DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Budget Estimates February 2006 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, AIR NATIONAL GUARD Additional Accompanying Exhibits TABLE OF CONTENTS Additional Accompanying Exhibits OP-8 Civ Pers Costs.................................................................................................................................................................1 OP-9 Analysis of Changes in FTE Costs .................................................................................................................................4 OP-20E Analysis of Flying Hours Program ............................................................................................................................7 OP-26 POL Consumption and Costs .......................................................................................................................................8 OP-50 Units by Program Element ...........................................................................................................................................11 OP-58 Analysis of Aircraft POL..............................................................................................................................................12 OP-78 Force Structure Data .....................................................................................................................................................13 OP-80 Aircraft Repair/Modification & Engine Overhaul........................................................................................................16 OP-81 O&M Monthly Obligation Phasing Plan ......................................................................................................................19 Metric Evaluation Exhibit ........................................................................................................................................................20 i DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Budget Estimates Air National Guard CIVILIAN PERSONNEL COSTS AND REIMB CIVILIAN PERSONNEL COSTS FY 2005 ($ in Thousands) Holiday Other Pay O.C.11 1,146 17,970 Total Variables 20,612 Comp O.C.11 1,277,738 Benefits O.C.12/13 398,683 Comp & Benefits 1,676,421 Basic Comp $53,961 Rates Total Comp % BC Comp & Benefits Variables $54,846 $71,959 1.6% 17,970 8,896 9,074 - 20,612 10,620 9,992 - 1,277,738 124 621,891 655,723 - 397,209 19 181,514 215,676 - 1,674,947 143 803,405 871,399 - $53,961 $124,000 $57,929 $50,669 - $54,846 $124,000 $58,936 $51,453 - $71,895 $143,000 $76,138 $68,377 - 1.6% 0.0% 1.7% 1.5% - 31.6% 15.3% 29.7% 33.4% - 1,146 1,146 17,970 17,970 20,612 20,612 1,277,738 1,277,738 397,209 397,209 1,474 243 1,231 - 1,674,947 1,674,947 1,474 243 1,231 - $53,961 $53,961 $54,846 $54,846 $71,895 $71,895 1.6% 1.6% 31.6% 31.6% 51 33 409 493 31,021 13,534 44,555 $52,007 $52,847 $75,903 1.6% 44.3% 30,528 12,509 18,019 - 51 31 20 - 33 20 13 - 409 110 299 - 493 161 332 - 31,021 12,670 18,351 - 13,534 5,233 8,301 - 44,555 17,903 26,652 - $52,007 $63,821 $46,084 - $52,847 $64,643 $46,934 - $75,903 $91,342 $68,164 - 1.6% 1.3% 1.8% - 44.3% 41.8% 46.1% - 587 587 30,528 30,528 51 51 33 33 409 409 493 493 31,021 31,021 13,534 13,534 - 44,555 44,555 - $52,007 $52,007 $52,847 $52,847 $75,903 $75,903 1.6% 1.6% 44.3% 44.3% 23,461 23,884 1,287,654 1,547 1,179 18,379 21,105 1,308,759 412,217 1,720,976 $53,913 $54,796 $72,056 1.6% 32.0% 24,572 1 9,888 0 14,683 0 0 23,461 1 10,403 0 13,057 0 0 23,884 1 10,748 0 13,135 0 0 1,287,654 124 623,780 0 663,750 0 0 1,547 0 1,057 0 490 0 0 1,179 0 718 0 461 0 0 18,379 0 9,006 0 9,373 0 0 21,105 0 10,781 0 10,324 0 0 1,308,759 124 634,561 0 674,074 0 0 410,743 19 186,747 0 223,977 0 0 1,719,502 143 821,308 0 898,051 0 0 $53,913 $124,000 $58,037 $50,533 - $54,796 $124,000 $59,040 $51,319 - $71,994 $143,000 $76,415 $68,371 - 1.6% 0.0% 1.7% 1.6% - 31.9% 15.3% 29.9% 33.7% - 0 24,572 0 24,572 0 23,461 0 23,461 0 23,884 0 23,884 0 1,287,654 0 1,287,654 0 1,547 0 1,547 0 1,179 0 1,179 0 18,379 0 18,379 0 21,105 0 21,105 0 1,308,759 0 1,308,759 0 410,743 0 410,743 1,474 243 0 1,231 0 0 1,719,502 0 1,719,502 1,474 243 0 1,231 0 $53,913 $53,913 $54,796 $54,796 $71,994 $71,994 1.6% 1.6% 31.9% 31.9% Begin Strength 23,840 End Strength 22,729 FTEs 23,297 D1. US Direct Hire (USDH) D1a. Senior Executive Schedule D1b. General Schedule D1c. Special Schedule