Horizontal and Vertical Eye Deviations in Response to Linear Accelerations by Brenda Joyce Kitchen Subikitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science at the Mas sachusetts Institute of Technolo gy May, 1983 Signature of Author. Department of Electrical Engineering, Date Certified by... Thesis Supervisor Certified by..- ..... S.,...p................... Thesis Supervisor Accepted by..................................................... Chairman, Departmental Committee on Theses ABSTRACT Horizontal and Vertical Eye Deviations in Response to Linear Accelerations Author: Brenda Joyce Kitchen Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Charles M. Oman Senior Research Engineer Mr. Anthony P. Arrott Ph.D. Candidate Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics In order to determine the effects of periodic, whole body, linear accelerations on compensatory eye movements a series of experiments were mounted linear acceleration performed on 23 normal subjects using a rail sled. Sub ects were accelerated sinusoidally at amplitudes between 0.06g (60 cm/s ) and 0.9g (900 cm/s 2 ) at frequencies ranging from 0.1 Hz to with respect to the 0.8 Hz. Subjects were tested in two orientations direction of motion and the direction of gravity: i) Y-Z: lateral longitudinal Z-I: acceleration in the upright position; and ii) Eye movements were recorded using acceleration in the supine position. standard electro-oculography. Horizontal eye movements were recorded for the Y-Z orientation and vertical eye movements were recorded for the Z-X orientation. All subjects from whom measurements were obtained showed consistent evidence of horizontal compensatory eye movements in the Y-Z orientation. Only two subjects exhibited distinct vertical compensatory Vestibular nystagmus similar to that elicited by head eye movements. Lighting rotation was observed under conditions of complete darkness. conditions were significant in that even very dim, diffuse light caused the distinctly nystagmic response of total darkness to be transformed into lower amplitude smooth eye movements with few or no saccades. Significant compensatory eye movements were obtained only for Slow phase eye velocity was stimulus amplitudes of 0.2g or greater. by a sinusoid of the same and fit filtering determined by digitial frequency as the stimulus. The amplitude of slow phase eye velocity The sensitivity was appears to be linear with respect to acceleration. determined to be 9.8 deg/sec/g for motion between 0.2g and 0.9g at 0.4 Hz. The amplitude was found to increase with frequency over the range 0.28 Hz to 0.8 Hz. Phase tends to increasingly lag the stimulus motion over this same range. 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank everyone helped me with this thesis. in the Man Vehicle Lab who has A special thanks goes to my thesis supervisors, Dr. Charles M. and Mr. Anthony P. Arrott, for their invaluable assistance. Oman An additional thanks to Anthony Arrott for his continuous guidance and encouragement. Without his help and support, this thesis would not have been such a great learning experience. A big thanks to Robert "MONTY" Grimes, for everything... I would like to thank Mohammed Massoumnia, Bob Renshaw, and Joyce Lee their valuable help. Also, thanks to Sherry Modestino and Margaret Amour for helping with the final document. I am very grateful to all of the subjects who gave so freely of their time and patience. Without their cooperation this thesis would not have been possible. A very special thanks to my family for the enormous amount of support, encouragement and love they have given me. Without them I could never made it through the "Institute," let alone this thesis. 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 ABSTRACT ....................................... ACKNOWLEDGE14ENTS................................3 TABLE OF CONTENTS.............................................4 LIST OF FIGURES . ............................ 5 LIST OF TABLES.................. ........................... 6 INTRODUCTION..................................7 BACKGROUND......... 0.8 .. Physiology.... . .8 Eye Movements. Recording Eye Movements. Vestibular Nomenclature. Past Experimentation.... .12 .14 .14 .18 METHODS..................... Equipment.............. .21 .21 .21 .24 .24 .25 .25 .. MIT Sled Facility. Helmet............ EOG Amplifier..... Light Array....... Description of the Expe .iments.... RESULTS..*...o..oo................ Preliminary Experiments........... Protocol I........................ Protocol II..................... Protocol III (Spacelab Crew Tests) ..a. .. .. . .. . ..........o S.... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 41 DISCUSSION............................. SUtmARY.................... . 0 . 30 30 30 32 34 45 ................ SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH.............................46 BIBLIOGRAPHY....................................47 .. .. .. .. APPENDICES............................ A: Detailed Protocols............ B: Electrode Study............... C: Individual Test Results....... 4 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. .. .. .. ... ... ... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..... 49 ..... 49 ..... 54 ...... 63 LIST OF FIGURES - *.........9 Figure 1: The Ear................................ Figure 2: Vestibular Apparatus................ Figure 3: Otolith Macculae....................... Figure 4: Hixson Vestibular Nomenclature......... 16 Figure 5: Sled Motion Nomenclature............... .........17 Figure 6: The M.I.T. Sled........................ 22 Figure 7: Example of Nystagmus Induced by Linear 0scillation From Protocol I. ........ 10 31 ..... Figure 8: Example of Nystagmus From Protocol II.. 33 Figure 9: Example of'Smooth Response............. 35 Figure 10: Example of Z-X No Response............. Figure 11: Example of Z-X Smooth Response......... 37 Figure 12: Bode Plot, Gain vs. Frequency.......... 39 FIgure 13: Linearity Plot, Protocol III........... FIgure 14: Polar Plot, Comparison of Niven, 40 Protocol 1, and Protocol III.................... ............ 5 ....... ...... 43 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Protocol I Table 2: Protocol II Table 3: Protocol III 6 INTRODUCTION The objective of this thesis on acceleration periodic linear analyzing these effects it is to determine compensatory the eye effects of By movements. that a better understanding of the is hoped otolith-ocular reflex can be gained. There has been a great deal of experimental work done to determine the role of the semicircular canals in producing compensatory eye movements. However there is not much data on the behavior and role of the otolith organs. contradictory. nystagmus Much of the evidence Niven, Hixson, axis. and Correia (1966) could regularly be elicited, nystagmus were found. In parallel cited in the literature All of their swing tests, found that horizontal while no tests signs of vertical were conducted along the y- Bles and Kapteyn (1973) horizontal and vertical eye movements. is Thus, found both one of the main purposes of this thesis is to take a closer look at the response of the otoliths. The research contained in this thesis is part of a battery of tests which are being conducted for NASA as experiments. understanding weightlessness The of and part of the aim of this series of tests the learn adaptation how space of the 1NS102 Spacelab is to gain a better vestibular motion sickness 1 system to is related to this adaptation. The central aim of this thesis is to determine a set of conditions under be which consistant manifestations obtained. From this an of indicator obtained which can be used to moniter the otolith-ocular of otolith reflex function might be the process of adaptation to weightlessness and subsequent re-adaptation to