Do Not Delete 11/24/2013 11:28 AM ARTICLE PROLIFERATING PATENTS AND PATENT LAW’S “COST DISEASE” John M. Golden∗ ABSTRACT Whether or not the patent system is truly in “crisis,” it is certainly under considerable strain. This Article uses a variety of statistics to analyze the U.S. patent system’s development through time. These include not only already readily available statistics such as the numbers of U.S. patents issued per year, but also yearly statistics for the number of U.S. patent examiners and for the number of full-time-equivalent U.S. research-anddevelopment employees—statistics that seem to have previously appeared only in relatively isolated and scattered fashion. Through analysis of various selections, combinations, and variants of these statistics, including logarithms and ratios, the Article seeks to develop a better sense of what concerns with the U.S. patent system such figures most persuasively suggest. A key point is that, although recent percentage rates of growth characteristic of the U.S. patent system might be nowhere near the ballistic levels of the nineteenth century, the rate at which patents issue is still typically accelerating. This acceleration predictably creates tension as public and private bureaucracies, as well as individuals, struggle to keep up. The Article characterizes resulting strains as symptoms of a variant of ∗ Professor in Law, The University of Texas at Austin. Thanks to Maria Amon and Jane O’Connell for research assistance. For comments, I thank John Duffy, Mark Lemley, Jonathan Masur, Laura Pedraza-Fariña, Arti Rai, Greg Reilly, Polk Wagner, Christopher Yoo, an anonymous reviewer, the editors of the Houston Law Review, and participants at a symposium hosted by the University of Houston’s Institute for Intellectual Property & Information Law, the 2013 Intellectual Property Scholars Conference, the 2013 Conference on Empirical Legal Studies, and a colloquium at the George Washington University Law School. 455 Do Not Delete 456 11/24/2013 11:28 AM HOUSTON LAW REVIEW [51:2 William Baumol’s more general “cost disease” for services. The Article discusses potential responses, including greater worksharing with foreign patent offices, increased privatization of examination functions, more effective U.S. Patent and Trademark Office rulemaking, or partial automation of examination. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION...................................................................... 456 II. PATENT PROLIFERATION AS HISTORICAL NORM, NOT RECENT PATHOLOGY ............................................................. 462 A. The Historical Trend of Accelerating Patenting ........... 463 B. Patenting by Non-U.S. Residents and the Uptick in Patenting’s Percentage Growth ..................................... 470 C. An Overwhelming “Patent Tax”? Patent Issuance Per Dollar of GDP................................................................ 472 III. PROLIFERATING PATENTS’ RELENTLESS PRESSURE FOR ADMINISTRATIVE REFORM .................................................... 476 A. Patent Law’s Labor Problem ......................................... 476 B. Patent Law’s History of Administrative Change and Growth........................................................................... 483 IV. INSTITUTIONAL REFORMS TO MEET THE CHALLENGE: BEYOND MERELY SCALING UP THE PATENT BUREAUCRACY ...................................................................... 489 A. Pooling Resources with Foreign Patent Offices ............ 490 B. Privatization Options .................................................... 492 C. Rulemaking or Other Approaches to “Partially Automated” Examination.............................................. 497 V. CONCLUSION ...................................................................... 500 I. INTRODUCTION Since at least 1999, the exact words “The patent system is in crisis” have appeared so often in academic literature that they might be considered a meme.1 Whatever the cultural status of the 1. See, e.g., DAN L. BURK & MARK A. LEMLEY, THE PATENT CRISIS AND HOW THE COURTS CAN SOLVE IT 3 (2009) (“The patent system is in crisis.”); Colleen V. Chien, Reforming Software Patents, 50 HOUS. L. REV. 325, 327 (2012) (“The patent system is in crisis.”); Paul Edward Geller, An International Patent Utopia?, 85 J. PAT. & TRADEMARK Do Not Delete 2013] 11/24/2013 11:28 AM PROLIFERATING PATENTS 457 “patent crisis” clause, however, its descriptive utility seems open to question. If there is a crisis in patent law, it appears to be of a long-lasting and distinctively vibrant sort. The number of patents issued each year continues to grow quite steadily: the number of utility patents issued in 2012 was 253,155, nearly 100,000 more patents than issued in 1999.2 The number of utility patent applications has grown even more dramatically during the same time period: 270,187 were filed in 1999; more than double that number, 542,815, were filed in 2012.3 Moreover, “patent system” growth has been international. The number of patent applications filed worldwide has recently grown by more than 7% annually,4 with the People’s Republic of China alone “account[ing] for 72% of the world’s patent-filing growth between 2009 and 2011.”5 In short, despite a prolonged patent “crisis” at the start of the twenty-first century, the century seems destined to be patent-rich. Is the constant cry of “crisis” no more than an eye-catching headline? “Crisis”—with its connotation of a turning point—might not be the right word. Part II of this Article argues that the relentless proliferation of patents in the past few decades is really nothing terribly new. Recent increases in rates of patenting are actually reasonably modest by the standards of the nineteenth century, and much of the recent overall increase is attributable to growth in U.S. patents issued to foreign individuals or entities—i.e., to greater internationalization of patenting and, arguably, innovation. Any sense that patents have become an unsustainable burden on the economy seems at least somewhat leavened when one considers that the number of U.S. patents issued annually per real dollar of U.S. gross OFF. SOC’Y 582, 582 (2003) (“The patent system is in crisis.”); Robert P. Merges, As Many as Six Impossible Patents Before Breakfast: Property Rights for Business Concepts and Patent System Reform, 14 BERKELEY TECH. L.J. 577, 591 (1999) (“The concerns about quality, especially in light of the data on overall volume, point to one conclusion: the patent system is in crisis.”); cf. JAMES BESSEN & MICHAEL J. MEURER, PATENT FAILURE: HOW JUDGES, BUREAUCRATS, AND LAWYERS PUT INNOVATORS AT RISK 5 (2008) (“Overall, the performance of the patent system has rapidly deteriorated in recent years.”). 2. U.S. PATENT & TRADEMARK OFFICE, U.S. PATENT ACTIVITY: CALENDAR YEARS 1790 TO THE PRESENT 1 (2013), available at taf/h_counts.pdf [hereinafter U.S. PATENT ACTIVITY]. 3. Id. 4. Patent Applications, ECONOMIST, Dec. 15, 2012, at 89 (noting that growth in patent-application filings “was over 7% for the second year running”). 5. Id. (“China’s patent office received more applications than any other country’s in 2011 . . . .”). See generally How Innovative Is China?, ECONOMIST, Jan. 5, 2013, at 52 (noting that a surge in Chinese patenting might be “because government incentives have prompted people to file lots of iffy patent applications, which the local patent office has a tendency to approve”). Do Not Delete 458 11/24/2013 11:28 AM HOUSTON LAW REVIEW [51:2 domestic product (GDP) remains at a level roughly comparable to or substantially less than the levels prevailing from 1929 through 1970.6 In short, although not definitive or necessarily even strongly indicative about how satisfied or dissatisfied we should feel with the current state of patent law, these and other statistics suggest that contentions that there is a “crisis” and assertions about the nature of any such “crisis” need to do more than reference recent multiplicative growth in patent-issuance or application rates as probative of a “crisis” or its causes.7 In light of the patent system’s long history of patent proliferation, it in fact seems very difficult to know what the proper quantitative level of patenting should be at any point in time. Even after “normalizing” patenting levels by dividing patents issued in a given year by that year’s real GDP or by another figure such as a measure of the number of people in the United States engaged in research and development, it seems hard to find any obviously optimal baseline or natural level of equilibrium with which one should compare.8 As a result, the question of what, if anything, modern patenting rates and their growth with time signals about the relative health of the U.S. patent system seems substantially open to debate. Nonetheless, whether or not “crisis” is the right word to describe the current state of the U.S. patent system, there does seem to be substantial strain on that system. Indeed, such strain seems a predictable symptom of the system’s very success at proliferation. Although the percentage rate of growth in patenting might be nowhere close to the ballistic levels of the nineteenth century, the rate at which patents issue is still 9 accelerating. This acceleration creates constant tension as public and private bureaucracies, as well as individuals, struggle to 6. Compare U.S. PATENT ACTIVITY, supra note 2, at 1–2, with Current-Dollar and “Real” GDP, BUREAU OF ECON. ANALYSIS, U.S. DEP’T OF COMMERCE, national/index.htm#gdp (last visited Nov. 19, 2013). 7. Cf., e.g., BURK & LEMLEY, supra note 1, at 22 (“Even if the world is more innovative than it used to be, we doubt it is four times more innovative than . . . in the 1980s, or . . . nearly twelve times as innovative as the 1870s . . . . The more logical explanation is that it is simply easier to get a patent today than it used to be . . . .”); Patrick Doody, The Patent System Is Not Broken, INTELL. PROP. & TECH. L.J., Dec. 2006, at 12 (“The critics bemoan the number of patent applications filed and issued per year and remarkably rely on that fact as an indicator that the patent system is broken.”). See generally Ronald J. Mann, Do Patents Facilitate Financing in the Software Industry?, 83 TEX. L. REV. 961, 1003 n.220 (2005) (expressing an intention “to rebut the idea that the proliferation of software patents has stifled R&D spending in any measurable way”). 8. See infra Part II.C. 9. U.S. PATENT ACTIVITY, supra note 2, at 1–5. Do Not Delete 2013] 11/24/2013 11:28 AM PROLIFERATING PATENTS 459 keep up. This Article, composed for a symposium oriented toward intersecting concerns of intellectual property and administrative law, ultimately focuses on the tensions generated for the USPTO’s public bureaucracy, but the fact that patent law also generates strains on the information-processing, decisionmaking, and financial capacities of private firms, individuals, and courts should not be forgotten. As Parts II and III indicate, the number of patents per real dollar of GDP might not be at a historically high level,10 but the numbers of patents per member of the U.S. civilian workforce and per full-time-equivalent U.S. research-and-development 11 employee apparently are. Further, for the last three decades, percentage growth in the number of U.S. patent examiners has proceeded at a pace more characteristic of the mid-nineteenth 12 century than most of the twentieth. With the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) striving to increase the number of patent examiners and administrative patent judges to unprecedented levels—and opening regional offices apparently in part to facilitate this13—the patent system’s capacity to strain relatively scarce human capital seems clear. Indeed, such strains have, like the patent system’s accelerating growth, been an apparently continual feature of its existence for more than two centuries.14 These strains have forced administrative change in 15 the past, and we should expect that they will continue to do so 10. 11. 12. 13. Infra Part II, Figure 3. Infra Part III, Figures 4, 5. See infra text accompanying note 96. See U.S. PATENT & TRADEMARK OFFICE, PERFORMANCE AND ACCOUNTABILITY REPORT: FISCAL YEAR 2012, at 3, 38, available at USPTOFY2012PAR.pdf [hereinafter 2012 USPTO PERFORMANCE REPORT]. 14. See infra Part III.B (discussing patent law’s history of administrative change and growth). See also Officers and Employees—Training—Private Persons, 42 Comp. Gen. 673 (1963) (referencing the “shortage of well-trained patent examiners outside of government” in the 1960s); LEE A. HOLLAAR, LEGAL PROTECTION OF DIGITAL INFORMATION 244–46 (2002) (noting that, under the Patent Act of 1790, three Cabinet members charged with reviewing patent applications struggled with the time demands of the task); Warren K. Mabey, Jr., Deconstructing the Patent Application Backlog . . . A Story of Prolonged Pendency, PCT Pandemonium & Patent Pending Pirates, 92 J. PAT. & TRADEMARK OFF. SOC’Y 208, 231 (2010) (“The rise of the technology driven global economy, expansion of patentable subject matter, and increase in patent value has not been met with a comparable increase in the office’s ability to dispose of applications . . . and the backlog continues to increase. . . . There are also simply not enough examiners to review the flood of applications.”). 15. See infra Part III.B (discussing patent law’s history of administrative change and growth); see also U.S. PATENT & TRADEMARK OFFICE, 2010–2015 STRATEGIC PLAN 8, 12, 14 (2013), available at Strategic_Plan.pdf (outlining the USPTO’s plan to combat the patent backlog); John D. Grier, Comment, Chasing Its Own Tail? An Analysis of the USPTO’s Efforts to Reduce the Patent Backlog, 31 HOUS. J. INT’L LAW 617, 628 (2009) (“[T]he USPTO responded to the Do Not Delete 460 11/24/2013 11:28 AM HOUSTON LAW REVIEW [51:2 in the future. The continuing story of the patent system’s administrative and substantive evolution is thus in significant part a story of the response to the patent system’s variant of William Baumol’s “cost disease” for services, in accordance with which more obstinately labor-intensive endeavors struggle to keep up with productivity gains in the rest of the economy, and thus effectively operate as a comparative drag on overall growth.16 How can the present-day administrative apparatus of patent law adapt so that it can continue to bear the weight of an everincreasing number of applications? In this Article, I will focus for the most part on the upfront processing of applications by the USPTO. Back-end review of patents, as by the courts and International Trade Commission, is a related but distinct problem, complicated in terms of reform options by the United States’ constitutional provision for civil jury trial rights through 17 the Seventh Amendment. There seem to be at least three main ways in which the USPTO can respond to the ever-rising tide of applications: (1) greater international work-sharing arrangements that might provide a relatively immediate, albeit perhaps only temporarily satisfactory, response to the internationalization of patent applications flowing into the USPTO; (2) greater privatization of functions of assessing patents’ or patent applications’ validity and proper scope; and (3) greater use of rulemaking or other means of “partially automating” processes of individual examination.18 The first approach, international work-sharing, appears to have received significant recent attention from the patent backlog by implementing procedure changes and proposing rule changes to the patent examination process . . . .”). 16. See WILLIAM J. BAUMOL, THE COST DISEASE: WHY COMPUTERS GET CHEAPER AND HEALTH CARE DOESN’T 22 (2012) (noting the “endurance of productivity stagnancy” in industries such as health care, education, and law characterized by a “handicraft—or inperson—attribute of their supply processes”); William J. Baumol, The Two-Sided Cost Disease and Its Frightening Consequences, in THE HANDBOOK OF INNOVATION AND SERVICES 84, 85 (Faïz Gallouj & Faridah Djellal eds., 2010) (observing that items suffering from persistently rising costs “generally have a handicraft element in their production process, whose labor content is therefore difficult to cut down”). 