Proposal 13222 (STScI Edit Number: 6, Created: Monday, June 23, 2014 8:00:45 PM EST) - Overview 13222 - WFC3 SS UVIS Flat Field Uniformity Cycle: 20, Proposal Category: CAL/WFC3 (Availability Mode: RESTRICTED) INVESTIGATORS Name Dr. John W. MacKenty (PI) (Contact) Heather Gunning (CoI) Dr. Elena Sabbi (CoI) Dr. Linda L. Dressel (CoI) Institution Space Telescope Science Institute Space Telescope Science Institute Space Telescope Science Institute Space Telescope Science Institute E-Mail VISITS Visit Targets used in Visit Configurations used in Visit Orbits Used Last Orbit Planner Run 01 (1) OMEGA-CEN WFC3/UVIS 5 23-Jun-2014 21:00:36.0 OP Current with Visit? yes 02 (1) OMEGA-CEN WFC3/UVIS 1 23-Jun-2014 21:00:38.0 yes 03 (2) 47TUC WFC3/UVIS 5 23-Jun-2014 21:00:43.0 yes 11 Total Orbits Used ABSTRACT Part of side switch activities. The stability and uniformity of the low-frequency flat fields (L-flat) of the UVIS detector will be assessed by using multiple observations of the globular cluster Omega Centauri (NGC5139), thus imaging moderately dense stellar fields. By placing the same star over different portions of the detector and measuring relative changes in its brightness, it will be possible to determine local variations in the response of the UVIS detector. 1 Proposal 13222 (STScI Edit Number: 6, Created: Monday, June 23, 2014 8:00:45 PM EST) - Overview A total of 3 different pointings will be used to evaluate the flat field stability in 11 UVIS band. For all the filters observations of Omega Centauri has been collected in the past with similar exposure times. For each filter to be tested, the baseline consists of 3 pointings along the y axis with dither steps of about 25% of the FOV, or 40. This observing strategy is useful also for CTE measurements. ID: WF39 OBSERVING DESCRIPTION Part of side switch activities. Observations of Omega Centuari in 11 UVIS filters (F225W, F275W, F336W, F390W, F438W, F555W, F606W, F656N, F775W, F814W, and F850LP) will be used to measure the filter-dependent low frequency fla-field corrections and stability. By measuring relative changes in brightness of a star over different portions of the detector we will determine local variations in the UVIS detector response. The same data can be used to test the accuracy of the geometric distorion correction, and the impact of CTE. CALIBRATION JUSTIFICATION The data will be used to generate on-orbit updates for the WFC3 calibration pipeline flatfield reference files. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS Usage of the same guide stars within each visit is desirable, but not a requirement. Visit 03 - alternative target (47Tuc) is on hold pending the availability of Omega-Cen at program execution. Usage of this Visit needs to be authorized by John MacKenty. 2 Fixed Targets Visit Proposal 13222 - Visit 01 - WFC3 SS UVIS Flat Field Uniformity Proposal 13222, Visit 01, implementation Diagnostic Status: No Diagnostics Scientific Instruments: WFC3/UVIS Special Requirements: SCHED 100% # Name Target Coordinates Targ. Coord. Corrections (1) OMEGA-CEN RA: 13 26 46.2800 (201.6928333d) Alt Name1: NGC5139 Dec: -47 28 44.60 (-47.47906d) Equinox: J2000 Comments: This object was generated by the targetselector and retrieved from the NED database. Coordinates from Jay Anderson. 