D1d. Wage System D1e. Highly Qualified Experts D1f. Other 23,840 1 9,692 14,147 - 22,729 1 10,207 12,521 - 23,297 1 10,552 12,744 - 1,257,126 124 611,271 645,731 - 1,496 1,026 470 - 1,146 698 448 - D2. Direct Hire Program Foreign Nationals (DHFN) D3. Total Direct Hire D4. Indirect Hire Foreign Nationals (IHFN) Subtotal - Direct Funded (excludes OC 13) D5. Other Object Class 13 Benefits D5a. USDH - Benefits for Former Employees D5b. DHFN - Benefits for Former Employees D5c. Voluntary Separation Incentive Pay (VSIP D5d. Foreign National Separation Liability Accrua 23,840 23,840 22,729 22,729 23,297 23,297 1,257,126 1,257,126 1,496 1,496 Reimbursable Funded Personnel (includes OC 13) 732 732 587 30,528 R1. US Direct Hire (USDH) R1a. Senior Executive Schedule R1b. General Schedule R1c. Special Schedule R1d. Wage System R1e. Highly Qualified Experts R1f. Other 732 196 536 - 732 196 536 - 587 196 391 - R2. Direct Hire Program Foreign Nationals (DHFN) R3. Total Direct Hire R4. Indirect Hire Foreign Nationals (IHFN) Subtotal - Reimbursable Funded (excludes OC 13) R5. Other Object Class 13 Benefits R5a. USDH - Benefits for Former Employees R5b. DHFN - Benefits for Former Employees R5c. Voluntary Separation Incentive Pay (VSIP R5d. Foreign National Separation Liability Accrua 732 732 732 732 Total Personnel (includes OC 13) 24,572 T1. US Direct Hire (USDH) T1a. Senior Executive Schedule T1b. General Schedule T1c. Special Schedule T1d. Wage System T1e. Highly Qualified Experts T1f. Other T2. Direct Hire Program Foreign Nationals (DHFN) T3. Total Direct Hire T4. Indirect Hire Foreign Nationals (IHFN) Subtotal - Total Funded (excludes OC 13) T5. Other Object Class 13 Benefits T5a. USDH - Benefits for Former Employees T5b. DHFN - Benefits for Former Employees T5c. Voluntary Separation Incentive Pay (VSIP T5d. Foreign National Separation Liability Accrua Direct Funded Personnel (includes OC 13) Basic Overtime Comp Pay 1,257,126 1,496 1 % BC Benefits 31.7% Exhibit OP-8, Civilian Personnel Costs and Reimb Civ Pers Costs DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Budget Estimates Air National Guard CIVILIAN PERSONNEL COSTS AND REIMB CIVILIAN PERSONNEL COSTS FY 2006 ($ in Thousands) Holiday Other Pay O.C.11 1,273 18,511 Total Variables 21,248 Comp O.C.11 1,219,900 Benefits O.C.12/13 439,966 Comp & Benefits 1,659,866 Basic Comp $50,391 Rates Total Comp % BC Comp & Benefits Variables $51,284 $69,780 1.8% 18,511 8,304 10,207 - 21,248 10,028 11,220 - 1,219,900 123 563,860 655,917 - 438,577 21 191,384 247,172 - 1,658,477 144 755,244 903,089 - $50,391 $123,000 $55,858 $46,478 - $51,284 $123,000 $56,869 $47,287 - $69,722 $144,000 $76,172 $65,106 - 1.8% 0.0% 1.8% 1.7% - 36.6% 17.1% 34.6% 38.3% - 1,273 1,273 18,511 18,511 21,248 21,248 1,219,900 1,219,900 438,577 438,577 1,389 1,389 - 1,658,477 1,658,477 1,389 1,389 - $50,391 $50,391 $51,284 $51,284 $69,722 $69,722 1.8% 1.8% 36.6% 36.6% 55 37 739 831 43,712 15,053 58,765 $58,741 $59,879 $80,500 1.9% 35.1% 42,881 18,175 24,706 - 55 34 21 - 37 21 16 - 739 343 396 - 831 398 433 - 43,712 18,573 25,139 - 15,053 6,851 8,202 - 58,765 25,424 33,341 - $58,741 $93,205 $46,179 - $59,879 $95,246 $46,989 - $80,500 $130,379 $62,320 - 1.9% 2.2% 1.8% - 35.1% 37.7% 33.2% - 730 730 42,881 42,881 55 55 37 37 739 739 831 831 43,712 43,712 15,053 15,053 - 58,765 58,765 - $58,741 $58,741 $59,879 $59,879 $80,500 $80,500 1.9% 1.9% 35.1% 35.1% 24,591 24,517 1,241,533 1,519 1,310 19,250 22,079 1,263,612 455,019 1,718,631 $50,640 $51,540 $70,100 1.8% 36.6% 23,472 1 10,414 0 13,057 0 0 24,591 1 10,133 0 14,457 0 0 24,517 1 10,110 0 14,406 0 0 1,241,533 123 572,007 0 669,403 0 0 1,519 0 1,024 0 495 0 0 1,310 0 755 0 555 0 0 19,250 0 8,647 0 10,603 0 0 22,079 0 10,426 0 11,653 0 0 1,263,612 123 582,433 0 681,056 0 0 453,630 21 198,235 0 255,374 0 0 1,717,242 144 780,668 0 936,430 0 0 $50,640 $123,000 $56,578 $46,467 - $51,540 $123,000 $57,610 $47,276 - $70,043 $144,000 $77,217 $65,003 - 1.8% 0.0% 1.8% 1.7% - 36.5% 17.1% 34.7% 38.1% - 0 23,472 0 23,472 0 24,591 0 24,591 0 24,517 0 24,517 0 1,241,533 0 1,241,533 0 1,519 0 1,519 0 1,310 0 1,310 0 19,250 0 19,250 0 22,079 0 22,079 0 1,263,612 0 1,263,612 0 453,630 0 453,630 1,389 1,389 0 0 0 0 1,717,242 0 1,717,242 1,389 1,389 0 0 0 $50,640 $50,640 $51,540 $51,540 $70,043 $70,043 1.8% 1.8% 36.5% 36.5% Begin Strength 22,740 End Strength 23,859 FTEs 23,787 D1. US Direct Hire (USDH) D1a. Senior