17. See The Supreme Court, 1995 Term—Leading Cases, 110 HARV. L. REV. 135, 266 (1996) (discussing the Supreme Court’s decision that the construction of a patent is within the province of the court, and that the Seventh Amendment does not guarantee that a jury may determine the meaning of a disputed term of art); see also Colleen V. Chien, Patently Protectionist? An Empirical Analysis of Patent Cases at the International Trade Commission, 50 WM. & MARY L. REV. 63, 108 (2008) (“Empowering the ITC, which lacks a jury, to award damages might appear to run afoul of the Seventh Amendment. . . . The Supreme Court, however, has held that the Seventh Amendment is not applicable to administrative proceedings.”). 18. See infra Part IV (discussing these proposed reforms in detail). Do Not Delete 2013] 11/24/2013 11:28 AM PROLIFERATING PATENTS 461 USPTO and foreign patent offices,19 although progress has likely been slower than many would desire—presumably at least partly as a result of political hurdles and idiosyncrasies of individual 20 national or regional patent systems. The second approach has received glimmers of attention but is likely still underexploited. The third approach likewise seems substantially underexplored. A possible barrier to the third approach is the desire for individualized consideration that is often an obstacle to implementation of a system of “mass” or “bureaucratic” justice.21 But here is another point at which the reader is meant to be impressed by emphasis in Parts II and III on the current and likely future volumes of patents and patent applications—in particular, on the apparently likely continuation of the historical trend of accelerating growth in patenting. Mechanisms for administering the patent system, including private mechanisms for the clearance and licensing of patent rights, threaten to become relatively ineffectual under the crushing weight of everaccumulating patents and patent applications. Unless we wish to dramatically limit access to the U.S. patent system by very substantially ratcheting up gatekeeping devices such as USPTO fees, procedural burdens, or substantive requirements of patentability, we need to develop more efficient ways of processing patents, applications, and information relating to them. A key step in moving toward more efficient processing within the patent system might involve more open acknowledgement of the reality that the patent system has, at its core, always been a system designed to provide only a relatively 19. See David Kappos, Under Sec’y of Commerce & Dir. of USPTO, Remarks at the Global & European Initiatives for Work Sharing Conference in Budapest: Collaborative Innovation—A Global Call for Enhancing Work Sharing (May 18, 2011), available at 20. David Kappos, Under Sec’y of Commerce for IP & Dir. of USPTO, Remarks at IP Week 2011 in Brussels: Harmonizing Patent Systems—A Common Mission at an Economic Turning Point (Dec. 9, 2011), available at 2011/kappos_ipweek2011.jsp; see also Anneliese M. Seifert, Will the United States Take the Plunge into Global Patent Law Harmonization? A Discussion of the United States’ Past, Present, and Future Harmonization Efforts, 6 MARQ. INTELL. PROP. L. REV. 173, 178–79, 197, 203 (2002) (discussing how U.S. concern with the interests of small-entity inventors has impeded harmonization of patent law across countries). 21. See, e.g., David Rosenberg, Class Actions for Mass Torts: Doing Individual Justice by Collective Means, 62 IND. L.J. 561, 561 (1987) (describing bureaucratic justice as “a mode of decision-making associated with administrative agencies, which lacks the common law’s traditional commitment to party control and focus on the discrete merits of each claim”); Charles E. Reuther, Class Actions and the Quest for a Fair Resolution in Mass Tort Litigation, N.J. LAW. MAG., Aug. 2011, at 25 (discussing concerns with individual justice in mass tort litigation). Do Not Delete 462 11/24/2013 11:28 AM HOUSTON LAW REVIEW [51:2 crude form of justice—one responsive to individual initiative but also bound to rough legal proxies for merit, such as “nonobviousness”22 and bound also by exogenous circumstances that can make an apparently meritorious innovation a relative market failure and can make a seemingly trivial innovation a great monetary success.23 Recognizing that the patent system in effect implements a form of quite crude, unevenly distributed “mass justice” might well be crucial to improving and streamlining its operations to best serve the needs of a patentrich twenty-first century. If patents continue to issue at accelerating rates, “muddling through”24 on matters of the patent system’s administrative organization might not be enough. Patents’ proliferation generates a fundamental numerical challenge for patent-system administration that might require one or more paradigm shifts in order to produce a reasonably sustainable answer. A “mass justice” model for patent administration, using rulemaking and imprecisely controlled private mechanisms, might be a substantial part of the best answer we can have. II. PATENT PROLIFERATION AS HISTORICAL NORM, NOT RECENT PATHOLOGY The United States currently issues three basic types of patents—utility patents for inventions of seemingly almost any 25 functional, technological kind; plant patents for new, asexually 26 reproduced plant varieties; and design patents for ornamental 22. See 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) (2006) (“A patent may not be obtained . . . if the differences between the subject matter sought to be patented and the prior art are such that the subject matter as a whole would have been obvious at the time the invention was made . . . .”); How to Get a Patent, U.S. PATENT & TRADEMARK OFFICE, http:// (last updated Mar. 26, 2008) (explaining that inventors must take initiative and file an application to receive a U.S. patent). 23. Cf. A. Michael Noll, Anatomy of a Failure: Picturephone Revisited, 16 TELECOMM. POL’Y 307, 307, 309 (1992) (describing the market failure of the highly anticipated Picturephone); Michelle Fox, Surprising Ideas that Made Millions, CNBC (Mar. 15, 2012), (noting the financial success of “Billy Bob Teeth”). 24. John M. Golden, Biotechnology, Technology Policy, and Patentability: Natural Products and Invention in the American System, 50 EMORY L.J. 101, 191 (2001) (concluding that, “given present uncertainties, purposeful and careful muddling through [with respect to ‘patent law’s problems’] may be the best way to begin the new century”). 25. See 35 U.S.C. § 101 (2012) (“Whoever invents or discovers any new and useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof, may obtain a patent thereof, subject to the conditions and requirements of this title.”). 26. Id. § 161 (“Whoever invents or discovers and asexually reproduces any distinct and new variety of plant . . . other than a tuber propagated plant or a plant Do Not Delete 2013] 11/24/2013 11:28 AM PROLIFERATING PATENTS 463 aspects of “article[s] of manufacture.”27 As discussed below, the general trend has been for the rate at which all three types of patents issue—i.e., the number of patents of each type issued 28 each year—to grow with time. Indeed, at least for the more than century-old categories of utility and design patents, the general long-term trend has been for the number of patents issued each 29 year to increase at an accelerating pace —albeit a pace that has tended not to keep up with the growth of the United States’ GDP in inflation-adjusted real dollars.30 These long-term trends suggest that some of the recent talk of a “patent crisis” might be overblown. In the longer historical view, the oft-noted shift in U.S. patenting from relative stasis or decline prior to the mid31 1980s to accelerating growth after the mid-1980s could be considered more of a “return to normalcy” than a descent into intellectual property extravagance. As Part III will discuss, various concerns associated with the return to accelerating growth are real and are particularly important for those of us interested in the proper structuring of patent law’s administrative institutions. A. The Historical Trend of Accelerating Patenting The United States has been issuing utility patents since 1790, when three such patents issued.32 The number of patents issued each year has grown prodigiously with time.33 Such growth was particularly explosive in the nineteenth century, a fact that can be appreciated by consideration of some relatively straightforward numbers. In the period from 1800 through 1809, 34 911 utility patents issued. Only 50 years later, in the 1850s, found in an uncultivated state, may obtain a patent therefor, subject to the conditions and requirements of this title.”). 27. Id. § 171 (“Whoever invents any new, original and ornamental design for an article of manufacture may obtain a patent therefor, subject to the conditions and requirements of this title.”). 28. See infra text accompanying notes 37–57. 29. See U.S. PATENT ACTIVITY, supra note 2, at 1–3. 30. Compare id. at 1–3, with Current-Dollar and “Real” GDP, supra note 6. 31. See, e.g., Adam B. Jaffe, The U.S. Patent System in Transition: Policy Innovation and the Innovation Process, 29 RES. POL’Y 531, 536 (2000) (observing that “[p]atenting by U.S. inventors in the U.S. had been constant or declining for much of the 1970s and early 1980s” but that, “beginning in 1984, and accelerating in 1988, patent applications by U.S. residents began to increase”). 32. U.S. PATENT ACTIVITY, supra note 2, at 5; see also ROBERT PATRICK MERGES & JOHN FITZGERALD DUFFY, PATENT LAW AND POLICY: CASES AND MATERIALS 7–8 & n.22 (2013) (reporting that the first U.S. patent, which was “for a process for making potash,” issued on July 31, 1790). 33. U.S. PATENT ACTIVITY, supra note 2, at 1–5. 34. Id. at 4–5. Do Not Delete 464 11/24/2013 11:28 AM HOUSTON LAW REVIEW [51:2 more than 20 times that number of patents, 19,661, issued.35 Another 50 years on, from 1900 through 1909, the number of utility patents issued—304,726—was more than 15 times greater 36 still. In the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, the absolute number of utility patents issued in a year continued generally to grow, ultimately overcoming notable but temporary downturns from about 1933 through 1947 and from about 1972 37 through 1983. Despite the generally continuing growth trend, however, the overall percentage increases in patenting tended to be much smaller than in the 1800s.38 In the first half of the 39 twentieth century, a time marked by two world wars and the massive economic dislocation of the Great Depression,40 a norm of single-digit multiplicative growth per half century replaced the nineteenth-century norm of double-digit multiplicative growth over such a span. Thus, from 1950 through 1959, a total of 425,988 utility patents issued, about 1.4 times the figure for the period from 1900 through 1909.41 By the decade from 2000 through 2009, U.S. utility patents had returned to a somewhat higher percentage-growth rate, albeit nothing like the percentage-growth rates characteristic of the 1800s. The total number of U.S. utility patents issued from 2000 through 2009 was 1,624,154—nearly 4 times the total a half century earlier.42 One might conjecture that some of the resumed growth in the latter half of the twentieth century was little more than “paper growth” that resulted, for example, from more frequent use of continuation applications or other applications that might be viewed as directed toward obtaining patents that are to a significant degree redundant of patents obtained from parent applications.43 Such redundancy has apparently been a possibility 35. Id. at 3–4. 36. Id. at 3. 37. Id. at 1–3. 38. Id. at 1–5. 39. See R.R. PALMER & JOEL COLTON, A HISTORY OF THE MODERN WORLD 665 (5th ed. 1978) (“The First World War lasted over four years, from 1914 to the end of 1918 . . . .”); id. at 819 (describing the “Second World War of the twentieth century” as the greatest conflict in human history). 40. Id. at 762 (describing consequences of “the oceanic wreckage of the great depression”); see also HISTORY OF THE WORLD: THE LAST FIVE HUNDRED YEARS 633 (Esmond Wright ed., 1984) (observing that, during the Great Depression, “industrial production in Germany and the United States fell by almost fifty percent in three years”). 41. U.S. PATENT ACTIVITY, supra note 2, at 2–3. 42. Id. at 1–2. 43. JANICE M. MUELLER, PATENT LAW 76 (4th ed. 2013) (“An obvious-type double patenting rejection can be overcome by the filing of a terminal disclaimer [according to] Do Not Delete 2013] 11/24/2013 11:28 AM PROLIFERATING PATENTS 465 throughout since at least the mid-nineteenth century,44 but a recent study has indicated that the number of continuation and continuation-in-part applications filed with the USPTO has recently 45 risen more steeply than the total number of applications. Another study has indicated that, during the 5 years from 1996 through 2000, 15.5% of issued patents “were issued based on disclosures 46 that were in common with other patents to the same applicant.” If there has been a growth in such redundancy over time, raw patent issuance numbers might overstate to at least some degree the significance of patent proliferation. On the other hand, for the patent-administration “long game” that is the fundamental concern of this paper, even if we make the unfavorable assumptions (a) that there is a present redundancy of about one sixth in issued patents, (b) that this redundancy is something wholly new within the last few decades, and (c) that this redundancy is 100% relevant for purposes of determining whether there has been pertinent “double counting,” the effect seems little more than a rounding error. Where the concern is multifold increases in patenting over decades, even a possible need to correct certain numbers by approximately 16% apparently does little to change the basic qualitative picture. What has driven the basic trend of ever accelerating growth? Growth in the numbers of utility patents issued each year has in part reflected growth in the array of technologies potentially covered by such patents, a growth that has been partly a product of the proliferation of technologies,47 but also partly a product of a which the applicant formally agrees that if he is awarded a patent on the application claims [at issue], that patent will be deemed to expire on the same date as the applicant’s first patent (on which the double patenting rejection was based.”); Robert A. Clarke, U.S. Continuity Law and Its Impact on the Comparative Patenting Rates of the U.S., Japan and the European Patent Office, 85 J. PAT. & TRADEMARK OFF. SOC’Y 335, 338 (2003) (“By filing multiple continuing applications it is possible for an applicant to obtain a number of patents based on the same initial invention, subject to the possible need to file terminal disclaimers. . . .”). 44. Stephen T. Schreiner & Patrick A. Doody, Patent Continuation Applications: How the PTO’s Proposed New Rules Undermine an Important Part of the U.S. Patent System with Hundreds of Years of History, 88 J. PAT. & TRADEMARK OFF. SOC’Y 556, 559 (2006) (noting that a statutory provision for continuation applications enacted in 1952 “simply codified long-standing practice that has been in place for well over a century”). 45. Compare Christopher A. Cotropia, Cecil D. Quillen, Jr. & Ogden H. Webster, Patent Applications and the Performance of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, 23 FED. CIR. B.J. 179, 181 (2013) (“The number of applications filed increased by 179% from 1996 to 2012 . . . .”), with id. at 183 tbl.2 (reporting that the number of continuation and continuation-in-part filings grew by nearly a factor of four from a total of 18,203 in 1996 to a total of 72,079 in 2012). 46. Clarke, supra note 43, at 338. 