January 21, 2016
Planning and Review Committee
Julie Bates
Henry Leckenby
Chris Bendel
Georgios Loizides
Kathleen Cochran
Mitch Ogden
Katherine Edenborg
Andy Peng
Mark Fenton
Betsy Pudliner
Susan Greene
Heidi Rabeneck
Urs Haltinner
David Seim
Kyle Kleist
Loretta Thielman
John Klem
Glendali Rodriguez
Planning and Review Committee
PRC Alternates:
Andy Peng
Julie Peterson
Amanda Schmidt
Scot Vaver
Amy Gullixson
SSA Reps: - None to date
Patrick Guilfoile, Provost
Faculty Senate/Ana VandeLinde
Curriculum Data Manager/Breanna Baron
Research Services/Elizabeth Buchanan
Loretta Thielman, Chair of PRC, 2015-2016
PRC Meeting Notice Friday, February 5, 2016, 2:30-4:30 p.m. – Northwoods, STUC
Call to Order
Approval of the minutes of the last PRC meeting, December 4, 2015 (attached)
Discussion and Vote on changes to PRC bylaws
Discussion/Vote on Consultant reports for currently reviewed programs (not enough time for all of these today)
B.S. Human Development & Family Studies; consultants: Georgios and Heidi
B.S. Information Technology Management; consultants: Betsy and Loretta
M.S. Marriage & Family Therapy; consultants: John and Kyle
M.S. Applied Psychology; consultants: Kathleen and Susan
B.S. Applied Social Science; Consultants: Kathrine and David
B.S. Apparel Design & Development; consultants: Urs and Harry
B.S. Cross Media Graphics; consultants: Mitch and Andy
A. B.S. Construction update: Provost has approved PRC recommendation to postpone PRC review and for it to
align with their upcoming ACCE accreditation site visit. The program has requested a one-year extension
with the ACCE, for a review to occur during the 2017-18 academic year. They are awaiting that
determination from the ACCE.
Planning and Review Committee
December 18, 2015
Chris Bendel, Kathleen Cochran, Katherine Edenborg, Mark Fenton, Susan Greene, Amy Gullixson,
Urs Haltinner, Kyle Kleist, John Klem, Georgios Loizides, Mitch Ogden, Betsy Pudliner, David Seim,
Loretta Thielman, Glendali Rodriguez
Ted Bensen, Chuck Bomar, Gindy Neidermyer, Steve Schlough
Recorded by Vice Chair: Chris Bendel
1. Call to Order by Thielman at 2:35 pm
2. Approval of December 4, 2015 Minutes
Motion to approve by Fenton/Klem seconded
Motion carried with one abstention.
3. The B.S. Construction Management program is scheduled to be reviewed by PRC this year. STEM Dean Chuck
Bomar addressed the committee about the impact of university reorganization and staff resignations on the
program. The program is also up for re-accreditation from ACCE, and the college will be seeking a
postponement of that accreditation process. Dean Bomar asked the committee to delay the program’s scheduled
review to coincide with the ACCE accreditation timeline. Motion to recommend to the Provost that the PRC
review of the B.S. Construction Management program be delayed one or two years as needed to align
with the ACCE accreditation timeline by Haltinner/Seim seconded. Motion carried.
4. B.S. Apparel Design and Development. Program director Dr. Gindy Neidermyer presented highlights, strengths
and concerns about the Apparel Design and Development program and responded to questions from committee
5. B.S. Cross-Media Graphics Management. Program director Dr. Ted Bensen presented highlights, strengths and
concerns about the Cross-Media Graphics Management program and responded to questions from committee
6. Discussion of the Apparel Design and Development program led by consultant Haltinner.
7. Discussion of the fact that all programs coming up for review seem to have budget and/or staffing challenges.
Committee discussed how PRC might play a larger role in impacting and/or prioritizing the meeting those
needs. Further discussion on looking at the self-study guidelines to see if we are asking the “right” things,
particularly in challenging budget times. Committee members were encouraged to think about this for spring
8. Adjournment: 4:27 PM
Motion to adjourn by Cochran/Fenton seconded. Motion carried.
Bylaws of the Planning and Review Committee
(Rev. 4/16/96) (Rev. 3/10/04) (Rev. Faculty Senate 5/6/08; Approved Chancellor 6/17/08) (Rev. Faculty
Senate 3/6/12; Approved Chancellor 4/7/12) (Rev. Faculty Senate 3/4/14; Approved Chancellor 4/3/14)
1. Membership
a. The committee shall consist of twenty (20) members as follows:
(1) Twelve faculty or academic staff members elected from the colleges, four from each of the
three colleges in the university.
(2) One member who is part of the graduate faculty, elected by the faculty.
(3) One member nominated by a distance education program director, elected by the faculty.
(4) Three faculty/staff at large elected by the faculty/staff.
