a HUMAN VISUAL-VESTIBULAR INTERACTIONS DURING POSTURAL RESPONSES TO BRIEF FALLS by ROGER WILLIAM WICKE S.B. in Electrical Encineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1975) S.M. in Electrical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1976) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June 1980 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1980 Signature of Authc &epartment of Electbical Engineering June 1980 Certified by Thesis 6'dperfyidckr Accepted by Chairman, Committee on Biomedical Engineering 2- HUMAN VISUAL-VESTIBULAR INTERACTIONS DURING POSTURAL RESPONSES TO BRIEF FALLS by ROGER WILLIAM WICKE Submitted to the Committee on Biomedical Engineering on 9 June 1980 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the field of Biomedical Engineering ABSTRACT Human subjects were suspended in a safety harness 28 cm above the floor by a steel cable connected to a computer After (electromagnetic brake). controlled force generator were unexpectedly, released, various controlled the subjects patterns of downward acceleration (less than one g) could be EIG activity was recorded During the falls, produced. tibialis simultaneously from the gastrocnemius, soleus, knee with anterior, rectus femoris, and biceps femoris, along and ankle joint angle in one leg. Subjects were tested eyes both in darkness and in light closed and also eyes open, using a wide field visual display. The display scene could be moved downwards' at exactly the same velocity as the moving ("normal subject, left fixed with respect to the laboratory or moved upwards at a speed equal to the field"), visual Ten subject's falling speed ("upward moving visual field"). 45 of a total underwent each vestibularly normal subjects drops, experiencing three replications of each vision/motion combination used. both short and Under normal visual field conditions, long ' latency postural responses were seen, which were dependent on the magnitude of the acceleration stimulus. of the visual conditions significantly altered both Certain the short and long latency responses in most of the muscles in the prominent were particularly Effects tested. pronounced and were also more gastrocnemius and soleus, The upward moving visual field (0.5G) falls. during slow in the short latency EMG reaction condition increased gastrocnemius and soleus for 0.5G falls. A preliminary model EMG for visual-vestibular interaction in short latency Long latency responses are more responses is presented. variable and are not conducive to a simple interpretation. Thesis Supervisor: Charles M. Oman Title: Helmholtz Associate Professor of Aeronautics Principal Research Scientist and Astronautics; -3- MEMBERS OF DOCTORAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Charles M. Oman, Ph.D Helmholtz Associate Professor; Principal Research Scientist Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics Massachusetts Institute of Technology Laurence R. Young, Sc.D. Professor Department. of Aeronautics and Astronautics Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sheldon R. Simon, M.D. Associate in Orthopedic Surgery, Director of Gait Laboratory, Children's Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts; Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology Douglas G. D. Watt, M.D., Assistant Professor Department of Physiology McGill University Ph.D. -4- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS for Oman and Young I would like to thank Professors evolved which complete a project to freedom the providing laboratory previous the mainstream of somewhat outside After my obsession with vestibulospinal reflexes projects. valuable they contributed became evident, falls during suggestions and steered me away from unworkable methods. examining human in time contributed valuable Simon Dr. proper safety of determination the in aided and subjects precautions. the in discussing both very helpful Professor Watt was technique and the physiology EMIG recording of limitations underlying the experiment. clinical performed Weiss Alfred Dr. and Tole John Dr. vestibular examinations of human subjects who participated in the experiments. Luca Carlo de Discussions with Dr. Neville Hogan and Dr. practical of were processing and recording EMG concerning the and designing importance in developing my technique necessary equipment. reviewed my proposal Dr. Joseph Bauer and Dr. Alan \Natapoff greatly design, which statistical experimental the for increased the value of the final data. I am also indebted to the endured the experiments. many human subjects who patiently Roger William Wicke This project was supported by the National Aeronautics and under grant Center, Space Administration, Ames Research NSG-2032. number supported by a The author was Fellowship, 1978-1980. Health Science and Technology - 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE..................... AB STRACT. . . ... . . 1 . *...............* .. ACKIIOWLEDGEMENTS............. ......... ............ 2 .e.g..... *** *** *4 ** g...............*O 0 0 0 a 0 4 0 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS............... CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION: UNEXPECTED FALLS AS A TOOL FOR STUDYING VESTIBULOSPINAL MECHANISMS. for choosing unexpected 16 1.1 Rationale 1.2 Brief description of procedure............. 19 1.3 Action of major leg muscles................ 20 1.4 Salient features of the electromyographic response.. . 00. . 0 . 0 . .. 0 . . . falls.... 15 . ...... 25 1.5 Effects of habituation and expectation..... 26 1.6 Preprogrammed aspects versus continually updated parameters of the reaction...... 28 1.7 Previous studies of unexpected falls....... 29 1.8 Possible visual-vestibular interactions.... 32 CHAPTER 2 -DESCRIPTION OF APPARATJS................... 40 2.1 Electric brake and controller.............. 41 2.2 Harness and suspension system.............. 44 2.3 Additional safety measures................. 46 2.4 Visual field motion....................... 47 2.5 EMG electrodes and preamplification........ 52 2.6 EMG processing.................... 53 2.7 Acceleration measurements.................. ..... 55 6 - 2.8 Goniometers................. 2.9 Computer control of stimuli and data conversion................ ... .......... 55 2.10 Miscellaneous equipment..... CHAPTER 3 - .......... 57 00* *0 * 0 59 .. 62 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE AND STATISTICAL DESIGN ...... . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.1 Preparation of the subject.... ............. 62 3.2 Basic procedure for each drop.......... 64 3.3 Statistical design of experiments.......... 67 EXPERIMENTS CHAPTER 4 AND RESULTS............... 71 4.1 Stimulus combinations.................... 71 4.2 Preliminary tests ................... 75 4.3 Testing order and coding of trials ......... 81 4.4 General description of the EMG response.... 82 4.5 Statistical analysis of the data........... 4.6 Reactions to different 104 acceleration 131 4. 7 General habituation. 4. 8 Main visual effects............. 4. 9 Interaction .............. 00...0 142 effects............ .000.00..... INTERPRETATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS...... 5. 1 153 Proposed model for early response generation........... 5.2 147 149 4. 1C Coactivation coefficients.................. CHAPTER 5 141 . ........ 162 Possible physiological explanations for visual-vestibular interactions during the early response...................... 169 -7 5.3 Chapter 6 Additional experiments suggested by the early response model............. 174 5.4 Synthesis of the late response............. 176 5.5 Significance of results in terms of models of internal feedback during intended movement......... - APPENDIX A - SUMMARY.............................. 179 184 ..... REVIEW OF POSTURAL TESTS OF 190 VESTIBULAR'FUNCTION..................... A.l Advantages and disadvantages of behavioral tests .................... . 190 Common stimuli used to provide gross disturbances to the vestibular systen... 191 Individual limb movements induced by vestibular stimuli...................... 192 A.4 Normal and induced sway during standing.... 194 A.5 The A.6 Effects of vestibular disturbances on A.2 A.3 A.7 APPENDIX B - tipping test......................... segmental reflexes.................... 196 Tests of balance during walking............ 197 THE FUNCTION OF THE VESTIBULAR SYSTEM AND RELATED BRAINSTEM STRUCTURES IN THE CONTROL OF POSTURE........ B.2 General structure and innervation of ... the vestibular nuclei............ ... ....... Afferent inflow to the vestibular nu B.3 Primary vestibular afferents........ B.1 195 200 200 207 207 -8 B.4 Response patterns of central vestibular neurons to primary vestibular . 209 B.5 Commissural connections.................... 214 B.6 Direct spinal afferents..................... 215 B.7 Cerebellar function in relation to the vestibular nuclei.............. 217 afferent input ............. .......... 217 B.7.1 General cerebellar physiology............ B.7.2 Input to the vestibulo-cerehellum........ 218 B.7.3 Output of the vestibuld-cerebellum....... 221 B.7.4 Direct projections of the spinal cerebellum to the vestibular nuclei..... 222 Fastiaial B.7.5 B.8 nuclei.. 223 Reticular formation afferents to the 225 vestibular nuclei............... ....... B.9 Efferents from vestibular nuclei to reticular formation..................... 226 B.10 Influence of brainstem and cerebellum on spinal mechanisms................*... 226 B.11 Lateral vestibulospinal tract (lVST)....... 227 B.12 Medial vestibulospinal tract (mVST)........ 229 B.13 Caudal vestibulospinal tract............... 230 B.14 Reticulospinal tract..................... 230 B.15 Control of the motor system............. 231 B.16 Functional characteristics of stretch refl .... x... ... ... B.17 o .... ... 2 interaction during reflexes and movement..... . . . .. ... . ... .... .... ... 236 ... 238 - . . .. B.18 Effects of LVT1 and VST activity on motor activity initiated elsewhere...... 242 B.19 Flexor reflex interaction with the vestibular system....... ............... 244 -9 B.20 Sources of decerebrate rigidity............ 246 B.21 Eighth nerve section in intact animals..... 247 B.22 Fastigial lesions and atonia............... 249 B.23 Brainstem and cerebellar function during locomotion ............ . . . . . . .. . 250 APPENDIX C - EMG PROCESSOR SCHEMATIC AND SPECIFICATIONS..................0 254 APPENDIX D - STATISTICAL ANALYSIS PROCEDURE . ............. . 258 263 l 1u LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES Fig. 1.1 - Major muscles of the hip, thigh and leg... Fig. 1.2 - Fig. 2.1 - Idealized limb positioning at the instant of contact with the ground following a short fall.................. 43 2. 2 - Braking system............ Fig. 2. 3 - Visual field motion svstem........... Fig. 2. 4 - Example of type of visual field ............... pattern used. ................... - 42 . Fia. 2.5 21 Subject suspension system and safety devices..0 ........... ............... Fig. 21 45 ..... 49 ...... Map of restricted visual field using 0 0 0 * . . .. 0 . 0 . * .. 04 ....... goggles,.... .... 51 Fig. 2. 6 - Electrode preamplifier schematic.......... 54 Fig. 2. 7 - Accelerometer and amplifier schematic..... 56 Fig. 2. 8 - Leg goniometer assembly................... 58 Fig. 3.1 - Leg electrode positions................... 65 Table 4.1 - Description of subjects................... 72 Fig. - 4.1 Acceleration and velocity profiles for acceleration stimuli used in drop tests ....................... Table 4.2 - . Combinations of acceleration profile and visual field which were tested...... Fig. 4.2 Table 4.3 - Acceleration measurements taken at the harness with 160 lbs. of added weight for calibration........ ................ - 73 76 78 Drop test sequence for block 1 and block 2 (reverse of block l)........ 83 - Table 4.4 ILJI Drop tests grouped by test type, giving sequence positions .... in blocks 1 and 2.......... ... 0. 84 Fig. 4.3.1 - Subject EMA, tests 0.5G/N/Bl/1-3 ......... 85 Fig. 4.3.2 - Subject EMA, tests 0.85G/N/Bl/1-3......... 86 Fig. 4.3.3 - Subject EMA, tests RG/N/Bl/l-3...000000000 87 Fig. 4.3.4 - Subject EMA, tests OG/D/Bl/-3.0000000000 88 Fig. 4.3.5 - Subject DDL, tests 0.5G/N/Bl/l-3.......0. 89 Fig. 4.3.6 - Subject DDL, tests 0.85G/N/Bl/l-3 ..... 90 Fig. 4.3.7 - Subject LLA, tests 0.5G/N/B2/l-3.......... 91 Fig. 4.3.8 - Subject LLA, tests 0.85G/N/B2/-3......... 92 Fig. 4.3.9 - Subject TWA, tests 0.5G/N/B2/l-3 .......... 93 Fig. 4.3.10 - Subject TWA, tests 0.85G//B2/l-3......... 94 Fig. 4.3.11 - Subject PPE, tests 0.5G/N/B2/1-3 .......... 95 Fig. 4.3.12 - Subject PPE, tests 0.85G/N/B2/l-3. ..... . 96 Fig. 4.3.13 - Subject tests 0.5G/N/Bl/l-3 .......... 97 Fig. 4.3.14 - Subject Fig. 4.4.1 Fig. 4.4.2 - PIlE, tests 0.85G/N/Bl/l-3. Gastrocnemius, integrated EMG during entire 0...0 ...00000 fall.... 000 98 108 Soleus, integrated ENG during entire fall....... 109 Fig. 4.4.3 - Tibialis anterior, integrated EMG during entire fall....... 110 Fig. 4.4.4 - Rectus femoris, integrated EMG during entire fall....... 111 Fig. 4.4.5 - Biceps femoris, integrated EMG during entire fall....... Fig. 4.4.6 - 112 Gastrocnemius, integrated EMG during early response.... 113 Fig. 4.4.7 - Soleus, integrated EMG during early response.... 114 - 12 Fig. 4.4.8 Fig. 4.4.9 - - Tibialis anterior, integrated EMG during early response.... - Rectus 115 femoris, integrated EMG during early response.... 116 Fig. 4.4.10 - Biceps femoris, integrated EMG during early response .... 117 Fig. 4.4.11 - Gastrocnemius, integrated EMG during late response..... 118 Fig. 4.4.12 - Soleus, integrated EMG during late response..... Fig. 4.4.13 - Tibialis anterior, integrated EMG during late response..... Fig. 4.4.14 - Fig. Fig. 4.4.16 4.4.17 - 120 Rectus femoris, integrated EMG during late response..... Fig. 4.4.15 - 119 121 Biceps femoris, integrated EMG during late response..... 122 Gastrocnemius, integrated EMG( during contact........... 123 Soleus, integrated EMG during contact........... 124 Fig. 4.4.18 - Tihialis anterior, integrated EMG during contact... .. a.s.. Fig. 4.4.19 - . 125 Rectus femoris, integrated EMG during contact........... 126 Fig. 4.4.20 - Biceps femoris, integrated EMG during contact........... 127 Fig. 4.5.1 - Integrated EMG during early response, normal visual field conditions.......... 132 Fig. Fig. 4.5.2 4.5.3 - Integrated EM4G during late response, normal visual field conditions.......06 Average integrated EPMG 136 (per unit time) during early response, normal visual field conditions.......... Fig. 4.5.4 - 137 Integrated EMG during contact, normal visual field conditions.......... 139 - 13 Table 4.5 Table 4.6 Fig. 5.1 - - - Coactivation coefficients for 0.5G/N and 0.85G/N falls................. 150 GN-TA and SL-TA coactivation coefficients for 0.5G and 0.85G late responses: all visual conditions................. 150 Model for determination of early response magnitude..................... ........ . 163 201 Table B.1 - Abbreviations used in text................ Fig. B.1 - Primary vestibular afferents to cerebellum..... ........... . .. Secondary vestibular afferents to cerebellum.... .............. . ... Fig. Fig. B.2 B.3 - - *. Cerebellar outflow to the vestibular nuclei ...... . . . .. . . . . . projections.... .... ..... . . B.4 - Fig. B.5 - Simplified representation of VST and MLF innervation pattern................. Fig. C.. Table C.1 Fig. Fig. C. 2 C.3 tract 202 . 203 .. . a 04 Fig. Vestibulospinal . 205 205 - EMG processor schematic for one channel... 255 - Transfer functions for individual stages of the EMG processor.................... 256 - Magnitude plot for bandpass stage of EMG processor ... .............................. 257 - Step response of third order averager compared to Butterworth filters......... Table D.l 204 - 257 Variance estimates for main and interaction terms of three way split plot experimental design................. 261 - 14 - - I 4M :) CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION: UNEXPECTED FALLS AS A TOOL FOR STUDYING VESTIBULOSPINAL MECHANISMS ear, The labyrinth organs of the inner the and otoliths, provide acceleration canals semicircular extremely and gravitational orientation information which is for develop labyrinthine balance, maintaining in difficulty cases in However, proportions. suffer initially disorders People stability. postural maintaining useful include which who from which may reach severe permanent of vestibular patients are often capable of compensating for the loss of vestibular function by increasing the role of vision disorders, and proprioception in postural maintenance. This phenomenon raises the question of what role vision might have people. in Recent conflicting contributing to postural reactions in normal reports visual cues have may indicated in that induce destabilizing postural reactions with very short latencies (Lestienne et al., Nashner baboon). and Berthoz, Therefore, 1978; Vidal et al., one problem is to determine man, 1977; 1979, in the the manner in which visual cues are combined with vestibular information under various circumstances. to - Because the motor system is designed far stable posture, motor commands arising must be coordinated system accomplish of tasks than merely the maintenance variety greater to to the current state of activity. A wide variety of motor activities seem to be organized influence vestibular these unit recording and of electrical reveal tracts motor muscle similarly organized. be to expected upon groups of stimulation in locomotion (Grillner et al., 1975; Kots, 1976; Shik posture .of and vestibulospinal is Orlovsky, of goal visual-vestibular this one mechanisms, interactions two fallI is study during Sensory interaction and are if example, vestibulospinal of Rational?. for choosinZ unexpected adjustments. For pages 227-252. see Appendix B, synthesis initial The the distribution of commands is asymmetric. flexed, One 1976). the subject may also influence which muscles are For a more extensive review 1.1 limb, the 1970, 1971; Hongo et al., affected by vestibulospinal commands. leg be descending activity with respect to extension and flexion of as might The results of single coordinated highly in exertion of of synergistic muscle activation patterns; terms of vestibular the from a to rapid investigate postural vestibulospinal motor aspects of the problem which are treated simultaneously in this study. 17 - With this goal, the first major Investigations of reactions. of disturbances external reactions postural human to position dur ing stance have body been performed by Nashner (1970, 1971, 1976, 1973, 1977). motions were later added to the basic paradigm field (Nashner and Berthoz, 1978), which of consisted asking a maintain upright stance on a platf orm which could to person of an appropriate paradigm for studying rapid postural choosing Visual consisted task feedback angle ankle be servo-controlled to eliminate and could also be suddenly moved in an anteroposte rior direction. While this type of experiment is conducive to analysis that otoliths, canals, semicircular makes information interpretation In difficult. vision and difficult to extract any test makes it all contribute physiological fundamental addition, hip, and ankle the at sensors proprioceptive system the fact a response to an external disturbance, of significant linear the nature of this kind of information about sensory to motor processing and transmission latencies. were Unexpected, short falls external in disturbance advantageous features. defined, allowing the fall after landing. chosen as the study because of a number of The onset of the stimulus is various sensory-motor latencies clearly to be The primary effect of postural reactions clearly determined. during this finally is to minimize jolts and loss of balance Unlike the case of disturbance during stance in which the reaction itself immediately affects the stimulus 18 - - to the vestibular organs in a closed-loop feedback mode, the postural reactions during a fall are not part of a corrective feedback scheme. employed. Feedback overlooked, release Instead, though; may alter of a a muscle strategy nature must be not be must contractions following head position, and, thus, alter the effective stimulus to the gamma different neck the predictive labyrinths. Activation of neck motoneurones-may result in even faster changes in neck afferent feedback reaching vestibulosninal tract neurons. addition, since' the mass of the legs is In a significant fraction of body mass, knee and hip flexion will also result in motion of the upper body and head which would be different from that of a passive body. By surrounding the subject with a movable visual field, the visual cues can be altered independently of the accelerations and acceleration stimuli. By confining the study to vertical visual field vertical motions, any significant effects can probably be explained in terms of gravireceptor without the influence. of the confounding effects of involvement, semicircular (If the head is facing forward during fall, antero-posterior head initiation motion due to passive effects was observed to be minimal.) Experimental of the linear and anqular modes is important, influences from the canals and canal otoliths may separation since spinal be channeled 19 - - pathways, different through and intermediate processing of angular and linear accelerations may be totally different (Precht, character 1974). The remainder of this chapter consists of a of underlying rationale the the discussion development of the basic The action procedure, with references to the literature. of major leg muscle groups is reviewed in the context of an the appropriate reaction to a short fall, followed by of in reactions the After the essential features of are falls summary EMG reactions during falls as reported by other observed authors. a to outlined, individual articles from the literature detail. are examined in more the Throughout review, the findings are discussed with emphasis on their significance in motivating certain aspects of the present study. 1.2 Brief description of procedure Each subject was suspended in a safety harness connected by a cable to an electric brake and surrounded by a patterned visual field which could be moved vertically. subject dropped unexpectedly at accelerations of 0.85g was (somewhat slower than free fall) field could be or less, and varying to determine adjusting the visual moved either up, down, or remain stationary with respect to the laboratory during the fall. by The In addition, the acceleration in mid-fall, it may be possible the if the motor sensorimotor response system timing to is capable account of for the - 6- W - alteration. 1..3. Action .of maigr 1.g muscles In this study, EMG measurements from the were leg soleus, biceps femoris. femoris and anterior, tibialis In order of these muscles will to action interpretation of the EMG recordings, the primary each of These recorded using surface EMG electrodes. muscles were the gastrocnemius, rectus muscles five aid of be reviewed, as well as other. important muscles of the hip and leg which are not accessible with surface recording techniques. Figure 1.1 on page 21 shows a the groups of the leg. muscle major version schematized of The ideal strategy of muscle activation to prepare for landing involves both proper positioning of the stiffness about each minimize joints joint and adjustment of the effective during order In landing. to transmission of impact forces of the landing to the upper part of the body and spinal column, should be flexed, a position, the hip and as shown in figure 1.2 on page 21. knee In such the weight and momentum of the body during impact will tend to cause further passive flexion. EMG recordings do not allow conclusions quantitative about the associated muscle forces; only qualitative features are indicated in comparisons of the recordings muscles. of different With this in mind, some of the constraints involved - 21 gluteal muscles iliopsoas hamstrings, including biceps femoris quadriceps: rectus femoris vastus medialis vastus intermedius vastus lateralis \ short head of biceps femoris gastrocnemius - soleus '< tibialis anterior Figure 1.1. Major muscles of the hip, thigh and leg. hip knee ankle Figure Idealized limb positioning at the instant of 1.2. contact with the ground following a short fall. - 22 - in possible landing strategies should be considered. It is obvious that if the hip is the knee is fully extended (A =0), ( "=0) extended and then the impact of landing on the upper body can only be reduced by plantar flexing feet such 0 that >0 at contact. Contraction of the soleus muscle at contact will slow the passive dorsiflexion ankle in order to with if of the reduce the velocity of the heel when it contacts the floor a fraction of a second later. fall, the During the the tibialis anterior is contracted simultaneously the the soleus, ankle position may change not significantly, but the effective stiffness will increase. the knee and hip are extended, the forces of contact heel will be transmitted bones and spinal column, directly If at the upward through the leg analogous to a rigid pillar hitting the ground. For strategy even short would falls, the previous be painful if not dangerous. hypothetical By flexing the knee prior to contact, much of the imp-act can be absorbed further passive flexion. In addition, all of the muscles acting at the knee joint can then exert fine control landing with varying degrees of contraction. gastrocnemius muscle acts at both the knee and ankle contraction of the Since the joints, will achieve the same effect as the soleus as in the prior strategy, but will also act to flex the knee. hamstring by muscles, The including the biceps femoris also aid in - 23 - knee flexion. Hip flexion prior to contact will peak forces acting on the muscle is the most effective rectus spinal of reduce of to the hip, the the The iliopsoas femoris also contributes to hip flexion. but the Because the intra-abdominal the iliac pelvis and spine, it is inaccessible with surface EMG techniques. the column. flexor iliopsoas is a deep muscle attached face further The rectus femoris lies just beneath fascia lata of the anterior thigh and is easily recorded with surface electrodes. contributes to knee However, the extension rectus since femoris also it is part of the Since the biceps femoris, in addition to flexing quadriceps group. knee, and also extends the hip, recordings from rectus femoris biceps femoris do concerning hip not flexion. biceps allow Many flexion and extension, so more the that accurate other any conclusions muscles results affect obtained hip from femoris and rectus femoris must be interpreted from a phenomenological soleus, and tibialis ankle joint, so that perspective. anterior more The gastrocnemius, are the prime movers of the definite indications concerning mechanical strategies should be evident from EMG recordings. The previous discussion has with proper limb positioning been in flexion of the hip, knee, and ankle concerned order joints to primarily allow passive during contact. 