10 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE BA BY SERVICE (Dollars in Millions) FY 92 FY 93 FY 94 FY 95 FY 96 FY 97 FY 98 FY 99 FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 CURRENT DOLLARS ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE DEFENSE-WIDE TOTAL, CURRENT $ 73,636 90,311 82,340 35,596 281,883 64,803 83,198 79,146 40,255 267,402 62,470 78,055 74,575 36,263 251,364 63,268 76,948 73,932 41,580 255,727 64,505 80,117 72,992 36,954 254,569 64,418 79,562 73,216 40,810 258,006 64,046 80,696 76,284 37,558 258,583 68,367 84,028 81,914 44,287 278,595 73,165 88,795 83,050 45,524 290,534 77,027 95,501 89,549 47,872 309,948 85,918 102,376 100,228 57,109 345,632 CONSTANT DOLLARS ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE DEFENSE-WIDE TOTAL, CONSTANT $ 124,314 147,867 133,810 51,609 457,601 106,182 133,797 124,420 65,982 430,381 100,162 121,400 115,789 59,292 396,643 98,924 117,187 113,424 64,965 394,500 98,025 118,728 109,348 57,620 383,720 95,686 115,434 106,859 61,407 379,386 92,149 113,609 107,783 56,154 369,694 95,002 116,503 112,943 63,146 387,594 98,342 119,307 111,896 64,358 393,903 100,767 124,087 116,314 66,085 407,253 108,647 129,588 127,022 76,831 442,088 -18.7 -13.1 -11.0 -11.0 -0.8 -14.6 -9.5 -7.0 -7.0 -5.9 -5.7 -9.3 -6.9 -6.9 -7.8 -1.2 -3.5 -2.0 -2.0 -0.5 -0.9 1.3 -3.6 -3.6 -2.7 -2.4 -2.8 -2.3 -2.3 -1.1 -3.7 -1.6 0.9 0.9 -2.6 3.1 2.5 4.8 4.8 4.8 3.5 2.4 -0.9 -0.9 1.6 2.5 4.0 3.99 3. 3.4 7.8 4.4 92 9.2 8.6 % REAL GROWTH ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE TOTAL 125 Table 6-10 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE BA BY SERVICE (Dollars in Millions) FY 03 FY 04 FY 05 FY 06 FY 07 FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 CURRENT DOLLARS ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE DEFENSE-WIDE TOTAL, CURRENT $ 121,132 124,057 125,245 67,367 437,801 153,105 124,284 125,536 68,086 471,011 152,846 131,665 127,918 71,485 483,913 174,941 143,803 141,657 76,061 536,462 218,549 150,256 148,947 84,494 602,246 250,057 165,345 157,909 100,175 673,487 233,039 166,091 163,526 101,868 664,524 215,628 169,638 158,707 119,962 663,935 141,728 160,332 149,843 100,892 552,794 147,519 162,768 154,087 105,717 570,091 151,249 168,268 153,123 113,031 585,671 152,898 170,761 159,640 118,532 601,831 154,655 176,267 165,542 123,749 620,213 CONSTANT DOLLARS ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE DEFENSE-WIDE TOTAL, CONSTANT $ 147,867 153,136 154,920 85,305 541,228 180,567 148,503 150,710 83,938 563,717 174,376 150,499 146,875 84,565 556,315 193,316 159,330 157,060 87,095 596,800 234,954 162,406 161,231 93,514 652,106 262,500 173,733 165,328 106,919 708,480 240,891 172,610 170,052 106,215 689,768 218,899 172,361 161,234 122,153 674,648 141,728 160,332 149,843 100,892 552,794 144,604 159,676 151,209 103,358 558,848 145,313 161,947 147,435 108,029 562,724 143,769 161,083 150,732 110,692 566,277 142,298 162,981 153,268 112,950 571,498 36.1 18.2 22.0 22.4 22.1 -3.0 -2.7 4.2 -3.4 1.3 -2.5 -1.3 10.9 5.9 6.9 7.3 21.5 1.9 2.7 9.3 11.7 7.0 2.5 8.6 -8.2 -0.6 2.9 -2.6 -9.1 -0.1 -5.2 -2.2 -35.3 -7.0 -7.1 -18.1 2.0 -0.4 0.9 1.1 0.5 1.4 -2.5 0.7 -1.1 -0.5 2.2 0.6 -1.0 1.2 1.7 0.9 % REAL GROWTH ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE TOTAL Totals include enacted budget authority and indefinite budget authority amounts, enacted OCO funding, and funding for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. 126 Table 6-11 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OUTLAYS BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 48 FY 49 FY 50 FY 51 FY 52 FY 53 FY 54 FY 55 FY 56 FY 57 FY 58 4,433 175 3,975 1,850 413 181 4,493 193 4,361 2,356 292 183 4,902 195 4,045 2,389 413 166 7,293 324 7,182 3,813 867 472 11,394 329 12,289 11,270 1,490 1,830 11,823 357 10,826 16,665 1,953 1,944 11,272 386 9,836 15,204 2,178 1,698 67 -943 -65 -572 -224 -212 -191 -189 296 -183 47 -206 -245 -273 10,986 419 8,031 12,518 2,400 1,678 4 -504 -362 11,112 477 8,794 10,910 3,080 2,054 43 -679 -396 10,903 511 9,587 11,815 3,961 1,959 21 -320 -339 11,057 562 9,761 12,208 4,270 1,753 41 -681 224 10,151 11,241 11,674 19,572 38,716 43,410 40,056 35,169 35,396 38,098 39,194 81,174 2,696 62,679 18,017 4,321 1,470 85,840 2,957 64,415 21,174 2,716 1,399 84,897 3,109 58,521 21,901 4,173 1,304 126,211 3,215 91,925 32,631 8,262 3,461 183,593 3,334 140,433 93,944 13,263 13,778 182,832 3,560 126,752 135,771 16,820 14,570 174,872 4,118 116,570 128,282 18,547 12,887 526 -7,400 -481 -4,231 -1,701 -1,612 -1,324 -1,314 2,126 -1,316 335 -1,461 -1,771 -1,975 166,433 4,210 98,547 100,987 19,279 12,061 32 -3,420 -2,457 158,828 4,490 101,784 84,112 22,985 14,085 288 -4,425 -2,582 158,983 4,631 104,356 84,454 26,943 12,517 135 -1,936 -2,053 152,041 5,044 101,958 86,568 28,618 11,175 253 -4,080 1,341 163,483 173,789 170,591 263,068 449,156 479,180 451,530 395,671 379,566 388,029 382,919 5.7 9.7 2.8 17.5 -37.1 -4.8 6.3 -1.1 5.1 -9.2 3.4 53.6 -6.8 -1.8 48.7 3.4 57.1 49.0 98.0 165.4 54.2 45.5 3.7 52.8 187.9 60.5 298.1 70.7 -0.4 6.8 -9.7 44.5 26.8 5.7 6.7 -4.4 15.7 -8.0 -5.5 10.3 -11.6 -5.8 -4.8 2.2 -15.5 -21.3 3.9 -6.4 -12.4 -4.6 6.7 3.3 -16.7 19.2 16.8 -4.1 0.1 3.1 2.5 0.4 17.2 -11.1 2.2 -4.4 8.9 -2.3 2.5 6.2 -10.7 -1.3 127 Table 6-11 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OUTLAYS BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 59 FY 60 FY 61 FY 62 FY 63 FY 64 FY 65 FY 66 FY 67 FY 68 FY 69 11,160 641 10,378 12,622 4,652 1,948 16 -185 234 11,044 694 10,223 12,734 5,310 1,626 22 -438 279 11,299 786 10,611 13,095 6,131 1,605 39 -339 65 12,138 894 11,338 14,532 6,319 1,191 440 -127 101 11,985 1,015 11,845 16,660 6,376 1,144 427 -1,401 -109 12,986 1,209 11,932 15,351 7,021 1,026 580 -452 -183 13,387 1,384 12,349 11,839 6,236 1,007 619 -741 -200 15,162 1,591 14,710 14,339 6,259 1,334 647 283 -231 17,956 1,830 19,000 19,012 7,160 1,536 482 512 -130 19,859 2,095 20,578 23,283 7,747 1,281 495 2,090 -163 21,374 2,444 22,227 23,988 7,457 1,389 572 -1,535 -130 41,467 41,494 43,292 46,826 47,941 49,470 45,880 54,093 67,357 77,265 77,785 145,631 5,382 102,589 89 407 89,407 30,340 12,109 96 -1,082 1,369 142,815 5,874 98,723 91 778 91,778 34,163 10,183 136 -2,586 1,645 143,104 6,671 96,970 92 775 92,775 38,200 9,801 226 -1,957 376 155,115 7,583 102,338 103 316 103,316 39,620 7,382 2,870 -744 591 151,648 8,674 103,592 118,343 343 39,879 7,050 2,786 -8,169 -636 152,564 9,936 102,431 107,232 232 43,565 6,311 3,650 -2,628 -1,063 152,312 11,182 101,811 81 584 81,584 38,489 6,110 3,825 -4,255 -1,149 158,248 12,297 114,639 92 758 92,758 37,556 7,719 3,881 1,571 -1,285 177,145 13,644 138,481 115 467 115,467 41,299 8,537 2,855 2,749 -700 185,280 15,109 146,086 134 231 134,231 43,147 6,963 2,858 10,851 -844 187,080 16,732 150,151 134 912 134,912 40,506 7,281 3,172 -7,725 -654 385,840 382,731 386,165 418,071 423,168 421,997 389,909 427,382 499,476 543,679 531,455 -4.2 6.7 0.6 3.3 6.0 8.4 0.8 -1.9 9.1 -3.8 2.7 12.6 -15.9 -0.8 0.2 13.6 -1.8 1.1 11.8 -3.8 0.9 8.4 13.7 5.5 11.4 3.7 -24.7 8.3 -2.2 14.4 1.2 14.5 0.7 -4.5 1.2 0.6 14.5 -1.1 -9.4 9.2 -10.5 -0.3 -0.2 12.5 -0.6 -23.9 -11.7 -3.2 -7.6 3.9 10.0 12.6 13.7 -2.4 26.3 9.6 11.9 11.0 20.8 24.5 10.0 10.6 16.9 4.6 10.7 5.5 16.3 4.5 -18.4 8.8 1.0 10.7 2.8 0.5 -6.1 4.6 -2.2 128 Table 6-11 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OUTLAYS BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 70 FY 71 FY 72 FY 73 FY 74 FY 75 FY 76 FY 77 FY 78 FY 79 FY 80 23,031 2,849 21,609 21,584 7,166 1,168 614 -807 -145 22,633 3,386 20,941 18,858 7,303 1,095 598 -219 -123 23,036 3,885 21,675 17,131 7,881 1,108 688 -223 -104 23,246 4,390 21,069 15,654 8,157 1,119 729 -1,030 -111 23,728 5,128 22,478 15,241 8,582 1,407 884 268 -166 24,968 6,242 26,297 16,042 8,866 1,462 1,124 66 -166 25,064 7,296 27,837 15,964 8,923 2,019 1,192 -241 -161 25,715 8,216 30,587 18,178 9,795 1,914 1,358 25 -232 27,075 9,171 33,578 19,976 10,508 1,932 1,405 -429 -174 28,407 10,279 36,424 25,404 11,152 2,080 1,468 286 -487 30,842 11,920 44,770 29,021 13,127 2,450 1,680 -246 -723 77,070 74,472 75,076 73,223 77,550 84,900 87,891 95,557 103,042 115,013 132,840 180,134 18,146 138,351 116,602 602 37,195 5,936 3,228 -3,908 -700 165,535 19,491 125,775 97 382 97,382 35,902 5,282 2,965 -1,013 -570 148,377 20,969 124,688 84 448 84,448 37,003 5,120 3,254 -996 -466 135,306 22,337 116,243 74 462 74,462 36,541 4,910 3,318 -4,411 -474 129,640 23,792 112,646 67,999 999 36,082 5,756 3,749 1,084 -672 126,303 25,382 118,812 63 537 63,537 32,926 5,222 4,188 231 -583 120,623 26,719 115,705 58 943 58,943 30,770 6,766 4,135 -787 -527 117,200 28,409 115,913 62 148 62,148 31,102 5,956 4,315 77 -701 115,395 29,495 116,912 63 564 63,564 31,012 5,617 4,180 -1,209 -491 114,264 30,534 119,829 73 894 73,894 29,686 5,572 3,823 739 -1,259 114,913 31,590 124,774 75 771 75,771 31,688 5,944 3,814 -574 -1,690 494,984 450,749 422,397 388,231 380,076 376,017 362,348 364,418 364,475 377,081 386,230 -3.7 8.5 -7.9 -13.6 -8.2 -18.5 -6.9 -8.1 7.4 -9.1 -16.5 -3.5 -11.0 -8.9 -10.4 7.6 -0.9 -13.3 3.1 -3.1 -6.3 -8.8 6.5 -6.8 -11.8 -1.2 -4.1 -8.1 -4.2 6.5 -3.1 -8.7 -1.3 17.2 -2.1 -2.6 6.7 5.5 -6.6 -8.7 -9.3 -1.1 -4.5 5.3 -2.6 -7.2 -6.5 29.6 -3.6 -2.8 6.3 0.2 5.4 1.1 -12.0 0.6 -1.5 3.8 0.9 2.3 -0.3 -5.7 -1.0 3.5 2.5 16.3 -4.3 -0.8 3.5 0.6 3.5 4.1 2.5 6.7 6.7 2.4 129 Table 6-11 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OUTLAYS BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 81 FY 82 FY 83 FY 84 FY 85 FY 86 FY 87 FY 88 FY 89 FY 90 FY 91 36,409 13,729 51,864 34,819 15,278 2,458 3,424 36 -1,864 42,341 14,938 59,674 42,993 17,729 2,924 3,939 693 -711 45,523 15,945 64,915 53,652 20,554 3,524 2,126 -805 -394 47,655 16,471 67,369 61,879 23,117 3,706 2,413 -1,069 -733 67,842 71,511 72,020 76,337 80,676 75,622 83,439 72,348 70,381 27,103 4,260 2,642 1,334 -541 75,259 76,517 32,283 5,067 2,819 2,877 -697 76,178 80,744 33,596 5,853 2,908 3,522 -814 84,475 77,166 34,792 5,874 3,082 1,021 -811 87,001 81,620 37,002 5,275 3,257 753 -703 88,340 80,972 37,458 5,080 3,501 -330 -888 101,769 82,028 34,589 3,497 3,296 -1,813 -44,416 156,153 184,520 205,040 220,806 245,370 265,636 274,007 281,935 294,880 289,755 262,389 118,421 32,719 129,536 81 762 81,762 33,305 5,420 7,154 76 -3,940 120,178 33,405 139,673 89 622 89,622 36,009 6,042 7,663 1,363 -1,397 123,073 33,705 146,996 103 777 103,777 40,018 7,007 4,103 -1,520 -745 123,402 33,672 150,106 112 626 112,626 43,332 7,101 4,516 -1,946 -1,334 158,541 161,001 159,140 161,076 163,638 153,619 159,166 156,881 123,889 889 49,075 7,853 4,784 2,347 -952 160,362 131,021 021 56,810 9,039 4,976 4,926 -1,194 158,005 134 625 134,625 57,470 10,077 4,998 5,873 -1,357 167,384 124 911 124,911 57,481 9,758 5,129 1,653 -1,313 165,506 126 796 126,796 58,586 8,433 5,200 1,170 -1,092 162,735 120 835 120,835 57,015 7,787 5,349 -493 -1,325 170,701 117 364 117,364 50,590 5,197 4,807 -2,594 -63,550 404,453 432,557 456,412 471,474 502,417 526,941 528,829 526,079 528,237 505,524 441,681 3.1 3.6 3.8 7.9 5.1 -8.8 4.7 1.5 2.1 7.8 9.6 8.1 11.5 6.9 2.4 0.9 5.2 15.8 11.1 16.0 5.5 0.3 -0.1 2.1 8.5 8.3 1.3 3.3 28.5 1.6 -1.2 1.2 1.6 -6.1 3.6 4.5 10.0 13.3 10.6 6.6 2.2 5.8 15.8 15.1 4.9 -1.5 2.8 1.2 11.5 0.4 5.9 -7.2 -1.1 1.5 1.9 -13.6 0.4 -1.7 -4.7 -2.7 -7.7 -4.3 4.9 -2.9 -11.3 -33.3 -12.6 130 -3.2 -0.5 Table 6-11 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OUTLAYS BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 92 FY 93 FY 94 FY 95 FY 96 FY 97 FY 98 FY 99 FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 81,171 75,904 73,137 71,851 66,669 69,722 68,976 69,503 75,950 73,977 86,802 92,048 74,881 34,632 4,262 3,271 3,112 -6,414 94,121 69,936 36,968 4,831 3,255 -4,745 -1,682 87,929 61,758 34,786 4,979 3,316 3,570 -841 91,080 54,984 34,710 6,826 3,570 -706 -1,707 88,761 48,912 36,561 6,684 3,829 2,506 -664 92,465 47,691 37,026 6,188 4,004 2,674 -1,441 93,473 48,214 37,423 6,046 3,869 329 -2,193 96,420 48,824 37,362 5,519 3,692 884 -826 105,871 51,697 37,609 5,111 3,417 3,196 -1,617 112,019 54,991 40,462 4,978 3,516 2,097 -1,059 130,165 62,511 44,388 5,057 3,738 1,219 -1,763 286,962 278,588 268,635 260,608 253,258 258,330 256,136 261,379 281,234 290,980 332,116 150,939 135,156 126,322 121,657 111,731 112,335 106,409 104,110 107,722 102,427 113,034 153,388 104,017 017 49,177 6,095 4,652 4,560 -8,909 158,032 94 872 94,872 51,700 6,719 4,524 -6,190 -2,282 146,261 82 136 82,136 47,620 6,789 4,493 5,075 -1,119 147,507 71 762 71,762 46,511 9,071 4,757 -611 -2,228 140,921 62,587 587 47,893 8,725 4,983 3,501 -850 141,455 59 945 59,945 47,584 7,928 5,105 3,631 -1,811 139,153 60 180 60,180 47,553 7,687 4,897 652 -2,738 141,198 60 459 60,459 47,194 6,943 4,627 1,095 -1,023 150,681 63 132 63,132 46,672 6,342 4,232 3,903 -1,974 153,140 65 903 65,903 49,153 6,063 4,260 2,513 -1,270 173,581 74 320 74,320 53,272 6,085 4,498 1,450 -2,097 463,919 442,531 417,577 398,426 379,491 376,171 363,793 364,603 380,709 382,189 424,143 -5.2 -10.5 -6.5 -3.7 -8.2 0.5 -5.3 -2.2 3.5 -4.9 10.4 -10.1 -11.4 -2.8 17.3 5.0 3.0 -8.8 5.1 10.2 -4.6 -7.4 -13.4 -7.9 1.0 -5.6 0.9 -12.6 -2.3 33.6 -4.6 -4.5 -12.8 3.0 -3.8 -4.8 0.4 -4.2 -0.6 -9.1 -0.9 -1.6 0.4 -0.1 -3.0 -3.3 1.5 0.5 -0.8 -9.7 0.2 6.7 4.4 -1.1 -8.7 4.4 1.6 4.4 5.3 -4.4 0.4 13.3 12.8 8.4 0.4 11.0 131 Table 6-11 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OUTLAYS BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL RETIRED PAY,DEF OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 03 FY 04 FY 05 FY 06 FY 07 FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 106,746 113,576 127,463 127,542 128,827 138,941 147,340 153,213 143,993 146,639 150,584 154,852 159,038 151,430 67,925 53,102 5,850 3,782 -202 -1,291 174,049 76,217 60,756 6,310 3,903 2,341 -635 188,120 82,294 65,691 5,331 3,719 2,788 -1,251 203,787 89,758 68,628 6,245 3,717 2,230 -2,629 216,617 99,647 73,136 7,892 3,471 1,370 -1,872 244,831 117,395 75,119 11,564 3,590 4,801 -1,643 259,228 130,119 79,030 16,624 2,719 2,642 -1,366 274,025 146,888 79,272 23,744 3,333 4,451 -1,254 226,734 130,508 77,348 19,016 2,872 2,996 -1,703 212,007 120,772 75,646 18,605 2,099 1,266 -1,710 218,685 119,095 73,397 16,098 1,749 1,189 -1,675 227,162 122,255 71,124 14,682 1,639 973 -1,640 235,620 127,423 69,771 13,494 1,558 1,109 -1,636 387,340 436,517 474,154 499,277 529,089 594,599 636,337 683,673 601,764 575,324 579,123 591,046 606,376 134,062 138,464 149,813 145,367 142,983 149,155 153,304 155,420 143,993 143,501 144,148 144,561 144,777 196,951 79,958 62,909 6,934 4,525 -238 -1,520 216,590 87,960 70,368 7,318 4,565 2,701 701 -732 221,017 92,386 73,925 6,017 4,189 3,129 129 -1,404 230,235 97,735 74,956 6,836 4,061 2 428 2,428 -2,862 237,477 105,651 77,815 8,402 3,698 1,453 453 -1,985 257,371 121,551 78,065 12,006 3,717 4,971 971 -1,701 270,435 132,734 80,779 16,972 2,776 2,695 695 -1,393 278,395 148,504 80,173 24,008 3,373 4,495 495 -1,268 226,734 130,508 77,348 19,016 2,872 2 996 2,996 -1,703 207,591 118,870 74,399 18,306 2,065 1,246 246 -1,683 209,633 115,260 70,932 15,568 1,691 1,150 150 -1,621 213,165 116,341 67,534 13,954 1,557 926 -1,561 216,419 119,232 65,089 12,604 1,454 1,038 038 -1,531 483,581 527,234 549,073 558,757 575,495 625,137 658,301 693,099 601,764 564,296 556,762 556,477 559,082 18.6 3.3 8.2 -3.0 -1.6 4.3 2.8 1.4 -7.4 -0.3 0.5 0.3 0.1 13.5 7.6 18.1 14.0 14.0 10.0 10.0 11.9 5.5 9.0 2.0 5.0 5.1 -17.8 4.1 4.2 5.8 1.4 13.6 1.8 3.1 8.1 3.8 22.9 3.0 8.4 15.0 0.3 42.9 8.6 5.1 9.2 3.5 41.4 5.3 2.9 11.9 -0.8 41.5 5.3 -18.6 -12.1 -3.5 -20.8 -13.2 -8.4 -8.9 -3.8 -3.7 -6.2 1.0 -3.0 -4.7 -15.0 -1.3 1.7 0.9 -4.8 -10.4 -0.1 1.5 2.5 -3.6 -9.7 0.5 Totals include enacted budget authority and indefinite budget authority amounts, enacted OCO funding, and funding for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. 132 Table 6-12 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OUTLAYS BY CATEGORY (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS CIVILIAN PAYROLL MILITARY PAY MILITARY RETIRED PAY / ACCRUAL TOTAL PAY MILITARY MEDICAL ACCRUAL OTHER MIL PERS O+M EXCL PAY PROC, RDT&E, CONST TOTAL NON PAY TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT FY DOLLARS CIVILIAN PAYROLL MILITARY PAY MILITARY RETIRED PAY / ACCRUAL TOTAL PAY MILITARY MEDICAL ACCRUAL OTHER MIL PERS O+M EXCL PAY PROC, RDTE, CONST TOTAL NON PAY TOTAL, CONSTANT $ FY 48 FY 49 FY 50 FY 51 FY 52 FY 53 FY 54 FY 55 FY 56 FY 57 FY 58 2,472 3,428 175 2,712 3,747 193 2,586 4,154 195 3,222 6,890 324 4,780 9,375 329 5,516 10,097 357 5,271 9,461 386 5,255 9,244 419 5,502 9,136 477 5,701 9,117 511 6,003 8,993 562 6,075 6,652 6,935 10,437 14,485 15,971 15,118 14,917 15,115 15,330 15,558 1,005 826 2,245 4,076 10,151 746 1,188 2,655 4,589 11,241 748 1,233 2,759 4,739 11,674 403 3,981 4,751 9,135 19,572 2,018 8,427 13,785 24,230 38,716 1,725 6,202 19,512 27,439 43,410 1,811 4,929 18,198 24,938 40,056 1,742 2,661 15,849 20,252 35,169 1,976 3,028 15,277 20,281 35,396 1,786 4,027 16,956 22,768 38,098 2,063 4,222 17,350 23,636 39,194 50,095 73,288 2,696 50,824 80,323 2,957 46,304 79,212 3 109 3,109 58,485 123,414 3,215 81,229 169,082 3,334 90,265 170,596 3,560 82,062 161,771 4,118 77,185 154,611 4,210 75,858 145,946 4,490 75,545 148,166 4,631 74,602 139,685 5,044 126,078 134,103 128,626 185,114 253,645 264,420 247,951 236,006 226,295 228,342 219,331 7,886 9,744 19,775 37,405 163,483 5,518 12,177 21,990 39,686 173,789 5,685 12,645 23,635 41,965 170,591 2,797 38,091 37,066 77,954 263,068 14,511 73,699 107,301 195,512 449,156 12,236 52,563 149,960 214,759 479,180 13,100 44,498 145,981 203,579 451,530 11,822 26,480 121,363 159,665 395,671 12,882 29,780 110,609 153,271 379,566 10,817 35,277 113,594 159,687 388,029 12,357 35,812 115,420 163,588 382,919 133 Table 6-12 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OUTLAYS BY CATEGORY (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS CIVILIAN PAYROLL MILITARY PAY MILITARY RETIRED PAY / ACCRUAL TOTAL PAY MILITARY MEDICAL ACCRUAL OTHER MIL PERS O+M EXCL PAY PROC, RDT&E, CONST TOTAL NON PAY TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT FY DOLLARS CIVILIAN PAYROLL MILITARY PAY MILITARY RETIRED PAY / ACCRUAL TOTAL PAY MILITARY MEDICAL ACCRUAL OTHER MIL PERS O+M EXCL PAY PROC, RDTE, CONST TOTAL NON PAY TOTAL, CONSTANT $ FY 59 FY 60 FY 61 FY 62 FY 63 FY 64 FY 65 FY 66 FY 67 FY 68 FY 69 6,327 9,269 641 6,240 9,168 694 6,616 9,181 786 7,034 9,917 894 7,295 9,762 1,015 7,502 10,615 1,209 7,833 11,019 1,384 8,500 12,178 1,591 9,654 14,111 1,830 10,578 15,264 2,095 11,301 16,699 2,444 16,238 16,103 16,583 17,846 18,072 19,326 20,237 22,269 25,595 27,937 30,444 1,890 5,133 18,205 25,229 41,467 1,875 4,875 18,641 25,390 41,494 2,118 5,025 19,566 26,709 43,292 2,220 6,022 20,738 28,980 46,826 2,222 4,871 22,775 29,869 47,941 2,371 5,738 22,035 30,144 49,470 2,367 5,616 17,660 25,644 45,880 2,984 8,433 20,407 31,824 54,093 3,846 11,982 25,935 41,762 67,357 4,595 14,296 30,437 49,328 77,265 4,675 12,119 30,548 47,341 77,785 73,999 134,571 5,382 70,974 131,756 5,874 69,898 130,860 6 671 6,671 72,596 142,126 7,583 72,583 138,686 8,674 71,609 138,789 9,936 70,565 138,712 11,182 73,938 141,654 12,297 80,835 156,499 13,644 85,664 161,425 15,109 86,063 163,555 16,732 213,953 208,604 207,429 222,305 219,944 220,334 220,459 227,888 250,979 262,199 266,350 11,059 40,875 119,954 171,888 385,840 11,059 38,647 124,421 174,127 382,731 12,244 39,081 127,412 178,736 386,165 12,989 45,915 136,863 195,767 418,071 12,962 38,958 151,304 203,224 423,168 13,774 43,799 144,090 201,663 421,997 13,600 42,481 113,368 169,450 389,909 16,594 58,125 124,775 199,494 427,382 20,645 77,391 150,461 248,497 499,476 23,854 88,465 169,160 281,480 543,679 23,525 76,289 165,291 265,105 531,455 134 Table 6-12 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OUTLAYS BY CATEGORY (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS CIVILIAN PAYROLL MILITARY PAY MILITARY RETIRED PAY / ACCRUAL TOTAL PAY MILITARY MEDICAL ACCRUAL OTHER MIL PERS O+M EXCL PAY PROC, RDT&E, CONST TOTAL NON PAY TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT FY DOLLARS CIVILIAN PAYROLL MILITARY PAY MILITARY RETIRED PAY / ACCRUAL TOTAL PAY MILITARY MEDICAL ACCRUAL OTHER MIL PERS O+M EXCL PAY PROC, RDTE, CONST TOTAL NON PAY TOTAL, CONSTANT $ FY 70 FY 71 FY 72 FY 73 FY 74 FY 75 FY 76 FY 77 FY 78 FY 79 FY 80 12,204 18,638 2,849 12,504 18,676 3,386 13,222 19,762 3,885 13,574 20,494 4,390 14,137 21,013 5,128 15,334 21,573 6,242 16,418 21,885 7,296 17,549 22,598 8,216 18,854 23,815 9,171 20,494 25,084 10,279 22,262 26,854 11,920 33,691 34,566 36,868 38,458 40,278 43,148 45,599 48,364 51,840 55,857 61,035 4,393 11,400 27,586 43,379 77,070 3,956 10,918 25,032 39,906 74,472 3,274 11,114 23,820 38,208 75,076 2,752 9,314 22,699 34,765 73,223 2,715 11,517 23,041 37,272 77,550 3,395 14,043 24,314 41,752 84,900 3,178 14,316 24,798 42,293 87,891 3,117 16,581 27,495 47,194 95,557 3,260 17,989 29,953 51,202 103,042 3,323 18,413 37,420 59,156 115,013 3,988 24,543 43,274 71,805 132,840 83,243 158,865 18,146 78,492 147,212 19,491 76,664 133,774 20 969 20,969 74,200 123,521 22,337 70,970 118,663 23,792 71,212 114,371 25,382 70,500 110,232 26,719 69,287 107,780 28,409 68,915 106,196 29,495 70,737 105,669 30,534 71,923 105,588 31,590 260,254 245,195 231,406 220,058 213,424 210,966 207,451 205,476 204,607 206,940 209,102 21,269 69,634 143,828 234,730 494,984 18,323 62,628 124,603 205,555 450,749 14,603 63,155 113,233 190,990 422,397 11,785 52,671 103,717 168,173 388,231 10,977 56,829 98,845 166,652 380,076 11,932 60,984 92,135 165,051 376,017 10,391 57,075 87,431 154,898 362,348 9,419 59,761 89,762 158,943 364,418 9,198 59,478 91,192 159,868 364,475 8,595 56,594 104,953 170,141 377,081 9,325 58,676 109,128 177,128 386,230 135 Table 6-12 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OUTLAYS BY CATEGORY (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS CIVILIAN PAYROLL MILITARY PAY MILITARY RETIRED PAY / ACCRUAL TOTAL PAY MILITARY MEDICAL ACCRUAL OTHER MIL PERS O+M EXCL PAY PROC, RDT&E, CONST TOTAL NON PAY TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT FY DOLLARS CIVILIAN PAYROLL MILITARY PAY MILITARY RETIRED PAY / ACCRUAL TOTAL PAY MILITARY MEDICAL ACCRUAL OTHER MIL PERS O+M EXCL PAY PROC, RDTE, CONST TOTAL NON PAY TOTAL, CONSTANT $ FY 81 FY 82 FY 83 FY 84 FY 85 FY 86 FY 87 FY 88 FY 89 FY 90 FY 91 23,775 31,067 13,729 26,065 36,930 14,938 27,762 39,090 15,945 29,452 41,367 16,471 31,404 43,967 17,072 32,161 46,220 17,415 34,095 47,713 18,241 35,851 49,494 18,265 37,612 50,920 18,466 39,806 52,844 16,248 41,139 53,520 17,201 68,571 77,933 82,797 87,289 92,443 95,796 100,049 103,610 106,998 108,898 111,860 5,341 31,010 51,231 87,582 156,153 5,411 38,946 62,230 106,586 184,520 6,433 39,680 76,131 122,244 205,040 6,288 40,168 87,060 133,517 220,806 6,804 46,113 100,010 152,927 245,370 7,877 50,098 111,865 169,840 265,636 6,066 49,708 118,185 173,959 274,007 8,578 53,506 116,242 178,325 281,935 11,290 54,365 122,227 187,883 294,880 6,531 52,695 121,632 180,857 289,755 12,719 19,921 117,889 150,530 262,389 70,632 107,128 32,719 75,460 109,547 