SKIN EFFECT RESISTANCE RATIO OF A INS'. 22 OCT 1929 CIRCULAR LOOP OF WIRE, LIBRAR'( A THESIS by VICTOR J. DECORTE. SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING FROM THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Signature of Author Certification of the Department of Electrical Engineerin ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author wishes to extend his most sincere thanks to Professor H. B. Dwight of the MassachusettS Institute of Technology in appreciation of his many suggestions and of the assistance he rendered in checking the various parts of the work done in preparation of this thesis. V. J. D. Cambridge, Mass. M ay, 1929. Professor A. L. Merrill Secretary of the Faculty Mass. Inst. Technology. Dear Sir: - In accordance with the requirements for the degree of M 'aster of Science, I herewith submit a thesis entitled: " SKIN EFFECT RESISTANCE RATIO OF A CIRCULAR LOOP OF WIRE." Respecfully submitted, 166~ 5 03 CONTENTS. I. Derivation of Formulas.............................1-3 Current Distribution...............................21 TotalCurn...................2 Power o .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Total Current....... ............................. .30 Alternating Currwnt Resistance..............,...*.30 Skin Effect Resistance Ratio......................32 II. Numerical Examples............................34-38 III. Analysis of Examples...........................9-41 IV.* Conslus ions................................ V. Appendix......., ... 0 .......... a *9...... . . . . .42-43 ..,44-53 1* Some Definite Integrals Encountered in this 44 .. ............ . ... 99 09 9 . ....... Paper.... ,. 999 2. Some Useful Indefinite Integrals................46 3. Power Loss in a Circular Loop of Wire Carrying Direct Current . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . .. 4. Power Loss in a Hollow Disk Carrying Direct CurrentI...............51 .48 DERIVATION OF FORMULAS. In the study of alternating current distribution and closely related phenomena such as skin effect resistance ratio and power losses, in a circular loop of round wire, the effect of the curvature of the wire has never been considered. This paper presents some mathematical expressions which have been derived with due regard to curvature, Let us consider one turn of round, nonmagnetic, homogen&ous wire carrying an alternating current of complex value . Let C and of frequency 4 . be the center of the loop under consideration (Fig.3) and m, the mean radius of the loop. The intersection of the loop and a plane passing thru C and perpendicular to the plane of the loop is an equipotential surface as all streams of current 2 flowing in the wire strike this surface at right angles there are no radial components of current (Fig. 2) i.e, Let M and 0 be the traces of two filaments of current on the equipotential surface under consideration. The difference of the resistance drops at 0 and M (meaning the resistance drops of the two filaments passing thru 0 and M respectively) in this equipotential plane is 2io a where ,-o o - - t - ) _y) are the current densities at 0 and i and M and respectively,&-is the resistivity of the conductor c= r siv and e e (r being the radius of the wire to the point M the angle between the reference axis and the radius r ), If - we let i C,,)be the current density at ( any point in the equipotential surface under consideration ), the total current flowing thru a small element of area at P will be je otSt&.,jand the drop at 0 due to c d3Sc.) osLeM) at 1' will be ? where ~Po Ai(S .) OSg lohas the usual meaning of mutual inductance of the two circular filaments thru 'P and 0 . A *Y. z setting up the expression-for the difference In in resistance drops at 0 and M , it was considered that the wire is made up of an infinite number of small eircular coaxial filaments - this assumption is justified since the current undoubtedly flows along such stream lines. On the basis of this assumption, we may express M-po by one of the many formulas expressing the mutual inductance between two coaxial circles. When ( < a the M of two coaxial circles (Fig.3 ), may be expressed by Maxwell "s formula:" M (Ci + [ Am !-n =0 In -.. ) - (z p and c= C 0 Now the drop in M due to i if M dScc,jat ~P is expressed by Maxwell s formula ~ 7'-c 8(a+c) +2(atc) where -- the case under consideration, C = St where, - + c'= Ps-m 6. P A Fg.3. SFormula 10, Scientific Paper No. 169. c . 4 Let us put and make the following transformation Se* - _ =an ( + 477 -++ Cx L ( L) 7c~G, (A + +,e C + I77Cf q7 zzS C, -i W . 