DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ARMY NATIONAL GUARD FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2011 BUDGET ESTIMATE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM SUBMITTED TO CONGRESS FEBRUARY 2010 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY MILITARY CONSTRUCTION FY 2011 PROGRAM ARMY NATIONAL GUARD TABLE OF CONTENTS TAB DESCRIPTION --- ----------- PAGE NUMBER ----------- 1. TABLE OF CONTENTS.......................................... 2. STATE LIST................................................. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. PROJECT DATA TOTAL REQUEST ($000) ------------ ------- Arizona.................................... Arkansas................................... California................................. Colorado................................... Connecticut................................ Delaware................................... Georgia.................................... Guam....................................... Hawaii..................................... Idaho...................................... Illinois................................... Kansas..................................... Kentucky................................... Louisiana.................................. Maryland................................... Massachusetts.............................. Michigan................................... Minnesota.................................. Nebraska................................... New Hampshire.............................. New Mexico................................. North Carolina............................. North Dakota............................... Puerto Rico................................ Rhode Island............................... South Dakota............................... Texas...................................... Virgin Islands (U.S........................ Washington................................. West Virginia.............................. Wisconsin.................................. Wyoming.................................... Worldwide Various.......................... TOTAL 16,500 51,500 19,000 106,500 41,000 27,000 27,400 19,000 38,000 23,800 15,000 67,000 19,500 33,500 5,500 23,000 19,000 37,750 14,700 36,000 8,500 1,551 11,200 12,300 27,000 25,000 5,100 25,000 25,000 35,200 5,700 14,400 37,063 i iii 1 7 25 31 53 59 65 77 83 89 101 107 117 123 135 141 147 153 171 183 193 199 205 211 221 227 233 245 251 257 269 275 281 $873,664 PAGE NO. i THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK PAGE NO. ii DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM FY 2011 ARMY NATIONAL GUARD CITY/INSTALLATION LOCATION -------CAT PROJECT CODE NUMBER ---- ------- PROJECT TITLE/COUNT ------------------- NEW/ CURRENT MISSION ------- ARMY REQUEST $000 ------- 1390 PAGE ---- Current 16,500 1 Arizona _______ Florence, Florence Military Reservation, AZ 171 40023 TOTAL: Arizona ______________ Readiness Center 1 Project _________ 16,500 __________ Arkansas ________ Fort Smith, Fort Chaffee Maneuver Training Cente, AR 178 50173 Live Fire Shoothouse 179 50163 Combined Arms Collective Training Facility Current Current 2,500 19,000 7 12 North Little Rock, Camp Joseph T Robinson, AR 214 50043 Combined Support Maintenance Shop Current 30,000 19 TOTAL: Arkansas _______________ 3 Projects __________ 51,500 __________ California __________ San Miguel, Camp Roberts Maneuver Training Cente, CA 179 60429 COMBINED ARMS COLLECTIVE TRAINING FACILITY TOTAL: California _________________ Current 1 Project _________ 19,000 25 19,000 __________ Colorado ________ Colorado ARNG, CO 171 80067 171 80202 Regional Trainign Institute (RTI), Readiness Center Current New 40,000 7,500 PAGE NO. iii 31 36 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM FY 2011 ARMY NATIONAL GUARD CITY/INSTALLATION LOCATION -------CAT PROJECT CODE NUMBER ---- ------- PROJECT TITLE/COUNT ------------------- Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs Readiness Center, CO 171 80201 Readiness Center NEW/ CURRENT MISSION ------- New Gypsum, High-Altitude Army Aviation Training, CO 211 80062 Army Aviation Support Fac/High Altitude Avia Current TOTAL: Colorado _______________ 4 Projects __________ ARMY REQUEST $000 ------- 1390 PAGE ---- 20,000 41 39,000 47 106,500 __________ Connecticut ___________ Windsor Locks, Army Aviation Support Facility, CT 171 90010 Readiness Center TOTAL: Connecticut __________________ Current 1 Project _________ 41,000 53 41,000 __________ Delaware ________ New Castle, New Castle Training Spt Rifle Range , DE 171 100037 Joint Armed Forces Reserve Center TOTAL: Delaware _______________ Current 1 Project _________ 27,000 59 27,000 __________ Georgia _______ Georgia ARNG, GA 171 130127 Readiness Center New 17,000 65 Dobbins AFB, Dobbins Air Force Base, GA 171 130123 Readiness Center New 10,400 71 TOTAL: Georgia ______________ PAGE NO. iv 2 Projects __________ 27,400 __________ DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM FY 2011 ARMY NATIONAL GUARD CITY/INSTALLATION LOCATION -------CAT PROJECT CODE NUMBER ---- ------- PROJECT TITLE/COUNT ------------------- NEW/ CURRENT MISSION ------- ARMY REQUEST $000 ------- 1390 PAGE ---- Current 19,000 77 Guam ____ Guam ARNG, GM 214 140001 Combined Support Maintenance Shop Ph 1 TOTAL: Guam ___________ 1 Project _________ 19,000 __________ Hawaii ______ Kapolei, Kalaeloa Readiness Center, HI 214 150077 Combined Support Maintenance Shop Ph 2 TOTAL: Hawaii _____________ Current 1 Project _________ 38,000 83 38,000 __________ Idaho _____ Boise, Gowen Field, ID 721 160093 Barracks (ORTC) Current 17,500 89 Mountain Home, Edgemeade Training Site, ID 171 160122 Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System Facility Current 6,300 95 TOTAL: Idaho ____________ 2 Projects __________ 23,800 __________ Illinois ________ Springfield, Camp Lincoln Training Site, IL 214 179237 Combined Support Maintenance Shop Add/Alt TOTAL: Illinois _______________ 1 Project _________ Current 15,000 15,000 __________ PAGE NO. v 101 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM FY 2011 ARMY NATIONAL GUARD CITY/INSTALLATION LOCATION -------CAT PROJECT CODE NUMBER ---- ------- PROJECT TITLE/COUNT ------------------- NEW/ CURRENT MISSION ------- ARMY REQUEST $000 ------- 1390 PAGE ---- New Current 43,000 24,000 107 112 Kansas ______ Wichita, Wichita East Readiness Center, KS 171 200063 Armed Forces Reserve Center 214 200090 Field Maintenance Shop TOTAL: Kansas _____________ 2 Projects __________ 67,000 __________ Kentucky ________ Kentucky ARNG, KY 171 210034 TOTAL: Kentucky _______________ Readiness Center Current 1 Project _________ 19,500 117 19,500 __________ Louisiana _________ Louisiana ARNG, LA 211 220222 Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System Facility Minden, Camp Minden, LA 171 220114 Armed Forces Reserve Center TOTAL: Louisiana ________________ PAGE NO. vi 2 Projects __________ Current 5,500 123 Current 28,000 129 33,500 __________ DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM FY 2011 ARMY NATIONAL GUARD CITY/INSTALLATION LOCATION -------CAT PROJECT CODE NUMBER ---- ------- PROJECT TITLE/COUNT ------------------- NEW/ CURRENT MISSION ------- ARMY REQUEST $000 ------- 1390 PAGE ---- 5,500 135 Maryland ________ Maryland ARNG, MD 211 240186 Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System Facility TOTAL: Maryland _______________ New 1 Project _________ 5,500 __________ Massachusetts _____________ Bedford, Hanscom Readiness Center, MA 171 250136 JFHQ Addition TOTAL: Massachusetts ____________________ Current 1 Project _________ 23,000 141 23,000 __________ Michigan ________ Grayling, Camp Grayling Maneuver Training Cent, MI 179 260207 Combined Arms Collective Training Facility TOTAL: Michigan _______________ New 1 Project _________ 19,000 147 19,000 __________ Minnesota _________ Arden Hills, Arden Hills Army Training Site, MN 214 270202 Field Maintenance Shop Current 29,000 153 Little Falls, Camp Ripley, MN 178 270096 Infantry Squad Battle Course 211 270267 Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System Facility Current New 4,300 4,450 159 165 TOTAL: Minnesota ________________ 3 Projects __________ 37,750 __________ PAGE NO. vii DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM FY 2011 ARMY NATIONAL GUARD CITY/INSTALLATION LOCATION -------NEW/ CURRENT MISSION ------- ARMY REQUEST $000 ------- 1390 PAGE ---- Lincoln, Lincoln 1776 Readiness Center, NE 171 310110 Readiess Center Add/Alt Current 3,300 171 Mead, Mead Trng Spt/Field Maint Shop 06/Ut, NE 171 310107 Readiness Center New 11,400 177 CAT PROJECT CODE NUMBER ---- ------- PROJECT TITLE/COUNT ------------------- Nebraska ________ TOTAL: Nebraska _______________ 2 Projects __________ 14,700 __________ New Hampshire _____________ New Hampshire ARNG, NH 171 330034 Classroom Facility (Regional Training Facili Current 721 330035 Regional Training Institute Barracks Facilit Current TOTAL: New Hampshire ____________________ 2 Projects __________ 21,000 15,000 183 188 36,000 __________ New Mexico __________ Farmington, Farmington Readiness Center, NM 171 350075 Readiness Center TOTAL: New Mexico _________________ PAGE NO. viii 1 Project _________ Current 8,500 8,500 __________ 193 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM FY 2011 ARMY NATIONAL GUARD CITY/INSTALLATION LOCATION -------CAT PROJECT CODE NUMBER ---- ------- PROJECT TITLE/COUNT ------------------- NEW/ CURRENT MISSION ------- ARMY REQUEST $000 ------- 1390 PAGE ---- Current 1,551 199 North Carolina ______________ High Point, High Point Readiness Center, NC 171 370898 Readiness Center Add/Alt TOTAL: North Carolina _____________________ 1 Project _________ 1,551 __________ North Dakota ____________ Devils Lake, Camp Grafton, ND 171 380014 Readiness Center Add/Alt TOTAL: North Dakota ___________________ Current 1 Project _________ 11,200 205 11,200 __________ Puerto Rico ___________ Salinas, MTA Camp Santiago, PR 178 436021 Multi Purpose Machine Gun Range 178 436023 Live Fire Shoot House TOTAL: Puerto Rico __________________ Current Current 2 Projects __________ 9,200 3,100 211 216 12,300 __________ Rhode Island ____________ East Greenwich, Camp Fogarty Training Site, RI 442 440009 USPFO TOTAL: Rhode Island ___________________ 1 Project _________ Current 27,000 27,000 __________ PAGE NO. ix 221 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM FY 2011 ARMY NATIONAL GUARD CITY/INSTALLATION LOCATION -------CAT PROJECT CODE NUMBER ---- ------- PROJECT TITLE/COUNT ------------------- NEW/ CURRENT MISSION ------- ARMY REQUEST $000 ------- 1390 PAGE ---- 25,000 227 South Dakota ____________ Watertown, Watertown Range Training Site, SD 171 460085 Readiness Center TOTAL: South Dakota ___________________ New 1 Project _________ 25,000 __________ Texas _____ Bastrop, Camp Swift, TX 178 480290 Urban Assault Course Current 2,600 233 Powderly, Camp Maxey, TX 178 480267 Combat Pistol/Military Pistol Qualification Current 2,500 239 TOTAL: Texas ____________ 2 Projects __________ 5,100 __________ Virgin Islands (U.S.) _____________________ St Croix, Joint Forces HQs, VQ 171 520034 Readiness Center (JFHQ) TOTAL: Virgin Islands (U.S. ____________________________ Current 1 Project _________ 25,000 245 25,000 __________ Washington __________ Tacoma, Camp Murray, WA 214 530022 Combined Support Maintenance Shop TOTAL: Washington _________________ PAGE NO. x 1 Project _________ Current 25,000 25,000 __________ 251 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM FY 2011 ARMY NATIONAL GUARD CITY/INSTALLATION LOCATION -------CAT PROJECT CODE NUMBER ---- ------- PROJECT TITLE/COUNT ------------------- NEW/ CURRENT MISSION ------- ARMY REQUEST $000 ------- 1390 PAGE ---- West Virginia _____________ West Virginia ARNG, WV 171 540084 Readiness Center New 14,200 257 Morgantown, Morgantown Readiness Center, WV 171 540068 Readiness Center Current 21,000 263 TOTAL: West Virginia ____________________ 2 Projects __________ 35,200 __________ Wisconsin _________ Madison, Madison Army Aviation Support Facili, WI 113 550139 Rotary Wing Parking Apron TOTAL: Wisconsin ________________ Current 1 Project _________ 5,700 269 5,700 __________ Wyoming _______ Laramie, Laramie Readiness Center, WY 214 560116 Field Maintenance Shop TOTAL: Wyoming ______________ Current 1 Project _________ 14,400 275 14,400 __________ Worldwide Various _________________ Minor Construction, WW 000 UNSPECIFIED MINOR CONSTRUCTION Current 11,400 PAGE NO. xi 281 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM FY 2011 ARMY NATIONAL GUARD CITY/INSTALLATION LOCATION -------CAT PROJECT CODE NUMBER ---- ------- PROJECT TITLE/COUNT ------------------- Planning and Design, WW 000 990034 Planning and Design TOTAL: Worldwide Various ________________________ GRAND TOTAL ___________ PAGE NO. xii NEW/ CURRENT MISSION ------- ARMY REQUEST $000 ------- Current 25,663 2 Projects __________ 37,063 __________ Total Cost of New Mission projects (11) 177,450 Total Cost of Current Mission Projects Total Cost of other line items (39) (0) 696,214 0 Total Cost of FY 2011 MCNG Projects ___________________________________ (50) ____ 873,664 __________ 1390 PAGE ---- APPROPRIATION LANGUAGE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, ARMY NATIONAL GUARD For construction, acquisition, expansion, rehabilitation, and conversion of facilities for the training and administration of the Army National Guard, and contiguous therefore, as authorized by Chapter 1803 of Title 10, United States Code, as amended, and Military Construction Authorization Acts $873,664,000 to remain available until 30 September 2015. Congressional Reports H.R. 111-188 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, VETERANS AFFAIRS, AND RELATED AGENCIES APPROPRIATIONS BILL, 2010 JUNE 26, 2009.—[To accompany H.R. 3082] (Page 25) North Carolina—Morrisville: Army Aviation Support Facility.— The Committee recognizes the importance to the North Carolina National Guard of Army Aviation Support Facility (AASF) #1 located at Morrisville, North Carolina. The current AASF was built in 1988 and requires a fixed wing annex to permit necessary maintenance of assigned aircraft. The Committee urges the Army National Guard to consider including this facility in the next Future Years Defense Plan, and directs the Director of the Army National Guard to submit to the Committee a status report on the design of this facility no later than February 1, 2010. ARNG Response: NGB will consider this project in the Installations Requirements Plan and Program Objectives Memorandum process for Fiscal Year 2016 through 2017. North Carolina—Murphy: Fire Fighting Team Support Facility.— The Committee recognizes the importance of a new facility to support the relocation of the 430th Engineer Detachment (Firefighting) of the North Carolina National Guard. The Committee urges the Army National Guard to consider including this project in the next Future Years Defense Plan and directs the Director of the Army National Guard to submit a status report on the design of this project no later than February 1, 2010. ARNG Response: NGB will consider this project in the Installations Requirements Plan and Program Objectives Memorandum process for Fiscal Year 2016 through 2017. Committee’s Directed Language H.R. 111-166 NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010 ON H.R. 2647 JUNE 18, 2009. (Page 522) Planning and Design, Army National Guard The committee recommends that, within the authorized amounts for planning and design, the Secretary of the Army complete planning and design activities for the following projects: (1) $5,446,000—Readiness Center, Kapolei, Hawaii;… ARNG Response: NGB anticipates issuing design funds for this project NLT 3rd quarter of FY 2010. (Page 522) Planning and Design, Army National Guard The committee recommends that, within the authorized amounts for planning and design, the Secretary of the Army complete planning and design activities for the following projects:… (2) $1,240,000—Readiness Center, West Memphis, Arkansas;… ARNG Response: NGB anticipates issuing design funds for this project NLT 3rd quarter of FY 2010. (Page 522) Planning and Design, Army National Guard The committee recommends that, within the authorized amounts for planning and design, the Secretary of the Army complete planning and design activities for the following projects:… (3) $334,000—Joint Forces Headquarters, Frankfort, Kentucky; ARNG Response: NGB anticipates issuing design funds for this project NLT 3rd quarter of FY 2010. (Page 522) Planning and Design, Army National Guard The committee recommends that, within the authorized amounts for planning and design, the Secretary of the Army complete planning and design activities for the following projects:… (4) $440,000—Barracks Replacement PH 2, Camp Grayling, Minneapolis; [SHOULD BE M. Committee has been notified] ARNG Response: NGB anticipates issuing design funds for this project NLT 3rd quarter of FY 2010. (Page 522) Planning and Design, Army National Guard The committee recommends that, within the authorized amounts for planning and design, the Secretary of the Army complete planning and design activities for the following projects:… (5) $727,000—CST Ready Building, Las Vegas, Nevada; ARNG Response: The State has been issued design funds for this project. (Page 522) Planning and Design, Army National Guard The committee recommends that, within the authorized amounts for planning and design, the Secretary of the Army complete planning and design activities for the following projects:… (6) $368,000—Water Supply System, Camp Rilea, Oregon; ARNG Response: The State has been issued design funds for this project. (Page 522) Planning and Design, Army National Guard The committee recommends that, within the authorized amounts for planning and design, the Secretary of the Army complete planning and design activities for the following projects:… (7) $924,000—Readiness Center, Luzerne, Pennsylvania; ARNG Response: NGB anticipates issuing design funds for this project NLT 3rd quarter of FY 2010. (Page 522) Planning and Design, Army National Guard The committee recommends that, within the authorized amounts for planning and design, the Secretary of the Army complete planning and design activities for the following projects:… (8) $501,000—Readiness Center, Logan/Mingo County, West Virginia; ARNG Response: NGB anticipates issuing design funds for this project NLT 3rd quarter of FY 2010. … (9) $2,234,000—Readiness Center, Parkersburg, West Virginia; … ARNG Response: NGB anticipates issuing design funds for this project NLT 3rd quarter of FY 2010. … (10) $967,000—Field Maintenance Shop, Parkersburg, West Virginia. ARNG Response: NGB anticipates issuing design funds for this project NLT 3rd quarter of FY 2010. (Page 522) Unspecified Minor Construction, Army National Guard The committee recommends that, within the authorized amounts for unspecified minor construction, the Secretary of the Army complete unspecified minor construction activities for the following projects: (1) $1,963,000—Motor Vehicle Storage Building, Freedom Center Armory, Camp Dodge, Idaho; [should be IA, Committee has been notified] ARNG Response: NGB anticipates issuing design funds and Construction Authority for this project NLT 3rd quarter of FY 2010. (2) $2,000,000—Army Aviation Support Facility Addition/Alteration, Davenport, Idaho; [should be IA, Committee has been notified] ARNG Response: NGB anticipates issuing design funds and Construction Authority for this project NLT 3rd quarter of FY 2010. (3) $2,000,000—Readiness Center Addition/Alteration, Iowa Falls, Idaho; [should be IA, Committee has been notified] ARNG Response: NGB anticipates issuing design funds and Construction Authority for this project NLT 3rd quarter of FY 2010. (4) $2,000,000—Field Maintenance Shop Addition/Alteration, Fairfield, Idaho; [should be IA, Committee has been notified] ARNG Response: NGB anticipates issuing design funds and Construction Authority for this project NLT 3rd quarter of FY 2010. (Page 522) Unspecified Minor Construction, Army National Guard The committee recommends that, within the authorized amounts for unspecified minor construction, the Secretary of the Army complete unspecified minor construction activities for the following projects:… (5) $1,750,000—Troop Medical Facility Addition/Alteration, Fort Harrison, Montana; ARNG Response: NGB issued design funds and Construction Authority for this project. (Page 522) Unspecified Minor Construction, Army National Guard The committee recommends that, within the authorized amounts for unspecified minor construction, the Secretary of the Army complete unspecified minor construction activities for the following projects:… (6) $2,000,000—Joint Forces Headquarters Addition, Beightler Armory, Ohio; ARNG Response: NGB issued design funds and Construction Authority for this project. …(7) $2,000,000—Shoot House, Ravenna, Ohio;… ARNG Response: NGB issued design funds and Construction Authority for this project. (Page 522) Unspecified Minor Construction, Army National Guard The committee recommends that, within the authorized amounts for unspecified minor construction, the Secretary of the Army complete unspecified minor construction activities for the following projects:… (8) $1,996,000—Bachelor Quarters Addition/Alteration, Ethan Allen Range, Vermont; ARNG Response: NGB issued design funds and Construction Authority for this project. (Page 522) Unspecified Minor Construction, Army National Guard The committee recommends that, within the authorized amounts for unspecified minor construction, the Secretary of the Army complete unspecified minor construction activities for the following projects:… (9) $1,669,000—Urban Assault Course, Camp Santiago, Puerto Rico. ARNG Response: NGB anticipates issuing design funds and Construction Authority for this project NLT 4th quarter of FY 2010. H.R. 111-188 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, VETERANS AFFAIRS, AND RELATED AGENCIES APPROPRIATIONS BILL, 2010 JUNE 26, 2009.—[To accompany H.R. 3082] (Page 24) Of the funds provided for planning and design in this account, the Committee directs that not less than the specified amounts be made available for the design of the following projects: Arkansas—West Memphis, Readiness Center, $1,240,000. ARNG Response: NGB anticipates issuing design funds for this project NLT 3rd quarter of FY 2010. (Page 24) Of the funds provided for planning and design in this account, the Committee directs that not less than the specified amounts be made available for the design of the following projects: Hawaii—Kapolei, Readiness Center (Joint Forces Headquarters, $5,446,000. ARNG Response: NGB anticipates issuing design funds for this project NLT 3rd quarter of FY 2010. (Page 25) Of the funds provided for minor construction in this account, the Committee directs that not less than the specified amounts be made available for construction of the following projects: Iowa—Camp Dodge, Motor Vehicle Storage Buildings (Freedom Center Armory), $1,963,000…. ARNG Response: NGB anticipates issuing design funds and Construction Authority for this project NLT 3rd quarter of FY 2010. …Iowa—Davenport, Army Aviation Support Facility Addition/Alteration, $2,000,000…. ARNG Response: NGB anticipates issuing design funds and Construction Authority for this project NLT 3rd quarter of FY 2010. …Iowa—Fairfield, Field Maintenance Shop Addition/Alteration, $2,000,000… ARNG Response: NGB anticipates issuing design funds and Construction Authority for this project NLT 3rd quarter of FY 2010. …Iowa—Iowa Falls, Addition/Alteration Readiness Center, $2,000,000… ARNG Response: NGB anticipates issuing design funds and Construction Authority for this project NLT 3rd quarter of FY 2010. (Page 24) Of the funds provided for planning and design in this account, the Committee directs that not less than the specified amounts be made available for the design of the following projects: Kentucky—Frankfort, Joint Forces Headquarters, $334,000. ARNG Response: NGB anticipates issuing design funds for this project NLT 3rd quarter of FY 2010. (Page 25) Of the funds provided for planning and design in this account, the Committee directs that not less than the specified amounts be made available for the design of the following projects: Michigan—Camp Grayling, Barracks Replacement, Phase 2,$440,000. ARNG Response: NGB anticipates issuing design funds for this project NLT 3rd quarter of FY 2010. (Page 25) Of the funds provided for planning and design in this account, the Committee directs that not less than the specified amounts be made available for the design of the following projects: Nevada—Las Vegas, Civil Support Team Ready Building,$727,000. ARNG Response: The State has been issued design funds for this project. (Page 25) Of the funds provided for planning and design in this account, the Committee directs that not less than the specified amounts be made available for the design of the following projects: Oregon—Camp Rilea, Water Supply System, $368,000. ARNG Response: The State has been issued design funds for this project. (Page 25) Of the funds provided for planning and design in this account, the Committee directs that not less than the specified amounts be made available for the design of the following projects: Pennsylvania—Luzerne, Readiness Center, $924,000. ARNG Response: NGB anticipates issuing design funds for this project NLT 3rd quarter of FY 2010. (Page 25) Of the funds provided for planning and design in this account, the Committee directs that not less than the specified amounts be made available for the design of the following projects: West Virginia—Logan/Mingo County, Readiness Center, $501,000… ARNG Response: NGB anticipates issuing design funds for this project NLT 3rd quarter of FY 2010. …West Virginia—Parkersburg, Readiness Center, $2,234,000… ARNG Response: NGB anticipates issuing design funds for this project NLT 3rd quarter of FY 2010. …West Virginia—Parkersburg, Field Maintenance Shop, $967,000. ARNG Response: NGB anticipates issuing design funds for this project NLT 3rd quarter of FY 2010. (Page 25) Of the funds provided for minor construction in this account, the Committee directs that not less than the specified amounts be made available for construction of the following projects: Kentucky—London, Phase IV Aviation Operations Facility, $1,805,000. ARNG Response: NGB anticipates issuing design funds and Construction Authority for this project NLT 3rd quarter of FY 2010. (Page 25) Of the funds provided for minor construction in this account, the Committee directs that not less than the specified amounts be made available for construction of the following projects: Montana—Fort Harrison, Addition/Alteration Troop Medical Facility, $1,750,000. ARNG Response: NGB issued design funds and Construction Authority for this project. (Page 25) Of the funds provided for minor construction in this account, the Committee directs that not less than the specified amounts be made available for construction of the following projects: Ohio—Beightler Armory, Joint Forces Headquarters Addition, $2,000,000… ARNG Response: NGB issued design funds and Construction Authority for this project. …Ohio—Ravenna Training Site, Shoot House, $2,000,000. ARNG Response: NGB issued design funds and Construction Authority for this project. (Page 25) Of the funds provided for minor construction in this account, the Committee directs that not less than the specified amounts be made available for construction of the following projects: Puerto Rico—Camp Santiago, Urban Assault Course, $1,669,000. ARNG Response: NGB anticipates issuing design funds and Construction Authority for this project NLT 4th quarter of FY 2010. (Page 25) Of the funds provided for minor construction in this account, the Committee directs that not less than the specified amounts be made available for construction of the following projects: Vermont—Ethan Allen Range, BOQ Addition/Alteration, $1,996,000. ARNG Response: NGB issued design funds and Construction Authority for this project. Senate Report 111-40 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION AND VETERANS AFFAIRS AND RELATED AGENCIES APPROPRIATION BILL, 2010 JULY 7, 2009 [To accompany S.1407] (Page 24) MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, ARMY NATIONAL GUARD Addition/Alteration Davenport Army Aviation Facility, Davenport, Iowa.—Of the funds provided for minor construction in this account, the Committee directs that $2,000,000 be made available for the construction of this facility. ARNG Response: NGB anticipates issuing design funds and Construction Authority for this project NLT 3rd quarter of FY 2010. Armed Forces Reserve Center/Field Maintenance Shop, Johnston, Iowa.—Of the funds provided for planning and design in this account, the Committee directs that $180,000 be made available for the design of this facility. ARNG Response: NGB anticipates issuing design funds for this project NLT 3rd quarter of FY 2010. (Page 24) MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, ARMY NATIONAL GUARD Joint Force Headquarters, Hanscom Air Force Base, Massachusetts.— Of the funds provided for planning and design in this account, the Committee directs that $2,663,000 be made available for the design of this facility ARNG Response: The State has been issued design funds for this project. (Page 24) MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, ARMY NATIONAL GUARD Addition/Alteration Clark County Armory, Floyd Edsall Training Center, Nevada.— Of the funds provided for minor construction in this account, the Committee directs that $2,000,000 be made available for the construction of this facility. ARNG Response: The State has been issued design funds and Construction Authority for this project. (Page 24) MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, ARMY NATIONAL GUARD Raymond J. Bohn Readiness Center Addition, Bismarck, North Dakota.—Of the funds provided for minor construction in this account, the Committee directs that $2,000,000 be made available for the construction of this facility. ARNG Response: NGB anticipates issuing design funds and Construction Authority for this project NLT 3rd quarter of FY 2010. (Page 24) MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, ARMY NATIONAL GUARD Storm Water and Sewer Infrastructure Improvements, Camp Withycombe, Clackamas County, Oregon.—Of the funds provided for planning and design in this account, the Committee directs that $1,226,000 be made available for the design of this project. ARNG Response: NGB anticipates issuing design funds for this project NLT 3rd quarter of FY 2010. (Page 24) Washington County Readiness Center, Hillsboro, Oregon.—Of the funds provided for planning and design in this account, the Committee directs that $386,000 be made available for the design of this facility. ARNG Response: NGB anticipates issuing design funds for this project NLT 3rd quarter of FY 2010. (Page 24) MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, ARMY NATIONAL GUARD Morrisville Field Vehicle Maintenance Shop, Morrisville, Vermont.—Of the funds provided for planning and design in this account, the Committee directs that $812,000 be made available for the design of this facility. ARNG Response: NGB anticipates issuing design funds for this project NLT 3rd quarter of FY 2010. Military Construction Army National Guard, Future Years Defense Program FY 2011- FY 2015 Fiscal Year State 2011 2011 2011 2011 AK Bethel AZ Florence Town or Installation Facility Category Project Title 2011 Budgeted Amount Prior FYDP PB09 2011 Readiness Center Readiness Center 171 171 0 16,500 16,179 11,061 2011 AR Camp Robinson Combined Support Maintenance Shop 214 30,000 12,964 2011 AR Fort Chaffee 179 19,000 20,100 2011 AR Fort Chaffee Combined Arms Collective Training Facility Live Fire Shoot House 178 2,500 0 2011 CA Camp Roberts 2011 CO 2011 179 19,000 20,200 Gypsum/Eagle Combined Arms Collective Training Facility HAATS/AASF 211 39,000 35,090 CO Fort Carson Regional Training Institute 171 40,000 41,360 2011 CO Fort Carson Barracks Complex (ORTC) 721 0 43,532 2011 CO Colorado Springs Readiness Center 171 20,000 0 2011 2011 CO CT Windsor Windsor Locks Readiness Center Readiness Center 171 171 7,500 41,000 0 46,000 2011 DE New Castle Armed Forces Reserve Center(JFHQ) 171 27,000 13,526 2011 DC Washington 610 0 4,670 2011 2011 GA GA Dobbins Cumming United States Property and Fiscal Office, Add/Alt Readiness Center Readiness Center 171 171 10,400 17,000 0 0 2011 GU Barrigada Combined Support Maint Shop Ph1 214 19,000 17,834 2011 2011 HI HI Kalaeloa Kalaeloa Readiness Center Ph1 Combined Support Maintenance Shop Ph2A 171 214 0 38,000 32,343 19,801 2011 ID Gowen Field Barracks (ORTC) 721 17,500 13,065 Change Explanation Proj No MDEP Pgm 0 (16,179) Project was appropriated in FY 2009 5,439 Increased cost. Includes a $0.700M directed cost reduction based on actual construction cost de-escalation. 17,036 Increased cost. Includes a $1.400M directed cost reduction based on actual construction cost de-escalation. (1,100) Directed cost adjustment based on actual construction cost de-escalation. 2,500 Moved 2012 to 2011; Range program cost adjustment (1,200) Directed cost adjustment based on actual construction cost de-escalation. 3,910 Increased cost. Includes a $2.000M directed cost reduction based on actual construction cost de-escalation. (1,360) Change in cost. Includes a $3.000M directed cost reduction based on actual construction cost de-escalation. (43,532) Moved 2011 to 2012. Adjustment for inflation assumptions. 20,000 Grow the Army Insertion. Includes a $1.000M directed cost reduction based on actual construction cost de-escalation. 2011 20123 040023 AA EAMF EAMF AA Mod For Mod For 050043 EAMF Mod For 050163 VSRM Range 050173 VSRM Range 060429 VSRM Range 080062 ERVT Mod For 080067 E3H6 Revit 080093 E3H6 Revit 080201 EGRO Grow 7,500 Grow the Army Insertion (5,000) Directed cost adjustment based on actual construction cost de-escalation. 13,474 Increased cost. Includes a $1.000M directed cost reduction based on actual construction cost de-escalation. (4,670) Moved 2011 to 2012. Increased cost. 080202 090010 EGRO Grow EAMF Mod For 100037 ERVT Revit 110007 ERVT Mod For 10,400 Grow the Army Insertion 17,000 Grow the Army Insertion. Includes a $1.000M directed cost reduction based on actual construction cost de-escalation. 130123 130127 EGRO EGRO Grow Grow 140001 ERVT Revit 150043 150077 ERVT ERVT Revit Revit 160093 E3H9 Revit 1,166 Increased cost. Includes a $1.100M directed cost reduction based on actual construction cost de-escalation. (32,343) Moved 2011 to 2012. Increased cost. 18,199 Increased cost. Includes a $3.000M directed cost reduction based on actual construction cost de-escalation. 4,435 Increased cost. Includes a $1.000M directed cost reduction based on actual construction cost de-escalation. Military Construction Army National Guard, Future Years Defense Program FY 2011- FY 2015 Fiscal Year 2011 State Town or Installation ID Mountain Home Project Title Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System Facility Facility Category 211 Budgeted Prior FYDP Amount PB09 6,300 0 Change Explanation 6,300 TUAS project inserted. Includes a $0.200M directed cost reduction based on actual construction cost de-escalation. Proj No 160122 MDEP EAMF Pgm Revit (22,500) Moved 2011 to 2013. Increased cost. 7,800 Increased cost. Includes a $1.000M directed cost reduction based on actual construction cost de-escalation. (19,000) Reduced cost. Previous PA included other service share. Includes a $3.000M directed cost reduction based on actual construction cost de-escalation. 170127 179237 EAMF EAMF Mod For Mod For 200063 EAMF Mod For (1,000) Change in cost. Includes a $1.000M directed cost reduction based on actual construction cost de-escalation. (2,227) Project was appropriated in FY 2010 14,000 Increased cost. Includes a $0.900M directed cost reduction based on actual construction cost de-escalation. 22,290 Increased cost. Includes a $2.000M directed cost reduction based on actual construction cost de-escalation. 5,500 Grow the Army Insertion 200090 EAMF Mod For 200103 210034 ERVT EAMF Mod For Mod For 220114 ERVT Revit 220222 EAMF Revit 230046 240186 ERVT EAMF Revit Revit 2011 2011 IL IL Kankakee Springfield Army Aviation Support Facility Combined Support Maintenance Shop Add/Alt 211 214 0 15,000 22,500 7,200 2011 KS Wichita East Armed Forces Reserve Center 171 43,000 62,000 2011 KS Wichita East Field Maintenance Shop 214 24,000 25,000 2011 2011 KS KY Salina Burlington Taxiway Alterations Readiness Center 112 171 0 19,500 2,227 5,500 2011 LA Minden Armed Forces Reserve Center 171 28,000 5,710 2011 LA Fort Polk 211 5,500 0 2011 2011 ME MD Bangor Webster Field 171 211 0 5,500 8,003 0 2011 MA Westfield Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System Facility Readiness Center Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System Facility Readiness Center Add/Alt 171 0 15,356 (15,356) Mass TAG request to move funding from 250115 to 250136. Increased Cost. 250115 ERVT Revit 2011 MA Hanscom AFB Armed Forces Reserve Center (JFHQ) Ph2 171 23,000 0 23,000 Mass TAG request to move funding from 250115 to 250136. Increased Cost. 250136 ERVT Revit 2011 MI Camp Grayling 179 19,000 20,200 VSRM Range MN Camp Ripley 178 4,300 0 270096 VSRM Range 2011 MN Arden Hills Field Maintenance Shop 214 29,000 23,200 270202 EAMF Mod For 2011 MN Camp Ripley 211 4,450 0 270267 EAMF Revit 2011 NE Mead Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System Facility Readiness Center (1,200) Directed cost adjustment based on actual construction cost de-escalation. 4,300 Moved 2012 to 2011. Range program cost adjustment 5,800 Increased cost. Includes a $3.000M directed cost reduction based on actual construction cost de-escalation. 4,450 Grow the Army Insertion 260207 2011 Combined Arms Collective Training Facility Infantry Squad Battle Course 171 11,400 0 11,400 Grow the Army Insertion. Includes a $0.600M directed cost reduction based on actual construction cost de-escalation. 310107 EGRO Grow 2011 2011 NE NE Grand Island Lincoln Readiness Center Readiness Center Add/Alt 171 171 0 3,300 5,739 0 (5,739) Moved 2011 to 2012. Increased cost. 3,300 Grow the Army Insertion 310085 310110 ERVT EGRO Revit Grow (8,003) Moved 2011 to 2012. Increased cost. 5,500 Grow the Army Insertion Military Construction Army National Guard, Future Years Defense Program FY 2011- FY 2015 Fiscal Year 2011 State Town or Installation NH Pembroke Project Title Classroom Facility (Regional Training Institute) Facility Category 171 Budgeted Prior FYDP Amount PB09 21,000 11,765 2011 NH Pembroke Barracks Facility (Regional Training Institute) 721 15,000 26,177 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 NJ NM NM NC ND Lakehurst Santa Fe Farmington High Point Camp Grafton Army Aviation Support Facility Readiness Center Add/Alt Readiness Center Readiness Center Add/Alt Readiness Center Add/Alt 211 171 171 171 171 0 0 8,500 1,551 11,200 42,885 3,852 0 0 11,173 2011 2011 2011 OR OR PR The Dalles Boardman Camp Santiago Readiness Center Multi Purpose Training Range Multipurpose Machine Gun Range (MPMG) 171 178 178 0 0 9,200 9,059 7,700 0 2011 PR Camp Santiago Live Fire Shoot House 178 3,100 0 2011 RI East Greenwich United States Property and Fiscal Office 610 27,000 9,000 2011 SD Watertown Readiness Center 171 25,000 20,947 2011 TX Camp Maxey 178 2,500 0 2011 TX Camp Swift Combat Pistol/Military Pistol Qualification Course Urban Assault Course 178 2,600 0 2011 VI St. Croix Readiness Center (JFHQ) 171 25,000 8,500 2011 WA Tacoma Combined Support Maintenance Shop 214 25,000 0 2011 WV Morgantown Readiness Center 171 21,000 20,911 2011 WV Moorefield Readiness Center 171 14,200 11,597 2011 2011 WI WY Madison Laramie Aircraft Parking Field Maintenance Shop 113 214 5,700 14,400 5,292 5,011 2011 ZZZ Various Grow the Army Construction 171 0 82,000 Change Explanation 9,235 Exchange of funds between related NH projects. Includes a $1.000M directed cost reduction based on actual construction cost de-escalation. (11,177) Exchange of funds between related NH projects. Includes a $1.000M directed cost reduction based on actual construction cost de-escalation. (42,885) Moved 2011 to 2012. Increased cost. (3,852) Moved 2011 to 2012. Increased cost. 8,500 Grow the Army Insertion 1,551 Grow the Army Insertion 27 Increased cost. Includes a $0.500M directed cost reduction based on actual construction cost de-escalation. (9,059) Moved 2011 to 2012. Increased cost. (7,700) Range project cancelled. 9,200 Moved 2013 to 2011. Range program cost adjustment. Project related to Grow the Army. 3,100 Moved 2013 to 2011. Range program cost adjustment. Project related to Grow the Army. 18,000 Increased cost. Includes a $1.000M directed cost reduction based on actual construction cost de-escalation. 4,053 Increased cost. Includes a $1.000M directed cost reduction based on actual construction cost de-escalation. 2,500 Range project insertion Proj No 330034 MDEP ERVT Pgm Revit 330035 E3H6 Revit 340115 350115 350075 370898 380014 EAMF Mod For EAMF Mod For EGRO Grow EGRO Grow ERVT Revit 410026 410130 436021 ERVT VSRM VSRM Revit Range Range 436023 VSRM Range 440009 ERVT Mod For 460085 EAMF Mod For 480267 VSRM Range 2,600 Moved 2012 to 2011. Range program cost adjustment 16,500 Increased cost. Includes a $1.000M directed cost reduction based on actual construction cost de-escalation. 25,000 Moved 2010 to 2011. Increased cost. Includes a $1.000M directed cost reduction based on actual construction cost de-escalation. 89 Increased cost. Includes a $1.000M directed cost reduction based on actual construction cost de-escalation. 2,603 Increased cost. Includes a $0.800M directed cost reduction based on actual construction cost de-escalation. 408 Increased cost 9,389 Increased cost. Includes a $0.800M directed cost reduction based on actual construction cost de-escalation. (82,000) Grow the Army funding assigned to projects. 480290 VSRM Range 520034 ERVT Revit 530022 EAMF Mod For 540068 EAMF Mod For 540084 ERVT Revit 550139 560116 ERVT ERVT Mod For Revit 990071 EGRO Grow Military Construction Army National Guard, Future Years Defense Program FY 2011- FY 2015 Fiscal Year 2011 2011 State Town or Installation ZZZ Various ZZZ Various 2012 2012 2012 2012 AL Fort McClellan TC AL Fort McClellan TC Facility Project Title Category Unspecified Minor Construction Planning and Design Total FY 2011 Program Request 2012 Budgeted Prior FYDP Amount PB09 11,400 11,400 25,663 40,917 873,664 878,546 Change Explanation Proj No 990022 990033 MDEP E315 E314 0 1,233 (2,600) Range project cancelled. 2012 010263 010277 AA AA EAMF Mod For VSRM Range 0 (15,254) (4,882) Pgm UMC PD 2012 2012 AZ AR Papago Military Reservation Fort Chaffee 2012 AR Fort Chaffee 2012 Readiness Center Ph2 Convoy Live Fire/Entry Control Point Range Readiness Center Add/Alt Convoy Live Fire/Entry Control Point Range Live Fire Shoot House 2012 2012 CA CA Camp San Luis Obispo Camp Roberts Field Maintenance Shop Utilities Replacement Ph1 214 832 8,000 32,000 6,250 25,000 2012 CA Fort Irwin Maneuver Area Training & Equipment Site Ph3 214 0 27,600 2012 CA Camp Roberts 211 6,160 0 2012 CO Fort Carson Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System Facility Barracks Complex (ORTC) 721 43,000 0 2012 2012 CO CO Alamosa Aurora 171 211 6,400 3,600 0 0 2012 2012 2012 CT DE DC Camp Hartell Bethany Beach Washington 214 171 610 0 0 5,300 32,000 5,443 0 (32,000) Moved 2012 to 2013. (5,443) Moved 2012 to 2013. 5,300 Moved 2011 to 2012. Increased cost. 090043 100010 110007 EAMF ERVT ERVT Mod For Revit Mod For 2012 2012 FL FL Miramar Camp Blanding 171 178 0 2,400 13,976 2,600 (13,976) Moved 2012 to 2013. Increased cost. (200) Range program cost adjustment 120102 120188 ERVT VSRM Revit Range 2012 2012 FL FL Camp Blanding Camp Blanding 178 178 3,100 0 2,000 8,000 120193 120213 VSRM VSRM Range Range 2012 GA Hinesville 214 0 17,500 1,100 Range program cost adjustment (8,000) Moved 2012 to 2015. Range program cost adjustment. (17,500) Moved 2012 to 2013. 130063 ERVT Revit 2012 2012 2012 GA HI ID 130120 150043 160170 EGRO ERVT VSRM Grow Revit Range 2012 2012 2012 11,000 Grow the Army Insertion 33,000 Moved 2011 to 2012. Increased cost. (13,000) Moved 2012 to 2014. Range program cost adjustment. (17,693) Moved 2012 to 2013. Reduced cost. 10,000 Grow the Army Insertion. 15,000 Mobilization Platform Insertion. 170033 170801 180142 EAMF Mod For EGRO Grow RJT9 RJT9 2012 2012 180144 180012 EGRO ERVT Readiness Center Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System Facility Combined Support Maintenance Shop Regional Training Institute United States Property and Fiscal Office, Add/Alt Readiness Center Convoy Live Fire/Entry Control Point Range Live Fire Shoot House Multi Purpose Machine Gun Range 171 178 16,500 0 15,267 2,600 171 178 17,800 3,500 0 2,600 17,800 Grow the Army Insertion 900 Range program cost adjustment 040294 050172 EGRO VSRM Grow Range 178 0 2,000 (2,000) Moved 2012 to 2011; Range program cost adjustment 1,750 Increased cost 7,000 State requested exchange of funding between 2 CA projects (060009 and 060413) for executability & revised estimates. Increased Cost 050173 VSRM Range 060170 060009 ERVT ERVT Revit Mod For (27,600) Moved 2012 to 2013. State requested exchange of funding between 2 CA projects (060009 and 060413) for executability & revised estimates. 6,160 Grow the Army Insertion 060413 ERVT Revit 60438 EAMF Revit 43,000 Moved 2011 to 2012. Directed adjustment for inflation assumptions. 6,400 Grow the Army Insertion 3,600 Grow the Army Insertion 080093 E3H6 Revit 080126 080206 EGRO EGRO Grow Grow 171 171 178 11,000 33,000 0 0 0 13,000 IL IL IN Maneuver Area Training & Equipment Site Ph1 Atlanta Readiness Center Kalaeloa Readiness Center Ph1 Orchard Range Training Site, BoiseUpgrade:Multipurpose Range Complex(MPRC-Range1) Kankakee Readiness Center Cook County Readiness Center Camp Atterbury Railhead Expansion & Container Facility 171 171 903 0 10,000 15,000 17,693 0 0 IN IN Allen County Indianapolis 171 171 25,000 0 0 24,907 Readiness Center Readiness Center 25,000 Grow the Army Insertion (24,907) Moved 2012 to 2013. Adjustment for inflation assumptions. Grow Revit Military Construction Army National Guard, Future Years Defense Program FY 2011- FY 2015 Fiscal Year 2012 2012 2012 2012 IN Camp Atterbury 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 KS ME ME MD MD MD MA MA MI MI MN Topeka Bangor Brunswick Dundalk Westminster Charles/Calvert County Camp Edwards Concord Camp Grayling Camp Grayling Camp Ripley Facility Project Title Category Engineer Qualification Range 178 Deployment Processing Facility 904 Operations Readiness Training Complex 721 1 Operations Readiness Training Complex 721 2 Taxiway Alterations 112 Readiness Center 171 Armed Forces Reserve Center 171 Readiness Center Add/Alt 171 Readiness Center 171 Readiness Center 171 Unit Training Equipment Site 214 Readiness Center 171 Live Fire Shoot House 178 Urban Assault Course 178 Infantry Squad Battle Course 178 2012 MN Camp Ripley Scout Reconnaissance Range 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 MN MN MS MS MS MS Camp Ripley Saint Paul Camp Shelby Camp Shelby Camp Shelby Camp Shelby 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 MO MO MO MO NE NE NV NJ NJ NM NM NC NC OK Fort Leonard Wood Kansas City Monett Perryville Grand Island Mead Las Vegas Sea Girt Lakehurst Farmington Santa Fe Raleigh Greensboro Camp Gruber 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 OK OR PR PR PR PR PR SC SC SC Camp Gruber The Dalles Fort Buchanan Caguas Ceiba Fort Buchanan Camp Santiago Barnwell Florence Florence State Town or Installation IN Camp Atterbury IN Camp Atterbury IN Camp Atterbury Budgeted Amount Prior FYDP PB09 0 6,000 8,900 0 25,000 0 27,000 0 0 15,600 23,000 16,000 10,400 9,000 0 9,000 0 0 0 6,802 0 16,667 0 0 0 22,273 0 2,000 2,000 3,800 178 0 20,000 Multi Purpose Machine Gun Range Readiness Center Troop Housing (ORTC) Ph1 Rail System & Container Facility Deployment Processing Facility Operations Readiness Training Complex 178 171 721 903 904 721 8,400 0 25,000 5,200 13,400 27,000 Regional Training Institute Readiness Center Readiness Center Readiness Center Readiness Center Readiness Center Field Maintenance Shop Barracks (Regional Training Institute) Army Aviation Support Facility Readiness Center Readiness Center Add/Alt Armed Forces Reserve Center (JFHQ) Readiness Center Add/Alt Upgrade:Combined Arms Collective Training Facility Live Fire Shoot House Readiness Center Readiness Center Readiness Center Readiness Center Readiness Center Readiness Center Readiness Center Field Maintenance Shop Ph2 Readiness Center 171 171 171 171 171 171 214 721 211 171 171 171 171 178 178 171 171 171 171 171 171 171 214 171 Change Explanation (6,000) Range Program project cancelled. 8,900 Mobilization Platform Insertion. 25,000 ORTC Project Insertion. 27,000 ORTC Project Insertion. (6,802) 15,600 6,333 16,000 10,400 9,000 (22,273) 9,000 (2,000) (2,000) (3,800) Proj No 180151 180156 180160 MDEP VSRM RJT9 E3H9 Pgm Range RJT9 Revit 180161 E3H9 Revit 200102 230046 230071 240017 240187 240193 250065 250135 260210 260211 270096 ERVT Mod For ERVT Revit ERVT Mod For EAMF Mod For EGRO Grow EGRO Grow ERVT Revit EGRO Grow VSRM Range VSRM Range VSRM Range 270236 VSRM 0 17,021 25,000 0 0 0 Moved 2012 to 2013. Increased cost. Moved 2011 to 2012. Increased cost. Increased cost Moved 2013 to 2012. Increased cost. Grow the Army Insertion Grow the Army Insertion Moved 2012 to 2013. Grow the Army Insertion Project was appropriated in FY 2009. Project was appropriated in FY 2009. Moved 2012 to 2011. Range program cost adjustment (20,000) Moved 2012 to 2013. Range program cost adjustment 8,400 Range project insertion. (17,021) Moved 2012 to 2013. 0 5,200 Mobilization Platform Insertion. 13,400 Mobilization Platform Insertion. 27,000 ORTC Project Insertion. 270266 270238 280315 280386 280387 280389 VSRM Range EAMF Mod For E3H9 Revit RJT9 RJT9 RJT9 RJT9 E3H9 Revit 0 1,900 820 700 22,000 9,100 23,000 0 49,000 0 5,200 0 3,700 18,500 18,254 0 0 0 0 0 17,146 19,724 0 0 0 30,697 0 0 (18,254) 1,900 820 700 22,000 9,100 5,854 (19,724) 49,000 0 5,200 (30,697) 3,700 18,500 290176 290215 290216 290217 310085 310086 320070 340110 340115 350075 350115 370044 370899 400605 ERVT Revit EGRO Grow EGRO Grow EGRO Grow ERVT Revit EGRO Grow EAMF Mod For E3H6 Revit EAMF Mod For EGRO Grow EAMF Mod For ERVT Revit EGRO Grow VSRM Range 3,000 13,800 57,000 11,400 2,200 3,400 3,800 4,600 0 5,200 2,000 0 52,000 0 0 0 0 0 12,764 0 1,000 13,800 5,000 11,400 2,200 3,400 3,800 4,600 (12,764) 5,200 400606 410026 430010 430803 430804 430805 430806 450106 450424 450368 VSRM Range ERVT Revit EAMF Mod For EGRO Grow EGRO Grow EGRO Grow EGRO Grow EGRO Grow EAMF Mod For EGRO Grow Moved 2012 to 2013. Grow the Army Insertion Grow the Army Insertion Grow the Army Insertion Moved 2011 to 2012. Increased cost. Grow the Army Insertion Increased cost Moved 2012 to 2013. Moved 2011 to 2012. Increased cost. Moved 2012 to 2011 Moved 2011 to 2012. Increased cost. Funded in ARRA of 2009. Grow the Army Insertion Moved 2013 to 2012. Range program cost adjustment. Range program cost adjustment Moved 2011 to 2012. Increased cost. Increased cost Grow the Army Insertion Grow the Army Insertion Grow the Army Insertion Grow the Army Insertion Grow the Army Insertion Moved 2012 to 2013. Grow the Army Insertion Range Military Construction Army National Guard, Future Years Defense Program FY 2011- FY 2015 Fiscal Year 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 State SC SC TN TX TX 2012 2012 Facility Category 171 171 171 171 178 Town or Installation Allendale Laurens Tullahoma Fort Worth Camp Swift Project Title Readiness Center Add/Alt Readiness Center Readiness Center Readiness Center Urban Assault Course UT VA Camp Williams Fort Pickett 2012 2012 2012 VT WI WI Jericho Wausau Camp Williams 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 WV WY ZZZ ZZZ ZZZ Buckhannon Cheyenne Various Various Various Multi Purpose Machine Gun Range Combined Arms Collective Training Facility Readiness Center Field Maintenance Shop Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System Facility Readiness Center Readiness Center Grow the Army Construction Unspecified Minor Construction Planning and Design Total FY 2012 Program Request 2013 2013 2013 AL Fort McClellan Budgeted Prior FYDP Amount PB09 4,300 0 6,200 0 0 10,846 0 12,633 0 2,000 178 179 6,500 19,500 4,000 0 Explanation Moved 2011 to 2012, State request Grow the Army Insertion Project was appropriated in FY 2009. Moved 2012 to 2013. Moved 2012 to 2011. Range program cost adjustment 2,500 Range program cost adjustment 19,500 Range project insertion. 171 214 211 0 0 7,000 8,804 5,810 0 (8,804) Project was appropriated in FY 2009. (5,810) Moved 2012 to 2013. 7,000 Grow the Army Insertion 171 171 171 10,000 0 0 11,700 21,351 789,531 0 8,904 84,000 11,700 29,547 670,828 Live Fire Shoot House 178 3,200 2,000 2013 2013 2013 AL Fort McClellan Urban Assault Course 178 0 2,000 2013 2013 AZ CA Sierra Vista Fort Irwin Readiness Center Maneuver Area Training & Equipment Site Ph3 171 214 0 25,000 7,504 0 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 CT DE DE DC FL FL FL Camp Hartell Seaford Bethany Beach DC Armory Miramar Eglin AFB Camp Blanding 214 171 171 171 171 171 178 32,000 0 5,443 12,629 14,000 0 17,500 0 7,058 0 12,629 0 5,528 18,000 2013 2013 FL GA Camp Blanding Hinesville 178 214 3,000 17,500 2,000 0 2013 2013 2013 2013 GA GU HI ID Macon Barrigada Kapolei Gowen Field Combined Support Maintenance Shop Readiness Center Regional Training Institute DC Armory Renovation Readiness Center Readiness Center Upgrade: Combined Arms Collective Training Facility Urban Assault Course Maneuver Area Training & Equipment Site Ph1 Readiness Center Readiness Center Army Aviation Support Facility Ph1 Barracks (ORTC) 171 171 211 721 14,500 8,523 28,814 45,000 14,500 8,523 28,814 48,000 2013 2013 2013 2013 IL IL IL IN Kankakee Kankakee Urbana Indianapolis Readiness Center Army Aviation Support Facility Readiness Center Readiness Center 171 211 171 171 14,000 28,193 0 24,801 0 0 12,688 0 Change 4,300 6,200 (10,846) (12,633) (2,000) 10,000 Grow the Army Insertion (8,904) Moved 2012 to 2013. (84,000) Grow the Army projects assigned. 0 (8,196) 118,703 0 1,200 Range program cost adjustment. Location changed from Eglin AFB, FL to Fort McClellan, AL. (2,000) Range project moved from 2013 to 2010. Location changed from Eglin AFB, FL to Fort McClellan, AL. (7,504) Project deleted* 25,000 Moved 2012 to 2013. State requested exchange of funding between 2 CA projects (060009 and 060413) for bilit to & 2013. i d ti t 32,000 Movedt 2012 (7,058) 5,443 0 14,000 (5,528) (500) Moved 2013 to 2014. Moved 2012 to 2013. Moved 2012 to 2013. Increased cost. Moved 2013 to 2014. Range program cost adjustment 1,000 Range program cost adjustment 17,500 Moved 2012 to 2013. 0 0 0 (3,000) Directed adjustment for inflation assumptions. 14,000 Moved 2012 to 2013. Reduced cost. 28,193 Moved 2011 to 2013. Increased cost. (12,688) Project was appropriated in 2009. 24,801 Moved 2012 to 2013. Directed adjustment for inflation assumptions. Proj No 450403 450407 470043 480243 480290 MDEP EGRO EGRO ERVT ERVT VSRM Pgm Grow Grow Revit Revit Range 490618 510307 VSRM VSRM Range Range 500052 550142 550245 EAMF Mod For ERVT Revit EGRO Grow 540085 560702 997101 990022 990033 EGRO ERVT EGRO E315 E314 Grow Revit Grow 2013 010278 AA VSRM AA Range 010279 VSRM Range 040173 060413 EAMF ERVT Mod For Revit 090043 100049 100010 110021 120102 120176 120192 EAMF Mod For ERVT Mod For ERVT Revit ERVT Revit ERVT Revit ERVT Mod For VSRM Range 120194 130063 VSRM ERVT Range Revit 130068 140040 150023 160100 EAMF ERVT EAMF E3H9 Mod For Mod For Mod For Revit 170033 170127 170614 180012 EAMF EAMF EAMF ERVT Mod For Mod For Mod For Revit Military Construction Army National Guard, Future Years Defense Program FY 2011- FY 2015 Fiscal Year 2013 2013 State Town or Installation IN Terre Haute IA Camp Dodge 2013 2013 IA KS Camp Dodge Kansas City Project Title Field Maintenance Shop Multipurpose Machine Gun Range (MPMG) Urban Assault Course Readiness Center 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 KS KY ME MD MD Topeka Frankfort Augusta Dundalk Reisterstown 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 MD MA MA MI MI MI MN MN Easton Camp Edwards Camp Edwards Camp Grayling Camp Grayling Camp Grayling Stillwater Camp Ripley 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 MN MN MS MO MT MT NV NJ NJ NM NY Saint Paul Camp Ripley Pascagoula Fort Leonard Wood Miles City Helena Elko Sea Girt Sea Girt Socorro Camp Smith 2013 2013 2013 2013 NY OH OH OK 2013 2013 Facility Category 214 178 Budgeted Prior FYDP Amount PB09 8,952 8,952 0 4,500 Change Explanation 0 (4,500) Range program project cancellation. Proj No 180106 190141 MDEP Pgm ERVT Mod For VSRM Range 190142 200101 VSRM Range EAMF Mod For 200102 210001 230113 240017 240028 ERVT EAMF ERVT EAMF ERVT 240173 250065 250095 260180 260051 260212 270014 270236 EAMF Mod For ERVT Revit ERVT Mod For E3H9 Revit E3H9 Revit VSRM Range EAMF Mod For VSRM Range 270238 270258 280272 290176 300032 300128 320069 340110 340112 350029 360139 EAMF VSRM EAMF ERVT EAMF EAMF ERVT E3H6 ERVT ERVT EAMF Mod For Range Mod For Revit Mod For Mod For Mod For Revit Mod For Mod For Mod For 360161 390230 390256 400066 EAMF ERVT EAMF ERVT Mod For Revit Mod For Mod For 400605 VSRM Range 420051 ERVT Mod For 178 171 3,000 0 2,000 34,000 Taxiway Alterations Army Aviation Support Facility Armed Forces Reserve Center Readiness Center Add/Alt United States Property and Fiscal Office 112 211 171 171 442 9,500 32,000 0 0 0 0 32,000 22,804 14,832 11,166 1,000 (34,000) Moved 2013 to 2015. Directed adjustment for inflation assumptions. 9,500 Moved 2012 to 2013. Increased cost. 0 (22,804) Moved 2013 to 2014. (14,832) Moved 2013 to 2012. Increased cost. (11,166) Moved 2013 to 2014. Readiness Center Unit Training Equipment Site Regional Training Institute Barracks Replacement (ORTC) Ph1 Barracks Replacement (ORTC) Ph2 Infantry Squad Battle Course Readiness Center Scout Reconnaissance Range 171 214 171 721 721 178 171 178 0 22,273 0 0 0 0 0 18,500 13,748 0 18,962 16,800 16,800 2,000 14,136 0 (13,748) 22,273 (18,962) (16,800) (16,800) (2,000) (14,136) 18,500 Readiness Center Readiness Center Regional Training Institute Readiness Center Readiness Center Add/Alt Readiness Center Barracks (Regional Training Institute) Regional Training Institute Ph2 Readiness Center Add/Alt Combined Support Maintenance Shop 171 178 171 171 171 171 171 721 171 171 214 17,021 4,100 0 18,254 0 0 0 19,724 0 0 0 0 3,000 4,500 0 4,697 16,080 5,800 0 15,396 4,775 32,771 17,021 1,100 (4,500) 18,254 (4,697) (16,080) (5,800) 19,724 (15,396) (4,775) (32,771) New York Delaware Chillicothe Camp Gruber Readiness Center Add/Alt Readiness Center Field Maintenance Shop Operations Readiness Training Complex 171 171 214 171 23,988 12,000 3,100 25,000 23,988 7,457 2,354 25,000 OK Camp Gruber 178 0 18,000 PA Fort Indiantown Gap Upgrade:Combined Arms Collective Training Facility EAATS Aviation Training and Maintenance Facility 171 0 25,000 Convoy Live Fire/Entry Control Point Range Moved 2013 to 2015. Cost increase. Moved 2012 to 2013. Moved 2013 to 2014. Project was appropriated in FY 2009. Moved 2013 to 2014. Increased cost. Project was appropriated in FY 2009. Moved 2013 to 2014. Moved 2012 to 2013. Range program cost adjustment Moved 2012 to 2013. Range program cost adjustment Moved 2013 to 2014. Moved 2012 to 2013. Moved 2013 to 2014. Increased cost. Moved 2013 to 2014. Increased cost. Project was appropriated in FY 2009. Moved 2012 to 2013. Moved 2013 to 2014. Moved 2013 to 2014. Moved 2013 to 2014. Directed adjustment for inflation assumptions. 0 4,543 Increased cost. 746 Moved 2014 to 2013; Increased cost. 0 (18,000) Moved 2013 to 2012. Range program cost adjustment. (25,000) Moved 2013 to 2014. Funding for project 420364 was transferred to related project 420051 because of cost increases in 420051. Currently the ARNG intends to fund 420364 in a future year. Exchange of funding was requested by PA TAG. Mod For Mod For Mod For Mod For Mod For Military Construction Army National Guard, Future Years Defense Program FY 2011- FY 2015 Fiscal Year 2013 State Town or Installation PA Fort Indiantown Gap 2013 PA Fort Indiantown Gap 2013 PA Fort Indiantown Gap 2013 2013 2013 PR PR PR San Juan Camp Santiago Camp Santiago 2013 PR Camp Santiago 2013 2013 PR PR Camp Santiago Camp Santiago 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 SC SC SD TX UT 2013 2013 2013 2013 Facility Category 721 Project Title EAATS Lodging Complex Prior FYDP PB09 0 15,158 Change Explanation (15,158) Moved 2013 to 2014. Funding for project 420364 was transferred to related project 420051 because of cost increases in 420051. Currently the ARNG intends to fund 420364 in a future year. Exchange of funding was requested by PA TAG. Proj No 420364 MDEP E3H6 Pgm Revit 178 8,000 10,000 (2,000) Range program cost adjustment. 420372 VSRM Range 178 2,300 2,500 (200) Range program cost adjustment. 