33,405 76,229 110,919 33 705 33,705 77,709 111,957 33,672 80,133 113,118 33,447 80,321 114,004 33,509 80,165 115,117 33,910 79,264 113,805 33,385 78,250 112,997 33,102 78,938 111,194 32,680 78,465 107,428 33,540 210,479 218,412 220,853 223,338 226,697 227,835 229,192 226,454 224,350 222,812 219,432 11,293 66,208 116,473 193,974 404,453 10,631 76,085 127,429 214,146 432,557 12,154 77,173 146,233 235,559 456,412 11,445 78,152 158,539 248,136 471,474 11,976 87,605 176,138 275,720 502,417 13,487 94,015 191,604 299,106 526,941 10,113 92,404 197,121 299,637 528,829 13,886 97,435 188,304 299,625 526,079 17,539 96,334 190,014 303,887 528,237 9,746 91,350 181,617 282,712 505,524 18,198 35,324 168,727 222,249 441,681 136 Table 6-12 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OUTLAYS BY CATEGORY (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS CIVILIAN PAYROLL MILITARY PAY MILITARY RETIRED PAY / ACCRUAL TOTAL PAY MILITARY MEDICAL ACCRUAL OTHER MIL PERS O+M EXCL PAY PROC, RDT&E, CONST TOTAL NON PAY TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT FY DOLLARS CIVILIAN PAYROLL MILITARY PAY MILITARY RETIRED PAY / ACCRUAL TOTAL PAY MILITARY MEDICAL ACCRUAL OTHER MIL PERS O+M EXCL PAY PROC, RDTE, CONST TOTAL NON PAY TOTAL, CONSTANT $ FY 92 FY 93 FY 94 FY 95 FY 96 FY 97 FY 98 FY 99 FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 41,779 54,084 15,913 44,168 52,377 13,029 43,580 49,235 12,277 43,559 49,400 12,123 43,031 49,238 11,153 42,740 49,146 11,070 41,255 44,007 10,380 41,226 44,722 10,454 41,932 43,585 11,366 43,241 45,619 11,308 45,864 48,698 13,355 111,776 109,574 105,093 105,082 103,422 102,957 95,642 96,403 96,883 100,168 107,916 11,174 52,490 111,521 175,185 286,962 10,498 50,330 108,186 169,014 278,588 11,624 53,506 98,413 163,542 268,635 10,327 51,379 93,820 155,526 260,608 6,278 53,918 89,640 149,836 253,258 9,506 57,529 88,339 155,373 258,330 14,590 56,631 89,274 160,494 256,136 14,326 61,956 88,694 164,976 261,379 20,999 71,952 91,400 184,351 281,234 17,049 76,647 97,115 190,812 290,980 24,749 90,674 108,777 224,200 332,116 76,494 104,896 30,521 77,889 96,828 24,086 74,952 88,736 22 127 22,127 73,110 86,862 21,316 70,533 84,547 19,151 68,015 81,931 18,455 63,863 71,366 16,833 61,601 70,006 16,365 59,786 65,100 16,977 59,453 65,707 16,287 60,286 65,614 17,994 211,911 198,803 185,815 181,288 174,231 168,402 152,062 147,972 141,863 141,448 143,894 15,522 81,449 155,037 252,008 463,919 14,242 82,613 146,874 243,728 442,531 15,459 85,316 130,987 231,762 417,577 13,479 81,159 122,500 217,138 398,426 8,033 82,524 114,703 205,260 379,491 11,948 84,776 111,045 207,770 376,171 18,211 82,079 111,442 211,731 363,793 17,740 88,989 109,903 216,632 364,603 25,644 101,494 111,707 238,845 380,709 20,433 103,867 116,442 240,742 382,189 29,425 121,436 129,388 280,249 424,143 137 Table 6-12 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OUTLAYS BY CATEGORY (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS CIVILIAN PAYROLL MILITARY PAY MILITARY RETIRED PAY / ACCRUAL TOTAL PAY MILITARY MEDICAL ACCRUAL OTHER MIL PERS O+M EXCL PAY PROC, RDT&E, CONST TOTAL NON PAY TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT FY DOLLARS CIVILIAN PAYROLL MILITARY PAY MILITARY RETIRED PAY / ACCRUAL TOTAL PAY MILITARY MEDICAL ACCRUAL OTHER MIL PERS O+M EXCL PAY PROC, RDTE, CONST TOTAL NON PAY TOTAL, CONSTANT $ FY 03 FY 04 FY 05 FY 06 FY 07 FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 47,346 51,144 13,507 50,305 62,348 14,096 53,535 63,039 14,592 57,222 64,603 14,211 58,148 65,634 15,261 61,296 69,043 16,106 66,424 71,549 17,493 72,039 74,865 19,926 77,074 69,381 19,311 80,009 70,894 19,419 82,617 72,539 19,833 84,616 74,426 20,286 86,581 76,464 20,758 111,997 7,695 126,749 8,307 131,166 10,065 136,037 10,135 139,042 11,231 146,445 11,185 155,465 10,351 166,830 10,796 165,766 10,872 170,322 11,586 174,989 12,297 179,328 13,055 183,804 13,863 34,400 109,892 123,356 275,343 387,340 28,825 132,229 140,407 309,768 436,517 39,767 143,028 150,128 342,988 474,154 38,592 154,362 160,151 363,240 499,277 36,702 165,970 176,144 390,046 529,089 42,607 197,575 196,788 448,155 594,599 47,948 204,522 218,051 480,871 636,337 47,626 215,883 242,538 516,843 683,673 44,428 161,992 218,705 435,998 601,764 44,740 142,423 206,253 405,002 575,324 45,915 146,618 199,304 404,134 579,123 47,085 153,122 198,455 411,718 591,046 47,953 159,950 200,808 422,573 606,376 59,783 65,817 17,382 61,018 77,038 17,417 62,740 75,258 17,420 65,044 74,807 16,456 64,674 74,002 17,207 65,870 75,213 17,545 68,697 75,017 18,341 73,042 75,913 20,205 77,074 69,381 19,311 78,226 69,300 18,983 78,975 69,314 18,951 79,084 69,180 18,856 79,118 69,139 18,769 142,982 10,370 , 155,473 10,743 , 155,418 12,491 , 156,307 12,083 , 155,882 12,862 , 158,628 12,282 , 162,055 11,034 , 169,160 11,152 , 165,766 10,872 , 166,508 11,183 , 167,241 11,446 , 167,120 11,718 , 167,026 11,999 , 40,493 144,447 145,290 340,600 483,581 33,266 165,644 162,108 371,761 527,234 44,644 167,966 168,553 393,655 549,073 42,022 173,951 174,394 402,450 558,757 38,913 181,070 186,768 419,613 575,495 44,115 206,375 203,736 466,509 625,137 48,912 213,814 222,486 496,246 658,301 48,150 219,426 245,212 523,939 693,099 44,428 161,992 218,705 435,998 601,764 44,035 139,561 203,007 397,787 564,296 44,436 140,746 192,892 389,521 556,762 44,808 143,969 188,862 389,357 556,477 44,870 147,277 187,910 392,056 559,082 Totals include enacted budget authority and indefinite budget authority amounts, enacted OCO funding, and funding for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. 138 Table 6-13 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OUTLAYS BY SERVICE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE DEFENSE-WIDE TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE DEFENSE-WIDE TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE TOTAL FY 48 FY 49 FY 50 FY 51 FY 52 FY 53 FY 54 FY 55 FY 56 FY 57 FY 58 3,396 3,845 2,735 175 10,151 3,488 3,952 3,601 200 11,241 3,916 4,035 3,519 204 11,674 7,395 5,528 6,287 362 19,572 15,561 10,112 12,650 393 38,716 16,249 11,616 15,137 408 43,410 12,828 11,208 15,588 432 40,056 8,788 9,694 16,227 461 35,169 8,588 9,641 16,613 553 35,396 8,972 10,318 18,235 572 38,098 9,131 11,009 18,411 644 39,194 58,921 60,582 41,281 2,700 163,483 61,216 59,498 50,033 3,042 173,789 59,590 58,681 49,065 3,255 170,591 102,344 78,255 78,891 3,579 263,068 178,559 123,603 143,091 3,903 449,156 178,398 136,844 159,906 4,031 479,180 148,980 132,740 165,268 4,542 451,530 112,461 114,466 164,155 4,588 395,671 102,780 109,570 162,140 5,077 379,566 103,605 111,396 167,942 5,086 388,029 100,255 111,944 165,101 5,619 382,919 3.9 -1.8 21.2 21.2 6.3 -2.7 -1.4 -1.9 -1.9 -1.8 71.7 33.4 60.8 60.8 54.2 74.5 57.9 81.4 81.4 70.7 -0.1 10.7 11.8 11.8 6.7 -16.5 -3.0 3.4 3.4 -5.8 -24.5 -13.8 -0.7 -0.7 -12.4 -8.6 -4.3 -1.2 -1.2 -4.1 0.8 1.7 3.66 3. 2.2 -3.2 0.5 -1.7 -1 7 -1.3 139 Table 6-13 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OUTLAYS BY SERVICE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE DEFENSE-WIDE TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE DEFENSE-WIDE TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE TOTAL FY 59 FY 60 FY 61 FY 62 FY 63 FY 64 FY 65 FY 66 FY 67 FY 68 FY 69 9,533 11,835 19,249 849 41,467 9,453 11,726 19,289 1,025 41,494 10,145 12,234 19,804 1,109 43,292 11,248 13,191 20,790 1,597 46,826 11,476 13,973 20,610 1,883 47,941 12,011 14,466 20,456 2,537 49,470 11,552 13,339 18,146 2,843 45,880 14,732 15,962 20,065 3,335 54,093 20,958 19,246 22,912 4,241 67,357 25,222 22,072 25,734 4,237 77,265 25,033 22,505 25,892 4,355 77,785 98,332 115,541 165,291 6,676 385,840 96,110 114,264 164,449 7,908 382,731 98,423 115,255 163,873 8,615 386,165 109,005 123,614 173,392 12,061 418,071 107,858 129,670 170,792 14,848 423,168 107,913 128,573 166,610 18,902 421,997 102,670 117,485 148,881 20,873 389,909 119,288 128,715 155,579 23,801 427,382 155,626 145,541 169,545 28,764 499,476 176,611 157,516 181,079 28,472 543,679 170,610 155,917 176,425 28,502 531,455 -1.9 3.2 0.1 0.1 0.8 -2.3 -1.1 -0.5 -0.5 -0.8 2.4 0.9 -0.4 -0.4 0.9 10.8 7.3 5.8 5.8 8.3 -1.1 4.9 -1.5 -1.5 1.2 0.1 -0.8 -2.4 -2.4 -0.3 -4.9 -8.6 -10.6 -10.6 -7.6 16.2 9.6 4.5 4.5 9.6 30.5 13.1 9.00 9. 16.9 13.5 8.2 6.88 6. 8.8 -3.4 -1.0 -2.6 -2 6 -2.2 140 Table 6-13 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OUTLAYS BY SERVICE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE DEFENSE-WIDE TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE DEFENSE-WIDE TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE TOTAL FY 70 FY 71 FY 72 FY 73 FY 74 FY 75 FY 76 FY 77 FY 78 FY 79 FY 80 24,749 22,505 24,867 4,948 77,070 23,077 22,051 23,778 5,566 74,472 22,596 22,336 23,999 6,146 75,076 20,185 22,470 23,627 6,941 73,223 21,395 23,984 23,928 8,243 77,550 21,920 27,393 25,042 10,545 84,900 21,398 28,462 26,446 11,585 87,891 23,919 30,775 27,915 12,948 95,557 26,019 33,524 29,217 14,282 103,042 28,770 37,813 32,277 16,152 115,013 32,601 42,710 38,976 18,554 132,840 157,891 145,425 161,521 30,147 494,984 140,328 133,342 145,950 31,129 450,749 126,594 126,372 137,076 32,355 422,397 107,518 119,449 126,647 34,616 388,231 106,011 117,358 119,089 37,618 380,076 99,487 121,566 112,934 42,030 376,017 91,972 117,387 110,766 42,222 362,348 95,232 117,787 108,480 42,920 364,418 96,003 118,648 105,693 44,131 364,475 98,920 124,123 108,285 45,752 377,081 101,393 124,463 113,383 46,990 386,230 -7.5 -6.7 -8.4 -8.4 -6.9 -11.1 -8.3 -9.6 -9.6 -8.9 -9.8 -5.2 -6.1 -6.1 -6.3 -15.1 -5.5 -7.6 -7.6 -8.1 -1.4 -1.8 -6.0 -6.0 -2.1 -6.2 3.6 -5.2 -5.2 -1.1 -7.6 -3.4 -1.9 -1.9 -3.6 3.5 0.3 -2.1 -2.1 0.6 0.8 0.7 -2.6 -2.6 0.0 3.0 4.6 2.55 2. 3.5 2.5 0.3 47 4.7 2.4 141 Table 6-13 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OUTLAYS BY SERVICE (Dollars in Millions) FY 81 FY 82 FY 83 FY 84 FY 85 FY 86 FY 87 FY 88 FY 89 FY 90 FY 91 CURRENT DOLLARS ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE DEFENSE-WIDE TOTAL, CURRENT $ 37,620 50,482 45,157 22,895 156,153 45,281 59,242 55,676 24,321 184,520 51,520 67,402 62,894 23,224 205,040 55,655 70,920 68,620 25,611 220,806 66,708 84,197 81,988 12,476 245,370 71,107 88,492 91,188 14,848 265,636 73,808 90,813 91,144 18,241 274,007 77,315 94,570 93,060 16,990 281,935 79,973 101,171 94,676 19,060 294,880 78,017 97,725 93,546 20,468 289,755 90,360 102,180 94,510 -24,661 262,389 CONSTANT DOLLARS ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE DEFENSE-WIDE TOTAL, CONSTANT $ 104,444 130,771 117,226 52,012 404,453 112,677 138,843 129,271 51,767 432,557 120,451 149,560 138,942 47,459 456,412 124,220 151,505 145,439 50,310 471,474 141,208 172,449 166,798 21,962 502,417 145,418 176,482 179,615 25,426 526,941 146,841 176,055 175,518 30,415 528,829 147,745 177,134 173,697 27,503 526,079 146,612 181,488 170,526 29,610 528,237 139,656 171,113 164,173 30,581 505,524 151,717 169,431 155,779 -35,245 441,681 3.0 5.1 3.4 3.4 4.7 7.9 6.2 10.3 10.3 6.9 6.9 7.7 7.5 7.5 5.5 3.1 1.3 4.7 4.7 3.3 13.7 13.8 14.7 14.7 6.6 3.0 2.3 7.7 7.7 4.9 1.0 -0.2 -2.3 -2.3 0.4 0.6 0.6 -1.0 -1.0 -0.5 -0.8 2.5 -1.8 -1.8 0.4 -4.7 -5.7 -3.7 -3.7 -4.3 8.6 -1.0 -5.1 -5 1 -12.6 % REAL GROWTH ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE TOTAL 142 Table 6-13 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OUTLAYS BY SERVICE (Dollars in Millions) FY 92 FY 93 FY 94 FY 95 FY 96 FY 97 FY 98 FY 99 FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 CURRENT DOLLARS ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE DEFENSE-WIDE TOTAL, CURRENT $ 79,228 96,858 85,019 25,857 286,962 72,233 94,914 83,802 27,640 278,588 64,999 85,927 80,289 37,420 268,635 63,692 85,910 76,799 34,207 260,608 61,183 79,587 75,378 37,109 253,258 64,346 82,098 76,622 35,264 258,330 64,586 78,047 77,906 35,597 256,136 65,773 78,598 79,158 37,850 261,379 70,336 87,204 82,092 41,602 281,234 73,800 90,444 84,827 41,909 290,980 83,319 98,547 95,561 54,688 332,116 CONSTANT DOLLARS ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE DEFENSE-WIDE TOTAL, CONSTANT $ 132,358 157,439 137,925 36,197 463,919 116,377 149,879 130,931 45,344 442,531 103,603 131,976 123,493 58,506 417,577 99,540 128,931 117,227 52,728 398,426 93,718 117,891 112,297 55,584 379,491 95,293 118,130 110,756 51,992 376,171 92,596 109,905 109,501 51,792 363,793 91,708 109,649 109,420 53,826 364,603 94,886 117,309 110,698 57,817 380,709 96,610 117,652 110,296 57,631 382,189 105,453 125,016 121,385 72,289 424,143 -12.8 -7.1 -11.5 -11.5 5.0 -12.1 -4.8 -5.1 -5.1 -4.6 -11.0 -11.9 -5.7 -5.7 -5.6 -3.9 -2.3 -5.1 -5.1 -4.6 -5.8 -8.6 -4.2 -4.2 -4.8 1.7 0.2 -1.4 -1.4 -0.9 -2.8 -7.0 -1.1 -1.1 -3.3 -1.0 -0.2 -0.1 -0.1 0.2 3.5 7.0 1.22 1. 4.4 1.8 0.3 -0.4 -0.4 0.4 9.2 6.3 10.1 11.0 % REAL GROWTH ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE TOTAL 143 Table 6-13 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OUTLAYS BY SERVICE (Dollars in Millions) FY 03 FY 04 FY 05 FY 06 FY 07 FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 CURRENT DOLLARS ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE DEFENSE-WIDE TOTAL, CURRENT $ 105,248 112,017 111,559 58,517 387,340 129,034 120,381 122,162 64,940 436,517 152,098 126,088 127,939 68,029 474,154 163,336 132,267 132,706 70,967 499,277 179,379 139,141 135,262 75,306 529,089 211,682 152,459 144,983 85,475 594,599 230,958 158,108 152,307 94,963 636,337 239,262 166,642 161,567 116,202 683,673 179,387 162,338 154,477 105,563 601,764 155,765 162,202 152,771 104,585 575,324 153,147 164,884 152,493 108,600 579,123 153,851 167,190 154,764 115,241 591,046 154,355 170,884 160,168 120,969 606,376 CONSTANT DOLLARS ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE DEFENSE-WIDE TOTAL, CONSTANT $ 129,684 139,650 139,447 74,800 483,581 154,033 145,150 147,843 80,208 527,234 174,793 145,393 147,939 80,948 549,073 181,685 147,578 148,026 81,469 558,757 194,091 150,973 147,057 83,375 575,495 222,184 159,969 151,621 91,362 625,137 237,763 163,784 157,989 98,764 658,301 242,290 168,940 163,804 118,066 693,099 179,387 162,338 154,477 105,563 601,764 152,772 159,183 149,969 102,371 564,296 147,201 158,737 146,878 103,945 556,762 144,726 157,750 146,148 107,853 556,477 142,067 158,011 148,297 110,707 559,082 23.0 11.7 14.9 14.0 18.8 3.9 6.0 9.0 13.5 0.2 0.1 4.1 3.9 1.5 0.1 1.8 6.8 2.3 -0.7 3.0 14.5 6.0 3.1 8.6 7.0 2.4 4.2 5.3 1.9 3.1 3.7 5.3 -26.0 -3.9 -5.7 -13.2 -14.8 -1.9 -2.9 -6.2 -3.6 -0.3 -2.1 -1.3 -1.7 -0.6 -0.5 -0.1 -1.8 0.2 1.5 0.5 % REAL GROWTH ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE TOTAL Totals include enacted budget authority and indefinite budget authority amounts, enacted OCO funding, and funding for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. 144 Table 6-14 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE CIVILIAN PAY (Current Dollars in Thousands) FY 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 GS WAGE BOARD TOTAL U.S. FOREIGN NATIONALS TOTAL DIR HIRE INDIRECT HIRE FN TOTAL CIV PAY 7,322,460 7,563,332 8,125,799 8,243,279 8,564,289 9,157,047 9,713,310 10,364,135 11,063,068 12,255,408 13,300,575 14,165,371 15,800,350 17,598,704 18,597,308 20,357,719 21 255 995 21,255,995 22,529,058 23,895,795 25,481,775 27,327,015 28,679,764 29,668,620 31,334,339 32,112,819 32,171,834 32,450,228 32,605,841 31,445,032 31,894,925 32,565,504 33,942,235 36,463,010 38,058,363 40,212,280 4,218,766 4,236,158 4,341,701 4,508,037 4,635,296 5,161,056 5,612,971 5,995,442 6,283,002 6,640,054 7,222,536 7,745,903 8,422,631 8,638,545 9,165,655 9,458,264 9 394 063 9,394,063 9,433,538 9,555,068 9,675,274 9,910,821 9,974,471 9,579,728 10,321,348 9,438,220 9,368,241 8,639,200 8,211,314 8,085,280 7,975,582 7,882,645 7,875,336 8,118,404 8,109,277 8,755,251 11,541,226 11,799,490 12,467,500 12,751,316 13,199,585 14,318,103 15,326,281 16,359,577 17,346,070 18,895,462 20,523,111 21,911,274 24,222,981 26,237,249 27,762,963 29,815,983 30 650 058 30,650,058 31,962,596 33,450,863 35,157,049 37,237,836 38,654,235 39,248,348 41,655,687 41,551,039 41,540,075 41,089,428 40,817,155 39,530,312 39,870,507 40,448,149 41,817,571 44,581,414 46,167,640 48,967,531 293,738 297,534 251,856 179,776 167,923 181,024 200,741 232,510 255,877 282,817 307,627 330,379 360,029 340,864 356,986 365,663 395 480 395,480 454,213 488,464 550,618 634,059 619,588 631,872 644,234 523,075 501,181 627,627 536,098 492,516 444,574 437,151 442,409 463,570 342,300 376,256 11,834,964 12,097,024 12,719,356 12,931,092 13,367,508 14,499,127 15,527,022 16,592,087 17,601,947 19,178,279 20,830,738 22,241,653 24,583,010 26,578,113 28,119,949 30,181,646 31 045 538 31,045,538 32,416,809 33,939,327 35,707,667 37,871,895 39,273,823 39,880,220 42,299,921 42,074,114 42,041,256 41,717,055 41,353,253 40,022,828 40,315,081 40,885,300 42,259,980 45,044,984 46,509,940 49,343,787 368,588 406,956 502,373 642,648 769,487 834,404 890,691 957,228 1,251,639 1,315,714 1,431,132 1,533,365 1,482,442 1,183,643 1,331,913 1,222,151 1 115 798 1,115,798 1,677,939 1,911,939 1,904,390 1,934,594 1,865,466 1,899,189 1,868,189 1,505,849 1,517,319 1,314,076 1,386,928 1,232,017 911,108 1,046,633 981,061 818,599 836,188 961,374 12,203,552 12,503,980 13,221,729 13,573,740 14,136,995 15,333,531 16,417,713 17,549,315 18,853,586 20,493,993 22,261,870 23,775,018 26,065,452 27,761,756 29,451,862 31,403,797 32 161 336 32,161,336 34,094,748 35,851,266 37,612,057 39,806,489 41,139,289 41,779,409 44,168,110 43,579,963 43,558,575 43,031,131 42,740,181 41,254,845 41,226,189 41,931,933 43,241,041 45,863,583 47,346,128 50,305,161 145 Table 6-14 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE CIVILIAN PAY (Current Dollars in Thousands) FY 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 GS WAGE BOARD TOTAL U.S. FOREIGN NATIONALS TOTAL DIR HIRE INDIRECT HIRE FN TOTAL CIV PAY 43,016,309 46,707,259 47,048,054 49,418,883 54,638,646 59,444,343 64,067,515 66,417,917 68,634,943 70,314,136 71,951,284 9,066,115 8,899,655 9,483,080 10,233,909 10,104,506 10,806,903 11,138,510 11,690,049 12,080,262 12,375,813 12,663,963 52,082,424 55,606,914 56,531,134 59,652,792 64,743,152 70,251,246 75,206,025 78,107,966 80,715,205 82,689,949 84,615,247 365,954 466,788 413,695 445,934 458,478 450,776 472,980 483,044 490,983 500,791 512,629 52,448,378 56,073,702 56,944,829 60,098,726 65,201,630 70,702,022 75,679,005 78,591,010 81,206,188 83,190,740 85,127,876 1,086,876 1,148,262 1,202,955 1,197,292 1,222,237 1,337,239 1,394,598 1,418,144 1,410,956 1,425,551 1,453,088 53,535,254 57,221,964 58,147,784 61,296,018 66,423,867 72,039,261 77,073,603 80,009,154 82,617,144 84,616,291 86,580,964 146 Table 6-15 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE CIVILIAN PAY (FY 2011 Dollars in Thousands) FY 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 GS WAGE BOARD TOTAL U.S. FOREIGN NATIONALS TOTAL DIR HIRE INDIRECT HIRE FN TOTAL CIV PAY 42,972,183 41,717,220 42,410,224 40,848,756 39,889,562 40,374,987 40,692,543 40,835,835 40,613,319 42,627,506 43,239,841 42,209,091 45,824,681 47,005,085 47,832,582 50,129,818 51 157 629 51,157,629 51,377,555 51,890,977 51,918,857 53,186,094 53,687,316 53,312,884 54,221,040 54,180,562 52,949,036 52,162,398 50,890,965 47,738,017 46,732,491 46,402,827 46,636,761 47,927,195 48,053,489 48,771,716 30,704,265 28,297,649 26,441,541 26,027,927 24,682,087 24,812,769 23,915,513 22,883,366 22,154,450 21,979,656 22,465,120 22,213,659 23,018,942 22,549,060 23,046,656 23,007,210 22 303 094 22,303,094 21,918,072 20,637,296 19,673,188 19,251,789 18,633,422 17,180,287 17,829,242 15,916,054 15,418,435 13,887,156 12,816,160 12,274,601 11,685,834 11,232,039 10,820,742 10,670,878 10,238,986 10,618,861 73,604,758 70,026,647 68,843,181 66,865,842 64,577,226 65,171,156 64,613,326 63,755,171 62,757,127 64,621,963 65,716,013 64,425,975 68,854,409 69,539,488 70,896,228 73,150,105 73 448 497 73,448,497 73,291,896 72,530,059 71,602,951 72,433,060 72,318,494 70,489,131 72,056,196 70,092,846 68,367,470 66,049,555 63,707,125 60,012,619 58,418,325 57,634,866 57,457,503 58,598,073 58,292,475 59,390,577 3,980,190 3,241,111 2,734,593 1,954,087 1,405,213 1,357,001 1,315,472 1,166,048 1,107,693 1,064,422 1,034,040 1,009,407 1,016,457 1,038,270 1,070,423 1,101,726 1 112 774 1,112,774 1,126,520 1,096,932 1,080,279 1,228,797 1,154,655 1,130,361 1,109,983 878,675 824,854 1,008,884 836,738 747,709 651,390 622,900 607,872 609,319 432,197 456,344 77,657,244 73,270,890 71,617,995 68,819,010 65,979,803 66,540,280 65,932,153 64,888,882 63,867,732 65,679,038 66,722,415 65,455,129 69,857,943 70,592,598 71,954,834 74,247,592 74 557 008 74,557,008 74,418,753 73,621,100 72,679,965 73,666,398 73,477,686 71,623,958 73,170,595 70,975,226 69,192,324 67,058,439 64,543,863 60,760,328 59,069,716 58,257,766 58,065,375 59,207,392 58,724,672 59,846,922 4,086,341 3,782,119 3,658,944 4,009,033 3,690,585 3,363,176 3,275,804 3,110,913 3,798,601 3,766,716 3,864,791 3,905,667 4,219,875 4,253,119 4,338,479 4,421,675 4 281 650 4,281,650 4,277,183 4,187,339 4,142,680 3,822,553 3,544,492 3,464,409 3,282,131 2,579,392 2,546,692 2,153,517 2,207,078 1,906,852 1,361,285 1,492,206 1,348,723 1,075,971 1,055,793 1,166,008 83,242,823 78,491,559 76,663,554 74,199,567 70,969,759 71,212,428 70,499,808 69,286,558 68,915,092 70,736,518 71,923,386 70,632,013 75,459,953 76,229,396 77,709,399 80,132,985 80 321 012 80,321,012 80,165,216 79,264,001 78,250,043 78,938,058 78,464,722 76,493,844 77,888,559 74,951,909 73,110,493 70,532,549 68,015,159 63,863,377 61,601,403 59,786,177 59,452,976 60,285,583 59,783,180 61,017,743 147 Table 6-15 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE CIVILIAN PAY (FY 2011 Dollars in Thousands) FY 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 GS WAGE BOARD TOTAL U.S. FOREIGN NATIONALS TOTAL DIR HIRE INDIRECT HIRE FN TOTAL CIV PAY 50,411,706 53,094,531 52,322,124 53,104,323 56,509,097 60,276,154 64,067,515 64,924,650 65,585,230 65,677,317 65,696,936 10,624,769 10,116,693 10,546,130 10,997,108 10,450,415 10,958,125 11,138,510 11,427,223 11,543,490 11,559,698 11,563,151 61,036,475 63,211,224 62,868,254 64,101,431 66,959,512 71,234,279 75,206,025 76,351,873 77,128,720 77,237,016 77,260,087 428,869 530,622 460,070 479,190 474,173 457,084 472,980 472,184 469,167 467,767 468,069 61,465,344 63,741,846 63,328,324 64,580,621 67,433,685 71,691,363 75,679,005 76,824,057 77,597,886 77,704,782 77,728,156 1,273,733 1,305,288 1,337,806 1,286,581 1,264,078 1,355,951 1,394,598 1,386,260 1,348,262 1,331,544 1,326,779 62,739,813 65,044,030 64,673,611 65,869,752 68,696,927 73,041,924 77,073,603 78,225,735 78,975,444 79,084,220 79,117,799 148 Table 6-16 ARMY TOA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 48 FY 49 FY 50 FY 51 FY 52 FY 53 FY 54 FY 55 FY 56 FY 57 FY 58 1,688 1,232 59 96 87 1,900 1,619 324 104 87 1,984 1,671 400 117 116 4,256 5,525 7,075 288 309 4,993 6,697 8,992 456 548 5,352 4,758 2,334 525 507 4,696 3,328 910 592 367 4,455 3,015 2,036 704 603 3,933 3,031 1,723 714 500 3,952 3,245 1,589 735 398 3,895 3,319 1,345 801 396 3,162 4,034 4,288 17,453 21,685 13,475 9,892 10,813 9,901 9,919 9,757 31,839 22,786 525 