24 - - It be pointed out that during suspension in a safety should slightly harness, the knee and hip are usually flexed when relaxed; any additional flexion may be achieved by relatively limbs unloaded. are By the contrast, forces prevent collapse following contact are much the the because muscles correct low level contractions of the needed to greater due to sudden loading of the legs by the weight and momentum of the body. 1_4 Salient features of the electromyographic Electromyographic (EMG) manifestations lower leg patterns patterns response involuntary an of the stereotyped EMG These falls. unexpected during demonstrate eye, neck and around the in other muscles including those of the numerous and muscles, reactions response of include vestibular origin, and as such, they provide an excellent medium for the The stimuli. motor and function study of otolith in reaction involuntary begins about 75 msec after release and Greenwood 100 msec. and responses phasic soleus muscle the continues (1976a) Hopkins to for about found that this reaction was absent in the two labrynthine defective patients which they baboons, Lacour tested. this subcomponents, et al. be (1978) showed that in separated two could the first of which disappears after bilateral labyrinthectomy and the second of which is magnitude. into response These only reduced in results indicate that the labyrinths, and - 25 - specifically, presumably the otoliths responsible for triggering the early primarily are following response release, though other sensory systems may contribute. the If the duration of the fall is long enough, first response is followed by a period of diminished EMG, and then, a subsequent increase which reaches a maximum 40 to 140 prior reaction is presumed This latter to contact. upon voluntary origin and is dependent judgement of If acceleration. of to be of subject's height above the landing platform and his his downward rate the both msec the subject releases himself, no initial involuntary or "startle" reaction is seen (Greenwood and Hopkins, 1976a). responses preprogrammed The EMG reactions seem to be similar to the EMG burst second during unexpected falls. 1.5 Effect§ _f habituation and expectation The EMG initial (Greenwood and 1976a). Hopkins, very rapidly Amplitudes decrease habituate responses significantly over the first several drops, but persist at relatively steady level thereafter, a for drops of the same height and acceleration. In this study the ordering of different test conditions was Therefore, randomized. habituation significant. to the For drops, example, the in addition testing order to overall may be the results of a given test may - depend problems on the were aware of such parameters no-t 26 - of the insuperable, potential but it interactions overall experimental design. previous test. These was necessary to be for (See Chapter 3.) the purpose of 27 - 1.6 Preprogrammed aspects continually versus updated parameters of the reaction Many a It is of central concern to determine what features of the motor sequence can For (1976b), timing according example, be to modified during Hopkins and Greenwood the seems that for falls of sufficient duration, it the of second, EMG functional the and ground his rate of his height acceleration. It was hypothesized that the magnitude of the initial during acceleration release in transient is the cue that determines the timing of the EMG prior to landing. to the prior to response landing depends upon the subject's perception of above be of preprogrammed. fall. to appear jump voluntary aspects One to way test this the pattern of acceleration during the would be change fall. Instead of an initial step in acceleration, either a gradual increase or a series of smaller steps in acceleration could be achieved with an appropriate sequence of restraining on forces the method, falls of acceleration If harness suspension during the fall. By this radically different equal duration, but sequences could be compared. acceleration changes after release can be affect the response, then it shown is clear that there must exist a time after which acceleration information from the otoliths can no longer modify the timing of the pre-contact EMG. latency might be comparable to the involuntary response, but to not latency of necessarily, the This initial since the two 28 - - transmission neural latencies reflect processing and times for different phenomena. The fact unexpected that the response earliest commands vestibulospinal indicate to be to the soleus transmitted that galvanic stimulation of the vestibular onset the of as H-reflex the apparatus causes potentiation of following for time minimum Soleus H-reflex tests in humans by Kots muscle, for example. 30 msec an release occurs at a latency of 75 msec should not be used to infer that this represents the (1976) following soon as Studies by the stimulus. Matthews and Whiteside (1960) in the human and by Watt in the cat personal (1980, communication) revealed effects on the but the H-reflex with a similarly short latency, initially followed by a period of facilitation. inhibitory, It was hypothesized that manifestation of was effect the EMG earliest reaction is a this facilitatory period, since the timing of the two events coincides. These latter results cannot be reconciled with those of Kots, but it is clear that the early EMG reaction does not reflect the earliest activity occuring at the segmental level. 1.7 Previous studies of unexpect-gd falls Melvill Jones and Watt (1971a) tested unexpected by electromagnetically which a subject held. releasing an They demonstrated overhead that falls handle onto the reaction during landing could not be explained as a functional stretch - 29 - late reflex, since such a reflex would have occurred too be (See Appendix B, assistance- in preventing collapse. of to section B.16, for a review of the functional stretch reflex.) By dropping subjects from different heights, they showed that contact; were for because jolt uncomfortable an by for a functional response to occur. time the latency landing occuring independently of a with 74 msec of latency If a The short should be independent of height. response, of quality functional stretch reflex were responsible, then the of to falls of less than 160 msec duration, landings characterized insufficient prior determined was the gastrocnemius reaction timing height, was also first documented by drop Melvill Jones and Watt. Recent of experiments personal (1980, Watt communication) have been performed in the horizontal position and in zero-g conditions in parabolic. aircraft experimental experiment, subject to protocol similar was The to that in the previous except that elastic bungee cords the flight. connecting the landing platform replaced the gravitational force; with the bungee cords under tension, the subject would be propelled toward the landing platform upon release of the overhead handle. the early The results from these tests indicated that response magnitude horizontal position, over a is greatly reduced. period of several For the hours the response gradually increases toward the magnitude seen in the vertical, one-g situation. This suggests that the one-g - 30 of biasing the early response which a potentiating effect on the has saccules is temporarily diminished when the saccules are unbiased. In addition to substantiating the Jones and (1976a,b) defective showed that magnitude is an increasing Their subjects were cable to an of Melvill and demonstrating the absence of the early Watt, response in labrynthine Hopkins results the of and Greenwood early response the acceleration. in a harness connected by a suspended By soleus function electromagnetic counterweights. patients, release varying the and system a of counterweighting, step acceleration profiles of less than one-g could be tested. variations Several other interesting features of procedure the of the response. If the subjects were early allowed to release themselve.s, no revealed response occurred; remained. In another variation, unexpected falls were tested in which the only the functional eyes were closed and the fall height was chosen at subject's random from one of two heights; with response pre-contact the late reaction occurred a latency which was between those for falls from the two heights when the subject knew the height tests usually elicited sensations of beforehand. surprise from These the subjects, indicating that the actual fall duration was either greater or less than expected. This further verified that the late EMG reaction is under voluntary control and shows - 31 none of the features of a functional stretch reflex, since the timing can vary relative to the contact time in ambiguous situations. j.8 Possible visual-vestibular inter-actions may The initial involuntary reaction useful tool for studying vestibulospinal other motor systems, be generated prove provided that it Its absence people strongly the origin. initial reaction semicircular is. as its still canals, present in 1976). Several though. For example, while peripheral organs vestibular neurons, interruption vestibular nuclei, vestibular nuclei possibilities this degeneration may and vestibular vestibulospinal especially motor likely, plugged degeneration (Watt, considered, of of primary also may the cause and oculomotor pathways through the may act input to trigger descending visual be degeneration cause which with responsible must may visual of The fact that this cats indicates that the otoliths are probably vestibular implicates disappears after labyrinthectomy, but other a can be clearly shown to in totally labyrinthine-defective system be interactions with primarily by the vestibular system. vestibular to affect as motor information but into This commands. of visual-vestibular interaction The gates, requiring vestibular activity, considering function. channeling the synthesis of possibility recent physiological in the both vestibular seems evidence nuclei - 32 (Keller and Precht, 1978, - 1979a,b; Waespe and Henn, 1977; Daunton et al., 1979; Henn et al., 1974; Dichgans et al., 1973; Allum et al., 1976) and behavioral experiments (Nashner and Berthoz, 1978; Lestienne et al., 1977; Vidal et al., 1979). The visual Keller influence and on vestibular nuclei. semicircular Precht the studies firing revealed rates ubiquitous of neurones in the Cells receiving input from the horizontal canals also showed .substantial modulation of firing rate with horizontal rotation of the visual such that surround, rotation of the visual field had a similar effect to rotation of the animal in the opposite direction. The response dynamics of these cells were linear for combinations of horizontal visual and vestibular stimulation; the rolloff frequency for the response to visual field velocity was about 0.25 Hz. Contrary to previous theories, the cerebellum was shown to be unnecessary for mediating these visual influences on vestibular nuclei units. not show adaptation of However, cerebellectomized cats the vestibulo-ocular reflex when reversing prisms are worn, indicating that the cerebellum necessary for mediating such adaptation. typically saturate at visual is Saturation of the response of the vestibular neurons occurred for visual velocities above 3 to 10 degrees/sec, do field whereas floccular units velocities greater than 33 - Though 1 degree/sec. latter figure for the floccular this were units may be of questionable accuracy since the results obtained with anesthetized animals (Simpson and Alley, 1974), a significant difference between the saturation velocity and floccular further units vestibular for suggests that visual input non-cerebellar sources are responsible for the to the vestibular nuclei. One for method in unexpectedly a this testing is drop to patterned chamber which can be visually dropped with the subject or moved opposite to direction the In addition, the test should be performed with eyes of fall. closed and in the dark field visual subjects with is motion necessarily not nulling since open, eyes visual input (Huang and Young, 1980; Waespe of equivalent to no 1980). al., et Any differences might be observed as changes in the magnitude of integrated the different EMG soleus accelerations have "startle" been shown different response magnitudes (Greenwood Since to result and Hopkins, in 1976b). visual cues in these experiments may be misleading, an ideal strategy might be to minimize the influence information throughout the entire testing realizing that the cues are misleading. these since reaction, visual of sequence after This implies that experiments may demonstrate the minimum influence that the visual input can have on the motor response system. A completely analogous argument applies to tactile - 34 cues; - and other proprioceptive cues tactile unfortunately, cannot be totally separated from vestibular cues. In account for all possibilities, the paradigm can be to order the as considered test a which proprioception, of of utilization generalized sensory input from tactile, includes receptors. vestibular and muscle, joint, internal visceral In the case of the early response, specifically, the reaction can be considered as a proprioception generalized intact labyrinths to provide the predominant requires which of test component. (1979) recently completed a set of animal Vidal et al. Baboons experiments somewhat similar to those reported here. were seated in chair a unexpectedly was which Both this feature Contact was slowed with an elastic system. obviated a seated position pre-contact response in the leg muscles, late the in were baboons and the fact that the dropped. which rapidly disappeared short-latency early response However, repetition. with not disappear, and it is did this EMG reaction which was measured in the muscle. soleus early response was shown to be reduced in situations of This stabilized vision and darkness relative to falls in a visual environment. to baboon's head normal The the visual reported possibility A provide lighted box stabilized was placed vision, normal over the whereas the field consisted of the laboratory environment. results that the might baboon be explained could simply by the preset the reflex gain 35 - before the fall beforehand. depending These - upon issues will the visual be discussed early response conditions further in Chapter 5. Vidal subdivided the subcomponents which could be readily distinguished of the raw EMG. from In the baboon, the first two into in records subcomponent occurs 60 to 100 msec after initiation of the drop. Different visual field conditions were reported to affect predominantly the second subcomponent, although the first subcomponent was affected in certain reported that cases, sensory subcomponent. conditions Lacour labyrinthectomy subcomponent, but only other also. reduces modalities et al. eliminates the second, contribute (1978) the first implying that to the second However, Vidal has reported that visual also field sometimes modify the amplitude of the first subcomponent. Nashner and interaction Berthoz during (1978) rapid tested postural reactions antero-posterior sway during standing. rails could be suddenly subject who was standing surrounding the displaced on it conditions A cart to induced mounted on backwards, causing the sway forward. A box subject provided a visual field which could be moved relative to the subject Three to visual-vestibular were during investigated. the induced sway. In the first case (N, normal) the box and cart were rigidly connected, resulting in - 36 - visual field displacement in the opposite direction relative to the direction the stabilized) of In sway. box was stabilized with respect to the head so that no relative visual field third (E, case (S, condition second the motion In occurred. the relative visual field motion was enhanced) enhanced by reversing the box motion relative to the head; in this situation the relative visual field velocity was twice that of the normal (N) condition. Gastrocnemius EMG recordings from the above experiments visual revealed 100 msec. onset During the to 100 the on influences 150 msec early as as response following interval of the stimulus, EMG in the S condition was suppressed relative to the N condition. the E condition also suppressed the response in that result Perhaps more surprising was the this time interval, but not as These much. were findings as suggesting that any visual discongruence with interpreted other senses caused the short latency response to be reduced, allowing more time for the discongruence to be resolved prior to longer latency reactions. the of responses However, gastrocnemius increased magnitude of sway in the S condition This clearly longer latency resulted condition, and in the an E reduced the magnitude relative to the N condition. that suggests compensatory are not. the in the nature, longer latency reactions are whereas the short latency responses - 37 Sequential the repetition of the S conditions revealed that short latency (100 to 150 msec) response was susceptible to adaptation; the reaction to became increasingly the similar to discongruent conditions that during the normal (N) condition after several repetitions. Thus, Nashner and Berthoz have convincingly demonstrated visual motion influence on rapid motor reactions during a postural disturbance. of 30 Assuming a transmission to 50 msec from brain to gastrocnemius muscle, information must be processed within the first time visual 70 msec 50 to following onset of the stimulus. Pathways involving the superior suggested possible as influences. Maeda et al. stimulation of routes for these been visual fast and vestibular nerve produce a complex pattern of IPSP's and EPSP's in spinal motoneurones, is consistent with the fact that these pathways to the which revealed that forelimb studies Interaction disynaptic. motoneurones are at least and have (1977) have shown in the frog that tectum both colliculus the vestibular and optic pathways to the neck motoneurones are independent and not do significantly interact until the influences of these pathways are integrated should at obviously visual-vestibular the not motoneurone be level. interpreted interactions are to this However, mean transmitted that via no these pathways, since both the tectum and vestibular nuclei receive 38 - visual-vestibular inputs. visual both vestibular and It is possible that of a different nature can be interactions conveyed to the spinal level via both the vestibulospinal and the tectospinal pathways. et (Anderson superior 1971) al., Studies were performed in the cat to determine influence the of on neck motoneurones; it was determined colliculus that both tectospinal and tectoreticulospinal pathways may be of collicular For a general overview of postural tests of vestibular responsible for mediating the effects stimulation on neck motoneurones. function, see Appendix A beginning on page 190. Anatomy and physiology of brainstem structures relevant to the vestibular system and posture beginning on page 200. control are reviewed in Appendix B - 39 - - 40 - CHAPTER 2 DESCRIPTION OF APPARATUS Because much of the equipment used in custom built conditions, it before to accommodate is detailing appropriate the the to experimental this study necessary the describe was stimulus equipment procedure itself. This chapter includes a description of the apparatus sufficient to how illustrate the proper stimulus conditions were created and controlled and how data was processed and recorded. The basic procedure required suspending a human subject in a safety harness in an upright position and unexpectedly releasing him upon deactivation of an brake. electric A checkered pattern covering most of the subject's visual field Electromyographic could be moved vertically during the fall. (EMG) in various leg muscles was recorded in order activity to observe the relationships between vertical gravireceptive and visual cues and the preparation for landing. components The major of the apparatus included an electric brake and controller; harness and suspension system, plus various processor; safety devices; and accelerometer visual moving field; EMG (for joint angle goniometers measurements); and PDP-11 computer, which output the stimulus waveform to the acceleration, and brake joint and controller angle data to converted digital form EMG, for 41 - - storage. 2.1 Electric brake and controller steel The harness was connected to a 1/8 inch diameter which cable, passed a pair of pulley wheels near the over ceiling and wound around a 4-inch diameter take-up drum. figure 2.1 on page 42. The See take-up drum was mounted on a shaft together with ,a Warner electric PB-500 See brake. Full activation of the brake armature figure 2.2 on page 43. to -90 VDC provided a static braking of torque 40 ft.-lbs. is the equivalent of 240 lbs. of restraining force at a This drum radius of 2 inches, which was adequate for all the of subjects tested. Maximum acceleration during a drop could be achieved by the armature voltage to zero. reducing the armature and take-up achievable acceleration inertia, drum maximum the Any acceleration less 0.9 g. was Primarily because of than 0.9 g could be obtained by reducing the magnitude of the voltage armature 90 VDC. The activation 90 VDC from torque-velocity level of the some value between 0 and to characteristics brake for a given complicated the problem of This providing a constant restraining force during the drop. was partially overcome by predetermining the appropriate armature voltage as a function of time following release. The brake armature was powered by a modified Warner - 42 (/ 6stophits spring when subject descends below a safe level vertically cloth pattern right side mirror /1 electric brake knee angle limiter platform for subject to stand on, so that U cable can be reeled in for next drop athletic mat 0ee....000 e~. .*** ...... * 0 0g *eO Se .. .0a00000g.. eg .. . 000aa00 e *g*0 Figure 2.1. Subject suspension system and safety devices. e - 43 - electromagnet and friction face brake armature steel cable - shock cord, to maintain tautness of ca ble VOLTAGE-CONTROLLED POWER SUPPLY '1 I.E 6oHz 3/qA N40y max. excite/ external input T P5.. switch external input + . ... .. Figure 2.2. O q5K f.zi * Braking system. . s **0 * * 06 - 44 - The original device was only capable of manually MCS-153-3. controlled on-off switching excitation voltage. This and had potentiometer-adjustable to be modified to allow an externally provided voltage from a computer control the armature voltage. channel to The gain was adjusted such that a 5-volt input resulted in the maximum The D/A -90 VDC output. gain could be increased in order to accommodate subjects weighing more than 160 lbs. All except one subject weighed slightly less than 160 lbs., and in these cases, weights were added above the harness assembly in order to bring the total This precluded having to change the input weight to 160 lbs. waveforms for a desired acceleration profile. In order to check the accuracy and repeatability of the desired acceleration profiles, the brake system was tested The with 160 lbs. of iron weights attached to the harness. repeatability was such that time of.contact with the landing surface varied less than 5%. The electromechanical time constant for armature deactivation was about 40 msec. 1 2. Harness and suspension system The safety harness number 444) was (Mori Safety Products, connected to the figure 2.1 on page 42 and figure 2.3 tubing guideways prevented the Toronto, part steel cable as shown in on page 45. subject from Aluminum swinging excessively and eliminated rotation about the vertical axis. The left and right steel cables to the harness passed through + + + + + + + +++++++++ + + 4-90 bO L + + + + + s + + + + - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++I + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + +++++++++++++ +++ +++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ ++ + + ++ + ++ + -+ + + +, ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++ + + + + + . + + + + + + + + +++++ + +A + + + + ++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + +++ + +r-i-3+ +++m++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +++ + + + + + + + + + + + +++++ + + +++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + ++ + + ++ ++ ++ +++++ ++ + ++ ++ ++ ++ + +r++ + ++ + + + +++ + + + + + + + +++ + + + + + + + + + + ' + + ++++ +++++ + + + + + + + + + ++++++++ + + . ++ ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + a 5* + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ +-++- o + + + + eG+L++c++++++++++++ + + + 0+0++e+++++++ + + + + + ri++o++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + +n + Q + + 0'+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + O+ + + + + + + + + + ++~I+++++++++++ -I E1: \ Iv-f -+ .+ -r- . 4-) W- - - - - - O .