Executive Schedule D1b. General Schedule D1c. Special Schedule D1d. Wage System D1e. Highly Qualified Experts D1f. Other 22,740 1 10,218 12,521 - 23,859 1 9,937 13,921 - 23,787 1 9,915 13,871 - 1,198,652 123 553,832 644,697 - 1,464 990 474 - 1,273 734 539 - D2. Direct Hire Program Foreign Nationals (DHFN) D3. Total Direct Hire D4. Indirect Hire Foreign Nationals (IHFN) Subtotal - Direct Funded (excludes OC 13) D5. Other Object Class 13 Benefits D5a. USDH - Benefits for Former Employees D5b. DHFN - Benefits for Former Employees D5c. Voluntary Separation Incentive Pay (VSIP D5d. Foreign National Separation Liability Accrua 22,740 22,740 23,859 23,859 23,787 23,787 1,198,652 1,198,652 1,464 1,464 Reimbursable Funded Personnel (includes OC 13) 732 732 730 42,881 R1. US Direct Hire (USDH) R1a. Senior Executive Schedule R1b. General Schedule R1c. Special Schedule R1d. Wage System R1e. Highly Qualified Experts R1f. Other 732 196 536 - 732 196 536 - 730 195 535 - R2. Direct Hire Program Foreign Nationals (DHFN) R3. Total Direct Hire R4. Indirect Hire Foreign Nationals (IHFN) Subtotal - Reimbursable Funded (excludes OC 13) R5. Other Object Class 13 Benefits R5a. USDH - Benefits for Former Employees R5b. DHFN - Benefits for Former Employees R5c. Voluntary Separation Incentive Pay (VSIP R5d. Foreign National Separation Liability Accrua 732 732 732 732 Total Personnel (includes OC 13) 23,472 T1. US Direct Hire (USDH) T1a. Senior Executive Schedule T1b. General Schedule T1c. Special Schedule T1d. Wage System T1e. Highly Qualified Experts T1f. Other T2. Direct Hire Program Foreign Nationals (DHFN) T3. Total Direct Hire T4. Indirect Hire Foreign Nationals (IHFN) Subtotal - Total Funded (excludes OC 13) T5. Other Object Class 13 Benefits T5a. USDH - Benefits for Former Employees T5b. DHFN - Benefits for Former Employees T5c. Voluntary Separation Incentive Pay (VSIP T5d. Foreign National Separation Liability Accrua Direct Funded Personnel (includes OC 13) Basic Overtime Comp Pay 1,198,652 1,464 2 % BC Benefits 36.7% Exhibit OP-8, Civilian Personnel Costs and Reimb Civ Pers Costs DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Budget Estimates Air National Guard CIVILIAN PERSONNEL COSTS AND REIMB CIVILIAN PERSONNEL COSTS FY 2007 ($ in Thousands) Holiday Other Pay O.C.11 1,351 19,202 Total Variables 22,097 Comp O.C.11 1,301,227 Benefits O.C.12/13 460,518 Comp & Benefits 1,761,745 Basic Comp $53,166 Rates Total Comp % BC Comp & Benefits Variables $54,085 $73,226 1.7% 19,202 10 8,611 10,581 - 22,097 10 10,403 11,684 - 1,301,227 135 586,260 714,832 - 459,095 23 199,328 259,744 - 1,760,322 158 785,588 974,576 - $53,166 $125,000 $57,690 $49,954 - $54,085 $135,000 $58,732 $50,784 - $73,167 $158,000 $78,700 $69,237 - 1.7% 8.0% 1.8% 1.7% - 35.9% 18.4% 34.6% 36.9% - 1,351 1,351 19,202 19,202 22,097 22,097 1,301,227 1,301,227 459,095 459,095 1,423 1,423 - 1,760,322 1,760,322 1,423 1,423 - $53,166 $53,166 $54,085 $54,085 $73,167 $73,167 1.7% 1.7% 35.9% 35.9% 58 38 688 784 45,147 14,294 59,441 $60,771 $61,845 $81,426 1.8% 32.2% 44,363 18,189 26,174 - 58 34 24 - 38 21 17 - 688 282 406 - 784 337 447 - 45,147 18,526 26,621 - 14,294 6,478 7,816 - 59,441 25,004 34,437 - $60,771 $93,277 $48,923 - $61,845 $95,005 $49,759 - $81,426 $128,226 $64,368 - 1.8% 1.9% 1.7% - 32.2% 35.6% 29.9% - 730 730 44,363 44,363 58 58 38 38 688 688 784 784 45,147 45,147 14,294 14,294 - 59,441 59,441 - $60,771 $60,771 $61,845 $61,845 $81,426 $81,426 1.8% 1.8% 32.2% 32.2% 24,867 24,789 1,323,493 1,602 1,389 19,890 22,881 1,346,374 474,812 1,821,186 $53,390 $54,313 $73,468 1.7% 35.9% 24,591 1 10,133 0 14,457 0 0 24,867 1 10,170 0 14,696 0 0 24,789 1 10,177 0 14,611 0 0 1,323,493 125 594,046 0 729,322 0 0 1,602 0 1,063 0 539 0 0 1,389 0 784 0 605 0 0 19,890 10 8,893 0 10,987 0 0 22,881 10 10,740 0 12,131 0 0 1,346,374 135 604,786 0 741,453 0 0 473,389 23 205,806 0 267,560 0 0 1,819,763 158 810,592 0 1,009,013 0 0 $53,390 $125,000 $58,371 $49,916 - $54,313 $135,000 $59,427 $50,746 - $73,410 $158,000 $79,649 $69,058 - 1.7% 8.0% 1.8% 1.7% - 35.8% 18.4% 34.6% 36.7% - 0 24,591 0 24,591 0 24,867 0 24,867 0 24,789 0 24,789 0 1,323,493 0 1,323,493 0 1,602 0 1,602 0 1,389 0 1,389 0 19,890 0 19,890 0 22,881 0 22,881 0 1,346,374 0 1,346,374 0 473,389 0 473,389 1,423 1,423 0 0 0 0 1,819,763 0 1,819,763 1,423 1,423 0 0 0 $53,390 $53,390 $54,313 $54,313 $73,410 $73,410 1.7% 1.7% 35.8% 35.8% Begin Strength 23,859 