the earth's Ig bias. 7 can BACKGROUND Physiology The vestibular system, located consists of two specialized otoliths (figure 1). This in the non-auditory inner ear, portions, the semicircular system has three major canals functions. is responsible for a great deal of the information we use spatial orientation as well as sensation of motion. stabilization of the visual field First the it to determine Secondly, the canals and otoliths are very influential in the maintenance Finally, and of posture. is also controlled by the vestibular system. The semicircular canals are fluid-filled ducts which act as angular accelerometers (figure 2). They are stimulated by angular accelerations of the head normal to the plane of the given ring. frequencies between 0.1 Hz and 5 Hz Thus perception of rotation velocity. the canals transduce For angular and stabilization of the visual field on the retina are based on the interpretation of the canal signals as representations of angular velocity. relatively insensitive The utricular The semicircular canals are to linear inertial forces. and saccular otoliths, however, do perform the functions of detecting gravitational and linear inertial forces, but can not distinquish between the two. The utricular both consist of hair cells and supporting cells. mechanical endorgans. energy to initiate Hair-like cilia otolithic membrane. nerve impulses and saccular macculae Hair cells transduce which emanate from these project into a gelatenous mass called the On top of this membrane lies a dense layer of 8 cwricle or -- , --- =t~iclc . elers '4e t ole =On - * - intc rme dicte ow -u . Figure 1. the =iddla, rln. evol- -tympanie Ec te ub durcl sac Inncr. rnn II-Adle Diagram of an ear, showing the ralations of the external, and t~he inner ear.(Addison: ad. 1.3. Lippincott, Philadelphia) 9 Pie-4rsol's ',.ormal_. Histology, ANTL0IOR ERTCAL WSMICRCULAR CAMAL. L.XTKRAL OR HCRUM"Al. VEMTBUL.AR ME $tE!CI.RCANAL.~ COCH4LUiA NZRV <- , SCWPtS GANUCON souacu.ARCAMAt. MACUL.A Of THE VMCIct MACULA OF THE SACULE. Figure 2, medial Labyrinth of .eft ear as viewed from the aspect. (Bioastronautic Da:ta Book, 10 NASA S?-3006) .%.ANTIRCR 40.. A Figure 3. General orienzation and- distbution of morPhological polarizavion vectors of (A) ut-icular and (B) saccular macul1ae. 1966) 11 (Spoendli.n, calcite called otoconia. crystals these crystals otolithic to "lag" behind as is When the head membrane. they move tilted, across they tend the dense to "slide" The threshold response is approximately 0.005g (Young and downhill. Meiry, tend During accelerations of the head where g - 9.81 m/sec/sec. 1970), The geometrical distribution of sensory cells along the macculae provides sufficient information so that both the magnitude and direction of the gravito-inertial determined. The utricles are most sensitive along the transverse to stimulus can be gravitational and inertial forces saccules are most sensitive to these forces along the sagital plane of the head while the plane (figure 3). Eye Movements Saccadic eye movements are characterized by rapid conjugate movements whereby the eyes "jump" from one point of fixation to another. The initial acceleration as well as the final saccadic eye movements is very high deceleration of these (ranging up to 40,000 deg/sec/sec). Both the peak velocity and duration are dependent on the magnitutde. The amplitude of the peak velocity may be as high as 600 deg/sec, while the duration varies from 30 to 120 msec. Smooth pursuit eye movements are used when tracking slow moving visual targets (ranging from 1 to 30 deg/sec.) Apparently the purpose of this type of conjugate eye movement is to maintain a moving image on the fovea without the influence of saccades. pursuit movements seem to be limited 12 to The velocity of smooth less than 40 deg/sec. An of this slow-tracking mechanism is that it important characteristic Attempts to track requires the existence of an actual moving target. conjugate feedback, eye movements. in smooth normallly do not result "imaginary" slow moving targets, found that, however (1978) Nakayoma with subjects can be trained to make these smooth movements. Compensatory eye movements are generally imooth movements which are very much like pursuit movements, target on the fovea, except compensatory eye movements attempt to stabilize the The maximum velocity is faster than entire visual field on the retina. foveal smooth pursuit movements, Compensatory eye movements occur entire visual field that instead of maintaining a in response to coherent motion of the well as in response as (optokinetic eye movements) or neck (cervico- to movements of the head (vestibulo-ocular reflex) ocular reflex). 120 deg/sec. high as as ranging Vestibular eye movements are influenced by both the semicircular canals and the otoliths. is sufficiently If the amplitude of the compensatory movement great, nystagmus results. phase. image Nystagmus consists of both a slow and fast The slow phase corresponds to a smooth pursuit movement where an is movement stabilized on the retina. The fast phase where the eyes "jump" to pick up another image. is then tracked during another slow phase component. is a saccadic This new image Thus, a saw-tooth pattern emerges during this oscillatory motion. R cording Eye Movements A corneo-retinal potential difference between 0.2 and 1 my normally exists during steady state illumination. 13 This is the basis for one of the simplest, most inexpensive electro-oculaography This bioelectric (EOG). Thus, level of light adaptation. 60 minutes prior Realistically to 5 to the level to be used during adaptation should occur (Young experiment 15 minutes the subject for stable EOG recordings, Ideally this actual experiment. should with the potential varies should be allowed to adapt to the ambient light the movements - of recording eye techniques prove to and for 30 Sheena, be to 1975). sufficient (see appendix C). As the eye rotates or moves, the corneo-retinal dipole rotates with it. Therefore the potential difference measured by electrodes to the temples varies as the sine of the angle of deviation. attached For small angles w < pi/4 (45 degrees) sin w = w is within 10%. The major difficulties encountered with EOG are muscle artifacts, particularly interference of the eyelids during blinking, and variations in the corneo-retinal potential. factors such as light electrode/skin These variations are caused by several adaptation and subject alertness. The recording interface is also (see Appendix a major source of drift C). Vestibular Nomenclature When refering to these experiments tent frame of reference. well as Figure 5 3) X-Z, is helpful to have a consis- Using the nomenclature found in Figure 4 as the four positions utilized acceleration while seated upright; lying supine; it 2) Y-X, fore-aft acceleration 14 are: 1) Y-Z, lateral acceleration while while seated upright; and 4) lateral Z-X, longitudinal acceleration while lying supine. vector refers to the direction of motion relative (Note, to the head while the second vector corresponds to the direction of gravity relative head.) 15 the first to the VEST!6LtAR NOMENCLATURE &CrMTAN0ECUS RUM1AXNT LJAR A 7A, + A,, + ACE'RATCN OF TWE HEA0 UtS: bh/wne',"ba"Es d 9.s iA2 VECTOR C=MPONENTS WNNgATICS PONW) sAsIC .T1MUu UNEAR ANO ANGULAR ACCELRATION NUTATION WMTANWNEOUS RESL1WNT ANGULAR ACCEI.ERATION OF THE HEA ft/90 i - Ias + j+a, + UNJTS. ;g 'qwnw. seg. deqise. VECTOR COMPONENTS (grabAiY Fu) +2 i, AT. a urtt voreom awor m o we a, y,Z GAUS direved A -x i Alt *A1 A to wcUude -2 +X POLARITY CONVENTiONS wel a ~VutwwW. IWflal -1 a eee.n, .' iawe @C3Ier?gs -z POLARITY CONVENTICNS +2 SA + z 2 +YSWr -7 -"om + -Alt ye +AY +AY+a -2. f mpg wod nft m~ -2 Figure 4. Vestibular nomenclature. -?d yaw nett -Z (Hixs-on, Niven, and Correia, 1966) 16 -Y +Y - Y-z gravity (-Z) +z-Z Z-Y gravity C-Y) +Z -z 4 z-x gravity (-X) Figure 5. Nomenclature for sled motion stimulus conditions. The direction of motion is given first, followed by the direction of gravity. (Arrott, 1982) 17 Past Experimentation Previous experiments on both animals and humans have been conducted to study the effects of linear acceleration on eye movements. (1931) found that vertical using horizontal eye movements could be elicited linear accelerations. responses in either dogs or humans. experiments on a parallel regular, swing, not nystagmic. humans using vertical Jongkees (1961) McCabe (1964) Kapteyn (1972) experiments and Niven, Hixson, swing. moved with the body. the left body 1) (Z-X vertical obtained: sinusoidal the 2) accelerations Bles conducted by Bles and Bles and Kapteyn linear accelerations lying on the right side; 3) lying on both horizontal and However the patterns seen were subjects Lying on the back, movements, eyes were along the lengthwise axis of the and Kapteyn observed the twenty-two 1) and They were placed in each of three (right eye moving differently For were and vertical eye movements for each eye. consistent. chinchillas The subjects were instructed to keep their supine). disconjugate were All to be The subject's head was suspended so that it lying on the back; side. conducted human He found that rhythmic and Correia (1966). closed and assume a reverie state. positions: reproduce these nystagmus in all three. on humans generated a combination of horizontal using a parallel tested cats, linear accelerations. recent in rabbits but found the eye movements vertical linear acceleration could elicit Two more He could Sjoberg for the left tested, six subjects eye) and not the following results exhibited horizontal even though there was no acceleration stimulus in horizontal direction. Two of 18 these six showed disconjugate sinusoidal movements with double subjects had vertical disconjugate side, right only one subject exhibited vertical eye movements. in six of these, it subjects showed horizontal sinusoids, int the Lying on the 3) lower eye only; Lying on the 2) eye movements. Fifteen was present they observed side, left other Two swing frequency. the fourteen subjects with horizontal sinusoidal eye movements. subjects exhibited vertical eye movements only in the lower and Kapteyn claim that their head suspension electrode Bles eye. system eliminated the due to that the eye movement signals seen were artifacts possibility Eleven and skin motion. Niven, Hixson, and Correia conducted their a device which is capable of producing Acceleration Platform (CAP), on a 45 foot track. accelerations horizontal linear on the Coriolis tests The stimulus used consisted of three sinusoidal oscillations, all with a peak acceleration The frequencies of 0.58g. were 0.2, the body was secured to the subject position as on the to These orientations of oscillation. the back with transverse acceleration vector and plane normal xz the sagital acceleration vector; in 1 except subject Each of 2) Y-Z sitting upright; xy four orientations and exposed to all lying on the back such that perpendicular In these experiments, seat with straps. subjects was placed in four different three frequencies 0.8 Hz. fixed in a custom-molded plaster cast, the subject's head was rigidly while 0.4, head plane were: head 1) Y-X, plane was subject in same 3) Z-X, subject lying perpendicular to the 4) Subject sitting upright with frontal yz head to the track motion. "maintain a straight ahead gaze The subjects at all 19 were instructed times" during to cab oscillations. the cab was closed After the subjects' eye movements had been calibrated light-tight and the tests were conducted in this configuration. the recordings were made with eyes closed. minutes with the first run lasted Each test 2 60 seconds being ignored due to transient effects that supposedly take place during that time. To increase the nystagmic response mental arithmetic and verbal "chatter" were used. experiments, Some of the subject's head was rigidly fixed in place In these with a custon-made plaster cast, while the body was secured to the seat with straps. For eyes open and eyes closed, the 1st and 2nd orientations, applied to the subject's horizontal nystagmus was elicited in in which the acceleration stimulus was y-axis. Horizontal nystagmus was not observed in orientations 3 and 4, in which the stimulus was in the z-axis planes. Vertical nystagmus was never observed. at approximately remained constant both Y-Z and Y-Z axis stimuli. 0.4, and 0.8 were 20, are relative to 31, 10 frequencies for lags for the frequencies 0.2, deg/sec The phase and 38 degrees The mean peak eye velocity for all respectively. These phase lags the negative acceleration vector. Vidic (1976) investigated the role of the otoliths fixation points during earth vertical displacements fixation tests conducted recorded. very erratic of the body. eye These movements were primarily saccadic, smooth tracking movements. straight in the dark, in tracking During movements were with very little Normal subjects that were instructed to look ahead exhibited no signs of vertical nystagmus. 20 METHODS By periodic linear accelerations, Experiments of development. understanding a better exhibited during of the otolith- were conducted on twenty-three subjects in four phases Seven subjects were used in preliminary experiments motion profiles, Results instructions. movements can be gained. ocular response determine eye compensatory the studying recording conditions, and to subject were obtained from fourteen subjects using three protocols. distinct Subjects were placed on a rail-mounted linear acceleration cart which provides earth horizontal to varying acceleration, sinusoidal accelerations. In addition a range of frequencies was also used. Eye movements were recorded using standard EOG techniques. E quipment The MIT Sled Facility 1979) The MIT Sled (Lichtenberg, along two circular rails designed chair (Abramson, bushings on four ball 1983) consists of a cart which runs (figure 6). is mounted on top of the cart which is driven by a torque motor connected to a winch drum, assembly. Subjects are A newly placed in adjustable four point seat belt. the chair cable, and pulley and restrained by an The head is firmly restrained special helmet which is attached to the frame of the cart. in a This helmet is a prototype of the helmet to be used in the Spacelab experiments. 21 i4 Cart Motor rails winch cable , 7- FIgure 6. The M.I.T. motion. Bled showing the components which achieve cart The chair is not depicted. (Lichtenberg, 1979) rails The aluminum cart is a simple box frame guided along the by four pillow blocks with recirculating linear ball bearing bushings. rails are one inch in diameter and are made of hardened steel. rails are 5 meters long, block walls. 1.7 meters apart and mounted on top of concrete One rail is rigidly fixed to its concrete wall, thus concrete wall. is held more losely on top The other rail properly aligning the cart. of its The two is aligned by the ball Therefore it bushing as the cart moves along the track. A cable is attached to both sides of the cart and is wound around a pulley at one end of the track and a winch drum at the other. 