3 Tue Jun 24 01:00:45 GMT 2014 Fluxes V=16.8+/-0.1 Miscellaneous Reference Frame: ICRS Exposures Proposal 13222 - Visit 01 - WFC3 SS UVIS Flat Field Uniformity # 1 Label F606_1 Target (1) OMEGA-CEN Config,Mode,Aperture WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS Spectral Els. F606W Opt. Params. FLASH=12 Special Reqs. Groups GS ACQ SCENARI O BASE1B3 2 F814_1 (1) OMEGA-CEN WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F814W FLASH=12 3 F275_1 (1) OMEGA-CEN WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F275W FLASH=12 4 F390_1 (1) OMEGA-CEN WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F390W FLASH=12 5 F438_1 (1) OMEGA-CEN WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F438W FLASH=12 6 F555_1 (1) OMEGA-CEN WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F555W FLASH=12 7 F850_1 (1) OMEGA-CEN WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F850LP FLASH=12 8 F775_1 (1) OMEGA-CEN WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F775W 9 F225_1 (1) OMEGA-CEN WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F225W FLASH=12 10 F336_1 (1) OMEGA-CEN WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F336W FLASH=12 11 F656_1 (1) OMEGA-CEN WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F656N FLASH=12 12 F606_2 (1) OMEGA-CEN WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F606W FLASH=12 POS TARG 0,40 13 F275_2 (1) OMEGA-CEN WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F275W FLASH=12 POS TARG 0,40 14 F390_2 (1) OMEGA-CEN WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F390W FLASH=12 POS TARG 0,40 15 F438_2 (1) OMEGA-CEN WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F438W FLASH=12 POS TARG 0,40 16 F775_2 (1) OMEGA-CEN WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F775W 17 F814_2 (1) OMEGA-CEN WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F814W FLASH=12 POS TARG 0,40 18 F555_2 (1) OMEGA-CEN WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F555W FLASH=12 POS TARG 0,40 19 F336_2 (1) OMEGA-CEN WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F336W FLASH=12 POS TARG 0,40 20 F850_2 (1) OMEGA-CEN WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F850LP FLASH=12 POS TARG 0,40 21 F225_2 (1) OMEGA-CEN WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F225W FLASH=12 POS TARG 0,40 22 F656_2 (1) OMEGA-CEN WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F656N FLASH=12 POS TARG 0,40 POS TARG 0,40 4 Exp. Time (Total)/[Actual Dur.] 40 Secs (40 Secs) [==>] 40 Secs (40 Secs) [==>] 800 Secs (800 Secs) [==>] 350 Secs (350 Secs) [==>] 350 Secs (350 Secs) [==>] 40 Secs (40 Secs) [==>] 60 Secs (60 Secs) [==>] 350 Secs (350 Secs) [==>] 900 Secs (900 Secs) [==>] 350 Secs (350 Secs) [==>] 500 Secs (500 Secs) [==>] 40 Secs (40 Secs) [==>] 800 Secs (800 Secs) [==>] 350 Secs (350 Secs) [==>] 350 Secs (350 Secs) [==>] 350 Secs (350 Secs) [==>] 40 Secs (40 Secs) [==>] 40 Secs (40 Secs) [==>] 350 Secs (350 Secs) [==>] 60 Secs (60 Secs) [==>] 900 Secs (900 Secs) [==>] 500 Secs (500 Secs) [==>] Orbit [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] Proposal 13222 - Visit 01 - WFC3 SS UVIS Flat Field Uniformity 23 F606_3 (1) OMEGA-CEN WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F606W FLASH=12 POS TARG 0,-40 24 F390_3 (1) OMEGA-CEN WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F390W FLASH=12 POS TARG 0,-40 25 F438_3 (1) OMEGA-CEN WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F438W FLASH=12 POS TARG 0,-40 26 F814_3 (1) OMEGA-CEN WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F814W FLASH=12 POS TARG 0,-40 27 F275_3 (1) OMEGA-CEN WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F275W FLASH=12 POS TARG 0,-40 28 F775_3 (1) OMEGA-CEN WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F775W 29 F555_3 (1) OMEGA-CEN WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F555W POS TARG 0,-40 FLASH=12 5 POS TARG 0,-40 40 Secs (40 Secs) [==>] 350 Secs (350 Secs) [==>] 350 Secs (350 Secs) [==>] 40 Secs (40 Secs) [==>] 800 Secs (800 Secs) [==>] 350 Secs (350 Secs) [==>] 40 Secs (40 Secs) [==>] [4] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] Orbit Structure Proposal 13222 - Visit 01 - WFC3 SS UVIS Flat Field Uniformity 6 Proposal 13222 - Visit 01 - WFC3 SS UVIS Flat Field Uniformity 7 Proposal 13222 - Visit 01 - WFC3 SS UVIS Flat