CIRCULARVECTION AND OCULAR COUNTERROLLING IN VISUALLY INDUCED RILL - SUPINE AND IN WEIGHTLESSNESS BY TROY A. CRITES S.B. Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, M.I.T. (1979) Subitted in partial fulfillnent of the requiremrents for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE at the MASSACHUSETIS INSTI'IUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June, 1980 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1980 Signature of Author De~r~t of B;igy. eer 01 o0~ cal & Astronautical C6Y 51980 Certified by DrW- J.aurence/ . Yafig, Thesis Supervisor Accepted by Chairman, Department Cormmittee Room 14-0551 77 Massachusetts Avenue Libraries M Document Services Cambridge, MA 02139 Ph: 617.253.2800 Email: DISCLAIM ER MISSING PAGE(S) Missing pg. 30 / text deletion on pg.196 2 CIRCULARVECTION AND OCULAR COUNTERROLLING IN VISUALLY INDUCED ROLL - SUPINE AND IN WEIGHTLESSNESS by TROY A. CRITES Submitted to the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics on May 9, 1980 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science. ABSTRACT The perception of self motion about the visual axis and the associated ocular counterrolling (OCR) were investigated and documented in several environments. A full visual field of random dots was used to create visually induced roll in a supine position on earth and during zero g parabolic flights. The role of tactile forces as a replacement for otolith cues in limiting sensations of circularvection (CV) was also investigated. Onset times for CV were shown to be dependent upon visual pattern and to be similar to those found by previous authors in yaw vection. The associated changes were as predicted with the addition of tactile cues increasing onset times and the removal of g forces decreasing them. Vection velocities were unaffected by either tactile cues or the absence of gravity. Ocular counterrolling and circularvection were 'shown to have no correlation and appeared to be controlled by independent processes. Binocular vision was shown to produce significantly greater amounts of ocular counterrolling than monocular viewing. In addition, Hering's Law of Equal Innervation was borne out for torsional eye movements by the binocular measurements. Thesis Supervisor: Laurence R. Young Title: Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics 2a ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The list of people I feel a need to thank for help, both moral Every and physical, in completion of this thesis seems almost endless. individual effort cannot be mentioned, but I would like to whole- heartedly thank everyone responsible, and in particular: Thanks to my thesis advisor, Professor Larry Young, for the knowledgeable albeit infrequent assistance in my endeavors, both in this thesis and the rest of my curricula and activities. The person to whom I owe the most, Arrott. however, is G.S. Anthony If it were not for his work for a year prior to my arrival Over here on this project, I would never have completed this project. and again, he gave unselfishly of his time, his knowledge, his insight, and perhaps most of all, his programs. Again, I owe him more than I can ever hope to repay. Bob Renshaw deserves a big thanks for his time and commitment to my thesis. He is responsible for having made all the apparatus work and for being sure I did everything in the right order. weren't for his contagious smile and good humor, If it facing a project such as this would have been unbearable. Sherry Modestino and smiling Patricia Rich gave willingly of their time, patience and fingertips in preparing this document, I am deeply indebted to them for it. and 2b I would like to thank the rest of the Man Vehicle Lab, especially Dr. Oman and Dr. Kenyon for much needed advice and assistance to fill in for my lack of knowledge in physiology. Al Shaw deserves a note of thanks for his time and patience, without him, no student could successfully weave his way through the tangled web of laboratories and shops to find the proper equipment at the proper time - immediately. I would like to thank those who made the data acquisition onboard the KC-135 possible, Larry Young, Chuck Oman, Bob Renshaw, Mil Reschke, Joe Baker, Don Griggs and Larry Majors and a host of others. And to those who subjected themselves to this madness willingly and otherwise, the Spacelab astronauts and the 6 other volunteers, thanks. Stefania Rubinsky is responsible for the majority of time spent on the Hermes Analyzer reducing the OCR data and deserves a note of thanks for her patience and ability at such a tedious task. Finally, and by no means last on my list of people to thank, I would like to express my gratitude to Kathy Cornelius for her literary talents, warmheartedness, patience and understanding of the work involved in such an undertaking. She made it all worthwhile . This research was supported by NASA Contract NAS9-15343 and the author was funded by the M.I.T. Basic Sloan Fund. 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 2 BACKGROUND CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 4 CHAPTER 5 7 10 2.1 Ocular Counterrolling 10 2.2 Circularvection 13 2.3 Motivation 18 METHODS 32 3.1 Visual Pattern 32 3.2 OCR Data Collection 36 3.3 OCR Analysis 43 3.4 Vection 49 3.5 Vection Analysis 51 3.6 KC-135 Methods 51 3.7 KC-135 Data Analysis 55 3.8 Subjects 56 3.9 Drugs 58 REPEATIBILITY AND ACCURACY 59 4.1 450 vs 900 Signals 59 4.2 Monocular vs Binocular Vision in OCR 62 4.3 Varying Patterns, Lighting & Depth of Dome 64 4.4 Changes in Scanners 73 4.5 Dilation of the Eyes in OCR Measurements 81 RESULTS 5.1 Vection Results 87 88 4 5.2 CHAPTER 6 OCR Results 102 5.2.1 Monocular 102 5.2.2 KC-135 106 5.2.3 Binocular 107 CONCLUSIONS 6.1 Recommendations ill 115 APPENDIX A BINOCIN 116 APPENDIX B SCANOR3 119 APPENDIX C SCHEMATIC OF DOME CIRCUITRY 124 APPENDIX D OCR PLOTS 129 REFERENCES D-1 Monocular 1-g 129 D-2 Monocular Zero g 143 D-3 Binocular 1-g 156 193 5 LIST OF FIGURES & TABLES Page TABLE 1 Incidence of Reported Space Sickness 21 FIGURE 1 Vestibular System and the Inner Ear 24 FIGURE 2 Semicircular Canal Model and Plotted Response 25 FIGURE 3 Miller Model of Otolith Mediated OCR Response & Young Meiry Model of Otolith Response 27 Photograph of Dome Pattern and Apparatus used on KC-135 Flights 33 Photograph of Present Dome Pattern & Dimensioned Dome 34 FIGURE 6 Several Views of Apparatus as set up in Lab. 37 FIGURE 7 Photograph of Nikon Camera used for OCR 39 FIGURE 8 Photograph of Mouthpiece and Fiduciary 41 SKETCH Two Point Fiduciary with Definitions 45 SKETCH Single Bar Fiduciary with KC-135 Definitions 55 TABLE 2 Average & Standard Deviation of Velocity in 45* vs 90* Measures 61 TABLE 3 Pattern and Viewing Differences Compared 67 FIGURE 9 Brown Eyed Subject with Reflected Dot Pattern 70 FIGURE 10 Hazel Eyes under Identical Lighting as Fig. 9 71 FIGURE 11 Same Conditions as Fig. 10, Different Dilation 72 FIGURE 12 Scanner Comparison Plotted on Smae Graph 74 FIGURE 13 Increased Scale Overlay, Yao Right over Stefania Right 75 Increased Scale Overlay, Yao Left over Stefania Left 77 Binocular Comparison, Yao Right over Stefania Left 79 FIGURE 4 FIGURE 5 FIGURE 14 FIGURE 15 6 Page FIGURE 16 80 Point Dilation Study- Small Pupil Overlay 84 FIGURE 17 Comparison of Onset Times for 2 Patterns 89 FIGURE 18 Onset of CV in 4 Conditions - 1 g, 1 g Tactile, 2 g and Zero g 91 Perceived vs Actual Dome Speed in 3 Conditions 1 g, 1 g Tactile, and Zero g 95 Average Time of Vection in 2 Conditions 1 g and 1 g Tactile 97 Compiled Averages and Standard Deviations as Plotted in Figures 17 through 20 98 FIGURE 19 FIGURE 20 TABLE 4 TABLE 5 Individual Averages of Crew Members for Time of Onset, Subjective Velocity, & Drop Outs 101 7 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Circularvection, or the perception of self motion when viewing a fully rotating visual field, is a phenomenon that was studied as early as 1896 by Helmholtz. Functional concern about the problem, however, did not arise again until the 1960's and more so the early '70's. 'Circularvection' pertains to any induced circular motion. It can be generated about yaw, pitch, or roll axes given the proper stimulus, that is, a continuously moving visual field of significant size, contrast and believability to create the illusion that it is the subject who is actually moving (Dichgans and Brandt, 1973; Young et al., 1973). The structure of the semicircular canals, which measure angular accelerations and not steady state motion, must be considered in accounting for the phenomenon (Brandt et al., 1973; Dichgans and Brandt, 1974). Once an initial conflict time has been overcome, one can believe that steady bodily motion exists since it receives no cues to the contrary, and the visual signal is in complete agreement. In this thesis, self motion about the roll axis was studied in an attempt to gain further insights into the cause and effect of the Visually Induced Roll (VIR) illusion. It is known that when standing, the observation of a rotating visual field produces a sensation of tilt, in the opposite direction to field rotation, of approximately 10 - 15* from gravitational vertical (Dichgans et al., 1972; Held et al., 1975). The visually induced tilt is apparently constrained by veridical input from the otolith 8 organs resulting in a paradoxical sensation of continuous motion at a constant tilt (Finke and Held, 1978). In the supine position, however, this paradoxical sensation gives way to one of continuous motion about the vertical in a direction opposite to the visual field. Here, the otoliths no longer provide conflicting information about the gravity vector. We are thus able to time this motion, termed circularvection (CV), Visually Induced Roll (VIR), or just vection, and correlate it to actual visual field motion. It is also known that moving visual fields cause many involuntary eye movements (Young, 1972; Young and Henn, 1975). Constant linear motion produces a linear nystagmus, a combination of slow phase tracking motions in the direction of the moving field and fast phase saccades in the opposite direction which reorient the eyes within the orbit and reorient the changing visual field on the retina. This type of eye motion can easily be understood in connection with watching fence posts out the side of a car window, where the eye tracks a single post until it is past and then reorients to catch another. These types of eye movements have been documented in yaw CV by Jen Kuang Huang (1978) and in yaw motion in a rotating chair by Tole (1970) and Guedry (1962). In viewing a field which rotates about the line of sight, it is noted that the eye again performs a nystagmus motion - this time in a rotary direction. The eye appears to follow the visual field in a slow phase rotation, attempting to keep the visual field fixed on the retina, and performs a rotary saccade back to again position the eye in the orbit (Edelman, 1979). These torsional eye movements have been termed ocular torsion or ocular counterrolling (OCR) in the literature. Although 9 OCR is commonly used to refer to the static torsional movements acting compensatory to the rotated gravito-inertial force (GIF), the term OCR will be used in this thesis to reflect all torsional eye movements, since it is clear that any positive rollof the eye must be accompanied by a counterrolling motion. The study of the correlation between these two phenomena, i.e. CV and OCR in VIR, and their physical importance are the main objectives of this thesis. The effects of various visual patterns, types of vision and other influences on vection are also addressed, as well as the interplay of gravity and tactile cues on OCR and CV.. 10 CHAPTER 2 BACKGROUND 2.1 Ocular Counterrolling A method of OCR recording was attempted as early as 1889 by Methods attempted since that time have included: Orchansky. images, contact lenses, sutures on the conjunctiva, after- attachment of mirrors, sheets of metal, polarized lenses and objects extending on stalks to the eye. Each new technique, often claiming higher accuracy, found a new result. As a result, static OCR, induced by varying GIF, went through periods of acceptance and rejection, with final proof not fully realized until the early 1960's. A full review of all the past tech- niques, however, is not called for nor offered here. in the MIT Sc.D. Thesis of Byron Lichtenberg OCR measurement was adopted for this work. (1979), It can be found whose method of The mechanics have been changed only by the fact that we have moved to binocular recording. The method is straightforward: 35 mm photography of the eye is enlarged 50 times on an X-Y plotting screen. Two iral landmarks are selected with 4 repeats of each landmark entered for assurance of accuracy, and an angle obtained in reference to a fiduciary affixed to the skull via a dental biteboard. Standard deviations calculated on the four repeats of the iral landmarks range from 0.2 to 0.8 degrees, with the lower range being obtained at the expense of time and money on the Hermes Senior Film Analyzer (HSFA), the device used to determine the iral coordinates. The actual calculations of eye angle and plots of such are 11 done by digital computer through programs established during the work of Lichtenberg. The major drawbacks of the present OCR measurement system are as follows: 1) Cost and time: The system involves slow and patient frame-by- frame analysis on an expensive analyzer that is logged into a PDP-8 computer. Analysis rates of 20 frames/hour appear to be unsurpassable with losses in accuracy occurring if scanning is rushed any faster. With data acquisition occurring at 3 frames/sec, and 126 frames per data set with numerous subjects being recorded, the result is many hours of tedious labor. Cost of the system and scanner alone runs on the order of $1.25 per frame, with computer computation and film developing costs causing that figure to be nearly doubled. The process from data acqui- sition to a plotted output can take a minimum of one week, with the norm running closer to one month when any volume of data is required. 2) Sampling rate: Although it appears possible that future im- provements will push the sampling rate to 5 frames/sec, it remains at 3 frames/sec. The flash electronics are unable to operate much above the 3 frame/sec rate presently employed. This slight improvement, how- ever, may not be enough to see exactly all the high frequency components of OCR. Torsional nystagmus, as generated by a rotating visual field, appears to have a high frequency component that cannot be fully understood or modelled until the dynamics can be extracted from traces of eye position curves. The sampling theorem would dictate that many of the torsional sacccades are missed and that it is impossible to even 12 measure slow phase velocities. Measurements made by Edelman (1979), using a video system, indicate that even a 60 Hz sampling rate is questionable in obtaining the frequency response of the system. 3) Accuracy: The system appears to work well for measuring the angular displacements induced with a rotating visual field, but it may not have t11d resolution to accurately determine deviations of less than 10. It is valid to ask whether this is needed in any case. As reported by Miller (1962) and later authors, there appears to be an amount of noise in the eye positioning system. Exact repetition of conditions in varying the GIF does not necessarily produce the same amount of OCR, even in the same subject on the same day. This noise, presumably not introduced by the measurement system, is on the order of 1-2*. There- fore, as long as the measurement system is better than the noise factor, the underlying results will be obtained through the averaging methods involved in most types of analyses. It is therefore felt that of the three drawbacks listed, only the first two are of real concern. 13 2.2 . Circularvection The term vection or CV was first used in 1930 by Fischer and KornmUller andby Tschermak when referring to the perception of self angular motion created by viewing a rotating visual field. This 'illusion' can be generated around all three body axes; pitch, roll and yaw, given the proper stimulus (Young and Oman, 1975). Not until the 1960's and '70's, however, was any physical importance placed on the role of CV and OCR. Even today, the amount of reliable information on the interaction of CV and OCR is limited. A considerable amount of work has been done in yaw CV, that is, motion around the vertical body axis. It has been documented (Dichgans, Young, Huang, Zacharias, to name a few) to generate nystagmus motion in the eyes, and to show adaptation characteristics similar to those created in self angular rotation. The close relationship between the vection sensation and the generated nystagmus, however, is still under question. For example, Brandt et al. (1973) state "Vection is basically independent of the direction of eye movements". This was demonstrated in yaw CV by presenting a small cen- tral pattern moving in one direction and a peripheral field moving in the opposite direction. Circularvection was dependent on the peripheral field while nystagmus was dependent on the central. In roll vection, however, this independence has not been shown. In fact, a previous work reports the opposite conclusion. Finke and Held (1978) report that ocular torsion, as they call and measure it, is a function of the viewer's state, with more torsion occurring in State 2. They have defined states as: State 1 - Observer experiences 14 self motion opposite in direction to the observed field; State 2 - Observer feels no self motion and only sees the moving visual field. Their method of OCR measurement, however, can be questioned. They use an after-image technique of flashing a bright bar of light on the subject's eye, and have him align a pointer along the after-image created. It is presumed that this can accurately reflect the amount of ocular torsion induced by the rotating visual field. Fluur (1974) has con- cluded that this technique leads to a large uncertainty and there is some evidence that after-images induce perceptual phenomenon (AubertMuller effects) which may cause faulty compensatory eye movements. In addition, this method presumes a steady and slow rolling movement of the eye and is unable to measure or even account for the rapid torsional saccades seen in this investigation. The results obtained by Finke and Held are therefore open to further study and thus provide some of the motivation for this present investigation. The limited number of works studying circularvection about the line of sight - roll circularvection - is one of the reasons for the clear knowledge on the subject. lack of Beyond the work just mentioned by Finke and Held (1978), no work has studied CV and OCR ina supine position. It has been studied in an upright or standing position, where the feeling of self motion at a constant tilt becomes quite paradoxical. When standing erect, the otolith organ is thought to mediate the system and prevent the sensation of continuous motion. If continuous motion were accepted, it would necessarily have to be accompanied by a sinusoidally varying utricular otolith cue (Dichgans et al, 1972; Held et al, 1975). This perception of tilt can also be mediated by affecting the effectiveness 15 of the otoliths to discern vertical by placing them out of their optimal horizontal plane (Howard and Templeton, 1966; Young, 1974). It is clear that the complex visual vestibular interaction is not fully understood. To this end, several studies have looked to under- stand which "division" of the visual system interacts with the vestibular system. As reported in Perception (Held et al., 1978), "The retinal periphery as opposed to the center of the visual field dominates the perception of stationarity as well as CV (Brandt et al., vection (Dichgans and Brandt, 1974; Held et al., (Lestienne et al., 1977)." 