600 pounds of tension to help improve the dynamic response of is under the cart. magnet driven by a 3.5 hp DC permanent The winch drum is directly torque controller motor The cable (GE using motor (Inland PWM Hi-Ac pulse-width TTB-5302-100c.) Servo-drive controller and modulation controller also serves as a current An analog Model 3A) tachometer velocity controls the feedback. generator which allows The the velocity of the cart to be proportional to low-current voltage signals applied to the controller. A ten-turn potentiometer is mounted on the motor shaft, while an accelerometer is mounted on the chair near the subject's head. These sensors as well as the motor shaft tachometer are used to moniter and control the motion profile of the sled. The sled Digital CART, of the is controlled by the DEC An interactive Lab Peripheral System (LPS). written by A.P. Arrott (1980), sled throughout PDP-ll/34 minicomputer FORTRAN program, provides "real time" remote the experiment. control The computer program generates velocity commands for the analog controller which executes 23 and the given The Position and velocity feedback are used to provide a motion profile. In addition, safety interlock. the computer records and stores the The EOG calibration physical and physiological signals of interest. controlled by also the which provides computer is on-line diagnostics of the EOG signal's, reporting any warnings or other messages which might be useful to the experimenter. Helmet Throughout the experiment helmet by a contoured stiff subject's head is restrained foam liner six inches deep, in the which extends in leaving on to two inches clearance for the horizontal front of the ears, To help eliminate electrodes. the all sources of light leaks, a shroud is placed around the subject's neck and securely attached to the helmet Inside the helmet, itself. a light array is fixed, (approximately five inches from the subject's eyes) from which the EOG calibrations are made. The EOG amplifier is mounted on the side of the helmet. addition, In a fan is mounted to the helmet in order to maintain proper ventilation. EOG Amplifier The EOG amplifier consists of a differential isolation amplifier (Analog Devices 284J) at the input followed by a stage of high gain low pass amplifier. The isolation amplifier prevents dangerous from being passed through the subject. amplifier is 20 Hz, and it currents The low pass frequency of the has adjustable gain levels ranging from 10 to 3000. 24 Light Array The light array found inside the helmet consists of five LED lights subject fixate on a given light when it Both the horizontal and is lit. light. from a center lights are 15 degrees vertical can be made by having the Calibrations of eye movements (figure 5). Thus a horizontal sequence, is made by having the subject look at the light calibration left, center, "right, measurement this type [microvolts/degree] sensitivity of From center." sensitivities ranged from 5 to 20 microvolts/degree of is a calibration made. Typical for both horizontal and vertical eye movements. Description of the Experiments The results presented in this thesis were obtained from three In the first distinct protocols, performed on different subjects. protocol (protocol I) some initial characteristics all profile room of these experiments repeated lateral (Y-Z) 2) turned off; lights three times; 3) tests were performed. were: 1) they were only three profiles All runs were done The major conducted were run, with each in the upright position and only horizontal eye movements were recorded. The second set of experiments (protocol II) were conducted under the following conditions: 1) all room lights were off; 2) eight separate runs were made in two different orientations, position, and the fore-aft supine (Z-X) 25 the upright position; 3) lateral (Y-Z) in the upright only horizontal position eye crew members of preflight/postflight Spacelab test conditions for these room lights on. 1 in 1) conjunction being series tests were: only was performed on the group of experiments (protocol III) A final while recorded, in the supine positions. vertical eye movements were recorded six were movements with conducted the for INS102 NASA. The the experiments were conducted with The helmet and shroud were to provide total darkness. However there were problems with light leaks. 2) Eight runs were made in the Y-Z and Z-X orientations. motor, all of the particular, there 0.8 Hz. runs were were However, not problems with due conducted to overheating on every the 0.9g profiles general gaze at all protocol times, Also, by thirteens. was for all these hoped was the same. to "maintain a straight ahead was asked to count backwards from a thousand This instruction was given for two specific reasons. counting would increase measure to keep the mental of the eye subject's description of the protocol movements alertness, Secondly, movements. Between each run, an EOG calibration sensitivity and 3. being sure not to fixate on any real or imaginary the subject that diversionary 2, experiments improving the quality of nystagmic response. the In The orientations, motion profiles, and experiment conditions in First, the subject was given instructions point." subject. the at both 0.4 and each of the three protocols are summarized in tables 1, The of being mind was off thereby was used as a of made to recorded. is provided in Appendix A. 26 it It A his eye determine detailed TABLE 1 PROTOCOL I # of Cycles Type Parameters 1 Sine 0.06g 0.lHz 40sec 4 2 Sine 0.2g 0.2Hz 40sec 8 3 Sine 0.9g 0.4Hz 40sec 16 Profile # Duration Orientations: Upright Repetitions: Each run performed three times. Room Conditions All room lights turned off. # of Subjects: Three. Subject Codes: XIC, X1J, and Protocol File: X1SB4.PCL lateral Y-Z only. IS. 27 TABLE 2 Protocol II Type Parameters 1 Sine 0.6g 0.28Hz 36sec 10 2 Sine 0.05g 0.09Hz 44sec 4 3 Sine 0.2g 0.18Hz 44sec 8 4 Sine 0.lg 0.13Hz 46sec 6 5 Sine 0.9g 0.4Hz 40sec 16 6 Sine 0.2g 0.4Hz 40sec 16 7 Sine 0.6g 0.8Hz 40sec 32 8 Sine 0.lg 0.4Hz 40sec 16 Prof ile Duration # of Cycles Orientations: Upright lateral (Y-Z), and fore-aft supine (Z-X). Repetitions: Each run was performed once Room Conditions: All room lights turned off. # of Subjects: Four. Subject Codes: Xl, Protocol File: XlSBSM.PCL 12, X13, and X14. 28 in each orientation. TABLE 3 Protocol III Profile # Type Parameters 1 Sine 0.6g 0.28Hz 43 sec 12 2 Sine 0.9g 0.4Hz 40sec 16 3 Sine 0.2g 0.2Hz 40sec 8 4 Sine 0.6g 0.4Hz 40sec 16 5 Sine 0.6g 0.56Hz 39sec 22 6 Sine 0.9g 0.8Hz 40sec 32 7 Sine 0.2g 0.4Hz 40sec 16 8 Sine 0.6g 0.8Hz 40sec 32 rientations: Duration # of Cycles Upright lateral (Y-Z) and fore-aft supine (Z-X) Repetitions: Each profile was performed once in each orientation. Room Conditions: Room lights were on. Darkness provided by helmet and shroud. # of Subjects: Six. Subject Codes: NiB, N2B, N3B, N4B, N5B, and N6B. Protocol File: XlCBT.PCL 29 RESULTS Preliminary Experiments Preliminary experiments were performed on seven subjects. Although experiments did not yield any useful data for analysis, they did these resolve several important issues. subject were First, the instructions given to found to strongly influence the eye movements Initially, the that subjects interpreted this to mean "look at a most Because the instructions were to gaze straight ahead. room lights a obtained. It appears fixed point." were on and the helmet and. shroud did not provide complete darkness, it was possible for subjects to look at dimly lit features inside the helmet. not move Under, these conditions the eyes much and no evidence of nystagmus or very compensatory did eye movements was observed. Instructions to the subject were modified to include the statement, "do not fixate on any point, were asked subject lighting real or imaginary". perform mental arithmetic. to In addition, This helped alert and kept his mind of his eye movements. was to subjects keep The problem resolved by reducing the light in the room to the the of lowest level compatible with safety considerations. Results with Protocol I Evidence of horizontal nystagmus was clearly exhibited in during the 0.9g 0.4 Hz profiles. Figure 7 shows that 30 the subjects response 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 10 15 20 30 3 05 140 0 30& 20 10 0 -10 -20 20 25 X1C109 0.9G 0.4H-z Fig. Horizontal eye position (in velocity YZ ti re Csec) 7 degrees) during linear motion. Cart is presented arbitrarily scaled to indicate phase. 