Name____________________ Section: 5 points each Basic: 1 Correct: 3 points

Date ___________ Period ___
Chapter 3 Test
Section: 5 points each
Basic: 1 Correct: 3 points
Proficient: 2 Correct: 4 points
Advanced: 3 Correct: 6 points
Section 1: Properties of Parallel Lines –
B. What type of angles are <3 and <8 in the diagram to the right?
(vertical, corresponding, same-side interior, or alternate-interior)
P. Solve for x if c//d.
A. Find m<1 and m<2.
< 1 = _______
< 2 = _______
Section 2: Parallel Lines and the Triangle Angle-Sum Theorem –
B. Solve for < 1.
A. Solve for < x.
P. Find the value of x.
Section 3: The Polygon Angle-Sum Theorems –
B. Find the missing angle measure.
P. Solve for <A.
A. The sum of the measures of the angles of a regular polygon is 4320. How many sides
does the polygon have?
Section 4: The Polygon Angle-Sum Theorems –
B. Classify the following polygon by its sides and then tell whether it is convex or concave.
P. What is the measure of one exterior angle of a regular nonagon?
A. Solve for x and y.
<x = __________
<y = __________
Section 5: Lines in a Coordinate Plane –
B. Graph the line: y = x  8 .
P. Find the slope of the line containing the
points A(12, 2) and B(6, -8).
A. Write the slope-intercept equation for the
line connecting A and B in part “P” above.
Section 6: Lines in a Coordinate Plane –
B. Graph the line using intercepts.
10x + 5y = 40
x intercept _____________
y intercept ______________
P Write an equation in point-slope for a line described as having a slope of -2 and crossing through
the point (-1, 13).
A. . Write equations for the horizontal line and the vertical line that contain the point (5, -3).
Horizontal: ___________________
Vertical: _____________________
Section 7: Slopes of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines –
B. Are the lines parallel, perpendicular, or neither?
y = -3x – 2
3y + 9x = 12
P. What is the slope of the line perpendicular to 5x – 4y = 20?
A. Write an equation for the line that is parallel to -21x -7y = 7 that contains point C(-2, 4).
Section 8: Chapter 1 and 2 Review –
B. Write the converse.
Original: If two angles are alternate-interior, then they are congruent.
P. Find (or draw and explain) a counterexample to the original and another to the converse
statements in part “B” above.
Original :
A. Find the measure of <A described below.
<A and <B are supplementary. m<A = 2x – 9 and m<B = 3x + 1.
Section 9: Chapter 1 and 2 Review –
B. If segment MP is 107 feet long, what is the measure of segment RP?
P. Find the area of a circle with radius of 12 meters. Leave your answer in terms of π.
A. Find the distance between the points A(-3, -3) and B(4, 2) to the nearest tenth.
x2  x1 2   y2  y1 2
Section 10: VOCAB –
_____ 1. Slope-Intercept Form
_____ 2. Conditional
_____ 3. Midpoint
Distributive Property
Parallel Lines
9. Point-Slope Form
10. Complimentary
11. Supplementary
12. Convex
13. Vertical angles
14. Equilateral
15. Transversal
A. a point that divides a
segment into 2 equal segments.
B. all < congruent
C. Series of points that extends in
opposite directions with no end
D. Diagonals on outside
E. 2 < add up to 90 degrees
F. y = 8x + 9
G. 2 coplanar lines with no intersection
H. A line that intersects 2 coplanar
lines at 2 points
I. If-then statement
J. Interior diagonals
K. a(b +c) = ab + bc
L. y – 2 = 4(x + 3)
M. all sides congruent
N. 2 < add up to 180 degrees