Hindawi Publishing Corporation International Journal of Combinatorics Volume 2013, Article ID 595210, 34 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/595210 Review Article On Bondage Numbers of Graphs: A Survey with Some Comments Jun-Ming Xu School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Wentsun Wu Key Laboratory of CAS, Hefei, Anhui 230026, China Correspondence should be addressed to Jun-Ming Xu; xujm@ustc.edu.cn Received 15 December 2012; Revised 20 February 2013; Accepted 11 March 2013 Academic Editor: ChΔ±Μnh T. Hoang Copyright © 2013 Jun-Ming Xu. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The domination number of a graph G is the smallest number of vertices which dominate all remaining vertices by edges of G. The bondage number of a nonempty graph G is the smallest number of edges whose removal from G results in a graph with domination number greater than the domination number of G. The concept of the bondage number was formally introduced by Fink et al. in 1990. Since then, this topic has received considerable research attention and made some progress, variations, and generalizations. This paper gives a survey on the bondage number, including known results, conjectures, problems, and some comments, also selectively summarizes other types of bondage numbers. 1. Introduction For terminology and notation on graph theory not given here, the reader is referred to Xu [1]. Let πΊ = (π, πΈ) be a finite, undirected, and simple graph. We call |π| and |πΈ| the order and size of πΊ and denote them by π = π(πΊ) and π = π(πΊ), respectively, unless otherwise specified. Through this paper, the notations ππ , πΆπ , and πΎπ always denote a path, a cycle, and a complete graph of order π, respectively, the notation πΎπ1 ,π2 ,...,ππ‘ denotes a complete π‘-partite graph with π1 β©½ π2 β©½ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ β©½ ππ‘ and ππ‘ > 1, πΎπ‘ (π) = πΎπ1 ,π2 ,...,ππ‘ with π1 = ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ = ππ‘ = π, and πΎ1,π−1 is a star. For two vertices π₯ and π¦ in a connected graph πΊ, we use ππΊ(π₯, π¦) to denote the distance between π₯ and π¦ in πΊ. For a vertex π₯ in πΊ, let ππΊ(π₯) be the open set of neighbors of π₯ and ππΊ[π₯] = π[π₯] = ππΊ(π₯) ∪ {π₯} the closed set of neighbors of π₯. For a subset π ⊂ π(πΊ), ππΊ(π) = (∪π₯∈π ππΊ(π₯)) ∩ π, and ππΊ[π] = ππΊ(π) ∪ π, where π = π(πΊ) \ π. Let πΈπ₯ be the set of edges incident with π₯ in πΊ; that is, πΈπ₯ = {π₯π¦ ∈ πΈ(πΊ) : π¦ ∈ ππΊ(π₯)}. We denote the degree of π₯ by ππΊ(π₯) = |πΈπ₯ |. The maximum and the minimum degrees of πΊ are denoted by Δ(πΊ) and πΏ(πΊ), respectively. A vertex of degree zero is called an isolated vertex. An edge incident with a vertex of degree one is called a pendant edge. The bondage number is an important parameter of graphs which is based upon the well-known domination number. A subset π ⊆ π(πΊ) is called a dominating set of πΊ if ππΊ[π] = π(πΊ); that is, every vertex π₯ in π has at least one neighbor in π. The domination number of πΊ, denoted by πΎ(πΊ), is the minimum cardinality among all dominating sets; that is, πΎ (πΊ) = min {|π| : π ⊆ π (πΊ) , ππΊ [π] = π (πΊ)} . (1) A dominating set π is called a πΎ-set of πΊ if |π| = πΎ(πΊ). The domination is such an important and classic conception that it has become one of the most widely studied topics in graph theory and also is frequently used to study property of networks. The domination, with many variations and generalizations, is now well studied in graph and networks theory. The early vast literature on domination includes the bibliography compiled by Hedetniemi and Laskar [2] and a thorough study of domination appears in the books by Haynes et al. [3, 4]. However, the problem determining the domination number for general graphs was early proved to be NP-complete (see GT2 in Appendix in Garey and Johnson [5], 1979). Among various problems related with the domination number, some focus on graph alterations and their effects 2 International Journal of Combinatorics on the domination number. Here, we are concerned with a particular graph alternation, the removal of edges from a graph. Graphs with domination numbers changed upon the removal of an edge were first investigated by Walikar and Acharya [6] in 1979. A graph is called edge-dominationcritical graph if πΎ(πΊ − π) > πΎ(πΊ) for every edge π in πΊ. The edge-domination-critical graph was characterized by Bauer et al. [7] in 1983; that is, a graph is edge-domination-critical if and only if it is the union of stars. However, for lots of graphs, the domination number is out of the range of one-edge removal. It is immediate that πΎ(π») β©Ύ πΎ(πΊ) for any spanning subgraph π» of πΊ. Every graph πΊ has a spanning forest π with πΎ(πΊ) = πΎ(π), and so, in general, a graph has a nonempty subset πΉ ⊆ πΈ(πΊ) for which πΎ(πΊ − πΉ) = πΎ(πΊ). Then it is natural for the alternation to be generalized to the removal of several edges, which is just enough to enlarge the domination number. That is the idea of the bondage number. A measure of the efficiency of a domination in graphs was first given by Bauer et al. [7] in 1983, who called this measure as domination line-stability, defined as the minimum number of lines (i.e., edges) which when removed from πΊ increases πΎ. In 1990, Fink et al. [8] formally introduced the bondage number as a parameter for measuring the vulnerability of the interconnection network under link failure. The minimum dominating set of sites plays an important role in the network for it dominates the whole network with the minimum cost. So we must consider whether its function remains good when the network is attacked. Suppose that someone such as a saboteur does not know which sites in the network take part in the dominating role, but does know that the set of these special sites corresponds to a minimum dominating set in the related graph. Then how many links does he has to attack so that the cost cannot remains the same in order to dominate the whole network? That minimum number of links is just the bondage number. The bondage number π(πΊ) of a nonempty undirected graph πΊ is the minimum number of edges whose removal from πΊ results in a graph with larger domination number. The precise definition of the bondage number is as follows: π (πΊ) = min {|π΅| : π΅ ⊆ πΈ (πΊ) , πΎ (πΊ − π΅) > πΎ (πΊ)} . (2) Since the domination number of every spanning subgraph of a nonempty graph πΊ is at least as great as πΎ(πΊ), the bondage number of a nonempty graph is well defined. We call such an edge-set π΅ with πΎ(πΊ − π΅) > πΎ(πΊ) the bondage set and the minimum one the minimum bondage set. In fact, if π΅ is a minimum bondage set, then πΎ(πΊ − π΅) = πΎ(πΊ) + 1 because the removal of one single edge cannot increase the domination number by more than one. If π(πΊ) does not exist, for example, empty graphs, we define π(πΊ) = ∞. It is quite difficult to compute the exact value of the bondage number for general graphs since it strongly depends on the domination number of the graphs. Much work focused on the bounds on the bondage number as well as the restraints on some particular classes of graphs or networks. The purpose of this paper is to give a survey of results and research methods related to these topics for graphs and digraphs. For some results and research methods, we will make some comments to develop our further study. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 gives some preliminary results and complexity. Sections 3 and 4 survey some upper bounds and lower bounds, respectively. The results for some special classes of graphs and planar graphs are stated in Sections 5 and 6, respectively. In Section 7, we introduce some results on crossing number restraints. In Sections 8 and 9, we are concerned about other and generalized types of bondage numbers, respectively. In Section 10, we introduce some results for digraphs. In the last section, we introduce some results for vertex-transitive graphs by applying efficient dominating sets. 2. Simplicity and Complexity As we have known from Introduction, the bondage number is an important parameter for measuring the stability or the vulnerability of a domination in a graph or a network. Our aim is to compute the bondage number for any given graphs or networks. One has determined the exact value of the bondage number for some graphs with simple structure. For arbitrarily given graph, however, it has been proved that determining its bondage number is NP-hard. 2.1. Exact Values for Ordinary Graphs. We begin our investigation of the bondage number by computing its value for several well-known classes of graphs with simple structure. In 1990, Fink et al. [8] proposed the concept of the bondage number and completely determined the exact values of bondage numbers of some ordinary graphs, such as complete graphs, paths, cycles, and complete multipartite graphs. Theorem 1 (Fink et al. [8], 1990). The exact values of bondage numbers of the following class of graphs are completely determined: π π (πΎπ ) = ⌈ ⌉ ; 2 2 ππ π ≡ 1 (mod 3) , π (ππ ) = { 1 ππ‘βπππ€ππ π, 3 ππ π ≡ 1 (mod 3) , π (πΆπ ) = { 2 ππ‘βπππ€ππ π, π (πΎπ1 ,π2 ,...,ππ‘ ) (3) π { ππ ππ = 1 πππ ππ+1 β©Ύ 2, πππ π πππ π, ⌈ ⌉ { { 2 { { { { 1 β©½ π < π‘, { = {2π‘ − 1 ππ π = π = ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ = π = 2, 1 2 π‘ { { { π‘−1 { { { {∑ππ ππ‘βπππ€ππ π. {π=1 The complete graph πΎπ is the unique (π−1)-regular graph of order π β©Ύ 2, π(πΎπ ) = ⌈π/2⌉ by Theorem 1. The π‘-partite International Journal of Combinatorics 3 graph πΎπ‘ (2) with π‘ = π/2 is an (π − 2)-regular graph πΊ of order π β©Ύ 2, and not unique, π(πΊ) = π − 1 by Theorem 1 for an even integer π β©Ύ 4. For an (π − 3)-regular graph πΊ of order π β©Ύ 4, Hu and Xu [9] obtained the following result. Theorem 2 (Hu and Xu [9]). π(πΊ) = π − 3 for any (π − 3)regular graph πΊ of order π β©Ύ 4. Up to the present, no results have been known for πregular graphs with 3 β©½ π β©½ π − 4. For general graphs, there are the following two results. Theorem 3 (Teschner [10], 1997). If πΊ is a nonempty graph with a unique minimum dominating set, then π(πΊ) = 1. Theorem 4 (Bauer et al. [7], 1983). If any vertex of a graph πΊ is adjacent with two or more vertices of degree one, then π(πΊ) = 1. Bauer et al. [7] observed that the star is the unique graph with the property that the bondage number is 1 and the deletion of any edge results in the domination number increasing. Motivated by this fact, Hartnell and Rall [11] proposed the concept of uniformly bonded graphs. A graph is called to be uniformly bonded if it has bondage number π and the deletion of any π edges results in a graph with increased domination number. Unfortunately, there are a few uniformly bonded graphs. Theorem 5 (Hartnell and Rall [11], 1999). The only uniformly bonded graphs with bondage number 2 are πΆ3 and π4 . The unique uniformly bonded graph with bondage number 3 is πΆ4 . There are no such graphs for bondage number greater than 3. As we mentioned, to compute the exact value of bondage number for a graph strongly depends upon its domination number. In this sense, studying the bondage number can greatly inspire one’s research concerned with dominations. However, determining the exact value of domination number for a given graph is quite difficult. In fact, even if the exact value of the domination number for some graph is determined, it is still very difficulty to compute the value of the bondage number for that graph. For example, for the hypercube ππ , we have πΎ(ππ ) = 2π−1 , but we have not yet determined π(ππ ) for any π β©Ύ 2. Perhaps Theorems 3 and 4 provide an approach to compute the exact value of bondage number for some graphs by establishing some sufficient conditions for π(πΊ) = π. In fact, we will see later that Theorem 3 plays an important role in determining the exact values of the bondage numbers for some graphs. Thus, to study the bondage number, it is important to present various characterizations of graphs with a unique minimum dominating set. 2.2. Characterizations of Trees. For trees, Bauer et al. [7] in 1983 from the point of view of the domination line-stability, independently and Fink et al. [8] in 1990 from the point of view of the domination edge-vulnerability obtained the following result. π€ Figure 1: Tree πΉπ‘ . Theorem 6. For any nontrivial tree π, π(π) β©½ 2. By Theorem 6, it is natural to classify all trees according to their bondage numbers. Fink et al. [8] proved that a forbidden subgraph characterization to classify trees with different bondage numbers is impossible, since they proved that if πΉ is a forest, then πΉ is an induced subgraph of a tree π with π(π) = 1 and a tree πσΈ with π(πσΈ ) = 2. However, they pointed out that the complexity of calculating the bondage number of a tree of order π is at most π(π2 ) by methodically removing each pair of edges. Even so, some characterizations, whether a tree has bondage number 1 or 2, have been found by several authors; see, for example, [10, 12, 13]. First we describe the method due to Hartnell and Rall [12], by which all trees with bondage number 2 can be constructed inductively. An important tree πΉπ‘ in the construction is shown in Figure 1. To characterize this construction, we need some terminologies: (1) attach a path ππ to a vertex π₯ of a tree, which means to link π₯ and one end-vertex of the ππ by an edge. (2) attach πΉπ‘ to a vertex π₯, which means to link π₯ and a vertex π¦ of πΉπ‘ by an edge. The following are four operations on a tree π: Type 1: attach a π2 to π₯ ∈ π(π), where πΎ(π − π₯) = πΎ(π) and π₯ belongs to at least one πΎ-set of π (such a vertex exists, say, one end-vertex of π5 ). Type 2: attach a π3 to π₯ ∈ π(π), where πΎ(π − π₯) < πΎ(π). Type 3: attach πΉ1 to π₯ ∈ π(π), where π₯ belongs to at least one πΎ-set of π. Type 4: attach πΉπ‘ , π‘ β©Ύ 2, to π₯ ∈ π(π), where π₯ can be any vertex of π. Let C = {π : π is a tree, and π = πΎ1 , π = π4 , and π = πΉπ‘ for some π‘ β©Ύ 2, or π can be obtained from π4 or πΉπ‘ (π‘ β©Ύ 2) by a finite sequence of operations of Types 1, 2, 3, 4}. Theorem 7 (Hartnell and Rall [12], 1992). A tree has bondage number 2 if and only if it belongs to C. Looking at different minimum dominating sets of a tree, Teschner [10] presented a totally different characterization of the set of trees having bondage number 1. They defined a vertex to be universal if it belongs to each minimum dominating set, and to be idle if it does not belong to any minimum dominating set. 4 International Journal of Combinatorics Theorem 8 (Teschner [10], 1997). A tree π has bondage number 1 if and only if π has a universal vertex or an edge π₯π¦ satisfying (1) π₯ and π¦ are neither universal nor idle; and (2) all neighbors of π₯ and π¦ (except for π₯ and π¦) are idle. For a positive integer π, a subset πΌ ⊆ π(πΊ) is called a πindependent set (also called a π-packing) if ππΊ(π₯, π¦) > π for any two distinct vertices π₯ and π¦ in πΌ. When π = 1, 1-set is the normal independent set. The maximum cardinality among all π-independent sets is called the π-independence number (or π-packing number) of πΊ, denoted by πΌπ (πΊ). A π-independent set πΌ is called an πΌπ -set if |πΌ| = πΌπ (πΊ). A graph πΊ is said to be πΌπ -stable if πΌπ (πΊ) = πΌπ (πΊ − π) for every edge π of πΊ. There are two important results on π-independent sets. Proposition 9 (Topp and Vestergaard [13], 2000). A tree π is πΌπ -stable if and only if π has a unique πΌπ -set. Proposition 10 (Meir and Moon [14], 1975). πΌ2 (πΊ) β©½ πΎ(πΊ) for any connected graph πΊ with equality for any tree. Hartnell et al. [15], independently and Topp and Vestergaard [13] also gave a constructive characterization of trees with bondage number 2 and, applying Proposition 10, presented another characterization of those trees. Theorem 11 (Hartnell et al. [15], 1998; Top and Vestergaard [13], 2000). π(π) = 2 for a tree π if and only if π has a unique πΌ2 -set. According to this characterization, Hartnell et al. [15] presented a linear algorithm for determining the bondage number of a tree. In this subsection, we introduce three characterizations for trees with bondage number 1 or 2. The characterization in Theorem 7 is constructive, constructing all trees with bondage number 2, a natural and straightforward method, by a series of graph-operations. The characterization in Theorem 8 is a little advisable, by describing the inherent property of trees with bondage number 1. The characterization in Theorem 11 is wonderful, by using a strong graphtheoretic concept, πΌπ -set. In fact, this characterization is a byproduct of some results related to πΌπ -sets for trees. It is that this characterization closed the relation between two concepts, the bondage number and the π-independent set, and hence is of research value and important significance. 