31 becomes distinct at the highest acceleration trend in the response, is a definite it amplitude. Although there to assess is difficult the of increasing frequency or acceleration since they are both effects coupled in this protocol. The average slow phase velocity for the 0.9g 0.4 Hz profiles was 20.4 deg/sec with an average phase lag of -139 deg. in the following sections (All phase lags discussed are with respect to cart velocity.) The major function of the tests conducted with this protocol was to the conditions necessary to obtain horizontal nystagmus. determine The major conclusions drawn from this protocol were: 1) verified importance of 2) verified need for complete darkness; 3) demonstrated need for high acceleration to obtain an adequate Plots of selected instructions; stimulus. runs for this and subsequent protocols are presented. in Appendix D. Results with Protocol II These were the first the Z-X, experiments performed which included tests in longitudinal supine orientation. again obtained of horizontal nystagmus While clear evidence was (figure 8) in the upright orien- tation, none of these subjects exhibited significant compensatory vertical eye movements in the supine position. This protocol was designed to include the conditions to be used for similar experiments using the European 32 Space Agency Flight Sled to be I 30 20 10 0 10 30 15 0 I 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 5 20 X 12105 0.9g 40 30 YZ 0.4Hz t tmeCsec) Fig. 8 Horizontal eye position (in degrees) during linear motion.. Cart velocity is presented arbitrarily scaled to indicate phase. 33 on flown the Mission D-1 profiles acceleration For in 1985. were included in the protocol. From confirmed. was required these results, low However, the acceleration from the previous experiments that sufficient finding several reason this a it appears is minimum amplitude of 0.2g is required to obtain compensatory eye movements. Results with Protocol III (Spacelab Crew Testing) The eye movements recorded with this movements - were obtained in all subjects for at amplitudes (0.6g and 0.9g) acceleration tion. the of protocol evidence of nystagmus (figure 9) although distinct little eye majority However, compensatory the least in the lateral upright orientain Vertical compensatory eye movements were observed (figure in only two subjects during several runs in the Z-X orientation A higher two subjects did show signs of nystagmic response Y-Z orientation. 10). show more typical vertical eye movement recored is shown in Figure 11. The protocol with the shroud. only major difference in experimental conditions between were III tests and the previous ones was that they room The light leakage. lights on and the helmet surrounded new shroud, while an improvement, by a the performed redesigned still permitted some As a result, dim, diffuse light was observed inside the helmet by the subjects. Despite the absence of the characteristic fast phases of nystagmus, the distinct analysis. horizontal compensatory eye movements were amenable to Since protocol III includes four profiles at an amplitude of 34 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 10 15 2 D 20 0 -10 - 20 -30 20 30 N2S 101 0.6g 0.28z 40 YZ T (Ie Csec) Fig. 9 Horizontal eye position (in degrees) during linear motion. Cart velocity is presented arbitrarily scaled to indicate phase. 35 30 20 -2 10 0 -10 - - -20 -30 0 5 10 20 25 20 20 20 10 0 10- 20 30 N1S 1 115 0 . Fig. Vertical eye position (in 7 S-z 10 degrees) during linear motion. Cart velocity is presented arbitrarily scaled to indicate phase. 36 30 20 10 0 -1 -10 -A -20 - 30 20 10 0 30 20 1 10 0 1 -10 - ~ AN -20 -~ I 20 20 30 N31 16 0.6g 0.8Hz Fig. Vertical i r-e C secD II eye position (in degrees) during linear motion. Cart velocity is presented arbitrarily scaled to indicate phase. 37 while the frequency varies from 0.28 Hz to 0.8 Hz, 0.6g dependence of the response can be investigated. three profiles includes Similarly, the protocol at 0.4 Hz with acceleration amplitudes of 0.2g, From these, amplitude dependence and linearity can be and 0.9g. 0.6g, frequency the assessed. If gain the the response is expressed as the over m/s), then gain is this increasing frequency for a constant observed is difficult to determine to the nature of of the velocity increase acceleration of 0.6g. increases over this same range (figure 12). it ratio slow phase eye velocity to the amplitude of cart amplitude of (deg/sec of The phase with lag Beyond these observations, the frequency response without experiments extending over a wider frequency range. Relating frequency (fig 13). the phase velocity (SPV) to accelerations at a reveals that the SPV increases as the acceleration Linear regression of this relation gives a slope deg/sec/g. 38 constant increases of 9.8 BODE PLOT 3.0- N5 N6 Ni N2 N3 4 2.0 NI N3 N2 1.0N6 N5 0.28 0.4 0.56 0.8 Log Frequency(Hz) 0.8 0.56 0.4 0.28 w F'- N3 Ni - 90 N3 Ni N5 N2 180 N5 Fig. 12 39 LINEARITY PLOT Ni 12.0± Slow Phase Velocity (deg.sec) N2 6.0-N5 N3 3.1 N1 2 .0-- N5 N2 1.0 N3 0.6 0.2 0.9 Acceleration (g) Constant Frequency 0.4Hz Fig. 13 40 DISCUSSION can be readily Horizontal nystagmus and compensatory eye movements given elicited an adequate the subjects correspondence is not much direct Protocols between profiles) I, 0.2Hz). difference (i.e. several and Protocol II III, that there is a examination of the time series plots clearly illustrates remarkable at tested. Although there identical 0.2g were not present in most of on the other hand, Vertical eye movements, that (greater stimulus in responses obtained under the two lighting conditions. Tests conducted with all room lights off produced highly compensatory eye movements (smooth nystagmic responses while either movements) there was or greatly reduced nystagmic responses are mainly seen when of conducting the experiments result underlines This diffuse light present. in total darkness. the necessity If this condition cannot be attained using the helmet and shroud,then provisions should be conduct these tests with room lights turned off. made to There is also a noticable difference in the magnitude of the slow phase velocity under the two different lighting conditions. In general the magnitudes of the slow phase velocity are higher for those tests conducted in complete darkness. Subject responses obtained under conditions of diffuse lighting exhibit, subjects few, clear among themselves, two distinct consistantly exhibited if any, saccades. nystagmus responses. Three of the smooth compensatory *eye movements with Two of the remaining three subjects exhibited a but of greatly reduced 41 slow phase velocity when compared with the nystagmus observed under conditions of complete dark- ness. Figure profiles 14 displays in Protocol I, Gain is the the gain and phase relationship Protocol III, amplitude ratio and the results phase eye velocity is referenced the origin. of 0.4 Hz while to cart velocity and is depicted as an All data included the acceleration were obtained at a frequency amplitude was 0.58g, a nystagmic response (Niven et al., mic responses from Protocol III) and -140 degrees. In contrast, the 0.6g, or 0.9g. that for subjects Protocol phase the Protocol both 0.6g and 0.9g who and the nystagbetween -120 III subjects with smooth -40 decidedly phase advanced of the nystagmic responses. included I, angles are compensatory responses have phase angles between with Protocol III to The phase angle of slow The most distinctive feature of this plot is exhibit of Niven et al. of slow phase eye velocity (deg/sec m/sec) and is represented as vector magnitude. angle about for comparable and -50 degrees - Responses obtained amplitudes at 0.4Hz. For both the nystagmic and smooth responses the trends of higher