End Strength 24,141 FTEs 24,059 D1. US Direct Hire (USDH) D1a. Senior Executive Schedule D1b. General Schedule D1c. Special Schedule D1d. Wage System D1e. Highly Qualified Experts D1f. Other 23,859 1 9,937 13,921 - 24,141 1 9,977 14,163 - 24,059 1 9,982 14,076 - 1,279,130 125 575,857 703,148 - 1,544 1,029 515 - 1,351 763 588 - D2. Direct Hire Program Foreign Nationals (DHFN) D3. Total Direct Hire D4. Indirect Hire Foreign Nationals (IHFN) Subtotal - Direct Funded (excludes OC 13) D5. Other Object Class 13 Benefits D5a. USDH - Benefits for Former Employees D5b. DHFN - Benefits for Former Employees D5c. Voluntary Separation Incentive Pay (VSIP D5d. Foreign National Separation Liability Accrua 23,859 23,859 24,141 24,141 24,059 24,059 1,279,130 1,279,130 1,544 1,544 Reimbursable Funded Personnel (includes OC 13) 732 726 730 44,363 R1. US Direct Hire (USDH) R1a. Senior Executive Schedule R1b. General Schedule R1c. Special Schedule R1d. Wage System R1e. Highly Qualified Experts R1f. Other 732 196 536 - 726 193 533 - 730 195 535 - R2. Direct Hire Program Foreign Nationals (DHFN) R3. Total Direct Hire R4. Indirect Hire Foreign Nationals (IHFN) Subtotal - Reimbursable Funded (excludes OC 13) R5. Other Object Class 13 Benefits R5a. USDH - Benefits for Former Employees R5b. DHFN - Benefits for Former Employees R5c. Voluntary Separation Incentive Pay (VSIP R5d. Foreign National Separation Liability Accrua 732 732 726 726 Total Personnel (includes OC 13) 24,591 T1. US Direct Hire (USDH) T1a. Senior Executive Schedule T1b. General Schedule T1c. Special Schedule T1d. Wage System T1e. Highly Qualified Experts T1f. Other T2. Direct Hire Program Foreign Nationals (DHFN) T3. Total Direct Hire T4. Indirect Hire Foreign Nationals (IHFN) Subtotal - Total Funded (excludes OC 13) T5. Other Object Class 13 Benefits T5a. USDH - Benefits for Former Employees T5b. DHFN - Benefits for Former Employees T5c. Voluntary Separation Incentive Pay (VSIP T5d. Foreign National Separation Liability Accrua Direct Funded Personnel (includes OC 13) Basic Overtime Comp Pay 1,279,130 1,544 3 % BC Benefits 36.0% Exhibit OP-8, Civilian Personnel Costs and Reimb Civ Pers Costs DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Budget Estimates Air National Guard ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN FTE COSTS WS Amount Rate SES/GS Amount Rate FY 2005 (261) (No. Compensable Days) 1. End Strength A. Budgeted B. Actual 2. FTEs A. Budgeted B. Actual 3. Basic Compensation ($ in Thousands) A. Budgeted B. Actual 4. Average Basic Annual Salary (Basic Comp) A. Budgeted B. Actual 5. Average Other OC-11 Variables Adjustments A. Budgeted B. Actual 6. Overall Average Annual Salary (OC-11) A. Budgeted B. Actual 7. Average Benefits A. Budgeted B. Actual 8. Average FTE Cost (OC-11 & OC-12) A. Budgeted B. Actual 9,889 10,404 14,683 13,057 9,931 10,749 14,270 13,135 549,045 623,904 687,343 663,750 55,286 58,043 48,167 50,533 1,060 1,003 0.01917 0.01728 837 0.01738 786 0.015554 56,346 59,046 18,311 17,508 FNDH Amount 49,004 51,319 0.33121 0.30164 16,112 17,089 74,657 77,943 0.33450 0.33818 65,116 68,408 4 Exhibit OP-9 Analysis of Changes in FTE Costs DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Budget Estimates Air National Guard ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN FTE COSTS SES/GS Amount Rate Adjustments to FY 2005 Average Salary 10. Annualization of FY 2005 Pay Raise 11. +/- Extra Day (Next FY's Compensable Days) 12. Total Other Adjustments (if applicable): 12a. Aircraft Maintenance Mechanics 12b. Firefighters Position Reclassification (Grade Increase) 12c. Adjustment for Mobilized Technicians 12d. Unfunded Civ Pay 13. Subtotal Adj. to FY 2005 Basic Average Salary 14. Adjusted Basic Average Salary for FY 2006 Other Adjustments to Derive FY 2006 FTE Cost 15. FY 2006 Pay Raise (Basic Comp) 16. OC-11 Variables Adjustments: 17. Benefits: 17a. Health Insurance Increase 17b. FERS (CSRS to FERS) 17c. Annualize FY 2005 Pay Raise 17d. FY 2006 Pay Raise 18. Change in Foreign Currency Budget Rates 19. Total FY 2006 Adj to WY Cost 20. Average FTE Cost in FY 2006 21. Total FTE Cost in FY 2006 ($ in Thousands) FY 2006 (260) (No. Compensable Days) 22. End Strength 23. FTEs 24. Average Basic Annual Salary (Basic Comp) 25. Overall Average Annual Salary (OC-11) 26. Average FTE Cost (OC-11 & OC-12) WS Amount Rate 507 0.00875 -223 -0.00385 -5,750 -0.09906 FNDH Amount 884 