1973), roll 1975) and linearvection Specifically, in studying CV about the yaw. axis, Brandt et al (1973) state, "stimulation of the central visual field up to 30* in diameter almost never leads to CV, whereas exposure of the same stimulus to the retinal periphery may be quite effective. Conversely, masking the central field up to 600 in diameter doesn't impair CV and diminishes the apparent self motion velocity only slightly with the mask subtending 120*." study since it Held (1978), This statement was also under investigation in this appears to be in contradiction with studies by Finke and Wolfe and Held (1978) and Merker and Held (1977), who used visual fields of 122*, 1000, and 130* respectively to generate OCR and CV. These three studies found the illusion to be quite satisfactory even with the limited visual angle. Brandt himself used a visual field subtending only 132* in a research project on "Foreground and Background in Dynamic Spacialization" (1975) and found this to be an acceptable visual stimulus. One other question appears in trying to find the optimal rotation speed and pattern to induce CV about the line of sight. Three papers of 16 Held et al mentioned previously used rotation speeds of 40*/sec, 27*/sec and 20*/sec respectively. Brandt et al. (1975), on the other hand, used a rotation speed of 50 */sec. All found saturated vection, where the observer perceives self motion and sees no motion on of the visual field. The patterns used were similar. The first three used a pattern of 'vis- ual noise', small irregular white speckles on a black background. Brandt study was aimed at finding the optimum pattern. The His choices were randomly distributed contrasts ranging from 1 to 72% coverage with each single contrast composing 1/4% of the total area. He reports "visually induced self motion is saturated when about 30% of the visual field is moving." The importance of this finding beyond the phenomen- oligical level is questionable. Brandt's work finds the background and periphery to be of greatest importance in spatial orientation. Why? Wolfe and Held state that OCR or ocular torsion, as they call it, is mediated by a different process than CV. Finke and Held complement this by stating that ocular torsion is driven by self perception of tilt and that this is independent of the "competing inputs provided by the vestibular system". This finding, however, is questioned in the light of the methods used. The OCR method, as described earlier, was quite subjective and limited in accuracy. The measurement of subjective tilt was used in both a standing and a supine position. Yet it is docu- mented that supine viewing of a rotating visual field causes continuous self motion about the visual axis (Dichgans et al, 1972; Young and Oman, 1975). This tilt angle measured, therefore, has little or no reference to the experienced motion. In contrast to the finding of Finke and Held, Merker and Held report that OCR induced by head tilt and field rotation 17 sums in a predictable fashion, indicating that the process is indeed vestibularly driven in part. In another vein, the question is posed, "What is the reasoning for the static OCR observed by Miller (1962) and others?" Has it evolved as a method of keeping the visual image fixed on the retina? It can't possibly account for full head rotation, but the eye appears to be able to counterroll equivalent to small head head rotations that would be common in everyday survival movements. But are the OCR move- ments seen in VIR driven by the same mechanism? The central nervous system (CNS), viewing a visual field rotating in a clockwise (CW) direction, could interpret the visual information as indicating that the observer was falling counterclockwise (CCW) or to the left. This action would elicit, in turn, a counterrolling of the eye in a CW direction, opposite to the direction of supposed fall or tilt, and in the same direction as the rotating visual field. Most of the discrepancies and questions in the literature will be addressed in one form or another in this thesis. The OCR measurement system was improved upon in hopes of getting higher resolution and a faster sampling rate and at the same time eliminating the subjective measures commonly used. The work was done on subjects in 1 g, 2 g, and zero g environments, with more work proposed for all conditions in hopes of exactly sorting out the gravitational influences and thus otolith influences on CV and OCR. Conditions were kept as constant as possible, but refinements were made as problems came up or improvements were suggested. The overall objective was to fully document the phenomenon as observed and to attempt to postulate reasoning for the underlying causes. 18 2.3 Motivation The question may well be asked of CV and OCR in VIR?' ready know? 'Why bother studying the phenomena What is it going to tell us that we don't al- Studied strictly by itself, probably not all that much, but seen in the light of many other research projects dealing with this and similar phenomena, it is hoped that we may gain a better understanding of the vestibular system and man's ability to utilize it. The visually induced roll experiment is an integral part of a Vestibular Experiments Package proposed to NASA in 1976 by Professor L.R. Young and coinvestigators of the Man Vehicle Laboratory/Center for Space Research at MIT and by the D.C.I.E.M. in Canada. The package was selected for flight onboard the ninth Shuttle mission - the first scientific and life sciences mission. The seven experiment package is de- signed to cover several aspects of man's adaptation to weightlessness, with the overall scientific question being: "How does a fully developed sensory-motor system, which receives partially redundant information from several sensory mechanisms, reorganize to account for the loss of usable information from one channel because of environmental variation?" The seven experiments, out of 100 total experiments being flown, are to be repeated several times, or are continuously recorded throughout the mission, in order to obtain the desired adaptation information. The experiments are: 1. Measurement of perceived velocity during linear acceleration on the Space Sled. 4 19 2. Measurement of eye deviation and ocular counterrolling during acceleration on the sled. 3. The perception of self motion and ocular counterrolling induced by a rotating visual field. 4. Awareness of body image and spatial localization. 5. The timing of lower leg muscular activity during "hopping" and during constant velocity and constant acceleration "falls". 6. Susceptibility to motion sickness. 7. Pre- and post-flight vestibular tests. Experiment number 3 provided the impetus for this thesis. objectives of experiment 3 are two-fold: and magnitude of the sensation of VIR, and ated with VIR. The (1) to quantify the latency (2) to measure the OCR associ- The hypothesis is that in zero g, the latency of onset of CV will decrease, the feelings of vection will be stronger, ocular counterrolling more prevalent and the subjective measurement of rotation speed closer to the actual visual field speed. In all, it is hoped that by watching the adaptation of man to weightlessness over a seven day period, some valuable information can be gained on man's use of his vestibular signals. Again, the question can be asked, why? One reason is the continuing quest for knowledge. Man is always in search of the unknown, and is continuously questioning his surroundings and experiences. Why does man get seasick? Or most recently, spacesick? Carsick? Planesick? The motions induced in these activities are surely not more severe than running through a jungle, swinging on a vine or wrestling, yet have you heard of a single incident of motion 20 sickness caused by running? It is only since man has created alternate means of transportation that any such symptoms have been recorded. Strictly speaking, there is little known about man before he could travel, at least by sea or camel. But there is no evidence of animals getting motion sick in their own environment. ever, be generated in nearly all species external, unanticipated motion. Motion sickness can, how- when they are exposed to The vestibular system is a very well adapted system that has evolved over the course of evolutionary history. And on this time scale, man's venture into these alternate transportation or motion devices has come in a short span, much too short to allow for any evolutionary changes or adaptations. Most people are able to over- come the feelings of sickness in cars and everyday activities simply by experience and prediction. It is the unexpected motions that tend to disturb the vestibular system and cause nausea. First time air travelers are much more prone to air sickness than are trained pilots. In the most recent mode of transportation, space travel, there have been numerous reports of motion or space sickness in both Russian and American missions (Table 1). all travelers get sick. As can be seen from the table, not There were no reports of nausea of any type on the early Gemini and Mercury missions. available. Several explanations are The vehicles were small and the astronauts strapped down for the most part. Work loads were high and all were experienced test pilots with a great deal of experience with similar sensations. As vehicles got larger, - Apollo, Skylab and Soyuz - the number of incidents increased, as did the number of inexperienced pilots. Scientists began 21 SPACE SICKANESS IN MANNED SPACE FLIGHT PROGRAMS .as Compiled by C.M. Oman, MIT. UNITED STATES . PROGRAM MERCURY GEMINI NUMBER OF CREWMEN MOTION SICKNESS INCIDENC> 6 16 0 0 33 11 APOLLO: COMMAND MODULE LUNAR 12 .SURFACE SKYLAB 9 5 SOVIET UNION VOSTOK VOSKHOD .SOYUZ AND 6 . 5. 55 1 3 22 SOYUZ/SALUT TABLE 1. Incidence of reported Space Sickness A 22 to fly as experiments became more involved and required more technical expertise. It was found in the longer duration missions that the motion sickness symptoms (elicited as pallor, sweating, dry mouth, yawning, nausea, retching, or vomiting) went away after five to seven days, and thus hampered only the early part of the mission. Considering, however, that the nominal mission for the Shuttle - the mode of space transportation for the near future - will be seven days, space sickness will be of extreme consequence, especially in an emergency. Light nausea can cut a crewmember's workload ability in half, if not more, and in the event that a pilot was sick, landing could be altogether out of the question. With individual maneuvering units in the planning stages, the picture could get much worse. What are the solutions? Anti-motion sickness drugs appear to be a quick, easy answer, but they have several drawbacks at present. They are not universally effective, just as everyone is not equally susceptible. They also have side effects, as do many drugs, which vary with the individual, the day, and the drug. Drugs are not exactly satisfactory because they are trying to affect a system that is not fully understood. Therefore, the only solution- is to attempt to understand the vestibular system, how it works and passes information on to the brain, and, in turn, how the brain processes and uses this information to balance, move and carry on normal bodily activities. It is obvious that the brain is capable of adapting to weightlessness within a week, or immediately in some cases, but what are the mechanisms used to effect this change? Without going into great detail 23 about the mechanics or exact transmission characteristics of the vestibular system, some understanding is needed to see how gravity could affect the system. The vestibular system is composed of two essentially redundant systems, each located in the inner ear (Figure 1). The semi- circular canals (SCC), oriented orthogonally to each other, sense angular accelerations in all planes (Wilson and Melvill Jones, 1979). The system should be essentially independent of gravity and only referenced to inertial space. The SCC system, which includes transfer paths and the CNS, has been modeled as a second order feedback system with two important time constants (Young and Oman, 1969) (Figure 2). The first is the latency time for sensing a step in acceleration, on the order of The second time constant, which applies to the full 1/25 or 0.04 sec. canal-CNS vestibular system, can be thought of as the time required for the initial sensation of acceleration to die out, even in a continuous spin condition. It's value is approximately two times longer than the time constant for the semicircular canals themselves, and is under debate, but has been approximated at 10-20 sec. sec has been given. Here a value of 1/0.0625 or 16 This second time constant should play an important role in the latency of onset of vection times experienced in VIR. How- ever, as Young and Oman (1969) state, "While the form of the model is based on what is known about the dynamic characteristics of the canals, the models are of the non-rational parameter type. The mathematics is not reflect any exact physical mechanism in more than a general way." 24 Crus commune Cristo ampulta superior Ampulla membranocea superior ~iculus Cristo anpulla lateralks U Ductus endolymnphaticus (TT Sacculus Ampulta membronacea \ - - laterol;s Cristo am"pullaposterio\ Ampulla metnbanocv= posterior 1.rm Fenestra (Ova' 'estibuli - Scala tymooni --- :_r--Ductus coclleoris ,INV windowl Scol, voitibuli Ductus coch I Ductus reuniens' Fenestra cochteoe (Round winovw) ris 'Helicotremo 29 FIGURE 1. The Vestibular System and Inner Ear 25 Angular 1.56 Acceleration Response >--[-9 (s + 25)(s + .0625) Torsion Pendulum Canal Dynamics Cn 0 0 Time Response to Velocity Step FIGURE 2. Semicircular Canal Model and Plotted Response from Young & Oman (1969) 26 The other balance mechanism contained within the inner ear is gravity sensitive. The utricular and saccular otoliths are small linear accelerometers positioned to measure acceleration in all three planes (Wilson and Melvill Jones, 1979). In the absnece of gravity, however, the message obtained from an acceleration or from the otoliths in general is erroneous. Miller (1962) proposed a model for static OCR based on data gathered from slow rolling of a subject with respect to gravity and measuring the induced OCR. The model proposed is strictly a fit to the data and proposes no physiological foundation apart from the known alignment of the related organs. It is shown in Figure 3. As can be seen, it is referenced strictly to the gravity vector, and gives no indication of eye position in zero gravity. A dynamic model for the otolith system as proposed by Young and Meriy (1968) may be more enlightening for the weightless environment. The linear model relating specific force to perceived tilt or linear velocity is also described in Figure 3. This model too, however is based on measure- ments made in 1 g and may not reflect the motions perceived in zero gravity. Thus, in weightlessness, motions which appear visually to be perfectly normal, send vestibular cues to the CNS which may be in total contrast. Similarly, while below deck at sea, a cabin will appear fixed with reference to a contained observer, yet vestibular cues may indicate motion of a dramatic nature. These two situations represent similar types of conflict between the visual and vestibular 27 Plotted Fit to Miller OCR Model ('Yv~s),N SINCCUA J . OMPO-W-Ac'Uet 2 :§ ' g ,a COM'wL / . to I -M.a I I . I . - (*g-*s) / I . I -W -3 -Mo -W cagTa.L.G, 12 0 a so G. 1A2 ISO 144 HEAD TLT (DEGRES) A. Miller OCR Model t4,ignate th angle o tilt x as the angutar disl:eument of the cephaIocalu(ta I a ite hnit d tromw vertical. hIli equations ror counterrolling ( ) for varif deigrees or lateral tilt caII he written as follows: VT= V+ -Uctis; 2(276-3:) os?( 1:14-x) -S.1J WS :UtosN(84-x) + SI~co.o where 226- x) ipT is tilt- tial amitllit itf a nii IlterrtIllilg ( Istun ill utrictila., ad I ,,. L. etv. rejpriseWt the iuma \.i in; r4lltriliutcI h\' v'tchIllmaitla. sat'tlaitf, ij'.. eoluj,ijuiten) n )eIliig diliotllit of ot'ti t 1.5 LATERAL SPECIFIC FORCE (TJLT ANGLE WR.T. EARTH) (S \'wlitre (S + 0.076) (S+ +0.19) 1.5) PERCEIVED TILT ANGLE I PERCEIVED OR LATERAL ACCELERATION S LINEAR VELOCITY Young Meiry Model & Curve Fit to Data 7 6 1.5) (S + I 5 EXPT. DATA ( I STO. DEVIATION) MODEL (MECH ONLY) -OTOLITH 4' -N- z IUj 21 o .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 07 .08 .09 ACCELERATION (G) Time for perception of constant linear acceleration FIGURE 3. Miller Model of Otolith Mediated OCR Response & Young Meiry Model of Otolith Response 28 systems which often lead to motion sickness. It is hypothesized by Reason, Benson, Oman, Young and others that it is this conflict which produces motion sickness and that with habituation, the conflict and thus the sickness can be overcome. It is the method of habituation that is under scrutiny. In visually induced roll, a conflict is generated between the vestibular and visual systems. Initially, observers of a constant rotating visual field report only field motion. After a short latency period of 1 to 10 sec, however, the observer reprots self motion in a direction opposite the visual field, with the apparent motion of the visual field ceasing. Immediate perception of self motion would necessarily have to be accompanied by a semicircular canal cue in- dicating a step acceleration in angular velocity. However, constant velocity rotation requires no semicircular canal input since the SCC only senses acceleration. Experiments performed in constant rotation of human subjects about the vertical axis report that after a latency, the subject feels no rotational motion, nor does he indicate any vestibular cues of rotation such as nystagmus 1970; Bock, 1979). (Guedry, 1962; Tole, In the same sense, once the time constants for the SCC have died out, self motion is perceived when viewing a rotating visual field. It is hoped that by watching how the absence of confirming otolith cues in zero g change this vestibular inhibition of VIR that a better understanding of the roles of each organ in the balance mechanism will be obtained. 29 The static response of OCR is thought to be otolith mediated (Dichgans, 1972; Held, 1975; Miller, 1962; Graybiel, 1968). Yet, in zero g, the otolith organ is rendered useless as a static orientation sensor. Cilia of the otolith no longer remain bent under the influence of gravity and thus otolith influence on OCR is minimized. This is the case for supine observation of VIR in a 1 g environment. The utricular otolith is in its least sensitive position, yet the saccules are still transmitting accurate information. The saccules, however, do not present a conflict to the visually induced self motion. It is hoped that by comparing 1 g and zero g data in both a standing and supine position that further useful information can be gained about the otolith function, its effect on OCR, and its adaptation to weightlessness. Therefore, the data collected in zero g will have two components to match with ground based results. VIR will be recorded for onset and OCR measurements. First, free float (Subjects will be restrained by a biteboard to keep head position constant and allow for OCR measurements.) Second, the same measurements will also be made on a subject who is exposed to the tactile equivalent of a 1 g environment. The subject will don a harness to which are connected four shock (bungee) cords which will exert the equivalent force upon the subject's body and legs that he would experience in 1 g. This should help to sort out the effect of tactile stimulus on the VIR sensations as compared to the strict otolith cue. To gain additional background knowledge on the effects of tactile stimulus both on earth and in short zero g parabolic flights, an equivalent tactile sensation was generated through foot pressure. W --- -0 w"d-b-- Room 14-0551 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139 Ph: 617.253.2800 Email: MgLibiraries Document Services DISCLAIM ER MISSING PAGE(S), Page 30 31 Adjustable foot restraints were available both in the laboratory and onboard the KC135 aircraft for applying a tactile sensation of down while still lying in a supine or right ear down position, respectively. Although not as effective as hoped, it provides a basis for helping to sort out the influences of OCR and CV in VIR. 32 CHAPTER 3 METHODS 3.1 Visual Pattern Three separate patterns were used to create the illusion of self motion about the line of sight. For the first crew training and test- ing of the Spacelab astronauts in February 1979, the pattern consisted of a gray anodized aluminum background with a 3% coverage of 1/4" diameter random black dots. Second, the for the parabolic KC-135 flights, pattern was a blue and white flowered wallpaper pattern inserted on the front face in an annulus around the OCR camera and cylindrically around the dome extension (Figure 4). Viewing for the above two pat- terns was monocular and depth of field limited to 8 inches. The third pattern used in the final testing in September 1979 and for later laboratory subjects was a white background with 20% coverage in six colors of randomly placed 3/4" diameter dots (Figure 5). In addition, the depth of field was increased to 14" and viewing was changed to binocular. The colors chosen for this final pattern were fluorescent green, fluorescent red, dark blue, light blue, dark red, and dark green. size and coverage of dots followed from a paper by Brandt et al. The (1975) who found 30% coverage to be optimum (with 10 and 72% being his two nearest comparisons) with 0.25% of total area per dot. In our config- uration, this led to each dot being 0.886" in diameter, which was approximated with 3/4" diameter Avery labels. They were affixed in a random manner over the entire surface with equal numbers of each color presented. A separate study performed after the KC-135 flights was M-7 tJ j I .1, A / V ri --% V. , i 46 * Mcdz" .. " - A-4 I. FIGURE 4. '4 Photograph of Dome Pattern & Apparatus on KC-135 Flights 34 17" 8"n 6"1 Side Top View Extension View Camera and Ring Flash FIGURE 5, Photograph of Present Pattern and Dimensioned Dome. 35 aimed at correlating visual pattern, viewing style, and vection quality. It is discussed in further detail in Section 4.3. The surface upon which the patterns were placed was a 17.5" diameter 'dome' that is presently 14" deep and thus subtends a full 180* visual angle. The center of rotation is cut out to a 3 1/2" diameter (13.50 visual angle) through which a circular ring flash and 35 mm camera are visible (Figure 5). The rotation speeds used to induce vection were 30*/sec, 45*/sec, and 60*/sec, with additional testing performed at 15*/sec onboard the KC-135. 