gain and increasing phase lag with higher amplitude of acceleration are apparent. Overall, the nystagmic responses at this frequency show good aggreement with Niven et al. while the smooth compensatory responses are significantly different. responses observed However, where comparable, in this study are only in partial the frequency agreement with Niven et al. Both studies indicate an increasing phase lag between 0.2 and 0.8Hz. In the present study the gain was observed to increase with frequency whereas Niven et al. found a constant gain over the same 42 POLAR PLOT Niven et al. Protocol I 0 A) 0.58g 0.4Hz 0.9c 0.4Hz Protocol III (nystagmic) Protocol III Csmooth) 0 degrees -180 degrees Cart velocit.y 0.6g 0.4Hz - 0.6g 0.4Hz 0.9g 0.4Hz 0.9g 0.4Hz 0.9g 0.4Hz 0.58g 0.4Hz a (Niven et al. Fig. 14 Polar Plot 43 Reference) frequency range. In comparing the results of Niven et al with those of the there is an additional consideration of data analysis which study, to differences. contribute the present Niven et al. found the peak SPV by measuring cycle, maximum slope of the eye movement recordings for each taking the mean of these measurements. The data analysis and techniques used for this thesis took the nystagmic response and removed all of saccades using may a detection algorithm developed by Massoumnia the (1983). The cumulative eye position record that resulted was differentiated with a 9 point digital filter to obtain the slow phase velocity (Massoumnia, A sinusoidal fit for the amplitude and phase of the SPV was then 1983). made (Arrott, reflects the 1982). slow It is felt that this method more phase velocity than the maximization Niven et al. 44 accurately procedure of SUMMARY During linear can consistantly be obtained, nystagmus appears can evidence nystagmic 0.2g. In order to a be light compensatory eye Over the limited frequency range of testing possible on the the repsonse dynamics are not clearly clear trend discernable. However, of rising gain and increasing phase lag was observed the range 0.2 - 0.8 Hz. 0.2g - only elicit It would appear that even small amounts of diffuse sled, good horizontal response the amplitude of the stimulus should transform a highly nystagmic response to smooth, movements. of while vertical nystagmus in a small fraction of the population. horizontal above acceleration in the dark, amplitude a over Measurements at a frequency of 0.4 Hz indicated linearity with respect 0.9g. 45 to acceleration over the range SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH In order to completely test reflex, more the linearity tests should be conducted. of the otolith-ocular If possible the frequency band should be expanded in order to determine the specific behavior of the otoliths. The MIT Sled Facility is somewhat because of track length and motor torque nystagmus is more easily elicited, limiting limitations. more studies in this respect Since horizontal should be done to completely understand the function of the system in the Y-Z orientation. Once this examining analysis is the affects completed, of then the other more energy orientations. could be spent The Y-X acceleration with the subject lying supine would be particularly interesting to examine. Theoretically one would expect to see horizontal nystagmus since the visual field that the subject would be viewing is moving along this axis. If this Also this result is the case, it would confirm the findings of Niven et al. would be interesting to compare the responses of the Y-X acceleration to the Y-Z acceleration to see if the gain and phase are similar. For the 1NS102 ground based experiments, only the nystagmus Y-Z lateral is not time is limited, Finally, effects of upright consistantly position exhibited the Z-X fore-aft an independent electrode/skin be it is recommended tested. in all Since subjects, that vertical and testing supine tests should be discontinued. test should artifacts. If be these made artifacts change the nature of the eye recordings being made, measurement technique may need to be employed. 46 to determine the significantly then an alternate Of particular concern in this especially near the during large amplitude stimuli. If area is the possible movement of the skin, horizontal recording electrodes, present, correlated, this type of movement could introduce signals that obscure the eye movements taking place. 47 spurious, albeit which are actually BIBLIOGRAPHY Arrott, "'orsional Eye Movements A.P. tions", Balliet R, in Response to Linear Accelera- Thesis, MIT,1982. S.M. Nakayama K. Training of Voluntary Torsion. Insvet Ophthalmol Visual Sci 1978;17:303-14 Bles, W. and Kapteyn, T. S. (1973) Seperate Recording of the Movements of the Human Eye During Parallel Swing Tests. Actaotolaryngol 75:6- 9. Lichtenberg, B. tion, Sc.D. K., "Ocular Counterrolling Induced by Linear Accelera- Thesis, MIT, 1979. Human Ocular Lichtenberg, B. K., Young, L. R., and Arrott, A. P. (1982) Accelerations. Linear by Varying Induced Couterrolling Experimental Brain Res 48: 127-136. Massoumnia, "Detection of Fast Phase of Nystagmus Using Digital M., Filtering", S.M. Thesis, MIT, 1983. F. McCabe, B. Laryngscope V. (1964) 76. Nystagmus Response of the Otolith Organs. of Niven, J. I., Hixson, W. C., and Correia, M. J. (1966) Elicitation Otolar. Acta Acceleration. Linear Periodic by Nystagmus Horizontal 62:429-441. Oman, Charles M. (1982) "Space Motion Sickness and Vestibular Experiments in Spacelab", SAE Technical Paper 820833. Tole, Background and Procedures for Electro-oculography. J.R., Harvard/MIT Biomedical Engineering Center. 1979. Spacelab Mission I Experiment Descriptions, NASA, 1982. Vidic, T.R., "Clinical Test for Abnormal Human Response eration", S.B. Thesis, MIT, 1976. Weiss, J.A., "Motion Artifacts in Surface to Linear Accel- Electrodes," S.B. Thesis, MIT, 1976. Young, L.R., Effects of Linear Acceleration on Vetibular Nystagmus. Progress Report, NASA Grant NGR 22-009-156. "Cross-coupling Between Effects of Linear and (1972) L.R., Young, Bibl. Ophthalm. Angular Acceleration on Vestibular Nystagmus", 82:116-121. 48 L.R. Human Orientation in Space. Young, AIAA Dryden Lecture in Research, 1982. Young, L.R. and Meiry, AMRL-TR-66-209; J.L., (1969) "A Revised Dynamic Otolith Model", Aerospace Medicine 39:606-608. 49 Appendix A: Detailed Protocol F07-SB Experiment Crew Baseline Testing MIT April 19-21, 1983 Test Protocol 1. Sled Preparation 2. Helmet Preparation 3. Subject Preparation 50 1. Sled Preparation 1.1 SLED: Place chair in proper axis. 1.2 HELMET: Mate helmet and cables to chair. 1.3 HELMET: Attach EOG amplifier and leads. 1.4 SLED: Start sled and computer 1.5 SLED: Load Protocol file XICBT.PCL. 1.6 SLED: Set computer options. 1.7 SLED: Enable sequential data storage. 1.8 SLED: Perform stationary sled safety test. 1.9 SLED: Perform empty sled motion test. 2. 2.1 systems. Helmet Preparation Helmet: Check function of the following: light array fan masking noise communication system 2.2 HELMET: Check to see that everything on the helmet is secure. 3. Subject Preparation 3.1 SUBJECT: Apply five electrodes to subject 3.2 SUBJECT: Check electrodes with impedance meter. 3.3 SUBJECT/HELMET: Place subject in chair and adjust helmet height. 3.4 SUBJECT/SLED: Adjust foot rests. 3.5 SUBJECT: Attach body restraint straps and secure subject. 3.6 SUBJECT: Check level of masking noise and communication system. 51 3.7 SUBJECT/HELMET: Attach EOG leads to electrodes. 3.8 SUBJECT: Give subject panic button and demonstrate. 3.9 SUBJECT: Give subject instructions for the test. 3.10 HELMET: Lower helmet. 3.11 SLED: Zero offset and perform. manual EOG calibration. 3.12 HELMET: 3.13 HELMET: Attach shroud. 3.14 SUBJECT: Obtain subject's comments on light leaks. Turn on fan and masking noise. 