47. Cf. W. BRIAN ARTHUR, THE NATURE OF TECHNOLOGY 175–76 (2009) (observing that “every technology requires supporting technolog[y]” and the “vast majority of niches for technology are created not from human needs, but from the needs of technologies themselves”); KEVIN KELLY, WHAT TECHNOLOGY WANTS 284 (2010) (“The number of Do Not Delete 466 11/24/2013 11:28 AM HOUSTON LAW REVIEW [51:2 view of patentable subject matter that, at least until the last several years, had seemed to become more expansive with time.48 Expansion of the U.S. patent system has also occurred through the addition of the two other types of patents mentioned above: design patents, added by statute in 1842 as a separate option for ornamental aspects of functional objects,49 and plant patents, 50 added in the 1930s as an option for asexually reproduced plants. Since 1842, growth in the number of design patents has 51 followed an upward trajectory that has been roughly similar to that for utility patents: rapid upward growth in the nineteenth century and still accelerating growth but a lower percentage growth rate in the twentieth. The number of design patents issued in the 1850s was 925; the number issued in the period from 1900 through 1909 was 8,369; the number issued in the 1950s was 30,287; and the number issued in the period from 2000 through 2009 was 188,663.52 The multiplicative factors by which design patent issuance increased from half century to half century were thus 9.0, 3.6, and 6.2, respectively. Because U.S. plant patents began issuing only in the 1930s, we only have a couple half-century figures for them. For example, 992 plant patents issued during the 1950s, and 9,436 issued during the 53 period from 2000 through 2009. Thus, the average number of species of technology invented every year is increasing at an increasing rate.”); John M. Golden, Innovation Dynamics, Patents, and Dynamic-Elasticity Tests for the Promotion of Progress, 24 HARV. J.L. & TECH. 47, 61–62 (2010) (discussing positive-feedback effects that can lead to both technological advances and technologies themselves proliferating with time). 48. See Edward Van Gieson & Paul Stellman, Killing Good Patents to Wipe Out Bad Patents: Bilski, the Evolution of Patentable Subject Matter, and the Inability to Save Valuable Patents Using the Reissue Statute, 27 SANTA CLARA COMPUTER & HIGH TECH. L.J. 403, 409 (2011) (“The effect of Bilski on future patents is that it imposes additional requirements for obtaining valid, enforceable software and business method patents.”); see also John R. Thomas, The Patenting of the Liberal Professions, 40 B.C. L. REV. 1139, 1139 (1999) (“Times have changed . . . . The sheer range of recently issued patents suggests that few restraints bound the sorts of subject matter that may be appropriated via the patent system.”). 49. See 35 U.S.C. § 171 (2012) (“Whoever invents any new, original and ornamental design for an article of manufacture may obtain a patent therefor, subject to the conditions and requirements of this title.”); see also Jason J. Du Mont, A Non-Obvious Design: Reexamining the Origins of the Design Patent Standard, 45 GONZ. L. REV. 531, 542 (2009) (“[O]n August 29, 1842, Congress enacted the first statute authorizing patent protection for designs.”). 50. Emily Marden & R. Nelson Godfrey, Intellectual Property and Sharing Regimes in Agricultural Genomics: Finding the Right Balance for Innovation, 17 DRAKE J. AGRIC. L. 369, 387 (2012) (“The United States initially established limited patent rights for asexually reproduced varieties of plants covered under the Plant Patent Act of 1930.”). 51. See U.S. PATENT ACTIVITY, supra note 2, at 1–4. 52. Id. 53. Id. Do Not Delete 2013] 11/24/2013 11:28 AM PROLIFERATING PATENTS 467 plant patents issued each year increased by nearly tenfold over a period approximately the latter half of the twentieth century. Interestingly, however, in the first decade or so of the twentyfirst century, growth in plant-patent issuance appears potentially to have topped off or even gone into decline. Since the number of plant patents issued in a year surpassed 1,000 in 2002, during which 1,133 of such patents issued, the number of plant patents issued in a given year has been largely flat or decreasing: the current all-time maximum occurred in 2008, when 1,240 issued, and the numbers issued in 2010 through 2012—981, 823, and 860, respectively—have all been below 1,000.54 In contrast, utility-patent issuance reached an all-time high of 253,155 in 2012.55 In that same year, all-time highs were reached for the numbers of both utilitypatent applications and design-patent applications filed—542,815 and 32,799, respectively—whereas the number of plant-patent applications filed in that year was 1,149, a number below the peak numbers of more than 1,200 plant patents filed in each of 2004, 2005, and 2008.56 Such figures suggest that plant patents are currently on course to become an increasingly unimportant part of the U.S. patent system, perhaps at least a partial result of the U.S. Supreme Court’s confirmation in 2001 that, generally speaking, standard utility patents are a viable alternative for achieving patent protection for plants.57 Thus, trends with respect to plant patents might properly be viewed as a no-morethan-incidental aspect of the overall story of relatively relentless growth in patent-issuance rates. With respect to this dominant story of relentless growth, one might wonder about the representativeness of the various “halfcentury numbers” recited above. The use of aggregate figures for decades was meant to guard against such concerns, but graphical illustrations of the number of U.S. patents issued per year might be the easiest way to confirm both (1) the generally accelerating nature of growth over time and (2) the general slowdown of percentage growth in the twentieth century. To this end, Figure 1 graphs as a function of time the total number of U.S. patents issued—including any utility, design, and plant patents issued—in each year from 58 1790 through 2012. The generally accelerating nature of patent issuance, which I have previously discussed and sought at least 54. Id. at 1. 55. Id. at 1–5. 56. Id. 57. See J.E.M. Ag Supply, Inc. v. Pioneer Hi-Bred Int’l, Inc., 534 U.S. 124, 127 (2001) (“We hold that utility patents may be issued for plants.”). 58. See infra Figure 1. Do Not Delete 468 11/24/2013 11:28 AM HOUSTON LAW REVIEW [51:2 partially to explain,59 is indicated by the long-term tendency of the resulting curve to slope upward at an ever sharper tilt as one moves to the right—i.e., as time elapses. Figure 1: Numbers of U.S. Patents Issued Per Year from 1790 through 2012 6QVCN75 2CVGPVU+UUWGF 2GT;GCT 752CVGPVU +UUWGFVQ75 4GUKFGPVU2GT ;GCT Figure 2 sheds further light on the nature of this acceleration by graphing as a function of time the natural logarithm of the total number of U.S. patents issued in a given year.60 The slope of the total patents graphed in Figure 2 basically reflects the percentage change 61 in the numbers of patents issued annually. Consequently, the generally declining nature of this slope indicates that, even though the number of patents issued in a given year is still tending to increase (a fact indicated by the upward-curving nature of the graph in Figure 1), the percentage increase in the number of patents issued from year to year has tended to be substantially lower since 1900 than it was before 1900. In short, although growth in the absolute number of patents issued each year is still accelerating, the percentage growth in the rate of patent issuance has generally slowed.62 Further, recent rates of percentage growth—i.e., 59. See Golden, supra note 47, at 90–96 (analyzing the time-dependent behavior of the total number of U.S. patents issued since 1790). 60. See infra Figure 2. 61. See GEORGE B. THOMAS, JR. & ROSS L. FINNEY, CALCULUS AND ANALYTIC GEOMETRY 395 (6th ed. 1984) (noting that the derivative of the natural logarithm of u with respect to x is (1/u)(du/dx)). 62. Consider, for example, that the total number of patents issued to U.S. residents was (a) 112,621 for the period from 1898 through 1902; (b) 202,256 for the period from 1923 through 1927; and (c) 475,921 for the period from 1998 through 2002. U.S. PATENT ACTIVITY, supra note 2, at 1–5. On its face, the last figure—nearly half a million patents issued—might seem very impressive as it is more than double the corresponding 1923–1927 figure. But the Do Not Delete 11/24/2013 11:28 AM 2013] PROLIFERATING PATENTS 469 percentage growth rates in patenting since the mid-1980s—do show an uptick relative to the immediately preceding decade but do not appear terribly anomalous for the post-1900 “long century,” at least outside periods of historically great slowdown, conflict, or dislocation such as the 1930s, 1940s, 1970s, and early 1980s.63 Figure 2: Natural Logarithms of the Numbers of U.S. Patents Issued Per Year 0CVWTCN .QICTKVJOQH 6QVCN0WODGTQH 752CVGPVU +UUWGF2GT;GCT 0CVWTCN .QICTKVJOQH75 2CVGPVU+UUWGFVQ 754GUKFGPVU 2GT;GCT 1923–1927 figure is itself nearly double the 1898–1902 figure. More specifically, the 1923–1927 figure is about 1.8 times the 1898–1902 figure even though only 25 years separated the start points for the five-year spans of 1898–1902 and 1923–1927. If the rate of patenting by U.S. residents had increased at the same percentage rate in the 75 years after 1923– 1927 as it increased in the 25 years between 1898–1902 and 1923–1927, the number of patents issued to U.S. residents from 1998 through 2002 would have been approximately equal to the 1923–1927 total multiplied by the cube of 1.8—or about 1.2 million. Thus, the actual rate of patenting by U.S. residents from 1998 through 2002 was less than half the rate of patenting that would have occurred if the average percentage growth rate between 1898–1902 and 1923–1927 had been maintained. 63. See supra note 9 and accompanying text. Despite seemingly apparent questions about the historical representativeness of a period running from 1930 to 1982, a period whose endpoints roughly coincide with (1) the beginning of the twentieth century’s first major slowdown in patenting and (2) the end of the twentieth century’s second major slowdown in patenting, Adam Jaffe and Josh Lerner have used this period as a foil for recent growth in patenting, which they characterize as a “Patent Explosion.” ADAM B. JAFFE & JOSH LERNER, INNOVATION AND ITS DISCONTENTS: HOW OUR BROKEN PATENT SYSTEM IS ENDANGERING INNOVATION AND PROGRESS, AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT 11 (2004) (comparing the percentage growth rate from 1983 through 2002 to that “from 1930 until 1982”). Do Not Delete 470 11/24/2013 11:28 AM HOUSTON LAW REVIEW [51:2 B. Patenting by Non-U.S. Residents and the Uptick in Patenting’s Percentage Growth Despite the relative historical modesty of patenting’s recent percentage growth, some commentary has suggested that this development signals that the patent system has spun out of control, in substantial part because of failures of the USPTO.64 Reference to patenting’s long-term trends casts some doubt on this inference. As is commonly the case when one tries to draw inferences from numbers or numerical trends, a key question is what baseline we should use as a reference point for current 65 growth rates. Thus, as suggested above, if one views the patenting rates of the 1970s as more of an anomaly than a proper norm, the apparent uptick in patenting rates starting in the mid1980s looks more like a “restoration” than a revolution, a shift bringing overall patenting up toward where we might have expected it to be if the trends of the pre-Great Depression twentieth century—or even those of the more recent post-World War II 1950s and 1960s—had continued.66 Moreover, much of the uptick in percentage growth of U.S. patenting over the last half century or so seems likely to be more a product of greater internationalization of patenting than of any pathology peculiar to the U.S. patent system in the past few decades. If we remove from our tabulation U.S. patents issued to nonresidents, much of the recent growth in patenting disappears. Consider the following numbers for the total numbers of patents issued to U.S. residents or non-U.S. residents during our established half-century periods: 911 from 1800 through 1809; 20,586 from 1850 to 1859; 313,095 from 1900 to 1909; 457,267 67 from 1950 to 1959; and 1,822,253 from 2000 to 2009. These figures correspond to multiplicative factors for half-century growth of 22.6, 15.2, 1.5, and 4.0, respectively. Consider now the corresponding total numbers of patents issued to U.S. residents only: 911 from 1800 to 1809; 20,276 from 1850 to 1859; 277,884 from 1900 to 1909; 400,844 from 1950 to 1959; and 948,198 from 2000 to 2009.68 These figures correspond to multiplicative factors for successive half-century growth of 22.3, 13.7, 1.4, and 2.4, respectively. Although the more than doubling of U.S. patenting by U.S. residents since the 1950s is impressive, the fact that this 64. See id. at 11–13 (“Much of the problem stems from the organization of the patent office itself.”). 65. See supra note 31 and accompanying text. 66. See supra note 63 and accompanying text. 67. U.S. PATENT ACTIVITY, supra note 2, at 1–5. 68. Id. Do Not Delete 2013] 11/24/2013 11:28 AM PROLIFERATING PATENTS 471 multiplicative factor is greater than that associated with the first half of the twentieth century might have something to do with the occurrence of two world wars and a “Great Depression” during the period from 1914 to 1945.69 Further, this multiplication of domestic patenting activity by 2.4 pales in comparison to the fourfold multiplication of U.S. patenting overall. This fourfold multiplication is necessarily the product of a more than fourfold multiplication of U.S. patenting by foreign residents. Indeed, foreign residents experienced a more than fifteenfold multiplication in the number of U.S. patents issued to them from the 1950s to the first decade of the 2000s. Foreign residents obtained only 56,423 U.S. patents in the 1950s but 874,055 U.S. patents from 2000 to 2009.70 Foreign patenting has grown so rapidly that it now accounts for the majority of newly issued U.S. patents: in each year from 2008 to 2012, the majority 71 of U.S. patents issued to foreign residents. Because of the importance of foreign patenting to the modern story of U.S. patent law, Figures 1 and 2 graph as a function of time not only the total number of U.S. patents issued per year or the logarithm of that number, but also the total number of U.S. patents issued to U.S. residents per year or the 72 logarithm of that number. In each figure, the gap between these 69. See supra notes 39–40 and accompanying text. 70. U.S. PATENT ACTIVITY, supra note 2, at 1–2. Growth in the number of patents issued to foreign residents has been notably uneven, in part because of changes in U.S. law. Although the U.S. Patent Act of 1790 did not discriminate against non-citizens, B. ZORINA KHAN, THE DEMOCRATIZATION OF INVENTION: PATENTS AND COPYRIGHTS IN AMERICAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, 1790–1920, at 57 (2005), the Patent Act of 1793 did not allow foreign citizens to obtain U.S. patents, and the Acts of 1800 and 1832 only opened the door for foreign citizens who had lived in the United States for at least a year. Jennifer A. Crane, Riding the Tiger: A Comparison of Intellectual Property Rights in the United States and the People’s Republic of China, 7 CHI.-KENT J. INTELL. PROP. 95, 103– 04 (2008) (noting that the U.S. amended its patent laws “in 1800 to allow foreign citizens who resided in the United States for two years to petition for a patent” and in 1832 “to enable foreig[n] citizens who lived in the United States for twelve months and who swore an oath of intention for U.S. citizenship to petition”). “In 1836, the stipulations on citizenship or residency were removed, but were replaced with discriminatory patent fees,” which were ultimately repealed in 1861. KHAN, supra, at 57. Unsurprisingly, therefore, the USPTO does not report numbers for patents issued to foreign residents until 1836. U.S. PATENT ACTIVITY, supra note 2, at 4. For the decade of the 1850s, when the discriminatory fees for foreign residents were still in place, the total number of U.S. patents reported as issued to foreign residents is 310. Id. at 3–4. For the period from 1900 to 1909, after the repeal of those discriminatory fees, the total number—35,211—is more than 110 times higher. Id. at 3. Foreign patenting fell substantially during the period marked by the Great Depression and World War II. The number of U.S. patents issued to foreign residents fell from a then historical peak of 7,376 in 1932 to a mid-century low of 1,617 in 1947, a number lower than that of any year since 1888. Id. at 2–3. 71. U.S. PATENT ACTIVITY, supra note 2, at 1. 