420504 VSRM Range 171 178 178 15,000 0 0 15,000 2,000 2,500 430081 430023 436020 ERVT Mod For VSRM Range VSRM Range 178 0 1,582 436021 VSRM Range Infantry Squad Battle Course Live Fire Shoot House 178 178 0 0 2,500 2,000 436022 436023 VSRM VSRM Range Range Greenville Florence Rapid City Fort Worth Camp Williams Field Maintenance Shop Field Maintenance Shop Ph2 Barracks (ORTC) Ph1 Readiness Center BEQ Facility (Regional Training Institute) 214 214 721 171 721 12,839 12,764 0 12,633 15,345 12,839 0 12,124 0 15,345 450131 450424 460132 480243 490076 EAMF EAMF E3H9 ERVT E3H6 Mod For Mod For Revit Revit Mod For UT VT VA WA Camp Williams Morrisville Sandston Fort Lewis Regional Training Institute Ph2 Field Maintenance Shop Readiness Center (JFHQ) Readiness Center 721 214 171 171 23,683 0 0 35,000 23,683 4,324 18,290 37,655 490444 500036 510065 530015 E3H6 ERVT ERVT EAMF Revit Mod For Mod For Mod For 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 WA WV WI WI WY WY WY ZZZ ZZZ Spokane Martinsburg Wausau Portage Camp Guernsey Cheyenne Camp Guernsey Various Various Limited Army Aviation Support Facility Armed Forces Reserve Center Field Maintenance Shop Readiness Center Add/Alt Urban Assault Course Readiness Center Live Fire Shoot House Unspecified Minor Construction Planning and Design Total FY 2013 Program Request 211 171 214 171 178 171 178 0 14,186 5,810 5,500 3,000 8,904 3,100 12,000 11,383 712,962 18,581 14,186 0 5,162 2,000 0 2,000 12,000 6,001 808,192 530030 540071 550142 550161 560047 560702 560996 990022 990033 EAMF Mod For ERVT Mod For ERVT Revit ERVT Mod For VSRM Range ERVT Revit VSRM Range E315 E314 2014 2014 2014 AR Searcy Field Maintenance Shop 214 7,000 0 2014 050139 AA EAFS AA Revit Scout RECCE w/Infantry Squad Battle Course Multipurpose Machine Gun Range 178 21,000 0 050182 VSRM Range 178 7,400 0 040221 VSRM Range 2014 AR Fort Chaffee 2014 AZ Camp Navajo Upgrade:Combined Arms Collective Training Facility Combat Pistol/Military Pistol Qualification Course Readiness Center (JFHQ) Range MOUT Assault Course Convoy Live Fire/Entry Control Point Range Multipurpose Machine Gun Range (MPMG) Budgeted Amount 2014 2014 0 (2,000) Range program project cancellation. (2,500) Range program project cancellation. (1,582) Moved 2013 to 2011. Range program cost adjustment. Project related to Grow the Army. (2,500) Range program project cancellation. (2,000) Moved 2013 to 2011. Range program cost adjustment. Project related to Grow the Army. 0 12,764 Moved 2012 to 2013. (12,124) Project was appropriated in FY 2009. 12,633 Moved 2012 to 2013. 0 0 (4,324) Moved 2013 to 2014. Cost adjustment. (18,290) Moved 2013 to 2014. Increased cost. (2,655) Directed adjustment for inflation assumptions. (18,581) Moved 2013 to 2014. 0 5,810 Moved 2012 to 2013. 338 Increased cost for rounding 1,000 Range program cost adjustment 8,904 Moved 2012 to 2013. 1,100 Range program cost adjustment 0 5,382 (95,230) 0 7,000 Restored Project, was last in FY09 FYDP 21,000 Range program insertion. 7,400 Range program Grow the Army program insertion Military Construction Army National Guard, Future Years Defense Program FY 2011- FY 2015 Fiscal Year 2014 2014 2014 2014 State DE FL FL ID 2014 IA 2014 2014 ME MD Facility Town or Installation Project Title Category Seaford Readiness Center 171 Eglin AFB Readiness Center 171 Camp Blanding Multipurpose Training Range (MPTR) 178 Orchard Range Training Site, BoiseUpgrade:Multipurpose Range 178 Complex(MPRC-Range1) Camp Dodge Combined Arms Collective Training 179 Facility Augusta Armed Forces Reserve Center 171 Reisterstown United States Property and Fiscal Office 442 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 MA MI MI MN MS MT MT Camp Edwards Camp Grayling Camp Custer Stillwater Pascagoula Miles City Helena Regional Training Institute Barracks Replacement (ORTC) Ph2 Light Demolition Range Readiness Center Readiness Center Readiness Center Readiness Center Add/Alt 2014 2014 2014 NJ NM NY Sea Girt Socorro Camp Smith 2014 PA 2014 Budgeted Prior FYDP Amount PB09 7,058 0 5,528 0 18,000 0 20,000 0 Change 7,058 5,528 18,000 20,000 Explanation Moved 2013 to 2014. Moved 2013 to 2014. Range program insertion. Moved 2012 to 2014. Range program cost adjustment. 5,700 Range program insertion. Proj No 100049 120176 120214 160170 MDEP Pgm ERVT Mod For ERVT Mod For VSRM Range VSRM Range 190134 VSRM Range 5,700 0 22,804 11,166 0 0 22,804 Moved 2013 to 2014. 11,166 Moved 2013 to 2014. 230113 240028 ERVT ERVT Mod For Mod For 171 721 178 171 171 171 171 18,962 17,000 1,600 14,136 4,500 11,000 38,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18,962 17,000 1,600 14,136 4,500 11,000 38,000 250095 260051 260216 270014 280272 300032 300128 ERVT E3H9 VSRM EAMF EAMF EAMF EAMF Mod For Revit Range Mod For Mod For Mod For Mod For Regional Training Institute Ph2 Readiness Center Add/Alt Combined Support Maintenance Shop 171 171 214 15,396 4,775 31,000 0 0 0 15,396 4,775 31,000 340112 350029 360139 ERVT ERVT EAMF Mod For Mod For Mod For Fort Indiantown Gap EAATS Aviation Training and Maintenance Facility 171 40,158 0 40,158 Moved 2013 to 2014. Moved 2013 to 2014. Increased cost. Range program project insertion. Moved 2013 to 2014. Moved 2013 to 2014. Moved 2013 to 2014. Increased cost. Moved 2013 to 2014. Increased cost. Includes a $2.000M directed reduction for inflation assumptions. Moved 2013 to 2014. Moved 2013 to 2014. Moved 2013 to 2014. Directed adjustment for inflation assumptions. Moved 2013 to 2014. Funding for project 420364 was transferred to related project 420051 because of cost increases in 420051. Currently the ARNG intends to fund 420364 in a future year. Exchange of funding was requested by PA TAG. 420051 ERVT Mod For PA Fort Indiantown Gap EAATS Lodging Complex 721 0 0 0 Moved 2013 to 2014. Funding for project 420364 was transferred to related project 420051 because of cost increases in 420051. Currently the ARNG intends to fund 420364 in a future year. Exchange of funding was requested by PA TAG. 420364 E3H6 Revit 2014 2014 PA SC Fort Indiantown Gap Camp McCrady Heavy Sniper Range 10/25M Range 178 178 4,300 1,900 0 0 420505 450462 VSRM VSRM Range Range 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 VT VA WA ZZZ ZZZ Morrisville Sandston Spokane Various Various Field Maintenance Shop Readiness Center (JFHQ) Limited Army Aviation Support Facility Unspecified Minor Construction Planning and Design Total FY 2014 Program Request 214 171 211 4,397 27,000 18,581 12,759 22,405 413,525 0 0 0 0 0 0 500036 510065 530030 990022 990033 ERVT ERVT EAMF E315 E314 Mod For Mod For Mod For 2015 2015 2015 AK Camp Denali 610 27,000 0 2015 020143 AA ERVT AA Revit 2015 2015 United States Property and Fiscal Office Facility 4,300 Range program insertion. 1,900 Range program Grow the Army program insertion 4,397 Moved 2013 to 2014. Cost adjustment. 27,000 Moved 2013 to 2014. Increased cost. 18,581 Moved 2013 to 2014. 12,759 22,405 413,525 0 27,000 Restored project, was last in FY06 FYDP. Includes a $1.850M directed reduction for inflation assumptions. Military Construction Army National Guard, Future Years Defense Program FY 2011- FY 2015 Fiscal Year 2015 State Town or Installation AZ Mojave County Project Title Readiness Center Facility Category 171 Budgeted Prior FYDP Amount PB09 13,000 0 Change Explanation 13,000 Restored project, was last in FY06 FYDP Proj No 040035 MDEP EAFS Pgm Revit 2015 2015 2015 AZ CA CO Camp Navajo Camp Roberts Fort Carson Infantry Squad Battle Course Multi Purpose Machine Gun Range Readiness Center 178 178 171 3,000 9,000 16,565 0 0 0 3,000 Range program insertion. 9,000 Range program project insertion 16,565 Restored project, was last in FY06 FYDP 40250 060441 080115 VSRM VSRM EAFS Range Range Revit 2015 FL Camp Blanding Multi Purpose Machine Gun Range 178 8,100 0 120213 VSRM Range 2015 2015 2015 IL IN KS Marseilles Camp Atterbury Kansas City Urban Assault Course Multi Purpose Machine Gun Range Readiness Center 178 178 171 3,500 4,000 33,000 0 0 0 170909 180162 200101 VSRM Range VSRM Range EAMF Mod For 2015 2015 2015 LA MD MS Camp Minden Easton Camp Shelby Modified Record Fire Range Readiness Center Simulation Center 178 171 172 4,500 13,796 16,985 0 0 0 8,100 Moved 2012 to 2015. Range program cost adjustment. 3,500 Range program project insertion 4,000 Range program project insertion 33,000 Moved 2013 to 2015. Includes a $1.000M directed reduction for inflation assumptions. 4,500 Range program cost adjustment 13,796 Moved 2013 to 2015. Cost increase. 16,985 Restored project, was last in FY07 FYDP 220199 240173 280230 VSRM Range EAMF Mod For EAFS Revit 2015 MO Jefferson Barracks Field Maintenance Shop 214 9,074 0 9,074 Restored project, was last in FY06 FYDP 290191 ERVT Revit 2015 NH Manchester Field Maintenance Shop 214 20,400 0 20,400 Restored project, was last in FY06 FYDP 330019 EAFS Revit 2015 ND Valley City Field Maintenance Shop 214 10,746 0 10,746 Restored project, was last in FY06 FYDP 380073 EAFS Revit 2015 2015 2015 2015 OH OH OR OR Ravenna Ravenna Boardman Salem 178 178 178 171 3,500 6,000 10,000 15,000 0 0 0 0 3,500 Range program project insertion 6,000 Range program project insertion 10,000 15,000 Restored project, was last in FY06 FYDP 390278 390281 410133 410301 VSRM VSRM VSRM ERVT Range Range Range Revit 2015 PR Salinas 218 5,560 0 5,560 Restored project, was last in FY06 FYDP 430070 ERVT Revit 2015 RI North Smithfield Combat Pistol Qualification Course Multi Purpose Machine Gun Range Multi Purpose Machine Gun Range Armed Forces Reserve Center Add/Alt (JFHQ) Maneuver Area Training & Equipment Site Addition Readiness Center 171 12,924 0 12,924 Restored project, was last in FY06 FYDP 440040 EAFS Revit 2015 SC Camp McCrady Multi Purpose Machine Gun Range 178 4,500 0 450377 VSRM Range 2015 2015 2015 TX TX WY South Texas Camp Swift Camp Guernsey Land Acquisition Live Fire Exercise Breach Regional Training Institute Ph1 178 178 171 40,000 900 31,000 0 0 0 480289 480903 560060 VSRM VSRM E3H6 Range Range Revit 2015 2015 ZZZ ZZZ Various Various Unspecified Minor Construction Planning and Design Total FY 2015 Program Request 9,314 22,804 354,168 0 0 0 4,500 Range program Grow the Army program insertion 40,000 Range program project insertion 900 Range program project insertion 31,000 Restored project, was last in FY06 FYDP. Includes a $0.716M directed reduction for inflation assumptions. 9,314 22,804 354,168 990022 990033 E315 E314 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION Florence Military Reservation INSNO= 04989 COST INDEX Florence, Arizona .96 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION Reservists - 1 weekend/month - 1 night/week Full-time personnel - 5 days a week. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS ARNG Mesa, AZ 13.00 miles Armory 2,157 m2 (23,221 SF) 1954 ARNG Tempe, AZ 17.00 miles Armory 926 m2 (9,964 SF) 1954 ARNG Chandler, AZ 8.00 miles Armory 1,603 m2 (17,250 SF) 1988 ARNG Rittenhouse, AZ 15.00 miles Trn Site 1,603 m2 (17,250 SF) 1988 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) START CMPL ________ _____ ______ _____ ____ 17180 Readiness Center 7,765 m2 (83,581 SF) 16,500 OCT 2008 JUL 2010 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 14 JAN 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE 0 _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ NONE DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): 0 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 07 MAR 2005 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1390s1 24 24 0 0 24 24 0 0 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 418 418 16 16 402 402 PAGE NO. 1 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Florence Military Reservation Florence, Arizona 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ B COMPANY 1-158TH INFANTRY 258TH ENGINEER COMPANY 29TH SUPPORT BATTALION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= 04989 UIC ______ WP80B0 WQQDAA WYC7AA TSPN ____ MTOE/TDA ________ 07417G000 63337G700 63337G700 STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 131 131 160 160 127 _______ 127 _______ 418 418 Assigned/Authorized: 100% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED TRAILERS TRACKED EQUIPMENT > 30 FT AUTHORIZED __________ 0 47 4 18 __________ ACTUAL ______ 112 47 4 18 __________ TOTALS 69 181 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 2 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Florence Military Reservation Florence, Arizona 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT Readiness Center 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A 7.PROJECT NUMBER 171 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 040023 16,500 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ Readiness Center Energy Management Control Syste Building Information Systems SDD and EPAct05 Antiterrorism Measures Building Information Systems SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Electric Service Water, Sewer, Gas Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Storm Drainage Site Imp( 1,106) Demo( ) Antiterrorism Measures Other m2 (SF) LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS QUANTITY 7,765 ( ------------- UNIT COST 83,581) 1,539 ------------- COST ($000) 13,058 (11,952) (200) (250) (270) (267) (119) 1,814 (1) (79) (448) (116) (1,106) (42) (22) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 14,872 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 744 _________ SUBTOTAL 15,616 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (2.99%) 467 DESIGN/BUILD - DESIGN COST 625 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 16,708 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 16,500 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP () 10.Description of Proposed Construction Directed cost adjustment of $700 based on actual construction cost de-escalation. A specially designed Readiness Center of permanent masonry type construction, with standing seam metal roof, concrete floors and mechanical and electrical equipment with emergency power generator backup. Supporting facilities will include maintenance, military vehicle parking and access roads and POV parking, security fencing and dark motor pool lighting, flammable materials storage building, controlled waste handling facility, and sidewalks. Extension of gas, electric, sewer, water and communication utilities to the building will be necessary. Actual foundation design will be determined during design. Physical security measures will be incorporated into design including maximum feasible standoff distance from roads, parking areas, and vehicle unloading areas; berms, heavy landscaping, and bollards will be provided to prevent access when standoff distance cannot be maintained. Cost effective energy conserving features will be incorporated into design and standard HVAC/MEP systems will be incorporated into design and standard HVAC/MEP systems commissioning will be included. The force main would require approximately 500 feet more than the 300 feet allotted by the 415-12 outside the site perimeter. Air conditioning: 75 tons. DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 3 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Florence Military Reservation Florence, Arizona 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Readiness Center 040023 ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: 7,765 m2 ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: 1,858 m2 ________ PROJECT: This project is to provide a Readiness Center, of permanent type ________ construction, to serve the peace time missions of the assigned unit. The space will permit all personnel to perform the necessary tasks that will improve the unit s readiness posture. The proposed site for this project is on state acquired land. As an interim solution to this project a temporary facility has been leased. (Current Mission) REQUIREMENT: The facility is required to house "B" Company 158th Infantry, ____________ 29th Support Battalion and the 258th Engineers. These units have an authorized strength of 131 personnel, 127 personnel, and 215 personnel respectively. This new readiness center will provide the necessary administrative, supply, classroom, locker, showers and rest room, maintenance bays, classroom/training, and kitchen/dining areas required to train and support assigned personnel. A ten acre site is proposed for this project. CURRENT SITUATION: "B" Company 158th Infantry is presently located in a __________________ leased building in Gilbert, AZ. This facility has approximately 1/3 the size authorized (approximately 10,000 Square Feet) and is located in an industrial park. This facility was not designed to accommodate the 131 personnel assigned and does not provide adequate space for the unit. The facility is used to the maximum extent possible resulting in extensive overcrowding in substandard facilities. The existing organizational parking area is limited to a unimproved parking area and there is limited number of existing designated POV parking spaces (approximately 30); personnel park in various spaces on the adjacent property or in the street. With the construction of a new Readiness Center, the presently occupied facility will be vacated and the lease terminated. Existing facilities do not meet present AT/FP requirements. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: If this project is not approved, the units’ ability _______________________ to meet its readiness, recruiting, retention, and training objectives will continue to be adversely affected if the personnel are not provided with a facility large enough for training and organizational operations. Delays in the funding of this project will force the continued use of a crowded facility which will continue to negatively impact troop readiness and morale. The lack of proper and acceptable levels of training and sufficient storage and administrative areas will continue to impair the attainment of required mobilization readiness levels. ADDITIONAL: This project has been coordinated with the installation physical ___________ security plan, and all physical security measures are included. All required antiterrorism protection measures are included. Alternative methods of meeting this requirement have been explored during project development. This project is the only feasible option to meet the requirement. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. The facility will be available for use by other components. Sustainable principles, to include Life Cycle cost-effective practices, will be integrated into the design, development, and PAGE NO. 4 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Florence Military Reservation Florence, Arizona 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Readiness Center 040023 ADDITIONAL: (CONTINUED) __________________________ construction of the project in accordance with Executive Order 13423, 10 USC 2802(c), and other applicable laws and Executive Orders. 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-build (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) DD OCT 2008 _________ 60 _________ _________ 100 _________ JUN 2009 _________ JUL 2010 _________ Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ OCT 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ OCT 2010 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ DEC 2012 FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED ($000) _________ 603 _________ 603 _________ 603 _________ _________ PAGE NO. 5 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Florence Military Reservation Florence, Arizona 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Readiness Center 040023 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: (CONTINUED) _______________________ B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NA CFMO Name: LTC Steven L. Smith Phone Number: 602 267-2771 PAGE NO. 6 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION Fort Chaffee Maneuver Training Cente INSNO= 05401 COST INDEX Fort Smith, Arkansas .92 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS ARMY BARLING, AR 2.00 miles MILES 1,603 (17,250 ) 1989 ARNG FT. SMITH, AR 8.00 miles MILES 1,603 (17,250 ) 1976 ARNG VAN BUREN, AR 10.00 miles MILES 1,603 (17,250 ) 1958 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) START CMPL ________ _____ ______ _____ ____ 17879 Live Fire Shoot House 451 m2 (4,850 SF) 2,500 SEP 2007 JUL 2010 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 08 SEP 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE 0 _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ NONE DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): 0 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 13 NOV 2009 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1390s1 0 12 0 0 0 12 0 0 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 531 509 176 99 355 410 PAGE NO. 7 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Fort Chaffee Maneuver Training Cente Fort Smith, Arkansas 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ TRP TROOP CMD U UNIT MARKSMANSHIP CTR ARNG MNV TNG CTR HHB, FIB HHC HEADQUARTERS, INF 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= 05401 UIC ______ W782AA W7L0AA W8GWAA WP2RAA WQNUAA TSPN ____ 46761 46753 66755 20642 13039 MTOE/TDA ________ STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 38 40 55 45 165 177 131 111 142 _______ 136 _______ 531 509 Assigned/Authorized: 95% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED TRAILERS TRACKED FUEL & M977 HEMTT AUTHORIZED __________ 100 46 9 2 __________ ACTUAL ______ 100 46 9 2 __________ TOTALS 157 157 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 8 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Fort Chaffee Maneuver Training Center Fort Smith, Arkansas 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A Live Fire Shoothouse 7.PROJECT NUMBER 178 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 050173 2,500 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ Live Fire Shoothouse After Action Review Facility AMMO Breakdown Target Opeations & Storage Latrine SDD and EPAct05 SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Electric Service Water, Sewer, Gas Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Other m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 LS LS LS LS LS (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) QUANTITY 232.26 111.48 13.94 18.58 74.32 ( ( ( ( ( ------ UNIT COST 2,500) 1,200) 150) 200) 800) COST ($000) 3,498 2,799 2,690 3,498 1,776 ------ 1,387 (813) (312) (38) (65) (132) (27) 923 (330) (300) (52) (241) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 2,310 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 116 _________ SUBTOTAL 2,426 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 73 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 2,499 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 2,500 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP (0) 10.Description of Proposed Construction Construct a Live Fire Shoot House consisting of the shoot house itself plus supporting structures including a Range Operations/Storage Building, Latrine, After Action Review Facility, service roads, site improvements and associated range power and data transfer cabling. Other supporting facilities include electric service, telephone, and information systems. Surface clearance will be performed prior to construction start. This project supports the MILCON Pillar of Training ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: NONE ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: NONE ________ PROJECT: A Live Fire Shoot House (LFSH) for support of training requirements ________ of the Arkansas Army National Guard. (Current Misison) (Current Mission) REQUIREMENT: The LFSH will train and test individuals, teams, sections and ____________ squads on the skills necessary to conduct indiviual and collective tasks of building clearing/occupying. All targets are fully automated, and the event-specific target scenario will be computer driven and scored from the range operations center. This range will be constructed on Federal land. CURRENT SITUATION: There are no Live Fire Shoot Houses within reasonable __________________ travel distance limit specified in NGB/FORSCOM Reg 350-2 that meet IBCT training requirements. Currently no ranges exist in Arkansas that provide the realism in training required to meet combat training objectives. DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 9 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Fort Chaffee Maneuver Training Cente Fort Smith, Arkansas 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Live Fire Shoothouse 050173 IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: If this project is not provided, it will be _______________________ impossible for assigned units to acquire and maintain the proficiency required for combat units in an increasingly urban environment. This proficiency can only result from realistic training under simulated combat training. Traveling to an alternate facility will result in increased cost and loss of valuable collective training time normally reserved for annual training. Overall readiness will be degraded regardless of the alternative used. ADDITIONAL: This project has been coordinated with the installation physical ___________ security plan, and all physical security measures are included. All required antiterrorism protection measures are included. An economic analysis has been prepared and utilized in evaluating this project. This project is the most cost-effective method to satisfy the requirement. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. Mission requirements, operational considerations, and location are incompatible with use by other components. 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-bid-build (2) SEP 2007 _________ 65 _________ _________ _________ JUN 2009 _________ JUL 2010 _________ Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ OCT 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ DEC 2010 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ OCT 2012 PAGE NO. 10 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD ($000) _________ 166 _________ 166 _________ 55 _________ 111 _________ FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Fort Chaffee Maneuver Training Cente Fort Smith, Arkansas 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Live Fire Shoothouse 050173 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: (Continued) _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (Continued) B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NONE CFMO Name: Phone Number: DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 11 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION Fort Chaffee Maneuver Training Cente INSNO= 05401 COST INDEX Fort Smith, Arkansas .92 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS BARLING, AR 2.00 miles RESERVE CENTER 1,603 (17,250 ) 1989 FT. SMITH, AR 8.00 miles READINESS CENTER 1,603 (17,250 ) 1976 VAN BUREN, AR 10.00 miles READINESS CENTER 1,603 (17,250 ) 1958 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) START CMPL ________ _____ ______ _____ ____ 17901 COMBINED ARMS COLLECTIVE TRAI 1 LN (1 LN) 19,000 OCT 2007 OCT 2010 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 12 OCT 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE 0 _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ 214 178 178 178 214 178 CSMS Convoy Live Fire/Entry Control Point LIVE Fire Shoot House Multi-Purpose Training Range FMS Infantry Squad Batttle Course 31,400 2,450 3,000 30,000 6,188 4,000 DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): 0 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 21 JUL 2007 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL PAGE NO. 12 284 103 10 9 56 24 218 70 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 220 195 39 28 DD FORM MAY 78 181 167 1390s1 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Fort Chaffee Maneuver Training Cente Fort Smith, Arkansas 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= 05401 UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ ARNG MANEUVER TRAINING CENTER NG MARKSMANSHIP TRAINING UNIT 87TH TROOP COMMAND & SUBORDINATE UNITS 142 FA BDE: HHB, 1-142, 2-142 FA BNS 39TH INFANTRY BRIGADE (ENHANCED) UIC ______ W8GWAA W7L0AA W782AA WP2RAA WQNUAA TSPN ____ 46551 46761 46761 20603 13039 MTOE/TDA ________ NGW8GWAA NGW7L0AA NGW782AA 06402L 07402L STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 165 145 55 50 2,653 2,547 1,196 1,182 3,831 _______ 3,541 _______ 7,900 7,465 Assigned/Authorized: 94% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED TRAILERS EQUIPMENT > 30 FT FUEL & M977 HEMTT AUTHORIZED __________ 21 4 6 1 __________ ACTUAL ______ 21 4 6 1 __________ TOTALS 32 32 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. PAGE NO. 13 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Fort Chaffee Maneuver Training Center Fort Smith, Arkansas 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A Combined Arms Collective Training Fac 7.PROJECT NUMBER 179 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 050163 19,000 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ Muicipal Building (3Story, w/ba Office Building (2 story) Police Station (1 story w/base) Business (1 story) Residential Total from Continuation page SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Electric Service Water, Sewer, Gas Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Site Imp( 2) Demo( ) Antiterrorism Measures Other m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 LS LS LS LS LS LS (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) QUANTITY 1,035 409.05 401.25 107.02 196.95 ( ( ( ( ( ------- UNIT COST 11,145) 4,403) 4,319) 1,152) 2,120) 2,153 2,153 2,153 2,153 2,153 ------- COST ($000) 15,704 (2,229) (881) (864) (230) (424) (11,076) 2,034 (122) (200) (66) (2) (130) (1,514) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 17,738 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 887 _________ SUBTOTAL 18,625 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 559 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 19,184 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 19,000 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP (5,600) 10.Description of Proposed Construction Directed cost adjustment of $1,100 based on actual construction cost de-escalation. Construct a Combined Arms Collective Training Facility (CACTF) consisting of structures and mock utilities to simulate an urban setting. Primary Facilities are located within the perimeter of the range complex and include structures simulating an urban setting (School, Church/cemetery, Police station/Jail, Hotel, Residences, Businesses, Townhouse, Bank, Warehouses, Government Building, Office, Service Station), Range Operations Center, Target Operations/Storage Building, Latrine, After Action Review Facility, service roads, site improvements and associated range power and data transfer cabling. Supporting facilities include electric service, telephone, and information systems. Surface clearance will be performed prior to construction start. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: 1 LN ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: NONE ________ PROJECT: A 1-Lane Combined Arms Collective Training Facility Site for support ________ of training requirements of the Infantry Brigade Combat Team (IBCT). (Current Mission) REQUIREMENT: The CACTF is required to provide facilities for training ____________ National Guard Units in tactics and techniques required for CACTF operations under simulated combat conditions. This project is necessary for individual PAGE NO. 14 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Fort Chaffee Maneuver Training Cente Fort Smith, Arkansas 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Combined Arms Collective Training Facility 050163 9. COST ESTIMATES (CONTINUED) ______________________________ Item UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY (CONTINUED) ____________________________ Hotel (3 story1/2 base) School (2 story) Townhouse-4 unit (2 Story) Warehouse/Market Service Station Bank Church/Cemetery Soccer Field Tunnel/Sewer System Streets. Parking & Turn pads Downrange Electrical Downrange Data Cabling Site Preparation P/A System Helipad Power Station Train Station Overhead Powerlines (Simulation Farm Barn Overpass (Pedestrian) Sports Lighting Overpas (Vehicular( m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 LS m m2 m m ha LS LS m2 m2 LS m2 LS LS LS Unit COST QUANTITY (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) 863.53 772.95 594.58 377.28 154.59 107.02 377.37 (LF) (SY) (LF) (LF) (AC) 60.96 14,779 1,297 1,297 5.83 (SF) (SF) 154.59 107.02 (SF) 107.02 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( -( ( ( ( ( --( ( -( ---- 9,295) 8,320) 6,400) 4,061) 1,664) 1,152) 4,062) 200) 17,675) 4,255) 4,255) 14.40) 1,664) 1,152) 1,152) Cost ($000) 2,153 (1,859) 2,153 (1,664) 2,153 (1,280) 1,668 (629) 1,991 (308) 2,153 (230) 2,422 (914) -(150) 1,952 (119) 101.66 (1,502) 278.87 (362) 164.04 (213) 22,230 (130) -(225) -(25) 1,399 (216) 2,153 (230) -(150) 1,884 (202) -(200) -(300) -(168) _________ Total 11,076 REQUIREMENT: (CONTINUED) __________________________ and small unit training, since CACTF operations are characterized by independent action of small units to accomplish a combined arms clearance of assigned zones in urban areas. This facility will be constructed on State land in the 14th year of an indefinite year lease to the Federal Government. CURRENT SITUATION: There are no facilities on this installation for troops __________________ to acquire and maintain the proficiency required in MOUT operations within 2 hours travel distance (limit specified in NGB/FORSCOM Reg 350-2) that meet SBCT training requirements. The nearest CACTF facility that meets current requirements in located on Fort Campbell which is 511 miles from Fort Chaffee. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: If this project is not provided, it will be _______________________ impossible for assigned units to acquire and maintain the proficiency required for combat units in an increasingly urban environment. This proficiency can only result from realistic training under simulated combat training. The only alternative (traveling to Fort Campbell) will result in increased cost and loss of valuable collective training time normally reserved for annual DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 15 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Fort Chaffee Maneuver Training Cente Fort Smith, Arkansas 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Combined Arms Collective Training Facility 050163 IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: (CONTINUED) ______________________________________ training. Overall readiness will be degraded regardless of the alternative used. ADDITIONAL: ADDITIONAL: Alternative methods of meeting this requirement have ___________ been explored during project development. This project is the only feasible option to meet this requirement. Sustainable principles will be integrated into the design, development, and construction of the project in accordance with Executive order 13123 and other applicable laws. JOINT USE CERTIFICATION: The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. This facility will be available for use by other components. ANTITERRIORISM/FORCE PROTECTION: This project has been coordinated with the installation physical security plan. All required physical security measures and all anti-terrorism/force protection measures are included. 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-bid-build (2) OCT 2007 _________ 35 _________ 65 _________ _________ JUN 2009 _________ OCT 2010 _________ Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ OCT 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ DEC 2010 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ MAR 2012 PAGE NO. 16 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD ($000) 15 _________ 1,772 _________ 1,787 _________ 957 _________ 830 _________ FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Fort Chaffee Maneuver Training Cente Fort Smith, Arkansas 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Combined Arms Collective Training Facility 050163 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: (Continued) _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (Continued) B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ TARGETRY OPA 2011 TOTAL 5,600 ______ 5,600 CFMO Name: LTC Robert Embrey Phone Number: (501)-212-5850 DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 17 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK PAGE NO. 18 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION Camp Joseph T Robinson INSNO= 05C55 COST INDEX North Little Rock, Arkansas .92 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION Normal administration five days per week, plus drill training and maintenance one to two times per month. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS ARNG RTMA Camp Robinson, 1.00 miles ARTI Troop Complex 9,555 m2 (102,848 SF) 1979 ARNG RTMA Camp Robinson, 1.00 miles Readiness Center 2,154 m2 (23,181 SF) 1979 ARNG RTMA Camp Robinson, 1.00 miles Readiness Center 1,951 m2 (21,000 SF) 1941 USAR North Little Rock, 5.00 miles Reserve Center 11,917 m2 (128,276 SF) 1979 ARNG North Little Rock, 5.00 miles Readiness Center 3,716 m2 (39,994 SF) 1959 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE ________ 21407 Combined Support Maintenance SCOPE _____ 11,405 m2 (122,759 SF) ($000) ______ 30,000 START CMPL _____ ____ MAR 2006 JUN 2008 0 (0 ) 0 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 12 AUG 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE 0 _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ 179 178 178 178 214 178 CACTF Convoy Live Fire/Entry Control Point LIVE Fire Shoot House Multi-Purpose Training Range FMS Infantry Squad Batttle Course 20,100 2,450 3,000 30,000 6,188 4,000 DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): 0 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF N/A PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1,212 1,172 1390s1 141 136 1,071 1,036 0 0 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 8,240 7,904 946 812 7,294 7,092 PAGE NO. 19 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Joseph T Robinson North Little Rock, Arkansas 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ ALL ARAR 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= 05C55 UIC ______ WQC598 TSPN ____ 31137 MTOE/TDA ________ STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 8,240 _______ 7,904 _______ 8,240 7,904 Assigned/Authorized: 95% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED TRAILERS TRACKED EQUIPMENT > 30 FT FUEL & M977 HEMTT HEMTT PLS/HET AUTHORIZED __________ 25 20 16 12 2 5 __________ ACTUAL ______ 3,307 1,306 170 119 184 58 __________ TOTALS 80 5,144 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 20 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Camp Joseph T Robinson North Little Rock, Arkansas 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT Combined Support Maintenance Shop 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A 7.PROJECT NUMBER 214 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 050043 30,000 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ Combined Support Maintenance Sh Flammable Materials Facility Controlled Waste Faility Unheated Metal Storage Building Energy Management Control Syste Total from Continuation page SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Electric Service Water, Sewer, Gas Steam And/Or Chilled Water Dist Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Site Imp( 1,600) Demo( ) Information Systems Antiterrorism Measures Other m2 m2 m2 m2 LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) QUANTITY 10,819 46.45 27.87 510.97 UNIT COST ( 116,459) ( 500) ( 300) ( 5,500) -- 1,647 1,292 1,076 1,076 -- --------- --------- COST ($000) 19,785 (17,818) (60) (30) (550) (597) (730) 8,325 (200) (200) (200) (4,191) (1,600) (1,182) (514) (238) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 28,110 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 1,406 _________ SUBTOTAL 29,516 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 885 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 30,401 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 30,000 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP (0) 10.Description of Proposed Construction Directed cost adjustment of $1,400 based on actual construction cost de-escalation. A specially designed CSMS facility of permanent masonry type construction, with sloped standing seam roof, concrete floors and energy efficient mechanical and electrical equipment with emergency power generator backup. Supporting facilities will include weapons cleaning, maintenance issue, turn-in sheds, military vehicle parking and access roads and POV parking, security fencing and dark motor pool lighting, vehicle wash system and pump house, loading ramp, flammable materials storage building, controlled waste handling facility, and sidewalks. Extension of gas , electric, sewer, water and communication utilities on Camp Robinson to the building site will be necessary. Actual foundation design will be determined during design. Physical security measures will be incorporated into design including maximum feasible standoff distance from roads, parking areas, and vehicle unloading areas, berms, heavy landscaping, and bollards to prevent access when standoff distance cannot be maintained. Cost effective energy. AIR CONDITIONING-38.77 TON ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: NONE ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: NONE ________ PROJECT: Construct a new CSMS facility and the infrastructure to support this ________ facility as stated above. Location is on a 40 acre, Federally licensed, ARARNG DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 21 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Joseph T Robinson North Little Rock, Arkansas 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Combined Support Maintenance Shop 050043 9. COST ESTIMATES (CONTINUED) ______________________________ Item UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY (CONTINUED) ____________________________ SDD and EPAct05 Antiterrorism Measures LS LS QUANTITY --- Unit COST Cost ($000) --Total (365) (365) _________ 730 PROJECT: (CONTINUED) _____________________ training site on Camp Robinson. (Current Mission) REQUIREMENT: The facility is required to maintain equipment and ____________ issue/turn-in for peacetime training and ensure the equipment is prepared for mobilization. The CSMS is an ARNG TDA maintenance facility which provides full-time DS and GS level support to all ARARNG units. No other adequate facilities are available to support the units. The 1998 ARARNG Master Plan has evaluated and recommended that the CSMS should be located at Camp Robinson. The new facility will be constructed on approximately 40 acres of the 32,000 acre training site located on Federal land. CURRENT SITUATION: The existing Combined Support Maintenance Shop, built in __________________ 1955, has only 60,150 SF of functional space. The shop is a concrete block building and is completely inadequate to support the quantity and type vehicles currently assigned to the ARARNG. The work bays are not large enough to support track vehicles and the administration, supply and latrine space is critically deficient. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: If the project is not approved, the present _______________________ facility’s lack of adequate space will reduce maintenance efficiency, training and mobilization readiness standards will continue to decline. The building may become severely damaged due to improper drainage and expansive soil causing a complete replacement. Lack of adequate military vehicle parking will cause environmental damage, decrease efficiency, and create work backlog. ADDITIONAL: ADDITIONAL: Alternative methods of meeting the requirement have ___________ been explored during project development. This project is the only feasible option to meet this requirement. Sustainable principles will be integrated into the design, development, and construction of the project in accordance with Executive Order 13123 and other applicable laws and Executive Orders. JOINT USE CERTIFICATION: The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. This facility will be available for use by other components. ANTITERRORISM/FORCE PROTECTION: This project has been coordinated with the installation physical security plan. All required physical security and anti-terrorism/force protection measures are included. PAGE NO. 22 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Joseph T Robinson North Little Rock, Arkansas 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Combined Support Maintenance Shop 050043 ADDITIONAL: (CONTINUED) __________________________ 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) DD MAR 2006 _________ 80 _________ _________ _________ AUG 2008 _________ OCT 2008 _________ Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ OCT 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ NOV 2010 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ MAR 2011 FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED ($000) _________ 2,460 _________ 2,460 _________ 1,640 _________ 820 _________ PAGE NO. 23 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Joseph T Robinson North Little Rock, Arkansas 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Combined Support Maintenance Shop 050043 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: (CONTINUED) _______________________ B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NONE CFMO Name: LTC Robert Embrey Phone Number: (501)-212-5850 PAGE NO. 24 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION Camp Roberts Maneuver Training Cente INSNO= 06740 COST INDEX San Miguel, California 1.16 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION NORMAL ADMINISTRATION FIVE DAYS PER WEEK, A TWO-DAY TRAINING ASSEMBLY TWO OR THREE TIMES PER MONTH, PLUS 6 TO 8 FIFTEEN DAY TRAINING PERIODS DURING THE YEAR. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS ARNG Atascadero, 23.00 miles READINESS CENTER 3,716 (39,994 ) ARNG Camp San Luis Obisp 45.00 miles STATE T.S. 3,716 (39,994 ) USAR Fort Hunter Liggett 40.00 miles ARMY INSTALLATION 3,716 (39,994 ) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) START CMPL ________ _____ ______ _____ ____ 17901 Combined Arms Collective Trai 3,206 m2 (34,513 SF) 19,000 OCT 2008 JUL 2010 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 01 OCT 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ 83210 214 178 Camp Roberts Utility Replacement FMS Multi-Purpose Range 25,000 8,000 30,000 DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): 0 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 11 DEC 2009 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 18,544 16,003 1390s1 1,677 1,923 16,867 14,080 0 0 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 18,544 16,003 1,677 1,923 16,867 14,080 PAGE NO. 25 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Roberts Maneuver Training Cente San Miguel, California 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ ALL CALIFORNIA ARMY NATIONAL GUARD UNITS 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= 06740 UIC ______ TSPN ____ MTOE/TDA ________ STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 18,544 _______ 16,003 _______ 18,544 16,003 Assigned/Authorized: 86% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED TRAILERS TRACKED EQUIPMENT > 30 FT FUEL & M977 HEMTT HEMTT PLS/HET AUTHORIZED __________ 1,138 302 430 170 40 58 __________ ACTUAL ______ 1,158 298 422 169 40 57 __________ TOTALS 2,138 2,144 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 26 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Camp Roberts Maneuver Training Center-H San Miguel, California 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A COMBINED ARMS COLLECTIVE TRAINING FAC 7.PROJECT NUMBER 179 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 060429 19,000 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ Building Tunnel (42" RCP) Wiring/Transite Duct (Power) Data Cable/Junction Boxes Power Centers/Transformers/Pane Total from Continuation page SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Storm Drainage Site Imp( 257) Demo( ) Antiterrorism Measures m2 (SF) m (LF) LN LN LN LS LS LS QUANTITY 3,206 106.68 1 1 1 ( ( ---- ---- UNIT COST 34,513) 350) 4,364 600.39 258,300 462,900 222,500 ---- COST ($000) 17,501 (13,993) (64) (258) (463) (223) (2,500) 277 (10) (257) (10) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 17,778 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 889 _________ SUBTOTAL 18,667 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 560 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 19,227 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 19,000 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP (6,310) 10.Description of Proposed Construction Directed cost adjustment of $1,200 based on actual construction cost de-escalation. Construct a standard Combined Arms Collective Training Facility (CACTF) . Primary facilities include the CACTF, flag pole, military equipment parking, range operation center, after action review building, operations/storage building, latrine, and covered mess. Supporting facilities include site preparation, fencing, grading, electric, storm drainage and force protection. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: 3,206 m2 ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: NONE ________ PROJECT: Construct a Combined Arms Collective Training Facility (CACTF). ________ (Current Mission) REQUIREMENT: This project is required to provide facilities for training ____________ units of the California Army National Guard, associated military entities, and potentially civilian security agencies in tactics and techniques required for urban operations under simulated combat conditions. As more of the world mission becomes urban in nature, the need for members and units of the United States Military to become proficient in urban military operations becomes critical. A facility of this type is necessary for both individual and small unit training, since urban operations are characterized by semi-independent actions by small units to accomplish the methodical clearance of assigned DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 27 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Roberts Maneuver Training Cente San Miguel, California 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER COMBINED ARMS COLLECTIVE TRAINING FACILITY 060429 9. COST ESTIMATES (CONTINUED) ______________________________ Item UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY (CONTINUED) ____________________________ Power & Comm Trenching LN Rigid Paving m2 (SY) Access Roads m2 (SY) Range Operation Center m2 (SF) After Action Review Building La m2 (SF) OPS/Storage Building m2 (SF) Covered Mess m2 (SF) Flag Pole EA Cemetery LS Unit COST QUANTITY 1 1,860 6,689 185.81 240.80 74.32 74.32 1 -( ( ( ( ( ( --- 2,225) 8,000) 2,000) 2,592) 800) 800) Cost ($000) 324,800 (325) 94.48 (176) 69.37 (464) 2,960 (550) 2,207 (531) 2,390 (178) 1,292 (96) 2,000 (2) -(178) _________ Total 2,500 REQUIREMENT: (CONTINUED) __________________________ zones. CURRENT SITUATION: At present, there are not any existing facilities in the __________________ California National Guard for troops to acquire and maintain the proficiency required in urban operations. With the greater need for exposure to urban tactical training, units are in dire need of this type of facility. With the continuing threat of urbanized combat this site will be a critical training facility and will allow for a more controlled and realistic environment to train military personnel for urban warfare. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: The ability to meet readiness, combat preparedness _______________________ and training objectives will continue to be adversely affected if personnel are not provided with the proper facilities that are necessary. If this project is not approved and funded for FY11, the soldiers and units deploying will be unprepared for combat. ADDITIONAL: ADDITIONAL: This project complies with the scope and design ___________ criteria of National Guard Pamphlet (Draft) 415-12 dated 30 April 2007, Design Guide 415-4, and CEHNC 1110-1-23. The most similar DoD standards for range design, costing, and construction do not address the current methodology incorporated in the Army National Guard range designs and thus do not yield accurate cost estimates. Therefore, State historical costs for design and construction of like facilities were used to develop baseline unit cost and were adjusted for size, fiscal year and location. An economic analysis has been prepared and utilized in evaluating this project. Alternative methods of meeting this requirement have been explored during project development. This project is the only feasible option to meet the requirement. FINANCIAL REGULATION: This project will have a parametric cost estimate by June 2008 in accordance with the DoD Financial Management Regulation (June 2006) , Volume 2B, Chapter 6, Section 060301 (Military Construction) B.2. ANTI-TERRIORISM PROTECTION: This project has been coordinated with the installation physical PAGE NO. 28 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Roberts Maneuver Training Cente San Miguel, California 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER COMBINED ARMS COLLECTIVE TRAINING FACILITY 060429 ADDITIONAL: (CONTINUED) __________________________ security plan. All required physical security measures and all anti-terrorism protection measures are included. 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-bid-build (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) DD OCT 2008 _________ 35 _________ 65 _________ 100 _________ JUN 2009 _________ OCT 2010 _________ Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ NOV 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ DEC 2010 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ JUN 2012 FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED ($000) 15 _________ 1,668 _________ 1,683 _________ 1,122 _________ 561 _________ PAGE NO. 29 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Roberts Maneuver Training Cente San Miguel, California 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER COMBINED ARMS COLLECTIVE TRAINING FACILITY 060429 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: (CONTINUED) _______________________ B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ Instrumentation and Targetry IT/TELECOM OPA OPA 2011 2012 TOTAL 4,060 2,250 ______ 6,310 CFMO Name: MAJ LORNEN DEAKIN Phone Number: 916-854-3539 PAGE NO. 30 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION Colorado ARNG INSNO= COARNG COST INDEX Colorado 1.02 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION Administration, Logistical and Operational activities for the conduct of numerous formal military educational courses during inactive duty training and annual training periods, 132 days annually. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS USAR Fort Carson, CO 1.00 miles Army 10th SF G (A) 13,332 m2 (143,500 SF) 1996 USAR Fort Carson, CO 4.00 miles 300 P Reserve Cent 1,737 m2 (18,696 SF) 1987 USAR Fort Carson, CO 4.00 miles 200P Reserve Cente 159 m2 (1,707 SF) 1986 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) START CMPL ________ _____ ______ _____ ____ 17120 Regional Training Institute 15,921 m2 (171,375 SF) 40,000 OCT 2009 OCT 2011 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 18 NOV 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE 0 _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ 211 171 171 721 171 HAATS Readiness Center Readiness Center ORTC Barrcks Readiness Center 41,000 21,000 13,400 45,000 16,565 DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): 0 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 15 DEC 2009 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1390s1 40 6 8 2 32 4 0 0 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 3,348 3,348 384 384 2,964 2,964 PAGE NO. 31 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Colorado ARNG Colorado 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= COARNG UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ 131 - TAITC 400-ANCOC 400-BNCOC 964-NPSPT CLC OCS UIC ______ TSPN ____ MTOE/TDA ________ STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 32 384 55 660 64 768 64 768 32 384 32 _______ 384 _______ 279 3,348 Assigned/Authorized: 200% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED EQUIPMENT > 30 FT AUTHORIZED __________ 7 9 __________ ACTUAL ______ 7 9 __________ TOTALS 16 16 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 32 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Colorado ARNG Colorado Regional Trainign Institute (RTI), 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A 7.PROJECT NUMBER 171 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 080067 40,000 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ Education Building m2 (SF) Student Billets m2 (SF) Energy Management Control Syste LS SDD and EPAct05 LS Antiterrorism Measures LS SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Site Imp( 649) Demo( ) Antiterrorism Measures Other LS LS LS LS QUANTITY 6,314 ( 67,958) 9,608 ( 103,417) ---- ----- UNIT COST 2,153 2,153 ---- COST ($000) 35,575 (13,592) (20,683) (500) (400) (400) ----- 1,832 (836) (649) (100) (247) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 37,407 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 1,870 _________ SUBTOTAL 39,277 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 1,178 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 40,455 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 40,000 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP () 10.Description of Proposed Construction Directed cost adjustment of $3,000 based on actual construction cost de-escalation. A specially designed Regional Training Institute (RTI) facility consisting of administration and education areas, staff billets, student billets, a dining facility and ration breakdown to serve the RTI and proposed in the Centennial Training Site Master Plan. The facility will be constructed with permanent masonry type walls and sloped standing metal seam roofs to conform with Fort Carson design guidelines, concrete floors, designed for emergency power generator backup, energy efficient mechanical and electrical equipment with automated HVAC, security access and lighting controls. Typically, the majority of the site requires pier and grade beam foundations. Actual foundation design will be determined during design. Supporting facilities will include asphalt POV parking and access roads, site utilities, concrete entrances, security lighting, and sidewalks. Air conditioning: 559 tons. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: 15,927 m2 ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: 7,526 m2 ________ PROJECT: Phase II of the Centennial Training Site (CTS) Master Plan. ________ Construct a new RTI facility and the infrastructure (water, sewer, gas, electric, communication and road network) consisting of administrative, education, dining and billeting space with cost efficient mechanical and DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 33 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Colorado ARNG Colorado 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Regional Trainign Institute (RTI), 080067 PROJECT: (CONTINUED) _____________________ electrical equipment to effectively support military education courses and training on this site. This is a year round military educational facility which requires finishes IAW with DG 415-1. Location is on a 160 acre, federally licensed, COARNG training site on Fort Carson. (Current Mission) REQUIREMENT: Phase II of the Centennial Training Site (CTS) Master Plan. The ____________ Colorado Army National Guard requires a self-contained, educational facility with billets and dining facility to train and house a student load of 215 students. This educational facility requires adequate space to conduct Officer Candidate School (OCS), Non-Commissioned Officer Enlisted (NCOES) schools, Military Occupation Skill (MOS) courses, Battalion Staff and Commander Courses, Company Commander Courses and 1st Sergeant Courses. No other adequate facilities are available to support the units. The new facility will be constructed on approximately 20 acres of the 160 acre training site located on federal land. The 2004 COARNG Master Plan for the Centennial Training Site has evaluated and recommended that the RTI should be collocated with the proposed MATES and Battalion Training Complex. CURRENT SITUATION: The Colorado Army National Guard’s Regional Training __________________ Institute continues to be moved from one temporary location to another. It resided in World War II facilities that were on temporary license from Fort Carson. Fort Carson is currently demolishing these facilities due to age and condition. The RTI recently moved to an old military confinement facility and certain renovations have been completed to minimally provide space. However, this facility does not meet the quality or scope required for an RTI. This was the best temporary facility Fort Carson could provide until the new RTI construction could be completed. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: The existing RTI will continue to operate in a _______________________ wholly (quality and quantity) inadequate facility that has a significant, negative impact on the mission of the RTI until CTS II is constructed and operational. The entire site poses a negative impact to the COARNG s recruiting and retention of fully qualified full-time and M-day personnel. Fuel costs will increase, training time will decrease and unit readiness will be degraded, due to unit travel to alternate training facilities. ADDITIONAL: This project has been coordinated with the installation physical ___________ security plan, and all physical security measures are included. All required antiterrorism protection measures are included. Alternative methods of meeting this requirement have been explored during project development. This project is the only feasible option to meet the requirement. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. The facility will be available for use by other components. Sustainable principles, to include Life Cycle cost-effective practices, will be integrated into the design, development, and construction of the project in accordance with Executive Order 13423, 10 USC 2802(c), and other applicable laws and Executive Orders. PAGE NO. 34 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Colorado ARNG Colorado 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Regional Trainign Institute (RTI), 080067 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-bid-build (2) MAR 2009 _________ 35 _________ 65 _________ 100 _________ JUN 2009 _________ AUG 2010 _________ Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ ($000) _________ 3,562 _________ 3,562 _________ 2,375 _________ 1,187 _________ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ OCT 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ OCT 2010 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ OCT 2013 B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NA CFMO Name: COL DEBORAH ROBERTS Phone Number: 720 847-8921 DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 35 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION Colorado ARNG INSNO= COARNG COST INDEX Colorado 1.02 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION Reservist - 1 weekends/month 0 nights/week Full-Time Personnel - 0 days/week _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS ARNG BOULDER, CO 48.00 miles MILES 159 (1,707 SF) ARNG FT COLLINS, CO 17.00 miles MILES 159 (1,707 SF) ARNG LONGMONT, CO 34.00 miles MILES 159 (1,707 SF) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) START CMPL ________ _____ ______ _____ ____ 17180 Readiness Center 2,854 m2 (30,717 SF) 7,500 OCT 2008 OCT 2010 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 11 OCT 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED None _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ 211 171 171 721 171 HAATS RTI READINESS CENTER ORTC BARRACKS READINESS CENTER 41,000 43,000 21,000 45,000 16,565 DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): 0 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 22 MAY 2008 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL PAGE NO. 36 7 7 0 0 7 7 0 0 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 206 206 11 11 DD FORM MAY 78 195 195 1390s1 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Colorado ARNG Colorado 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ D WEAPONS COMPANY 1157 CS CO FS 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= COARNG UIC ______ COINB WPZ2A TSPN ____ MTOE/TDA ________ STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 79 79 127 _______ 127 _______ 206 206 Assigned/Authorized: 100% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED TRAILERS EQUIPMENT > 30 FT FUEL & M977 HEMTT HEMTT PLS/HET AUTHORIZED __________ 121 46 2 2 1 __________ ACTUAL ______ 121 46 2 2 1 __________ TOTALS 172 172 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. PAGE NO. 37 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Colorado ARNG Colorado Readiness Center 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A 7.PROJECT NUMBER 171 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 080202 7,500 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ Readiness Center Building Information Systems Energy Managment Control System SDD and EPAct05 Antiterrorism Measures m2 (SF) LS LS LS LS SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Electric Service Water, Sewer, Gas Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Storm Drainage Site Imp( 335) Demo( ) Antiterrorism Measures Other LS LS LS LS LS LS LS QUANTITY 2,854 ( ----- -------- UNIT COST 30,717) COST ($000) 2,004 ----- 6,196 (5,719) (130) (115) (115) (117) -------- 3,068 (200) (250) (1,236) (200) (335) (351) (496) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 9,264 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 463 _________ SUBTOTAL 9,727 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 292 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 10,019 State Share 2,519 TOTAL FEDERAL REQUEST 7,500 TOTAL FEDERAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 7,500 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP (0) 10.Description of Proposed Construction A specially designed Readiness Center of permanent masonry type construction, with standing seam roof, concrete floors and mechanical and electrical equipment with emergency power generator backup. Supporting facilities will include weapons cleaning, maintenance, issue, turn-in sheds, military vehicle parking and access roads and POV parking, security fencing and Delite motor pool lighting, vehicle wash system and pump house, loading ramp, flammable materials storage building, controlled waste handling facility, and sidewalks. Extension of local utility company gas, electric, sewer, water and communication utilities to the building site will be necessary. Actual foundation design will be determined during design. Physical security measures will be incorporated into design including minimum feasible standoff distance from roads, parking areas, and vehicle unloading areas, berms, heavy landscaping, and bollards to prevent access when standoff distance cannot be maintained. Cost effective energy conserving features will be incorporated into design and standard HVAC/MEP systems commissioning will be included. PAGE NO. 38 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Colorado ARNG Colorado 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Readiness Center 080202 ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: 8,422 m2 ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: NONE ________ PROJECT: Construct a new Readiness Center facility and the infrastructure to ________ support this facility as stated above. Location is in Fort Collins by COARNG with Windsor area on state land in order to support the Army’s Grow the Force program. (New Mission) REQUIREMENT: The facility is required to stand-up units newly assigned to ____________ the COARNG in order to support the Army’s Grow the Force Program. This Readiness Center will provide space for administration, supply, and training. No other adequate facilities are available to support these units. The new facility will be constructed on State land. ADDITIONAL: This project has been coordinated with the installation physical ___________ security plan, and all physical security measures are included. All required antiterrorism protection measures are included. An economic analysis has been prepared and utilized in evaluating this project. This project is the best method to satisfy the requirement. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. The facility will be available for use by other components. Sustainable principles, to include Life Cycle cost-effective practices, will be integrated into the design, development, and construction of the project in accordance with Executive Order 13423, 10 USC 2802(c), and other applicable laws and Executive Orders. 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-bid-build (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) (3) DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C OCT 2008 _________ 65 _________ 65 _________ 100 _________ JUN 2009 _________ OCT 2010 _________ Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED ($000) _________ 1,874 _________ 1,874 _________ 1,249 _________ PAGE NO. 39 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Colorado ARNG Colorado 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Readiness Center 080202 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: (Continued) _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (Continued) (e) In-house........................................ _________ 625 (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ NOV 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ DEC 2010 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ OCT 2012 B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NONE CFMO Name: COL Deborah Roberts Phone Number: (720) 250-1361 PAGE NO. 40 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION Colorado Springs Readiness Center INSNO= 08A40 COST INDEX Colorado Springs, Colorado 1.01 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION RESERVISTS - 1 WEEKENDS/MONTH 0 NIGHTS/WEEK FULL-TIME PERSONNEL - 5 DAYS/WEEK _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS , .00 miles 159 (1,707 SF) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) START CMPL ________ _____ ______ _____ ____ 17180 READINESS CENTER 7,788 m2 (83,833 SF) 20,000 OCT 2007 OCT 2009 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 25 NOV 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ NONE DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): 0 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 01 OCT 2009 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1390s1 12 12 3 3 9 9 0 0 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 344 344 30 30 314 314 PAGE NO. 41 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Colorado Springs Readiness Center Colorado Springs, Colorado 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ HHC INFANTRY BATTALION ALPHA RIFLE COMPANY 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= 08A40 UIC ______ COINBO COINBA TSPN ____ MTOE/TDA ________ STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 213 213 131 _______ 131 _______ 344 344 Assigned/Authorized: 100% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED TRAILERS AUTHORIZED __________ 59 20 __________ ACTUAL ______ 59 20 __________ TOTALS 79 79 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 42 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Colorado Springs Readiness Center Colorado Springs, Colorado 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT Readiness Center 6.CATEGORY CODE 05D5896A 7.PROJECT NUMBER 171 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 080201 20,000 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ Readiness Center Unheated Encl/Shed-TP Vhcl Strg Building Information Systems Controlled Waste Faclity Circulation and Access Total from Continuation page SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Electric Service Water, Sewer, Gas Steam And/Or Chilled Water Dist Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Site Imp( 1,318) Demo( ) Antiterrorism Measures Other m2 m2 LS m2 m2 LS LS LS LS LS LS LS (SF) (SF) (SF) (SY) QUANTITY 6,133 ( 1,628 ( -27.87 ( 814.39 ( -------- UNIT COST 66,010) 17,523) 300) 974) 1,691 1,142 -1,656 139.61 -------- COST ($000) 13,443 (10,368) (1,860) (200) (46) (114) (855) 5,377 (100) (200) (100) (2,729) (1,318) (436) (494) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 18,820 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 941 _________ SUBTOTAL 19,761 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 593 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 20,354 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 20,000 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP (0) 10.Description of Proposed Construction Directed cost adjustment of $1,000 based on actual construction cost de-escalation. A specially designed Readiness Center of permanent, masonry type construction, with standing seam roof, concrete floors and mechanical and electrical equipment with emergency power generator backup. Supporting facilities will include unheated storage, military vehicle parking, access roads, POV parking, security fencing, Delite motor pool lighting, vehicle wash system, pump house, loading ramp, flammable materials storage building, controlled waste handling facility, and sidewalks. Extension of local city gas, electric, sewer, water and communication utilities to the building site will be necessary. Actual foundation design will be determined during design. Physical security measures to include minimum feasible standoff distance IAW UFC to prevent access when standoff distance cannot be maintained. Cost effective energy conserving features will be incorporated into design and standard HVAC/MEP systems. Commissioning will be included during design and construction. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: NONE ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: NONE ________ PROJECT: Construct a 83,983 SF new Readiness Center and the infrastructure to ________ support this facility as stated above. Location is a parcel along the southeast board of Fort Carson (Federal property). (New Mission) DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 43 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Colorado Springs Readiness Center Colorado Springs, Colorado 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Readiness Center 080201 9. COST ESTIMATES (CONTINUED) ______________________________ Item UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY (CONTINUED) ____________________________ Energy Management Control Syste LS SDD and EPAct05 LS Antiterrorism Measures LS QUANTITY ---- Unit COST Cost ($000) ---Total (290) (271) (294) _________ 855 REQUIREMENT: The facility is required to provide a training facility for the ____________ new HHC and CO A of the 1/157th IN BN. This facility shall accommodate the training, equipment and personnel readiness requirements in support of the ____ MEB (UTARNG). No other adequate facilities are available to support these units. The Force Structure committee has reviewed all possible alternatives to permanently house these units. There is no facility suitable for these units. The new facility will be constructed on Federal land. CURRENT SITUATION: This is an entirely new unit to the ARNG and the COARNG. __________________ The COARNG will add a total of over 800 NEW soldiers for the entire IN BN. This an increase in force structure of nearly 25% of the existing COARNG force structure. We reviewed all existing facilities, and their are no facilities capable of permanently housing these units. Existing COARNG facilities, particularly Readiness Centers are severely undersized throughout the state for the existing force structure, let alone another 800 soldiers. Failure to construct/acquire new facilities will force us to place these units in unacceptably small facilities that clearly do not meet NG PAM 415-12 criteria. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: If the project is not approved, the newly assigned _______________________ units will be forced to occupy facilities that are nearly incapable of supporting the units’ maintenance, training and mobilization readiness standards. Lack of military vehicle parking will cause units to store there vehicles at other locations. Lack of appropriate storage facilities will incur risk in logistical management. Lack of administrative facilities will result in a lack of soldier care that will adversely affect the morale and retention of the soldiers in these units. ADDITIONAL: Additional: This project has been coordinated with the ___________ installation physical security plan, and all physical security measures are included. All required antiterrorism protection measures are included. Alternative methods of meeting this requirement have been explored during project development. This project is the only feasible option to meet the requirement. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. The facility will be available for use by other components. Sustainable principles will be integrated into the design, development, and construction of the project in accordance with Executive Order 13123 and other applicable laws and Executive orders. Joint Use Certification: The Deputy PAGE NO. 44 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Colorado Springs Readiness Center Colorado Springs, Colorado 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Readiness Center 080201 ADDITIONAL: (CONTINUED) __________________________ Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. This facility will be available for use by other components. Antiterrorism/Force Protection: This project has been coordinated with the installation physical security plan. All required physical security and anti-terrorism/ force protection measures are included. 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-bid-build (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) DD OCT 2007 _________ 65 _________ _________ _________ JUN 2008 _________ OCT 2009 _________ Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ OCT 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ DEC 2010 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ OCT 2012 FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED ($000) _________ 1,782 _________ 1,782 _________ 1,188 _________ 594 _________ PAGE NO. 45 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Colorado Springs Readiness Center Colorado Springs, Colorado 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Readiness Center 080201 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: (CONTINUED) _______________________ B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NONE CFMO Name: COL Deborah Roberts Phone Number: 720-250-1361 PAGE NO. 46 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION High-Altitude Army Aviation Training INSNO= 08B07 COST INDEX Gypsum, Colorado 1.01 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION Normal flight training operation and administration five days/evenings per week, with a two-day training assembly two or three times per month. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS ARNG Denver, CO 135.00 miles Armory 159 (1,707 ) 1999 ARNG Grand Junction, CO 111.00 miles Armory 159 (1,707 ) 1959 ARNG Grand Junction, CO 115.00 miles OMS 159 (1,707 ) 1949 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) START CMPL ________ _____ ______ _____ ____ 21110 Army Aviation Support Facilit 10,533 m2 (113,380 SF) 39,000 APR 2007 JUN 2008 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 14 FEB 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE 0 _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ 171 171 171 721 171 RTI READINESS CENTER READINESS CENTER ORTC BARRACKS READINESS 43,000 21,000 13,400 45,000 16,565 DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): 1,589 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 15 NOV 2002 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1390s1 122 86 37 28 83 56 2 2 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 120 84 37 28 83 56 PAGE NO. 47 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION High-Altitude Army Aviation Training Gypsum, Colorado 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= 08B07 UNIT DESIGNATION UIC ________________ ______ High Altitude Army National Guard Aviation Trai TSPN ____ MTOE/TDA ________ STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 120 _______ 84 _______ 120 84 Assigned/Authorized: 70% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED TRAILERS OH-58 D UH-1 AH-64 UH-60 CH-47 AUTHORIZED __________ 3 3 4 2 4 6 3 __________ ACTUAL ______ 3 3 4 2 4 6 3 __________ TOTALS 25 25 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 48 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE High-Altitude Army Aviation Training Si Gypsum, Colorado 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A Army Aviation Support Fac/High Altitu 7.PROJECT NUMBER 211 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 080062 39,000 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ Hangar, Operations and Maintena Ground Support Equipment Storag Flammable Materials Storage Bui Controlled Waste Handling Facil Unheated Aircraft Storage Facil Total from Continuation page SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Electric Service Water, Sewer, Gas Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Site Imp( 250) Demo( ) Antiterrorism Measures Other m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 LS LS LS LS LS LS (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) QUANTITY 8,485 111.48 37.16 27.87 1,871 ( ( ( ( ( ------- UNIT COST 91,336) 1,200) 400) 300) 20,144) 2,635 1,219 3,513 3,524 2,767 ------- COST ($000) 28,586 (22,358) (136) (131) (98) (5,178) (685) 7,865 (470) (200) (6,226) (250) (219) (500) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 36,451 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 1,823 _________ SUBTOTAL 38,274 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 1,148 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 39,422 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 39,000 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP (0) 10.Description of Proposed Construction Directed cost adjustment of $2,000 based on actual construction cost de-escalation. A specially designed AASF aviation, instruction, and billeting facility of permanent masonry and steel construction with standing seam metal roof, concrete floor, mechanical and electrical equipment. Partitions of drywall or masonry block. Supporting facilities are rigid paving for aircraft parking/tie down pads, ground support equipment, hover lanes, aircraft wash facility, exterior lighting, fire protection, and fencing. Physical security measures will be incorporated into design including maximum feasible standoff distance from roads, parking areas, and vehicle unloading areas, berms, heavy landscaping, and bollards to prevent access when standoff distance cannot be maintained. Air conditioning: 56 tons. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: 10,533 m2 ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: NONE ________ PROJECT: This project is to build a Limited AASF, classroom training ________ facility, and billeting of permanent type construction to serve the peace time missions of the High Altitude Aviation Training Site. The space will permit all personnel to perform the maintenance and training mission that will improve the readiness and safety stature of the units that send their pilots for training. (Current Mission) DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 49 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION High-Altitude Army Aviation Training Gypsum, Colorado 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Army Aviation Support Fac/High Altitude Aviation 080062 9. COST ESTIMATES (CONTINUED) ______________________________ Item UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY (CONTINUED) ____________________________ Energy Management Control Syste LS SDD and EPAct05 LS Antiterrorism Measures LS QUANTITY ---- Unit COST Cost ($000) ---Total (25) (558) (102) _________ 685 REQUIREMENT: A 7,518 SM (80,929 SF) Limited AASF, classroom training ____________ facility, billeting, and supporting facilities are required to adequately provide maintenance for the equipment and training for the student pilots that require use of this facility with hangar, administrative, supply, classroom, locker, latrine and maintenance space. CURRENT SITUATION: The HAATS is performing its current training mission on __________________ the municipal airport in Eagle, CO. The Army has determined that the mission of the HAATS will be transformed to establish and train pilots to attain an Additional Skill Identifier (ASI) for all aviation commanders and instructor pilots. The COARNG currently has a lease for the property occupied by the current HAATS operation and has leased an additional 15 acres to accommodate the new facilities required for the transformed HAATS mission. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: Without this project there will not be sufficient _______________________ facilities to accommodate the transformed training mission of the HAATS. The HAATS location provides the required environment for this training (view of the operational areas, proximity to the flight line, and proximity to maintenance elements that support the training mission associated with this training. Acquisition of an alternate training location would not be feasible. The only alternative would be to not perform the Army’s transformed mission at the HAATS. The HAATS is the ONLY DoD location that is capable of accommodating this training. Therefore, if the transformed mission is not accommodated at the HAATS, it will not be performed. The overall readiness of the National Guard, the Army, elements of DoD, and NATO would also be adversely affected as the transformed training would not be performed. ADDITIONAL: This project complies with the scope and design criteria of ___________ National Guard Pamphlet 415-12. This project, as a whole, is a unique facility as it is a combination of a Limited AASF, training classroom and billeting. Therefore the COARNG has coordinated with the NGB School Proponent, NGB-AVS, to establish the elements and the space requirements (when different from standard criteria) for this facility. The component parts of this facility are based on current criteria or NGB-AVS direction. The most similar DoD standards for readiness center construction do not address all of the current criteria incorporated in the HAATS design, and thus do not yield accurate cost estimates. Therefore, state historical costs for construction of like PAGE NO. 50 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION High-Altitude Army Aviation Training Gypsum, Colorado 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Army Aviation Support Fac/High Altitude Aviation 080062 ADDITIONAL: (CONTINUED) __________________________ facilities were used to develop baseline unit cost and were adjusted for size, fiscal year and location. This project has been coordinated with the installation physical security plan, and all physical security measures are included. All required antiterrorism protection measures are included. Alternative methods of meeting this requirement have been explored during project development. This project is the only feasible option to meet the requirement. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. The facility will be available for use by other components. Sustainable principles, to include Life Cycle cost-effective practices, will be integrated into the design, development, and construction of the project in accordance with Executive Order 13423, 10 USC 2802(c), and other applicable laws and Executive Orders. 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-bid-build (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) DD APR 2007 _________ 100 _________ _________ _________ AUG 2007 _________ JUN 2008 _________ Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ OCT 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ NOV 2010 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ NOV 2012 FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED ($000) _________ 3,406 _________ 3,406 _________ 1,135 _________ 2,271 _________ PAGE NO. 51 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION High-Altitude Army Aviation Training Gypsum, Colorado 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Army Aviation Support Fac/High Altitude Aviation 080062 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: (Continued) _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (Continued) B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NONE CFMO Name: COL DEBORAH ROBERTS Phone Number: 720-250-1361 PAGE NO. 52 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION Army Aviation Support Facility INSNO= 09906 COST INDEX Windsor Locks, Connecticut 1.14 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION Normal administration five days per week, with a two-day training assembly two or three times per month. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS CTARNG Windsor Locks, CT .50 miles CSMS 1,003 m2 (10,800 SF) 1954 AR Windsor Locks, CT 2.00 miles OMS 418 m2 (4,500 SF) CTARNG Enfield, CT 12.00 miles Readiness Center 1,669 m2 (17,966 SF) 1965 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) START CMPL ________ _____ ______ _____ ____ 17180 Readiness Center 10,281 m2 (110,663 SF) 41,000 OCT 2008 JUN 2010 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 01 JUL 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE 0 _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ NONE DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): 450 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 06 AUG 2009 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1390s1 9 9 0 0 0 0 9 9 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 358 358 58 58 300 300 PAGE NO. 53 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Army Aviation Support Facility Windsor Locks, Connecticut 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= 09906 UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ 1-169th HHC (GSAB) 1-169 CO D (AVUM) 1-169th CO E (FSC) 2-104th AVN HHC DET 2 2-104th AVN CO B DET 1 2-104th AVN CO D DET 2 2-104th AVN CO E DET 2 3-142th AVN HHC DET 1 3-142th AVN CO C 3-142th AVN CO D DET 1 3-142th AVN CO E DET 1 UIC ______ WYHMT0 WYHMD0 WYHME0 WUASB1 WUASB1 WUASD2 WUASE2 WUATT1 WUAT0 WUATD1 WUATE1 TSPN ____ 20122 20122 20122 4728 4728 4728 4728 4742 4742 4742 4742 DET 6 OSA COM W7Y406 46591 STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ MTOE/TDA ________ 74 31 58 3 26 31 12 2 22 13 9 74 31 58 3 26 31 12 2 22 13 9 8 _______ 8 _______ 289 289 Assigned/Authorized: 100% * UNITS THAT MUST TRAIN ON SAME WEEKEND. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED TRAILERS EQUIPMENT > 30 FT FUEL & M977 HEMTT HEMTT PLS/HET WHEELED AUTHORIZED __________ 37 37 1 20 6 62 __________ ACTUAL ______ 37 37 1 20 6 62 __________ TOTALS 163 163 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 54 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Army Aviation Support Facility Windsor Locks, Connecticut 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT Readiness Center 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A 7.PROJECT NUMBER 171 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 090010 41,000 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ Readiness Center Unheated Storage Building Energy Management Control Syste Controlled Waste Facilty SDD and EPAct05 Antiterrorism Measures SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Electric Service Water, Sewer, Gas Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Site Imp( 5,264) Demo( ) Antiterrorism Measures Other m2 (SF) m2 (SF) LS m2 (SF) LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS QUANTITY 9,385 ( 101,018) 868.18 ( 9,345) -27.87 ( 300) --------- UNIT COST 2,852 1,991 -1,991 --------- COST ($000) 29,530 (26,770) (1,729) (250) (56) (250) (475) 8,098 (569) (85) (1,787) (5,264) (224) (169) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 37,628 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 1,881 _________ SUBTOTAL 39,509 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 1,185 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 40,694 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 41,000 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP (0) 10.Description of Proposed Construction Directed cost adjustment of $2,000 based on actual construction cost de-escalation. A specially designed readiness center of permanent masonry type construction, brick and concrete block units with concrete floors, and a standing seam, built-up or single membrane roof. A two-story structure with mechanical and electrical equipment. Outside supporting facilities include military and privately-owned vehicle parking, fencing, sidewalks, exterior fire protection, outside lighting, access roads, detached facility sign, wash platform, fuel storage & dispensing system, and flagpole. Physical security measures will be incorporated into design including maximum feasible standoff distance from roads, parking areas, and vehicle unloading areas, berms, heavy landscaping, and bollards to prevent access when standoff distance cannot be maintained. Cost effective energy conserving features will be incorporated into design, including energy management control systems and high efficiency motors, lighting, and HVAC systems. Air conditioning: 330 tons. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: 9,882 m2 ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: NONE ________ PROJECT: This project is to provide a readiness center, of permanent type ________ construction, to serve the peacetime missions of the assigned unit. The space will permit all personnel to perform the necessary tasks that will improve the DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 55 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Army Aviation Support Facility Windsor Locks, Connecticut 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Readiness Center 090010 PROJECT: (CONTINUED) _____________________ units readiness posture. The site of the project is on state land. (Current Mission) (Current Mission) REQUIREMENT: This facility is required to house all elements of the ____________ Connecticut National Guard Aviation unit. These units will have a required strength of 358 personnel. The armory will provide the necessary administrative, training and storage areas required to achieve proficiency in required training tasks. An existing state-owned site is available for this project. CURRENT SITUATION: The 1-169 GSAB is located in an inadequate facility along __________________ with Headquarters, Headquarters Company. This facility is very old and has been determined to be structurally unsound and unfeasible for rehabilitation. The facility is inadequate to fully support aviation units due to the lack of adequate parking, storage and training areas. With the construction of a new transformation readiness center, the existing Armory will be closed. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: The units’ ability to meet its readiness, recruiting _______________________ and retention, and training objectives will continue to be adversely affected if the personnel are not provided with the adequate facilities. Delays in the funding of this project will force the continued use of an inadequate and unsound facility and the present facility’s deficiencies will continue to negatively impact troop readiness and morale. The lack of proper and adequate training, storage and administrative areas will continue to impair the attainment of required mobilization readiness levels. ADDITIONAL: This project has been coordinated with the installation physical ___________ security plan, and all physical security measures are included. All required antiterrorism protection measures are included. Alternative methods of meeting this requirement have been explored during project development. This project is the only feasible option to meet the requirement. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. The facility will be available for use by other components. Sustainable principles, to include Life Cycle cost-effective practices, will be integrated into the design, development, and construction of the project in accordance with Executive Order 13423, 10 USC 2802(c), and other applicable laws and Executive Orders. 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-bid-build PAGE NO. 56 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD OCT 2008 _________ 65 _________ _________ _________ JUN 2009 _________ JUN 2010 _________ FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Army Aviation Support Facility Windsor Locks, Connecticut 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Readiness Center 090010 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: (Continued) _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (Continued) (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ ($000) _________ _________ 0 _________ _________ _________ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ OCT 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ NOV 2010 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ OCT 2012 B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NONE CFMO Name: LTC Gerald J. Lukowski Phone Number: 860 493-2725 DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 57 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK PAGE NO. 58 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION New Castle Training Spt Rifle Range INSNO= 10605 COST INDEX New Castle, Delaware 1.05 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION Normal administration five days per week, with a two-day training assembly two or three times per month. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS ANG New Castle, DE 1.00 miles Headquarters 2,415 m2 (26,000 SF) 1996 ARNG Wilmington, DE 5.00 miles Readiness Center 1,514 m2 (16,300 SF) 1955 ARNG Wilmington, DE 5.00 miles Readiness Center 4,468 m2 (48,092 SF) 1970 ARNG Wilmington, DE 8.00 miles Readiness Center 7,254 m2 (78,080 SF) 1960 ARNG New Castle, DE .50 miles AASF 4,042 m2 (43,513 SF) 1977 ARNG New Castle, DE 6.00 miles USP & FO 2,051 m2 (22,074 SF) 1970 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE ________ SCOPE _____ ($000) ______ START _____ CMPL ____ 17180 Armed Forces Reserve Center 9,880 m2 (106,344 SF) 27,000 OCT 2008 OCT 2010 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 22 JUN 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) JOINT CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ 171 171 Joint Regional Training Institute Readiness Center 5,443 7,058 DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): 0 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 04 NOV 2009 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1390s1 163 163 60 60 75 75 28 28 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 332 332 122 122 210 210 PAGE NO. 59 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION New Castle Training Spt Rifle Range New Castle, Delaware 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ CMD HQ DARC MOB CMD JT FORCES CMD HQ DE JT FORCESS CMD HQ DE HQ W8BZ 99TH REGIONAL DET MED DET TM PUBLIC AFFAIRS DET 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= 10605 UIC ______ W84641 W8AFAA W8AFNA W8BZ03 W8YXAA WP2XAA TSPN ____ 56751 56751 MTOE/TDA ________ STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 4 2 95 145 16 16 0 1 40 29 8 _______ 4 _______ 163 197 46781 56751 34502 Assigned/Authorized: 120% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED TRAILERS EQUIPMENT > 30 FT WHEELED AUTHORIZED __________ 27 1 1 2 __________ ACTUAL ______ 0 0 0 0 __________ TOTALS 31 0 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 60 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE New Castle Training Spt Rifle Range New Castle, Delaware 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A Joint Armed Forces Reserve Center 7.PROJECT NUMBER 171 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 100037 27,000 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ Reserve Center Building Building Information Systems Emerg Pow Gen, Pad and Hook Up ARNG ORG Parking Add (Rigid Mat Navy ORG Parking Add (Rigid Mat Total from Continuation page SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Electric Service Water, Sewer, Gas Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Storm Drainage Site Imp( 3,475) Demo( ) Antiterrorism Measures Information Technology m2 (SF) LS LS m2 (SY) m2 (SY) LS LS LS LS LS LS LS QUANTITY 9,880 ( 106,344) --41.81 ( 50) 1,045 ( 1,250) -------- UNIT COST 2,982 --119.59 119.60 -------- COST ($000) 31,178 (29,457) (250) (125) (5) (125) (1,216) 5,808 (252) (250) (987) (90) (3,475) (654) (100) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 36,986 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 1,849 _________ SUBTOTAL 38,835 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 1,165 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 40,000 Other DoD Component Share 13,000 TOTAL FEDERAL REQUEST 27,000 TOTAL FEDERAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 27,000 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP (2,092) 10.Description of Proposed Construction Directed cost adjustment of $1,000 based on actual construction cost de-escalation. A specially designed Armed Forces Reserve Center of permanent masonry type construction, brick and concrete block units with concrete floors, and a built-up or single membrane roof. A 2 story structure with mechanical and electrical equipment. Outside supporting facilities include military and privately-owned vehicle parking, fencing, sidewalks, exterior fire protection, outside lighting, access roads, detached facility sign, and flagpole. Physical security measures will be incorporated into design including maximum feasible standoff distance from roads, parking areas, and vehicle unloading areas, berms, heavy landscaping, and bollards to prevent access when standoff distance cannot be maintained. Cost effective energy conserving features will be incorporated into the design, including energy management control systems and high efficiency motors, lighting, and HVAC systems. Air conditioning: 340 tons. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: 15,812 m2 ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: 5,574 m2 ________ PROJECT: This project provides a Joint Armed Forces Reserve Center facility ________ of permanent type construction, to serve the peacetime missions of the DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 61 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION New Castle Training Spt Rifle Range New Castle, Delaware 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Joint Armed Forces Reserve Center 100037 9. COST ESTIMATES (CONTINUED) ______________________________ Item UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY (CONTINUED) ____________________________ Loading Dock (Less Access) Detached Facility Sign 3 Flagpoles Energy Management Control Syste SDD and EPAct05 Antiterrorism Measures LS LS LS LS LS LS QUANTITY ------- Unit COST Cost ($000) ------Total (91) (19) (30) (200) (410) (466) _________ 1,216 PROJECT: (CONTINUED) _____________________ assigned units and space for all personnel to perform the necessary tasks that will improve the units’ readiness posture. (Current Mission) (Current Mission) REQUIREMENT: Our goal is to create a Joint Force Headquarters as directed by ____________ the Chief, National Guard Bureau. This facility is required to house all elements of the Joint Force Headquarters (ARNG and ANG), 166th Info Opns Squadron (DEANG), 287th Army Band and the 101st Public Affairs Det. These units will have a combined required strength of 317 personnel. The center will provide the necessary administrative, training and storage areas required to achieve proficiency in required training tasks. This facility will be constructed on a 10 acre site to be purchased by the State of Delaware. CURRENT SITUATION: The existing State Headquarters is currently located in __________________ an elementary school in Wilmington, DE. The 78,000 SF facility is 45 years old and extremely energy inefficient. It lacks the required parking, storage, and training areas. The existing Air National Guard Headquarters is located at the New Castle County Airport ANG base along with the Wing Headquarters. Although the facility meets the minimum requirements for the ANG Hq’s, it is not large enough to include the ARNG Headquarters function as well. We plan to move the 72nd Troop Command to the existing State Headquarters and the 166th Airlift Wing will take over control of the existing ANG Headquarters facility. To achieve a true joint headquarters, we must move both ARNG and ANG Headquarters operations into a new facility. Neither existing facility is large enough to accommodate both Headquarters. We also plan to include the 166th Information Operations Squadron into the faculty. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: The units’ ability to meet their readiness, _______________________ recruiting and retention, and training objectives will continue to be adversely affected if the personnel are not provided with adequate facilities. Delays in the funding of this project will force the continued use of inadequate facilities and the present facilities’ deficiencies will continue to negatively impact troop readiness and morale. The lack of proper and adequate training, storage and administrative areas will continue to impair PAGE NO. 62 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION New Castle Training Spt Rifle Range New Castle, Delaware 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Joint Armed Forces Reserve Center 100037 IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: (CONTINUED) ______________________________________ the attainment of required mobilization readiness levels for both the Army and Air National Guard units. Moreover, we will not have one joint force headquarters facility as directed by the Chief, National Guard Bureau. ADDITIONAL: The most similar DoD standards for readiness center construction ___________ do not address all of the current criteria incorporated in the Army National Guard Readiness Center design and thus do not yield accurate cost estimates. Therefore, state historical costs for construction of like facilities were used to develop baseline unit cost and were adjusted for size, fiscal year and location. This project has been coordinated with the installation physical security plan, and all physical security measures are included. All required antiterrorism protection measures are included. Alternative methods of meeting this requirement have been explored during project development. This project is the only feasible option to meet the requirement. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. The facility will be available for use by other components. Sustainable principles, to include Life Cycle cost-effective practices, will be integrated into the design, development, and construction of the project in accordance with Executive Order 13423, 10 USC 2802(c), and other applicable laws and Executive Orders. 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-bid-build (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) (3) DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C OCT 2008 _________ 35 _________ _________ _________ JUN 2009 _________ OCT 2010 _________ Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED ($000) _________ 3,601 _________ 3,601 _________ 2,401 _________ 1,200 _________ PAGE NO. 63 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION New Castle Training Spt Rifle Range New Castle, Delaware 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Joint Armed Forces Reserve Center 100037 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: (Continued) _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (Continued) (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ NOV 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ DEC 2010 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ APR 2012 B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ IT/Telecom OPA 2012 TOTAL 2,092 ______ 2,092 CFMO Name: LTC Christopher Prosser Phone Number: 302 326-7130 PAGE NO. 64 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION Georgia ARNG INSNO= GAARNG COST INDEX Georgia .85 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION Reservist - 1 weekends/month 0 nights/week Full-Time Personnel - 5 days/week _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS ARNG Dahlonega, GA 22.00 miles Armory 2,051 (22,074 SF) ARNG Rome, GA 22.00 miles Armory 2,051 (22,074 SF) ARNG Marietta, GA 24.00 miles Armory 2,051 (22,074 SF) ARNG Canton, GA 24.00 miles Armory 2,051 (22,074 SF) ARNG Lawrenceville, GA 25.00 miles Armory 2,051 (22,074 SF) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE ________ 17180 Readiness Center SCOPE _____ 9,385 m2 (101,015 SF) ($000) ______ 17,000 START CMPL _____ ____ OCT 2009 OCT 2010 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 10 MAY 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED None _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ 171 171 214 171 171 Readiness Readiness MATES Readiness Readiness Center Center 11,100 10,000 17,500 14,500 3,845 Center Center DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): 0 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 22 MAY 2009 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1390s1 30 30 9 9 21 21 0 0 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 438 438 48 48 390 390 PAGE NO. 65 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Georgia ARNG Georgia 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= GAARNG UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ 560th BFSB-BSC 560th BFSB HHC 420 Signal CO 348th Brigade Support Bat UIC ______ WPCBAA WPZOT0 WPZEAA WPQUA TSPN ____ MTOE/TDA ________ STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 212 212 170 170 56 56 0 _______ 0 _______ 438 438 Assigned/Authorized: 100% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED TRAILERS EQUIPMENT > 30 FT FUEL & M977 HEMTT HEMTT PLS/HET AUTHORIZED __________ 55 36 10 7 6 __________ ACTUAL ______ 55 36 10 7 6 __________ TOTALS 114 114 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 66 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Georgia ARNG Georgia Readiness Center 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A 7.PROJECT NUMBER 171 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 130127 17,000 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ Readiness Center SDD and EPAct05 Antiterrorism Measures m2 (SF) LS LS SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Electric Service Water, Sewer, Gas Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Storm Drainage Site Imp( 1,400) Demo( ) Antiterrorism Measures Other LS LS LS LS LS LS LS QUANTITY 9,385 ( 101,015) --- -------- UNIT COST 1,585 --- COST ($000) 15,286 (14,877) (204) (205) -------- 4,549 (145) (120) (2,011) (630) (1,400) (126) (117) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 19,835 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 992 _________ SUBTOTAL 20,827 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 625 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 21,452 Other DoD Component Share 4,452 TOTAL FEDERAL REQUEST 17,000 TOTAL FEDERAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 17,000 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP (0) 10.Description of Proposed Construction Directed cost adjustment of $1,000 based on actual construction cost de-escalation. A specially designed Multi Unit Readiness Center and community center of permanent masonry type construction with standing seam metal roof, concrete floors and mechanical and electrical equipment. Supporting facilities will include vehicle maintenance, unheated storage, military vehicle parking and access roads, POV parking, security fencing and motor pool lighting, loading ramp, flammable materials storage, controlled waste handling facility and sidewalks. Extension of gas, electric, sewer, water and communication utilities to the building site will be necessary. Physical security measures will be incorporated into the design including minimum standoff distance from roads, parking areas, and vehicle unloading areas, berms, heavy landscaping and bollards to prevent access when standoff distance cannot be maintained. Building will be designed to achieve LEED Silver Certification. Air Conditioning is 340 Tons ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: 9,385 m2 ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: NONE ________ PROJECT: This project is to construct a new 101,015 SF multi unit readiness ________ center with an additional community center to support this facility as stated DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 67 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Georgia ARNG Georgia 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Readiness Center 130127 PROJECT: (CONTINUED) _____________________ above. The site of the project is on state land. (New Mission) REQUIREMENT: This facility is required to house all elements of the ____________ Headquarters, Headquarters Company; Network Support Company; Brigade Support Company, of the Battlefield Surveillance Brigade These units will have an authorized strength of 438 personnel. The armory will provide the necessary administrative, training and storage areas required to achieve proficiency in required training tasks. CURRENT SITUATION: The unit E dates are FY 09 and FY11. Temporary facilities __________________ will be leased until a permanent facility can be constructed. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: The units will quickly reach and exceed the leased _______________________ buildings ability to meet mission requirements of the new units. Unit s readiness, recruiting and retention, and training objectives will become adversely affected if the personnel are not provided with the adequate facilities. ADDITIONAL: Alternative methods of meeting this requirement have been ___________ explored during project development. This project is the only feasible option to meet this requirement. Sustainable principles will be integrated into the design, development, and construction of the project in accordance with Executive Order 13423 and other applicable laws and Executive Orders. This project has been coordinated with the installation physical security plan. All required physical security measures and all anti-terrorism/force protection measures are included. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. This facility will be available for use by other components. 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-bid-build (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) (3) PAGE NO. 68 OCT 2009 _________ 35 _________ 65 _________ 100 _________ JUN 2009 _________ OCT 2010 _________ Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED ($000) DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Georgia ARNG Georgia 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Readiness Center 130127 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: (Continued) _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (Continued) (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ _________ 2,092 _________ 2,092 _________ 1,395 _________ 697 _________ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ OCT 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ DEC 2010 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ NOV 2012 B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NONE CFMO Name: COL SCOTT CARTER Phone Number: DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 69 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK PAGE NO. 70 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION Dobbins Air Force Base INSNO= 13C35 COST INDEX Dobbins AFB, Georgia .85 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS USAFR DOBBINS, GA .00 miles MILE 2,051 (22,074 SF) ARNG NAVAL AIR STATION A 1.00 miles MILE 2,051 (22,074 SF) USMCR MARIETTA, GA 1.00 miles MILE 2,051 (22,074 SF) ARNG MARIETTA, GA 3.00 miles MILE 2,051 (22,074 SF) ARNG KENNESAW, GA 7.00 miles MILE 2,051 (22,074 SF) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) START CMPL ________ _____ ______ _____ ____ 17180 Readiness Center 8,305 m2 (89,390 SF) 10,400 FEB 2010 OCT 2010 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 07 MAY 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE 0 _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ NONE DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): 0 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 08 JAN 2009 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1390s1 18 18 1 1 17 17 0 0 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 306 224 15 10 291 214 PAGE NO. 71 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Dobbins Air Force Base Dobbins AFB, Georgia 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= 13C35 UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ (CO QM CO (AERIAL DELI) TRP C (BN RECON & SURVIELLAN) UIC ______ WPAXAA WPZ1C0 TSPN ________ MTOE/TDA ____ 31007 10443LNG03 34907 49225GNG52 STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 168 94 138 _______ 130 _______ 306 224 Assigned/Authorized: 73% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED TRAILERS EQUIPMENT > 30 FT HEMTT PLS/HET AUTHORIZED __________ 58 44 10 2 __________ ACTUAL ______ 58 44 10 2 __________ TOTALS 114 114 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 72 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Dobbins Air Force Base Dobbins AFB, Georgia 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT Readiness Center 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A 7.PROJECT NUMBER 171 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 130123 10,400 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ Readiness Center Addition Readiness Center Alteration Energy Management Control Syste SDD and EPAct05 Antiterrorism Measures m2 (SF) m2 (SF) LS LS LS SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Site Imp( 1,169) Demo( ) Antiterrorism Measures Backup/Emergency Generator LS LS LS LS QUANTITY 3,474 ( 4,831 ( ---- ----- UNIT COST 37,390) 52,000) COST ($000) 1,259 484.38 ---- ----- 7,081 (4,375) (2,340) (122) (122) (122) 2,493 (1,186) (1,169) (83) (55) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 9,574 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 479 _________ SUBTOTAL 10,053 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 302 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 10,355 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 10,400 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP (0) 10.Description of Proposed Construction Addition and alteration of an existing Aviation Support Facilty of permanent masonry type construction with standing seam metal roof, concrete floors and mechanical and electrical equipment. The facility will be recategorized as a multi-unit Readiness Center to include specialized space for the hanging, drying and packing of parachutes. Supporting facilities will include vehicle maintenance, unheated storage, military vehicle parking and access roads, POV parking, security fencing and motor pool lighting, loading ramp, flammable materials storage, controlled waste handling facility and sidewalks. Extension of gas, electric, sewer, water and communication utilities to the building site will be necessary. Physical security measures will be incorporated into the design including minimum standoff distance from roads, parking areas, and vehicle unloading areas, berms, heavy landscaping and bollards to prevent access when standoff distance cannot be maintained. Building addition/alteration will be designed to achieve LEED Silver Certification. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: NONE ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: NONE ________ PROJECT: This project is to construct a new 37,390 SF addition and an ________ alteration of an existing multi unit readiness center. The site of the project is on federal land at Dobbins Air Reserve Base. (New Mission) (New Mission) DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 73 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Dobbins Air Force Base Dobbins AFB, Georgia 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Readiness Center 130123 REQUIREMENT: This facility is required to house all elements of C Co 3/108th ____________ Long Range Surveillance Unit (LRSU) of the 560th BFSB and the 165th Quartermaster Rigger Co. The units have a required strength of 291 personnel. The armory will provide the necessary administrative, training and storage areas required to achieve proficiency in required training tasks. CURRENT SITUATION: The C Co 3/108th LRSU is currently stationed at Charlie __________________ Brown Airport Armory in Atlanta and will be relocating with the 165th QM Rigger Co to the proposed facility once the current occupants move to the facilities at NAS ATL no later than Sept 2010. The 165th QM Rigger Co currently occupies temporary space in a former bowling alley at NAS ATL. As the 165th QM Rigger Co continues to gain strength the space will become severely overcrowded. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: The units will quickly reach and exceed the current _______________________ buildings’ ability to meet mission requirements of the new units. Units readiness, recruiting and retention, and training objectives will become adversely affected if the personnel are not provided with the adequate facilities. The 165th QM Rigger Co has specialized requirements that are not met with the current facility and will impair their ability to meet mission and training requirements. Not having a specialized rigger facility has a negative impact on the unit resulting in SM not being able to stay current in their MOS and a significant loss of training hours. In order for the riggers to pack parachutes on a muta 4, they spend 1/4 of their training time traveling to FT Benning. This does not include the cost of transportation, meals or lodging that would not be required during a normal drill. When conducting ABN OPS, the unit pays the 507th to provide a malfunctions NCO to cover the DZ which the unit would be able to do if they packed their own parachutes instead of borrowing from the 507th. ADDITIONAL: This project has been coordinated with the installation physical ___________ security plan, and all physical security measures are included. All required antiterrorism protection measures are included. An economic analysis has been prepared and utilized in evaluating this project. This project is the most cost-effective method to satisfy the requirement. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. Mission requirements, operational considerations, and location are incompatible with use by other components. Sustainable principles, to include Life Cycle cost-effective practices, will be integrated into the design, development, and construction of the project in accordance with Executive Order 13423, 10 USC 2802(c), and other applicable laws and Executive Orders. PAGE NO. 74 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Dobbins Air Force Base Dobbins AFB, Georgia 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Readiness Center 130123 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-bid-build (2) JAN 2009 _________ 15 _________ _________ _________ JUN 2009 _________ OCT 2010 _________ Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ ($000) _________ 862 _________ 862 _________ 575 _________ 287 _________ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ OCT 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ JAN 2011 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ OCT 2012 B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NONE CFMO Name: Phone Number: DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 75 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK PAGE NO. 76 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION Guam ARNG INSNO= GMARNG COST INDEX Guam 2.64 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION Normal administration five days per week, with a two-day training assembly two or three times per month. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS ANG Andersen AFB, GU 12.00 miles ANGRC 1,394 m2 (15,000 SF) 1985 USAAR Radio Barrigada, GU 1.00 miles ARC 1,668 m2 (17,959 SF) 1987 ARNG Harmon, GU 3.00 miles TS 5 ha (13 AC) 1981 USAR Sumay, GU 11.00 miles ARC 3,869 m2 (41,649 SF) 1982 USCGR NAVACTS, GU 15.00 miles CGRC 1,858 m2 (20,000 SF) 1970 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE ________ 214 Combined Support Maintenance SCOPE _____ 5,100 m2 (54,896 SF) ($000) ______ 19,000 START CMPL _____ ____ OCT 2007 OCT 2010 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 05 APR 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE 0 _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ 0 DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): 0 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 30 APR 2009 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1390s1 172 166 71 65 101 101 0 0 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 977 917 152 171 825 746 PAGE NO. 77 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Guam ARNG Guam 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= GMARNG UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ HQS, HQS DETACHMENT, GUAM AREA COMMAND 1-294TH INFANTRY BATTALION (LIGHT) 1224TH ENGINEER (UTILITIES) DETACHMENT MED DETACHMENT 909TH QUARTERMASTER (WTR PURF) DETACHMENT 910TH QUARTERMASTER (WTR PURF) DETACHMENT 105TH TROOP COMMAND 294TH MI DETACHMENT 94TH MILITARY SUPPORT DETACHMENT 203RD GUAM RTI 778 TRAINING SITE MANAGER UIC ______ W7TTAA WYQJAA WYQJAA W799AA WJ7JAA WPVX90 W79GAA WZGFAA W7AGAA W8FSAA W7788AA RECRUITING AND RETENTION COMBAT SUPPORT COMPANY W777AA TSPN ____ 56751 22234 31600 46761 46761 MTOE/TDA ________ NGW7TTAA 0705LNG02 05530LNG02 NGW799AA 1050LNG01 10570LNG01 43600 NGW79GAA 33415 34506ANG01 NGW7AGAA NGW8FSAA NGW778AA STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 158 570 57 40 16 16 29 5 22 8 2 154 471 60 27 22 12 6 5 3 10 0 9 9 45 _______ 47 _______ 977 826 Assigned/Authorized: 84% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED TRAILERS EQUIPMENT > 30 FT FUEL & M977 HEMTT AUTHORIZED __________ 95 26 7 0 __________ ACTUAL ______ 0 0 0 1 __________ TOTALS 128 1 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 78 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Guam ARNG Guam Combined Support Maintenance Shop Ph 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505965 7.PROJECT NUMBER 214 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 140001 19,000 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ Combined CSMS/OMS Building Enclosed Mil Veh Storage Flammable Materials Facility Controlled Waste Facility Unheated Metal Storage Building Total from Continuation page SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Electric Service Water, Sewer, Gas Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Site Imp( 104) Demo( ) Antiterrorism Measures Other m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 LS LS LS LS LS LS (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) QUANTITY 1,783 3,159 46.45 46.45 65.22 ( ( ( ( ( ------- UNIT COST 19,194) 34,000) 500) 500) 702) 6,006 1,558 4,844 4,306 2,153 ------- COST ($000) 16,493 (10,710) (4,922) (225) (200) (140) (296) 465 (87) (35) (95) (104) (13) (131) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 16,958 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 848 _________ SUBTOTAL 17,806 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 534 DESIGN/BUILD - DESIGN COST 712 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 19,052 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 19,000 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP () 10.Description of Proposed Construction Directed cost adjustment of $1,100 based on actual construction cost de-escalation. The CSMS consists of a specially designed maintenance facility, plus two (3) maintenance work bays, plus administrative, personnel, and work areas. Constructed of masonry block with brick veneer, concrete floors, masonry block partitions with a built-up or single membrane roofing system. Supporting facilities include military and customer vehicle parking, fencing, wash platform, fuel storage and dispensing system, lube & inspection rack, load ramp, control waste handling facility, sidewalks, outside lighting, and access roads. Physical security measures will be incorporated into design including maximum feasible standoff distance from roads, parking areas, and vehicle unloading areas, berms, heavy landscaping, and bollards to prevent access when standoff distance cannot be maintained. Air conditioning: 8 tons. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: 5,100 m2 ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: NONE ________ PROJECT: A new maintenance facility and an enclosed military vehicle storage ________ to provide Direct Support and limited General Support repair capability and storage area for vehicles and equipment of the GUARNG. (Current Mission) DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 79 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Guam ARNG Guam 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Combined Support Maintenance Shop Ph 1 140001 9. COST ESTIMATES (CONTINUED) ______________________________ Item UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY (CONTINUED) ____________________________ SDD and EPAct05 Antiterrorism Measures LS LS QUANTITY --- Unit COST Cost ($000) --Total (239) (57) _________ 296 REQUIREMENT: A facility requirement for (54,896 SF) is requested to provide ____________ adequate maintenance support at DS/GS level to be performed on vehicles and equipment authorized by the Table of Distribution and Allowances (TDA) and the Modified Table of Organization and Equipment (MTOE) of the supported units. Also to provide Site covered storage from the harsh climate conditions of Guam for these vehicles and equipment. The site of the project will be on Federal land. CURRENT SITUATION: There is neither a permanent maintenance nor covered __________________ storage facility for the GUARNG. Individuals that will be working in this facility are currently working in a structure designed primarily as a warehouse which now acts a temporary OMS. This existing OMS-T located on Fort Juan Muna, Guam, was built in 1993, and is extremely substandard. Since the existing facility was constructed, the missions have changed, creating an increase in equipment and maintenance requirements and causing a severe lack of functional space. In addition, the constant exposure to the high heat, humidity, and salt content of in the air around the island, military vehicles and equipment are subjected to rapid rusting, deterioration, and failure earlier than that expected in the normal life-cycle of the vehicles and equipment. The existing facility will be disposed of IAW applicable State and Federal regulatory procedures. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: The lack of these facilities will continue to impact _______________________ negatively on Troop moral. The lack of proper and adequate maintenance, training, storage, and administrative areas will continue to impair the attainment of the units’ required mobilization readiness levels. ADDITIONAL: This project has been coordinated with the installation physical ___________ security plan, and all physical security measures are included. All required antiterrorism protection measures are included. Alternative methods of meeting this requirement have been explored during project development. This project is the only feasible option to meet the requirement. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. The facility will be available for use by other components. Sustainable principles, to include Life Cycle cost-effective practices, will be integrated into the design, development, and construction of the project in accordance with Executive Order 13423, 10 USC 2802(c), and other applicable laws and Executive Orders. PAGE NO. 80 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Guam ARNG Guam 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Combined Support Maintenance Shop Ph 1 140001 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-build (2) OCT 2007 _________ 35 _________ 65 _________ 100 _________ JUN 2009 _________ OCT 2010 _________ Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ ($000) _________ 724 _________ 724 _________ 724 _________ _________ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ OCT 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ MAY 2011 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ APR 2012 B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NA CFMO Name: LTC NORMAN LIMTIACO Phone Number: 671 734-4072 DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 81 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK PAGE NO. 82 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION Kalaeloa Readiness Center INSNO= 15001 COST INDEX Kapolei, Hawaii 2.23 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION Normal administration, maintenance, and logistical operations five days per week, with a two-day training assembly once per month and one two-week annual training period per year. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS Army Schofield Barracks, 10.00 miles Army Barracks 1,858 (20,000 SF) Navy Pearl Harbor, HI 10.00 miles Various Naval Acti 1,858 (20,000 SF) Air Forc Hickam AFB, HI 12.00 miles Air Force Base 1,858 (20,000 SF) ARNG Pearl City, HI 5.00 miles Armory, UTES 4,977 m2 (53,571 SF) 1997 ARNG Wahiawa, HI 11.00 miles Armory, OMS 5,591 m2 (60,179 SF) 1993 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE ________ SCOPE _____ ($000) ______ START _____ CMPL ____ 214 CSMS Ph 2 10,589 m2 (113,982 SF) 38,000 FEB 2008 JUL 2010 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 21 APR 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ 171 211 READINESS CENTER AASF 34,000 28,814 0 0 DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): 3,000 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 27 JAN 2009 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1390s1 206 206 25 25 176 176 5 5 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 2,568 2,568 393 393 2,175 2,175 PAGE NO. 83 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Kalaeloa Readiness Center Kapolei, Hawaii 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= 15001 UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ 29 INF BDE CBT TM HHC 29 BDE SUPPORT BN CO A (-) 29 BDE SUP BN (DISTRO) CO C 29 BDE SUP BN (MED) HHC 29 BDE SPECIAL TROOPS BN CO A 29 BDE SP TRP BN (ENGR) UIC ______ WPV3AA WYC7T0 WYC7A0 WYC7C0 WPB5T0 WPB5A0 TSPN ____ MTOE/TDA ________ 77302GNG04 63335GNG12 63335GNG12 63335GNG12 77405GNG09 77405GNG09 STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 149 0 78 0 164 0 72 0 188 0 75 _______ 0 _______ 726 0 Assigned/Authorized: 0% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED TRACKED EQUIPMENT > 30 FT FUEL & M977 HEMTT HEMTT PLS/HET AUTHORIZED __________ 67 8 48 17 5 __________ ACTUAL ______ 67 8 48 17 5 __________ TOTALS 145 145 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 84 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Kalaeloa Readiness Center Kapolei, Hawaii 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT ADD, ALT Combined Support Maintenance Shop Ph 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A 7.PROJECT NUMBER 214 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 150077 38,000 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ CSMS Addition (New Construction CSMS Alteration/Rehab Flammable Materials Facility Controlled Waste Facility Unheated Metal Storage Building Total from Continuation page SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Electric Service Water, Sewer, Gas Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Site Imp( 685) Demo( ) Antiterrorism Measures Other m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 LS LS LS LS LS LS (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) QUANTITY 3,551 3,728 30.66 37.16 3,228 ( ( ( ( ( ------- UNIT COST 38,224) 40,124) 330) 400) 34,750) 5,328 2,799 861.06 731.97 731.95 ------- COST ($000) 32,320 (18,921) (10,432) (26) (27) (2,363) (551) 3,253 (210) (240) (1,518) (685) (28) (572) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 35,573 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 1,779 _________ SUBTOTAL 37,352 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 1,121 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 38,473 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 38,000 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP (0) 10.Description of Proposed Construction Directed cost adjustment of $3,000 based on actual construction cost de-escalation. A specially designed CSMS facility of permanent masonry type construction, with sloped standing seam roof, concrete floors and energy efficient mechanical and electrical equipment with emergency power generator backup. Supporting facilities will include dynamometer, pre-wired work stations, military vehicle parking and access/queing roads and POV parking, security fencing and dark motor pool lighting, loading ramp, flammable materials storage building, lube and inspection ramp, controlled waste handling facility, and sidewalks. Extension of electric, sewer, water, and communication utilities from adjacent streets to the building site will be necessary. Physical security measures will be incorporated into design including maximum feasible standoff distance from roads, parking areas, and vehicle unloading areas, fence with anti-climber, heavy landscaping, and bollards to prevent access when standoff distance cannot be maintained. Cost effective energy conserving features will be incorporated into design, including energy management control systems and high efficiency motors, lighting, and HVAC systems. Air conditioning 61 tons. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: 10,589 m2 ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: 1,802 m2 ________ PROJECT: Construct a new 3,446 SM (37,091 SF) and renovate 3,645 SM (39,2236 ________ DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 85 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Kalaeloa Readiness Center Kapolei, Hawaii 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER ADD, ALT Combined Support Maintenance Shop Ph 2 150077 9. COST ESTIMATES (CONTINUED) ______________________________ Item UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY (CONTINUED) ____________________________ Energy Management Control Syste LS SDD and EPAct05 LS Antiterrorism Measures LS QUANTITY ---- Unit COST Cost ($000) ---Total (198) (200) (153) _________ 551 PROJECT: (CONTINUED) _____________________ SF) existing facility and the infrastructure to support this facility as stated above. Location is on a 150 acre, Federally licensed, HIARNG training site on Kalaeloa. (Current Mission) REQUIREMENT: The facility is required to maintain equipment and ensure the ____________ equipment is prepared for mobilization. CSMS #1 is an HIARNG TDA maintenance facility which provides full-time DS and GS level support to an 2-299 Infantry Battalion, 1-487 Field Artillery Battalion, Headquarters State Area Command and attached units, 227 Engineer Company, and 229 Military Intelligence Company . No other adequate facilities are available to support the units. The Conceptual and Feasibility Studies have evaluated and recommend that CSMS #1 should be collocated with other logistics organizations at the Building 117 military training complex. The new facility will be constructed on approximately 6 acres of the 150 acre training site located on Federal land. CURRENT SITUATION: The current facility is in poor condition and is 1/3 the __________________ size authorized to support the facility mission. The current facility has minimal space for storage of vehicles to be repaired. The current site is in an area, that, according to the Diamond Head State Monument Plan, will be eventually returned to a semi-wilderness condition. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: If the project is not approved, the present _______________________ facility’s lack of adequate space will continue to reduce maintenance efficiency, training, and mobilization. Readiness standards will continue to decline. In accordance with the Diamond Head State Monument Plan, HIARNG is required to vacate the Crater floor in order to allow the park to revert to a semi-wilderness condition. ADDITIONAL: This project has been coordinated with the installation physical ___________ security plan, and all physical security measures are included. All required antiterrorism protection measures are included. Alternative methods of meeting this requirement have been explored during project development. This project is the only feasible option to meet the requirement. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. The facility will be available for use by other components. Sustainable principles, to include Life Cycle cost-effective practices, will be integrated into the design, development, and construction of the project in accordance with Executive Order 13423, 10 USC PAGE NO. 86 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Kalaeloa Readiness Center Kapolei, Hawaii 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER ADD, ALT Combined Support Maintenance Shop Ph 2 150077 ADDITIONAL: (CONTINUED) __________________________ 2802(c), and other applicable laws and Executive Orders. 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-bid-build (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) DD FEB 2008 _________ 35 _________ 65 _________ 100 _________ JUN 2008 _________ JUL 2010 _________ Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ OCT 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ MAR 2011 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ NOV 2012 FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED ($000) _________ 3,562 _________ 3,562 _________ 1,187 _________ 2,375 _________ PAGE NO. 87 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Kalaeloa Readiness Center Kapolei, Hawaii 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER ADD, ALT Combined Support Maintenance Shop Ph 2 150077 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: (CONTINUED) _______________________ B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NONE CFMO Name: LTC MARJEAN STUBBERT Phone Number: 808-672-1530 PAGE NO. 88 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION Gowen Field INSNO= 16A20 COST INDEX Boise, Idaho .98 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION Full-time training area-50 weeks per year to support IDT and AT for units of both ARNG and Active Component Services. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS ARNG Caldwell, ID 28.00 miles Armory 941 m2 (10,125 SF) 1968 ARNG Emmett, ID 34.00 miles Armory 891 m2 (9,593 SF) 1971 ARNG Nampa, ID 17.00 miles Armory 1,230 m2 (13,240 SF) 1964 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) START CMPL ________ _____ ______ _____ ____ 72114 Barracks (ORTC) 7,790 m2 (83,853 SF) 17,500 OCT 2008 OCT 2010 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 31 MAY 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE 0 _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ 721 178 ORTC Barracks Mulit-Purpose Training Range 48,000 20,000 0 DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): 0 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 18 JUL 2009 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1390s1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 609 370 159 116 450 254 PAGE NO. 89 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Gowen Field Boise, Idaho 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= 16A20 UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ JOINT FORCES COMMAND ID STARC 983 EN DET 116 BCT 1-183 AVN BN CO B 1-112 AVN 204 REG (RTI) 1-163 MECHANIZED INFANTRY BN (MOARNG) 3-116 CAVALRY BATTLION (ORARNG) UIC ______ W8ARAA WYP3AA WQV1AA WYHAA WYQRAA WQRQB0 W8F9AA WYLJAA WQU1AA TSPN ____ MTOE/TDA ________ STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 201 131 377 224 24 26 2,373 2,246 397 429 35 26 73 42 701 701 546 _______ 469 _______ 4,727 4,294 Assigned/Authorized: 90% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED TRAILERS TRACKED EQUIPMENT > 30 FT FUEL & M977 HEMTT AUTHORIZED __________ 853 191 144 28 32 __________ ACTUAL ______ 853 191 144 17 21 __________ TOTALS 1,248 1,226 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 90 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Gowen Field Boise, Idaho Barracks (ORTC) 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A 7.PROJECT NUMBER 721 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 160093 17,500 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ Dining Facility Battalion Hq/Company Supply- Ad Energy Management Control Syste SDD and EPAct05 Antiterrorism Measures m2 (SF) m2 (SF) LS LS LS SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Electric Service Water, Sewer, Gas Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Site Imp( 565) Demo( ) Antiterrorism Measures LS LS LS LS LS QUANTITY 2,152 ( 5,638 ( ---- ------ UNIT COST 23,165) 60,688) COST ($000) 2,099 1,711 ---- ------ 14,881 (4,517) (9,649) (248) (230) (237) 1,466 (383) (200) (298) (565) (20) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 16,347 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 817 _________ SUBTOTAL 17,164 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 515 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 17,679 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 17,500 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP () 10.Description of Proposed Construction Directed cost adjustment of 1,000 based on actual construction cost de-escalation. This Barracks (ORTC) consists of a specially designed facility to provide dining and admin space for soldier assigned for training and mobilization at the Gowen Field Mobilization Station and Gowen Field Training Area (GFTA). It will be constructed as a germinate facility with materials consisting CMU with brick veneer and a metal standing seam roof. The dining facility will be designed to accompany the 800 bed barracks facility being built as part of the phasing. Two Battalion Headquarters and Company Admin and Supply facilities will be provided adjacent to the barracks. Supporting facilities will include privately owned vehicle parking, access roads, curb and gutter, sidewalks, exterior lighting, exterior fire protection and utilities as required. Physical security measures will be incorporated into the design including maximum feasible standoff distance from roads, parking areas, vehicle unloading areas, berms, heavy landscaping, an electronic door security/access system and bollards to prevent access when standoff distance cannot be maintained. The existing facility is on a closed installation. Air conditioning: 280 tons ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: 83,853 PN ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: NONE ________ PROJECT: A Transient Training Facility required to provide support for ________ DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 91 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Gowen Field Boise, Idaho 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Barracks (ORTC) 160093 PROJECT: (CONTINUED) _____________________ enlisted soldiers, noncommissioned officers, and commissioned officers training at the Gowen Field Mobilization Station, Boise, Idaho and support the 116th BCT (CAV BDE). This is a new facility constructed to support Gowen Field Training Area as a Power Support Platform as Part of the Army Strategic Mobility Program. The total training requirement is for barracks, dining facility, supply and administrative space for 3,000 soldiers. The total requirement is planned over five phases. Phase One is for 1-200 man barracks with Phase Two completing the dining facilities and two - Battailion HQ with eight company supply/admininstration facilities to be located at Gowen Field, Idaho. Phases three-five will add the additional 600 bed spaces. (Current Mission) REQUIREMENT: The proposed project is required to provide facilities in ____________ support of quality of life, for enlisted soldiers, noncommissioned and commissioned officers assigned to units training at, or attending professional military education courses, training and mobilization at Gowen Field Training Area. CURRENT SITUATION: The Gowen Field Mobilization Station consists of __________________ inadequate temporary billeting, both in terms of quality and quantity, for enlisted soldiers, noncommissioned officers, and commissioned officers. As a result a waiver to use existing substandard billeting is being approved by NGB on a yearly basis. Local off-post hotels and motels are being used to offset the quantity of billeting for support personnel. This results in increased overall costs for housing, transportation, and daily per diem expenses. In some cases, soldiers are being housed as far as thirty miles from their training location. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: The emphasis on training, an increased use of our _______________________ local facilities to conduct this training, and the number of enlisted, noncommissioned officers, and commissioned officers attending training offered at Gowen Field and Gowen Field Training Area, establish that facilities are not adequate. Soldiers will continue to travel off base due to inadequate quarters available in the Boise, Idaho area. A new facility will replace sub-standard WWII temporary facilities. ADDITIONAL: This project has been coordinated with the installation physical ___________ security plan, and all physical security measures are included. All required antiterrorism protection measures are included. Alternative methods of meeting this requirement have been explored during project development. This project is the only feasible option to meet the requirement. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. The facility will be available for use by other components. Sustainable principles, to include Life Cycle cost-effective practices, will be integrated into the design, development, and construction of the project in accordance with Executive Order 13423, 10 USC 2802(c), and other applicable laws and Executive Orders. PAGE NO. 92 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Gowen Field Boise, Idaho 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Barracks (ORTC) 160093 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-bid-build (2) OCT 2008 _________ 65 _________ _________ _________ JUN 2009 _________ OCT 2010 _________ Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ ($000) 889 _________ 774 _________ 1,663 _________ 1,109 _________ 554 _________ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ OCT 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ DEC 2010 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ OCT 2012 B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NA CFMO Name: MAJ Eugene P. Gussenhoven Phone Number: 208 422-3728 DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 93 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK PAGE NO. 94 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION Edgemeade Training Site INSNO= 16911 COST INDEX Mountain Home, Idaho .98 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION Reservists: 2nights/week. Full-time personnel: 5 days/week. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS ARNG Mountain Home, ID 15.00 miles Mile 1,230 (13,240 SF) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) START CMPL ________ _____ ______ _____ ____ 21115 Tactical Unmanned Aircraft Sy 592 m2 (6,370 SF) 6,300 OCT 2008 MAR 2010 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 01 OCT 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE 0 _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ NONE DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): 0 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 20 JUL 2009 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1390s1 3 3 1 1 2 2 0 0 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 29 1 2 0 27 1 PAGE NO. 95 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Edgemeade Training Site Mountain Home, Idaho 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ DET 1, CO A, 116 BSTB 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= 16911 UIC ______ WX42A1 TSPN ____ MTOE/TDA ________ STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 29 _______ 1 _______ 29 1 Assigned/Authorized: 3% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED TRAILERS AUTHORIZED __________ 6 2 __________ ACTUAL ______ 6 2 __________ TOTALS 8 8 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 96 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Edgemeade Training Site Mountain Home, Idaho 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System Fac 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A 7.PROJECT NUMBER 171 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 160122 6,300 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ TUAS Facility Building Information Systems Energy Management Control Syste SDD and EPAct05 Antiterrorism Measures m2 (SF) LS LS LS LS SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Electric Service Water, Sewer, Gas Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Site Imp( 883) Demo( ) Antiterrorism Measures Other LS LS LS LS LS LS QUANTITY 752.51 ( ----- ------- UNIT COST 8,100) COST ($000) 3,014 ----- 2,604 (2,268) (123) (70) (70) (73) ------- 3,031 (250) (319) (1,132) (883) (155) (292) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 5,635 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 282 _________ SUBTOTAL 5,917 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 178 DESIGN/BUILD - DESIGN COST 237 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 6,332 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 6,300 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP (0) 10.Description of Proposed Construction Directed cost adjustment of $0.200 based on actual construction cost de-escalation. This project is to construct a TUAS readiness center to house the UAS Platoon of the 116th HBCT. A specially designed TUAS of permanent masonry type construction, with standing seam roof, concrete floors and mechanical and electrical equipment with emergency power generator backup. Supporting facilities will include flammable materials facility, unheated metal storage building, unheated enclosed/shed for vehicle storage, AT/FP, building information systems, unit supply, military vehicle parking access roads and POV parking, security fencing and site lighting, loading ramp, and sidewalks. Utilities include gas, water, electric, sewer, and communication utilities to the building site that will be necessary. Actual foundation design will be incorporated into design including maximum feasible standoff distance from roads, parking areas, and vehicle unloading areas, berms, heavy landscaping, and bollards to prevent access. Cost effective energy conserving features will be incorporated into design. Commissioning included. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: 753 m2 ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: NONE ________ PROJECT: A Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System Facility is requested to serve ________ DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 97 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Edgemeade Training Site Mountain Home, Idaho 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System Facility 160122 PROJECT: (CONTINUED) _____________________ the peacetime and wartime training mission of this unit. The space will permit all personnel to perform many necessary tasks that will improve their readiness posture for completion of combat objectives. The existing armory cannot be expanded. (Current Mission) REQUIREMENT: This readiness center will provide the necessary ____________ administration, indoor training, prep, and maintenance areas, and storage of equipment space to achieve the proficiency in required training and to accomplish the assigned readiness objectives. A site has been identified and is located on Federal Land. CURRENT SITUATION: The existing facility is an old Gym building from an old __________________ AF Titan missile control station (White Sands Missile Range)and was turned over to the IDARNG in 1989. The current building is dilapidated and significantly undersized for the units. The UAS platoon will be assigned to this location and has been fielded its equipment in FY09. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: The units’ ability to meet its readiness, recruiting _______________________ and retention, and training objectives will continue to be adversely affected if the personnel are not provided with an adequate and functional facility. Delays in the funding of this project will force the continued use of an inadequate, unsound facility. The existing facility’s deficiencies will continue to negatively impact troop readiness and morale. Lastly, the lack of proper and adequate training, storage and administrative areas will continue to impair the attainment of required readiness training levels. ADDITIONAL: Sustainable principles will be integrated into the design, ___________ development, and construction of the project in accordance with Executive Order 13423 and other applicable laws and Executive Orders. The facility will be designed and built to meet a LEED Silver standard. This project has been coordinated with the installations AT/FP plan. Risk and threat analysis have been performed in accordance with DA Pam 190/51 and TM 5-853-1, respectively. Only protective measures required by regulation and ONLY the minimum standards required by the "Interim Department of Defense AT/FP Construction Standards" are needed. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. This facility will be available for use by other components. This project has been coordinated with the installation physical security plan, and all physical security measures are included. 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... PAGE NO. 98 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD OCT 2008 _________ 65 _________ 65 _________ 100 _________ JUN 2009 _________ FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Edgemeade Training Site Mountain Home, Idaho 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System Facility 160122 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: (Continued) _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (Continued) (f) Design Complete Date............................ _________ MAR 2010 (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-build (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ ($000) _________ 134 _________ 134 _________ _________ 134 _________ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ OCT 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ DEC 2010 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ OCT 2012 B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NONE CFMO Name: LTC EUGENE GUSSENHOVEN Phone Number: 208-272-3728 DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 99 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK PAGE NO. 100 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION Camp Lincoln Training Site INSNO= 17C35 COST INDEX Springfield, Illinois 1.20 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION Normal administration five days per week, with a two-day training assembly two or three times per month. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS ARNG Springfield, IL .00 miles OMS 1,230 (13,240 SF) 1900 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) START CMPL ________ _____ ______ _____ ____ 214 Combined Support Maintenance 6,952 m2 (74,829 SF) 15,000 OCT 2008 AUG 2010 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 07 APR 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE 0 _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ 171 211 171 171 Readiness Center AASF Readiness Center Readiness Center 11,000 24,000 17,696 12,688 DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): 0 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 01 APR 2009 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1390s1 3 3 1 1 2 2 0 0 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 29 1 2 0 27 1 PAGE NO. 101 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Lincoln Training Site Springfield, Illinois 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= 17C35 UIC ______ TSPN ____ MTOE/TDA ________ STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL __________ ______ _______ _______ 0 0 Assigned/Authorized: 0% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED AUTHORIZED __________ 1,136 0 0 0 0 0 __________ ACTUAL ______ 1,136 0 0 0 0 0 __________ TOTALS 1,136 1,136 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 102 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Camp Lincoln Training Site Springfield, Illinois 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT ADD Combined Support Maintenance Shop Add 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A 7.PROJECT NUMBER 214 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 179237 15,000 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ CSMS Flammabe Materials Facility Controlled Waste Facility Unheated Metal Storage Building Energy Management Control Syste Total from Continuation page SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Electric Service Water, Sewer, Gas Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Site Imp( 650) Demo( 100) Information Systems Antiterrorism Measures Other m2 m2 m2 m2 LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) QUANTITY 6,456 50.26 27.87 418.06 ( ( ( ( -- -------- UNIT COST 69,488) 541) 300) 4,500) 1,561 753.48 753.50 592.02 -- -------- COST ($000) 11,046 (10,076) (38) (21) (248) (225) (438) 2,482 (240) (400) (856) (750) (1) (70) (165) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 13,528 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 676 _________ SUBTOTAL 14,204 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 426 DESIGN/BUILD - DESIGN COST 568 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 15,198 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 15,000 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP (0) 10.Description of Proposed Construction Directed cost adjustment of $1,000 based on actual construction cost de-escalation. Construct an addition/alteration to the existing CSMS facility consisting of additional administrative, personnel, and work areas. Construction type will be a masonry/concrete block building with concrete floors and pitched roof, electrical and plumbing systems, HVAC, lighting. Project includes aprons to bay areas. Supporting facilities include military and customer vehicle parking, fencing, wash platform, loading ramp, control waste handling facility, sidewalks, outside lighting, and access roads. Physical security measures will be incorporated into design, including maximum feasible standoff distance from roads, parking areas, and vehicle unloading areas, and berms, heavy landscaping, and bollards to prevent access when standoff distance cannot be maintained. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: 3,678 m2 ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: NONE ________ PROJECT: Construct an addition /alteration to the existing CSMS facility and ________ the infrastructure to support this facility as stated above. Location is on a 180 acre, ILARNG training site on Camp Lincoln. (Current Mission) DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 103 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Lincoln Training Site Springfield, Illinois 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER ADD Combined Support Maintenance Shop Add/Alt 179237 9. COST ESTIMATES (CONTINUED) ______________________________ Item UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY (CONTINUED) ____________________________ SDD and EPAct05 Antiterrorism Measures LS LS QUANTITY --- Unit COST Cost ($000) --Total (219) (219) _________ 438 REQUIREMENT: The CSMS facility is required to maintain equipment and ____________ issue/turn-in for peacetime training and ensure the equipment is prepared for mobilization. The CSMS is an ARNG TDA maintenance facility which provides full-time DS and GS level support to the ILARNG . No other adequate facilities are available to support the units. The 2001 ILARNG Master Plan has evaluated and recommended that the CSMS should be rehabilitated. CURRENT SITUATION: The current facility is in poor condition, does not meet __________________ current building codes or criteria, and is 1/2 the size authorized to support the facility mission. The facilities size can not support the ILARNG’s Master Plan. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: If the project is not approved, the present _______________________ facility’s lack of adequate space will reduce maintenance efficiency, training and mobilization readiness standards will continue to decline. ADDITIONAL: This project complies with the scope and design criteria of ___________ National Guard Pamphlet 415-12 and Design Guide 415-2. The most similar DoD standards for logistics facility construction do not address all of the current criteria incorporated in the CSMS design and thus do not yield accurate cost estimates. Therefore, state historical costs for construction of like facilities were used to develop baseline unit cost and were adjusted for size, fiscal year and location. This project has been coordinated with the installation physical security plan, and all physical security measures are included. All required antiterrorism protection measures are included. Alternative methods of meeting this requirement have been explored during project development. This project is the only feasible option to meet the requirement. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. The facility will be available for use by other components. Sustainable principles, to include Life Cycle cost-effective practices, will be integrated into the design, development, and construction of the project in accordance with Executive Order 13423, 10 USC 2802(c), and other applicable laws and Executive Orders. PAGE NO. 104 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Lincoln Training Site Springfield, Illinois 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER ADD Combined Support Maintenance Shop Add/Alt 179237 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-build (2) OCT 2008 _________ 65 _________ _________ _________ JUN 2009 _________ SEP 2010 _________ Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ ($000) _________ 429 _________ 429 _________ 429 _________ _________ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ OCT 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ DEC 2010 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ OCT 2012 B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NONE CFMO Name: LTC RANDALL SCOTT Phone Number: 217 761-3592 DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 105 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK PAGE NO. 106 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION Wichita East Readiness Center INSNO= 20D50 COST INDEX Wichita, Kansas .91 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION Normal administration five days per week, with a two-day training assembly two or three times per month. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS ARNG Wichita E., KS 4.00 miles Armory 1,932 m2 (20,792 SF) 1955 ARNG Wichita W., KS 6.00 miles Armory 1,932 m2 (20,793 SF) 1955 ARNG Wichita S., KS 8.00 miles Armory 3,346 m2 (36,019 SF) 1958 USAR Wichita, KS 9.00 miles AFRC/AMSA 6,780 m2 (72,980 SF) 1998 USNR Wichita, KS 8.00 miles NMCRC 3,755 m2 (40,416 SF) 1972 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE ________ 17141 Armed Forces Reserve Center SCOPE _____ 11,327 m2 (121,921 SF) ($000) ______ 43,000 START CMPL _____ ____ OCT 2008 OCT 2010 0 (0 ) 0 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 18 OCT 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) JOINT CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE 0 _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ 21407 Field Maintenance Shop 5,366 m2 DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): (57,756 SF) 25,347 500 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 11 APR 2009 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1390s1 85 85 9 9 75 75 1 1 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 674 674 112 112 562 562 PAGE NO. 107 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Wichita East Readiness Center Wichita, Kansas 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ 287TH SUSTAINMENT BDE (-) HHB 1-161ST FA BN DET 5, 1161ST FSC DET 2, 731ST TRANS CO DET 2, 778TH TRANS CO RRC DET, REC CMD 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= 20D50 UIC ______ X4MAA P4DT0 PDEA2 PYCA2 TSPN ____ MTOE/TDA ________ 63400GNG 06455ANG01 T00R&R 55727LNG 55739LNG STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 286 286 103 103 5 5 45 45 64 64 6 _______ 6 _______ 509 509 Assigned/Authorized: 100% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED TRAILERS TRACKED EQUIPMENT > 30 FT FUEL & M977 HEMTT HEMTT PLS/HET AUTHORIZED __________ 0 0 1 42 4 29 __________ ACTUAL ______ 197 135 1 52 4 29 __________ TOTALS 76 418 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 108 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Wichita East Readiness Center Wichita, Kansas 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT Armed Forces Reserve Center 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A 7.PROJECT NUMBER 171 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 200063 43,000 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ Readiness Center Energy Management Control Syste Building Information Systems SDD and EPAct05 Antiterrorism Measures Building Information Systems SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Electric Service Water, Sewer, Gas Steam And/Or Chilled Water Dist Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Storm Drainage Site Imp( 1,708) Demo( ) Antiterrorism Measures Other m2 (SF) LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS QUANTITY 11,327 ( 121,921) -------------- UNIT COST 2,703 -------------- COST ($000) 33,258 (30,614) (560) (925) (568) (590) (1) 6,928 (590) (1,000) (51) (2,156) (275) (1,708) (650) (498) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 40,186 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 2,009 _________ SUBTOTAL 42,195 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 1,266 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 43,461 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 43,000 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP () 10.Description of Proposed Construction Directed cost adjustment of $ 3,000 based on actual construction cost de-escalation. A specially designed Armed Forces Reserve Center of permanent masonry type construction, brick and concrete block units with concrete floors, and standing seam or single membrane roof. A two-story structure with mechanical and electrical equipment. Outside supporting facilities include military and privately-owned vehicle parking, fencing, sidewalks, exterior fire protection, outside lighting, access roads, detached facility sign, wash platform and flagpole. Physical security measures will be incorporated into design including maximum feasible standoff distance from roads, parking areas, and vehicle unloading areas, berms, heavy landscaping, and bollards to prevent access when standoff distance cannot be maintained. Cost effective energy conserving features will be incorporated into design, including energy management control systems and high efficiency motors, lighting, and HVAC systems. Air conditioning: 380 tons. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: 20,533 m2 ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: 7,336 m2 ________ PROJECT: Construct a new 20,533 SM (21,020 SF) JAFRC facility and the ________ infrastructure to support this facility as stated above. Location is on a 45-acre, state-owned, KSARNG training site in Wichita, KS. (New Mission) DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 109 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Wichita East Readiness Center Wichita, Kansas 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Armed Forces Reserve Center 200063 REQUIREMENT: This facility is required to house all elements of the 287th ____________ Sustainment Brigade, Headquarters and Headquarters Battery 1st Battalion 161st Field Artillery, Detachment 5 of the 1161st Forward Support Company, Detachment 2 of the 731st Transpiration Company, Detachment 2 of the 778th Transportation Company, and Electronics Maintenance Company (-) 4th Maintenance Battalion, USMCR. The center will provide the necessary administrative, training and storage areas required to achieve proficiency in required training tasks for 670 personnel. A 45-acre plus state-owned site is available for this project. CURRENT SITUATION: The Armories currently housing the 287th Sustainment __________________ Brigade, Headquarters and Headquarters Battery 1st Battalion 161st Field Artillery, Detachment 5 of the 1161st Forward Support Company, Detachment 2 of the 731st Transpiration Company, Detachment 2 of the 778th Transportation Company, and Electronics Maintenance Company (-) 4th Maintenance Battalion are inadequate. These facilities are 47, 47 and 57 years old respectively and have been determined to be unfeasible for rehabilitation or expansion. The facilities are inadequate due to a lack of adequate parking, storage, administrative areas, bathrooms, locker rooms and training areas. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: The units’ ability to meet their readiness, _______________________ recruiting and retention, and training objectives will continue to be adversely affected if the personnel are not provided with adequate facilities. Delays in the funding of this project will force the continued use of inadequate facilities and the present facilities’ deficiencies will continue to negatively impact troop readiness and morale. The lack of proper and adequate training, storage and administrative areas will continue to impair the attainment of required mobilization readiness levels for all of the National Guard and USMCR units assigned to these armories. ADDITIONAL: This project has been coordinated with the installation physical ___________ security plan, and all physical security measures are included. All required antiterrorism protection measures are included. Alternative methods of meeting this requirement have been explored during project development. This project is the only feasible option to meet the requirement. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. The facility will be available for use by other components. Sustainable principles, to include Life Cycle cost-effective practices, will be integrated into the design, development, and construction of the project in accordance with Executive Order 13423, 10 USC 2802(c), and other applicable laws and Executive Orders. 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... _________ OCT 2008 (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... _________ 65 (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... _________ PAGE NO. 110 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Wichita East Readiness Center Wichita, Kansas 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Armed Forces Reserve Center 200063 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: (Continued) _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (Continued) (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... _________ (e) Concept Complete Date........................... _________ JUN 2009 (f) Design Complete Date............................ _________ OCT 2010 (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-bid-build (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ ($000) _________ 5,283 _________ 5,283 _________ 3,522 _________ 1,761 _________ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ OCT 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ APR 2011 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ DEC 2012 B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NA CFMO Name: COL Clifford M. Silsby Phone Number: 785 274-1130 DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 111 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION Wichita East Readiness Center INSNO= 20D50 COST INDEX Wichita, Kansas .91 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION Normal administration five days per week, with a two-day training assembly two or three times per month. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS USNR Wichita, KS 20.00 miles NMCRC 3,755 m2 (40,416 SF) 1972 USAR Wichita, KS 15.00 miles AFRC/AMSA 6,780 m2 (72,980 SF) 1981 ARNG Wichita, KS 15.00 miles Armory 3,346 m2 (36,019 SF) 1958 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE ________ 214 Field Maintenance Shop SCOPE ($000) START CMPL _____ ______ _____ ____ 5,366 m2 (57,756 SF) 24,000 OCT 2009 OCT 2010 0 (0 ) 0 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 18 OCT 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ NONE DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): 0 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 11 APR 2009 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL PAGE NO. 112 60 60 0 0 60 0 60 60 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 0 0 0 0 DD FORM MAY 78 0 0 1390s1 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Wichita East Readiness Center Wichita, Kansas 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= 20D50 UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ DET 1 HQ STARC, 69TH TROOP COMMAND 242D ENGINEER COMPANY 323RD MISSILE SUPPORT CO (CORPS) DET 2, 731ST MEDIUM TRUCK COMPANY HHS 1-161 FIELD ARTILLERY BATTALION BTRY C 1-161 FIELD ARTILLERY BATTALION CO A (-) 2-137 INFANTRY BATTALION CO C (-) 2-137 INFANTRY BATTALION CO D 2-137 INFANTRY BATTALION DET 1, HHC 2-137 INFANTRY BATTALION 226TH ENGINEER COMPANY UIC ______ W78EAA WP7UAA WPPSAA WPDEA2 WP4DT0 WP4DC1 WPWHA0 WPWHC0 TSPN ____ MTOE/TDA ________ NGW8A1AA 05424LNG03 09428LNG02 06465LNG01 06465LNG01 07245LNG01 WXFDAA STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 28 44 66 96 125 65 46 46 50 94 41 37 111 91 111 105 113 108 96 86 134 _______ 135 _______ 921 907 Assigned/Authorized: 98% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ EQUIPMENT > 30 FT FUEL & M977 HEMTT HEMTT PLS/HET AUTHORIZED __________ 24 2 8 __________ ACTUAL ______ 24 2 8 __________ TOTALS 34 34 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. PAGE NO. 113 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Wichita East Readiness Center Wichita, Kansas 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT Field Maintenance Shop 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A 7.PROJECT NUMBER 214 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 200090 24,000 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ OMS Building Flammable Materials Facility Controlled Waste Facility Unheated Metal Storage Building SDD and EPAct05 Antiterrorism Measures SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Electric Service Water, Sewer, Gas Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Storm Drainage Site Imp( 731) Demo( ) Antiterrorism Measures Other m2 m2 m2 m2 LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) QUANTITY 4,993 16.26 27.87 328.88 ( ( ( ( ---------- UNIT COST 53,741) 175) 300) 3,540) 2,185 2,066 2,067 1,765 ---------- COST ($000) 11,930 (10,909) (34) (58) (581) (218) (130) 9,816 (593) (1,531) (5,466) (153) (731) (442) (900) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 21,746 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 1,087 _________ SUBTOTAL 22,833 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 685 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 23,518 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 24,000 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP (0) 10.Description of Proposed Construction Directed cost adjustment of $1,000 based on actual construction cost de-escalation. The FMS consists of a maintenance facility with three (3) maintenance workdays, one with overhead crane, plus administrative, personnel, and work areas. Constructed of masonry block with brick veneer, concrete floors, masonry block partitions with a Raised Seam or single membrane roofing system. Supporting facilities include military and customer vehicle parking, fencing, wash platform, fuel storage and dispensing system, lube & inspection rack, load ramp, control waste handling facility, sidewalks, outside lighting, and access roads. Physical security measures will be incorporated into design including maximum feasible standoff distance from roads, parking areas, and vehicle unloading areas, berems, heavy landscaping, and bollards to prevent access when standoff distance cannot be maintained. Air conditioning: 45 tons. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: 5,366 m2 ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: NONE ________ PROJECT: A new maintenance facility to provide adequate organizational ________ maintenance support for vehicles and equipment supported by this maintenance shop. Site of project will be on state land co-located with a new Readiness Center. (Current Mission) PAGE NO. 114 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Wichita East Readiness Center Wichita, Kansas 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Field Maintenance Shop 200090 REQUIREMENT: A facility requirement is requested to permit efficient ____________ maintenance support at the organizational level to be performed on vehicles authorized to the units which will be supported by this maintenance shop. CURRENT SITUATION: The individuals that will be working in this facility __________________ currently work in an overcrowded and substandard maintenance shop. The existing shop, located in Wichita, Kansas, was built in 1958 and is extremely outdated. Since the existing facility was constructed, the missions have changed creating an increase in equipment and maintenance requirements, causing a severe lack of functional space. Renovating the existing building would not be economical due to its condition and of property for expansion. In addition, the existing facility would have to be completely altered and repaired, which would be more costly since all of the offices, the latrine, and the workdays are too small and deteriorating. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: The present facility’s deficiencies will continue to _______________________ negatively impact troop morale. The lack of proper and adequate maintenance, training, storage and administrative areas will continue to impair the attainment of the units’ required mobilization readiness levels. ADDITIONAL: This project has been coordinated with the state physical ___________ security officer and no force protection/combating terrorism measures other than those physical security measures required by regulations and design guides for protecting Federal property are required. This project complies with the scope and design criteria of National Guard Pamphlet 415-12 and Design Guide 415-2. The most similar DoD standards for logistics facility construction do not address all of the current criteria incorporated in the Army National Guard Organizational Maintenance Shop (OMS) design and thus do not yield accurate cost estimates. Therefore, state historical costs for construction of like facilities were used to develop baseline unit cost and were adjusted for size, fiscal year and location. Alternative methods of meeting this requirement have been explored during project development. This project is the only feasible option to meet the requirement. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. The facility will be available for use by other components. Sustainable principles, to include Life Cycle cost-effective practices, will be integrated into the design, development, and construction of the project in accordance with Executive Order 13423, 10 USC 2802(c), and other applicable laws and Executive Orders. 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED OCT 2008 _________ 65 _________ _________ _________ JUN 2009 _________ PAGE NO. 115 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Wichita East Readiness Center Wichita, Kansas 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Field Maintenance Shop 200090 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: (Continued) _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (Continued) (f) Design Complete Date............................ _________ OCT 2010 (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-bid-build (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ ($000) 132 _________ 2,328 _________ 2,460 _________ 1,640 _________ 820 _________ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ OCT 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ DEC 2010 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ OCT 2012 B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NONE CFMO Name: COL James Stewart Phone Number: 785 274-1130 PAGE NO. 116 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION Kentucky ARNG INSNO= KYARNG COST INDEX Kentucky .90 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION Normal administration five days per week, with a two-day training assembly two or three times per month. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS USAR Fort Thomas, KY 15.00 miles USAR Reserve 3,346 (36,019 SF) ARNG Walton, KY 13.00 miles Readiness 1,532 m2 (16,487 SF) 1977 ARNG Cincinnati, 15.00 miles Readiness 1,532 m2 (16,487 SF) USAR Cincinnati, 15.00 miles USAR Reserve 1,532 m2 (16,487 SF) ARNG Cincinnati, 15.00 miles Readiness 1,532 m2 (16,487 SF) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE ________ 17180 Readiness Center SCOPE _____ 8,249 m2 (88,793 SF) ($000) ______ 19,500 START CMPL _____ ____ OCT 2007 MAY 2009 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 17 OCT 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ NONE DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): 0 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 15 SEP 2009 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1390s1 15 12 5 2 10 9 0 1 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 402 0 34 0 368 0 PAGE NO. 117 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Kentucky ARNG Kentucky 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= KYARNG UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ HHC AVN Support Battalion Company A 1204th Aviation Support BN UIC ______ WNG1G1 WNG1G2 TSPN ________ MTOE/TDA ____ 7729 63316G100100 7729 STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 220 220 182 _______ 182 _______ 402 402 Assigned/Authorized: 100% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED TRAILERS HEMTT PLS/HET AUTHORIZED __________ 51 22 1 __________ ACTUAL ______ 51 22 1 __________ TOTALS 74 74 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 118 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Kentucky ARNG Kentucky Readiness Center 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A 7.PROJECT NUMBER 171 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 210034 19,500 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ Readiness Center Flammable Materials Facility Unheated Metal Storage Building Emergency Power Generator Pad & Controlled Waste Facility Total from Continuation page SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Electric Service Water, Sewer, Gas Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Storm Drainage Site Imp( 326) Demo( ) Information Systems Antiterrorism Measures Other m2 m2 m2 LS m2 LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) QUANTITY 7,468 ( 23.23 ( 730.31 ( -27.87 ( --------- UNIT COST 80,382) 250) 7,861) 300) 1,938 1,399 1,399 -1,399 --------- COST ($000) 16,215 (14,469) (33) (1,022) (206) (39) (446) 2,036 (295) (175) (638) (65) (326) (1) (161) (375) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 18,251 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 913 _________ SUBTOTAL 19,164 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 575 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 19,739 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 19,500 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP () 10.Description of Proposed Construction Directed cost adjustment of $0.900 based on actual construction cost de-escalation. A specially designed readiness center of permanent masonry type construction, brick and concrete block units with concrete floors, and a standing seam metal roof. A one-story structure with mechanical and electrical equipment and prewired work stations. Outside supporting facilities include military and privately-owned vehicle parking, fencing, sidewalks, exterior fire protection, outside lighting, access roads, detached facility sign, wash platform, fuel storage & dispensing system, and flagpole. Physical security measures will be incorporated into design including maximum feasible standoff distance from roads, parking areas, and vehicle unloading areas, berms, heavy landscaping, and bollards to prevent access when standoff distance cannot be maintained. Cost effective energy conserving features will be incorporated into design, including energy management control systems and high efficiency motors, lighting, and Geothermal HVAC systems (cost included in Site Preparation costs). Air conditioning: 42 tons. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: 8,221 m2 ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: NONE ________ PROJECT: A 3,500 SM (37,677 SF) Readiness center is required to adequately ________ provide the units housed in this facility with administrative, supply, DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 119 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Kentucky ARNG Kentucky 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Readiness Center 210034 9. COST ESTIMATES (CONTINUED) ______________________________ Item UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY (CONTINUED) ____________________________ EMCS Helipad SDD and EPAct05 Antiterrorism Measures Building Information Systems LS LS LS LS LS QUANTITY ------ Unit COST Cost ($000) -----Total (75) (25) (262) (83) (1) _________ 446 PROJECT: (CONTINUED) _____________________ classroom, locker, latrine, and kitchen space. (Current Mission) REQUIREMENT: The 940th Military Police Company is currently broken into a ____________ Company (-) located in Walton, KY, and a Detachment located in Lexington, KY. This unit has an authorized strength of 182 people. The demographics of Northern KY indicate a good location for an MP Company, and will support the Northern KY-Cincinnati airport. Consolidation of the unit with its detachment at this facility will alleviate space requirements created by Force Modularization. CURRENT SITUATION: The current facility occupied by Det 1 940th lacks __________________ administrative and training space. The facility also lacks proper restroom facilities to support the female soldiers. The facility occupied by the Company(-) is to be utilized by a new Signal Company created by Force Modularization. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: The units’ ability to meet its readiness, recruiting _______________________ and retention, and training objectives will continue to be adversely affected if the personnel are not provided with the proper facilities that they critically need. The lack of proper and adequate administrative, classroom, locker room, latrine, and storage areas is a training distracter. ADDITIONAL: This project has been coordinated with the installation physical ___________ security plan, and all physical security measures are included. All required antiterrorism protection measures are included. Alternative methods of meeting this requirement have been explored during project development. This project is the only feasible option to meet the requirement. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. The facility will be available for use by other components. Sustainable principles, to include Life Cycle cost-effective practices, will be integrated into the design, development, and construction of the project in accordance with Executive Order 13423, 10 USC 2802(c), and other applicable laws and Executive Orders. PAGE NO. 120 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Kentucky ARNG Kentucky 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Readiness Center 210034 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-bid-build (2) OCT 2007 _________ 100 _________ _________ _________ FEB 2008 _________ MAY 2009 _________ Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ ($000) _________ 1,612 _________ 1,612 _________ 1,075 _________ 537 _________ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ OCT 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ DEC 2010 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ DEC 2012 B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NA CFMO Name: LTC STEPHEN KING Phone Number: 502 607-1765 DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 121 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK PAGE NO. 122 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION Louisiana ARNG INSNO= LAARNG COST INDEX Louisiana .98 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS ARNG Alexandria, LA 15.00 miles miles 2,659 m2 (28,617 SF) 1985 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) START CMPL ________ _____ ______ _____ ____ 2115 Tactical Unmanned Aircraft Sy 808 m2 (8,700 SF) 5,500 SEP 2009 OCT 2010 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 14 APR 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. (Date) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE 0 _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ NONE DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): 0 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 16 JUN 2009 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1390s1 23 21 2 0 19 19 2 2 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 21 21 0 0 0 0 PAGE NO. 123 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Louisiana ARNG Louisiana 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= LAARNG UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ CO B (MI) TUAV Platoon, BSTB 256 IBCT UIC ______ WY2WB1 TSPN ____ 14256 MTOE/TDA ________ STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 0 _______ 0 _______ 0 0 Assigned/Authorized: 0% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED TRAILERS AUTHORIZED __________ 10 8 __________ ACTUAL ______ 10 8 __________ TOTALS 18 18 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 124 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Louisiana ARNG Louisiana Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System Fac 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A 7.PROJECT NUMBER 211 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 220222 5,500 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ TUAS Facility Building Automation & Control Building Information Systems Energy Management Control Syste SDD and EPAct05 Antiterrorism Measures SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Water, Sewer, Gas Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Storm Drainage Site Imp( 543) Demo( ) Antiterrorism Measures Other m2 (SF) LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS QUANTITY 808.26 ( ------------ UNIT COST 8,700) COST ($000) 2,368 ------------ 2,344 (1,914) (100) (125) (80) (65) (60) 2,695 (160) (1,746) (34) (543) (165) (47) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 5,039 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 252 _________ SUBTOTAL 5,291 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 159 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 5,450 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 5,500 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP (0) 10.Description of Proposed Construction A Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) building will be constructed of prefabricated building construction, with masonry exterior, drywall interior,concrete floors, and a metal roof located at Woodworth, Louisiana. Primary facility in the will be a 106’ x 80’ building and a flexible pavement runway, 1080’ long. Supporting facilities include military and privately-owned vehicle parking, sidewalks, and outside lighting. Physical security measures will be incorporated into design including maximum feasible standoff distance from roads, parking areas, and vehicle unloading areas, berms, heavy landscaping, and bollards to prevent access when standoff distance cannot be maintained. Cost effective, energy conserving features will be incorporated into design, including energy management control systems and high efficiency motors, lighting, and HVAC systems. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: NONE ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: NONE ________ PROJECT: This project is to provide an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Training ________ Facility, of prefabricated type construction to serve the training missions of using units. The space will permit modern, cost-effective efficient training and sustainment operations that will improve the using unit s readiness posture. The site of the project is on federal land under long-term lease from DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 125 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Louisiana ARNG Louisiana 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System Facility 220222 PROJECT: (CONTINUED) _____________________ the state. (Current Mission) REQUIREMENT: The building and 1080 runway are required to provide office, ____________ training, and storage for the unmanned aerial vehicle and personnel assigned to this unit. CURRENT SITUATION: There is no existing space at the airfield to house the __________________ UAV or assigned personnel. The regornized unit will need a runway and training space to properly train for the new mission. UAV must be operated in military airspace and Woodworth, LA is only available authorized location in Louisiana. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: The unit will lose valuable training time traveling _______________________ to and from training area and will not be able to prepare for wartime missions. ADDITIONAL: This project has been coordinated with the installation physical ___________ security plan, and all physical security measures are included. An economic analysis has been prepared and utilized in evaluating this project. This project is the most cost-effective method to satisfy the requirement. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. Mission requirements, operational considerations, and location are incompatible with use by other components. Sustainable principles, to include Life Cycle cost-effective practices, will be integrated into the design, development, and construction of the project in accordance with Executive Order 13423, 10 USC 2802(c), and other applicable laws and Executive Orders. 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-bid-build (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) (3) PAGE NO. 126 SEP 2009 _________ 35 _________ _________ _________ JUN 2009 _________ OCT 2010 _________ Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): ($000) (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... _________ (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... _________ 453 (c) Total Design Cost............................... _________ 453 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Louisiana ARNG Louisiana 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System Facility 220222 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: (Continued) _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (Continued) (d) Contract........................................ _________ 302 (e) In-house........................................ _________ 151 (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ JUL 2011 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ AUG 2011 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ FEB 2012 B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NONE CFMO Name: LTC WILLIAM ALDRIDGE Phone Number: 504-278-8293 DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 127 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK PAGE NO. 128 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION Camp Minden INSNO= 2210A COST INDEX Minden, Louisiana .96 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION Normal administration five days per week, with a two-day training assembly two or three times per month. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS ARNG Camp Minden, LA 1.00 miles Unit Training & Eq 2,831 m2 (30,468 SF) 1970 ARNG Bossier City, LA 15.00 miles Readiness Center 693 m2 (7,458 SF) 1979 ARNG Shreveport, LA 15.00 miles Readiness Center 2,816 m2 (30,316 SF) 1940 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) START CMPL ________ _____ ______ _____ ____ 17180 Armed Forces Reserve Center 7,094 m2 (76,357 SF) 28,000 SEP 2007 OCT 2010 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 14 OCT 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) JOINT CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE 0 _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ 178 Modified Record Fire Range 5,366 DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): (57,756 SF) 4,000 0 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 06 NOV 2009 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1390s1 4 4 0 0 3 3 1 1 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 274 276 9 10 265 266 PAGE NO. 129 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Minden Minden, Louisiana 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= 2210A UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ 1083RD TRANSPORTATION COMPANY UIC ______ WQJWAA TSPN ____ MTOE/TDA ________ 55739LNG01 STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 274 _______ 276 _______ 274 276 Assigned/Authorized: 100% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ TRAILERS EQUIPMENT > 30 FT HEMTT PLS/HET TOTALS AUTHORIZED __________ 105 100 96 __________ ACTUAL * ______ 105 0 96 __________ 301 201 * Not all authorized vehicles assigned permanent parking at this facility; remaining vehicles are assigned permanent parking at REMAINING VEHICLES ARE LOCATED AT UTES . _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 130 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Camp Minden Minden, Louisiana 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT Armed Forces Reserve Center 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A 7.PROJECT NUMBER 171 220114 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 28,000 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) QUANTITY UNIT COST COST ($000) PRIMARY FACILITY 20,313 ________________ Armed Forces Reserve Center m2 (SF) 6,894 ( 74,207) 2,799 (19,294) Flammable Materials Storage Fac m2 (SF) 13.94 ( 150) 2,367 (33) Controlled Waste Facility m2 (SF) 185.81 ( 2,000) 2,153 (400) Energy Management Control Syste LS --(185) SDD and EPAct05 LS --(200) Total from Continuation page (201) SUPPORTING FACILITIES 7,142 _____________________ Electric Service LS --(215) Water, Sewer, Gas LS --(1,000) Steam And/Or Chilled Water Dist LS --(175) Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters LS --(3,232) Storm Drainage LS --(543) Site Imp( 1,473) Demo( ) LS --(1,473) Information Systems LS --(1) Antiterrorism Measures LS --(149) Other LS --(354) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 27,455 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 1,373 _________ SUBTOTAL 28,828 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 865 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 29,693 State Share 1,693 TOTAL FEDERAL REQUEST 28,000 TOTAL FEDERAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 28,000 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP () 10.Description of Proposed Construction Directed cost adjustment of $2,000 based on actual construction cost de-escalation. A specially designed readiness center of permanent masonry type construction, brick and concrete block units with concrete floors, and a built-up or single membrane roof. A one-story structure with mechanical and electrical equipment and prewired work stations. Outside supporting facilities include military and privately-owned vehicle parking, fencing, sidewalks, exterior fire protection, outside lighting, access roads, detached facility sign, wash platform, fuel storage & dispensing system, and flagpole. Physical security measures will be incorporated into design including maximum feasible standoff distance from roads, parking areas, and vehicle unloading areas, berms, heavy landscaping, and bollards to prevent access when standoff distance cannot be maintained. Cost effective energy conserving features will be incorporated into design, including energy management control systems and high efficiency motors, lighting, and HVAC systems. Air conditioning: 35 tons. DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 131 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Minden Minden, Louisiana 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Armed Forces Reserve Center 220114 9. COST ESTIMATES (CONTINUED) ______________________________ Item UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY (CONTINUED) ____________________________ Antiterrorism Measures Building Information Systems LS LS QUANTITY --- Unit COST Cost ($000) --Total (200) (1) _________ 201 ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: 7,094 m2 ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: NONE ________ PROJECT: This project is to provide a 274-person readiness center of ________ permanent type construction to serve the peace time missions of the assigned unit. The space will permit all personnel to perform the necessary tasks that will improve the unit s readiness posture. The site of the project is on state land. (Current Mission) REQUIREMENT: The requirement is to build more than 3,600 SM (396,000 SF) of ____________ readiness center primary and supporting space required to adequately provide the units housed in this facility with administrative, supply, classroom, locker, latrine, and kitchen space. Collectively within the readiness center these areas will support the HET unit in IDT and annual training. CURRENT SITUATION: The individuals, assigned to this facility drill in an __________________ overcrowded and substandard leased facility. Unit lacks dining facility space, latrines, classroom, secure storage and numerous other critical training areas like an assembly hall for formations/drills and indoor training sessions. Training is less than adequate because facilities or building space is non-existent. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: The units’ ability to meet its readiness, recruiting _______________________ and retention, and training objectives will continue to be adversely affected if the personnel are not provided with the proper facilities that they critically need. Retention of qualified/trained and dedicated soldiers will decrease because of inadequate facilities which reflect less than desirable quality of life standards. ADDITIONAL: The most similar DoD standards do not address all of the current ___________ criteria incorporated in the (project type) design and thus do not yield accurate cost estimates. Therefore, state historical costs for construction of like facilities were used to develop baseline unit cost and were adjusted for size, fiscal year and location. The reasons for joint use recommendation are Demographic limitations indicate that area could not support the recruiting and retention requirements of more than one Reserve Component. This project has been coordinated with the installation physical security plan, and all physical security measures are included. All required antiterrorism protection measures are included. Alternative methods of meeting this requirement have been explored during project development. PAGE NO. 132 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Minden Minden, Louisiana 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Armed Forces Reserve Center 220114 ADDITIONAL: (CONTINUED) __________________________ This project is the only feasible option to meet the requirement. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. The facility will be available for use by other components. Sustainable principles, to include Life Cycle cost-effective practices, will be integrated into the design, development, and construction of the project in accordance with Executive Order 13423, 10 USC 2802(c), and other applicable laws and Executive Orders. 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-bid-build (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) DD SEP 2007 _________ 35 _________ _________ _________ JUN 2009 _________ OCT 2010 _________ Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ OCT 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ FEB 2011 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ DEC 2011 FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED ($000) 85 _________ 2,371 _________ 2,456 _________ 1,637 _________ 819 _________ PAGE NO. 133 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Minden Minden, Louisiana 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Armed Forces Reserve Center 220114 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: (CONTINUED) _______________________ B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NA CFMO Name: LTC Douglas Mouton Phone Number: 504 278-8253 PAGE NO. 134 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1. COMPONENT FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 10 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION COST INDEX .00 INSNO= 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS ARNG Fifth Regiment, MD 7.00 miles Miles 2,816 (30,316 SF) ARNG Parkville, MD 7.00 miles Miles 2,816 (30,316 SF) ARNG Cade, MD 9.00 miles Miles 2,816 (30,316 SF) ARNG Gunpowder, MD 10.00 miles Miles 2,816 (30,316 SF) ARNG Towson, MD 10.00 miles Miles 2,816 (30,316 SF) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) START CMPL ________ _____ ______ _____ ____ 21115 Tactical Unmanned Aircraft Sy 921 m2 (9,916 SF) 5,500 JUL 2009 AUG 2010 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 28 DEC 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE 0 _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ NONE DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): 0 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 08 DEC 2009 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1390s1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 22 22 2 22 20 20 PAGE NO. 135 1. COMPONENT FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 10 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ DET 1 CO A 278TH MI CO (HBCT/IBCT) UIC ______ WX4XA1 TSPN ____ 18278 MTOE/TDA ________ STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 22 _______ 22 _______ 22 22 Assigned/Authorized: 100% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED TRAILERS AUTHORIZED __________ 5 2 __________ ACTUAL ______ 5 2 __________ TOTALS 7 7 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 136 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Maryland ARNG Maryland Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System Fac 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A 7.PROJECT NUMBER 211 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 240186 5,500 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ TUAS Facility Building Information Systems Energy Management Control Syste SDD and EPAct05 Antiterrorism Measures m2 (SF) LS LS LS LS SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Electric Service Water, Sewer, Gas Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Site Imp( 391) Demo( ) Antiterrorism Measures Other LS LS LS LS LS LS QUANTITY 921.23 ( ----- ------- UNIT COST 9,916) COST ($000) 3,736 ----- ------- 3,730 (3,442) (79) (69) (69) (71) 1,170 (75) (75) (380) (391) (141) (108) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 4,900 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 245 _________ SUBTOTAL 5,145 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 154 DESIGN/BUILD - DESIGN COST 206 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 5,505 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 5,500 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP (0) 10.Description of Proposed Construction A specially designed UAV facility of permanent type construction, with sloped standing metal seam roof, masonry walls, concrete slab on grade floors and energy efficient mechanical and electrical equipment with emergency power generator backup. Supporting facilities will include military vehicle parking, asphalt runway, access roads, POV parking, security fencing and motor pool lighting, flammable materials storage building, controlled waste handling facility, and sidewalks. Extension of gas, electric, sewer, water and communication utilities to the building site will be necessary. Physical security measures will be incorporated into design including maximum feasible standoff distance from roads, parking areas, and vehicle unloading areas, berms, heavy landscaping, and bollards to prevent access when standoff distance cannot be maintained. Cost effective energy conserving features will be incorporated into design. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: NONE ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: NONE ________ PROJECT: This project is to provide an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Training ________ Facility, of concrete masonry type construction to serve the training missions of the using unit. The space will permit modern, cost-effective, energy efficent training and sustainment operations that will improve the using units DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 137 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Maryland ARNG Maryland 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System Facility 240186 PROJECT: (CONTINUED) _____________________ readiness posture. (New Mission) REQUIREMENT: This facility shall support all administrative and training ____________ functions for the UAS unit with adequate classrooms and administrative spaces which supports all manner of training and operations for homeland security, antiterrorism and force protection. CURRENT SITUATION: The TUAS platoon currently houses their equipment and __________________ trains out of space that is leased, and is of temporary construction. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: Unit will be required to continue to work out of a _______________________ temporary facility. This will affect the ability of the unit to train and meet readiness requirements and effect the unit’s moral. ADDITIONAL: Alternative methods of meeting this requirement have been ___________ explored during project development. This project is the only feasible option to meet the requirement. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. Mission requirements, operational considerations, and location are incompatible with use by other components. 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-build (2) JAN 2009 _________ 35 _________ _________ _________ JUN 2009 _________ AUG 2010 _________ Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ OCT 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ JUN 2011 PAGE NO. 138 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD ($000) _________ 166 _________ 166 _________ _________ 166 _________ FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Maryland ARNG Maryland 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System Facility 240186 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: (Continued) _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (Continued) (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ JUN 2012 B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NONE CFMO Name: LTC ROBERT McCABE Phone Number: 410-576-6067 DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 139 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK PAGE NO. 140 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION Hanscom Readiness Center INSNO= 25A20 COST INDEX Bedford, Massachusetts 1.13 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS USAF HANSCOM, MA .00 miles 2,816 (30,316 SF) ARNG LEXINGTON, MA 4.00 miles MILES 2,816 (30,316 SF) ARNG BEDFORD, MA 5.00 miles MILES 2,816 (30,316 SF) ARNG CONCORD, MA 8.00 miles MILES 2,816 (30,316 SF) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) START CMPL ________ _____ ______ _____ ____ 17142 JFHQ Addition 7,406 m2 (79,720 SF) 23,000 SEP 2009 AUG 2010 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 01 DEC 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ NONE DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): 400 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 08 OCT 2009 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1390s1 350 350 83 83 167 167 100 100 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 392 396 176 170 216 216 PAGE NO. 141 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Hanscom Readiness Center Bedford, Massachusetts 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= 25A20 UIC ______ TSPN ____ MTOE/TDA ________ STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 0 _______ 0 _______ 0 0 Assigned/Authorized: 0% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED ACTUAL ______ 54 __________ TOTALS 54 54 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 142 AUTHORIZED __________ 54 __________ PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Hanscom Readiness Center Bedford, Massachusetts 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT JFHQ Addition 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A 7.PROJECT NUMBER 171 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 250136 23,000 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ Readiness Center Addition IT/Telecommuications Energy Management Control Syste Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection SDD_EPAct05 m2 (SF) LS LS LS LS SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Electric Service Water, Sewer, Gas Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Site Imp( 1,784) Demo( ) Antiterrorism Measures Other LS LS LS LS LS LS QUANTITY 7,406 ( ----- ------- UNIT COST 79,720) 2,170 ----- COST ($000) 17,834 (16,073) (750) (337) (337) (337) ------- 3,165 (50) (100) (339) (1,784) (357) (535) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 20,999 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 1,050 _________ SUBTOTAL 22,049 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 661 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 22,710 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 23,000 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP (0) 10.Description of Proposed Construction A specially designed addition to the Joint Forces Headquarters. The addition will be of permanent masonry type construction, with standing seam roof, concrete floors and mechanical and electrical equipment with emergency power generator backup. Administrative positions for the USPFO will be located at this site with the warehouse located at an existing site in Ayer, MA. Supporting facilities will include military vehicle parking, access roads, POV parking, security fencing, dark motor pool lighting, flammable materials storage, controlled waste handling facility, and sidewalks. Extension of gas, electric, sewer, water and communication utilities will be necessary. Actual foundation design will be determined during design. Physical security measures will be incorporated into design including maximum feasible standoff distance from roads, parking areas, and vehicle unloading areas, berms, heavy landscaping, and bollards to prevent access when standoff distance cannot be maintained. Cost effective energy conserving features will be incorporated into design and standard HVAC/MEP systems commissioning will be included. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: NONE ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: NONE ________ PROJECT: This project is to construct a Joint Force Headquarters of permanent ________ type construction to serve the Federal and State mission of the MA National DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 143 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Hanscom Readiness Center Bedford, Massachusetts 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER JFHQ Addition 250136 PROJECT: (CONTINUED) _____________________ Guard. The functional space will permit all personnel to perform the necessary tasks that will improve and sustain the MA National Guard’s readiness posture. The proposed project site is on federal land owned by the Air Force, permitted to the Army and licensed to the MA National Guard. (Current Mission) REQUIREMENT: The addition to the Joint Force Headquarters is required to ____________ house all elements of the MA Joint Force Headquarters, USPFO, and Recruiting and Retention Command. The facility will support all necessary administrative, training, and storage areas required to achieve and sustain proficiency in required tasks of the TDA and full time force. A licensed site is available for this project. CURRENT SITUATION: The JFHQ and Recruiting and Retention Command are __________________ currently sharing a renovated computer manufacturing building. This facility, not being designed to support a JFHQ is not situated to support the needs of the JFHQ without extensive renovations. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: The units’ ability to meet its readiness, recruiting _______________________ and retention, and training objectives will be adversely affected if the personnel are not provided with an adequate and functional facility. Delays in the funding of this project will force the use of funds to renovate existing space in existing facilities. Deficiencies in required functional space will negatively impact troop readiness and morale due to commands being disbursed amongst buildings while other directorates will be operating in cramped inefficient space. ADDITIONAL: This project has been coordinated with the installation physical ___________ security plan, and all physical security measures are included. All required antiterrorism protection measures are included. Alternative methods of meeting this requirement have been explored during project development. This project is the only feasible option to meet the requirement. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. The facility is Joint with the Air National Guard and will be available for use by other components. Sustainable principles will be integrated into the design, development, and construction of the project in accordance with Executive Order 13423 and other applicable laws and Executive Orders. 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-bid-build PAGE NO. 144 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FEB 2009 _________ 15 _________ _________ _________ JUN 2009 _________ AUG 2010 _________ FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Hanscom Readiness Center Bedford, Massachusetts 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER JFHQ Addition 250136 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: (Continued) _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (Continued) (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ ($000) _________ 1,890 _________ 1,890 _________ 1,260 _________ 630 _________ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ OCT 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ DEC 2010 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ OCT 2012 B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NONE CFMO Name: Phone Number: DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 145 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK PAGE NO. 146 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION Camp Grayling Maneuver Training Cent INSNO= 26B15 COST INDEX Grayling, Michigan 1.11 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION Normal training operations twenty-four weekends per year and for annual training up to fifteen weeks a year. It will also be used for one full week when training mobilizing units. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS ARNG GRAYLING, MI 5.00 miles Miles 2,816 (30,316 SF) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) START CMPL ________ _____ ______ _____ ____ 17901 Combined Arms CollectiveTrain 7 ST (7 ST) 19,000 OCT 2008 JUL 2010 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 16 FEB 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE 0 _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ 178 178 721 178 721 178 Urban Assault Course Live Fire Shoot House ORTC Barracks Infantry Squad Battle Course ORTC Barracks Light Demolition Range 5,366 5,366 5,366 5,366 5,366 5,366 DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): (57,756 (57,756 (57,756 (57,756 (57,756 (57,756 SF) SF) SF) SF) SF) SF) 2,600 3,000 19,000 3,000 17,000 2,000 500 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 07 FEB 2009 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1390s1 67 67 21 21 46 46 0 0 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 8,990 8,599 873 873 8,117 7,726 PAGE NO. 147 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Grayling Maneuver Training Cent Grayling, Michigan 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ ALL MICHIGAN ARMY NATIONAL GUARD UNITS 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= 26B15 UIC ______ WQAAA TSPN ________ MTOE/TDA ____ 33579 19677LNG13 STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 8,990 _______ 8,599 _______ 8,990 8,599 Assigned/Authorized: 95% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ ACTUAL ______ 0 __________ TOTALS 0 0 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 148 AUTHORIZED __________ 0 __________ PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Camp Grayling Maneuver Training CenterGrayling, Michigan 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A Combined Arms Collective Training Fac 7.PROJECT NUMBER 179 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 260207 19,000 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ MAC/UAC-Valut & Fight MAC/UAC-Clearing Techniques Bui MAC/UAC-Grenadier Gunnery MAC/UAC-Destiny Doorway MAC/UAC-Dodge City Total from Continuation page SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Electric Service Water, Sewer, Gas Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Storm Drainage Site Imp( 752) Demo( ) Other QUANTITY UNIT COST LS LS LS LS LS ------ ------ LS LS LS LS LS LS ------- ------- COST ($000) 15,686 (45) (90) (25) (50) (75) (15,401) 1,883 (105) (30) (511) (85) (752) (400) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 17,569 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 878 _________ SUBTOTAL 18,447 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 553 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 19,000 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 19,000 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP () 10.Description of Proposed Construction Directed cost adjustment of $1,200 based on actual construction cost de-escalation. Construct a permanent, standard design MOUT site consisting of a Military Operations Urban Terrain Assault Course/Urban Assault Course (MAC/UAC), and a Collective Training Facility (CTF). The MAC/UAC, is used for individual, team/squad, and platoon training, comprise of seven MAC/UAC stations. Five stations will be live fire and shall border an impact area and be separated by earth berms. The urban defense building and sewer trainer will be part of the MAC but will not be live fire. The live fire stations and number of M31A1 target mechanisms are: vault and fight (3 targets), clearing techniques building (3 targets), grenadier gunnery (3 targets), destiny doorway (2 targets), and dodge city (6 targets). The CTF will utilize force-on-force MILES engagement system and will consist of approximately 33 MOUT training buildings (all will be intact, except over 10 rubbleized to varying degrees), crushed aggregate roads, an access road, parking area, underground sewer network, and other supporting features required to replicate an urban setting. CTF structures will be of reinforced concrete masonry unit construction and one to three stories high. Structures will have stairways, loop holes, mouse holes, and will be designed and constructed to accommodate attachment of rappelling ropes. Partial basements will be included in two buildings (one rubble and one intact.) Electricity DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 149 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Grayling Maneuver Training Cent Grayling, Michigan 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Combined Arms Collective Training Facility 260207 9. COST ESTIMATES (CONTINUED) ______________________________ Item UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY (CONTINUED) ____________________________ MAC/UAC-Defense Tasks Trainer MAC/UAC-Sewer Trainer CTF Buildings-3 Story (Hotel, A CTF Buildings-2 Story (School, CTF Buildings-1 Story (Warehous Control Tower Underground Trainer Bridge Site/Gap Concrete Bridge SDD and EPAct05 LS LS m2 m2 m2 m2 LS LS LS LS (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) Unit COST QUANTITY 4,537 7,682 2,238 46.45 --( ( ( ( ----- 48,832) 82,688) 24,086) 500) Cost ($000) -(75) -(75) 1,076 (4,883) 968.75 (7,442) 1,023 (2,288) 1,884 (88) -(125) -(125) -(100) -(200) _________ Total 15,401 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION: (CONTINUED) __________________________________________________ will be intact in the street lights and in the warehouse and wireless video and targetry control systems will be incorporated into the targetry and video feedback systems. The protected target mechanisms will be actuated from observer stations. The MAC structures will be of wood construction. Insulation for the MAC is not required since none of the structures require heating or air conditioning. The complex is not sited on a flood plain. This project will be designed in accordance with Huntsville Design Guide HNDM-1110-1-7. The MOUT site will be located on Camp Grayling Maneuver Training Center, utilizing pre-existing force protection measures. Additional force protection measures will be incorporated in the design as appropriate, to include elevated berms and vehicle bollards. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: NONE ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: NONE ________ PROJECT: This project will provide the necessary facilities for military ________ police and infantry to receive proficiency training in MOUT tactics and to certify for mobilization. (New Mission) REQUIREMENT: This project is required to provide facilities for training ____________ units of the Michigan Army and Air National Guard in tactics and techniques required for MOUT operations under simulated combat conditions. As more of the world becomes urban in nature, the need for members and units of the United States military to become proficient in military operations in urban areas becomes critical. A facility of this type is necessary for both individual and small unit training, since MOUT operations are characterized by semi-independent actions by small units to accomplish the methodical clearance of assigned zones. CURRENT SITUATION: At present, there are not any existing facilities in the __________________ Michigan National Guard for troops to acquire and maintain the proficiency PAGE NO. 150 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Grayling Maneuver Training Cent Grayling, Michigan 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Combined Arms Collective Training Facility 260207 CURRENT SITUATION: (CONTINUED) ________________________________ required in MOUT operations. Michigan has recently added two military police units to its force structure, one of which was an artillery battalion converted to Military Police, the other unit an MP Command. With the additional MP units in the state’s force structure their is a greater need for exposure to MOUT training, and these units and others, are in dire need of this type of facility. With the growing threat of urbanized combat this MOUT site will be a critical training tool and will allow for a more controlled and realistic environment to train our soldiers for urban warfare. The closest type of MOUT training site like this is over 180 miles away at Fort Custer Training Center. An original MAC design was already prepared for Fort Custer Training, however the design and this proposal would require site adaptation of the existing design. This proposed site would be within 2 hours driving time of a majority of the units in the Michigan Army National Guard. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: The unit’s ability to meet its readiness, combat _______________________ preparedness and training objectives will continue to be adversely affected if the personnel are not provided with the proper facilities that they critically need. ADDITIONAL: This project complies with the scope and design criteria of ___________ National Guard Pamphlet 415-12 dated 30 April 2007, Design Guide 415-4, and HNDM 1110-1-7. The most similar DoD standards for range design, costing, and construction do not address the current methodology incorporated in the Army National Guard range designs and thus do not yield accurate cost estimates. Therefore, State historical costs for design and construction of like facilities were used to develop baseline unit cost and were adjusted for size, fiscal year and location. This project has been coordinated with the installation physical security plan, and all physical security measures are included. All required antiterrorism protection measures are included. Alternative methods of meeting this requirement have been explored during project development. This project is the only feasible option to meet the requirement. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. The facility will be available for use by other components. Sustainable principles, to include Life Cycle cost-effective practices, will be integrated into the design, development, and construction of the project in accordance with Executive Order 13423, 10 USC 2802(c), and other applicable laws and Executive Orders. 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED OCT 2008 _________ 35 _________ _________ _________ PAGE NO. 151 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Grayling Maneuver Training Cent Grayling, Michigan 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Combined Arms Collective Training Facility 260207 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: (Continued) _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (Continued) (e) Concept Complete Date........................... _________ JUN 2009 (f) Design Complete Date............................ _________ OCT 2010 (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-bid-build (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ ($000) _________ 3,328 _________ 3,328 _________ 1,252 _________ 2,076 _________ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ OCT 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ FEB 2011 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ MAR 2012 B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NA CFMO Name: COL DWIGHT MICKELSEN Phone Number: 517 481-7560 PAGE NO. 152 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION Arden Hills Army Training Site INSNO= 27670 COST INDEX Arden Hills, Minnesota 1.09 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION Normal administration five days per week, with a two-day training assembly two or three times per month. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS ARNG Anoka, MN 10.00 miles Readiness Center 1,391 m2 (14,972 SF) 1954 ARNG Brooklyn Park, MN 25.00 miles Readiness Center 2,316 m2 (24,925 SF) 1986 ARNG Roseville, MN 10.00 miles Readiness Center 3,718 m2 (40,017 SF) 1935 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) START CMPL ________ _____ ______ _____ ____ 21407 Field Maintenance Shop 11,025 m2 (118,677 SF) 29,000 OCT 2008 OCT 2010 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 11 OCT 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ 178 178 178 171 178 171 Infantry Squad Battle Course Multi-Purpose Machine Gun Range Scout Recon Range Readiness Center Infantry Platoon Battle Course Readiness Center 5,366 5,366 5,366 5,366 5,366 5,366 DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): (57,756 (57,756 (57,756 (57,756 (57,756 (57,756 SF) SF) SF) SF) SF) SF) 3,800 8,000 18,000 17,020 3,800 14,136 545 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 01 OCT 2009 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1390s1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 2,563 2,905 410 383 2,153 2,522 PAGE NO. 153 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Arden Hills Army Training Site Arden Hills, Minnesota 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= 27670 UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ 834TH DASB 147TH FIN BN JOINT FORCES HEADQUARTERS (JFHQ)(-) HHC 1ST BDE, 34TH ID 798TH TRANS DET MVNT CONTROL 135 PAD DET 1 147TH PSB 347TH PSC BATTERY F, 1/151ST FA 2/147TH AVN BN HHC AVN BDE UIC ______ WPJPAA WTGYAA W8AEA5 WPUFAA WVMUAA WQE5A1 WPULAA WQQJAA WPD6AA WUAUAA WTSZAA TSPN ____ 3034 31137 56751 3034 35522 34500 31206 31137 3034 3034 3034 MTOE/TDA ________ 63315ANG07 14426LNG02 NGW78MAA 87042LNG02 55506LNG01 45413LNG08 12426LNG02 12427LNG01 06457ANG01 01305ANG01 01302ANG01 1256 MED CO (AA) E-TAB 1/151ST FA 134TH FSB, 34TH ID 1/216TH ADA BN (-) 247TH FIN DET HHB (DET 1) 1/125TH FA HHB 34TH DIVARTY CO A (DET 2) 2/136TH IN BN TROOP G, 113 CAV WP17Y1 WCV2AA WQC598 WPL2AA WQUJ90 WPU1T1 WPUJAA WPUZA WPT2A 30828 3034 31137 3034 32002 3034 3034 3034 31137 08441LNG03 06303LNG04 63005LNG02 44423ANG02 14423LNG01 06302LNG02 06302LNG02 07245LNG10 1708FNG02 STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 214 60 343 82 7 11 28 47 97 247 100 304 62 384 105 7 7 36 55 101 290 116 34 49 76 86 416 601 433 343 21 19 98 74 152 132 50 87 47 _______ 48 _______ 2,563 2,906 Assigned/Authorized: 113% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED TRAILERS TRACKED EQUIPMENT > 30 FT FUEL & M977 HEMTT HEMTT PLS/HET AUTHORIZED __________ 704 469 73 113 71 35 __________ ACTUAL ______ 704 469 73 113 71 35 __________ TOTALS 1,465 1,465 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 154 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Arden Hills Army Training Site Arden Hills, Minnesota 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT Field Maintenance Shop 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A 7.PROJECT NUMBER 214 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 270202 29,000 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ Field Maintenance Shop Flammable Materials Facility Controlled Waste Facility Unheated Metal Storage Building Energy Management Control Syste Total from Continuation page SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Electric Service Water, Sewer, Gas Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Storm Drainage Site Imp( 1,838) Demo( ) Antiterrorism Measures Other m2 m2 m2 m2 LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) QUANTITY 10,268 23.23 46.45 687.48 UNIT COST ( 110,527) ( 250) ( 500) ( 7,400) -- 1,844 1,272 1,375 1,272 -- -------- -------- COST ($000) 20,666 (18,934) (30) (64) (875) (256) (507) 6,328 (35) (37) (4,014) (40) (1,838) (269) (95) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 26,994 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 1,350 _________ SUBTOTAL 28,344 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 850 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 29,194 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 29,000 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP (0) 10.Description of Proposed Construction Directed cost adjustment of $3,000 based on actual construction cost de-escalation. Consists of a specially designed maintenance facility with 20 (32’x64’) maintenance work bays, electronics work bay, Fire finder Radar Facility (5-bay), warm-up bays, wash and steam bays, administrative, personnel, and work areas. Constructed of masonry block with brick veneer, concrete floors, masonry block partitions with a built-up or single membrance roofing system. Supporting facilities include military and POV/customer parking, fencing, load ramp, flammable materials storage (FMS), controlled waste handling facility (CWHF), unheated storage building, sidewalks, and curbing, outside lighting, access roads and utilities. Anti-terrorism/force protection (AT/FP) and physical security measures will be incorporated into design including maximum feasible standoff distance from roads, parking areas, and vehicle unloading areas, berms, heavy landscaping, and bollards to prevent access when standoff distance cannot be maintained. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: 11,026 m2 ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: 2,017 m2 ________ PROJECT: A new maintenance facility to provide adequate organizational ________ maintenance support for vehicles and equipment supported by this maintenance shop. Site of project will be on Federal land. (Current Mission) DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 155 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Arden Hills Army Training Site Arden Hills, Minnesota 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Field Maintenance Shop 270202 9. COST ESTIMATES (CONTINUED) ______________________________ Item UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY (CONTINUED) ____________________________ SDD and EPAct05 Antiterrorism Measures LS LS QUANTITY --- Unit COST Cost ($000) --Total (404) (103) _________ 507 REQUIREMENT: A facility requirement for (118,677 SF) is requested to permit ____________ efficient maintenance support at the organizational level to be performed on vehicles authorized to the units which will be supported by this maintenance shop. CURRENT SITUATION: The existing facilities are overcrowded and substandard __________________ (19 - 20x36 work bays that have no lift capability) for a modern vehicle maintenance shop and have very little or no quality of life features, i.e latrine/shower/locker room, physical fitness, laundry, or break/assembly areas. The existing shop was constructed in 1974 and is extremely outdated. Since the facility was constructed, the supported units have changed, their equipment has changed (wheels to tracked vehicles), the maintenance requirements subsequently changed, which in turn creates a severe shortage in many functional spaces. Note: Constructing an addition, altering or renovating the existing buildings would not be economical due to their site restrictions and the overall age/condition of the facilities. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: The present facility’s deficiencies will continue to _______________________ negatively impact troop morale and the lack of proper and adequate maintenance, training, storage and administrative areas will continue to impair the attainment of the units’ required mobilization readiness levels. Also, the outdoor vehicle wash rack does not meet Metropolitan Council for Environmental Services (MCES) Rules Article IV or 40 CFR Part 403.5 pretreatment standards. Facility oil-water separators do not meet MCES pretreatment standards. Parking facility for approximately 1,500 vehicles does not provide proper spill containment. ADDITIONAL: This project has been coordinated with the installation physical ___________ security plan, and all physical security measures are included. All required antiterrorism protection measures are included. Alternative methods of meeting this requirement have been explored during project development. This project is the only feasible option to meet the requirement. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. The facility will be available for use by other components. Sustainable principles, to include Life Cycle cost-effective practices, will be integrated into the design, development, and construction of the project in accordance with Executive Order 13423, 10 USC 2802(c), and other applicable laws and Executive Orders. PAGE NO. 156 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Arden Hills Army Training Site Arden Hills, Minnesota 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Field Maintenance Shop 270202 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-bid-build (2) OCT 2008 _________ 65 _________ _________ _________ JUN 2009 _________ OCT 2010 _________ Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ ($000) _________ 2,706 _________ 2,706 _________ 2,706 _________ _________ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ OCT 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ JAN 2011 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ JAN 2013 B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NONE CFMO Name: COL BRUCE JENSEN Phone Number: 320 616-2602 DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 157 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK PAGE NO. 158 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION Camp Ripley INSNO= 27B40 COST INDEX Little Falls, Minnesota 1.09 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION To be used 48 of 52 weekends annually for inactive duty training and 42 weeks per year for units conducting annual training. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS Brainerd, MN 23.00 miles 100-Person Armory 3,457 m2 (37,211 SF) 1988 Long Prairie, MN 33.00 miles 100-Person Armory 1,467 m2 (15,790 SF) 1920 St. Cloud, MN 37.00 miles 300-Person Armory 2,457 m2 (26,447 SF) 1960 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) START CMPL ________ _____ ______ _____ ____ 17894 Infantry Squad Battle Course 5 (5 ) 4,300 AUG 2006 JUN 2007 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 01 OCT 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE 0 _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ NONE DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): 0 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 01 JUL 2009 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1390s1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 150 162 23 18 127 144 PAGE NO. 159 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Ripley Little Falls, Minnesota 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ ACT CAMP RIPLEY TNG S 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= 27B40 UIC ______ W7Q8AA TSPN ____ MTOE/TDA ________ STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 0 0 0 0 150 150 0 0 0 0 0 _______ 0 _______ 150 150 66755 Assigned/Authorized: 100% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED TRAILERS TRACKED AUTHORIZED __________ 85 23 2 __________ ACTUAL ______ 1 23 0 __________ TOTALS 110 24 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 160 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Camp Ripley Little Falls, Minnesota 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT Infantry Squad Battle Course 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A 7.PROJECT NUMBER 178 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 270096 4,300 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ Moving Armor Target Emplacement Moving Infantry Target Emplacem Stationary Armor Target Emplace Stationary Infantry Target Empl Machine Gun Bunker Total from Continuation page SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Storm Drainage Site Imp( 1,749) Demo( ) EA EA EA EA EA LS LS QUANTITY 1 6 6 20 5 UNIT COST ------ 109,000 11,000 6,300 2,100 15,000 --- --- COST ($000) 2,230 (109) (66) (38) (42) (75) (1,900) 1,764 (15) (1,749) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 3,994 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 200 _________ SUBTOTAL 4,194 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 126 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 4,320 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 4,300 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP (1,002) 10.Description of Proposed Construction Construct an Infantry Squad Battle Course (ISBC) that incorporates a Convoy Live Fire Lane (CLFL). The ISBC consists of five wartime objectives: troops in the open, machine gun emplacements, observation stations, trenches, and mortar emplacements. The CLFL consists of five miles of roadway with various obstacles, bridges, overpasses, snipers, etc. that convoys encounter in a hostile environment. The CLFL will include a Control point on the east side, and two ambush points along the roadway. Supporting facilities will include the range operations center, latrines, a target storage building, after action review building, and the associated electrical/data cabling. This range is intended to provide live fire training using personal and squad weapons up to 50 caliber, M2 machine guns. Targetry will be funded by Other Procurement, Army (OPA). Air Conditioning: 3 tons. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: NONE ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: NONE ________ PROJECT: A 5-station Infantry Squad Battle Course (ISBC) for the soldiers and ________ units training on the tasks associated with the basic dismounted infantry tactics of offense, defense and retrograde operations. (Current Mission) (Current Mission) DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 161 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Ripley Little Falls, Minnesota 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Infantry Squad Battle Course 270096 9. COST ESTIMATES (CONTINUED) ______________________________ Item UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY (CONTINUED) ____________________________ Trench Downrange Power Center Emplacem Downrange Electrical Cabling Downrange Data Cabling Range Operations Building Operations Storage Building Bleacher Enclosure Ammunition Breakdown Building Latrine (added to the ROC) RF Taget &Battery Maintenance Bleacher Enclosure Range Flag SDD and EPAct05 m EA m m m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 EA LS (LF) (LF) (LF) (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) Unit COST QUANTITY 152.40 4 3,658 9,144 74.32 74.32 49.80 22.30 33.82 77.67 55.74 1 ( -( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( --- 500) 12,000) 30,000) 800) 800) 536) 240) 364) 836) 600) Cost ($000) 1,690 (258) 30,600 (122) 65.62 (240) 45.93 (420) 2,809 (209) 1,744 (130) 1,241 (62) 2,744 (61) 2,798 (95) 2,745 (213) 1,195 (67) 2,500 (3) -(20) _________ Total 1,900 REQUIREMENT: This project is required to comply with the Training and ____________ Doctrine Command approved urban operations training strategy. The tasks conducted on this range are critical to the survival and success of soldiers in today s contemporary operating environment. The ISBC is a range where dismounted infantry soldiers/squads can conduct training exercises in offense, defense and retrograde that incorporate the critical training maneuvers of ambush, movement to contact, attack, raid, retrograde, defend, and reconnaissance/security. The soldiers, squads, and platoons will train to standard on the tasks necessary to make them successfull on the contempory (Urban) battle field. CURRENT SITUATION: Currently Camp Ripley does not have a standard Infantry __________________ Squad Battle Course (ISBC). The existing range design and targetry are inadequate to effectively train urban battle course skills. Completion of this project will provide the training site with the ability to schedule additional training units while meeting the readiness training requirements of it’s current habitual training units. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: The soldiers and units scheduled for deploy will _______________________ have to spend additional time at the mobilization stations in order to receive adequate training on the tasks necessary to successfully operate in a contempory (Urban) combat environment. Currently soldiers can only get this training at a very few sites throughout the country. The units that have established a habitual training relationship with Camp Ripley will continue to train on substandard facilities that don’t meet current doctrinal standards. This will negatively impact their ability to accomplishment all of their Readiness Training objectives. PAGE NO. 162 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Ripley Little Falls, Minnesota 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Infantry Squad Battle Course 270096 ADDITIONAL: This project complies with the scope and design criteria of ___________ National Guard Pamphlet (Draft) 415-12 dated July 2003, Design Guide 415-4, dated 15 April 1994, and CEHND 1110-1-19. The most similar DoD standards for range design, costing, and construction do not address the current methodology incorporated in the Army National Guard range designs and thus do not yield accurate cost estimates. Therefore, State historical costs for design and construction of like facilities were used to develop baseline unit cost and were adjusted for size, fiscal year and location This project has been coordinated with the installation physical security plan, and all physical security measures are included. All required antiterrorism protection measures are included. Alternative methods of meeting this requirement have been explored during project development. This project is the only feasible option to meet the requirement. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. The facility will be available for use by other components. Sustainable principles, to include Life Cycle cost-effective practices, will be integrated into the design, development, and construction of the project in accordance with Executive Order 13423, 10 USC 2802(c), and other applicable laws and Executive Orders. 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-bid-build (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) DD AUG 2006 _________ 65 _________ _________ _________ NOV 2006 _________ JUN 2007 _________ Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ OCT 2010 FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED ($000) _________ 342 _________ 342 _________ 342 _________ _________ PAGE NO. 163 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Ripley Little Falls, Minnesota 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Infantry Squad Battle Course 270096 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: (Continued) _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (Continued) (5) Construction Start................................... _________ NOV 2010 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ JUL 2011 B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ Stationary Infantry Targets Range Control Station Precision/Human Urban Targets Automation Systems/Cameras Moving Infantry Target Systems Stationary Armor Target Systems ROC and AAR Furniture OPA OPA OPA OPA OPA OPA OPA 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 TOTAL 40 70 20 742 60 20 50 ______ 1,002 CFMO Name: LTC Jama Davidson Phone Number: 320 616-2602 PAGE NO. 164 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION Camp Ripley INSNO= 27B40 COST INDEX Little Falls, Minnesota 1.09 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS ARNG ST. CLOUD, MN 37.00 miles MILES 2,457 (26,447 SF) ARNG ST. CLOUD, MN 37.00 miles MILES 2,457 (26,447 SF) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) START CMPL ________ _____ ______ _____ ____ 21115 Tactical Unmanned Aircraft Sy 1,074 m2 (11,560 SF) 4,450 OCT 2008 OCT 2010 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 09 OCT 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE 0 _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ NONE DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): 0 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 30 DEC 2009 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1390s1 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 56 82 5 1 51 81 PAGE NO. 165 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Ripley Little Falls, Minnesota 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ BN BRIGADE SPECIAL TR 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= 27B40 UIC ______ WX43A0 TSPN ________ MTOE/TDA ____ 30134 87305GNG03 STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 56 _______ 82 _______ 56 82 Assigned/Authorized: 146% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED TRAILERS AUTHORIZED __________ 5 3 __________ ACTUAL ______ 5 1 __________ TOTALS 8 6 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 166 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Camp Ripley Little Falls, Minnesota 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System Fac 6.CATEGORY CODE 05005896A 7.PROJECT NUMBER 211 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 270267 4,450 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ TUAS Facility Building Information System Energy Management Control Syste SDD and EPAct05 Antiterrorism Measures m2 (SF) LS LS LS LS SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Electric Service Water, Sewer, Gas Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Site Imp( 300) Demo( ) Antiterrorism Measures Other LS LS LS LS LS LS QUANTITY 1,074 ( ----- ------- UNIT COST 11,560) COST ($000) 2,538 ----- ------- 3,005 (2,725) (30) (85) (82) (83) 1,129 (35) (60) (530) (300) (103) (101) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 4,134 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 207 _________ SUBTOTAL 4,341 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 130 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 4,471 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 4,450 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP (0) 10.Description of Proposed Construction Cost adjustment of $0.05 is based on actual construction cost de-escalation. An Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle (UAV) building will be constructed of concrete masonry exterior, drywall interior, concrete floors, and a metal roof located at Camp Ripley, Minnesota. Primary facility will be a 135’ x 115’ building and a flexible pavement runway, 1080’ long. Supporting facilities include military and privately-owned vehicle parking, sidewalks, and outside lighting. Physical security measures will be incorporated into design, including maximum feasible standoff distance from roads, parking areas, and vehicle unloading areas, berms, heavy landscaping, and bollards to prevent access when standoff distance cannot be maintained. Cost effective, energy conserving features will be incorporated into design, including energy management control systems and high efficiency motors, lighting, and HVAC systems. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: NONE ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: NONE ________ PROJECT: This project is to provide an Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle (UAV) ________ Training Facility, of concrete masonry type construction to serve the training missions of the using units. The space will permit modern, cost-effective, energy efficent training and sustainment operations that will improve the using units readiness posture. The site of the project is on state land. (New DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 167 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Ripley Little Falls, Minnesota 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System Facility 270267 PROJECT: (CONTINUED) _____________________ Mission) REQUIREMENT: A 11560 SF building and 1080’ runway are required to provide ____________ office, training, and storage space for the unmanned aerial vehicle and personnel assigned to this unit. CURRENT SITUATION: There is no existing space at the airfield to house the __________________ UAV or the assigned personnel. The unit will need a runway and training space to properly train for the new mission. The UAV must be operated in military "restricted" airspace and Camp Ripley has the only airspace available in Minnesota. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: The unit will lose valuable training time traveling _______________________ to and from training area and will not be able to prepare for wartime missions. ADDITIONAL: Alternative methods of meeting this requirement have been ___________ explored during project development. This project is the only feasible option to meet this requirement. Sustainable principles will be integrated into the design, development, and construction of the project in accordance with Executive Order 13123 and other applicable laws and Executive Orders. 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-bid-build (2) OCT 2008 _________ 65 _________ _________ _________ JUN 2009 _________ OCT 2010 _________ Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ OCT 2010 PAGE NO. 168 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD ($000) _________ 373 _________ 373 _________ 124 _________ 249 _________ FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Ripley Little Falls, Minnesota 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System Facility 270267 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: (Continued) _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (Continued) (5) Construction Start................................... _________ DEC 2010 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ OCT 2012 B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NONE CFMO Name: COL BRUCE JENSEN Phone Number: 320-616-2602 DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 169 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK PAGE NO. 170 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION Lincoln 1776 Readiness Center INSNO= 31A95 COST INDEX Lincoln, Nebraska .97 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION This facility will be utilized on a daily basis for unit administration activities and at least two (2) weekends a month for unit training. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS ARNG LINCOLN, NE 4.00 miles READINESS CENTER 1,069 m2 (11,507 SF) 1971 ARNG LINCOLN, NE 4.00 miles READINESS CENTER 6,088 m2 (65,532 SF) 1957 ARNG LIMCOLN, NE 6.00 miles READINESS CENTER 1,468 m2 (15,801 SF) 1962 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) START CMPL ________ _____ ______ _____ ____ 17180 READINESS CENTER ADDITION/ALT 2,218 m2 (23,874 SF) 3,300 FEB 2009 MAR 2010 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 23 MAY 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ NONE DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): 0 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 01 OCT 2007 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1390s1 75 75 10 10 65 65 0 0 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 162 162 49 49 113 113 PAGE NO. 171 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Lincoln 1776 Readiness Center Lincoln, Nebraska 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ HHC 67TH BfSB 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= 31A95 UIC ______ WPRNAA TSPN ____ MTOE/TDA ________ 49102G000 STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 162 _______ 162 _______ 162 162 Assigned/Authorized: 100% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED TRAILERS TRACKED EQUIPMENT > 30 FT FUEL & M977 HEMTT HEMTT PLS/HET AUTHORIZED __________ 40 25 0 1 0 0 __________ ACTUAL ______ 40 25 0 1 0 0 __________ TOTALS 66 66 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 175 B. WATER POLLUTION 100 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 100 PAGE NO. 172 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Lincoln 1776 Readiness Center Lincoln, Nebraska 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT ALT Readiess Center Add/Alt 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A 7.PROJECT NUMBER 171 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 310110 3,300 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ Readiness Center Alteration Energy Management Control Syste Building Information Systems SDD and EPAct05 Antiterrorism Measures m2 (SF) LS LS LS LS SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Site Imp( 94) Demo( ) Antiterrorism Measures Other LS LS LS LS QUANTITY 2,218 ( ----- ----- UNIT COST 23,874) COST ($000) 947.22 ----- ----- 2,423 (2,101) (66) (140) (66) (50) 613 (205) (94) (48) (266) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 3,036 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 152 _________ SUBTOTAL 3,188 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 96 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 3,284 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 3,300 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP (0) 10.Description of Proposed Construction A specially renovated Readiness Center of permanent masonry type construction, with standing seam roof, concrete floors and mechanical and electrical equipment with emergency power generator backup. Supporting facilities will include weapons cleaning, maintenance, issue, turn-in sheds, military vehicle parking and access roads and POV parking, security fencing and dark motor pool lighting, flammable materials storage building, controlled waste handling facility, and sidewalks. Extension of gas, electric, sewer, water and communication utilities to the building site will not be necessary. Physical security measures will be incorporated into design including maximum feasible standoff distance from roads, parking areas, and vehicle unloading areas, berms, heavy landscaping, and bollards to prevent access when standoff distance cannot be maintained. Cost effective energy conserving features will be incorporated into design and standard HVAC/MEP. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: NONE ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: NONE ________ PROJECT: This project is a proposed renovation of a federally-owned, former ________ USAR Training Center located in Lincoln, Nebraska that will provide needed Readiness Center space for Nebraska ARNG and save costs by re-utilizing existing federal facilities that have fallen into disrepair. (Current Mission) DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 173 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Lincoln 1776 Readiness Center Lincoln, Nebraska 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER ALT Readiess Center Add/Alt 310110 REQUIREMENT: Nebraska ARNG currently has a requirement deficit of 145,000 SF ____________ in Readiness Center space (Cat Code 17180). In addition, renovation of this facility will allow for the permanent stationing of the 67th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade (BfSB), a new Grow-The-Army unit, to a facility with enough space to function and complete assigned missions. Units stationed at the Lincoln metropolitan area, the second most populated area of the State, are particularly affected by the shortage of space. The Pershing facility will move the BfSB out of the 1776 Armory at the Lincoln Complex, opening space for units currently stationed at the Lincoln Airbase and maximizing training potential for mission accomplishment. The new facility will be remodeled on federally leased ground of approximately 3.2 acres. CURRENT SITUATION: The BfSB is one of several units presently stationed at __________________ the 1776 Armory in Lincoln. This is one of two Readiness Centers in Lincoln that is overcrowded due to the shortage of Readiness Center SF in Nebraska. Consequently, the 1776 Armory does not meet current space requirements or authorized allowance criteria and is half the size authorized to support the missions of the units stationed there. Space deficits include administrative, classroom, latrine, locker room, and cold storage. Due to it’s location, addition or renovation is cost prohibitive and expansion is not practical. In order to satisfy its State mission and promote continued success with Recruiting and Retention in the area, Nebraska ARNG is seeking opportunities to alleviate the overcrowded facilities and maintain the local stationing population. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: The Unit’s ability to meet readiness, Recruiting and _______________________ Retention, and training objectives will continue to be adversely affected if personnel are not provided with adequate facilities. Delays in the funding of this project will force the continued use of inadequate, overcrowded facilities and the present deficiencies will continue to negatively impact troop morale. The lack of adequate space will continue to impair the attainment of required mobilization readiness levels for both the National Guard. ADDITIONAL: This project has been coordinated with the installation physical ___________ security plan, and all physical security measures are included. All required antiterrorism protection measures are included. An economic analysis has been prepared and utilized in evaluating this project. This project is the most cost-effective method to satisfy the requirement. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. Mission requirements, operational considerations, and location are incompatible with use by other components. Sustainable principles, to include Life Cycle cost-effective practices, will be integrated into the design, development, and construction of the project in accordance with Executive Order 13423, 10 USC 2802(c), and other applicable laws and Executive Orders. PAGE NO. 174 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Lincoln 1776 Readiness Center Lincoln, Nebraska 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER ALT Readiess Center Add/Alt 310110 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-bid-build (2) FEB 2009 _________ 35 _________ _________ _________ JUN 2009 _________ MAR 2010 _________ Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ ($000) _________ 190 _________ 190 _________ 127 _________ 63 _________ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ OCT 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ NOV 2010 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ SEP 2011 B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NONE CFMO Name: LTC TIMOTHY ZEGERS Phone Number: 402-309-7450 DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 175 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK PAGE NO. 176 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION Mead Trng Spt/Field Maint Shop 06/Ut INSNO= 31487 COST INDEX Mead, Nebraska .97 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION NORMAL ADMINISTRATIVE DUTIES MONDAY THRU FRIDAY, WITH TWO DAY TRAINING ASSEMBLIES ONCE OR TWICE PER MONTH _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS ARNG Wahoo, NE 8.00 miles Readiness Center 1,468 (15,801 ) 1961 ARNG Fremont, NE 15.00 miles Readiness Center 1,468 (15,801 ) 1955 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) START CMPL ________ _____ ______ _____ ____ 17180 Readiness Center 4,388 m2 (47,230 SF) 11,400 NOV 2009 OCT 2010 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 01 OCT 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED None _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ 171 171 171 171 Readiness Readiness Readiness Readiness Center Center Add/Alt Center Center 5,366 5,366 5,366 5,366 DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): (57,756 (57,756 (57,756 (57,756 SF) SF) SF) SF) 12,000 2,300 22,000 9,100 500 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 01 OCT 2009 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1390s1 3 3 1 1 2 2 0 0 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 151 151 13 13 138 138 PAGE NO. 177 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Mead Trng Spt/Field Maint Shop 06/Ut Mead, Nebraska 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ 402nd Military Police BN ( I&R) 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= 31487 UIC ______ TSPN ____ MTOE/TDA ________ 19645ANG04 STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 151 _______ 151 _______ 151 151 Assigned/Authorized: 100% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED TRAILERS EQUIPMENT > 30 FT AUTHORIZED __________ 20 2 16 __________ ACTUAL ______ 20 2 16 __________ TOTALS 38 38 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 178 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Mead Trng Spt/Field Maint Shop 06/Utes Mead, Nebraska 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A Readiness Center 7.PROJECT NUMBER 171 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 310107 11,400 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ Readiness Center Flammable Materials Facility Controlled Waste Unheat Metal Stor SDD and EPAct05 Antiterrorism Measures SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Electric Service Water, Sewer, Gas Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Storm Drainage Site Imp( 317) Demo( ) Antiterrorism Measures Other m2 m2 m2 m2 LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) QUANTITY 3,975 9.29 27.87 375.61 ( ( ( ( ---------- UNIT COST 42,787) 100) 300) 4,043) COST ($000) 1,893 1,767 2,026 1,313 ---------- 8,354 (7,526) (16) (56) (493) (132) (131) 2,138 (427) (285) (562) (200) (317) (47) (300) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 10,492 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 525 _________ SUBTOTAL 11,017 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 331 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 11,348 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 11,400 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP () 10.Description of Proposed Construction Directed cost adjustment of $0.600 is based on actual construction cost de-escalation. Construction will consist of a specially designed building of permanent masonry concrete block with brick veneer, concrete footings and flooring, a standing seam or single membrane roof. Supporting facilities include flexible access roads and parking, rigid sidewalks and compound area, security fencing and lighting. Physical security measures will be incorporated into the design including maximum feasible standoff distance from roads, parking areas and vehicle unloading areas, berms, heavy landscaping, and bollards to prevent access when standoff distance cannot be maintained. Cost effective energy conserving features will be incorporated into design, including energy management control systems and high efficiency motors, lighting, and HVAC systems. Air Conditioning- 53 Ton ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: 4,388 m2 ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: NONE ________ PROJECT: This project is to provide a Readiness Center, of permanent type ________ construction, to serve the peace time missions of the assigned units. The proposed site for the project is on Federally owned property. This project is part of "Grow the Force" funding. (New Mission) DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 179 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Mead Trng Spt/Field Maint Shop 06/Ut Mead, Nebraska 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Readiness Center 310107 REQUIREMENT: Completion of this project is required to provide required ____________ space for 1 unit with a required strength of 150 soldiers. This new Readiness Center will provide the necessary administrative, training, kitchen, locker room and storage areas required to achieve proficiency in their respective areas of training. The proposed site for the project is on 1194 acres of Federally owned property. CURRENT SITUATION: Due to "Grow the Force", 1 new unit is scheduled to be __________________ assigned to the Mead Training Site, Mead, NE. The existing Wahoo Readiness Center is located 7 miles from the Mead Training Site and was constructed in 1961 for $100,290 and consists of 15,801 SF on 2.1 acres. The Wahoo Readiness Center currently has 162 stationed personnel assigned from the 623rd EN Bn and is inadequate to fully support this additional unit due to the lack of adequate latrine, administration, and classroom area. The current facility was constructed at a time when energy conservation was not a major concern and the present readiness center does not fully incorporate the newest technology. All major supporting systems are in extremely poor condition (boiler, floor tile and roof). The Wahoo Readiness Center was rated "Red" in the latest Installation Status Report. The existing layout does not provide adequate space to house both of these units. The new Mead Readiness Center will adequately support this unit and provide a facility that will enhance and promote training and recruiting as well as enhance the Mead Training Site located at Mead, Nebraska. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: The unit’s ability to meet its readiness, recruiting _______________________ and retention, and training objectives will be adversely affected if the personnel are not provided with the adequate facilities. Delays in the funding of this project will force the use of an inadequate and unsound facility. The available facility’s deficiencies will negatively impact troop readiness and morale. The lack of proper and adequate training, storage and administrative areas will impair the attainment of required mobilization readiness levels. ADDITIONAL: This project has been coordinated with the installation physical ___________ security plan, and all physical security measures are included. All required antiterrorism protection measures are included. Alternative methods of meeting this requirement have been explored during project development. This project is the only feasible option to meet the requirement. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. The facility will be available for use by other components. Sustainable principles, to include Life Cycle cost-effective practices, will be integrated into the design, development, and construction of the project in accordance with Executive Order 13423, 10 USC 2802(c), and other applicable laws and Executive Orders. PAGE NO. 180 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Mead Trng Spt/Field Maint Shop 06/Ut Mead, Nebraska 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Readiness Center 310107 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-bid-build (2) NOV 2009 _________ 35 _________ 65 _________ 95 _________ JUN 2009 _________ OCT 2010 _________ Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ ($000) 666 _________ 332 _________ 998 _________ 998 _________ _________ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ OCT 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ MAR 2011 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ APR 2012 B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NA CFMO Name: LTC TIMOTHY ZEGERS Phone Number: 402-309-7450 DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 181 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK PAGE NO. 182 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION New Hampshire ARNG INSNO= NHARNG COST INDEX New Hampshire 1.06 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION Normal administration five days per week, with a two-day training assembly three times per month and annual training six weeks per year. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS ARNG Rochester, NH 7.00 miles Armory 1,057 m2 (11,381 SF) USAR Rochester, NH 8.00 miles Reserve Center 1,069 m2 (11,512 SF) ARNG Somersworth, NH 13.00 miles Armory 1,152 m2 (12,400 SF) ARNG Dover, NH 14.00 miles Armory 1,378 m2 (14,830 SF) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE ________ 171 Classroom Facility (Regional SCOPE _____ 5,164 m2 (55,590 SF) ($000) ______ 21,000 START CMPL _____ ____ JUL 2008 OCT 2010 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 12 JUL 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE 0 _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ 721 214 RTI Barracks FMS 5,366 5,366 DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): (57,756 SF) (57,756 SF) 16,000 20,400 350 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 06 SEP 2009 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1390s1 6 6 2 2 4 4 3 3 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 50 40 9 7 41 34 PAGE NO. 183 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION New Hampshire ARNG New Hampshire 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= NHARNG UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ NH ARNG TRAINING SITE COMMAND* HQ (-) 195TH REG (NHRTI)* 1 BN 195TH REG (NHRTI)* UIC ______ W77825 W8F0AA W8F0A1 TSPN ____ STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ MTOE/TDA ________ NGW778AA NGW8F0AA NGW8F0AA 18 13 22 18 10 _______ 10 _______ 50 41 Assigned/Authorized: 82% * UNITS THAT MUST TRAIN ON SAME WEEKEND. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED ACTUAL ______ 2 __________ TOTALS 2 2 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 184 AUTHORIZED __________ 2 __________ PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE New Hampshire ARNG New Hampshire 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT Classroom Facility (Regional Training 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A 7.PROJECT NUMBER 171 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 330034 21,000 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ General Instruction Building Energy Management Control Syste SDD and EPAct05 Antiterrorism Measures m2 (SF) LS LS LS SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Electric Service Water, Sewer, Gas Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Storm Drainage Site Imp( 1,031) Demo( ) Antiterrorism Measures Training Lockers/Storage LS LS LS LS LS LS LS QUANTITY 5,164 ( ---- -------- UNIT COST 55,590) 2,861 ---- COST ($000) 15,809 (14,774) (296) (296) (443) -------- 3,847 (608) (420) (965) (443) (1,031) (300) (80) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 19,656 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 983 _________ SUBTOTAL 20,639 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 619 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 21,258 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 21,000 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP (0) 10.Description of Proposed Construction Directed cost adjustment of $1,000 based on actual construction cost de-escalation. Specifically designed Classroom Facility General Instruction Building of permanent brick masonry and construction with built-up roof, concrete floors, mechanical and electrical equipment, partitions of masonry block. Supporting facilities of rigid and flexible paving, parking area, service drive, fencing and gates, water wells and sewer system expansion, training lockers and material storage areas. Cost effective energy conserving features will be incorporated into the design, including energy management control system and high efficiency motors, lighting and HVAC systems. Effective force protection measures installed as required. Student population 350. Air conditioning: 52 tons. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: 5,164 m2 ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: 3,660 m2 ________ PROJECT: A new multi-story educational facility to provide training space in ________ support of the NHARNG in the execution of their training plans. Facility to be built of permanent type construction. The space will permit all NHARNG personnel to be trained as needed in an educational environmental that will improve their unit readiness posture. (Current Mission) DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 185 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION New Hampshire ARNG New Hampshire 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Classroom Facility (Regional Training Facility) 330034 REQUIREMENT: A facility requirement for 55,590 SF that is capable of ____________ supporting individual and team training, as well as individual classroom instruction. The facility will provide an educational and training support space to NHARNG assigned units. CURRENT SITUATION: The existing General Instruction Facility has 1401 SM __________________ 15,082 SF of educational space. This space is not adequate to support the present and future educational training requirements of the NHARNG. This facility doesn’t meet The Total Army School System (TASS) Standards and will be used as an administration space upon completion of the Instruction. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: NHARNG unit readiness will degraded because of _______________________ substandard educational facilities. The lack of space and substandard conditions will limit the number of soldiers being trained reducing the number qualified NHNG soldiers. Without a new facility NH will lose school accreditation and the school will be moved out state, adding a great expense to train NHNG soldiers and reduce unit readiness. ADDITIONAL: This project complies with the scope and design criteria of ___________ National Guard Pamphlet (Draft) 415-12 dated 14 Aug 1998 and Design Guide 415-4 dated 30 March 1996. The most similar DoD standards for readiness center construction do not address all of the current criteria incorporated in the Army National Guard Readiness Center design and thus do not yield accurate cost estimates. Therefore, state historical costs for construction of like facilities were used to develop baseline unit cost and were adjusted for size, fiscal year and location. This project has been coordinated with the installation physical security plan, and all physical security measures are included. All required antiterrorism protection measures are included. Alternative methods of meeting this requirement have been explored during project development. This project is the only feasible option to meet the requirement. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. The facility will be available for use by other components. Sustainable principles, to include Life Cycle cost-effective practices, will be integrated into the design, development, and construction of the project in accordance with Executive Order 13423, 10 USC 2802(c), and other applicable laws and Executive Orders. 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-bid-build PAGE NO. 186 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD JUL 2008 _________ 65 _________ 65 _________ 100 _________ JUN 2009 _________ OCT 2010 _________ FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION New Hampshire ARNG New Hampshire 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Classroom Facility (Regional Training Facility) 330034 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: (Continued) _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (Continued) (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ ($000) _________ 1,767 _________ 1,767 _________ 1,178 _________ 589 _________ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ OCT 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ NOV 2010 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ SEP 2012 B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NONE CFMO Name: COL Jeffrey Vorce Phone Number: 603 225-1239 DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 187 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION New Hampshire ARNG INSNO= NHARNG COST INDEX New Hampshire 1.06 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION Normal administration five days per week, with two-day weekend training assembly three times per month and annual training six weeks per year. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS ARNG Rochester, NH 7.00 miles Armory 1,057 m2 (11,381 SF) USAR Rochester, NH 8.00 miles Reserve Center 1,069 m2 (11,512 SF) ARNG Somersworth, NH 13.00 miles Armory 1,152 m2 (12,400 SF) ARNG Dover, NH 14.00 miles Armory 1,378 m2 (14,830 SF) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE ________ 721 Regional Training Institute B SCOPE _____ 4,509 m2 (48,537 SF) ($000) ______ 15,000 START CMPL _____ ____ JUL 2008 OCT 2010 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 12 JUL 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE 0 _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ 171 214 RTI Classroom FMS 5,366 5,366 DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): (57,756 SF) (57,756 SF) 2,200 20,400 350 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 06 SEP 2009 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL PAGE NO. 188 8 4 1 1 7 3 0 0 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 113 116 9 9 DD FORM MAY 78 104 107 1390s1 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION New Hampshire ARNG New Hampshire 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ Headquarters, 195th Regiment - RTI Student Load/Capacity 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= NHARNG UIC ______ W8F0AA TSPN ____ 66751 STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ MTOE/TDA ________ 32 35 81 _______ 81 _______ 113 116 Assigned/Authorized: 102% * UNITS THAT MUST TRAIN ON SAME WEEKEND. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ ACTUAL ______ 0 __________ TOTALS 0 0 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 AUTHORIZED __________ 0 __________ PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. PAGE NO. 189 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE New Hampshire ARNG New Hampshire 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT Regional Training Institute Barracks 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A 7.PROJECT NUMBER 721 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 330035 15,000 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ Regional Training Institute Energy Management Control Syste SDD and EPAct05 Antiterrorism Measures m2 (SF) LS LS LS SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Electric Service Water, Sewer, Gas Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Storm Drainage Site Imp( 356) Demo( ) Antiterrorism Measures Commissioning LS LS LS LS LS LS LS QUANTITY 4,509 ( ---- -------- UNIT COST 48,537) 2,766 ---- -------- COST ($000) 12,934 (12,474) (249) (11) (200) 1,038 (108) (100) (35) (200) (356) (140) (99) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 13,972 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 699 _________ SUBTOTAL 14,671 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 440 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 15,111 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 15,000 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP () 10.Description of Proposed Construction Directed cost adjustment of $1,000 is based on actual construction cost de-escalation. Specifically designed Trainee Barracks Facility of multi-story permanent brick masonry and construction with built-up roof, concrete floors, mechanical and electrical equipment, partitions of masonry block. Supporting facilities of rigid and flexible paving, service drive, parking, fencing and gates, water wells and sewer system expansion and material storage areas. Cost effective energy conserving features will be incorporated into the design, including energy management control system and high efficiency motors, lighting and HVAC systems. Effective force protection measures installed as required. Student population 350. Air conditioning: 102 tons. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: 48,537 PN ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: 131,740 PN ________ PROJECT: A new multi-story barracks facility to provide adequate billeting ________ space in support of the NHARNG in the execution of their training plans. Facility to be built of permanent type construction. The space will permit all NHARNG personnel to be properly billeted while attending educational programs at the New Hampshire National Guard Training Site (NHNGTS). (Current Mission) PAGE NO. 190 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION New Hampshire ARNG New Hampshire 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Regional Training Institute Barracks Facility 330035 REQUIREMENT: A facility requirement for 48,537SF that is capable of ____________ billeting individuals and teams in private and semi-private rooms and latrines. This facility must meet the Total Army School System (TASS) Standards. This facility will provide housing to NHNG soldiers attending educational training programs at the NHNGTS. CURRENT SITUATION: The existing barracks have 13.62 SM (14,662 SF) of __________________ billeting space. The NHNGTS barracks do not meet TASS standards, seismic and current building codes. A major upgrade is cost prohibitive because of the barracks seismic conditions. The space is not adequate to support the present and future billeting requirements of the NHARNG. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: NHARNG unit readiness will degraded because of _______________________ substandard billeting facilities. The lack of adequate billeting space and substandard conditions will limit the number of soldiers attending educational training at the NHNGTS. Without a new facility NH will lose school accreditation and the school will be moved out state, adding a great expense to train NHNG soldiers and reduce unit readiness. ADDITIONAL: The most similar DoD standards for Readiness Center construction ___________ do not address all of the current criteria incorporated in the Army National Guard Readiness Center design and thus do not yield accurate cost estimates. Therefore, state historical costs for construction of like facilities were used to develop baseline unit cost and were adjusted for size, fiscal year and location. This project has been coordinated with the installation physical security plan, and all physical security measures are included. All required antiterrorism protection measures are included. An economic analysis has been prepared and utilized in evaluating this project. This project is the best method to satisfy the requirement. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. The facility will be available for use by other components. Sustainable principles, to include Life Cycle cost-effective practices, will be integrated into the design, development, and construction of the project in accordance with Executive Order 13423, 10 USC 2802(c), and other applicable laws and Executive Orders. 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-bid-build (2) DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C JUL 2008 _________ 65 _________ 65 _________ 100 _________ JUN 2009 _________ OCT 2010 _________ Basis: PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 191 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION New Hampshire ARNG New Hampshire 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Regional Training Institute Barracks Facility 330035 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: (Continued) _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (Continued) (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ ($000) 772 _________ 549 _________ 1,321 _________ 881 _________ 440 _________ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ OCT 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ DEC 2010 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ JAN 2012 B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NA CFMO Name: COL Jeffrey Vorce Phone Number: PAGE NO. 192 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION Farmington Readiness Center INSNO= 35A75 COST INDEX Farmington, New Mexico .97 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS ARNG Gallup, NM 95.00 miles Miles 1,378 (14,830 SF) ARNG Grants, NM 115.00 miles Miles 1,378 (14,830 SF) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) START CMPL ________ _____ ______ _____ ____ 17180 Readiness Center Add/Alt 5,363 m2 (57,722 SF) 8,500 OCT 2009 OCT 2010 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 16 APR 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE 0 _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ NONE DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): 0 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 20 JUN 2009 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1390s1 6 6 0 0 6 6 0 0 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 220 208 7 7 213 201 PAGE NO. 193 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Farmington Readiness Center Farmington, New Mexico 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ MP CO COMBAT SUPPORT CO T MDM TRK CO 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= 35A75 UIC ______ G19120 WPGXA1 TSPN ____ 31921 35546 MTOE/TDA ________ STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 170 170 50 _______ 38 _______ 220 208 Assigned/Authorized: 94% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED TRAILERS EQUIPMENT > 30 FT AUTHORIZED __________ 54 80 41 __________ ACTUAL ______ 54 80 41 __________ TOTALS 175 175 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 194 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Farmington Readiness Center Farmington, New Mexico 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT Readiness Center 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A 7.PROJECT NUMBER 171 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 350075 8,500 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ Readiness Center Add Readiness Center Alt Building Information Systems Energy Management Control Syste SDD and EPAct05 Antiterrorism Measures SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Electric Service Water, Sewer, Gas Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Storm Drainage Site Imp( 910) Demo( ) Antiterrorism Measures Other m2 (SF) m2 (SF) LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS QUANTITY 3,499 ( 1,864 ( ------------ UNIT COST 37,659) 20,063) COST ($000) 2,016 433.25 ------------ 8,576 (7,053) (808) (270) (158) (143) (144) 2,044 (140) (55) (469) (42) (910) (148) (280) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 10,620 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 531 _________ SUBTOTAL 11,151 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 335 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 11,486 State Share 2,986 TOTAL FEDERAL REQUEST 8,500 TOTAL FEDERAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 8,500 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP (0) 10.Description of Proposed Construction Directed cost adjustment based on actual construction cost de-escalation. An alteration and addition of the existing readiness center to provide a larger, modernized facility of permanent masonry-type construction, with standing seam roof,concrete floors, and energy efficient mechanical and electrical equipment. The modernized facility will be two-story. The expanded, modernized facility will support Grow The Army Forces. Supporting facilities will include a wash platform, loading ramp, sidewalks, and military vehicle and POV parking. Cost effective energy conserving features will be implemented into the design of the facility, including efficient HVAC system, to achieve a LEED Silver Rating. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: NONE ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: NONE ________ PROJECT: Alteration of an existing Readiness Center and addition of space to ________ support a Grow the Army (GTA) directive for the State of New Mexico. Current facility is on state owned land. (Current Mission) REQUIREMENT: The facility is required to provide space for training of unit ____________ personnel and maintenance and readiness of unit equipment. Responsibility for training and readiness of National Guard soldiers is shifting from active duty DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 195 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Farmington Readiness Center Farmington, New Mexico 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Readiness Center 350075 REQUIREMENT: (CONTINUED) __________________________ mobilization sites to the State Adjutants General at state facilities. Military police units are some of the most effective types of units both in combat theater of operations and during national/state emergencies. The facility will be built on approximately 11 acres of state-owned land. The current facility does not meet the authorized space criteria for the proposed total strength of 243 soldiers. The current facility lacks approximately 45,000 sf of authorized space to meet that strength. CURRENT SITUATION: The current readiness center is too small and inadequate __________________ to support the GTA force structure that is assigned at the facility. Space for full-time and M-day force is grossly inadequate. The current facility does not meet the authorized space criteria for the proposed total strength of 243 soldiers. The current facility lacks approximately 45,000 sf of authorized space to meet that strength. Parking for privately owned and military vehicles is inadequate. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: If the project is not approved, the New Mexico _______________________ National Guard will be unable to support the Army Campaign Plan with regard to the growth in military police unit force structure. Failure to appropriate funding for this project will have a severe negative impact on the combat readiness of the military police company, because it won’t have the necessary readiness and training space. ADDITIONAL: This project has been coordinated with the installation physical ___________ security plan, and all physical security measures are included. All required antiterrorism protection measures are included. An economic analysis has been prepared and utilized in evaluating this project. This project is the most cost-effective method to satisfy the requirement. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. Mission requirements, operational considerations, and location are incompatible with use by other components. 