2.3. Complexity for General Graphs. As mentioned above, the bondage number of a tree can be determined by a linear time algorithm. According to this algorithm, we can determine within polynomial time the domination number of any tree by removing each edge and verifying whether the domination number is enlarged according to the known linear time algorithm for domination numbers of trees. However, it is impossible to find a polynomial time algorithm for bondage numbers of general graphs. If such an algorithm π΄ exists, then the domination number of any nonempty undirected graph πΊ can be determined within polynomial time by repeatedly using π΄. Let πΊ0 = πΊ and πΊπ+1 = πΊπ − π΅π , where π΅π is the minimum edge set of πΊπ found by π΄ such that πΎ(πΊπ − π΅π ) = πΎ(πΊπ−1 ) + 1 for each π = 0, 1, . . .; we can always find the minimum π΅π whose removal from πΊπ enlarges the domination number, until πΊπ = πΊπ−1 − π΅π−1 is empty for some π β©Ύ 1, though π΅π−1 is not empty. Then πΎ(πΊ) = πΎ(πΊπ ) − π = π(πΊ) − π. As known to all, if NP =ΜΈ π, the minimum dominating set problem is NP-complete, and so polynomial time algorithms for the bondage number do not exist unless NP = π. In fact, Hu and Xu [16] have recently shown that the problem determining the bondage number of general graphs is NP-hard. Problem 1. Consider the decision problem: Bondage Problem Instance: a graph πΊ and a positive integer π (β©½ π(πΊ)). Question: is π(πΊ) β©½ π? Theorem 12 (Hu and Xu [16], 2012). The bondage problem is NP-hard. The basic way of the proof is to follow Garey and Johnson’s techniques for proving NP-hardness [5] by describing a polynomial transformation from the known NP-complete problem: 3-satisfiability problem. Theorem 12 shows that we are unable to find a polynomial time algorithm to determine bondage numbers of general graphs unless NP = π. At the same time, this result also shows that the following study on the bondage number is of important significance. (i) Find approximation polynomial algorithms with performance ratio as small as possible. (ii) Find the lower and upper bounds with difference as small as possible. (iii) Determine exact values for some graphs, specially well-known networks. Unfortunately, we cannot prove whether or not determining the bondage number is NP-problem since for any subset π΅ ⊂ πΈ(πΊ) it is not clear that there is a polynomial algorithm to verify πΎ(πΊ − π΅) > πΎ(πΊ). Since the problem of determining the domination number is NP-complete, we conjecture that it is not in NP. This is a worthwhile task to be studied further. Motivated by the linear time algorithm of Hartnell et al. to compute the bondage number of a tree, we can make an attempt to consider whether there is a polynomial time algorithm to compute the bondage number for some special classes of graphs such as planar graphs, Cayley graphs, or graphs with some restrictions of graph-theoretical parameters such as degree, diameter, connectivity, and domination number. 3. Upper Bounds By Theorem 12, since we cannot find a polynomial time algorithm for determining the exact values of bondage numbers International Journal of Combinatorics 5 of general graphs, it is weightily significative to establish some sharp bounds on the bondage number of a graph. In this section, we survey several known upper bounds on the bondage number in terms of some other graph-theoretical parameters. π2 (π₯, π¦) π3 (π₯, π¦) 3.1. Most Basic Upper Bounds. We start this subsection with a simple observation. π¦ Observation 1 (Teschner [10], 1997). Let π» be a spanning subgraph obtained from a graph πΊ by removing π edges. Then π(πΊ) β©½ π(π») + π. If we select a spanning subgraph π» such that π(π») = 1, then Observation 1 yields some upper bounds on the bondage number of a graph πΊ. For example, take π» = πΊ − πΈπ₯ + π and π = ππΊ(π₯) − 1, where π ∈ πΈπ₯ , the following result can be obtained. π4 (π₯, π¦) π1 (π₯, π¦) π₯ Figure 2: Illustration of ππ (π₯, π¦) for π = 1, 2, 3, 4. Theorem 13 (Bauer et al. [7], 1983). If there exists at least one vertex π₯ in a graph πΊ such that πΎ(πΊ − π₯) β©Ύ πΎ(πΊ), then π(πΊ) β©½ ππΊ(π₯) β©½ Δ(πΊ). Theorem 18 (Hartnell and Rall [17], 1994). π(πΊ) β©½ ππΊ(π₯) + ππΊ(π¦) − 1 − |ππΊ(π₯) ∩ ππΊ(π¦)| for any two adjacent vertices π₯ and π¦ in a graph πΊ; that is, The following early result obtained can be derived from Observation 1 by taking π» = πΊ − πΈπ₯π¦ and π = π(π₯) + π(π¦) − 2. σ΅¨ σ΅¨ π (πΊ) β©½ min {ππΊ (π₯) + ππΊ (π¦) − 1 − σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨ππΊ (π₯) ∩ ππΊ (π¦)σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨} . Theorem 14 (Bauer et al. [7], 1983; Fink et al. [8], 1990). π(πΊ) β©½ π(π₯) + π(π¦) − 1 for any two adjacent vertices π₯ and π¦ in a graph πΊ; that is, π (πΊ) β©½ min {ππΊ (π₯) + ππΊ (π¦) − 1} . π₯π¦∈πΈ(πΊ) (4) This theorem gives a natural corollary obtained by several authors. Corollary 15 (Bauer et al. [7], 1983; Fink et al. [8], 1990). If πΊ is a graph without isolated vertices, then π(πΊ) β©½ Δ(πΊ)+πΏ(πΊ)−1. In 1999, Hartnell and Rall [11] extended Theorem 14 to the following more general case, which can be also derived from Observation 1 by taking π» = πΊ − πΈπ₯ − πΈπ¦ + (π₯, π§, π¦) if ππΊ(π₯, π¦) = 2, where (π₯, π§, π¦) is a path of length 2 in πΊ. Theorem 16 (Hartnell and Rall [11], 1999). π(πΊ) β©½ π(π₯) + π(π¦) − 1 for any distinct two vertices π₯ and π¦ in a graph πΊ with ππΊ(π₯, π¦) β©½ 2; that is, π (πΊ) β©½ min {ππΊ (π₯) + ππΊ (π¦) − 1} . ππΊ (π₯,π¦)β©½2 (5) π₯π¦∈πΈ(πΊ) (6) These results give simple but important upper bounds on the bondage number of a graph, and is also the foundation of almost all results on bondage numbers upper bounds obtained till now. By careful consideration of the nature of the edges from the neighbors of π₯ and π¦, Wang [18] further refined the bound in Theorem 18. For any edge π₯π¦ ∈ πΈ(πΊ), ππΊ(π¦) contains the following four subsets: (1) π1 (π₯, π¦) = ππΊ[π₯] ∩ ππΊ(π¦); (2) π2 (π₯, π¦) = {π€ ∈ ππΊ(π¦) : ππΊ(π€) ⊆ ππΊ(π¦) − π₯}; (3) π3 (π₯, π¦) = {π€ ∈ ππΊ(π¦) : ππΊ(π€) ⊆ ππΊ(π§)−π₯ for some π§ ∈ ππΊ(π₯) ∩ ππΊ(π¦)}; (4) π4 (π₯, π¦) = ππΊ(π¦) \ (π1 (π₯, π¦) ∪ π2 (π₯, π¦) ∪ π3 (π₯, π¦)). The illustrations of π1 (π₯, π¦), π2 (π₯, π¦), π3 (π₯, π¦), and π4 (π₯, π¦) are shown in Figure 2 (corresponding vertices pointed by dashed arrows). Theorem 19 (Wang [18], 1996). For any nonempty graph πΊ, Corollary 17 (Fink et al. [8], 1990). If a vertex of a graph πΊ is adjacent with two or more vertices of degree one, then π(πΊ) = 1. σ΅¨ σ΅¨ π (πΊ) β©½ min {ππΊ (π₯) + σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨π4 (π₯, π¦)σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨} . We remark that the bounds stated in Corollary 15 and Theorem 16 are sharp. As indicated by Theorem 1, one class of graphs in which the bondage number achieves these bounds is the class of cycles whose orders are congruent to 1 modulo 3. On the other hand, Hartnell and Rall [17] sharpened the upper bound in Theorem 14 as follows, which can be also derived from Observation 1. The graph in Figure 2 shows that the upper bound given in Theorem 19 is better than that in Theorems 16 and 18, for the upper bounds obtained from these two theorems are ππΊ(π₯)+ππΊ(π¦)−1 = 11 and ππΊ(π₯)+ππΊ(π¦)−|ππΊ(π₯)∩ππΊ(π¦)| = 9, respectively, while the upper bound given by Theorem 19 is ππΊ(π₯) + |π4 (π₯, π¦)| = 6. The following result is also an improvement of Theorem 14, in which π‘ = 2. π₯π¦∈πΈ(πΊ) (7) 6 International Journal of Combinatorics Theorem 20 (Teschner [10], 1997). If πΊ contains a complete subgraph πΎπ‘ with π‘ β©Ύ 2, then π(πΊ) β©½ minπ₯π¦∈πΈ(πΎπ‘ ) {ππΊ(π₯) + ππΊ(π¦) − π‘ + 1}. Following Fricke et al. [19], a vertex π₯ of a graph πΊ is πΎgood if π₯ belongs to some πΎ-set of πΊ and πΎ-bad if π₯ belongs to no πΎ-set of πΊ. Let π΄(πΊ) be the set of πΎ-good vertices, and let π΅(πΊ) be the set of πΎ-bad vertices in πΊ. Clearly, {π΄(πΊ), π΅(πΊ)} is a partition of π(πΊ). Note there exists some π₯ ∈ π΄ such that πΎ(πΊ − π₯) = πΎ(πΊ), say, one end-vertex of π5 . Samodivkin [20] presented some sharp upper bounds for π(πΊ) in terms of πΎgood and πΎ-bad vertices of πΊ. π»2 π₯22 π₯21 π₯12 π»1 π»3 π₯3 π₯ Theorem 21 (Samodivkin [20], 2008). Let πΊ be a graph. π₯11 (a) Let πΆ(πΊ) = {π₯ ∈ π(πΊ) : πΎ(πΊ − π₯) β©Ύ πΎ(πΊ)}. If πΆ(πΊ) =ΜΈ 0, then π (πΊ) β©½ min {ππΊ (π₯) + πΎ (πΊ) − πΎ (πΊ − π₯) : π₯ ∈ πΆ (πΊ)} . (8) Figure 3: The graph πΊ2 . π₯π1 , π₯π2 ∈ π(π»π ), π₯π1 π₯π2 ∉ πΈ(π»π ) for each π = 1, 2, . . . , π‘. The graph πΊπ‘ is defined as follows: π‘+1 (b) If π΅ =ΜΈ 0, then σ΅¨ σ΅¨ π (πΊ) β©½ min {σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨ππΊ (π₯) ∩ π΄σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨ : π₯ ∈ π΅ (πΊ)} . π (πΊπ‘ ) = β π (π»π ) , (9) Theorem 22 (Samodivkin [20], 2008). Let πΊ be a graph. If π΄+ (πΊ) = {π₯ ∈ π΄(πΊ) : ππΊ(π₯) β©Ύ 1 and πΎ(πΊ − π₯) < πΎ(πΊ)} =ΜΈ 0, then π (πΊ) β©½ min π₯∈π΄+ (πΊ),π¦∈π΅(πΊ−π₯) π¦ σ΅¨ σ΅¨ {ππΊ (π₯) + σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨ππΊ (π¦) ∩ π΄ (πΊ − π₯)σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨} . (10) Proposition 23 (Samodivkin [20], 2008). Under the notation of Theorem 19, if π₯ ∈ π΄+ (πΊ), then (π1 (π₯, π¦) − {π₯}) ∪ π2 (π₯, π¦) ∪ π3 (π₯, π¦) ⊆ ππΊ(π¦) \ π΅(πΊ − π₯). By Proposition 23, if π₯ ∈ π΄+ (πΊ), then π‘+1 π‘ π=0 π=1 (12) πΈ (πΊπ‘ ) = ( β πΈ (π»π ))∪(β {π₯π₯π1 , π₯π₯π2 })∪{π₯π₯π‘+1 } . Such a constructed graph πΊπ‘ is shown in Figure 3 when π‘ = 2. Observe that πΎ(πΊπ‘ ) = π‘ + 2, π΄(πΊπ‘ ) = π(πΊπ‘ ), ππΊπ‘ (π₯) = 2π‘ + 2, ππΊπ‘ (π₯π‘+1 ) = π‘ + 3, ππΊπ‘ (π¦) = 1, and ππΊπ‘ (π§) = π‘ + 2 for each π§ ∈ π(πΊπ‘ − {π₯, π¦, π₯π‘+1 }). Moreover, πΎ(πΊ − π¦) < πΎ(πΊ) and πΎ(πΊπ‘ − π§) = πΎ(πΊπ‘ ) for any π§ ∈ π(πΊπ‘ ) − {π¦}. Hence, each of the bounds stated in Theorems 13–20 is greater than or equals π‘ + 2. Consider the graph πΊπ‘ − π₯π¦. Clearly, πΎ(πΊπ‘ − π₯π¦) = πΎ(πΊπ‘ ) and π΅ (πΊπ‘ − π₯π¦) = π΅ (πΊπ‘ − π¦) π‘ = {π₯} ∪ π (π»π‘+1 − π₯π‘+1 ) ∪ ( β {π₯π1 , π₯π2 }) . σ΅¨ σ΅¨ ππΊ (π₯) + min {σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨π4 (π₯, π¦)σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨} π¦∈π (π₯) π=1 πΊ σ΅¨ σ΅¨ β©Ύ ππΊ (π₯) + min {σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨ππΊ (π¦) ∩ π΄ (πΊ − π₯)σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨} π¦∈ππΊ (π₯) π=0 (11) σ΅¨ σ΅¨ β©Ύ ππΊ (π₯) + min {σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨ππΊ (π¦) ∩ π΄ (πΊ − π₯)σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨} . π¦∈π΅(πΊ−π₯) Hence, Theorem 19 can be seen to follow from Theorem 22. Any graph πΊ with π(πΊ) achieving the upper bound in Theorem 19 can be used to show that the bound in Theorem 22 is sharp. Let π‘ β©Ύ 2 be an integer. Samodivkin [20] constructed a very interesting graph πΊπ‘ to show that the upper bound in Theorem 22 is better than the known bounds. Let π»0 , π»1 , π»2 , . . . , π»π‘+1 be mutually vertex-disjoint graphs such that π»0 ≅ πΎ2 , π»π‘+1 ≅ πΎπ‘+3 and π»π ≅ πΎπ‘+3 − π for each π = 1, 2, . . . , π‘. Let π(π»0 ) = {π₯, π¦}, π₯π‘+1 ∈ π(π»π‘+1 ) and (13) Therefore, ππΊπ‘ (π₯) ∩ πΊ(πΊπ‘ − π¦) = {π₯π‘+1 } which implies that the upper bound stated in Theorem 22 is equal to ππΊπ‘ (π¦) + |{π₯π‘+1 }| = 2. Clearly, π(πΊπ‘ ) = 2, and hence this bound is sharp for πΊπ‘ . From the graph πΊπ‘ , we obtain the following statement immediately. Proposition 24. For every integer π‘ β©Ύ 2, there is a graph πΊ such that the difference between any upper bound stated in Theorems 13–20 and the upper bound in Theorem 22 is equal to π‘. Although Theorem 22 supplies us with the upper bound that is closer to π(πΊ) for some graph πΊ than what any one of International Journal of Combinatorics Theorems 13–20 provides, it is not easy to determine the sets π΄+ (πΊ) and π΅(πΊ) mentioned in Theorem 22 for an arbitrary graph πΊ. Thus, the upper bound given in Theorem 22 is of theoretical importance, but not applied since, until now, we have not found a new class of graphs whose bondage numbers are determined by Theorem 22. The above-mentioned upper bounds on the bondage number are involved in only degrees of two vertices. Hartnell and Rall [11] established an upper bound on π(πΊ) in terms of the numbers of vertices and edges of πΊ with order π. For any connected graph πΊ, let πΏ(πΊ) represent the average degree of vertices in πΊ; that is, πΏ(πΊ) = (1/π) ∑π₯∈π ππΊ(π₯). Hartnell and Rall first discovered the following proposition. Proposition 25. For any connected graph πΊ, there exist two vertices π₯ and π¦ with distance at most two and with the property that ππΊ(π₯) + ππΊ(π¦) β©½ 2πΏ(πΊ). Using Proposition 25 and Theorem 16, Hartnell and Rall gave the following bound. Theorem 26 (Hartnell and Rall [11], 1999). π(πΊ) β©½ 2πΏ(πΊ) − 1 for any connected graph πΊ. Note that 2π = ππΏ(πΊ) for any graph πΊ with order π and size π. Theorem 26 implies the following bound in terms of order π and size π. Corollary 27. π(πΊ) β©½ (4π/π) − 1 for any connected graph πΊ with order π and size π. A lower bound on π in terms of order π and the bondage number is obtained from Corollary 28 immediately. Corollary 28. π β©Ύ (π/4)(π(πΊ) + 1) for any connected graph πΊ with order π and size π. Hartnell and Rall [11] gave some graphs πΊ with order π to show that for each value of π(πΊ); the lower bound on π(πΊ) given in the Corollary 28 is sharp for some values of π. 3.2. Bounds Implied by Connectivity. Use π (πΊ) and π(πΊ) to denote the vertex-connectivity and the edge-connectivity of a connected graph πΊ, respectively, which are the minimum numbers of vertices and edges whose removal result in πΊ disconnected. The famous Whitney inequality is stated as π (πΊ) β©½ π(πΊ) β©½ πΏ(πΊ) for any graph or digraph πΊ. Corollary 15 is improved by several authors as follows. Theorem 29 (Hartnell and Rall [17], 1994; Teschner [10], 1997). If πΊ is a connected graph, then π(πΊ) β©½ π(πΊ) + Δ(πΊ) − 1. The upper bound given in Theorem 29 can be attained. For example, a cycle πΆ3π+1 with π β©Ύ 1, π(πΆ3π+1 ) = 3 by Theorem 1. Since π (πΆ3π+1 ) = π(πΆ3π+1 ) = 2, we have π (πΆ3π+1 )+ π(πΆ3π+1 ) − 1 = 2 + 2 − 1 = 3 = π(πΆ3π+1 ). Motivated by Corollary 15, Theorems 29, and the Whitney inequality, Dunbar et al. [21] naturally proposed the following conjecture. 7 Figure 4: A graph π» with πΎ(π») = 3 and π(π») = 5. Conjecture 30. If πΊ is a connected graph, then π(πΊ) β©½ Δ(πΊ) + π (πΊ) − 1. However, Liu and Sun [22] presented a counterexample to this conjecture. They first constructed a graph π» showed in Figure 4 with πΎ(π») = 3 and π(π») = 5. Then, let πΊ be the disjoint union of two copies of π» by identifying two vertices of degree two. They proved that π(πΊ) β©Ύ 5. Clearly, πΊ is a 4regular graph with π (πΊ) = 1 and π(πΊ) = 2, and so π(πΊ) β©½ 5 by Theorem 29. Thus, π(πΊ) = 5 > 4 = Δ(πΊ) + π (πΊ) − 1. With a suspicion of the relationship between the bondage number and the vertex-connectivity of a graph, the following conjecture is proposed. Conjecture 31 (Liu and Sun [22], 2003). For any positive integer π, there exists a connected graph πΊ such that π(πΊ) β©Ύ Δ(πΊ) + π (πΊ) + π. To the knowledge of the author, until now no results have been known about this conjecture. We conclude this subsection with the following remarks. From Theorem 29, if Conjecture 31 holds for some connected graph πΊ, then π(πΊ) > π (πΊ)+π, which implies that πΊ is of large edge-connectivity and small vertex-connectivity. Use π(πΊ) to denote the minimum edge-degree of πΊ; that is, π (πΊ) = min {ππΊ (π₯) + ππΊ (π¦) − 2} . π₯π¦∈πΈ(πΊ) (14) Theorem 14 implies the following result. Proposition 32. π(πΊ) β©½ π(πΊ) + 1 for any graph πΊ. Use πσΈ (πΊ) to denote the restricted edge-connectivity of a connected graph πΊ, which is the minimum number of edges whose removal result in πΊ disconnected and no isolated vertices. Proposition 33 (Esfahanian and Hakimi [23], 1988). If πΊ is neither πΎ1,π nor πΎ3 , then πσΈ (πΊ) β©½ π(πΊ). Combining Propositions 32 and 33, we propose a conjecture. Conjecture 34. If a connected πΊ is neither πΎ1,π nor πΎ3 , then π(πΊ) β©½ πΏ(πΊ) + πσΈ (πΊ) − 1. 8 A cycle πΆ3π+1 also satisfies π(πΆ3π+1 ) = 3 = πΏ(πΆ3π+1 ) + πσΈ (πΆ3π+1 ) − 1 since πσΈ (πΆ3π+1 ) = πΏ(πΆ3π+1 ) = 2 for any integer π β©Ύ 1. For the graph π» shown in Figure 4, πσΈ (π») = 4 and πΏ(π») = 2, and so π(π») = 5 = πΏ(π») + πσΈ (π») − 1. For the 4-regular graph πΊ constructed by Liu and Sun [22] obtained from the disjoint union of two copies of the graph π» showed in Figure 4 by identifying two vertices of degree two, we have π(πΊ) β©Ύ 5. Clearly, πσΈ (πΊ) = 2. Thus, π(πΊ) = 5 = πΏ(πΊ) + πσΈ (πΊ) − 1. For the 4-regular graph πΊπ‘ constructed by Samodivkin [20], see Figure 3 for π‘ = 2, π(πΊπ‘ ) = 2. Clearly, πΏ(πΊπ‘ ) = 1 and πσΈ (πΊ) = 2. Thus, π(πΊ) = 2 = πΏ(πΊ) + πσΈ (πΊ) − 1. These examples show that if Conjecture 34 is true then the given upper bound is tight. 