72. See supra Figures 1, 2. Do Not Delete 472 11/24/2013 11:28 AM HOUSTON LAW REVIEW [51:2 two graphs reflects the increasingly substantial contribution of foreign patenting to the U.S. patent picture. If one removes patents issued to foreign residents from the story, the growth in patenting over the last few decades looks far less explosive, indeed arguably quite tame. If one suspects that the effective internationalization of U.S. patenting is likely to be more of a reflection of globalization trends and economic development elsewhere than of the USPTO’s peculiar dysfunctionality,73 the notion that the recent “explosion” in U.S. patenting is predominantly a product of system breakdown becomes subject to additional doubt. C. An Overwhelming “Patent Tax”? Patent Issuance Per Dollar of GDP But even if the system has not yet broken down, could it be on the verge of collapse? Does the historically relentless tendency toward increased patenting—albeit at generally reduced percentage rates over time—mean that we are now suffering 74 under an overwhelming “patent tax”? As a first cut at addressing the second question, we might consider how the number of patents issued each year has compared to the United States’ GDP as a function of time. This effectively corresponds to considering the average “tax” that an individual patent imposes on the U.S. economy to have stayed relatively constant in real dollars and, effectively, to have been paid at the time of patent issuance. In addition to making objections that one should use cumulative numbers with lags from issuance to represent an effective “patent tax,” one might object that individual patents are likely to be worth more today and thus impose a higher per-patent “tax,” even in real dollars, in part because larger real GDPs correspond with larger effective markets and also larger markets for more expensive 75 goods and services. As I only wish to make the patents-toGDP comparison primarily for the rough qualitative purpose of 73. See Mabey, supra note 14, at 221 (“With the shift towards international innovation and market globalization, the demand for patent protection both domestically and abroad has skyrocketed.”). 74. See John M. Golden, Patent Privateers: Private Enforcement’s Historical Survivors, 26 HARV. J.L. & TECH. 545, 589 (2013) (“[A]s Macauley noted long ago with respect to copyright, patents effectively act as a private-taxation regime in which patentees use litigation or its threat to effect transfers of wealth.”). 75. See BAUMOL, supra note 16, at 5 (“This unprecedented productivity growth . . . has all but eliminated famine in wealthy countries, created technology unimaginable in earlier eras, given us ever rising standards of living, and greatly reduced the rising costs of health care, education, and other important services.”). Do Not Delete 2013] 11/24/2013 11:28 AM PROLIFERATING PATENTS 473 stimulating thought about the nature of current concerns with the patent system, I do not believe I need to try to devise the best patents-to-GDP comparison—an exercise that would likely require answering difficult empirical questions.76 Figure 3 presents the results of graphing the number of patents issued per year divided by U.S. GDP in billions of chained real 77 dollars from 1929 through 2012. Figure 3: Ratio of U.S. Patents Issued to Real GDP 6QVCN75 2CVGPVU+UUWGF 2GT;GCT&KXKFGF D[4GCN)&2 6QVCN75 2CVGPVU+UUWGFVQ 754GUKFGPVU 2GT;GCT&KXKFGF D[4GCN)&2 76. If one considers damage awards in patent-infringement cases, work by Michael Mazzeo, Jonathan Hillel, and Samantha Zyontz suggests that mean patent damage awards per year might have increased by about a factor of three between the mid-1990s and the end of the last decade, but that median patent damage awards—which one might think are at least somewhat more indicative of the value of the great mass of patents never litigated at all—might have decreased over the same time period. Michael J. Mazzeo, Jonathan Hillel & Samantha Zyontz, Predicting the “Unpredictable”: An Empirical Analysis of U.S. Patent Infringement Awards 13 fig.3 (2012) (unpublished manuscript), available at Compare Jean O. Lanjouw & Mark Schankerman, Characteristics of Patent Litigation: A Window on Competition, 32 RAND J. ECON. 129, 146–147 & tbl.6 (2001) (showing typical litigation probabilities of only about a couple percent for U.S. owned corporate patents), with Mark A. Lemley, Rational Ignorance at the Patent Office, 95 NW. U. L. REV. 1495, 1501 (2001) (describing grounds for “estimat[ing] that at most only about two percent of all patents are ever litigated”). Which result or what combination of these results is most representative of overall trends in the size of the “patent tax” are questions beyond this Article’s scope. 77. See infra Figure 3. The figures used represent annual U.S. GDP from 1929 through 2012 in billions of chained 2009 dollars—i.e., inflation-adjusted GDP values from 1929 through 2012—as indicated by the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Economic Analysis. Current-Dollar and “Real” GDP, supra note 6 (providing various GDP figures). I only use figures from 1929 or later because the relevant table from the Bureau does not go back further than 1929. See id. Do Not Delete 474 11/24/2013 11:28 AM HOUSTON LAW REVIEW [51:2 Figure 3 at least suggests that, if one wishes to contend that patents “overtax” social GDP, one might need to contend that individual patents are now on average more burdensome in real dollars than they were, say, fifty years ago or, alternatively, that such overtaxation has long been the case. In any event, the sense of relative tameness to the recent uptick in patenting, already suggested by Parts II.A and II.B, seems even more pronounced in Figure 3. This figure shows a rather dramatic fall in the number of patents per real GDP dollar from the 1930s through the 1970s. In the last forty years, there has been a relatively slow but small rise in the number of U.S. patents issued annually to U.S. residents per real GDP dollar, with the result being a return to values for U.S. resident patents per real GDP dollar that were typical of the the mid-1970s. The growth in foreign patenting has generated an approximate doubling of the overall number of U.S. patents issued annually per real GDP dollar, but even this more dramatic recent rise has only returned the number of U.S. patents issued annually per real GDP dollar to a size typical of the early 1950s, rather than some unprecedented historical height. As I have previously noted, for several decades now, U.S. patenting per real GDP dollar has overall been remarkably flat compared to raw patenting rates.78 Indeed, the notion that, in light of modern economies’ size and investments in innovation, modern rates of patenting are not surprisingly out of control finds further support in Figure 79 4 below. Figure 4 shows the ratio of U.S. patents issued in any given year to the number of U.S. full-time equivalent employees engaged in research and development during that year according to National Science Foundation figures reported annually in the U.S. Census Bureau’s Statistical Abstract of the United States.80 As with the patents-per-GDP figures, recent patents-per-R&D-employee figures are actually 81 relatively low, historically speaking. Although there has been a trend toward increases in the yearly ratios in the past couple 82 decades, these increases do not appear facially overwhelming. 78. See John M. Golden, “Patent Trolls” and Patent Remedies, 85 TEX. L. REV. 2111, 2111 n.3 (2007) (comparing “average number[s] of issued patents per billions of real gross domestic product”). 79. See infra Figure 4. 80. Annual census information is available at Statistical Abstracts, U.S. CENSUS BUREAU, U.S. DEP’T OF COMMERCE, html. 81. See infra Figure 4. 82. See infra Figure 4. Do Not Delete 2013] 11/24/2013 11:28 AM PROLIFERATING PATENTS 475 Figure 4: Ratio of U.S. Patents to 1,000 U.S. R&D Employees In short, if one only looked at Figures 3 and 4, perhaps adding a glance at Figure 2’s illustration of generally slowed growth in the logarithm of number of patents issued annually, one might wonder why there is any fuss at all about supposedly excessive patenting. Indeed, one might wonder why our productivity in generating patents has apparently slowed and what might be done to increase current patent application and issuance rates. As Part III will argue, this does not mean there are no problems with the patent system—or more specifically that there is no truth to contentions that the USPTO is currently issuing too many patents. The basic point is that because of the need to consider how patent issuance rates should be normalized to account for other developments—i.e., to consider to what baselines patent issuance rates should be compared—one should not feel confident that citation of raw patent issuance numbers proves much of anything. As a logarithmic graph for which slope indicates percentage changes over immediately prior years, Figure 2 implicitly makes prior years’ issuance rates the baseline for normalization. Figures 3 and 4 more explicitly make values for real GDP and numbers of R&D employees baselines for normalization. I do not claim to have used the limited space available in this short piece to have provided a decisive argument for any of these potential normalization schemes. But I hope their illustrative use is at least suggestive of a lack of easy answers about whether the last few decades have witnessed an unprecedented and obviously dysfunctional “patent explosion.”83 83. JAFFE & LERNER, supra note 63, at 11. Do Not Delete 476 11/24/2013 11:28 AM HOUSTON LAW REVIEW [51:2 III. PROLIFERATING PATENTS’ RELENTLESS PRESSURE FOR ADMINISTRATIVE REFORM A. Patent Law’s Labor Problem Part II suggests that the present-day “patent crisis” might not be as sharp or fearsome as sometimes thought. Nonetheless, the historically relentless acceleration of patenting that Part II highlights also points to a very real problem. The continual acceleration of patenting rates strains both public and private actors’ capacities to perform all the various activities necessary for a patent system to function effectively. Many of these tasks— such as drafting patent applications, processing and evaluating such applications, making and adjudicating challenges to patent validity or enforceability, fulfilling requests for patent “clearance” (i.e., confirmation that relevant patent claims are invalid or not infringed), negotiating patent licenses, and identifying and taking legal action against potential patent infringement—all tend to require human labor for which the “Silicon Revolution” has not yet generated a workable technological equivalent.84 In short, the patent system, like legal services more generally, suffers from a form of the Baumol “cost disease” under which “handicraft” sectors struggle to keep up with the productivity gains in endeavors more subject to standardization or automation—or, at least, benefiting more greatly from standardization or automation.85 Indeed, the patent system’s cost disease is arguably worse than the normal case, in which the focus is commonly on how the cost disease attaches to set amounts of work. For the USPTO, increased productivity in other economic sectors not only tends to have an inflationary effect on USPTO costs but also, through its association with increased innovation, helps increase the actual amount of work that the USPTO needs to do. Relatedly, as the numbers of patent applications, patents and resultant clearance questions, licensing negotiations, or lawsuits increase, the system’s demands on a relatively scarce supply of people with appropriate scientific, technological, or legal backgrounds increase. Thus, not only can the patent system act as a relative economic drag by struggling to keep up with 84. Cf. BAUMOL, supra note 16, at 22–24 (discussing how many tasks demand “substantial personal attention” and thus do not share as fully as others in productivity gains from automation). 85. Id. (listing “legal services” as one of “the stagnant services” and contrasting these services to services such as telecommunications that have experienced much greater productivity growth (emphasis omitted)). Do Not Delete 2013] 11/24/2013 11:28 AM PROLIFERATING PATENTS 477 productivity gains in the innovation that it is meant to support, it can also impose a sort of “diversion of labor” cost on the economy, pulling skilled labor away from economic sectors with greater opportunities for growth in productivity.86 Figure 5, which plots the number of U.S. patents issued per year divided by the size of that year’s U.S. civilian workforce,87 gives some sense of the 88 “patent labor tax” that likely comes from having to devote more and more human labor to generating, studying, licensing, and litigating the ever-growing number of patents that issue. Figure 5: Ratio of U.S. Patents Issued to Civilian Workforce89 6QVCN0WODGTQH 752CVGPVU +UUWGF2GT;GCT &KXKFGFD[5K\GQH 75%KXKNKCP 9QTMHQTEGKP 6JQWUCPFU But Figure 5 likely understates the likely rate of growth in the “patent labor tax.” By simply using raw patent numbers, Figure 5 does not reflect apparently increasing complexity in patents and patent applications themselves. Even aside from the arguably greater complexity or difficulty of some of the underlying technology appearing in modern utility patent 86. Cf. U.S. PATENT & TRADEMARK OFFICE, supra note 15, at 12 (outlining the USPTO’s strategy to hire more patent examiners by targeting science and engineering graduates as well as “experienced IP professionals” such as patent attorneys, patent agents, former examiners, and skilled technologists). 87. See infra Figure 5. 88. See infra Part III.A (describing the “patent labor tax”). 89. The figures for the number of people in the U.S. civilian workforce for each year from 1947 through 2012 come from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics and are available at Do Not Delete 478 11/24/2013 11:28 AM HOUSTON LAW REVIEW [51:2 applications,90 those applications tend now to have more pages and more individual claims than they did in times past.91 Consequently, one might expect that a representative individual application today makes more demands on human labor than a representative individual application in the past. Unless we are improving the speed with which we can process complexity or difficulty, the “patent labor tax” can therefore be expected to be increasing not only as a result of increases in sheer numbers of patents and patent applications but also as a result of increases in the complexity or difficulty of processing individual applications themselves. Along these lines, one might conjecture that growth in the number of U.S. patent examiners is likely to reflect both these contributions to the “patent labor tax.” Other things being equal, the United States can be expected both to need more examiners to process more patents and to need more examiners to process a constant number of patents marked by increased complexity. Figure 6 shows that, since the 92 establishment of the “modern” examination system in 1836, the number of U.S. patent examiners, as indicated in patent 93 office reports, has indeed grown prodigiously and, like the 90. Cf. Benjamin F. Jones, As Science Evolves, How Can Science Policy?, 11 INNOVATION POL’ Y & ECON. 103, 106–07 (Josh Lerner & Scott Stern eds., 2011) (describing how “the increasing narrowness of expertise and the shift toward team production in science” has generated “evaluation challenges” that seem likely to produce “increasing difficulties in allocating intellectual property rights”). 91. Mabey, supra note 14, at 231 (“The length of applications has grown both constantly and considerably over the years. The number of claims per application has also skyrocketed.” (footnote omitted)); see also John R. Allison & Mark A. Lemley, The Growing Complexity of the United States Patent System, 82 B.U. L. REV. 77, 79 (2002) (“By almost any measure—subject matter, time in prosecution, number of prior art references cited, number of claims, number of continuation applications filed, number of inventors—the patents issued in the late 1990s are more complex than those issued in the 1970s.”). 92. See infra notes 116–17 and accompanying text (noting the reinstitution of pre-issuance examination in 1836); see also MERGES & DUFFY, supra note 32, at 8 (describing the U.S. patent system as “not grow[ing] to its full stature until the 1836 revision, when a formal system of examination, with professional examiners, was substituted for the pro forma registration system of the 1793 Act”). 