Field Uniformity 8 Proposal 13222 - Visit 01 - WFC3 SS UVIS Flat Field Uniformity 9 Proposal 13222 - Visit 01 - WFC3 SS UVIS Flat Field Uniformity 10 Fixed Targets Visit Proposal 13222 - Visit 02 - WFC3 SS UVIS Flat Field Uniformity Proposal 13222, Visit 02, implementation Diagnostic Status: No Diagnostics Scientific Instruments: WFC3/UVIS Special Requirements: SCHED 100%; AFTER 01 BY 0 D TO 2 D # Name Target Coordinates Targ. Coord. Corrections (1) OMEGA-CEN RA: 13 26 46.2800 (201.6928333d) Alt Name1: NGC5139 Dec: -47 28 44.60 (-47.47906d) Equinox: J2000 Comments: This object was generated by the targetselector and retrieved from the NED database. Coordinates from Jay Anderson. Label F336_3 Target (1) OMEGA-CEN Config,Mode,Aperture WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS Spectral Els. F336W Opt. Params. FLASH=12 Fluxes V=16.8+/-0.1 2 F656_3 (1) OMEGA-CEN WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F656N FLASH=12 Special Reqs. Groups POS TARG 0,-40; GS ACQ SCENARI O BASE1B3 POS TARG 0,-40 3 F850_3 (1) OMEGA-CEN WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F850LP FLASH=12 POS TARG 0,-40 4 F225_3 (1) OMEGA-CEN WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F225W FLASH=12 POS TARG 0,-40 Orbit Structure Exposures # 1 Tue Jun 24 01:00:46 GMT 2014 11 Miscellaneous Reference Frame: ICRS Exp. Time (Total)/[Actual Dur.] 350 Secs (350 Secs) [==>] 500 Secs (500 Secs) [==>] 60 Secs (60 Secs) [==>] 900 Secs (900 Secs) [==>] Orbit [1] [1] [1] [1] Fixed Targets Visit Proposal 13222 - Visit 03 - WFC3 SS UVIS Flat Field Uniformity Proposal 13222, Visit 03, implementation Diagnostic Status: No Diagnostics Scientific Instruments: WFC3/UVIS Special Requirements: SCHED 100%; ON HOLD On Hold Comments: pending availability of omega-cen at time of execution. Team lead approval needed to execute this visit. # Name Target Coordinates Targ. Coord. Corrections (2) 47TUC RA: 00 22 31.0000 (5.6291667d) Alt Name1: NGC104 Dec: -72 04 4.00 (-72.06778d) Equinox: J2000 Comments: Field 6' W of cluster centre. Same target as used by ACS WFC L-flat calibration program. 12 Tue Jun 24 01:00:46 GMT 2014 Fluxes V=14.4+/-0.1 Miscellaneous Reference Frame: ICRS Exposures Proposal 13222 - Visit 03 - WFC3 SS UVIS Flat Field Uniformity # 1 Label Target 47 Tuc - F43 (2) 47TUC 8W 0 short Config,Mode,Aperture WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS Spectral Els. F438W 2 47 Tuc - F43 (2) 47TUC 8W 0 WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F438W 3 47 Tuc - F81 (2) 47TUC 4W 0 short WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F814W 4 47 Tuc - F81 (2) 47TUC 4W 0 WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F814W Opt. Params. CR-SPLIT=NO; FLASH=12 CR-SPLIT=NO; FLASH=12 CR-SPLIT=NO; FLASH=12 CR-SPLIT=NO 5 47 Tuc - F60 (2) 47TUC 6W 0 WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F606W CR-SPLIT=NO 6 47 Tuc - F60 (2) 47TUC 6W 0 short WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F606W 7 47 Tuc - F60 (2) 47TUC 6W 1 WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F606W CR-SPLIT=NO; FLASH=12 CR-SPLIT=NO 8 47 Tuc - F60 (2) 47TUC 6W 2 WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F606W CR-SPLIT=NO 9 47 Tuc - F60 (2) 47TUC 6W 3 WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F606W CR-SPLIT=NO 10 47 Tuc - F60 (2) 47TUC 6W 4 WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F606W CR-SPLIT=NO 11 47 Tuc - F60 (2) 47TUC 6W 5 WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F606W CR-SPLIT=NO 12 47 Tuc - F60 (2) 47TUC 6W 6 WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F606W CR-SPLIT=NO 13 47 Tuc - F60 (2) 47TUC 6W 7 WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F606W CR-SPLIT=NO 14 47 Tuc - F60 (2) 47TUC 6W 8 WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F606W