2 +* .- zaal + s _F-'Y J Za (1+ - *- ( -._- ( / I + ._ .)-/] fr - a.a - - ( , a, The term S<+'. ~ - ) ('S L a1 - - ~ ( I +..)~' (i i + A-7 - jI a)/ 5 L 411 + ( *+ ' _ e, - _ 2 a, 5 (,+ / _C. z (a.+C) 2 CL072 We may now write ))may be expanded into a series, since b+.. { a - b)~= (i-j+b- and in this case b'x< 4a 2 is smaller than unity since a, must - necessarily be greater than order to satisfy the condition imposed by Maxwell s formula. Thus, we have - + 0 The first term only of the logarithmic series 1It x - = x - _L! +* 3 - A-&/ +.. is taken since square terms have been omitted in the mutual inductance formula. The series is rapidly converging- since c, is much greater than the largest possible value of C ( in ordinary radio coils, for instance. ) 5 our expression for /pp/, Substituting this in Y- =nan Z- _ terms in where all for /A 7a 2+nC -ana.7 +n(I 1 74a - have been omitted as in a we have the express1i? ApO1Since the impedancedrops at 0 and M are equal (Fig.2), we have 2n ac7' 0 - 2n + (A9p /piv)- ' =S(eJO A If we let 7. the above expression becomes +' Acryj = 1(N) O /.A7 (7 2-o- -t + 'd -0 present form, this expression for current In- its not useful. We will now set out to put it distribution is in a form which can readily be used for calculation purposes. We must first - o7 -- na a(77.A C i/ -i97a n determine the value of c' )(. ) )(+ -I n j - -n + q~ a, z ' ILa -Mm. 2 +f a z/r - f11po 7 s + n 3 af a Ta 2 Combining terms PO - /M - i.-n a?) It is =4 7a 5 (7 + 47 a {xf 2. + - 2a a + l na C _) 2a not very desirable to have a -I- factor in a logarithmic expression because at a certain stage of the '- 6 work it wihldbbe necessary to express 5 in terms of a, r, and 9 and the trigonometric law of cosines would probably be the only means of making the transformation. The resulting logarithmic expression would be very cumbersome and considerable trouble might be encountered in performing the necessary integrations . It thus is preferable to rewrite the above expression so that E will only appear in the term P- =L] a S 4 On ( S. Thus qa. )f Using polar coordinates (r,O)to indicate the point A and taking the origin of the system at the point 0 the axis of the loop,(/, #)will be variables of integration. Substituting the above expression for 1Vp - hPM/in +o a e,(a where to + kCho(~~ 00) d&n.) -- we have e =/su, and putting on + d o dp=element c~)~ 0, 77 of area [ a a,~ 2 rd4 o - dS. This expression forViggray be sirplified 4(r.) 40 & aT c 4 ys, 1 Z'2nClc .+. 2 7 It is necessary to express S in terms of p , 9 and ; before the integration can be performed.41 admits of absolutely and uniformely convergent developments, being the distance between the points(rO)andA For <.k oe/) ). 00 and for 0 :5: e Fr The above integral must be solved by means of Newmann s method of successive approximations. As a first approximation, let us assume a current of uniform density in the loop i.e. Ayr.e) C9) o To get a second approximation fore( ,,,we may let ' 0 in our expression fori'.9P, and perform the integration. In order t& simplify the work, integrals will first the component be evolved. Replacing-t.iby its absolutely and uniformly convergent development, all terms depending on (C-9) will vanihh during the integration process. 0 Integral equation for skin effect by Manneback, page 140 8 We thus have I10 (/ = 2n( ) d4 d 217 /0 . /L &L) r no + -Ad A. 271J-7 o , we get ). substituted inj{(- When the lower limit is an indeterminate form: 0. 00 21t./J as A approaches 0 evaluated by L Hospital s rule. The value of A -t2- .- / = 4$m /- -tm = +i-Oo 0 i e may be 0 (-..2) r - 3 o 2 and in general .np/__= Lm t~ t /J+e0 _..imim. 0 becomes - Then the term 2-l( an o zer -- ' 11 d /i2 = 71 ... / 2n ) ( / 4tt* f&]. n a n r2 =2- b c&d In the solution of this integral, we encounter a series of integrals of the following type: 277 cc'4 -A ( p - O) S-t.v % C19 0 2 - 17 IL Sg +L C 0 4 O I-,cA-)(b z{ A -) -p -o becomes zero and the aboife integral gives 2 -rn /e b CcI(/++) + i& .J o 2(-A+/) Jo2 Advanced Calculus by F.S. Woods page 15. 271 9 = o for all values of -A other than I. For -4 = 1 0<+ - 2.01 'r toln Cq[ I 277 +~~~ A 4 f2j~~ 1177 0 . 77 S-L, Hence replacing 4- A by its absolutely and uniformly convergent development, we must only consider 'n r and the cosine terms for Thus (~ On ) - 17 C60 do rdS+-/9 0 3 oj ( (p - 69) 0 s 0. d4 d 0 0 o m t A2/-,S 277 of 77 S- 7S-i4K9 dO. dO 0 -77 e 3 /0 -n7 r io/-vJ7nt si-- z 2 -n r mto T Instead of infegrating terms containing directly, it is simpler to split up . 