-0 -'0 -)-4-) -- er- - -IL+ e *0) 0(00 bO SC,). - 46 - the the wooden 2x4, which slid freely on the Since guideways. holes in the 2x4 were oversized compared to the guideway diameter, and the was friction itself guideway insignificant somewhat was flexible, The and jamming never occured. large turnbuckles above the harness allowed the assembly to be adjusted for subjects of varying heights. case As a preventive measure in the landing, inappropriate the collapsing to the floor by means of a between prevented begin to spring the compress it whenever the subject fell below a certain level. This level was chosen to the fully subject's from mounted spring large The metal stopper mounted on the cable would hit and completely pulleys wheels above the harness assembly. two the was subject a of erect In height. below 4 inches be a well controlled landing, the maximum knee flexion was such that most subjects did not fall below this level. 2.3 Additional safety measures provide Subjects were required to wear hiking boots to ankle support and to minimize the possibility of sprain or injury due to accidental inversion strap when the slightly flexed. than foot. the A nylon was connected from the rear of the boot to the rear of the harness, acting as a knee angle that of subject was limiter. suspended, This insured his knees would be The degree of flexion was not much greater would normally occur for a passive leg in the suspended 47 position, but did insure that active extension did not before contact in was the then landing a the preventing all Black no. 202495, medium; no. subjects Such would knees harness active have When the subject became unloaded, Full knee extension unnecessary fatigue. In wore elastic knee braces (Bauer and All landings were on 202657, large). one-inch-thick athletic matting type of surface, as well as boots and knee The supports, may significantly affect the parameters of the but since all of the tests were performed postural responses, these the straps to slacken. nylon addition, using of locking surface, possible, (Resilite). surface. a jolting and unsafe landing. was standing on allowing the possible extension and resulted with occur this mats, factor was not an uncontrolled variable. 2.4 Visual field motion Because of the importance of peripheral vision in detecting motion, the visual field motion system was designed to allow as much field coverage as possible. loop of cloth was stretched taut aluminum tubes, one near the floor and ceiling, 12 feet high. tube could be connected to assembly via A 7-foot wide between two horizontal the other near the See figure 2.3 on page 45. The top the harness the wooden 2x4 of a 1/16-inch diameter steel cable on either the left or right side of the tube. Each end of the top tube was - 48 - fitted with an adapter with spiral grooves such that the left and right cables were wound in opposite directions. By choosing to connect either the left or the right cable to the harness assembly, the visual field could be driven up or down at exactly the same speed as the subject. attaching an extension cable to cable, the visual field either the In addition, by left or right could be moved manually while the subject remained suspended. Acceleration of the subject during the fall was less than 3% because of the additional slowed inertial and frictional loads of the visual field motion system. The cloth pattern alternating one-inch was blue blue and vertically and horizontally. an example of that white gingham stripes, the type of pattern used. cloth with running See figure 2.4 on page the subject to the plane of the Assuming checkered 49 for The distance from pattern was 76 cm. the subject fixates on a point level with his eyes, the spatial frequency varies from about 0.2 cycles degree at the from the fovea. relative per fovea to 0.8 cycles per degree at 60 degrees The positional pattern cues spatial frequencies in this was were range quite uniform unlikely. are quite so that Patterns with effective generating linear vection sensation (Lestienne et al., this particular pattern was chosen powerful visual velocity cue. in order to in 1977); provide a - 49 - III!! !!!!!!! !!! 1!!! !!! HI!!! IHI -- ########## ---------- ######### ------ ########## ---------- ########## -------- ########## ---------- ########## #----------##########----------########## ## ---------- ########## ---------- ######### ##### ---------- ########## ---------- ######### II I !! M M!!!!! ! !! HIMM !!!!!! M I M!!!!!!!!!!! I ######### ---------- M!!!! ! !M!! ! M ! ##########---------- ! !! !! ######## ######## ---------- ########## ---------- ######## ######## ---------- ##########----------####### ######## ---------- ########## ---------- ####### ######## ---------- ########## ---------- ###### ######### ---------- ########## ---------- ##### IM!! ! ! M! M!!! M ! !!! 1 I ! !!! M ! !M ! ! M !!!!! 1! IM I !!!!! !!! M M!! ! ! M!! IM II! ####### ---------- ########## ---------- #### ##### ---------- ########## ---------- ### # ---------- ########## --------- Figure 2.4. Example of type of visual; f ield (scale, 1:1). pattern used - 50 A pair of 12-foot-high, metal-backed acrylic mirrors were placed at 60-degree angles to the cloth pattern in order to extend reflections of the pattern regions the of visual field. into The noticeable imperfections in flatness but these periphery; the acrylic when lateral-most mirrors viewed had directly, defects were not objectionable when viewed in the peripheral vision is very sensitive to velocity cues, but is notably insensitive to pattern variations. Ski goggles with clear (non-tinted) lenses were worn by subjects in order to eliminate areas of the floor and ceiling Stationary regions of the peripheral visual field from view. tend to cancel the vection effects of moving regions, so it was considered important to attempt to eliminate the No stationary were visible using the apparatus and regions procedure outlined in this study. for a plot of the effect. See figure 2.5 on page 51 approximate region of the visual field remaining with the goggles on, compared to the unrestricted The actual area may have varied somewhat, but in all field. cases none of the subjects could see the floor when facing variability in effective field area arose for myopic subjects who needed to straight wear ahead. corrective the Perhaps lenses. The greatest goggles fit over the lenses without difficulty, but it is possible that myopic people who wear glasses may interpret corrected field differently. visual influences outside the - 51 scales marked in de gre es 90 30 -~? -CC s3'0 40 30 9.0 I. RIGHT EYE LEFT EYE boundary of vision with goggles on Figure 2.5. boundary of normal vision Map of restricted visual field using goggles. - 52 The visual field light, incandescent The lighting. was illuminated order spatial with with effects the pattern was high of frequency fluorescent and enough for the latter problem to be of concern, provide would undesirable indirect eliminate shadows and to to stroboscopic possible prevent in - stationary cues. incandescent lamps were aimed at the walls to shadows Eight 150-watt left the with front and rear shields to eliminate direct light right, Shadows and to minimize light reflecting from the rear wall. on and the cloth pattern almost were imperceptible and very diffuse. 2.5 EMG electrodes and preamplification Differential EMG signals were obtained from each muscle of interest a using Hewlett-Packard pre-gelled, of pair disposable, Ag/AgCl surface electrodes with snap-on type electrode leads, (part number 14245B, number 14279A). part These electrodes have a wide adhesive collar which was very effective in preventing accidental detachment during testing. The electrode differential pairs preamplifiers The primary component of Devices provided which each the of to small were strapped to the leg. was preamplifier an Analog AD521K instrumentation amplifier with a CMRR greater than 90 dB and used with a circuit gain of pair input 100 kilohm input in order to 100. A matched resistors was placed in series with the decrease the possibility of accidental - 53 electric The electrodes and tapping See figure 2.6 on page 54 for a schematic. shock. were pushing initially on checked them. No for motion artifacts by artifacts were visible when using the application procedure described in the next chapter. Differential eliminated preamplification near the source virtually electrostatic and electromagnetic normally caused by long leads from However, fibre impedance sources. another source of distortion is introduced which is due to the nature involves high interference the of effect depolarization the differential configuration, and of the travelling wave delay of muscle between the two electrodes (Hogan, 1976). 2.6 EMG processing a Each channel of the EMG processor consisted of stage, band-pass stage, gain full wave rectifier, and averager. Gain could be varied from 0 to 10, and the raw EMG could be recorded directly from the output of this initial gain stage. 20 Band-passing was adjusted to include frequencies from 1000 Hz. to This range of frequencies has been demonstrated to be highly correlated to muscle force 1 KHz, the correlation decreases. (Hogan, Above 1976). Full wave rectification is one of the better methods for obtaining force a signal (Kreifeldt which and Yao, highly correlated 1974). The rectified signal was then passed through a with muscle is third 54 - - 100 1(,0k/B gain= to electrodes OP 100 io A '5 1 to EMG processor (--I Fgure 2.6 0 ge * .06 000 Elcrd E e ct ode. . preamplifier schematic. . . ... . . . . sch*i . 0 * @ O eeaeea e 0rr - 55 order averaging filter (Garland et increases the signal to ripple ratio al., by 50% 1972), which to compared pole RC filter with a comparable step rise time. single was averaging time during all experiments to set a The 10 msec. The averaging time is defined to be the time required for the Thus, this step response to reach 95% of steady state value. time would contribute only several msec compared to the brake time constant for the purpose of determining EMG latencies. See Appendix C for a circuit schematic and transfer functions of each stage. 2J7 Acceleration measurements A single (Statham axis, strain-gauge F-10-350, Laboratories bridge -10 to accelerometer +10g range) was mounted to the cable above the harness assembly to verify the actual acceleration profile during each drop. for a schematic of During tests in visual field pattern accelerometer was the accelerometer was preamplifier. subject was stationary and the the which and See figure 2.7 manually, moved to attached an identical the extension cable used to pull the visual field pattern. 2-,_8 Goniometers Knee and ankle flexion measurements were prototype Arthritic goniometer and system Rheumatism developed Society and by the made the with a Canadian University of 56 - 3MSe CC *O. * 4 00 A-t Figure 2.7. Accelerometer and amplifier schematic. - 57 The knee and 1976). and Cousins, British Columbia (McKechnie axes flexion the of the and ankle goniometers were connected by a sliding link, were potentiometers rotation The entire assembly did not noticeably impede self-aligning. movement, and the accuracy in this particular application was estimated to be better than 3%, and testing during slippage of based on observed amounts manufacturer's of claims See figure 2.8 on page 58 for a diagram of 1% accuracy. the goniometer assembly. The goniometer system was applied to the left leg only, the right leg being completely occupied by EMG electrodes. harness hip goniometer section was available, but the safety the holding subject made goniometer impracticable. has communication) are well that the indicated and timing in both feet make reactions the that two hip (personal Watt milliseconds of each other. Computer control of stimuli and data conversion Initiation of the fall and data conversion the the of While it was possible that coordinated contact within a few 2.9- placement occurred between the two legs, differences legs secure A control of a PDP-11/34 computer. were under The waveforms for controlling the brake activation during the fall were stored on disk and transferred to memory prior to output via the D/A channels. of an LED The only other real time output was the activation in the experiment room to indicate that data - 58 - flexible parallelogram chain knee goniometer signal knee flexion potentiometer ankle goniometer signal sliding link coupling flexible parallelogram chain ankle flexion potentiometer Figure 2.8. Leg goniometer assembly. - 59 begun; had conversion experimenter was this used as a cue the by to begin moving the visual field in cases where the subject remained suspended during visual field motion. Eight A/D channels were available; five convert were used to filtered EMG output from the EMG processor, two were used for the knee and ankle flexion signals, and one was used to convert the amplified acceleration signal. This last channel was connected to either the amplified signal from the accelerom'eter above the harness, accelerometer connected to the visual field operation. or the extension (See cable section 2.3 visual field system.) The sampling rate was channels. signal from the for manual describing the 500 Hz for all One second of data was taken from each channel and stored on disk. 2.10 Miscellaneous equipment Each subject wore a crash helmet to provide against potential falling convenient anchor on masking., level equipment noises. prevent to place and to provide earphones for noise to each drop to distract from It was switched and switched off habituation (and most, but not all, on at a random time just immediately possible irritability). after metal stop hitting the spring above the to The only loud, impulsive noise occurred after the subject landed, to the a The masking noise consisted of Gaussian noise at a sufficient prior which objects, protection due harness - assembly. 60 (See figure 2.1 on page 42.) - 61 - - 62 - CHAPTER 3 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE AND STATISTICAL DESIGN This chapter outlines the actual procedure followed prepare the install him in the apparatus, and and subject perform a sequence of drop tests. discussion of the overall This is followed design experimental by a from a For a more detailed description statistical perspective. to of the rationale behind the use of a particular device, refer to the previous chapter. 3,_.1 Preparation of the subject All orthopedic subjects were and neurological by a surgeon specialized in posture and problems gait disorders. for examined Prior history of broken bones, sprained ankles or knee joints, stretched ligaments, backache, or poor reflexes was sufficient to disqualify a potential subject. vestibular system which included horizontal diagnostic checks rotation, for procedure was also performed, abnormal positional eye tests of semicircular canal movements nystagmus, response to an air caloric vestibular test. all affected. Currently, tests of otolith function. and during abnormal While these are function rather than the otoliths, in most cases of otolith disorders the also A canals are there are no selective clinical - 63 Each subject witnessed a demonstration drop test before participating. A brief questionaire was given to the subject which included subjective estimation anxiety and both alertness, of own his level of on a scale from 1 to 7, and a report of past sports activities. All of these factors might be expected to have an effect on the patterns observed in the EMG responses. Prior to electrode'application, each site wiped with alcohol, demonstrated to consistently paths from electrode to muscle and This method provide the skin; reducing artifacts A large component of motion artifact is due to variations in skin on the skin potential reflected in the measured voltage. with resistance scratching diminishes the degree to which the skin is has low resistence muscle reduce (Tam and Webster, 1977; Webster, 1977). pressure shaved, and scratched with a hypodermic needle in order to break through the stratum corneum. been was by potential Raw EMG (preamplified but unfiltered) was recorded with an FM tape recorder during experiments on the first three subjects to check for possible artifacts. motion observed occurred from contact with swings which were were ever when an electrode had accidentally broken The the only skin, also which artifacts creating very large voltage quite obvious in the filtered EMG. Because of this, it was judged unnecessary to record raw ENG. During the testing, EMG signals were recorded - simultaneously from the - quadriceps femoris), (biceps hamstrings 64 (rectus femoris), anterior, tibialis gastrocnemius and soleus muscles of the right leg. right Electrode pairs were placed over the approximate middle of each and body, single common ground electrode was placed over a See apart. 5.7 cm spaced electrodes were oriented in the the muscle, and the centers of the of direction was Each pair ridge. the anterior tibial lengthwise muscle figure 3.1 on page 65 for exact electrode locations on the right leg. the subject then put on After electrode placement, elastic knee braces, and the knee and ankle right leg and the The connected. EMG goniometer goniometer and while asking the subject to the to attached were preamlifiers subject's boots, In the experiment room the input leads goniometers. EMG hiking hop up the to the electrodes on the cables signal were channels were checked and Then, down. the subject put on the crash helmet and goggles and was placed in Knee angle limiters were attached from the rear the harness. of each boot to the harness and were adjusted. 3.2 Basic procedure far each drop At this point procedure for the subject the first drop. was ready to in manually to a predetermined turnbuckles above the harness the First, a platform was placed under the subject so that the cable to the harness reeled begin were could calibration mark. adjusted so that be The the - 65 - rectu sS f emor is biceps femoris right head of gastrocnemius groun d tibia lis anter ior soleus REAR OF RIGHT LEG FRONT OF RIGHT LEG 0 Figure 3.1. Leg electrode positions. 0 a*00 00 a - 66 adjustment was necessary only before the the fall began, the harness position was the held by and Until switching The platform controller to "maximum excitation". brake drop, first height for all drops was the same. the that insured This barely resting on the platform. were heels subject's a height could be chosen to be either 28 or 43 cm for given test. With the subject still standing on the platform, he was to close his eyes. told The masking noise was then switched on and desired mechanical connections motion were system made. to in order to prevent subject from deducing the nature of the subsequent test. After this procedure, the subject was close field visual This procedure was followed even when no visual field motion was desired, the the instructed to either or open his eyes, depending upon the parameters of the test. To standardize the initial head position, was eyes were In cases in which closed or the room was darkened, the subject was asked to position his head and eyes in the as if he were looking at the screen. out from beneath, and the drop but subject also instructed to maintain the head erect and fixate on a point on the screen level with the eyes. the the within the next then 10 seconds. same manner, The platform was pulled occurred Although extension of the head was not measured, no head unexpectedly, flexion and motion was - during visible the Since the head was constrained falls. by from further extension the of maximal extension allowed by the and and helmet the suspension either side, the subject's head was in a position to cables 67 during the fall. apparatus, both before This constraint was such as to allow the head to be maintained in a erect position. After the fall, the subject was told to switch the masking noise off. To summarize the possible test conditions: of the drop the height could be 28 or 43 cm; the acceleration profile could be selected from a pre-synthesized set of profiles, including the case when no drop occurs; and, the visual field could move down with the subject, it could move exactly opposite to the subject's motion, it could remain stationary, or it could be moved manually. the dark (eyes open) The drop could also occur or with eyes closed. in Thus, the only variables of which the subject was aware beforehand was the initial height, and whether the room was darkened or his eyes were closed. This entire procedure was followed for all experiments, except for minor variations in certain cases. In the report of the results, any such exceptions to this procedure will be mentioned. 3.3 Statistical design of experiments The investigation of the primary effects of - 68 profile, acceleration - initial height, conditions is complicated by possible as occur the experiment proceeds visual and adaptation and by field which may possible the interaction of previous tests with the reaction in subsequent example, For tests. misleading cue, influence of since a moving visual field provides a vision on immediately following. were of prime reduce the subject might be expected to reaction his Therefore, statistical the test considerations determining the experimental in importance during the design and the order of testing. A three way split plot design was chosen as a method which would allow separation of the effects of adaptation and interaction of adjacent tests as well as the main effects and Cox, 1950). In a three way split plot design, there R(rows) x B(blocks) x represents a different subject, particular order of testing. used in each block. position in Each the a drop, each and a block represents a A different set of subjects was repetition conditions must be categorized in a temporal are C(columns).cells, where each column represents a particular set of conditions for row 1969; Cochran and visual field motion (McNemar, acceleration of testing new of a column, sequence set of drop since must the also be considered as a variation of the drop conditions. See statistical Appendix D for significance the for procedure for determining main block and column effects - 69 - and block by column interactions. Actual combinations field parameters, for each chapters. set of of acceleration, height, visual and the order of testing will be specified experiments discussed in the following - 70 - - 71 CHAPTER 4 EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS The experimental procedures described in chapter were between the ages One females. on completed subject a had scoliosis, which did not pose case of were whom of asymptomatic lumbar was but risk, safety a thirteen subjects two 30 years, and 20 of of total a previous the of concern because scoliosis may affect reflex characteristics. However, no unusual variations observed were in the data See table 4.1 on page 72 for relative to the other subjects. a brief description of the ten subjects who were included the final, perfected paradigm. Vestibular system function was tested for normality a in by series of standard clinical procedures which are mentioned No abnormalities were indicated in the previous chapter. in any of the subjects. 4.1 Stimulus combinations acceleration A total of five different tested, which are shown in figure 4.1 also shown. These each for corresponding velocity profiles profiles were page 73. The acceleration are on included a 0.5g step, a 0.85g step, two profiles with a double acceleration step, and an acceleration ramp. An additional condition subject was not dropped while the was included in which the visual field was moved - Table 4.1. 72 - Description of subjects. subject I5 initials sex height (ft,in.) weight (lbs.) Block 1: EMA M 5'10" 145 PNE M 6' O"f 160 PRI F 5' 8" 150 moderate activity in skiing myopic, wore glasses during testing DDL M 6' 1" 155 weight lifting, TED M 51 91" 137 tennis, basketball, soccer M 5' 7"1 140 some swimming; past skydiving, but not currently active RWA M 6' 0" 175 running,skiing, Zen meditation PPE M 5? 7?! 145 some swimming and weight lifting myopic, wore glasses during testing LLA F 5? 5" 111 considerable activity in gymnastics APA M 5t 9"? 115 fencing, Tae-kwon-do myopic, wore contact lenses during testing Block 2: TWA sports activities, misc. moderate activity in skiing none bowling - 73 - velocity at contact 2.2 m/sec 0.5G ,cel* 2.6 m/sec 0 C* 0.85G 2 .2 m/sec SDG 7~ 44e $~ - --- V V IV 2.3 m/sec FDG qe 2 .2 m/sec RG eel Figure 4.1. Acceleration and velocity profiles for acceleration stimuli used in drop tests. 100 msec 19 1.4 m/sec - 74 In unexpectedly. to order - facilitate conditions will be. referred to double step), 0.5G, as discussion, these SDG (slow 0.85G, and OG (no FDG (fast double step), RG (ramp), drop). as Visual field conditions were visual effects, field moved up while during closed moved field the the fall, darkened during the fall. to and, was nothing in the dropped, eyes were eyes were open but room was referred These conditions will be as N (normal), D (down), U (up), (dark), respectively. during the drop, visual down subject unusual no follows: EC (eyes closed), and DK Subjects reported that they could darkened see Only 10 seconds were condition. available for any dark adaptation, which was insignificant. and eyes Since the distance, d, between the subject's the screen was 76 cm, the relative angular visual velocity at the by the central part of the visual field -can be obtained following relationship: '0 for /D n =1 0)V1s =Y condition for /N 2 for /U where 6y~s is the relative visual field velocity the actual downward velocity of the subject. condition, in m/sec (as is For example, to obtain the relative angular velocity in degrees/sec IN v and for the multiply the subject's actual linear velocity shown in figure 4.1) by the factor, - 75 - -75 degrees/m (-1/0.76m x 57.3deg/radian). A total acceleration of fifteen different combinations of and visual field conditions were tested and are listed in table 4.2 on page 76. The acceleration double steps and ramp cases were tested only under the normal visual these field condition, since the primary objective of was to determine the tests ability of the subject to respond to acceleration changes after the initial release. 