36 3.2 OCR Data Collection The methods of data collection for this experiment were fairly For the 1 g laboratory testing, the dome and apparatus were simple. mounted on four legs (Figure 6). The subject lay supine under the dome, with his entire field of vision filled by the random pattern on the inner dome surface. aluminum headrest. His head position was fixed with a foam and Positining was not a severe problem in this case since no subject movement was involved. A Nikon F2 35 mm camera, equipped with a 105 mm microlens, 250 frame film magazine, motor drive, and circular reworked Honeywell Prox0-Lite ring flash (Figure 7) were mounted through the center of the dome so as to have a full view of both of the subject's eyes. The visible camera lens and ring flash subtended a central visual angle of 13.5* at a distance of 14", Early experimentation involved using only monocular vision and recording. The second eye was covered with a patch and the focal area was reduced with a PNinclude only one eye. extension tube to This method was abandoned for several reasons. Binocular photography provided more focusing range, greater depth of field, better vection with binocular vision and more available light, as well as providing the added binocular data. The protocol used in data collection remained constant over all subjects. Each subject was exposed to six dome runs of three speeds (30, 45, and 60'/sec) in two directions (CW and CCW as defined from the subject's point of view) in random order, each lasting 50 seconds. Vection infromation was gathered throughout the run - the methods for 37 LOverview of Apparatus i(Camera Power Supply & Controls Output Signal to Tape FIGURE 6. Several Views of Laboratory Apparatus Dome Extension I. Aluminum & Foam Headrest Background Light Subject Signal Button FIGURE 6 (Cont.) Several Views of Laboratory Apparatus I Camera & Flash Control Dome Control N s FIGURE 7. Photograph of Nikon Camera used for OCR Recording 40 which will be discussed later. Photographs of the eyes were taken at a rate of three per second at the following times during the run: beginning at 1 second before dome operation and continuing through the first 2 seconds of rotation, at the 25th and 26th seconds of rotation, and on the 49th and 50th seconds of operation, with the last second of operation (i.e., the last three photographs) occurring after This gave 21 photos per run or 126 per session. the dome had stopped. Each 250 frame cassette could then hold two complete data runs before camera reloading was required. To provide a reference for monitoring eye movements, subjects were fitted with a bite board fiduciary. The mouth piece was fitted to the subject's upper teeth with Kerr Dental Compound. This assured a tight fit and yet allowed the subject to make comments as to the quality of vection. Two small dots were affixed to the small metal appendages of the mouthpiece. These appendages were then bent to pos- ition the dots within the picture frame and at nearly the same focal range as the subject's iris (Figure 8). *The subject was instructed to keep the bite board tight against his upper teeth at all times. the fiducial marks (small dots) and therefore Thus, remained fixed to the subject's skull provided two accurate landmarks for determining a ref- erence line from which to measure counterrotations of each eye, This is felt to be a major improvement over a previous method adopted by Graybiel (1959) of affixing landmarks to the skin near the eye, as these were subject to a great deal of movement with respect to the skull. FIGURE 8. Mouthpiece and Fiduciary Scaled and in Place Photographs 42 The subject was also instructed to maintain a constant gaze into the camera lens: subjects either chose a reflective spot on the lens, the shutter, or 'focused ever they preferred. on infinity' through the camera lens, which- This kept the influence of eye position and gaze on vection to a minimum, and thus improved the repeatability of the experiment. It also kept eye movements from interfering with the analysis of the data. As pointed out by Miller (1962), it is easily seen that moving the eye horizontally through a large angle could produce distortions in the actual angle seen between two landmarks when the eye is projected onto a flat screen, as it is in data reduction, These distortions were assumed to be negligible in the data analysis. Another previous source of error and concern in photographic OCR analysis, film slippage, was not present in this study. This was a con- cern of Miller's (1962) and was eliminated as an error here since this method of analysis removed film orientation from the calculations, which were strictly based on fiduciary versus eye angle. In addition, film stretch was considered negligible or, at worst, a constant over all measurements. 43 3.3 OCR Analysis Methods The photographic film used in the 35 mm camera was Kodak Ectachrome color film for slides with an ASA rating of 200. It was shot at F-4 for brown eyes and F-5,6 for blue or green, at an ASA setting of 400. The 250 frame cassettes were- then developed by Image Maker Inc. (440 Summer St., Boston, Mass.) through a bulk processing method. The film was processed and 'pushed one stop', a photographic term for overdeveloping, since we had purposely under-exposed it during shooting. This produced slightly more grain in the film, but brought out as many landmarks as possible. The film was returned to us as full length rolls, which prevented any mis-ordering of frames and allowed the film to be spooled for analysis on the Hermes Senior Film Analyzer (HSFA). Each frame was numbered with a four digit number and correlated with vection data as to time and sequence of exposure. Time on the HSFA was rented from the MIT Lab for Nuclear Sciences (LNS) (in the Polaroid building at Technology Square, Cambridge) and scanners were then hired to run the analyzer for data reduction. The HSFA enables the images on photographic film to be accurately plotted on an x-y scale. The rolls of film are motor driven and positioned for analysis by a vacuum system, The film images are blown up 50 times and displayed on a screen 64 cm by 64 cm. The operator or scanner locates identifiable landmarks on the eye by positioning the x-y film table beneath a central crosshair, and enters their position into the HSFA, whichis connected to a PDP 8 computer for data storage. The scanner first enters the frame number and then the reference angle from 44 the two points on the fiduciary marks which are securely head via the aforementioned biteboard. fixed to the The scanner next picks two iral landmarks located on opposite sides of the eye which appears on the left side of the screen. (Because of the reversals created by photo- graphing upside down, numbering frames on the backside of the film for permanence, and magnification in the HSFA, this is actually the left eye projected as it would be seen in a mirror.) Scanners were instruc- ted to choose points located as closely as possible to the horizontal. This prevented the landmarks from being obscured even if the eyes were partially closed, and kept the angles measured from being near the singularity in the tangent function used to calculate averages in later analysis. The scanners were also instructed to choose points located as far radially as possible from the pupil. due to pupil constriction to a minimum. This kept the variations Further discussion of this subject is contained in Section 4.5. The scanner repreated entering each iral landmark into the HSFA four times, thus giving repeatibility, resolution and accuracy information from the standard deviation of values obtained in further analysis. The analysis programs used later allowed for more or fewer data points, since it is exremely easy to lose track of the number of repetitions entered. The scanner then went on with the same procedure on the other eye, and then onto the next frame. The nature of the work necessitated working in short segments, so the scanners were requested to sketch the landmarks used in each session for identification when returning, in order to retain initial position information, The volumes of data collected, however, necessitated the use of several scanners, 45 so each scanner change repeated the previous three frames to reference the base angle. A further .discussion of this topic is contained in Section 4.4. Data from the HSFA was stored on magnetic tape and then transferred out of LNS to the Joint Computing Facility VAX computing system on cards. A Fortran program entitled BINOCIN (Appendix A) originally written by Anthony Arrott and revised to eliminate propagation of errors, was used to divide the binocular data into two files, cular reduction by a later program. each formated for mono- (This method was chosen since ealier OCR recording had been monocular and thus the monocular program was already in existence.) The two files created for data from left and right eyes were then run through a Fortran program entitled SCANOR3, also written by Anthony Arrott (Appendix B). This program calculated the fiducial angle, average eye angle and standard deviation of the angle from the x-y coordinates as plotted on the HSFA. each file the identical fiducial information, contained Whereas'now the program used the following equations for calculating averages and standard deviations with the variables defined in the sketch below. C (XL;y~ UU Q ~rc~7ri 46 where: 8H is head angle with respect to the camera E is the average of four repeats of eye angle with respect to the camera and p = E eH; p therefore = eye angle with respect to the head. The formulas are as follows: Y -l eH -Y RO LO =tan 4 E (Y R i=l E= tan [ -Y ) L 4 E XR i=l XL) i i The following equation is used to determine the standard deviations of the angle obtained in the four repeats taken on each iral landmark: r [ ((XR _ 7Q 2+ [ sin 2 L R E (U2 EXR + cos 2 &E(G2 + R 2)] + a2 X ]1/2 L Angles determined by this algorithm resulted in a sign convention such that positive changes in p from one frame to the next indicate counterclockwise rotation of the eye with respect to the head as seen from the subject's point of view. 47 The output of SCANOR3, used to perform the above calculations, One, labeled Filename.ANG, provided the frame number, measured angle, and calculated standard deviation. The was divided into two files. other, labeled Filename.SCN, printed out the fiduciary points (in millimeters of distance across the film), four repeats of the landmarks used, average and standard deviation of the four repeats, along with head angle with respect to film, eye angle with respect to film, eye angle with respect to head, and standard deviation of this eye angle. This file was helpful in sorting out caused for 'wild' points in the data, which were usually a result of mis-entered points or scanner keypunch errors. Individual plots of eye angles were done on a Varian plotter from the ***.ANG file. A program entitled PPLOT allowed for adjustment of the axes to include only data points within a given run, and to allow scaling for varying amounts of OCR. labeling of both axes. The program also allowed for Frame numbers, however were limited to a three digit number on the scale, and thus a constant factor is added to the label for identification. The program could not plot standard devi- ations, but the values were available on file. Extra data points may appear on individual graphs since PPLOT only allowed for X-axis scaling in 2's or 5's, depending on the number of points requrested per plot. Scale factors for OCR were varied between runs, but were kept constant for left and right eyes on any single run. nocular comparison. This allowed for easy bi- OCR scales generally range from 7 to 14 degrees. Data files collected during the course of this project began to use up large amounts of disk space at the Joint Computer Facility and 48 were therefore transferred to magnetic tape (labeled TAC01) for permanent storage and future reference. labeled DOME01.RAW - DOMEO8.RAW. Raw date from LNS is under files Separated files for the right eye are under DOMER01.DAT - DOMERO8.DAT ANG ANG SCN SCN or RDOMEl.DAT - RDOME8.DAT ANG ANG SCN SCN Data are stored similarly for the left eye. 49 3.4 Vection The illusion of self motion created by the rotating visual patternwastrecorded through a subjective position switch. Subjects were instructed to depress the spring loaded button twice when they first began to perceive self motion, whether it was saturated or not. Satu- ration was defined as self motion in which the visual field appears to come to a complete standstill and it is only the observer who is rotating. In unsaturated vection, both the observer and visual field appear to rotate in opposite directions. The subjects were also instructed to depress th6 button one short time each time they felt that they had rotated through 90* relative to the room. This allowed us to determine whether vection was saturated or not, as velocities would be lower in unsaturated vection. push for every 450. This instruction was later changed to 1 button It was found, especially on the KC-135 flights, that with 90* measures, it was easy to lose reference to where the last button push appeared. A study was done to compare these two methods (i.e. 45* vs. 90* button pushes) and is discussed in Section 4.1. The third instruction to the subjects was to depress the button two long times when the sensation of self motion ceased, called a drop out. (As has been reported in previous works, the illusion of self motion comes and goes with little known about the cause.) In addition to the signal button protocol, the subjects were provided with a microphone for recording subjective comments on the quality of vection and on any additional experienced after-rotation seen or felt. 50 The button pushes were recorded on magnetic tape and later transferred to strip charts for analysis. The channel carrying the vection information also contained the flash pulses from the camera superirmposed over dome speed and direction information. The schematic for the electronics package, worked out by Robert Renshaw, is contained in Appendix C. It also contains a block diagram of the system, the schematic for the dome controller and the flash unit, and a labeled sample output. In an attempt to simulate the experiments onboard Spacelab, two full data sets (i.e. six runs of three speeds in two directions) were taken on all the SL-1 science crew members. prevent it from influencing the analysis. The order was varied to On one data set, they were lying supine with feet fully extended to eliminate additional directional cues. ject's On the other runs, blocks were placed between the sub- feet and the wall in order to simulate a 1 g tactile force, This same simulation will be provided with bungees onboard Spacelab. Care was taken that this force did not move the subject up and out of the frame of the camera. Comparisons are made for tactile vs. non- tactile cues in Results chapter. 51 3.5 Vection Analysis The analysis of vection data was fairly straightforward. Indi- vidual averages were obtained for each subject for onset of vection times, drop out times, and subjective velocity. The velocity infor- mation was obtained by taking the average time between button pushes and dividing by 45 or 90 , whichever was being signalled. Individual averages will be useful for comparison with data collected on the Shuttle astronauts in Spacelab, and to watch their adaptive changes. Lumped averages of all subjects over one speed or condition is useful in determining the overall quality of vection presented by each condition. The actual results are presented later in graphic form. 3.6 KC-135 Methods The parabolic flights flown on the specially equipped NASA KC-135 presented several problems in both the data collection and reduction. By flying Keplerian or ballistic trajectories, it is possible to obtain approximately 24 seconds of zero g * 0.05 g, 2 g. time with an accuracy of within The physics of the system dictate a nearly equal period of The time onboard was used to evaluate the OCR and vection pheno- menon in both zero and hyper-gravity experiments, both qualitatively and quantitatively, prior to the Spacelab mission. Two sets of flights 52 were taken - KC1 (as it has been labeled) with Bob Renshaw and Professors Young and Oman as subjects on February 26-27, 1979; and KC2 with the Spacelab Mission Specialists and Payload Specialists as subjects on March 14-15, 1979. In order to perform both the dome vection OCR study and a separate OCR study during the zero g to two g pullouts, a suitable method was needed to restrain the body comfortably, safely and accurately in a position with the right ear down. This position-allowed photographic observation of the effect of 'turning on and off' the gravity vector, similar to lateral accelerations created in the 'space sled'. The second experiment often necessitated turning the dome off prior to pullouts to allow its effect on OCR to diminish before the gravitational effects appeared. Also, total zero g time, on the order of 24 seconds per parabola, did not allow for long runs in which to see good saturated' vection, collect much drop out information, or see steady state eye position and the effect the dome had on eye position. The method adopted for body and head restraint was to use a medical stretcher filled with a Full-Body Immobilizer (available from Picker Corp., Boston, Mass.). The Immobilizer, a bag filled with styrofoam pellets, could be evacuated to form a surprisingly rigid cast which could be molded to fit body contours. Care was taken, especially around the head and neck, to assure proper positioning within the dome and relative to the camera, as well as a safe restraint for the 2 g pullouts. The zero g to 2 g accelerations, however, often caused the subject to move in and out of the frame of the 35 mm camera that was being used to photograph eye position. This movement not only caused the subject 53 and/or his fiduciary marks to leave the frame, they caused many frames to be out of focus and thus to be impossible to analyze on the Hermes Analyzer. The same camera and control mechanism were used in the KC-135 as in the lab. The dome, however, was mounted to a locking plate release mechanism that allowed the dome to be slid into and away from the subject's face. This eased the entry to the dome as well providing a quick safety valve for the nauseous subject. (Nearly all subjects reported nauseousness or actual vomiting for some part of the set of KC-135 tests, including those on medication, jects were sick during the dome runs however, No sub- The topic of drugs is discussed more fully in a later section,) As in the lab, vection was signaled with the push button. Subjects indicated 90 on KC1 and 45* on KC2 (the protocol change was made after experiencing the reference problem on KCl), The dome was run during 2 g, zero g and transition conditions, with photographs taken intermittently throughout. In keeping with the Spacelab protocol, a system was devised to assess the effectiveness of tactile cues in limiting vection. The system involved two foot pads that could be slid up and down the rails of the stretcher, and could be positioned so as to prov.ide pressure against the bottom of the feet. Unfortunately, they were not as effective as had been hoped because in zero g, the upward force resulted in an equivalent pressure on the upper shoulders. In the 1 g environment, this reac- tion force was taken up in friction between the subject and the foam pad on which he was resting. Therefore, only a limited number of 54 runs were taken in this configuration. A comparison, however, is made between the two conditions in the Results section. In addition, several runs were made, without photography, in a free float position. Subjects held themselves near the center of the dome with the handrails on the stretcher. Little signalling was done for onset times and velocities, but subjective sensation of vection was recorded and the comments are helpful in gaining an insight into the roles of gravity and tactile sensations created within the confines of the Immobilizer bag. In addition to the acceleration problem on OCR measurements, two equipment malfunctions caused several data runs, to be unanalyzable, The first was a total loss of the voice channel for about 60 parabolas. The second was the loss of the accelerometer trace for several parabolas. These failures went unnoticed until the analysis was performed in the lab. 55 3.7 KC-135 Data Analysis Methods The data collected on the KC-135 were analyzed with the same methods as the laboratory data, with a few minor differences. The strip chart recording of the button pushes and camera flashes also contained another channel of accelerometer readings for correlation with the gravity data, The. accelerometer was not corrected for after the first contained some drift that The precision of calibration. flight was assumed to remain within the * 0,05 g range claimed and measured on earlier parabolas, The other differences between the KC-135 flight data and the laboratory data was in the film analysis. The change to binocular viewing and measurement occurred after the flights. Also, because of the positioning of the subjects relative to the apparatus and the gravity vector, the eye was rotated 90* relative to the camera, governing equations The (see page 46) remained the same for the analysis, with the variables now being defined as in the sketch below, IJ 0] C]OQ ] r3 0 J 1 00 C] f] 0 C, 10 13 T o O D2 1 f 56 This rotation, however, led to gross errors in averaging when the landmarks used resulted in angles that were averaged singularity in the tangent function. across the (The preferred horizontal or lateral landmarks were now lying along the vertical axis of the Hermes Analyzer.) To correct for this problem, the singularity in the tangent function was rotated 900 for the analysis. 