52 F07-SB Timeline TIME(min:sec) ITEM TO BE COMPLETED 00:00 Begin Experiment F07-SB 05:00 Subject 07:00 Zero the offset 08:00 Do EOG calibration 09:00 Run Profile #1 09:30 Do EOG calibration 10:30 Run Profile #2 11:00 Do EOG calibration 12:00 Run Profile #3 12:30 Do EOG calibration 13:30 Run Profile #4 14:00 Do EOG calibration 15:00 Run Profile #5 15:30 Do EOG calibration 16:30 Run Profile #6 17:00 Do EOG calibration 18:00 Run Profile #7 18:30 Do EOG calibration 19:30 Run Profile #8 20:00 Do EOG calibration 26:00 Change orientation of the sled 29:00 Subject secured in chair 31:00 Zero Offset Secured in Sled 53 32:00 Do EOG calibration 33:00 Run Profile #1 33:30 Do EOG calibration 34:30 Run Profile #2 35:00 Do EOG calibration 36:00 Run Profile #3 36:30 Do EOG calibration 37:30 Run Profile #4 38:00 Do EOG calibration 38:30 Run Profile #5 39:00 Do EOG calibration 40:00 Run Profile #6 40:30 Do EOG calibration 41:30 Run Profile #7 42:00 Do EOG calibration 43:00 Run Profile #8 43:30 Do EOG calibration 48:00 Subject out of sled 49:00 Secure sled 50:00 End of Experiment F07-SB 54 Appendix B: Electrode Study In the thesis, first process of conducting the initial several questions concerning concern experiments the electrodes was whether or not the offset for this were raised. The potential between the proper EOG amplifier performance. electrodes was The offset potential is the difference between the potentials at the skin-electrode within the range interface metal-electrode and the junction potentials that exist interface of the electrodes (Weiss 1981). long should the electrodes be state? for Thirdly, how allowed important is to "settle" the use at the Secondly, how or reach a steady of alcohol as a skin preparation? Since the corneo-retinal potential is in the range of 0.2-1.0 my, the offset pontential between any two electrodes is very important. The EOG amplifier was designed for optimal performance for offset potentials of less than 125 mv. important, to stability of the electodes especially when scheduling subjects Therefore constraints. need The be on the subject Finally, if the use of then its use In this it is also very within strict time is useful to know how long the electrodes before alcohol reliable has no recordings bearing on electode can be made. performance, can be discontinued. study, Infant ECG Electrodes (Hewlett-Packard Trace Pellet Electrodes (MED1901 FB08042), Electrodes In order (Part No. Harco 157 three different electrodes were examined: 9430-300). 55 Part No. 14389(H157)), Medi- and Marquette Electronics ECG to study the offset potentials of the electrodes, 7-9 were electrodes placed on the After 30 minutes were allowed for the electrodes author's down, to settle potentials between the various pairs of electrodes were made. of the data gathered Figure B1, B2, and B3. All offset potentials are absolute time of the electrodes, offset potentials between two A summary electrodes values. recordings of were made over a period of 15 (Figure B4.) Offset potentials the use the as well as histograms are shown in Table BI and To determine the settling minutes. forehead. of alcohol and settling times were measured with and without to study its effects. (Figure B5) Conclusions The Harco and Meditrace Elecrodes have small offset potentials ranging up Electrodes to are only offset generally higher, However all three electrodes amplifier The 40mv. performance. ten to fifteen of the Marquette with a maximum of approximately 65mv. are within the desired range for proper EOG The Harco and Meditrace down more quickly than the Marquette's. after potential minutes while Electrodes The Harco Electrodes the Meditrace ten minutes. The Marqeutte Electrodes settle down. More importantly, also take at are least settle settle down stabilized after twenty minutes to the difference in offset potentials from the initial placement and twenty minutes later is more than 20mv for the Marquette time, so Electrodes. Even if the offset you would like the changes that the consistant. Electrodes recordings While were found made conducting potentials are changing with to be small over short periods of time, during this an hour study, session several to have very high offset potentials 56 are of the f- irly H 5 (greater than the that 125mv that the EOG amplifier they not be used for can record). these experiments. the use of alcohol should be continued. Therefore, Finally, suggested appears The offset potentials when alcohol was not used are too high to be tolerated. 57 it it that recorded Table Bi Type of Electrode #samples #electrodes Mean(mv) Harco 157(alcohol) 57 16 11.22 0.3-26.5 51 16 10.94 0.4-38.5 Marquette (alcohol) 42 14 20.19 0.5-64.4 Medi-Trace (no alcohol)** 60 18 19.66 0.2-76.4 Medi-Trace (alcohol)* *One electrode had offset potential greater than 125mv. **Two electrodes had offset potentials greater than 125mv. 58 Range(my) 20 Harco Electrodes # of samples: 57 Mean 11.2mv 15 # of samples 10 5 10 15 20 25 Offset Potential Fig. BI 59 30 (mV) 10 # of 9- samples Marquette El ectrodes Total # of samples: 42 Mean: 20.2mv 7 6 543 215 0 15 20 45 50 Offset potential (mV) 30 25 Fig. .35 B2 60 40 55 U 03 # Of samples 20 Medi-Trace Electrodes Total # of samples: 51 Mean: 10.9mv 15 10 T .1. 5 T I5 10 15 20 30 2! i 35 Offset Potential (mv) Fig. B3 61 40 10. Medi -Trace El ectrodes of (without alcohol) Total # of samples: 60 Mean: 19.7mv samples 7t 4-. 3. 21. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60- Offset potential (mv) Fig. B4 62 75 80 Settling Times 30- A Harco Electrodes C Marquette Electrodes 0 Medi-Trace Electrodes 20S 'U 0 0D (D '1 0 0 10- (D 0 0 0 O 0((O 5- A 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Time(sec) Fig. 35 63 16 18 20 Appendix C: Individual Test Results The following pages contain the eye position records from selected tests as well as summaries of those tests. 64 Summary of Results subject- XlC protocol- I (XlSB4) Orientation- YZ Eyes - Horizontal data code stimulus frequency amplitude [az) [g] res ponse amplitude phase [deg/sec] Edeg] coherence [%] X2C101 XIC104 XlC107 0 06 0.06 0 06 0 1 0.1 0 1 0 90 0.94 0 24 -148 -41 -18 6 0.5 0 03 X1C102 X1C105 X1C108 0.2 0 2 0.2 0.2 0 2 0.2 2.54 3 09 1.48 -119 -104 -70 3 1 1 0.7 XIC103 XIC106 X1C109 0 9 0.9 0 9 0 4 0.4 0.4 39 45 30-95 26 26 -157 -134 -131 25 63 37 VAX/VMs *se PwLOT 1-MAY-13 03:01:27.28 gE2:(P3441.ARDTT.SPACELADIXICIO02A.PLT;2 AROTT wse VAX/VMU 20 10 30 0 10 20 20 30 40 20 10 -10 -20 - 30 xIC102 0. 2g 0.2"z YZ Horizontal eye position (in degrees) during t L --e C sec ) linear not ion. Carr velocity trace is presented arbitrarily scaled to indicate phase relationsnip. f vAX/yM s 18-MAY-LOW EN 03:02:28.59 XE2: [P3441.AAA.CTTSPACELAB1X1C103A.Pt.; I AARTT se VAX/VM8 20 10 0 -10 -20 A -30 2 0 10 0 -- 1 Iv~ 20 10 0 -10 -20 - :30 40 30 20 X 1C 103 0.Gg 0.4-4z Y7 Horizontal eye position (in degrees) T rIe Csec) during linear motion. Cart velocity trace is presented arbitrarily scaled to indicate phase relationship. VAX/V1 see ... VPLOT 1-KAY-1983 03:03:29.20 1S2:(P3441.AAOTr.SPAC..ABJXICIO4A.?PLT;I AAAOTT *s VAX/VWS 30 2010 0 -10 - 0 - -30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 302 20 - 10- - 10 -2Z - 30 20 X iC104 0.06g 0. 1?-z YZ Horizontal eye position (in degrees) during T ime Csec rinear motion. Cart velocity trace is presented arbitrarily scaled to indicate phase relationship. se VAX/VNM PEOPLT Ia-MAY- 1983 03:04: 34. 61 R2: (PS441.AAIOT SPACELABX1C108A .PLT; 1 AAO1T see VAX/VMB I 10 0 -le 10 -30 10 0 20 30 20 ~NJN~Ni~~ 0 -20 - I 20 I - - - 30 X LC 105 0.2g 0.2Hz Horizontal eye position (rn degrees) -- 40 YZ r ,me during linear motion. C sec D Cart velocity trace is presented arbitrarfily scaled to indicate phase relationship. VAX/VH3 *00 PVanLOT 18-MAY-193 03:05:34.87 20 RWE2: CP3441.AART.SPACELAB)X1CIO8A.PLT;1 AAR=T eme VAX/VM3 41A 10 0 -10 -20 -53 10 0 15 20 30 20 10 / 0 I -10 - 30 20 30 25 x 1C 106 0 . 