4.2 Preliminary tests Several modifications were made of the experimental procedure after testing the first three subjects. were of problems encountered during these A number initial tests concerning issues which are relevant to the interpretation of the data. For the first three subjects, the design of drum axis. This resulted profile during unwinding. this brake was such that the cable would sometimes wind around the drum in a plane which was not exactly drum the problem was in variations By adding eliminated and to perpendicular grooves the of acceleration to the drum, the acceleration profile achieved a much greater degree of standardization. Acceleration measurements on the first were made by three subjects fixing one accelerometer to the safety helmet and another to the subject's boots. Due to variations in - 76 Table 4.2. Combinations of acceleration profile and visual field conditions which were tested. acceleration profile O.5G visual field condition N (normal) D (field moved down during fall) U (field moved up during fall) EC (eyes closed) DK (darkened 0.85G N D U EC DK SDG (slow double step ) N FDG (fast double step ) N RG (ramp) N OG (no fall) D U room) - 77 of monitoring the accuracy as unacceptable was this position, head acceleration the method for profile. An a accelerometer was placed on the boot in the hope of obtaining did signal a simple indicator of moment of contact, but the not allow a precise determination of contact; plantar flexion of the foot usually cushioned to sufficiently landing the eliminate sudden deceleration. The acceleration measurement repeatability was improved by attaching an accelerometer on the cable above the harness page 45.) on figure 2.3 2x4 the above assembly this placement was that vibration artifacts of superimposed vibration, though. Acceleration measurements recorded during figure 4.2 on acceleration measurements during page 78. at the unreel 160-lb. Compare cable load are to the these which were taken Since the cable continued a short distance after the subject contacted for the floor, the irrelevant. a drop test; see figures 4.3.1-14 on pages 85-98, each the sixth channel of each figure. to the of most dampened calibration tests at the harness with in structure support on the acceleration signal as measured at the harness; the harness effectively shown major The vertical. arising from the natural frequency of the were (See pulley. This allowed accurate placement of the accelerometer with respect to the disadvantage the beneath but acceleration The main information utility after contact is of acceleration measurement during a drop was as an indicator of release time and as a - 78 - 0. 5G _.85G SDG FDG RG 1g 1100 msec Figure 4.2. Acceleration measurements taken at the harness with 160 lbs. of added weight for calibration. - 79 - gross check of repeatability. as not was as great treatment statistical acceleration any data, the of of the because However, desired. profiles acceleration In general, the accuracy of the variability would be incorporated into experimental error and the in correctly reflected values significance obtained. test conditions were compared within the data for each Since subject, any consistent bias subject factored be would given a for acceleration in The main source of such a out. bias would possibly be failure to accurately compensate for with the weight differences among subjects. The goniometers which were available for use last greatly subjects ten dorsiflexion of the sudden a the ball of the foot hits the ground. as records goniometer intermittent -determination of undergo to forced is contact time; ankle angle the improved with connections jolts during landing. manifested the artifacts power However, the initial due Some to supply caused by onset of ankle dorsiflexion always preceded any such artifacts, and provided a reliable indicator of contact. In addition to the stimulus measurement procedure more used frequent the in testing the first three subjects revealed fundamental responses. problems, Since difficulties the adjustments procedure of the obtaining in had repeatable just been developed, apparatus necessitated - interruptions 80 of the experimental sequence. By the time the fourth subject was tested, the intertrial interval was never more than several minutes, which probably reduced fatigue and boredom significantly. For the listed three first subjects, each test condition in table 4.2 was repeated at heights of 28 and 43 cm, three times at each height. required This a total order Since testing order was one have been excessively fatiguing. the in Longer times would to complete the session within two hours. of 90 These 90 trials, randomized with respect to test conditions. trials had to be broken down into several sessions of important conditions of the experiment, breaking the sequence into several sessions made effects sequencing single session. session, as impossible except addition, failure exactly on electrodes In well as the same changes in of interpretations tests within a replace surface for to location the the from session to subject's physical condition, would make comparison even more difficult. Since the subject could observe his initial height could successfully account for this variable, 28 cm were eliminated from the subjects. sequence for and the drops from the last ten One of the primary objectives of this study was to investigate ability to respond to cues during the fall, so it was considered desirable to standardize conditions prior to release as much as possible. - Thus, with the 45 -trials single in the ten subjects. Any The procedure as described the to applies chapter and the a during the was considered adequate for testing procedure without further changes. previous of standardization the addition of goniometers, shortening of the procedure to session, - improved the profiles, acceleration 81 last which are given in the text use only the data from statistics these last ten subjects. 1L.3 Testing order and coding .2f. trials plot Since the split effects block main to sensitive experimental of interactions when the number blocks were number of available considered is is highly the dividing to pool into a larger number of blocks; subject two large, of the limited Because superior is by treatment block treatments adequate. this subjects, and design data from a large number of blocks with few subjects in each block be would value, since the likelihood that block lesser of differences were due to real interblock subject differences would increase. In this experiment each of the two blocks represents different order of testing. exact reverse of the other. preceded simple effects by a Each testing sequence is the This allows each test to be a different test in each block while permitting comparisons because of overall of the symmetry. adaptation or habituation Testing sequence for both - blocks is page 84 shown in 82 table 4.3 on page 83. Table 4.4 on groups the tests by stimulus condition and lists the sequence position for each test. In order to facilitate references tests, to particular. drop a code will be used in the discussion which is of the form acceleration/ visual repetition number. For example, the code O.5G/EC/B2/3 refers field condition/ block number/ to the third repetition in block 2 of the test for which acceleration was 0.5g and the subject's eyes were closed the during the fall; the code O.5G//B1/ refers to all 0.5G drops in block 1. 4_,4 General d'escription _of .the EMGQ response Several examples of actual EMG recordings are. shown figures 4.3.1-14 on many of the section. pages 85-98. characteristics Each page shows three repetitions for a given in These examples illustrate which are discussed superimposed subject and in this waveforms for all test condition. The waveforms were reconstructed from the sampled versions of the original raw data; thus, the top five waveforms represent the sampled, rectified, filtered EMG data. In the discussion which follows, the five pairs of electrode leads will be referred to as GN (gastrocnemius), SL (soleus), TA (tibialis anterior), (biceps femoris). These RF (rectus femoris), and BF muscle abbreviations refer (cont. on p. 99) - Table 4.3. 83 Drop test sequence for block 1 and block 2 (reverse of block 1). test code 0.85G/U OG/D 0.5G/EC 0.85G/EC 0.85G/DK 0.5G/D 0.85G/DK 0.5G/EC 0.5G/N SDG/N sequence number: block 2 block 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 37 30 0.85G/DK 0.5G/DK 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 0.85G/D 30 0.85G/EC 31 32 0.85G/D OG/U 0.5G/EC 0.85G/N 0.5G/D 0.85G/N SDG/N 0.5G/N 0.5G/U FDG/N 0.85G/U RG/N 0.85G/EC OG/D 0.5 G/N 0.85G/U 0.5G/D 0.5G/DK FDG/N RG/N OG/U 0.5G/U OG/D OG/U 0.5G/U FDG/N 0.85G/N 0.85G/D SDG/N 0.5G/DK RG/N 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 36 35 34 33 32 31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 - Table 84 Drop tests grouped by test type, 4.4. giving sequence positions in blocks 1 and 2. test code BLOCK 1 sequence position 0.5G/N//1 2 3 /D//1 2 3 /U//1 2 3 /EC//1 9 18 25 6 15 27 19 36 39 3 2 8 3 /DK//1 2 3 13 29 32 44 0.85G/N//1 2 1 /D//1 2 3 /U//1 2 3 /EC//1 2 3 /DK//1 14 16 L41 11 30 42 1 21 26 4 23 31 5 2 7 3 28 SDG/N//1 2 10 17 43 20 FDG/N//1 2 RG/N//1 2 3 0G/D//1 2 33 40 40 22 34 4q 2 24 mean sequence position 17 16 31 8 35 28 16 19 13 3 35 38 29 30 15 38 38 43 2 14 17 11 5 30 22 32 4 16 35 20 25 45 15 23 42 18 30 39 33 18 27 3 23 31 34 29 23 36 ' 66 13 26 261 15 12 P4 12 22 25 214 9 21 44 12 2 21 28 37 19 31 40 7 10 27 33 me an sequence position 41 17 /U//1 BLOCK 2 sequence position 28 8 11 314 18 - 85- )100vSC 0S L T A 0e k1 I< t 00440 pla a 4r dor~ilKO Figure 4.3.1. 1exiov' r tn.c~ + Subject EMA, tests O.5G/N/B1/1-3. - 86 - loo risec *ire,= TA k1. S............. Figure 4.3.2. Subject EMA, tests 0.85G/N/B1/1-3. 87 - 10 wse c I I Pr' SL00 * a ~ ~~~~ AjYtV~ _ 4b /J-cV-ecl ... ...... ........................... On r%1 7Figue 40.3. Figure 4.3.3. Subject EMA, tests RG/N/B1/1-3. 0. - 88 - tOo ~ Si.. TA 03 i 0 accel -to accelerometer connected cable which moved the visual field kn-ee- ari~. Figure 4.3.4. Subject EMA, tests OG/D/B1/1-3. - N- 89 - t" ce. -. Figure 4.3.5. Subject DDL, tests O.5G/N/B1/1-3. - 90 - 100mMNec S'IN acc__ arv Figure 4.3.6. Subject DDL, tests 0.85G/N/B1/1-3. - 91 soO eC N Raw Immomw = - d%= ,- SL- _w= :L, -- TA C~t 1! e Figure 4.3.7. Subject LLA, tests O.5G/N/B2/1-3. .... ....... - 92 TA a 01C 41, -Knee- kI I Figure 4.3.8. Subject LLA, tests 0.85G/N/B2/1-3. - 93 - 400 OSer kcee. Figure 4.3.9. Subject TWA, tests 0.5G/N/B2/1-3. - 94 - 100 ysec iN 0 c00 e00 a~kl~) 0 0 Figure 4.3.10. 0 0 -_ Subject TWA, tests 0.85G/N/B2/1-3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 95 100mge~c 9L 4 4 TA Rr ee0 acce. a v0 0 00 4n0 Figure 4.3.11 Subject PPE, tests 0.5G/N/B2/1-3. - 96 loo mseC accel ankle Figure 4.3.12. Subject PPE, tests 0.85G/N/B2/1-3. - 97 Li-o±G Figure 4.3.13. TK>$cj Subject PNE, tests O.5G/N/B1/1-3. - WAN 98 - 0 0 0a FiA acce- Figure 4.3.14. .Subject PNE, tests 0.85G/N/B1/1-3. - 99 - rather leads, specifically to electrode than This distinction should be kept in mind because themselves. of the possibility that a given pair of electrodes EMG signals from adjacent muscles. detect muscles the of in significant crosstalk between pairs may also This might result which electrodes are adjacent, such as the GN and SL leads, specifically. EMG The first response following release generally occurs with a latency of about 100 msec, where the latency is defined relative to the value a reaches of 0.05g. a with respond of latency the acceleration The gastrocnemius (GN), tibialis anterior (TA), and (SL), which at moment biceps about femoris 120 msec. soleus (BF) all The earliest rectus femoris (RF) reaction precedes these with a latency of 100 msec. only Within these individuals, latencies relatively constant, but they vary between individuals by to are up The RF response may precede the initial response of 10%. the other muscles by 10 to 40 msec. The amplitude of these initial reactions, which will be to referred as the early response, is roughly a function of the acceleration transient upon release. the afffect amplitude, and Other factors these will be discussed later. The amplitudes vary considerably for a given subject and of test expectation affect the conditions, and level response. suggesting of may that apprehension factors may such set as significantly The very first drop for each subject - - 100 invariably elicited large responses in all second The muscles. of occurred had recorded and all subsequent drops rarely drop substantial that showed such elevated responses, indicating habituation the following immediately the first drop. Many of a manifested soleus the EMG early response, consistent with double-peaked the findings of Lacour et (analog-processed) records (1978) al. and Vidal et al. (1979) in the baboon. The double peaked structure was highly variable, though, and could was a test test of independent of repetition all of the during condition; for a given subject, both condition types of structure could often be time in seen The presence or absence of such a double-peaked recordings. structure be not seen. The 10-msec rise the averaging filter should be fast enough to allow of resolution of EMG bursts separated by 25 to 35 msec, which is the separation of the two components as reported by Vidal. The period preceding early generally response the landing consists of but a following variable length This latter quiescent period followed by another reaction. reaction characteristic features and timing for each of has the five muscles and depends upon the actual contact similar time. It will acceleration be referred and to the reaction to slower falls, the to as the late Qualitatively, the reaction to the 0.85G falls reaction. the is except that the - - 101 sequence of events is compressed in time and are generally Quantitative higher. will differences in the GN and SL tend to be the longest, with a late periods of consisting response during corellated considering that a The contact. preceding GN SL and entire the burst large drop; of are highl-y responses this is reasonable, both muscles act as plantar flexors of the (However, some of the two muscles.) and SL of the be may corellation timing, BF responses tend to coincide due proximity with the but the details of the response are more RF, another EMG burst may occur following a very short quiescent period, and preceding the late response of and to Immediately following the early response in the TA variable. and just activity electrical cross-coupling because of the anatomical GN be The quiescent discussed in the statistical analysis section. foot. amplitudes the the GN Thus, during the late response period, GN, SL, and SL. BF are usually coactivated, with RF reactions suppressed; RF tends to be maximal during quiescent periods of GN, activity SL, and BF. This agonist-antagonist pattern probably assures adequate knee flexion. Depending upon the subject, coactivated with either GN and SL or with RF, relatively consistent within the TA may be but tends to be reactions of a given subject. Interpretation of the functional and BF reactions muscles acting at is the difficult hip significance of the RF because joint. The of the many other knee angle data 102 - - during as limiter required may be'a result of the knee angle (This fall. the a extension full reaches never knee the contact, although of the knee prior to extension gradual indicates actually the perhaps device; safety normal degree of knee flexion during a fall is less than that caused by device.) the plantarflexion and GN activity consistent the with plantarflexion the ankle angle, the gastrocnemius muscle also by indicated is While the SL fall, as expected. the during gradual indicates data angle Ankle acts to flex the knee. The fact suggests that the that of action is quadriceps the to begins actually knee extend responsible. Because RF activity in the early response preceeds all other recorded reactions, it is possible that hip flexion (which is also an action of the rectus femoris) is assured by prior to the of the lower leg. reactions occur to flexion was observed Significant hip is not possible conclusions about the interaction of hip flexion reactions. This hip flexion might flexion, it information quantitative in result especially all other response suggests musculature prior to make with leg is an interesting issue, though; increased if that active to recorded the diminished a adequate to cushion the landing. precedes without but falls, during CNS the CNS sending ankle need plantarflexion RF The fact that activity may during adjust commands knee for the is activity the early proximal to the more distal 103 - - muscles. after Immediately to active be of weight contact due to the continue RF the The body. and GN SL a short time to counteract the for The actions of passive dorsiflexion of the ankle on contact. the active, becomes counteract the passive flexion of the knee on to presumably contact, RF, GN, and SL would all act to bring the person into an position. upright contact. following TA is activity An TA response after contact extended often occurs when the person variable extremely begins to on backwards lean contact; both a large RF and TA response would be expected in this case in order to dorsiflex the ankle, and bring the extend the knee person forward into an upright position from the backward leaning position. To summarize the more salient features of EMG reactions the during fall, approximately with responses, five muscles studied react to a drop all simultaneous short early latency followed by activation of the RF, coactivation of the GN, SL, and BF, and a more variable reaction of the TA. During the trials in which the subject was not dropped, but the visual field was moved unexpectedly (OG/U and OG/D), few EMG reactions of during the first any significance occurrence. In were the twitch even the few trials in which certain subjects showed small twitch reactions, of detected the latency was about 300 msec and generally occurred in - all five of the characteristic recorded of a startle reactions 104 - muscles. This pattern is generalized startle reaction, although typically have shorter latencies. See For subject EMA, the first trial of figure 4.3.4 on page 88. this test condition elicited a substantial The response. second repetition shows no response, and the third repetition shows only a slight twitch in reacted at all to these stimuli; throughout the test. RF. Most subjects never the EMG recordings were flat Because of the lack of a significant response, the OG/U and OG/D cases are not shown in the graphs of the data. However, the simple of result these be remembered when interpreting the effects of visual should field motion in reactions during falls; visual stimulus alone is not it is clear that this sufficient to not elicit the However, this characteristic EMG patterns seen during falls. does tests preclude the possibility of subthreshold phenomena at the segmental level. 4.5 Statistical analysis of the data Because of the natural temporal separation of responses into an to individually. instant at EMG early component and a late response, the EMG was separated into two order the determine time possible segments trends for for analysis each The moment of release was defined to in response be the which the acceleration reached a value of 0.05g. This usually resulted in detection of release within one - sample period inspection. of the 105 - release time as judged For the purpose of interpreting EMG by visual latencies, the 40-msec time constant of brake-deactivation should not be overlooked. contact, Contact time was defined to be the moment of toe determined from the ankle angle measurements as the time at which the foot begins to rapidly dorsiflex. Both the moment of release and moment of contact, as well as all other measures of the data, were computer program and computer values were values were determined threshold spot checked the the detection for aid schemes. accuracy, and of a The all scanned to ensure that no gross errors occurred due to artifact detection. in with few cases Values could be entered where artifacts interfered manually with the the EMG automated detection. Four separate integrations were performed waveforms from each diagram illustrates of the the time integrations were performed. TrT five muscles. intervals over The following which these A typical GN reaction is shown. Te"3Crnsec Tc .4 on > Tct20m~sec - 106 - T. , release, TV were clearly + 175 msec fell in the and response, respectively. scanned and compared to Te to to computed the of plots third The These three activation early the pre-contact late the the Again, . muscle attributable due activation response, late quiescent period, period. net of activation fall, a to T from values provide relative measures during by quiescent this performed was integration separated the + 175 and early which msec, because in almost all cases in responses after was chosen to be equal to Tr T. T., of Next, the . just time to a waveform was integrated from Tr early response, contact, T0 of moment the to moment the First, the filtered data was integrated from original values were waveforms. Integrations over the specified time intervals were actually approximated by summating the sampled data the over appropriate sample periods. from In addition to separating the early response late Tt the was obtained - 30 msec should EMG activity occurring at the moment of response, contact reflect to Te the the by the integrating from EMG + 20 msec. These integrated values to adjust effective joint ability stiffness in preparation for contact and not reflex reactions to contact, since 20 msec is less than the shortest latency for spinal reflexes. Before performing analysis of variance tests on the - of measures over the that such normalized average drops for each subject were equal to a 45 all the values for each activity, EMG integrated subject were normalized values 107 constant, K (arbitrarily chosen to equal 100): ( the is X/ where Xjcr/5 of value normalized measure. the Differences in the characteristics of the electrode sites and the relation between the electrodes, skin, and be can which fat, a in problem insulating because subjects, because and gain the which factors analysis of assumes variance homogeneity, the above normalization seemed of Comparisons reasonable. of of the fat overlying the muscle. properties Since these differences introduce between layers subjects, female substantially reduces the recorded EMG amplitude the large Subcutaneous differences in recorded EMG amplitude. of for responsible be may muscle underlying fat subcutaneous EMG different treatments was the main concern, vary variance scheme reactions between and not overall differences in activation levels between subjects. Figures 4.4.1-20 on pages 108-127 present the normalized, EMG integrated integration. The top condition; data for each of the four periods chosen for Each page displays the graph the on each first page three data for one muscle. shows six bars for each drop bars represent the average (cont. on p. 128) - 108 - RG/N FDG/N SDG/N 0.85G/DK ~ I I 0.85G/EC ___________ _________________________________ n 85/U ________________________ ) 0.85G/D ___________ U0.80G/ 0. 5G/DK 0. 5G/EC a-. 0.5G/U 0.5G/D - 0. 5G/N I C3 ___ (3j Gastrocnemius, Figure 4.4.1. integrated EMG during entire fall. - t 109 - *1 I RG/N FDG/N ______ I SDG/N 0 .85G/DK I ___ ____ 0.85G/EC I ____ ______ 0.8 5G/U I 0.85G/D 0.8 5G/N I _______ 0.5G/DK 0.5G/EC 0.5G/U 0.SG/D 0.SG/N Ii _____I Figure 4.4.2. . Soleus, integrated EMG during entire fall. _________ ______ - 110 - RG/N FDG/N SDG/N - 0. 85G/DK- 0.85G/EC ..1______ _______ .1 I 0.85G/U __ -i ___ 0.85G/D t 0.85G/N I I 0. 5G/DK I ____ 0.5G/EC 2 I 0.5G/U .1 0.5G/D 0.5G/N V Q Figure 4.4.3. Tibialis anterior, integrated EMG during entire fall. _____ I ___ Ii ____ ___ I 0 - / '*0______ ill - I _____________ RG/N b-i.' FDG/N I SDG/N _____________ 0.85G/DK- I____ - _____ j I_____ ______________________ 0.85G/EC: 0.85G/U 0.85G/D *1 0.85G/N 0.5G/DK -I 0.5G/EC 0.5G/U 0.5G/D 0.5G/N in. in 0 Rectus femoris, Figure 4.4.4. integrated EMG during entire fall. el Q - 112 - '-9. -~___ RG/N FDG/N SDG/N I 0.8 5G/DK ____________________ '1 0.8 5G/EC I .1 _______ 0.85G/U 1 0.85G/D 1; 0.85G/N 0.5G/DK I ,1_______________ __________ 0. 5G/EC 0.5G/U Ii 0.5G/D 0. 5G/N 0 0 a C), Figure 4.4.5. Biceps femoris, integrated EMG during entire fall. Q 'I' 113 - - -i ___________________________ I _____________ RG/N FDG/N SDG/N 1.. 0.85G/DK I I 0.8 5G/EC 0.8 5G/U I _________ 0.85G/D I 0. 85G/N __ 0.5G/DK 0.5G/EC ~-Ii 0.5G/U 0.5G/D 0.5G/N In Q 4c 1:A 0 Gastrocnemius, Figure 4.4.6. integrated EMG during early response. Q - 1 ___ 114 - _____ RG/N FDG/N SDG/N - 0.85G/DK' -K I. 7 I 1P 0.85G/EC ______________________ 0.85G/U ________ 0.85G/D <4 W 0. 8 5G/N 0. 5G/DK i ________________________________________________________ J_______ 0.5G/EC 0.5G/U 0.5G/D '1I 0.5G/N - ___ _________________________ 0 v~I Qo 0* C in 0 a Figure 4.4.7. , Soleus, integrated EMG during early response. 0 - 115 - I _____ RG/N FDG/N t _____________________________________________________________________ SDG/N 0. 85G/DK- I ________ j 0.85G/EC ________ 0.85G/U I. I 0.85G/D _______ I 0.85G/N 0.5G/DK 0.5G/EC b-i__ 0.5G/U 0.5G/D I I K- ___ 0.5G/N V7 in Tibialis anterior, Figure 4.4.8. integrated EMG during early response. 0 'A 6 - i I 116 - I- I. 0-~ RG/N FDG/N SDG/N I 0.85G/DK ______________ I 0.85G/EC j _____ I 0.85G/U ________ 0.85G/D K~1 0.85G/N 0.5G/DK r _____ 0.5G/EC 0.5G/U 71' I ___ 0.5G/D 0. 5G/N COi a R 1 4~)110 Figure 4.4.9. Rectus femoris, integrated EMG during early response. ___ - ____ Ii 117 - -i I __ RG/N FDG/N J K- SDG/N 0.85G/DK I _____ I _____________ 1~~j 0.85G/ECJ 4 '7 0.85G/U 0.85G/D t&-ji I I 0.85G/N _______ 0.5G/DK 9 0.5G/EC I ________ 177 0.5G/U 0.5G/D 0.5G/N 'hfl Figure 4.4.10. Biceps femoris, integrated EMG during early response. 10 0 - 118 - *1 ____________ ._ I RG/N I FDG/N SDG/N 0.85G/DK'. 0.85G/EC- I-.__ 0.85G/U 0.85G/D 0.85G/N '-4 0.5G/DK .prj-i' 0. 5G/EC 0.5G/U 0.5G/D 0.5G/N 1g~ Figure *1______ a 4.4.11. Gastrocnemius, integrated EMG during late response. 0 - 119 - *I I ___ ___ ~~.1 RG/N _______________________ FDG/N I SDG/N _____________________ ________________________ ___________________________ _______________________________ 0.85G/DK 0 . 8 5G/EC 7 7____________________ 0.85G/U 0~.