93. Numbers for U.S. patent examiners were generally obtained from annual reports of the USPTO or its relevant institutional predecessor, the U.S. Patent Office. Additional numbers for middle years of the nineteenth century—i.e., for years from 1836 to 1875—were obtained from Andrew P. Morriss and Craig Allen Nard. Andrew P Morriss & Craig Allen Nard, Institutional Choice & Interest Groups in the Development of American Patent Law: 1790–1865, 19 SUP. CT. ECON. REV. 143, 149 n.16 (2011) (discussing numbers for patent examiners in 1836, 1837, 1839, 1848, 1856, and 1875). Some of Morriss and Nard’s numbers might be overestimates in that at least their 1836 number appears to reflect the number of examiners (namely, one) that were then statutorily authorized, a number that presumably represented a ceiling but not necessarily a floor for the number of examiners actually employed. See Do Not Delete 2013] 11/24/2013 11:28 AM PROLIFERATING PATENTS 479 number of issued patents, has tended to grow at an accelerating rate.94 Less predictably and thus more remarkably, Figure 7, which graphs the logarithm of the number of U.S. patent examiners over time, shows that, since 1982, the year in which the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit was created,95 the rate of percentage growth in the number of U.S. patent examiners—i.e., the slope of the logarithmic curve—has tended to reach levels more characteristic of the nineteenth century than the twentieth.96 This aspect of the growth in numbers of patent examiners contrasts with the corresponding aspect of the growth in numbers of issued patents: as Figure 2 shows, percentage growth in numbers of issued patents has undergone something of a revival in the wake of the Federal Circuit’s creation, but percentage growth rates for numbers of issued patents have tended not to reach nineteenth-century levels.97 The comparison between Figures 2 and 7 suggests that, instead of focusing so much on how much patenting has increased over the last few decades, commentators might more properly focus on the comparatively more runaway growth in the patent bureaucracy. id. (“The 1836 Patent Act authorized the Commissioner of Patents to appoint an ‘Examiner of Patents,’ a machinist, and two draftsmen.”). For purposes here, the possibility that some of Morriss and Nard’s numbers are mere ceilings seems to have little importance: in any case, the number of examiners shown for the period up through 1875 will be quite close to zero on the vertical scale of Figure 6. A more serious problem could be that the manner of counting “examiners” or nature of the title or job description of an “examiner” has likely not been entirely consistent through time. Even recently, the USPTO has shifted at least terminologically speaking between reporting numbers of “patent professionals” and numbers of “patent examiners.” Compare 2012 USPTO PERFORMANCE REPORT, supra note 13, at 203 tab.29 (reporting numbers of “Patent Examiners” in terms of “[n]umber of people on-board” at the end of fiscal years 2008 through 2012), with ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF COMMERCE AND COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS AND TRADEMARKS, ANNUAL REPORT: FISCAL YEAR ‘93, at 50 tbl.3 (reporting numbers of “Patent Professional[s]” corresponding to “[t]otal paid staff years, excluding overtime hours worked,” at the end of fiscal years 1987 through 1993). For purposes here, I have treated both sets of numbers as indicating the number of patent examiners representative for that year. In any event, whatever precision or lack of precise comparability through time that results seems unlikely to alter very substantially the general qualitative picture suggested by Figures 6 and 7, including the upward turn in examiner numbers in the early 1980s. 94. See infra Figure 6; see also supra Figure 1. 95. See infra note 120. 96. See infra Figure 7. 97. See supra Figure 2. Do Not Delete 480 11/24/2013 11:28 AM HOUSTON LAW REVIEW [51:2 Figure 6: Number of U.S. Patent Examiners from 1836 to 2012 Figure 7: Natural Logarithm of Number of U.S. Patent Examiners from 1836 to 2012 Figures 8 and 9 further serve to drive home this point regarding the patent bureaucracy’s prodigious growth. By plotting the ratio between the number of U.S. patent examiners and the number of U.S. patents issued in years since 1836, Figure 8 shows how growth in the number of U.S. patent Do Not Delete 2013] 11/24/2013 11:28 AM PROLIFERATING PATENTS 481 examiners has historically tended, generally speaking, to outstrip growth in the number of issued patents.98 By plotting the ratio between the number of U.S. patent examiners and the number of thousands of full-time equivalent research-and-development employees in the United States, Figure 9 shows that, at least since the late 1980s, the number of examiners has typically grown more rapidly than overall engagement of personnel in research and development.99 Figure 8: Number of U.S. Patent Examiners Per New U.S. Patent 98. See infra Figure 8. One might infer that this graph suggests that the USPTO has suffered not only from “stagnant” productivity but, in fact, from declining productivity. But such an inference might well be unfair. As discussed in the text, the complexity of applications—at least in the case of applications for utility patents— appears to have increased with time. See supra text accompanying notes 90–91; infra text accompanying note 129. Further, patentability requirements, such as nonobviousness, have emerged and become more refined, thereby likely adding to the demands placed on an examiner in the typical individual case. See John F. Duffy, Inventing Invention: A Case Study of Legal Innovation, 86 TEX. L. REV. 1, 19 (2007) (“The relatively recent development of the nonobviousness doctrine is explained in part by the overall youth of the entire field of patent law.”); Gregory Mandel, The Non-Obvious Problem: How the Indeterminate Nonobviousness Standard Produces Excessive Patent Grants, 42 U.C. DAVIS L. REV. 57, 81–83 (2008). Such developments might help explain how, during a decade in which the USPTO “more than doubled” its number of examiners, relevant times for processing patent applications increased by forty percent. See James D. Ridgway, Equitable Power in the Time of Budget Austerity: The Problem of Judicial Remedies for Unconstitutional Delays in Claims Processing by Federal Agencies, 64 ADMIN. L. REV. 57, 66 (2012) (discussing the USPTO’s travails in the context of other agencies’ claimsprocessing challenges). 99. See infra Figure 9. Do Not Delete 482 11/24/2013 11:28 AM HOUSTON LAW REVIEW [51:2 Figure 9: Ratio of U.S. Patent Examiners to 1,000 U.S. R&D Employees Of course, the rise in the number of USPTO examiners is only one part of a larger growth in the patent system’s public and private personnel. Patents require not only patent examiners but patent drafters, and patents asserted in or out of court commonly require lawyers to be involved in the processes of licensing or litigation. An article by John Barton in 2000 indicated that membership in the American Bar Association’s Section on Patents, Trademarks, and Copyright had been “growing faster 100 than the amount of research.” In a like vein the rate at which the USPTO issued new patents multiplied approximately by 3.5 101 from 1980 to 2010, the rate at which the USPTO issued registration numbers to new patent attorneys or agents multiplied by about 4.3.102 As such figures highlight, the patent system’s personnel demands extend far beyond the confines of USPTO offices, and this has significant implications for the 100. John H. Barton, Reforming the Patent System, 287 SCIENCE 1933, 1933 & n.1 (2000) (concluding from the ABA membership numbers that “[t]he number of intellectual property lawyers in the United States is growing faster than the amount of research”). 101. The USPTO issued an average of 64,369 total patents per year during the five years from 1978 through 1982, whereas the USPTO issued an average of 228,419 total patents per year during the five years from 2008 through 2012. See U.S. PATENT ACTIVITY, supra note 2, at 1. 102. According to figures from the USPTO Office of Enrollment and Discipline on file with the Author, the USPTO issued an average of 425 new registration numbers per year during the five years from 1978 through 1982, whereas it issued an average of 1,838 registration numbers per year during the five years from 2008 through 2012. Interestingly, however, the real take-off point for issuance of greater numbers of registration numbers per year appears to have occurred no earlier than the late 1980s and thus to have lagged the earlier take-off points for patenting and numbers of patent examiners, which, as Figures 2 and 6 indicate, appear to have occurred in the early 1980s. Do Not Delete 2013] 11/24/2013 11:28 AM PROLIFERATING PATENTS 483 system’s overall costs and the sustainability of its current growth trajectory. If we imagine that the most crucial scarce resource for which proliferating patents are competing is not capital but instead labor—whether the labor of patent prosecutors, patent examiners, attorneys advising on whether a planned course of action is likely to infringe another’s patent rights, attorneys and businesspeople trying to agree on licensing terms, or litigators, judges, and juries looking to resolve patent disputes in the courts—then I think we quickly come to confront what seems to me one of the more undeniable dilemmas for the modern patent system: whether we can continue to reconfigure the system’s institutions and processes to sustain something like the established trajectory of continually accelerating growth, a trajectory that reflects the likely continually accelerating growth of innovation itself. If we cannot do this, we will likely need to contain the patent system’s growth in potentially draconian ways—for example, by significantly weakening or limiting patent rights’ desirability or accessibility through severely truncated definitions of patentable subject matter, a significantly higher threshold for an invention to be considered patentably nonobvious, systematically narrower claim constructions, heavily diluted remedies for patent infringement, much higher fees for patenting or maintaining patents, or delays in processing applications or infringement claims that are so long that they much more substantially deter use of the system altogether. Some readers might champion one or another or perhaps even all of the latter set of potential reforms. But as this Article is for a conference focused on the institutions for administering our intellectual property laws, I will focus here on the former alternative—adapting patent-law administration to sustain the increasing weight of applications that it has been receiving and, other things being equal, should continue to expect. B. Patent Law’s History of Administrative Change and Growth Patent law’s existing administrative challenges are far from being entirely new. Reform of patent law’s institutions has occurred repeatedly throughout history,103 and a significant number of these reforms have been designed to respond to the ever more crushing weight that continually accelerating patenting places on patent-law institutions. This was true from the very start. The U.S. Patent Act of 1790 adopted an ambitious, 103. See infra notes 98–108 and accompanying text. Do Not Delete 484 11/24/2013 11:28 AM HOUSTON LAW REVIEW [51:2 high-level approach to the granting of patents: patents would issue on approval by a majority of a “patent board” composed of the Secretary of State, the Secretary of War, and the Attorney General.104 Predictably (at least in historical hindsight), these officials found themselves short on time and resources to review dozens of incoming applications.105 Congress’s solution, implemented through the U.S. Patent Act of 1793, was to eliminate substantive examination of patents before issuance—i.e., to turn the U.S. patent system into a registration system.106 Generally speaking, the Secretary of State was empowered—albeit not explicitly required107—to issue a patent once a petitioner had fulfilled a set of basic ministerial requirements.108 Policing the validity and scope of patents was substantially left to post-issuance action by the courts.109 The 1793 Act’s resolution of the patent system’s bureaucratic problems—achieved by largely eliminating the need for substantial pre-issuance bureaucracy—worked for a time.110 But with the number of patents issued per year increasing more than tenfold over the next few decades,111 strains inevitably showed. Once several hundreds of patents were issuing each year, even a residual ministerial requirement requiring the mere signing of each patent by the President, the Secretary of State, and the 104. EDWARD C. WALTERSCHEID, TO PROMOTE THE PROGRESS OF USEFUL ARTS: AMERICAN PATENT LAW AND ADMINISTRATION, 1798–1836, at 168 (1998) (“Under the Act of 1790 the power to issue patents was completely vested in three high officials . . . .”). 105. [I]t was the dawning recognition by the members of the patent board, and particularly by Jefferson, that they simply had insufficient time to properly carry out the tasks assigned to them under the Act, that more than anything else soon produced an understanding in the Congress that the Act of 1790 had to be amended or in some manner changed to avoid having high government officials responsible for the issuance of patents. Id. at 195; see also Crane, supra note 70, at 103 (“In three years (1790–1793), 57 U.S. patents were granted, 114 petitions were still pending, and dozens of petitions were denied.”). 106. WALTERSCHEID, supra note 104, at 223 (“The most fundamental change [made by the U.S. Patent Act of 1793] was of course from examination to registration by elimination of the requirement that the patent board determine that an invention was ‘sufficiently useful and important’ for a patent to issue.”). 107. Id. at 224 (“[T]he Act merely made it lawful for the Secretary of State to issue a patent [under specified circumstances]; it did not require him to do so.”). 108. Id. at 223 (describing patent issuance under the 1793 Act as “a pro forma process dependent only on the completion of the required ministerial acts by the petitioner for patent”). 109. Morriss & Nard, supra note 93, at 151 (“The 1793 Act shifted the ex ante gatekeeper role performed by an examination to an ex post proceeding in the courts . . . .”). 110. Id. 111. See U.S. PATENT ACTIVITY, supra note 2, at 4–5 (listing numbers of utility patents issued for individual years from 1790 on). Do Not Delete 2013] 11/24/2013 11:28 AM PROLIFERATING PATENTS 485 Attorney General became a burdensome source of delay.112 With more patents in private parties’ hands, patent litigation became more common—and a more common source of complaint.113 An 1836 Senate committee report lamented that “[a] considerable portion of all the patents granted [we]re worthless and void,” that lawsuits were “daily increasing in an alarming degree,” and that “frauds”—invalid patents obtained under false pretenses—had “become extensive and serious.”114 The patent bar’s incipient development and refinement of patent claims as a means to 115 clarify patent scope and validity apparently did not suffice to relieve a perception of undue pressure on both courts and private parties who either feared or experienced unjust accusations of infringement. The revised administrative solution, instituted through the Patent Act of 1836 and largely continued to this day, was to reinstate a form of pre-issuance examination while still retaining significant roles for the courts both in policing patentability post116 issuance and in acting as primary interpreters of the Patent Act itself.117 A revival of substantive examination of patents prior to issuance was made feasible by placing responsibility for such examination in the hands of “a specialized bureaucracy” designed for the task, rather than making this task the responsibility of Cabinet officers having other, largely disconnected duties.118 Comparatively speaking, the basic institutional structure of the patent system has been only tweaked since then, prominent tweaks including, of course, the successive creation of semispecialized appeals courts by Congress, the Court of Customs and Patent Appeals,119 and its successor, the Court of Appeals for the 112. See WALTERSCHEID, supra note 104, at 422 (noting that, in 1836, the Superintendent of Patents “readily acknowledged that patents were frequently delayed for months due to the inability to obtain the signatures of the three top government officials required, i.e., the President, the Secretary of State, and the Attorney General”). 