Consultant Recommendation Program Review Planning and Review Committee 2000-2001

Consultant Recommendation
Program Review
Planning and Review Committee 2000-2001
Degree: M.S. in Applied Psychology
Program Director: Richard Tafalla
PRC Consultants: Sue Foxwell and Mary Hopkins-Best
Purpose of Review: To assess the quality of the M.S. in Applied Psychology
program as part of the continual seven-year review cycle of each UW-Stout degree
program, as done by the Planning and Review Committee.
Committee Findings: The PRC recommends continuation of this program.
The M.S. in Applied Psychology was initiated in 1996 and this is the first program
review. Program strengths identified include: hands-on experience with real-life
problems, knowledgeable faculty, strong research emphasis, and strong problemsolving skills.
Opportunities for program enrichment include: continued development of a program
that is still Anew,@ continued development of two of the concentrations= course work
(Health Psychology and Program Evaluation), scheduling of classes, further course
work in statistics and staffing shortages particularly in the area of Industrial
Process Followed for Current Review
Using guidelines developed by the PRC, information regarding the program was
gathered from the program director, key instructors, students, advisory committee
members, and placement data. The consultants met with the program director to
discuss the process and provided input into the Program Review Report. The
program director presented a summary of the report to the full PRC committee at the
December 7, 2000 meeting.
Previous Review
This is the first review of this program.
Program Review
Program Strengths
1. The program offers strong, relevant real-life
applications throughout the curriculum/course
2. The faculty in the program are
knowledgeable, dedicated and want students
to succeed.
3. The program has a strong research emphasis,
with a focus on critical thinking and problem
4. The graduates are employed in well paid and
related positions. High placement rate.
5. Excellent community relations.
Source of Information
Program director=s report; and
student surveys
Student surveys
Program director=s report;
student surveys; key instructor
surveys; and program advisory
Program director=s report; and
follow-up study.
Program director=s report; and
program advisory surveys.
Issues of Concern
1. The program is relatively new (1996) and is Program director=s report
still in the development stage. This is due
partly to a reduced faculty allocation from the
initial plan for the degree program.
2. Continued development of two of the
Student surveys; key instructor
concentrations, Health Psychology and
surveys; and program
Program Evaluation.
director=s report.
3. Scheduling of classes doesn=t allow for non- Student surveys; and program
director=s report.
traditional student's schedules and often
provides for very long days for students. (i.e.,
one class at 8 a.m. and another the same
4. 4. Staffing shortages, particularly in the area of
Program director=s report; key
Industrial Organization.
instructor surveys; and student
5. 5. Equipment that supports the research and
Program director=s report; and
evaluation components are out-of-date and
student survey.
inadequate to serve the number of students.
6. 6. Faculty-student relations appear to be a
Student survey
1. The program director and the key instructors, with support from the department
chair and the dean, should develop a plan, including a timeline to continue to
ensure that all courses needed for the three concentrations are available.
2. The program director and the department chair should work together to develop a
class schedule that best meets the learning needs of the students; taking into
consideration the range of time of scheduled classes during a day and the needs of
the non-traditional student.
3. The program director should work with appropriate department chairs to assure
the availability of applied statistics preparation to meet the needs of the Applied
Psychology students.
4. The program director, the department chair and the dean should work together to
obtain additional staffing for the program through hiring an additional faculty
member in the area of industrial organization.
5. The program director, along with key faculty, the department chair, and the dean,
should continue to explore the development of an Applied Psychology Research
Institute, focused on the three program concentrations. This initiative will build
stronger relationships with the business/industry component, provide funding for
internships and projects, and provide another arena for students to experience reallife problems like they will experience as they are employed in applied
psychology related positions upon graduation.
6. The students= faculty-student relationship concern needs to be further
investigated. Focus group meetings or additional surveying of all students in the
program could be done. An appointee of the dean or department chair and the
program director should be involved in designing this process.