3.3. Bounds Implied by Degree Sequence. Now let us return to Theorem 16, from which Teschner [10] obtained some other bounds in terms of the degree sequences. The degree sequence π(πΊ) of a graph πΊ with vertex-set π = {π₯1 , π₯2 , . . . , π₯π } is the sequence π = (π1 , π2 , . . . , ππ ) with π1 β©½ π2 β©½ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ β©½ ππ , where ππ = ππΊ(π₯π ) for each π = 1, 2, . . . , π. The following result is essentially a corollary of Theorem 16. Theorem 35 (Teschner [10], 1997). Let πΊ be a nonempty graph with degree sequence π(πΊ). If πΌ2 (πΊ) = π‘, then π(πΊ) β©½ ππ‘ +ππ‘+1 − 1. Combining Theorem 35 with Proposition 10 (i.e., πΌ2 (πΊ) β©½ πΎ(πΊ)), we have the following corollary. Corollary 36 (Teschner [10], 1997). Let πΊ be a nonempty graph with the degree sequence π(πΊ). If πΎ(πΊ) = πΎ, then π(πΊ) β©½ ππΎ + ππΎ+1 − 1. In [10], Teschner showed that these two bounds are sharp for arbitrarily many graphs. Let π» = πΆ3π+1 + {π₯1 π₯4 , π₯1 π₯3π−1 }, where πΆ3π+1 is a cycle (π₯1 , π₯2 , . . . , π₯3π+1 , π₯1 ) for any integer π β©Ύ 2. Then πΎ(π») = π + 1 and so π(π») β©½ 2 + 2 − 1 = 3 by Corollary 36. Since πΆ3π+1 is a spanning subgraph of π» and πΎ(πΊ) = πΎ(π»), Observation 1 yields that π(π») β©Ύ π(πΆ3π+1 ) = 3, and so π(π») = 3. Although various upper bounds have been established as the above, we find that the appearance of these bounds is essentially based upon the local structures of a graph, precisely speaking, the structures of the neighborhoods of two vertices within distance 2. Even if these bounds can be achieved by some special graphs, it is more often not the case. The reason lies essentially in the definition of the bondage number, which is the minimum value among all bondage sets, an integral property of a graph. While it easy to find upper bounds just by choosing some bondage set, the gap between the exact value of the bondage number and such a bound obtained only from local structures of a graph is often large. For example, a star πΎ1,Δ , however large Δ is, π(πΎ1,Δ ) = 1. Therefore, one has been longing for better bounds upon some integral parameters. However, as what we will see below, it is difficult to establish such upper bounds. International Journal of Combinatorics 3.4. Bounds in πΎ-Critical Graphs. A graph πΊ is called a vertex domination-critical graph (vc-graph or πΎ-critical for short) if πΎ(πΊ − π₯) < πΎ(πΊ) for any π₯ ∈ π(πΊ), proposed by Brigham et al. [24] in 1988. Several families of graphs are known to be πΎ-critical. From definition, it is clear that if πΊ is a πΎ-critical graph, then πΎ(πΊ) β©Ύ 2. The class of πΎ-critical graphs with πΎ = 2 is characterized as follows. Proposition 37 (Brigham et al. [24], 1988). A graph πΊ with πΎ(πΊ) = 2 is a πΎ-critical graph if and only if πΊ is a complete graph πΎ2π‘ (π‘ β©Ύ 2) with a perfect matching removed. A more interesting family is composed of the π-critical graphs πΊπ,π defined for π, π β©Ύ 2 by the circulant undirected graph πΊ(π, ±π), where π = (π + 1)(π − 1) + 1 and π = {1, 2, . . . , ⌊π/2⌋}, in which π(πΊ(π, ±π)) = π and πΈ(πΊ(π, ±π)) = {ππ : |π − π| ≡ π (mod π), π ∈ π}. The reason why πΎ-critical graphs are of special interest in this context is easy to see that they play an important role in study of the bondage number. For instance, it immediately follows from Theorem 13 that if π(πΊ) > Δ(πΊ) then πΊ is a πΎcritical graph. The πΎ-critical graphs are defined exactly in this way. In order to find graphs πΊ with a high bondage number (i.e., higher than Δ(πΊ)) and beyond its general upper bounds for the bondage number, we, therefore, have to look at πΎcritical graphs. The bondage numbers of some πΎ-critical graphs have been examined by several authors; see, for example, [10, 20, 25, 26]. From Theorem 13, we know that the bondage number of a graph πΊ is bounded from above by Δ(πΊ) if πΊ is not a πΎ-critical graph. For πΎ-critical graphs, it is more difficult to find an upper bound. We will see that the bondage numbers of πΎ-critical graphs in general are not even bounded from above by Δ + π for any fixed natural number π. In this subsection, we introduce some upper bounds for the bondage number of a πΎ-critical graph. By Proposition 37, we easily obtain the following result. Theorem 38. If πΊ is a πΎ-critical graph with πΎ(πΊ) = 2, then π(πΊ) β©½ Δ + 1. In Section 4, by Theorem 59, we will see that the equality in Theorem 38 holds; that is, π(πΊ) = Δ + 1 if πΊ is a πΎ-critical graph with πΎ(πΊ) = 2. Theorem 39 (Teschner [10], 1997). Let πΊ be a πΎ-critical graph with degree sequence π(πΊ). Then π(πΊ) β©½ max{Δ(πΊ) + 1, π1 + π2 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + ππΎ−1 }, where πΎ = πΎ(πΊ). As we mentioned above, if πΊ is a πΎ-critical graph with πΎ(πΊ) = 2, then π(πΊ) = Δ + 1, which shows that the bound given in Theorem 39 can be attained for πΎ = 2. However, we have not known whether this bound is tight for general πΎ β©Ύ 3. Theorem 39 gives the following corollary immediately. Corollary 40 (Teschner [10], 1997). Let πΊ be a πΎ-critical graph with degree sequence π(πΊ). If πΎ(πΊ) = 3, then π(πΊ) β©½ max{Δ(πΊ) + 1, πΏ(πΊ) + π2 }. International Journal of Combinatorics From Theorem 38 and Corollary 40, we have π(πΊ) β©½ 2Δ(πΊ) if πΊ is a πΎ-critical graph with πΎ(πΊ) β©½ 3. The following result shows that this bound is not tight. Theorem 41 (Teschner [26], 1995). Let πΊ be a πΎ-critical graph graph with πΎ(πΊ) β©½ 3. Then π(πΊ) β©½ (3/2)Δ(πΊ). Until now, we have not known whether the bound given in Theorem 41 is tight or not. We state two conjectures on πΎ-critical graphs proposed by Samodivkin [20]. The first of them is motivated by Theorems 22 and 19. Conjecture 42 (Samodivkin [20], 2008). For every connected nontrivial πΎ-critical graph πΊ, min π₯∈π΄+ (πΊ),π¦∈π΅(πΊ−π₯) 3 σ΅¨ σ΅¨ {ππΊ (π₯) + σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨ππΊ (π¦) ∩ π΄ (πΊ − π₯)σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨} β©½ Δ (πΊ) . 2 (15) To state the second conjecture, we need the following result on πΎ-critical graphs. Proposition 43. If πΊ is a πΎ-critical graph, then π(πΊ) β©½ (Δ(πΊ)+ 1)(πΎ(πΊ)−1)+1; moreover, if the equality holds, then πΊ is regular. The upper bound in Proposition 43 is sharp in the sense that equality holds for the infinite class of πΎ-critical graphs πΊπ,π defined in the beginning of this subsection. In Proposition 43, the first result is due to Brigham et al. [24] in 1988; the second is due to Fulman et al. [27] in 1995. For a πΎ-critical graph πΊ with πΎ = 3, by Proposition 43, π(πΊ) β©½ 2Δ(πΊ) + 3. Theorem 44 (Teschner [26], 1995). If πΊ is a πΎ-critical graph with πΎ = 3 and π(πΊ) = 2Δ(πΊ) + 3, then π(πΊ) β©½ Δ + 1. We have not known yet whether the equality in Theorem 44 holds or not. However, Samodivkin proposed the following conjecture. Conjecture 45 (Samodivkin [20], 2008). If πΊ is a πΎ-critical graph with (Δ(πΊ) + 1)(πΎ − 1) + 1 vertices, then π(πΊ) = Δ(πΊ) + 1. In general, based on Theorem 41, Teschner proposed the following conjecture. Conjecture 46 (Teschner [26], 1995). If πΊ is a πΎ-critical graph, then π(πΊ) β©½ (3/2)Δ(πΊ) for πΎ β©Ύ 4. We conclude this subsection with some remarks. Graphs which are minimal or critical with respect to a given property or parameter frequently play an important role in the investigation of that property or parameter. Not only are such graphs of considerable interest in their own right, but also a knowledge of their structure often aids in the development of the general theory. In particular, when investigating any finite structure, a great number of results are proven by induction. Consequently, it is desirable to learn as much as possible about those graphs that are critical with respect to a given property or parameter so as to aid and abet such investigations. 9 In this subsection, we survey some results on the bondage number for πΎ-critical graphs. Although these results are not very perfect, they provides a feasible method to approach the bondage number from different viewpoints. In particular, the methods given in Teschner [26] worth further exploration and development. The following proposition is maybe useful for us to further investigate the bondage number of a πΎ-critical graph. Proposition 47 (Brigham et al. [24], 1988). If πΊ has a nonisolated vertex π₯ such that the subgraph induced by ππΊ(π₯) is a complete graph, then πΊ is not πΎ-critical. This simple fact shows that any πΎ-critical graph contains no vertices of degree one. 3.5. Bounds Implied by Domination. In the preceding subsection, we introduced some upper bounds on the bondage numbers for πΎ-critical graphs by consideration of dominations. In this subsection, we introduce related results for a general graph with given domination number. Theorem 48 (Fink et al. [8], 1990). For any connected graph πΊ of order π (β©Ύ 2), (a) π(πΊ) β©½ π − 1; (b) π(πΊ) β©½ Δ(πΊ) + 1 if πΎ(πΊ) = 2; (c) π(πΊ) β©½ π − πΎ(πΊ) + 1. While the upper bound of π−1 on π(πΊ) is not particularly good for many classes of graphs (e.g., trees and cycles), it is an attainable bound. For example, if πΊ is a complete π‘-partite graph πΎπ‘ (2) for π‘ = π/2 and π β©½ 4 an even integer, then the three bounds on π(πΊ) in Theorem 48 are sharp. Teschner [26] consider a graph with πΎ(πΊ) = 1 or πΎ(πΊ) = 2. The next result is almost trivial but useful. Lemma 49. Let πΊ be a graph with order π and πΎ(πΊ) = 1, π‘ the number of vertices of degree π − 1. Then π(πΊ) = ⌈π‘/2⌉. Since π‘ β©½ Δ(πΊ) clearly, Lemma 49 yields the following result immediately. Theorem 50 (Teschner [26], 1995). π(πΊ) β©½ (1/2)Δ + 1 for any graph πΊ with πΎ(πΊ) = 1. For a complete graph πΎ2π+1 , π(πΎ2π+1 ) = π+1 = (1/2)Δ+1, which shows that the upper bound given in Theorem 50 can be attained. For a graph πΊ with πΎ(πΊ) = 2, by Theorem 59 later, the upper bound given in Theorem 48 (b) can be also attained by a 2-critical graph (see Proposition 37). 3.6. Two Conjectures. In 1990, when Fink et al. [8] introduced the concept of the bondage number; they proposed the following conjecture. Conjecture 51. π(πΊ) β©½ Δ(πΊ) + 1 for any nonempty graph πΊ. 10 Although some results partially support Conjecture 51, Teschner [28] in 1993 found a counterexample to this conjecture, the cartesian product πΎ3 × πΎ3 , which shows that π(πΊ) = Δ(πΊ) + 2. If a graph πΊ is a counterexample to Conjecture 51, it must be a πΎ-critical graph by Theorem 13. That is why the vertex domination-critical graphs are of special interest in the literature. Now, we return to Conjecture 51. Hartnell and Rall [17] and Teschner [29], independently, proved that π(πΊ) can be much greater than Δ(πΊ) by showing the following result. Theorem 52 (Hartnell and Rall [17], 1994; Teschner [29]. 1996). For an integer π β©Ύ 3, let πΊπ be the cartesian product πΎπ × πΎπ . Then π(πΊπ ) = 3(π − 1) = (3/2)Δ(πΊπ ). This theorem shows that there exist no upper bounds of the form π(πΊ) β©½ Δ(πΊ) + π for any integer π. Teschner [26] proved that π(πΊ) β©½ (3/2)Δ(πΊ) for any graph πΊ with πΎ(πΊ) β©½ 2 (see Theorems 50 and 48) and for πΎ-critical graphs with πΎ(πΊ) = 3 and proposed the following conjecture. Conjecture 53 (Teschner [26], 1995). π(πΊ) β©½ (3/2)Δ(πΊ) for any graph πΊ. We believe that this conjecture is true, but so far no much work about it has been known. 4. Lower Bounds Since the bondage number is defined as the smallest number of edges whose removal results in an increase of domination number, each constructive method that creates a concrete bondage set leads to an upper bound on the bondage number. For that reason, it is hard to find lower bounds. Nevertheless, there are still a few lower bounds. 4.1. Bounds Implied by Subgraphs. The first lower bound on the bondage number is gotten in terms of its spanning subgraph. Theorem 54 (Teschner [10], 1997). Let π» be a spanning subgraph of a nonempty graph πΊ. If πΎ(π») = πΎ(πΊ), then π(π») β©½ π(πΊ). By Theorem 1, π(πΆπ ) = 3 if π ≡ 1 (mod 3) and π(πΆπ ) = 2, otherwise π(ππ ) = 2 if π ≡ 1 (mod 3) and π(ππ ) = 1 otherwise. From these results and Theorem 54, we get the following two corollaries. Corollary 55. If πΊ is hamiltonian with order π β©Ύ 3 and πΎ(πΊ) = ⌈π/3⌉, then π(πΊ) β©Ύ 2 and in addition π(πΊ) β©Ύ 3 if π ≡ 1 (mod 3). Corollary 56. If πΊ with order π β©Ύ 2 has a hamiltonian path and πΎ(πΊ) = ⌈π/3⌉, then π(πΊ) β©Ύ 2 if π ≡ 1 (mod 3). 4.2. Other Bounds. The vertex covering number π½(πΊ) of πΊ is the minimum number of vertices that are incident with all International Journal of Combinatorics Figure 5: A πΎ-critical graph with π½ = πΎ = 4, πΏ = 2, and π = 3. edges in πΊ. If πΊ has no isolated vertices, then πΎ(πΊ) β©½ π½(πΊ) clearly. In [30], Volkmann gave a lot of graphs with π½ = πΎ. Theorem 57 (Teschner [10], 1997). Let πΊ be a graph. If πΎ(πΊ) = π½(πΊ), then (a) π(πΊ) β©Ύ πΏ(πΊ); (b) π(πΊ) β©Ύ πΏ(πΊ) + 1 if πΊ is a πΎ-critical graph. The graph shown in Figure 5 shows that the bound given in Theorem 57(b) is sharp. For the graph πΊ, it is a πΎ-critical graph and πΎ(πΊ) = π½(πΊ) = 4. By Theorem 57, we have π(πΊ) β©Ύ 3. On the other hand, π(πΊ) β©½ 3 by Theorem 16. Thus, π(πΊ) = 3. Proposition 58 (Sanchis [31], 1991). Let πΊ be a graph πΊ of order π (β©Ύ 6) and size π. If πΊ has no isolated vertices and ). 3 β©½ πΎ(πΊ) β©½ π/2, then π β©½ ( π−πΎ(πΊ)+1 2 Using the idea in the proof of Theorem 57, every upper bound for πΎ(πΊ) can lead to a lower bound for π(πΊ). In this way, Teschner [10] obtained another lower bound from Proposition 58. Theorem 59 (Teschner [10], 1997). Let πΊ be a graph πΊ of order π (β©Ύ 6) and size π. If 2 β©½ πΎ(πΊ) β©½ π/2 − 1, then )}; (a) π(πΊ) β©Ύ min{πΏ(πΊ), π − ( π−πΎ(πΊ) 2 )} if πΊ is a πΎ-critical (b) π(πΊ) β©Ύ min{πΏ(πΊ) + 1, π − ( π−πΎ(πΊ) 2 graph. The lower bound in Theorem 59(b) is sharp for a class of πΎ-critical graphs with domination number 2. Let πΊ be the graph obtained from complete graph πΎ2π‘ (π‘ β©Ύ 2) by removing a perfect matching. By Proposition 37, πΊ is a πΎ-critical graph with πΎ(πΊ) = 2. Then π(πΊ) β©Ύ πΏ(πΊ) + 1 = Δ(πΊ) + 1 by Theorem 59 and π(πΊ) β©½ Δ(πΊ) + 1 by Theorem 38, and so π(πΊ) = Δ(πΊ) + 1 = 2π‘ − 1. As far as the author knows, there are no more lower bounds in the present literature. In view of applications of the bondage number, a network is vulnerable if its bondage number is small while it is stable if its bondage number is large. Therefore, better lower bounds let us learn better about the stability of networks from this point of view. Thus, it is of great significance to seek more lower bounds for various classes of graphs. International Journal of Combinatorics 11 5. Results on Graph Operations Generally speaking, it is quite difficult to determine the exact value of the bondage number for a given graph since it strongly depends on the dominating number of the graph. Thus, determining bondage numbers for some special graphs is interesting if the dominating numbers of those graphs are known or can be easily determined. In this section, we will introduce some known results on bondage numbers for some special classes of graphs obtained by some graph operations. 5.1. Cartesian Product Graphs. Let πΊ1 = (π1 , πΈ1 ) and πΊ2 = (π2 , πΈ2 ) be two graphs. The Cartesian product of πΊ1 and πΊ2 is an undirected graph, denoted by πΊ1 × πΊ2 , where π(πΊ1 × πΊ2 ) = π1 × π2 ; two distinct vertices π₯1 π₯2 and π¦1 π¦2 , where π₯1 , π¦1 ∈ π(πΊ1 ) and π₯2 , π¦2 ∈ π(πΊ2 ), are linked by an edge in πΊ1 × πΊ2 if and only if either π₯1 = π¦1 and π₯2 π¦2 ∈ πΈ(πΊ2 ), or π₯2 = π¦2 and π₯1 π¦1 ∈ πΈ(πΊ1 ). The Cartesian product is a very effective method for constructing a larger graph from several specified small graphs. Theorem 60 (Dunbar et al. [21], 1998). For π β©Ύ 3, 2 { { π (πΆπ × πΎ2 ) = {3 { {4 ππ π ≡ 0 ππ 1 (mod 4) , ππ π ≡ 3 (mod 4) , ππ π ≡ 2 (mod 4) . (16) Theorem 61 (Sohn et al. [34], 2007). For π β©Ύ 4, ππ π ≡ 0 (mod 4) , ππ π ≡ 1 ππ 2 (mod 4) , ππ π ≡ 3 (mod 4) . (17) Theorem 62 (Kang et al. [35], 2005). π(πΆπ ×πΆ4 ) = 4 for π β©Ύ 4. For larger π and π, Huang and Xu [36] obtained the following result; see Theorem 197 for more details. Theorem 63 (Huang and Xu [36], 2008). π(πΆ5π × πΆ5π ) = 3 for any positive integers π and π. Xiang et al. [37] determined that for π β©Ύ 5, =3 { { π (πΆπ × πΆ5 ) {= 4 { {β©½ 7 if π ≡ 0 or 1 (mod 5) , if π ≡ 2 or 4 (mod 5) , if π ≡ 3 (mod 5) . Theorem 64 (Hu and Xu [40], 2012). For π β©Ύ 4, 1, π (ππ × π2 ) = { 2, ππ π ≡ 1 (mod 2) ππ π ≡ 0 (mod 2) ; 1, π (ππ × π3 ) = { 2, ππ π ≡ 1 ππ 2 (mod 4) ππ π ≡ 0 ππ 3 (mod 4) , (19) π (ππ × π4 ) = 1 πππ π β©Ύ 14. From the proof of Theorem 64, we find that if ππ = {0, 1, . . . , π − 1} and ππ = {0, 1, . . . , π − 1}, then the removal of the vertex (0, 0) in ππ × ππ does not change the domination number. If π increases, the effect of (0, 0) for the domination number will be smaller and smaller from the probability. Therefore, we expect it is possible that πΎ(ππ × ππ − (0, 0)) = πΎ(ππ × ππ ) for π β©Ύ 5 and give the following conjecture. Conjecture 65. π(ππ × ππ ) β©½ 2 for π β©Ύ 5 and π β©Ύ 4. For the Cartesian product πΆπ × πΆπ of two cycles πΆπ and πΆπ , where π β©Ύ 4 and π β©Ύ 3, KlavzΜar and Seifter [32] determined πΎ(πΆπ × πΆπ ) for some π and π. For example, πΎ(πΆπ × πΆ4 ) = π for π β©Ύ 3 and πΎ(πΆπ × πΆ3 ) = π − ⌊π/4⌋ for π β©Ύ 4. Kim [33] determined π(πΆ3 × πΆ3 ) = 6 and π(πΆ4 × πΆ4 ) = 4. For a general π β©Ύ 4, the exact values of the bondage numbers of πΆπ × πΆ3 and πΆπ × πΆ4 are determined as follows. 2 { { π (πΆπ × πΆ3 ) = {4 { {5 for π β©Ύ 4 and 2 β©½ π β©½ 4 is determined as follows (Li [39] also determined π(ππ × π2 )). (18) For the Cartesian product ππ × ππ of two paths ππ and ππ , Jacobson and Kinch [38] determined πΎ(ππ × π2 ) = ⌈(π + 1)/2⌉, πΎ(ππ × π3 ) = π − ⌊(π − 1)/4⌋, and πΎ(ππ × π4 ) = π + 1 if π = 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, and π otherwise. The bondage number of ππ ×ππ 5.2. Block Graphs and Cactus Graphs. In this subsection, we introduce some results for corona graphs, block graphs, and cactus graphs. The corona πΊ1 β πΊ2 , proposed by Frucht and Harary [41], is the graph formed from a copy of πΊ1 and π(πΊ1 ) copies of πΊ2 by joining the πth vertex of πΊ1 to the πth copy of πΊ2 . In particular, we are concerned with the corona π»βπΎ1 , the graph formed by adding a new vertex Vπ , and a new edge π’π Vπ for every vertex π’π in π». Theorem 66 (Carlson and Develin [42], 2006). π(π» β πΎ1 ) = πΏ(π») + 1. This is a very important result, which is often used to construct a graph with required bondage number. In other words, this result implies that for any given positive integer π there is a graph πΊ such that π(πΊ) = π. A block graph is a graph whose blocks are complete graphs. Each block in a cactus graph is either a cycle or a πΎ2 . If each block of a graph is either a complete graph or a cycle, then we call this graph a block-cactus graph. Theorem 67 (Teschner [43], 1997). π(πΊ) ≤ Δ(πΊ) for any block graph πΊ. Teschner [43] characterized all block graphs with π(πΊ) = Δ(πΊ). In the same paper, Teschner found that πΎ-critical graphs are instrumental in determining bounds for the bondage number of cactus and block graphs and obtained the following result. Theorem 68 (Teschner [43], 1997). π(πΊ) nontrivial cactus graph πΊ. β©½ 3 for any This bound can be achieved by π» β πΎ1 where π» is a nontrivial cactus graph without vertices of degree one 12 International Journal of Combinatorics Problem 2. Characterize all cactus graphs with bondage number 3. π₯ and joining it to an vertex π¦ of degree one in π» β πΎ1 . Then πΊ/π₯π¦ = π» β πΎ1 , πΎ(πΊ) = πΎ(πΊ/π₯π¦), and ππΊ(π₯) ∩ ππΊ(π¦) = 0. But π(πΊ) = 1 since πΎ(πΊ − π₯π¦) = πΎ(πΊ/π₯π¦) + 1, and π(πΊ/π₯π¦) = πΏ(π») + 1 by Theorem 66. The gap between π(πΊ) and π(πΊ/π₯π¦) is πΏ(π»). Some upper bounds for block-cactus graphs were also obtained. 6. Results on Planar Graphs by Theorem 66. In 1998, Dunbar et al. [21] proposed the following problem. Theorem 69 (Dunbar et al. [21], 1998). Let πΊ be a connected block-cactus graph with at least two blocks. Then π(πΊ) β©½ Δ(πΊ). Theorem 70 (Dunbar et al. [21], 1998). Let πΊ be a connected block-cactus graph which is neither a cactus graph nor a block graph. Then π(πΊ) β©½ Δ(πΊ) − 1. 