3.8 Subjects The subjects used for the experiments were the prospective Spacelab Mission and Payload Specialists from NASA and ESA (European Space Agency), as well as others, both naive and experienced in CV. In the laboratory experiments, the astronauts were all tested twice, once on February 26-27, 1979 and again on September 27-29, 1979. They were: Owen Garriott, Micahel Lampton, Byron Lichtenberg, Ulf Merbold, Claude Nicollier, Wubbo Ockels, Robert Parker and their Life Sciences Coordinator, Gloria Salinas. 28 to 48, and are all male except GS. subjects on KC2. They ranged in age from These same astronauts were The subjects on KCl were Robert Renshaw, Laurence Young and Charles Oman. Much of the photographic data on the above subjects was lost for various reasons; (1) The accelerations on the KC-135 flights produced head movements large enough to put many frames out of focus or out of the frame of the camera; (2) Late in the project, 57 after the dome had been modified to it's present high contrast pattern, the flash was found to produce enough light to reflect the random dot pattern ono the cornea of brown eyed subjects. Focusing range on brown eyes was already minimal at F4, making several frames out of focus. This added moving pattern reflection made the eyes impossible to analyze on the HSFA. The blue eyed subjects did not have the same problem as enough light was reflected off the iris to overcome the reflected dots. The rest of the sub- jects chosen, therefore, were all blue eyed. This is not thought to have affected the data, since no eye-color differences had been seen or reported before. A solution has been worked out for future KC-135, laboratory and Spacelab OCR data collection on brown eyed subjects by placing an extension tube out past the ring flash and thus limiting the amount of light available for reflection off the inner surface. Subjectively, it has little or no effect on vection. In addition to the above subjects, six unpaid, blue eyed subjects were obtained for further laboratory testing and OCR measurements. They were Charles Oman, Cammy Pane, Robert Renshaw Jr., Patricia Rich, Tom Stephens, and myself. Their ages ranged from 15 to 34, 4 male, 2 female, of which 4 were naive. The methods and apparatus were iden- tical to those used for the astronauts, and as much as possible, the methods and instructions conformed to those to be used onboard Spacelab. Additional subjects were used numerous times for various studies involved in this project and are discussed elsewhere in the thesis. 58 3.9 Drugs Another factor clouding the KC1 and KC2 data is the use of antimotion sickness drugs, Due to the unpleasant 'roller coaster' nature of the KC-135, a priori 60% of all passengers get violently motion sick to the point of vomiting. this nausea. ness durgs, The rotating visual.field tends to heighten To combat this, several subjects used anti-motion sickOn KC1, all alomine and Dexidrene, subjects took Scopdex - combination of ScopOn KC2, one subject took Scopdex, while another wore a Scopalomine patch which allows slow diffusion of the drug through the skin. The exact affect of these drugs on the data is not known, as the effects of the drugs vary from individual to i'dividual and from day to day. Miller and Graybiel (19681 reported the Scopalomine based drugs had no effect on OCR. A final anti-motion sickness drug has not been chosen for flight on Spacelab yet, but when and if the decision is made, a full baseline study will need to be made to determine how each individual is affected. 59 CHAPTER 4 REPEATIBILITY AND ACCURACY There are several reasons for which the results and conclusions of this thesis could be questioned. Because of the evolutionary style of this research project, each step and method needs to be compared to the previous methods within the same experiment. There are five major points or changes that could be questioned in terms of the accuracy and repeatlbility of the experiment, They are; (1) 45' vs 90' signals in reporting vection; (2) monocular vs. binocular vision in OCR recording; (31 varying patterns, lighting, and depth of dome; (4) changes in scanners working on equivalent data; and (5) dilation of the eyes in OCR measurements. 4.1 450 vs Each will be discussed separately. 90* Signals In a study done November 13, 1979, I compared signalling systems under the dome in an effort to see if there was a major difference or drawback to either a 450 or 90' measure. four experienced in VIR, four naive. Eight subjects were used, Each subject was given two sets of four runs in random order - 2 at 45*/sec, 1 at 30*/sec and 1 at 60*/sec. On one set they were to signal their subjective position relative every 450 relative to the room. relative to the room, In the other set, every 90* The order of the two sets were interchanged between subjects to eliminate bias. No OCR data was collected. 60 The data was transferred from its original strip chart form to a data sheet. Average velocities and standard deviations were then calculated for all four runs for each subject for each measurement condition. These are listed by subject's initials in Table 2. As can be seen in all cases, subjective measures are slower than actual dome speed with either measurement system. (The actual average for four runs is 45*/sec.) The yes/no criterion on Table 2 indicates whether In the signals show a consistent relation to the actual dome speed. other words, whether the 30*/sec estimate is slower than the 45*/sec estimate, and whether the 45*/sec estimate is slower than the 60*/sec one. In nearly all cases, this relationship does exist, although the increase is not the same for all subjects. The comparison of standard deviations, on the other hand, indicates that a steadier measurement is made with the 45* measures. And although two subjects indicated that they have no ingrained personal preference for 450 as they do for 90*, it appears that this measure is easier at all but the highest speed. At 60 */sec, the measurements came so fast that it was thought by at least three subjects that they locked onto an internal clock which changed only as conditions or sensations noticeably changed. It is also seen that subjective velocities do not change in a calculatable fashion for all subjects when a change is made from 90* 45* signals, to That is, approximately 50% reported faster vection velocities with 90* signals, and approximately 50% reported slower vection velocities. The changes were on the order of ± 10-20% and overall increase in subjective speed in 90' different by t-test standards. was 5,2%, not statistically Overall, the conclusion was reached CO LY BW Co Average velocity 450 Signals BW LY 21. 05*/sec f30.65*/sec 118.53*/sec yes Average velocity 900 Signals 28.27*/sec yes Average standard deviation 900/450 yes no 25. 50*/sec 127. 76*/sec yes yes OB BK OB BK 37.45*/sec 20.42 0 /sec yes yes 32.00/sec 133.22 0 /sec yes yes BL I- BL BR - 33.22*/sec yes 39.70 0 /sec yes BR 27.00 0 /sec yes 33.65*/sec yes 0.545/0.377 0.667/0.337J0.672/0.36210.430/0.28710.835/0.813 0.385/0.192 0.447/0.240 Percentage change in velocity 450 + 90* +26% -20% +22% -17% -9.6% -16.0 Table 2: Average and standard deviation of velocity in 450 versus 90* measures Comments: Assumes 2 45*/sec runs, 1 30 0 /sec run,-, 1 60 0 /sec run; also velocity: apparent; no = no velocity relation apparent. +20% yes = relation 0% I-a 62 to continue testing with the 450 measure. The change mid-stream in the experiment had little or no effect on the data. 4.2 Monocular vs Binocular Vision in OCR Recording Prior to the final round of astronaut testing in September 1979, all OCR measurements were monocular. cular. Hence, all KC-135 data is mono- The subject wore a patch over his right eye and centered his left eye in the frame of the camera. The bite board was one half size and thus connected only to the teeth on the upper left half of the mouth. The fiduciary marks were presented only under the left eye (see sketch, page ). A Nikon PN-l extension tube was used in connection with the 105 mm lens to produce a reproduction ratio of 1:1.5 (2/3 actual size), in comparison to the present binocular reproduction ratio of 1:2.5 (2/5 actual size). It was hoped that by chang- ing from monocular to binocular data that we could have more available light and thus gain an F-stop. This, however, did not occur. The change moved the camera back and thus did give more focal range and depth of field. This aided in focusing, since it had been difficult to get the fine features of the iris clearly in focus for analysis. Monocular film developing was identical to the binocular case cited before, except for a sign convention change. Film was being numbered with felt markers on the front side of the film. This, how- ever, was changed because of the characteristics of the film coatings. Felt tip markers are permanent only on the back side of the films, 63 it is easily smudged or rubbed off on the front side. The reversal of film in the scanner therefore caused a sign change in the convention used to determine angles. Thus prior to binocular data, CW rotation of the eye as seen from the subject's point of view dictates a positive rotation of the eye when plotted. The opposite is true for present binocular methods. In addition, the HSFA had not been modified to the present binocular setup, It had a magnification factor of 20. That is, film was blown up 20 times and projected on the same 62.5 x 62,5 cm screen. This led to iral diameters of 18 cm (as compared to present magnifications of 50 times and pupil diameters of about 23 cm for binocular photos). The iral diameter is the critical value for determining the average standard deviation found in analysis. The larger the iris, the wider spread the landmarks and therefore the more accurately the angle can be measured, The change in iris diameter did not greatly affect the accuracy of the measurement process, which depends more on the carefulness of the scanner. In addition, this 20% change in iris diameter would only produce a standard deviation change that was well within the noise of such a measure. A change back to monocular data at this time would, however, increase our accuracy. By blowing monocular data up 50 times, and thus approximately doubling the iral diameter, errors and standard deviations should be cut in half. and no focusing problems. This is assuming best case conditions 64 The actual difference in measured OCR induced by the two conditions cannot be accurately determined since both techniques were not imposed on the same subject under the same dome on the same day. Static OCR values induced from a rotating GIF are known to have interand intra-subject variations, and thus a positive statement cannot be made. It was noted, however, that binocular OCR values are slightly but significantly larger than those obtained with monocular viewing, and that calculated standard deviations are on the same order of 0.2 to 0.8 degrees. 4.3 Varying Patterns, Lighting and Dep-th of Dome A study done in April- 1979 after the KC-135 flights, determine the effect of various visual patterns on vection, choose the best one for further vection studies. sought to and to Several suggestions were listed as possible causes for the poor vection created by the existing dome. Type of vision: We had been testing with monocular vision, Colors in the dome: We had black on gray and blue on white wall paper. Fixation point: We had just instructed the subjects to gaze into the camera lens, Amount of lighting: The back-lighting was low and didn't lighten the gray surface well. 65 The list goes on to include the shape of the dome, the percentage of coverage of the dome surface, type of pattern, and depth of field. Several wallpaper patterns were tried without formal testing measures, only subjective evaluation. Most of them were not convinc- ing in producing vection, and they often gave directional cues. I then chose three subjects on whom to test several patterns and conditions to see if it was possible to statistically prove one pattern or condition better than another. Two of the subjects showed little or no vection and were thus dropped from the study. The third subject, although prone to drop outs, was very helpful in pattern determination. Nine variations in all were tried. They were: (1) Gray background with 1/4" dots at 3% coverage, (2) Parallel black and white stripes on an insert. (The annular insert extends out from the camera flash - a visual angle of 13.5* out to the curve in the dome - a visual angle of 55*). (3) An offset radial pattern of black stripes on a yellow background as an insert. (4) A blank yellow insert to check if the vection was caused solely by the peripheral pattern. (5) Four colors of 3/4" diameter dots on a gray background with 30% coverage on the front face, and 13% dot coverage on the dome sides. (6) Six colors of 3/4" diameter dots on a white background with 20% coverage on all sides, but having no fixed center point for gaze fixation. 66 (7) Same pattern as (6) with the exception of now having a fixed center. (8) Same pattern as (7) now with reduced lighting to cut down on eye strain from the white background. (9) Same conditions as (8) except viewing monocularly instead of binocularly to test for any difference between the two. Several runs at different speeds in random order were taken on each pattern with one subject better than the others. to try and statistically prove one The subject was given the same instructions as in normal data runs, measuring 90' rotations relative to the room. The data were transferred from strip charts and averaged over all runs for onset times, subjective velocities, times of drop outs, and their standard deviations (Table 3). Not enough data runs were taken to prove very many patterns statistically better than others. Using a t-test of significance, it is possible to statistically eliminate the blank insert (t = 6.91, p < 0.001, d.f. tion, = 5), showing that peripheral vision is not the only cause of vec- This is in contrast to the work of Brandt et al. (1975), who stated that masking the surface to a visual angle of 60* had almost no effect on vection. In addition, the blank moving center, subtending the 13,5* normally taken by the camera, can be eliminated as a viable solution (t = 5.4, p < 0.001, d.f. = 5). Beyond that, analysis of variance doesn't show any one pattern to be better because of the small sample size and the variances involved. It was noted, however, that parallel stripes gave directional cues, and that bright lighting on the DOME TYPE Viewing type Average time of onset of vection Standard Average Standard deviation time of deviation iof time first of drop of onset drop out out Average of 900 signals 1/4" blacktdots on gray back- M 4.5 2.15 16.83 6.59 M 2.3 0.71 22.7 6.36 B 2.53 0.56 1 18.03 2.32 0.51 B 3.93 0.42 14.2 2.65 0.70 4 colors of 3/4" dots on gray backgroundI 30% coverage B 2.96 0.87 20.75 6.44 6 colors of 3/4" dots on ,2%co. white,wi 20% covA moving center B 29 2.93 0.11.r 0.31 6.6 1.38 o vection, Same as above, without moving center B 1.97 0.31 19.47 6.07 0.58 0.15 16.85 4.35 0.38 1.10 15.92 5.13 4.05 ground 30% coverage Parallel stripes, black on white 0.51 ' .38* Offset radial I stripes, black on yellow Blank in ser t yellow for Same pattern, with reduced B2.32 lighting Same pattern with reduced M 2.42 lighting Table 3: Pattern and viewing differences compared. B M = = binocular, monocular 68 six color pattern with white background caused eyestrain from the It can also be seen that binocular viewing is slightly contrast. better than monocular on all points, thus adding another reason to remain with binocular OCR measures. Overall, from this study and other separate subjective opinions, it is felt that the 20% coverage with six colors of 3/4" dots on a white background is the best pattern to induce vection. Lighting must be appropriate for the contrast involved; about 24 foot candles incandescent or 12 foot candles fluorescent in this condition. The change was made from fluorescent to incandescent to match the Spacelab lighting scheme. duced. The two light levels are comparable in the contrast pro- Also, since the time of this study, the depth of field of the dome has been increased by 6". This has improved vection, mainly by eliminating any objects visible or 'sensed' in the periphery. Its specific effect on vection was never carefully measured beyond a subjective point of view. It can be shown that subjective measures of velocity and drop out times are not statistically different in the two dome depth conditions. Onset times, however, are statistically different, but the change in visual pattern must also be taken into consideration in accounting for the difference. Another problem arose from the change to random colored dots on a white background that went unnoticed until after a great deal of data was lost. The high contrast pattern essential in creating satu- rated vection also interfered with the OCR data, It was found that the flash intensity was high enough and was allowed to disperse enough to cause specular reflection of the dot pattern onto the subject's 69 cornea. This problem was restricted to brown eyed subjects where the iral patterns were not well illuminated and thus the overriding In- visual scene was that of the reflected dot pattern (Figure 9). creasing the light only increased the effect. This was not the case on blue or hazel eeyed subjects where the underlying iral patterns overrode the dot pattern reflected on the cornea (Figures 10 and 11). Several engineering solutions to the problem were attempted. They involved background lighting changes, various coatings over the dome surface to equalize the reflectivity, and flash condenser/restrictors. By placing an extension tube out from the ring flash, it was possible to eliminate all photographic flash light from reflecting onto the cornea, This extension tube, however, interfered with vection sensations since it protruded 6" towards the subject's face. A solu- tion was to cut that length in half, allowing only light that had an angle of incidence greater than that which could return to the subject's eyes to impinge on the dome surface. This tube, approximately 3" in length and painted white to blend in with the dome background color, was implemented for Spacelab experimentation on brown eyed subjects. It does little to effect the flash intensity or vection quality. How- ever, in order to eliminate this from being another factor to contend with in this investigation, measures were blue eyed. all subjects used in the lab for OCR From previous data, no significant difference was noted between brown and blue eyed subjects, as expected, and it is therefore not a cause of concern. The next round of astronaut testing, however, should use the extension tube to get the needed OCR data on brown eyed subjects and to match the Spacelab conditions as closely as possible. - - - - --------------- . ... .. ................. ------- FIGURE 9. Brown Eyed Subject with Reflected Dot Pattern a .. ... FIGURE 10. Hazel Eyes under Same Conditions as Fig. 9 ....... .......... 