113. 1836 Senate Committee Report, 18 J. PAT. OFF. SOC’Y 853, 857 (1936). 114. Id. 115. Morriss & Nard, supra note 93, at 153–54. 116. See Patent Act of 1836, ch. 357, sec. 7, 5 Stat. 117, 119–20 (discussing preissuance examination); John F. Duffy, The FCC and the Patent System: Progressive Ideals, Jacksonian Realism, and the Technology of Regulation, 71 U. COLO. L. REV. 1071, 1138– 39 (2000) (“[I]n 1836, when Congress conferred a limited administrative power to the Patent Office, it consciously designed institutional constraints—including an administrative appeals process and judicial review . . . .”). 117. Cf. Duffy, supra note 116, at 1134 (“[U]nlike agencies in the twentieth century, the Patent Office was given no power to issue substantive regulations—a limitation that continues to have significant legal implications.”). 118. Morriss & Nard, supra note 93, at 159. 119. William J. Graham, The United States Court of Customs and Patent Appeals, Its History, Functions and Jurisdiction, 14 J. PAT. OFF. SOC’Y. 932, 937, 939–40 (1932) Do Not Delete 486 11/24/2013 11:28 AM HOUSTON LAW REVIEW [51:2 Federal Circuit.120 Some scholars have suggested that the recent America Invents Act has shifted the balance of power between the USPTO and the courts in ways that might amount to more 121 than another mere “tweak,” but the extent to which this is true 122 remains to be seen. In any event, since 1836, the principal way that the U.S. patent system has responded to the proliferation of patent rights and would-be patent rights is to multiply the number of hands on deck—most particularly, to multiply the number of examiners at a percentage rate that overall has exceeded that for patents 123 themselves. Andrew Morriss and Craig Nard report that, after the 1836 Act, the number of examiners—or at least, the number of statutorily authorized examiners124—grew nearly onehundredfold in four decades: from one in 1836 to two in 1837, four in 1839, eight in 1848, twenty-four in 1856, and ninety-six in 1875.125 As Figures 6 and 7 have suggested, generally speaking, the numbers have kept growing since. Economic historian Zorina (noting the establishment of a court of customs appeals in 1910 and the conferring of jurisdiction over appeals from the U.S. Patent Office in 1929). 120. Paul D. Carrington & Paulina Orchard, The Federal Circuit: A Model for Reform?, 78 GEO. WASH. L. REV. 575, 576 (2010) (“The Federal Circuit was established through the Federal Courts Improvement Act of 1982 as a partial response to fifteen years of agitation over the structure of the federal judiciary.” (footnote omitted)); Jeffrey A. Lefstin, The Constitution of Patent Law: The Court of Customs and Patent Appeals and the Shape of the Federal Circuit’s Jurisprudence, 43 LOY. L.A. L. REV. 843, 847 (2010) (“The Federal Circuit was created from the merger of the Court of Customs and Patent Appeals (CCPA) and the appellate division of the Court of Claims.”). 121. See, e.g., Leahy-Smith America Invents Act, Pub L. No. 112-29, 125 Stat. 284 (2011) (codified as amended in scattered sections of 35 U.S.C.); Arti K. Rai, Patent Validity Across the Executive Branch: Ex Ante Foundations for Policy Development, 61 DUKE L.J. 1237, 1239, 1243 (2012) (“[T]o the extent [USPTO guidelines on topics such as patentability] were to be implemented in a postgrant review proceeding that resembled a formal adjudication, the strong form of deference enunciated by the Court in Chevron . . . and its progeny would be applicable.”); Sarah Tran, Policy Tailors and the Patent Office, 46 U.C. DAVIS L. REV. 487, 493 (2012) (“The freshly enacted Leahy-Smith America Invents Act . . . gives the USPTO opportunities to play a much larger role in policymaking than ever before.”); Melissa F. Wasserman, The Changing Guard of Patent Law: Chevron Deference for the PTO, 54 WM. & MARY L. REV. 1959, 1965 (2013) (“This Article concludes that the AIA rejects over two hundred years of court dominance in patent policy by anointing the PTO as the chief expositor of substantive patent law standards.”). 122. See John M. Golden, The USPTO’s Soft Power: Who Needs Chevron Deference?, SMU L. REV. (forthcoming) (“Because the legislative history of the AIA prominently featured the trouncing of a proposal to give the USPTO general rulemaking authority, I am skeptical that the AIA has worked such a sea change.”). 123. See supra Figure 8 (showing that, generally speaking, the ratio between the number of patent examiners and the number of newly issued patents has increased with time). 124. See supra note 93. 125. See Morriss & Nard, supra note 93, at 149 n.16. Do Not Delete 2013] 11/24/2013 11:28 AM PROLIFERATING PATENTS 487 Khan reports that in 1892 the U.S. Patent Office had “over six hundred employees, including some two hundred specialized technical examiners.”126 At the end of fiscal year 2012, which was 120 years later, the USPTO had 7,935 patent examiners and 11,531 employees overall.127 Thus, during a 120-year span from 1892 to 2012 in which the number of applications filed and patents issued both multiplied by less than a factor of fifteen,128 the number of examiners multiplied by a factor of approximately forty. Perhaps in part because of the increasing 129 complexity of patent applications or the technologies they 130 describe —but in any case despite the productivity-enhancing benefits of the late twentieth century’s information-technology revolution—individual U.S. patent examiners now apparently process less than half as many applications per year as their late nineteenth-century forebears.131 The “more hands on deck” approach seems destined to continue indefinitely. The USPTO’s opening of four new regional offices in or about Dallas, Denver, Detroit, and Silicon Valley—all to complement the USPTO’s main office in Alexandria, Virginia—seems partly designed to serve this end.132 But this blunt, expansion-of-the-patent-workforce approach seems likely to be ultimately problematic. Polk Wagner has noted that even the massive scaling up of the USPTO workforce in recent decades appears to have had relatively little success in addressing fundamental concerns 133 about patent quality. Moreover, quality aside, such scaling up seems likely to become progressively more difficult and perhaps ultimately undesirable if the goal is to at least keep 126. KHAN, supra note 70, at 53. 127. 2012 USPTO P ERFORMANCE REPORT, supra note 13, at 10. 128. See U.S. P ATENT ACTIVITY , supra note 2, at 1, 3 (listing patent statistics for years 2012 and 1892). 129. See supra note 91 and accompanying text. 130. See supra note 90 and accompanying text. 131. See supra Figure 8. 132. Press Release, U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, U.S. Commerce Department to Open Four Regional U.S. Patent Offices That Will Speed Up the Patent Process and Help American Businesses Innovate, Grow, and Create Jobs (July 2, 2012), available at (contending that additional regional offices “will help the USPTO attract talented IP experts throughout the country who will work closely with entrepreneurs to process patent applications, reduce the backlog of unexamined patents, and speed up the overall process”). 133. R. Polk Wagner, Understanding Patent-Quality Mechanisms, 157 U. PENN. L. REV. 2135, 2158–59 (2009) (observing that the “hiring and training of thousands of new examiners” have generated “only modest results, even at the most basic level”). Do Not Delete 488 11/24/2013 11:28 AM HOUSTON LAW REVIEW [51:2 pace with a continually increasing number of incoming patent applications.134 Mark Lemley has suggested that relatively high turnover of USPTO examiners “means that the [US]PTO needs to hire more than 1,000 examiners a year just to keep even with attrition.”135 Unless the USPTO can significantly reduce attrition, this replacement number will grow as the size of the examining corps rises, presumably causing the USPTO to have to run harder just to stay in place.136 Further, as the patent workforce rises relative to the size of the overall workforce, the search for additional qualified hands is only likely to become more difficult. Silicon Valley firms have become notoriously competitive in their pursuit of engineering talent—and assertive in their pursuit of immigration reform to help expand the practically available talent pool.137 If the USPTO continues to need to expand proportionately—or even superproportionately—with the number of patents or patent applications, and if the number of patents or applications continues to grow at an accelerating rate, the workforce demands for the USPTO can be expected to become more and more difficult to fill. Even if the USPTO can somehow continue to fill ever greater demand for examiner labor by opening more regional offices or substantially increasing examiner salaries and patent-associated fees to pay for those salaries, one might wonder about the wisdom of an increasingly significant diversion of labor into administration of the U.S. patent system or increased fees that make the patent system less accessible to undercapitalized innovators. 134. Id. at 2163 (“[M]erely keeping pace with increased filings will create an enormous (and possibly unsustainable) drag on resources without clear evidence that such expenditures will improve pendency, much less patent quality.”). 135. Mark A. Lemley, Fixing the Patent Office, 13 INNOVATION POL’Y & ECON. 83, 89 (2013); see also Mabey, supra note 14, at 256 (“[T]he office has one of the highest attrition rates in the government.”). 136. Cf. Mabey, supra note 14, at 256–57 (describing the USPTO’s efforts to hire 1,200 examiners a year between 2007 and 2012 as a consequence of having “one of the highest attrition rates in the government”); Grier, supra note 15, at 645 (observing that patent-examiner attrition “is so severe that in some years the USPTO loses more examiners than it hires”). 137. See generally Jennifer Martinez, Silicon Valley Readies All-Out Push for Immigration Reform, HILL, Oct. 22, 2013, at 8 (“Silicon Valley groups and top executives like Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg are planning a flurry of events and media campaigns aimed at pressuring the House to vote on immigration bills before the end of the year.”); Sarah McBride, Twitter Pays Engineer $10 Million as Silicon Valley Tussles for Talent, REUTERS (Oct. 13, 2013), (“Welcome to Silicon Valley, where a shortage of top engineering talent amid an explosion of venture capital-backed start-ups is inflating paychecks. . . . Stories abound about the lengths to which employers will go to attract engineering talent.”). Do Not Delete 2013] 11/24/2013 11:28 AM PROLIFERATING PATENTS 489 Moreover, the USPTO’s workforce demands are not the only “tax” on labor supply that the patent system generates. Increasing numbers of patents and patent applications mean, generally speaking, increased work for patent attorneys, patent agents, and paralegals involved with the process of drafting them and seeking their issuance through the USPTO. If the average number of lawsuits per patent remains relatively stable or increases, more patents will mean more litigation and thus more work for litigators, judges, and juries. There is also the less publicly visible transactional and counseling work of patent law: for example, the work on patent licenses and assignments, the work on assessing whether patent licenses are needed in the first place, the strategic assessment of whether one’s patent portfolio—or perhaps another’s patent portfolio that is ripe for acquisition—suffices to protect core business interests. In short, in private as well as public sectors, our evergrowing patent system can be expected to strain the capacity of our society to supply in an efficient way the labor required to administer and implement the system as currently configured. We thus have a classic problem of “bureaucratic rationality.”138 How can we process such a large and increasing number of claims in a way that cost-effectively advances social goals? The suggestion above is that the “more hands on deck” response will ultimately prove inadequate, even if it is not inadequate already. The patent system needs to put greater emphasis on exploring options other than sheer force-of-numbers responses. Some preliminary thoughts on potential directions to pursue are the subject of Part IV. IV. INSTITUTIONAL REFORMS TO MEET THE CHALLENGE: BEYOND MERELY SCALING UP THE PATENT BUREAUCRACY What non-brute-force innovations can the United States use to relieve the human-labor bottlenecks that the patent system’s own flourishing creates? This Part discusses three potential approaches: greater work-sharing with foreign patent offices, greater leveraging of private initiative and knowledge, and more generalized USPTO fact-finding. Aspects of at least the first two approaches would likely face significant opposition from the U.S. patent examiners’ labor union, the Patent Office Professional Association, a powerful force in patent-law politics that has a 138. See JERRY L. MASHAW, BUREAUCRATIC JUSTICE: MANAGING SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY CLAIMS 26 (1983) (“From the perspective of bureaucratic rationality, administrative justice is accurate decisionmaking carried on through processes appropriately rationalized to take account of costs.”). Do Not Delete 490 11/24/2013 11:28 AM HOUSTON LAW REVIEW [51:2 history of opposing the outsourcing of examiners’ work.139 But this short piece will not propose how to resolve such concerns of political economy. Instead, it will simply discuss some of the major options for addressing the current and future patent system’s entirely predictable, essentially inexorable workload needs. In any case, as these needs place greater and greater pressure on the system, one might expect that various seemingly insurmountable political barriers will ultimately give way. A. Pooling Resources with Foreign Patent Offices Given the recently dominant contribution of foreign applications to U.S. patenting growth,140 perhaps the most obvious response is for the U.S. to seek more substantial help from abroad. Many foreign applicants for U.S. patents simultaneously apply for foreign patents on the same subject matter, and many domestic U.S. applicants seek patent protection in other countries.141 Greater worksharing with foreign patent offices, which commonly are doing largely duplicative 142 research into questions relating to patentability, is perhaps the most straightforward response to the foreign-filing “explosion.” Patent offices for twenty-four countries and the European Union have sought to achieve such worksharing through a number of “Patent Prosecution Highway” (PPH) programs, under 139. See Michael Abramowicz & John F. Duffy, Ending the Patenting Monopoly, 157 U. PA. L. REV. 1541, 1573 & n.110 (2009) (noting that, in response to a USPTO proposal to “privatiz[e] prior art searches,” “political opposition has been voiced most fiercely by the examiners’ union”); David P. Irimies, Why the USPTO Should Adopt a Deferred Patent Examination System, 20 DEPAUL J. ART, TECH. & INTELL. PROP. L. 355, 386 (2010) (contending that the “main policy rationale” for a provision in a patent reform bill that would have “foreclose[d] the possibility of work sharing substantive examination of patent applications and prior art searches amongst national patent offices” is “that labor unions are a major stakeholder in Democratic Party politics”); S. Jay Plager, Foreword: The Evolving Future of Law and Technology, 8 J. TECH. L. & POL’Y xiii, xv (2003) (observing that a proposal to “contract[] out prior art search responsibilities” was “not surprisingly a move opposed by the examiner corps union”); cf. Chris J. Katopis, Perfect Happiness?: Game Theory as a Tool for Enhancing Patent Quality, 10 YALE J.L. & TECH. 360, 379 (2008) (“POPA has demonstrated ability to influence both Republican and Democratic members of Congress. . . . POPA’s two primary goals are essentially to obtain higher pay and more examining time per application for its personnel.”). See generally Arti K. Rai, Growing Pains in the Administrative State: The Patent Office’s Troubled Quest for Managerial Control, 157 U. PA. L. REV. 2051, 2065 (2009) (noting that USPTO reforms “may be difficult to implement in a work environment where the patent examiners’ union tends to view management-proposed changes as attempts to squeeze examiners further with respect to the time that they have to examine applications”). 