5.3. Edge-Deletion and Edge-Contraction. In order to obtain further results of the bondage number, we may consider how the bondage number changes under some operations of a graph πΊ, which remain the domination number unchanged or preserve some property of πΊ, such as planarity. Two simple operations satisfying these requirements are the edgedeletion and the edge-contraction. Theorem 71 (Huang and Xu [44], 2012). Let πΊ be any graph and π ∈ πΈ(πΊ). Then π(πΊ − π) β©Ύ π(πΊ) − 1. Moreover, π(πΊ − π) β©½ π(πΊ) if πΎ(πΊ − π) = πΎ(πΊ). From Theorem 1, π(πΆπ − π) = π(ππ ) = π(πΆπ ) − 1 for any π in πΆπ , which shows that the lower bound on π(πΊ − π) is sharp. The upper bound can reach for any graph πΊ with π(πΊ) β©Ύ 2. Next, we consider the effect of the edge-contraction on the bondage number. Given a graph πΊ, the contraction of πΊ by the edge π = π₯π¦, denoted by πΊ/π₯π¦, is the graph obtained from πΊ by contracting two vertices π₯ and π¦ to a new vertex and then deleting all multiedges. It is easy to observe that for any graph πΊ, πΎ(πΊ) − 1 β©½ πΎ(πΊ/π₯π¦) β©½ πΎ(πΊ) for any edge π₯π¦ of πΊ. Theorem 72 (Huang and Xu [44], 2012). Let πΊ be any graph and π₯π¦ be any edge in πΊ. If ππΊ(π₯) ∩ ππΊ(π¦) = 0 and πΎ(πΊ/π₯π¦) = πΎ(πΊ), then π(πΊ/π₯π¦) β©Ύ π(πΊ). We can use examples πΆπ and πΎπ to show that the conditions of Theorem 72 are necessary and the lower bound in Theorem 72 is tight. Clearly, πΎ(πΆπ ) = ⌈π/3⌉ and πΎ(πΎπ ) = 1; for any edge π₯π¦, πΆπ /π₯π¦ = πΆπ−1 and πΎπ /π₯π¦ = πΎπ−1 . By Theorem 1, if π ≡ 1 (mod 3), then πΎ(πΆπ /π₯π¦) < πΎ(πΊ) and π(πΆπ /π₯π¦) = 2 < 3 = π(πΆπ ). Thus, the result in Theorem 72 is generally invalid without the hypothesis πΎ(πΊ/π₯π¦) = πΎ(πΊ). Furthermore, the condition ππΊ(π₯) ∩ ππΊ(π¦) = 0 cannot be omitted even if πΎ(πΊ/π₯π¦) = πΎ(πΊ), since for odd π, π(πΎπ /π₯π¦) = ⌈(π − 1)/2⌉ < ⌈π/2⌉ = π(πΎπ ), by Theorem 1. On the other hand, π(πΆπ /π₯π¦) = π(πΆπ ) = 2 if π ≡ 0 (mod 3) and π(πΎπ /π₯π¦) = π(πΎπ ) if π is even, which shows that the equality in π(πΊ/π₯π¦) β©Ύ π(πΊ) may hold. Thus, the bound in Theorem 72 is tight. However, provided all the conditions, π(πΊ/π₯π¦) can be arbitrarily larger than π(πΊ). Given a graph π», let πΊ be the graph formed from π»βπΎ1 by adding a new vertex From Section 2, we have seen that the bondage number for a tree has been completely solved. Moreover, a linear time algorithm to compute the bondage number of a tree is designed by Hartnell et al. [15]. It is quite natural to consider the bondage number for a planar graph. In this section, we state some results and problems on the bondage number for a planar graph. 6.1. Conjecture on Bondage Number. As mentioned in Section 3, the bondage number can be much larger than the maximum degree. But for a planar graph πΊ, the bondage number π(πΊ) cannot exceed Δ(πΊ) too much. It is clear that π(πΊ) β©½ Δ(πΊ) + 4 by Corollary 15 since πΏ(πΊ) β©½ 5 for any planar graph πΊ. In 1998, Dunbar et al. [21] posed the following conjecture. Conjecture 73. If πΊ is a planar graph, then π(πΊ) β©½ Δ(πΊ) + 1. Because of its attraction, it immediately became the focus of attention when this conjecture is proposed. In fact, the main aim concerning the research of the bondage number for a planar graph is focused on this conjecture. It has been mentioned in Theorems 1 and 60 that π(πΆ3π+1 ) = 3 = Δ + 1, and π(πΆ4π+2 × πΎ2 ) = 4 = Δ + 1. It is known that π(πΎ6 − π) = 5 = Δ + 1, where π is a perfect matching of the complete graph πΎ6 . These examples show that if Conjecture 73 is true, then the upper bound is sharp for 2 β©½ Δ β©½ 4. Here, we note that it is sufficient to prove this conjecture for connected planar graphs, since the bondage number of a disconnected graph is simply the minimum of the bondage numbers of its components. The first paper attacking this conjecture is due to Kang and Yuan [45], which confirmed the conjecture for every connected planar graph πΊ with Δ β©Ύ 7. The proofs are mainly based on Theorems 16 and 18. Theorem 74 (Kang and Yuan [45], 2000). If πΊ is a connected planar graph, then π(πΊ) β©½ min{8, Δ(πΊ) + 2}. Obviously, in view of Theorem 74, Conjecture 73 is true for any connected planar graph with Δ β©Ύ 7. 6.2. Bounds Implied by Degree Conditions. As we have seen from Theorem 74, to attack Conjecture 73, we only need to consider connected planar graphs with maximum Δ β©½ 6. Thus, studying the bondage number of planar graphs by degree conditions is of significance. The first result on bounds implied by degree conditions is obtained by Kang and Yuan [45]. International Journal of Combinatorics 13 Theorem 75 (Kang and Yuan [45], 2000). If πΊ is a connected planar graph without vertices of degree 5, then π(πΊ) β©½ 7. Fischermann et al. [46] generalized Theorem 75 as follows. Theorem 76 (Fischermann et al. [46], 2003). Let πΊ be a connected planar graph and π the set of vertices of degree 5 which have distance at least 3 to vertices of degrees 1, 2, and 3. If all vertices in π not adjacent with vertices of degree 4 are independent and not adjacent to vertices of degree 6, then π(πΊ) β©½ 7. The first result in Theorem 79 also implies that if πΊ is a connected planar graph with no cycles of length 3, then π(πΊ) β©½ 6. Hou et al. [47] improved this result as follows. Theorem 81 (Hou et al. [47], 2011). For any connected planar graph πΊ, if πΊ contains no cycles of length π (4 β©½ π β©½ 6), then π(πΊ) β©½ 6. Since π(πΆ3π+1 ) = 3 for π β©Ύ 3 (see Theorem 1), the last bound in Theorem 79 is tight. Whether other bounds in Theorem 79 are tight remains open. In 2003, Fischermann et al. [46] posed the following conjecture. Clearly, if πΊ has no vertices of degree 5, then π = 0. Thus, Theorem 76 yields Theorem 75. Use ππ to denote the number of vertices of degree π in πΊ for each π = 1, 2, . . . , Δ(πΊ). Using Theorem 18, Fischermann et al. obtained the following two theorems. Conjecture 82. For any connected planar graph πΊ, π(πΊ) β©½ 7, and Theorem 77 (Fischermann et al. [46], 2003). For any connected planar graph πΊ, We conclude this subsection with a question on bondage numbers of planar graphs. (1) π(πΊ) β©½ 7 if π5 < 2π2 + 3π3 + 2π4 + 12; (2) π(πΊ) β©½ 6 if πΊ contains no vertices of degrees 4 and 5. Theorem 78 (Fischermann et al. [46], 2003). For any connected planar graph πΊ, π(πΊ) β©½ Δ(πΊ) + 1 if (1) Δ(πΊ) = 6 and every edge π = π₯π¦ with ππΊ(π₯) = 5 and ππΊ(π¦) = 6 is contained in at most one triangle; (2) Δ(πΊ) = 5 and no triangle contains an edge π = π₯π¦ with ππΊ(π₯) = 5 and 4 β©½ ππΊ(π¦) β©½ 5. 6.3. Bounds Implied by Girth Conditions. The girth π(πΊ) of a graph πΊ is the length of the shortest cycle in πΊ. If πΊ has no cycles, we define π(πΊ) = ∞. Combining Theorem 74 with Theorem 78, we find that if a planar graph contains no triangles and has maximum degree Δ β©Ύ 5, then Conjecture 73 holds. This fact motivated Fischermann et al.’s [46] attempt to attack Conjecture 73 by girth restraints. Theorem 79 (Fischermann et al. [46], 2003). For any connected planar graph πΊ, 6 { { { {5 π (πΊ) β©½ { { 4 { { {3 ππ ππ ππ ππ π (πΊ) β©Ύ 4, π (πΊ) β©Ύ 5, π (πΊ) β©Ύ 6, π (πΊ) β©Ύ 8. (20) The first result in Theorem 79 shows that Conjecture 73 is valid for all connected planar graphs with π(πΊ) β©Ύ 4 and Δ(πΊ) β©Ύ 5. It is easy to verify that the second result in Theorem 79 implies that Conjecture 73 is valid for all not 3-regular graphs of girth π(πΊ) β©Ύ 5, which is stated in the following corollary. Corollary 80. For any connected planar graph πΊ, if πΊ is not 3-regular and π(πΊ) β©Ύ 5, then π(πΊ) β©½ Δ(πΊ) + 1. 5, π (πΊ) β©½ { 4, ππ π (πΊ) β©Ύ 4, ππ π (πΊ) β©Ύ 5. (21) Question 1 (Fischermann et al. [46], 2003). Is there a planar graph πΊ with 6 β©½ π(πΊ) β©½ 8? In 2006, Carlson and Develin [42] showed that the corona πΊ = π» β πΎ1 for a planar graph π» with πΏ(π») = 5 has the bondage number π(πΊ) = πΏ(π») + 1 = 6 (see Theorem 66). Since the minimum degree of planar graphs is at most 5, then π(πΊ) can attach 6. If we take π» as the graph of the icosahedron, then πΊ = π» β πΎ1 is such an example. The question for the existence of planar graphs with bondage number 7 or 8 remains open. 6.4. Comments on the Conjectures. Conjecture 73 is true for all connected planar graphs with minimum degree πΏ β©½ 2 by Theorem 16, or maximum degree Δ β©Ύ 7 by Theorem 74, or not πΎ-critical planar graphs by Theorem 13. Thus, to attack Conjecture 73, we only need to consider connected critical planar graphs with degree-restriction 3 β©½ πΏ β©½ Δ β©½ 6. Recalling and anatomizing the proofs of all results mentioned in the preceding subsections on the bondage number for connected planar graphs, we find that the proofs of these results strongly depend upon Theorem 16 or Theorem 18. In other words, a basic way used in the proofs is to find two vertices π₯ and π¦ with distance at most two in a considered planar graph πΊ such that ππΊ (π₯) + ππΊ (π¦) σ΅¨ σ΅¨ or ππΊ (π₯) + ππΊ (π¦) − σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨ππΊ (π₯) ∩ ππΊ (π¦)σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨ , (22) which bounds π(πΊ), is as small as possible. Very recently, Huang and Xu [44] have considered the following parameter π΅ (πΊ) = min {{ππ₯π¦ : 1 β©½ ππΊ (π₯, π¦) β©½ 2} π₯,π¦∈π(πΊ) (23) ∪ {ππ₯π¦ − ππ₯π¦ : π (π₯, π¦) = 1}} , where ππ₯π¦ = ππΊ(π₯) + ππΊ(π¦) − 1 and ππ₯π¦ = |ππΊ(π₯) ∩ ππΊ(π¦)|. 14 International Journal of Combinatorics (24) 7.1. General Methods. Use ππ to denote the number of vertices of degree π in πΊ for π = 1, 2, . . . , Δ(πΊ). Huang and Xu obtained the following results. The proofs given in Theorems 74 and 79 indeed imply the following stronger results. Theorem 86 (Huang and Xu [48], 2007). For any connected graph πΊ, It follows from Theorems 16 and 18 that π (πΊ) β©½ π΅ (πΊ) . Theorem 83. If πΊ is a connected planar graph, then min {8, Δ (πΊ) + 2} { { { { { 6 ππ π (πΊ) β©Ύ 4, π΅ (πΊ) β©½ { 5 ππ π (πΊ) β©Ύ 5, { 4 ππ π (πΊ) β©Ύ 6, { { { { 3 ππ π (πΊ) β©Ύ 8. (25) Thus, using Theorem 16 or Theorem 18, if we can prove Conjectures 73 and 82, then we can prove the following statement. Statement. If πΊ is a connected planar graph, then Δ (πΊ) + 1, { { { {7, π΅ (πΊ) β©½ { { 5, if π (πΊ) β©Ύ 4, { { 4, if π (πΊ) β©Ύ 5. { (26) It follows from (24) that Statement implies Conjectures 73 and 82. However, Huang and Xu [44] gave examples to show that none of conclusions in Statement is true. As a result, they stated the following conclusion. Theorem 84 (Huang and Xu [44], 2012). It is not possible to prove Conjectures 73 and 82, if they are right, using Theorems 16 and 18. Therefore, a new method is needed to prove or disprove these conjectures. At the present time, one cannot prove these conjectures, and may consider to disprove them. If one of these conjectures is invalid, then there exists a minimum counterexample πΊ with respect to π(πΊ) + π(πΊ). In order to obtain a minimum counterexample, one may consider two simple operations satisfying these requirements, the edgedeletion and the edge-contraction, which decrease π(πΊ)+π(πΊ) and preserve planarity. However, applying Theorems 71 and 72, Huang and Xu [44] presented the following results. Theorem 85 (Huang and Xu [44], 2012). It is not possible to construct minimum counterexamples to Conjectures 73 and 82 by the operation of an edge-deletion or an edge-contraction. 7. Results on Crossing Number Restraints It is quite natural to generalize the known results on the bondage number for planar graphs to for more general graphs in terms of graph-theoretical parameters. In this section, we consider graphs with crossing number restraints. The crossing number cr(πΊ) of πΊ is the smallest number of pairwise intersections of its edges when πΊ is drawn in the plane. If cr(πΊ) = 0, then πΊ is a planar graph. { 6 { { { { { { { { { {5 π (πΊ) β©½ { { { { 4 { { { { { { {3 { 1 ππ π (πΊ) β©Ύ 4 πππ 2cr (πΊ) < π1 ; 2 1 ππ π (πΊ) β©Ύ 5 πππ 6cr (πΊ) < π2 ; 6 1 ππ π (πΊ) β©Ύ 6 πππ 4cr (πΊ) < π3 ; 4 1 ππ π (πΊ) β©Ύ 8 πππ 6cr (πΊ) < π4 , 6 (27) where π1 = π1 + 2π2 + 2π3 + ∑Δπ=8 (π − 7)ππ + 8; π2 = 3π1 + 6π2 + 5π3 + ∑Δπ=7 (3π − 18)ππ + 20; π3 = π1 + 2π2 + ∑Δπ=6 (2π − 10)ππ + 12; and π4 = ∑Δπ=5 (3π − 12)ππ + 16. Simplifying the conditions in Theorem 86, we obtain the following corollaries immediately. Corollary 87 (Huang and Xu [48], 2007). For any connected graph πΊ, 6, { { { { { {5, { { π (πΊ) β©½ { {4, { { { { { { {3, ππ π (πΊ) β©Ύ 4 πππ cr (πΊ) β©½ 3, ππ π (πΊ) β©Ύ 5 πππ cr (πΊ) β©½ 4, ππ π (πΊ) β©Ύ 6 πππ cr (πΊ) β©½ 2, (28) ππ π (πΊ) β©Ύ 8 πππ cr (πΊ) β©½ 2. Corollary 88 (Huang and Xu [48], 2007). For any connected graph πΊ, (a) π(πΊ) β©½ 6 if πΊ is not 4-regular, cr(πΊ) = 4 and π(πΊ) β©Ύ 4; (b) π(πΊ) β©½ Δ(πΊ) + 1 if πΊ is not 3-regular, cr(πΊ) β©½ 4 and π(πΊ) β©Ύ 5; (c) π(πΊ) β©½ 4 if πΊ is not 3-regular, cr(πΊ) = 3 and π(πΊ) β©Ύ 6; (d) π(πΊ) β©½ 3 if cr(πΊ) = 3, π(πΊ) β©Ύ 8 and Δ(πΊ) β©Ύ 5. These corollaries generalize some known results for planar graphs. For example, Corollary 87 contains Theorem 79; Corollary 88 (b) contains Corollary 80. Theorem 89 (Huang and Xu [48], 2007). For any connected graph πΊ, if cr(πΊ) β©½ π3 (πΊ) + π4 (πΊ) + 3, then π(πΊ) β©½ 8. Corollary 90 (Huang and Xu [48], 2007). For any connected graph πΊ, if cr(πΊ) β©½ 3, then π(πΊ) β©½ 8. Perhaps being unaware of this result, in 2010, Ma et al. [49] proved that π(πΊ) β©½ 12 for any graph πΊ with cr(πΊ) = 1. Theorem 91 (Huang and Xu [48], 2007). Let πΊ be a connected graph, and πΌ = {π₯ ∈ π(πΊ) : ππΊ(π₯) = 5, ππΊ(π₯, π¦) β©Ύ 3 if International Journal of Combinatorics 15 ππΊ(π¦) β©½ 3, and ππΊ(π¦) =ΜΈ 4 for every π¦ ∈ ππΊ(π₯)}. If πΌ is independent, no vertices adjacent to vertices of degree 6 and cr (πΊ) < max { 5π3 + |πΌ| − 2π4 + 28 7π3 + 40 , }, 11 16 (29) then π(πΊ) β©½ 7. Corollary 92 (Huang and Xu [48], 2007). Let πΊ be a connected graph with cr(πΊ) β©½ 2. If πΌ = {π₯ ∈ π(πΊ) : ππΊ(π₯) = 5, ππΊ(π¦, π₯) β©Ύ 3 if ππΊ(π¦) β©½ 3 and ππΊ(π¦) =ΜΈ 4 for every π¦ ∈ ππΊ(π₯)} is independent, and no vertices adjacent to vertices of degree 6, then π(πΊ) β©½ 7. Theorem 93 (Huang and Xu [48], 2007). Let πΊ be a connected graph. If πΊ satisfies (a) 5cr(πΊ) + π5 < 2π2 + 3π3 + 2π4 + 12 or (b) 7cr(πΊ) + 2π5 < 3π2 + 4π4 + 24, then π(πΊ) β©½ 7. Proposition 94 (Huang and Xu [48], 2007). Let πΊ be a connected graph with no vertices of degrees four and five. If cr(πΊ) β©½ 2, then π(πΊ) β©½ 6. Theorem 95 (Huang and Xu [48], 2007). If πΊ is a connected graph with cr(πΊ) β©½ 4 and not 4-regular when cr(πΊ) = 4, then π(πΊ) β©½ Δ(πΊ) + 2. The above results generalize some known results for planar graphs. For example, Corollary 90 and Theorem 95 contain Theorem 74; the first condition in Theorem 93 contains the second condition in Theorem 77. From Corollary 88 and Theorem 95, we suggest the following questions. Question 2. Is there a (a) 4-regular graph πΊ with cr(πΊ) = 4 such that π(πΊ) β©Ύ 7? (b) 3-regular graph πΊ with cr β©½ 4 and π(πΊ) β©Ύ 5 such that π(πΊ) = 5? (c) 3-regular graph πΊ with cr = 3 and π(πΊ) = 6 or 7 such that π(πΊ) = 5? 7.2. Carlson-Develin Methods. In this subsection, we introduce an elegant method presented by Carlson and Develin [42] to obtain some upper bounds for the bondage number of a graph. Suppose that πΊ is a connected graph. We say that πΊ has genus π if πΊ can be embedded in a surface π with π handles such that edges are pairwise disjoint except possibly for endΜ be an embedding of πΊ in surface π, and let π(πΊ) vertices. Let πΊ Μ The boundary of every denote the number of regions in πΊ. region contains at least three edges and every edge is on the boundary of at most two regions (the two regions are identical when π is a cut-edge). For any edge π of πΊ, let ππΊ1 (π) and ππΊ2 (π) Μ which be the numbers of edges comprising the regions in πΊ the edge π borders. It is clear that every π = π₯π¦ ∈ πΈ(πΊ), σ΅¨ σ΅¨ ππΊ2 (π) β©Ύ ππΊ1 (π) β©Ύ 4 if σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨ππΊ (π₯) ∩ ππΊ (π¦)σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨ = 0, σ΅¨ σ΅¨ ππΊ2 (π) β©Ύ 4, ππΊ1 (π) β©Ύ 3 if σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨ππΊ (π₯) ∩ ππΊ (π¦)σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨ = 1, (30) σ΅¨ σ΅¨ ππΊ2 (π) β©Ύ ππΊ1 (π) β©Ύ 3 if σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨ππΊ (π₯) ∩ ππΊ (π¦)σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨ β©Ύ 2. Following Carlson and Develin [42], for any edge π = π₯π¦ of πΊ, we define π·πΊ (π) = 1 1 1 1 + + + − 1. ππΊ (π₯) ππΊ (π¦) ππΊ1 (π) ππΊ2 (π) (31) By the well-known Euler’s formula π (πΊ) − π (πΊ) + π (πΊ) = 2 − 2π (πΊ) , (32) it is easy to see that ∑ π·πΊ (π) = π (πΊ) − π (πΊ) + π (πΊ) = 2 − 2π (πΊ) . π∈πΈ(πΊ) (33) If πΊ is a planar graph, that is, π(πΊ) = 0, then ∑ π·πΊ (π) = π (πΊ) − π (πΊ) + π (πΊ) = 2. π∈πΈ(πΊ) (34) Combining these formulas with Theorem 18, Carlson and Develin [42] gave a simple and intuitive proof of Theorem 74 and obtained the following result. Theorem 96 (Carlson and Develin [42], 2006). Let πΊ be a connected graph which can be embedded on a torus. Then π(πΊ) β©½ Δ(πΊ) + 3. Recently, Hou and Liu [50] improved Theorem 96 as follows. Theorem 97 (Hou and Liu [50], 2012). Let πΊ be a connected graph which can be embedded on a torus. Then π(πΊ) β©½ 9. Moreover, if Δ(πΊ) =ΜΈ 6, then π(πΊ) β©½ 8. By the way, Cao et al. [51] generalized the result in Theorem 79 to a connected graph πΊ that can be embedded on a torus; that is, 6, { { { {5, π (πΊ) ≤ { { 4, { { {3, if if if if π (πΊ) β©Ύ 4 and πΊ is not 4-regular, π (πΊ) β©Ύ 5, π (πΊ) β©Ύ 6 and πΊ is not 3-regular, π (πΊ) β©Ύ 8. (35) Several authors used this method to obtain some results on the bondage number. For example, Fischermann et al. [46] used this method to prove the second conclusion in Theorem 78. Recently, Cao et al. [52] have used this method to deal with more general graphs with small crossing numbers. First, they found the following property. Lemma 98. πΏ(πΊ) β©½ 5 for any graph πΊ with cr(πΊ) β©½ 5. 