0.01750 -194 -0.00385 -4,068 -0.08050 893 0.06844 26 0.00254 -699 -0.06719 -5,077 -0.48803 -5,466 52,577 0 -4,961 -0.38000 -3,378 47,155 1,222 28 700 0.02325 0.02815 0.01301 730 23 644 0.01550 0.02915 0.01345 215 132 353 0.00400 0.00700 0.01860 191 239 214 0.00400 0.01400 0.01240 1,950 74,427 777,149 1,397 66,427 932,370 10,134 10,111 53,799 54,830 74,427 14,457 14,406 47,885 48,694 66,427 5 Exhibit OP-9 Analysis of Changes in FTE Costs DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Budget Estimates Air National Guard ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN FTE COSTS SES/GS Amount Rate WS Amount Rate Adjustments to FY 2006 Average Salary 27. Annualization of FY 2006 Pay Raise 28. +/- Extra Day (Next FY's Compensable Days) 29. Total Other Adjustments: 29a. Unfunded Civ Pay 30. Subtotal Adj. to FY 2007 Basic Average Salary 31. Adjusted Basic Average Salary for FY 2007 416 0 0 0 416 54,215 0.00775 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 742 0 0 0 742 48,627 0.01550 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 Other Adjustments to Derive FY 2007 FTE Cost 32. FY 2007 Pay Raise (Basic Comp) 33. OC-11 Variables Adjustments: 34. Benefits: 34a. Health Insurance Increase 34b. FERS (CSRS to FERS) 34c. Annualize FY 2006 Pay Raise 34d. FY 2007 Pay Raise 35. Change in Foreign Currency Budget Rates 36. Total FY 2007 Adj to FTE Cost 37. Average FTE Cost in FY 2007 38. Total FTE Cost in FY 2007 ($ in Thousands) 894 25 601 0 220 121 260 0 1,520 76,363 777,225 0.01650 0.02425 0.01091 0.00000 0.00400 0.00620 0.01320 534 21 572 0 196 219 157 0 1,127 68,296 997,877 0.01100 0.02650 0.01164 0.00000 0.00400 0.01240 0.00880 FY 2007 (260) (No. Compensable Days) 39. End Strength 40. FTEs 41. Average Basic Annual Salary (Basic Comp) 42. Overall Average Annual Salary (OC-11) 43. Average FTE Cost 10,171 10,178 55,109 56,165 76,363 FNDH Amount 14,696 14,611 49,161 49,991 68,296 6 Exhibit OP-9 Analysis of Changes in FTE Costs DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Budget Estimates Operations and Maintenance, Air National Guard ANALYSIS OF FLYING HOURS PROGRAM OP – 20E THIS EXHIBIT IS PROVIDED IN SNaP 7 Exhibit OP-20E Analysis of Flying Hours Program DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Budget Estimates Air National Guard SOURCES OF PURCHASES FOR POL CONSUMPTION Activity Aircraft Operations JP-4 JP-5 JP-8 Into-Plane Commercial FY 2005 Actual F/H BBLS $ 264 9 242 10 2 Ground Operations JP-4 JP-8 Vehicle Operations Mogas-Unleaded Distillates Other Residuals TOTAL 264 FY 2006 Program F/H BBLS $ 8,676 303 7,956 341 76 494,758 17,317 447,756 21,769 7,916 6 6 309 11 283 12 3 FY 2007 Estimate F/H BBLS $ 7,647 269 7,011 300 67 24,370 496,668 30,637 11,141 354 354 107 107 9,635 9,635 132 130 2 7,557 7,470 87 77 56 21 36 36 1,538 1,538 8,850 504,207 309 562,816 304 11 279 12 3 8,104 285 7,430 318 71 689,670 24,138 624,151 30,345 11,035 112 9,442 112 9,442 6,985 5,132 1,853 84 61 23 7,232 5,285 1,947 12 12 823 823 13 13 848 848 7,843 580,259 8,313 707,192 304 Note: FY2006 funding of $580,259 includes additional funding of $118,000 to be received via supplemental. ANG's remaining fuel program unfunded totals $133,475. 8 Exhibit OP-26 A-C Sources of Purchases for POL Consumption DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Budget Estimates Air National Guard SOURCES OF PURCHASES FOR POL CONSUMPTION Activity Aircraft Operations JP-4 JP-5 JP-8 Into-Plane Commercial Ground Operations JP-4 JP-8 Vehicle Operations Mogas-Unleaded Distillates Other Residuals TOTAL JP-4 JP-5 JP-8 Into-Plane Commercial Mogas-Unleaded Distillates Residuals FY 2005 Actual Unit BBLS Cost $ FY 2006 Program Unit BBLS Cost $ FY 2007 Estimate Unit BBLS Cost $ 8,676 303 7,956 341 76 57.12 56.28 63.84 104.16 494,758 17,317 447,756 21,769 7,916 7,647 269 7,011 300 67 90.72 89.88 102.06 166.32 562,816 24,370 496,668 30,637 11,141 8,104 285 7,430 318 71 84.84 84.00 95.34 155.40 689,670 24,138 624,151 30,345 11,035 6 6 56.28 354 354 107 107 89.88 9,635 9,635 112 112 84.00 9,442 9,442 132 130 2 57.54 55.86 7,557 7,470 87 77 56 21 91.98 89.46 6,985 5,132 1,853 84 61 23 86.10 83.58 7,232 5,285 1,947 36 36 42.42 1,538 1,538 12 12 67.62 823 823 13 13 34.39 848 848 303 7,962 341 76 130 2 36 57.12 56.28 63.84 104.16 57.54 55.86 42.42 17,317 448,110 21,769 7,916 7,470 87 1,538 269 7,118 300 67 56 21 12 90.72 89.88 102.06 166.32 91.98 89.46 67.62 