4 r ' in the difference of two logarithms i.e. .2r-, n, and then perform the integrations. - Z -e /. ., 10 ii. /0A& 277 / S 77 n "i . A&/- d4 . i n - Z'eM ,;,v 171n 2 1 2/ z~J 2 ~Y" / do do96 =2 Iv. z7 = 77 z M. =77 / 4 All the integrals necessary to obtain the second approximation have been obtained. We may now write down our (See eq. 1 ) second approximation for.A(,f A,(#,O + a +a ') 271(a-+t 7- r'S3-K * 7 o P ZqJ 44 +O -t- 77AoC C 2 2 / / *. a r 7, / At z S776 C "A ( 2 3. m- ) 12 Rearranging terms and simplifying m'S 4Oi _ -f4 2. Replac ing a C'by rTw', --& + 3 S.4'-4 g c J we will have <2. P, q ( a. + MS<Ar r)~t &-~449 3 C -S4A.9 4 a. 2a -- c#. at +rx. 9 + I- ,t (Ca+c') e,.+ c' S-&$4 S M7 I Sru 0 + ; Jt 2c'-. Combining terms yCr. 9) = o a+sn 9 + +go a 2 / + 3 r +4A (2j a2 If in this expression, we let r=/J and 9 = we w, 11 obtain a value of(4.jwhich may be used in determining our third approximation. Thus for a third approximation, we may- substitute' =a / + ,Ao 0 0,a + /v :c +,/o:h @ I fl2.,QJOb -~ 3/_3 + in eq. 1 which is t~'(r. ~J 00.(,,6 4- - 1g A 2.77 (a,+e) 2 In order to obtain integrable equations, = ( -0' is We know that necessary to change the form of/'p.4,, -j it + - .. ___ Thus A = 4{pOp) o ((i - ctv!1) fr $*"i~ 1-'" 2 + +l 310 3 + '+ 00[ a- +3 /V 1 += - ., a. terms in neglecting all . Collecting terms 44 p = .O A o mi - _' s./ _ _ _ @ + Ao - 4 3 0 - 12 and may be considered as being identical to (3) which is the second approximation in our process. Let us denote the different values of (r6) obtained by substituting the component-parts of the above expression fori(p.Ojin the integral equation forA (r.e)by a'(r.0J t-(b. Zj (v.t)J may be written down directlysince we have yel from eq. 2. f Thus, already solved for it. .11 6L .+e' e __ zs 7.__3S M~8 '' 4 A 2a 4(a+c') %% __ - , c'* CJ The integrals required to determine the value of A.'r.)will now be worked out. -nrt -2" /7) 3,4% .Z, In the solution of this integral, we encounter a series of Antegrals of the following type; COS p -5):. A0 'A eos-4 p os11A 0 = x4't A - [ _ p /c c< & 9 ++ '-Vd 9dI + *, A4~ s& p* -- Z -) $ 4 +z -- zr___A_-_ L(Rii p 27-7{& s- - # .s-- A -!+' '+-"- { A+ dczk A9) :2< >- i+A.-, 47 i 110 13 values of A other than Z.. = o f or all { If %t p Co 2 0 F0# 2, the integral becomes or 4- -1)2=/ ? - / 0 2 ~f~f4f~j L Ti 10 + 12 6 ~2 T?1 =- ((2r) Thus S3z 4 7 -- 0 0 - 1 W, 2 ;ig Ma) I II33 277 cso I 3 / / I -fo g 277 p- 0 7" 277 r~7/0 2-T7 c -s2 ( p - eq) * 2773 70A X42 p 3 ZZ, z _L A doo d1# _ 0 z 0 l ' i --. c22(pZ -I d2 I- ( - 0 2- Y/a -n e- 29) 6, d 0 . n 2 ) 060. m, Jo ' r 3 0 nr C20 + -n r6e /6 20r 4 16 + +___ nreo2 ':Z 7r 1 c 2,9[ co- 2 2 +y..e 77M01 9 2. 8 + r 1-m 2cow z0 A' _ n r 4co-sZ9 00 14 A 2. xvft do do= 0 * A iv. A We may now write down the second part of our third approximation, 277(a 6? nr3J&4 12.. 4 fr 6'J rrn r--n 9 ,za- c') 1c.'r -+ n c'rJ--T9 rn zA- 6) 3za' 0a 7Cr4s6 + 2P 77rerM2 ,-a 77 r 4eosd 29 2q'la Ao 2n a. (I 4 L (a+c') 9 Ym a+ 2a. neglecting all terms in I . The integrals required to determine the value of will now be worked out. i. .cnd~ d/9. = r 77 +.2 . do= -/ 7Lr 7r A A 00 4 1 77, S4n# r zns r 0y0 03 CO' (0 uTI d CO a o n _ (VJs1 _ 6 _ 0 vr rsxn 0 p) 0) - irmSn J9 + 4 771- M n nr 'Pn I ) C1 'r9 15 iii. /dO iv a d# = 2 77/ 3do 7n ~Z7) nnd A9 0 77M& 77/[/3f L 9 g z- - #2]] We may now write down the third part of our third approximation. = list em /n a.0 VqC . I. C/'r 4 4 7r c')4 4a 8 + -nrr s n9 4r s at 24a- 160" A 77e'rn _ lrrnut, 4 n e'rV + 77C'/n -7n J 4a /60, 00- which may be written A . r c') 3 rM -r 4+ 2 6a. a S3 h''' ..) CL Xs-V 2 a- + 3ec' The integrals required to determine the value of now be worked out. (.,will - "& /I. /e' A 0 r -n rn;e d4 d' 0{ r 06 /0 277 2 m / co-s z ( 0- 9) 27 .e 2 # od1b t ~1 70 i-4 00 r o - , 2 n *7 -s 2(9-0) o) "f ,0 seT* 2. d d G e0o c~o-s2('9) Stq ' .0Ct4dck ao a/ 0. 16 271 fr ,QI (~ R~kr2~) r 0 Id £ 0 77uvj 2!) -- 2 [(4 -n ) + +-ne e- I-i Z I 91_ 'c-os Z 32 36 36 + 77r 77 e 2m? 36 /W dd a / _ nr 6c2 lb tn /6 & iii rce 269 01 /+ 1 co Z0 /6 . h ow 4{ i We may now write down the fourth part of our third approximation. A-. *w t,1 a o<) 9-n ( a -ec') (r.O) -nI 6 * P q6mCL 480a- 16 's4-O 32 ci-. 