Name, Address Phone, email

Name, Address
Phone, email
Bachelor of Science in Education – May 2005 – Major: Elementary Education
Western Illinois University – Macomb, Illinois
Endorsements: Elementary Education (K-8), Middle school (5-8)
Language Arts and Social Studies
Cumulative GPA: 3.85/4.0
Major GPA: 3.88/4.0
Student Teacher – (2nd grade) – New Jersey Elementary School – Beta, Illinois – Spring 2005
Provided instruction in all subject areas to fifteen 2nd grade students including one student with visual impairment
and one learning disabled student
Made appropriate accommodations when needed for student with visual impairment
Taught whole group lessons, worked with students in small groups and provided assistance to students who needed
extra help or direction in a specific concept or skill
Created appropriate assessments to monitor and record student progress, and to make appropriate changes
Reflected on my teaching and made appropriate modification for further student understanding
Instructed a Team Read group with six students in a specific skill area
Pre-Student Teacher – (3rd grade) – Lincoln School – Canton, Illinois – Fall 2004
Provided instruction in all subject areas for twenty 3rd grad students
Created an integrated unit involving Language Arts and Science with the novel Charlotte’s Web
Created lessons in compliance with Illinois Learning Standards
Pre-Student Teacher – (6th grade) – Central Junior High School – Lewistown, Illinois – Spring 2004
Completed twenty-six hours of classroom observation in a 6th grade classroom
Provided individual and group assistance as needed
Tutor – (Grade K-3) – Cuba Elementary School – Cuba, Illinois – Fall 2003
Completed twenty-five hours of afterschool tutoring with the Cuba Afterschool Program
Worked with students in small groups in all subject areas
America Reads Tutor – (Kindergarten) - Calvary Baptist – Macomb, Illinois – Fall 2002
Worked with 20+ students on an individual basis to improve reading and vocabulary skills
Student Education Association ( May 2005) – Illinois Reading Council (June 2004) – Phi Kappa Phi (August 2003) – Phi
Delta Kappa (May 2003)
Harry Wong: Procedures and Routing (May 2005) – Conscious Discipline Certified (June 2005)- English Language
Learner Seminar (January 2005)
WIU Dean’s List : Fall 2001, Spring 2002, Fall 2002, Fall 2003, Spring 2004, fall 2004, Spring 20005