~~!f 0.85G/D 0.85G/N 0. 5G/DK I ___ 0.5G/EC 0. 5G/U 0.5G/D 0. 5G/N U9 Figure 4.4.12. Soleus, integrated EMG during late response. 0 1(1 c - 120 - I, RG/N FDG/N SDG/N 0.85G/DK 0.85G/EC 0.85G/U 0.85G/D 0.85G/N 0.5G/DK 0.5G/EC I 0.5G/U ______ 0.5G/D _________________________________________________________________________________________ 0.5G/N Q a Figure 4.4.13. Tibialis anterior, integrated EMG during late response. 0 - 121 - RG/N I________________ FDG/N SDG/N 0.85G/DK 0.85G/EC 0.85G/U 0.85G/D 0.85G/N I - I I 0.5G/DK I __ 1 _____ 0.5G/EC I ______ 0.5G/U 71 0.5G/D I *1 '2 0. 5G/N ~i. 0 'Cl 0 ~7!__ I 1 _____ Figure 4.4.14. Rectus femoris, integrated EMG during late response. I _____ 0 - I 122 - 1 RG/N -I j _____ FDG/N SDG/N 0.8 5G/DK K -j_____ 0.85G/EC 0.85G/U 7 0.8 5G/D 0.85G/N 0. 5G/DK 0.SG/EC 1 -' 0. 5G/U i 0.5G/D 0.5G/N Figure 4.4.15. Biceps femoris, integrated EMG during late response. ________________ - 123 - I _________________________ RG/N FDG/N 4 I __________ a____ ____ SDG/N 0.85G/DK 0.85G/EC I I ______ 0.8 5G/U I ____________________ I.____ I ___ ___________________________________________ 0.85G/D I I ___ Ii ________________________________ 0.85G/N ______ 0. 5G/DK 0.5G/EC 0.5G/U 0.5G/D 0.5G/N Gastrocnemius, Figure 4.4.16. integrated EMG during contact. ~1_ 124 - - I_ RG/N -I_ __ FDG/N t-. SDG/N lit I f__ 0.85G/EC I _______________ J____ 0.85G/DE 0. 85G/U I __ J __ I 0.8 5G/D I I i ________________ 0.85G/N I I ______________________________________ 0. 5G/DK C7 *1 I H- 0.5G/EC I -~_ 0. 5G/U 0. 5G/D 0. 5G/N 0 __I__ Figure 4.4.17. Soleus, integrated EMG during contact. __ 0 - 125 - _______ * I.-. RG/N p 2 4 FDG/N SDG/N 0.8 5G/DK 0.85G/EC I I 0.85G/U Ii liz . TRI I 0.85G/D 4 0.8 5G/N H I ______________________________________________________________________ 0.5G/DK ___ I ii 1 _____________________________________ __ 5. IL- 0. 5G/EC 0.5G/U ___________________________________________________________ 0.5G/D 0.5G/N Tibialis anterior, Figure 4.4.18. integrated EMG during contact. I ___ - 126 - 1~ 1 RG/N i I _________ __ __ FDG/N SDG/N 0.85G/DK 0.85G/EC it I L 0.85G/U t _ _____ K-I 7___________ 0.85G/D 0.85G/N v-El 1 I 0.5G/DK 7 _____________ O.5G/EC a--i___ I..-, I__ __ 0.5G/U 0.5G/D 0.5G/N Figure 4.4.19. '1 I Rectus femoris, integrated EMG during contact. I I - 127 - 4 '-I______ 1 f RG/N 71I. FDG/N SDG/N I.-' -I 'I ______________ 0.85G/DK 0.8 5G/EC. 0.85G/U 0.85G/D 0.85G/N II -t I I KJ__ I I ____________ 0.5G/DK I ____________ __ 0.5G/EC 0.5G/U 0.5G/D 0.5G/N CI 0 Q IL-I_ Cm. Biceps femoris, Figure 4.4.20. integrated EMG during contact. 0 128 - - block 1, three repetitions in and the three second repetitions in block 2. the to correspond all five subjects for each of the across values normalized The lower graph shows the average value over both blocks and all of drop for each block was eliminated from the first magnitudes, In block 1, the first test was the statistics. and for block 2, the first test was RG/N/B2/1. in figures 4.4.1-20, these two drops are shown 0.85G/U/B1/1 In the graphs in the top are eliminated from the group for the purpose of but graph, response elevated significantly showed subject each repetitions Because the very first drop for given test condition. a bars averaging in the lower graph. Early response latencies relative to release time for determined each threshold using muscle techniques similar to the procedure for contact and original or very times. were recognition recognizing release Computed values were compared with the In cases where the early response was absent plots. small, the value for the latency was treated as a missing datum. In order to quantify synergistic relationships pairs for T, of the to T. corellation coefficients were calculated muscles, following , was calculated and between T, three to Te time . (V Tr to Te The corellation coefficient as follows: [E CN periods: (V'v~Jj] , 129 - - where Y. and similarly for all other expectations. the sample the corellation digitally and n, n are periods defining the desired interval over which was represent V and versions of the original sampled, analog filtered filtered EMG, V, V calculated. V / (n)= h (n)*V(n), V. and where the impulse response is 'shown below: IID -q -3 0 .1 -1 1 Z 3 q This digital filtering reduced high frequency oscillations the EMG and in increased the computed correlation coefficient when coactivation actually occurred. It the must be noted that the probability filtered EMG values is not distribution Instead, the Gaussian. distribution is one-sided and skewed toward values near due to the coefficient, However, if nature as of such, of zero rectified signals. A corellation a Gaussian distribution. assumes the computed values are interpreted as relative measures of coactivation, the analysis of variance techniques can be applied to these derived measures in order to test for differences and trends among treatments derived measure. as with any other - Another coactivation difficulty coefficients 130 - in the arises interpretation from the of possibility of significant cross-coupling between the GN electrodes and SL electrodes, specifically. and tendon and lie very factor soleus close the Much of the corellation of the signals from these muscles may result from the fact that gastrocnemius the the are both attached to the Achilles together. Again, because this is probably constant throughout the testing, analysis of variance conditions. should yield valid comparisons between test - 4.6 131 - Reactions to different acceleration profiles Before considering the effects of altered visual in differences motion, profiles be will is of acceleration effects main as that evident a approximation, the faster the fall, the large r the In figure 4.5.1 on end of in points Because consists taken are figures these constant of the brake, the effectively of first the 100 msec is a at The data directly relati vely from time slow acceleration of of a curve with an ave rage slope which is different for each acceleration profile. 100 msec reaction. velocity of the first 100 msec following release. figures 4.4.6-10. first page 132, integrated EMG activity during the early response is plotted as a function the in shown data the From analysed. it figures 4.4.1-20, the field convenient measure of the The velocity at suddenness of release. Trends for all muscles are significant the entire (P<0.001) over range of velocities at 100 msec, but comparisons between only the slowest four velocities shown do not reach a significant level (P>0.05) for GN, SL and TA. three muscles seem to manifest a plateau function of reached; the in Instead, these activity a suddenness of release, until a certain level is average response during 0.85G falls definitely much higher, especially for GN and SL. is It must be emphasized that the data do not allow conclusions to be about as made absolute values of muscle force; only relative changes - 132 - a t4 .0 Ia60. 10 ob% 100 t 50 Sb6 0 0 1 1 .i ,21 VbQ 0. 56 Ve/loc+y (*/Sea) st 100 m at 0. 1q OT e Integrated ENG during early response, Figure 4.5.1. normal visual field conditions. - 133 - among different drops can be compared. velocities of 94 and 119 meters/sec, respectively conduction Yoshida, and (Wilson average have tracts reticulospinal and vestibulospinal to Since the fibres of the over by 160 msec. is and 120 msec 100 about at begins usually The early response velocity similar, conduction (Henneman, 1974e). of distance based on a conduction to brainstem cat), would be only about 15 msec, time conduction gastrocnemius the in 1969, for the assuming and 1.35 m faster axons motor that Therefore, it seems reasonable a the early response signal which is sent as a result of processing and in the brainstem received information velocity figure 4.5.1. chosen as from the nuclei might vestibular incorporate receptors up to The data indicate a strong relation about 100 msec. the vestibular and between the early response magnitude, as shown in While the velocity at.the end of 100 msec was the coordinate for the abscissa because it seemed reasonable, other interpretations are possible. certainly Acceleration at the end of a certain time could also be used, and a similar monotonic relationship would be observed. important The point is that the response magnitude is a function of the suddenness of the release. The following table presents average latencies early response recorded. during of the 0.5G and 0.85G falls for all muscles (Visual conditions have no significant effect on - 134 - therefore, the following values represent averages latencies; for all visual conditions.) (latencies in msec) 0.85G 0.5G GN 106t11 SL 110 t 12 99 2 7 104 t 9 TA 99 13 95 t10 RF 83 12 78 t 6 BF 99 t11 87 t 8 Using analysis of variance, the trends for both GN and SL are statistically not large. profile (P<0.05), but the differences are significant Deterministic characteristics due differences cannot be to acceleration ruled out as a possible reason for the variation. GN and SL early responses typically account for only 10 to 20% of the total integrated EMG during the entire fall. On the other hand, TA and RF early responses represent 40 50% of the total for these muscles, comparisons relative of absolute and BF, muscle 25 to 35%. force are to While not possible from EMG data, these figure do indicate the relative functional muscle. significance of the response for each GN and SL early response is, therefore, probably not a major contributor to the total muscles. early force developed in these - 135 - Figure 4.5.2 is differences which relevant are not present, because of the small but rather, because of the striking similarity of the integrated activity values for all acceleration profiles. It must be values were obtained by integrating remembered the filtered from a fixed time to the moment of contact. falls result in a shorter fall time, that these this EMG Since the faster implies that EMG level must increase in order to achieve average total integrated value. For example, data vs. of figures 4.3.1 4.3.2 the same figures 4.3.5 4.3.6; these comparisons are between the O.5G/N and The normalized EMG period for the late response are vs. 0.85G/N conditions in two different subjects. levels the the. original compare and data average shown in The integrated EMG during the late response period, as figure 4.5.3 on page 137. shown in figures 4.4.11-15, shows much less variation with acceleration profile than during the early response. The 0.85G/N drops elicit somewhat greater late responses than the other IN cases for all five muscles. that these values were the fastest remembered obtained by integrating the analog filtered EMG from a fixed time since be It must to the moment of contact; falls result in a shorter fall duration, this implies that the average EMG level must increase in order to achieve the same total integrated value. Integrated EMG during contact, as shown in - 136 - 1604 - ......... 100 + ------- go. A 4 Oace . fro9f -. RG Sb 4 -?. 26 O5< 1/SeC '1 11 0. Y5G( Figure 4.5.2. Integrated EMG during late response, normal visual field conditions. - 137 - iSO4 100 1. 560 - C&ACtC Y..ekocifx"y cc e I -TA I pro40 e: j? Figure "e "?/S c 24 ? SbF bG 7 4.5.3. Average integrated EMG (per unit time) during early response, normal visual field conditions. - 138 - figures 4.4.16-20, indicates consistent increases of muscle activation in all muscles during contact as the speed of fall increases. The degree reasonably be expected contact; in for the /N contact to of muscle correspond contraction might to the velocity falls is plotted for all muscles as a function the of Differences between pairs of drops for a given muscle do not reach a statistically for at figure 4.5.4, the integrated EMG during contact velocity. except the difference significant level, the 0.5G/N and 0.85G/N between drops for all muscles (P<0.01). Timing differences between 0.5G/N and 0.85G/N falls for the late response are evident in the original data from most of the subjects. original Compare data: the following figures 4.3.5 vs. 4.3.6, of 4.3.9 vs. 4.3.10, 4.3.11 vs. 4.3.12, 4.3.13 vs. 4.3.14, and to a lesser in In 4.3.1 vs. 4.3.2. figures contact words, time, the contact 80 msec later than shifted by similar a relationship which differs by about 80 msec. time for the the 0.85G amount 0.5G fall; and fall purpose contact, of comparison since reflex to the It is ignore any activity to In other occurs about the late response is quiescent following the early response is lengthened. can be seen in the other pairs. extent 4..3.5 and 4.3.6, the late response demonstrates a relatively constant the the period Similar patterns important activity following obviously be related to the moment of contact. for the following contact will 0 - 139 - fr 7 too t - - - - - - - - - TA - - - - - - -- z3. S '?, .1, 4 : ,cceG 0-5a O.5L~e Figure 4.5.4. normal R Sb ib, Integrated EMG during contact, visual field conditions. - 140 - The fact that almost all points for the FDG drops fall the point representing TA during the FDG fall. is in plotted the 0.5G, order SDG, and changes acceleration waveforms. during For example, occurs transient acceleration the during end until late Therefore, any figure 4.1. because the such later 0.5G falls, that in the the only the initial release; however, for the RG and SDG falls, the ramp not All are are progressively occur to 2.2 m/sec RG, characteristics of the acceleration profiles attempt and The only exception of the falls which have a contact velocity of does RG, in the range between the 0.5G and 0.85G drops for all muscles, may suggest a trend. this SDG, acceleration in into the fall, as can be seen in internal which mechanisms may to predict final contact velocity would have to make adjustments for this fact later in the reaction. The results are consistent acceleration changes with during the fall the induce reactions later in the fall, although the differences do not reach the of significance for during contact for the contact for the same. is that each muscle separately. SDG falls are level EMG reactions greater than during 0.5G falls, even though the contact velocity is Another result which can be deduced the subject successfully acceleration increases during mid-fall. particular, that prediction if the from this data accounts for these For the SDG drop, in mid-fall acceleration increase were not taken into account, the projected contact velocity would be about 1.8 m/sec instead - 141 - of 2.2 m/sec; contact EMG levels would then be expected to be less than for the 0.5G case, not greater. 4_. General habituation 0.85G/U/B1/1 In the test sequence of block 1, test the in the during these tests are the second and significantly greater than reactions during repetitions third the test, sometimes by as much same However, the second and third tests of the sequence as 200%. for of block 2, test of In figures 4.4.1-20, almost all reactions measured the sequence test is the first test. RG/N/B2/1 of test; first is both blocks elicited EMG responses which were within the range of values for all or reduction increase throughout the indicating that subsequent in of remainder almost general the No tests. significant EMG amplitude was found tests in the session, all of the habituation had occurred before the second test. The pattern of habituation of the integrated EMG during the late response and contact should be noted- in particular. The GN and SL reactions even during the first far outside session. fall are not the range of reactions for the remainder of the The TA, RF, and BF do show considerably elevated late response EMG during the first trial, and TA and RF also show considerably pattern is elevated strikingly values during contact. This diferent from that of all subsequent - 142 - Possible reasons for reactions. this pattern peculiar of during the first trial will be discussed in the coordination next chapter. 4.8 Main visual effects Drops during visual modified indicate motion field numerous significant effects on the response pattern, but the details of the changes are complex and do not allow a simple linear model of the influence of visual field velocity on EMG reaction magnitude. Visual effects are most clearly seen in different in integrated differences figures GN, 0.5G falls. 4.4.1-5.) While SL, the and BF show the most dramatic EMG during the 'entire certain significant levels in all of comparing fall. (See comparisons may not reach these muscles, the following general trends may be seen: compared to the drops with normal (IN) visual condition, reactions are diminished in the /D and /EC cases, increased in the /U affected by darkening the room (/DK). response in the /D cases and not significantly cases, The diminishing of the is the most significant effect. Significance limits as determined by analysis of variance are shown the in following table different cases for 0.5G falls fall). A blank entry in for comparison between the (integrated the table comparison did not reach the 0.05 level. EMG during indicates entire that the - 0.5G/N vs. /D 143 - SL <.01 <.001 /N vs. <.01 <.01 <.05 IN vs. /U /EC <.01 <.01 By examining the integrated EMG values and late responses BF RF TA GN for the for the different early 0.5G falls (figures 4.4.6-10 and 4.4.11-15), the early reaction appears responsible for contributing increased reactions for largely the /U cases. The GN and significantly elevated of modulation that GN any values fields cause /U case other for is visual /DK the case. While bidirectional total response magnitude during the fall the to the normal case, compared the for SL and visual non-normal the various above fo'r also elevated relative to the /N are condition values the although condition, SL the early response is increased by any kind of unusual visual field motion which differs from the tabulated open eyes normal, below for case. cases Significance where the early values response significantly greater than the response to a normal fall: 0.5G/N vs. /U /N vs. /EC /N /DK vs. GN SL TA <.05 <.01 <.01 <.05 <.05 <.05 <.05 are is - 144 - During the late response period, the GN, SL, and BF all show similar patterns 0.5G visual conditions. the in the comparison between different Since the late response accounts for major portion of the total response during the fall, the patterns seen in the integrated EMG for the entire very similar. fall are In contrast to the patterns observed for the early response, the abnormal visual field conditions tend to consistently diminish, rather than increase the late response magnitude.' The only exception to this occurs in the RF response; if any differences are observed, the response is increased relative to the normal case. are shown below late for significantly different cases from in Significance values which the late response is the late response during a 0.5G/N fall: GN 0.5G/N vs. /D SL <.001 TA RF <.001 <.001 IN vs. /U IN vs. /EC During between the evident. case; SL the <.05 <.001 contact various <.001 period, visual few major conditions EMG during contact greater than during a normal fall (P<0.001). greater, differences for 0.5G falls are The most striking difference occurred for integrated but BF the /DK is significantly GN EMG is also does not reach the 0.05 level of significance. RF contact EMG demonstrates some modulation with respect to - field visual it motion; 145 - during the /U case and increases However, decreases during the /D case. the only case /U compared to IN is significant (P<0.05). The effects of different visual field conditions on the 0.85G falls are not nearly as dramatic as for the 0.5G falls. differences to compared 0.05G falls. the between of wealth the During the significant main effect is that period, the only response the for during observed effects early conditions field visual various significant of In fact, the most notable result is the lack /DK and 0.85G/EC falls, the GN and SL response magnitudes are reduced relative Note to the IN case (P<0.05). reverse of that is this exactly the the result obtained for 0.5G falls, in which the /DK and /EC conditions elicit an increased response early relative to the 0.5G/N condition. as During the late response period' of 0.85G falls, the early response, the main significant effect is that GN and SL responses during /EC for GN during /EC the contact differences. and /DK presents a of number EMG during interesting The SL values for the 0.85G/D case has slightly elevated values relative to the IN shows (P<0.01 falls are reduced and P<0.01 for SL during /DK). period in significantly case, and /U case lower (P<0.05) values than the IN case. GN and SL typically show large bursts of EMG to and during contact. the activity prior This result indicates that the upward - 146 - moving visual field may fool the person into he is falling faster prematurely activate SL. decline than suggests a pattern compared to the SL response. for that him on to its the contact EMG measure would then indicate a reduced response. clearly causing reality, If the reaction is already contact, during in believing contact The TA response during of reciprocal innervation when The TA decreased is response the 0.85G/D case and increased for the /U case (P<0.05), which is just the opposite of the observed pattern in SL contact reactions. To summarize varies the significantly main the effects, with early in differences response the initial more acceleration transient, whereas the late response shows variation with respect to visual field conditions. Visual field conditions significantly affect both the early and late responses for 0.85G falls. variation 0.5G falls but do not have as much effect on The fact that the late response less with respect to the initial acceleration transient is not surprising; if the late response is a more preparation volitional for landing, its parameters should be determined by the expected velocity at contact with the shows the floor. Since corresponding range of contact velocities tested (2.2 to 2.6 m/sec) was considerably less than the corresponding range of initial acceleration transients, consistent with this hypothesis. the results are - 4L2 147 - Interaction effects Except for the drastic reduction of the the following Observation adaptation effects were seen. upon their lost did so only during the first usually contact subjects the The few subjects who their landings quite well. balance of that they were able to control indicated falls the during magnitude other habituation or few fall, first very EMG trial, and learned almost immediately the correct method for landing without losing balance. This experiment was allowing designed sequential immediate patterns However, no consistent with effects were the intention to of analysed. be While observed. it might be reasonable to suspect that the immediately preceding only test may influence the reaction, the data here indicate that any possible significance. effects do not reach the 0.05 level of and acceleration The main effects of vision were the predominant factors affecting all tests. Certain longer term interactions were noticed, however. For the purpose of analysing these effects of sequence order, table 4.4 on page 84 also shows the average for each set example, since sequence of of three the two the tests blocks of have sequence position in block 2. the exactly reverse other, if the average sequence position of test 0.5G/N is 17 in block 1, then it must be 17) For a given condition. If the comparison of 29 two (46 minus tests is 148 - - the an effect exists, and may be due to the possibility interaction that block 2, and block 1 between different significantly may reaction vary with number the drops of previously experienced. of During the late response period, the comparison and for SL 0.5G/U and also for 0.5G/N and /DK and 0.5G/N reveals what seems to be and increased an /DK conditions sensitivity to sequence. This effect is surprising since it effects by the indicates that are not ignored as the testing proceeds, but The may actually be enhanced. block of later in the testing reactions visual /U GN test condition significance values interactions for comparisons are listed below (see figures 4. 4 .16-1 of the 7 the above ): block x test condition interaction during late response GN 0.5G/N vs. /U <.05 <.001' 0.5G/N vs. /DK <.05 <.01 Tibialis anterior interaction responses decrease also show a few Here, TA responses generally tend with experience. Refer to table 4.4 on page 84 to verify the actual sequences for block 1 and significance interactions significant effects, but most of the significant comparisons are among the 0.85G drops. to SL values block 2; the for significant block by test condition are shown below: 149 - - block x test condition interaction during late response TA 0.85G/N vs. /U <.05 <.05 IN vs. /DK These are the same visual field most for interactions significant which conditions SL during 0.5G and GN the show Other interactions did not reach a significant level. falls. While the interaction effects do linkage between GN the and SL not indicate direct and the TA responses, the overall trends indicate a diminution of the importance of with response and SL. and an increase in the importance of GN time antagonist This would be reasonable considering the relationship TA these betweeen Though statistically muscles. significant, the effects are not great, as can be seen in figures 4.4.16-18. 4.10 Coactivation coefficients Table 4.5 on page 150 coactivation the presents coefficients, as defined previously, for all pairs of muscles recorded. Several results are of interest that of all early response coactivation the is here. The fact muscles respond simultaneously during the reflected in the high of values coefficients for the early response. the GN and SL show consistently high values, but much of this may be due to electrical \ crosstalk as mentioned previously. While 150 - Coactivation coefficients Table 4.5. and 0.85G/N falls. for 0.5G/N muscle pair 0.5G 0.85G late response 0.85G 0.5G GN-SL .80 .85 .75 .71 GN-TA .58 .65 .23 .09 GN-RF .43 .45 -.06 GN-BF .44 .66 .31 .38 SL-TA .57 .62 .27 .14 SL-RF .34 .37 -. 12 -. 26 SL-BF .45 .70 .39 .36 TA-RF .45 .47 early response TA-BF .56 RF-BF 0a60 * Table 0 0 * 0 0 0 4.6. for all a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 & * 0 0 0 * * a 0 0 0 -. 