73 4.4 Changes in Scanners The volumes of data analyzed for the KC-135 and laboratory data required the use of more than one scanner. employed: For the most part, two were Yao Tsiagbe and Stefania Rubinsky - the latter doing the greatest volume of work. In order that position data not be lost be- tween scanners, the last three data points of a previous scanner were repeated in order to get a position correlation, At the end of each scanning session, sketches of the eyes were made to depict which landThis marks were used. allowed one scanner to return to the same landmarks on a following session, as well as documenting the landmarks for further comparisons with the plotted values as a final check. In order to test whether both scanners gave comparable results, apart from the accuracy check provided by the standard deviation values, each was asked to repeat 20 frames of binocular data using landmarks of their choosing. By properly scaling the Varian OCR plots, it was possible to see both scanner's values on the same plot, each having their own reference angle to begin with (Figure 12). view, these plots were separated and scaled up. For a clearer The angles found by Yao have been placed on transparencies and overlaid across those found by Stefania, over left. Figure 13 is right eye over right, Figure 14 is left eye To compare the left eye with the right, Figure 15 is right over left. As can be seen, both scanners show comparable results and both eyes are going through essentially the same rotations. Also, by com- paring the graphs and overlays, there is no discrepancy larger than 'AX/V)IS '.VERSION '1 TEST 5-DEC-79 116:38:15 1P1"OTR-'PLOT'1 MUX/MS 25 x 20' x.x xX 15 10! x x xx xx x X X X *-l 5 xxx X .X X 0 (f) P. X 0 co z -5: CL XXXX x X x x X x X - 175 180 -10 0 u 150 155 160 165 170 FRAME # FIGURE 12. Scanner Comparison Plotted on-Same Scale .4 X xx X XX i xx Xx x x x . x X - 4 .1. I ,*... a SCANNER - RIGHT I 4. YAO VAX-*yS 1YS /ERSION I TEST 18-APR-80 15:35:51 PICTR-PLOT3 35 I *** VAX/VMS -'SIAI:tP3441.ARROTTIVARIAN.PLT;3 I I I x x x I 0 H C 30 x z x 25k x 0 CO H 05 x x x x xx x x x x 20 x C' x x x x x x <U x 0 I I , 15 155 15 0 160 FRAME # * * ... .. ~*' .*1~* I. FIGURE 13. 165 I 170 SCANNER - STEFANIA Increased Scale Overlay Yao Right over Stefania Right 175 180 x x X x x x X.x x x x x xx .x x j I I I . x x SCANNER -YAO LEFT AX/VMS * VSION 1 TEST 18-APR-80 15:37:27 PICTR-PLOT4 5 * .bral:[P3441.ARROTTIVARIAN..PLT;4 I I I i i -/VAX/VKS .0 X L' -J xX -5 x x CD z X X z X x Xx x x X x x X X X -10 x X x 0 U) H x X CL 0 R I *150 I I 155 160 FRAME # FIGURE 14. I I I 165 170 175 SCANNER - STEFANIA Yao Left over Stefania Left 160 'If 'A. *,~, ~ ':~ - - ~.........- I I X x x x xX X x X X X XX x X X 2< X J.x V YAC SCANNER LEFT 4 . 4 I .,w rAX/VXS *000 'VSION I TEST 18-APR-80 15:35:51 PICTR-PLOT3 35 *** VAX/VXS _SIAI: IP3441.ARROTTIVARIAN.PLT;3 - i I i 0 H C 30 x x .. J -j z x 25 k 00 0 X x z 0 X x x xx x X x X x * X x x X x H x x 20 X <U $- I 4= 155 150 160 FRAME # FIGURE 15. .9 I I 165 170 SCANNER - STEFANIA Binocular Comparison, Yao 'Eeft over Stefania Right .175 180 81 1 1/2 degrees, which only occurs on two occasions, under a degree. and most are well Even the larger differences cannot be proven to be statistically different since each data point has a standard deviation on the order of half a degree. It is also noted in Figure 15, by over- laying one eye on the other, that the two eyes have an equivalent fit. That is, they both counterroll together with no asymmetry visible. (The dome was run in two directions during these 20 photographs.) There are no differences between -the two eyes in visually induced roll greater than 1 1/2 degrees, and this is a limit seen only on a very few points. Most are much closer. Overall, the data collected indicates that the method and scanners are not only accurate to within the standard deviations calculated, they are repeatible to within 1/2 degree or less on the average. 4.5 Dilation of the Eyes in OCR Measurements This problem is a result of the timeline and data collection methods used. It was necessary that the dome light intensity be kept down around 10 - 20 foot candles to prevent eyestrain and provide good vection. The photography, on the other hand, requires flash levels on the order of 1000 foot candles, or nearly two orders of magnitude more. It is not possible to take OCR measurements on a con- tinuous basis as the flash would interrupt vection greatly. Taken in short bursts (2-3 sec), however, it can be tolerated without much 82 effect on vection. The problem arises in that the flashes cause pupil to constrict, or rather the muscles of the iris to shrink the size of the pupil. to constrict This effect was minimized in a previous study by Miller and Graybiel (1970), who placed drops of 1% Pilocarpine Hydrochloride solution in the eye before taking OCR measurements. The drug minimizes the natural fluctuations in pupil size as well as maintains the pupil in constant constriction to allow viewing of as many iral landmarks as possible. Since use of this drug would not be tolerable for operational reasons on Spacelab, was not used in this study. it The photographic flash occurs fast enough to act as a continuous bright light and thus no dilation occurs between flashes. The constriction process, however, lasts 6-9 flashes (2-3 sec) before reaching steady state, depending on the individual. This means that the iral between each flash. landmarks are moving on the eye during and (Figures 10 and 11 (pp. 71-2) were taken on the same subject 20 seconds apart, Figure 10 occurring as the last frame in a series of 9 consecutive, 3/sec flashes, while Figure 11 is the first in the next series.) To minimize the effects of these non-torsional movements of the landmarks, scanners were instructed to use landmarks spaces as far apart radially as possible and as close to horizontal or at least as symmetrically as possible. It can be shown that the angle between two points located asymmetrically about the eye may change with pupil constriction, while the eye has not gone through any torsional rotations. To qualitatively check the effect of these dilations, scanners 83 were instructed to choose several identifiable features on a given set of monocular data shot under the dome while it was in motion. Eighty points in all were entered into the HSFA. were entered along the eyelids and around the iris line the main features of the eye. First 20 points and pupil to out- Next, ten points on the eye plus the two fiduciary marks were each entered five times, relocating the crosshair used to mark points between each entry. This was repeated over ten frames of film shot at three frames/sec in order to get several levels of pupil constriction. Anthony Arrott, interested in the same data for his studies, wrote a program similar to SCANOR3 which plotted these eighty entries on the same plot, scaled in the same units as the HSFA. The plot is similar to that seen on the screen of the HSFA reduced in size by a factor of approximately four (Figure 16). The eye has been sketched in for clarity. The two lower points not on the eye are five entries of the fiduciary marks. iations in these entries are negligible. on the iris Var- The points that were repeated and on the blood vessels usually appear as blurred crosses, a result of slight errors in entering the point in five repeats. An attempt to measure the angles between any two landmarks on a drafting table, accurate to about 1/2 degree, resulted in a maximum change of two degrees. However, this includes angles chosen between landmarks on the iris and visible blood vessels. It is clear by over- lays of the data that at least oneof these blood vessels, the far right, is conjunctival. the one on These blood vessels, indistinguishable from scleral vessels, do not move with the eye, but slide over it. Blood vessels are not valid or wise choices for OCR measures. The . a AX/VMS VAX/VMS VERSION 1 TEST 17-FEB-80 20:04:19 PICTR-PLOT7 88E3 (82 80 78 /0 76 74E3 76 E3 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 Multiple Landmark Data ML80NIS Frame 9 FIGURE 16. 80 Point Dilation Study, small pupil overlay 92 84 E3 85 other cause for large errors was in choosing angles that were made by points near the pupil. Figure 16, As can be seen in comparing the overlay in the point nearest the pupil moved considerably, while the rest of the points remained fairly stable. In addition to this data, plots of all eyes show no general rotation or trend in the first three frames of a data run. These frames, taken with no dome rotation, show that while there is some movement of the eye, it cannot be attributed to dilation. The move- ments seen are on the order of 1* in random directions and can be attributed to the noise in the positioning system of the eye seen by Miller (1962). The overall indication of this study is that as long as points are chosen symmetrically and as far radially as possible, good OCR data can be obtained with confidence that it is little affected by the constriction or dilation of the pupil. In summary, although it is possible that each of the changes or problems induced slight errors into the analysis of the data gathered, it is the author's view that they are negligible. The signalling method of one button push every 45* was not significantly different than that using 90* and it should substantiate itself as more data is gathered. Binocular OCR recording has shown comparable accuracies to monocular, and it has been shown that both eyes are driven in identical directions to similar magnitudes by a singular binocular process. This would allow a return to monocular recording if higher accuracies are desired with a theoretical improvement of 50%. The random dot pattern 86 with 20% coverage is clearly the best in creating a vection illusion without giving specific reference for influencing position and velocity information. Peripheral vision was also elminated as the sole cause of vection with a near doubling of onset time and a 50% decrease in steadiness seen when 55* of the central field was masked. Scanner were shown to do accurate work (a = 0.2 - 0.8) that was repeatible over a given set of binocular data, giving credence to both the system and the eye movements measured throughout this thesis. And lastly, although not a minor problem, dilation effects can be minimized through the choice of proper iral landmarks. 87 CHAPTER 5 RESULTS The results of this thesis are divided into two sections. first is an analysis of the vection phenomenon. The It contains lumped averages over all subjects for vection speed, onset times, and drop outs, all presented in graphic form. ances and differences dictate. Qualifications are made as vari- KC-135 flight data and tactile dif- ferences are compared to standard laboratory conditions. In addition, individual averages are listed for each of the Spacelab crew members as this will be important for comparison with data returned from Spacelab. The second section contains the OCR data and analysis, including both monocular and binocular results. Averages of OCR values obtained in this research only tended to disguise the substantial differences seen within individuals. The OCR seen is clearly not as pre- dicted in all cases, nor does it always match the results obtained by previous authors. The individual plots of eye position are thus in- cluded in Appendix D for comparison. Eye to eye comparisons are made for the binocular results, noting any asymmetries or preferential directions. Comparisons are made between the eye movements and induced vection, between monocular and binocular results and between 1 g and zero g results. The 1 g monocular data is presented first, followed by the KC-135 monocular data and 1 g binocular results. 88 5.1 Vection Results The following is a summary of the vection results for all subjects, independent of the OCR information obtained. over both testing sessions: The crew data is averaged February and September, 1979, for drop out times and vection velocities since there was no significant difference noted between the two (Figure 17). Onset of CV times, however, did show a significant difference between the two sessions. There are several possible reasons for the signifant (p < :0.02, t = 2.33, d.f. = 15) decrease in onset times at all speeds with the present pattern. The present pattern is more compelling; multi-colored 3/4" dots at 20% coverage on a white background in comparison to the 3% coverage of 1/4" black dots on a gray background. The present viewing is binocular, as opposed to monocular on the gray pattern, and finally, the depth of the dome has been increased (from 8" to 14"). A combination of the more compelling pattern and binocular viewing are considered to be the major reason for this decrease. In the comparisons with zero g and tactile conditions, the data for onset times will use the present pattern only, since it is the pattern on which future Spacelab-1 testing will be done. Any detrimental effects of lumping the averages together for drop out times and vection velocities are considered minimal, as the larger data base is helpful in determining significant differences. The data for the six laboratory subjects tested is in complete agreement with that collected for the crew on the present pattern. None of the results can be proven to be statistically different and 89 15- I 12-- C) 4- Previous 1/4" Dots 3% Cover Monocular 'N N T 9- 0 1 I ______ -4 I I 4-4 Present 3/4" Dots 20% Cover Binocular L I 45 60 31 1 Incae OnSt.ev rIndicates One Std. Dev. 0 15 30 deg./sec. Dome Velocity FIGURE 17. Comparison of Onset Times for 2 Patterns 90 overall averages are surprisingly similar, which attests to the repeatibility of the experiments. These averages were lumped together with the crew data for overall averages of onset times, drop out times, and vection velocities. Tactile cues were not tested on the six lab subjects since it was felt that enough data had already been gathered on this, and thus averages presented are calculated from the crew data alone. The total number of data runs under all conditions combined is: 130 non-tactile runs and 66 tactile on a total of 14 subjects. Vection data for the KC1 and KC2 are lumped together. The total number of subjects on which data was recovered is limited to 9 with a total of 93 data runs. Figures 18 through 20 present the results in graphic form while Table 4 lists the numerical averages and standard deviations for the data. Vertical lines on the figures represent one standard deviation of the data collected. Data points on various conditions have been shifted slightly for clarity in discerning standard deviation values. Intra-subject variances are much smaller than those found in the combined averages presented. This is in agreement with the findings of Dichgans et al. (1972), Young et al. ((1974) and others who also found intra-subject variability to be smaller than inter-subject variability. Figure 18 presents the average time of onset of CV in four conditions for three speeds. The conditions are: 1 g laboratory data for CV about the vertical in a supine position, same conditions with tactile pressure applied to the soles of the feet, zero g data collected on the KC-135 flights with the right ear down, and fourth, 2 g data with the right ear down. This last position, a 2 g otolith signal, equivalent 91 A1 ig Tactile - 18 15 12 2 g C., g 1211 4-4 0 '4-4 . -Zero 3T 0 15 30 45 60 Dome Velocity FIGURE 18. Time of Onset of CV in 4 Conditions1 g, 1 g Tactile, 2 g, & Zero g. deg./sec. 92 to standing erect with the head rolled 90* to the right, is such that it should not create continuous vection without also creating an otolith conflict (Young et al., 1974). It is believed, however, that the sinu- soidally changing gravity conditions created onboard the KC-135 overrode the already confused vestibular system. Also, the head rolled 90* to the side position minimizes the effectiveness of the otolith sensors (Young et al., 1975). wild variations in With the gravity vector being turned 'on and off', perceived orientation by all in roll, pitch and yaw axes. were experienced There was no 'clear' otolith cue to create the paradox of 'rotation at a constant tilt', and thus signalling of rotation occurred in the two g environment as well as in zero g. As can be seen, and as expected, the onset times are shorter in zero g than in 1 g at all but the highest velocity. This is significant at 30*/sec (p < 0.03, t = 2.2, d.f. = 9) and at 45*/sec (p < 0.04, t 1.98, d.f. = 23) by the standard t test. = It is noted that the onset time in zero g stays constant over all speeds, even down to 15*/sec. In comparison, Young et al. (1974) showed that there is a marked increase in yaw vection onset times at slower velocities (10 to 30*/sec) and the same is seen for the 1 g supine data presented here. Brandt et al. (1973), on the other hand report no change in yaw CV onset times which are on the order of 3-4 seconds for field speeds of 10 to 120*/sec, similar to those seen in zero g. The sensitivity and orientation of the utricular otolith can be partly responsible for the shorter onset times in zero g. In a 1 g supine orientation, although the otolith is in its least sensitive orientation, it transmits a valid signal 93 nonetheless. As the dome speed increases and the visual stimulus becomes more compelling, less emphasis is placed on the otolith interpretation of position, and vection occurs sooner, reaching a peak around 4.5 seconds. In contrast, in zero g, the otolith signal is rendered totally useless as a static orientation cue, and the time to onset is dependent only on the believability of the visual cue and the time constants of the SCC and CNS. This threhsold time, the time for the SCC cues to reduce to a level where the visual motion can be accepted as body rotation, is approximately 4.25 seconds over the velocity range 15 to 60*/sec. The tactile cues are seen to cause a delay in time of onset of CV in a 1 g environment. (Not enough data was collected on 2 g or zero g tactile cues to present any quantifiable average. however, follow those of the 1 g data.) The tendencies, The tactile cues can be shown to be significantly different (p < 0.01, t = 2.6, d.f. = 15) from standard 1 g supine for all but the lowest velocity, were the intersubject variance is too large to show significance. The tactile cues do not, however, represent the equivalent of a standing otolith cue, since this would cause complete elimination of continuous vection. Information can also be gained from the slope of the tactile curve in relation to the slope of the normal 1 g curve. As can be seen, onset time decreases with increasing dome speed for 1 g supine, leveling off slightly in the 45 to 60*/sec range. On the other hand, the tactile curve, as well as the 2 g curve, both tend to show an increase in time of onset of CV with increasing dome speed. is thought to be caused by increasing conflict. This increase As the vection stimulus 94 quality increases, more of a conflict is generated between the visual and vestibular systems, and as a result onset time for CV lengthens. This is not the case for zero g or 1 g supine where no otolith or tactile cue conflicts with the perceived motion. Thus, tactile cues or increased gravitational cues do tend to limit vection. The tactile cues, however, do not represent a full replacement of gravitational cues gathered by the body, presumably by the utricular otoliths. Figure 19 plots vection velocities for three separate conditions: 1 g supine, 1 g supine with tactile pressure, and zero g. The results indicate that all three conditions are essentially identical with respect to subjective vection velocity. The 2 g condition was not tabu- lated independently as no difference was seen in vection velocities over transition conditions on the KC-135 (i.e., in going from 2 g to lg while experiencing continuous vection, velocities did not show any significant difference). In addition, calculating the velocity in a 'conflict' condition seemed of questionable value given the circumstances under which the data was collected. The results also show perceived vection velocities to be lower than the actual dome speed. understood. The explanation for this is not totally One thought is that it is a form of information loss or equivocation. Information is collected by the visual system at the given dome speed and is collected, transferred, sorted and fed back out at a slower speed due to losses along the way. This, however, does not offer any physiological insight into the question. Another possibility is that the CNS senses self motion through whatever method, begins signalling an apparent velocity which tends to lock onto an internal clock. 