DEAN’S RESPONSE Planning and Review Committee Program: BS Supply Chain Management

Planning and Review Committee
Program: BS Supply Chain Management
College: College of Management (COM)
Year: 2014/15
Recommendations for the Program Director:
1. Issue/Concern:
Enrollment. What is the forecast and related plan for increasing enrollment in
existing courses? What is the marketing strategy moving forward?
Response from Program Director: In Fall 2014, Marketing Services reviewed the marketing of the
program. On December 19, I met with Marketing Services to review their findings. A marketing plan
was created and is in the implementation stages. Specifics for Spring 2015 include:
 Placing the degree at the top of searches for Supply Chain Management on the web site
 Expand keyword search criteria
 Expand the use of Hobson’s
 Refresh the web page with videos and student content
 Determine sources of budget for targeted marketing campaigns
 Continue to have students who have completed their Co-op return to their high school and
“market” the program to students.
2. Issue/Concern:
Capacity. What is the strategy to accommodate increasing enrollment in existing
Response from Program Director: If Fall 2014, we forecasted the needs for three critical classes. Given
the systems, data and organization structure, this was difficult to do. The forecast provided visibility to
capacity needs.
A tool has been built to simplify and expand the creation of forecasting the remaining critical prerequisite classes. Preliminary conversations have occurred with the Department Chair of the Department
of Operations and Management to use the forecast to provide access and capacity to students needing the
classes. Similar discussions will take place with the Department Chair from the Department of Business.
3. Issue/Concern:
Course Content & Assessment. What is the strategy to ensure “foundation” course
content and assessment accurately ensures student achievement of learning objectives?
Response from Program Director: Preliminary conversations have occurred with the Department Chair
of the Department of Operations and Management to address the deficiencies. We agreed to do the
 Assemble key faculty from Operations and Management and review the Supply Chain
 Determine where there are gaps and overlap in content
 Determine/communicate where additional preparation is needed in foundation classes
 Create plan and implement actions to provide additional preparation
 Assess and follow-up
PRC BS SCM Deans-Response
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4. Issue/Concern:
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software. How can ERP software or a similar
application system be integrated into the course content?
Response from Program Director: This needs to be a priority for the College. A strong focus to “get it
done and get it done now” needs to occur. A strategy to use ERP needs to be developed to integrate ERP
into the curriculum and courses will need to enable the strategy.
Recommendations for the Department Chair: (Note – Responses are a collaborative response from the
Business Department Chair and the Operations & Management Department Chair)
1. Issue/Concern:
Enrollment. How can the Department Chair support the forecast and related plan for
increasing enrollment in existing courses? How can the Department Chair support the marketing
strategy moving forward?
Response from Department Chair: The chair will continue to work with the Program Director and the
resources available to ensure SCM majors can enroll in key prerequisite courses to facilitate progression
toward degree completion and support the marketing strategy moving forward. Additional efficiencies
will be required to meet increased demand for required courses beyond current levels.
2. Issue/Concern:
Capacity. How can the Department Chair best work with the Program Director to
support the strategy to accommodate increasing enrollment in existing courses?
Response from Department Chair: In close communication with the Program Director, the chair will
designate sections of key prerequisite courses for SCM majors to ensure adequate progression toward
degree completion. Additional efficiencies in course delivery will be required to meet increased demand
beyond current levels.
3. Issue/Concern:
Course Content & Assessment. How can the Department Chair support the strategy
to ensure “foundation” course content and assessment accurately ensures student achievement of
learning objectives?
Response from Department Chair: The chair will continue to work closely with the Program Director
and key faculty who deliver foundation courses for the SCM major to ensure alignment and consistency
of student learning outcomes among multi-section courses.
4. Issue/Concern:
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software. How can the Department Chair
support ERP software or a similar application system and help ensure it is integrated into the course
Response from Department Chair: The chair will work with the Program Director to identify appropriate
course(s) for using ERP Software and submit a proposal for a special course fee to provide students
access to the software if the course(s) are delivered.
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Recommendations for the Dean:
1. Issue/Concern:
Enrollment. How can the Dean support the forecast and related plan for increasing
enrollment in existing courses? How can the Dean support the marketing strategy moving forward?
Response from the Dean: The Dean’s Office will provide support to the Program Director and
Department Chair to increase enrollment in coordination with the Admissions Office, COM, and
program recruiting efforts. Admissions Office efforts require Program Director and/or Dean’s Office
involvement to promote COM programs and degrees for potential incoming students and their families.
The Dean’s Office will work with Marketing and Admissions to product standardized glossy marketing
handouts. The Dean’s Office also plans to update the COM website and enable digital marketing efforts,
dependent upon the funding available, especially with new Wisconsin budget cuts. Additionally, the
Dean’s Office will work with the Program Director and Department Chair to improve the forecasting
process for more accurate scheduling data of course sections required.
2. Issue/Concern:
Capacity. How can the Dean help accommodate increasing enrollment in existing
Response from the Dean: The Dean’s Office will work with the Program Director and Department Chair
to improve the forecasting process for more accurate scheduling data of course sections required each
semester and summers. The Dean’s Office will also work with the Department Chairs within COM to
ensure faculty and academic staff and recruited and retained as required so that capacity appropriately
meets the demand for courses. Additionally, effort will be made to investigate streamlining course
delivery methods to help ensure adequate capacity for increasing enrollments.
3. Issue/Concern:
Course Content & Assessment. How can the Dean help ensure “foundation” course
content and assessment accurately ensures student achievement of learning objectives?
Response from the Dean: The Dean’s Office will work with the Program Director and Department Chair
as appropriate to ensure course content meets learning objectives. In addition, course content will be
examined for prerequisites to ensure adequate preparation of students entering advanced level courses.
4. Issue/Concern:
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software. How can the Dean help provide and
support ERP software or a similar application system to be integrated into the course content?
Response from the Dean: The Dean’s Office is limited in terms of funding ERP software. However,
there is potential for a software system that delivers this functionality if COM partners with other
colleges within Stout. The Dean’s Office will work with the Program Director and Department Chair to
explore options for ERP software such as partnerships with other colleges within Stout and special
course fees.
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