16 International Journal of Combinatorics This result implies that π(πΊ) β©½ Δ(πΊ) + 4 by Corollary 15 for any graph πΊ with cr(πΊ) β©½ 5. Cao et al. established the following relation in terms of maximum planar subgraphs. Lemma 99 (Cao et al. [52]). Let πΊ be a connected graph with crossing number cr(πΊ). For any maximum planar subgraph π» of πΊ, ∑ π·πΊ (π) β©Ύ 2 − π∈πΈ(π») 2cr (πΊ) . πΏ (πΊ) (36) Using Carlson-Develin method and combining Lemma 98 with Lemma 99, Cao et al. proved the following results. Theorem 100 (Cao et al. [52]). For any connected graph πΊ, π(πΊ) β©½ Δ(πΊ) + 2 if πΊ satisfies one of the following conditions: (a) cr(πΊ) β©½ 3; (b) cr(πΊ) = 4 and πΊ is not 4-regular; (c) cr(πΊ) = 5 and πΊ contains no vertices of degree 4. Theorem 101 (Cao et al. [52]). Let πΊ be a connected graph with Δ(πΊ) = 5 and cr(πΊ) β©½ 4. If no triangles contain two vertices of degree 5, then π(πΊ) β©½ 6 = Δ(πΊ) + 1. Theorem 102 (Cao et al. [52]). Let πΊ be a connected graph with Δ(πΊ) β©Ύ 6 and cr(πΊ) β©½ 3. If Δ(πΊ) β©Ύ 7 or if Δ(πΊ) = 6, πΏ(πΊ) =ΜΈ 3 and every edge π = π₯π¦ with ππΊ(π₯) = 5 and ππΊ(π¦) = 6 is contained in at most one triangle, then π(πΊ) β©½ min{8, Δ(πΊ)+ 1}. Using Carlson-Develin method, it can be proved that π(πΊ) β©½ Δ(πΊ) + 2 if cr(πΊ) β©½ 3 (see the first conclusion in Theorem 100), and not yet proved that π(πΊ) β©½ 8 if cr(πΊ) β©½ 3, although it has been proved by using other method (see Corollary 90). By using Carlson-Develin method, Samodivkin [25] obtained some results on the bondage number for graphs with some given properties. Kim [53] showed that π(πΊ) β©½ Δ(πΊ) + 2 for a connected graph πΊ with genus 1, Δ(πΊ) β©½ 5 and having a toroidal embedding of which at least one region is not 4-sided. Recently, Gagarin and Zverovich [54] further have extended Carlson-Develin ideas to establish a nice upper bound for arbitrary graphs that can be embedded on orientable or nonorientable topological surface. Theorem 103 (Gagarin and Zverovich [54], 2012). Let πΊ be a graph embeddable on an orientable surface of genus β and a nonorientable surface of genus π. Then π(πΊ) β©½ min{Δ(πΊ) + β + 2, Δ(πΊ) + π + 1}. This result generalizes the corresponding upper bounds in Theorems 74 and 96 for any orientable or nonorientable topological surface. By investigating the proof of Theorem 103, Huang [55] found that the issue of the orientability can be avoided by using the Euler characteristic π(= π(πΊ) − π(πΊ) + π(πΊ)) instead of the genera β and π; the relations are π = 2−2β and π = 2−π. To obtain the best result from Theorem 103, one wants β and π as small as possible; this is equivalent to having π as large as possible. According to Theorem 103, if πΊ is planar (β = 0, π = 2) or can be embedded on the real projective plane (π = 1, π = 1), then π(πΊ) β©½ Δ(πΊ) + 2. In all other cases, Huang [55] had the following improvement for Theorem 103; the proof is based on the technique developed by Carlson-Develin and GagarinZverovich and includes some elementary calculus as a new ingredient, mainly the intermediate-value theorem and the mean-value theorem. Theorem 104 (Huang [55], 2012). Let πΊ be a graph embeddable on a surface whose Euler characteristic π is as large as possible. If π β©½ 0, then π(πΊ) β©½ Δ(πΊ) + ⌊π⌋, where π is the largest real root of the following cubic equation in π§: π§3 + 2π§2 + (6π − 7) π§ + 18π − 24 = 0. (37) In addition, if π decreases, then π increases. The following result is asymptotically equivalent to Theorem 104. Theorem 105 (Huang [55], 2012). Let πΊ be a graph embeddable on a surface whose Euler characteristic π is as large as possible. If π β©½ 0, then π(πΊ) < Δ(πΊ) + √12 − 6π + 1/2, or equivalently, π(πΊ) β©½ Δ(πΊ) + ⌈√12 − 6π − 1/2⌉. Also, Gagarin and Zverovich [54] indicated that the upper bound in Theorem 103 can be improved for larger values of the genera β and π by adjusting the proofs and stated the following general conjecture. Conjecture 106 (Gagarin and Zverovich [54], 2012). For a connected graph G of orientable genus β and nonorientable genus π, π (πΊ) β©½ min {πβ , ππσΈ , Δ (πΊ) + π (β) , Δ (πΊ) + π (π)} , (38) where πβ and ππσΈ are constants depending, respectively, on the orientable and nonorientable genera of πΊ. In the recent paper, Gagarin and Zverovich [56] provided constant upper bounds for the bondage number of graphs on topological surfaces, which can be used as the first estimation for the constants πβ and ππσΈ of Conjecture 106. Theorem 107 (Gagarin and Zverovich [56], 2013). Let πΊ be a connected graph of order π. If πΊ can be embedded on the surface of its orientable or nonorientable genus of the Euler characteristic π, then (a) π β©Ύ 1 implies π(πΊ) β©½ 10; (b) π β©½ 0 and π > −12π imply π(πΊ) β©½ 11; (c) π β©½ −1 and π β©½ −12π imply π(πΊ) β©½ 11 + 3π(√17 − 8π − 3)/(π − 1) = 11 + π(√−π). Theorem 79 shows that a connected planar triangle-free graph πΊ has π(πΊ) β©½ 6. The following result generalizes to it all the other topological surfaces. International Journal of Combinatorics 17 Theorem 108 (Gagarin and Zverovich [56], 2013). Let πΊ be a connected triangle-free graph of order π. If πΊ can be embedded on the surface of its orientable or nonorientable genus of the Euler characteristic π, then (a) π β©Ύ 1 implies π(πΊ) β©½ 6; (b) π β©½ 0 and π > −8π imply π(πΊ) β©½ 7; (c) π β©½ −1 and π β©½ −8π imply π(πΊ) β©½ 7−4π/(1+√2 − π). In [56], the authors also explicitly improved upper bounds in Theorem 103 and gave tight lower bounds for the number of vertices of graphs 2-cell embeddable on topological surfaces of a given genus. The interested reader is referred to the original paper for details. The following result is interesting although its proof is easy. Theorem 109 (Samodivkin [57]). Let πΊ be a graph with order π and girth π. If πΊ is embeddable on a surface whose Euler characteristic π is as large as possible, then π (πΊ) β©½ 3 + 4ππ 8 . − π − 2 π (π − 2) (39) If πΊ is a planar graph with girth π β©Ύ 4 + π for any π ∈ {0, 1, 2}, then Theorem 109 leads to π(πΊ) β©½ 6 − π, which is the result in Theorem 79 obtained by Fischermann et al. [46]. Also, in many cases the bound stated in Theorem 109 is better than those given by Theorems 103 and 105. 8. Conditional Bondage Numbers Since the concept of the bondage number is based upon the domination, all sorts of dominations, which are variations of the normal domination by adding restricted conditions to the normal dominating set, can develop a new “bondage number” as long as a variation of domination number is given. In this section, we survey results on the bondage number under some restricted conditions. 8.1. Total Bondage Numbers. A dominating set π of a graph πΊ without isolated vertices is called total if the subgraph induced by π contains no isolated vertices. The minimum cardinality of a total dominating set is called the total domination number of πΊ and denoted by πΎπ(πΊ). It is clear that πΎ(πΊ) β©½ πΎπ(πΊ) β©½ 2πΎ(πΊ) for any graph πΊ without isolated vertices. The total domination in graphs was introduced by Cockayne et al. [58] in 1980. Pfaff et al. [59, 60] in 1983 showed that the problem determining total domination number for general graphs is NP-complete, even for bipartite graphs and chordal graphs. Even now, total domination in graphs has been extensively studied in the literature. In 2009, Henning [61] gave a survey of selected recent results on total domination in graphs. The total bondage number of πΊ, denoted by ππ (πΊ), is the smallest cardinality of a subset π΅ ⊆ πΈ(πΊ) with the property that πΊ−π΅ contains no isolated vertices and πΎπ (πΊ−π΅) > πΎπ (πΊ). From definition, ππ (πΊ) may not exist for some graphs, for example, πΊ = πΎ1,π . We put ππ (πΊ) = ∞ if ππ (πΊ) does not exist. It is easy to see that ππ (πΊ) is finite for any connected graph πΊ other than πΎ1 , πΎ2 , πΎ3 , and πΎ1,π . In fact, for such a graph πΊ, since there is a path of length 3 in πΊ, we can find π΅1 ⊆ πΈ(πΊ) such that πΊ − π΅1 is a spanning tree π of πΊ, containing a path of length 3. So πΎπ (π) = πΎπ (πΊ − π΅1 ) β©Ύ πΎπ (πΊ). For the tree π, we find π΅2 ⊆ πΈ(π) such that πΎπ (π − π΅2 ) > πΎπ (π) β©Ύ πΎπ(πΊ). Thus, we have πΎπ (πΊ−π΅2 −π΅1 ) > πΎπ (πΊ), and so ππ (πΊ) β©½ |π΅1 |+|π΅2 |. In the following discussion, we always assume that ππ (πΊ) exists when a graph πΊ is mentioned. In 1991, Kulli and Patwari [62] first studied the total bondage number of a graph and calculated the exact values of ππ (πΊ) for some standard graphs. Theorem 110 (Kulli and Patwari [62], 1991). For π β©Ύ 4, 3 ππ (πΆπ ) = { 2 ππ π ≡ 2 (mod 4) , ππ‘βπππ€ππ π, 2 ππ (ππ ) = { 1 ππ π ≡ 2 (mod 4) , ππ‘βπππ€ππ π, ππ (πΎπ,π ) = π (40) π€ππ‘β 2 β©½ π β©½ π, 4 πππ π = 4, ππ (πΎπ ) = { 2π − 5 πππ π β©Ύ 5. Recently, Hu et al. [63] have obtained some results on the total bondage number of the Cartesian product ππ ×ππ of two paths ππ and ππ . Theorem 111 (Hu et al. [63], 2012). For the Cartesian product ππ × ππ of two paths ππ and ππ , 1 ππ π ≡ 0 (mod 3) , { { ππ (π2 × ππ ) = {2 ππ π ≡ 2 (mod 3) , { {3 ππ π ≡ 1 (mod 3) , ππ (π3 × ππ ) = 1, =1 { { { {= 2 ππ (π4 × ππ ) { {β©½ 3 { { {β©½ 4 ππ ππ ππ ππ (41) π ≡ 1 (mod 5) , π ≡ 4 (mod 5) , π ≡ 2 (mod 5) , π ≡ 0, 3 (mod 5) . Generalized Petersen graphs are an important class of commonly used interconnection networks and have been studied recently. By constructing a family of minimum total dominating sets, Cao et al. [64] determined the total bondage number of the generalized Petersen graphs. From Theorem 6, we know that π(π) β©½ 2 for a nontrivial tree π. But given any positive integer π, Sridharan et al. [65] constructed a tree π for which ππ (π) = π. Let π»π be the tree obtained from a star πΎ1,π+1 by subdividing π edges twice. The tree π»7 is shown in Figure 6. It can be easily verified that ππ (π»π ) = π. This fact can be stated as the following theorem. Theorem 112 (Sridharan et al. [65], 2007). For any positive integer π, there exists a tree π with ππ (π) = π. 18 International Journal of Combinatorics gave an upper bound on ππ (πΊ) in terms of the girth of πΊ. Theorem 117 (Rad and Raczek [66], 2011). ππ (πΊ) β©½ 4Δ(πΊ) − 5 for any graph πΊ with π(πΊ) β©Ύ 4. Figure 6: π»7 . Combining Theorem 1 with Theorem 112, we have what follows. Corollary 113 (Sridharan et al. [65], 2007). The bondage number and the total bondage number are unrelated, even for trees. However, Sridharan et al. [65] gave an upper bound on the total bondage number of a tree in terms of its maximum degree. For any tree π of order π, if π =ΜΈ πΎ1,π−1 , then ππ (π) = min{Δ(π), (1/3)(π − 1)}. Rad and Raczek [66] improved this upper bound and gave a constructive characterization of a certain class of trees attaching the upper bound. Theorem 114 (Rad and Raczek [66], 2011). ππ (π) β©½ Δ(π) − 1 for any tree π with maximum degree at least three. In general, the decision problem for ππ (πΊ) is NP-complete for any graph πΊ. We state the decision problem for the total bondage as follows. Problem 3. Consider the decision problem: Total Bondage Problem Instance: a graph πΊ and a positive integer π. Question: is ππ (πΊ) β©½ π? Theorem 115 (Hu and Xu [16], 2012). The total bondage problem is NP-complete. Consequently, in view of its computational hardness, it is significative to establish some sharp bounds on the total bondage number of a graph in terms of other graphic parameters. In 1991, Kulli and Patwari [62] showed that ππ (πΊ) β©½ 2π − 5 for any graph πΊ with order π β©Ύ 5. Sridharan et al. [65] improved this result as follows. Theorem 116 (Sridharan et al. [65], 2007). For any graph πΊ with order π, if π β©Ύ 5, then 1 { ππ πΊ ππππ‘ππππ ππ ππ¦ππππ , (π − 1) { {3 (42) ππ (πΊ) β©½ {π − 1 ππ π (πΊ) β©Ύ 5, { { ππ π (πΊ) = 4. {π − 2 Rad and Raczek [66] also established some upper bounds on ππ (πΊ) for a general graph πΊ. In particular, they 8.2. Paired Bondage Numbers. A dominating set π of πΊ is called to be paired if the subgraph induced by π contains a perfect matching. The paired domination number of πΊ, denoted by πΎπ (πΊ), is the minimum cardinality of a paired dominating set of πΊ. Clearly, πΎπ (πΊ) β©½ πΎπ (πΊ) for every connected graph πΊ with order at least two, where πΎπ(πΊ) is the total domination number of πΊ, and πΎπ (πΊ) β©½ 2πΎ(πΊ) for any graph πΊ without isolated vertices. Paired domination was introduced by Haynes and Slater [67, 68] and further studied in [69–72]. The paired bondage number of πΊ with πΏ(πΊ) β©Ύ 1, denoted by πP (πΊ), is the minimum cardinality among all sets of edges π΅ ⊆ πΈ such that πΏ(πΊ − π΅) β©Ύ 1 and πΎπ (πΊ − π΅) > πΎπ (πΊ). The concept of the paired bondage number was first proposed by Raczek [73] in 2008. The following observations follow immediately from the definition of the paired bondage number. Observation 2. Let πΊ be a graph with πΏ(πΊ) β©Ύ 1. (a) If π» is a subgraph of πΊ such that πΏ(π») β©Ύ 1, then ππ (π») β©½ ππ (πΊ). (b) If π» is a subgraph of πΊ such that ππ (π») = 1 and π is the number of edges removed to form π», then 1 β©½ ππ (πΊ) β©½ π + 1. (c) If π₯π¦ ∈ πΈ(πΊ) such that ππΊ(π₯), ππΊ(π¦) > 1, and π₯π¦ belongs to each perfect matching of each minimum paired dominating set of πΊ, then ππ (πΊ) = 1. Based on these observations, ππ (ππ ) β©½ 2. In fact, the paired bondage number of a path has been determined. Theorem 118 (Raczek [73], 2008). For any positive integer π, if π β©Ύ 2, then 0 ππ π = 2, 3, ππ 5, { { ππ (ππ ) = {1 ππ π = 4π, 4π + 3, ππ 4π + 6, { {2 ππ‘βπππ€ππ π. (43) For a cycle πΆπ of order π β©Ύ 3, since πΎπ (πΆπ ) = πΎπ (ππ ), from Theorem 118 the following result holds immediately. Corollary 119 (Raczek [73], 2008). For any positive integer π, if π β©Ύ 3, then 0 ππ π = 3 ππ 5, { { ππ (πΆπ ) = {2 ππ π = 4π, 4π + 3, ππ 4π + 6, { {3 ππ‘βπππ€ππ π. (44) A wheel ππ , where π β©Ύ 4, is a graph with π vertices, formed by connecting a single vertex to all vertices of a cycle πΆπ−1 . Of course πΎπ (ππ ) = 2. International Journal of Combinatorics 19 π΄ . .. . .. π΅ π΄ π π΄ π΄ π΅ π΅ πΆ π΅ πΆ π΄ π΄ Figure 7: A tree π with ππ (π) = π. Figure 8: A tree π belong to the family T. Theorem 120 (Raczek [73], 2008). For positive integers π and π, Theorem 123 (Raczek [73], 2008). For a tree π, ππ (π) = 0 if and only if π is in T. ππ (πΎπ,π ) = π πππ 1 < π β©½ π, 4 ππ π = 4, { { ππ (ππ ) = {3 ππ π = 5, { {2 ππ‘βπππ€ππ π. We state the decision problem for the paired bondage as follows. (45) Theorem 16 shows that if π is a nontrivial tree, then π(π) β©½ 2. However, no similar result exists for paired bondage. For any nonnegative integer π, let ππ be a tree obtained by subdividing all but one edge of a star πΎ1,π+1 (as shown in Figure 7). It is easy to see that ππ (ππ ) = π. We state this fact as the following theorem, which is similar to Theorem 112. Theorem 121 (Raczek [73], 2008). For any nonnegative integer π, there exists a tree π with ππ (π) = π. Consider the tree defined in Figure 5 for π = 3. Then π(π3 ) β©½ 2 and ππ (π3 ) = 3. On the other hand, π(π4 ) = 2 and ππ (π4 ) = 1. Thus, we have what follows, which is similar to Corollary 113. Corollary 122. The bondage number and the paired bondage number are unrelated, even for trees. A constructive characterization of trees with π(π) = 2 is given by Hartnell and Rall in [12]. Raczek [73] provided a constructive characterization of trees with ππ (π) = 0. In order to state the characterization, we define a labeling and three simple operations on a tree π. Let π¦ ∈ π(π) and let β(π¦) be the label assigned to π¦. Operation T1 . If β(π¦) = π΅, add a vertex π₯ and the edge π¦π₯, and let β(π₯) = π΄. Operation T2 . If β(π¦) = πΆ, add a path (π₯1 , π₯2 ) and the edge π¦π₯1 , and let β(π₯1 ) = π΅, β(π₯2 ) = π΄. Operation T3 . If β(π¦) = π΅, add a path (π₯1 , π₯2 , π₯3 ) and the edge π¦π₯1 , and let β(π₯1 ) = πΆ, β(π₯2 ) = π΅, and β(π₯3 ) = π΄. Let π2 = (π’, V) with β(π’) = π΄ and β(V) = π΅. Let T be the class of all trees obtained from the labeled π2 by a finite sequence of operations T1 , T2 , T3 . A tree π in Figure 8 belongs to the family T. Raczek [73] obtained the following characterization of all trees π with ππ (π) = 0. Problem 4. Consider the decision problem: Paired Bondage Problem Instance: a graph πΊ and a positive integer π. Question: is ππ (πΊ) β©½ π? Conjecture 124. The paired bondage problem is NP-complete. 