24,370 506,303 30,637 11,141 5,132 1,853 823 285 7,542 318 71 61 23 13 84.84 84.00 95.34 155.40 86.10 83.58 34.39 24,138 633,593 30,345 11,035 5,285 1,947 848 9 Exhibit OP-26 A-C Sources of Purchases for POL Consumption DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Budget Estimates Air National Guard SOURCES OF PURCHASES FOR POL CONSUMPTION Activity Aircraft Operations JP-4 JP-5 JP-8 Into-Plane Commercial Ground Operations JP-4 JP-8 Vehicle Operations Mogas-Unleaded Distillates Other Residuals TOTAL JP-4 JP-5 JP-8 Into-Plane Commercial Mogas-Unleaded Distillates Residuals Stock Fund FY 2005 Actual Local Sources Total FY 2006 Program Stock Local Fund Sources Total FY 2007 Estimate Stock Local Fund Sources Total 8,600 303 7,956 341 - 76 76 8,676 303 7,956 341 76 7,580 269 7,011 300 - 67 67 7,647 269 7,011 300 67 8,074 285 7,430 318 41 30 30 8,104 285 7,430 318 71 6 6 - 6 6 107 107 - 107 107 112 112 - 112 112 103 130 27 29 29 132 130 2 48 56 8 29 29 77 56 21 55 61 6 29 29 84 61 23 36 36 - 36 36 12 12 - 12 12 13 13 - 13 13 303 7,962 341 130 2 36 76 29 - 303 7,956 341 76 130 2 36 269 7,118 300 56 21 12 67 29 - 269 7,011 300 67 56 21 12 285 7,542 318 71 61 23 13 30 29 - 285 7,430 318 71 61 23 13 10 Exhibit OP-26 A-C Sources of Purchases for POL Consumption DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Budget Estimates Operations and Maintenance, Air National Guard UNITS BY PROGRAM ELEMENT OP – 50 THIS EXHIBIT HAS BEEN SUBMITTED UNDER A SEPARATE COVER 11 Exhibit OP-50 Units by Program Element DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Budget Estimates Operations and Maintenance, Air National Guard ANALYSIS OF AIRCRAFT POL (Dollars in Thousands) Analysis of Aircraft Petroleum, Oil and Lubricants (POL) A. Flying Hour Program Requirements: FY 2005 Actual FY 2006 Program FY 2007 Estimate 1. Number of Flying Hours (O&M Funded) 263,500 241,512 303,902 $1,078,258 $1,220,846 $1,608,184 0 0 0 $1,078,258 $1,220,846 $1,608,184 $354 $9,635 $9,442 0 0 0 $1,078,258 $1,220,846 $1,608,184 0 0 0 2. Flying Hours at Std. Price Adjustments: 3. Funding for Flying Hour Program B. Non-Fly C. Special Fuels D. Grand Total - Aircraft POL 1. Direct 2. Reimbursements 12 Exhibit OP-58 Analysis of Aircraft POL DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Budget Estimates Air National Guard FORCE STRUCTURE DATA Program Element Code (PEC) FORCES 54111F KC135E PAA 8 FY2005 TOTAL UNIT QTRS 7.00 1 6 2 6 3 6 FY2006 FY 2007 4 6 TOTAL UNIT QTRS 6.00 1 4 2 4 3 4 4 4 TOTAL UNIT QTRS 4.00 54111F KC135R 8 8.00 9 9 9 9 9.00 16 16 16 16 16.00 54111F KC-135R 9 6.00 6 6 6 6 6.00 1 1 1 1 1.00 54111F KC-135T 16 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 1 1 1 1 1.00 52581F E-8C 12 1.00 1 1 1 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 1.00 52581F E-8C (TF) 2 1.00 1 1 1 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 1.00 52608F F-15 (FTU) 15 1.00 1 1 1 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 1.00 52608F F-15 (FTU) 18 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 52608F F-16 (FTU) 18 2.00 2 2 2 2 2.00 2 2 2 2 2.00 52608F F-16 (FTU) 56 1.00 1 1 1 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 1.00 51217F F-15 (ADF) 15 3.00 3 3 3 3 3.00 3 3 3 3 3.00 51217F F-15 (ADF) 18 3.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 51216F F-16 (ADF) 15 1.00 2 2 2 2 2.00 2 2 2 2 2.00 52609F F-15 (GP) 15 3.00 3 3 3 3 3.00 3 3 2 1 2.25 52609F F-15 (GP) 18 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 1 2 0.75 52620F F-16 (GP) 15 23.00 22 22 22 22 22.00 22 20 20 20 20.50 52620F F-16 (GP) 18 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 13 Exhibit OP-78 Force Structure Data DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Budget Estimates Air National Guard FORCE STRUCTURE DATA Program Element Code (PEC) FORCES 52620F F-16 (GP) PAA 21 FY2005 TOTAL UNIT QTRS 0.00 1 0 2 0 3 0 FY2006 FY 2007 4 0 TOTAL UNIT QTRS 0.00 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 TOTAL UNIT QTRS 0.00 52620F F-16 (GP) 24 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 2 2 2 1.50 52619F A-10 12 6.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 52632F A-10 12 0.00 6 6 6 6 6.00 6 6 6 6 6.00 52627F OA-10 3 6.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 52632F OA-10 3 0.00 6 6 6 6 6.00 6 6 6 6 6.00 B0411F EC-130E 2 1.00 1 1 1 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 1.00 B0411F EC-130J 3 1.