CR-SPLIT=NO 15 47 Tuc - F81 (2) 47TUC 4W 1 WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F814W CR-SPLIT=NO 16 47 Tuc - F81 (2) 47TUC 4W 2 WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F814W CR-SPLIT=NO 17 47 Tuc - F81 (2) 47TUC 4W 3 WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F814W CR-SPLIT=NO 18 47 Tuc - F81 (2) 47TUC 4W 4 WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F814W CR-SPLIT=NO 19 47 Tuc - F81 (2) 47TUC 4W 5 WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F814W CR-SPLIT=NO 20 47 Tuc - F81 (2) 47TUC 4W 6 WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F814W CR-SPLIT=NO 21 47 Tuc - F81 (2) 47TUC 4W 7 WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F814W CR-SPLIT=NO 22 47 Tuc - F81 (2) 47TUC 4W 8 WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F814W CR-SPLIT=NO 13 Special Reqs. Groups Exp. Time (Total)/[Actual Dur.] GS ACQ SCENARI Sequence 1-6 Non-In 35.0 Secs (35 Secs) O BASE1B3 t in Visit 03 [==>] Sequence 1-6 Non-In 350.0 Secs (350 Secs) t in Visit 03 [==>] Sequence 1-6 Non-In 35.0 Secs (35 Secs) t in Visit 03 [==>] Sequence 1-6 Non-In 350.0 Secs (350 Secs) t in Visit 03 [==>] Sequence 1-6 Non-In 350.0 Secs (350 Secs) t in Visit 03 [==>] Sequence 1-6 Non-In 35.0 Secs (35 Secs) t in Visit 03 [==>] POS TARG 40.5,0.0 350.0 Secs (350 Secs) [==>] POS TARG 40.5,-40 350.0 Secs (350 Secs) .5 [==>] POS TARG 0.0,-40. 350.0 Secs (350 Secs) 5 [==>] POS TARG -40.5,-4 350.0 Secs (350 Secs) 0.5 [==>] POS TARG -40.5,0. 350.0 Secs (350 Secs) 0 [==>] POS TARG -40.5,40 350.0 Secs (350 Secs) .5 [==>] POS TARG 0.0,40.5 350.0 Secs (350 Secs) [==>] POS TARG 40.5,40. 350.0 Secs (350 Secs) 5 [==>] POS TARG 40.5,0.0 350.0 Secs (350 Secs) [==>] POS TARG 40.5,-40 350.0 Secs (350 Secs) .5 [==>] POS TARG 0.0,-40. 350.0 Secs (350 Secs) 5 [==>] POS TARG -40.5,-4 350.0 Secs (350 Secs) 0.5 [==>] POS TARG -40.5,0. 350.0 Secs (350 Secs) 0 [==>] POS TARG -40.5,40 350.0 Secs (350 Secs) .5 [==>] POS TARG 0.0,40.5 350.0 Secs (350 Secs) [==>] POS TARG 40.5,40. 350.0 Secs (350 Secs) 5 [==>] Orbit [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [4] [4] [4] [4] Proposal 13222 - Visit 03 - WFC3 SS UVIS Flat Field Uniformity 23 47 Tuc - F43 (2) 47TUC 8W 1 WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F438W 24 47 Tuc - F43 (2) 47TUC 8W 2 WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F438W 25 47 Tuc - F43 (2) 47TUC 8W 3 WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F438W 26 47 Tuc - F43 (2) 47TUC 8W 4 WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F438W 27 47 Tuc - F43 (2) 47TUC 8W 5 WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F438W 28 47 Tuc - F43 (2) 47TUC 8W 6 WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F438W 29 47 Tuc - F43 (2) 47TUC 8W 7 WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F438W 30 47 Tuc - F43 (2) 47TUC 8W 8 WFC3/UVIS, ACCUM, UVIS F438W CR-SPLIT=NO; FLASH=12 CR-SPLIT=NO; FLASH=12 CR-SPLIT=NO; FLASH=12 CR-SPLIT=NO; FLASH=12 CR-SPLIT=NO; FLASH=12 CR-SPLIT=NO; FLASH=12 CR-SPLIT=NO; FLASH=12 CR-SPLIT=NO; FLASH=12 14 POS TARG 40.5,0.0 POS TARG 40.5,-40 .5 POS TARG 0.0,-40. 5 POS TARG -40.5,-4 0.5 POS TARG -40.5,0. 0 POS TARG -40.5,40 .5 POS TARG 0.0,40.5 POS TARG 40.5,40. 5 350.0 Secs [==>] 350.0 Secs [==>] 350.0 Secs [==>] 350.0 Secs [==>] 350.0 Secs [==>] 350.0 Secs [==>] 350.0 Secs [==>] 350.0 Secs [==>] (350 Secs) [4] (350 Secs) [4] (350 Secs) [5] (350 Secs) [5] (350 Secs) [5] (350 Secs) [5] (350 Secs) [5] (350 Secs) [5] Orbit Structure Proposal 13222 - Visit 03 - WFC3 SS UVIS Flat Field Uniformity 15 Proposal 13222 - Visit 03 - WFC3 SS UVIS Flat Field Uniformity 16 Proposal 13222 - Visit 03 - WFC3 SS UVIS Flat Field Uniformity 17 Proposal 13222 - Visit 03 - WFC3 SS UVIS Flat Field Uniformity 18 Proposal 13222 - Visit 03 - WFC3 SS UVIS Flat Field Uniformity 19