9g 0 . 4HZ Horizontal eye position (in degrees) 35 YZ 40 It rle C s ec during linear motion. Cart veracity trace is presented arbitrarily scaled to indicate phase relationship. VAX/V1M see PEMPLOT 16-fAY-1963 03:06:14.06 3132:[P5441.AUCTT. SPACE.ABX1C107A.PLT;I ABBOTT se VAX/VMS 30 -5 10 - 0 -10 -20 -30 10 0 15 20 20 10 .0 -10 -20 20 30 x1107 0.08g 0. I"= 4orrzontal eye position (in degrees) 40 t rime C sec D during linear motion. Cart velocity trace is presented arbitrarily scaled to indicate phase relationsnip. VAX/Vg ese PZMKL= 19-MAY-1983 03:11:14.11 VE:2:(P3441.AA1TT.SPACELABIX1C1OA.PLT;I ARROT 006 VAX/VM 20 10 0 10 20 -30 0 152 0 05 I 1~ 20 10 l AV ~ ~ vN\ 0 -10 -20 - 30 40 30 20 x C 108 0.2g 0.2H z Yz r -ie C sec ) Horizontal eye position (in degrees) during linear motiOn. Cart velocity trace is presented arbitrarily scaled to indicate phase relationship. VX/VM *w0 PDfPWT 18-MAY-Ig3 03:13:04.75 IU2:CP3441.A3OTT.SPACELABIX1C109A.PLT;1 AAROTT s VAX/VM -vvvvVV" 30 10 0 -10 -20 30 - 0 10 15 20 20 10 0 -10 - 20 - 30 L / Vj 1~ 4\fW IF 20 40 x 1C 109 0 . 9G 0 .4H z Horizontal eye posit ion (;n deg rees) trace Y Z tr m eCs ec during linear mot ion. Cart veloci ty is presented arbitrarily scaled to indicate phase relationship. VAX/VI *.. 3- - PPUT 16-IAY-1963 03:13:06.76 ES2:CP3441.AARTT.SPACELABIX1C109A.PLT;1 AARTT VAX/VMS 20 10 0 -10 -20 - 30 0 510 20 25 15 20 35 40 30 20 -20 X1C109 0.9g 30 0.4Hz Horizontal eye position (in degrees) YZ t -ieCsec) during linear motion. Cart velocity trace is presented arbitrarily scaled to indicate phase relationship. Summary of Results subject- Nl protocol III (XlCBT) Orientation- YZ Eyes- Horizontal data code stimulus. frequency amplitude [HzJ [g] response amplitude phase Cdeg/sec] Cdeg] coherence C%] N1B104 NL1Bl08 0 2 0-2 0 2 0.4 2 51 2-.66 -87 -95 0 8 0.6 N1B102 NlB105 N1B106 N1BI09 0 6 0.6 0 6 0.6 0 28 0-4 0-56 0-8 5 23 4.69 4 99 7.19 -28 -50 -67 -79 5 3 5 8 N1B103 0 9 0 4 1181 -52 19 VAX/VM 000 PEOPOT .17-MAY-O93 21:42:02.33 3fE2: [P3441 .ARMTT.SPACE.AB N2B101A.PLT; I AlAOTT s* VAX/vMf 30 20 10 0 -10 / L0 0 20 / 30 20 10 % ttJ~J 0 10 -30 20 40 N2S 10 1 0 .g 0.2 8H z YZ - 'r-leC S ec Horizontal eye position (in degrees) during linear motion. trace Cart veloci ty is presented arbitrarily scaled to indicate phase relationshrip. VAX/Mviu PpWLfT 17-MAY-LMa3 21:27:07.39 3EU2:(P3441.AAR8TT.SPACE.ABIN1102A.PLT;1 AAROT se VAX/VMS 20 -20 -30 20 0 20 r~~ \a/i~A4 10 - 10 -20 - 30 40 30 20 N le 102 0.t=g 0.28H z YZ Horizontal eye position (in degrees) t - e C Sec during linear motion. Cart velocity trace is presented arbitrarily scaled to indicate phase relaionsetip. VAX/V@ see PLOT EN 17-MAY-193 21:31:00.81 ES2: CP3441.AA TT.SPACELAO)N18103A..PLT;1 AATr *e VAX/VMS 30 -V " ," 10 0 -10 30 0 20 VV 30 V 20 10 10 - 30 40 30 N 18 103 0.9g 0.4Hz YZ 7 me Cs Horizontal eye pasrtran (in degrees) during linear motion. eC) Cart velocity trace is presented arbitrarily scaled to indicate pnase relationship. vAX/vm se PErPL.T 17-MAY-19 21:39:14.64 Z132: (P3441.AMOTT.SPACZLABJI HS109A.PT.; 1 ARROTT se VAX/YM3 AAAAKAhA 20 10 0 10 20 0 10 20 '1 20 10 0 10 i %>1 t 2Q 0 30 25 N I 8 109 Horizontal trace o . eg 0 . 8"Zz eye position (in degrees) 40 3s i -e C s c during linear motion. Cart velocity is presented arbitrarily scaled to indicate phase relationship. VAX/VMS so PEPM.T 17-fAY-O93 21:32:43.57 RE2:[P3441.AAAOTT.SPACELA IN13104A.PLT;1 A*RUTT *** VAX/V1U 20 -2 10 0 -10 -20 -30 5 10 .iS D 20 aI 20 10 - 20 20 20 NIS104 Horizontal trace 0.6g 0.4Hz YZ Tr-ie eye position (in degrees) during linear motion. Csec) Cart velocity is presented arbitrarily scaled to indicate phase relationship. VAX/VMN PDPLOT 17-MAY-1903 21:35:41.94 U. IU2: P3441.AAMOTT.SPACELAIN1OIGA.PLT1 AATT se VAX/VMS 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 0 510 15 2530 3540 20 30 20 L 10 0 -10 -20 -30 20 N18106 0.eg O.56HZ Horizontal eye position (in trace degrees) YZ T -meCsec) during linear motion. Cart velocity is presented arbitrarily scaled to indicate phase relationship. VAx/w ... Pwniar 17-IAy-Is. 21:37:18. 11 RE2: (P3441.AIUTT.SPEACLA2IN1B1OSA.PL.T; 1 AA*OTT *** VAX/VMS 20 10 0 10 -30 20 10 0 20 10 -10 K A YYN 40 30 20 N B 108 0 2G 0.4Hz Horizontal eye position (in degrees) YZ T (Ge during linear motion. C Sec ) Cart veloci ty trace is presented arbitrarily scaled to indicate phase relationship. Sunmary of Results subject- N2 protocol- III (XlCBT) Orientation- YZ Eyes- Horizontal data code stimulus amplitude frequency EHz I [g] response . phase amplitude Cdeg/sec] Cdeg] coherence C%] N2BI03 N2B107 0 2 0.2 0 2 0.4 0.40 1.21 6 -188 0-. 1.2 N2B10 1 N2B104 N2B105 N2B108 0 6 0.6 0 6 0.6 0 28 0.4 0 56 0.8 3 74 4.66 4.30 6.00 -7 -45 -54 -91 8 10 7 12 N2B102 N2B106 0 9 0.9 0.4 0.8 9 80 13.75 -54 -93 27 45 VAX/Vi so PZ. M 17-Y-1963 21:44:29.84 =E2: (P3441. AAR0T=. SACELAB 28102A.P.T; 1 AAR*T s- VAX/VM1 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 20 15 10 30 7vv\\- 20 VI~jI 0 -10 -20 -30 N2102 0.-Gg 0.;-iz Horizontal eye position (in degrees) 40 '35 - 30 20 Z I' [ t-e C Sec ) during linear motion. Cart velocity trace is presented arbitrarily scaled to indicate pnase relationship. VAX/M PVWLDT *we 17-MAY-1983 21:44:02.94 RE2: (P3441.AAROTT.SPACELABIN2BZO3A..PLT; AARIOT se VAX/VM 30 - 10 0 -10 -20 2 0 15 10 5 0 I 1~~ I - 10 0 -10 -30 25 2(2 N29103 0.2g 3 0.2H"z Horizontal eye position (in degrees) YZ T-e during linear motion. CS 9 C Cart velocity trace is presented arbitrarily scaled to indicate phase relationship. VAX/VI see PDL T 17-MIAY-ISU 21:47:47.33 Eu2: (P3441.AARCTT.SPACELABN2314A.PLT;I ARM=T 00 VAX/V1U 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 0 5 10 20 25 30 20 15 30 20 10 -10 -20 -:30 N23 10 4 o.6 Horizontal eye position (in 0 - degrees) YZ t durirrg linear motion. meCsec) Cart velocity trace is presented arbitrarily scaled to indicate phase relationship. vAMx I *a PlP.DLT 1Ja-MAY- 196 02:44:02.67 &02:(P3441 SPAC.AhJN21OSA.P.T; I AUOTT see VAX/VM .AI=. r 30 20 10 0 10 20 -j -30 0 30 20 15 10 20 10 -] z - 10 -A -20 30 20 N2I 10c5 0 .g Z . 5-z Horizontal eye position (in degrees) YZ T L Ie C s ec) during linear mnotion. Cart velocity trace Is presented arbitrarily scaled to indicate phase relationship. -ue PENPLOT 17-*AY-19M3 VAX/VMS 21:57:47.60 RME2:CP3441.AAROTT. SPACELABI N2210A.PLT. 1 AAROTT see VAX/VMS 30 10 0 10 -30 I 30 20 10 0 I I 20 10 - 10 -20 - 30 N28 108 0.eg 0.8Hz Horizontal eye position (in degrees) 40 35 30 25 20 YZ r r-leCsec) during linear motion. Cart velocity trace is presented arbitrarily scaled to indicate phase relationship. VAX/VMS. a* PENPLOT 17-MAY-L963 22:22:63.82 RES2: (P3441.ARROTT.SPACELABIN6BIO3A.PLT; 1 ARRMTT o*o VAX/VMS - 30 - 20 10 0 10 20 0 10 I / -1 / I i t 20 10 - 0 8 103 0 . s g ol. 28 H Z r , 1- e C s e c ) VAX/VMS **a PENPU.T t8-MAY-1983 21:44:25.87 RES2:fP3441.AROTT .SPACEL.AB)NSB104A.PLT 1 ARROTT s*. VAX/VMS 30 20 0 -10 -20 15 10 0 20 20 - 10 -5(_7 40 320 20 N-I5s 104 0.9g 0.4- z 7 t me C sec ) VAX/VMS *** PDPLOT 18-MAY-1983 30 01:24:46.70 RE2:fP3441.ARROTT.SPACEl.AD]N68107A.PLT;1 ARROTT *.. VAX/VMS -- -A 20 10 0 10 -- 20 30 10 0 20 20 - 10 - 10 -1 -20 20 30 N58f 10 7 0 .eg 0 . 56HZ 35 i i m ee Cs ec 3 VAX/VMS oo* PENPLOT ~/ \\ 18-MAY-1983 / RES2: [P3441.ARROTT.SPACELAB)N6B109A.PLT;2 01:27:52.69 /1 ARROTT *** VAX/VMS \ - / >-I / 30 20 10 ... -..... 10 -30 10 0 20 7\J 10 -0 - 30 20 30 N28 1 09 0N. 2g 0. 4-Hz 40 Y-Z oe -i Cs e c VAX/VMS *** PENPLOT iB-MAY-1983 01:30:25.14 RES2: LP3441,ARROTT.SPACELAB]N691 10A.PLT; 1 AAROTT *** VAX/VMS 30 -2 10 0 -10 -- -20 -30 0 10 I! 30 20 10 I' lj V L ~1 ~~AI NJNlAJJNJ\V ~-v~JN, V j -10 7 1 - 30 N5B8 1 10 0 . =-g 40 30 25 20 0. H-Z Z Ye Y 1 ( -,- e C s e c VAX/VNS u.PENPLOT IS-KAY-1983 02:30:08.88 RS2:CP3441 AAAROTT.SPACELA8]X12106A.PLT~1 ARUTT seVAX/VMS 20 20 10 0I -102 -201 -20 0 5 0 15 20 20& 201 10 0[ -20K -20 2-0 25 x 20 1240 4 z y Y7