8.3. Restrained Bondage Numbers. A dominating set π of πΊ is called to be restrained if the subgraph induced by π contains no isolated vertices, where π = π(πΊ) \ π. The restrained domination number of πΊ, denoted by πΎπ (πΊ), is the smallest cardinality of a restrained dominating set of πΊ. It is clear that πΎπ (πΊ) exists and πΎ(πΊ) β©½ πΎπ (πΊ) for any nonempty graph πΊ. The concept of restrained domination was introduced by Telle and Proskurowski [74] in 1997, albeit indirectly, as a vertex partitioning problem. Concerning the study of the restrained domination numbers, the reader is referred to [74– 79]. In 2008, Hattingh and Plummer [80] defined the restrained bondage number πR (πΊ) of a nonempty graph πΊ to be the minimum cardinality among all subsets π΅ ⊆ πΈ(πΊ) for which πΎπ (πΊ − π΅) > πΎπ (πΊ). For some simple graphs, their restrained domination numbers can be easily determined, and so restrained bondage numbers have been also determined. For example, it is clear that πΎπ (πΎπ ) = 1. Domke et al. [77] showed that πΎπ (πΆπ ) = π − 2⌊π/3⌋ for π β©Ύ 3, and πΎπ (ππ ) = π − 2⌊(π − 1)/3⌋ for π β©Ύ 1. Using these results, Hattingh and Plummer [80] obtained the restricted bondage numbers for πΎπ , πΆπ , ππ , and πΊ = πΎπ1 ,π2 ,...,ππ‘ as follows. Theorem 125 (Hattingh and Plummer [80], 2008). For π β©Ύ 3, {1 πR (πΎπ ) = { π ⌈ ⌉ { 2 πR (πΆπ ) = { ππ π = 3, ππ‘βπππ€ππ π, 1 ππ π ≡ 0 (mod 3) , 2 ππ‘βπππ€ππ π, πR (ππ ) = 1, π β©Ύ 4, 20 International Journal of Combinatorics πR (πΊ) We now consider the relation between ππ (πΊ) and π(πΊ). π { ⌈ ⌉ { { 2 { { { {2π‘ − 2 { = {2 { { { π‘−1 { { {∑π − 1 { π {π=1 ππ ππ = 1 πππ ππ+1 β©Ύ 2 (1 β©½ π < π‘) , ππ π1 = π2 = ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ = ππ‘ = 2 (π‘ β©Ύ 2) , ππ π1 = 2 πππ π2 β©Ύ 3 (π‘ = 2) , ππ‘βπππ€ππ π. (46) Theorem 126 (Hattingh and Plummer [80], 2008). For a tree π of order π (β©Ύ 4), π β πΎ1,π−1 if and only if πR (π) = 1. Theorem 126 shows that the restrained bondage number of a tree can be computed in constant time. However, the decision problem for πR (πΊ) is NP-complete even for bipartite graphs. Problem 5. Consider the decision problem: Restrained Bondage Problem Instance: a graph πΊ and a positive integer π. Question: is πR (πΊ) β©½ π? Theorem 127 (Hattingh and Plummer [80], 2008). The restrained bondage problem is NP-complete, even for bipartite graphs. Consequently, in view of its computational hardness, it is significative to establish some sharp bounds on the restrained bondage number of a graph in terms of other graphic parameters. Theorem 128 (Hattingh and Plummer [80], 2008). For any graph πΊ with πΏ(πΊ) β©Ύ 2, πR (πΊ) β©½ min {ππΊ (π₯) + ππΊ (π¦) − 2} . π₯π¦∈πΈ(πΊ) (47) Corollary 129. πR (πΊ) β©½ Δ(πΊ) + πΏ(πΊ) − 2 for any graph πΊ with πΏ(πΊ) β©Ύ 2. Notice that the bounds stated in Theorem 128 and Corollary 129 are sharp. Indeed the class of cycles whose orders are congruent to 1, 2 (mod 3) have a restrained bondage number achieving these bounds (see Theorem 125). Theorem 128 is an analogue of Theorem 14. A quite natural problem is whether or not, for restricted bondage number, there are analogues of Theorem 16, Theorem 18, Theorem 29, and so on. Indeed, we should consider all results for the bondage number whether or not there are analogues for restricted bondage number. Theorem 130 (Hattingh and Plummer [80], 2008). For any graph πΊ with πΎπ (πΊ) = 2, πR (πΊ) β©½ Δ (πΊ) + 1. (48) Theorem 131 (Hattingh and Plummer [80], 2008). If πΎπ (πΊ) = πΎ(πΊ) for some graph πΊ, then πR (πΊ) β©½ π(πΊ). Corollary 129 and Theorem 131 provide a possibility to attack Conjecture 73 by characterizing planar graphs with πΎπ = πΎ and πR = π when 3 β©½ Δ β©½ 6. However, we do not have πR (πΊ) = π(πΊ) for any graph πΊ even if πΎπ (πΊ) = πΎ(πΊ). Observe that πΎπ (πΎ3 ) = πΎ(πΎ3 ), yet ππ (πΎ3 ) = 1 and π(πΎ3 ) = 2. We still may not claim that ππ (πΊ) = π(πΊ) even in the case that every πΎ-set is a πΎπ -set. The example πΎ3 again demonstrates this. Theorem 132 (Hattingh and Plummer [80], 2008). There is an infinite class of graphs in which each graph πΊ satisfies π(πΊ) < πR (πΊ). In fact, such an infinite class of graphs can be obtained as follows. Let π» be a connected graph, BC(π») a graph obtained from π» by attaching β (β©Ύ 2) vertices of degree 1 to each vertex in π», and B = {πΊ : πΊ = BC(π») for some graph π» such that πΏ(π») β©Ύ 2}. By Theorem 3, we can easily check that π(πΊ) = 1 < 2 β©½ min{πΏ(π»), β} = πR (πΊ) for any πΊ ∈ B. Moreover, there exists a graph πΊ ∈ B such that πR (πΊ) can be much larger than π(πΊ), which is stated as the following theorem. Theorem 133 (Hattingh and Plummer [80], 2008). For each positive integer π, there is a graph πΊ such that π = πR (πΊ)−π(πΊ). Combining Theorem 133 with Theorem 132, we have the following corollary. Corollary 134. The bondage number and the restrained bondage number are unrelated. Very recently, Jafari Rad et al. [81] have considered the total restrained bondage in graphs based on both total dominating sets and restrained dominating sets and obtained several properties, exact values, and bounds for the total restrained bondage number of a graph. A restrained dominating set π of a graph πΊ without isolated vertices is called to be a total restrained dominating set if π is a total dominating set. The total restrained domination number of πΊ, denoted by πΎ TR (πΊ), is the minimum cardinality of a total restrained dominating set of πΊ. For references on this domination in graphs, see [3, 61, 82–85]. The total restrained bondage number π TR (πΊ) of a graph πΊ with no isolated vertex, is the cardinality of a smallest set of edges π΅ ⊆ πΈ(πΊ) for which πΊ−π΅ has no isolated vertex and πΎ TR (πΊ−π΅) > πΎ TR (πΊ). In the case that there is no such subset π΅, we define π TR (πΊ) = ∞. Ma et al. [84] determined that πΎ TR (ππ ) = π − 2⌊(π − 2)/4⌋ for π β©Ύ 3, πΎ TR (πΆπ ) = π − 2⌊π/4⌋ for π β©Ύ 3, πΎ TR (πΎ3 ) = 3 and πΎ TR (πΎπ ) = 2 for π =ΜΈ 3, and πΎ TR (πΎ1,π ) = 1 + π and πΎ TR (πΎπ,π ) = 2 for 2 β©½ π β©½ π. According to these results, Jafari Rad et al. [81] determined the exact values of total restrained bondage numbers for the corresponding graphs. International Journal of Combinatorics 21 Theorem 135 (Jafari Rad et al. [81]). For an integer π, ∞ π TR (ππ ) = { 1, π TR ∞ { { (πΆπ ) = {1, { {2, ππ 2 β©½ π β©½ 5, ππ π β©Ύ 5 ππ π = 3, ππ 3 < π, π ≡ 0, 1 (mod 4) ππ 3 < π, π ≡ 2, 3 (mod 4) π TR (ππ ) = 2 (49) πππ π β©Ύ 6, π TR (πΎπ ) = π − 1 πππ π β©Ύ 4, π TR (πΎπ,π ) = π − 1 πππ 2 β©½ π β©½ π. π TR (πΎπ ) = π − 1 shows the fact that for any integer π β©Ύ 3 there exists a connected graph, namely, πΎπ+1 such that π TR (πΎπ+1 ) = π; that is, the total restrained bondage number is unbounded from the above. A vertex is said to be a support vertex if it is adjacent to a vertex of degree one. Let A be the family of all connected graphs such that πΊ belongs to A if and only if every edge of πΊ is incident to a support vertex or πΊ is a cycle of length three. Proposition 136 (Cyman and Raczek [82], 2006). For a connected graph πΊ of order π, πΎ TR (πΊ) = π if and only if πΊ ∈ A. Hence, if πΊ ∈ A, then the removal of any subset of edges of πΊ cannot increase the total restrained domination number of πΊ and thus π TR (πΊ) = ∞. When πΊ ∉ A, a result similar to Theorem 6 is obtained. Theorem 137 (Jafari Rad et al. [81]). For any tree π ∉ A, π TR (π) β©½ 2. This bound is sharp. In the same paper, the authors provided a characterization for trees π ∉ A with π TR (π) = 1 or 2. The following result is similar to Observation 1. Observation 3 (Jafari Rad et al. [81]). If π edges can be removed from a graph πΊ to obtain a graph π» without an isolated vertex and with π TR (π») = π‘, then π TR (πΊ) β©½ π + π‘. Applying Theorem 137 and Observation 3, Jafari Rad et al. characterized all connected graphs πΊ with π TR (πΊ) = ∞. Theorem 138 (Jafari Rad et al. [81]). For a connected graph πΊ, π TR (πΊ) = ∞ if and only if πΊ ∈ A. 8.4. Other Conditional Bondage Numbers. A subset πΌ ⊆ π(πΊ) is called an independent set if no two vertices in πΌ are adjacent in πΊ. The maximum cardinality among all independent sets is called the independence number of πΊ, denoted by πΌ(πΊ). A dominating set π of a graph πΊ is called to be independent if π is an independent set of πΊ. The minimum cardinality among all independent dominating set is called the independence domination number of πΊ and denoted by πΎπΌ(πΊ). Since an independent dominating set is not only a dominating set but also an independent set, πΎ(πΊ) β©½ πΎπΌ (πΊ) β©½ πΌ(πΊ) for any graph πΊ. It is clear that a maximal independent set is certainly a dominating set. Thus, an independent set is maximal if and only if it is an independent dominating set, and so πΎπΌ (πΊ) is the minimum cardinality among all maximal independent sets of πΊ. This graph-theoretical invariant has been well studied in the literature; see, for example, Haynes et al. [3] for early results, Goddard and Henning [86] for recent results on independent domination in graphs. In 2003, Zhang et al. [87] defined the independence bondage number ππΌ (πΊ) of a nonempty graph πΊ to be the minimum cardinality among all subsets π΅ ⊆ πΈ(πΊ) for which πΎπΌ (πΊ − π΅) > πΎπΌ (πΊ). For some ordinary graphs, their independence domination numbers can be easily determined, and so independence bondage numbers have been also determined. Clearly, ππΌ (πΎπ ) = 1 if π β©Ύ 2. Theorem 139 (Zhang et al. [87], 2003). For any integer π β©Ύ 4, ππΌ (πΆπ ) = { 1 ππ π ≡ 1 (mod 2) , 2 ππ π ≡ 0 (mod 2) , 1 ππ π ≡ 0 (mod 2) , ππΌ (ππ ) = { 2 ππ π ≡ 1 (mod 2) , ππΌ (πΎπ,π ) = π (50) πππ π β©½ π. Apart from the above-mentioned results, as far as we find no other results on the independence bondage number in the present literature, we never knew much of any result on this parameter for a tree. A subset π of π(πΊ) is called an equitable dominating set if for every π¦ ∈ π(πΊ − π) there exists a vertex π₯ ∈ π such that π₯π¦ ∈ πΈ(πΊ) and |ππΊ(π₯) − ππΊ(π¦)| β©½ 1 proposed by Dharmalingam [88]. The minimum cardinality of such a dominating set is called the equitable domination number and is denoted by πΎπΈ (πΊ). Deepak et al. [89] defined the equitable bondage number ππΈ (πΊ) of a graph πΊ to be the cardinality of a smallest set π΅ ⊆ πΈ(πΊ) of edges for which πΎπΈ (πΊ − π΅) > πΎπΈ (πΊ) and determined ππΈ (πΊ) for some special graphs. Theorem 140 (Deepak et al. [89], 2011). For any integer π β©Ύ 2, π ππΈ (πΎπ ) = ⌈ ⌉ , 2 ππΈ (πΎπ,π ) = π πππ 0 β©½ π − π β©½ 1, 3 ππ π ≡ 1 (mod 3) ππΈ (πΆπ ) = { 2 ππ‘βπππ€ππ π, 2 ππΈ (ππ ) = { 1 ππ π ≡ 1 (mod 3) ππ‘βπππ€ππ π, ππΈ (π) β©½ 2 πππ πππ¦ ππππ‘πππ£πππ π‘πππ π, ππΈ (πΊ) β©½ π − 1 πππ πππ¦ πππππππ‘ππ ππππβ πΊ ππ πππππ π. (51) 22 International Journal of Combinatorics As far as we know, there are no more results on the equitable bondage number of graphs in the present literature. There are other variations of the normal domination by adding restricted conditions to the normal dominating set. For example, the connected domination set of a graph πΊ, proposed by Sampathkumar and Walikar [90], is a dominating set π such that the subgraph induced by π is connected. The problem of finding a minimum connected domination set in a graph is equivalent to the problem of finding a spanning tree with maximum number of vertices of degree one [91], and has some important applications in wireless networks [92]; thus, it has received much research attention. However, for such an important domination, there is no result on its bondage number. We believe that the topic is of significance for future research. Theorem 142 (Lu and Xu [96], 2011). Let π be a tree with Δ(π) β©Ύ π β©Ύ 2. Then ππ (π) = 1 if and only if for any πΎπ -set π of π there exists an edge π₯π¦ ∈ (π, π) such that π¦ ∈ ππ (π₯, π, π) The notation π(π, π) denotes a double star obtained by adding an edge between the central vertices of two stars πΎ1,π−1 and πΎ1,π−1 . And the vertex with degree π (resp., π) in π(π, π) is called the πΏ-central vertex (resp., π -central vertex) of π(π, π): To characterize all trees attaining the upper bound given in Theorem 141, we define three types of operations on a tree π with Δ(π) = Δ β©Ύ π + 1: Type 1: attach a pendant edge to a vertex π¦ with ππ (π¦) β©½ π− 2 in π. 9. Generalized Bondage Numbers There are various generalizations of the classical domination, such as π-domination, distance domination, fractional domination, Roman domination, and rainbow domination. Every such a generalization can lead to a corresponding bondage. In this section, we introduce some of them. 9.1. π-Bondage Numbers. In 1985, Fink and Jacobson [93] introduced the concept of π-domination. Let π be a positive integer. A subset π of π(πΊ) is a π-dominating set of πΊ if |π ∩ ππΊ(π¦)| β©Ύ π for every π¦ ∈ π. The π-domination number πΎπ (πΊ) is the minimum cardinality among all π-dominating sets of πΊ. Any π-dominating set of πΊ with cardinality πΎπ (πΊ) is called a πΎπ -set of πΊ. Note that a πΎ1 -set is a classic minimum dominating set. Notice that every graph has a π-dominating set since the vertex-set π(πΊ) is such a set. We also note that a 1dominating set is a dominating set, and so πΎ(πΊ) = πΎ1 (πΊ). The π-domination number has received much research attention; see a state-of-the-art survey article by Chellali et al. [94]. It is clear from definition that every π-dominating set of a graph certainly contains all vertices of degree at most π − 1. By this simple observation, to avoid the trivial case occurrence, we always assume that Δ(πΊ) β©Ύ π. For π β©Ύ 2, Lu et al. [95] gave a constructive characterization of trees with unique minimum π-dominating sets. Recently, Lu and Xu [96] have introduced the concept to the π-bondage number of πΊ, denoted by ππ (πΊ), as the minimum cardinality among all sets of edges π΅ ⊆ πΈ(πΊ) such that πΎπ (πΊ − π΅) > πΎπ (πΊ). Clearly, π1 (πΊ) = π(πΊ). Lu and Xu [96] established a lower bound and an upper bound on ππ (π) for any integer π β©Ύ 2 and any tree π with Δ(π) β©Ύ π and characterized all trees achieving the lower bound and the upper bound, respectively. Theorem 141 (Lu and Xu [96], 2011). For any integer π β©Ύ 2 and any tree π with Δ(π) β©Ύ π, 1 β©½ ππ (π) β©½ Δ (π) − π + 1. Then, all trees achieving the lower bound 1 can be characterized as follows. (52) Let π be a given subset of π(πΊ) and, for any π₯ ∈ π, let σ΅¨ σ΅¨ ππ (π₯, π, πΊ) = {π¦ ∈ π ∩ ππΊ (π₯) : σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨ππΊ (π¦) ∩ πσ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨ = π} . (53) Type 2: attach a star πΎ1,Δ−1 to a vertex π¦ of π by joining its central vertex to π¦, where π¦ in a πΎπ -set of π and ππ (π¦) β©½ Δ − 1. Type 3: attach a double star π(π, Δ − 1) to a pendant vertex π¦ of π by coinciding its π -central vertex with π¦, where the unique neighbor of π¦ is in a πΎπ -set of π. Let B = {π: a tree obtained from πΎ1,Δ or π(π, Δ) by a finite sequence of operations of Types 1, 2, and 3}. Theorem 143 (Lu and Xu [96], 2011). A tree with the maximum Δ β©Ύ π + 1 has π-bondage number Δ − π + 1 if and only if it belongs to B. Theorem 144 (Lu and Xu [97], 2012). Let πΊπ,π = ππ × ππ . Then π2 (πΊ2,π ) = 1 πππ π β©Ύ 2, 2 π2 (πΊ3,π ) = { 1 ππ π ≡ 1 (mod 3) , ππ‘βπππ€ππ π. for π β©Ύ 2, 1 π2 (πΊ4,π ) = { 2 ππ π ≡ 3 (mod 4) , ππ‘βπππ€ππ π. for π β©Ύ 7. (54) Recently, Krzywkowski [98] has proposed the concept of the nonisolating 2-bondage of a graph. The nonisolating 2-bondage number of a graph πΊ, denoted by π2σΈ (πΊ), is the minimum cardinality among all sets of edges π΅ ⊆ πΈ(πΊ) such that πΊ − π΅ has no isolated vertices and πΎ2 (πΊ − π΅) > πΎ2 (πΊ). If for every π΅ ⊆ πΈ(πΊ), either πΎ2 (πΊ − π΅) = πΎ2 (πΊ) or πΊ − π΅ has isolated vertices, then define π2σΈ (πΊ) = 0, and say that πΊ is a 2nonisolatedly strongly stable graph. Krzywkowski presented some basic properties of nonisolating 2-bondage in graphs, showed that for every nonnegative integer π there exists a tree π such π2σΈ (π) = π, characterized all 2-non-isolatedly strongly stable trees, and determined π2σΈ (πΊ) for several special graphs. International Journal of Combinatorics 23 Theorem 145 (Krzywkowski [98], 2012). For any positive integers π and π with π β©½ π, {0 π2σΈ (πΎπ ) = { 2π ⌊ ⌋ { 3 0 π2σΈ (ππ ) = { 1 π2σΈ ππ π = 1, 2, 3 σ΅¨ σ΅¨ Δ π (πΊ) = max {σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨ππ (π₯)σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨ : for any π₯ ∈ π (πΊ)} . ππ‘βπππ€ππ π, ππ π = 1, 2, 3 ππ‘βπππ€ππ π, 0 ππ π = 3 { { (πΆπ ) = {1 ππ π ππ πVππ { {2 ππ π ππ πππ, 3 { { π2σΈ (πΎπ,π ) = {1 { {2 For a vertex π₯ in πΊ, the open π-neighborhood ππ (π₯) of π₯ is defined as ππ (π₯) = {π¦ ∈ π(πΊ) : 1 β©½ ππΊ(π₯, π¦) ≤ π}. The closed π-neighborhood ππ [π₯] of π₯ in πΊ is defined as ππ (π₯) ∪ {π₯}. Let (55) ππ π = π = 3 ππ π = π = 4 ππ‘βπππ€ππ π. 9.2. Distance Bondage Numbers. A subset π of vertices of a graph πΊ is said to be a distance π-dominating set for πΊ if every vertex in πΊ not in π is at distance at most π from some vertex of π. The minimum cardinality of all distance π-dominating sets is called the distance π-domination number of πΊ and denoted by πΎπ (πΊ) (do not confuse with the above-mentioned πΎπ (πΊ)!). When π = 1, a distance 1-dominating set is a normal dominating set, and so πΎ1 (πΊ) = πΎ(πΊ) for any graph πΊ. Thus, the distance π-domination is a generalization of the classical domination. The relation between πΎπ and πΌπ (the π-independence number, defined in Section 2.2) for a tree obtained by Meir and Moon [14], who proved that πΎπ (π) = πΌ2π (π) for any tree π (a special case for π = 1 is stated in Proposition 10). The further research results can be found in Henning et al. [99], Tian and Xu [100–103], and Liu et al. [104]. In 1998, Hartnell et al. [15] defined the distance π-bondage number of πΊ, denoted by ππ (πΊ), to be the cardinality of a smallest subset π΅ of edges of πΊ with the property that πΎπ (πΊ − π΅) > πΎπ (πΊ). From Theorem 6, it is clear that if π is a nontrivial tree, then 1 β©½ π1 (π) β©½ 2. Hartnell et al. [15] generalized this result to any integer π β©Ύ 1. Theorem 146 (Hartnell et al. [15], 1998). For every nontrivial tree π and positive integer π, 1 β©½ ππ (π) β©½ 2. Hartnell et al. [15] and Topp and Vestergaard [13] also characterized the trees having distance π-bondage number 2. In particular, the class of trees for which π1 (π) = 2 are just those which have a unique maximum 2-independent set (see Theorem 11). Since, when π = 1, the distance 1-bondage number π1 (πΊ) is the classical bondage number π(πΊ), Theorem 12 gives the NP-hardness of deciding the distance π-bondage number of general graphs. Theorem 147. Given a nonempty undirected graph πΊ and positive integers π and π with π β©½ π(πΊ), determining wether or not ππ (πΊ) β©½ π is NP-hard. (56) Clearly, Δ 1 (πΊ) = Δ(πΊ). The πth power of a graph πΊ is the graph πΊπ with vertex-set π(πΊπ ) = π(πΊ) and edge-set πΈ(πΊπ ) = {π₯π¦ : 1 β©½ ππΊ(π₯, π¦) β©½ π}. The following lemma holds directly from the definition of πΊπ . Proposition 148 (Tian and Xu [101]). Δ(πΊπ ) = Δ π (πΊ) and πΎ(πΊπ ) = πΎπ (πΊ) for any graph πΊ and each π β©Ύ 1. A graph πΊ is π-distance domination-critical, or πΎπ -critical for short, if πΎπ (πΊ − π₯) < πΎπ (πΊ) for every vertex π₯ in πΊ, proposed by Henning et al. [105] Proposition 149 (Tian and Xu [101]). For each π β©Ύ 1, a graph πΊ is πΎπ -critical if and only if πΊπ is πΎπ -critical. By the above facts, we suggest the following worthwhile problem. Problem 6. Can we generalize the results on the bondage for πΊ to πΊπ ? In particular, do the following propositions hold? (a) π(πΊπ ) = ππ (πΊ) for any graph πΊ and each π β©Ύ 1. (b) π(πΊπ ) β©½ Δ π (πΊ) if πΊ is not πΎπ -critical. Let π and π be positive integers. A subset π of π(πΊ) is defined to be a (π, π)-dominating set of πΊ if, for any vertex π₯ ∈ π, |ππ (π₯) ∩ π| β©Ύ π. The (π, π)-domination number of πΊ, denoted by πΎπ,π (πΊ), is the minimum cardinality among all (π, π)-dominating sets of πΊ. Clearly, for a graph πΊ, a (1, 1)-dominating set is a classical dominating set, a (π, 1)dominating set is a distance π-dominating set, and a (1, π)dominating set is the above-mentioned π-dominating set. That is, πΎ1,1 (πΊ) = πΎ(πΊ), πΎπ,1 (πΊ) = πΎπ (πΊ), and πΎ1,π (πΊ) = πΎπ (πΊ). The concept of (π, π)-domination in a graph πΊ is a generalized domination which combines distance π-domination and π-domination in πΊ. So, the investigation of (π, π)domination of πΊ is more interesting and has received the attention of many researchers; see, for example, [106–109]. More general, Li and Xu [110] proposed the concept of the (β, π€)-domination number of a π€-connected graph. A subset π of π(πΊ) is defined to be an (β, π€)-dominating set of πΊ if, for any vertex π₯ ∈ π, there are π€ internally disjoint paths of length at most β from π₯ to some vertex in π. The (β, π€)domination number of πΊ, denoted by πΎβ,π€ (πΊ), is the minimum cardinality among all (β, π€)-dominating sets of πΊ. Clearly, πΎπ,1 (πΊ) = πΎπ (πΊ) and πΎ1,π (πΊ) = πΎπ (πΊ). It is quite natural to propose the concept of bondage number for (π, π)-domination or (β, π€)-domination. However, as far as we know, none has proposed this concept until today. This is a worthwhile topic for further research. 