140. See supra text accompanying notes 67–71. 141. See Mabey, supra note 14, at 222 (“[A]pplications claiming identical inventions are routinely filed in numerous global patent offices.”). 142. See id. (“The basic requirements of patentability are remarkably similar across the world’s industrialized nations.”). Do Not Delete 2013] 11/24/2013 11:28 AM PROLIFERATING PATENTS 491 which the results of at least partial examination of an application in one office can help expedite review in another.143 Based on various reports, the PPH programs appear to be delivering faster and cheaper prosecution results for applications in the program.144 Nonetheless, despite robust growth in the last few years, the percentage of PPH filings is still miniscule: a record number of approximately 5,000 PPH filings at the USPTO in the USPTO’s 145 fiscal year 2012 apparently represented only about one percent of the more than 500,000 applications the USPTO received that year.146 Moreover, whatever savings of time and effort that worksharing through the PPH achieves, these savings are generally less than 100%. The PPH provides significantly less than a full pass through the USPTO’s examination process.147 In short, the PPH is currently only saving the USPTO and patent applicants a fraction of their time, effort, and expense on less than 1% of currently pending applications. Further substantive harmonization of the patent laws of different countries might enable greater worksharing. By moving the United States’ novelty rules toward the first-to-file rules more typical of other countries, the United States’ America Invents Act148 might represent a step toward greater capacity for worksharing. But the miniscule percentage of patents running through the PPH suggests we are at least a decade away from worksharing at a level that would take a truly significant bite out of the workload facing the USPTO and other patent offices. Meanwhile, patenting and efforts to patent continue to 143. See Toshinao Yamazaki, Patent Prosecution Highways (PPHs): Their First Five Years and Recent Developments Seen from Japan, 34 WORLD PAT. INFO. 279, 279 (2012) (providing an overview of PPH programs). 144. See id. at 280–82 (claiming PPH benefits in terms of speed of “patent acquisition,” increased allowance rates, and reduced costs); see also 2012 USPTO PERFORMANCE REPORT, supra note 13, at 20 (“[PPH] [u]sers benefit not only by fast portfolio-building, but also by enjoying the collective savings of millions of dollars in the process.”). 145. See 2012 USPTO PERFORMANCE REPORT, supra note 13, at 21 fig.8 (showing that about 5,000 additional PPH filings occurred between the end of September 2011 and the end of September 2012). 146. Id. at 175 tbl.1 (listing preliminary patent application numbers for fiscal year 2012). 147. See Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH)—Fast Track Examination of Applications, U.S. PATENT & TRADEMARK OFFICE, events/pph/index.jsp (last visited Nov. 19, 2013) (describing the PPH as enabling “fasttrack examination” of patents, rather than issuance without further examination). 148. MUELLER, supra note 43, at 242 (observing that the AIA’s implicit “firstinventor-to-file standard” is “characterized by Congress as more in keeping with international standards” and is not absolute but instead “subject to three important exceptions”). Do Not Delete 492 11/24/2013 11:28 AM HOUSTON LAW REVIEW [51:2 accelerate. By the time substantial worksharing is able to take, say, a twenty-percent bite out of the workload faced by the USPTO, the size of the remaining eighty percent of the workload might already be overwhelming. The likely inadequacy of international worksharing to relieve the USPTO’s long-term bottleneck problems reflects the fact that such worksharing is, to some degree, just another variant of the traditional approach of bringing more governmental hands on deck. The helpful twist is that international worksharing enables the USPTO to seek help from hands not on the USPTO’s deck, but instead already performing essentially redundant work in patent offices abroad. But this twist is of limited long-term value. Even perfect worksharing cannot alter the fact that, as the number of patent applications continues to increase, there will ultimately be a need for an additional governmental hand somewhere. The personnel shortfalls and cost concerns that plague USPTO operations thus merely become globalized. Unless we look forward to a day when every hundredth person works for a patent office, we will presumably need to seek further help elsewhere. B. Privatization Options Of course, another way of obtaining the benefit of additional hands is to look beyond the government itself. Although William Baumol has declared that “privatization is no cure for the cost disease”149 (in which the patent system shares), he has recognized this as one potential response and seems primarily to have reacted negatively because of concerns about “threat[s] to liberty” and “politically irresistible” backlash to privatization in the form 150 of price controls —concerns that seem likely to have less resonance with respect to privatization of certain aspects of the U.S. patent system’s operation. In any event, there are at least 149. BAUMOL, supra note 16, at 64. Baumol defines “the cost disease” as “a widespread pattern of increasing costs” caused by “the unprecedented and spectacular productivity growth that the world’s industrialized nations have achieved since the Industrial Revolution.” Id. at 3, 5; see supra Part III.A (discussing patent law’s labor problem as a form of Baumol’s “cost disease”). 150. BAUMOL, supra note 16, at 64–65 (noting the “threat to liberty posed by reliance on private armies” and contending that, “if rising costs are caused by unavoidably slow productivity growth in personal and handicraft services, cost controls can only lead to deterioration in the quality of those services or, worse, to their partial or total disappearance”); see also William J. Baumol, Health Care, Education and the Cost Disease: A Looming Crisis for Public Choice, 77 PUB. CHOICE 17, 27 (1993) (arguing that, with costs inevitably rising even after privatization, “[t]he prospect is that public pressure will be the enemy of the public interest as in so many cases where price control has been invoked as the magic formula for cost reduction”). Do Not Delete 2013] 11/24/2013 11:28 AM PROLIFERATING PATENTS 493 three ways in which “privatization” of USPTO work might be increased. First, one can try to extract more information or work in “patent filtering” from patent applicants themselves. Second, one can look for similar voluntary contributions from interested third parties. Third, one can more actively contract out aspects of the government’s work to private entities looking to make a direct profit from that work. In line with patent law’s historical development of specification and claiming requirements,151 the most obvious “privatization” alternative is to consider what more might be extracted from applicants themselves.152 Whether because applicants have developed the claimed inventions themselves or because the applicants have chosen to acquire prospective rights to those inventions, applicants might be presumed to start with some degree of knowledge that would be helpful to examiners. In some circumstances, applicants might even be better able to acquire additional relevant knowledge. Already existing disclosure requirements, including a duty of candor153 whose breach can lead to a later charge of inequitable conduct,154 attempt to leverage such private knowledge and capacity to some degree. Moreover, a particularly promising avenue for reform might involve both empowering and requiring the USPTO to demand or impose greater clarification of patent scope during a patent’s initial examination.155 The result might be significantly greater applicant investment in the clarity of patent claims and specifications, and the resulting increased clarity might help reduce costs of “patent processing” both 156 by the USPTO and by private parties and courts later on. 151. John M. Golden, Construing Patent Claims According to Their “Interpretive Community”: A Call for an Attorney-Plus-Artisan Perspective, 21 HARV. J.L. & TECH. 321, 349– 51 (2008) (discussing the development of written description and claiming requirements). 152. Cf. Abramowicz & Duffy, supra note 139, at 1574 (viewing as a form of privatization a “set of new initiatives . . . impos[ing] more burdens on the patent applicant to develop the information necessary to evaluate the application”). 153. 37 C.F.R. § 1.56(a) (2012) (“Each individual associated with the filing and prosecution of a patent application has a duty of candor and good faith in dealing with the Office, which includes a duty to disclose to the Office all information known to that individual to be material to patentability as defined in this section.”). 154. MUELLER, supra note 43, at 551 (“[A] severe penalty is set for violations of the duty [of candor to the USPTO] that come to light in subsequent litigation of a patent: if the defense of inequitable conduct is proved, the entire patent (i.e., all claims, regardless of their validity) is rendered unenforceable . . . .”). 155. See Wagner, supra note 133, at 2166 (“One potentially fruitful area of experimentation would require the USPTO to conduct much more thorough claim-construction analyses . . . defining key terms according to public reference works.”). 156. See Michael J. Meurer, Patent Examination Priorities, 51 WM. & MARY L. REV. 675, 702 (2009) (noting how defects in “notice” of the scope of patent rights can generate costs or problems for patent examiners, courts, lawyers, and innovators). Do Not Delete 494 11/24/2013 11:28 AM HOUSTON LAW REVIEW [51:2 Moreover, as the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Microsoft Corp. v. i4i Limited Partnership confirmed by reaffirming the present existence of a strong, across-the-board presumption of the validity of issued patent claims,157 the U.S. patent system can do more to place burdens of production or proof on applicants for patent rights or the patentees who hold any rights that result. On the other hand, substantially increasing burdens on applicants—such as by requiring proof of a plausibly adequate prior-art search and further requiring a relatively impartial report on that search’s results—would likely substantially increase the effective cost of applying for patents. Such an effective cost increase could further discourage patenting by already cost-conscious innovators, potentially discouraging patenting by start-ups158 who might be among patent law’s most 159 socially appropriate clientele. A second “privatization” approach is to leverage third parties’ knowledge or incentives to acquire knowledge about potential or actual patent rights. With some aid from Congress, the USPTO has taken a number of incremental steps in this direction over the last few decades. A variety of reexamination or post-grant review proceedings enable private parties to challenge patent rights in administrative proceedings that tend to be much cheaper than litigation in Article III courts and, because of lower thresholds for administrative standing as compared to Article III standing, more accessible to parties not immediately threatened 160 with an infringement suit. The America Invents Act has also facilitated private parties’ submission of relevant information to the USPTO even prior to a patent’s grant.161 Moreover, a Peer-to- 157. Microsoft Corp. v. i4i Ltd. P’ship, 131 S. Ct. 2238, 2244 (2011) (rejecting a contention that, for challenges to the validity of issued patent claims, “a preponderance standard [of proof, rather than a clear-and-convincing standard,] must apply at least when an invalidity defense rests on evidence that was never considered by the [US]PTO in the examination process”). 158. See Stuart J.H. Graham et al., High Technology Entrepreneurs and the Patent System: Results of the 2008 Berkeley Patent Survey, 24 BERKELEY TECH. L.J. 1255, 1310 (2009) (“We find that, among technology startups, the cost of getting a patent is the most common reason cited for not patenting a major technology.”). 159. See Golden, supra note 24, at 169–70 (describing how patents can help support the business models of small biotechnology companies). 160. Golden, supra note 74, at 613–14 (discussing the emergence of various forms of reexamination or post-grant review by the USPTO since 1980). 161. 35 U.S.C. § 122(e) (2012) (permitting pre-issuance submissions by third parties regarding any information that may be relevant to the USPTO); see also Dylan M. Aste, Note, To Disclose or Not to Disclose: Why the United States Properly Adopted the European Model for Third-Party Participation During Patent Prosecution, 3 CASE W. RES. J.L. T ECH. & INTERNET, no. 1, 2012, at 1, 3 (discussing a new provision of U.S. statutory law “that allows third-party submission of prior art Do Not Delete 2013] 11/24/2013 11:28 AM PROLIFERATING PATENTS 495 Patent Project has shown how private parties might productively contribute to examination of at least a portion of a select group of applications, in this case applications selected based on the willingness of patent applicants to subject them to a more open pre-grant review process.162 I have previously expressed hope that, through such private challenges or inputs, private parties can help to check at least 163 But because some of the limitations of USPTO processes. private incentives to bring such challenges, absent substantial publicly funded “bounties” provided in great numbers, seem likely to suffice only in a relatively small set of cases, even much greater provision of opportunities for private challenges and inputs appears unlikely to solve the general problem of dealing with the great mass of applications that are flowing into the USPTO at an accelerating rate. Naturally, therefore, we might turn to the next set of “privatization” possibilities, a set characterized by much more ambitious privatization through such measures as the widespread provision of monetary “bounties” to challenge patent 164 rights, as proposed in different ways by John Thomas and 165 Joseph Miller; or the partial or general delegation of examination itself to regulated private firms, a proposal made by 166 Michael Abramowicz and John Duffy. Such proposals are certainly intriguing. By offering hope that competition and [to the USPTO] along with a description of its relevance before the USPTO issues a patent”). 162. Aste, supra note 161, at 18 & n.107 (describing the USPTO’s Peer-to-Patent Project, which opened the examination of a couple hundred applications “to online public participation,” which “allows anyone and everyone to participate as a patent reviewer and/or a patent facilitator”); see also Giuseppina D’Agostino, Challenges to the Patent System 23 (Dec. 19, 2011) (unpublished manuscript), available at sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1991929 (describing the USPTO’s Peer-to-Patent project as successful but noting concern that “there is a clear challenge in scaling-up the program” in light of apparently limited interest in participation). 163. Golden, supra note 74, at 615–17. 164. John R. Thomas, Collusion and Collective Action in the Patent System: A Proposal for Patent Bounties, 2001 U. ILL. L. REV. 305, 307 (“I propose that the Patent Office award cash prizes to informants who timely disclose patent-defeating references.”). 165. Joseph Scott Miller, Building a Better Bounty: Litigation-Stage Rewards for Defeating Patents, 19 BERKELEY TECH. L.J. 667, 677 (2004) (proposing monetary rewards for patent challenges that operate “at the litigation stage, in an amount that varies as a function of the patentee’s net profits from practicing the technology set forth in the asserted patent claims”). 