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 B0411F EC-130J 2 0.00 1 1 1 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 1.00 B0411F EC-130J 4 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 54332F C-130E (CCTS) 8 1.00 1 1 1 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 1.00 54332F C-130E 8 3.25 3 3 3 3 3.00 3 3 3 3 3.00 54332F C-130E/H 10 3.00 3 0 0 0 0.75 0 0 0 0 0.00 54332F C130J 6 0.50 2 2 2 0 1.50 0 0 0 0 0.00 54332F C130J 8 1.75 1 1 1 3 1.50 3 3 3 3 3.00 54119F C-5 12 1.00 1 1 1 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 1.00 54119F C-5 2 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 1 1 1 0 0.75 14 Exhibit OP-78 Force Structure Data DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Budget Estimates Air National Guard FORCE STRUCTURE DATA Program Element Code (PEC) FORCES PAA FY2005 TOTAL UNIT QTRS 1 2 3 FY2006 FY 2007 4 TOTAL UNIT QTRS 1 2 3 4 TOTAL UNIT QTRS 54332F C-130E/H 9 0.00 0 3 3 3 2.25 0 0 0 0 0.00 54332F C-130H 8 12.00 12 12 12 12 12.00 15 15 15 15 15.00 54332F C-130E/H 4 1.00 2 2 2 2 2.00 1 1 1 1 1.00 54332F LC-130H 10 1.00 1 1 1 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 1.00 54119F C-5 4 0.75 1 1 1 1 1.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 54119F C-5 7 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 1 0.25 54119F C-5 8 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 1 1 1 1 1.00 54119F C-5 10 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 54121F C-17 8 1.00 1 1 1 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 1.00 53114F HH-60 5 3.00 3 3 3 3 3.00 3 3 3 3 3.00 53114F HC-130 4 1.00 1 1 1 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 1.00 53114F MC-130 4 1.00 1 1 1 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 1.00 53114F HC-130 3 1.00 1 1 1 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 1.00 15 Exhibit OP-78 Force Structure Data DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Budget Estimates Operations and Maintenance, Air National Guard AIRCRAFT REPAIR/MODIFICATION & ENGINE OVERHAUL Aircraft Type/Summary Number of Aircraft PDM/ACI FY05 Actual Depot Hours FY06 FY07 Program Estimate FY05 Actual FY06 Program Cost ($ in Thousands) FY07 Estimate FY05 Actual FY06 Program FY07 Estimate A/OA-10 C-5A C-130 KC-135 C-141C F-15 F-16A F-16B F-16C F-16D HH-60G 0 0 27 30 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 26 21 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 30 26 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,700 64,520 174,304 0 39,003 0 0 0 0 0 40,770 58,445 128,124 0 12,675 0 0 0 0 0 0 37,500 69,199 198,786 0 28,296 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 68 55 67 281,527 240,014 333,781 16 Exhibit OP-80 Aircraft Repair/Modification and Engine Overhaul DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Budget Estimates Operations and Maintenance, Air National Guard AIRCRAFT REPAIR/MODIFICATION & ENGINE OVERHAUL Depot Hours Number of Aircraft FY05 Actual FY06 FY07 Program Estimate FY05 Actual FY06 Program Cost ($ in Thousands) FY07 Estimate FY05 Actual FY06 Program FY07 Estimate OTHER A/OA-10 C-5A C-130 KC-135 C-141C F-15 F-16 HH-60G C-130J TOTAL TOTAL AIRFRAME MAINTENANCE 33,496 1,100 13,334 2,402 0 1,026 37,528 37,276 1,900 17,671 2,890 0 2,643 33,755 27,340 1,259 11,929 1,409 0 1,939 28,194 0 0 0 88,886 96,135 72,070 68 55 67 370,413 336,149 405,851 17 Exhibit OP-80 Aircraft Repair/Modification and Engine Overhaul DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Budget Estimates Operations and Maintenance, Air National Guard AIRCRAFT REPAIR/MODIFICATION & ENGINE OVERHAUL Engine Overhauls/Other Depot Maintenance Depot Hours Number of Engines Cost ($ in Thousands) Aircraft Aircraft Engine Type C-5A C-130E C-130E/H KC-135E KC-135R E-8A F-15A/B F-15A/B F-16A/B/C/D F-16C/D HH-60G VARIOUS TF-39-1C T-56-7 T-56-15 TF-33-P102A F-108-100 TF-33-P102C F100-100 F100-PN220 F100-220 F110-100 T700-701C CFT/DFT/RPR TOTAL ENGINE MAINTENANCE FY05 Actual FY06 FY07 Program Estimate FY05 Actual FY06 Program FY07 Estimate FY05 Actual FY06 Program FY07 Estimate 4 29 53 6 28 13 0 20 4 13 0 15 20 47 12 34 15 0 8 7 25 0 9 15 46 13 0 5 1 0 6 25 0 8,658 19,136 37,640 9,937 33,710 14,300 0 25,263 5,201 23,055 0 4,476 36,927 14,187 36,049 16,555 42,332 14,250 0 9,857 7,548 42,660 0 2,241 23,942 11,880 35,031 17,295 0 4,605 5,618 0 8,633 34,247 0 1,237 170 183 120 181,376 