24 International Journal of Combinatorics 9.3. Fractional Bondage Numbers. If π is a function mapping the vertex-set π into some set of real numbers, then for any subset π ⊆ π; let π(π) = ∑π₯∈π π(π₯). Also let |π| = π(π). A real-value function π : π → [0, 1] is a dominating function of a graph πΊ if for every π₯ ∈ π(πΊ), π(ππΊ[π₯]) β©Ύ 1. Thus, if π is a dominating set of πΊ, π is a function, where 1 π (π₯) = { 0 if π₯ ∈ π, otherwise, π (πΊ) = ∑ π (π’) . (57) then π is a dominating function of πΊ. The fractional domination number of πΊ, denoted by πΎπΉ (πΊ), is defined as follows. πΎπΉ (πΊ) = min {|π| : π is a domination function of πΊ} . (58) The πΎπΉ -bondage number of πΊ, denoted by ππΉ (πΊ), is defined as the minimum cardinality of a subset π΅ ⊆ πΈ whose removal results in πΎπΉ (πΊ − π΅) > πΎπΉ (πΊ). Hedetniemi et al. [111] are the first to study fractional domination although Farber [112] introduced the idea indirectly. The concept of the fractional domination number was proposed by Domke and Laskar [113] in 1997. The fractional domination numbers for some ordinary graphs are determined. Proposition 150 (Domke et al. [114], 1998; Domke and Laskar [113], 1997). (a) If πΊ is a π-regular graph with order π, then πΎπΉ (πΊ) = π/π + 1; (b) πΎπΉ (πΆπ ) = π/3, πΎπΉ (ππ ) = ⌈π/3⌉, πΎπΉ (πΎπ ) = 1; (c) πΎπΉ (πΊ) = 1 if and only if Δ(πΊ) = π − 1; (d) πΎπΉ (π) = πΎ(π) for any tree π; (e) πΎπΉ (πΎπ,π ) = (π(π + 1) + π(π + 1))/(ππ − 1), where max{π, π} > 1. The assertions (a)–(d) are due to Domke et al. [114] and the assertion (e) is due to Domke and Laskar [113]. According to these results, Domke and Laskar [113] determined the πΎπΉ bondage numbers for these graphs. Theorem 151 (Domke and Laskar [113], 1997). ππΉ (πΎπ ) = ⌈π/2⌉; ππΉ (πΎπ,π ) = 1 where max{π, π} > 1, 2 ππ π ≡ 0 (mod 3) , ππΉ (πΆπ ) = { 1 ππ‘βπππ€ππ π, 2 ππ π ≡ 1 (mod 3) , ππΉ (ππ ) = { 1 ππ‘βπππ€ππ π, (59) ππΉ (π) = min {π΅ ⊆ πΈ (π) : πΎπΉ (π − π΅) > πΎπΉ (π)} (61) The minimum weight of a Roman dominating function on a graph πΊ is called the Roman domination number of πΊ, denoted by πΎ RM (πΊ). A Roman dominating function π : π → {0, 1, 2} can be represented by the ordered partition (π0 , π1 , π2 ) (or π π π (π0 , π1 , π2 ) to refer to π) of π, where ππ = {V ∈ π | π(V) = π}. In this representation, its weight π(πΊ) = |π1 | + 2|π2 |. It is π π clear that π1 ∪ π2 is a dominating set of πΊ, called the Roman π π π dominating set, denoted by π·R = (π1 , π2 ). Since π1 ∪ π2 is a dominating set when π is a Roman dominating function, and since placing weight 2 at the vertices of a dominating set yields a Roman dominating function, in [115], it is observed that πΎ (πΊ) β©½ πΎ RM (πΊ) β©½ 2πΎ (πΊ) . (62) A graph πΊ is called to be Roman if πΎ RM (πΊ) = 2πΎ(πΊ). The definition of the Roman domination function is proposed implicitly by Stewart [116] and ReVelle and Rosing [117]. Roman dominating numbers have been deeply studied. In particular, Bahremandpour et al. [118] showed that the problem determining the Roman domination number is NPcomplete even for bipartite graphs. Let πΊ be a graph with maximum degree at least two. The Roman bondage number π RM (πΊ) of πΊ is the minimum cardinality of all sets πΈσΈ ⊆ πΈ for which πΎ RM (πΊ − πΈσΈ ) > πΎ RM (πΊ). Since in study of Roman bondage number the assumption Δ(πΊ) β©Ύ 2 is necessary, we always assume that when we discuss π RM (πΊ), all graphs involved satisfy Δ(πΊ) β©Ύ 2. The Roman bondage number π RM (πΊ) is introduced by Jafari Rad and Volkmann in [119]. Recently, Bahremandpour et al. [118] have shown that the problem determining the Roman bondage number is NPhard even for bipartite graphs. Roman Bondage Problem Instance: a nonempty bipartite graph πΊ and a positive integer π. Question: is π RM (πΊ) β©½ π? (60) Theorem 152 (Bahremandpour et al. [118], 2013). The Roman bondage problem is NP-hard even for bipartite graphs. Except for these, no results on ππΉ (πΊ) have been known as The exact value of πRM (πΊ) is known only for a few family of graphs including the complete graphs, cycles, and paths. = π (π) β©½ 2. yet. π’∈π(πΊ) Problem 7. Consider the decision problem: It is easy to see that for any tree π, ππΉ (π) β©½ 2. In fact, since πΎπΉ (π) = πΎ(π) for any tree π, πΎπΉ (πσΈ ) = πΎ(πσΈ ) for any subgraph πσΈ of π. It follows that = min {π΅ ⊆ πΈ (π) : πΎ (π − π΅) > πΎ (π)} 9.4. Roman Bondage Numbers. A Roman dominating function on a graph πΊ is a labeling π : π → {0, 1, 2} such that every vertex with label 0 has at least one neighbor with label 2. The weight of a Roman dominating function π on πΊ is the value International Journal of Combinatorics 25 Theorem 153 (Jafari Rad and Volkmann [119], 2011). For any positive integers π and π with π β©½ π, 2, πRM (ππ ) = { 1, ππ π ≡ 2 (mod 3) , ππ‘βπππ€ππ π, 3, πRM (πΆπ ) = { 2, ππ π = 2 (mod 3) , ππ‘βπππ€ππ π, π πRM (πΎπ ) = ⌈ ⌉ 2 1 { { πRM (πΎπ,π ) = {4 { {π Prove or Disprove: for any connected graph πΊ of order π ≥ 3, (i) πRM (πΊ) = π − 1 if and only if πΊ ≅ πΎ3 ; (ii) πRM (πΊ) β©½ π − πΎπ (πΊ) + 1. (63) πππ π β©Ύ 3, ππ π = 1 πππ π =ΜΈ 1, ππ π = π = 3, ππ‘βπππ€ππ π. Using Lemma 154, the third conclusion in Theorem 153 can be generalized to more general case, which is similar to Lemma 49. Theorem 155 (Jafari Rad and Volkmann [119], 2011). Let πΊ be a graph with order π ≥ 3 and π‘ the number of vertices of degree π − 1 in πΊ. If π‘ β©Ύ 1, then πRM (πΊ) = ⌈π‘/2⌉. Ebadi and PushpaLatha [120] conjectured that πRM (πΊ) β©½ π − 1 for any graph πΊ of order π β©Ύ 3. Dehgardi et al. [121], Akbari and Qajar [122], independently, showed that this conjecture is true. Theorem 156. πRM (πΊ) β©½ π − 1 for any connected graph πΊ of order π β©Ύ 3. For a complete π‘-partite graph, we have the following result. Theorem 157 (Hu and Xu [123], 2011). Let πΊ = πΎπ1 ,π2 ,...,ππ‘ be a complete π‘-partite graph with π1 = ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ = ππ < ππ+1 ≤ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ β©½ ππ‘ , π‘ β©Ύ 2 and π = ∑π‘π=1 ππ . Then ππ ππ = 1 πππ π β©Ύ 3, ππ ππ ππ ππ ππ ππ ππ ππ ππ ππ =2 =2 =3 =3 β©Ύ3 πππ πππ πππ πππ πππ π = 1, π β©Ύ 2, π = π‘ = 2, π = π‘ β©Ύ 3, ππ‘ β©Ύ 4. Note that a complete π‘-partite graph πΎπ‘ (3) is (π − 3)regular and πRM (πΎπ‘ (3)) = π − 1 for π‘ β©Ύ 3, where π = 3π‘. Hu and Xu further determined that ππ (πΊ) = π − 2 for any (π − 3)-regular graph πΊ of order π β©½ 5 except πΎπ‘ (3). Theorem 158 (Hu and Xu [123], 2011). For any (π − 3)-regular graph πΊ of order π other than πΎπ‘ (3), πRM (πΊ) = π − 2 for π β©Ύ 5. For a tree π with order π β©Ύ 3, Ebadi and PushpaLatha [120], and Jafari Rad and Volkmann [119], independently, obtained an upper bound on πRM (π). Lemma 154 (Cockayne et al. [115], 2004). If πΊ is a graph of order π and contains vertices of degree π − 1, then πΎRM (πΊ) = 2. π { ⌈ ⌉ { { 2 { { { {2 { { { πRM (πΊ) = {π { { 4 { { { { { π−1 { { {π − ππ‘ a negative answer to the following two problems posed by Dehgardi et al. [121]. (64) Consider a complete π‘-partite graph πΎπ‘ (3) for π‘ β©Ύ 3, πRM (πΎπ‘ (3)) = π − 1 by Theorem 157, where π = 3π‘, which shows that this upper bound of π − 1 on πRM (πΊ) in Theorem 156 is sharp. This fact and πΎπ (πΎπ‘ (3)) = 4 give Theorem 159. πRM (π) β©½ 3 for any tree π with order π β©Ύ 3. Theorem 160 (Bahremandpour et al. [118], 2013). πRM (π2 × ππ ) = 2 for π β©Ύ 2. Theorem 161 (Jafari Rad and Volkmann [119], 2011). Let πΊ be a graph with order at least three. (a) If (π₯, π¦, π§) is a path of length 2 in πΊ, then πRM (πΊ) β©½ ππΊ(π₯) + ππΊ(π¦) + ππΊ(π§) − 3 − |ππΊ(π₯) ∩ ππΊ(π¦)|. (b) If πΊ is connected, then πRM (πΊ) β©½ π(πΊ) + 2Δ(πΊ) − 3. Theorem 161 (b) implies πRM (πΊ) β©½ πΏ(πΊ) + 2Δ(πΊ) − 3 for a connected graph πΊ. Note that for a planar graph πΊ, πΏ(πΊ) β©½ 5; moreover, πΏ(πΊ) β©½ 3 if the girth at least 4, and πΏ(πΊ) β©½ 2 if the girth at least 6. These two facts show that πRM (πΊ) β©½ 2Δ(πΊ) + 2 for a connected planar graph πΊ. Jafari Rad and Volkmann [124] improved this bound. Theorem 162 (Jafari Rad and Volkmann [124], 2011). For any connected planar graph πΊ of order π β©Ύ 3 with girth π(πΊ), πRM (πΊ) 2Δ (πΊ) , { { { { Δ (πΊ) + 6, { { { { { Δ (πΊ) + 5 { { β©½ {Δ (πΊ) + 4 { { { Δ (πΊ) + 3 { { { { { { {Δ (πΊ) + 2 {Δ (πΊ) + 1 ππ ππ ππ ππ ππ πΊ ππππ‘ππππ ππ Vπππ‘ππππ ππ ππππππ ππVπ, π (πΊ) β©Ύ 4, π (πΊ) β©Ύ 5, π (πΊ) β©Ύ 6, π (πΊ) β©Ύ 8. (65) According to Theorem 157, πRM (πΆπ ) = 3 = Δ(πΆπ )+1 for a cycle πΆπ of length π β©Ύ 8 with π ≡ 2 (mod 3), and therefore the last upper bound in Theorem 162 is sharp, at least for Δ = 2. Combining the fact that every planar graph πΊ with minimum degree 5 contains an edge π₯π¦ with ππΊ(π₯) = 5 and ππΊ(π¦) ∈ {5, 6} with Theorem 161 (a), Akbari et al. [125] obtained the following result. 26 International Journal of Combinatorics ··· Theorem 167 (Bahremandpour et al. [118], 2013). For every Roman graph πΊ, ··· πRM (πΊ) β©Ύ π (πΊ) . The bound is sharp for cycles on π vertices where π ≡ 0 (mod 3). πΊ ··· (67) The strict inequality in Theorem 167 can hold, for example, π(πΆ3π+2 ) = 2 < 3 = πRM (πΆ3π+2 ) by Theorem 157. A graph πΊ is called to be vertex Roman dominationcritical if πΎRM (πΊ − π₯) < πΎRM (πΊ) for every vertex π₯ in πΊ. If πΊ has no isolated vertices, then πΎRM (πΊ) β©½ 2πΎ(πΊ) β©½ 2π½(πΊ). If πΎRM (πΊ) = 2π½(πΊ), then πΎRM (πΊ) = 2πΎ(πΊ) and hence πΊ is a Roman graph. In [30], Volkmann gave a lot of graphs with πΎ(πΊ) = π½(πΊ). The following result is similar to Theorem 57. ··· Μ is constructed from πΊ. Figure 9: The graph πΊ Theorem 163 (Akbari et al. [125], 2012). πRM (πΊ) β©½ 15 for every planar graph πΊ. It remains open to show whether the bound in Theorem 163 is sharp or not. Though finding a planar graph πΊ with πRM (πΊ) = 15 seems to be difficult, Akbari et al. [125] constructed an infinite family of planar graphs with Roman bondage number equal to 7 by proving the following result. Theorem 164 (Akbari et al. [125], 2012). Let πΊ be a graph of Μ is the graph of order 5π obtained from πΊ by order π and πΊ attaching the central vertex of a copy of a path π5 to each vertex Μ = 4π and πRM (πΊ) Μ = πΏ(πΊ) + 2. of πΊ (see Figure 9). Then πΎRM (πΊ) By Theorem 164, infinite many planar graphs with Roman bondage number 7 can be obtained by considering any planar graph πΊ with πΏ(πΊ) = 5 (e.g., the icosahedron graph). Conjecture 165 (Akbari et al. [125], 2012). The Roman bondage number of every planar graph is at most 7. For general bounds, the following observation is directly obtained, which is similar to Observation 1. Observation 4. Let πΊ be a graph of order π with maximum degree at least two. Assume that π» is a spanning subgraph obtained from πΊ by removing π edges. If πΎRM (π») = πΎRM (πΊ), then ππ (π») β©½ πRM (πΊ) β©½ πRM (π») + π. Theorem 166 (Bahremandpour et al. [118], 2013). For any connected graph πΊ of order π, if π β©Ύ 3 and πΎRM (πΊ) = πΎ(πΊ) + 1, then Theorem 168 (Bahremandpour et al. [118], 2013). For any graph πΊ, if πΎRM (πΊ) = 2π½(πΊ), then (a) πRM (πΊ) β©Ύ πΏ(πΊ); (b) πRM (πΊ) β©Ύ πΏ(πΊ) + 1 if πΊ is a vertex Roman dominationcritical graph. If πΎRM (πΊ) = 2, then obviously πRM (πΊ) β©½ πΏ(πΊ). So we assume πΎRM (πΊ) β©Ύ 3. Dehgardi et al. [121] proved πRM (πΊ) β©½ (πΎRM (πΊ) − 2)Δ(πΊ) + 1 and posed the following problem: if πΊ is a connected graph of order π β©Ύ 4 with πΎRM (πΊ) β©Ύ 3, then πRM (πΊ) β©½ (πΎRM (πΊ) − 2) Δ (πΊ) . (68) Theorem 161 (a) shows that the inequality (68) holds if πΎRM (πΊ) β©Ύ 5. Thus, the bound in (68) is of interest only when πΎRM (πΊ) is 3 or 4. Lemma 169 (Bahremandpour et al. [118], 2013). For any nonempty graph πΊ of order π β©Ύ 3, πΎRM (πΊ) = 3 if and only if Δ(πΊ) = π − 2. The following result shows that (68) holds for all graphs πΊ of order π β©Ύ 4 with πΎRM (πΊ) = 3 or 4, which improves Theorem 161 (b). Theorem 170 (Bahremandpour et al. [118], 2013). For any connected graph πΊ of order π β©Ύ 4, πRM (πΊ) ≤ { Δ (πΊ) = π − 2 Δ (πΊ) + πΏ (πΊ) − 1 ππ πΎRM (πΊ) = 3, ππ πΎRM (πΊ) = 4 (69) with the first equality if and only if πΊ ≅ πΆ4 . πRM (πΊ) β©½ min {π (πΊ) , πΔ } , (66) where πΔ is the number of vertices with maximum degree Δ in πΊ. Observation 5. For any graph πΊ, if πΎ(πΊ) = πΎRM (πΊ), then πRM (πΊ) β©½ π(πΊ). Recently, Akbari and Qajar [122] have proved the following result. Theorem 171 (Akbari and Qajar [122]). For any connected graph πΊ of order π β©Ύ 3, πRM (πΊ) β©½ π − πΎRM (πΊ) + 5. (70) International Journal of Combinatorics 27 We conclude this section with the following problems. Theorem 172 (Dehgardi et al. [128]). For any integer π β©Ύ 3, Problem 8. Characterize all connected graphs πΊ of order π β©Ύ 3, for which πRM (πΊ) = π − 1. ππ2 (ππ ) = 1 πππ π β©Ύ 2, Problem 9. Prove or disprove: if πΊ is a connected graph of order π β©Ύ 3, then ππ2 (πΆπ ) = { πRM (πΊ) β©½ π − πΎRM (πΊ) + 3. (71) Note that πΎπ (πΎπ‘ (3)) = 4 and πRM (πΎπ‘ (3)) = π−1, where π = 3π‘ for π‘ β©Ύ 3. The upper bound on πRM (πΊ) given in Problem 9 is sharp if Problem 9 has positive answer. 9.5. Rainbow Bondage Numbers. For a positive integer π, a π-rainbow dominating function of a graph πΊ is a function π from the vertex-set π(πΊ) to the set of all subsets of the set {1, 2, . . . , π} such that for any vertex π₯ in πΊ with π(π₯) = 0 the condition β π (π¦) = {1, 2, . . . , π} π¦∈ππΊ (π₯) (72) is fulfilled. The weight of a π-rainbow dominating function π on πΊ is the value σ΅¨ σ΅¨ π (πΊ) = ∑ σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨π (π₯)σ΅¨σ΅¨σ΅¨ . π₯∈π(πΊ) (73) The π-rainbow domination number of a graph πΊ, denoted by πΎππ (πΊ), is the minimum weight of a π-rainbow dominating function π of πΊ. Note that πΎπ1 (πΊ) is the classical domination number πΎ(πΊ). The π-rainbow domination number is introduced by BresΜar et al. [126]. Rainbow domination of a graph πΊ coincides with ordinary domination of the Cartesian product of πΊ with the complete graph, in particular, πΎππ (πΊ) = πΎ(πΊ × πΎπ ) for any positive integer π and any graph πΊ [126]. Hartnell and Rall [127] proved that πΎ(π) < πΎπ2 (π) for any tree π, no graph has πΎ = πΎππ for π β©Ύ 3, for any π β©Ύ 2, and any graph πΊ of order π: min {π, πΎ (πΊ) + π − 2} β©½ πΎππ (πΊ) β©½ ππΎ (πΊ) . (74) The introduction of rainbow domination is motivated by the study of paired domination in Cartesian products of graphs, where certain upper bounds can be expressed in terms of rainbow domination; that is, for any graph πΊ and any graph π», if π(π») can be partitioned into ππΎπ -sets, then πΎπ (πΊ × π») β©½ (1/π)π(π»)πΎππ (πΊ), proved by BresΜar et al. [126]. Dehgardi et al. [128] introduced the concept of π-rainbow bondage number of graphs. Let πΊ be a graph with maximum degree at least two. The π-rainbow bondage number πππ (πΊ) of πΊ is the minimum cardinality of all sets π΅ ⊆ πΈ(πΊ) for which πΎππ (πΊ − π΅) > πΎππ (πΊ). Since in the study of π-rainbow bondage number the assumption Δ(πΊ) β©Ύ 2 is necessary, we always assume that when we discuss πππ (πΊ), all graphs involved satisfy Δ(πΊ) β©Ύ 2. The 2-rainbow bondage number of some special families of graphs has been determined. 1 ππ π ≡ 0 (mod 4) , 2 ππ‘βπππ€ππ π, 1 { { { {3 ππ2 (πΎπ,π ) = { { 6 { { {π ππ ππ ππ ππ π = 2, π = 3, π = 4, π β©Ύ 5. (75) Theorem 173 (Dehgardi et al. [128]). For any connected graph πΊ of order π β©Ύ 3, ππ2 (πΊ) β©½ π(πΊ) + 2Δ(πΊ) − 3. Theorem 174 (Dehgardi et al. [128]). For any tree π of order π β©Ύ 3, ππ2 (π) β©½ 2. Theorem 175 (Dehgardi et al. [128]). If πΊ is a planar graph with maximum degree at least two, then ππ2 (πΊ) β©½ 15. Moreover, if the girth π(πΊ) β©Ύ 4, then ππ2 (πΊ) β©½ 11 and if π(πΊ) β©Ύ 6, then ππ2 (πΊ) β©½ 9. Theorem 176 (Dehgardi et al. [128]). For a complete bipartite graph πΎπ,π , if 2π + 1 β©½ π β©½ π, then πππ (πΎπ,π ) = π. Theorem 177 (Dehgardi et al. [128]). For a complete graph πΎπ , if π β©Ύ π + 1, then πππ (πΎπ ) = ⌈ππ/(π + 1)⌉. The special case π = 1 of Theorem 177 can be found in Theorem 1. The following is a simple observation similar to Observation 1. Observation 6 (Dehgardi et al. [128]). Let πΊ be a graph with maximum degree at least two, π» a spanning subgraph obtained from πΊ by removing π edges. If πΎππ (π») = πΎππ (πΊ), then πππ (π») β©½ πππ (πΊ) β©½ πππ (π») + π. Theorem 178 (Dehgardi et al. [128]). For every graph πΊ with πΎππ (πΊ) = ππΎ(πΊ), πππ (πΊ) β©Ύ π(πΊ). A graph πΊ is said to be vertex π-rainbow dominationcritical if πΎππ (πΊ − π₯) < πΎππ (πΊ) for every vertex π₯ in πΊ. It is clear that if πΊ has no isolated vertices, then πΎππ (πΊ) β©½ ππΎ(πΊ) β©½ ππ½(πΊ), where π½(πΊ) is the vertex-covering number of πΊ. Thus, if πΎππ (πΊ) = ππ½(πΊ), then πΎππ (πΊ) = ππΎ(πΊ). Theorem 179 (Dehgardi et al. [128]). For any graph πΊ, if πΎππ (πΊ) = ππ½(πΊ), then (a) πππ (πΊ) β©Ύ πΏ(πΊ); (b) πππ (πΊ) β©Ύ πΏ(πΊ) + 1 if πΊ is vertex π-rainbow dominationcritical. As far as we know, there are no more results on the πrainbow bondage number of graphs in the literature. 