1,112 685 35,943 25,153 2,510 1,121 675 34,231 22,653 3,144 1,169 871 65,846 53,069 49,664 2,957 2,351 81,206 67,046 66,117 4,270 4,102 80,777 51,113 18,593 4,875 3,823 73,087 38,254 7,665 5,133 2,630 67,287 34,379 14,175 5,773 4,064 57,336 33,016 11,563 5,492 3,279 57,863 33,562 10,023 5,364 2,629 54,336 33,052 8,378 5,877 2,659 56,946 65,403 62,068 173,887 222,741 159,181 126,769 125,678 110,687 109,442 104,302 12.9 10.4 378.1 0.8 -1.5 14.9 -4.8 -9.9 25.3 4.3 29.0 -5.1 92.4 134.3 1,479.6 153.0 169.9 180.2 23.3 26.3 33.1 44.4 74.5 28.1 -0.5 -23.8 -71.9 14.2 -6.8 -28.5 -9.5 -25.2 -58.8 5.3 -31.2 -20.4 -7.9 -10.1 84.9 12.5 54.5 -0.9 -14.8 -4.0 -18.4 -4.9 -19.3 -11.9 0.9 1.7 -13.3 -2.3 -19.8 -1.1 -6.1 -1.5 -16.4 9.6 1.1 -4.7 149 Table 6-16 (Continued) ARMY TOA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 59 FY 60 FY 61 FY 62 FY 63 FY 64 FY 65 FY 66 FY 67 FY 68 FY 69 3,924 3,234 1,097 1,022 279 3,922 3,221 1,388 1,072 265 3,979 3,382 1,755 1,215 197 4,458 3,875 2,578 1,374 181 4,343 3,537 2,503 1,260 183 4,616 3,554 2,480 1,408 217 4,750 3,737 1,955 1,409 368 5,670 5,098 5,123 1,507 1,113 7,353 7,520 5,411 1,580 505 8,391 8,372 6,182 1,506 512 8,998 8,249 6,333 1,666 523 9,555 9,867 10,528 12,467 11,826 12,275 12,219 18,510 22,369 24,962 25,769 51,576 31,497 6,704 7,092 1,884 51,094 30,181 8,452 7,127 1,752 51,134 30,077 10,525 7,981 1,307 57,715 33,122 15,465 8,861 1,205 55,401 30,274 14,977 8,138 1,218 54,936 29,447 14,704 8,916 1,415 54,608 29,193 11,468 8,685 2,206 59,093 36,671 28,809 8,987 6,111 72,002 49,987 29,555 9,382 2,942 77,685 53,082 32,662 8,442 2,689 78,925 50,343 32,474 9,013 2,634 98,753 98,605 101,024 116,369 110,008 109,418 106,162 139,672 163,867 174,561 173,389 -5.1 -4.7 -20.0 20.7 -29.1 -5.3 -0.9 -4.2 26.1 0.5 -7.0 -0.1 0.1 -0.3 24.5 12.0 -25.4 2.5 12.9 10.1 46.9 11.0 -7.8 15.2 -4.0 -8.6 -3.2 -8.2 1.1 -5.5 -0.8 -2.7 -1.8 9.6 16.2 -0.5 -0.6 -0.9 -22.0 -2.6 55.9 -3.0 8.2 25.6 151.2 3.5 177.0 31.6 21.8 36.3 2.6 4.4 -51.9 17.3 7.9 6.2 10.5 -10.0 -8.6 6.5 1.6 -5.2 -0.6 6.8 -2.0 -0.7 150 Table 6-16 (Continued) ARMY TOA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 70 FY 71 FY 72 FY 73 FY 74 FY 75 FY 76 FY 77 FY 78 FY 79 FY 80 9,616 7,817 4,510 1,619 402 9,499 7,119 3,412 1,656 593 9,046 7,309 3,398 1,792 550 8,680 7,433 2,816 1,885 666 8,815 7,364 2,640 1,947 782 9,221 7,339 2,565 1,766 754 9,607 8,271 3,058 1,970 833 9,973 9,157 4,427 2,291 754 10,477 9,883 5,325 2,447 718 11,036 10,752 6,099 2,635 900 12,095 12,303 6,548 2,844 781 23,963 22,280 22,094 21,480 21,548 21,644 20 23,759 100 26,703 100 28,950 74 31,497 34,572 75,329 45,202 22,232 8,377 2,007 69,589 39,320 16,069 8,111 2,689 58,619 38,616 15,256 8,319 2,322 50,879 36,785 11,742 8,232 2,549 48,570 33,161 10,105 7,622 2,621 47,281 31,213 8,779 6,559 2,300 46,390 32,076 9,545 6,434 2,407 45,752 32,919 13,299 7,054 2,147 44,995 32,632 14,536 6,944 1,891 44,828 33,532 14,920 6,740 2,179 45,405 34,239 14,573 6,710 1,807 153,146 135,777 123,133 110,187 102,079 96,130 65 96,918 302 101,472 282 101,280 191 102,391 102,735 -4.6 -10.2 -31.5 -7.1 -23.8 -11.7 -7.6 -13.0 -27.7 -3.2 34.0 -11.3 -15.8 -1.8 -5.1 2.6 -13.6 -9.3 -13.2 -4.7 -23.0 -1.0 9.8 -10.5 -4.5 -9.9 -13.9 -7.4 2.8 -7.4 -2.7 -5.9 -13.1 -13.9 -12.2 -5.8 -1.9 2.8 8.7 -1.9 4.7 0.8 -1.4 2.6 39.3 9.6 -10.8 4.7 -1.7 -0.9 9.3 -1.6 -11.9 -0.2 -0.4 2.8 2.6 -2.9 15.2 1.1 1.3 2.1 -2.3 -0.4 -17.1 0.3 151 Table 6-16 (Continued) ARMY TOA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 81 FY 82 FY 83 FY 84 FY 85 FY 86 FY 87 FY 88 FY 89 FY 90 FY 91 14,157 14,419 10,462 3,124 980 16,602 16,769 13,856 3,620 1,075 176 52,099 18,517 19,208 16,731 4,192 1,256 1,223 389 61,516 26,298 20,825 18,022 4,257 1,675 1,317 366 72,760 27,665 21,312 16,978 4,537 1,576 1,328 374 73,770 28,501 23,551 15,301 4,693 1,505 1,580 110 75,241 29,348 24,205 14,850 4,670 1,514 1,565 193 76,346 29,957 25,677 14,482 5,129 1,453 1,571 292 78,562 30,124 27,306 13,768 5,307 1,127 1,499 34 43,177 17,515 18,042 15,682 3,891 973 1,034 221 57,359 32,980 39,482 11,021 5,551 1,266 1,531 668 92,498 46,520 36,210 21,360 6,813 2,101 47,264 40,033 26,633 7,529 2,268 72 113,076 346 124,074 47,392 41,137 28,803 7,795 2,065 1,992 418 129,602 47,895 42,452 29,734 8,108 2,512 2,289 707 133,698 60,990 44,500 31,119 8,070 3,159 2,382 645 150,866 61,711 44,369 28,454 8,519 2,906 2,344 640 148,942 62,327 46,771 24,779 8,513 2,671 2,684 184 147,929 61,753 46,026 23,135 8,130 2,523 2,575 313 144,456 61,068 46,297 21,705 8,498 2,341 2,490 453 142,852 139,972 62,448 62,329 15,515 8,559 1,908 2,236 955 153,950 2.5 5.8 46.6 1.5 16.3 10.1 1.6 10.6 24.7 10.5 7.9 9.7 0.3 2.8 8.1 3.5 -9.0 4.5 1.1 3.2 3.2 4.0 21.6 3.2 27.3 4.8 4.7 -0.5 25.8 12.8 1.2 -0.3 -8.6 5.6 -8.0 -1.3 1.0 5.4 -12.9 -0.1 -8.1 -0.7 -0.9 -1.6 -6.6 -4.5 -5.5 -2.3 -1.1 0.6 -6.2 4.5 -7.2 -1.1 -0.9 1.5 -8.2 -0.5 -24.4 -2.0 3.1 32.6 -22.1 1.2 7.8 10.0 152 79,131 60,543 46,988 19,926 8,456 1,770 2,289 Table 6-16 (Continued) ARMY TOA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 92 FY 93 FY 94 FY 95 FY 96 FY 97 FY 98 FY 99 FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 31,629 25,263 8,615 6,407 1,236 1,559 28,532 22,582 7,354 6,051 690 1,522 26,945 21,246 6,894 5,377 1,323 1,302 26,627 23,212 6,684 5,403 797 1,230 25,811 23,807 7,586 4,757 2,044 1,458 26,196 22,964 8,072 4,916 1,185 1,330 26,093 22,923 7,342 5,023 1,335 1,285 26,653 25,216 9,507 5,031 1,691 1,232 74,709 66,731 63,087 63,953 65,463 64,664 64,001 69,331 27,729 26,970 10,479 5,314 1,561 1,150 62 73,264 29,263 27,781 11,883 6,263 1,637 1,208 12 78,047 32,365 31,182 11,597 7,018 2,510 1,259 167 86,099 58,811 41,588 11,864 9,497 1,815 2,219 50,807 36,114 9,930 8,778 1,036 2,124 46,847 33,541 9,137 7,816 1,868 1,773 45,132 35,512 8,706 7,666 1,146 1,656 42,795 35,407 9,747 6,660 2,737 1,907 42,105 33,549 10,272 6,771 1,589 1,708 40,195 32,539 9,238 6,724 1,763 1,634 39,826 34,241 11,798 6,621 2,163 1,548 125,794 108,789 100,981 99,818 99,254 95,995 92,093 96,197 39,532 35,853 12,820 6,789 1,971 1,423 75 98,463 40,335 35,949 14,356 7,836 2,040 1,470 14 102,000 42,198 39,545 13,805 8,575 3,028 1,511 199 108,862 -5.8 -33.3 -23.5 11.0 -4.9 -18.3 -13.6 -13.2 -16.3 -7.6 -42.9 -13.5 -7.8 -7.1 -8.0 -11.0 80.3 -7.2 -3.7 5.9 -4.7 -1.9 -38.7 -1.2 -5.2 -0.3 12.0 -13.1 138.8 -0.6 -1.6 -5.2 5.4 1.7 -41.9 -3.3 -4.5 -3.0 -10.1 -0.7 11.0 -4.1 -0.9 5.2 27.7 -1.5 22.7 4.5 -0.7 4.7 8.7 2.5 -8.9 2.4 2.0 0.3 12.0 15.4 3.5 3.6 4.6 10.0 -3.8 9.4 48.4 6.7 153 Table 6-16 (Continued) ARMY TOA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) FY 03 FY 04 FY 05 FY 06 FY 07 FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TOTAL, CURRENT $ 44,203 51,000 15,803 7,595 2,057 1,362 249 122,268 48,970 62,365 16,194 10,202 2,119 1,480 219 141,551 51,909 73,702 26,014 10,576 3,482 1,578 54,950 75,726 28,195 11,683 4,195 1,245 460 176,455 57,184 94,202 48,761 11,354 7,689 1,316 628 221,133 61,851 98,171 65,464 12,554 10,089 1,150 1,324 250,603 66,792 100,951 42,072 12,154 11,882 1,357 545 235,752 68,969 95,728 30,193 11,472 9,623 577 38 216,601 59,050 43,868 21,549 10,333 6,357 576 55 141,788 60,371 47,787 23,497 10,321 4,961 577 101 147,614 61,940 49,463 23,154 9,923 6,179 585 100 151,344 63,445 51,199 24,773 8,712 4,180 573 109 152,993 64,772 51,869 25,705 7,917 3,825 603 59 154,750 CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TOTAL, CONSTANT $ 55,338 62,040 18,421 9,076 2,421 1,608 293 149,198 59,594 73,197 18,388 11,789 2,422 1,700 253 167,343 190,343 62,602 82,863 30,361 12,732 4,551 1,350 500 194,959 63,362 100,553 51,458 12,096 8,157 1,396 665 237,687 66,426 102,318 68,112 13,116 10,527 1,196 1,371 263,067 69,521 104,188 43,293 12,497 12,222 1,393 557 243,670 69,987 97,192 30,671 11,642 9,767 585 39 219,883 59,050 43,868 21,549 10,333 6,357 576 55 141,788 59,055 46,858 23,107 10,136 4,874 568 100 144,698 59,247 47,573 22,389 9,567 5,967 565 97 145,405 59,150 48,303 23,554 8,241 3,964 544 104 143,860 58,844 47,988 24,031 7,344 3,561 563 56 142,387 31.1 56.9 33.4 5.8 -20.0 37.1 7.7 18.0 -0.2 29.9 0.0 12.2 2.4 13.6 56.1 0.4 59.2 13.7 2.6 -0.3 5.7 7.5 18.1 2.4 1.2 21.3 69.5 -5.0 79.2 21.9 4.8 1.8 32.4 8.4 29.1 10.7 4.7 1.8 -36.4 -4.7 16.1 -7.4 0.7 -6.7 -29.2 -6.8 -20.1 -9.8 -15.6 -54.9 -29.7 -11.2 -34.9 -35.5 0.0 6.8 7.2 -1.9 -23.3 2.1 0.3 1.5 -3.1 -5.6 22.4 0.5 -0.2 1.5 5.2 -13.9 -33.6 -1.1 -0.5 -0.7 2.0 -10.9 -10.2 -1.0 % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL 167,261 61,034 83,146 28,712 11,840 3,855 1,755 Totals include enacted budget authority and indefinite budget authority amounts, enacted OCO funding, and funding for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. 154 Table 6-17 NAVY TOA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 48 FY 49 FY 50 FY 51 FY 52 FY 53 FY 54 FY 55 FY 56 FY 57 FY 58 1,509 1,414 1,285 168 93 1,478 1,585 1,382 181 100 1,623 1,415 1,160 234 85 2,319 2,938 6,137 432 387 3,152 3,409 7,578 543 464 3,413 2,797 4,628 493 430 3,199 2,356 1,764 548 213 3,080 2,332 3,726 617 237 3,164 2,341 3,960 716 433 3,194 2,431 3,973 778 427 3,186 2,592 4,577 878 318 4,469 4,726 4,517 12,212 15,147 11,762 8,080 9,993 10,615 10,805 11,550 28,037 22,259 12,703 1,831 732 27,512 23,205 13,066 1,363 773 27,803 20,450 10,724 2,241 638 37,109 35,846 49,276 3,972 2,931 51,238 40,057 68,187 4,897 3,474 52,039 36,570 39,635 4,574 3,197 49,658 31,811 17,833 4,905 1,546 46,276 30,333 31,825 5,198 1,627 45,351 29,216 33,914 5,581 2,762 46,322 29,144 33,086 5,772 2,687 43,812 28,800 38,926 6,376 2,046 65,562 65,919 61,855 129,134 167,853 136,015 105,753 115,259 116,824 117,010 119,960 -1.9 4.2 2.9 -25.6 5.6 0.5 1.1 -11.9 -17.9 64.4 -17.5 -6.2 33.5 75.3 359.5 77.2 359.4 108.8 38.1 11.7 38.4 23.3 18.5 30.0 1.6 -8.7 -41.9 -6.6 -8.0 -19.0 -4.6 -13.0 -55.0 7.2 -51.6 -22.2 -6.8 -4.6 78.5 6.0 5.2 9.0 -2.0 -3.7 6.6 7.4 69.8 1.4 2.1 -0.2 -2.4 3.4 -2.7 0.2 -5.4 -1.2 17.7 10.5 -23.9 2.5 155 Table 6-17 (Continued) NAVY TOA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 59 FY 60 FY 61 FY 62 FY 63 FY 64 FY 65 FY 66 FY 67 FY 68 FY 69 3,291 2,680 4,404 1,419 354 3,255 2,751 3,985 1,495 241 3,287 2,750 5,241 1,371 172 3,431 3,009 6,687 1,306 158 3,497 2,988 6,454 1,484 235 3,826 3,080 5,793 1,548 202 4,017 3,427 5,747 1,389 275 4,710 4,268 7,985 1,565 656 5,324 5,045 8,605 1,921 295 5,745 5,402 7,225 1,878 530 6,147 5,819 7,096 2,178 312 12,148 11,727 12,820 14,592 14,657 14,450 14,856 19,185 21,190 20,781 21,552 42,598 28,159 37,750 9,543 2,231 41,522 27,529 33,177 9,955 1,536 41,490 26,142 43,658 9,122 1,106 43,794 28,235 52,581 8,764 1,006 44,026 26,869 50,154 9,756 1,457 44,754 27,295 42,858 10,093 1,236 45,389 28,335 40,801 8,958 1,611 48,480 32,900 51,333 9,697 3,614 52,195 37,669 57,760 11,556 1,713 53,646 39,080 41,546 10,878 2,784 54,194 39,509 39,006 12,073 1,630 120,280 113,719 121,518 134,380 132,262 126,236 125,093 146,024 160,894 147,934 146,412 -2.8 -2.2 -3.0 49.7 9.0 0.3 -2.5 -2.2 -12.1 4.3 -31.2 -5.5 -0.1 -5.0 31.6 -8.4 -28.0 6.9 5.6 8.0 20.4 -3.9 -9.0 10.6 0.5 -4.8 -4.6 11.3 44.8 -1.6 1.7 1.6 -14.5 3.5 -15.2 -4.6 1.4 3.8 -4.8 -11.2 30.3 -0.9 6.8 16.1 25.8 8.2 124.3 16.7 7.7 14.5 12.5 19.2 -52.6 10.2 2.8 3.7 -28.1 -5.9 62.5 -8.1 1.0 1.1 -6.1 11.0 -41.5 -1.0 156 Table 6-17 (Continued) NAVY TOA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 70 FY 71 FY 72 FY 73 FY 74 FY 75 FY 76 FY 77 FY 78 FY 79 FY 80 6,672 5,629 7,572 2,267 322 6,383 5,350 7,434 2,199 326 6,803 5,636 8,795 2,411 395 7,340 5,939 8,956 2,542 548 7,502 7,205 8,830 2,704 692 7,833 8,057 8,409 3,052 611 8,039 9,236 10,077 3,314 681 8,278 10,577 13,049 3,797 613 8,744 12,019 14,098 4,054 558 9,192 13,039 14,215 4,456 792 9,948 16,319 15,550 4,563 603 22,462 21,691 24,041 25,324 26,934 27,962 12 31,360 38 36,353 32 39,504 41,694 46,984 52,153 36,210 40,718 11,808 1,579 46,657 32,472 36,983 10,921 1,507 43,540 33,542 40,824 11,325 1,704 42,257 32,919 38,200 11,091 2,129 40,435 35,026 34,479 10,743 2,398 39,286 36,935 29,172 10,890 1,942 38,167 37,564 31,274 10,757 1,967 37,176 39,773 39,162 11,646 1,738 36,703 41,044 38,662 11,423 1,457 36,294 42,762 35,019 10,853 1,860 36,482 45,133 34,643 10,109 1,336 142,469 128,541 130,935 126,596 123,081 118,225 39 119,768 115 129,611 90 129,379 126,788 127,703 -3.8 -8.3 4.4 -2.2 -3.1 -2.7 -10.5 -10.3 -9.2 -7.5 -4.6 -9.8 -6.7 3.3 10.4 3.7 13.1 1.9 -2.9 -1.9 -6.4 -2.1 24.9 -3.3 -4.3 6.4 -9.7 -3.1 12.6 -2.8 -2.8 5.5 -15.4 1.4 -19.0 -3.9 -2.8 1.7 7.2 -1.2 1.3 1.3 -2.6 5.9 25.2 8.3 -11.6 8.2 -1.3 3.2 -1.3 -1.9 -16.2 -0.2 -1.1 4.2 -9.4 -5.0 27.7 -2.0 0.5 5.5 -1.1 -6.9 -28.2 0.7 157 Table 6-17 (Continued) NAVY TOA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 81 FY 82 FY 83 FY 84 FY 85 FY 86 FY 87 FY 88 FY 89 FY 90 FY 91 12,013 19,453 19,731 5,022 826 13,955 21,364 25,382 5,827 1,483 4 57,050 23 68,034 15,013 23,028 32,627 6,099 1,100 717 366 78,951 15,869 24,231 30,323 7,626 1,253 597 654 80,553 22,366 27,456 31,537 9,024 1,589 645 508 93,124 23,590 25,634 31,609 9,494 1,661 628 643 93,259 24,780 26,161 32,436 9,281 1,425 696 353 95,132 25,603 27,758 36,960 9,462 1,483 769 329 102,364 26,637 28,011 31,681 9,264 1,616 802 185 98,195 26,967 27,731 33,191 8,710 1,211 762 26 98,597 28,277 32,489 30,438 7,967 1,222 845 239 101,477 38,121 48,214 40,525 10,276 1,701 38,939 50,433 48,879 11,320 2,887 9 138,847 45 152,503 40,220 52,706 59,802 11,412 2,097 1,341 692 168,270 40,589 54,428 53,738 13,776 2,309 1,082 1,190 167,113 52,166 59,403 54,223 15,812 2,826 1,132 895 186,456 53,174 55,703 52,728 16,185 2,876 1,072 1,101 182,838 54,151 55,016 52,273 15,352 2,389 1,151 589 180,921 53,797 56,071 57,299 15,087 2,392 1,227 533 186,407 54,177 54,529 47,404 14,189 2,501 1,233 287 174,319 53,924 52,513 48,041 12,829 1,830 1,136 38 170,312 53,920 55,913 42,862 11,355 1,793 1,209 342 167,395 4.5 6.8 17.0 1.7 27.3 8.7 2.1 4.6 20.6 10.2 69.7 9.8 3.3 4.5 22.3 0.8 -27.4 10.3 0.9 3.3 -10.1 20.7 10.1 -0.7 28.5 9.1 0.9 14.8 22.4 11.6 1.9 -6.2 -2.8 2.4 1.8 -1.9 1.8 -1.2 -0.9 -5.1 -16.9 -1.0 -0.7 1.9 9.6 -1.7 0.1 3.0 0.7 -2.8 -17.3 -6.0 4.6 -6.5 -0.5 -3.7 1.3 -9.6 -26.8 -2.3 0.0 6.5 -10.8 -11.5 -2.0 -1.7 158 Table 6-17 (Continued) NAVY TOA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 92 FY 93 FY 94 FY 95 FY 96 FY 97 FY 98 FY 99 FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 28,120 26,406 24,992 8,576 846 988 27,250 24,161 20,891 8,830 355 1,045 2,464 84,995 26,214 23,606 15,830 8,170 1,477 1,143 1,541 77,981 25,253 25,221 17,203 8,590 415 1,204 699 78,585 24,612 25,135 15,683 8,472 3,065 1,569 1,024 79,560 24,820 24,410 17,192 7,882 1,964 1,511 1,392 79,171 24,494 25,891 19,508 7,888 1,705 1,378 1,094 81,958 24,712 27,030 20,646 8,942 1,192 1,195 682 84,398 25,609 27,356 23,526 9,065 1,019 1,220 713 88,509 26,966 29,596 26,607 9,596 1,400 1,309 642 96,117 30,012 32,478 24,517 11,379 1,438 1,165 789 101,778 147,350 48,483 41,669 28,220 12,551 541 1,428 3,334 136,225 45,453 38,107 21,003 11,143 2,014 1,531 2,048 121,299 42,740 39,559 22,458 11,468 597 1,587 914 119,322 40,780 38,610 20,194 11,094 3,989 2,029 1 316 1,316 118,012 39,854 36,764 21,891 10,188 2,553 1,931 1,764 114,944 37,622 37,585 24,579 10,081 2,196 1,749 1,373 115,185 36,805 39,233 25,653 11,404 1,526 1,497 846 116,963 36,433 38,746 28,796 11,314 1,289 1,511 872 118,961 37,090 39,791 32,093 11,771 1,722 1,591 772 124,830 39,085 42,894 29,085 13,738 1,736 1,402 936 128,876 -3.2 -17.4 -19.7 4.9 -31.5 -12.0 -7.1 -9.8 -18.0 5.4 -56.0 -7.6 -6.2 -8.5 -25.6 -11.2 272.3 -11.0 -6.0 3.8 6.9 2.9 -70.4 -1.6 -4.6 -2.4 -10.1 -3.3 568.2 -1.1 -2.3 -4.8 8.4 -8.2 -36.0 -2.6 -5.6 2.2 12.3 -1.1 -14.0 0.2 -2.2 4.4 4.4 13.1 -30.5 1.5 -1.0 -1.2 12.3 -0.8 -15.5 1.7 1.8 2.7 11.4 4.0 33.6 4.9 5.4 7.8 -9.4 16.7 0.8 3.2 89,927 52,211 46,200 34,418 11,913 1,229 1,380 159 Table 6-17 (Continued) NAVY TOA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) FY 03 FY 04 FY 05 FY 06 FY 07 FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TOTAL, CURRENT $ 36,183 42,624 27,451 13,700 1,876 1,161 892 123,887 36,734 36,641 29,896 14,773 1,423 1,014 1,127 121,608 38,811 41,695 32,492 17,077 1,365 718 1,402 133,560 40,260 44,312 36,869 18,970 1,892 873 1,420 144,596 40,842 46,640 40,204 19,724 2,298 635 491 150,834 42,745 50,824 47,131 18,487 3,409 687 1,610 164,893 44,956 52,075 42,309 19,809 4,843 769 2,005 166,765 46,173 51,044 46,225 19,967 4,479 515 1,668 170,072 45,095 45,683 46,205 17,693 4,445 553 935 160,609 46,507 48,043 47,569 16,684 3,136 548 557 163,045 47,832 50,002 51,442 15,617 2,164 499 989 168,545 49,272 50,541 53,406 14,594 2,240 459 528 171,038 50,850 51,912 56,366 13,444 2,424 466 1,080 176,544 CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TOTAL, CONSTANT $ 45,439 54,799 31,867 16,197 2,205 1,386 1,041 152,933 44,708 45,875 33,814 16,946 1,629 1,182 1,286 145,440 45,697 48,171 35,821 19,019 1,519 804 1,560 152,591 45,875 49,455 39,722 20,601 2,051 948 1,538 160,190 45,304 50,664 42,493 20,922 2,441 675 520 163,018 45,897 52,983 49,104 19,334 3,557 717 1,672 173,264 46,807 54,738 43,550 20,380 4,981 791 2,056 173,302 46,849 51,982 46,951 20,255 4,549 522 1,691 172,800 45,095 45,683 46,205 17,693 4,445 553 935 160,609 45,513 47,103 46,782 16,383 3,082 539 548 159,949 45,792 48,102 49,744 15,050 2,089 482 956 162,215 46,008 47,699 50,780 13,798 2,124 435 502 161,347 46,314 48,059 52,699 12,464 2,259 435 1,010 163,240 16.3 27.8 9.6 17.9 27.0 18.7 -1.6 -16.3 6.1 4.6 -26.1 -4.9 2.2 5.0 5.9 12.2 -6.8 4.9 0.4 2.7 10.9 8.3 35.0 5.0 -1.2 2.4 7.0 1.6 19.0 1.8 1.3 4.6 15.6 -7.6 45.7 6.3 2.0 3.3 -11.3 5.4 40.0 0.0 0.1 -5.0 7.8 -0.6 -8.7 -0.3 -3.7 -12.1 -1.6 -12.6 -2.3 -7.1 0.9 3.1 1.2 -7.4 -30.7 -0.4 0.6 2.1 6.3 -8.1 -32.2 1.4 0.5 -0.8 2.1 -8.3 1.7 -0.5 0.7 0.8 3.8 -9.7 6.4 1.2 % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL Totals include enacted budget authority and indefinite budget authority amounts, enacted OCO funding, and funding for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. 160 Table 6-18 AIR FORCE TOA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 48 FY 49 FY 50 FY 51 FY 52 FY 53 FY 54 FY 55 FY 56 FY 57 FY 58 1,035 1,235 1,651 141 35 1,223 1,225 1,545 199 52 1,335 1,107 2,616 202 64 1,947 3,131 8,625 463 936 2,996 3,515 11,603 797 1,075 3,416 3,289 9,519 1,094 1,332 3,295 2,953 3,795 1,102 884 3,505 3,012 3,155 1,300 1,498 3,791 3,778 6,160 2,109 1,158 3,799 3,906 6,659 2,868 1,217 3,906 4,170 7,707 2,464 911 4,097 4,244 5,323 15,102 19,986 18,650 12,029 12,469 16,997 18,449 19,158 19,682 16,860 14,787 1,264 268 23,221 16,824 13,586 1,705 389 23,099 16,124 22,209 1,704 465 31,877 37,926 71,530 3,727 6,818 49,342 43,608 97,137 6,323 8,170 52,635 39,722 78,367 8,625 9,849 51,433 36,236 29,591 8,534 6,358 53,181 35,643 23,402 9,498 10,099 54,578 40,975 44,349 14,311 7,655 55,061 41,519 46,348 18,426 7,777 53,511 42,524 54,542 15,861 5,964 52,861 55,725 63,601 151,878 204,582 189,198 132,151 131,823 161,867 169,131 172,401 18.0 -0.2 -8.1 34.9 45.1 5.4 -0.5 -4.2 63.5 -0.1 19.5 14.1 38.0 135.2 222.1 118.7 1,366.2 138.8 54.8 15.0 35.8 69.7 19.8 34.7 6.7 -8.9 -19.3 36.4 20.6 -7.5 -2.3 -8.8 -62.2 -1.1 -35.4 -30.2 3.4 -1.6 -20.9 11.3 58.8 -0.2 2.6 15.0 89.5 50.7 -24.2 22.8 0.9 1.3 4.5 28.8 1.6 4.5 -2.8 2.4 17.7 -13.9 -23.3 1.9 161 Table 6-18 (Continued) AIR FORCE TOA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 59 FY 60 FY 61 FY 62 FY 63 FY 64 FY 65 FY 66 FY 67 FY 68 FY 69 4,079 4,267 7,617 2,550 1,085 4,064 4,316 5,764 2,704 813 4,090 4,488 7,243 3,572 706 4,268 4,625 6,928 3,343 565 4,202 4,550 7,035 3,837 803 4,540 4,559 6,716 3,627 517 4,663 4,855 6,366 3,137 407 5,075 5,259 8,867 3,315 792 5,558 5,853 9,217 3,234 408 5,825 6,169 9,072 3,412 495 6,240 7,118 8,760 3,446 293 19,599 17,662 20,098 19,730 20,427 19,958 19,428 23,309 24,270 24,974 25,857 52,287 42,044 51,868 16,058 6,899 51,358 41,430 39,393 16,919 5,187 50,869 41,372 49,805 21,796 4,513 53,751 42,250 47,287 20,521 3,581 52,579 41,147 47,785 23,374 4,884 52,865 40,289 44,779 21,959 3,091 52,524 41,061 41,099 18,713 2,374 52,242 42,631 54,451 19,119 4,362 54,511 46,757 57,395 18,420 2,304 54,410 47,978 51,901 18,447 2,563 53,920 52,084 48,058 17,983 1,479 169,156 154,287 168,355 167,390 169,770 162,983 155,772 172,804 179,387 175,299 173,523 -2.3 -1.1 -4.9 1.2 15.7 -1.9 -1.8 -1.5 -24.1 5.4 -24.8 -8.8 -1.0 -0.1 26.4 28.8 -13.0 9.1 5.7 2.1 -5.1 -5.8 -20.7 -0.6 -2.2 -2.6 1.1 13.9 36.4 1.4 0.5 -2.1 -6.3 -6.1 -36.7 -4.0 -0.6 1.9 -8.2 -14.8 -23.2 -4.4 -0.5 3.8 32.5 2.2 83.7 10.9 4.3 9.7 5.4 -3.7 -47.2 3.8 -0.2 2.6 -9.6 0.1 11.2 -2.3 -0.9 8.6 -7.4 -2.5 -42.3 -1.0 162 Table 6-18 (Continued) AIR FORCE TOA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 70 FY 71 FY 72 FY 73 FY 74 FY 75 FY 76 FY 77 FY 78 FY 79 FY 80 6,690 6,865 6,989 3,056 274 6,743 6,697 6,478 2,817 280 7,298 7,028 6,243 2,928 302 7,619 7,279 6,358 3,120 320 7,787 7,672 5,902 3,062 350 7,831 8,233 6,217 3,299 444 7,783 8,715 7,659 3,606 617 7,696 9,418 9,354 3,816 802 7,964 9,914 10,197 4,222 545 8,421 10,805 10,722 4,359 539 9,022 14,216 12,702 5,001 615 23,875 23,016 23,799 24,696 24,772 26,024 15 28,395 59 31,145 35 32,877 27 34,873 41,556 52,292 47,758 36,849 15,291 1,321 49,183 43,217 32,538 13,393 1,286 46,645 42,387 29,563 13,252 1,304 43,738 40,261 27,726 13,330 1,223 41,884 37,819 23,369 12,008 1,204 39,322 38,526 22,144 11,601 1,380 37,025 36,827 24,637 11,573 1,731 34,877 37,132 29,042 11,584 2,194 33,879 35,944 28,848 11,797 1,365 33,629 36,584 27,283 11,172 1,229 33,397 38,544 29,195 11,703 1,293 153,511 139,618 133,150 126,279 116,284 112,973 49 111,842 178 115,007 98 111,931 69 109,966 114,133 -3.0 -8.3 -23.3 -15.0 -10.7 -11.5 -5.9 -9.5 -11.7 -12.4 -2.6 -9.1 -5.2 -1.9 -9.1 -1.1 1.4 -4.6 -6.2 -5.0 -6.2 0.6 -6.2 -5.2 -4.2 -6.1 -15.7 -9.9 -1.6 -7.9 -6.1 1.9 -5.2 -3.4 14.6 -2.8 -5.8 -4.4 11.3 -0.2 25.4 -1.0 -5.8 0.8 17.9 0.1 26.7 2.8 -2.9 -3.2 -0.7 1.8 -37.8 -2.7 -0.7 1.8 -5.4 -5.3 -10.0 -1.8 -0.7 5.4 7.0 4.8 5.2 3.8 163 Table 6-18 (Continued) AIR FORCE TOA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) FY 81 FY 82 FY 83 FY 84 FY 85 FY 86 FY 87 FY 88 FY 89 FY 90 FY 91 CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TOTAL, CURRENT $ 10,576 16,860 16,689 7,133 1,042 41 28 52,370 12,272 18,477 23,525 8,893 1,675 96 79 65,017 13,111 19,756 27,367 10,591 1,597 857 162 73,440 13,791 20,357 35,221 12,230 1,622 794 1,289 85,304 19,415 21,929 38,937 13,108 1,715 846 549 96,499 20,440 21,569 36,009 13,110 1,652 757 396 93,932 21,210 21,794 33,359 14,871 1,415 833 140 93,621 21,612 23,270 27,770 15,031 1,471 888 226 90,268 21,854 25,157 30,611 14,551 1,408 946 187 94,713 21,773 25,493 30,104 13,553 1,334 876 111 93,244 22,717 29,020 24,514 11,890 1,142 962 945 91,189 CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TOTAL, CONSTANT $ 34,375 40,916 34,941 15,165 2,064 80 60 127,602 34,886 42,318 45,771 17,814 3,183 180 155 144,305 35,631 44,555 50,535 20,341 2,930 1,617 305 155,914 35,830 45,972 62,733 22,666 2,884 1,462 2,346 173,892 45,776 48,583 67,281 23,554 2,963 1,516 966 190,638 46,404 48,114 60,394 22,904 2,770 1,328 677 182,591 46,743 47,590 54,220 25,142 2,292 1,423 233 177,644 45,827 49,006 43,548 24,363 2,292 1,448 366 166,849 44,871 50,748 46,143 22,667 