(5) Two student members chosen by the University Student Senate for one, two or three-year
(6) Four alternate members. There will be one alternate elected to represent each of the colleges
and one at large alternative. These individuals would serve only when regular members are
unable to attend a scheduled meeting or if the standing position remains unfilled through
(7) One ex-officio member from the Office of the Provost who will act as a resource person.
b. All members (except students) shall serve three-year staggered terms of office.
2. Quorum
a. A quorum shall consist of 50% of its seated voting members.
3. Meetings
a. Meetings will be scheduled at least once per month during the academic year, and will be
in a
manner that allows members to attend regularly.
b. The first regularly scheduled meeting of the academic year will be the organizational meeting for the
Planning and Review Committee.
c. The Provost’s Office shall be responsible for informing the program directors of programs being
reviewed in any academic year and scheduling a meeting with them, the deans, department chairs and
the chair of the PRC prior to the review.
4. Officers
a. Each year at its organization meeting, the committee shall elect a chair and a vice chair from the seated
members on the committee. This organizational meeting will be chaired by the Chair of the Faculty
Senate until the newly-elected officers are installed.
b. The terms of office shall be one year in length with the possibility of re-election.
c. The general duties of the officers are outlined in Robert's Rules of Order.
d. In addition, the chair shall develop a schedule of activities for the year subject to approval by a
majority vote of the members present.
Conduct of the Meetings
1. Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order.
2. Decisions and recommendations shall be made by a majority vote of the quorum.
Responsibilities of the Committee
1. The committee shall review the information regarding the UW-Stout academic plan provided by the
Provost’s Office during each academic year.
2. The committee shall review Notices of Intent and shall recommend Faculty Senate approval or rejection of
such plans.
3. The committee shall review the procedure and policies in the program audit and review process.
4. The committee shall receive and react to communications from the Faculty Senate or the Senate Executive
5. The committee shall review and consider the collected program audit information which shall be provided
by the Office of Planning, Assessment, Research and Quality. The committee shall review all
undergraduate and graduate degree programs on a seven-year schedule. The committee shall forward its
findings, stipulations, suggestions, and observations to the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate.
1. Recommendations for changes in the bylaws shall be distributed to the committee members at least two
weeks prior to consideration by the committee.
2. Recommendations to the Faculty Senate for changes in the bylaws shall be approved by a vote of at least
50% of the seated voting members.
Bylaws of the Planning and Review Committee
(excerpt of changes to Membership only proposed by Chris Bendel and Loretta Thielman)
(Rev. 4/16/96) (Rev. 3/10/04) (Rev. Faculty Senate 5/6/08; Approved Chancellor 6/17/08) (Rev. Faculty Senate 3/6/12;
Approved Chancellor 4/7/12) (Rev. Faculty Senate 3/4/14; Approved Chancellor 4/3/14)
1. Membership
a. The committee shall consist of twenty (20) members as follows:
(1) Twelve faculty or academic staff members elected from the colleges, four from each of the three colleges in the
(2) One member who is part of the graduate faculty, elected by the faculty.
(3) One member nominated by a distance education program director, elected by the faculty.
(4) Three faculty/staff at large elected by the faculty/staff.
(5) Two student members chosen by the University Student Senate for one, two or three-year terms.
(6) Four alternate members. There will be one alternate elected to represent each of the colleges and one at large alternative.
These individuals would serve only when regular members are unable to attend a scheduled meeting or if the standing
position remains unfilled through elections.
(7) One ex-officio member from the Office of the Provost who will act as a resource person.
b. All members (except students) shall serve three-year staggered terms of office.
Comments of the proposed changes from the Provost’s Office (email from Linda Borofka) I’ve tried to call you several times this week, but have not been able to connect. Attached are proposed possible edits
to the PRC Bylaws. With the issue of “or” – there were difficulties having the vacancies on the faculty and the
academic staff call for nominations and ballots – as faculty couldn’t vote for academic staff and vice versa. Also,
there was no way of incorporating a way to ensure somebody was nominated by a “distance ed. program director” for
the distance education piece. If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call. PRC is near and dear to my
Again, if PRC approves the bylaws tomorrow, and you send me the document in “edit mode” I will add it on to the
Faculty Senate agenda for Tuesday, February 9th. If PRC does not approve any changes tomorrow, we will not be able
to incorporate the vacancies in the Call for Nominations. We are hoping to have the Call for Nominations sent by the
end of next week (if all of the edits are approved at Faculty Senate).
The committee shall consist of twenty (2) members as follows:
(1) Three faculty and one academic staff member
elected from the colleges,
(2) One member who is part of the graduate faculty, elected by the faculty.
(3) One member who is part of distance
education, elected by the faculty.
(4) Three faculty and one academic staff at large elected by the faculty/staff.
(5) Two student members chosen by the University
Student Senate for one, two or three-year terms.
(6) Five alternate members. There will be one
alternate elected to represent each of the colleges
and one for faculty and one academic staff at large
alternate. These individuals would serve only
when regular members are unable to attend a
scheduled meeting or if the standing position
remains unfilled through elections.
(7) One ex-officio member from the Office of the
Provost who will act as a resource person.