College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Memorandum Date: To:

College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
March 19, 2009
Program Review Committee
Richard Rothaupt, Dean. College of Science,
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Subject: Program Director’s, Department Chair’s, and Dean’s responses
to the Planning and Review Committee’s (PRC) consultant’s
report for the B.S. Graphic Communications Management
Below are the recommendations that were made in the PRC consultant’s report for the B.S.
Graphic Communication Management program, and responses to those recommendations from
the program director, department chair, and dean.
Recommendations for the Program Director
1. Identify the most pressing of facilities requirements. Work with department chair and dean
to locate funding sources to accommodate the needed renovations.
2. Work with faculty and advisory board to detect emerging trends in industry and incorporate
trends in program course array.
3. Work with Admissions Office and University Outreach to create connections with high
schools and utilize connections with industry and Stout program directors to increase the
visibility of the GCM major.
Responses from the Program Director
1. Efforts have been ongoing to improve the appearance and functionality of the facilities. The
department has been addressing minor remodeling, paint, furniture and other
improvements. This remains a goal for the program in the coming years and will likely be a
continuing effort as long as the labs are housed in the Communication Technologies
Building. I am in support of identifying a replacement for the Communication Technologies
Building as a top campus priority going into the future. The program director is willing, and
hopes that program faculty will also be invited, to participate in planning for new facilities
when they begin. The program is certainly willing to be a part of any planning regarding
funding and support for a new facility.
2. The program director is supportive of this recommendation, as it is already a part of our
ongoing process of program improvement. The GCM program is fortunate to have one of
the most active and involved industry advisory boards and a faculty and staff that are
responsive and engaged in continuous improvement. Because of the rapid pace of change
in the industry, this needs to be an ongoing effort to ensure that students are receiving the
best possible learning experience in the major and that employers continue to recognize the
degree as valid and valuable.
3. The program director and program faculty have focused a great deal of time and energy
over the past decade to promote the program and recruit students. Greater involvement
and assistance from the Admissions Office and University Outreach would be most
welcomed and appreciated. Centralized efforts to promote programs where enrollment
increases are desired would be an effective strategy. The program staff are willing to
participate in greater collaboration to promote the GCM program.
Recommendations for the Department Chair
1. Assist program director in locating funding sources to accommodate needed facility
2. Work with program director in developing curriculum and developing or hiring needed faculty
to deliver new courses as needed.
Responses from the Department Chair
1. The Apparel and Communication Technologies (ACT) Department has continually worked
on facility renovation. The Communication Technologies Building was as high as number
two on the State Building list, but has been moved down as the building has outdated
infrastructure and is scheduled for demolition within twenty years. This moved the Science
Wing and Harvey Hall auditorium projects to the top of UW-Stout’s list. The ACT
Department has bought new furniture for classrooms, labs and offices as budget has
allowed. The department has also paid for room remodeling. Requests for repainting of
classrooms and public areas have been submitted to the Physical Plant. The graphics/
photo disciplines have begun mounting large color photographs in the hallways to give a
more up-to-date look. The department chair is aware of these issues and will continue to
work to improve the appearance and functionality of the facilities. The ACT Department has
made the improvement of facilities one of their three goals for 2008-2009.
2. The department chair and program director have worked on staffing and curriculum issues
over the years and believe great improvements are already in place. New hires in graphics,
photo, and communication technologies over the past two years have added a new synergy
in course offerings. The department chair and program director feel a good foundation has
been laid and intend to build on it. Instructional positions are short in most areas on campus
as we are serving 14% more students than we were ten years ago and have less
instructional positions than we did at that time.
Recommendation for the Dean
1. Work with the Program Director and Department Chair to locate funding sources to
accommodate the most pressing facility renovations.
Response from the Dean
1. The University has been reluctant to spend money for remodeling the Communications
Technology Building since it has been designated for demolition for many years. The dean
will meet with the Chancellor to discuss future plans for the building and the need for
remodeling if a new building is not forthcoming.