2,110 1,483 290 168,313 43,924 50,343 43,812 20,361 1,931 1,319 166 161,856 43,519 50,444 34,651 17,255 1,608 1,386 1,352 150,215 2.9 6.2 19.7 29.6 59.6 11.8 1.5 3.4 31.0 17.5 54.2 13.1 2.1 5.3 10.4 14.2 -7.9 8.0 0.6 3.2 24.1 11.4 -1.6 11.5 27.8 5.7 7.2 3.9 2.7 9.6 1.4 -1.0 -10.2 -2.8 -6.5 -4.2 0.7 -1.1 -10.2 9.8 -17.3 -2.7 -2.0 3.0 -19.7 -3.1 0.0 -6.1 -2.1 3.6 6.0 -7.0 -7.9 0.9 -2.1 -0.8 -5.1 -10.2 -8.5 -3.8 -0.9 0.2 -20.9 -15.3 -16.7 -7.2 % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL 164 Table 6-18 (Continued) AIR FORCE TOA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 92 FY 93 FY 94 FY 95 FY 96 FY 97 FY 98 FY 99 FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 21,306 22,829 23,539 13,051 1,217 1,106 20,201 22,870 21,505 12,789 1,036 1,164 79,566 19,593 24,537 15,829 11,605 1,081 1,123 5 73,773 19,276 23,405 16,619 12,518 1,282 1,130 83,048 18,133 24,542 17,501 12,178 1,587 985 12 74,938 19,171 22,795 14,388 14,090 1,576 1,119 31 73,170 19,099 25,131 15,328 14,278 1,570 1,103 33 76,543 19,366 27,068 18,209 13,732 1,399 1,058 31 80,862 20,199 27,299 18,924 14,527 1,228 1,161 28 83,368 21,022 30,072 22,143 14,313 1,406 1,085 12 90,051 24,768 34,294 23,591 14,479 1,795 1,304 34 100,266 39,735 40,912 32,480 18,428 1,676 1,560 35,963 39,278 29,068 17,676 1,399 1,605 134,791 124,990 31,562 41,470 23,227 16,559 2,104 1,333 15 116,270 33,283 40,945 20,643 15,438 1,408 1,493 7 113,217 110,935 30,981 36,015 18,259 18,062 2,002 1,447 38 106,803 29,503 37,802 19,258 18,118 1,973 1,410 42 108,106 29,006 39,732 22,600 17,195 1,735 1,333 38 111,640 28,803 39,462 23,147 17,892 1,503 1,443 34 112,284 28,961 40,908 26,698 17,322 1,698 1,320 14 116,921 32,186 45,754 28,048 17,329 2,137 1,573 41 127,067 -8.7 -18.9 -6.3 6.8 4.2 -10.3 -9.5 -4.0 -10.5 -4.1 -16.5 -7.3 -12.2 5.6 -20.1 -6.3 50.4 -7.0 5.5 -1.3 -11.1 -6.8 -33.1 -2.6 -3.8 -6.9 3.4 5.7 16.8 -2.0 -3.3 -5.5 -14.5 10.7 21.7 -3.7 -4.8 5.0 5.5 0.3 -1.4 1.2 -1.7 5.1 17.4 -5.1 -12.1 3.3 -0.7 -0.7 2.4 4.1 -13.4 0.6 0.5 3.7 15.3 -3.2 13.0 4.1 11.1 11.8 5.1 0.0 25.9 8.7 74,230 32,031 38,113 21,344 16,321 1,645 1,480 165 Table 6-18 (Continued) AIR FORCE TOA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) FY 03 FY 04 FY 05 FY 06 FY 07 FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TOTAL, CURRENT $ 28,676 43,262 31,666 18,935 1,638 1,569 24 125,770 29,845 39,539 32,363 20,233 1,853 1,520 30,590 41,309 36,086 20,478 1,488 1,722 125,353 131,673 31,455 46,569 35,841 22,191 2,328 2,169 312 140,864 32,262 48,287 39,882 24,492 2,364 2,018 44 149,348 32,403 52,271 43,893 26,347 3,104 1,103 608 159,729 33,435 55,078 43,550 26,767 3,104 1,128 76 163,138 34,835 52,563 40,727 28,273 2,890 569 79 159,936 34,395 46,589 39,343 27,247 1,748 592 67 149,981 35,172 46,863 42,178 28,226 1,273 448 65 154,225 36,154 47,338 42,065 26,086 1,123 428 68 153,261 37,364 49,373 46,435 24,816 1,278 444 69 159,779 38,527 51,732 46,967 25,739 2,192 454 69 165,680 CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TOTAL, CONSTANT $ 35,976 56,540 36,939 22,281 1,908 1,861 28 155,534 36,363 50,182 36,843 23,251 2,101 1,756 36,078 48,585 39,976 22,867 1,642 1,912 150,496 151,061 35,858 52,344 38,711 24,092 2,507 2,347 339 156,198 35,814 53,003 42,165 25,982 2,498 2,147 46 161,655 34,834 54,387 45,639 27,352 3,228 1,145 630 167,214 34,834 58,246 44,717 27,431 3,187 1,157 78 169,651 35,349 53,581 41,314 28,648 2,935 579 76 162,482 34,395 46,589 39,343 27,247 1,748 592 67 149,981 34,412 45,927 41,487 27,763 1,252 440 64 151,345 34,595 45,502 40,685 25,222 1,086 413 66 147,569 34,856 46,559 44,160 23,587 1,215 422 66 150,864 35,039 47,852 43,918 24,049 2,049 424 65 153,397 11.8 23.6 31.7 28.6 -10.7 22.4 1.1 -11.2 -0.3 4.4 10.1 -3.2 -0.8 -3.2 8.5 -1.7 -21.8 0.4 -0.6 7.7 -3.2 5.4 52.7 3.4 -0.1 1.3 8.9 7.8 -0.4 3.5 -2.7 2.6 8.2 5.3 29.2 3.4 0.0 7.1 -2.0 0.3 -1.3 1.5 1.5 -8.0 -7.6 4.4 -7.9 -4.2 -2.7 -13.0 -4.8 -4.9 -40.4 -7.7 0.0 -1.4 5.4 1.9 -28.4 0.9 0.5 -0.9 -1.9 -9.2 -13.3 -2.5 0.8 2.3 8.5 -6.5 11.9 2.2 0.5 2.8 -0.5 2.0 68.6 1.7 % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL Totals include enacted budget authority and indefinite budget authority amounts, enacted OCO funding, and funding for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. 166 Table 6-19 ARMY BA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 48 FY 49 FY 50 FY 51 FY 52 FY 53 FY 54 FY 55 FY 56 FY 57 FY 58 1,686 1,224 40 94 117 1,931 1,691 439 110 21 1,973 1,736 308 117 116 4,323 5,847 8,288 336 531 4,939 6,064 8,733 436 1,025 5,290 4,460 4,041 577 666 4,892 4,452 3,009 573 12 4,490 2,711 4,015 2,834 3,970 3,132 3,498 3,291 398 20 583 32 533 55 577 365 -321 -181 101 -72 267 -73 155 -74 120 -78 -92 150 -123 -131 -114 77 2,840 4,011 4,279 19,520 21,279 15,077 12,847 7,646 7,333 7,577 7,808 31,824 22,724 376 1,097 913 36,175 25,708 3,360 1,167 180 34,147 23,128 2,445 1,169 871 66,322 55,431 58,083 3,304 3,984 80,819 62,416 64,259 4,127 7 551 7,551 80,335 48,929 30,706 5,252 4,941 74,493 46,182 22,854 5,002 269 67,521 32,334 57,865 31,765 57,973 32,867 51,948 32,876 3,755 331 4,671 390 4,138 347 4,511 2,467 -2,519 -1,339 768 -547 1,855 -507 1,112 -530 851 -553 -666 1,018 -835 -854 -691 461 54,413 65,251 61,979 188,472 219,754 170,461 148,133 104,124 93,836 94,634 92,263 13.7 13.1 793.6 6.4 -80.3 19.9 -5.6 -10.0 -27.2 0.2 383.9 -5.0 94.2 139.7 2,275.6 182.6 357.4 204.1 21.9 12.6 10.6 24.9 89.5 16.6 -0.6 -21.6 -52.2 27.3 -34.6 -22.4 -7.3 -5.6 -25.6 -4.8 -94.6 -13.1 -9.4 -30.0 -14.3 -1.8 0.2 3.5 -10.4 0.0 -24.9 23.0 -29.7 24.4 17.8 -9.9 -11.4 -11.0 0.9 9.0 611.0 -2.5 167 Table 6-19 (Continued) ARMY BA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 59 FY 60 FY 61 FY 62 FY 63 FY 64 FY 65 FY 66 FY 67 FY 68 FY 69 3,611 3,244 1,259 1,111 236 3,667 3,235 1,379 1,102 307 3,705 3,384 1,495 1,147 182 4,121 3,774 2,532 1,337 165 4,079 3,538 2,519 1,329 166 4,460 3,534 2,906 1,402 211 4,719 3,738 1,783 1,402 361 5,685 5,054 4,312 1,464 978 7,467 7,523 5,598 1,597 403 8,432 8,373 6,400 1,558 481 9,018 8,260 5,672 1,599 557 41 59 14 21 -23 -39 -48 237 -100 475 -65 230 -67 103 -66 9,502 9,748 9,928 11,951 11,608 12,474 11,955 17,629 22,997 25,407 25,143 49,736 31,558 7,649 7,627 1,614 49,593 30,265 8,400 7,301 2,003 49,544 30,090 9,026 7,578 1,217 55,738 32,517 15,197 8,644 1,110 53,857 30,279 15,072 8,546 1 122 1,122 54,028 29,332 17,178 8,880 1,382 54,431 29,199 10,482 8,643 2,167 59,178 36,425 24,299 8,753 5,390 72,612 50,000 30,562 9,479 2,371 77,899 53,089 33,794 8,704 2,535 79,025 50,398 29,145 8,687 2,796 240 348 81 123 -134 -227 -276 1,318 -556 2,548 -348 1,196 -349 519 -334 98,424 97,909 97,536 113,329 108,741 110,574 104,647 134,808 167,224 176,868 170,236 -4.3 -4.0 -0.3 -4.1 9.8 -4.3 24.1 -0.5 -0.1 -0.6 7.5 3.8 -39.2 -0.4 12.5 8.1 68.4 14.1 -8.8 16.2 -3.4 -6.9 -0.8 -1.1 1.1 -4.0 0.3 -3.1 14.0 3.9 23.2 1.7 0.7 -0.5 -39.0 -2.7 56.8 -5.4 8.7 24.7 131.8 1.3 148.7 28.8 22.7 37.3 25.8 8.3 -56.0 24.0 7.3 6.2 10.6 -8.2 6.9 5.8 1.4 -5.1 -13.8 -0.2 10.3 -3.7 69.1 -34.6 6.7 168 Table 6-19 (Continued) ARMY BA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 70 FY 71 FY 72 FY 73 FY 74 FY 75 FY 76 FY 77 FY 78 FY 79 FY 80 9,629 7,823 4,259 1,632 313 9,507 7,121 2,602 1,638 672 8,951 7,169 3,107 1,800 599 8,748 7,353 2,674 1,825 492 8,837 7,398 2,480 1,939 654 9,233 7,353 2,260 1,741 760 9,607 8,271 2,972 1,958 903 10,043 9,205 4,378 2,281 713 10,482 9,790 5,187 2,408 628 11,057 10,813 6,070 2,641 812 12,074 12,291 6,436 2,846 832 -47 -45 -43 -44 -46 -48 20 -87 100 -52 100 -162 176 -227 204 -303 23,610 21,495 21,582 21,048 21,262 21,299 23,644 26,667 28,434 31,341 34,380 75,391 45,234 21,018 8,440 1,603 69,623 39,330 12,315 8,031 3,027 58,198 38,003 13,981 8,354 2,518 51,167 36,457 11,081 7,992 1,917 48,655 33,284 9,538 7,593 2 205 2,205 47,323 31,259 7,763 6,480 2,317 46,390 32,076 9,308 6,398 2,595 45,961 33,055 13,139 7,026 2,037 45,010 32,388 14,189 6,842 1,677 44,880 33,679 14,826 6,754 1,986 45,356 34,214 14,323 6,715 1,911 -227 -208 -194 -190 -186 -167 65 -283 302 -156 282 -456 455 -587 477 -708 151,459 132,118 120,861 108,424 101,088 94,974 96,549 101,363 99,932 101,993 102,287 -4.6 -10.2 -27.9 -2.8 -42.7 -11.0 -7.7 -13.1 -41.4 -4.8 88.8 -12.8 -16.4 -3.4 13.5 4.0 -16.8 -8.5 -12.1 -4.1 -20.7 -4.3 -23.9 -10.3 -4.9 -8.7 -13.9 -5.0 15.0 -6.8 -2.7 -6.1 -18.6 -14.7 5.1 -6.0 -2.0 2.6 19.9 -1.3 12.0 1.7 -0.9 3.1 41.2 9.8 -21.5 5.0 -2.1 -2.0 8.0 -2.6 -17.7 -1.4 -0.3 4.0 4.5 -1.3 18.4 2.1 1.1 1.6 -3.4 -0.6 -3.8 0.3 169 Table 6-19 (Continued) ARMY BA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 81 FY 82 FY 83 FY 84 FY 85 FY 86 FY 87 FY 88 FY 89 FY 90 FY 91 14,194 14,488 10,522 3,128 975 16,618 16,820 14,025 3,610 1,083 256 -310 292 -194 17,526 17,743 16,035 3,875 1,026 1,040 386 -104 18,633 19,258 17,424 4,202 1,306 1,235 389 -266 26,417 20,645 19,401 4,357 1,761 1,328 516 -155 26,283 20,464 17,887 4,563 1,680 1,360 1,168 -276 28,251 23,000 15,225 4,589 1,439 1,556 110 -185 29,368 23,923 14,908 4,673 1,479 1,582 193 -314 29,956 25,233 14,770 5,120 1,442 1,527 292 -260 30,115 26,825 14,054 5,258 1,059 1,432 67 -331 33,097 39,281 10,770 5,654 1,103 1,525 770 -377 43,252 52,254 57,529 62,181 74,270 73,128 73,984 75,813 78,079 78,479 91,825 46,598 36,348 21,483 6,821 2,092 47,295 40,132 26,956 7,510 2,283 540 -656 573 -380 47,414 40,584 29,450 7,765 2,161 2,003 730 -196 48,104 42,541 30,963 8,126 2,602 2,310 707 -484 61,199 44,188 33,500 8,245 3 306 3,306 2,401 909 -273 59,349 42,935 29,973 8,563 3,078 2,397 2,000 -473 61,912 45,866 24,655 8,343 2,565 2,644 184 -309 61,785 45,581 23,226 8,134 2,470 2,602 313 -508 61,065 45,623 22,136 8,484 2,324 2,423 453 -405 60,529 46,287 20,339 8,385 1,672 2,191 100 -495 62,616 62,046 15,161 8,706 1,679 2,229 1,102 -539 113,226 124,368 129,911 134,870 153,475 147,821 145,858 143,602 142,104 139,008 153,000 2.7 6.2 50.0 1.6 9.5 10.7 1.5 10.4 25.5 10.1 9.1 9.8 0.3 1.1 9.3 3.4 -5.3 4.5 1.5 4.8 5.1 4.6 20.4 3.8 27.2 3.9 8.2 1.5 27.1 13.8 -3.0 -2.8 -10.5 3.9 -6.9 -3.7 4.3 6.8 -17.7 -2.6 -16.7 -1.3 -0.2 -0.6 -5.8 -2.5 -3.7 -1.5 -1.2 0.1 -4.7 4.3 -5.9 -1.0 -0.9 1.5 -8.1 -1.2 -28.1 -2.2 3.4 34.0 -25.5 3.8 0.4 10.1 170 Table 6-19 (Continued) ARMY BA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 92 FY 93 FY 94 FY 95 FY 96 FY 97 FY 98 FY 99 FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 31,686 24,811 8,344 6,343 1,160 1,526 28,539 20,806 7,446 6,057 688 1,524 26,957 20,977 6,764 5,402 1,302 1,298 26,646 22,976 6,589 5,407 789 1,183 25,817 23,858 7,590 4,699 1,527 1,430 -233 -256 -230 -324 -416 26,290 22,951 8,059 4,898 1,182 1,371 146 -478 26,149 22,998 7,362 5,008 1,352 1,301 1 -125 26,630 24,840 9,531 5,054 1,245 1,252 9 -195 27,871 26,567 10,508 5,330 1,468 1,160 374 -114 29,059 26,376 11,856 6,221 1,632 1,205 822 -144 32,242 31,076 11,624 7,030 2,514 1,378 234 -179 73,636 64,803 62,470 63,268 64,505 64,418 64,046 68,367 73,165 77,027 85,918 58,889 40,964 11,491 9,409 1,711 2,174 50,817 33,712 10,054 8,786 1,034 2,126 46,862 33,184 8,965 7,849 1,839 1,768 45,157 35,205 8,583 7,671 1,136 1,595 42,803 35,471 9,753 6,585 2 073 2,073 1,871 -324 -348 -306 -423 -532 42,223 33,532 10,256 6,748 1,586 1,759 183 -601 40,265 32,632 9,264 6,704 1,784 1,654 1 -156 39,798 33,774 11,828 6,650 1,609 1,573 12 -242 39,706 35,363 12,856 6,808 1,857 1,436 457 -140 40,089 34,255 14,325 7,785 2,034 1,466 986 -173 42,051 39,419 13,838 8,589 3,033 1,651 278 -213 124,314 106,182 100,162 98,924 98,025 95,686 92,149 95,002 98,342 100,767 108,647 -6.0 -34.0 -24.2 8.1 1.9 -18.7 -13.7 -17.7 -12.5 -6.6 -39.6 -14.6 -7.8 -1.6 -10.8 -10.7 77.9 -5.7 -3.6 6.1 -4.3 -2.3 -38.2 -1.2 -5.2 0.8 13.6 -14.2 82.5 -0.9 -1.4 -5.5 5.2 2.5 -23.5 -2.4 -4.6 -2.7 -9.7 -0.7 12.5 -3.7 -1.2 3.5 27.7 -0.8 -9.8 3.1 -0.2 4.7 8.7 2.4 15.4 3.5 1.0 -3.1 11.4 14.4 9.5 2.5 4.9 15.1 -3.4 10.3 49.1 7.8 171 Table 6-19 (Continued) ARMY BA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 03 FY 04 FY 05 FY 06 FY 07 FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 44,144 50,414 15,328 7,571 2,136 1,362 254 -76 49,589 71,533 15,930 10,217 1,893 1,341 2,648 -46 50,748 58,992 25,438 10,456 3,472 1,529 2,153 57 54,553 75,463 28,135 11,693 4,175 1,240 460 -777 56,679 93,393 48,623 11,303 7,590 1,250 -192 -98 61,413 96,419 65,700 12,447 10,108 1,058 3,560 -647 67,214 100,286 41,778 12,103 11,676 1,335 -944 -408 68,969 94,893 30,014 11,472 9,557 797 38 -112 59,050 43,876 21,549 10,333 6,357 611 55 -103 60,371 47,794 23,497 10,321 4,961 577 101 -103 61,940 49,471 23,154 9,923 6,179 585 100 -103 63,445 51,207 24,773 8,712 4,180 573 109 -103 64,772 51,877 25,705 7,917 3,825 603 59 -103 121,132 153,105 152,846 174,941 218,549 250,057 233,039 215,628 141,728 147,519 151,249 152,898 154,655 55,269 61,355 17,868 9,048 2,512 1,606 298 -90 60,306 83,659 18,088 11,806 2,167 1,543 3,050 -53 59,734 66,837 28,076 11,707 3,844 1,701 2,412 64 62,171 82,579 30,296 12,742 4,528 1,345 500 -846 62,828 99,700 51,313 12,042 8,052 1,326 -203 -104 65,973 100,500 68,358 13,005 10,546 1,101 3,686 -670 69,951 103,505 42,991 12,444 12,009 1,370 -964 -416 69,987 96,347 30,489 11,642 9,700 808 39 -113 59,050 43,876 21,549 10,333 6,357 611 55 -103 59,055 46,866 23,107 10,136 4,874 568 100 -101 59,247 47,580 22,389 9,567 5,967 565 97 -100 59,150 48,310 23,554 8,241 3,964 544 104 -98 58,844 47,995 24,031 7,344 3,561 563 56 -96 147,867 180,567 174,376 193,316 234,954 262,500 240,891 218,899 141,728 144,604 145,313 143,769 142,298 31.4 55.6 29.1 5.3 -17.2 36.1 9.1 36.4 1.2 30.5 -13.7 22.1 -0.9 -20.1 55.2 -0.8 77.4 -3.4 4.1 23.6 7.9 8.8 17.8 10.9 1.1 20.7 69.4 -5.5 77.8 21.5 5.0 0.8 33.2 8.0 31.0 11.7 6.0 3.0 -37.1 -4.3 13.9 -8.2 0.1 -6.9 -29.1 -6.4 -19.2 -9.1 -15.6 -54.5 -29.3 -11.2 -34.5 -35.3 0.0 6.8 7.2 -1.9 -23.3 2.0 0.3 1.5 -3.1 -5.6 22.4 0.5 -0.2 1.5 5.2 -13.9 -33.6 -1.1 -0.5 -0.7 2.0 -10.9 -10.2 -1.0 Totals include enacted budget authority and indefinite budget authority amounts, enacted OCO funding, and funding for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. 172 Table 6-20 NAVY BA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 48 FY 49 FY 50 FY 51 FY 52 FY 53 FY 54 FY 55 FY 56 FY 57 FY 58 1,509 1,414 1,385 168 100 1,478 1,585 803 58 1,578 1,410 979 234 62 2,395 3,034 5,899 432 470 3,169 3,343 7,864 507 820 3,453 2,911 5,328 498 410 3,349 2,545 2,910 548 30 3,124 2,333 3,594 668 118 3,249 2,401 2,833 695 471 3,239 2,454 3,583 769 175 3,010 2,606 3,818 843 265 -364 -205 65 -75 256 -54 514 -49 140 -56 100 -93 469 -123 -131 -114 76 4,212 3,719 4,253 12,431 16,170 12,684 9,389 10,182 9,518 10,106 10,617 28,037 22,259 13,617 1,831 786 27,512 23,205 7,948 458 27,465 20,402 8,675 2,241 472 37,642 36,590 48,117 3,969 3,540 51,362 39,535 71,479 4,641 6 056 6,056 52,323 37,468 44,956 4,611 3,053 50,735 33,281 27,184 4,905 202 46,574 30,334 32,314 5,536 854 45,899 29,627 26,946 5,447 2,999 46,595 29,290 30,914 5,715 1,146 42,753 28,889 34,387 6,167 1,718 -2,856 -1,516 497 -570 1,778 -375 3,695 -350 993 -397 721 -673 3,183 -835 -854 -691 455 63,674 57,605 59,181 131,262 176,417 143,006 116,356 117,961 110,063 112,971 114,369 -1.9 4.2 -41.6 -0.2 -12.1 9.1 -41.7 -9.5 3.1 2.7 37.1 79.3 454.7 77.1 650.0 121.8 36.4 8.0 48.6 16.9 71.1 34.4 1.9 -5.2 -37.1 -0.6 -49.6 -18.9 -3.0 -11.2 -39.5 6.4 -93.4 -18.6 -8.2 -8.9 18.9 12.9 322.8 1.4 -1.4 -2.3 -16.6 -1.6 251.2 -6.7 1.5 -1.1 14.7 4.9 -61.8 2.6 -8.2 -1.4 11.2 7.9 49.9 1.2 173 Table 6-20 (Continued) NAVY BA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 59 FY 60 FY 61 FY 62 FY 63 FY 64 FY 65 FY 66 FY 67 FY 68 FY 69 3,168 2,700 4,195 1,533 303 3,195 2,684 3,670 1,509 213 3,220 2,774 4,903 1,367 167 3,394 3,029 6,764 1,309 150 3,480 3,014 7,113 1,511 168 3,708 3,100 6,326 1,561 205 3,955 3,447 5,778 1,388 277 4,711 4,261 7,296 1,574 644 5,337 5,094 8,012 1,919 272 5,751 5,407 7,608 1,872 519 6,156 5,835 6,570 2,147 297 72 82 19 169 30 1 -32 -54 -60 160 -65 185 -45 -35 312 -38 11,971 11,352 12,450 14,845 15,255 14,845 14,785 18,581 20,773 21,122 21,278 41,878 28,288 36,661 10,219 1,923 41,165 27,095 29,456 10,036 1,369 41,103 26,297 41,413 9,098 1,075 43,576 28,363 55,847 8,783 959 43,924 27,036 56,318 9,914 1 067 1,067 44,066 27,421 46,188 10,166 1,252 45,033 28,463 40,611 8,951 1,619 48,487 32,855 46,405 9,742 3,553 52,260 37,956 52,400 11,547 1,589 53,674 39,106 43,885 10,845 2,729 54,238 39,593 36,078 11,923 1,552 421 484 110 987 176 5 -187 -314 -345 890 -361 992 -241 -181 1,570 -192 119,389 109,604 119,096 138,690 138,076 128,779 124,332 141,570 156,504 150,058 144,763 -2.0 -2.1 6.6 65.7 11.9 4.4 -1.7 -4.2 -19.7 -1.8 -28.8 -8.2 -0.2 -2.9 40.6 -9.3 -21.5 8.7 6.0 7.9 34.9 -3.5 -10.8 16.5 0.8 -4.7 0.8 12.9 11.3 -0.4 0.3 1.4 -18.0 2.5 17.3 -6.7 2.2 3.8 -12.1 -12.0 29.3 -3.5 7.7 15.4 14.3 8.8 119.5 13.9 7.8 15.5 12.9 18.5 -55.3 10.5 2.7 3.0 -16.3 -6.1 71.7 -4.1 1.1 1.2 -17.8 9.9 -43.1 -3.5 174 Table 6-20 (Continued) NAVY BA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 70 FY 71 FY 72 FY 73 FY 74 FY 75 FY 76 FY 77 FY 78 FY 79 FY 80 6,675 5,634 7,107 2,236 310 6,393 5,355 7,118 2,178 307 6,758 5,538 8,605 2,368 366 7,346 5,841 8,865 2,542 538 7,532 7,247 8,624 2,681 632 7,881 8,017 8,299 3,024 629 8,039 9,119 10,113 3,257 806 8,349 10,588 13,115 3,723 594 8,774 12,060 14,140 4,018 493 9,220 13,087 14,377 4,480 782 9,944 16,124 15,850 4,572 603 5 -34 -30 -33 -34 -38 -40 12 -45 38 -29 32 -19 251 -95 238 -107 21,932 21,321 23,602 25,097 26,679 27,808 31,302 36,378 39,499 42,103 47,225 52,168 36,234 38,680 11,661 1,521 46,702 32,497 35,679 10,826 1,426 43,336 33,076 39,991 11,136 1,584 42,282 32,489 37,816 11,091 2,094 40,556 35,183 33,691 10,657 2 194 2,194 39,451 36,787 28,798 10,798 1,995 38,167 37,179 31,396 10,586 2,315 37,390 39,806 39,328 11,431 1,685 36,788 41,156 38,761 11,328 1,298 36,364 42,880 35,410 10,911 1,838 36,474 44,699 35,293 10,129 1,336 22 -166 -141 -148 -145 -154 -142 39 -148 115 -87 91 -54 650 -245 557 -250 140,119 126,989 128,976 125,627 122,128 117,688 119,535 129,667 129,369 127,808 128,237 -3.8 -8.5 7.2 -2.2 -2.0 -3.2 -10.5 -10.3 -7.8 -7.2 -6.2 -9.4 -7.2 1.8 12.1 2.9 11.1 1.6 -2.4 -1.8 -5.4 -0.4 32.2 -2.6 -4.1 8.3 -10.9 -3.9 4.8 -2.8 -2.7 4.6 -14.5 1.3 -9.1 -3.6 -3.3 1.1 9.0 -2.0 16.0 1.6 -2.0 7.1 25.3 8.0 -27.2 8.5 -1.6 3.4 -1.4 -0.9 -23.0 -0.2 -1.2 4.2 -8.6 -3.7 41.6 -1.2 0.3 4.2 -0.3 -7.2 -27.3 0.3 175 Table 6-20 (Continued) NAVY BA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 81 FY 82 FY 83 FY 84 FY 85 FY 86 FY 87 FY 88 FY 89 FY 90 FY 91 12,048 19,398 20,276 4,997 827 13,973 21,543 26,171 5,828 1,487 585 -120 632 -65 15,044 23,215 35,390 6,094 1,106 741 367 -102 15,910 24,502 31,479 7,586 1,262 611 903 -165 22,043 27,690 34,044 9,197 1,595 658 3,758 28 22,286 25,757 33,680 9,572 1,662 633 2,698 -175 24,705 26,110 30,839 9,305 1,401 700 595 -156 25,603 26,936 35,853 9,426 1,461 760 329 -87 26,670 28,060 30,991 9,311 1,637 799 185 21 26,984 27,802 34,408 9,487 1,180 792 -516 -161 28,361 32,497 31,483 9,014 1,207 855 239 -186 58,011 69,569 81,854 82,088 99,015 96,113 93,500 100,281 97,675 99,977 103,470 38,195 48,103 41,614 10,225 1,703 38,974 50,780 50,383 11,321 2,895 1,238 -254 1,242 -128 40,278 53,054 64,834 11,403 2,107 1,385 692 -193 40,663 54,917 55,784 13,704 2,325 1,108 1,644 -301 51,599 59,813 58,535 16,114 2 838 2,838 1,155 6,615 49 50,945 55,913 56,176 16,317 2,876 1,079 4,621 -300 54,027 54,931 49,734 15,392 2,350 1,157 993 -261 53,797 54,761 55,583 15,030 2,357 1,214 533 -141 54,228 54,605 46,385 14,261 2,533 1,228 287 33 53,951 52,618 49,809 13,968 1,786 1,180 -770 -240 54,040 55,924 44,333 12,840 1,771 1,224 342 -266 140,823 155,467 173,560 169,843 196,719 187,625 178,324 183,134 173,560 172,303 170,208 4.7 7.6 17.9 0.9 27.5 9.8 2.0 5.6 21.1 10.7 70.0 10.4 3.3 4.5 28.7 0.7 -27.2 11.6 1.0 3.5 -14.0 20.2 10.3 -2.1 26.9 8.9 4.9 17.6 22.1 15.8 -1.3 -6.5 -4.0 1.3 1.3 -4.6 6.0 -1.8 -11.5 -5.7 -18.3 -5.0 -0.4 -0.3 11.8 -2.4 0.3 2.7 0.8 -0.3 -16.5 -5.1 7.5 -5.2 -0.5 -3.6 7.4 -2.1 -29.5 -0.7 0.2 6.3 -11.0 -8.1 -0.8 -1.2 176 Table 6-20 (Continued) NAVY BA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 92 FY 93 FY 94 FY 95 FY 96 FY 97 FY 98 FY 99 FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 28,155 26,258 26,587 7,579 953 989 -211 27,294 23,596 19,699 8,914 392 1,044 2,464 -204 26,241 23,642 16,126 8,206 1,354 1,102 1,541 -156 25,308 25,306 17,303 8,574 401 1,207 -501 -650 24,649 25,151 15,850 8,443 3,061 1,573 1,024 365 24,862 24,475 17,143 7,917 1,926 1,521 1,834 -116 24,560 26,000 19,499 7,846 1,705 1,375 1,076 -1,366 24,663 27,138 20,731 8,977 640 1,215 610 53 25,749 27,759 23,141 9,044 979 1,177 1,277 -331 26,874 29,022 26,300 9,579 1,418 1,312 1,158 -161 29,964 32,621 24,369 11,387 1,376 1,228 1,608 -176 90,311 83,198 78,055 76,948 80,117 79,562 80,696 84,028 88,795 95,501 102,376 52,260 45,996 36,612 10,535 1,375 1,382 -293 48,543 40,906 26,608 12,664 591 1,427 3,334 -277 45,488 38,155 21,397 11,190 1,852 1,477 2,048 -207 42,812 39,669 22,592 11,447 579 1,591 -654 -848 40,827 38,630 20,410 11,058 3 985 3,985 2,034 1,316 467 39,907 36,846 21,829 10,232 2,505 1,943 2,319 -146 37,704 37,722 24,568 10,029 2,196 1,745 1,351 -1,705 36,744 39,366 25,757 11,448 842 1,523 757 66 36,604 39,237 28,325 11,290 1,239 1,457 1,560 -404 36,980 39,099 31,724 11,750 1,743 1,595 1,389 -193 39,028 43,065 28,910 13,747 1,662 1,477 1,910 -210 147,867 133,797 121,400 117,187 118,728 115,434 113,609 116,503 119,307 124,087 129,588 -3.3 -17.8 -17.4 -18.0 -22.4 -13.1 -7.1 -11.1 -27.3 20.2 -57.0 -9.5 -6.3 -6.7 -19.6 -11.6 213.4 -9.3 -5.9 4.0 5.6 2.3 -68.7 -3.5 -4.6 -2.6 -9.7 -3.4 588.3 1.3 -2.3 -4.6 7.0 -7.5 -37.1 -2.8 -5.5 2.4 12.5 -2.0 -12.3 -1.6 -2.5 4.4 4.8 14.1 -61.7 2.5 -0.4 -0.3 10.0 -1.4 47.1 2.4 1.0 -0.4 12.0 4.1 40.7 4.0 5.5 10.1 -8.9 17.0 -4.6 4.4 177 Table 6-20 (Continued) NAVY BA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 03 FY 04 FY 05 FY 06 FY 07 FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 36,186 42,643 27,191 13,667 1,692 1,194 1,693 -209 36,842 38,563 29,988 14,922 1,391 985 1,269 325 38,648 39,477 32,196 16,900 1,369 712 2,271 92 40,189 44,130 36,837 18,973 1,808 823 1,208 -166 40,836 46,644 40,096 19,637 2,265 637 366 -226 42,664 50,720 47,352 18,439 3,376 676 1,997 120 44,849 52,138 41,976 19,803 4,883 756 1,982 -297 46,173 51,044 46,140 19,947 4,428 515 1,668 -277 45,095 45,683 46,205 17,693 4,445 553 935 -277 46,507 48,043 47,569 16,684 3,136 548 557 -277 47,832 50,002 51,442 15,617 2,164 499 989 -277 49,272 50,541 53,406 14,594 2,240 459 528 -277 50,850 51,912 56,366 13,444 2,424 466 1,080 -277 124,057 124,284 131,665 143,803 150,256 165,345 166,091 169,638 160,332 162,768 168,268 170,761 176,267 45,442 54,821 31,566 16,158 1,989 1,424 1,982 -246 44,832 48,069 33,919 17,115 1,592 1,150 1,451 376 45,514 45,709 35,496 18,823 1,523 798 2,534 103 45,799 49,258 39,688 20,604 1,960 894 1,308 -181 45,297 50,668 42,380 20,830 2,406 678 386 -239 45,813 52,875 49,335 19,284 3,522 705 2,074 125 46,698 54,803 43,206 20,374 5,023 778 2,031 -303 46,849 51,982 46,865 20,235 4,497 522 1,691 -280 45,095 45,683 46,205 17,693 4,445 553 935 -277 45,513 47,103 46,782 16,383 3,082 539 548 -272 45,792 48,102 49,744 15,050 2,089 482 956 -268 46,008 47,699 50,780 13,798 2,124 435 502 -263 46,314 48,059 52,699 12,464 2,259 435 1,010 -259 153,136 148,503 150,499 159,330 162,406 173,733 172,610 172,361 160,332 159,676 161,947 161,083 162,981 16.4 27.3 9.2 17.5 19.7 18.2 -1.3 -12.3 7.5 5.9 -20.0 -3.0 1.5 -4.9 4.6 10.0 -4.3 1.3 0.6 7.8 11.8 9.5 28.7 5.9 -1.1 2.9 6.8 1.1 22.8 1.9 1.1 4.4 16.4 -7.4 46.4 7.0 1.9 3.6 -12.4 5.7 42.6 -0.6 0.3 -5.1 8.5 -0.7 -10.5 -0.1 -3.7 -12.1 -1.4 -12.6 -1.2 -7.0 0.9 3.1 1.2 -7.4 -30.7 -0.4 0.6 2.1 6.3 -8.1 -32.2 1.4 0.5 -0.8 2.1 -8.3 1.7 -0.5 0.7 0.8 3.8 -9.7 6.4 1.2 Totals include enacted budget authority and indefinite budget authority amounts, enacted OCO funding, and funding for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. 