8- o a o' ._ r 6A' -nc'r ,t- nk,2.M /2 I _ ne'sun 0 I _r terms in 288 S-,s4, 9 , m' + 02 7r 6 oes 2O 256 a - .8n1 /2 c 3.2(a~c') neglecting all ..n r' 6 . The integrals for the fifth part of the third approximation are similar to those for the second part. We may thus write.: 17 -,- / A 0 a cC 0) = (Cr, 8n (a + C') + 77r 3 cm M 8a' 77 V 3M' XV4 0 enr c '*r o2 _to a oc + 4 29 m IM _r Vx 41~ ja. 32 az } _m SaQ /16 a.' / 3 z [a+e) w em t 77 r m en 11M -n Sa 1 aZ2a SO, . en 8a -7n 8a- 9 -n ,& .2em a a. tm 9 sa neglecting all terms in-. Combining the component parts for the third approximation for current distribution, we have .tv . .i . (r.9) ^ ' (r.19j (r. * " '( '~ (re) or + a '(r,e)J=) r c'r + IK- 2a 23 - + 9 _S_** 2a .Sem-n Km - ,to a 'c ,V(a*e') ia -+ e'm' 01 24 ~ICr r7 .. A 0 a.ot" -+ r '<n9a q(a~c') I + a__ 32 (a +c') + .+ * 0 2 a . 3e' '_ a. r'st, 2 aa-t + A L._ mr' 4 Ya rr~-I'- 32 (a+c') . o ae 0( 32 (a +e') "Combining terms tf a 3 M's- m-i + r 20 ad__ . 4a 9 m Ya 7 18 ao A'rj = .Cie + { o- 2a.. 4/(a + c') + I rh2. + 00a r' 32(a+c') .+ a * + a e I + +o 0 - o a /2a 4' a. a / 2-* ao') + c'r /2. - 'mz CL + 3to a o' T_* (a 4C') * Ci- + I-. ~C4~0 2 t- m 4S C<t 9 .?X _rrm'''i~I 9 ' e4L q 0i~a. S . + 4:+n9 "i 2*a 32 rn m za Aza a2 A + a.J Va CL. . 3 si~z 9 3 C'rn . ,?a + 2a, l a, 2n rI A&; 09 r 'a 7 c'Ir {2 A V C '3?n j 2a a < . _r 17n a r 3 s<.A + 'r2 + 3 n _ fa a It may be preferable to have an expression for The above equation-.can be which does not contain C'. transformed by substituting eS&c Of or c' . o a a 6) -+ - 4 / . 2 P M q~ " 6),, . + a, j 2a 4 r Y C4 _ r m svu9 4 a. /2a, __na Fa 4a 9 . '9 __r_ 2 a Fa a 6 + -o a oc 3 2 6 a +r sih.9) V M _,., , r m lSt 2- 9 z a,4 a + -+. +. r 3 S&' y t 3- %'M a ra_ oa 19 Combining terms kcr9~ a.+rsoc44 a 4(a+rct.9) +s4 a "4aciY + f a c4 + as '+r 4'a Saj 32 ( a ( O 3 2(aneo + + _r____ 3a- 2 a fa a. In some cases, for instance if the above expression is to be integrated, it may be desirable to have an expression forA which does not have a factor. We may do away ' a - this fat with this factor since I ( + .r_ r "4 a. We then have e + M1 Za .4 i.,Z rx-<A 9 + a S,4 _ _ ga a a 'a][ + 4 0( + '... r 3 a neglecting all terms in f ___f S"''-144 a 12* a. .j 2mr'- 99 ** a la -3 r 3[w 1 19 + Ma 3 a a a 4 L nl 0 t+ o0 Fa a + + a a. a .. + 't a a rma rv- 'a a 4449 +r m 3 a. m za - 3,i L ~~7j C i o r 0___ + 0A 0 ?aJ _ b: r M z 5+d $ f] 20 Let us consider the following terms of the above expression Undoubtedly, if the process of successive approximations was taken a few steps further, additional terms of the above series would be obtained. e These three terms are sufficient to determine the nature of the series, however. 4 Z oo 0o l.+ (e ' r' This absolutely and uniformly convergent power series is the development of the bessel function of the first kind and order zero for a variable ocer M.=0 i.e. 4t We know that the alternating current distribution in a long straight wire of circular cross-section and of a homogeneous; non-magnetic nature is given by A 1 = C/S7) where S U f 6~ But Therefore Ar ( ) = Ao T (s f). 21 Thus the expression that we have derived for the current distribution in a ciretlai' loop of round wire can be considered to be made up of two parts: a. The bessel function which expresses the alternating current distribution in a straight wire. Some curvature correction terms. b. We can thus write Ac.V= + - o('QM '~~'o 9 .'rjsV' + O L9" rm + e _r'___ + $ a a. t: __ _ + - s 01 2a a_ a - r -rscre. 0 6a 32 e'a O 3t' X" **- o ~rs3 M -A" Jal a Since the total current in the loop is I =f t(,-) r d d '. none of the above curvature correction terms will contribute to the total current. We have T = .A.' o = 7 Jo (js ?jr) r ded 0 rd o /J~jY S where 3 is a bessel function of the first kind-.and first order, defined by z 1 If z 2,z I 2 !! the value of I _ -z4 2! 3! be known, _ _ _ 2 6 3!1. the value ofimay be determined from (5) and substituted in (4) to find the current distribution in the loop. (j- 22 For the determinationof the watts loss and the resistance ratio, the process is as follows. Let Then by equation (10) H pw of J. = R. Carson s paper , ep -a where A, is the permeability and for this case equal to / HtrJis the tangential component of the magnetig force due to current in the loop. Then A = /WA/(y.) L Ao 4L + y - 2a 6a 3 + (3 = Soa-gs 4 4; i 2. t a 67 _T_ 4r7[a - ( o 64 2I] -5 3-<.c 9 9 - &a 7a ___ + aL~ a J--EO ~of 32 +)n o crrsoA a X/(Sr)- 0Z~ +_2_____rm_2 3r 3 J'n9 3. of i 4 o a a. a 3 2 a mi~ 6 c ~fS44 2a a By equation (18) a of Carson s paper, the true Wave Propagation over Parallel Wires: Effect. SalI --- The Proximity ' 23 energy transferred to or from one centimeterof wire thru its resistance lose and is equal to the is surface according to Poynting's theory, P- 211 ) II\ = real part of -qf71 (-> 9) 9 (4-.19 o(. which