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-bid-build (2) PAGE NO. 196 NOV 2009 _________ 30 _________ _________ _________ JAN 2010 _________ OCT 2010 _________ Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Farmington Readiness Center Farmington, New Mexico 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Readiness Center 350075 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: (Continued) _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (Continued) (c) Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ ($000) _________ 983 _________ 983 _________ 655 _________ 328 _________ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ NOV 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ DEC 2010 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ OCT 2012 B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NONE CFMO Name: LTC NORBERT ARCHIBEQE Phone Number: 505-474-1880 DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 197 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK PAGE NO. 198 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION High Point Readiness Center INSNO= 37C10 COST INDEX High Point, North Carolina .89 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION Reservist: 0 nights/week. Full-Time Personnel: 5 days/week _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS AR High Point, NC 5.00 miles Mile 1,378 (14,830 SF) ARNG Thomasville, NC 8.00 miles Mile 1,378 (14,830 SF) AR Greensboro, NC 19.00 miles Mile 1,378 (14,830 SF) ARNG Greensboro, NC 20.00 miles Mile 1,378 (14,830 SF) ARNG Asheboro, NC 21.00 miles Mile 1,378 (14,830 SF) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE ________ 17180 Readinss Center Add/Alt SCOPE _____ 415 m2 (4,466 SF) ($000) ______ 1,551 START CMPL _____ ____ OCT 2009 OCT 2010 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 08 FEB 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE 0 _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ NONE DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): 0 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 30 SEP 2008 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1390s1 7 7 0 0 7 7 0 0 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 192 194 13 12 179 182 PAGE NO. 199 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION High Point Readiness Center High Point, North Carolina 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ BN FA BN HIMARS, FIRE BN BRIGADE SUPPORT BN HHC SUSTAINMENT BDE W 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= 37C10 UIC ______ WPJHA0 WPJSG0 WPSEB0 TSPN ____ 20665 12030 26367 MTOE/TDA ________ STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 74 30 63 132 55 _______ 32 _______ 192 194 Assigned/Authorized: 101% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED TRAILERS TRACKED FUEL & M977 HEMTT AUTHORIZED __________ 65 44 10 2 __________ ACTUAL ______ 65 44 10 2 __________ TOTALS 121 121 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 200 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE High Point Readiness Center High Point, North Carolina 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT Readiness Center Add/Alt 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896 7.PROJECT NUMBER 171 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 370898 1,551 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ Readiness Center Addition Readiness Center Alteration Building Information Systems Energy Managment Control SDD and EPAct05 Antiterrorism Measures SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Electric Service Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Site Imp( 197) Demo( ) Antiterrorism Measures Information Systems m2 (SF) m2 (SF) LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS QUANTITY 191.94 ( 222.97 ( ---------- UNIT COST 2,066) 2,400) COST ($000) 2,802 1,758 ---------- 1,064 (538) (392) (45) (33) (28) (28) 737 (55) (347) (197) (90) (48) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 1,801 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 90 _________ SUBTOTAL 1,891 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 57 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 1,948 State Share 397 TOTAL FEDERAL REQUEST 1,551 TOTAL FEDERAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 1,551 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP () 10.Description of Proposed Construction ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: NONE ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: NONE ________ PROJECT: This project is to modernize an existing readiness center, of ________ permanent type construction, to serve the peacetime missions of the assigned units. The space will permit all personnel to perform the necessary tasks that will improve the unit’s readiness posture. (Current Mission) REQUIREMENT: Readiness will be enhanced by modernizing the existing ____________ readiness center with improved troop areas, interior and exterior, capable of supporting the training, supply, administrative and maintenance missions of assigned units. This project has been given high priority in keeping within the states plan to either modernize or replace older, inadequate armories which will save in operating costs, provide adequate parking and areas for training to meet readiness objectives. CURRENT SITUATION: There are deficiencies in the existing readiness center __________________ and supporting facilities at this location the correction of which are necessary to accomplish the assigned unit’s mission. By deferring this project, training, administration and troop morale will suffer, all of which impact on readiness. DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 201 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION High Point Readiness Center High Point, North Carolina 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Readiness Center Add/Alt 370898 IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: The unit’s ability to meet its readiness, recruiting _______________________ and retention, and training objectives will continue to be adversely affected if the personnel are not provided with the adequate facilities. Delays in the funding of this project will force the continued use of an inadequate and unsound facility and the present facility’s deficiencies will continue to negatively impact troop readiness and morale. The lack of proper and adequate training, storage and administrative areas will continue to impair the attainment of required mobilization readiness levels by reducing ability to complete adequate and timely training related to METL accomplishment by assigned staff. ADDITIONAL: This project has been coordinated with the installation physical ___________ security plan, and all physical security measures are included. All required antiterrorism protection measures are included. An economic analysis has been prepared and utilized in evaluating this project. This project is the most cost-effective method to satisfy the requirement. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. Mission requirements, operational considerations, and location are incompatible with use by other components. 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-bid-build (2) OCT 2009 _________ 65 _________ _________ _________ JUN 2010 _________ OCT 2010 _________ Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ OCT 2010 PAGE NO. 202 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD ($000) _________ 132 _________ 132 _________ 88 _________ 44 _________ FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION High Point Readiness Center High Point, North Carolina 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Readiness Center Add/Alt 370898 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: (Continued) _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (Continued) (5) Construction Start................................... _________ NOV 2010 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ OCT 2012 B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NA CFMO Name: COL WILLIAM JOHNSON Phone Number: 919-664-6114 DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 203 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK PAGE NO. 204 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION Camp Grafton INSNO= 38A45 COST INDEX Devils Lake, North Dakota 1.03 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION Normal administration five days per week, with a two-day training assembly two times per month. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS ARNG Cando, ND 35.00 miles Armory 1,416 m2 (15,240 SF) ARNG Rugby, ND 57.00 miles Armory 1,746 m2 (18,793 SF) ARNG Carrington, ND 57.00 miles Armory 1,266 m2 (13,626 SF) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) START CMPL ________ _____ ______ _____ ____ 17180 Readiness Center Addition/Alt 6,340 m2 (68,240 SF) 11,200 MAR 2008 OCT 2010 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 02 JUN 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE 0 _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ Training Site, Phase III Military Education Facili DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): 5,366 (57,756 SF) 16,900 0 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 01 JAN 2000 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1390s1 21 10 4 2 17 8 0 0 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 200 184 19 18 181 166 PAGE NO. 205 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Grafton Devils Lake, North Dakota 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= 38A45 UNIT DESIGNATION UIC ________________ ______ 3662 MAINTENANCE COMPANY (GS)(-) WQCCAA HEADQUARTERS, HEADQUARTERS DETACHMENT 136 QUART WYT2AA TSPN ________ MTOE/TDA ____ 31125 43649LNG15 34503 10466LNG02 STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 161 145 39 39 0 _______ 0 _______ 200 184 Assigned/Authorized: 92% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED TRAILERS AUTHORIZED __________ 45 44 __________ ACTUAL ______ 40 35 __________ TOTALS 89 75 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 206 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Camp Grafton Devils Lake, North Dakota 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT ADD Readiness Center Add/Alt 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A 7.PROJECT NUMBER 171 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 380014 11,200 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ Readiness Center Addition Readiness Center Alteration Flammable Mats Facility Add Unheated Enclosed Vehicle Stora Flammable Mats Facility Alt SDD and EPAct05 SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Electric Service Water, Sewer, Gas Steam And/Or Chilled Water Dist Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Storm Drainage Site Imp( 108) Demo( ) m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 LS LS LS LS LS LS LS (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) QUANTITY 3,866 1,080 9.01 1,380 4.92 ( ( ( ( ( -------- UNIT COST 41,616) 11,624) 97) 14,850) 53) COST ($000) 1,964 654.45 1,932 965.74 697.97 -------- 9,834 (7,592) (707) (17) (1,332) (3) (183) 609 (57) (21) (19) (388) (16) (108) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 10,443 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 522 _________ SUBTOTAL 10,965 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 329 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 11,294 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 11,200 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP () 10.Description of Proposed Construction Directed cost adjustment of $0.500 based on actual construction cost de-escalation. A specially designed readiness center addition, to include unheated enclosed vehicle storage, of permanent masonry type construction, prestressed concrete panel exterior walls, concrete block interior walls with concrete floors, and a built-up or single membrane roof. A one-story structure with all necessary mechanical and electrical equipment, required outside supporting facilities and all other installed equipment. Physical security measures will be incorporated into design including maximum feasible standoff distance from roads, parking areas and vehicle unloading areas; berms; heavy landscaping; and bollards to prevent access when standoff distance cannot be maintained. Air conditioning: 15 tons. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: 3,561 m2 ADQT: 1,234 m2 SUBSTD: 1,840 m2 ________ PROJECT: This project is to provide adequate additional space to serve the ________ peace time missions of the assigned units. The space will permit all assigned personnel to perform the necessary tasks that will improve the unit s readiness posture in support of combat objectives. The site of the project is on state land. (Current Mission) DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 207 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Grafton Devils Lake, North Dakota 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER ADD Readiness Center Add/Alt 380014 REQUIREMENT: A 2,126 SM (23,628 SF) armory addition is required to ____________ adequately provide the 200 ARNG personnel housed in this facility with the necessary administrative, supply, classroom, locker, latrine, and kitchen space required to achieve the proficiency in required training and to accomplish the assigned readiness objective. CURRENT SITUATION: The present armory, constructed in 1982, consists of __________________ 33,081 SF. Additional troop strength, subsequent reorganizations and increasing equipment authorizations have combined to create a significant deficit in required space. The existing armory is in good condition and will continue to serve its intended purpose. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: The ability of units to meet their readiness, _______________________ recruiting and retention, and training objectives will continue to be adversely affected if the personnel are not provided with the proper facilities that they critically need. Training costs will continue to escalate due to having to utilize other training areas and facilities in order to meet minimum requirements. ADDITIONAL: The most similar DoD standards do not address all of the current ___________ criteria incorporated in the (project type) design and thus do not yield accurate cost estimates. Therefore, state historical costs for construction of like facilities were used to develop baseline unit costs and were adjusted for size, fiscal year and location. This project has been coordinated with the installation physical security plan, and all physical security measures are included. All required antiterrorism protection measures are included. Alternative methods of meeting this requirement have been explored during project development. This project is the only feasible option to meet the requirement. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. The facility will be available for use by other components. Sustainable principles, to include Life Cycle cost-effective practices, will be integrated into the design, development, and construction of the project in accordance with Executive Order 13423, 10 USC 2802(c), and other applicable laws and Executive Orders. 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-bid-build (2) PAGE NO. 208 MAR 2008 _________ 100 _________ _________ _________ JUN 2009 _________ OCT 2010 _________ Basis: PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Grafton Devils Lake, North Dakota 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER ADD Readiness Center Add/Alt 380014 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: (Continued) _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (Continued) (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ ($000) _________ 982 _________ 982 _________ 655 _________ 327 _________ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ DEC 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ JAN 2011 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ JAN 2012 B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NA CFMO Name: LTC STEVE TABOR Phone Number: 701-333-2075 DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 209 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK PAGE NO. 210 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION MTA Camp Santiago INSNO= RQ577 COST INDEX Salinas, Puerto Rico 1.24 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS , .00 miles 1,266 (13,626 SF) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) START CMPL ________ _____ ______ _____ ____ 17864 Multi Purpose Machine Gun Ran 5 FP (5 FP) 9,200 DEC 2009 MAY 2010 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 01 JUN 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. (Date) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE 0 _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ NONE DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): 0 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 06 OCT 2009 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1390s1 2 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 175 84 27 3 148 81 PAGE NO. 211 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION MTA Camp Santiago Salinas, Puerto Rico 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= RQ577 UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ CO A (BN ENGINEER BATTALION) UIC ______ WP1AA0 TSPN ____ 30546 MTOE/TDA ________ STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 175 _______ 84 _______ 175 84 Assigned/Authorized: 48% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED TRAILERS FUEL & M977 HEMTT AUTHORIZED __________ 62 36 5 __________ ACTUAL ______ 62 36 5 __________ TOTALS 103 103 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 212 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE MTA Camp Santiago Salinas, Puerto Rico 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT Multi Purpose Machine Gun Range 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A 7.PROJECT NUMBER 178 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 436021 9,200 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ Mulitpurpose Machine Gun Range Firing Positions/Defilade Stationary Infantry Targets (SI Double SIT Stationary Armed Targets (SAT) Total from Continuation page SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Electric Service Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Storm Drainage Site Imp( 1,765) Demo( ) Antiterrorism Measures Other m2 (SF) EA LS LS EA LS LS LS LS LS LS QUANTITY 26.94 ( 5 ---6 -- ------- UNIT COST 290) COST ($000) 5,867 2,500 --6,500 ------- 1,671 (158) (13) (65) (33) (39) (1,363) 6,815 (310) (420) (125) (1,765) (127) (4,068) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 8,486 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 424 _________ SUBTOTAL 8,910 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 267 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 9,177 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 9,200 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP (0) 10.Description of Proposed Construction ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: NONE ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: NONE ________ PROJECT: A 8-Lane Multipurpose Machine Gun Range (MPMG) and 1 lane of Heavy ________ Sniper to support of training requirements of the units habitually train at Camp Santiago. Support facilities: operations/storage building, ammo breakdown building, male/female latrine, mess shelter, bleacher enclosure, and utilities as required. Physical security measures will be incorporated into design including maximum feasible standoff distance from roads, parking areas, and vehicle unloading areas, berms, heavy landscaping, and bollards to prevent access when standoff distance cannot be maintained. Project includes funding for a new access road to the proposed range site. (Current Mission) REQUIREMENT: This project is required to provide the Puerto Rico Army ____________ National Guard and other habitual users of Camp Santiago with adequate, doctrinally correct, throughput capability for: M60, M21, M24, M240-Series, M2, M107, M110 and MK19 (TP). CURRENT SITUATION: There are no other Multi-Purpose Machine Gun Ranges __________________ within 2 hours travel distance that meet training requirements. Currently no ranges exist that provide the realism in training required to meet combat training objectives. DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 213 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION MTA Camp Santiago Salinas, Puerto Rico 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Multi Purpose Machine Gun Range 436021 9. COST ESTIMATES (CONTINUED) ______________________________ Item UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY (CONTINUED) ____________________________ Moving Infantry Target (MIT) Power Center/Transformer /Panel Downrange Power Power and Comm Trenching Energy Management Control Syste SDD and EPAct05 Antiterrorism Measures EA EA LS LS LS LS LS QUANTITY 8 -5 ------- Unit COST Cost ($000) 8,000 (64) 27,500 (138) -(515) -(550) -(32) -(32) -(32) _________ Total 1,363 IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: Individuals and crews will not be able to train and _______________________ qualify annually on their assigned weapons. The only alternative (traveling to other installations) will result in increased costs and loss of valuable training time. Readiness will be degraded if the alternative chosen. ADDITIONAL: This project has been coordinated with the installation physical ___________ security plan, and all physical security measures are included. All required antiterrorism protection measures are included. An economic analysis has been prepared and utilized in evaluating this project. This project is the most cost-effective method to satisfy the requirement. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. Mission requirements, operational considerations, and location are incompatible with use by other components. Sustainable principles, to include Life Cycle cost-effective practices, will be integrated into the design, development, and construction of the project in accordance with Executive Order 13423, 10 USC 2802(c), and other applicable laws and Executive Orders. 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: (2) PAGE NO. 214 DEC 2009 _________ 15 _________ _________ _________ APR 2010 _________ MAY 2010 _________ Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION MTA Camp Santiago Salinas, Puerto Rico 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Multi Purpose Machine Gun Range 436021 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: (Continued) _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (Continued) (c) Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ ($000) _________ 764 _________ 764 _________ 509 _________ 255 _________ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ OCT 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ NOV 2010 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ DEC 2012 B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NONE CFMO Name: Phone Number: DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 215 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION MTA Camp Santiago INSNO= RQ577 COST INDEX Salinas, Puerto Rico 1.24 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS ARNG JUAN DIAZ, PR 15.00 miles ARMORY 1,266 (13,626 SF) ARNG JUAN DIAZ, PR 17.00 miles BASE 1,266 (13,626 SF) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) START CMPL ________ _____ ______ _____ ____ 17879 Live Fire Shoot House 232 m2 (2,500 SF) 3,100 DEC 2009 MAY 2010 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 01 MAY 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE 0 _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ NONE DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): 0 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 06 OCT 2009 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL PAGE NO. 216 2 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 175 84 27 3 DD FORM MAY 78 148 81 1390s1 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION MTA Camp Santiago Salinas, Puerto Rico 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ CO A (BN ENGINEER BATTALION) 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= RQ577 UIC ______ WP1AA0 TSPN ____ 30546 MTOE/TDA ________ STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 175 _______ 84 _______ 175 84 Assigned/Authorized: 48% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED TRAILERS FUEL & M977 HEMTT AUTHORIZED __________ 62 36 5 __________ ACTUAL ______ 62 36 5 __________ TOTALS 103 103 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. PAGE NO. 217 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE MTA Camp Santiago Salinas, Puerto Rico 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT Live Fire Shoot House 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A 7.PROJECT NUMBER 178 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 436023 3,100 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ Live Fire Shoothouse m2 (SF) Energy Management Control Syste LS SDD and EPAct05 LS Antiterrorism Measures LS SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Electric Service Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Site Imp( 165) Demo( ) Antiterrorism Measures Other LS LS LS LS LS QUANTITY 232.26 ( ---- ------ UNIT COST 2,500) 6,674 ---- ------ COST ($000) 1,643 (1,550) (31) (31) (31) 1,209 (155) (35) (165) (30) (824) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 2,852 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 143 _________ SUBTOTAL 2,995 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 90 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 3,085 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 3,100 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP (0) 10.Description of Proposed Construction ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: NONE ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: NONE ________ PROJECT: Construct a Live Fire Exercise Shoothouse with required supporting ________ facilities. This range will be used to train and test individuals, teams, sections, or squads on the skills necessary to conduct individual and collective tasks of building clearing/occupying. This range will utilize a bullet encapsulation system to reduce the Surface Danger Zone. (Current Mission) REQUIREMENT: The LFSH will train and test individuals, teams, sections and ____________ squads on the skills necessary to conduct indiviual and collective tasks of building clearing/occupying. All targets are fully automated, and the event-specific target scenario will be computer driven and scored from the range operations center. CURRENT SITUATION: There are no Live Fire Shoot Houses within reasonable __________________ travel distance limit specified in NGB/FORSCOM Reg 350-2 that meet IBCT training requirements IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: If this project is not provided, it will be _______________________ impossible for assigned units to acquire and maintain the proficiency required for combat units in an increasingly urban environment. This proficiency can only result from realistic training under simulated combat training. Traveling PAGE NO. 218 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION MTA Camp Santiago Salinas, Puerto Rico 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Live Fire Shoot House 436023 IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: (CONTINUED) ______________________________________ to an alternate facility will result in increased cost and loss of valuable collective training time normally reserved for annual training. Overall readiness will be degraded regardless of the alternative used. ADDITIONAL: Alternative methods of meeting this requirement have been ___________ explored during project development. This project is the only feasible option to meet this requirement. Sustainable principles will be integrated into the design, development, and construction of the project in accordance with Executive order 13123 and other applicable laws. 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) DD DEC 2009 _________ 15 _________ _________ _________ FEB 2010 _________ MAY 2010 _________ Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ OCT 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ NOV 2010 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ DEC 2012 FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED ($000) _________ 250 _________ 250 _________ 167 _________ 83 _________ PAGE NO. 219 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION MTA Camp Santiago Salinas, Puerto Rico 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Live Fire Shoot House 436023 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: (CONTINUED) _______________________ B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NONE CFMO Name: Phone Number: PAGE NO. 220 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION Camp Fogarty Training Site INSNO= 44111 COST INDEX East Greenwich, Rhode Island 1.04 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION Normal administration five days per week, with a two-day training assembly two or three times per month. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS ANG Quonset AB (N.Kings .25 miles Air Base 10 ha (25 AC) 1945 ARNG Camp Fogarty (E.Gre 6.00 miles Training Site 152 ha (376 AC) 1945 ARNG Cm Readiness Ctr-Cr 12.00 miles Armory 3,279 m2 (35,300 SF) 1985 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) START CMPL ________ _____ ______ _____ ____ 44220 USPFO 5,877 m2 (63,260 SF) 27,000 OCT 2008 OCT 2010 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 27 JAN 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE 0 _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ 21407 Combined Support Maintenance Shop 5,339 m2 DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): (57,469 SF) 13,041 0 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 27 JAN 2002 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1390s1 83 83 0 0 0 0 83 83 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 3,030 2,560 419 372 2,611 2,188 PAGE NO. 221 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Fogarty Training Site East Greenwich, Rhode Island 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= 44111 UNIT DESIGNATION UIC ________________ ______ THE USPFO SUPPORTS ALL UNITS OF THE RHODE ISLAN TSPN ____ MTOE/TDA ________ STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 3,030 _______ 2,560 _______ 3,030 2,560 Assigned/Authorized: 84% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED TRAILERS AUTHORIZED __________ 10 2 __________ ACTUAL ______ 10 2 __________ TOTALS 12 12 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 222 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Camp Fogarty Training Site East Greenwich, Rhode Island 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT USPFO 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A 7.PROJECT NUMBER 442 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 440009 27,000 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ USPFO m2 (SF) USPFO Warehouse m2 (SF) Energy Management Control Syste LS SDD and EPAct05 LS Antiterrorism Measures LS SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Electric Service Water, Sewer, Gas Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Site Imp( 1,667) Demo( ) Antiterrorism Measures Other LS LS LS LS LS LS QUANTITY 3,700 ( 2,177 ( ---- ------- UNIT COST 39,824) 23,436) 2,816 2,632 ---- COST ($000) 17,122 (10,420) (5,730) (324) (324) (324) ------- 8,224 (411) (331) (627) (1,667) (269) (4,919) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 25,346 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 1,267 _________ SUBTOTAL 26,613 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 798 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 27,411 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 27,000 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP () 10.Description of Proposed Construction Directed cost adjustment of $1,000 based on actual construction cost de-escalation. A specially designed USPFO of permanent masonry type construction, brick and concrete block units with concrete floors, and a built-up or single membrane roof. A one-story structure with mechanical and electrical equipment and prewired work stations. Outside supporting facilities include military and privately-owned vehicle parking, fencing, sidewalks, exterior fire protection, outside lighting, access roads, detached facility sign, wash platform, fuel storage & dispensing system, and flagpole. Physical security measures will be incorporated into design including maximum feasible standoff distance from roads, parking areas, and vehicle unloading areas, berms, heavy landscaping, and bollards to prevent access when standoff distance cannot be maintained. Cost effective energy conserving features will be incorporated into design, including energy management control systems and high efficiency motors, lighting, and HVAC systems. Air conditioning: 15 tons. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: 5,877 m2 ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: NONE ________ PROJECT: This project is to provide a new USPFO of permanent type ________ construction to provide the logistical support for the Rhode Island Army National Guard. The space will permit all personnel to perform the necessary DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 223 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Fogarty Training Site East Greenwich, Rhode Island 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER USPFO 440009 PROJECT: (CONTINUED) _____________________ tasks logistical management support for RIARNG units. (Current Mission) REQUIREMENT: A 4,713 SM (50,735 SF) building is necessary to provide for the ____________ logistical management support of all Rhode Island Army National Guard units. CURRENT SITUATION: The current USPFO was constructed in 1936 and is totally __________________ inadequate to support the current mission of the Rhode Island Army National Guard. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: The USPFO’s ability to meet its logistical _______________________ management support objectives will continue to be adversely affected if the personnel are not provided with the proper facilities that they critically need. The overall readiness of the National Guard could also be adversely affected as the units could become a non-mobilization asset if this project is not provided. ADDITIONAL: This project has been ___________ coordinated with the installation physical security plan, and all physical security measures are included. All required antiterrorism protection measures are included. Alternative methods of meeting this requirement have been explored during project development. This project is the only feasible option to meet the requirement. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. The facility will be available for use by other components. Sustainable principles, to include Life Cycle cost-effective practices, will be integrated into the design, development, and construction of the project in accordance with Executive Order 13423, 10 USC 2802(c), and other applicable laws and Executive Orders. 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-bid-build (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) PAGE NO. 224 OCT 2008 _________ 65 _________ 65 _________ 100 _________ JUN 2009 _________ OCT 2010 _________ Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Fogarty Training Site East Greenwich, Rhode Island 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER USPFO 440009 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: (Continued) _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (Continued) (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ ($000) _________ 1,873 _________ 1,873 _________ 1,249 _________ 624 _________ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ NOV 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ DEC 2010 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ OCT 2012 B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NA CFMO Name: LTC Sean McKiernan Phone Number: 401 275-4664 DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 225 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK PAGE NO. 226 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION Watertown Range Training Site INSNO= 46C52 COST INDEX Watertown, South Dakota .95 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION Normal administration five days per week, with a two-day training assembly two or three times per month. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS ARNG Watertown, SD 1.00 miles Armory 1,513 m2 (16,281 SF) 1958 ARNG Brookings, SD 52.00 miles Armory 2,185 m2 (23,522 SF) 1972 ARNG Brookings, SD 52.00 miles OMS 472 m2 (5,085 SF) 1978 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) START CMPL ________ _____ ______ _____ ____ 17180 Readiness Center 8,816 m2 (94,890 SF) 25,000 JAN 2008 SEP 2010 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 10 FEB 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE 0 _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ NONE DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): 470 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 06 FEB 2007 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1390s1 25 25 2 2 22 22 1 1 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 1,271 235 28 28 243 207 PAGE NO. 227 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Watertown Range Training Site Watertown, South Dakota 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ HHB, MLRS BN (FIRES BDE) DET 1, BATTERY A, 1/147TH FIELD ARTILLERY BATTA DISTR CO, BSB COMBAT SPT BDE (BSB CSB) (ME) 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= 46C52 UIC ______ ARNG ARNG ARNG STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ TSPN ________ MTOE/TDA ____ 20604 06466G000 20604 06467G000 20604 06468G000 94 79 59 38 118 _______ 118 _______ 271 235 Assigned/Authorized: 86% *UNITS THAT MUST TRAIN ON SAME WEEKEND _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED TRAILERS TRACKED FUEL & M977 HEMTT HEMTT PLS/HET AUTHORIZED __________ 17 6 1 3 35 __________ ACTUAL ______ 17 6 1 3 35 __________ TOTALS 62 62 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 228 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Watertown Range Training Site Watertown, South Dakota 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT Readiness Center 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A 7.PROJECT NUMBER 171 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 460085 25,000 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ Readiness Center Unheated Encl/Shed-TP Vhcl Strg Controlled Waste Facility Flammable Materials Facility Building Information Systems Total from Continuation page SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Electric Service Water, Sewer, Gas Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Site Imp( 1,505) Demo( ) Antiterrorism Measures Other m2 m2 m2 m2 LS LS LS LS LS LS LS (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) QUANTITY 7,380 1,394 27.87 13.94 ( ( ( ( -- ------- UNIT COST 79,440) 15,000) 300) 150) 1,928 971.87 2,304 2,324 -- ------- COST ($000) 16,685 (14,228) (1,354) (64) (32) (364) (643) 6,648 (287) (661) (1,449) (1,505) (277) (2,469) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 23,333 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 1,167 _________ SUBTOTAL 24,500 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 735 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 25,235 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 25,000 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP () 10.Description of Proposed Construction Directed cost adjustment based on actual construction cost de-escalation. A readiness center of permanent masonry type construction, brick and concrete block units with concrete floors, and a metal or single membrane roof. A multi-story structure with mechanical and electrical equipment. A Distributive Training Technology classroom is to be included in the construction of the primary facility. Outside supporting facilities include military and privately-owned vehicle parking, fencing, sidewalks, exterior fire protection, outside lighting, access roads, detached facility sign, wash platform, multi-level loading dock, fuel containment pad & building for MTOE fullers, fuel storage/dispensing system, and flagpole. Physical security measures will be incorporated into design including maximum feasible standoff distance from roads, parking areas, and vehicle unloading areas, berms, heavy landscaping, and bollards to prevent access when standoff distance cannot be maintained. Cost effective energy conserving features will be incorporated into design, including energy management control systems and high efficiency motors, lighting, and HVAC systems. Air conditioning: 156 tons. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: 7,046 m2 ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: NONE ________ PROJECT: This project is to provide a readiness center, of permanent type ________ DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 229 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Watertown Range Training Site Watertown, South Dakota 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Readiness Center 460085 9. COST ESTIMATES (CONTINUED) ______________________________ Item UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY (CONTINUED) ____________________________ SDD and EPAct05 Antiterrorism Measures Building Information Systems LS LS LS QUANTITY ---- Unit COST Cost ($000) ---Total (321) (321) (1) _________ 643 PROJECT: (CONTINUED) _____________________ construction, to serve the peacetime missions of the assigned units. The space will permit all personnel to perform the necessary tasks that will contribute to the unit s readiness posture. The site of the project is on federal land. (New Mission) REQUIREMENT: This facility is required to house elements of the 2nd ____________ Battalion, 147th Field Artillery: Headquarters, Headquarters and Service Battery (-) and Detachment 1, Battery A; as well as Detachment 2, 727th Transportation Company. These units have a required strength of 185 personnel. The armory will provide the necessary administrative, training and storage areas required to achieve proficiency in required training tasks. An 11 acre federally licensed site is available for this project. CURRENT SITUATION: Headquarters, Headquarters and Service Battery (-) and __________________ Detachment 1, Battery A of the 2nd Battalion, 147th Field Artillery; as well as Detachment 2, 727th Transportation Company are located in an undersized facility. This is a 44-year-old facility built to accommodate 80 people and has no potential for expansion. The facility is inadequate to fully support artillery and transportation units due to the lack of adequate military and Privately Owned Vehicle parking, administrative, unit storage and classroom space. Locker rooms have been converted to classrooms and the individual equipment lockers are being stored on the drill floor. The readiness center is not easily accessible from any of the major streets or highways and is located within a residential area. With the construction of a new readiness center, the West Kemp Avenue Armory will be closed and Headquarters, Headquarters and Service Battery (-); Detachment 1, Battery A of the 2nd Battalion, 147th Field Artillery; as well as Detachment 2, 727th Transportation Company will be located at the Highway 20 facility. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: The units’ ability to meet their readiness, _______________________ recruiting, retention, and training objectives will continue to be adversely affected if they are not provided with the adequate facilities. Delays in the funding of this project will force the continued use of an inadequate and undersized facility and the present facility’s deficiencies will continue to negatively impact troop readiness and morale. The lack of proper and adequate training, storage and administrative areas will continue to impair the attainment of required mobilization readiness levels. PAGE NO. 230 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Watertown Range Training Site Watertown, South Dakota 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Readiness Center 460085 ADDITIONAL: ADDITIONAL: Alternative methods of meeting this requirement have ___________ been explored during project development. This project is the only feasible option to meet this requirement. Sustainable principles will be integrated into the design, development, and construction of the project in accordance with Executive Order 13423 and other applicable laws and Executive Orders. JOINT USE CERTIFICATION: The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. This facility will be available for use by other components. ANTITERRIORISM/FORCE PROTECTION: This project has been coordinated with the installation physical security plan. All required physical security measures and all anti-terrorism/force protection measures are included. 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-bid-build (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) DD JUN 2008 _________ 95 _________ _________ _________ JAN 2009 _________ SEP 2010 _________ Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ OCT 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ NOV 2010 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ MAR 2012 FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED ($000) _________ 1,363 _________ 1,363 _________ 909 _________ 454 _________ PAGE NO. 231 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Watertown Range Training Site Watertown, South Dakota 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Readiness Center 460085 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: (CONTINUED) _______________________ B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NA CFMO Name: LTC KIT CLINE Phone Number: 605 737-6601 PAGE NO. 232 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION Camp Swift INSNO= 48555 COST INDEX Bastrop, Texas .87 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION NORMAL ADMINISTRATION FIVE DAYS PER WEEK, A TWO-DAY TRAINING ASSEMBLY TWO OR THREE TIMES PER MONTH, PLUS 6 TO 8 FIFTEEN DAY TRAINING PERIODS DURING THE YEAR. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS ARNG CAMP MABRY (AUSTIN) 40.00 miles ARMORY 13,099 m2 (141,000 SF) 1997 ARNG CAMP MABRY (AUDTIN) 40.00 miles ARMORY 9,544 m2 (102,736 SF) 1977 ARNG BEE CAVES (AUSTIN), 40.00 miles ARMORY 1,885 m2 (20,289 SF) 1960 ARNG AUSTIN (51ST), TX 40.00 miles ARMOTY 5,239 m2 (56,387 SF) 1988 ARNG RESERVE CENTER, TX 40.00 miles RESERVE 8,909 m2 (95,900 SF) 1975 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE ________ SCOPE _____ ($000) ______ START _____ CMPL ____ 17898 URBAN ASSAULT COURSE 5 SN (5 SN) 2,600 OCT 2009 JUL 2010 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 08 FEB 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ NONE DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): 0 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 18 JAN 2007 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1390s1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 17,580 14,344 1,764 1,080 15,816 13,264 PAGE NO. 233 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Swift Bastrop, Texas 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= 48555 UNIT DESIGNATION UIC ________________ ______ 36TH INFANTRY DIVISION, TEXAS ARMY NATIONAL GUE ARNG TSPN ____ 4036 MTOE/TDA ________ STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 17,580 _______ 14,344 _______ 17,580 14,344 Assigned/Authorized: 81% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ ACTUAL ______ 0 __________ TOTALS 0 0 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 234 AUTHORIZED __________ 0 __________ PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Camp Swift Bastrop, Texas Urban Assault Course 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A 7.PROJECT NUMBER 178 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 480290 2,600 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ Mout Assault Course (MAC) Drainage Ditch Site Emplacement (exterior Stan Site Emplacement (Exterior Hut) Station 1- Individual/Team Total from Continuation page SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Electric Service Water, Sewer, Gas Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Site Imp( 196) Demo( ) Antiterrorism Measures Other LN LN EA EA EA LS LS LS LS LS LS QUANTITY 1 1 6 28 1 UNIT COST ------ 150,120 4,300 4,800 800.00 14,856 ------- ------- COST ($000) 1,179 (150) (4) (29) (22) (15) (959) 1,212 (20) (56) (200) (196) (130) (610) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 2,391 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 120 _________ SUBTOTAL 2,511 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 75 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 2,586 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 2,600 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP (0) 10.Description of Proposed Construction A 5-station Urban Assault Course (UAC) with a Clearing Techniques Building, Task Techniques Station, Grenadier Gunnery Station, Offense/Defense Station and Underground Trainer. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: NONE ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: NONE ________ PROJECT: An Urban Assault Course for support of Texas National Guard Infantry ________ Troops. (Current Mission) REQUIREMENT: This range will support the individual and collective ____________ familiarization and qualification requirements of all personnel assigned to units in the Division during inactive duty and annual training periods and will maximize annual training time for collective training. In addition, it is expected that this facility will be used by other units. This range will be constructed on Federal land under long-term lease from the State. CURRENT SITUATION: There are no other ranges within 2 hours travel distance __________________ (limit specified in NGB/FORSCOM Reg 350-2) that meet qualification standards. The Urban Assault Course is required to meet the training requirements of the Division Troops. The nearest range facility that meets current requirements is located on FT Hood, TX, which is nearly impossible to schedule due to use by active duty troops. DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 235 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Swift Bastrop, Texas 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Urban Assault Course 480290 9. COST ESTIMATES (CONTINUED) ______________________________ Item UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY (CONTINUED) ____________________________ Station 2 Squad/Platoon Station 3 Grenadier Station 4 Urban Offense/Defense Station 5 Underground Trainer Observation Podium 1 per LFX La Street (USACE EXAMPLE) Embankments For Building Short Wall For Brenadier Statio Rubbed CMU Wall Grenadier Stati Uninterruptable Power Supply Underground Electric Lines Flagpole Site emplacement (grenidier fac Hasty positions (grenadier stat Antiterrorism Measures EA EA EA EA EA m3 (CY) EA EA EA EA LN EA EA EA LS QUANTITY 1 1 1 1 3 727.09 190 2 1 1 1 1 5 1 -----( ---------- Unit COST Cost ($000) 57,745 (58) 11,087 (11) 404,924 (405) 107,719 (108) 212.00 (1) 951) 69.32 (50) 17.00 (3) 100.00 (1) 700.00 (1) 255,160 (255) 5,560 (6) 7,000 (7) 620.00 (3) 95.00 (1) -(49) _________ Total 959 IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: Personnel will be required to train on inadequate _______________________ ranges or to travel excessive distances to adequate ranges. The only alternative (traveling to Fort Hood) will result in increased costs and loss of valuable collective training time normally reserved for annual training. Overall readiness will be degraded regardless of the alternative used. ADDITIONAL: This project has been coordinated with the installation physical ___________ security plan, and all physical security measures are included. All required antiterrorism protection measures are included. Alternative methods of meeting this requirement have been explored during project development. This project is the only feasible option to meet the requirement. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. Mission requirements, operational considerations, and location are incompatible with use by other components. Sustainable principles, to include Life Cycle cost-effective practices, will be integrated into the design, development, and construction of the project in accordance with Executive Order 13423, 10 USC 2802(c), and other applicable laws and Executive Orders. PAGE NO. 236 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Swift Bastrop, Texas 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Urban Assault Course 480290 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-bid-build (2) OCT 2009 _________ 35 _________ 65 _________ 100 _________ JAN 2010 _________ JUL 2010 _________ Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ ($000) _________ 183 _________ 183 _________ 122 _________ 61 _________ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ OCT 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ NOV 2010 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ DEC 2012 B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NONE CFMO Name: LTC TIMOTHY SENECAUT Phone Number: DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 237 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK PAGE NO. 238 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION Camp Maxey INSNO= 48G00 COST INDEX Powderly, Texas .87 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION A two-day training assembly two or three times per month. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS , .00 miles 8,909 (95,900 SF) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) START CMPL ________ _____ ______ _____ ____ 17822 Qualification Training Range 15 LN (15 LN) 2,500 NOV 2007 OCT 2008 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 08 FEB 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ 178 Urban Assualt Course 5,339 DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): (57,469 SF) 2,600 19,696 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 19 OCT 2005 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1390s1 10 8 0 0 4 2 6 6 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 2,089 1,280 153 84 1,936 1,196 PAGE NO. 239 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Maxey Powderly, Texas 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= 48G00 UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ HHC (-), 5th Bn 112th AR Det 1, HHC, 5th Bn 112th AR Co B, 5th Bn 112th AR Co C, 5th Bn 112th AR Co C 372d Fwd Spt Bn Det 1, 736th Maint Co HHC (-), 3d Bn 144th Inf Det 1, HHC 3d Bn 144th Inf Co A, 3d Bn 144th Inf Co B (-), 3d Bn 144th Inf Det 1, Co B, 3d Bn 144th Inf UIC ______ WPD1T0 WPDIT1 WPD1B0 WPD1C0 WV56C0 WVMLA1 WPEBT0 WPEBT1 WPEBA0 WPEBB0 WPEBB1 Co C, 3d Bn 144th Inf HHC, 1st Bn 112th AR Co A, 1st Bn 112th AR Co B, 1sr Bn 112th AR Co C, 1st Bn 112th AR Troop I, 124th Calvary (BRT) HHC, 72d Bde Co B, 536th Sig Bn 449th Per Svc Det WPEPC0 WPDXT0 WPDXA0 WPDXB0 WPDXC0 WPTWAA WQSFAA WBEFBO WQHRAA TSPN ____ MTOE/TDA ________ 17375LNG04 STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 161 85 66 63 255 95 158 104 63 105 41 4036 46349LNG03 07245LNG05 97 36 39 28 79 68 102 49 63 45 17 146 103 282 204 72 23 72 32 72 36 49 49 88 115 159 95 0 _______ 0 _______ 2,136 1,280 Assigned/Authorized: 59% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED TRAILERS TRACKED EQUIPMENT > 30 FT FUEL & M977 HEMTT AUTHORIZED __________ 16 6 1 1 1 __________ ACTUAL ______ 16 6 1 1 1 __________ TOTALS 25 25 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 240 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Camp Maxey Powderly, Texas 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT Combat Pistol/Military Pistol Qualifi 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A 7.PROJECT NUMBER 178 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 480267 2,500 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ Stationary Infantry Target Empl Lane Markers Limit Markers Data Wire/Junction Box Power Center Transformer Panel Total from Continuation page SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Electric Service Water, Sewer, Gas Site Imp( 475) Demo( ) Antiterrorism Measures EA EA EA LN LN LS LS LS LS QUANTITY 105 15 4 15 15 ------ ----- UNIT COST COST ($000) 3,288 240.00 930.00 12,362 4,006 ----- 1,398 (345) (4) (4) (185) (60) (800) 932 (45) (100) (475) (312) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 2,330 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 117 _________ SUBTOTAL 2,447 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 73 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 2,520 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 2,500 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP (1,068) 10.Description of Proposed Construction Construct a Combat Pistol/Military Pistol Qualification Course. Targetry and instrumentation system will be funded by other procurment, Army (OPA) appropriations. Access for individuals with disabilities is not required. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: 15 FP ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: 15 FP ________ PROJECT: Construct a Combat Pistol/Military Police Qualification Course ________ Range. (Current Mission) REQUIREMENT: This project is required to support individual weapons ____________ familiarization and qualification requirements of all personnel (2089) assigned to units within a 2 hours travel distance during inactive duty training periods and will save annual training time for collective training. This range will be constructed on State land. CURRENT SITUATION: There are no other ranges within 2 hours travel distance __________________ that meet qualification standards. Individual pistol qualification is currently being accomplished on a non-automated stand alone 25 meter static pistol course. This range does not provide the realism in training required to meet combat training objectives. The nearest range facility that meets current requirements is located on Fort Wolters, which is a 4.5-hour drive from this location. DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 241 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Maxey Powderly, Texas 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Combat Pistol/Military Pistol Qualification Cours 480267 9. COST ESTIMATES (CONTINUED) ______________________________ Item UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY (CONTINUED) ____________________________ Downrange Electrical Trenching Power/Communication Range Operations & Control Area Range Tower Firing Berm/Foxhole/Defilade SDD and EPAct05 LS LS LS m2 (SF) LN LS Unit COST QUANTITY ---23.78 ( 15 --- 256) Cost ($000) -(472) -(34) -(83) 5,932 (141) 3,322 (50) -(20) _________ Total 800 IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: If this project is not provided personnel will _______________________ continue to train on inadequate ranges. The alternative (traveling to Fort Wolters) will result in increased costs and loss of training time. Overall readiness will be degraded regardless of the alternative used. ADDITIONAL: This project has been coordinated with the installation physical ___________ security plan, and all physical security measures are included. All required antiterrorism protection measures are included. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. Mission requirements, operational considerations, and location are incompatible with use by other components. 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-bid-build (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) (3) PAGE NO. 242 NOV 2007 _________ 100 _________ 100 _________ 100 _________ MAY 2008 _________ OCT 2008 _________ Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): ($000) (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... _________ (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... _________ 104 (c) Total Design Cost............................... _________ 104 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Maxey Powderly, Texas 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Combat Pistol/Military Pistol Qualification Cours 480267 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: (Continued) _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (Continued) (d) Contract........................................ _________ 69 (e) In-house........................................ _________ 35 (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ NOV 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ DEC 2010 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ JUN 2011 B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ ATS TARGETRY OPA 2010 TOTAL 1,068 ______ 1,068 CFMO Name: LTC TIMOTHY SENECAUT Phone Number: 512-782-5392 DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 243 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK PAGE NO. 244 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION Joint Forces HQs INSNO= VQA15 COST INDEX St Croix, Virgin Islands (U.S.) 1.36 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION Normal administration five days per week, with a two-day training assembly two or three times a month. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS ARNG Estate Bethlehem, V 14.00 miles Armory 5,792 m2 (62,340 SF) 1990 ARNG Estate Mannings Bay 12.00 miles AAOF 1,394 m2 (15,000 SF) 1985 ARNG Estate Hams Bluff, 15.00 miles RTI 1,825 m2 (19,647 SF) 198 ARNG Estate mannings Bay 15.00 miles Comm Air Wing 929 m2 (10,000 SF) 1986 , .00 miles 929 m2 (10,000 SF) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE ________ 17180 Readiness Center (JFHQ) SCOPE _____ 6,721 m2 (72,340 SF) ($000) ______ 25,000 START CMPL _____ ____ OCT 2007 JAN 2009 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 12 FEB 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE 0 _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ 17180 17120 17180 Armory Modernization RTI Modernization Armory Modernization 74 m2 3,547 m2 74 m2 DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): (800 SF) (38,176 SF) (800 SF) 250 8,170 250 0 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 01 JUL 2007 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1390s1 128 128 47 47 56 56 25 25 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 115 115 55 55 60 60 PAGE NO. 245 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Joint Forces HQs St Croix, Virgin Islands (U.S.) 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ HEADQUARTERS TARC-VING AIR GUARD 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= VQA15 UIC ______ W7P4AA TSPN ____ MTOE/TDA ________ STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 105 105 10 _______ 10 _______ 115 115 Assigned/Authorized: 100% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED ACTUAL ______ 25 __________ TOTALS 25 25 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 246 AUTHORIZED __________ 25 __________ PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Joint Forces HQs St Croix, Virgin Islands (U.S.) 