178 Table 6-21 AIR FORCE BA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 48 FY 49 FY 50 FY 51 FY 52 FY 53 FY 54 FY 55 FY 56 FY 57 FY 58 1,106 1,220 2,270 199 36 1,098 908 503 132 48 1,340 1,175 2,441 259 210 1,991 3,133 8,071 486 1,471 3,044 3,453 12,770 811 2,192 3,387 3,212 11,396 1,145 1,260 3,318 3,200 3,729 1,112 271 3,526 2,927 3,168 1,261 759 3,794 3,708 5,183 2,062 761 3,829 3,881 5,822 2,906 1,240 3,907 4,183 5,660 2,460 1,447 -258 -186 2 -65 50 -62 106 -61 100 -72 -88 500 -116 -134 -111 75 71 4,573 2,503 5,363 15,139 22,315 20,427 11,542 12,026 15,374 17,567 17,803 20,235 16,707 20,384 1,712 276 22,291 14,039 4,384 1,203 359 23,140 16,701 20,699 2,132 1,532 32,182 37,892 67,149 3,888 10,712 49,686 43,093 106,647 6,426 16 278 16,278 52,424 39,078 93,317 8,993 9,333 51,599 38,241 29,144 8,600 2,186 53,325 34,990 23,465 9,238 5,318 54,598 40,458 37,734 14,015 5,183 55,241 41,338 40,744 18,658 7,915 53,519 42,616 39,725 15,837 9,254 -2,024 -1,376 15 -494 347 -431 764 -436 709 -511 -637 3,393 -787 -874 -672 449 425 57,289 40,900 63,725 151,739 222,459 203,344 129,134 128,942 151,115 163,225 161,825 10.2 -16.0 -78.5 -29.7 30.1 -28.6 3.8 19.0 372.1 77.2 326.7 55.8 39.1 126.9 224.4 82.4 599.2 138.1 54.4 13.7 58.8 65.3 52.0 46.6 5.5 -9.3 -12.5 39.9 -42.7 -8.6 -1.6 -2.1 -68.8 -4.4 -76.6 -36.5 3.3 -8.5 -19.5 7.4 143.3 -0.1 2.4 15.6 60.8 51.7 -2.5 17.2 1.2 2.2 8.0 33.1 52.7 8.0 -3.1 3.1 -2.5 -15.1 16.9 -0.9 179 Table 6-21 (Continued) AIR FORCE BA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 59 FY 60 FY 61 FY 62 FY 63 FY 64 FY 65 FY 66 FY 67 FY 68 FY 69 4,044 4,267 7,256 2,429 796 4,020 4,344 6,548 2,780 804 4,063 4,489 5,317 3,321 694 4,275 4,643 6,449 3,565 462 4,155 4,550 6,978 3,698 799 4,487 4,557 6,370 3,544 488 4,583 4,856 6,213 3,175 392 5,076 5,253 8,390 3,215 720 5,574 5,853 9,209 3,172 414 5,840 6,160 9,356 3,393 502 6,253 7,143 8,219 3,443 273 72 85 19 30 -32 -53 -70 -66 14 -33 167 -55 419 -29 18,864 18,581 17,903 19,424 20,147 19,393 19,149 22,589 24,203 25,364 25,722 52,083 42,041 49,024 15,340 5,167 51,098 41,621 45,014 17,366 5,137 50,713 41,378 36,477 20,327 4,444 53,790 42,418 44,030 21,825 2,964 52,304 41,149 47,356 22,556 4 862 4,862 52,553 40,280 42,426 21,481 2,925 52,065 41,064 40,182 18,929 2,292 52,249 42,598 51,398 18,568 3,969 54,596 46,759 57,166 18,080 2,341 54,489 47,922 53,508 18,349 2,596 53,988 52,229 44,868 17,966 1,382 421 501 110 176 -187 -308 -402 -367 72 -177 869 -286 2,106 -146 164,077 160,737 153,449 165,203 168,040 159,357 154,129 168,414 178,837 177,448 172,394 -2.7 -1.3 23.4 -3.1 -44.2 1.4 -1.9 -1.0 -8.2 13.2 -0.6 -2.0 -0.8 -0.6 -19.0 17.1 -13.5 -4.5 6.1 2.5 20.7 7.4 -33.3 7.7 -2.8 -3.0 7.6 3.3 64.0 1.7 0.5 -2.1 -10.4 -4.8 -39.8 -5.2 -0.9 1.9 -5.3 -11.9 -21.6 -3.3 0.4 3.7 27.9 -1.9 73.2 9.3 4.5 9.8 11.2 -2.6 -41.0 6.2 -0.2 2.5 -6.4 1.5 10.9 -0.8 -0.9 9.0 -16.1 -2.1 -46.8 -2.8 180 Table 6-21 (Continued) AIR FORCE BA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 70 FY 71 FY 72 FY 73 FY 74 FY 75 FY 76 FY 77 FY 78 FY 79 FY 80 6,691 6,865 6,439 3,084 303 6,744 6,715 5,943 2,803 296 7,256 6,815 6,012 2,903 307 7,633 7,039 5,873 3,120 289 7,798 7,693 5,858 3,070 277 7,850 8,225 6,041 3,291 508 7,783 8,715 7,704 3,607 632 7,726 9,421 10,185 3,755 856 7,989 9,839 9,875 4,165 470 8,426 10,822 10,707 4,395 541 8,996 14,150 12,707 5,056 633 -26 -20 -48 -20 -26 126 -72 15 -12 59 -32 287 -31 196 -145 443 -266 23,356 22,481 23,245 23,934 24,670 25,967 28,444 31,969 32,595 34,943 41,720 52,295 47,759 33,985 15,424 1,455 49,187 43,316 29,956 13,326 1,357 46,457 41,334 28,492 13,143 1,325 43,798 39,200 25,600 13,330 1,103 41,929 37,898 23,197 12,038 955 39,386 38,498 21,523 11,574 1,579 37,025 36,827 24,788 11,574 1,773 34,965 37,140 31,639 11,405 2,343 33,950 35,746 27,922 11,645 1,176 33,640 36,625 27,246 11,260 1,234 33,338 38,402 29,206 11,826 1,331 -125 -94 -215 -85 -104 442 -254 49 -38 178 -98 809 -87 508 -374 1,036 -622 150,793 137,048 130,536 122,946 115,912 112,747 111,998 117,571 111,161 110,139 114,515 -3.1 -8.6 -24.3 -14.1 5.3 -12.5 -5.9 -9.3 -11.9 -13.6 -6.7 -9.1 -5.6 -4.6 -4.9 -1.4 -2.4 -4.8 -5.7 -5.2 -10.2 1.4 -16.8 -5.8 -4.3 -3.3 -9.4 -9.7 -13.4 -5.7 -6.1 1.6 -7.2 -3.9 65.3 -2.7 -6.0 -4.3 15.2 0.0 12.3 -0.7 -5.6 0.8 27.6 -1.5 32.1 5.0 -2.9 -3.8 -11.7 2.1 -49.8 -5.5 -0.9 2.5 -2.4 -3.3 4.9 -0.9 -0.9 4.9 7.2 5.0 7.9 4.0 181 Table 6-21 (Continued) AIR FORCE BA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 81 FY 82 FY 83 FY 84 FY 85 FY 86 FY 87 FY 88 FY 89 FY 90 FY 91 10,666 16,889 16,907 7,133 1,049 12,285 18,486 23,747 8,872 1,701 593 -93 79 -349 13,118 19,645 27,982 10,621 1,715 914 162 -82 13,820 20,369 36,092 12,258 1,610 805 1,289 -134 19,313 21,846 41,838 13,485 1,752 885 549 -246 19,225 21,249 38,197 13,109 1,757 793 752 -214 21,054 21,682 31,959 14,903 1,426 798 202 -399 21,613 23,040 26,701 14,617 1,414 828 452 -340 21,851 24,973 30,981 14,696 1,445 921 187 -369 21,777 25,160 30,276 13,507 1,453 870 121 -274 22,755 29,061 24,041 12,207 1,117 888 1,672 -485 53,144 64,821 74,074 86,108 99,420 94,870 91,624 88,324 94,685 92,890 91,257 34,564 40,976 35,393 15,165 2,076 34,911 42,334 46,204 17,773 3,232 1,254 -197 155 -685 35,644 44,350 51,663 20,397 3,147 1,720 305 -155 35,884 45,994 64,277 22,715 2,863 1,480 2,346 -245 45,597 48,438 72,280 24,212 3 026 3,026 1,582 966 -433 44,328 47,573 64,056 22,903 2,947 1,389 1,288 -367 46,483 47,406 51,942 25,194 2,310 1,365 336 -666 45,828 48,640 41,888 23,702 2,203 1,354 732 -551 44,867 50,467 46,709 22,891 2,166 1,445 290 -573 43,929 49,856 44,063 20,294 2,103 1,310 180 -409 43,573 50,503 33,986 17,707 1,573 1,283 2,393 -695 129,232 143,924 157,071 175,315 195,668 184,117 174,372 163,797 168,261 161,326 150,322 3.7 6.7 21.2 28.2 56.0 12.9 1.0 3.3 30.5 17.2 55.7 11.4 2.1 4.8 11.8 14.8 -2.6 9.1 0.7 3.7 24.4 11.4 -9.0 11.6 27.1 5.3 12.5 6.6 5.7 11.6 -2.8 -1.8 -11.4 -5.4 -2.6 -5.9 4.9 -0.4 -18.9 10.0 -21.6 -5.3 -1.4 2.6 -19.4 -5.9 -4.6 -6.1 -2.1 3.8 11.5 -3.4 -1.7 2.7 -2.1 -1.2 -5.7 -11.3 -2.9 -4.1 -0.8 1.3 -22.9 -12.7 -25.2 -6.8 182 Table 6-21 (Continued) AIR FORCE BA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 92 FY 93 FY 94 FY 95 FY 96 FY 97 FY 98 FY 99 FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 21,381 22,816 23,249 12,867 1,200 1,112 20,141 22,179 21,803 12,979 1,053 1,212 18,168 24,525 17,716 12,021 1,554 923 19,602 24,561 16,529 11,787 816 1,106 19,309 23,519 15,558 12,427 1,285 1,124 -286 -221 -332 -470 -231 19,186 22,728 14,247 14,017 1,567 1,135 790 -453 19,111 25,174 15,258 14,265 1,537 1,114 234 -409 19,357 27,107 18,434 13,807 862 1,082 1,510 -246 20,217 27,254 18,755 14,511 1,174 1,158 434 -453 20,956 29,328 22,054 14,297 1,410 1,084 515 -95 24,751 34,364 23,229 14,519 1,806 1,374 292 -108 82,340 79,146 74,575 73,932 72,992 73,216 76,284 81,914 83,050 89,549 100,228 39,839 40,894 32,081 18,173 1,653 1,568 35,882 38,343 29,471 17,933 1,422 1,669 31,608 41,448 23,513 16,351 2,061 1,250 33,294 40,976 21,557 15,675 1,062 1,472 32,073 38,259 19,984 16,205 1 650 1,650 1,472 -398 -300 -441 -614 -296 31,000 35,930 18,079 17,970 1,990 1,467 994 -570 29,519 37,855 19,170 18,100 1,932 1,424 293 -511 28,995 39,780 22,881 17,288 1,070 1,364 1,871 -305 28,825 39,407 22,940 17,871 1,437 1,438 530 -553 28,881 40,012 26,592 17,302 1,703 1,320 618 -113 32,166 45,838 27,616 17,376 2,150 1,656 347 -128 133,810 124,420 115,789 113,424 109,348 106,859 107,783 112,943 111,896 116,314 127,022 -8.6 -19.0 -5.6 2.6 5.1 -11.0 -9.9 -6.2 -8.1 -1.3 -14.0 -7.0 -11.9 8.1 -20.2 -8.8 44.9 -6.9 5.3 -1.1 -8.3 -4.1 -48.5 -2.0 -3.7 -6.6 -7.3 3.4 55.4 -3.6 -3.3 -6.1 -9.5 10.9 20.6 -2.3 -4.8 5.4 6.0 0.7 -2.9 0.9 -1.8 5.1 19.4 -4.5 -44.6 4.8 -0.6 -0.9 0.3 3.4 34.3 -0.9 0.2 1.5 15.9 -3.2 18.5 3.9 11.4 14.6 3.9 0.4 26.2 9.2 183 Table 6-21 (Continued) AIR FORCE BA BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 03 FY 04 FY 05 FY 06 FY 07 FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 28,732 43,254 31,380 18,825 1,634 1,536 31 -147 29,681 39,252 32,460 20,290 1,831 1,441 690 -110 30,344 39,752 35,117 20,551 1,499 1,680 -667 -359 31,398 46,709 35,989 22,220 2,183 2,086 1,252 -180 31,789 48,237 39,542 24,566 2,328 1,900 666 -80 32,180 52,225 43,816 26,630 3,089 1,001 -934 -96 33,482 55,229 44,182 26,289 3,102 1,087 251 -96 34,835 52,313 40,027 28,175 2,845 569 79 -136 34,395 46,589 39,343 27,247 1,748 592 67 -138 35,172 46,863 42,178 28,226 1,273 448 65 -138 36,154 47,338 42,065 26,086 1,123 428 68 -138 37,364 49,373 46,435 24,816 1,278 444 69 -138 38,527 51,732 46,967 25,739 2,192 454 69 -138 125,245 125,536 127,918 141,657 148,947 157,909 163,526 158,707 149,843 154,087 153,123 159,640 165,542 36,043 56,530 36,605 22,153 1,903 1,822 37 -173 36,174 49,854 36,954 23,317 2,076 1,666 795 -127 35,802 46,856 38,897 22,949 1,653 1,866 -747 -403 35,796 52,496 38,871 24,124 2,351 2,258 1,361 -196 35,313 52,951 41,805 26,060 2,460 2,022 705 -85 34,602 54,339 45,559 27,645 3,212 1,038 -967 -100 34,883 58,401 45,367 26,943 3,185 1,115 256 -98 35,349 53,327 40,603 28,548 2,889 579 76 -138 34,395 46,589 39,343 27,247 1,748 592 67 -138 34,412 45,927 41,487 27,763 1,252 440 64 -136 34,595 45,502 40,685 25,222 1,086 413 66 -134 34,856 46,559 44,160 23,587 1,215 422 66 -132 35,039 47,852 43,918 24,049 2,049 424 65 -129 154,920 150,710 146,875 157,060 161,231 165,328 170,052 161,234 149,843 151,209 147,435 150,732 153,268 12.1 23.3 32.5 27.5 -11.5 22.0 0.4 -11.8 1.0 5.3 9.1 -2.7 -1.0 -6.0 5.3 -1.6 -20.4 -2.5 0.0 12.0 -0.1 5.1 42.2 6.9 -1.3 0.9 7.5 8.0 4.6 2.7 -2.0 2.6 9.0 6.1 30.6 2.5 0.8 7.5 -0.4 -2.5 -0.8 2.9 1.3 -8.7 -10.5 6.0 -9.3 -5.2 -2.7 -12.6 -3.1 -4.6 -39.5 -7.1 0.0 -1.4 5.4 1.9 -28.4 0.9 0.5 -0.9 -1.9 -9.2 -13.3 -2.5 0.8 2.3 8.5 -6.5 11.9 2.2 0.5 2.8 -0.5 2.0 68.6 1.7 Totals include enacted budget authority and indefinite budget authority amounts, enacted OCO funding, and funding for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. 184 Table 6-22 ARMY OUTLAYS BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 48 FY 49 FY 50 FY 51 FY 52 FY 53 FY 54 FY 55 FY 56 FY 57 FY 58 1,904 1,538 44 91 73 1,802 1,540 251 90 51 1,984 1,649 292 117 77 3,383 3,217 449 202 97 5,273 5,961 3,950 373 353 5,006 4,580 5,713 490 535 4,837 4,060 3,314 559 379 4,372 2,697 1,156 653 379 4,111 2,690 1,165 709 412 3,926 2,947 1,413 725 457 3,962 3,174 1,304 768 389 67 -321 -65 -181 -131 -72 120 -73 -275 -74 1 -78 -229 -92 -346 -123 -368 -131 -381 -114 -542 77 3,396 3,488 3,916 7,395 15,561 16,249 12,828 8,788 8,588 8,972 9,131 33,554 25,268 407 1,087 598 35,198 24,461 1,970 1,006 400 34,266 22,736 2,323 1,199 609 59,727 35,559 3,678 2,301 753 83,212 61,632 29,867 3,661 2 691 2,691 78,282 49,440 42,564 4,592 4,063 74,155 44,132 25,061 5,042 2,914 66,749 32,392 8,200 5,535 2,768 58,546 31,080 7,920 5,618 2,869 57,703 31,692 8,956 5,287 2,968 54,722 32,039 8,129 5,613 2,539 526 -2,519 -481 -1,339 -996 -547 833 -507 -1,974 -530 10 -553 -1,658 -666 -2,347 -835 -2,399 -854 -2,310 -691 -3,248 461 58,921 61,216 59,590 102,344 178,559 178,398 148,980 112,461 102,780 103,605 100,255 4.9 -3.2 384.0 -7.5 -33.1 3.9 -2.6 -7.1 17.9 19.2 52.3 -2.7 74.3 56.4 58.3 91.9 23.6 71.7 39.3 73.3 712.0 59.1 257.4 74.5 -5.9 -19.8 42.5 25.4 51.0 -0.1 -5.3 -10.7 -41.1 9.8 -28.3 -16.5 -10.0 -26.6 -67.3 9.8 -5.0 -24.5 -12.3 -4.1 -3.4 1.5 3.6 -8.6 -1.4 2.0 13.1 -5.9 3.5 0.8 -5.2 1.1 -9.2 6.2 -14.5 -3.2 185 Table 6-22 (Continued) ARMY OUTLAYS BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 59 FY 60 FY 61 FY 62 FY 63 FY 64 FY 65 FY 66 FY 67 FY 68 FY 69 3,809 3,320 1,281 911 436 3,866 3,246 1,267 1,046 283 4,037 3,417 1,397 1,207 276 4,415 3,705 1,784 1,280 175 4,303 3,757 2,371 1,354 178 4,602 3,638 2,315 1,338 233 4,697 3,681 1,764 1,344 216 5,505 4,752 2,671 1,412 332 7,300 7,293 4,390 1,634 448 8,332 8,205 5,841 1,434 678 9,047 8,300 6,117 1,521 460 -264 41 -315 59 -202 14 -132 21 -465 -23 -75 -39 -102 -48 160 -100 -55 -52 804 -72 -348 -64 9,533 9,453 10,145 11,248 11,476 12,011 11,552 14,732 20,958 25,222 25,033 50,881 31,870 7,778 6,349 2,760 50,771 30,323 7,740 6,954 1,829 51,442 30,106 8,455 7,779 1,725 57,449 32,009 10,818 8,229 1,151 55,154 31,522 14,206 8,636 1 186 1,186 54,852 29,942 13,741 8,520 1,522 54,318 29,005 10,374 8,436 1,401 58,203 34,981 15,175 8,600 1,997 71,686 48,344 24,075 9,552 2,546 77,417 52,657 30,892 8,190 3,655 79,220 51,182 31,386 8,455 2,442 -1,545 240 -1,856 348 -1,166 81 -774 123 -2,711 -134 -437 -227 -588 -276 889 -556 -296 -281 4,175 -373 -1,751 -324 98,332 96,110 98,423 109,005 107,858 107,913 102,670 119,288 155,626 176,611 170,610 -7.0 -0.5 -4.3 13.1 8.7 -1.9 -0.2 -4.9 -0.5 9.5 -33.7 -2.3 1.3 -0.7 9.2 11.9 -5.7 2.4 11.7 6.3 27.9 5.8 -33.3 10.8 -4.0 -1.5 31.3 4.9 3.0 -1.1 -0.5 -5.0 -3.3 -1.3 28.3 0.1 -1.0 -3.1 -24.5 -1.0 -8.0 -4.9 7.2 20.6 46.3 1.9 42.5 16.2 23.2 38.2 58.6 11.1 27.5 30.5 8.0 8.9 28.3 -14.3 43.6 13.5 2.3 -2.8 1.6 3.2 -33.2 -3.4 186 Table 6-22 (Continued) ARMY OUTLAYS BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 70 FY 71 FY 72 FY 73 FY 74 FY 75 FY 76 FY 77 FY 78 FY 79 FY 80 9,701 7,879 5,206 1,665 458 9,399 7,443 4,357 1,569 502 9,005 7,554 3,894 1,779 423 8,535 6,939 2,781 1,912 421 8,733 7,039 2,784 2,190 693 9,271 7,545 2,515 1,964 624 9,515 7,926 1,353 1,842 915 9,888 8,637 2,622 2,069 755 10,450 9,617 3,224 2,342 737 10,943 10,365 4,465 2,409 702 11,988 11,894 5,423 2,707 955 -113 -48 -146 -48 -17 -42 -347 -56 13 -57 39 -38 -54 -99 15 -66 -181 -170 109 -222 -54 -312 24,749 23,077 22,596 20,185 21,395 21,920 21,398 23,919 26,019 28,770 32,601 75,795 46,119 25,602 8,784 2,370 69,162 41,305 20,444 7,879 2,434 58,469 40,223 17,691 8,500 1,974 50,306 35,582 12,730 8,743 1,882 48,350 33,377 12,335 9,287 2 841 2,841 47,512 32,563 9,613 7,562 2,234 46,201 31,877 4,767 6,525 3,100 45,539 31,978 8,750 6,723 2,396 44,980 32,695 10,064 7,063 2,192 44,650 33,331 12,650 6,628 1,954 45,225 34,098 13,741 6,797 2,387 -549 -230 -674 -222 -74 -189 -1,487 -239 51 -230 136 -132 -176 -322 46 -201 -510 -480 282 -574 -126 -730 157,891 140,328 126,594 107,518 106,011 99,487 91,972 95,232 96,003 98,920 101,393 -4.3 -9.9 -18.4 3.9 -2.9 -7.5 -8.8 -10.4 -20.1 -10.3 2.7 -11.1 -15.5 -2.6 -13.5 7.9 -18.9 -9.8 -14.0 -11.5 -28.0 2.9 -4.7 -15.1 -3.9 -6.2 -3.1 6.2 51.0 -1.4 -1.7 -2.4 -22.1 -18.6 -21.4 -6.2 -2.8 -2.1 -50.4 -13.7 38.8 -7.6 -1.4 0.3 83.6 3.0 -22.7 3.5 -1.2 2.2 15.0 5.1 -8.5 0.8 -0.7 1.9 25.7 -6.2 -10.9 3.0 1.3 2.3 8.6 2.5 22.2 2.5 187 Table 6-22 (Continued) ARMY OUTLAYS BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 81 FY 82 FY 83 FY 84 FY 85 FY 86 FY 87 FY 88 FY 89 FY 90 FY 91 13,977 13,204 6,701 2,958 803 640 136 -800 16,457 15,724 8,386 3,230 878 785 20 -199 17,439 17,292 11,442 3,658 954 874 -21 -117 18,327 18,362 13,577 3,812 963 1,012 -95 -303 26,212 19,452 15,145 3,950 1,133 1,158 -159 -183 27,634 21,040 15,047 3,984 1,519 1,345 817 -279 27,273 22,259 15,839 4,721 1,979 1,445 479 -187 29,196 24,762 15,578 4,624 1,712 1,524 213 -294 31,019 25,282 15,835 4,966 1,423 1,573 113 -239 28,973 26,770 14,462 5,513 1,252 1,734 -357 -331 32,489 35,550 14,714 5,559 878 1,565 -9 -386 37,620 45,281 51,520 55,655 66,708 71,107 73,808 77,315 79,973 78,017 90,360 46,195 34,287 15,430 6,726 1,857 1,354 287 -1,691 47,002 38,319 17,315 6,899 1,949 1,543 39 -390 47,270 40,047 22,133 7,479 2,073 1,711 -40 -222 47,566 41,190 24,711 7,522 2,029 1,925 -172 -551 60,850 42,310 26,659 7,607 2 266 2,266 2,119 -279 -323 61,671 44,143 25,765 7,652 2,872 2,394 1,399 -477 60,297 44,950 26,409 8,665 3,538 2,494 799 -312 61,537 47,424 25,217 8,204 2,941 2,552 344 -475 62,746 46,167 24,600 8,396 2,372 2,527 175 -371 58,856 46,679 21,582 8,899 2,002 2,664 -532 -493 61,768 57,143 21,053 8,641 1,379 2,298 -14 -552 104,444 112,677 120,451 124,220 141,208 145,418 146,841 147,745 146,612 139,656 151,717 2.1 0.6 12.3 -1.0 -22.2 3.0 1.7 11.8 12.2 2.6 5.0 7.9 0.6 4.5 27.8 8.4 6.4 6.9 0.6 2.9 11.6 0.6 -2.1 3.1 27.9 2.7 7.9 1.1 11.7 13.7 1.3 4.3 -3.4 0.6 26.7 3.0 -2.2 1.8 2.5 13.2 23.2 1.0 2.1 5.5 -4.5 -5.3 -16.9 0.6 2.0 -2.7 -2.4 2.3 -19.3 -0.8 -6.2 1.1 -12.3 6.0 -15.6 -4.7 4.9 22.4 -2.5 -2.9 -31.1 8.6 188 Table 6-22 (Continued) ARMY OUTLAYS BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 92 FY 93 FY 94 FY 95 FY 96 FY 97 FY 98 FY 99 FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 31,937 26,397 12,858 5,978 832 1,550 -91 -233 28,476 23,879 11,271 6,218 1,097 1,354 195 -257 27,991 21,024 8,143 5,746 958 1,289 76 -230 26,752 22,450 7,468 5,081 1,002 1,228 36 -324 24,439 22,466 7,281 4,925 1,079 1,312 96 -416 25,799 23,067 8,167 4,859 1,340 1,392 202 -478 25,809 22,498 8,866 4,881 1,426 1,288 -57 -125 26,038 23,711 9,194 5,027 1,017 1,255 -273 -195 28,706 25,719 8,924 4,778 1,032 1,169 125 -117 27,871 27,017 10,422 5,749 1,363 1,137 385 -144 32,533 29,923 11,562 6,569 1,470 1,157 287 -182 79,228 72,233 64,999 63,692 61,183 64,346 64,586 65,773 70,336 73,800 83,319 59,249 43,266 17,862 8,948 1,268 2,215 -126 -324 50,736 37,917 15,289 9,027 1,591 1,900 264 -348 48,242 33,270 10,830 8,319 1,387 1,759 101 -306 45,298 34,546 9,746 7,257 1,413 1,655 47 -423 41,041 33,688 9,316 6,870 1 493 1,493 1,719 123 -532 41,596 33,571 10,266 6,662 1,769 1,777 253 -601 39,829 31,916 11,066 6,515 1,866 1,632 -71 -156 39,061 32,340 11,385 6,608 1,321 1,574 -338 -242 40,730 34,347 10,898 6,135 1,319 1,446 153 -143 38,651 34,922 12,490 7,181 1,699 1,378 462 -172 42,385 37,988 13,746 8,024 1,796 1,388 341 -216 132,358 116,377 103,603 99,540 93,718 95,293 92,596 91,708 94,886 96,610 105,453 -4.1 -24.3 -15.2 3.6 -8.0 -12.8 -14.4 -12.4 -14.4 0.9 25.5 -12.1 -4.9 -12.3 -29.2 -7.8 -12.8 -11.0 -6.1 3.8 -10.0 -12.8 1.9 -3.9 -9.4 -2.5 -4.4 -5.3 5.7 -5.8 1.4 -0.3 10.2 -3.0 18.5 1.7 -4.2 -4.9 7.8 -2.2 5.5 -2.8 -1.9 1.3 2.9 1.4 -29.2 -1.0 4.3 6.2 -4.3 -7.2 -0.2 3.5 -5.1 1.7 14.6 17.0 28.8 1.8 9.7 8.8 10.1 11.7 5.7 9.2 189 Table 6-22 (Continued) ARMY OUTLAYS BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 03 FY 04 FY 05 FY 06 FY 07 FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 42,675 40,907 12,527 7,041 1,940 1,249 -1,019 -73 47,340 56,916 13,697 8,302 2,148 1,292 -615 -47 54,870 66,487 17,860 9,702 2,093 1,224 -201 63 54,036 72,968 22,356 10,846 2,515 1,173 219 -777 55,907 79,716 28,756 11,364 3,490 1,155 -910 -98 61,138 93,709 39,368 11,285 5,579 1,149 -418 -129 66,024 98,942 45,631 11,764 7,878 717 256 -253 67,901 99,034 48,223 11,558 11,462 723 474 -112 59,502 63,016 37,850 10,832 7,282 764 243 -103 60,273 48,590 27,890 10,538 7,784 698 94 -103 61,813 49,523 24,473 10,167 6,533 641 100 -103 63,320 50,661 23,950 9,444 5,869 601 108 -103 64,655 51,294 24,250 8,530 5,111 551 67 -103 105,248 129,034 152,098 163,336 179,379 211,682 230,958 239,262 179,387 155,765 153,147 153,851 154,355 53,557 50,401 14,747 8,470 2,314 1,482 -1,200 -86 57,750 67,519 15,808 9,717 2,502 1,500 -710 -54 64,409 75,750 20,050 10,989 2,371 1,378 -226 71 61,647 80,343 24,343 11,914 2,764 1,280 239 -846 62,036 85,528 30,489 12,155 3,723 1,229 -965 -104 65,683 97,541 40,762 11,773 5,800 1,191 -433 -133 68,705 101,693 46,548 12,036 8,046 733 262 -258 68,886 100,272 48,753 11,692 11,589 731 479 -113 59,502 63,016 37,850 10,832 7,282 764 243 -103 58,962 47,668 27,451 10,355 7,657 687 93 -101 59,127 47,649 23,684 9,809 6,315 619 97 -100 59,035 47,809 22,791 8,941 5,574 571 103 -98 58,737 47,468 22,691 7,922 4,768 514 63 -96 129,684 154,033 174,793 181,685 194,091 222,184 237,763 242,290 179,387 152,772 147,201 144,726 142,067 26.4 32.7 7.3 5.6 28.8 23.0 7.8 34.0 7.2 14.7 8.1 18.8 11.5 12.2 26.8 13.1 -5.2 13.5 -4.3 6.1 21.4 8.4 16.6 3.9 0.6 6.5 25.2 2.0 34.7 6.8 5.9 14.0 33.7 -3.1 55.8 14.5 4.6 4.3 14.2 2.2 38.7 7.0 0.3 -1.4 4.7 -2.9 44.0 1.9 -13.6 -37.2 -22.4 -7.4 -37.2 -26.0 -0.9 -24.4 -27.5 -4.4 5.1 -14.8 0.3 0.0 -13.7 -5.3 -17.5 -3.6 -0.2 0.3 -3.8 -8.8 -11.7 -1.7 -0.5 -0.7 -0.4 -11.4 -14.5 -1.8 Totals include enacted budget authority and indefinite budget authority amounts, enacted OCO funding, and funding for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. 