222,606 142,488 18 Exhibit OP-80 Aircraft Repair/Modification and Engine Overhaul DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Budget Estimates Operations and Maintenance, Air National Guard O&M MONTHLY OBLIGATION PHASING PLAN Total Obligation Authority (Dollars in Thousands) Budget Activity 01 Description Operating Forces Subactivity Group Description Admin & Servicewide DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG Subactivity Group SEP Aircraft Operations Month Cum. 277.3 277.3 438.6 715.9 596.3 1,034.9 709.2 1,305.5 882.8 1,592.0 1,074.7 1,957.5 1,220.0 2,294.7 1,269.8 2,489.8 1,363.0 2,632.8 1,506.3 2,869.3 1,604.5 3,110.9 1,333.0 2,937.5 011G Mission Support Ops Month Cum. 56.6 56.6 71.7 128.3 83.9 155.7 112.9 196.8 124.5 237.5 160.0 284.5 184.1 344.1 199.3 383.4 246.4 445.7 239.4 485.8 287.3 526.7 210.0 497.3 011G 497.3 011R Real Property Maintenance Month Cum. 11.2 11.2 19.4 30.7 24.0 43.5 34.0 58.0 39.5 73.5 51.6 91.1 61.5 113.2 67.2 128.7 84.9 152.1 80.9 165.8 98.9 179.8 70.9 169.8 011R 169.8 011Z Base Support Month Cum. 74.9 74.9 86.9 161.8 107.1 194.0 116.8 224.0 138.6 255.5 154.2 292.8 187.4 341.6 182.1 369.5 236.8 418.9 219.7 456.6 275.3 495.0 192.1 467.4 011Z 467.4 011M DPEM Month Cum. 55.6 55.6 57.2 112.9 85.4 142.7 136.2 221.7 131.4 267.7 189.5 320.9 241.9 431.4 234.2 476.1 314.9 549.1 283.6 598.5 365.3 648.8 247.4 612.7 011M 612.7 Month Cum. 420.1 420.1 616.6 1,036.7 811.4 1,428.0 972.9 1,784.3 1,185.5 2,158.4 1,440.5 2,626.0 1,653.1 3,093.6 1,718.4 3,371.5 1,931.2 3,649.6 2,046.3 3,977.5 2,266.0 4,312.3 2,418.7 4,684.7 011F 2,937.5 Total 4,684.7 042A Administration Month Cum. 1.3 1.3 2.2 3.5 2.8 5.0 5.0 7.8 5.8 10.8 8.4 14.2 9.9 18.3 11.5 21.5 14.4 25.9 13.9 28.3 16.8 30.7 12.2 28.9 042A 28.9 042J Recruiting & Advertisement Month Cum. 0.6 0.6 1.2 1.8 0.8 2.0 2.0 2.9 1.7 3.8 3.1 4.8 3.0 6.1 4.0 7.1 4.4 8.5 4.8 9.2 5.2 10.0 4.3 9.5 042J 9.5 Month Cum. 1.9 1.9 3.4 5.3 3.6 7.0 7.1 10.7 7.5 14.6 11.5 19.0 12.9 24.4 15.6 28.5 18.8 34.4 18.7 37.5 22.0 40.7 16.4 38.4 Total 38.4 Month Cum. 422.0 422.0 620.0 1,042.0 815.0 1,435.0 980.0 1,795.0 1,193.0 2,173.0 1,452.0 2,645.0 1,666.0 3,118.0 1,734.0 3,400.0 1,950.0 3,684.0 2,065.0 4,015.0 2,288.0 4,353.0 2,435.1 4,723.1 Total Total NOV 011F Total 04 OCT 19 Exhibit OP-81 O&M Monthly Obligation Phasing Plan 4,723.1 DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Budget Estimates Operation and Maintenance, Air National Guard METRIC EVALUATION EXHIBIT FY 2005 Actual Appropriation: 3840 Flying Hours: Number of Aircraft Flying Hours (000s) Required Flying Hours (000s) Funded Flying Hours Direct ($000) Required Flying Hours Direct ($000) Funded Avg Cost per FH Readiness Rating (Mission Capable Rating) OPTEMPO Hours/Crew/Month (Fighters) Depot Maintenance: Requirement ($ Millions) Funded ($ Millions) % of requirement funded Facilities, Sustainment, Restoration and Modernization: % of (Sustainment) requirement funded Recapitalization Rate (years) Sustainment ($ Millions) (All Appropriations) Recapitalization & Demolition ($ Millions) (All Appropriations) Total FSRM ($ Millions) (All Appropriations) FY 2006 Program FY 2007 Budget 1103 263 263 $1,078 $1,078 $4,099 70.4 10.6 1127 309 242 $1,565 $1,221 $5,045 69.3 10.6 1102 304 304 $1,608 $1,608 $5,289 69.3 10.6 $644.4 $582.4 90.4% $695.3 $603.0 86.7% $820.9 $602.6 73.4% 59% 78 $171.0 $141.6 $312.6 91% 86 $177.6 $136.9 $314.5 89% 61 $189.4 $192.2 $381.6 Metric Evaluation Flying Hours Program: Major program changes include standup of one Predator unit--the California ANG located at March ARB; Hickam converts to C-17s; Memphis completes its conversion from C-141s to an 8 PAA C-5 unit with the delivery of four (4) C-5s in FY 2007; Martinsburg is converting from C-130s to a 10 PAA C-5 unit with seven (7) C-5s arriving in FY 2007 and three (3) in FY 2008. The C-130 program decreases by six (6) due to aircraft conversions. Future-Total-Force decreases ANGs force structure by -30 PAA and -3,575 flying hours. Depot Maintenance: ANG depot maintenance program is 73.4 percent funded in FY 2007. Facilities, Sustainment, Restoration and Modernization: FY 2007 funding puts sustainment rate at 89% of requirements. ANG O&M FY 2007 funding increase for restoration and modernization is needed to help meet the Strategic Planning Guidance for achieving a sixty-seven (67) year recapitalization rate by FY 2008. 20 Metric Evaluation Exhibit