involves only values at the surface of the wire.The term e(..)is the conjugate of e1 a. 6 ), taken at the surface. Let us now determine the terms under the integral sign. H/ .. ) = -s 7Tl J< w ) o '__ - _ 1wa- 32/w 2 6a a a ___a l Combining terms and transferring from the denominator to the numerater. |- - T Zo o~ 0A) f(j'Sqm) T r + W CL - 2 q + U3 2 wL 3a ii 2mn The value of e(,, ) is A J -A + 4o O~-o< 3M (a S S - 3 + 344t _____ 44a 7 32L g$4IVtA a. ) - Mo a 3 ea a a m J 8a 24 Combining terms c0d -e fw UJO q- vy_____ -L a. + X, _ 6-0< Sim + a0 3'L 30 JL In order to determine the conjugate of this expression we must know the conjugate of Jo(.S rVI. We know that Thus J. i 7~)=Tosm.c(I +-__ The conjugate of is This can be shown graphically. Considering a vector of definite lenght as shown in Fig. (4), swings it axis, from its the operator irT original position along the horizontal in a counter-clockwise direction thru an angle of 1350. The vector now lies in the second quadrant. The conjugate of this vector occupies a similar position on the other side of the horizontal axis. This conjugate vector lies jrjV F,7. *, c/ 25 in the third quadrant and makes an angle of 45*with the horizontal axis. However, this vector can be obtained by applying the operator-j f6 to the original vector. Thus to f find the conjugate of an expression which is multiplied by provided the operatorjFi one must change the operator tothis changes all the j's in the expression to- We may now write down the value of) Z~s~g -: , O Jo ) (- sY6 lo0~mS. - 6- -e) SIyis The product S { - 19~ 9 N3 9 4 o( +C L 4 14 . 9 4 0.. 3 6~Sf A 3J (jS .?) 4 sf 3 6Soo~ AA 9 3O 3 ~0~o ~ 0 - Z.o Iot d~ST ; S nnued on next page. ___ 33 26 t. 4+a C. , - oJf A +[-- 5o6~y \ . 5-o jX 0 6 VW . + __ M'") - +S 5 C 4- +.,-m&_ C. x 3x- 8a J 2 3. 3O 8L At~AI 32o u 32, o . ss 4 [ CL L J This equation is of the form A +3 -B +C where A, 3 ,and C are the constants in the above expression for ,, N .,a. We may now solve the integral 217 ~-~+3 (A clA9 + CSAM') 0 A -LOe Tn +0Sr2 2 A+ C). Thus the value of 2.77 .t 0 2.77 d J ~ LI LT1(,s'h.JF rn-F - 'Hi + 71m ; wq .. 32to 0 3V 2. a. I o (/*fl-;nJ] -!!. A& CrAa . 2- 0 ks-o 3 +- -i + ffa W m 31 4 - L .2 M 4 FC . 27 It remains to determine the real part of this express&on. From a consideration of the nature of the bessel functions J0 (x) ,~ -x 2. = 22. and Z it and 23 2! 2 '2!3! will readily be seen that for both series Q J, {-S' S, mJ the real part is the summation of the ( Sm) the summation of t1e even odd terms and the imaginary part is terms. The real part of. Ic -ec~ 4.eJ )i(~~,eJ do Lj 77 2W --.panAQ Zo(+02_. i* Y -+ SoC,0~* Q- Sa *n. a -* * 4W - 5 Ta Q. r (r- a w M a32W at r-e2 6/VV a *I ak L 3a) 3 4 T- .r t . { s L /6 a/i 2 .. o36a t pa, continued on next page. Ja 28 -L~T I _ca a 2. - ~ - Io Co< / a L C,(6 M a a P..c6M14 i, r3 6ac2w aoI u'' 6/L 4tL 2 . L -M 2- r 3 v 5 2 -1ar 4- ( w a d'p' a 25'6 a'7-WO 06 4tM a t-1/e4 do (- m to 1 -1 C0(4h M z a r-1 2. 2 -6az2 aC LD 00, *-d I ,r 4 ( ) 0a, 3 0 72 a'U '1to ) Wherever " imag, part of " occurs, it is understood. that the excluded. The above expression gives the is resistance loss per om. of length of the loop. 'itmay readily be put in a different form. It is usual to put /- (;s r)- bus: bers'r+ the conjugate of which is 7 (- s ) - beisr ber'r + be-t. be re In general, 0 (j r;t-) Then / e LOds osLjs r) } ( ber'sr +'e'e oi's [(js )r) - 29 and Tr j = et- 'sr +'/A'SrJ. ( Keeping th&se transformations in mind, it will readily be seen that I( er sm){be = 2 to 3 -4o + Ao 0,A256a. 8a 3A-0z A4 -4 - **a-<' wJ~36 32 a -+ j I S - ber s 1 32 aim be 'S m d h r's 3w la 256 a 1w 3o7 2 a,,-u>a The loss per cm. bei length of the loop at zero frequency is given by The ratio of the a.e, losses and d.c. losses as determined by the above equations will give the skin effect resistance ratio of the circular loop of wire under consideration, However, it may be preferable to have a formula giving the ratio 1!directly. The total alternating current in the loop has already been determined (p.21) by integrating the current density over the cross- section of the wire. be determined from formula (17) nn .T = It will now of Carson'a paper, i e. H,..e en In our case, it may readily be seen that all the 30 terms in 9,V 0 will not contribute to the integral. Thus 27 ... fso>5- T77 A 0 6T crS = .- 2 II m it | W V m)I d6P ('s s-~m) identical to the expression for I previously obtained. which is This may be written in terms of ber'sand - .- I ( ber ', .to~SLJ beS, i.e. be0i'-m) and I Ao~sm 1 ( ber'.s .