190 Table 6-23 NAVY OUTLAYS BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 48 FY 49 FY 50 FY 51 FY 52 FY 53 FY 54 FY 55 FY 56 FY 57 FY 58 1,509 1,414 1,042 168 76 1,478 1,585 1,020 74 1,583 1,415 878 234 85 2,112 2,082 1,246 332 124 3,086 3,091 2,654 488 380 3,385 2,915 4,253 517 489 3,210 2,577 4,699 521 363 3,066 2,520 3,489 583 235 3,156 2,316 3,559 667 279 3,184 2,628 3,590 747 374 3,189 2,602 4,048 827 391 -364 -205 -85 -75 -314 -54 462 -49 112 -56 -69 -93 -76 -123 -206 -131 -90 -114 -125 76 3,845 3,952 4,035 5,528 10,112 11,616 11,208 9,694 9,641 10,318 11,009 28,047 22,347 10,570 1,852 621 27,504 23,123 9,817 570 27,514 20,576 8,848 2,294 665 35,657 28,981 12,009 3,204 962 50,758 37,504 25,046 4,485 2 840 2,840 51,830 37,398 38,905 4,708 3,604 49,756 33,709 42,910 4,809 2,730 46,191 31,802 31,098 5,035 1,688 45,322 29,136 30,021 5,385 1,900 46,258 30,443 28,011 5,573 2,348 43,825 28,809 31,145 6,022 2,434 -2,856 -1,516 -646 -570 -2,183 -375 3,320 -350 795 -397 -500 -673 -513 -835 -1,341 -854 -545 -691 -747 455 60,582 59,498 58,681 78,255 123,603 136,844 132,740 114,466 109,570 111,396 111,944 -1.9 3.5 -7.1 0.0 -11.0 -9.9 -8.2 -1.8 16.7 -1.4 29.6 40.8 35.7 39.7 44.7 33.4 42.4 29.4 108.6 40.0 195.2 57.9 2.1 -0.3 55.3 5.0 26.9 10.7 -4.0 -9.9 10.3 2.1 -24.3 -3.0 -7.2 -5.7 -27.5 4.7 -38.2 -13.8 -1.9 -8.4 -3.5 7.0 12.6 -4.3 2.1 4.5 -6.7 3.5 23.6 1.7 -5.3 -5.4 11.2 8.1 3.7 0.5 191 Table 6-23 (Continued) NAVY OUTLAYS BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 59 FY 60 FY 61 FY 62 FY 63 FY 64 FY 65 FY 66 FY 67 FY 68 FY 69 3,280 2,728 4,196 1,148 342 3,226 2,664 4,086 1,457 290 3,252 2,709 4,641 1,435 277 3,417 2,953 5,215 1,364 145 3,486 3,055 6,584 1,429 196 3,833 3,071 6,042 1,578 190 4,021 3,370 4,933 1,294 252 4,639 4,057 5,237 1,407 452 5,232 5,058 6,485 1,791 523 5,721 5,164 7,992 2,003 93 6,143 5,757 8,523 2,045 425 69 72 -78 82 -99 19 68 30 -745 -32 -195 -54 -470 -60 235 -65 202 -45 1,134 -35 -350 -38 11,835 11,726 12,234 13,191 13,973 14,466 13,339 15,962 19,246 22,072 22,505 42,526 28,408 33,829 7,851 2,104 41,349 26,957 34,413 9,719 1,805 41,278 25,791 37,597 9,370 1,681 43,706 27,825 41,551 9,049 912 43,954 27,259 52,381 9,388 1 218 1,218 44,793 27,244 46,541 10,262 1,176 45,420 28,067 37,037 8,487 1,519 48,100 31,785 36,384 8,913 2,588 51,689 37,609 41,744 10,758 2,896 53,532 37,876 48,182 11,623 595 54,195 39,422 50,444 11,561 2,250 401 421 -463 484 -571 110 396 176 -4,343 -187 -1,131 -314 -2,699 -345 1,306 -361 1,086 -242 5,888 -180 -1,762 -193 115,541 114,264 115,255 123,614 129,670 128,573 117,485 128,715 145,541 157,516 155,917 -3.0 -1.4 8.6 30.4 -13.6 3.2 -2.8 -5.1 1.7 23.8 -14.2 -1.1 -0.2 -4.3 9.3 -3.6 -6.9 0.9 5.9 7.9 10.5 -3.4 -45.7 7.3 0.6 -2.0 26.1 3.7 33.6 4.9 1.9 -0.1 -11.1 9.3 -3.4 -0.8 1.4 3.0 -20.4 -17.3 29.2 -8.6 5.9 13.2 -1.8 5.0 70.4 9.6 7.5 18.3 14.7 20.7 11.9 13.1 3.6 0.7 15.4 8.0 -79.5 8.2 1.2 4.1 4.7 -0.5 278.2 -1.0 192 Table 6-23 (Continued) NAVY OUTLAYS BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 70 FY 71 FY 72 FY 73 FY 74 FY 75 FY 76 FY 77 FY 78 FY 79 FY 80 6,671 5,553 7,945 2,084 333 6,407 5,493 7,300 2,405 310 6,748 5,689 7,135 2,427 343 7,194 5,687 7,028 2,404 395 7,337 6,511 7,027 2,623 414 7,883 8,044 8,057 3,021 517 7,899 8,712 8,032 3,215 675 8,182 9,895 8,484 3,481 692 8,689 11,266 9,197 3,825 634 9,117 12,302 11,797 3,826 760 9,838 15,569 12,394 4,381 805 -45 -35 166 -30 27 -33 -202 -35 110 -38 -87 -41 -25 -45 98 -57 -62 -26 117 -106 -161 -117 22,505 22,051 22,336 22,470 23,984 27,393 28,462 30,775 33,524 37,813 42,710 52,170 36,030 44,816 11,103 1,695 46,785 33,409 39,001 12,022 1,497 43,307 34,033 35,879 11,595 1,585 41,660 32,481 33,704 10,890 1,731 39,825 33,332 31,051 11,155 1 704 1,704 39,487 37,166 32,264 11,237 1,859 37,760 36,681 29,775 11,141 2,261 36,909 38,257 29,238 11,112 2,148 36,579 39,713 29,437 11,322 1,844 36,136 41,532 34,465 9,943 2,019 36,260 44,116 32,494 10,301 1,943 -219 -170 767 -138 118 -146 -866 -149 444 -154 -305 -143 -81 -149 295 -172 -175 -72 303 -275 -377 -273 145,425 133,342 126,372 119,449 117,358 121,566 117,387 117,787 118,648 124,123 124,463 -3.7 -8.6 -11.2 -4.0 -24.7 -6.7 -10.3 -7.3 -13.0 8.3 -11.7 -8.3 -7.4 1.9 -8.0 -3.6 5.9 -5.2 -3.8 -4.6 -6.1 -6.1 9.2 -5.5 -4.4 2.6 -7.9 2.4 -1.6 -1.8 -0.8 11.5 3.9 0.7 9.1 3.6 -4.4 -1.3 -7.7 -0.9 21.6 -3.4 -2.3 4.3 -1.8 -0.3 -5.0 0.3 -0.9 3.8 0.7 1.9 -14.2 0.7 -1.2 4.6 17.1 -12.2 9.5 4.6 0.3 6.2 -5.7 3.6 -3.8 0.3 193 Table 6-23 (Continued) NAVY OUTLAYS BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 81 FY 82 FY 83 FY 84 FY 85 FY 86 FY 87 FY 88 FY 89 FY 90 FY 91 11,951 18,419 14,785 4,783 642 510 23 -630 13,644 20,973 17,867 5,240 808 578 192 -61 15,032 22,659 21,831 5,854 992 560 579 -104 15,709 23,488 23,989 6,662 1,053 614 -424 -172 22,259 25,461 25,750 8,054 1,267 674 706 26 23,566 25,002 27,814 9,667 1,395 636 590 -177 24,008 24,893 29,201 9,176 1,569 625 1,522 -181 25,795 28,358 28,800 8,828 1,756 644 478 -90 27,102 29,422 32,908 9,291 1,535 736 159 20 25,962 28,188 32,617 9,160 1,438 804 -274 -170 28,184 31,027 34,294 7,586 871 797 -383 -196 50,482 59,242 67,402 70,920 84,197 88,492 90,813 94,570 101,171 97,725 102,180 38,022 46,598 34,768 10,168 1,420 1,078 48 -1,332 38,340 49,929 37,159 10,361 1,659 1,137 377 -119 40,268 52,273 41,982 11,125 1,952 1,063 1,094 -197 40,307 53,305 43,663 12,190 1,997 1,125 -771 -313 51,986 56,095 45,327 14,245 2 312 2,312 1,196 1,243 45 53,140 54,803 47,627 16,626 2,480 1,099 1,010 -303 52,875 53,143 48,686 15,366 2,696 1,053 2,537 -302 54,126 57,430 46,619 14,348 2,924 1,058 774 -145 54,916 57,063 51,123 14,490 2,461 1,159 247 30 52,444 53,495 48,674 13,727 2,221 1,216 -409 -253 53,798 54,012 49,067 10,913 1,317 1,151 -548 -280 130,771 138,843 149,560 151,505 172,449 176,482 176,055 177,134 181,488 171,113 169,431 4.9 5.6 7.0 -1.3 -26.9 5.1 0.8 7.1 6.9 1.9 16.8 6.2 5.0 4.7 13.0 7.4 17.7 7.7 0.1 2.0 4.0 9.6 2.3 1.3 29.0 5.2 3.8 16.9 15.8 13.8 2.2 -2.3 5.1 16.7 7.3 2.3 -0.5 -3.0 2.2 -7.6 8.7 -0.2 2.4 8.1 -4.2 -6.6 8.5 0.6 1.5 -0.6 9.7 1.0 -15.8 2.5 -4.5 -6.3 -4.8 -5.3 -9.8 -5.7 2.6 1.0 0.8 -20.5 -40.7 -1.0 194 Table 6-23 (Continued) NAVY OUTLAYS BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 92 FY 93 FY 94 FY 95 FY 96 FY 97 FY 98 FY 99 FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 28,226 27,165 31,976 7,826 1,090 787 -3 -209 27,278 27,002 29,991 8,944 926 880 96 -203 26,442 23,015 26,534 7,990 814 831 457 -155 25,722 25,900 23,083 9,230 806 1,161 659 -650 23,849 22,403 19,239 9,404 1,455 1,368 1,507 362 24,773 25,064 18,303 8,220 1,842 1,377 2,637 -119 24,116 25,002 18,228 7,837 1,672 1,429 1,133 -1,368 24,341 24,630 18,351 8,052 722 1,330 1,115 58 26,455 28,143 20,960 8,857 855 1,185 1,087 -337 26,198 29,013 22,603 9,462 1,295 1,194 837 -157 30,124 31,435 24,203 10,359 1,236 1,283 87 -179 96,858 94,914 85,927 85,910 79,587 82,098 78,047 78,598 87,204 90,444 98,547 52,365 47,334 44,418 10,933 1,576 1,109 -4 -290 48,524 45,556 40,684 12,733 1,318 1,209 130 -275 45,757 37,349 35,289 10,923 1,137 1,119 607 -206 43,355 40,473 30,127 12,324 1,108 1,531 860 -849 39,804 35,106 24,618 12,284 1 923 1,923 1,764 1,929 464 39,790 37,491 23,006 10,553 2,379 1,746 3,315 -149 37,143 36,391 22,752 9,970 2,141 1,802 1,414 -1,708 36,344 36,237 22,723 10,289 941 1,661 1,381 72 37,466 39,714 25,596 11,066 1,085 1,466 1,327 -412 36,160 39,003 27,088 11,556 1,584 1,445 1,004 -189 39,211 41,610 28,775 12,492 1,494 1,543 103 -212 157,439 149,879 131,976 128,931 117,891 118,130 109,905 109,649 117,309 117,652 125,016 -2.7 -12.4 -9.5 0.2 19.7 -7.1 -7.3 -3.8 -8.4 16.5 -16.4 -4.8 -5.7 -18.0 -13.3 -14.2 -13.7 -11.9 -5.2 8.4 -14.6 12.8 -2.6 -2.3 -8.2 -13.3 -18.3 -0.3 73.6 -8.6 0.0 6.8 -6.5 -14.1 23.7 0.2 -6.7 -2.9 -1.1 -5.5 -10.0 -7.0 -2.2 -0.4 -0.1 3.2 -56.0 -0.2 3.1 9.6 12.6 7.6 15.3 7.0 -3.5 -1.8 5.8 4.4 46.0 0.3 8.4 6.7 6.2 8.1 -5.7 6.3 195 Table 6-23 (Continued) NAVY OUTLAYS BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 03 FY 04 FY 05 FY 06 FY 07 FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 35,630 36,471 25,097 12,193 1,185 1,226 428 -213 36,631 37,935 27,243 14,136 1,582 1,090 1,437 326 39,701 39,256 27,974 16,039 1,357 938 719 104 39,920 42,179 30,031 17,423 1,322 750 804 -162 39,711 43,720 32,982 18,752 1,586 646 1,971 -229 42,937 48,953 37,679 18,563 1,973 525 1,891 -61 44,463 50,218 39,810 19,411 2,507 496 1,258 -57 46,051 51,476 42,966 19,659 4,489 491 1,788 -277 45,056 47,763 44,973 18,495 4,465 481 1,381 -277 46,425 47,737 45,502 17,140 4,339 462 873 -277 47,742 49,246 46,859 16,133 3,693 508 979 -277 49,174 50,023 49,038 15,093 2,865 521 753 -277 50,748 51,228 51,333 13,997 2,424 502 929 -277 112,017 120,381 126,088 132,267 139,141 152,459 158,108 166,642 162,338 162,202 164,884 167,190 170,884 44,796 47,689 29,543 14,484 1,412 1,471 504 -251 44,608 47,587 31,440 16,360 1,839 1,281 1,659 377 46,719 45,712 31,405 18,042 1,535 1,056 807 117 45,524 47,332 32,700 19,052 1,450 820 876 -176 44,116 47,686 34,970 19,972 1,694 689 2,090 -243 46,092 50,985 39,013 19,387 2,052 546 1,958 -63 46,291 52,693 40,610 19,895 2,562 507 1,284 -58 46,718 52,328 43,438 19,894 4,539 496 1,806 -280 45,056 47,763 44,973 18,495 4,465 481 1,381 -277 45,433 46,816 44,785 16,839 4,269 454 859 -272 45,706 47,384 45,350 15,556 3,570 491 948 -268 45,917 47,220 46,665 14,279 2,721 495 716 -263 46,220 47,433 48,033 12,985 2,261 469 869 -259 139,650 145,150 145,393 147,578 150,973 159,969 163,784 168,940 162,338 159,183 158,737 157,750 158,011 14.2 14.6 2.7 15.9 -5.5 11.7 -0.4 -0.2 6.4 13.0 30.2 3.9 4.7 -3.9 -0.1 10.3 -16.5 0.2 -2.6 3.5 4.1 5.6 -5.5 1.5 -3.1 0.7 6.9 4.8 16.8 2.3 4.5 6.9 11.6 -2.9 21.1 6.0 0.4 3.4 4.1 2.6 24.9 2.4 0.9 -0.7 7.0 0.0 77.2 3.1 -3.6 -8.7 3.5 -7.0 -1.6 -3.9 0.8 -2.0 -0.4 -9.0 -4.4 -1.9 0.6 1.2 1.3 -7.6 -16.4 -0.3 0.5 -0.3 2.9 -8.2 -23.8 -0.6 0.7 0.5 2.9 -9.1 -16.9 0.2 Totals include enacted budget authority and indefinite budget authority amounts, enacted OCO funding, and funding for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. 196 Table 6-24 AIR FORCE OUTLAYS BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 48 FY 49 FY 50 FY 51 FY 52 FY 53 FY 54 FY 55 FY 56 FY 57 FY 58 1,020 1,023 764 154 32 1,213 1,229 1,085 202 58 1,335 972 1,219 62 4 1,798 1,845 2,118 333 251 3,035 3,174 4,667 630 1,096 3,431 3,280 6,699 945 920 3,226 3,152 7,190 1,098 956 3,548 2,777 7,872 1,165 1,063 3,844 3,760 6,186 1,704 1,358 3,793 3,978 6,812 2,489 1,122 3,905 3,951 6,856 2,674 967 -258 -186 -8 -65 4 -62 108 -61 -66 -72 54 -88 -83 -116 -105 -134 152 -111 -14 71 2,735 3,601 3,519 6,287 12,650 15,137 15,588 16,227 16,613 18,235 18,411 19,573 15,060 7,039 1,382 251 23,138 16,746 9,387 1,710 429 23,117 15,063 10,730 680 30 30,827 27,022 16,943 2,757 1,747 49,623 40,728 39,031 5,117 8 247 8,247 52,720 39,443 54,302 7,520 6,902 50,961 38,305 60,311 8,695 7,244 53,493 34,007 61,689 8,709 7,605 54,961 41,297 46,172 11,982 9,288 55,022 41,935 47,487 16,083 7,168 53,494 40,828 47,295 16,976 6,169 -2,024 -1,376 -60 -494 26 -431 780 -436 -471 -511 387 -637 -560 -787 -685 -874 919 -672 -86 425 41,281 50,033 49,065 78,891 143,091 159,906 165,268 164,155 162,140 167,942 165,101 18.2 11.2 33.4 23.7 70.9 21.2 -0.1 -10.1 14.3 -60.2 -93.0 -1.9 33.4 79.4 57.9 305.4 5,723.3 60.8 61.0 50.7 130.4 85.6 372.1 81.4 6.2 -3.2 39.1 47.0 -16.3 11.8 -3.3 -2.9 11.1 15.6 5.0 3.4 5.0 -11.2 2.3 0.2 5.0 -0.7 2.7 21.4 -25.2 37.6 22.1 -1.2 0.1 1.5 2.8 34.2 -22.8 3.6 -2.8 -2.6 -0.4 5.6 -13.9 -1.7 197 Table 6-24 (Continued) AIR FORCE OUTLAYS BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 59 FY 60 FY 61 FY 62 FY 63 FY 64 FY 65 FY 66 FY 67 FY 68 FY 69 4,071 4,298 7,146 2,507 1,144 3,951 4,275 7,381 2,628 1,014 4,010 4,440 7,058 3,300 1,015 4,306 4,622 7,533 3,493 850 4,197 4,682 7,698 3,300 742 4,550 4,719 6,959 3,722 554 4,669 4,771 5,101 3,146 507 5,018 5,176 6,414 2,948 527 5,424 5,714 8,096 3,229 550 5,806 6,211 9,408 3,800 492 6,183 7,073 9,294 3,386 494 11 72 -45 85 -38 19 -44 30 22 -32 5 -53 23 -70 47 -66 -69 -33 75 -58 -508 -29 19,249 19,289 19,804 20,790 20,610 20,456 18,146 20,065 22,912 25,734 25,892 52,224 42,045 47,800 15,644 7,095 50,694 41,143 49,625 16,432 6,321 50,383 40,740 46,723 19,955 6,182 53,960 42,097 50,946 21,274 5,194 52,540 41,950 51,716 20,155 4 487 4,487 52,918 41,363 46,748 22,534 3,327 52,575 40,705 33,930 18,936 3,008 51,945 42,354 41,104 17,273 3,005 53,770 45,642 49,429 18,236 3,016 54,331 48,464 54,937 20,641 2,617 53,665 52,206 52,808 17,907 2,538 62 421 -267 501 -220 110 -255 176 131 -187 27 -308 130 -402 264 -367 -370 -177 387 -300 -2,556 -144 165,291 164,449 163,873 173,392 170,792 166,610 148,881 155,579 169,545 181,079 176,425 -2.4 3.0 1.1 -7.8 15.0 0.1 -2.9 -2.1 3.8 5.0 -10.9 -0.5 -0.6 -1.0 -5.8 21.4 -2.2 -0.4 7.1 3.3 9.0 6.6 -16.0 5.8 -2.6 -0.3 1.5 -5.3 -13.6 -1.5 0.7 -1.4 -9.6 11.8 -25.9 -2.4 -0.6 -1.6 -27.4 -16.0 -9.6 -10.6 -1.2 4.1 21.1 -8.8 -0.1 4.5 3.5 7.8 20.3 5.6 0.4 9.0 1.0 6.2 11.1 13.2 -13.2 6.8 -1.2 7.7 -3.9 -13.2 -3.0 -2.6 198 Table 6-24 (Continued) AIR FORCE OUTLAYS BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 70 FY 71 FY 72 FY 73 FY 74 FY 75 FY 76 FY 77 FY 78 FY 79 FY 80 6,659 6,995 8,362 2,937 366 6,826 6,749 7,131 2,809 271 7,283 7,161 6,048 3,205 331 7,517 6,999 5,798 3,362 285 7,659 7,336 5,367 3,240 286 7,814 8,380 5,390 3,308 303 7,649 8,613 6,480 3,338 414 7,645 9,173 6,922 3,618 444 7,937 9,757 7,335 3,626 537 8,347 10,476 8,906 4,080 615 9,016 13,614 10,902 5,017 701 -423 -29 16 -24 22 -51 -316 -18 74 -33 -75 -78 -28 -19 166 -53 70 -44 -10 -136 -28 -245 24,867 23,778 23,999 23,627 23,928 25,042 26,446 27,915 29,217 32,277 38,976 52,169 48,931 45,840 14,953 1,816 49,588 43,926 37,613 13,562 1,293 46,601 43,678 30,638 14,776 1,510 43,340 40,866 27,822 14,827 1,219 41,465 38,474 24,354 13,472 1 157 1,157 39,303 39,643 21,375 12,083 1,066 36,662 37,467 24,080 11,361 1,352 34,752 36,967 23,707 11,373 1,340 33,836 36,216 23,444 10,610 1,516 33,478 36,479 26,165 10,950 1,590 33,428 37,926 28,832 12,200 1,639 -2,046 -142 76 -109 97 -225 -1,351 -75 300 -133 -262 -275 -93 -63 500 -159 197 -125 -25 -352 -67 -574 161,521 145,950 137,076 126,647 119,089 112,934 110,766 108,480 105,693 108,285 113,383 -2.8 -6.3 -13.2 -16.5 -28.4 -8.4 -4.9 -10.2 -17.9 -9.3 -28.8 -9.6 -6.0 -0.6 -18.5 9.0 16.8 -6.1 -7.0 -6.4 -9.2 0.3 -19.3 -7.6 -4.3 -5.9 -12.5 -9.1 -5.1 -6.0 -5.2 3.0 -12.2 -10.3 -7.9 -5.2 -6.7 -5.5 12.7 -6.0 26.8 -1.9 -5.2 -1.3 -1.5 0.1 -0.9 -2.1 -2.6 -2.0 -1.1 -6.7 13.1 -2.6 -1.1 0.7 11.6 3.2 4.9 2.5 -0.1 4.0 10.2 11.4 3.1 4.7 199 Table 6-24 (Continued) AIR FORCE OUTLAYS BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 81 FY 82 FY 83 FY 84 FY 85 FY 86 FY 87 FY 88 FY 89 FY 90 FY 91 10,480 16,017 13,028 6,341 779 543 -15 -2,017 12,240 17,819 16,356 7,794 902 571 341 -349 13,053 19,106 19,886 9,182 1,196 679 -112 -97 13,619 19,274 23,541 10,353 1,314 772 -78 -176 19,371 20,203 28,445 11,573 1,524 795 389 -312 20,311 21,300 32,638 13,417 1,710 834 1,158 -181 20,739 20,587 33,815 13,347 1,778 804 454 -379 21,346 23,752 30,845 14,302 1,616 889 654 -344 22,555 24,751 30,215 14,912 1,539 929 177 -400 20,687 25,195 30,926 14,443 1,408 943 239 -295 22,766 27,017 29,923 13,050 848 888 545 -527 45,157 55,676 62,894 68,620 81,988 91,188 91,144 93,060 94,676 93,546 94,510 34,204 39,719 30,921 13,883 1,647 1,148 -32 -4,264 34,836 41,289 34,394 15,871 1,773 1,123 670 -685 35,535 43,608 38,731 17,900 2,260 1,304 -211 -184 35,528 44,243 42,847 19,453 2,392 1,439 -143 -320 45,705 45,746 50,070 21,015 2 683 2,683 1,442 685 -549 46,190 47,858 55,887 23,603 2,928 1,477 1,983 -310 45,967 45,841 56,379 22,848 2,964 1,394 758 -633 45,412 50,222 49,929 23,536 2,616 1,480 1,059 -557 45,976 50,551 46,938 23,532 2,390 1,486 274 -621 42,320 50,305 46,151 21,940 2,100 1,439 357 -440 43,599 47,810 42,813 19,024 1,213 1,294 779 -753 117,226 129,271 138,942 145,439 166,798 179,615 175,518 173,697 170,526 164,173 155,779 2.3 4.7 7.2 13.8 0.5 3.4 1.8 4.0 11.2 14.3 7.7 10.3 2.0 5.6 12.6 12.8 27.5 7.5 0.0 1.5 10.6 8.7 5.8 4.7 28.6 3.4 16.9 8.0 12.2 14.7 1.1 4.6 11.6 12.3 9.1 7.7 -0.5 -4.2 0.9 -3.2 1.2 -2.3 -1.2 9.6 -11.4 3.0 -11.7 -1.0 1.2 0.7 -6.0 0.0 -8.6 -1.8 -8.0 -0.5 -1.7 -6.8 -12.1 -3.7 3.0 -5.0 -7.2 -13.3 -42.2 -5.1 200 Table 6-24 (Continued) AIR FORCE OUTLAYS BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 92 FY 93 FY 94 FY 95 FY 96 FY 97 FY 98 FY 99 FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 21,007 23,462 26,774 11,998 1,163 904 20,150 24,482 24,915 12,338 1,169 964 18,704 24,230 22,849 12,513 1,218 1,107 19,377 22,850 20,582 12,052 1,330 1,079 18,381 23,291 18,465 13,056 1,312 1,104 -290 -217 -332 -471 -231 19,151 23,576 17,911 14,040 1,425 1,156 -184 -453 19,051 24,168 18,052 14,499 1,737 1,054 -245 -409 19,124 25,451 18,385 14,171 965 1,029 280 -247 20,789 27,042 18,758 13,840 894 1,000 223 -454 19,908 29,325 19,235 14,276 1,412 1,096 -327 -98 24,146 31,016 24,103 14,228 1,420 1,079 -317 -113 85,019 83,802 80,289 76,799 75,378 76,622 77,906 79,158 82,092 84,827 95,561 39,325 41,877 37,192 17,031 1,615 1,287 35,897 41,509 33,798 17,097 1,586 1,338 32,323 41,083 30,388 17,024 1,620 1,496 33,003 38,769 26,863 16,035 1,736 1,437 30,886 37,961 23,627 16,998 1 679 1,679 1,442 -403 -295 -441 -615 -296 30,950 36,904 22,513 17,917 1,791 1,483 -231 -569 29,437 36,510 22,533 18,328 2,168 1,341 -306 -511 28,705 37,700 22,766 17,720 1,194 1,294 346 -305 29,525 39,158 22,907 17,054 1,092 1,243 273 -555 27,616 39,899 23,051 17,220 1,692 1,329 -392 -118 31,437 41,797 28,657 17,010 1,688 1,307 -377 -134 137,925 130,931 123,493 117,227 112,297 110,756 109,501 109,420 110,698 110,296 121,385 -9.8 -12.4 -13.1 -10.5 33.1 -11.5 -8.7 -0.9 -9.1 0.4 -1.8 -5.1 -10.0 -1.0 -10.1 -0.4 2.1 -5.7 2.1 -5.6 -11.6 -5.8 7.2 -5.1 -6.4 -2.1 -12.0 6.0 -3.3 -4.2 0.2 -2.8 -4.7 5.4 6.7 -1.4 -4.9 -1.1 0.1 2.3 21.0 -1.1 -2.5 3.3 1.0 -3.3 -44.9 -0.1 2.9 3.9 0.6 -3.8 -8.5 1.2 -6.5 1.9 0.6 1.0 54.9 -0.4 13.8 4.8 24.3 -1.2 -0.2 10.1 201 Table 6-24 (Continued) AIR FORCE OUTLAYS BY TITLE (Dollars in Millions) CURRENT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CURRENT $ CONSTANT DOLLARS MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON FMLY HSNG REV & MGT FNDS TRUST, RECEIPTS, & OTHER TOTAL, CONSTANT $ % REAL GROWTH MIL PERSONNEL OPR & MAINT PROCUREMENT RDT&E MIL CON TOTAL FY 03 FY 04 FY 05 FY 06 FY 07 FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 28,440 37,251 27,259 17,271 1,624 1,146 -1,293 -139 29,605 40,565 31,030 19,529 1,654 1,283 -1,389 -115 31,353 41,563 32,164 20,640 1,675 1,271 -376 -352 31,242 44,617 33,481 20,870 1,581 1,232 -137 -180 30,757 45,414 33,659 22,919 1,713 1,284 -400 -83 32,090 49,223 34,822 24,666 2,001 1,406 869 -94 33,108 51,112 37,564 26,105 3,442 1,248 -200 -72 34,745 53,349 41,957 26,987 2,581 1,413 670 -136 34,452 49,031 40,701 26,999 2,481 1,071 -120 -138 35,107 46,862 40,476 27,449 2,168 782 66 -138 36,077 47,043 40,738 26,588 1,597 520 67 -138 37,275 48,502 41,954 25,357 1,298 448 69 -138 38,440 50,562 43,982 25,450 1,362 439 69 -138 111,559 122,162 127,939 132,706 135,262 144,983 152,307 161,567 154,477 152,771 152,493 154,764 160,168 35,708 49,637 32,088 20,406 1,911 1,383 -1,522 -164 36,107 51,646 35,811 22,598 1,908 1,510 -1,603 -133 36,958 49,160 36,108 23,215 1,880 1,434 -422 -395 35,644 50,433 36,457 22,768 1,721 1,348 -149 -196 34,231 50,088 35,687 24,376 1,816 1,371 -424 -88 34,506 51,164 36,054 25,569 2,072 1,453 900 -97 34,488 54,014 38,319 26,662 3,511 1,273 -204 -74 35,250 54,270 42,419 27,287 2,610 1,432 674 -138 34,452 49,031 40,701 26,999 2,481 1,071 -120 -138 34,349 45,941 39,839 27,010 2,133 769 65 -136 34,522 45,231 39,426 25,719 1,546 503 65 -134 34,773 45,745 39,924 24,111 1,235 426 66 -132 34,960 46,774 41,155 23,789 1,274 410 65 -129 139,447 147,843 147,939 148,026 147,057 151,621 157,989 163,804 154,477 149,969 146,878 146,148 148,297 13.6 18.8 12.0 20.0 13.2 14.9 1.1 4.0 11.6 10.7 -0.2 6.0 2.4 -4.8 0.8 2.7 -1.5 0.1 -3.6 2.6 1.0 -1.9 -8.5 0.1 -4.0 -0.7 -2.1 7.1 5.5 -0.7 0.8 2.1 1.0 4.9 14.1 3.1 -0.1 5.6 6.3 4.3 69.4 4.2 2.2 0.5 10.7 2.3 -25.7 3.7 -2.3 -9.7 -4.1 -1.1 -4.9 -5.7 -0.3 -6.3 -2.1 0.0 -14.0 -2.9 0.5 -1.5 -1.0 -4.8 -27.5 -2.1 0.7 1.1 1.3 -6.3 -20.1 -0.5 0.5 2.2 3.1 -1.3 3.2 1.5 Totals include enacted budget authority and indefinite budget authority amounts, enacted OCO funding, and funding for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. 202 Chapter 7: Defense, the Public Sector, and the Economy Comparable DoD statistics are also presented to facilitate analysis and reveal trends. For context and enhanced understanding, the defense and national security financial data presented earlier should be considered in light of the broader, macroeconomic picture in the United States. This chapter organizes a compilation of relevant U.S.-wide economic data, including Gross Domestic Product (GDP), employment figures, and historical spending. Tables Pg 7-1 Total Federal Outlays – FY 1945 to FY 2015 (Current Dollars) ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 204 Federal outlays from FY 1945 to FY 2015, grouped by: National Defense; Veterans, Space and International Programs; Net Interest; and Social and Economic programs. The Social and Economic category includes the following functions: General Science and Technology (excluding space programs); Natural Resources and Environment; Energy; Agriculture; Commerce and Housing Credit; Transportation; Community and Regional Development; Education, Training, Employment and Social Services; Health; Income Security; Administration of Justice; General Government; Revenue Sharing and general purpose fiscal assistance 7-2 Total Federal Outlays – FY 1945 to FY 2015 (FY 2005 Constant Dollars) ………………………………………………………………………………………207 Total Federal Outlays in constant FY 2005 prices consistent with the latest GDP benchmark by the Department of Commerce. 7-3 U.S. Public Spending – Federal, State, Local, and GDP – FY 1945 to FY 2015 (Current Dollars) …………………………………………………………… 210 Breakdown of net U.S. public spending by federal, state, & local components FY 1945 to FY 2015. Excludes government enterprises (e.g., postal service, utilities, and liquor stores) except for any support these activities receive from tax funds. 7-4 U.S. Public Spending – Federal, State, Local, and GDP – FY 1945 to FY 2015 (FY 2005 Constant Dollars) …………………………………………………213 U.S. public spending in constant FY 2005 prices to be consistent with the latest GDP benchmark by the Department of Commerce. 7-5 DoD Manpower – FY 1940 to FY 2011 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 216 DoD military and civilian workforce data by component and for 1940 to 2011. 7-6 U.S. Employment and Labor Force – FY 1940 to FY 2011……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 219 U.S. employment and labor force data for FY 1940 to FY 2011. 7-7 Defense Shares of Economic and Budgetary Aggregates – FY 1940 to FY 2011 …………………………………………………………………………………222 Master percentage table showing DoD and national defense spending as a percentage of various economic and budgetary aggregates, including DoD and national defense outlays as a percentage of the Federal Budget and of net public spending; DoD employment as a percentage of public employment and the total labor force; and the defense share of GDP on a budget basis. The labor force and unemployment data starting in FY 2001 are not strictly compatible with earlier data due to population adjustments and other changes. 