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT Readiness Center (JFHQ) 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A 7.PROJECT NUMBER 171 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 520034 25,000 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ Readiness Center (JFHQ) Energy Management Control Syste Flammable Material Storehouse, SDD and EPAct05 Antiterrorism Measures Building Information Systems SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Electric Service Water, Sewer, Gas Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Site Imp( 456) Demo( ) Information Systems Antiterrorism Measures Other m2 (SF) LS m2 (SF) LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS QUANTITY 6,711 ( -9.29 ( ----------- UNIT COST 72,240) 100) 2,801 -2,715 ----------- COST ($000) 19,481 (18,797) (188) (25) (188) (282) (1) 4,089 (890) (537) (847) (456) (1) (192) (1,166) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 23,570 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 1,179 _________ SUBTOTAL 24,749 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 742 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 25,491 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 25,000 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP (1,352) 10.Description of Proposed Construction Directed cost adjustment of $1,000 based on actual construction cost de-escalation. A specially designed readiness center of permanent masonry type construction, brick and concrete block units with concrete floors, and a single membrane roof. A one-story structure with mechanical and electrical equipment. Outside supporting facilities include military and privately-owned vehicle parking, fencing, unheated equipment and military vehicle storage, controlled waste storage, sidewalks, exterior fire protection, outside lighting, access roads, detached facility sign, wash platform, and flagpole. Physical security measures will be incorporated into design including maximum feasible standoff distance from roads, parking areas, and vehicle unloading areas, berms, heavy landscaping, and bollards to prevent access when standoff distance cannot be maintained. Cost effective energy conserving features will be incorporated into design, including direct digital control systems and high efficiency motors, lighting, and HVAC systems. Air conditioning: 14 tons. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: 6,721 m2 ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: NONE ________ PROJECT: This project is to provide a 106-person readiness center of ________ permanent type construction to serve the peace time missions of the assigned unit. The space will permit all personnel to perform the necessary tasks that DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 247 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Joint Forces HQs St Croix, Virgin Islands (U.S.) 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Readiness Center (JFHQ) 520034 PROJECT: (CONTINUED) _____________________ will improve the unit s readiness posture. The site of the project is on state land. (Current Mission) REQUIREMENT: A 4,620 SM (49,723 SF) readiness center is required to ____________ adequately provide the units housed in this facility with administrative, supply, classroom, locker, latrine, and kitchen space. CURRENT SITUATION: The individuals assigned to this facility drill in an __________________ admin building converted for use as a Headquarters. There are no classroom and supply or storage areas for use by the soldiers. There is no assembly hall or dining facility and POV parking is limited. The existing building is 33,123 SF less than the space required to adequately house the Unit. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: The units’ ability to meet its readiness, recruiting _______________________ and retention, and training objectives will continue to be adversely affected if the personnel are not provided with the proper facilities that they critically need. If this project is not approved and funded for FY 2005, the State may withdraw the matching funds. Delays in the funding of this project will force the continued use of inadequate facilities and the present facilities’ deficiencies will continue to negatively impact troop readiness and morale. The lack of adequate latrines, training, storage and administrative areas will continue to impair unit maintenance training and the attainment of required mobilization readiness levels for this unit. This will force the National Guard to seek a new appropriation and start the funding process all over again, which could delay this project for several years. ADDITIONAL: This project has been coordinated with the installation ___________ physical security plan, and all physical security measures are included. All required antiterrorism protection measures are included. Alternative methods of meeting this requirement have been explored during project development. This project is the only feasible option to meet the requirement. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. Mission requirements, operational considerations, and location are incompatible with use by other components. 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-bid-build PAGE NO. 248 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD OCT 2007 _________ 100 _________ 100 _________ 100 _________ JAN 2008 _________ JAN 2009 _________ FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Joint Forces HQs St Croix, Virgin Islands (U.S.) 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Readiness Center (JFHQ) 520034 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: (Continued) _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (Continued) (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ ($000) _________ 2,150 _________ 2,150 _________ 1,433 _________ 717 _________ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ OCT 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ NOV 2010 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ MAY 2012 B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ Telcom ESS Kitchen Equip OPA OPA OPA 2012 2012 2012 TOTAL 522 730 100 ______ 1,352 CFMO Name: LTC AUBREY RUAN Phone Number: 340-712-7721 DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 249 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK PAGE NO. 250 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION Camp Murray INSNO= 53555 COST INDEX Tacoma, Washington 1.12 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION Normal administration five days per week, with a two-day training assembly two or three times per month. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS ARNG Camp Murray, WA .50 miles HQ WAARNG 21 m2 (226 SF) 1903 USAR Fort Lewis, WA 1.50 miles USAR Center 4,181 m2 (45,000 SF) USAR Tacoma, WA 8.00 miles USAR Center 2,323 m2 (25,000 SF) Fort Lewis, WA 1.50 miles AFRC 5,388 m2 (58,000 SF) USA Fort Lewis, WA .00 miles Active Instalaltio 26,477 m2 (285,000 SF) USA McChord, WA 3.00 miles 8,919 m2 (96,000 SF) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE ________ SCOPE _____ ($000) ______ START _____ CMPL ____ 21419 Combined Support Maintenance 7,284 m2 (78,402 SF) 25,000 OCT 2007 JUL 2010 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 05 JAN 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE 0 _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ 17180 17180 AVN BDE Readiness Center Information Operations Readiness Center 10,670 m2 7,498 m2 DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): (114,850 SF) (80,713 SF) 26,000 23,828 0 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 31 JUL 2005 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1390s1 106 106 0 0 0 0 106 106 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 5,952 6,353 821 690 5,131 5,663 PAGE NO. 251 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Murray Tacoma, Washington 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= 53555 UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ HHC 81ST 66TH AVN 96TH TROOP COMMAND 205TH TRAINING REGIMENT (LEADERSHIP) JFHQ-WA 10TH CIVIL SUPPORT TEAM (WMD) RECRUITING AND RETENTION UIC ______ WQYQAA WYHUAA W8BLAA W8FFAA W8BLAA W7LLAA W77752 TSPN ____ 14081 31137 56751 66751 56751 56951 MTOE/TDA ________ 87102LNG04 01402ANG01 NGW79AAA 11445LNG01 NGW8BLAA NGW7LLAA NGW777AA STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 2,861 3,594 626 594 2,061 1,697 101 99 211 257 22 13 70 _______ 99 _______ 5,952 6,353 Assigned/Authorized: 106% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED TRAILERS TRACKED EQUIPMENT > 30 FT FUEL & M977 HEMTT HEMTT PLS/HET AUTHORIZED __________ 39 0 0 1 0 0 __________ ACTUAL ______ 1,072 479 67 152 49 54 __________ TOTALS 40 1,873 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 252 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Camp Murray Tacoma, Washington 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT Combined Support Maintenance Shop 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A 7.PROJECT NUMBER 214 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 530022 25,000 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ Combined Support Maintenance Sh Flammable Materials Facility Controlled Waste Facility Unheated Metal Storage Building Energy Management Control Syste Total from Continuation page SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Electric Service Water, Sewer, Gas Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Storm Drainage Site Imp( 530) Demo( 865) Information Systems Antiterrorism Measures Other m2 m2 m2 m2 LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) QUANTITY 6,796 46.45 46.45 394.84 ( ( ( ( -- --------- UNIT COST 73,152) 500) 500) 4,250) 2,382 842.52 617.76 730.22 -- --------- COST ($000) 17,590 (16,191) (39) (29) (288) (469) (574) 5,817 (301) (753) (1,445) (147) (1,395) (1) (42) (1,733) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 23,407 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 1,170 _________ SUBTOTAL 24,577 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 737 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 25,314 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 25,000 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP () 10.Description of Proposed Construction Directed cost adjustment of $1,000 based on actual construction cost de-escalation. Constructing a new Combined Support Maintenance Shop (CSMS) with three Organizational Maintenance Shops that s directly tied to the Army Campaign Plan. The facility will be constructed of permanent masonry type wall construction, with a single ply or sloped standing seam roofing system, concrete floors and cost effective and energy efficient mechanical and electrical equipment, an energy management system, and emergency power generation backup will be incorporated into the design. Supporting facilities will include 11 support level maintenance (sustainment) work bays, 6 special purpose work bays, administrative and employee support areas, military vehicle and POV parking, access roads and associated support activities. Extension of existing roads and gas, electric, sewer, water and communication utilities on the building site will be necessary. Physical security measures will be incorporated into design including maximum feasible standoff distance from roads, parking areas, and vehicle unloading areas, berms, heavy landscaping, and bollards to prevent access when standoff distance cannot be maintained. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: NONE ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: NONE ________ PROJECT: Construct a new Combined Support Maintenance Shop (CSMS) combines ________ DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 253 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Murray Tacoma, Washington 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Combined Support Maintenance Shop 530022 9. COST ESTIMATES (CONTINUED) ______________________________ Item UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY (CONTINUED) ____________________________ SDD and EPAct05 Antiterrorism Measures LS LS QUANTITY --- Unit COST Cost ($000) --Total (324) (250) _________ 574 PROJECT: (CONTINUED) _____________________ surface maintenance activities currently performed at four separate facilities (CSMS and three OMS’s) which is directly tied to the Army Campaign Plan. The current facilities are all within close proximity of each other. The new Combined Support Maintenance Shop and the supporting infrastructure are to be constructed on a new 27 acre site, located at the Logistics Center, Fort Lewis, Washington. (Current Mission) REQUIREMENT: The new CSMS facility is required to provide field and ____________ sustainment (organizational, direct and general support) maintenance activities on tracked, wheeled vehicles and other WAARNG equipment. The CSMS (ARNG TDA maintenance facility) provides full-time support to the WAARNG. The facility will consist of sustainment maintenance & special purpose work bays, secure supply & parts storage areas, Basic Items Issue area, technical, admin & personnel support areas, impervious vehicle parking and support items (wash racks, loading ramps, etc). No other adequate facilities are available to support the units. This facility is directly tied to the Army Campaign Plan. CURRENT SITUATION: The current CSMS facility (three building complex) was __________________ built in 1954 on Camp Murray, it’s in poor condition, does not meet current building codes or National Guard Bureau criteria. It’s 1/3rd of the size authorized to support the mission, limiting the throughput of work, thus affecting the readiness of the supported units. The facilities have been improved and upgrade over time and it is structurally and economically infeasible to continue to alter or upgrade to meet current mission requirements. Military parking area and access roads are unpaved and poorly drained, causing both safety hazards and a potential environmental violation(s). IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: If the project is not approved, the present _______________________ facility’s lack of adequate space will continue to reduce maintenance efficiency, causing training and mobilization readiness standards to decline and will continue the potential for personnel accidents and environmental violations. The CSMS and OMS staff continues to put 110% effort toward an ever increasing operational tempo for the supported units but are severely hampered by the lack of adequate facilities to accomplish the mission. If the requirement for the new CSMS is not met, the impact on the readiness of the Washington Army National Guard will be extremely detrimental. Will not be able to support the Army Campaign Plan. PAGE NO. 254 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Murray Tacoma, Washington 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Combined Support Maintenance Shop 530022 ADDITIONAL: This project has been coordinated with the installation physical ___________ security plan, and all physical security measures are included. All required antiterrorism protection measures are included. Alternative methods of meeting this requirement have been explored during project development. This project is the only feasible option to meet the requirement. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. Mission requirements, operational considerations, and location are incompatible with use by other components. Sustainable principles, to include Life Cycle cost-effective practices, will be integrated into the design, development, and construction of the project in accordance with Executive Order 13423, 10 USC 2802(c), and other applicable laws and Executive Orders. 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-bid-build (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) DD OCT 2007 _________ 65 _________ _________ _________ JUN 2009 _________ JUL 2010 _________ Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ OCT 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ DEC 2010 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ OCT 2012 FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED ($000) 1,425 _________ 713 _________ 2,138 _________ 1,425 _________ 713 _________ PAGE NO. 255 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Camp Murray Tacoma, Washington 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Combined Support Maintenance Shop 530022 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: (CONTINUED) _______________________ B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NA CFMO Name: COL DUANE COFFEY Phone Number: 253 512-8811 PAGE NO. 256 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION West Virginia ARNG INSNO= WVARNG COST INDEX West Virginia .93 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION Normal administration five days per week, with a two-day training assembly two or three times per month. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS ARNG Elkins, WV 65.00 miles Armory 1,626 m2 (17,500 SF) 1962 ARNG Kiser, WV 36.00 miles Armory 1,186 m2 (12,762 SF) 1962 ARNG Martinsburg, WV 69.00 miles Armory 1,362 m2 (14,662 SF) 1976 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) START CMPL ________ _____ ______ _____ ____ 17180 Readiness Center 3,977 m2 (42,810 SF) 14,200 JUN 2007 APR 2009 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 15 MAY 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED Land for the project will be acquired by the state of West Virginia. Ownership will be transfered to the Army National Guard by 1 October 2010 25.00 _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ 17180 17180 17180 Readiness Center Readiness Center Readinesss Center 7,498 7,498 7,498 DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): (80,713 SF) (80,713 SF) (80,713 SF) 22,000 10,000 14,286 0 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 11 JAN 2005 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1390s1 7 4 0 0 6 3 1 1 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 81 20 2 1 79 19 PAGE NO. 257 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION West Virginia ARNG West Virginia 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= WVARNG UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ DET 1, 157TH MP GUARD CO (CS) UIC ______ WP4VAA TSPN ________ MTOE/TDA ____ 31925 19477LNG01 STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 81 _______ 20 _______ 81 20 Assigned/Authorized: 24% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED TRAILERS EQUIPMENT > 30 FT AUTHORIZED __________ 25 9 2 __________ ACTUAL ______ 25 9 2 __________ TOTALS 36 36 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 258 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE West Virginia ARNG West Virginia 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT Readiness Center 6.CATEGORY CODE 050589A 7.PROJECT NUMBER 171 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 540084 14,200 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ Readiness Center Flammable Materials Faility Controlled Waste Facility Unheated Metal Storage Building Energy Management Control Syste Total from Continuation page SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Electric Service Water, Sewer, Gas Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Storm Drainage Site Imp( 2,272) Demo( ) Information Systems Antiterrorism Measures Other m2 m2 m2 m2 LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) QUANTITY 3,817 18.58 27.87 113.43 ( ( ( ( -- --------- UNIT COST 41,089) 200) 300) 1,221) COST ($000) 1,817 1,055 964.80 1,178 -- --------- 7,648 (6,938) (20) (27) (134) (70) (459) 5,397 (640) (185) (1,213) (42) (2,272) (1) (561) (483) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 13,045 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 652 _________ SUBTOTAL 13,697 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 411 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 14,108 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 14,200 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP () 10.Description of Proposed Construction Directed cost adjustment of $0.800 based on actual construction cost de-escalation. A specially designed Readiness Center of permanent masonry type construction, with standing seam roof, concrete floors and mechanical and electrical equipment with emergency power generator backup. A multi-level structure with mechanical and electrical equipment service each area independently. Outside supporting facilities include military and privately-owned vehicle parking, fencing, sidewalks, exterior fire protection, outside lighting, access roads, detached facility sign, wash platform, fuel-dispensing & storage system, and flagpole. Physical security measures will be incorporated into the design, including maximum stand-off distances from roads, parking areas, and vehicle unloading areas. Berms, heavy landscaping, and bollards will be used to prevent access when stand-off distance cannot be maintained. Cost efficient energy consternating features will be incorporated into the design, including energy management control systems and high efficiency motors, lighting, and HVAC systems. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: 3,977 m2 ADQT: 1,528 m2 SUBSTD: 1,356 m2 ________ PROJECT: This project is to provide a multi-story readiness center of ________ permanent type construction to serve the peacetime missions of the assigned units. The space will permit all personnel to perform the necessary tasks to DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 259 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION West Virginia ARNG West Virginia 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Readiness Center 540084 9. COST ESTIMATES (CONTINUED) ______________________________ Item UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY (CONTINUED) ____________________________ SDD and EPAct05 Antiterrorism Measures LS LS QUANTITY --- Unit COST Cost ($000) --Total (125) (334) _________ 459 PROJECT: (CONTINUED) _____________________ improve the unit s readiness posture. The new Readiness Center will be constructed jointly with the City of Moorefield / Hardy County, West Virginia. The intent is to construct a combined ARNG Readiness Center and Visitor’s Center / Historic Museum for the County. The site for the Facility lies adjacent to Corridor ’H’ (a new interstate highway currently under construction which will connect the northeastern portion of West Virginia to interstate 81 in Virginia). The project site is on state owned land. (New Mission) (New Mission) REQUIREMENT: This facility is required to house elements of the 154th ____________ Military Police Guard Unit with a required strength of 81 personnel. The readiness center will provide the necessary administrative, training, storage and parking areas required to achieve proficiency in required training tasks. A 50 acre site (state-owned) is currently being acquired for this project. CURRENT SITUATION: The current WVARNG Military Police Guard Unit is located __________________ in a single-story masonry building leased, by the WVARNG, from the City of Moorefield- approximately one mile from the proposed new site. The Facility is totally inadequate to fully support the 55 personnel currently stationed there, and cannot in any way support two Units of 81 personnel. The current facility lacks sufficient area in all authorized categories, and is void of any Anti-Terrorism and Force protection protective measures. With the construction of a new Readiness Center, the National Guard will vacate the existing Facility and terminate the lease. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: The Units’ ability to meet their readiness, _______________________ recruiting & retention, and training objectives will continue to be adversely affected if the personnel are not provided with facilities adequate for their needs. The current facility cannot support the number of personnel scheduled for the new readiness center. Delays in the funding of this project will force the continued use of an inadequate facility; which will continue to negatively impact troop readiness, training and morale. The lack of proper and sufficient training, storage and administrative areas will continue to impair the attainment of required mobilization readiness levels. ADDITIONAL: This project has been coordinated with the installation physical ___________ security plan, and all physical security measures are included. All required antiterrorism protection measures are included. Alternative methods of meeting PAGE NO. 260 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION West Virginia ARNG West Virginia 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Readiness Center 540084 ADDITIONAL: (CONTINUED) __________________________ this requirement have been explored during project development. This project is the only feasible option to meet the requirement. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. The facility will be available for use by other components. Sustainable principles, to include Life Cycle cost-effective practices, will be integrated into the design, development, and construction of the project in accordance with Executive Order 13423, 10 USC 2802(c), and other applicable laws and Executive Orders. 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-bid-build (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) DD JUN 2007 _________ 100 _________ _________ _________ SEP 2008 _________ APR 2009 _________ Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ OCT 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ DEC 2010 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ OCT 2012 FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED ($000) 871 _________ 49,129 _________ 50,000 _________ _________ 50,000 _________ PAGE NO. 261 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION West Virginia ARNG West Virginia 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Readiness Center 540084 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: (CONTINUED) _______________________ B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NA CFMO Name: LTC DAVID SHAFER Phone Number: 304 561-6450 PAGE NO. 262 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION Morgantown Readiness Center INSNO= 54B00 COST INDEX Morgantown, West Virginia .94 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION Normal administration five days per week, with a two-day training assembly two or three times per month. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS ARNG Camp Dawson, WV 30.00 miles AFRC/RTI/ATS 18,581 m2 (200,000 SF) 1998 ARNG Fairmont, WV 30.00 miles Armory 2,713 m2 (29,200 SF) 1963 ARNG Wheeling, WV 85.00 miles Armory/AASF 6,122 m2 (65,900 SF) 1995 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) START CMPL ________ _____ ______ _____ ____ 17180 Readiness Center 8,934 m2 (96,165 SF) 21,000 OCT 2008 DEC 2009 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 15 MAR 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED The WVARNG acting through the State has executed an agreement with the City of Morgatown to acquire the property through an exchange of the existing Morgantown Armory (54B00) concurrent with MCCA execution. 35.00 _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ 17180 17180 17180 Readiness Center Readiness Center Readiness Center 7,498 7,498 7,498 DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): (80,713 SF) (80,713 SF) (80,713 SF) 15,000 10,000 14,186 0 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 05 FEB 2007 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1390s1 33 33 6 6 24 24 3 3 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 328 328 24 24 304 304 PAGE NO. 263 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Morgantown Readiness Center Morgantown, West Virginia 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ AREA SUPPORT MEDICAL DETACHMENT 249TH ARMY BAND B BATTERY, 1-201ST FIELD ARTILLERY RECRUITING AND RETENTION LINE CO, 3RD BATTALION, 25TH MARINE CORPS RESER 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= 54B00 UIC ______ G08851 WQK1AA WP43B0 TSPN ____ MTOE/TDA ________ 08753A000 12113LNG02 06455ANG07 STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 42 42 41 41 102 102 3 3 140 _______ 140 _______ 328 328 Assigned/Authorized: 100% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED TRAILERS TRACKED EQUIPMENT > 30 FT HEMTT PLS/HET WHEELED AUTHORIZED __________ 25 18 12 9 4 3 __________ ACTUAL ______ 25 18 12 9 4 3 __________ TOTALS 71 71 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 264 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Morgantown Readiness Center Morgantown, West Virginia 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT Readiness Center 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A 7.PROJECT NUMBER 171 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 540068 21,000 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ Reserve Center Building Controlled Waste Handling Facil Unheated Metal Storage Building Energy Mangement Control System SDD and EPAct05 Antiterrorism Measures SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Electric Service Water, Sewer, Gas Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Site Imp( 605) Demo( ) Antiterrorism Measures Other m2 (SF) m2 (SF) m2 (SF) LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS QUANTITY 8,675 ( 27.87 ( 231.33 ( ---------- UNIT COST 93,375) 300) 2,490) 1,568 527.66 727.85 ---------- COST ($000) 14,518 (13,599) (15) (168) (130) (252) (354) 5,324 (891) (1,401) (1,455) (605) (235) (737) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 19,842 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 992 _________ SUBTOTAL 20,834 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 625 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 21,459 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 21,000 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP (0) 10.Description of Proposed Construction Directed cost adjustment of $1,000 based on actual construction cost de-escalation. A specially designed Armed Forces Reserve Center of permanent masonry type construction, brick and concrete block units with concrete floors, and a metal or single membrane roof. A two-story structure with mechanical and electrical equipment. Outside supporting facilities include military and privately-owned vehicle parking, fencing, sidewalks, exterior fire protection, outside lighting, access roads, detached facility sign, wash platforms, fuel storage and dispensing systems, and flagpole. Physical security measures will be incorporated into design including maximum feasible standoff distance from roads, parking areas, and vehicle unloading areas, berms, heavy landscaping, and bollards to prevent access when standoff distance cannot be maintained. Cost effective energy conserving features will be incorporated into design, including energy management control systems and high efficiency motors, lighting, and HVAC systems. Air conditioning: 100 tons. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: 8,934 m2 ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: NONE ________ PROJECT: This project provides a Joint Armed Forces Reserve Center, of ________ permanent type construction, to serve the peacetime missions of the assigned units and space for all personnel to perform the necessary tasks that will DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 265 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Morgantown Readiness Center Morgantown, West Virginia 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Readiness Center 540068 PROJECT: (CONTINUED) _____________________ improve the units’ readiness posture. (Current Mission) REQUIREMENT: This facility is required to house all elements of the Area ____________ Support Medical Detachment, 249th Army Band, Battery B, 1-201st Field Artillery, and Company K (Line) 3rd Battalion, 25th Marine Corps Reserve. The two Facilities these Units currently occupy are inadequate due to size limitations on square footage and military parking. They lack sufficient area in training, administrative, storage, and maintenance necessary for the Units to train affectively. Currently, the State is in the process of acquiring 30 acres of state owned property for the construction of the Facility. CURRENT SITUATION: The 249th Army band and B Battery, 1-201 FA is currently __________________ located in an existing armory in Morgantown, WV. This Facility was constructed in 1972 and is some 31 years old. The existing Armory is land-locked and offers no area for expansion. The Facility lacks sufficient administrative, storage, training and maintenance area to serve a single Unit, let alone two. There is no area for a military band to either store instruments, or practice. The Marine Corps Reserve Line Co. is currently housed in Moundsville, West Virginia in a leased Facility which does not offer adequate administrative or vehicle maintenance areas. The Area Medical Support Detachment is a new Unit scheduled to come on-line in 2005, and has no stationing Facility identified. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: The units’ ability to meet their readiness, _______________________ recruiting and retention, and training objectives will continue to be adversely affected if the personnel are not provided with adequate facilities. Delays in the funding of this project will force the continued use of inadequate facilities and the present facilities’ deficiencies will continue to negatively impact troop readiness and morale. The lack of proper and adequate training, storage and administrative areas will continue to impair the attainment of required mobilization readiness levels for both the National Guard and Marine Reserve units. ADDITIONAL: The most similar DoD standards for readiness center construction ___________ do not address all of the current criteria incorporated in the Army National Guard Readiness Center design and thus do not yield accurate cost estimates. Therefore, state historical costs for construction of like facilities were used to develop baseline unit cost and were adjusted for size, fiscal year and location. This project has been coordinated with the installation physical security plan, and all physical security measures are included. All required antiterrorism protection measures are included. Alternative methods of meeting this requirement have been explored during project development. This project is the only feasible option to meet the requirement. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Housing) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. The facility will be available for use by other components. Sustainable principles, to include Life Cycle cost-effective practices, will be integrated into the design, development, and PAGE NO. 266 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Morgantown Readiness Center Morgantown, West Virginia 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Readiness Center 540068 ADDITIONAL: (CONTINUED) __________________________ construction of the project in accordance with Executive Order 13423, 10 USC 2802(c), and other applicable laws and Executive Orders. 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-bid-build (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) DD OCT 2008 _________ 35 _________ _________ _________ JUN 2009 _________ DEC 2009 _________ Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ OCT 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ OCT 2010 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ MAR 2012 FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED ($000) 750 _________ 375 _________ 1,125 _________ 1,125 _________ _________ PAGE NO. 267 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Morgantown Readiness Center Morgantown, West Virginia 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Readiness Center 540068 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: (CONTINUED) _______________________ B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NONE CFMO Name: LTC DAVID SHAFER Phone Number: 304 561-6450 PAGE NO. 268 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION Madison Army Aviation Support Facili INSNO= 55B36 COST INDEX Madison, Wisconsin 1.06 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION Normal administration five days per week, with a two-day training assembly two or three times per month. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS ARNG Madison, WI .20 miles Armory 6,122 (65,900 ) 1989 ARNG Madison, WI .50 miles Armory 6,122 (65,900 ) 1940 ARNG Madison, WI .50 miles Armory 6,122 (65,900 ) 1994 ARNG Madison, WI .50 miles Armory 6,122 (65,900 ) 1956 ARNG Madison, WI .10 miles AASF 6,122 (65,900 ) 1940 ARNG Madison, WI .10 miles AASF Hangar 6,122 (65,900 ) 1981 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE ________ SCOPE _____ ($000) ______ START _____ CMPL ____ 11320 Aircraft Parking 1,175 m2 (12,652 SF) 5,700 JUL 2007 JUL 2008 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 11 FEB 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE 0 _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ 17180 Readiness Center Add/Alt 7,498 DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): (80,713 SF) 5,162 1,160 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 18 JUL 2005 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1390s1 19 13 2 2 17 11 0 0 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 242 228 58 44 184 184 PAGE NO. 269 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Madison Army Aviation Support Facili Madison, Wisconsin 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ HQS, HQS CO., 1/147TH AVIATION BN COMPANY A, 1/147TH AVIAITION BN COMPANY C, 1/147TH AVIATION BN COMPANY D, 1/147TH AVIATION BN 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= 55B36 UIC ______ WTQZT0 WTQZA0 WTQZC0 WTQZD0 TSPN ____ 2049 2049 2049 2049 MTOE/TDA ________ 01615ANG01 01615ANG01 01615ANG01 01615ANG01 STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 120 115 35 30 35 29 52 _______ 54 _______ 242 228 Assigned/Authorized: 94% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED TRAILERS EQUIPMENT > 30 FT FUEL & M977 HEMTT C-26 UH-60 AUTHORIZED __________ 50 43 1 8 1 16 __________ ACTUAL ______ 50 43 1 8 1 16 __________ TOTALS 119 119 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 270 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Madison Army Aviation Support Facility Madison, Wisconsin 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A Rotary Wing Parking Apron 7.PROJECT NUMBER 113 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 550139 5,700 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) QUANTITY UNIT COST COST ($000) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Electric Service Water, Sewer, Gas Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Site Imp( 715) Demo( ) Antiterrorism Measures LS LS LS LS LS ------ ------ 5,305 (351) (180) (3,993) (715) (66) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 5,305 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 265 _________ SUBTOTAL 5,570 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 167 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 5,737 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 5,700 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP (0) 10.Description of Proposed Construction At the existing Army Aviation Support Facility remove and replace 179,891 SF of existing pavement, and construct 1,520,091 SF of new outside supporting facilities which are rigid and flexible paving for aircraft parking/tie down pads, ground support equipment, hover lanes, landing pad, taxiways, access roads, hangar aprons, airfield lighting, exterior security lighting, pavement markings, and utilities. Force protection measures will be incorporated into design including maximum feasible standoff distance from roads, parking areas, and vehicle unloading areas, berms, heavy landscaping, and bollards to prevent access when standoff distance cannot be maintained. Air conditioning: 56 tons. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: 1,175 m2 ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: NONE ________ PROJECT: To remove and replace 179,891 SF of existing pavement, and construct ________ 1,520,091 SF of new outside supporting facilities which are rigid and flexible paving for aircraft parking/tie down pads, ground support equipment, hover lanes, landing pad, taxiways, access roads, hangar aprons, airfield lighting, exterior security lighting, pavement markings, and utilities. This project will provide the required outside supporting facilities needed by the 1/147th Aviation Bn to support ARNG aviation activates, achieve proficiency in required training tasks, and will allow the 115th FW to complete their Fighter DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 271 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Madison Army Aviation Support Facili Madison, Wisconsin 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Rotary Wing Parking Apron 550139 PROJECT: (CONTINUED) _____________________ Aircraft Alert Complex (XGFG 029061) and Extend Taxiway G and Arm/Disarm Pad (XGFG 959602) projects. (Current Mission) (Current Mission) REQUIREMENT: A 582,200 SF Rotary Wing Parking Apron, 22,500 SF Rotary Wing ____________ Landing Pad, 4,000 SF of Taxiways and Access Roads, 149,538 SF of Hangar Apron, lighting, markings, and utilities. CURRENT SITUATION: The existing outside supporting facilities at the Madison __________________ AASF is severely under sized, in need of major repair/replacement, and do not meet current criteria. The existing outside supporting facilities is comprised of 179,891 SF of flexible/rigid pavement which is only 21 percent of the authorized 862,086 SF and only provides parking for four of the authorized 16 aircraft. The Annual OHSA report has rated these facilities as being substandard and a RAC 2 rating. There are numerous potholes and cracks were broken pieces of flexible or rigid pavement ranging from 1/4" to 1" in size have become foreign object damage from rotor/prop wash to both aircraft and personnel. Also, the present configuration of the very limited outside supporting facilities is in conflict with the 115th FW, Wisconsin Air National Guard’s and the Dane County Regional Airport’s Master Plan and do not support the Fighter Aircraft Alert Complex (XGFG 029061) and Extend Taxiway G and Arm/Disarm Pad (XGFG 959602) projects. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: Without this project the units of this Battalion _______________________ would be required to continue to operate under conditions impacting adversely on achieving and maintaining required levels of mission readiness. Continued use of these outside supporting facilities causes an increased risk of potential injury to military/civilian personnel and damage to state and federal property. In addition, without this project the 115th FW will not be able to complete the Fighter Aircraft Alert Complex (XGFG 029061) and Extend Taxiway G and Arm/Disarm Pad (XGFG 959602) projects. ADDITIONAL: The most similar DoD standards for readiness center construction ___________ do not address all of the current criteria incorporated in the Army National Guard Army Aviation Support Facility (AASF) design and thus do not yield accurate cost estimates. Therefore, state historical costs for construction of like facilities were used to develop baseline unit cost and were adjusted for size, fiscal year and location. The State Guard/Reserve Forces Facilities Board certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. Unilateral construction is recommended. The reasons for this recommendation are there are no other reserve or active Department of Defense entities located within reasonable travel distance and local area demographics can not support additional requirements. This project has been coordinated with the installation physical security plan, and all physical security measures are included. All required antiterrorism protection measures are included. Alternative methods of meeting this requirement have been explored during project development. This project is the only feasible option to meet the requirement. Sustainable principles, to include Life Cycle cost-effective practices, will be integrated into the design, development, and construction PAGE NO. 272 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Madison Army Aviation Support Facili Madison, Wisconsin 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Rotary Wing Parking Apron 550139 ADDITIONAL: (CONTINUED) __________________________ of the project in accordance with Executive Order 13423, 10 USC 2802(c), and other applicable laws and Executive Orders. 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-bid-build (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) DD JUL 2007 _________ 35 _________ _________ _________ JAN 2008 _________ JUL 2008 _________ Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ OCT 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ DEC 2010 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ OCT 2012 FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED ($000) _________ 541 _________ 541 _________ 541 _________ _________ PAGE NO. 273 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Madison Army Aviation Support Facili Madison, Wisconsin 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Rotary Wing Parking Apron 550139 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: (CONTINUED) _______________________ B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NONE CFMO Name: LTC DANIEL PULERVERMACHER Phone Number: 608 242-3365 PAGE NO. 274 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. AREA CONSTRUCTION Laramie Readiness Center INSNO= 56A65 COST INDEX Laramie, Wyoming 1.01 5. FREQUENCY AND TYPE OF UTILIZATION Normal administration five days per week, with a two-day training assembly two or three times per month. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OTHER ACTIVE/GUARD/RESERVE INSTALLATIONS WITHIN 15 MILE RADIUS ARNG Laramie, WY 9.00 miles Armory 2,992 m2 (32,207 SF) 1959 ARNG Cheyenne, WV 55.00 miles AASF 2,544 m2 (27,379 SF) 1980 ARNG Cheyenne, WV 55.00 miles Readiness Center 2,137 m2 (23,000 SF) 1983 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS _____________ CODE _____________ PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) START CMPL ________ _____ ______ _____ ____ 21407 Field Maintenance Shop 3,768 m2 (40,554 SF) 14,400 OCT 2007 SEP 2010 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. STATE GUARD/RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES BOARD RECOMMENDATION FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN ITEM #6 HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY THE STATE RESERVE FORCES 20 FEB 2009 ___________ FACILITIES BOARD FOR POSSIBLE JOINT USE/EXPANSION. THE BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ARE (Date) UNILATERAL CONSTRUCTION. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. LAND ACQUISITION REQUIRED NONE 50.00 _________________ (Number of acres) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. PROJECTS PLANNED IN NEXT FOUR YEARS CATEGORY COST CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE ($000) ________ _____________ _____ ______ FY 09 Cheyenne AASF FY 04 Camp Guernsey - Land Acquisition FY 05 Camp Guernsey - Educational Facilities DEFERRED SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION (SRM): 7,498 7,498 7,498 (80,713 SF) (80,713 SF) (80,713 SF) 38,000 9,600 64,000 105 A SITE SURVEY HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE SITE IS SUITABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AT THE ESTIMATED COST INDICATED. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. PERSONNEL STRENGTH AS OF 08 NOV 2007 PERMANENT ___________________________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED ________ CIVILIAN _____ _______ AUTHORIZED ACTUAL DD FORM MAY 78 1390s1 20 20 4 4 16 16 0 0 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. GUARD/RESERVE _____________________________ TOTAL OFFICER ________ ENLISTED _____ _______ 173 173 14 14 159 159 PAGE NO. 275 1. COMPONENT ARNG FY 2011 GUARD AND RESERVE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Laramie Readiness Center Laramie, Wyoming 12. RESERVE UNIT DATA 2. DATE 01 FEB 2010 INSNO= 56A65 UNIT DESIGNATION ________________ 133RD ENGINEER COMPANY 94TH TRP CMD 111TH PRESS CAMP UIC ______ WQQPAA W8BUA1 TSPN ____ MTOE/TDA ________ 05423LNG05 NGW79DAA 45423LNG04 STRENGTH ___________________ AUTHORIZED ______ ACTUAL __________ 161 158 12 15 8 _______ 13 _______ 181 186 Assigned/Authorized: 102% _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND AIRCRAFT TYPE ____ WHEELED TRAILERS TRACKED EQUIPMENT > 30 FT FUEL & M977 HEMTT HEMTT PLS/HET AUTHORIZED __________ 93 23 6 18 3 1 __________ ACTUAL ______ 93 23 6 18 3 1 __________ TOTALS 144 144 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. OUTSTANDING POLLUTION AND SAFETY DEFICIENCIES ($000) A. AIR POLLUTION 0 B. WATER POLLUTION 0 C. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 0 PAGE NO. 276 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED. DD FORM MAY 78 1390s2 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Laramie Readiness Center Laramie, Wyoming 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT Field Maintenance Shop 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A 7.PROJECT NUMBER 214 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 560116 14,400 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ FMS Building Flammable Materials Facility Controlled Waste Facility Motor Vehicle Storage Building Unheated Metal Storage Building Total from Continuation page SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ Electric Service Water, Sewer, Gas Paving, Walks, Curbs & Gutters Site Imp( 483) Demo( ) Information Systems Antiterrorism Measures Other m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 LS LS LS LS LS LS LS (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) QUANTITY 2,506 16.26 27.87 1,087 130.06 ( ( ( ( ( -------- UNIT COST 26,979) 175) 300) 11,700) 1,400) COST ($000) 2,745 710.33 538.21 635.07 635.09 -------- 8,104 (6,880) (12) (15) (690) (83) (424) 5,190 (341) (130) (2,706) (483) (1) (320) (1,209) ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 13,294 CONTINGENCY (5.00%) 665 _________ SUBTOTAL 13,959 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (3.00%) 419 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 14,378 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 14,400 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP () 10.Description of Proposed Construction Directed cost adjustment of $0.800 based on actual construction cost de-escalation. Consists of a maintenance facility with three (3) maintenance work bays, plus administrative, personnel, and work areas. Constructed of masonry block with brick veneer, concrete floors, masonry block partitions with a built-up or single membrane roofing system. Supporting facilities include military and customer vehicle parking, fencing, wash platform, fuel storage and dispensing system, lube & inspection rack, load ramp, control waste handling facility, sidewalks, outside lighting, and access roads. Physical security measures will be incorporated into design including maximum feasible standoff distance from roads, parking areas, and vehicle unloading areas, and berms, heavy landscaping, and bollards to prevent access when standoff distance cannot be maintained. Air conditioning: 5 tons. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: 2,695 m2 ADQT: 331 m2 SUBSTD: 2,364 m2 ________ PROJECT: A new maintenance facility to provide adequate organizational ________ maintenance support for vehicles and equipment supported by this maintenance shop. Site of project will be on state land. (Current Mission) DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 277 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Laramie Readiness Center Laramie, Wyoming 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Field Maintenance Shop 560116 9. COST ESTIMATES (CONTINUED) ______________________________ Item UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY (CONTINUED) ____________________________ Energy management Control Syste LS SDD and EPAct05 LS Antiterrorism Measures LS QUANTITY ---- Unit COST Cost ($000) ---Total (35) (127) (262) _________ 424 REQUIREMENT: A facility requirement for 2,695 SM (29,008 SF) is requested to ____________ permit efficient maintenance support at the organizational level to be performed on vehicles authorized to the units which will be supported by this maintenance shop. CURRENT SITUATION: The current facility is an overcrowded and substandard __________________ maintenance shop. The existing shop, located in Laramie, Wyoming, was built in 1959 and is extremely outdated. Since the existing facility was constructed, the missions have changed creating an increase in equipment and maintenance requirements, causing a severe lack of functional space. Renovating the existing building would not be economical due to its condition. In addition, the existing facility would have to be completely altered and repaired, which would be more costly since all of the offices, the latrine, and the work bays (20x40) are too small and deteriorating. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: The present facility’s deficiencies will continue to _______________________ negatively impact troop morale. The lack of proper and adequate maintenance, training, storage and administrative areas will continue to impair the attainment of the units’ required mobilization readiness levels. ADDITIONAL: This project has been coordinated with the installation physical ___________ security plan, and all physical security measures are included. All required antiterrorism protection measures are included. Alternative methods of meeting this requirement have been explored during project development. This project is the only feasible option to meet the requirement. Sustainable principles, to include Life Cycle cost-effective practices, will be integrated into the design, development, and construction of the project in accordance with Executive Order 13423, 10 USC 2802(c), and other applicable laws and Executive Orders. 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... PAGE NO. 278 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD OCT 2007 _________ 100 _________ _________ _________ JAN 2009 _________ FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Laramie Readiness Center Laramie, Wyoming 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Field Maintenance Shop 560116 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: (Continued) _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (Continued) (f) Design Complete Date............................ _________ SEP 2010 (g) Type of Design Contract: Design-bid-build (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) N (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ ($000) _________ 531 _________ 531 _________ 354 _________ 177 _________ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ NOV 2010 (5) Construction Start................................... _________ DEC 2010 (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ APR 2012 B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NA CFMO Name: COL TAMMY MAAS Phone Number: 307 772-5930 DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 279 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK PAGE NO. 280 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Minor Construction Worldwide Various 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT UNSPECIFIED MINOR CONSTRUCTION 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A 7.PROJECT NUMBER 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 000 11,400 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM UM (M/E) PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ UpSPECIFIED mINOR cONSTRUCTION LS QUANTITY -- UNIT COST -- COST ($000) 11,400 (11,400) SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 11,400 CONTINGENCY (.00 %) 0 _________ SUBTOTAL 11,400 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (.00 %) 0 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 11,400 TOTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 11,400 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP (0) 10.Description of Proposed Construction Unspecified Minor Construction projects which have a funded cost of $2,000,000 or less, including construction, alteration, or conversion of permanent or temporary facilities as authorized under 10 USC 18233a(a)(1). The funded cost limit can be $3,000,000 if the project is intended solely to correct a deficiency that is life threatening, health threatening, or safety threatening. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: NONE ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: NONE ________ PROJECT: These unforeseen projects address high priorities such as critical ________ mission requirements, environmental protection, and life, health, and safety-threatening conditions. These projects cannot wait until the next annual budget submission. (Current Mission) DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED PAGE NO. 281 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Minor Construction Worldwide Various 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER UNSPECIFIED MINOR CONSTRUCTION 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: (2) _________ 0 _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ ($000) _________ _________ 0 _________ _________ _________ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ (5) Construction Start................................... _________ (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NONE CFMO Name: Phone Number: PAGE NO. 282 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4.PROJECT TITLE Planning and Design Worldwide Various 5.PROGRAM ELEMENT Planning and Design 6.CATEGORY CODE 0505896A 7.PROJECT NUMBER 000 8.PROJECT COST ($000) 990034 25,663 9.COST ESTIMATES ITEM PRIMARY FACILITY ________________ Planning and Design UM (M/E) LS QUANTITY -- UNIT COST -- COST ($000) 25,663 (25,663) SUPPORTING FACILITIES _____________________ ESTIMATED CONTRACT COST 25,663 CONTINGENCY (.00 %) 0 _________ SUBTOTAL 25,663 SUPV, INSP & OVERHEAD (.00 %) 0 _________ TOTAL REQUEST 25,663 INSTALLED EQT-OTHER APPROP (0) 10.Description of Proposed Construction Planning and Design funds provide for parametric, concept, and final design of major and unspecified minor military construction projects; value engineering; and the development of standards and criteria for Army National Guard Projects. This included Growth of Force Planning and Design. ________________________________________________________________________________ 11. REQ: NONE ADQT: NONE SUBSTD: NONE ________ PROJECT: (Current Mission) ________ 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Design Start Date............................... (b) Percent Complete As Of 15 Sep 2009 (DSGN YR).... (c) Percent Complete As Of 01 Jan 2010 (BDGT YR).... (d) Percent Complete As Of 01 Oct 2010 (PROG YR).... (e) Concept Complete Date........................... (f) Design Complete Date............................ (g) Type of Design Contract: DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED _________ 0 _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ PAGE NO. 283 1.COMPONENT 2.DATE FY 2011 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA ARNG 01 FEB 2010 3.INSTALLATION AND LOCATION Planning and Design Worldwide Various 4.PROJECT TITLE 5.PROJECT NUMBER Planning and Design 990034 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: (Continued) _______________________ A. Estimated Design Data: (Continued) (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - (YES/NO) (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (c) Percentage of Design utilizing Standard Design.. _________ 0 (3) Total Design Cost (c) = (a)+(b) OR (d)+(e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications.......... (b) All Other Design Costs.......................... (c) Total Design Cost............................... (d) Contract........................................ (e) In-house........................................ ($000) _________ _________ 0 _________ _________ _________ (4) Construction Contract Award.......................... _________ (5) Construction Start................................... _________ (6) Construction Completion.............................. _________ B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: Fiscal Year Equipment Procuring Appropriated Cost Nomenclature Appropriation Or Requested ($000) ____________ _____________ ____________ ______ NONE CFMO Name: Phone Number: PAGE NO. 284 PREVIOUS EDITIONS MAY BE USED INTERNALLY UNTIL EXHAUSTED DD FORM 1 DEC 76 1391C