DEAN’S RESPONSE Planning and Review Committee

Planning and Review Committee
Program: MS Training & Human Resource Development
College: College of Management
Year: 2014
Recommendations for the Program Director:
1. Monitor the need for additional faculty and communicate program needs with the Chair of
Operations and Management and the Dean of the College of Management.
Response from Program Director:
The program director will continue to monitor the need for additional faculty and program needs
and share those needs with the Chair of the Operations and Management department and Dean of
the College of Management.
2. Assist the Chair of Operations and Management in supporting faculty efforts to access
instructional design and development resources.
Response from Program Director:
The program director will continue to support faculty efforts to access instructional design and
development resources by including the support in the budget presented to the department chair,
and by sharing opportunities when available.
3. Work with Chair of Operations and Management to identify long-term strategy to maintain a
consistent advisement pool for thesis projects.
Response from Program Director:
The program director will continue to monitor the need for additional faculty and program needs
and share those needs with the Chair of the Operations and Management department and Dean of
the College of Management.
4. Work with faculty to develop certificate options in Training, Organization Development and Talent
Development/Human Resource Development.
Response from Program Director:
The program director will work with faculty to develop certificate options within the program.
COM PRC response: MS Training & Human Resource Development
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Recommendations for the Department Chair:
1. Monitor the need for additional faculty and communicate program needs to the Dean of the
College of Management.
Response from Department Chair:
The department chair will meet with the program director to make sure that program needs are
being met including: hiring additional academic staff as needed, developing existing faculty for
online delivery, and assigning staff and faculty to teach courses in both online and classroom
format in a manner to maximize lecture capture systems, course management systems, and other
distance technologies. The department chair will work with the Dean of COM to ensure funding
for additional staff as appropriate.
2. Assist the Program Director in in supporting faculty efforts to access instructional design and
development resources.
Response from Department Chair:
The department chair will meet with program faculty, Learning Technology Services, and Stout
Online to improve course delivery and ensure courses meet program objectives. Courses to
improve will be prioritized and top priority courses will be scheduled for quality improvement
each semester. Faculty will receive compensation to work with an instructional designer in this
3. Continue assigning thesis advisement as part of load as a short-term solution. Work with Program
Director to identify long-term strategy to maintain a consistent advisement pool for thesis
Response from Department Chair:
The department chair will continue to provide release time as part-of-load for thesis advisement.
The department chair will collaborate with the program director and dean to develop a long-term
strategy for a consistent advisement pool in the future.
Recommendations for the Dean:
1. Maintain close communication with Program Director and Chair of Operations and
Management to be aware of future program needs, such as resources to maintain a consistent
advisement pool or increase in faculty lines.
Response from Dean:
COM is in the process of recruiting a new program director with whom the Dean will maintain
communication together with the Department Chair of Operations and Management. The Dean
will ascertain future program needs and determine ways and means of fulfilling them.
COM PRC response: MS Training & Human Resource Development
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