203 Table 7-1 TOTAL FEDERAL OUTLAYS (Dollars in Millions) Fiscal Year National Defense 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 82,965 42,681 12,808 9,105 13,150 13,724 23,566 46,089 52,802 49,266 42,729 42,523 45,430 46 815 46,815 49,015 48,130 49,601 52,345 53,400 54,757 50,620 58,111 71,417 81,926 82,497 81,692 78,872 79,174 76,681 79,347 Federal Unified Budget Veterans Space Net Social & Internat'l Interest Economic 2,134 4,434 12,140 11,024 12,699 13,562 9,224 8,081 6,687 6,255 6,972 7,384 8,274 8 855 8,855 8,881 9,028 9,931 12,981 13,873 15,517 16,812 18,213 18,534 17,857 17,251 17,510 18,109 19,676 20,184 23,064 3,112 4,111 4,204 4,341 4,523 4,812 4,665 4,701 5,156 4,811 4,850 5,079 5,354 5 604 5,604 5,762 6,947 6,716 6,889 7,740 8,199 8,591 9,386 10,268 11,090 12,699 14,380 14,841 15,478 17,349 21,449 204 5,890 5,474 6,896 6,937 10,242 12,281 10,391 12,192 15,027 13,920 17,386 19,243 21,666 25 516 25,516 33,053 32,906 36,282 39,880 42,100 45,763 48,113 55,364 64,539 75,306 79,179 90,699 108,457 125,936 144,902 162,248 Agency Total Undist. Offsetting Receipts Grand Total 94,101 56,700 36,048 31,407 40,614 44,379 47,846 71,063 79,672 74,252 71,937 74,229 80,724 86 790 86,790 96,711 97,011 102,530 112,095 117,113 124,236 124,136 141,074 164,758 186,179 191,626 204,281 220,279 240,264 259,116 286,108 -1,389 -1,468 -1,552 -1,643 -1,779 -1,817 -2,332 -3,377 -3,571 -3,397 -3,493 -3,589 -4,146 -4,385 4 385 -4,613 -4,820 -4,807 -5,274 -5,797 -5,708 -5,908 -6,542 -7,294 -8,045 -7,986 -8,632 -10,107 -9,583 -13,409 -16,749 92,712 55,232 34,496 29,764 38,835 42,562 45,514 67,686 76,101 70,855 68,444 70,640 76,578 82 405 82,405 92,098 92,191 97,723 106,821 111,316 118,528 118,228 134,532 157,464 178,134 183,640 195,649 210,172 230,681 245,707 269,359 Table 7-1 (Continued) TOTAL FEDERAL OUTLAYS (Dollars in Millions) Fiscal Year National Defense 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 86,509 89,619 97,241 104,495 116,342 133,995 157,513 185,309 209,903 227,411 252,743 273,373 281,996 290 360 290,360 303,555 299,321 273,285 298,346 291,084 281,640 272,063 265,748 270,502 268,194 274,769 294,363 304,732 348,456 404,744 455,833 Federal Unified Budget Veterans Space Net Social & Internat'l Interest Economic 27,672 29,225 29,111 31,369 32,607 39,714 42,545 43,437 44,606 49,755 51,042 49,422 47,574 50 653 50,653 52,407 57,218 63,213 66,516 69,866 70,815 70,983 67,127 71,592 72,967 76,478 82,796 81,212 93,978 99,014 109,645 23,244 26,727 29,901 35,458 42,633 52,533 68,766 85,032 89,808 111,102 129,478 136,017 138,611 151 803 151,803 168,981 184,347 194,448 199,344 198,713 202,932 232,134 241,053 243,984 241,118 229,755 222,949 206,167 170,949 153,073 160,245 205 208,509 240,607 267,844 303,144 329,922 384,641 437,458 458,064 498,023 495,494 545,779 564,577 572,291 608 567 608,567 656,013 748,736 832,644 856,617 887,115 944,151 985,028 1,024,178 1,065,019 1,117,378 1,161,292 1,231,430 1,317,806 1,444,916 1,557,457 1,625,667 Agency Total Undist. Offsetting Receipts Grand Total 345,934 386,178 424,097 474,466 521,504 610,883 706,282 771,842 842,340 883,762 979,042 1,023,389 1,040,472 1 101 383 1,101,383 1,180,956 1,289,622 1,363,590 1,420,823 1,446,778 1,499,538 1,560,208 1,598,106 1,651,097 1,699,657 1,742,294 1,831,538 1,909,917 2,058,299 2,214,288 2,351,390 -13,602 -14,386 -14,879 -15,720 -17,476 -19,942 -28,041 -26,099 -33,976 -31,957 -32,698 -33,007 -36,455 -36,967 36 967 -37,212 -36,615 -39,356 -39,280 -37,386 -37,772 -44,455 -37,620 -49,973 -47,194 -40,445 -42,581 -47,011 -47,392 -54,382 -58,537 332,332 371,792 409,218 458,746 504,028 590,941 678,241 745,743 808,364 851,805 946,344 990,382 1,004,017 1 064 416 1,064,416 1,143,744 1,253,007 1,324,234 1,381,543 1,409,392 1,461,766 1,515,753 1,560,486 1,601,124 1,652,463 1,701,849 1,788,957 1,862,906 2,010,907 2,159,906 2,292,853 Table 7-1 (Continued) TOTAL FEDERAL OUTLAYS (Dollars in Millions) Fiscal Year National Defense 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 495,308 521,827 551,271 616,073 661,049 719,179 749,748 681,683 660,337 669,566 684,591 Federal Unified Budget Veterans Space Net Social & Internat'l Interest Economic 128,282 122,894 126,825 141,241 162,407 208,825 210,285 213,795 228,558 239,798 250,670 183,986 226,603 237,109 252,757 186,902 187,772 250,709 342,857 435,869 509,915 571,077 Data is from OMB Historical Tables 3.2 and 6.1. 206 1,729,619 1,851,983 1,895,735 2,058,725 2,599,962 2,684,656 2,713,595 2,606,258 2,685,463 2,838,616 2,979,774 Agency Total Undist. Offsetting Receipts Grand Total 2,537,195 2,723,307 2,810,940 3,068,796 3,610,320 3,800,432 3,924,337 3,844,593 4,010,227 4,257,895 4,486,112 -65,224 -68,250 -82,238 -86,242 -92,639 -79,731 -90,476 -89,741 -94,784 -96,665 -100,581 2,471,971 2,655,057 2,728,702 2,982,554 3,517,681 3,720,701 3,833,861 3,754,852 3,915,443 4,161,230 4,385,531 Table 7-2 TOTAL FEDERAL OUTLAYS (FY 2005 Dollars in Billions) Fiscal Year National Defense 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 908 493 141 109 157 165 268 498 515 473 396 369 376 371 365 369 371 388 379 387 361 399 474 518 493 464 423 386 347 333 Federal Unified Budget Veterans Space Net Social & Internat'l Interest Economic 26 41 114 92 110 111 70 57 46 40 47 50 54 54 55 53 57 76 78 86 92 98 98 91 83 80 78 81 80 84 28 35 32 30 31 33 31 30 32 29 29 30 30 31 31 37 36 36 40 42 43 46 49 51 56 60 59 59 63 73 207 85 62 78 70 103 113 95 105 123 104 133 147 158 172 220 212 226 251 255 272 279 316 358 404 396 430 481 534 594 614 Agency Total Undist. Offsetting Receipts Grand Total 1,047 631 365 301 401 421 463 689 716 646 605 596 618 627 672 672 690 752 753 787 775 859 978 1,064 1,027 1,034 1,041 1,060 1,084 1,104 -23 -21 -20 -20 -22 -21 -28 -39 -39 -37 -37 -37 -41 -41 41 -41 -43 -41 -45 -48 -46 -45 -48 -52 -55 -51 -51 -56 -49 -65 -76 1,024 610 345 281 379 400 435 650 677 609 569 559 577 587 631 629 649 707 705 741 730 811 926 1,009 976 983 985 1,010 1,019 1,028 Table 7-2 (Continued) TOTAL FEDERAL OUTLAYS (FY 2005 Dollars in Billions) Fiscal Year National Defense 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 327 314 311 312 319 330 348 378 406 408 433 461 467 476 482 461 399 429 413 395 376 355 355 346 348 361 363 402 445 480 Federal Unified Budget Veterans Space Net Social & Internat'l Interest Economic 93 91 84 86 82 90 87 83 81 87 87 82 76 78 77 82 87 88 89 89 87 80 84 85 88 77 89 102 105 113 71 77 80 89 99 112 133 154 156 186 210 215 214 227 243 256 260 260 253 253 284 289 287 280 264 251 227 185 162 166 208 716 765 789 843 845 891 917 898 932 890 952 955 934 956 993 1,100 1,170 1,148 1,149 1,199 1,216 1,235 1,258 1,310 1,343 1,405 1,451 1,568 1,653 1,680 Agency Total Undist. Offsetting Receipts Grand Total 1,207 1,247 1,265 1,329 1,345 1,423 1,486 1,513 1,575 1,571 1,682 1,713 1,690 1 736 1,736 1,795 1,899 1,917 1,924 1,905 1,936 1,962 1,960 1,984 2,022 2,042 2,094 2,129 2,256 2,364 2,439 -56 -54 -51 -51 -53 -55 -69 -61 -76 -70 -69 -68 -73 -72 72 -71 -67 -68 -66 -59 -57 -65 -53 -68 -63 -53 -53 -57 -55 -60 -61 1,150 1,193 1,214 1,279 1,292 1,369 1,416 1,452 1,499 1,501 1,613 1,645 1,617 1 664 1,664 1,724 1,832 1,849 1,858 1,846 1,879 1,897 1,907 1,916 1,959 1,990 2,041 2,073 2,201 2,304 2,378 Table 7-2 (Continued) TOTAL FEDERAL OUTLAYS (FY 2005 Dollars in Billions) Fiscal Year National Defense 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 495 499 509 549 580 626 644 577 549 548 551 Federal Unified Budget Veterans Space Net Social & Internat'l Interest Economic 128 119 120 129 148 187 186 186 195 200 205 184 219 223 232 169 168 222 299 374 431 474 Data is from OMB Historical Tables 3.2 and 6.1. 209 1,730 1,792 1,789 1,872 2,371 2,404 2,395 2,259 2,283 2,365 2,432 Agency Total Undist. Offsetting Receipts Grand Total 2,537 2,629 2,641 2,782 3,268 3,385 3,448 3,321 3,401 3,543 3,662 -65 -66 -76 -78 -82 -70 -79 -77 -80 -80 -82 2,472 2,564 2,565 2,704 3,186 3,315 3,369 3,244 3,321 3,463 3,581 Table 7-3 U.S. PUBLIC SPENDING - FEDERAL, STATE, & LOCAL & GDP (Dollars in Millions) Fiscal Year 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 Total Federal Spending 1/ 92,712 55,232 34,496 29,764 38,835 42,562 45,514 67,686 76,101 70,855 68,444 70,640 76,578 82,405 92,098 92,191 97,723 106,821 111,316 118,528 118,228 134,532 157,464 178,134 183,640 195,649 210,172 230,681 245,707 269,359 State & Local Governments 2/ Less Grants in-aid 3/ 9,200 11,028 14,000 17,684 20,200 22,787 24,400 26,098 27,910 30,701 33,724 36,711 40,375 44,851 48,887 51,876 56,201 60,206 64,397 69,302 74,678 82,843 93,350 102,411 116,728 131,332 150,674 168,549 181,357 198,959 859 819 1,603 1,612 1,876 2,253 2,287 2,433 2,835 3,056 3,207 3,561 3,974 4,905 6,463 7,019 7,126 7,926 8,602 10,164 10,910 12,887 15,233 18,551 20,164 24,065 28,099 34,375 41,847 43,357 210 Net Total U.S. Public Spending 4/ 101,053 65,441 46,893 45,836 57,159 63,096 67,627 91,351 101,176 98,500 98,961 103,790 112,979 122,351 134,522 137,048 146,798 159,101 167,111 177,666 181,996 204,488 235,581 261,994 280,204 302,916 332,747 364,855 385,217 424,961 GDP 5/ 221,400 222,600 233,200 256,600 271,300 273,100 320,200 348,700 372,500 377,000 395,900 427,000 450,900 460,000 490,200 518,900 529,900 567,800 599,200 641,500 687,500 755,800 810,000 868,400 948,100 1,012,700 1,080,000 1,176,500 1,310,600 1,438,500 Table 7-3 (Continued) U.S. PUBLIC SPENDING - FEDERAL, STATE, & LOCAL & GDP (Dollars in Millions) Fiscal Year 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total Federal Spending 1/ 332,332 371,792 409,218 458,746 504,028 590,941 678,241 745,743 808,364 851,805 946,344 990,382 1,004,017 1,064,416 1,143,744 1,253,007 1,324,234 1,381,543 1,409,392 1,461,766 1,515,753 1,560,486 1,601,124 1,652,463 1,701,849 1,788,957 1,862,906 2,010,907 2,159,906 2,292,853 State & Local Governments 2/ Less Grants in-aid 3/ 230,722 256,731 274,215 296,984 327,517 369,086 407,449 436,733 466,516 505,008 553,899 605,623 657,134 704,921 762,360 834,818 908,108 981,253 1,030,434 1,077,665 1,149,863 1,193,276 1,249,984 1,318,042 1,402,369 1,506,797 1,626,066 1,736,866 1,821,917 1,908,543 49,791 59,094 68,415 77,889 83,351 91,385 94,704 88,134 92,448 97,553 105,852 112,331 108,400 115,342 121,928 135,325 154,519 178,065 193,612 210,596 224,991 227,811 234,160 246,128 267,886 285,874 318,542 352,895 388,542 407,512 211 Net Total U.S. Public Spending 4/ 513,263 569,429 615,018 677,841 748,194 868,642 990,986 1,094,342 1,182,432 1,259,260 1,394,391 1,483,674 1,552,751 1,653,995 1,784,176 1,952,500 2,077,823 2,184,731 2,246,214 2,328,835 2,440,625 2,525,951 2,616,948 2,724,377 2,836,332 3,009,880 3,170,430 3,394,878 3,593,281 3,793,884 GDP 5/ 1,560,200 1,738,100 1,973,500 2,217,500 2,501,400 2,724,200 3,057,000 3,223,700 3,440,700 3,844,400 4,146,300 4,403,900 4,651,400 5,008,500 5,399,500 5,734,500 5,930,500 6,242,000 6,587,300 6,976,600 7,341,100 7,718,300 8,211,700 8,663,000 9,208,400 9,821,000 10,225,300 10,543,900 10,979,800 11,685,600 Table 7-3 (Continued) U.S. PUBLIC SPENDING - FEDERAL, STATE, & LOCAL & GDP (Dollars in Millions) Fiscal Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ Total Federal Spending 1/ 2,471,971 2,655,057 2,728,702 2,982,554 3,517,681 3,720,701 3,833,861 3,754,852 3,915,443 4,161,230 4,385,531 State & Local Governments 2/ 2,012,110 2,122,967 2,265,284 2,417,141 2,579,179 2,752,079 2,936,570 3,133,428 3,343,483 3,567,620 3,806,782 Less Grants in-aid 3/ Net Total U.S. Public Spending 4/ 428,018 434,099 443,797 461,317 537,991 653,665 645,714 583,247 585,817 613,703 641,431 4,056,063 4,343,925 4,550,189 5,861,012 6,634,851 7,126,445 7,416,145 7,471,527 7,844,743 8,342,553 8,833,744 From OMB Historical Table 6.1. From the Economic Report of the President, Table B-86. From OMB Historical Table 12.1. Computed from OMB Historical Tables 6.1 6 1 and 12.1, 12 1 and the Economic Report of the President President, Table B-86 B-86. From OMB Historical Table 10.1. NOTE: Data for "State and Local Governments" was estimated for select years prior to 1964, and estimated for years 2008 and beyond. 212 GDP 5/ 12,445,700 13,224,900 13,896,000 14,439,000 14,237,200 14,623,900 15,299,000 16,203,300 17,182,200 18,192,600 19,190,400 Table 7-4 U.S. PUBLIC SPENDING - FEDERAL, STATE, & LOCAL & GDP (FY 2005 Dollars in Billions) Fiscal Year 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 Total Federal Budget 1/ 1,024 610 345 281 379 400 435 650 677 609 569 559 577 587 631 629 649 707 705 741 730 811 926 1,009 976 983 985 1,010 1,019 1,028 State & Local Governments 2/ Less Grants in-aid 3/ 162 180 163 206 219 264 244 258 260 294 314 335 339 341 347 365 403 429 443 467 490 557 616 652 702 739 792 849 891 889 11 10 16 15 16 20 18 19 22 23 24 27 29 33 42 45 46 51 54 63 66 79 92 108 110 124 136 158 190 180 213 Net Total U.S. Public Spending 4/ 1,175 780 493 472 582 644 661 889 915 880 859 867 887 894 936 949 1,005 1,085 1,094 1,146 1,154 1,289 1,450 1,554 1,568 1,598 1,642 1,701 1,719 1,737 GDP 5/ 2,005 1,883 1,788 1,797 1,838 1,880 2,091 2,189 2,297 2,297 2,394 2,516 2,562 2,537 2,664 2,785 2,805 2,973 3,098 3,278 3,451 3,716 3,859 3,996 4,171 4,228 4,294 4,467 4,768 4,883 Table 7-4 (Continued) U.S. PUBLIC SPENDING - FEDERAL, STATE, & LOCAL & GDP (FY 2005 Dollars in Billions) Fiscal Year 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total Federal Budget 1/ 1,150 1,193 1,214 1,279 1,292 1,369 1,416 1,452 1,499 1,501 1,613 1,645 1,617 1,664 1,724 1,832 1,849 1,858 1,846 1,879 1,897 1,907 1,916 1,959 1,990 2,041 2,073 2,201 2,304 2,378 State & Local Governments 2/ Less Grants in-aid 3/ 931 954 943 959 969 979 970 957 972 999 1,053 1,110 1,148 1,189 1,242 1,302 1,362 1,439 1,467 1,494 1,540 1,553 1,600 1,671 1,739 1,803 1,886 1,976 2,005 2,026 187 205 221 236 232 227 211 181 180 181 190 195 179 184 187 198 217 242 256 273 284 281 283 294 315 327 355 387 416 424 214 Net Total U.S. Public Spending 4/ 1,895 1,942 1,937 2,001 2,029 2,121 2,176 2,228 2,291 2,319 2,477 2,561 2,586 2,669 2,779 2,936 2,994 3,054 3,056 3,100 3,153 3,179 3,233 3,336 3,414 3,516 3,604 3,790 3,892 3,979 GDP 5/ 4,793 4,982 5,263 5,540 5,784 5,788 5,912 5,835 5,965 6,428 6,715 6,970 7,171 7,482 7,765 7,954 7,925 8,130 8,394 8,706 8,970 9,252 9,667 10,070 10,564 11,048 11,238 11,400 11,629 12,067 Table 7-4 (Continued) U.S. PUBLIC SPENDING - FEDERAL, STATE, & LOCAL & GDP (FY 2005 Dollars in Billions) Fiscal Year Total Federal Spending 1/ 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 State & Local Governments 2/ 2,472 2,564 2,565 2,704 3,186 3,315 3,369 3,244 3,321 3,463 3,581 2,012 2,011 2,040 2,065 2,200 2,309 2,399 2,485 2,571 2,658 2,748 Less Grants in-aid 3/ Net Total U.S. Public Spending 4/ 428 417 413 412 483 572 557 494 486 498 508 1/ From OMB Historical Table 6.1. 2/ From the Economic Report of the President, Table B-86. 3/ From OMB Historical Table 12.1. 4/ Computed from OMB Historical Tables 6.1 and 12.1, and the Economic Report of the President, Table B-86. 5/ Computed from OMB Historical Table 10.1. 4,056 4,157 4,192 4,358 4,904 5,051 5,211 5,236 5,407 5,623 5,820 NOTE: Data for "State and Local Governments" was estimated for select years prior to 1964, and estimated for years 2008 and beyond. 215 GDP 5/ 12,446 12,788 13,056 13,259 12,880 13,112 13,568 14,149 14,751 15,358 15,928 Table 7-5 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE MANPOWER (End Strength in Thousands) ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY Fiscal Year Army Navy Marine Corps Air Force 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 218 1,310 2,311 4,797 5,622 5,984 1,435 685 554 660 593 1,532 1,596 1,534 1,405 1,109 1 1,026 026 998 899 862 873 859 1,066 976 973 969 1,200 1,442 1,570 1,512 1,322 1,123 811 801 783 784 161 284 641 1,742 2,981 3,320 978 498 418 448 381 737 824 794 726 661 670 676 640 626 617 626 666 665 668 672 745 751 765 776 692 623 588 564 546 535 28 54 143 309 476 470 156 93 85 86 74 193 232 249 224 205 201 201 189 176 171 177 191 189 189 190 261 285 307 310 260 212 198 196 189 196 51 152 764 2,197 2,372 2,282 456 306 388 419 411 788 983 978 948 960 910 920 871 840 815 821 885 870 857 825 887 897 905 862 791 755 726 691 644 613 Full Time Gd&Res Total Military 1 1 1 1 1 1 458 1,800 3,859 9,045 11,451 12,056 3,025 1,582 1,445 1,613 1,459 3,250 3,635 3,555 3,303 2,935 2 2,807 807 2,795 2,599 2,504 2,476 2,483 2,808 2,700 2,687 2,656 3,093 3,375 3,547 3,460 3,066 2,714 2,324 2,253 2,163 2,129 216 CIVILIAN WORKFORCE Navy Defense Air Agencies including Army Marines Force & Other 137 329 852 1,545 1,503 1,881 927 503 303 310 261 487 515 884 720 651 592 571 530 497 473 472 476 459 430 414 450 516 510 531 480 452 446 406 409 401 119 227 432 648 736 747 489 356 347 343 293 452 481 470 433 433 416 411 381 375 365 363 365 360 347 343 367 416 429 438 388 362 353 334 335 326 152 166 154 261 310 382 371 397 333 417 373 364 355 346 349 337 322 317 336 349 339 349 328 313 300 288 289 278 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 20 32 38 42 69 76 75 72 68 63 60 72 75 73 Total Civilians Total DoD Manpower 256 556 1,284 2,193 2,239 2,628 1,416 859 803 821 710 1,202 1,308 1,738 1,526 1,483 1,343 343 1,401 1,286 1,238 1,195 1,183 1,210 1,188 1,137 1,116 1,222 1,357 1,353 1,390 1,264 1,190 1,159 1,100 1,108 1,078 714 2,356 5,143 11,238 13,690 14,684 4,441 2,441 2,248 2,434 2,169 4,452 4,943 5,293 4,829 4,418 4,150 4 150 4,196 3,885 3,742 3,671 3,666 4,018 3,888 3,824 3,772 4,315 4,732 4,900 4,850 4,330 3,904 3,483 3,353 3,271 3,207 Table 7-5 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE MANPOWER (End Strength in Thousands) ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY Fiscal Year Army Navy Marine Corps Air Force 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 779 782 771 758 777 781 780 780 780 781 781 781 772 770 751 725 611 572 541 509 491 492 484 479 482 481 487 499 500 492 505 522 544 524 530 530 522 527 540 553 558 565 571 581 587 593 593 583 571 542 510 469 435 417 396 382 373 373 378 383 382 373 362 350 338 332 192 192 191 185 188 191 192 194 196 198 199 200 197 197 197 195 185 178 174 174 175 174 173 173 173 173 174 178 178 180 180 186 199 585 570 569 559 558 570 583 592 597 602 608 607 576 571 539 511 470 444 426 400 389 378 367 361 356 354 368 375 377 352 349 333 327 Full Time Total Gd&Res Military 1 1 1 7 13 19 22 39 46 55 64 69 71 72 74 75 72 71 68 65 66 64 64 65 65 65 66 66 66 69 71 72 72 2,081 2,075 2,062 2,031 2,063 2,101 2,130 2,163 2,184 2,207 2,233 2,244 2,209 2,203 2,144 2,077 1 1,880 880 1,775 1,678 1,583 1,538 1,504 1,470 1,451 1,449 1,451 1,478 1,500 1,494 1,455 1,456 1,451 1,474 217 Army 390 372 371 359 361 372 378 391 403 420 413 418 393 403 380 365 334 294 280 267 259 247 237 227 221 220 224 224 227 231 237 238 246 CIVILIAN WORKFORCE Navy Defense Air Agencies including Marines Force & Other 321 318 317 310 309 321 319 339 342 353 342 353 348 354 341 329 309 285 269 249 240 223 210 204 197 194 195 198 195 190 189 187 189 262 255 251 245 244 246 248 251 253 264 263 264 253 261 249 233 214 202 196 186 183 180 174 169 163 160 157 159 160 163 167 163 162 72 77 77 77 77 80 82 83 87 92 94 98 96 99 103 117 149 156 156 147 138 136 126 120 117 113 111 107 108 108 107 107 110 Total Civilians Total DoD Manpower 1,045 1,022 1,016 991 991 1,019 1,027 1,064 1,085 1,129 1,112 1,133 1,090 1,117 1,073 1,044 1,006 1 006 937 901 849 820 786 747 720 698 687 687 688 690 692 700 695 707 3,126 3,097 3,078 3,022 3,054 3,120 3,157 3,227 3,269 3,336 3,345 3,377 3,299 3,320 3,217 3,121 2 2,886 886 2,712 2,579 2,432 2,358 2,290 2,217 2,171 2,147 2,138 2,165 2,188 2,184 2,147 2,156 2,145 2,181 Table 7-5 (Continued) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE MANPOWER (End Strength in Thousands) ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY Fiscal Year 2009 2010 2011 Base 2011 OCO Request 2011 (Total) Full Time Total Gd&Res Military CIVILIAN WORKFORCE Navy Defense including Air Agencies Marines Force & Other Total Civilians Total DoD Manpower 115 126 739 752 2,232 2,235 189 132 1 785 4 2,269 30 189 133 789 2,299 Army Navy Marine Corps Air Force 553 547 329 324 203 202 333 332 75 78 1,493 1,483 263 250 197 199 164 177 547 22 324 4 202 332 79 1,484 26 258 3 206 569 328 202 332 79 1,510 261 206 Army Air Force civil service employment is included in the Army prior to 1948 and identified separately thereafter. Beginning in 1953, the civilian work force figures include both U.S. and foreign national direct hires and the foreign national indirect hire employees that support U.S. forces overseas. Beginning with FY 1996, all Federal civilian work force are measured in Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) on this table. Navy reserve personnel on active duty for Training and Administration of Reserves (TARS) are included in the active Navy prior to FY 1980 and in the Full-Time Guard and Reserve thereafter. Active Duty Military includes the activation of 25,652 National Guard and Reservists in FY 1990 pursuant to sections 673b, Title 10 U.S.C., 17,059 National Guard and Reservists in FY 1991, and 954 National Guard and Reservists in FY 1992 pursuant to sections 672 and 673, Title 10 U.S.C., to support Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm. NOTE: Enacted OCO data is rolled up into these totals. 218 Table 7-6 U.S. EMPLOYMENT AND LABOR FORCE (End Strength in Thousands) Fiscal Year Military Active Duty DoD DH Civilian WorkForce Total DoD Manpower Other Federal Civil Service Total Federal Civilian Employ Coast Guard Total Federal Employ State& Local Govts Total US Public Employ Private Sector Employ Total Employ Unemployment Total Labor Force 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 458 1,800 3,859 9,045 11,451 12,056 3,025 1,582 1,445 1,613 1,459 3,250 3,635 3,555 3,303 2,935 2 2,807 807 2,795 2,599 2,504 2,476 2,483 2,808 2,700 2,687 2,656 3,093 3,375 3,547 3,460 3,066 2,714 2,324 2,253 2,163 2,129 256 556 1,284 2,193 2,239 2,628 1,416 859 804 821 710 1,201 1,308 1,304 1,183 1,160 1 1,151 151 1,132 1,069 1,049 1,018 1,012 1,039 1,019 997 986 1,093 1,235 1,233 1,275 1,161 1,093 1,049 997 1,013 989 714 2,356 5,143 11,238 13,690 14,684 4,441 2,441 2,249 2,434 2,169 4,451 4,943 4,859 4,486 4,095 3 3,958 958 3,927 3,668 3,553 3,494 3,495 3,847 3,719 3,684 3,642 4,186 4,610 4,780 4,735 4,227 3,807 3,373 3,250 3,176 3,118 786 882 1,012 1,106 1,093 1,188 1,281 1,252 1,267 1,281 1,251 1,282 1,293 1,254 1,225 1,237 1 1,248 248 1,286 1,313 1,334 1,381 1,424 1,475 1,509 1,504 1,542 1,666 1,767 1,822 1,801 1,821 1,831 1,816 1,827 1,880 1,908 1,042 1,438 2,296 3,299 3,332 3,816 2,697 2,111 2,071 2,102 1,961 2,483 2,601 2,558 2,408 2,397 2,399 399 2,418 2,382 2,383 2,399 2,436 2,514 2,528 2,501 2,528 2,759 3,002 3,055 3,076 2,982 2,924 2,865 2,824 2,893 2,897 14 19 59 155 169 171 26 19 20 24 23 29 35 34 29 29 28 30 30 30 31 32 32 32 32 32 35 37 37 38 37 38 38 37 37 37 1,514 3,257 6,214 12,499 14,952 16,043 5,748 3,712 3,536 3,739 3,443 5,762 6,271 6,147 5,740 5,361 5 5,234 234 5,243 5,011 4,917 4,906 4,951 5,354 5,260 5,220 5,216 5,887 6,414 6,639 6,574 6,085 5,676 5,227 5,114 5,093 5,063 3,217 3,337 3,310 3,184 3,092 3,104 3,305 3,568 3,776 3,906 4,078 4,031 4,134 4,282 4,552 4,728 5 5,064 064 5,380 5,630 5,806 6,073 6,295 6,533 6,834 7,236 7,683 8,259 8,730 9,141 9,496 9,869 10,372 10,896 11,286 11,713 12,114 4,731 6,595 9,524 15,683 18,045 19,147 9,053 7,280 7,311 7,645 7,522 9,793 10,405 10,429 10,292 10,089 10 10,298 298 10,623 10,641 10,723 10,979 11,246 11,887 12,094 12,456 12,899 14,146 15,144 15,780 16,070 15,954 16,048 16,123 16,400 16,806 17,177 42,359 43,420 45,246 44,922 46,385 45,668 52,427 51,386 52,413 50,586 52,475 50,480 50,582 51,737 50,206 52,479 54 54,4 409 09 54,504 53,011 55,201 56,310 55,905 55,964 56,750 57,992 59,380 59,890 60,247 61,492 62,888 63,428 63,429 66,507 69,167 70,362 68,268 47,090 50,015 54,770 60,605 64,430 64,815 61,480 58,666 59,724 58,231 59,997 60,273 60,987 62,166 60,498 62,568 64 64,707 707 65,127 63,652 65,924 67,289 67,151 67,851 68,844 70,448 72,279 74,036 75,391 77,272 78,958 79,382 79,477 82,630 85,567 87,168 85,445 8,800 6,840 4,110 1,865 870 855 1,655 2,290 2,408 3,966 3,551 2,132 2,032 1,732 3,681 2,893 3,179 3 179 3,131 5,223 3,780 4,172 5,313 4,219 4,554 4,453 4,057 3,592 3,628 3,615 3,399 4,669 5,490 5,426 4,847 5,380 8,569 56,362 58,674 62,798 71,670 76,920 77,897 66,186 62,557 63,597 63,834 65,030 65,684 66,689 67,487 67,511 68,425 70,721 70 721 71,083 71,504 72,238 73,968 74,979 74,910 76,130 77,620 79,024 80,756 82,431 84,471 85,855 87,154 87,719 90,418 92,704 94,748 96,180 219 Table 7-6 (Continued) U.S. EMPLOYMENT AND LABOR FORCE (End Strength in Thousands) Fiscal Year Military Active Duty DoD DH Civilian WorkForce Total DoD Manpower Other Federal Civil Service Total Federal Civilian Employ Coast Guard Total Federal Employ State& Local Govts Total US Public Employ Private Sector Employ Total Employ Unemployment* Total Labor Force* 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2,081 2,075 2,062 2,031 2,063 2,101 2,130 2,163 2,184 2,207 2,233 2,244 2,209 2,203 2,144 2,077 1,880 1,775 1,678 1,583 1,538 1,504 1,470 1,451 1,449 1,451 1,478 1,500 1,494 1,455 1,456 1,451 1,474 959 938 935 916 916 940 945 980 1,000 1,043 1,027 1,049 1,010 1,037 997 974 945 885 854 807 779 746 707 681 660 650 650 649 650 653 662 659 666 3,040 3,013 2,997 2,947 2,979 3,041 3,075 3,143 3,184 3,250 3,260 3,293 3,219 3,240 3,141 3,051 2,825 2,660 2,532 2,390 2,317 2,250 2,177 2,132 2,109 2,101 2,128 2,149 2,144 2,108 2,118 2,109 2,140 1,924 1,955 1,994 1,960 1,960 1,920 1,880 1,896 1,910 2,023 1,995 2,039 2,103 2,087 2,131 2,138 2,140 2,128 2,118 2,113 2,003 1,975 1,981 2,010 2,065 1,984 1,974 2,021 1,992 1,986 1,972 2,039 2,049 2,883 2,893 2,929 2,876 2,876 2,860 2,825 2,876 2,910 3,066 3,022 3,088 3,113 3,124 3,128 3,112 3,085 3,013 2,972 2,920 2,782 2,721 2,688 2,691 2,725 2,634 2,624 2,670 2,642 2,639 2,634 2,698 2,715 38 38 38 39 39 40 38 40 40 38 37 39 38 38 37 39 39 39 37 37 37 35 35 35 36 36 37 39 40 41 47 48 48 5,002 5,006 5,029 4,946 4,978 5,001 4,993 5,079 5,134 5,311 5,292 5,371 5,360 5,365 5,309 5,228 5,004 4,827 4,687 4,540 4,357 4,260 4,193 4,177 4,210 4,121 4,139 4,209 4,176 4,135 4,137 4,197 4,237 12,282 12,704 13,050 13,359 13,542 13,274 13,207 13,220 13,504 13,827 14,157 14,402 14,766 15,163 15,628 15,474 15,500 15,872 16,095 16,445 16,605 16,790 17,056 17,385 17,925 18,354 18,747 18,822 18,891 19,073 19,242 19,484 19,735 17,284 17,710 18,079 18,305 18,520 18,275 18,200 18,299 18,638 19,138 19,449 19,773 20,126 20,528 20,937 20,702 20,504 20,699 20,782 20,985 20,962 21,050 21,249 21,562 22,135 22,475 22,886 23,031 23,067 23,208 23,379 23,681 23,972 71,175 73,537 76,962 79,271 80,697 83,622 83,246 83,330 87,220 89,212 91,229 93,641 95,970 98,026 98,714 97,898 98,396 99,794 103,149 105,313 106,642 109,358 111,244 112,895 114,756 114,458 113,599 114,705 116,185 118,521 121,048 122,365 121,391 88,459 91,247 95,041 97,576 99,217 101,897 101,446 101,629 105,858 108,350 110,678 113,414 116,096 118,554 119,651 118,600 118,900 120,493 123,931 126,298 127,604 130,408 132,493 134,457 136,891 136,933 136,485 137,736 139,252 141,729 144,427 146,046 145,363 7,655 6,437 5,797 5,798 8,044 8,013 10,000 11,256 8,843 8,340 8,269 7,675 6,831 6,493 6,693 8,122 9,257 8,946 8,274 7,410 7,286 6,919 6,270 5,973 5,692 6,801 8,378 8,774 8,149 7,591 7,001 7,078 8,924 98,233 99,797 102,938 105,444 109,363 112,051 113,614 115,088 116,925 118,935 121,217 123,372 125,174 127,288 128,525 128,838 130,076 131,253 133,920 135,328 136,465 138,866 140,268 141,916 144,068 145,221 146,378 148,049 148,935 150,816 152,931 154,623 155,809 * Data for FY 2001-2005 are not strictly compatible with earlier data due to population adjustments or other changes. 