UNIVERSITY TEACHER EDUCATION COMMITTEE April 4, 2011 Horrabin Hall 1 – 5:00 p.m.

April 4, 2011
Horrabin Hall 1
3:30 – 5:00 p.m.
PRESENT: A. Baker, G. Boynton, R. Carson, N. DiGrino, C. Dooley, R.
Gabbei, C. Lapka, T. LaPrad (for J. Richmond), R. Lindner, L. Neff, J.
Olsen, K. Schiber.
ABSENT: L. Armstead, L. Barden-Gabbei, R. Foster, R. Kelly, D.
Mummert, J. Orris, M. Phillips, A. Reuschel, J. Richmond, B. Sonnek.
GUESTS: R. Morgan, M. Romano.
Approval of the March 7, 2011 minutes
FY11 MOTION #28 (Linder/Boynton) Motion to approve the
minutes from March 7, 2011. Motion approved.
Action Items
Position Statement on Tutored Study
The UTEC position statement on tutored study was revisited. Final
changes were suggested and the statement will be posted on the TPEP
website. UTEC members will receive an email once it has been posted.
FY11 MOTION #29 (Lindner/Boynton) Motion to approve the
general disposition of UTEC regarding tutored study and to
submit the statement to the deans. Motion approved.
Informational Items
Teacher and Professional Education Program
Accreditation Status Update
Dr. DiGrino and Carson recently had the opportunity to update the Provost
on our work toward NCATE accreditation. It was an opportunity for the
Provost to see the breadth of all that we have in our teacher and
professional education programs. We also were able to make him aware
of the annual reports to the state. The Provost has requested a copy of the
NCATE report one week in advance of our submission (week of April 25)
in order to review it before it is submitted. The meeting was brief and
positive. As we work on the report, be prepared to receive requests for
more needed information. In May the website will be open with the NCATE
TEP Diversity Proficiencies Update
The NCATE steering committee examined the NCATE standards to use
appropriate terminology to define our diversity proficiencies. There are six
proficiencies that reflect what we do in our program and align with our
conceptual framework. Our candidates engage in six unit assessments of
their performance, many which are related to these six diversity
proficiencies. Because we have already been assessing our candidates,
we will be able to aggregate data on candidates.
Article 21B – State changes due to move from
certification to licensure
The state is changing from certification to licensure. Cindy Dooley is
serving on a state committee that is designed to review K-9 certification for
elementary education. They will be specifically looking at the license and
endorsements for ELED and middle school. This will include looking at the
qualifications of teachers and what is needed to prepare them to teach at
the fifth grade level. This is the beginning of changes and it seems the
state is moving away from overlapping and toward specific endorsements.
If any of you are interested on serving on panels please let Rori know and
she will send the information to you as soon as I receive it.
Illinois Professional Teaching Standards (2010) – Where
are we now?
Kudos to SEDG under Ginny and Laura’s leadership and the work they
have been doing. Looking at common elements in our programs is
essential to staying on our timeline and will allow the steering committee
to continue working this summer. Carson has been asked to be on a panel
to discuss how we are implementing our program changes. Carson truly
appreciates the hard work and dedication everyone has given to their
programs and the entire teacher education program.
CPEP Report
No report.
SEDG Report
Again, thank you to the committee, everyone on UTEC and the
teacher education faculty who have worked to get information for the unit
report. When the TEF meets in May we will be looking at a matrix. During
the summer the steering committee will review the matrix and come up
with suggestions to present to TEF in the fall. Anticipate that if you have a
common assessment it should be common across all assessments. This
matrix will help us see the areas that have holes and then we can move to
address the problems.
Miscellaneous Dates to Remember
UTEC meeting on Monday, April 18th from 3:30 - 5 pm in HH 1
TEF Meeting - Monday, May 16th from 9 to noon in Brophy 235;
Purpose: To map the current professional education courses,
including all methods courses and field and clinical courses, to the
2010 Illinois Professional Teaching Standards
FY11 MOTION #30 (Dooley/Lapka) Motion to adjourn the meeting.
Motion approved.