- :i. w I.,' V be-f.. Hence IfZ i.y -s ((be >' 's) 's) . + (6e Thus o' 6'a. m RI q, 32 x 4 ~c S -L . . 1 .s h-e 4U ' I(rIS . 4( 2 S 2. C 6 lif44 ;'I )I 9'a 2d6 a iz' I I L (bee 7 -A-' 's s") {4(be "S.m J . .-J er2 be r XU 6 e*'S -&-" (ber 'svm) + 9' + L (ber') .1106 3o72 0.w L q W71'is O1_ ' w. b e,4 ' -< ) 2. 7 0C~ cOPU a -s -s.1 A - +( b ( +( '.1 31 Putting the skin effect resistance ratio , -na - is S erL 3 + [4- (ber's4j'- +( IM __ y" of . e, ''"S * o4 So- qg 6 J Fa I t a'0 sMr b S4 .1 -n s-) (b~e In Scientific Paper No. ,e.-sr-, bei'sb 2] 169,' the coefficIent of be. ... be.r'si, s-- + be<;'s-4t) ( ber;'s-4)2 where ben'-m eb Le e s-m bei' s m.- 77 M L - 11LO In our case, S L70 FA- Hence, w\/ 2n7 24 Ism ?hL. de er ( M -no b_ - /7LO 6L Since s = 4~v"? and =. C4'. /Vw C- ? our expression form may be simplified further. Thus-i TI'll RI - 3 be- _-1 6 -n s, n bei 'Sm ( toe r') wl1n .er :s el<, be4 s 2 + ( b e' sW) I4 6to' >M _w- k-1. -n12-LolW w 46 a'--A... a . ?a 2-0a- 14 77 W (b e'm -f(bei 's 4J) 32 2' 4 (, _ _ W aL IT lobe ' - m + T* w11m b er S w' 144 36- ber '&") 6& 2. * < X-b i g 7/ 2.y 0Ja Since b=2mg"'2 and &'= / et- 9 the above expression may be further simplified. b 'R 'R L 2 be'b 44btr[kew' bere'b)* + ( be:'6)b - I M6 IL 32 1 -+ |a (bei' where the first term is the expression for the skin effect resistance ratio of a straight wire and the remaining terms are the curvature correction terms. The quantity br b be'b... be.r'b'berb is tabulated in Scientific Paper No. 169 of the Bureau of Standards by E. B. Rosa and F. W.Grover, page 226. The values of ber'b and '%are tabulated in a paper "A Precise Method of Calculation of Skin Effect in Isolate d Tubes" by H. B. If ber'b Dwight, Journal A. I. E. E. Aug. 1923, p. 827 and, be i'L cannot be obtained from the above mentioned table, they may be obtained from the following seriee 33 qX 4 bev' ev 'X = 3 7x + . 0 + 2%. 2% 4' (-,2 2-* X. 2 ~t F z4* Tlese series are always convergent but the calculations become laborious for large values of x. Denoting(bev'x) +(bti&) 2 by Y , the expansions develope# by Russell and Savidge ( Scieti fie Paper No. 169, p. 176 ) give very accurate results for K? 6. These equations are: 2 (8X,) 2 (8X3+a- NUMERICAL EXAMPIES. ( Slide rule calculations ) Ex. 1. Let : I.. c-.:. e-i4.. 2.54 322 Z-41, 4 - Then .. c ~o *c (cooov,. I, = 2x - 4 1 4 x Zx 3.14 's Ioo o 11 24 169, p. From Scientific Paper No. h S 6 ei - e e, 6 1-(+ ( be ') 26 =..3' 226, J ooo 4 5~ The curvature correction is 3 -_.531 4 -'x2.54 I ;1',K4 . 531 6ev. 531 . ol94 8~ 8' 2 .64 x 32 x 1.641 The values of A. I. E. E. x .199 . -531*L .0194 & .31 (bev'.-3-7) 6er' -S1 and b t. 6' + (b ' E31)' 31 aa given in Journal Aug. 1923, p. 827P are = .. .0o A q \I cAAd 6'' .5'31 Hence -- - 14o 1 4 3 (-. 246) :Z. 0001 +-o1\9 = .o'3 2 35 Substituting this value of Y in our curvature correction - 3 - 11.3 x Io~% + 9.1 1 10~4.-5.54) - Io4 o xI O"(' -5.4.) 3 15.xo. .. I x - .oo+ - 2. - 3. 3 2 bx j . 3\95 j \12.0 4 \5.?- Let 1.54 cA., I i*.::. .= = =.o 1 94 eA. , 4oo ooo ~. Then qK D~ 3.14x 2 x 3.14 K too 1 p224 From Scientifi~c Paper No, 16.9, 000o - S. 3 1 p. 226,- ei' - bey'6 6 6 b e ( bev-'6)& +(.be.' '6) = 2,.-13 The curvature correction is { Ii - 5.314 4? + Fx 2.q )1A4x .131" A ug. E. E. bev '5.31 - .3' 8 L x 2.5L4j I)I .01 3~ Zx 54 The values ofty'5.31 A. I. . .194 C.3'1 1923, 3.21') aner'. and be.' 31.) + ( b el ' 5. i3 d 7.3' as given in Journal p.827, are o"&. es'' S. 31 =- .(.53o Hence (.. - 3.2'11 L+ (-G f o -:l. 3 + 4 2.:-=5 33 7 36 Substituting this value of t - 3 - 11-3 - 4 7.. 3BZ,3 x 152o 5 3 3 .- 3 1 95 I in our curvature correction Y IS 3o} 5'3 31o j = 9 3. 1o Let 3 z a. = 1. 6 i, Z -I C T .44A. AA. I 16 ~ =. \1 1 X- . tAA @ 2o 0 C. Then Y. . 3.14 x 2 x 3.14 x I o o g o.014 1112 4 From Scientific Paper No. 169,- p. 226, er ' - b Ib = I. o>010 'b6 - + ( bei' by e 0J (b'e The curvature correction is + i.oI4 4 - 3 .. .014 ?1.61 1 t x \0 SThe values of A. I. E. E. 6ev' l.o1-: 1.014J YA.62J 1578 ?E bCe- 'L 1 .0, 14 + ( o -e.' I.0o 4) ev'I.o'+andeL'I.o14 as given in Journal I} Aug. 1923, p. 827, are -. 011 .4AI .ei. 0 14 = 4 . 53362 . Hence (..0111i + (.6332j Substituting this value of - .+ 2 5 in our curvature correction 37 { + .0 13 Fq (-5.95) '3 . 0 - 3 16 5.5 (- *o2.'l~ 'L1 0 ~ j. - I .314w 3 -. oZ18 - - 3.(,ol K3-011I, ' o0 - 349 - . 9A l .oSZ5 21 .11 ... B 4c Ex. 4. Let a: et.4, 'l.6 3A". A. Then 4 too 000 ~ I From Scientific Paper No. [b 169, p. 226, 6+C- t2 b Y i.' a +. L (. bey'b, The curvature correction is { I ) Io;4 4 1i 2'4 x o-19 = o-111 ?