166. Abramowicz & Duffy, supra note 139, at 1576 (suggesting a system in which examination of patent applications is conducted substantially by private firms regulated by the USPTO); cf. Wagner, supra note 133, at 2160 (reporting that Japan has “outsourc[ed] the majority of searches [for prior art relevant to patent applications] to private organizations”). Do Not Delete 496 11/24/2013 11:28 AM HOUSTON LAW REVIEW [51:2 decentralization will help spark significantly greater efficiency, Abramowicz and Duffy in particular suggest reason to think that systematic privatization might substantially improve society’s capacity to shoulder the ever-growing patent workload.167 But how can such efficiencies be achieved? Abramowicz and Duffy offer their proposal as an alternative to lumbering government-based approaches that commonly end up embracing either inefficient decision-making through “multimember panel[s]” or unsatisfactory decision-making through “specific 168 rules” that purport to tightly constrain examiner discretion. Thus, they appear to contemplate that private firms will review 169 patents through a process largely of single-examiner review. But if decision-making is still largely the function of individual examiners conducting highly individualized studies of individual patent applications, one must wonder how great the efficiency gains can be. By how much might private firms, working through the mechanism of individualized examination, cut the required examination workforce? The USPTO currently receives over 500,000 patent applications a year and employs 170 Commentators about 7,000 examiners to review them. commonly view as manifestly insufficient for thorough review the estimated twenty hours or so that an examiner has, on average, 171 to work on an individual application. Let’s assume, nonetheless, that examiners employed by private firms are so efficient, perhaps because of lower turnover and better personal and technological support, that they can complete a satisfactory examination of individual patents in an average of twenty hours. Let’s also assume that the private firms squeeze an average of 2,000 examination hours out of each examiner each year—a quite optimistic figure, I think, given that law firms often fall short of achieving such an average for the total annual billable hours of law-firm associates presumably having much higher salaries 167. See Abramowicz & Duffy, supra note 139 at 1555 (noting that “the most significant advantages of private, rather than governmental, provision arise from the process of competition” and that “[t]he inability of the [US]PTO to adhere to basic commercial standards and adopt new technology is representative of the organizational challenges that government-owned enterprises face”). 168. Id. at 1559–60. 169. See id. at 1576 (discussing private examination as a possible solution to achieve demonopolization). 170. 2012 USPTO PERFORMANCE REPORT, supra note 13, at 10, 176. 171. See, e.g., Lemley, supra note 76, at 1496 n.3 (“Examiners have astonishingly little time to spend on each application—on average, a total of eighteen hours . . . .”); Meurer, supra note 156, at 677 (observing that an estimated average of eighteen hours per patent for examination “compares unfavorably to what I expect of my students when they write research memos”). Do Not Delete 2013] 11/24/2013 11:28 AM PROLIFERATING PATENTS 497 than patent examiners.172 How many examiners would the private firms need to employ to process 500,000 applications per year? Multiply 500,000 by 20 hours and then divide by 2,000 hours per examiner, and one ends up with an answer of 5,000 examiners, a number roughly like the total number of examiners currently employed by the USPTO.173 In short, at least at the level of processing volume, as opposed to producing quality results, privatization of individualized examination seems unlikely to hold much magic that can make the patent workforce problem go away. Ultimately, if we wish to continue to increase patent-processing capacity in line with accelerating growth in patenting, we seem destined to need either a far vaster patent workforce or qualitatively different approaches to examination of individual patents. Part IV.C considers some possibilities. C. Rulemaking or Other Approaches to “Partially Automated” Examination How can the USPTO or even private-sector patentcertification entities adjudicate the patentability of more and more claimed inventions other than by adding hands? A variety of incremental efficiency-enhancing steps can undoubtedly be taken: as with other government agencies, the USPTO’s information technology has a reputation for being somewhat embarrassingly backward.174 But as pointed out above, basic mathematics suggests that, as long as we remain true to the current individualized examination model, straightforward efficiency-increasing reforms such as mere updating of 172. See Number of Associate Hours Worked Increases at Largest Firms, NALP BULL., Feb. 2012, tbl.2, available at (showing reported average billable hours of less than 1,900 for all categories of firms in 2012). 173. Cf. Doug Lichtman & Mark A. Lemley, Rethinking Patent Law’s Presumption of Validity, 60 STAN. L. REV. 45, 53 (2007) (noting that to do significantly more than the USPTO does in examining applications, such as hiring outside experts to comment on individual applications, “would be enormously costly”). 174. See Diane Bartz, Ex-IBM Exec Tries to Reboot U.S. Patent Office, REUTERS (Jan. 27, 2010), 66220100126 (“An antiquated computer system which crashes and idles thousands of workers is ‘frankly embarrassing,’ says U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Director David Kappos, a former International Business Machines executive who estimates it would take several hundred million dollars to upgrade.”); Jake Ward, President Obama Calls USPTO Case Management System “Embarrassing”, ANTICIPATE THIS!TM PATENT & TRADEMARK LAW BLOG (Jan. 15, 2010), (quoting prepared remarks by President Obama describing the USPTO as “receiv[ing] more than 80 percent of patent applications electronically, then manually print[ing] them out, scan[ning] them, and enter[ing] them into an outdated case management system”). Do Not Delete 498 11/24/2013 11:28 AM HOUSTON LAW REVIEW [51:2 information technology will likely leave intact the bulk of the patent-processing challenge. My sense is that, in a patent system that already employs crude proxies for social value such as novelty, nonobviousness, and a mostly feeble sense of utility,175 we need to be more willing to abandon illusions that the patent system can hope regularly to attain truly individualized, precise justice. In the spirit of Jerry Mashaw’s “bureaucratic rationality,” what we can more realistically hope to attain are better overall results with respect to the mass of patent cases, where the concept of “better” includes consideration of patents’ public and private costs, including administrative costs, as well as their public and private benefits.176 To this end, rulemaking that effectively truncates the need for individualized fact-finding and decision-making on at least some cross-sections of issues seems a promising way forward. Here again, I follow the more general path of Baumol, who has noted that the so-called “stagnant services,”177 those marked by relatively low productivity growth, tend to be ones that have resisted standardization and automation.178 An obvious response is to seek ways to overcome or circumvent this resistance, whose inherency Baumol himself has suggested can sometimes be more illusion than reality.179 More prevalent and effective USPTO rulemaking is in effect a way of trying to escape some of the basic causes of stagnancy by introducing more standardization and automation into USPTO review of individual patent applications. The USPTO has already shown a capacity to develop rules that effectively guide and simplify decision-making in significant classes of cases, most notably through guidelines on utility and written description in the context of biochemical innovation.180 175. See John M. Golden, Patentable Subject Matter and Institutional Choice, 89 TEX. L. REV. 1041, 1065 (2011) (describing various tests for patentability as “no more than crude proxies for the question of whether any individual patent grant will further overall social goals”). 176. See generally MASHAW, supra note 138, at 26 (“From the perspective of bureaucratic rationality, administrative justice is accurate decisionmaking carried on through processes appropriately rationalized to take account of costs.”). 177. BAUMOL, supra note 16, at 22 (emphasis omitted). 178. Id. at 22–23 (observing that, in comparison to manufacture of automobiles, surgery and car repair “are inherently resistant to standardization” and that, for various services, “quality is—or at least is believed to be—inescapably correlated with the amount of labor expended on their production”). 179. See id. at 23 (noting some “self-deception by the providers of [stagnant] services and the customers who obtain them” and the possibilities for greater use of computers in health care, “a filmed lecture by an extraordinarily talented teacher,” and “recorded music”). 180. See Golden, supra note 122. Do Not Delete 2013] 11/24/2013 11:28 AM PROLIFERATING PATENTS 499 Such substantially fact-based rulemaking seems a model that the USPTO should be able to replicate with respect to other technologies. Why can’t the USPTO chronicle, for the benefit of its examiners, various already standard ways of combining communication, doing business, or finding amusement with existing electronic, computer-related, or more specifically Internet-related technologies? Couldn’t the USPTO have generated an account of the replacement of various mechanical control technologies with electronic control technologies that would have better enabled the examiner of the patent in KSR International Co. v. Teleflex Inc. to reject that claimed invention as obvious?181 Although catalogs of standard “moves” will necessarily be a moving target as knowledge and practice develop, even a not-fully-up-to-date recorded catalog can remain useful for the class of potential combinations to which it applies. By explaining and ordering knowledge in a way that is specifically tailored to help examiners, USPTO guidelines can effectively arm the USPTO to make fact-supported rejections on various grounds of unpatentability without having to reinvent the wheel. Such USPTO rulemaking need not be “substantive 182 rulemaking” that possesses binding force of law in the courts. As indicated above, the USPTO can work effectively through 183 guidelines. This approach might even be preferable to truer USPTO “lawmaking” because guidelines tend to be easier to amend184 and also tend naturally—on judicial review if nowhere else—to leave room for rebuttal or distinction based on the facts of the individual case. More radical savings in individual examination could come if we could trust machines to do some significant part of the review for us—effectively using rules encoded in their programming 181. See KSR Int’l Co. v. Teleflex Inc., 550 U.S. 398, 424 (2007) (concluding that, at the time of invention, “[t]echnological developments made it clear that engines using computer-controlled throttles would become standard”); cf. Michael Abramowicz & John F. Duffy, The Inducement Standard of Patentability, 120 YALE L.J. 1590, 1677 (2011) (“The occurrence of an exogenous shock that decreases the cost of an invention or increases the benefit of an invention should count as a secondary consideration of obviousness.”). 182. See generally Ryan Vacca, Acting Like an Administrative Agency: The Federal Circuit En Banc, 76 MO. L. REV. 733, 744–47 (2011) (describing “substantive rulemaking”). 183. See supra text accompanying note 180. 184. See Kathryn A. Watts, Regulatory Moratoria, 61 DUKE L.J. 1883, 1923 (2012) (noting that “more informal guidance documents, general policy statements, and interpretive rules . . . are generally exempt from notice-and-comment requirements” (footnotes omitted)). Do Not Delete 500 11/24/2013 11:28 AM HOUSTON LAW REVIEW [51:2 either to filter patent wheat from application chaff or, at least to flag for significantly more searching review, patent applications that appear particularly problematic or otherwise sensitive. With the merits of software to grade student examinations already subject to debate,185 is software that serves as a check or substantial aid to the evaluation of patentability conceivable? Even if the answer is “Yes,” there are likely to be limits. Dangers of applicants figuring out the nature of the software’s algorithms and then “gaming the system” would loom large. As the Internal Revenue Service has found and as courts of equity have long appeared to know, rules with some flex in them can be the best way to combine a desirable degree of predictability, justice, and robustness against opportunistic behavior.186 Such flex might be best implemented through human examiners. A bit more humanoriented algorithmic formulation—in the shape of fact-based guidelines directed at relatively specific technological issues— could improve examination efficiency and quality in the face of a rising patent flood. V. CONCLUSION The current crush of patent applications appears unlikely to be a passing phenomenon. For centuries, both the number of patent applications flowing into the patent office and the number of granted patents flowing out have been growing at a generally accelerating rate. This continual acceleration exerts constant pressure on patent law’s administrative institutions and forced repeated, dramatic change in the U.S. patent system’s early decades. A “more hands on deck” approach has been the dominant response to this pressure since the generation of a patent office with a professional examining corps under the Patent Act of 1836. But even as the USPTO opens four regional offices, this strategy seems to come ever closer to Sisyphean futility. Indeed, the very opening of the new offices might suggest how desperate the search for patentbureaucracy personnel has become. A mix of additional strategies can limit the need to rely on the “more hands on deck” approach. Drawing on the efforts of 185. John Markoff, Software Seen Giving Grades on Essay Tests, N.Y. TIMES, Apr. 5, 2013, at A1 (“[T]he use of artificial intelligence technology to grade essay answers has not yet received widespread endorsement by educators and has many critics.”). 186. See Mark P. Gergen, John M. Golden & Henry E. Smith, The Supreme Court’s Accidental Revolution? The Test for Permanent Injunctions, 112 COLUM. L. REV. 203, 237– 38 (2012) (“It is foundational that equity must be open textured in light of the ability of parties to opportunistically evade legal obligations. This problem is at an extreme in tax law, where anti-evasion doctrines are aimed at discouraging opportunism.” (footnote omitted)). Do Not Delete 2013] 11/24/2013 11:28 AM PROLIFERATING PATENTS 501 foreign patent offices and increasing the contributions of private parties to examination can mitigate current and even mediumterm pressures. But there are likely limits to the capacity of these approaches to keep up with continually accelerating growth over the long term. Another approach—incorporating more generalized fact-finding and rule-informed adjudication in the examination process—might help fill any remaining breach. The USPTO likely can provide more fact-based but nonetheless generalized guidance to examiners on what sorts of innovations and innovation disclosures should be considered to meet patent law’s basic patentability requirements. Over time, greater experience with such rulemaking might enable the USPTO to be more adept at it, in particular better at using it to facilitate processing an ever-growing deluge of applications. Whether the USPTO can and should evolve into an institution that delivers a socially acceptable form of “mass justice” as opposed to more individualized adjudication remains to be seen. But some move to experiment with more systematic rulemaking to expedite the work of USPTO examiners and appeals boards seems well worth a try.