95 60 Perfect Measure 0I 4 5 T Zero g Gj g /4 Tactile 15 0 15 30 Actual FIGURE 19. 45 60 deg./sec. Dome Velocity Perceived vs Actual Dome Speed in 3 Conditions - 1 g, 1 g Tactile, Zero g. 96 The rates transmitted , although correlated to the actual dome speed, do not have to exactly match those occurring - there is no feedback or penalty - and thus the estimates remain slow. (To match 60*/sec requires a button push every 0.75 seconds with the present system.) In comparing the difference in velocities over all speeds, an interesting point crops up that appears to be in agreement with a finding of Diener et al. (1976). Diener used a subjective scale to He found that by doubling the spatial fre- report CV in the yaw axis. quency of visual stripes - similar to doubling the dome speed - subjects reported an average subjective velocity increase of approximately 60%. In this investigation, doubling the stimulus velocity from 30 to 60*/sec results in an average 58% increase in perceived velocity. In addition, the perceived velocities are an average 62% slower than the actual dome speed in all conditions. Reasoning for this finding has not been offered by Diener or this author. Figure 20 presents the average length of the first vection period defined as the time from start of vection to the point where it ceases, for two conditions. The first first is the supine 1 g conditionand the second is the same using tactile cues applied to the soles of the feet. It was not possible to collect the same information during the parabolic flights because of the short duration of zero g. It was noted, however, that on nearly every occasion, as the plane entered a 2 g pullout from zero g, vection ceased. Again, subject positioning with the right ear down can account for this observation. 97 50 40 0' g 0 30 - 0 ig 20 TactileT 10 _________ 0 -- 15 - 30 -F U - 45 -- 60 deg./sec. Dome Velocity FIGURE 20. Average Time of Vection in 2 Conditions 98 15 12.34 Time of onset 1 g, old 60 45 30 I 9.85 a = 5.05 0= 8.4 dp = 18 dp = 19 7 78 dp = 5.6 dp = 60 a = 2.8 dp = 64 */sec. 9.4 0 = 11.26 dp = 18 pattern Time of onset 1g, new pattern 11.76 Time of onset 1 g tactile a = 9.2 dp = 16 4.28 Time of onset zero g a = 2.47 dP = 7 4.21 a = 1.76 dp = 10 Time of onset 4.48 a = 2.26 5.4 dp = 60 19.5 13.3 a = 14..2 dp = 18 4.59 a = 2.71 dp = 24 >8.37 a = 4.45 22.3 Subjective velocity lg Subjective velocity 1 g tactile Subjective 16.2 velocity 0 g a - 7.4 dp = 6 Length of first Lenth first vection 1 g tactile dp = 8 >13.09 a = 10.3 27.1 a = 11.6 34.0 a = 15.3 a = 8.7 dp =60 dp = 64 dp = 60 20.4 a = 7.1 dp = 42 25.5 a = 12.7 dp = 44 35.7 cy = 17.9 dp = 42 24.1 32.7 38.93 a = 4.9 dp = 8 a = 9.2 dp = 42 a=14.9 dp = 11 31.3 a = 11 1 34.5 a = 12.8 35.2 a = 12.0 dp = 60 vection period lg 4.24 a = 2.25 dp = 7 dp = 26 2 g a = 19.6 dp = 16 28.8 a = 9.97 dp = 16 dp = 64 dp = 60 23.4 a 15.2 dp =18 = 12.0 a = 20.1 dp = 16 a = standard deviations dp = number of data points Table 4: Compiled averages and standard deviations as plotted in Figures 17 through 20 99 It can be seen from Figure 19 that tactile cues shorten the length of sustained vection, especially at the higher speeds. Due to intersubject variability, this cannot be verified at 30*/sec, but it can be shown to be a significant difference at higher speeds (p < 0.2, t = 2.2, d.f. = 15). A reason for this decrease at higher speeds can be seen again in the conflict model. As more directional cues are provided by tactile force, the conflict increases between the visual and non-visual systems and thus vection is limited. In addition, an attempt was made to see if a correlation existed between either subjective velocity or latency times and age or sex. The results indicate that no such correlation exists. That is, onset times and subjective velocities are independent of age and sex of the subject over a range from 15 to 48 years of age. Overall, the findings were as predicted in all except one case. Onset of vection was quicker in zero g and slowed with tactile cues and in 2 g. Tactile cues do not fully replace otolith cues for "sense of down", but can be shown to effect both onset and drop out time in a manner detrimental to vection. The fact that vection velocities do not increase in zero g is quizzical. Information transfer or an in- ternal clock, either running at 60% of the stimulus velocity, are suggested reasoning that would not be affected by gravity or tactile cues. The hypothesis that vection would be more compelling in zero g was substantiated in voice comments made during 'free float' viewing of the dome. Comments by all, indicated that they feld immediate saturated 100 vection in zero g, during free float especially, and that it often caused them to lose total orientation. In addition, subjects invol- untarily exerted reactionary forces on the litter and rails so as to physically rotate the body in a direction opposite to the dome rotation. For comparison with later data, averages for each crew member were compiled for time of onset, subjective velocity and drop out times, and are presented in Table 5. Values were taken from the pre- sent pattern and viewing conditions only. 1--) _____________________ i '1 ii OG Time of onset of CV 300 8.7 I wo CN 10.5 -4.9 6.9 . 9.3 6.7 I RP 2.4 12.3 5.0 3.8 I UM 2.9 6.1 5.3 -- I BL ML 4.7 6.3 0.71.95 -~8.3 450 3.5 1 g/l g tactile I ( 4.8 60 I 3 8V 6.3 2.0 7 2.9 3.1 6.2 3.2 Subjec tive 300 Velocity 18.0 13.1 1 g 450 22.9 20.0 tactile 600 30.3 30' 2.3 6.1 6.7 8. 8 12.6 1 8.3 9.5 37.5 18 .- 15.1 33.0 18.1 2-. 28.8 27.2 15.3 50.9 20.7 25.6 15.7 34.7- 25.2 67.8 29.1 27.7 50 40.1 50 32.4 31.8 44.1 23.5 450 50 42.9 50 38.2 44.0 50 16.8 drop out* 609 50 40.1 50 42.5 34.8 50 18.1 . I 7.2 19.3 2 . - 34.4 '-I 0 lg Averagetime of first * No drop out - 50 Table 5. Individual averages for astronauts - time of onset, subjective, velocity, drop out times 102 5.2 OCR Results The results for monocular and binocular viewing are varied enough to warrant separate discussions of each condition. results followed by the binocular. First the monocular KC-135 results are included at the end of the monocular discussion as they too are all monocular. The plots of monocular OCR values are in Section 1 of Appendix D. The arrows in the lower right hand corner of each plot show the direction of dome rotation as defined by the scanning convention. The ver- tical line represents a span of time indicated by the values written on the lower axis. Frames are taken at a rate of three per second from that initial time. The first six shots were taken immediately after startup of the stimulus, the second six when the subject was reporting vection. On occasion, this was not possible and the second set came during 'no vection'. The condition is clearly indicated by the words 'no vection' or 'during vection'. There were no photographs taken with the dome stopped. 5.2.1 Monocular Results There are essentially two different types of eye movements noted in the 1 g monocular data. OG and BL. The first was experienced by two subjects, This result is similar to the findings of Finke and Held, (1978), but more dramatic in the case of OG. ments was as follows: The pattern of eye move- The eye immediately follows the dome rotation with an OCR of 2-3 degrees. Then after a latency, the eye appears to counterroll back past its nominal steady state position and roll 4-6 103 degrees in a direction opposite to the dome rotation. taken at this time were always during vection, and it Photographs is not known if this same counterrolling occurs in a 'no vection' situation. appears so, since BL had similar torsional eye movements. It His eye would follow the dome, and then counterroll, to a lesser extent, back in a directionopposite the dome. This time, however, a set of photo- graphs included a 'no vection' condition which show this same apparent counterrotation. This would indicate that the OCR was not connected with the vection sensation, but more with the length of exposure to the stimulus. In addition, it is noted that all these eye movements appear extremely steady. Although there may be large differences between the values at 'no vection' and 'during vection' conditions, the eye remains steady during the two seconds of photography. cially true for the data on BL. This is espe- This will be contrasted with the bi- nocular data later. It is also seen that there is no correlation between dome speed, tactile cues, and amount of induced OCR. This again would indicate that the OCR process is independent of vection as vection is greatly influenced by these two factors. If the processes were dependent, OCR should also be limited by tactile cues and increased with increasing dome speed. These differences are not apparent. The second type of OCR noted involves purely a motion following the dome. For three subjects, MIL, UM and CN, the eye begins to follow the dome immediately after it is turned on, and is increased in the 104 second set of shots.,. At first glance, this would indicate more OCR during vection and that the eye was controlled by this perceived motion. It is noted, however, that several times when vection was not present, the eye has rolled through the same angle in the same direction as the dome. The three subjects in whih this motion occurs show similar amounts of OCR, although it is not identical in all cases. is no correlation between amount of OCR and vection. Again, there Nor is there a correlation with tactile cues or dome speed. Visual pattern is another factor which cannot be totally responsible for the differences noted between monocular and binocular viewing, nor can it be the sole factor in determining the amount of induced OCR. CN was exposed to two patterns, one immediately after the other, under the same instructions and conditions. One pattern was the usual 3 % coverage of black on gray, while the other was a parallel stripe insert. This insert was noted in Section 4.3 to have stronger vection producing properties than the gray pattern and produce vection similar to the present 3/4" random pattern. The OCR induced by the two patterns is nearly identical and again is unaffected by dome speed or tactile forces, indicating a separate central determinant. (The plots are included in Appendix D and are labelled S for stripes and D for random dots.) Total amount of OCR induced by each run averages 4.0 degrees with a standard deviation of 2.5 degrees. (This is the absolute value of induced OCR and thus not direction dependent, as such averages would give smaller values due to the opposing types of movements seen in 105 different individuals.) The intersubject variation is large; ML showed average induced OCR of 20, while OG showed an average of 70 with differences as large as 100 between sets of photographs. Similar differences between the two subjects were not noted in vection quality, onset times, drop out times, or subjective velocity, once again indicating that the processes are independent. No statement can be made about the noise in the steady state positioning of the eye since no photographs were taken while the dome was stopped. The binocular and zero g data, however, include photo- graphs of steady state eye position and thus this will be discussed in those sections. The sampling theorem dictates that no positive statement can be made about torsional velocity due to the slow sampling rate. It is noted that the eye often appears to travel in the direction of the dome for the last subjects, but it does so at an apparent rate much slower than the rate of the dome. The eye will follow at a rate of approximately 3*/sec and then jump back to follow it again. The limits of the ocular muscles have not been reached, as the distances traveled are much less than those seen by Miller in altering the GIF or seen in these same subjects on zero g to 2 g pullouts in the KC-135. Logically, however, it seems that the eye would not want to reach these limits, but would prefer to stay in the generally optimum central region of movement in the orbit. This can account for the smaller dynamic torsional nystagmus values seen in this investigation over static OCR obtained in centrifuges, slow body rolls or zero g to 2 g pullouts, where gravity forces the counterrolling motion of the eyes. 106 5.2.2 KC-135 Results The plots for the KC-135 zero g data also contain much additional information. The plots are in Section 2 of Appendix D, and are labeled by an ID number which corresponds to the parabola on which the data were gathered. Subject's names have been added for convenience. Data points which do not involve the dome operation, usually photographs taken during zero g to 2 g pullouts, have been double crossed to form a star image. Again, the arrow in the -lower right corner of each plot indicates the dome direction during the photography. There is a limited amount of OCR data from the KC due to the acceleration problems already mentioned. Data exists for three subjects on 25 parabolas of dome operation. The results for OCR on the KC-135 are similar to those for 1 g monocular data for all involved. The average induced OCR is 3.9* with a = 1.70, not significantly different from the 4* obtained in 1 g. In addition, each subject showed generally the same amount of OCR in zero g as in 1 g, and in the same direction. That is, OG again appears to track the dome in its direction, and then counterroll in a direction opposite to the dome. the 1 g lab data. The result is not as steady nor as marked as in In fact, two parabolas show a tracking type motion continually in the same direction as the dome. This implies that the various eye movements seen are not universal even in a single subject. OG reported that the vection onboard the KC-135 was much more compelling than in the 1 g supine position. (He claims to have never been fully convinced by the illusion until the zero g periods.) This difference, 107 however, was not reflected in the eye movements, which did not substantially change between the two conditions, again indicating separate processes for the two phenomena. The results seen for CN are similar to the 1 g data. His eye tracks the dome rotation and tends to roll more as time goes on. does not depend on whether vection is present or not, their separate processes. This thus indicating Steady state eye position, that is with no dome rotation, showed the same variability as in the 1 g environment. That is, 1 to 2 degrees of eye torsion was seen in the pre-dome shots, and the eye did not return to the same rest position after each parabola or run. The noise involved in the eye positioning system does not appear to be affected by the loss of gravity information, at least not dynamically. The zero g to 2 g pullouts as well as previous work by Miller and others show static OCR to be dominated by the otolith organ. 5.2.3 Binocular Results The binocular results are plotted in Section 3 of Appendix D. Each page contains the plot for one data run, right eye on top of the left. Again, arrows in the lower right corner indicate the direction of dome rotation. monocular data.) of 25 seconds. (The sign convention is opposite to that of the The vertical lines on each plot indicate the passage The first three OCR values are, in general, those photographs taken before dome operation. two seconds of dome operation. The next six are the first The first vertical line indicates the 108 passage of 26 seconds when the next six photographs are taken. The final six photographs are taken at the end of the 50 second run, with The 'NV' the final three occurring after the dome has been turned off. and 'DV' indicate 'no vection' and 'during vection', respectively. Erroneous or extra data points are cross hatched to form a star image. Data exists on six subjects for 40 data runs. All plots show good correlation between the two eyes. both eyes appear to rotate in sychnrony. That is, This is in agreement with Hering's Law of Equal Innervation which states "Innervation to the extrinsic muscles of one eye is equal to the other eye, resulting in movements of the two eyes that are equal and symmetrical or parallel." (Dictionary of Visual Science, 1968). There are cases, however, of differences on the order of two degrees, and occasionally more. This can be attributed in part to the accuracy of the measuring system, but must also be caused in part by the inaccuracy of the positioning system of the eye. binocularly. The 1-2* of noise is not necessarily generated purely The noise does not affect both eyes equally in the same direction, nor does it have any apparent asymmetries. The major difference between binocular and monocular viewing is in the amount of OCR seen. The average amount of OCR induced in bino- cular vision is 6.50, a = 1.90, which is significantly larger (p < 0.01, t = 4.6, d.f. = 24) than the 40 seen in the monocular data. This, as stated before, cannot be attributed solely to the pattern and must be a result of binocular vision. The visual system is receiving nearly twice as much information and therefore reacts with a correspondingly 109 larger OCR. Vection was also improved with binocular vision, but this does not necessarily indicate a relation between OCR and CV. The con- trary is pointed out when looking at induced OCR with and without vection. Overall, there is no significant difference between either the average counterrolled angle nor the direction of rotation of counterrolling during vection and with no vection. In binocular vision, the eyes again immediately follow the dome rotation, and later perform rotations opposite to the dome direction. The eye, however, does not remain as steady as in the monocular case. Binocularly, the eye continues to slow phase roll in the direction of the dome and appears to go through saccadic jumps to reposition the eye within the orbit. These nystagmus type rolls and jumps occur on both sides of the median steady state eye position. However, it appears that most of the cases involve eye movements that have started with the eye rotated opposite the direction of dome rotation. This is similar to the results noted in yaw vection where the eye performs nystagmus eye movements about a line off center and in the direction of the oncoming field. An evolutionary explanation would suggest that this would be desired for survival; the eye moves to fixate the object entering the visual periphery as soon as is physically possible. Simi- larly in VIR, the eye rolls to catch the visual pattern as early as possible and the eye is then capable of stabilizing the image on the retina and following it as long as possible. This would be useful in recognition and identification of predators from any position. Here, however, the eye seldom follows the pattern to full extension due to its high angular velocity, random pattern, and low threat. 110 The questions may be asked, "Why the difference between monocular and binocular data? Why is the eye more steady in monocular viewing? Why are tracking motions much slower than dome velocity? Why the mag- nitude differences in OCR values obtained?" All of these questions and more cannot be fully answered until more data is taken and more eye High frequency components of the data are essen- movements monitored. tial in explaining the tracking motions observed. A sampling rate of 3 per second is not nearly adequate in describing the phenomenon. The findings of this study can explain those of Finke and Held (1978) who used an even slower sample of once per run. indicated more torsion in State 1 (no vection). Their findings This would be commen- surate with sampling the phenomenon as the eye is performing its initial roll in the direction of dome rotation, and sampling again during vection along the eye's path as it crosses back and forth across the zero eye position. This one time sample and averaging only disguised the actual motion occurring. Similarly, averaging eye position over vection and no vection here tends to show a steady deviation in the direction of the dome rotation, being greatest in the no vection state since this is usually the time early in a data run when the eye initially follows dome rotation. Periods of no vection later in the data run do not follow this same pattern of eye movements pointing out that it is not the NV condition, but rather the initial dome conditions . The occurrence of tracking movements across the eye-at-rest position averages out to show little OCR during vection. plots, however, this is not the case. As can be seen from the binocular The eye movements are identical under both conditions and do not depend on the perception of self motion. 