220 Table 7-6 (Continued) U.S. EMPLOYMENT AND LABOR FORCE (End Strength in Thousands) Fiscal Year 2009 2010 2011 Base 2011 OCO Request 2011 (Total) Military Active Duty DoD DH Civilian WorkForce Total DoD Manpower Other Federal Civil Service Total Federal Civilian Employ 1,493 1,483 690 704 2,183 2,187 2,029 2,188 2,719 2,892 1,484 26 736 4 2,220 30 2,103 1,510 740 2,250 2,103 Total Federal Employ State& Local Govts 49 50 4,261 4,425 19,686 2,839 50 4,373 2,839 50 4,373 1/ Coast Guard 2/ 3/ Total US Public Employ 23,947 Private UnemSector Total ployEmploy Employ ment 115,931 139,878 4/ 14,264 Total Labor Force 155,684 The DoD direct hire (DH) civilian work force figures include both U.S. and foreign national direct hires. Foreign national indirect hire (FNIH) employees that support DoD forces overseas are not included. Beginning with FY 1996, all the Federal civilian work force are measured in Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) on this table. The FY 1990 Active Duty Military includes 25,652 National Guardsmen and Reservists activated pursuant to sections 673b, Title 10 U.S.C. FY 1991 Active Duty Military includes 17,059 National Guardsmen and Reservists, and FY 1992 Active Duty Military includes 954 National Guardsmen and Reservists activated pursuant to sections 672 and 673, Title 10 U.S.C., in support of Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm. NOTE: Enacted OCO data is rolled up into all Defense totals. Certain non-Defense employment data was not available past 2009. 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ From OMB Analytical Perspectives Table 10.2. From the Department of Homeland Security budget. From the Economic Report of the President, Table B-46. From the Economic Report of the President, Table B-35. 221 4/ Table 7-7 DEFENSE SHARES OF ECONOMIC AND BUDGETARY AGGREGATES (Percentages of Indicated Totals) Fiscal Year 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 % of Federal Budget National DoD Defense 15.8 44.0 67.1 79.8 83.1 82.5 72.8 38.3 34.1 28.9 27.4 43.0 57. 2 57.2 57.0 56.5 51.4 50.1 49.8 47.6 45.0 45.0 44.3 43.8 43.1 41.7 38.8 40.2 42.8 43.4 42.4 39.4 17.5 47.1 73.0 84.9 86.7 89.5 77.3 37.1 30.6 33.9 32.2 51.8 68.1 69.4 69.5 62.4 60.2 59.3 56.8 53.2 52.2 50.8 49.0 48.0 46.2 42.8 43.2 45.4 46.0 44.9 41.8 % of Net Public Spending Federal State & Local National DoD Defense 8.4 27.3 54.3 72.3 76.5 75.7 61.4 28.2 22.1 19.7 18.5 28.9 42.4 42.9 40.7 35.5 34.1 33.7 32.0 30.8 30.3 29.5 29.4 28.7 27.8 25.2 26.5 28.6 29.5 27.8 25.4 9.3 29.2 59.1 77.0 79.7 82.1 65.2 27.3 19.9 23.0 21.8 34.8 50.5 52.2 50.0 43.2 41.0 40.2 38.3 36.4 35.1 33.8 32.9 32.0 30.8 27.8 28.4 30.3 31.3 29.4 27.0 DoD as a % Public Employment Military & Civilian Civilian Only Federal, Federal, State State Federal & Local Federal & Local 47.2 72.3 82.8 89.9 91.6 91.5 77.3 65.8 63.6 65.1 63.0 77.2 78.8 79.0 78.2 76.4 75.6 74.9 73.2 72.3 71.2 70.6 71.9 70.7 70.6 69.8 71.1 71.9 72.0 72.0 69.5 222 15.1 35.7 54.0 71.7 75.9 76.7 49.1 33.5 30.8 31.8 28.8 45.5 47.5 47.5 46.6 43.6 40.6 38.4 37.0 34.5 33.1 31.8 31.1 32.4 30.8 29.6 28.2 29.6 30.4 30.3 29.5 26.5 24.6 38.7 55.9 66.5 67.2 68.9 52.5 40.7 38.8 39.1 36.2 48.4 50 50.3 .3 51.0 49.1 48.4 48.0 46.8 44.9 44.0 42.4 41.5 41.3 40.3 39.9 39.0 39.6 41.1 40.4 41.4 38.9 6.0 11.6 22.9 33.8 34.8 38.0 23.6 15.1 13.8 13.7 11.8 18.4 19.4 19.4 19.1 17.0 16.3 15.4 14.5 13.3 12.8 12.0 11.6 11.5 10.9 10.2 9.7 9.9 10.5 10.1 10.1 9.0 DoD as % of Total Labor Force 1.3 4.0 8.2 15.7 17.8 18.9 6.7 3.9 3.5 3.8 3.3 6.8 7.4 7.4 7.2 6.6 6.0 5.6 5.5 5.1 4.9 4.7 4.7 5.1 4.9 4.7 4.6 5.2 5.6 5.7 5.5 4.9 % of GDP National DoD Defense 1.5 5.3 16.3 34.8 36.3 34.5 18.1 5.7 4.0 4.1 4.3 6.1 11.1 11.7 10.6 8.9 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.5 8.0 8.2 8.2 8.0 7.7 6.7 7.2 8.3 8.9 8.2 7.6 1.7 5.6 17.8 37.0 37.8 37.5 19.2 5.5 3.5 4.8 5.0 7.4 13.2 14.2 13.1 10.8 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.0 9.3 9.4 9.2 8.9 8.5 7.4 7.7 8.8 9.4 8.7 8.1 Table 7-7 (Continued) DEFENSE SHARES OF ECONOMIC AND BUDGETARY AGGREGATES (Percentages of Indicated Totals) Fiscal Year 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 % of Federal Budget National DoD Defense 35.4 32.5 29.8 28.8 25.5 23.6 23.4 22.5 22.8 22.5 23.0 24.7 25.4 25.9 25.9 26.8 27.3 26.5 25.8 23.1 19.8 20.8 19.8 18.4 17.2 16.2 16.1 15.5 15.4 15.7 15.6 16.5 17.9 19.0 37.5 34.3 31.2 29.5 26.0 24.1 23.8 22.8 23.1 22.7 23.2 24.8 26.0 26.7 26.7 27.6 28.1 27.3 26.5 23.9 20.6 21.6 20.7 19.3 17.9 17.0 16.9 16.2 16.1 16.5 16.4 17.3 18.7 19.9 % of Net Public Spending Federal State & Local National DoD Defense 22.4 20.6 19.0 18.2 16.5 15.4 15.5 15.2 15.4 15.3 15.8 16.9 17.3 17.5 17.6 17.9 17.6 17.0 16.5 14.8 12.6 13.1 12.4 11.5 10.7 10.0 9.9 9.4 9.2 9.3 9.2 9.8 10.8 11.5 23.7 21.7 19.9 18.7 16.9 15.7 15.8 15.4 15.5 15.4 15.9 16.9 17.8 18.1 18.1 18.4 18.2 17.6 17.0 15.3 13.2 13.7 13.0 12.1 11.1 10.5 10.3 9.8 9.7 9.8 9.6 10.3 11.3 12.0 DoD as a % Public Employment Military & Civilian Civilian Only Federal, Federal, State State Federal & Local Federal & Local 67.1 64.5 63.6 62.4 61.6 60.8 60.2 59.6 59.6 59.8 60.8 61.6 61.9 62.0 61.2 61.6 61.3 60.1 60.4 59.2 58.4 56.5 55.1 54.0 52.6 53.2 52.8 51.9 51.0 50.1 51.0 51.4 51.1 51.3 223 23.7 20.9 19.8 18.9 18.2 17.6 17.0 16.6 16.1 16.1 16.6 16.9 17.2 17.1 17.0 16.8 16.7 16.0 15.8 15.0 14.7 13.8 12.9 12.2 11.4 11.1 10.7 10.2 9.9 9.5 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 37.4 36.6 35.3 35.0 34.1 33.3 32.4 31.9 31.8 31.8 32.9 33.5 34.1 34 .4 34.4 34.0 34.0 34.0 32.4 33.2 31.9 31.3 30.6 29.4 28.7 27.6 28.0 27.4 26.3 25.3 24.2 24.7 24.8 24.3 24.6 8.2 7.6 7.1 6.9 6.6 6.3 6.0 5.9 5.6 5.6 5.8 5.9 6.1 6.1 6.2 6.0 6.0 5.6 5.7 5.3 5.2 5.1 4.7 4.5 4.2 4.0 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 3.1 3.0 3.0 3.0 DoD as % of Total Labor Force 4.3 3.7 3.5 3.4 3.2 3.1 3.0 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.4 % of GDP National DoD Defense 6.9 6.4 5.6 5.4 5.4 5.1 4.8 4.6 4.6 4.9 5.1 5.7 6.0 5.7 5.9 6.0 5.9 5.6 5.5 5.1 4.4 4.6 4.2 3.9 3.5 3.3 3.1 3.0 2.8 2.9 2.8 3.1 3.5 3.7 7.3 6.7 5.9 5.5 5.5 5.2 4.9 4.7 4.7 4.9 5.2 5.7 6.1 5.9 6.1 6.2 6.1 5.8 5.6 5.2 4.6 4.8 4.4 4.0 3.7 3.4 3.3 3.1 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.3 3.7 3.9 Table 7-7 (Continued) DEFENSE SHARES OF ECONOMIC AND BUDGETARY AGGREGATES (Percentages of Indicated Totals) Fiscal Year 2005 2006 2007 % of Federal Budget National DoD Defense % of Net Public Spending Federal State & Local National DoD Defense DoD as a % Public Employment Military & Civilian Civilian Only Federal, Federal, State State Federal & Local Federal & Local DoD as % of Total Labor Force 19.2 18.8 19.4 20.0 19.7 20.2 11.7 11.5 11.6 12.2 12.0 12.1 51.0 51.2 50.3 9.1 9.1 8.9 24.7 25.1 24.4 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.4 1.4 1.4 3.8 3.8 3.8 19.9 20.7 10.1 10.5 50.5 8.9 24.5 3.0 1.4 4.1 2008 Base Only* 2008 (Total)** 18.1 18.8 9.6 10.0 51.2 9.1 25.4 3.1 1.4 4.5 4.6 3.6 18.4 19.3 9.6 10.1 49.4 24.3 2011 Base Only* 2011 (Total)** 4.3 3.5 2010 Base Only* 2010 (Total)** 4.0 3.9 4.0 3.3 2009 Base Only* 2009 (Total)** % of GDP National DoD Defense 4.7 4.9 3.6 15.7 19.6 8.1 10.1 50.8 25.9 3.9 4.9 * Does not include any supplemental amounts for GWOT, OCO, or the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. ** Includes enacted supplemental amounts for GWOT, OCO, and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, as do all years from 2007 and prior. NOTE: Data is computed from the OMB Historical Tables and Economic Report of the President. Certain non-Defense data was not available past 2009. 224 GLOSSARY OF TERMS Aggregate Price The Aggregate Price is a weighted average of individual prices, where each price is weighted by an item's contribution to total expenditures. The aggregate price is thus a notional price developed to measure changes in inflation and is greatly affected by the relative mix of the items considered, and the change of that mix over time. Annual Rate of Change in Prices The Annual Rate of Change measures the year-to-year change in prices, computed by dividing one year's aggregate price by the preceding year's aggregate price. Base Year The Base Year is a point of reference representing a fixed price level, and is expressed as 1.00 (e.g., FY 2011 = 1.00). The base year for a set of indexed numbers can be changed to another year by dividing each number in the series by the index for the desired base year. Budget Authority (BA) BA is the authority to incur legally binding obligations of the Government which will result in immediate or future outlays. Most Defense BA is provided by Congress in the form of enacted appropriations. Constant Dollars Constant dollars measure the value of purchased goods and services at price levels which are the same as the base or reference year. Constant dollars do not contain any adjustments for inflationary changes that have occurred or are forecast to occur outside the base year. Current Dollars An item or service is priced in Current dollars if the prices contain all inflationary increases expected to occur in a program over the duration of the spendout of an appropriation. Current dollars are also called “then year” dollars, “budget” dollars, or “fully inflated” dollars. Discretionary Programs Discretionary programs are funded annually through the appropriations process. The scorekeeping guidelines in the Budget Enforcement Act (BEA) of 1990, as amended, established annual limits or “caps” on the amount of BA and outlays available for these programs. Emergency Programs These are programs that the President designates as “emergency requirements,” and Congress so designates in law. They are not bound by the overall caps on discretionary programs. Once these emergency appropriations are released, they are recorded as discretionary and the BEA caps are adjusted accordingly. 225 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) GDP measures the market value of all goods and services produced during a particular time period by individuals, businesses and government in the United States, whether they are U.S. or foreign citizens or American owned or foreign owned firms. It includes income earned on U.S. soil by both foreign owned corporations and foreign citizens, but excludes income earned abroad by both U.S. owned corporations and U.S. citizens. Gross National Product (GNP) GNP measures the market value of all goods and services produced during a particular time period by U.S. individuals, businesses and government. It includes income earned abroad by both U.S. owned corporations and U.S. citizens, but excludes income earned on U.S. soil by both foreign owned corporations and foreign citizens. Index An Index is a component of a time series which measures the change in prices from a fixed point in time, and is calculated by setting the base year equal to one, and then multiplying the index value of each year by one plus the annual rate of change of the next year. Inflation Inflation is an increase in the general level of prices in the economy. Inflation does not mean that prices rise evenly or that all prices are rising. Some prices may be constant and others actually may be falling. Prices of some commodities rise faster than others because of differences in the magnitude and direction of changes in supply and demand in various markets. There are many different measures of inflation: (1) GDP Implicit Price Deflator - The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) implicit price deflator, generally regarded as the best single measure of broad price movements in the economy, is the ratio of GDP in current prices to GDP in constant prices. (2) Consumer Price Index - The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a measure of the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for a fixed market basket of consumer goods and services. Although it is often called the “Cost-of-Living Index” it measures only price changes, just one of several factors affecting living costs. The CPI reflects spending patterns for each of two population groups: All Urban Consumers (CPI-U), representing a majority of the U.S. population, and Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W), which are a subset of the CPI-U’s population. (3) DoD Purchase Index - The DoD Purchase Index developed by OUSD(C) consists of outyear projections based upon fiscal guidance from OMB linked to actual DoD purchase price experience calculated by the Commerce Department's Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). 226 Mandatory Programs Mandatory programs, also knows as “pay-as-you-go” or PAYGO, are direct spending programs and receipts defined as entitlement authority. This is BA authorized by permanent law, rather than annual appropriations acts. National Defense The National Defense Function (function 050) includes: DoD military activities (subfunction 051); the atomic energy defense activities of the Department of Energy (subfunction 053); and defense related activities of other federal agencies (subfunction 054). Outlays Outlays, or expenditures, are the liquidation of the Government's obligations. Outlays generally represent cash payments. Outlays in a given fiscal year may represent the liquidation of obligations incurred over a number of years. There is a time lag between budgeting funds (congressional appropriation), signing contracts and placing orders (obligations), receiving goods or services and making payments (liquidating obligations). For major acquisition and construction programs, the Department operates under a "full funding" policy by which Congress approves, in the year of the request, sufficient funds to complete a given quantity of items, even though it may take a number of years to actually build and deliver these items. Thus, in extreme cases (such as building an aircraft carrier), final outlays may be recorded a decade after the budget authority for the program is approved. Outlay Index An Outlay Index measures the impact of changes in inflation on outlays; is used to convert outlays from current to constant dollars; is used to compute the amount of inflation to be added to a base price; and is used to reprice estimates when inflation assumptions are revised. An index for outlays is calculated by compounding annual rates from any base year. Real Growth Real Program Growth - the year-to-year change in constant dollars - is usually expressed as a percentage, and is computed by dividing the constant dollars for one year by the constant dollars of the previous year and subtracting one. Real growth always implies a relationship between two or more time periods. Spendout Rates Spendout Rates (also called outlay or expenditure rates) are the expected cash flow for a given appropriation expressed as the percent expected to be spent in a given year. These rates are appropriation unique and range from two years in the pay accounts to as much as ten years in ship construction. Total Obligational Authority (TOA) TOA is a DoD financial term which expresses the value of the DIRECT Defense program for a fiscal year. TOA may differ from BA for several reasons, including: (1) BA lapsing before obligations were incurred (decreasing TOA with no effect on BA). (2) Proposed or enacted legislation transferring unobligated balances for which the purpose of the balances has changed. Scoring rules require that such a transfer be reflected as a change in BA in the year in 227 which the transfer occurs (reduction of BA in the losing account, increase of BA in the gaining account). TOA is adjusted in the original program, regardless of when the transaction occurs. TOA Index (3) Reappropriations (the extension of availability of previously appropriated funds). Reappropriations are scored as BA in the first year of extended availability. TOA is unchanged. (4) Rescissions (Congressional action canceling new budget authority or unobligated balances). Scoring rules require that rescissions be scored as reductions in budget authority in the fiscal year in which the rescissions are enacted. TOA is adjusted in the program year of the rescinded funds. If rescissions are proposed in the budget, they would be reflected as if enacted. (5) Net Offsetting Receipts (collections from the public that arise out of the business-type or marketoriented activities of the Government and are deposited in receipt accounts). Net offsetting receipts are deducted from BA but have no effect on TOA. A TOA Index measures the impact of changes in inflation on TOA, given a specific fiscal year and phasing of work performed (or outlays), and is usually developed using the standard outlay rates for an appropriation. The TOA index measures the budgeted change of inflation from a fixed point. 228 END NOTES Gross National Product & Gross Domestic Product In December 1991, U.S. National Income and Product Accounts (NIPAs) shifted emphasis from the Gross National Product (GNP) to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Both GNP and GDP measure output at market prices, but in a slightly different manner. The distinction between GNP and GDP is not very great for the United States because relatively few U.S. citizens work abroad, and U.S. earnings on foreign investments are about the same as foreign earnings in the United States. Change in Account Structure In FY 1992 and FY 1993, funds were appropriated in Defense accounts which supported domestic, rather than defense, programs. Using the rules and definitions of the Budget Enforcement Act, OMB scored these appropriations in the correct domestic functions rather than in the DoD Military function (051). Data in this book display the total DoD budget request and include these amounts. Changes in Scorekeeping Rescissions: Before the amended FY 1989 budget was submitted, rescissions of prior year unobligated balances were reflected as adjustments only against TOA in the applicable program year. However, since then, both the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and OMB score such rescissions as reductions to current year BA with one large exception. $15 billion was appropriated for the Persian Gulf Regional Defense Fund in FY 1991. Only $304 million was transferred to other defense accounts to offset Operation Desert Storm costs. The balance of $14.696 billion was rescinded, and FY 1991 BA was reduced rather than reducing BA in the current year. Reappropriations were previously scored as new BA in the year of legislation. However, in presenting the amended FY 1989 budget, CBO and OMB directed scoring of reappropriations as BA in the first year of new availability [first year after original availability would lapse]. Retired Pay/Accrual In accrual-based financing, transactions are counted when the order is made or a service takes place, even if no cash has changed hands yet. Cash-based financing recognizes transactions only when cash is actually received or paid. For FY 1985, the OMB historical tables moved National Defense BA and outlays for the actual Military Retired Pay accounts (which were cash-based) from the DoD Military function (051) to the Income Security function (600), and replaced it with an estimate for Military Retired Pay Accrual. So for the years FY 1948 - FY 1984, the DoD BA and outlay tables in this book reflect military retired pay on a CASH basis. After FY 1984, the BA and outlays reflect only the ACCRUAL cost of military retirement. The FY 2003 budget shifted the costs of civilian and military health care from central accounts to which they had been charged, to the affected program accounts as accruals. For comparability, OMB included imputed amounts for these shifts in their FY 2001 and FY 2002 data for the DoD Military function (051). This book does not include the accrual costs of these transfers, and differences are included in the “OMB rounding difference” line where appropriate. 229 Retired Pay Accrual Accounting In 1990, updated actuarial assumptions reduced the retired pay accrual Normal Cost Percentage (NCP) for fulltime and part-time personnel. The effect is a decrease of about $2.5 billion annually, beginning in FY 1990. This adjustment is treated as a price change and not as a programmatic change, and military pay deflators have been adjusted accordingly. Federal Employees’ Retirement System (FERS) Adjustments The additional costs for retirement contributions due to enactment of the Federal Employees' Retirement System (FERS) Act of 1986, P.L. 99-335, are included as inflationary increases, and the DoD deflators have been adjusted accordingly. 230