~.Iq~2.)c3.I4xlc, I'124 0 o..tyQ 9 t1 x '.x- 5 1.b2 ( b'er' 3 -2 y 1.( 2 '. lo1 .1 + ( bel' lo.193 " Y1'o-*14 and 6,&' 0-1 4 The values of from Journal A. I, E. E. f cannot be obtained Aug. 1923 p. 827, We may use the series 'I, - x4 2-Ti Thus 1 - +,-t YX r. + ('x)'s ... 3 11 38 9 2.x 3.14A I .. .04 993 4-, 5. , - .14-x_10 r- cIt.14 (3 in our curvature correction Substituting this value of {I 73 - 2-1? (ob 5"vW 1-1v oo -15 . \4 9to .3 5'(-3oD 9 SI Cj 1474x1-111 5x 00 \ ~... 1 54'J v.10'34P 1 .. ii -10 L5~6 ~30oo ANALYSIS OF EXAMPLES. Undoubtedly; some of the results obtained in the examples just worked out do not represent the actual facts. These results must thus be analyzed in order to determine the range of usefulifess of the skin effect resistance ratio curvature correction formula which has been derived. The derivation was only carried out to the third term of the skin effect resistance ratio formula for a straight wire, It is thus not warranted to consider the curvature correction formula to be applicable in cases where the first three terms of the straight wire equation form either a or a series which is not sufficiently divergent series convergent. for a straight wire which is An equation for very suitable for rapid calculation purposes is given in " Transmission Line Formulas " by H. B. Dwight, p. 114, +...L- 1I2 x---X 19o + 1ooto where 10 -9 r1 -R where X 40 We will now calculate the values of - for a straight wire corresponding to the curvature corrections obtained in the four examples which have been worked out. I. o194&- R = 2 x 3.t9 x, tooo AA. RI x 1-124 1+2~. + -. X 4 ,l %. 12. - Oox, lo~ 9 4 ISo IS o-o-oe) - b ooo43 . .0.2 ~ 12 = 1. 0-4- II. = 121 il ' ++ 1.21 - L IX I - 9.6. lI.o 4.33- III. 2 x 3.14 = xlooo .12+ x lo'~ x3.\4 x .I588 x\o- 228+ I + IV. 2 78x I 'R -I- 10ooo Io000 ____ 12. = I + G 9-2 - 3?2o 2F.?o = - 31'~o, 19 -- . . 0721 -01 2 JIco i.3 41 Comparing these values of 1- with those previously found., it is readily noticed that in the first and third examples close checks are obtained while in the other two examples, the differences are rather astounding, It would thus be expected that the Ourva/,ture correction term the first for and third examples are nearly correct while those for the other two examples may be far from the actual facts, Common sense alone will tell that both q3. 0 and , .?1 are impossible results, the former being too large and the latter too small. t immediately appears that the curvature correction formula which has been derived in this paper does not hold for very large frequencies. Whether or not the formula is applicable must be determined in the manner shown in this section. CONCLUSIONS The equation for the skin effect resistance ratio of a circular loop of round; non- magnetic,--a-homogeneous wire derived in this paper is [ '. - lher' b6eL', b__m'320a. - 6) - 4-89( ._- .. er'b ±i ')-A - 8 .. 1 ( b&kb)1+( bi b b so- 1(a.) where a radius of' wire in cm. o~ radius of' loop in cm. frquency in cycles o- resistivity in abohms per cm. The first term is the expression for the skin effect resistance ratio of an isolated straight wire and the remaining terms are the curvature correction terms. Although the total expression for the skin effect resistance ratio of a straight wire is here given, only the first three terms of the series have been derived in this,work and. the curvature correction terms given correspond to the first three terms of tb atraight wire formula. The curvature correction formula can thus not be 43 used when the first three terms of the straight wire equation form either a divergent series or a series which is not a sufficiently convergent. A suitable straight wire series for calculation purposes is 2 "R Igo where Wi- W,10~ LO 0~ From the very nature of the series ( b ) , the curvature correction is only good for relatively low frequqncies. The use of ( a ) implies the use of ( b ) as shown in the numerical examples worked out in this paper in order to find out whether or not ( a) applies to the particular case on hand. From the results obtained in the numerical examples, it would appear that the curvature correction is much larger than expected. The writer is unable to detect anything in the method of attack or the mathematical work which would to disprove those results. 