28 International Journal of Combinatorics 10. Results on Digraphs Corollary 181. For a digraph πΊ, π(πΊ) β©½ πΏ− (πΊ) + Δ(πΊ). Although domination has been extensively studied in undirected graphs, it is natural to think of a dominating set as a one-way relationship between vertices of the graph. Indeed, among the earliest literatures on this subject, von Neumann and Morgenstern [129] used what is now called domination in digraphs to find solution (or kernels, which are independent dominating sets) for cooperative π-person games. Most likely, the first formulation of domination by Berge [130], in 1958, was given in the context of digraphs and, only some years latter by Ore [131], in 1962, for undirected graphs. Despite this history, examination of domination and its variants in digraphs has been essentially overlooked (see [4] for an overview of the domination literature). Thus, there are few, if any, such results on domination for digraphs in the literature. The bondage number and its related topics for undirected graph have become one of major areas both in theoretical and applied researches. However, until recently, Carlson and Develin [42], Shan and Kang [132], and Huang and Xu [133, 134] studied the bondage number for digraphs, independently. In this section, we introduce their results for general digraphs. Results for some special digraphs such as vertex-transitive digraphs are introduced in the next section. Since πΏ− (πΊ) β©½ (1/2)Δ(πΊ), from Corollary 181, Conjecture 53 is valid for digraphs. 10.1. Upper Bounds for General Digraphs. Let πΊ = (π, πΈ) be a digraph without loops and parallel edges. A digraph πΊ is called to be asymmetric if whenever (π₯, π¦) ∈ πΈ(πΊ) then (π¦, π₯) ∉ πΈ(πΊ) and to be symmetric if (π₯, π¦) ∈ πΈ(πΊ) implies (π¦, π₯) ∈ πΈ(πΊ). For a vertex π₯ of π(πΊ), the sets of outneighbors and in-neighbors of π₯ are, respectively, defined as ππΊ+ (π₯) = {π¦ ∈ π(πΊ) : (π₯, π¦) ∈ πΈ(πΊ)} and ππΊ− (π₯) = {π₯ ∈ π(πΊ) : (π₯, π¦) ∈ πΈ(πΊ)}, the out-degree and the in-degree of + − (π₯) = |ππΊ+ (π₯)| and ππΊ (π₯) = π₯ are, respectively, defined as ππΊ |ππΊ+ (π₯)|. Denote the maximum and the minimum out-degree (resp., in-degree) of πΊ by Δ+ (πΊ) and πΏ+ (πΊ) (resp., Δ− (πΊ) and + − (π₯)+ππΊ (π₯), and πΏ− (πΊ)). The degree ππΊ(π₯) of π₯ is defined as ππΊ the maximum and the minimum degrees of πΊ are denoted by Δ(πΊ) and πΏ(πΊ), respectively; that is, Δ(πΊ) = max{ππΊ(π₯) : π₯ ∈ π(πΊ)} and πΏ(πΊ) = min{ππΊ(π₯) : π₯ ∈ π(πΊ)}. Note that the definitions here are different from the ones in the textbook on digraphs; see for example, Xu [1]. A subset π of π(πΊ) is called a dominating set if π(πΊ) = π∪ ππΊ+ (π), where ππΊ+ (π) is the set of out-neighbors of π. Then, just as for undirected graphs, πΎ(πΊ) is the minimum cardinality of a dominating set, and the bondage number π(πΊ) is the smallest cardinality of a set π΅ of edges such that πΎ(πΊ − π΅) > πΎ(πΊ) if such a subset π΅ ⊆ πΈ(πΊ) exists. Otherwise, we put π(πΊ) = ∞. Some basic results for undirected graphs stated in Section 3 can be generalized to digraphs. For example, Theorem 18 is generalized by Carlson and Develin [42], Huang and Xu [133], and Shan and Kang [132], independently, as follows. Theorem 180. Let πΊ be a digraph and (π₯, π¦) ∈ πΈ(πΊ). Then − (π₯) − |ππΊ− (π₯) ∩ ππΊ− (π¦)|. π(πΊ) β©½ ππΊ(π¦) + ππΊ Corollary 182. For a digraph πΊ, π(πΊ) β©½ (3/2)Δ(πΊ). In the case of undirected graphs, the bondage number of πΊπ = πΎπ × πΎπ achieves this bound. However, it was shown by Carlson and Develin in [42] that if we take the symmetric digraph πΊπ , we have Δ(πΊπ ) = 4(π−1), πΎ(πΊπ ) = π, and π(πΊπ ) β©½ 4(π − 1) + 1 = Δ(πΊπ ) + 1. So this family of digraphs cannot show that the bound in Corollary 182 is tight. Corresponding to Conjecture 51, which is discredited for undirected graphs and is valid for digraphs, the same conjecture for digraphs can be proposed as follows. Conjecture 183 (Carlson and Develin [42], 2006). π(πΊ) β©½ Δ(πΊ) + 1 for any digraph πΊ. If Conjecture 183 is true, then the following results shows that this upper bound is tight since π(πΎπ ×πΎπ ) = Δ(πΎπ ×πΎπ )+1 for a complete digraph πΎπ . In 2007, Shan and Kang [132] gave some tight upper bounds on the bondage numbers for some asymmetric digraphs. For example, π(π) β©½ Δ(π) for any asymmetric directed tree π; π(πΊ) β©½ Δ(πΊ) for any asymmetric digraph πΊ with order at least 4 and πΎ(πΊ) β©½ 2. For planar digraphs, they obtained the following results. Theorem 184 (Shan and Kang [132], 2007). Let πΊ be a asymmetric planar digraph. Then π(πΊ) β©½ Δ(πΊ)+2; and π(πΊ) β©½ − (π₯) β©Ύ 3 for every vertex π₯ with Δ(πΊ) + 1 if Δ(πΊ) β©Ύ 5 and ππΊ ππΊ(π₯) β©Ύ 4. 10.2. Results for Some Special Digraphs. The exact values and bounds on π(πΊ) for some standard digraphs are determined. Theorem 185 (Huang and Xu [133], 2006). For a directed cycle πΆπ and a directed path ππ , 3 π (πΆπ ) = { 2 ππ π ππ πππ, ππ π ππ πVππ, 2 ππ π ππ πππ, π (ππ ) = { 1 ππ π ππ πVππ. (76) For the de Bruijn digraph π΅(π, π) and the Kautz digraph πΎ(π, π), π (π΅ (π, π)) = π ππ π ππ πππ, π β©½ π (π΅ (π, π)) β©½ 2π ππ π ππ πVππ, (77) π (πΎ (π, π)) = π + 1. Like undirected graphs, we can define the total domination number and the total bondage number. On the total bondage numbers for some special digraphs, the known results are as follows. International Journal of Combinatorics 29 Theorem 186 (Huang and Xu [134], 2007). For a directed cycle πΆπ and a directed path ππ , ππ (ππ ) and ππ (πΆπ ) all do not exist. For a complete digraph πΎπ , ππ (πΎπ ) = ∞ ππ π = 1, 2, ππ (πΎπ ) = 3 ππ π = 3, (78) π β©½ ππ (πΎπ ) β©½ 2π − 3 ππ π β©Ύ 4. The extended de Bruijn digraph EB(π, π; π1 , . . . , ππ ) and the extended Kautz digraph EK(π, π; π1 , . . . , ππ ) are introduced by Shibata and Gonda [135]. If π = 1, then they are the de Bruijn digraph B(π, π) and the Kautz digraph K(π, π), respectively. Huang and Xu [134] determined their total domination numbers. In particular, their total bondage numbers for general cases are determined as follows. Theorem 187 (Huang and Xu [134], 2007). If π β©Ύ 2 and ππ β©Ύ 2 for each π = 1, 2, . . . , π, then ππ (EB(π, π; π1 , . . . , ππ )) = ππ − 1, ππ (EK(π, π; π1 , . . . , ππ )) = ππ . (79) In particular, for the de Bruijn digraph B(π, π) and the Kautz digraph K(π, π), ππ (B (π, π)) = π − 1, ππ (K (π, π)) = π. (80) Zhang et al. [136] determined the bondage number in complete π‘-partite digraphs. Theorem 188 (Zhang et al. [136], 2009). For a complete π‘partite digraph πΎπ1 ,π2 ,...,ππ‘ , where π1 β©½ π2 β©½ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ β©½ ππ‘ , π (πΎπ1 ,π2 ,...,ππ‘ ) π { { { { { { { = {4π‘ − 3 { { π‘−1 { { {∑π + 2 (π‘ − 1) { π {π=1 ππ ππ = 1, ππ+1 β©Ύ 2 πππ π πππ, π (1 β©½ π < π‘) ππ π1 = π2 = ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ = ππ‘ = 2, ππ‘βπππ€ππ π. (81) Since an undirected graph can be thought of as a symmetric digraph, any result for digraphs has an analogy for undirected graphs in general. In view of this point, studying the bondage number for digraphs is more significant than for undirected graphs. Thus, we should further study the bondage number of digraphs and try to generalize known results on the bondage number and related variants for undirected graphs to digraphs, prove or disprove Conjecture 183. In particular, determine the exact values of π(B(π, π)) for an even π and ππ (πΎπ ) for π β©Ύ 4. or |ππΊ− [π₯] ∩ π| = 1 if πΊ is a directed graph. The concept of an efficient set was proposed by Bange et al. [137] in 1988. In the literature, an efficient set is also called a perfect dominating set (see Livingston and Stout [138] for an explanation). From definition, if π is an efficient dominating set of a graph πΊ, then π is certainly an independent set and every vertex not in π is adjacent to exactly one vertex in π. It is also clear from definition that a dominating set π is efficient if and only if NπΊ[π] = {ππΊ[π₯] : π₯ ∈ π} for the undirected graph πΊ or N+πΊ[π] = {ππΊ+ [π₯] : π₯ ∈ π} for the digraph πΊ is a partition of π(πΊ), where the induced subgraph by ππΊ[π₯] or ππΊ+ [π₯] is a star or an out-star with the root π₯. The efficient domination has important applications in many areas, such as error-correcting codes, and receives much attention in the late years. The concept of efficient dominating sets is a measure of the efficiency of domination in graphs. Unfortunately, as shown in [137], not every graph has an efficient dominating set and, moreover, it is an NP-complete problem to determine whether a given graph has an efficient dominating set. In addition, it was shown by Clark [139] in 1993 that for a wide range of π, almost every random undirected graph πΊ ∈ G(π, π) has no efficient dominating sets. This means that undirected graphs possessing an efficient dominating set are rare. However, it is easy to show that every undirected graph has an orientation with an efficient dominating set (see Bange et al. [140]). In 1993, Barkauskas and Host [141] showed that determining whether an arbitrary oriented graph has an efficient dominating set is NP-complete. Even so, the existence of efficient dominating sets for some special classes of graphs has been examined; see, for example, Dejter and Serra [142] and Lee [143] for Cayley graph, Gu et al. [144] for meshes and tori, ObradovicΜ et al. [145], Huang and Xu [36], Reji Kumar and MacGillivray [146] for circulant graphs, Harary graphs and tori, and Van Wieren et al. [147] for cube-connected cycles. In this section, we introduce results of the bondage number for some graphs with efficient dominating sets, due to Huang and Xu [36]. 11.1. Results for General Graphs. In this subsection, we introduce some results on bondage numbers obtained by applying efficient dominating sets. We first state the two following lemmas. Lemma 189. For any π-regular graph or digraph πΊ of order π, πΎ(πΊ) β©Ύ π/(π + 1), with equality if and only if πΊ has an efficient dominating set. In addition, if πΊ has an efficient dominating set, then every efficient dominating set is certainly a πΎ-set, and vice versa. 11. Efficient Dominating Sets Let π be an edge and π a dominating set in πΊ. We say that π supports π if π ∈ (π, π), where (π, π) = {(π₯, π¦) ∈ πΈ(πΊ) : π₯ ∈ π, π¦ ∈ π}. Denote by π (πΊ) the minimum number of edges which support all πΎ-sets in πΊ. A dominating set π of a graph πΊ is called to be efficient if for every vertex π₯ in πΊ, |ππΊ[π₯] ∩ π| = 1 if πΊ is a undirected graph Lemma 190. For any graph or digraph πΊ, π(πΊ) β©Ύ π (πΊ), with equality if πΊ is regular and has an efficient dominating set. 30 International Journal of Combinatorics A graph πΊ is called to be vertex-transitive if its automorphism group Aut(πΊ) acts transitively on its vertex-set π(πΊ). A vertex-transitive graph is regular. Applying Lemmas 189 and 190, Huang and Xu obtained some results on bondage numbers for vertex-transitive graphs or digraphs. Theorem 191 (Huang and Xu [36], 2008). For any vertextransitive graph or digraph πΊ of order π, π { ⌉ ππ πΊ ππ π’πππππππ‘ππ, ⌈ { { { 2πΎ (πΊ) π (πΊ) β©Ύ { { π { {⌈ ⌉ ππ πΊ ππ ππππππ‘ππ. { πΎ (πΊ) (82) Theorem 192 (Huang and Xu [36], 2008). Let πΊ be a π-regular graph of order π. Then π(πΊ) β©½ π if πΊ is undirected and π β©Ύ πΎ(πΊ)(π + 1) − π + 1; π(πΊ) β©½ π + 1 + β if πΊ is directed and π β©Ύ πΎ(πΊ)(π + 1) − β with 0 β©½ β β©½ π − 1. Next, we introduce a better upper bound on π(πΊ). To this aim, we need the following concept, which is a generalization of the concept of the edge-covering of a graph πΊ. For πσΈ ⊆ π(πΊ) and πΈσΈ ⊆ πΈ(πΊ), we say that πΈσΈ covers πσΈ and call πΈσΈ an edge-covering for πσΈ if there exists an edge (π₯, π¦) ∈ πΈσΈ for any vertex π₯ ∈ πσΈ . For π¦ ∈ π(πΊ), let π½σΈ [π¦] be the minimum cardinality over all edge-coverings for ππΊ− [π¦]. Theorem 193 (Huang and Xu [36], 2008). If πΊ is a π-regular graph with order πΎ(πΊ)(π + 1), then π(πΊ) β©½ π½σΈ [π¦] for any π¦ ∈ π(πΊ). The upper bound on π(πΊ) given in Theorem 193 is tight in view of π(πΆπ ) for a cycle or a directed cycle πΆπ (see Theorems 1 and 185, resp.). It is easy to see that for a π-regular graph πΊ, ⌈(π + 1)/2⌉ β©½ π½σΈ [π¦] β©½ π when πΊ is undirected and π½σΈ [π¦] = π + 1 when πΊ is directed. By this fact and Lemma 189, the following theorem is merely a simple combination of Theorems 191 and 193. Theorem 194 (Huang and Xu [36], 2008). Let πΊ be a vertextransitive graph of degree π. If πΊ has an efficient dominating set, then ⌈ π+1 ⌉ β©½ π (πΊ) β©½ π 2 ππ πΊ ππ π’πππππππ‘ππ, (83) π (πΊ) = π + 1 ππ πΊ ππ ππππππ‘ππ. Theorem 195 (Huang and Xu [36], 2008). If πΊ is an undirected vertex-transitive cubic graph with order 4πΎ(πΊ) and girth π(πΊ) β©½ 5, then π(πΊ) = 2. The proof of Theorem 195 leads to a byproduct. If π = 5, let (π’1 , π’2 , π’3 , π’4 , π’5 ) be a cycle, and let Dπ be the family of efficient dominating sets containing π’π for each π ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}. Then Dπ ∩ Dπ = 0 for π = 1, 2, . . . , 5. Then πΊ has at least 5π efficient dominating sets, where π = π (πΊ). But there are only 4s (=ns/πΎ) distinct efficient dominating sets in πΊ. This contradiction implies that an undirected vertex-transitive cubic graph with girth five has no efficient dominating sets. But a similar argument for π(πΊ) = 3, 4 or π(πΊ) β©Ύ 6 could not give any contradiction. This is consistent with the result that CCC(π), a vertex-transitive cubic graph with girth π if 3 β©½ π β©½ 8, or girth 8 if π β©Ύ 9, has efficient dominating sets for all π β©Ύ 3 except π = 5 (see Theorem 199 in the following subsection). 11.2. Results for Cayley Graphs. In this subsection, we use Theorem 194 to determine the exact values or approximative values of bondage numbers for some special vertex-transitive graphs by characterizing the existence of efficient dominating sets in these graphs. Let Γ be a nontrivial finite group, π a nonempty subset of Γ without the identity element of Γ. A digraph πΊ is defined as follows: π (πΊ) = Γ, (π₯, π¦) ∈ πΈ (πΊ) ⇐⇒ π₯−1 π¦ ∈ π for any π₯, π¦ ∈ Γ (84) is called a Cayley digraph of the group Γ with respect to π, denoted by πΆΓ (π). If π−1 = {π −1 : π ∈ π} = π; then πΆΓ (π) is symmetric and is called a Cayley undirected graph, a Cayley graph for short. Cayley graphs or digraphs are certainly vertex-transitive (see Xu [1]). A circulant graph πΊ(π; π) of order π is a Cayley graph πΆππ (π), where ππ = {0, . . . , π − 1} is the addition group of order π and π is a nonempty subset of ππ without the identity element and, hence, is a vertex-transitive digraph of degree |π|. If π−1 = π, then πΊ(π; π) is an undirected graph. If π = {1, π}, where 2 β©½ π β©½ π − 2, we write πΊ(π; 1, π) for πΊ(π; {1, π}) or πΊ(π; {±1, ±π}) and call it a double-loop circulant graph. Huang and Xu [36] showed that, for directed πΊ = πΊ(π; 1, π), ⌈π/3⌉ β©½ πΎ(πΊ) β©½ ⌈π/2⌉ and πΊ has an efficient dominating set if and only if 3 | π and π ≡ 2 (mod 3); for directed πΊ = πΊ(π; 1, π) and π =ΜΈ π/2, ⌈π/5⌉ β©½ πΎ(πΊ) β©½ ⌈π/3⌉ and πΊ has an efficient dominating set if and only if 5 | π and π ≡ ±2 (mod 5). By Theorem 194, we obtain the bondage number of a double loop circulant graph if it has an efficient dominating set. Theorem 196 (Huang and Xu [36], 2008). Let πΊ be a doubleloop circulant graph πΊ(π; 1, π). If πΊ is directed with 3 | π and π ≡ 2 (mod 3), or πΊ is undirected with 5 | π and π ≡ ±2 (mod 5), then π(πΊ) = 3. The π × π torus is the Cartesian product πΆπ × πΆπ of two cycles and is a Cayley graph πΆππ ×ππ (π), where π = {(0, 1), (1, 0)} for directed cycles and π = {(0, ±1), (±1, 0)} for undirected cycles and, hence, is vertex-transitive. Gu et al. [144] showed that the undirected torus πΆπ ×πΆπ has an efficient dominating set if and only if both π and π are multiples of 5. Huang and Xu [36] showed that the directed torus πΆπ × πΆπ has an efficient dominating set if and only if both π and π are multiples of 3. Moreover, they found a necessary condition for a dominating set containing the vertex (0, 0) in πΆπ × πΆπ to be efficient and obtained the following result. International Journal of Combinatorics Theorem 197 (Huang and Xu [36], 2008). Let πΊ = πΆπ × πΆπ . If πΊ is undirected and both π and π are multiples of 5 or if πΊ is directed and both π and π are multiples of 3, then π(πΊ) = 3. The hypercube ππ is the Cayley graph πΆΓ (π), where Γ = π2 × ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ × π2 = (π2 )π and π = {100 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 0, 010 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 0, . . . , 00 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 01}. Lee [143] showed that ππ has an efficient dominating set if and only if π = 2π − 1 for a positive integer π. By Theorem 194, the following result is obtained immediately. Theorem 198 (Huang and Xu [36], 2008). If π = 2π − 1 for a positive integer π, then 2π−1 β©½ π(ππ ) β©½ 2π − 1. Problem 10. Determine the exact value of π(ππ ) for π = 2π −1. The π-dimensional cube-connected cycle, denoted by CCC(π), is constructed from the π-dimensional hypercube ππ by replacing each vertex π₯ in ππ with an undirected cycle πΆπ of length π and linking the πth vertex of the πΆπ to the πth neighbor of π₯. It has been proved that CCC(π) is a Cayley graph and, hence, is a vertex-transitive graph with degree 3. Van Wieren et al. [147] proved that CCC(π) has an efficient dominating set if and only if π =ΜΈ 5. From Theorems 194 and 195, the following result can be derived. Theorem 199 (Huang and Xu [36], 2008). Let πΊ = πΆπΆπΆ(π) be the π-dimensional cube-connected cycles with π β©Ύ 3 and π =ΜΈ 5. Then πΎ(πΊ) = π2π−2 and 2 β©½ π(πΊ) β©½ 3. In addition, π(πΆπΆπΆ(3)) = π(πΆπΆπΆ(4)) = 2. Problem 11. Determine the exact value of π(CCC(π)) for π β©Ύ 5. Acknowledgments This work was supported by NNSF of China (Grants nos. 11071233, 61272008). The author would like to express his gratitude to the anonymous referees for their kind suggestions and comments on the original paper, to Professor Sheikholeslami and Professor Jafari Rad for sending the references [128] and [81], which resulted in this version. References [1] J.-M. Xu, Theory and Application of Graphs, vol. 10 of Network Theory and Applications, Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2003. [2] S. T. Hedetniemi and R. C. Laskar, “Bibliography on domination in graphs and some basic definitions of domination parameters,” Discrete Mathematics, vol. 86, no. 1–3, pp. 257–277, 1990. [3] T. W. Haynes, S. T. Hedetniemi, and P. J. Slater, Fundamentals of Domination in Graphs, vol. 208 of Monographs and Textbooks in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Marcel Dekker, New York, NY, USA, 1998. [4] T. W. Haynes, S. T. Hedetniemi, and P. J. 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