111 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSIONS Although previous research projects on VIR are limited, there are several results brought out in this study that differ from earlier ones. To begin with, the work of Brandt et al. (1973) on yaw CV was not in agreement with the findings on latency of onset. decreases with increasing stimulus velocities. (1973) found that In this study, latency Whereas Brandt et al. latencies are independent of stimulus velocity, Young et al. (1974) found latencies to decrease with increasing stimulus velocity in yaw CV. this study. The values obtained were similar to those found in The comparison is made in that both illusions involve motion about the vertical, yet each stimulates a different set of semicircular canals. Brandt et al. (1973) found that masking the central field up to 60* has no effect on vection, a statement which was not supported by this study. A marked decrease in vection quality and an increase in vection onset time were noted when 55* of the central visual field were masked, thus indicating that the periphery is not the sole contributor to the vection illusion. Vection was shown to be limited by additional g forces and by the presence of tactile cues indicating the 'down' direction. The tactile cues were not a full replacement for the gravity vector, as this would have caused a complete elimination of the continuous vection sensation. The proprioceptive information is used nonetheless as 112 additional information in subjective position determination. Latency to onset of vection was decreased substantially in zero g at all but the highest stimulus velocity. It also remained independent of dome speed, indicating that otolith cues are totally ignored and that time to onset becomes purely a function of the SCC threshold times, the time it takes for the visual information to override the competing SCC cue, which appears to be about 4.25 seconds. not the case in 1 g supine conditions where the otoliths still transmit useful orientation information which must be taken into account by the CNS at all but the highest stimulus velocities tested. The gain of this otolith cue, however, is low enough to be essentially ignored at the highest velocity where the visual stimulus is so overwhelming, the canal threshold time is the major limiting factor. Average onset times of less than 4 seconds are seen in some individuals, indicating that they possess a higher gain in the visual system which overrides the canal signal earlier. Vection velocities were shown to be independent of competing gravitational and tactile cues. Velocities were constant over all con- ditions indicating a process that is independent of the otoliths. Vec- tion velocities are consistently lower than stimulus velocities, but are in agreement with Diener et al. (1976) and others who reported that they increase linearly with increasing stimulus velocity. The perceived velocities show a 58% increase when doubling the stimulus velocity, a finding similar to that of Diener et al. (1976) in yaw CV. for this 60% increase has not been put forth. A reason An internal clock which is updated only on changing conditions could be responsible for the invariance of velocity over changing otolith and tactile cues. The 113 rapidity of signal required or a form of information loss in receiving the visual information seem plausible explanations for the slowness of velocities. No direct correlation between vection and OCR could be found. Eye movements varied from individual to individual and between monocular and binocular viewing. In general, binocular viewing produced the greatest amount of OCR and the strongest sensations of CV. This does not indicate a direct correlation, since the amount of induced OCR was similar in both vection and no vection conditions. The direction of initial eye rotation is clearly the same as the moving pattern. That is, a clockwise rotation of the field produces an initial clockwise rotation of the eye. This would be the same eye move- ment induced by rolling about the line of sight if standing erect. the subject were Once the CNS realizes that this visual input cannot be the same visual cue as falling with respect to the vertical, since more than a 90* rotation should begin to produce a negative gravity condition, the eye subsequently counterrolls to be able to view the oncoming visual field and track it in the direction of rotation. This rotary nystagmus does not always occur at the leading limit of eye position. Tracking motions and saccades are seen on both sides of the median eye-at-rest orientation. This differs from individual to indi- vidual and between binocular and monocular viewing, but appears constant over varying gravity conditions. Thus these dynamic eye movements cannot be mediated solely by otolith input and must be driven by the rotating visual scene. Survival evolution is offered as a cause for 114 these types of torsional eye movements. Reasoning for why the eye seems to perform such slow rotations, on the order of 3*/sec in the direction of field rotation, cannot be offered until the high frequency component of OCR can be measured with accuracy. There are too many possibilities of underlying movements which cannot be detected with the photographic method used in this thesis. This thesis lays the ground work for data to be collected in the future onboard Spacelab. Without a comprehensive data base, the data collected in zero g would have little value in evaluating the effects of weightlessness on the vestibular system and how the CNS goes about the sensory rearrangement that is hypothesized to occur in zero g. The data of interest will be the adaptive changes that occur over the week in zero g and how these affect the onset of CV, drop outs, and subjective velocity. Although some differences and similarities have been noted on the parabolic flights, the 24 second parabolas leave no room to watch steady state zero g responses. And although there appears to be no differences in amounts of OCR in zero g, the results of a week long stay should show a predominance of influence placed upon the visual system. Thus, as the CNS begins its sensory rearrangement, visual and tactile cues will play increasingly dominant roles in subjective orientation and motion perception. 115 6.1 Recommendations The results gathered on vection appear to be satisfactory. data will be provided by the forthcoming Spacelab mission. More Results gathered on adaptation will be useful in sorting out the cause and effect relationship between vection, and the visual-vestibular interaction. The point that needs further refinement, however, is the method of OCR measurement. The system employed does not have the sampling rate to measure slow phase velocities nor to see all the high frequency components of the induced OCR. A continuous, highly accurate method of OCR measurement that does not interrupt the vection illusion needs to be implemented before the underlying system can be fully understood. The present flash system cannot be used for more than 2-3 seconds at a time without interrupting vection. A continuous low light method would eliminate the problems of vection interruption and the associated pupil dilations. A comparison between zero g and 1 g data should then provide the desired ocular adaptation information. 1 ;.x / v ARP CTT ;.BPCTT i-AP 4-A R-180 PINCCIti RRR R R R R B AAA A A A A A A RRRP R R R R R P AAPAA A A P, EB IIII'' IT II E3 EB II II :0 'III" 111111 lrITIITT vI NN Nq WN IN NW NW N 00 00 NW NW NN tPAO: 0 C R0 0 B T T T CC CC 00 00 cc 00 00 CC IITII' TI II II CC TI TI II II TI TI TII CC CC CC CC CC CO Co CC C 00 ITIII CCCCCCCC 4:CCCCCCC 00 00 SIA01: Clr] PT CCtN.LIc;2 [OCR)PTNCCIN.LTS;2 YAX/Vy'S VAX/VYS (OCPBIFNCCIN.LIS;2 VAX/VMS T T T T T 0 0CC00 CCC000 15:4R 15:48 TTTTT T T PRRR 0 0 T'P ) C R R.t) 0 000 B R IN N NN Wl NNNN NNN II IT II II NNq 4 .R-1980 4 .R-1980 TTATT PR 00 00 vI* NN NJ 00 N NflN 00 00 El NNNP! 0C 00 II BB ?B A A 1 :43 :".'): ?PAO: 15:4;i 15:4 8 -1 OCCOon CCCCCCCC 000000 CCCCCCCC IIIII 1111 NN 9N NN NI NN NI NIN NI WNN NY NNI NI NN !N N NN NN NR ivKN N NNItN NNNN N\ N NN NK * NW NN NN NN 0000 0*@ * ** 0 .4 x . IIIITI LL LL LL LL .L TI IT II II L LLLLLLL LL L L L T "1 LL Ll LL LLLLLLLIL vS Dl,' Ss ss SSSSSS 22 22 DIII DUDe S.SsS 9S S!;Fsss sssss SSSSSS TT II11 Ii"I 22 22 SE 22 22 .Dll ;;; ss IT ; 22 22 2222222222 2222222222 ss II II A Sssv.rsSs ARECTT ARPCTT B IN CCI N VAX/VMS VPX/VxS AR . CTT BICCIN RINCCIN ;; RRRR R B R R PPRR R R 'R R R H H 0' 22 22 22 22 s AAA A A A A A & AAAAA A A A A AX/Vr S 222222 222222 DID, I RRBR R R coo R R PRRR R r R R R R R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Coo 4-APR-1980 15:4P3 4-APR-1980 15:4e 4-APR-1980 15:48 TTTAT T TTTTT T T T T T T T T T T T LIPAO: IPAG: 4-APR-1980 15:48 4-APP-19PO 15:48 4-APR-19P0 15:48 STAO:[OCR]BTNCCIN.LIS;2 _SIAO:[OCRIBINCCIN.LIS;2 _SIA: (OCRlBINCCII.LIS;2 VAX/vms VAX/VMS VAX/VMS OLZ a 9LeZ ( 1a t41H mr UOHI% 3flNLLJD a06 oCbs : ty~i Z: tl 09 9LZ 01 OZ0 ar L z L tic 10 0.10 OCE~ 6 C 'C SE00 t7 E r fl ul AO3 UZD CC ) 0: il) Al QEOt) '-l OLL 006?: 0?Y 00z C CLi LZ01 60Z 9 L C) .3 8 LL ZJ~~,{~)JD~I~Z~l14 38.33I l 01. Ud.v flZS S LC) Si £ L 00 9?. 9LL L In 0C': L t0 1 LbO ) LGO 006t ) COCLL Oc9t L: 00) D D VIfG IV Ua.LVHAt~2D VJ.YU- 0ISHUYS A4oda 3.11 5311E) XId vi~va lL 0 86 L 't .11OA SiY30. 0 4Y1' '-*- ZCL) t0 C J SIA-F 6~ UlT) 09'.' D 0 s?:) r SL) A-**** i. ~i~d L-L * LA srnd-Aj LO'LA ***** iz*'. ,iuj:i LL - :' NIDUlUl ***** . EINoCISsm AI\ i 27-MAR-1980 C5500 291 2915 0045 C046 1 C'47 C5GJO 4CC48 .65600 0049 C6200 C63'X, i cso C6500 C66'3 C6700 2917 - 15:32:01 VAX-11 FORTRAN TV-PLUS V1.1-7 BIflCCTN.FOp. 1. TYFF 2915,N FCPMAT(* ===>FRR0P(SCP.NIN): ASCII FILE lINF ',CONTINUE AT LINE: *) ACCEPT 2917,NPEC FCR"AT(I) GC TO 200 PAGE 2 rC.*,T5,/ C 0052 053 C054 C END OF INPUT FILE 292 TYPE 296,N/4 296 FCRt'AT(I5,' LINES OF DATA CCNVERTED') CALL CLOSE(1) CALL CLOSE(2) END 00 . -,I'S i ).X/VMS VAX/VYS AR P CTT SC ANO 93 SCANCR3 SCANCR3 AR PCTT AR CTT 4-APR-1980 15:49 LI-AFPP-19.0 15:149 4-APR-1 9 80 15:49 AAA A A A A A A AAAAA A A A A SSSSSSES CCCCCCCC SSSSSSSS CCCCCCCC SS SS SS SS SSSSSS SSSSSS sS sS ES CS 'ti CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC RR P R R R - CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC AA At AA AA AA AA AA AA PRRR ,-APR-1980 LPAO: 4-APR-19PO 4-ADP-198O IPFhO: CCC R R R R 0 0 0 0 0 PPRR R R R R R R TTTTT TTTTT T T T T T T T T T T C 0 0 0 0 000 NN AAAAAA AAAAAA AA AA AA AA AA PA AA AA AA AA AA AA AAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAA CC SSSSSSSS SSSSSSSS PRRR P, . p N PPRR I.FAO: NN NN NN NN NN NN NlNNN NN !I%, NNNN NN ~'N14 NN NN I.N Nv NN NFNYNN NN NN NN NN NN NN NN I, CO CO CC 00 00 00 cC 00 00 n0 00 00 00 oc 00 00 00 STAO: 000000 oC'000 RRPRPPRR RR RR Pp pp RP PR RR PRPRPPRR PRPROPPR PP PR Pp P F.R R pP RP RE RR RR RR [0CP)SCANCR3. FCR;2 _STA0:( C.j'9SCANCR3.FOR:2 _STAO:[(OCPIZCANCP3.FOP;2 VAX/Vt, VAY/Vim'S VAX/VMS 333333 333333 PRPRPPRR 000000 000000 C17 cc CC 15:49 15:49 15:49 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 333333 333333 I 'SD, w FFFFFFFFFF * FFFFFFFFF FF F? FF C000CC Coocco 00 CC 00 00 CO 00 FF 00 00 FFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FIF 00 FF 00 00 00 00 01 CC CC 00 00 F?' FF FIF FF 00 CC COOCQO COOCOC PR \AX/VM S ARFCTT VAX/VMS ARP CTT IAX/VvS ARRCTT SCANCR3 SCANCR3 SCANCP3 ;;;;, ;DD 22 22 I 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 PR ;2222222222 2222222222 RR FRRP PRRP p R RRP RR R R R R 110 22 22 22 t;;;l PR PP R R H- 222222 222222 RR PR PR RP PR AAA N A A A A A AAAAA A A A A H 'I,, REPRRRR PRRRRRRR PR PR PR RR RR RR PP PR IFRPRRRR PPRPRRRR PD R.0 COO p R 0 C R R 0 0 0 0 RR0R pR 0 0 p R 0 0 R P 000 4-APR-1990 4-APR-1980 4-APR-1980 15:49 15:49 15:49 TTTTT T T T T T TTTTT T T T 7 T ST IF A : LPAC: IFAO t 4-APR-19R0 15 :49 4-APR-1QPC 15:49 4-APR-1980 15:49 -SIAS:10#RISCACR3.FCR;2 VAX/VMS _STAO:([CRSCANCP3.FOR;2 VAX/VMS SIAO:[OCR)SCANCR3.FOR;2 VAX/VMS 4 0 53 3 533 566 600 700 A TPCF: ARR0TT CF'EATICN DATE: 14-m-AE-79 C C C C C C C C 7-JUL-19 FFTHCr) OF CALrULATI'NG ?VE?.GE ANGLE CRPECTED OFDERS SCANNED FILM DATA AFTER IT HAS BEEN TRANSLATED BY P.CCPAv SCAS. 9 D0 REAL CCC~r(40,2) ,FIDUC(2,2),IPAT.(2,2,20) I AYEPAGE AND YARIANCE 1333- PE.L AVIPAL(2,2),VIPAL(7,2),SDIPAL(2,2) REAL K 1100 INTEGR 1230 IN77r.R X,Y,XY,R,LEFT,PIGHT INT71.? FLAG1 LOGICAL*1 IFILE(1o),0UTFIL(1o),SC1FII(10) DATA Y/1/,Y/2/,.FFT/1/,dICHT/?/ DAIA CUTFIL()/' */,OtUTfL(9)/ N'/,OUTF1LC1)/*G*/ 1433 CFEA,LF?.AN 173c TYFP 1930 111 111 PESULTS FCP FILE C 113,tI LEFOFYAT(1CA1) CALL ASSIGN(1,ItlFTLE,10) Dc 114 1=1,7 ) ACCEPT 203 2L.00 1r53 113 SCN7'Il(I)='ANFTLE(I) 2530 2603 114 272.) 2930 3000 2C50 116 C C.. . CUTFIL(I)=I.FILE(T) CALL ASSIGCM(2,OUTFTL,10) CAL ASSIGN(6,SC!FIl,1C) V.BITE(6, 116). (INFILE(I ) ,11,6) FBEMAT(* SCANNING RESU1TS FCR FILE '*,6A1) H 0 / 3075 2103 *C C INITIAL RrAnT NG FILE "R' FLAC1= P=1 RFA(1,205,EMD=900) . r ATI-2 35'.) 2 35 27^0 3E30 C SUESEUFNT 2 00 BECORDS R=R+1 RAD(1,205,FND=9C0) IF (CFRAM7E.EQ.LF?1.MF) 4133 42C 0 430t C RIORLER PCINTS 2 20 M, A/=(.-3)*.5 DC 2 0 XY=X,Y I NO. CF IRAL MEASUREMFNTS FIDUC(lEFT,YY)=CCE1( 1,XY) F "UC(RIGHT,XY)=CCRD(2,XY) 60 IRAL(IEFT,XY,i'")=C0(fR(2*41,XY) 5030 IPAI(RIGiT,XY,M)=C0B!(2*M+2,X'Y) IF (IPM.M(XEXT,XY,i).EC.0.) 'fAX=M-1 IF (M.LT.KMAX) CC TO 260 I RESET FOR NEXT FRAKE C0CRD(I,XY)=C00RD(R,XY) CONTINUE 52 0 5300 20 5600 CFRAME,CCCRD(R,X),CCRD(R,Y) G TO 200 -C 4535 .90 V LFRAME,CC0RD(RX),C0OPD(RY) .0 100 C 2'3 330 C 4 530 601 . CALCULAT IVvRAGF IRAl CCCPDINATFS DO 42G IR=LFT,IcI1T DO 42- 7Y=X,Y AVTAI( IR,YY)=0. VIPAL(LP,XY)=0. S"DIP''I. 650 70 8T0 95-DO 1003 1230 130 1430 15;4., 1600 170 1600 1930 1953 2000 426 427 XY = C AVIRAL(LP,XY)=AVIRAL(LP ,XY).+IRAL(LRYY,M)/? tIAX CONI'UF IF(MRAX.EC.1) GC TO 449 1,'MX DC 440 LF=LEFT,RICT nO 44 DO 440 XY=X,Y VIRA!(IR,XY)=VIPAL(IR,YY) 12e 430 435 2103 2233 2330 1 2 2500 26 )0 2702 2735 1440 '49 C 2710 C.../ 2700 (To CCOTIN7'u DO 30 11=1,'AX 43- LF=LiFT,PICIT DO 43') XY=x,Y IF(V'AX.Nr.0) CC TO 428 URIT:(6,426,FRR=427) FPF O.,,18) IMAY=O 1 FRAME FOP'AT (' ===>E-F-fRtSCANOI: F=1 RFAD(1,205,END=9C0) LFRAMPE,CCOPD(Po),CCOPD(R,Y) "JO TO 200 420 + (IRAL(LR,XY,.)-AVIRAL(L,XY))*(IPAL(IRXY,.)-AVIRAL(R,.Y)) /( M 'AX-1) SDIR)AL(LR,XY) =SCRT(VIRAI(LR,XY)) CONTIP4uE CCNTINUE 29 1)0 2930 C C CALCULATF FLCPFS AND ACLTS C###### 3100 32)0 33)0 3140 34.) S 1 325 /(FIrUC(FI'iT,Y)-FIDUC(LEFT,X)11 HNLE=ATAN VSLCPE) E A ?GLF=) . WFP7*T=1./(FL,0AT(YMAY))**2 DC 450 =1,'MA) 3415 3423 3425 DC 450 J=1,32IAX C 353 36)3 1 3610 37 )3, 3750 GO TO C 3410 3433 3466 ZFRC nIvIrE C!IFCY IF(FIUC(zIC11T,/X)-F1t)UCL Ft,Y).E.7.) :.'-cLPF= (FT LUC( PI C-T,Y) -F47DUC UEFT, Y)) 450 3760 3770 3790 3793 38,3 4100 451 42)0 C 4225 4237 C###### + #tgni44 ZEPO DIVTDE C1iFCY IF(IRAL(RIc.'T,X,T)-IRAL(LFFT,X,J).FC..) CO TO 450 ESLGPE=(IPAL(RICG ,Y,I)-TlAL(LEFT,YJ)) /(IRAL(PIGHI,',I)-IRAL(LEFT,X,J)) TELTA =XTA'N(FStCE) =ANCLE + VEIGHT*DELTA CoWTTP;UE IF(EANGIE.NE.O.) CO TO 452 WRITE(6,451) LFPkmE FORMAT(* ===>ERPCR(ECAXCR]: ANCLE CAlCULATION NOT CA'RIEDI, 9 CUT IN FRAMF',I5,/,' SEE RAW DATA') RANCLE=EANCGLr-HA 452 GLE CALCULATE STANDARD DEVIATION OF ANrLE ZERO DIVIDE C;iECK IF(UTRAL(FT,X).NE.AVIP(PCHT,X)) GC TO 475 V.A NL=0. 4239 4241 SD AlGLc=0. 424 3 4245 4247 4248 4253 FCRMAT(' ===>7RCR(fCANCP): AVG. X CCCRD. ALLIGNED;', 471 + 475 4350 4350 + L:450 4913 4910 4920 5110 5200 5300 5400 ' UARLV TO CALCULATE VARIANCE CF ANGLE') O TO 4 9C K=1./(AVTFAI.(LEFTI,X)-AVIPAL(FIGT,X))**2 VAlGF=K*(.25*(SN(2*EANGLE))**2*(VIPAL(RIGT,X)+VIRAl(LEFTX)) + (C'S(ENGCLF))**4*(VIPAL(RIGHI,Y)+VIPAL(LEFTY))) SDANhLv=SRT(VANGLt) C C CCXVFRT FROM FADTAKS TO CECREES 490 HANGLE=4ANGLE*57.296 EANGlF=EA NClE'-57 .296 RANGL7=R NG&0I F*57.296 SDA1CLE=SDANGLE*57. 296 C C.../ H I~3 (.4 1~)u 23 C "TYPE + 575 793 830 9 35 3 D5 + + 307 913 110 : 1200 1343 140-,% 15.143 16!) . 16 5) 1654 1656 16 62 nUTPUT WPIIF ( 6 , 305 ) LFRP E,(F IDUC ( TJ),Jr=1, ),J= 1, 2) ((VFALY,L,1),T.=1,2),Y=1,2) F0Rv!T(*4N o.,4/ 177,FfIDUCJARY rAPKs: 1FT(',2F7.0,*) PICiT(',2F7.(,),/, 17X,'IRAL LA NDrA FKS: IEFT(I,2r7.0,I) PTG)T(',2F7.P,*)*) WRITF(6,307) (((T',AL(K,L,"),L=X,Y),F=LEFA",RIGHiT),M=2,rNAX) FOR'A7(s + 309 + 311 + 321 + + + 1664 12 3 3G 1666 WFITE(6,309) ((VIRAL(LF,XY),XYX,.Y),tR=tFFT,RIGHT) FORrAT(' VERACE: LErT(*,2F7.0,') RIGHT(*, 2F7.C, *) ) WRITE(6,311) ((SDTRA(LR,XY),YY=X,Y),LP=LFFT,PIC1?T) C STn DEY: 2F 7*C,I) (*, 2F7.3,*)*) WRIT-(6,321) IhANGLE,FANLFE,RJNCI,SrcAGLE FORMAT(* PEIAD ANGLE WPT FTII JF7.1, rEG' /. * FYF ANGLF UPI FTIM: *,F7.1,* rFG',/, * FYF AGLF WPT HFAD: ',F7.1,* tEG*,/, * STD DEV CF EYE ANU'LF WPT FTIM:*,F7.2, + lox,* ----------------------------------------------------- 0) FRA =1FRAME ! FLOAT FRAXE NUMBER FOR PLOTTING URIT(2,323) FRAUF,ANGLE,SDANGLE 12i 323 FCRQ!A.T(Fq.0,F9. 22..,- 325 LFRAE=CFRA !'? IF (FIACI.NF.1) GO TO 91C 900 910 3000 1 ,w9.2) 5=1 24C0 2 _0 293 c s) + 19G15 2630 (*,2F7.0, 2F?.0 ) 911 CC TO 200 FLAG1=1 CC TO 220 ! PFCCESS lAST rRAMF TYPE" 911,(pjFjjr(j),j=1,6) WRITE(6,911) (INFTLE(I),I=1,6) F0R.MT(O0END OF FILE *,6A1) END H 124 V FLASH RING -C FLASH UNIT lw z FLASH POWER SUPPLY CAMERA A.C. IN Y U 7D 0 1 TO RECORDER 1 INTERVALOMETER BOX DOME MOTOR CONTROL BOX X1 MOTOR TOMARKER SWITCH POWER SUPPLY APPENDIX C. Schematic of Dome Circuitry A. C SIN¢ 125 +15V 75 2.7K 360 360 430 500 2N1724 82 7.5 V F!iN5236 IN5225 5.7V IN5225 TO MOTOR IN5228 3.9V I I TO VCO INPUT a SENSE DOME MOTOR DRIVE CONTROL CIRCUIT 126 D F 120&)±L 5.4.V 1N5223 27V D IN5223 2.7V H p ADJ. 3HZ 2H21 IHZ 27M 40ms 60ms 510K IM qIOK 5M 400K 500K IM 4 LL 14 IOK B 50pF 10K 6 IOK 555. 74121 2 1 .. ... J 13 1 INTERVALOMETER CIRCUIT 7 A 127 ?+15V . C6 VDD .lF= 6 vcc SvcO 9.1K i 30K 2N3906 91 51 K 4 Z0K4 vU 2N3904 -. 21N390E IN 4046 vs2 12K8 30K 5 20 K 2N3904 3.OK " 9.IK 2N5088 IK 120K ' CAMERA PULSE IN vCO VC0 IN SENSE INSTRUMENTATION CIRCUIT 3.OK IOK -7. ..'..127 1 ....... .. ... ... ... ...... ..... IN\T :.AI L LI~- ~~-,.--- --- ~ ~ I > s '~... ~ i ~ v.7.if weto i~ ~ O...PUT T L'I I ...~.. t ~L ~......... , --.... {... 7 a ......... ~ ... iL .... ... .... p~~ -7-~~ ASAPL .. ... . .. . second . 77I ...... .i i 129 VAXVMS VERSION 1 TEST DBAI: 86123.ARROTTI VARIAN.PLT;SS S-)AY-79 13:06t28 PICTR-PLOT7 VAX/VhS 14 } * I. 12 6tC.. x 4.j It x 10C" w A 83 -;~~ x x x '4, I I,' x 4 x 4 43~4 I. x I. 2 -~ ~. 1. .sc ~1 * 4. 4', 60 62 64 Exp.13A 66 Ulf Merbald 68 70 , 74. 72: .45' deg'/see'C CW I CS)i ' I. t 14 12 I ' , t L I se.rec.. It. !z., tc O\ \ X\0 10- x CD x 8 Cn x x .x.. *I? Ii: xi 6 Out coaUs;r3 4 &(OL 04 - 2 IV.' it 0 72 T A t 1 74 Exp.13A 76 78 Ulf Merbold 30 APPENDIX D. MONOCULAR c 60 deo/sec CW Section 1 82 CS) 84 130 . VAX/VMS VERSION 1 TEST 8-MAY-79 VAX/VMS DBA1: 86123.ARROTTIVARIAN.PLT;88 13:07:41 PI.TI-PLOT: 14 12 - I a ~ x 10 - x x .I- x e -" 6 x x h... x - 4 x x x x .~*i~o 2 - ~.a :. 0 62 84 (L~ ~~c* 92 t94 66 66 90 Exp.13A Ulf Marbold 45 deg/sac CW T CS) 96 14 Ss.c.e 12 10 f-\ 6 -0 a, C 6 x 4 x - x x x x x x 2 - _ _ __ _ _ ~___ 0 94 104 102 100 98 96 Exp.13A Ulf Merbold 45 deg/sec CCW T CS) 106 131 14 ~~~~1~~~~ 12 10- e C \0 iecl oy\ 6u ti\3 fteiOn\ ?-int 20q btyora 6 - x 4 s x x x 2h %~~+.4 tf 0 204 202 200 Exp.138 206 208 210 212 45 deg/soc CCW CD) Ulf Merbold 214 14 12 10 8 yx NMectun\ Y\0 ID 6 4 x x x x x x 2 2 212 x x 214 216 Exp.13B 218 Ulf Merbold 220 222 60 deg/sec CCW CD) 224 226 132 SVAX/VXS VERSION I TEST 8-MAY-79 13:13:22 FICTR-PLOTI DBA!: 86Z23.ARROTTIVARIAN.PLT;92 VyC/VNS 14 I 12 - ec' 10 - xio \ x x ry\i 0, S *0 8 I'-, S C 6 4 x x x x 2 x x x 'LI ox 226 224 230 228 Exp.138 Ulf Merbold 236 234 232 30 deg/sec CCW CD) 238 14 - 12 *koI 10 x m S x 6 x S a, C x 6 4 2 x YW\ \ g\o OIYs 143@ vetyAfl, t tioy\ - 1.O0&. 0 236 238 242 240 Exp.138 Ulf Merbold 246 244 60 deg/sec CW CD) 248 250 133 VAX/VXS 1 TEST 8-MAY-79 VERSION 13:14:49 PICTR-PLOT4 VAX/VMS DBAI:186123.ARROTTIVARIAN.PLT;95 14 12 10 - x x xx xx 0, S *0 B x x S 6 tCA o xf~o . 4 A x vuttLEA 2 0 248 25e 256 252 254 250 Exp.138 Ulf Merbold 45 dog/sec CW CD) 260 I 14 12 10 x Cn x r-% -x x X x x Ac~'WY t' 25e 260 262 264 266 268 Exp. 1 3 6 Ulf Merbold 30 deg/sec CW CD) 270 134 VAX/VTNS VERSION 1 TEST 11:57:34 PICTR-PLOTI 9-MAY-79 VAX/VWS DBA1:186123.ARROTTIVARIAN.PLT;97 14 SC.. I I 12 101- 9-N C n ve-C Y\0 DIOV\ \-f 81 6 x 4 x x x x x y 2 x 2,0 sec. 270 268 x I8.5 sac~ x x -L -L 0 x 278 280 276 274 272 Exp.138 Ulf Merbold 45 deg/sec CCW T CD) 282 14 12 1s~.c. - x x 10 I- 0, 8 x x 0, C 6 4 2 x x h 280 AiYc~~\ r cc 232 23 230 292 294 x S 0VC. 0 - 282 19,6% 284 286 '' 288 Exp.138 Ulf Merbold 45 deg/sec CW T CD) 135 VAX/VMS VERSION 1 TF 9-14AY-79 11:59:22 PICTR-PflT3 DBAl: 86123.ARROTTIVARIAN.PLT;99 20 1-% 0, co C3- -.