18 -. 02 .51 .18 -. 05 .48 -. 09 -. 14 0 9 a 0 0 * 0 0 4 0 0 a 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 GN-TA and SL-TA coactivation coefficients 0.5G and 0.85G late responses: visual conditions. 0.5G IN /D /U /EC /DK 0.85G IN /D GN-TA .23 .23 .36 .17 .32 .09 SL-TA .27 .30 .36 .19 .32 .14 /U /EC /DK .28 .23 .06 .27 .26 .28 .10 .33 4 4 - 151 - most of the early response values falls are not is the 0.5G and due 0.85G falls (P<0.001). This the tendency to increase the degree of to knee flexion simultaneously with ankle plantar flexion in 0.85G significantly different, the GN-BF and SL-BF values are increased for the probably for early in order to cushion the landing; knee flexion is the fall more crucial during faster falls. the level of TA co-contraction with GN and SL Likewise, decreases during the late response period (P<0.01). This would allow a given level of GN and SL contraction to be more effective in plantar flexing the ankle. Table 4.6 on page 150 presents the coactivation coefficients during the late response for GN-TA and SL-TA for all visual conditions during 0.5G coefficients were the with visual conditions. all of the and 0.85G falls. These only ones which varied significantly Note that for both accelerations, non-normal visual conditions except /EC tend to induce increased co-contraction of TA with GN and SL. - 152 - 153 - - CHAPTER 5 INTERPRETATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS The experimental comparisons of the design main of effects this of study different allows rates and acceleration with results reported by other researchers, also allows comparisons reported data. The of of visual effects with previously testing procedure differs in several important respects from previous studies and the results have made a critical reexamination of previous results necessary. Melvill Jones and Watt (1971b) performed the first detailed examination of human responses to sudden, unexpected falls. and (See other Chapter 1 for a more extensive related studies.) The Melvill procedure differed from the procedure their subjects held unexpectedly released. nearly the Melvill The instantaneously, brake time whereas for constant of Jones overhead into in zero-g was occurred in the present experiment, deactivation was 40 msec. Jones and Watt reported an early response latency in of assumed must be that which the fall. was This relatively invariant that an acceleration reached (Greenwood and before Hopkins, the with is consistent with the 99 msec latency in GN obtained in this study for 0.85G falls, is this and Watt in this study bar release TA and GN of 75 msec, which height a onto review threshold early 1976a). if it Ag of about 0.2g response is triggered For the ramp acceleration 154 - - 108 case, GN and SL responded with average latencies of Again, respectively. 112 msec, this is consistent with a initiated is Ag of 0.2g before an early response threshold and by otolith-dependent brainstem mechanisms. and Greenwood (about 0.2g). 2 m/sec2 to subject They used a system the of system required which be suspended in a harness, and released him following deactivation of an electromagnet. a that reported for eliciting a detectable early response is about threshold the (1976a) Hopkins the acceleration transient at counterweights, release was relatively rapid, used Since they similar to that of Melvill Jones and Watt. of To further determine the sufficient.parameters it stimulus, wjould be useful to use carefully controlled acceleration ramps of varying slopes. the hypothesized threshold certain time limit. a long period response" Ag of 0.'2g applies only within a it gradual Ag occurs over would seem likely that no "early Ramp accelerations would ever manifest itself. sufficiently It is conceivable that If the total cumulative of time, the slope to determine of threshold specifications were not tested in this study. The magnitudes of the integrated the early EMG activity during response are also consistent with the findings of Greenwood and magnitude of Hopkins (1976a), who determined that the the GN early response was a linear function of 155 - - the acceleration a indicates Figure 4.5.1 transient. on function of early response magnitude monotonic provide not statements about the linearity or non-li nearity with respect to response acceleration chapter . transient, as discussed in the previous data of of initial measures various conclusive make to information enough data This versus velocity at the end of the first 100 msec. does page 132 If these differ in any respect from the res ults of Greenwood and Hopkins, it is in result the and SL responses more that the TA, RF or BF res ponses for the higher increase communication) is than would indicated be personal by a linear magnitude and initial response early between relationship (1980, confirmed that the GN respo nse for one-g has greater W att 0.85G. acceleration drop condition, falls GN that acceleration transient. Both Melvill Jones and Watt (1971b) and Hopkins Greenwood and (1976a) clearly determined that if subjects knew the height of the fall beforehand, could they accurately and consistently adjust the timing of the late response such that maximal activity in Subjects sensations heights of contact Greenwood surprise and at with blindfolds on. that contact times would contact preceded occur actually by to experiment Hopkins' being 40 dropped from 140 msec. reported different Their expectations seemed to be sometime occurring. response and subjective sensations between the range of The timing of the late were consistent with a - 156 - preparation for landing which was either too early or too late. The first three subjects tested at in the addition, for normal never reported a sensation included late response timing. of surprise after falls which acceleration changes after the initial release. contingent upon incoming that late response If timing vestibular information during the then the absence of subjective suggests were visual field conditions, subjects subjects are capable of adjusting the fall, study heights of 28 and 43 cm, and the results indicate almost perfect ability to adjust the In current sensations the more automatic mechanisms of surprise involved in the late response do not require the level of conscious awareness is which triggered by a situation where expectation differs significantly from reality. Both the early response habituate significantly, trial, and late response and by Greenwood and Hopkins. Jones some similarities to a general startle reaction. analogy is also suggested by the fact that no early occurs when the person initiates and The fact that the very first drop elicits much larger responses suggests that are not with the exception of the very first confirming the results obtained by Melvill Watt did a fall there This response himself. As mentioned in the previous chapter, the RF, BF, and TA muscles all manifest greatly elevated early responses compared to - 157 - whereas those during subsequent falls, such present GN a which component not do fall may is qualitatively different. An first musculature thigh increased emphasis on EMG activity in the and SL This fact suggests that dramatic differences. the nature of the early response during the include and tibialis anterior suggests that the action might be more similar to a crouching or withdrawal reaction, rather than an enhanced preparation for an antigravity reaction. section 1.3 to (Refer increased by would be characterized GN and The latter SL activity. discusses the action of these which muscles.) repetition, and is usually after. unexpected falls persists even any further Rather, misleading. the in significance origin of functional reaction the during repetitions, seems predominantly of to respect reaction response with disappears numerous startle early reaction triggered reflexly a to comparison early the and auditory with gradable not Because intensity. stimulus and habituates quickly stimuli visual to reaction However, a typical startle be would to be a vestibular organization of preparation for landing (Greenwood and Hopkins, 1976b; Lacour et al., 1978). (Watt, personal In addition, its presence in decerebrate cats communication) is not characteristic of a startle reaction. The effects of different visual field conditions - 158 the support They certainly do not not simple. that careful interpretation, since the results are more requires - idea naive a linear weighted sum of visual field velocity estimate plus vestibular velocity estimate is internally generated and used to control the landing response. field The only previous study of the effects of visual on conditions rapid motor between differences A (1979) on baboons. completed by Vidal et al. difficult, procedures in this study will make comparison to addition fact in were used rather than baboons that of They tested the baboons by dropping them at one g in humans. a the number procedures and the experimental their was falls during reactions position; seated being in a seated position obviates the need for a late response in the leg indeed, found they that any muscles, extensor late was response and, rapidly extinguished with repetition. Vidal tested only three visual field conditions: falls in the dark, with a normal laboratory environment, and with a lighted box surrounding the baboon's with comparisons the of these head. different One difficulty visual conditions is that the normal case and the stabilized case involve vision completely different visual environments; more variables than changed. field Their relative visual field velocity are being results indicate that the early response is slightly reduced by a darkened visual environment and even - more by the - 159 stabilized field. However, placement of a box around the baboon's head presents a completely different kind of environment which may induce the baboon to preset visual the gain of the early response to than rather testing the a reduced level. Thus, effect of reflex reactions to the combination of vestibular input and visual field velocity, it is possible that the Vidal experiments tested the ability of the baboon to preset the gain of the reflex depending upon conditions of which the animal was aware well before the fall commenced. to be The results do not allow any definite conclusions made concerning the role of visual field motion cues, specifically, in rapid motor responses. The current study differs significantly from the paradigm cases in the visual conditions used. described different in relative the visual previous field subject was completely unaware During The IN, /D, and /U chapter correspond the to of which the velocities, before Vidal fall commenced. the setup period prior to the fall, care was taken to prevent the subject from detecting cues which might allow him to deduce which relative visual velocity was selected. all differences between the /N, /D, solely since to visual field velocity the visual field pattern and /U Thus, cases must be due effects during the fall, was exactly the same, otherwise. The results of this study are comparable to those of - but Vidal, if only his test conditions are reinterpreted. IN the different significantly current falls, findings though, quite /EC the than more slightly agree In this Vidal's for all of is not respect, the results. the means for the IN, /D, similar the responses but condition, (P>0.05). with the reduces condition /DK The case. conditions /DK and SL early responses compared to GN reduce and /EC the both First, for 0.85G falls, significantly - 160 cases are all and /U muscles indicates that visual field velocity does For 0.85G recorded. not This significantly It seems more likely that the stabilized vision case in Vidal's experiment alter is early the in similar response effect for 0.85G falls. to the act of closing the eyes. The baboon possibly interprets the placing of a box over his head as signal a environment voluntary eye same the /EC perfectly condition of of however, not study, the results are does reveal significant visual field velocity on the early response, primarily for the 0.5G falls. are current the consistent. The current study, effects the if as being analogous to "stabilized vision" case is interpreted the would phenomenon Therefore, closure. the concerning information visual is being eliminated; during occur that significantly 60% increase in GN and relative to IN. The /EC different, an /D The 0.5G/N and 80% and /DK increase conditions case elicits but the /U in but SL a activity conditions actually increase - 161 - the magnitude of the early response in GN and SL, with /DK causing the greater increase of 50%. Although falls differs the paradigm current analogous. quite these experiments.) enhanced CE) The normal conditions are (N), since the slightly diminished, did not /U degree. induced to interesting and the IN, /D, /U to and 0.85G to the Nashner and Berthoz condition enhanced, rather than early response during 0.5G falls. the be construed as it, the early although response. If more normal anything, and Berthoz paradigm, sway to in see a they not to a statistically significant In this respect, the 0.85G falls are Nashner (S) stimuli than 0.5G falls, the /D and /U conditions enhance diminished stabilized The results for the 0.5G For 0.85G falls, which could vestibular conditions field analogous are not directly comparable results, the visual of Chapter 1 for a description of (See conditions tested here. falls unexpected from the Nashner and Berthoz paradigm (1978) induced antero-posterior sway, the are involving one-g these comparable since their subjects were would be repeated on It environment. sway to experiments subjects who have just entered a reduced-g environment, as can be produced during parabolic aircraft such flight patterns. 162 - - Proosed model. fr jJ1 early response generation disparate In order to make some sense of the seemingly the for observed trends different acceleration possible model early and visual proposed is field conditions, one for the accounts which A diagram of the model is shown differences. under magnitude response figure 5.1 in on page 163. sensor acceleration The model other investigators which indicate of results incorporates the of portion that the saccules are probably responsible for generating the for signals the triggering early Watt (1980, response. personal communication) has reported that by placing subjects in a reclining position, the early response magnitude is diminished considerably when unexpected falls with force. the bungee cords to replace the gravitational of use simulated are is The physical setup the to comparable vertical situation, but simply rotated 90 degrees into the horizontal position. Data parabolic in obtained also flights indicate similar findings. the horizontal and zero-g conditions, longer feet, with biased which is vestibulospinal Other a conditions zero-g the one-g gravitational apparently responsible saccules during In both are no force toward the for diminishing reflexes. reports indicate that the vestibulospinal reflexes are also depressed when the neck is in an off-center - 163 - downward acceleration relative angular a(t) of body; onset at t=Tr acceleration of of visual field triggers use of visual cues cosG =head deviation from vertical Saccules fTr< +< - I- ) = reduction K( d, d istance from visual field pattern factor due to unbiasing of otoliths in off-vertical position j T"< +< Tr+1OOse Tr+ 100"Sc + a + estimate of relative linear accel. of visual field U e C e c use release triggers + c release triggers use / previous experience Expected value of expected value Ks, Ks eyes closed < Ks ,eyes open 1 -K expected value is updated following each drop 0 < Ks<1 I A, level of 0.2 anxiety motivation, anxiety,etc. I accel. (g) 1.0 (f ree fall) magnitude of early response Model Figure 5.1. for determination of early response magnitude. 164 - - reduction may the head such that the predominant sensitivity vectors of the saccules are Therefore, it is possible that the position. be no First, to two factors. due Secondly, vertical. in Such figure 5.1. described a K( 6), and been The downward prior is estimated by the otolith apparatus response early as shown has nonlinearity saccular by Fernandez and Goldberg (1976a,b). acceleration the the gain by the factor, reduce the will thus, and, saccules, the from vertical will the to relative tilt decrease the one-g bias of additionally 0 is the angle of tilt 0 , where the signal by cos will reduce in the direction of motion, oriented longer simply tilting to quantity is labelled as a in this figure 5.1. The visual portion of the model represents for increasing acceleration or field visual relative fall, the estimate of downward than by the subject is aware of his distance from from objects in the environment. shown fast visual processing. pattern spatial during frequency and the higher Prior to a the linear in dotted lines as a reminder that it whether such a transformation actually occurs involving if pattern The transformation from relative angular field velocity to relative is a otoliths. the strategy acceleration indicates velocity indicated a velocity is not known in the pathways More experimentation with pattern-to-subject distance unexpected falls would be required in order to verify this possibility. Implicit in the model is the assumption - 165 - that both retinal slip velocity and information about current estimate an eye velocity can be added to provide total of visual field motion with respect to the head. seem that indicate to of is it constant, 'the perceived even self-rotation It was inappropriate in these circumstances. reported that "with the angular speed of held (1977) al. angular-to-linear an such transformation occurs for perception though et Wist experiments by Circularvection a visual surround of rotary self-motion speed increased linearly with increasing perceived distance of results These surround." are the of significance in analyzing perceptual effects, but their relevance to rapid reflex-type reactions is uncertain. Note that the values represented by a and b are The inclusion of the f values rather than functions of time. functions symbolizes information onset is the single assumption that only sensory from the moment of release to the early response used acceleration to calculate estimates for inertial the and visual immediate field purpose of determining early response magnitude. The next stage of acceleration estimate. generated. estimate processing from the involves saccules If a difference arises, an error comparing to the signal, the visual e, is In a normal fall with head erect, the estimate of downward acceleration, a, should exactly cancel the estimate - of relative visual field 166 - acceleration, direction, providing no error signal. specifically in the upward This argument does not address the issue of otolith dynamics; however, if the otoliths are modelled as a second system of with b, a step rise time order, overdamped only several msec, the dynamics should not significantly affect the reasoning. dynamics of The central neuronal processing of otolith input is not known in any detail. The nonlinear function which provides the signal, c, compensation accounts for the result that a stabilized visual field (/D condition) does not decrease the early response much (if at all) as an upward moving field increases it, at least for the 0.5G falls. In the /U condition, visual estimate, b, is twice the saccular estimate, a. A This generates an error signal equal to -a, compensation signal. nonlinear which causes a This compensation signal is then added to the saccular estimate prior to A the A acceleration large as further processing. function for generating the compensation signal insures that any conflicts between the visual and vestibular estimates of acceleration are resolved such that the adjusted estimate, a + c, may be increased relative to but not since the reduce the In the model shown, the compensation function does not decreased significantly. factors cos 9 and K ( 0) This will is always reasonable act to a, estimate relative to the true value, a. 167 - - on depend this but K(&), may be To test this likely. possibility, the same set of visual field conditions could be tested on subjects the Watt studies. lying on their backs or in zero-g as in Such a series of tests may indicate whether the compensation process occurs prior to the stage at which the K(E9) case, the factor reduces the signal. effective gain of the If this compensation is would the be reduced. The next stage of processing accounts for the differences the /N, /EC, and /DK condition. between that for 0.5G falls, the early response in and GN observed Recall SL is increased whereas for 0.85G falls, the /EC and /DK conditions cause a decreased condition. early response compared to the /N These results suggest that prior to the fall, the subject determines that the acceleration estimate will not be sufficiently reliable and decides to provide his own estimate based on past experience. of this stored value Then, the release triggers the use in determining the early response magnitude; following the fall, the expected value is to include relative the most weighting figure 5.1. is recent allowed by A continuous range of the KS factor in Because the early responses for 0.5G/EC and /DK are not exactly the same, the KS to event. updated factor is prohably adjusted a value somewhere between 0 and 1, rather than completely ignoring either the current estimate or past values. 168 - - In the final stages estimate passes are may be certainly a of some combination of As mentioned previously, the For rapid transients as in sudden steps of the threshold is probably around 0.2 m/seci. The saturation level of one g result that (9.8 m/sec 0.85G/U falls significantly increased early response. adjusted than one g ) accounts for did not For this the elicit a condition, a + c, would he much Considering that downward accelerations acceleration greater than one g. greater rate tested in this study did not allow a threshold acceleration, the of da/dt, and the total acceleration change, La, to be determined. observed acceleration No dynamics are shown in the diagram, within a certain time period. accelerations the possible, considering that the threshold function acceleration, processing, through a function which includes threshold and saturation levels. but of (free estimate, fall) rarely occur in nature, it makes sense for any neurophysiological mechanisms to regard acceleration estimates greater than one g with suspicion. Since other factors such as level of attention, anxiety, and motivation may also affect the response, a final gain is included which depends on these factors. While the multiplicative taken too interpretation should not literally, it seems more reasonable than an since both the variance and the be additive magnitude model, of the early response increase as a function of acceleration. Refer to the upper graphs of figures 4.4.6-10 on pages 113-117; although - individual variance is average values condition. with not 169 - shown, repetition note the variation number for a The variation for 0.85G/N falls is of given drop greater than for 0.5G/N falls, which can readily be seen. In terms of the proposed model, the results obtained here are consistent with the general idea proposed by Nashner and Berthoz (1978) that short latency postural reactions be may diminished by visual cues if those visual cues indicate a situation which is sufficiently different from The inputs. concept of sensory conflict embodied in a model of circularvection rotation and actual the has during expected also been visual field rotation of the subject (Zacharias and Young, 1977). 