The Victor and Mary Hicken History Scholarship was established by their children Jeff, Liz, and Dan in the Fall
of 2006. The Hicken children established this scholarship during their parents’ lifetimes as a loving tribute to
the Hickens’ many contributions to the campus and community.
Victor Hicken came to Western as a History instructor in 1947 and was appointed Chair upon formation of the
Department in 1967. He was one of Western’s most widely known scholars of the 1960s and ‘70s, and in 1969
was selected Western’s first Faculty Lecturer. In 1976 he was chosen as Western’s first Distinguished
Professor. Prof. Hicken retired in 1981, and has since devoted time to research and publication. He is the author
of several books, including American Fighting Men, Illinois in the Civil War, and The Purple and the Gold: the
Story of Western Illinois University, as well as numerous articles.
Mary Hicken earned a B.A. in philosophy from Western in 1973. She not only supported Victor by typing and
editing many of his books and articles, but also played a major role in Western’s Journal of Developing Areas.
She is a longtime patron of the arts and supporter of numerous library initiatives.
CRITERIA: Applicants for this merit-based scholarship must
 Be a History major
 Have completed a minimum of 60 semester hours (i.e. at least junior status) at time of initial award
 Have three letters of recommendation submitted to the Department Chair
 Submit a writing sample (no more than 10 pages in length) originally submitted for credit in a History
 Have a minimum GPA of 3.5 and maintain a 3.5 GPA during the award period
 NOTE: applicants cannot be recipients of the Leonard, Sadler, or Balsamo Scholarships in the History
TERMS: The award shall be in the amount of $1000 per year, renewable for a second year.
SELECTION PROCESS: Recipients will be selected by the History Department’s Scholarship and
Recruitment Committee.
DEADLINE: May 1st in even-numbered years
CRITERIA FOR RENEWAL: The scholarship will be automatically renewed for a second year if the student
maintains at least a 3.5 GPA.
INQUIRIES: Department of History, WIU, 438 Morgan Hall, Macomb, IL 61455-1390, (309) 298-1053
Department of History
College of Arts and Sciences, Morgan Hall 438, 1 University Circle, Macomb, IL 61455-1390
Phone 309.298.1053 Fax 309.298.2540
Victor and Mary Hicken History Department Scholarship: Application
Applicant Information (Please Type or Print Legibly)
Last Name: _______________________________________ First Name: ________________________
WIU Identification Number: ____________________________________________________________
(Home) Street Address: ________________________________________________________________
City: ____________________________________ State: __________________ Zip Code: __________
Local Address: _______________________________________________________________________
Local Phone Number: _________________________ Email Address: ___________________________
Cumulative GPA: _____________________________ Semester Hours Completed at WIU: __________
Letters of Recommendation Requested from: _______________________________________________
Applicant’s Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: _________________
Return completed form and writing sample to the Department of History office, 438 Morgan, by May 1.
Department of History
College of Arts and Sciences, Morgan Hall 438, 1 University Circle, Macomb, IL 61455-1390
Phone 309.298.1053 Fax 309.298.2540