4,4 APPENDIX 1 SOME DEFINITE INTEGRALS ENCOUNTERED IN THIS PAPER. p U) An p dn ccp =Th _ 'h 3 ad#=n r sa~~~- 5 77k~n1 (3) 33 2 p' $ st;f 4 -j (s) p d-o al (p = 77r 1/ Po nE -nT s-il@, dn, d$ JA 12 + -y Ze m ei9 8 (c)/ /Ids 77 r ~ 36 JI + cd a,/ ('7) 71rkn - ercod2 32 cos q d# 2. (9) 4 & /) (9) 42~ (o) 0&4 6 XP~b95 d#o =0 stu $ do d zo 77 9 45 0) (iz A9 /oD d, cZ Z577 im (is)( #211) d " #/ = 7v "< 9 0 {/ (11) 27 2 7~ 0 #d # 77... eo Z z 0 ,' r ., = r 16 o/* 36 APPEND IX 2 SOME USEFUL INDEFINITE INTEGRALS. (i) dv = ., v f (2) (3) .Ft - /V aos eolsb x sou(-~ a 4lw. x swbx ox (ct- - b)x a (a -b) -as - = ( (5) cv44.em . v b14. 2 (ca + b) (a-1J Ss-a( a4b)x 2-(a 2 ( a - b) bxdA= .. "t, n/x 4w1, Co nx CSC x d: n# <.(x Lrh C-$ I 14 ivx 7n+in ? 2. cl L x -e !+ + 44 -x X -d] C-Qs ( -, -- )aX + + 1n-I (g) 1,2. +b) 4Xcx + 1't, (?) c~ 1+*x .~in !+ 0--0-- (()j V - 2 (a ()j 2 ( a.+b) -b)x +(a '/ a~b~ _ e- La.+b)x ( -1. -- I xm 1 oe- x X I 1w S ox clol d-o- x 1 -ix X X 47 (9) (Io) / ax dx = x x -k" ( .,x r)' d" 0 = V ,t ?6 x '1-0- ( 'K 'Vt 1s1-y / .A x . (& x) rdx APPENDIX 3. POWER LOSS IN A CIRCULAR LOOP OF WIRE CARRING D. C. We will now determine the power loss in a circular loop of round, non- magneticg homogeneous wire carrying current at zero frequency. The resistance eA of a circular filament having a trace rce cr at M on the equipotential surface under consideration ( Fig. I ) is -21 (1 + Scedet The drop at 0 must necessarily be equal to the drop at M Thue 7.-na'- = 2,n ( 0. + YN &k%01 ) T- Z (Y.9) and the current distribution in the loop may be expressed by a, The watts loss in the filament having a trace r dir oL 0 at 2 a o-+ loop i and the total power lose in the loop is d din( r YcdEccr 49 -Ftjd..4 (r.9) ct1. 2.71- As bef'ore Thus~ Y- = 2T, o a. a.. o ( (2. Sr r 0 . io' & 02.n ) l.. .. 2 It is usually assumed that the current distribution is uniform over the entire equipotential surface and the resistance of the f&lament passing thru D is taken as the average resistance of the wire. Under these conditions which is If identical to more terms of the series 0. were considered in the determination of that we would have , it is evident 50 Since the series was not carried any further elsewhere in this paper, it does not seem that it should be done here. However, as a matter of interest, we will determine the value of , ' for the following terms a%- OL Then ~P, a2-n o- 9 CL + i . ., 2C r 3 of7,)oycowl qCO? 4 x'3-ni 'P2 The L r s 4 rThe L 6, + =+l-2 Y. -Pif 3 . lsote .o- t oFnow The increase in power loss due to the uneven current distribution in the loop is thus relatively small and may be neglected for most purposes, Ot9 APPENDIX 4. POWER LOSS IN A HOLLOW DISC CARRYING DIRECT CURRENT. We will now determine the power loss in a strap of non-magnetici homogeneous material of the shape shown in ig. 5. ."et inner radius san. outer radius a= mean radius 0 thickness of material Fi.5. The resistance clR of an element of the strap is It can readily be shown the current distribution in the strap is where A= current density at radius o. The total current flowing thru a filamenttof crasssection -cLris a = 0A ,Ycr 52 The total power loss in the strap is thus rc~ VA a is usually assumed that the current distribution It is uniform over the entire strap and the resistance of the filament at radius a is +ML ' taken as the average resis- tance of the strap.Under these conditions, = Th cA- Thus ( w- - ) _ 1 -P, 9., Tcr o - I. tV 'L M2 ,-. EXAMPLET. (a Let ,= M 3i I k" = 4i Then A., PL (b) 2. - ~(1.7q/3-1.3I63)= 0 1 3 z Let SI Then ?I--L '~P I.5'c. 6931= 1.0,3'7. 8 53 The increase in power loss due to nneensurrent distribution in the strap must be considered in some cases since it may amount to several % of the total power lose. BIBLIOGRAPHY. " Formulas and Tables for the Calculation of Mutual 1. and Self Inductance " by E. B. Rosa and F.W. Grover-Scientific Paper of the Bureau of Standards No. 169. 2. An Integral Equation for Skin Effect in Parallel " Conductors " by Charles Manneback - Publication No. 30 of the Blectrical Engineering Research Division at M.I. T. and Journal of Mathematics and Physics, April, 1922, 3. "A Short table of Integrals " by B. 0. Peirce. Advanced Calculus" by F.S. 4. 5. " Proximity Effect in Wires and Thin Tubes " by H. B. 6. Dwight- Trans. A.I. E. E. " April, 1921, page 607, Proximity Effect in a Seven Strand Cable " by J. E. L. Tweedale, M. I. T. 8. 1923; Page 850 " Wave Propagation over Parallel Wires " by J.R.Carson Philosophical Mag., 7. Woods. Thesis, '-ourse VL, 1927. " A Precise Method of Calculation Of Skin Effect in Isolated Tubes. " by H. B. Dwight- Journal A. I. E. E. August 1923, page 827. 9. " Transmission Line Formulas " by H. B. Dwight , p.114.