5.2 Possible physiological explanations for visual-vestibular interactions during early response Although previous physiological experiments unquestionably indicate visual-vestibular interactions at the level of the vestibular nuclei, the Keller and Precht 1979a,b) results are difficult to compare and reconcile with the results of this study. rolloff (1978, frequency for These authors found that the visual angular velocity influence on the vestibular nuclei neurones during horizontal rotation about 0.25 lIz, ('r =0.64 sec). Such is slow dynamics would hardly be consistent with the rapid effects of velocity on the early response during falls. visual field - 170 - One difficulty with making such a comparison is the fundamental difference in the way visual field motion must be processed during linear translations and rotation. During rotations of the body around any axis, a knowledge of retinal slip velocity and eye velocity is sufficient relative rotation of the visual surround. order surround, to deduce retinal insufficient; be known. slip The Since relative linear velocity deduce On the other hand, the analogous problem during linear motion is In to more complex. motion of the visual and eye motion are eye-to-visual surround distance must also the person is presumably aware of the distance, it is not inconceivable that this information could be continually supplied to any neural involved in the combination of mechanisms which are visual field velocity and vestibular cues. In the rotational mode, the influences on vestibular slow dynamics of visual units is consistent with the idea that the semicircular canals provide accurate information higher frequencies, at but need to be supplemented with visual information at lower frequencies where their gain is reduced. The situation may be different in the linear mode; while the otolith organs are certainly not limited by response, with a their frequency time constant of only several msec, there may be a limitation in the accuracy of the transformation from head linear acceleration to body linear acceleration. - 171 - Such observed on teleological results. early motor motivation effects. to steady reactions perform neurons responded to during not falls physiological and Thomsen which relative state does alter searches (1979) responded linear should to visual provide for these determined that otolith input also field motion. units Only responses during 0.59 Hz sine wave stimulation were obtained; although more data must be taken to response the The existence of rapid visual influences Daunton vestibular speculation dynamics, recorded by these units appeared Keller* and Precht determine analogous to the during horizontal rotations. For purposes of comparison, note that for 0.85G/U falls in this study, the relative angular visual field velocity is 120 deg/sec at the end of the first Assuming no 100 msec of the fall. eye movements occur in this time (which may not be true) this would result in a maxium retinal slip velocity of 120 deg/sec, which is well above the saturation range of 3 to 10 deg/sec vestibular reported that nuclei Keller units. that perception 180 deg/sec. and However, of the found Brandt their et al. (1973) saturates at While it is unlikely that visual information at absence of early response due that saturates. velocity at 100 to any great difference between the 0.85G/N and 0.85G/U cases might be visual for circularvection 100 msec has much effect on the 160 msec, Precht perception to the possibility This would be 172 - - unlikely if, for example, the early response parameters already determined 30 msec. The best on sensory input during the first based way were to eliminate potential saturation would be to increase the distance between the subject and the visual field so that a given linear velocity would not result in such high angular velocities across the visual field. Unfortunately, the laboratory room used here did not allow a more spatious display. The search for a physiological basis influences transmitted independently of the vestibulospinal system level. Most of triggered the responses indicate visual-vestibular Daunton interactions vestibular nuclei which are consistent with known control reactions evidence strategies, observed for visual during at perception, vection and stimuli. at and the oculomotor slow postural Convincing rapid visual control of postural reactions via the vestibular nuclei has not been forthcoming, though. nonlinearities the recent physiological data, including the results of Keller and Precht, and Thomsen, visual It is possible that visual influences and interact with vestibularly segmental fast on the early response should not be restricted to the vestibular nuclei. are for inherent The in the results of the current study indicate a much higher degree of processing than that seen in the relatively linear visual-vestibular interactions in the vestibular nuclei. the nonlinearities In addition, suggest the nature and complexity of that vestihular and visual 173 - - influences are highly interdependent, the which would diminish likelihood that visual influences are transmitted to the segmental level independently of vestihular influences. Tectospinal pathways route Maeda et al. and (1977) showed optic another possible could that stimulation of While the frog tract induced IPSP's and EPSP's in spinal motoneurones, it would be effects provide rapid visual inflences on the spinal cord. for tectum might useful to determine if similar be seen using visual field motion rather than electrical stimulation. The dynamics of the responses to natural visual input would be extremely valuable information. However, because of the difficulty of intracellular recording at the spinal level with unanesthetized experiments may not be possible. about high frequency visual animals, such Given the current knowledge information in colliculus, it is possible that the superior the superior colliculus may be involved in rapid visual-spinal influences rather than the vestibulospinal pathways. However, because of the differences between the frog and human visual systems, proposal is only speculative. The tectospinal many such a pathway is relatively more important in frogs than in hunans. Maeda also showed stimulation summated stimulation at the level result that the tectal algebraically of the and with motoneurones. optic tract vestibular Since the of Nashner and Berthoz and the results presented here - 174 - between indicate much more complex interactions such interactions must occur prior to vestibular information, the spinal level. and visual This suggests that if the tectospinal tract is the pathway which conveys rapid visual influences on posture, then it reflects the visual cues. signal, must transmit complex information combination of both which already vestibular and In terms of the model, perhaps the compensation c, could be interpreted as the command siqnal which is sent via the tectospinal pathway. 5.3 Additional experiments suggested by the early response model The proposed scheme for the response suggests a generation of the number of additional experiments which might verify the nature of particular elements in the The most crucial early test would be to conduct model. experiments analogous to those of Watt in zero g and horizontal positions using the study. visual Because significantly field the reduced motion conditions acceleration tested in this estimate, a, would in these cases relative to the actual acceleration, a, the saturation value of one g for the estimate would result in greater range enhancement by an upward moving visual field. these cases expected to an be upward moving field significantly increase for final potential Therefore, in (/U condition) might be the early magnitude for fall accelerations greater than 0.5 g. response - 175 - visual angular-to-linear should successfully occurs, the results cues visual velocity threshold is the because simply reached, not independent be of distances may result in a loss of extreme While distance. the of transformation a such If subject. the from pattern distance the estimator could be tested by altering an (or acceleration) velocity field of presence As mentioned previously, the possible velocity visual is unlikely that this would it become an issue in a normal environment where nearby objects usually present in the visual field.- This idea has been are invoked to explain the phenomenon of height vertigo, which is by (Brandt et al., 1977). the All of obviously low-frequency increased characterized of experiments sway study were current a normal one-q gravitational field, in performed the postural and the hypothetical saturation level for the final is By one g. also repeating these estimate tests in hyper-g and hypo-g environments, it might be possible to determine if and how quickly saturation the value adapts to the altered ' gravitational field. The effects of head tilt on the early response were not tested in the present hazardous to test on would reveal the study humans. because Similar it tests was judged too with monkeys effect of various amounts of head tilt on the early response, and might verify the appropriateness of - 176 - A and K(O ) factors involved in the estimation of a. the cos 9 The expected value mechanism which seems to operate the /DK and /EC conditions was hypothesized on the basis of only the current necessary to set eliminated previous an example, the during the 0.5G/D experiments. that For from course of verify actually occurs. time in testing Further tests are expected value determination if the sequence, 0.85G falls were the early response and /EC conditions should be less. The of the decrease would depend upon the amount of experience which is. required as input to the expected value determination. 5.4 Synthesis of the late response An analogous model of the late response would not provide as much since the processing which are not insight involves known probably as the early response model, higher level in great detail. CNS functions Both the visual and vestibular senses information for the synthesis of the late response, as shown obviously contribute significant by the data. Comparisons of the responses to the stimuli indicate that the timing of five the consistently precedes the moment of contact. subject is capable of successfully acceleration late response Apparently, the monitoring acceleration well into the fall, since the initial the transient 177 - - in information to continues acceleration RG and FDG SDG, the inadequate provide would 100 msec first the during where conditions change after the first 100 msec. The advantage of using the SDG, FDG, RG, and 0.5G stimuli was they that all from even the original data different quite 0.5G for 100 msec initial the Since SDG, 0.5G and RG falls which are evident in the are to figure 4.1 SDG data original probably person the similar, Timing differences also support this However, because the actual range of contact velocities and contact times (refer and total integrated EMG responses to the Compare figures 4.3.1-3. idea. RG the for the changes well into the fall. monitors the of contact time would he much estimate different than in reality, especially profiles. monitored, were is If only the falls. 0.85G and timing response late that acceleration of projected subject's It is clear have comparable fall durations. on page 73), it determine at what time prior to contact not is great would be difficult to information arrives too late to affect the response. Visual influences on the late response tend to be quite different than visual influences on the early response. Since the early response latency is relatively constant, the response is manifested simultaneously in and numerous muscles, the effect of visual field velocity as a of However, the the amplitude can he simply characterized. modulator late response does not occur simultaneously in these muscles; - the as Visual influences may manifest themselves response. and number important aspects of the are timing and coordination 178 - of parameters of the late response, combination between coordination and timing, amplitude, including any muscles. /U For example, for 0.85G falls comparison of the /D reveals a timing difference which causes more conditions of the GN and SL activity to shift for period the /D fact The case. into later may alone information the no that contact noticeable suggests habituation to these visual influences occurs vestibular and be not that considered sufficiently reliable as to preclude the use of other sensory modalities. were accurate, the information vestibular If information. visual abnormal the subject might be expected to eventually ignore Perhaps with longer periods of testing, subjects might eventually learn to ignore it. indication No of such habituation occurred in this study, though. Visual effects on the late exactly the opposite of the effect The /D causes condition response. Here, the amplitude rather the tendency to conditions may the during 0.5G cause a reduction of the response, which is generally falls response large a general the the early reduction effect than timing. reduce on seems to response. of he the late on the One possible explanation for amplitude in abnormal visual be that any detection of visual motion which - 179 - conflicts with the vestibular signal is recognized as a motion the of Such recognition may then world. external cue, reduce the influence of the vestibular in role of cognitive processes the increases late the then it since The possible signal whose accuracy is doubted. the becomes true greatly response of strategies available, and any such number post hoc explanation must not be taken too seriously. 5.5 internal of Significance of results in terms of models feedback during intended movement The fact that no early response is seen during falls in the which subject initiates the release himself (Greenwood and Hopkins, 1976b) suggests reflect would early would may knew that be dropped within several seconds, yet even this knowledge is not sufficient to suppress the This response In the present study, the subjects actual input. they the between expected sensory input and discrepancy the that be consistent with constructs the expected sensory early reaction. a mechanism which actually input at the time it is expected; if the actual event occurs at the predicted moment, the actual sensory input would agree with the expected input, and any compensatory predetermined based unchanged. correspond In to on motor the strategies expected input which would had been proceed the case of falls, this latter process would the self-initiated falls. pre-contact reaction seen during - Such a concept of 180 - comparison between predicted and actual sensory input has been invoked to explain a variety of perceptual phenomena The most occurring frequently eye movements do not visual world, voluntary movement. cited example is that normal voluntary result yet during in apparent externally imposed movement eye of the movements and intended eye movements during induced oculomotor paralysis do cause apparent movement of the visual field relative to the subject. Internal phenomena have been proposed by Sperry (1950), von Holst and feedback models to Mittelstaedt (1950), and Teuber (1966). been used feedback, to describe efference Physiological and the copy, anatomical process, and account Various for terms including corollary such have internal discharge. evidence for the existence of internal feedback pathways at various levels of the CNS been reported by Oscarsson (1967, 1970), have Thach (1970a,b), and Evarts (1970a). MacKay (1966) pointed out that perhaps the comparison be between interpreted cancellation or as process expected and actual sensory input should an evaluation subtraction as rather than a simple had been commonly assumed. Cancellation would need to be extremely accurate in order prevent apparent of motion during to voluntary eye movement and other tasks such as tactile exploration. These internal feedback models are equally applicable - 181 - interpreting both the perceptual consequences and further to between motor commands arising from discrepancies and the present study it is a In inflow. sensory actual predicted motor command in the form of the early response which may a manifestation of the hypothetical internal feedback. The cues are visual nonlinear manner in which vestibular and determine the early response magnitude suggests to combined be that MacKay's idea of evaluation rather than cancellation may be visual and vestibular cues are each upon In other words, both more appropriate interpretation. a the other, It algebraically summated. of kinds than rather complex evaluated estimated is perhaps conditionally independently and noteworthy that the evaluation of multiple sensory modes that operate in perception may also apply to certain reflexes. To further test it model, would be of the certain aspects example, the what might idea of internal the to interesting sensory happen if cues the make motion only For unpredictable. subject initiated the release himself, but would not know the nature of the field feedback visual and/or acceleration during the fall? How would the early response be affected during unexpected falls if the subject were informed of the nature of the visual field motion and/or acceleration stimuli prior to the fall? - 182 - - 183 - - 184 - CHAPTER 6 SUMMARY this The results of of existence during influences reactions during This is consistent with studies of visual visual unexpected falls. conditions of conclusions postural sway in humans It also about rapid did allow not definite visual effects on motor responses, since the results could be explained by the possibility the baboon subjects of However, the experimental study latter this (Nashner expectations the confirms (1979) in baboons. al. et EMG on influences induced and Berthoz, 1978). Vidal the demonstrate clearly thesis could that their responses based on alter visual cues detected prior to release. During relative gastrocnemius rectus femoris (TA), profile acceleration both (GN), (RF), and EMG from surface visual field motion were altered. leads over the anterior falls, the soleus (SL), tihialis and biceps femoris (BF) was recorded and analyzed. Most of the statistically significant observed in the lower leg muscle reactions GN and SL leads). The major findings of effects the (specifically, the were present study are outlined below: 1) EMG patterns in GN and SL leads are consistent patterns with the observed by Melvill Jones and Watt and by Greenwood - and Hopkins. 185 - The early response was found to occur degree in all of the muscles recorded. to some The late response was more variable and was generally timed to correspond to the moment of contact. 2) The early response magnitude an all five muscle leads an increasing function of the suddenness measured by the slope of the acceleration is of release (as during the first 100 msec). 3) Differences magnitude of of visual the early field motion response, but did not affect in a manner consistent with the results of Vidal et al. .(1978). maintained are the It is that the stimulus conditions in the present study methodologically interpretation of consistent, the and therefore the rapid visual influences on the early response are more straightforward. The major effect seen here was that for 0.5G falls, the early response magnitude is generally increased increased relative case). This Downward condition. to effect visual was did magnitude upward the field relative to body) response when visual field motion is subject (compared to the normal not observed motion not for 0.85G falls. (visual field stabilized significantly alter the early visual field relative to the normal Late response magnitudes were diminished in the affected the case of 0.5G falls, however. 4) Visual amplitude field of motion also the late response. significantly Again, the effect was much - 186 - greater for 0.5G falls than for 0.85G falls. 5) During falls in which the eyes were closed was the early response 0.5G falls and darkened, increased for compared The late response was not 0.85G for decreased suggests mechanism which uses a neurally stored, by affected significantly result This conditions. GN and SL leads was in falls eyes open visual field condition. normal, the to room the or the operation expected these of pattern a in cases where visual information is missing. A model for the synthesis of and vestibular cues. to shown nature, Because the primarily be a such of visual aid in has response otolith-dependent may model early was response been and reflexive in the understanding corellates of such interactions, presumably at physiological the brainstem level. self-initiated significant early account for the complex interactions to developed the falls The absence of the response in further suggests that it may provide a regarding clue early the organization of movement control. The rapid dynamics which are necessary to account for the effect of vision on the early response are not compatible with the relatively slow nuclei response to visual input, in cases where neurons in dynamics the animal is held stationary. dynamics of (It is observed possible vestibular that these are somewhat faster when visual-vestihular conflict - 187 - is reduced.) In addition, the complexity of the indicate that a simple algebraic summation of visual field acceleration and cannot gravireceptive account possibility for that independently estimates the results either. visual conveyed and of acceleration This precludes the vestibular information visual and vestibular On information in the tectum as well as in the vestibular nuclei, it is possible that units in the tectospinal tract a are to the spinal motoneurone level. the other hand, because converges interactions pathway for mediating represent rapid visual influences on spinal cord motoneurones. By altering the acceleration profile, to determine that the it The late possible early response is a function of the magnitude of the acceleration transient prior response. was to the early response is more complicated, and both its amplitude and timing can be adjusted prior to contact order to anticipate requirements during contact. Acceleration appears to be monitored well into the incorporated into the late response, possible to determine beyond what time in fall and although it was not further information was not incorporated into the pre-contact response. Differences significantly in affected visual the late field conditions response. Many also of the effects observed during the late response were different from those seen during the early response, and suggest that the - late reaction is compensatory greater degree of are in nature, voluntary control. interpretations of the late perspective 188 - much response more difficult. must be interpreted phenomenologically. and is under a Because of this, any from a physiological Instead, the results - 189 - - 190 - APPENDIX A REVIEW OF POSTURAL TESTS OF VESTIBULAR FUNCTION Note: Specific are section particular with references the at listed a to relevance special of that beginning See table B.1 on page 196 for abbreviations used in section. this appendix. A.1 -o behavioral tests Advantages and disadvantages Vestibular dysfunction long has tested been by relatively simple techniques which either require the subject walking tasks, to response an involve or externally of number of observation applied and standing the disturbance subject's the to While such tasks are of value because of senses. vestibular a during to maintain his balance their simplicity, evaluation of the results is complicated by the involvement of other sensory possibility of learning, and systems involved the systems in such tasks, complexity of the motor Visual, tactile, in making the responses. proprioceptive, and even auditory cues are important, and if have disorders of any of these senses, this must be subjects known. the Humans respond to an are clever adaptable, designed experimentally totally creatures obviate the who disturbance need to use may with the strategies that particular sensory or motor capability that the experimenter is attempting to test. All of these difficulties must be - 191 - considered when devising a test and interpreting the results. the that is problem Another to response subject's a particular disturbance may not be representative of "natural" strategies employed during normal activities, and, therefore, only should used be with caution to derive a more general model. A.2 Common stimuli used to proyide gross disturbances to the vestibular system Graybiel (1974) Kornhuber (1974a) galvanic, Rotatory, to most common rotating the commonly are stimuli The disturbances of the vestibular system. induce used and caloric procedure for the rotation requires method subject about the vertical axis, such that the horizontal canals are approximately aligned with the plane of rotation. Since the canals act as integrating accelerometers with a finite time constant, the response decays after 30 seconds. rotation Nystagmus will and If the rotation is suddenly stopped, a sense of be induced postural in for example, direction. opposite the occur, asymmetries recorded as a function of time. include, about Such which postural can be asymmetries the tendency to rotate the torso and arms in the direction of perceived rotation. Galvanic stimuli involve current electrode placed at or near the ear, injection into an which results in a gross - discharge of the 192 - vestibular receptors. non-specific nature of the stimuli, Because Caloric stimuli allow the advantage ear at a time. the explanation. of stimulating only The stimulus strength can be adjusted simply by controlling the temperature of the irrigate ears. Water which is temperature causes convection curre-nts water colder in the three canals may be stimulated by this used than method, to body canal which are opposite to those produced by hot water. fluid Since all the actual of induced rotation is due to the combined effects direction of each canal, and cannot be readily deduced. however, the the results are difficult to interpret beyond a simple phenomenological one of Brief stimuli, tend to affect primarily the horizontal canals. discussed later, many of the induced postural nystagmus have predominant components in movements As and the horizontal by. vestibular direction. A.. Individual limb stimulation Peitersen (1974) Fregly (1974) Rotatory, galvanic, and caloric stimuli all result in detectable postural disturbances, but predictable, repeatable results are often difficult to techniques. Often, the obtain direction with of tendencies depend on many other factors. many observed Some of of these postural the more 193 - - repeatable observations will be reviewed here. As a general rule, direction of the laterotorsion (head-turning) slow phase nystagmus whenever it occurs, galvanic, or caloric of nystagmus whether stimuli. caused If the in the accompanies by rotatory, arms are extended forward, they also tend to drift in the direction of the slow This is a less pronounced phase. occurs among lowering of subjects. the Cold effect, caloric ipsilateral arm and some variation stimuli and contralateral arm as well as the lateral result raising drifting in of the tendency. Hot caloric stimuli cause the reverse phenomenon. Trunk reactions must be tested seated to eliminate while the subject the effects of the leg response. is Cold caloric causes the trunk to lean ipsilateral to the stimulus, whereas hot water causes contralateral leaning. Consistent patterns in the lower limbs most difficult to parameter. the During speed slow of walking forward blindfolded subject drifts in component Fast forward walking of nystagmus. the direction zig-zag pattern with no particular drift given direction. been the During walking tests following obtain. caloric or rotatory stimuli, important have opposite to the slow component. walking, of the a slow results in a tendency During slow backward walking, an is toward a the drift is - 194 - During in-place stepping tasks, subjects usually rotate in slowly the must be taken to eliminate a large number must headphones, to auditory eliminate legs, the the with cues. The To test cause legs to predominantly in trunk the effect the If the arms are arms should be at rest. the arm drift may extended, provided directional his own thermal footprint on the floor. on must since a barefoot subject can detect must wear shoes, subject masking noise or soundproof, made that so