- 18 FT 16 F I I s-C.' r- I x 14 VAN/VMS - x x x x x x x x \1 -C, i% V 12 10 1- '+nt .CA.O, 2, 6 tI I 6 2 4 6 8 10 12 Exp.14A Claude Nicollier 60 deg/sec CW 14 6 20 tI-' 0,) C) 16 - 16 - L -~ - %f\ect oy\ auv "3\ "fe-c 0Y\ 14 0, C" 12 -x x x ......................... x 10 x 6 I 6 14 16 I I II 18 20 22 24 Exp.14A Claude Nico!lier 30 deg/sec CCW I 26 t1 26 136 VAX/MVS VERSION 1 TEST 9-KAY-79 12:00:24 PICTR-PLOTS DBAI:(86123.ARROTTIVARIAN.PLT; 101 VAVVS 20 18 - sk, , 1 8 % iAc* 3: 16 14 x x.. xx -n C 12 - x x x x 10 ?0% 33 41OV4 8 K 23.1 c r, 26 28 30 32 34 36 Exp.14A Claude Nicollier 30 deg/sec CW 38 40 20 18 16s n\ 0 A\ f0, a: cA 0V\ 14 x 12 x x 10x 8 . Ss*.c~. 6 38 40 42 44 46 48 Exp.14A Claude Nicollier 45 deg/sec CCW I 50 52 137 . VAX/VYS VERSION I TENT 9-MAY-79 DBA1:IS6123.ARROTTIVARIAN.PLT;103 12:01:51 PICTR-PLOT7 20 VA jVe . I 16 - i 4 Y\ 16a, 01 -a vicclov\ Au-\ 0\ ( (\O 14 - S 0, C 12 - x x x x 10 - x x V e 50 x X X 18.4 set. 52 xX I 54 56 5e 60 dog/sec CCW Claude Nicoilier 60 Exp.14A 62 64 74 76 20 16 a, 14 < 12 x X x x x x x 10 8 ' 6 62 I' 64 se I40st 72 70 68 66 CW deg/sec Exp.14A Claude Nicollier 45 VAX/VWS VERSION 1 TET 138 9-MAY-79 12:02:55 PICTR-PLOTJ DBA1:(S6123.ARROTTIVARI1AN.PLT;105 VAX/VAS 20 i5~LC.. 16 - -', 01 \f CA io \ V\ o 14 12 - x x x -x x x 10 8 xx xx x x r74 Il' 70.0 sec. '.0 6kL. 6 xx 76 76 80 82 84 Exp.14A Claude Nicollier 45 deg/sec CW T 86 sE 3 20 18 - -~ 16 x 01 14 x S x 12 x x x 4 10 Y\O x\C'f \f\V\ 8 I __ _ & -j 86 88 90 92 94 96 Expl4A Claude Nicollier 45 deg/sec CCW T 98 100 139 VAX/MS VERStON I TEST 9-14AY-79 12:04:39 PCTR-PLOT< V VAX/VM DBAIU8C6123.ARROTTIVARIAN.PLT;W$ 14 12 - 10 a, -a, 8 ?O In IIs ~o} 6 4 x x 61,11 101- 10 coyn out X x 111 112 X 2 I.. . 0 106 107 :. \ 108 109 I3. 110 114 113 115 Exp.148 Michael Lampion 45 dug/sec CCW T I14 12 10 a, -o e x xxx \ e a' x x x x C 6 4 - \ -. 2 t' t. 2,1ac,1%.% rm 114 116 118 120 122 124 Exp.148 Michael Lampton 45 deg/sec CW T 126 128 140 VAX/VMS VERSION 1 TEST 9-MAY-79 12:05:39 PICTR-PLOT> DBA1t(86123.ARROTTIVARIAN.PLT;110 VAX/VMS 14 12 .rC. I I 10 a, -a w 8 - '-A x C x x x x x x .x ... x x.. x X 61- f\ 4 I CDAY \l\r- Nft *OY\ 2 1.0 SLC. I 0 126 126 130 132 134 136 Exp.148 Michael Lamplon 60 deg/sec CW 140 139 14 12 10 r-N C" e x x x x uf4 4 V\0 x \ tck ioy\ 2 L~5~Q 'ac. 0 136 140 142 144 146 Exp.148 Michael Lampton 30 deg/sec CW 148 'I ~ 150 141 / D YL'V36 V!SOM I TEST 9-MAY-79 12:06:45 ?ICTR-PLOTA VAX/VMS DBAI:186122.ARROTTIVARIAN.?LT:113 14 12 - 10 a,% 8 x xx x. x x x 6 4 X . II\ xI 2 f. sac, 0 148 150 :t 14 162 160 158 156 154 152 Exp.14B Michael Lampton 45 deg/sec CW 164 sec.. 12 10 Y*eo'i I- c, Qj u c ioY\ C x 6 x x x x -xx x x x x 4 2 0162 3.0at. 3.O~c. 164 16-'.s .c. I~s~c. I 170 172 168 166 Exp.148 Michael Lampton 30 deg/sec CCW I 174 176 VAX/VMS VERSION 1 TEST 9-MAY-79 12:07:38 PICTR-PLOTC 4A VAX/VMS I tiec. 12 - 10 DRAL l86123.ARROTTIVARIAN.PLT;115 K ai 'iecAn nlo M, ct '1,i0 e x xx x x x 4 2 - 8.4sac. c 0 174 176 180 178 182 184 Exp.148 Michael Lampion 45 deg/sec CCW 186 188 14 10- Uc Y\ CD 4ecko\ '-/ a, C" 12 i 6x x 4- 2 -4-.2 186 -C.lee 196 194 190 192 CCW deg/sec Exp.148 Michael Lamplon 60 200 143 * .. kVx 0 0 0 VUMOY 1 (I:T 1I-.L-79 23:15:46 VAX/VMS DBAI:r86123.ARROTTIVARIAN.PLT;20 PICTR-PLOTI -10 r- x rnM -12- x W -13 x. x < L -14- Sc C 0 x x x -Is- * * * - * -161- C -17 I ______ -- 0 Fram. No. 25 20 15 * 10 5 PARABOLIC FLIGHTS Mar79 #121 Nicollier -13 , -14- LU x x x I-' au x x -15 - xx x x T x * -16- * 0 Z * -171~ 0 u -18 - -19 0 I 5 Frame No. I I 10 15 - 20 PARABOL IC FLIGHTS Mar79 #123 Nicollier APPENDIX D. Section 2 ifr 01 VA~VXKS J . VL;StOX L T=T 11-JUL-79 23:17:24 PICTII-PLU'TI 0 44 VAA/V-I*S DfIltizl623.ARROTTIVARIAN.PLT;22 -10 -12 - x x x x xx 0-% -14 x -x C" '16 =r w x. 48 ai -20 u -22- x -..... -24 0 5 20 15 10 25 30 PARABOLIC FLIGHTS Mar79 #124 Frame No. Nicollier -10 I I -T- .....................- .. - x .12 - x U -o '-I S LU 0 U 01 C -16 - C x x x -18 * L. U a * x C a a x -14 - x -20 - U -22 0 5 Frame No. 10 15 20 ' 25 30 PARABOL IC FLIGHTS Mar79 #125 Nicollier _35 145 vjx,.* visux i rEST-. 0 0 1 Ii--JUL-79 23:20:47 PICT-1'LOT1 -.- 1-11- - -Tr -12 r- V,%a , Hs DBL&1: 1~l123.AflROTTlVARIAN.PLT;24 -14 f0" Go x :w ai * It -16 ~ ** xx W cn -16 x -* * x * -20 -22 0 10 5 Frame No. 15 25 20 -- : 45 r r - 40 PARABOLIC FLIGHTS Mar79 #126 Nicollie -14 35 -30 ~ . . xF - - .- ---.-- -- --- I - - -x x *-I, x M cn a -14 -15 x CD CD . m ~, 0 C x x .* -IE x -16 x -17 ..0 ** -le I- I _ _ _-_ -19 -20 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Frame No. - PARABOLIC FLIGHTS Mar79 #127 Nicollier 40 45 146 Qi V 4Ak S VFPSION I TET 11-J!tL-79 -12 DAlI: 1 S6123. ARROTTIVAR IM. LT; 26 23:22:30 PICTR-PLOTI x - x -14 x x xx x -15- x x x xx x -17 I "-18 TI 0-20- * I -21 5 0 10 Frame No. 20 15 30 25 PARABOLIC FLIGHTS Mar79 #128 Nicollier -12 T - 13x-3 x x p. f- -14 - x xx -15 - c" ~0 * -16 u -17 - -18 4! ~k * -4- -19 0 5 Frame No. 10 15 20 25 PARABOLIC FLIGHTS Mar79 #129 Nicollier ~1~ * 30 147 -3 W2 I 0 . 0* V2.4 SVE'SION I TEST II-JIT.-79 23.30:39 PICTR-PILOTI VAX/V.4S flii~i 8I23.ARICOTT)VARJAN.?LT;34 x x -4 w x ~~~1 S 0 S 0, C -6L~ xd 9 ~ C a a a -7 + 0 -E H * U 0 20 15 * 10 5 ~1, * I -9 25 PARABOLIC FLIGHTS Mar79 #137 Frame No. Garriott VM*2012. " -1 I I I I x -2 x en 7 x x -4 x 0 * al c * *4E -6 1-7 0 u 29 10 L 0 * * * I -- 5 Frame No.' 10 15 14* I 20 25 I 30 PARAPOLIC FLIGHTS Mar79 t-138 Garriott N', 35 148 VAZ~i va 0 0 VE1RION I TEST 11-JUL-79 23:32:29 PICTR-PLYTI DIAl:[CS6l23.ARRTTJVARIA'.PLT;36 VA.XA'S - -4.0 - - x -4.5 -x x -5.0 tIJ - x 2,n-5.5 xx 0 x.x .- xx 6.0 - x x _ _ -7.0 0 2 Frame No. 6 4 10 12 PARABOLIC FLIGHTS Mar79 #139 Garriott -3 x -4. a, 0D -5 0) LU * 0 S C C -7r I;, a 0 * -z h * L * ~e * * k* a' C 0 U -10 1 0 5 Frame No. 10 15 '20 25 PARABOI..IC FLICHTS Mar79 #140 Garriott 30 0 VAX/VXS VERSION I TEST 11-JUL-79 23:35:08 ICTR-PLOT1 149 S 0 0 VAX/V)3S JAl: 1S6IJ3.ARROTTJ'JARIAN.PLT;38 1D) 0, x x .4-2 x * ~0 u -'-- ** -7 0-9 10 15 20 25 PARABOLIC FLIGHTS Mar79 4141 Frame No.' - Garriott I I x -4 x xx -5 LiJ 0 0 01 x -6 x * x x 4 ** x x -7 0 c -E 0 -9 -10' 0 5 Frame No. 10 15 20 25 PARABOLIC FLIGHTS Mar79 #142 Garriott 30 150 0 V.C/VXS VYIS!ON 0 0 I TFSr 11-JUL-79 23:36:26 PICTR-PLOT1 -2 I II -3 F- VAN/V4S DZIAl: fS6l23.ARROTTIYARIAN.a'LT;40 x -4 LU -5x 0 c -6 - x xx x -7 x 0 a x x * x x -6 4~ ;~- 4. -9 1 -10 1 30 25 20 15 10 5 11 PARABOLIC FLIGHTS Mar79 #143 Frame No. Garriott 1 I I~ I I 01 -1 x x h x -2 x x 0 x x. -3 x 0 - -4 4 u -5 -6 HI -7 5 10 Frame No. 15 20 25 7: 30 PARABOLIC FLIGHTS Mor79 #144 Garriott 35 151 'T;-VtiHS 0 0 0 VEMStQ? I TEST 11-JUL-79 23:39:26 PICT-PLOTI 0 x x XX x -1 x al DBAI:(86123.ARROTIVARIAN.PLT;42 x X -2 - xx x uJ -3 x -4- -501 u -6 -7 I-8 '9 ____L~- -9 15 10' 5 30 2 5; 20 35 PARABOLIC FLIGHTS Mar79 #145 Frame No. Garriott -26 -27 I-' 01 a, -26 - L x a, Lii -29 - a S C C x -30 x x x -31- x a a x * * x a, C 0 U -33 x L -w 4 x -34 0 5 Frame No.' 10 15 20 PARABOLIC FLICHTS Mar79 #1.46 Garriott 25 152 VAX/VIS 0 0 VERSION I TEST 11-JUL-79 23:42.07 PICrR-PLOTI VAX/.xS DBA1tISC23.ARROTTIVARIAN.PLT;44 2.0 I - 1.5'71.0 . - x -. _- 0.5 0 0.0-- x xx <-0.5 x. a S-1.0 -x- -1.5 -x' x x x - Je x u -2.0 - -2.5 0 2 4 Frame No. 6 -0 PARABCLIC Garriott 10 .12 14 FLIGHTS Mar79 #147 i1 18 - E'eS VLU!OY 153 0 I 1E 0(86123.ARROTTIVARIAN.PLT;49 11-JUL-79 23:48:27 PI.TR-PLOTI -r 0 DHA1 .4 .- r~-- VA ..-....a I x --42 x * xx -43- x x x* 0 4-n -44-45- 4 xx 'u -46- 7 -47-48 0 5 10 Frame No.. 15 20 - 25 30 35 PARABOLIC FLIGHTS Mur79 #160 .Parker 20 19 -! C" %u '0 18 - x 17 x- 16 15 u 14 - - - - 13 r 12 11 2 4 Fram9 No. 6 '0 10 *i2 14 PARABOLIC FLIGHTS Mar79 #161 Parker 16 le 154 . O ~Vyd VM10N 0 0 I TT lI-.JUL-79 23:51:04 PICTR-PLOTI* 18 I i I I I x 17 x x x x 16 a. -o v.~:iv~ss DBAl: [S4123.ARROTT!'VARIAN.PLT;52 x S w 15 C S 0, C 14 C 13 C a a 12 I.. a' C a 11- U) I 10 0 2 4 8 6 Frame No.. I I I 14 16 1e I 10 12 - if 20 PARABOLIC FLIGHTS Mcr79 #162 .Parker 18.5 I i 4 ~~~~1- - x 18.0 x x - 2 c" 17.5 17.0 x x 16.5 x x. .1.6.0 x x x 0 c * 15.5 * 15.0 I 't, I 14.5 0 5 Frame No. 10 15 .20 25 PARA9OLIC FLIGHTS Mor79 #163 Parker 30. 155 a*V A' Ms 0 !O! I TEST 1l-JUL-79 23:S2:33 PICTI-PLOTI DBAL: 186 123.ARROTTIVARIAN.PLT;54 - 18.0 I x 17.5 V~ * x * 17.0 co - 1s.5 x x x 16.0 -2 cn W 01 15.5 VA1 x - x * 15.0 x 14.5 C u 14.0 x 13.5 13.0 x I 12.5 0 5 Frame No. 10 - I 4 6 15 20 25 PARABOLIC FLIGHTS Mar79 #164 Parker 30 . 156 VAX/VMS VERSIOx 1 TEST 16-JAN-80 14:51:45 PICrR-rLOT7 26 VAX/VNS xx 'I I I x x x 24 h x x w -j z x 22 I- x w w x x x 20 I- x x Cr x x 18 16 x ' Ilm V 350 jI .j v 360 355 FRAME * cc I 365 370 -e - X x x x Lu LUJ -10 _ 375 I I I x x Lu __ T w I -6 I NICOLL.IER C-+500) 5 I - x x x x 12 I- x Sx LL LjJ x -J xx 350 355 FRAME # NICOLLIER C+5100) L, 370 365 360 CCW APPENDIX D. T Section 3 BINOCULAR 375 157 VAX/YVS VERSION 1 TEST 16-JAN-80 14:51:10 PICTR-PLOT> 31 VAX/VMS x x x 30 x 29 x -x x x 26 LU 25 x x LUI z x x 27 -J x x 28 x LU 24 Ho 23 I x 22 330 340 335 FRAME # I x T Cw 0 350 NICOLLIER C+5100) 60 -1 345 r i x -2 x -3 LU z Lo -j x x -4 x x x -5 H- x x x x -6 x x -7 -8 330 x x x N1V FRAME 4 345 340 335 C+5100) NICOLLIER 6o Cw T 350 158 -AX./TXS V-S:O I TST 16-JAL-SO :4:53:10 AX/YM PWCTR-PLOT. 36 34 I X x 30 LU IJ z x 26' LUI x XXX LUJ - 26 XX XX x 24 22 305 I V1 FRAME NICOLLIER C+5100) # 3 30 325 320 315 310 300 cw T 4 2 X 0 X X X x Ld -J z LUI LL - X -61- X X X X -6 x x X xx x x QXVXDVSX -10 305 FRAME 320 315 310 # C+5100) so,*' C N=COLLIER T 325 330 159 VAX/VMS VERSION I TEr 16-JAN-80 15:47:44 VAX/VMS PICTR-PLOT( 25 24 - e x X x x x t 23 x 22 x 21LO z -J 'I x x x x 20 19 i x x x x x x x x - 17 , lb 2 85 f\\ 290 295 FRAME # 300 NICOLLIER C+5100) cO' 3J 10 305 T cC w LO c- -6 -7 - x -8 xx I. -9 Ltp x -10 xx x x x x Lo I.L LU -4 x -12 x x -13 x x x -14 t -nL -15 2 85 290 FRAME # 300 295 C+5100) 0' 305 31.0 NICOLLIER CCW - I i 160 VAX/VMS VERSION 1 TEST 16-JAN-80 14:46:01 PICTR-PLOT; VAX/VIIS 29 x 28 - 27 x X 28 LUJ -j LO LUj Lo H- Ir - x 25 - -x xX 24 X 23 21 265 k X V XX 22 x - _ 270 280 275 __ _ _ 285 290 NICOLLIER FRAME #C+5100) qS'a Cw T 0 - -1 x -21 - ~ X - LU -4. ID Lo LU LL -4 X Xx X = X x x -6 - X x x Xx 7 m( __XL _ -8 -25 265 270 FRAME # 280 275 C+5100) .50 CN/ NICOLLIER T 285 290 161 VAX/VXS VERSION I TEMT 16-JAN-90 VAX/VXS 14:44:36 FICTR-PLLXTS 25 24 24 - I XX xX x x 23 -X x x 22 xx 21 - z LUJ 20 - x X 19 - H H XX XX ' 18 17 - 't 16 220 225 FRAME # 235 230 2 45 240 NICOLLIER C+5100) 3Q 0 ccw I -3 -4 -5 x LU -1 X X X x X z - -* xx LU LUJ LL LUI - x x -10 -11 -12 220 225 FRAME # 230 C+5100) 23 235 NICOLLIER 30" CCW 4 240 4 245 162 24 I x xx x 23 x 22 x 21 -J x x-x 20 x x Xx z 19 x x 18 Hi QI H 17 15 20 0 . v. A _______x___ 205 210 FRAME # 215 220 t 225 C+5100) NICOLLIER L* CC'A -4 x x x xx* x LUJ x x z-1 LUJ x -10 x Xx x LUI x LL LUJ -12 -14 200 I 205 FRAME # , I, 210 C+5100) L4f ..'-V$ I X 215 NICOLLIER \CCW 4 1" 220 225 163 . VAX/VMS VERSION I TEST 16-JAN-80 15:47:09 PICTR-PLOT6 VAX/VMS 27 x 26 25 x x x 24 z x x x 23 - 22 xx x x xx 21 I x 20 H 19 X X NV.N . S 1e 180 185 190 FRAME # C+5100) T 0,,V. 195 200 205 NICOLLIER 60' CCW -2 x -3 x -4 x -5' w -J z -6 I x x x I -7 u -8 LL -J x x x xx -9 -101 x - XX -11 180 185 FRAME # 190 C+5100) 195 NICOLLIER 60* CCW 200 205 I I 164 VAX/VMS 15:J:01 PICTR-PLOTS VERSION I TEST 16-JAN-60 VAX/VMS 30 2e 26 x Ld IJ z x x x x LUI xx xxx X 22 I- x x c .'. 20 160 170 165 FRAME # C+5100) x x jx 5A 175 160 165 N.COLLIER ccw q-s* -2 x -4 x x L-i . co -8 I LU xx x X LL LUJ -i 4- -x __j LU x -G x x 10 IV,~I ___._ -12 160 FRAME # 175 170 165 C+5100) q9 cCckw NICOLLIER 160 185 165 . VAX/VMS VERSION 1 TEST 16-JAN-80 14;59:29 PICTR-PLUT4 VAX/VMS 30 28 26 x x Lu 24 -J x X X z x x X x u-i xX 22 H N.V. 20 140 .y.. t 145 150 FRAME # C+5100) 30' cw 155 160 nicollier I I 0 X -2 xx x -4 x Lo -6 xx x x ui .LL- X .4 fR - - x -8 -J x x x x _____ __. L.V __,__ - , a.V. (4 140 FRAME # 155 150 145 C+5100) 30* CW NICOLLIER 160 166 -V.AX/VXS VUJSIOK I TEST 32- FiB-SO L3:05.40 PICTIt-PI.02 6 VAL'VMS - 5 4.[ x x 3 C %0 X Lo z 1- 1 x X 2 X x x 0 - X X LUJ X X X -1 -2 I- i ON/ I 15 20 rl\I -3 5 3 FRAME # 10 C+7000) 2 5 30 CW C. OMAN LU -7 xx x -e -9 -10 x -11 LU -12 x x LUi -13 ~xx X -14 LU LUJ -15 XX - xL1_I L- -16 0 5 FRAME # C+7000) 20 15 10 C. OMAN 30 CW 25 r 167 - VAX/VMS VERSION I TEST 12-FEB-80 13:06:22 PICTR-P.oT4 7 6 x 5 x- x 4 x x -ij 3 z 2 x x - x x x x x x Ix x x x x x 1 4)"V e? 25 30 FRAME # C+7000) AWv 35 C. OMAN 40 I 4 75 45 CW -e -9 x x x -10 -x -11 xx -x C x uLJ -12 x x x x x x z -13 -14 x 6- x qv LL I It 20 25 FRAME # C+7000) 40 35 30 C. OMAN 45 CW 45 168 VAX/VMS VERSION 1 TEST 12-FEB-80 13:06:53 PICTR-PLOTS VAX/VMS 5 I II I xx 4 3 2 x ,- I 9 0 Lo LU -J x x x X x x x x x -1 x x z x -2-3 V 40 45 x I\N, LNV 50 FRAME # C+7000) I)v 55 C. OMAN 60 65 45 CCW -9 -10 -11 -12 x Lo u x -x -x -13 xx x LU -15 U -16 z LU x V -14 . x xX - x x X x - -17 t1 I- -19 40 45 FRAME # C+7000) 60 55 50 C. OMAN 45 CCW 65 169 VAX/VXS VEMSION 1 TEST 12-FEB-90 13:20:42 PICTR-PLOT4 VAX/V)S 5 4 X 3 I x x X X x xx x x xxx LU xx 2 x LU z LU x ,NX X XW 1 x x Lo xo X X 0 H FRAME # C+7000) e5 60 75 70 65 0 60 CCW C. OMAN - c x - -10 - X Xx -11 - x x x x x X X Lo C x x -12- %-W x ui ID z -13- X X LUJ LUI IL -J -14 ,NV -15 60 65 , J 70 FRAME # C+7000) V - ,I 80 75 C. OMAN 60 CCW 85 170 I . VAX/VNS VERSIOM I TEST VAX/V)~S ICTR-PLOTS 6-MAR-80 12:14:11 ~ 8 7 I 6 x -( 5 x (-I Ln z 4 x xXxXX ) xx 3 x x x - X Lu 2 Lo xx NI -_ _ _ _ x 1 _X X 1 0 90 98 96 94 92 C+7000) FRAME # 100 104 102 10E 30 CCW C. OMAN -6 -7 -8 X -910 LL -11 - X x xX LUJ -j x -'23 W x , / , x ,n\ t -14 90 92 94 96 FRAME # +C7000) 98 C.,OMAN 100 102 30 CCW 104 106 I I 171 . VAX/VMS VERSION I TEST VAX/VMS 6-MAR -80 12: 16:35 PICTR-PLOTS 7 X 6 - x 5 x 4 -X 3) LJ -j Lo - x x x x x x x 2 z uLJ 1 Lo 0 x x x x -1 H cy MNV -2 5 II W f 115 110 FRAME # AI C. OMAN C+7000) I 30 125 120 60 CW -5 -6 -7 -8 0" 0) LU -9 x - -0 -10 Xx -11i Lo H -12 x x X x x X x x x LU uJ -j -13 -14V 105 110 115 FRAME # +(7000) 120 C. OMAN 60 CW 125 130 172 . VAX/VMS VERSION I TEST 6-MAR-80 12:17:28 PICTR-PLOTI VAX/V)S 14 x 12 x X 10 x x x xX -x z 64 x x x x x - LU X LU x X 4 I - H X 2 150 P. RICH FRAME # C+7000) 22 I 20 I-, JL 170 I 30 CW I x 1 x x x r" 1 165 160 155 24 ~ x le - x x X Lo X X X z LU LU LL U -J 14 H x 12 H 10 150 NV, N~v? 160 155 FRAME # C+7000) P. RICH I 165 30 CW V I 170 173 . VAX/VMS VERSION I TEST VAX/VMS 6-MAR-80 12:19:21 PICTR-PLOT3 -6 x -7 x x x x x x x -9 9-l x x Ld - x -10- x -j Lo z -11 - LU x x xx -12 - LUJ x -13- ,NJV -14 "I 210 205 200 195 190 P. RICH FRAME # C+7000) 215 45 CW It 16 15 0" a' LU 14 F 13 I- 12 -J z x xx x x x x x x x x x x x x x 11 10 1- x U- 9 e 190 ~1~ I/NVI/ 195 FRAME # 200 (+7000) 210 205 P. RICH 45 CW 215 174 VAX/VMS VERSION 1 TEST VAX/VMS 6-MAR-80 12:20:23 PICTR-PLOT4 -3 Ir I I x -4 -5-6- Ld x x -7 x -8 x z x x x -9 LU x x -4 -11- x xV 12 225 220 215 2.10 FRAME # C+7000) I - X -10'x (~ H x x LUI P. RICH i 230 2335 230 23135 60 CW 18 17 16 -x 15 13 - -x 14 -J Lo Xx -x xx x xx - z 12 LU . LL LJ -i 11 10 - x x x x xx - x ____ ____ ____ _ J \L x 9 2 10 215 FRAME # 220 C+7000) 225 P. RICH 60 CW 175 . VAX/VMS VERSION 1 TEST 6-MAR-80 12:21:30 VAX/VXS PICTR-PLOTS 10 X X XXX G x XX 6 z 4 x X x xX 2 H 0 230 6 4.. ,4 \0V vV V _ 235 240 250 245 FRAME # C+7000) P. RICH 255 30 CCW 1 14 XXX 12 cn *0 X X X XX X x x X 10 X x X x z X Li 6 L I fH~ _ _ _ fb 4 230 235 FRAME # 240 (+7000) 245 P. RICH 250 30 CCW 255 176 . VAX/VMS VERSION I TEST VAX/VMS 6-MAR-80 12:22:30 PICTR-PLOT6 9 x 8: 7 x - 6 0o 5 - x xx x x u 4 x z uJ uJ x 3 2 x I crf x NJv 0 254 - t VW 1 260 258 256 x FRAME # C+7000) 264 262 268 266 270 60 CCW P. RICH 15 14 13 x 12- X x x C) z 10 Li 9 xx x 11 Lu -J - x . . x Lu LL Lu -j 8 x 7 6 254 t 256 258 FRAME # 260 C+7000) 292 264 P. RICH 26G 60 CCW 268 270 177 VAX/VNiS *** VERSION I TEST 4-APR-89 15:11:25 PICTR-PLOT1 *** VAX/VMS 14 _SIAO: (3441.ARROTT.OCRIVARIAN.PLT; 7 I x 6 *1 x 5 x 4 3 x Lo z x x xj x x 2H x x x I w K x x x 0 h H' 4 *1t -1 x AV( -2 t KfAt 30 25 35 FRAME # C+7400) )V/ 40 T. STEPHENS -1. 45 30 CW 30 29 x x 28 x X 27 r" 26 -J LU LU x 25 xx x X x 24 -I x x 23 x LU - 22 - 21' 25 tV Ai NA! 35 30 FRAME # C+7400) T. STEPHENS I 40 nv 30 cw - Z 178 VAX/VMS * 1 TEST VERSION 1S:11:57 4-APR-90 PICTR-PLOT2 * _SIAO:CP3441.ARROTT.OCR]VARIAN.PLT;I5 VAX/VMS 14 x 12 x x Xx x x X 10 x C" x x < 2 X (3 uj 4 x x Lo 1 S 2- Nv x 0 FRAME # 70 55 60 65 C+7400) T. STEPHENS 45 CCW 50 45 32 30 X 2e xx 26 x 24 - x x Lox z x <x 22 - - 20 18 45 N 50 FRAME # 55 60 65 C+7400) T. STEPHENS 45 CCW ... 179 VAX/VUS -* VERSION 1 TEST 4-APR-80 IS: 12:32 PICTR-PLOT3 *** VAX/V)IS .SIAO:(P3441.ARROTT.OCRIVARIAN.PLT;16 17 x - 16 x 15 13 - uj j x 14 z x X x LUI Ld x x x x x X I- 10 9 . it x x H x 'V I E x 'WI 75 60 65 C+7400) T. STEPHENS 60 CW 70 FRAME # 3 30 x 29 28 x x x x 27 x x 26 x -x x 01 Lo z 25 -x LL Ld -j - 24 3 LUJ Ld - x 23 X - 22 tV 65 70 FRAME # r . LNL 75 00 85 C+7400) T. STEPHENS 60 CW 180 VAX/VMS ** VERSION I TEST 4-APR-80 LS:13:06 PICTR-PLT4 .SIAO: P3441.ARROTT.OCRIVARIA.4.PLT;17 *** VAX/VMS 18 - - - - - - - - - -- - x x x 14. x I U 12f z Ld x x x x 10 x U x x x x x H x x x a - 4 x r_ 65 I , . ANl4 90 I ix 1- 1 li 19 IV 95 FRAME # 100 T. STEPHENS C+7400) I ~ 105 110 45 CW 30 x x 26 x 26 x x 24 x x xx x x x x xx 24- Ld 22 LL LU 20 -1 18 85 90 FRAME # 95 100 105 C+7400) T. STEPHENS 45 CW KA 110 181 *O* VAX/VMS VAX/VMS ** PEPLOT 2.0 4-APR-80 15:13:43 .SZAI:SYSNEAL.PLOT.WORX)VARIAN.PLT;7 .SIAO:1P3441.ARROTT.OCRIVARIAN.PLT;18 VAX/VMS **4VERSION 1 TEST 4-APR-88 15:14:00 FICTR-PLOTS 0 VAX/VMS 14 - * 13 I * 12 xx x 10 x x x x x X 0D z LUJ 9 - LUJ e CD 7 x x x -j x x Xx x X Ny x X1 x 6h S 105 I FRAME # 27 120 115 110 C+7400) Ii I W ~1 125 130 T. STEPHENS 30 CCW I t 135 I I 26 x x XX 25 - x 24 - * x 23 F* U z ~1 X 0) 22 - x X x x 21- Xx 20 Li. LU -j SxX x 19 .v - 1e 105 110 FRAME # I 115 C+7400) N.V 120 I 1 IN~ 0 1 I 125 130 T. STEPHENS 30 CCW f' 182 VAX/VfS VERSION VAX/VMS 1 TEST 6-MAR-80 12:23:18 PICTR-PLOT7 14 xx x 12 x 10 -a B x xx z wU x x - 6 LU LO 4 x x 2 550 'IN W 555 \ 565 560 575 570 45 CW C. PANE FRAME # C+7000) 10 , Ov I I I a x x 0,I Sn x LU IJ x 4 -L z x x X x x LU 2 X X LU -j *1 x x x x LUI 1L x xx x 0 -2 550 N N 555 FRAME # I 560 C+7000) 1- 565 C. PANE _v I I 570 45 CW Nv I ~1~ 575 183 a VAX/VMS VERSION 1 TEST 10-MAR-80 12:00:54 PICTR-PLOT4 VAX/VMS 9 - x - S xx xx x r" 7 x x* x x xx x -J z 6 LUJ x xxx x xx x- - >- LU I In 5 I 4 140 135 FRAME # C+7500) I I I 5 150 145 160 155 30 CW C. PANE I I I 4 x 3' x x .J uj I z x 2 LU x LJ LL LUI -t x - 1 t\I I 135 140 FRAME # 145 C+7500) D5 xJ 150 C. PANE 155 30 CW xA 160 184 VAX/VMS VERSION 1 FST 10-MAR-80 VAX/VHIS 12:01:24 PICTR-PLOTS e xX 7 r-J x - x x 6 x x C) z xx 5 uJ Li 70D X 4 XIXIV x x xv 3 155 160 FRAME # 170 165 C+7500) C. PANE 4 w __ 175 80 45 CCW X x 3 x Xx X 2 LUJ 1 X xx - LUJ U- 0 H x x - Lu T Ij -1 155 160 FRAME # 165 C+7500) 170 C. PANE 175 45 CCW 180 185 . VAX/V.S VAXVIS VERSION 1 TEMT 10-MAR-80 11:58:S2 PICTR-PLOTI I I I I *II x 10 x 9 6 U-' 7 U x x z x x x x x 6- LU Ld x x 5 L- x x 4 3 80 r\JNI I I1w FRAME # 1)N I C+7500) 92 90 88 86 84 82 C. PANE - 94 96 60 CW 7 6 5 xx 4 LU z xx Xx 3 2 x x LU LUL x 1 x x 0 -1 80 xv 82 84 86 FRAME # C+7500) 88 C. PANE 90 92 60 Cw 94 96 186 VAX/VMS VERSION 1 TET 10-MAR-80 11:59:33 PlCTR-PLOT2 VAX/VMS 10 x I- 7 x x~ LU z x 6 X LU X x X x 5 LU x H Iy 4 I \/ ))V -x x O x 3 100 95 105 FRAME # 110 115 C. PANE C+7500) 120 30 CCW 6 5 x 4 x x x x x X x L - LU x x - xx -J I3 x x 0 x T x x _JA~L1- I' -1 95 100 FRAME # 105 C+7500) 110 C. PANE 115 30 CCW 120 187 VAX/VXS VERSION 1 TEST 10-MAR-80 12:00:12 PICTR-PLOT3 VAX/VMS 11 10 9-X x S -o -J XX X x 7 XX X z LU X XX 6 Xx uJ I- Lo r\V xII INN 4 3 115 125 120 FRAME # C+7500) 130 135 C. PANE 140 60 CCW 6 X X 5| x x 4 r" Li 3 Xx -( X x 2 -J -L z XX -x LU 0 Lx IXX I X -1 - - -2 115 120 FRAME # 125 C+7500) 130 C. PANE 135 60 CCW T 140 188 VAX/VKS VERSION 1 TEST 10-MAR-80 12:02:33 PICTR-PLOTI VAX/VMS -7 -7 x -8 - X x x -9 - x , r" x -10 w x x x -o Lo x -11 z x xx -12 I- LU Lo 13 1- H- x x NI'X Of -14 L 190 195 205 200 FRAME # C+7500) T. CRITES 210 45 CW 0 x x x -x -2 x x X -4 - xx x -" x xx -6 -x LU z -8 x x. Lu LU -10 AI 190 xx I v vi , . 200 195 FRAME # 1 C+7500) T. CRITES 205 45 CW 210 189 IAX/VXS VERSION I TET 10-MAR-80 12:03:OS PICTR-PLOT2 -6 VAX/VMS x x X x x X x -8 x x x x -10 xx x - xx -x x x 0, xx -12 Lo x- z Lu -14 Lo H CD x -16 210 215 x 1' \ 225 220 FRAME # C+7500) V,, f 235 230 60 CCW T. CRITES 11 4 x x x 0 x -2 ILo x -4 -6LUL -8 x x x x x X x x X x -10 -12 210 220 x 215 FRAME # 220 C+7500) i 22 T. CRITES v , 2: r 60 CCW T1 5 190 . VAX/VXS VEMSION I TEST 10-MAR-80 11:57:10 PICTR-PLOTJ VAX/%..S -3 -4 -5 -7 -8 ci, w -9 -10- x - LO X IX -12 234 236 238 240 244 242 FRAME # (+7500) 246 T. CRITES 248 250 252 2 54 45 CCW 9 X 7 6 X 0i .1 LO 4-X z 3 U L Lli 2 X X X X x L 0 234 X x 1 X 236 238 240 FRAME # 242 (+7500) 244 246 T. CRITES 248 250 252 254 45 CCW i 191 . VAX/VMS VERSION 1 TEST 27-MAR-80 VAX/VXS IS:50:24 PICTR-PLOTI vi 4 x 3 x 2 I- -o z Lo H (I 0 x x x x x le xx x -1 x x x x x x -21I adm* -3 44jvv 0 1\1 1 55 60 65 FRAME # 7 70 C+7700) 75 T. 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