room the Then, Closing the eyelids is not sufficient. be cues, patterns in the room are not detected. illumination general other blindfolded securely be of may seem initially. which makes the test more tedious than it First, the subject However, care of the slow phase. direction and follow. A.4 Normal and induced .w ay during stand Nashner (1970, 71, 73, 76, 77, 78) Nashner and Wolfson (1974) While standing, normal subjects sway the anteroposterior plane, be reduced by with some lateral sway, isometrically tensing the leg which can muscles to A cold caloric causes the subject provide greater stiffness. to sway toward the irrigated ear whereas a hot caloric causes the opposite. during standing patterns. Turning can the also head from the neutral position alter or abolish these sway - 195 - Nashner and Wolfson (1974) used galvanic stimulation to initiate disturbance a to the vestibular system while the The blindfolded subject stood on a servocontrolled platform. platform allowed suppression of ankle proprioceptive feedback by the ankle angle were forced to keeping strategies Transient postural sway resulted facing only when forward. in constant. rely the Thus, corrective on vestibular mechanisms. antero-posterior direction the head was turned and not when it was This was construed as evidence for 'a head-body transformation of the descending motor commands. EMG response in the gastrocnemius followed the onset of the galvanic stimulus with a latency of 100 msec. produced by the muscle followed with a latency and lasted for 350 msec. was employed, some probably to due force feedback. began to 1300 msec. It was vestibular information summate, suppressing the vestibular A_5. The tipping test Peitersen (1974) at begin concluded instead of information, phase (before 600 msec) was unaffected absence of ankle feedback. msec 600 msec, When ankle feedback was eliminated, the corrective phase did not 1100 200 In the case where no servo-control corrective ankle of Torque by until that after ankle ankle and feedback since the initial the presence or - 196 - The tipping test requires the subject to cannot People with destroyed labyrinths platform. maintain In will fall without the use of vision. and balance his head down on a on hands and knees while he is tilted balance their maintain basal ganglia disorders, the tilt reaction is often lacking. resistance, a passive phase during which the subject starts to fall, and a A originate from and the last "stiction", it to due which muscle corrective was fall and maintains hypothesized to As the rapidly arising from maintained otolith stiffness, muscle increased characteristic is length phase to more likely that the initial seems changes of muscle length. gravity, phase attributed was phase simply is the labyrinthine feedback of a transient nature, However, feedback. arrests first The posture. stable which state steady final phase response consists of an initial tilt normal of stiction small is increases vestibular tipping test is not used much clinically, or amplitude overcome by until the final feedback. The because other tests are presumably simpler and more sensitive. A.6 Effects DL vestibular disturbances on segmental reflexes Kots (1976) Reschke et al. Segmental stimulation, (1976) reflexes which is are also affected by consistent with electrophysiological results demonstrating potentiation of the segmental following VST caloric activation. Cold caloric reflexes increases the - 197 ipsilateral patellar reflex, induced by striking the tendon. Hot caloric increases the contralateral patellar reflex. The fact that the reflex response to stimulation of the posterior tibialis nerve is not increased Y' indicates that the is probably activated by the caloric stimuli, system increasing the magnitude of the gastrocnemius reflex. Prolonged significant exposure effect on and are weightlessness the Soleus-spinal H-reflexes zero-g to strength of are potentiated inhibited during also spinal during has a reflexes. periods hyper-g (Reschke of et al., 1976). A1 Tests of balance during walking Fregly (1974) Fregly subjects to has a developed maintain variable difficulty. their series of tests requiring balance under circumstances of The tasks include standing with feet in tandem heel-to-toe position (modified Romberg test), standing on one leg, walking heel-to-toe on a beam, and walking line on the a Some of the tasks were done both with floor. In eyes open and eyes closed. objectivity on to addition simplicity and of scoring, the tests were required to provide a wide range of difficulty and a high sensitivity to individual differences. By effect of vision proprioceptive, repeating can be tactile the tests with eyes closed, estimated, and auditory but the cues presence the of in addition to - vestibular sensation still to occur. 198 permits many complex As a diagnostic technique, analysis of a complex system research - tool, may be such a multidimensional of value, but as a it leaves too many variables unrestrained to allow an understanding of basic mechanisms. the walking tasks, interactions especially, Performance in are susceptible to improvement by learning and depend significantly on motivation. - 199 - - 200 - APPENDIX B THE FUNCTION OF THE VESTIBULAR SYSTEM AND RELATED BRAINSTEM STRUCTURES IN THE CONTROL OF POSTURE Note: Specific references section particular are with listed special the at relevance beginning to a of that section. B.1 General structure and innervation Qf the vestibular nuclei Brodal (1974) Figures B.1-5 anatomical it may be contain connectivity useful to schematic representations of with the vestibular nuclei to which refer throughout the text in this appendix. The vestibular nuclei include on nuclei each side fourth ventricle. included. superior (SVN), the brainstem on the floor of the vestibular nuclei nuclei, the nucleus supravestibularis. are the control, foremost also descending and interstitial vestibular nerve, cell groups f, 1, x, of are includes the here lateral (LVN), medial (MVN), vestibular (DVN) distinct A number of smaller cell groups term The of four relatively nucleus of the y, and z, and the Of these, the LVN, MVN, and DVN interest for considering postural since these areas contribute significant descending - Table 13.1. 201 - Abbreviations used in text bvFRT bilateral ventral flexor reflex tract DSCT dorsal spinocerebellar tract DVN descending vestibular nucleus FRA flexor reflex afferents iFT ipsilateral forelimb tract LVN lateral vestibular nucleus 1VST lateral vestibulospinal tract MLF medial longitudinal fasciculus MVN medial vestibular nucleus mVST medial vestibulospinal tract RST reticulospinal tract SVN superior vestibular nucleus VSCT ventral spinocerebellar tract VST vestibulospinal tract 202 - - vestibulocerebellum: flocculus nodulus caudal uvula mossy fibres ventral paraflocculus ventral tip of dentate nucleus dorsolateral reticular PRIMARY VESTIBULAR arformation ----------- AFFERENTS 2. utricle, sccule canals- Figure B.1. SVN canals ventrorostral ... -,. LVNJ rostrolateral MVN utricle--- . caudolateral MVN saccule - \ rostral DVN utricle - .y ventromedial DVN Primary vestibular afferents to cerebellum. - 203 - vestibulocerebellum: flocculus nodulus caudal uvula ventral paraflocculus e/ fastigial nucleus I ipsilateral mossy fibres collaterals Vestibular nuclei areas including: ventrolaterocaudal DVN group f group x ventrocaudal MVN Figure B.2. Secondary vestibular afferents to cerebellum. - flocculus 204 generally ipsilateral nodulus Purkinje axons - areas of vestibular nuclei also receiving ) primary vestibular afferents peripheral SVN caudal, medial MVN ventrocaudal DVN group f group x dorsocaudal LVN posterior peripheral SVN vermis ventral tip of MVN ventral half of LVN Iventrolateral DVN 4W tp nucleus -Y caudal rostral -ell group/x group f fastigal i V-I peripheral SVN dorsal half of LVN anteriordorsomedial MVN, except ventral tip DVN vermis dorsal LVN ipsilateral spinal proprioceptive information Figure B.3. dorsorostral DVN Cerebellar outflow to the vestibular nuclei. - 205 - rostroventral LVN central LVN medial VST, ipsilateral dorsocaudal LVN lateral VST, mostly i psilateral neck and forelimb control trunk I hindlimb laminae VII and VIII of spinal cord Figure B.4. Vestibulospinal tract projections. lateral, VST extensor muscle MLF flexor muscle Figure B.S. Simplified representation of VST and MLF innervation pattern. All synapses shown are excitatory. (Grillner, 1969) - - 206 except nuclei, major the (MLF), medial ascending function via the oculomotor longitudinal fasciculus The contributes the most to this function. SVN nuclei vestibular pontomedullary the and nuclei oculomotor the SVN also relays information from other to contribute DVN, the four the of While all influences on spinal motor systems. to reticular formation. Each of the major nuclei can be further subdivided into functionally differentiated regions according nature of their connections with the cerebellum and trunk or limb muscles. controlling neck, vestibular nuclei, segments Somatotopic mapping areas is maintained in the LVN, the cerebellar the and reticular spinal the with connections the afferents, not these regions receive primary vestibular formation, to whether or relaying to and to a lesser degree, the MVN and DVN. The discovery of such somatotopic mapping combined with a knowledge connections locomotion. cortex, makes for strategies vestibular of thalamus, more and basal CNS with structures such as certainly have an ganglia important influence on motor control, interaction during posture and equilibrium rostral likely of conception the possible maintaining While afferent connections and spinal the nature of their more caudal brainstem structures mediating postural reactions is not known in any detail. Therefore, in - this study, 207 - the more automatic processes of posture will be terms in primarily interpreted spinal-vestibular-cerebellar a more interpreted a phenomenological from volitional explanation which sits must perspective; equivalent to postulating a "black box" structure Any experimental interactions. results requiring known of above the central postural stabilizer interact Physiologically, determined this is of relatively unknown (the vestibular nuclei and associates) and provides which be. with this the postural translates interactions between commands stabilizer. into experimentally corticospinal impulses and vestibular commands, for example. B.2 Afferent inflow to the vestibular nuclei Precht (1974b) Each type of afferent inflow to the vestibular nuclei usually terminates in a preferred region of each nucleus, and some types of afferents terminate predominantly nuclei. The vestibular, main groups of and specific afferent fibres are: primary cerebello-vestibular, reticulo-vestibular, in commissural afferent inflow arrives indirectly, via spino-vestibular, fibres. the Much of the cerebellum and reticular formation. BeI Primary yestiUlar afferents Primary sensory information reaches the vestibular - nuclei through 208 - the vestibular vestibulo-cochlear. nerve. and acceleration, receptors; excite higher Low portion frequency gravity primarily frequency angular stimuli, excite utricle and saccule are linear otolith acceleration stimuli Otolith input can be further subdivided into utricular and saccular The the the semicircular canal receptors. the of believed to afferents. be primarily responsible for sensing gravity and linear acceleration. Most primary entering afferent sprout terminate in functionally "forelimb" numerous the. SVN collaterals. and significant area, may the Ascending It LVN. rostral branches LVN may be is the to the efferent outflow from the termination of primary fibres system. Some primary dorsolateral reticular formation. rostrolateral before in this indicate more direct control of the forelimbs by vestibular bifurcation just these bifurcations, ventrorostral that relative LVN; the preferential the bifurcate the vestibular nuclear complex; in turn, region fibres terminate MVN. in fibres the Descending branches of the the DVN ventromedial and No primary afferents have been shown to innervate contralateral vestibular nuclei. Areas of afferent terminations are not sharply delineated, are indicated by reach distinct gradients of primary but rather, afferent terminal densities. The primary vestibular afferents can be subdivided into - canal, and utricular number to the ventral LVN. reach fibres saccular fibres. A the Utricular rostral number small relatively and DVN fibres and a smaller medial DVN, MVN, afferents Canal MVN. rostral caudolateral the to project saccular and SVN terminate in the - 209 of ventral LVN. Electrophysiological recordings indicate that LVN neurons, in general, respond primarily to otolith stimulation rather than While these to canal stimulation. predominant represent patterns termination of tendencies, some higher order neurons receive input from several saccule and canal. Both somata and dendrites of many rostral receptor LVN neurons are contacted by terminal afferents, in organs, boutons for of example, utricular addition to terminals of cerebello-vestibular fibres. Bt4 Response patterns of neurons vestibular central t primary vestibular afferent input Precht (1974) Fernandez and Goldberg (1971, Goldberg and Fernandez (1971, Fujita et al. (1968) Schor (1974) Both primary neurons discharge and secondary spontaneously Primaries have resting second many 1976a,b,c) 1980) discharges at of vestibular relatively high rates. 20 per second, order neurons fire at rates of 2 to 30 per second. few secondaries fire at rates up to 90 per second. origin sensory of resting discharge and A While the in primary neurons is unknown, 210 - - the resting discharge of the secondary neurons vestibular seems to be due to the reflex effect of convergent input from since the primaries, section after to some ceases temporarily of the vestibulo-cochlear nerve. It recovers of because possibly degree, discharge resting excitation reflex originating from other sources. Central vestibular neurons that respond afferent input Of the response. canals been have accelerations with respond a new 0.65 deg/secl , thresholds. have which canals, primary agrees with steady, is sensation and nystagmus spontaneously, a higher threshold of about 5 deg/sec however, maintained neurons tonic Kinetic neurons do not discharge threshold has been reached, the significant change in frequency impulse angular changing rate of gradually a step For horizontal The threshold for a statistically level. and the reaches firing which eventually in of horizontal the canals, most. the studied in the plane neurons tonic of 'pairs three "tonic" or "kinetic" a either demonstrate vestibular to . Once the kinetic neurons are more sensitive to further increases of acceleration than the tonic functional importance for In addition to the tonic-phasic dichotomy, vestibular neurons, of which may be large angular accelerations. neurons responding be categorized to horizontal canal stimulation may also according to whether the firing rate increases - 211 - or a given direction of angular acceleration. to decreases All primary neurons in the nerve respond canal horizontal increased discharge to utriculopetal and decreased discharge to utriculofugal (Utriculopetal motion. the of with motion, cupula branch endolymph flow occurs on the right These side for clockwise acceleration the horizontal plane.) as are common. It should be evident that because of the spontaneous such discharge, Secondary referred to neurons neurons a type I units and are the most bidirectional demonstrate response several is other possible. types of responses as indicated in the following table: utriculofugal utriculopetal type I + type II + type III type IV The sign + + the indicates direction of change in the firing rate. Primary neurons in the nerve branch from canals have horizontal canals. motion thresholds higher In these produces increased the inverse of vertical than the afferents from the neurons, utriculofugal cupula discharge and utriculopetal motion produces decreased discharge. show the this motion in the vertical plane. Some secondary pattern sensory neurons in response to angular - 212 - In response to sustained acceleration, the firing of a neuron tonic is this whether unclear is It maximum. response, or The whether it is due to central neural habituation. response to an impulse in sudden order firing primary neurons of the cat show some oscillation in of rate low a to due oscillation in the peripheral neuron frequency a reaching after somewhat decreases rate may account for much adaptation resulting during maintained Otolith afferents also discharge neurons vestibular secondary stimulation show increased which the In addition, higher stopping of a rotating platform. mechanisms from resulting deceleration of the sensory accelerations. spontaneously. to respond Most otolith discharge during ipsilateral tilt during contralateral tilt. Higher order neurons exist which show increased or decreased firing and rates discharge decreased analogous to the types of both directions of tilt, to units responding types of tilt to canal horizontal c( + type /A - type i + (type These neurons are often classified as follows: ipsilateral type stimulation. c& not found) contralateral tilt + - 213 - where sign indicates direction Most of these of change of firing rate. neurons are sensitive to tilt about only one axis and are mutually orthogonal. LVN neurons stimulation in have the cat which characteristic respond response vestibular predominantly to the afferent cervico-thoracic segments. responses. The hindlimb lumbosacral segments, neurons neurons, show which region, These the are terminals forelimb which restricted show canals, or type project o( to This reactions Most of the neurons show graded responses to varying degrees of tilt. to tilt. transiently caused by convergence to projects Y responses. mostly type and will be discussed later. respond which nucleus. has significance in terms of the observed postural neurons otolith patterns differ in the hindlimb and forelimb regions of Primary to of higher order In addition, a few LVN This could either be information from the by transient neural response to changes in input from the otoliths. Goldberg and Fernandez (1980, located the neurons SVN which vestibular decrease exert afferents. the squirrel monkey) interposed between the abducens nucleus and excitatory influence upon primary When these neurons of the vestibular efferent system are stimulated, to in the response the excitatory influence acts gain of irregularly discharging primary neurons to natural vestibular stimulation. It was 214 - - proposed that dynamic range movements, such a mechanism might function to extend the which during are often very accelerations the head intended during afferents the of large. Bj5 Commissural connections The SVN is the source of most of the commissural fibres to the contralateral The majority of nuclei. vestibular these fibres terminate in the contralateral SVN, but the vestibular nuclei receive some projections. fibres sends a significant number of DVN, MVN, and vestibplar the afferents of The DVN also contralateral the Most of these fibres terminate in the LVN. ventral aspects of to all contralateral No nuclei. primary been detected which relay to the have contralateral nuclei. vestibular vestibular induced nuclei nerve in potentials Recordings of field by stimulation pulse that indicate contralateral the both of inhibitory the and excitatory influence crosses to the other side with latencies of several milliseconds. influenced primarily in II neurons homolateral the II type contralateral neurons are labyrinth via Mild stimulation of the vestibular nerve commissural fibres. results by Most of the inhibition of contralateral type I neurons; probably type opposite side. I act as neurons, inhibitory mediating Kinetic type I neurons interneurons type upon the stimuli from the have been shown to - 215 - receive monosynaptic excitation during ipsilateral vestibular nerve and stimulation neurons is as inhibition for canal-type canal inhibits stimulation canal units; posterior anterior units; canal and, horizontal canal contralateral inhibits anterior well the as This by allowed bidirectionality stimulation canal inhibits contralateral posterior canal units. as horizontal follows: contralateral stimulation during pattern for crossed The general stimulation. contralateral inhibition disynaptic scheme, spontaneous firing, enhances the range of firing rates in response given range ipsilateral opposite of stimuli. In each case, side is augmented by reinforcing side. form posterior canal, from the input from the sense opposite from whereas both posterior canals and both anterior other, canals a Note that because of their position, the two horizontal canals detect rotation in a each input to pairs canal which which detect motion similarly. Each is coplanar with the contralateral anterior explains the utility of the particular arrangement of crossed inhibition described above. B.6 Direct spinal afferents Rubin et al. Ezure et al. (1977) (1978) Direct spinal afferents to the relatively cerebellum. spinal sparse compared Some of hindlimb area, the to direct the vestibular nuclei are massive input from the input originates in the which lies below the caudal end of the - 216 This direct itself.) from the column of Clarke arise (DSCT) (Most dorsal spinocerebellar tract column of Clarke. fibres - spinal projection is entirely ipsilateral, and terminates ventrocaudal on ventrolateral MVN, groups x and z, with a DVN, These areas do smaller number projecting to dorsocaudal LVN. not receive primary vestibular afferents. The direct spinal input is indirect areas cerebellum. limb, of but Most EPSP's the the. hindlimb Both inhibitory. or spinal inhibitory but input via the inferior olive and cerebellum spinal may be excitatory forelimb excitatory, primarily and LVN receive indirect excitatory and via input inferior the olive and of this input arises from the ipsilateral have been responses in detected to peripheral stimulation of the contralateral limb. In order for vestibular sensory input to be useful postural control, a head-body transformation must occur at This implies some level of processing. information must in by route of the the neck that nuclei, vestibular cerebellum afferent vestibular with converge eventually information either directly indirectly, for or or reticular neck afferents formation. Ezure et al. (1978) showed that the participate in the vestibulocollic reflex. of dorsal roots C1 to C4, the individual motor units was response unchanged, Following section gain but and the phase of gain as - 217 by measured the EMG - was response The diminished. of individual motor unit firing rates was reduced, component which suggests that the deafferentation may result motoneurones a indicating pattern in alpha with activity, alpha-gamma coactivation. of fewer Spindle afferents participating in the reflex. continued to show modulation in phase root stimulation indicated that the largest in DC Dorsal observed EPSP's the motoneurones were mediated via polysynaptic pathways; the identity of these pathways was not but determined, the medial vestibulospinal tract was considered unlikely. SCerebellar function in relation to the vestibular nuclei Pompeiano (1974) Precht (1974b) With function respect can be to the divided vestibular nuclei, cerebellar into three convenient categories: vestibular input to the vestibulo-cerebellum, output vestibulo-cerebellum to spino-cerebello-vestibular the nuclei, vestibular indirect pathway for of the and the information from the spinal cord to the vestibular nuclei. B.7.1 General cerebellar physiology Bell and Dow (1967) Before reviewing the input and output tracts of the cerebellum, a few points concerning cerebellar physiology are relevant. The somatotopically. cerebellar Any cortex processing is highly organized which the cortex performs - 218 - spread of cerebellum is tends to be very localized, as opposed to diffuse types ipsilateral, via two basic fibres. mossy of the climbing fibres: strongly inferior olive and terminate on Purkinje cells with excitatory which fibres, ultimately All synapses. either granule excite directly inhibit input other by cells and can excite Purkinje cells due to or interposed the granule and Purkinje cells. Purkinje cell which axons, are the only efferent from the cerebellar cortex, synapse primarily on connections the cells of the deep cerebellar nuclei, and are The mossy arrives inhibitory stellate and basket cells which may be between and solely from the originate fibres Climbing to input the of Most activity. deep nuclei also receive fibres. collaterals of climbing and mossy fire at very high rates, excitatory inhibitory. input Nuclear from neurons providing a generally tonic efferent outflow upon which a rate modulation is superimposed. B.7.2 Input- to the vestibulo-cerebellum Marini et al. (1975) Either primary or secondary not numerous compared to other cerebellar input. vestibular afferents have been flocculus, shown to terminate are Primary in the nodulus, caudal uvula, ventral paraflocculus, and a small ventral edge of the dentate secondary afferents vestibular vestibular afferents nucleus. originate Many in group of the x and - ventrocaudal MVN. similar to the Areas of termination in the cerebellum primary vestibular afferents, dentate nucleus and also from the 219 - fastigial form of ipsilateral including nucleus. All are excluding the significant projections of these inputs are in the mossy fibres. Climbing fibres to the vestibulo-cerebellum from the inferior olive probably consist of indirect input from the vestibular nuclei, but the nature of such connections has not been determined. Note that the areas of origin of most of the secondary vestibular afferents vestibular afferents. Because vestibular afferents links in secondary a the vestibular of receive this, pathway afferent somatic not cerebellum spinocerebellar vestibular and significant to do the rather secondary than a true Convergence probably occurs degree in the vestibulo-cerebellum; example, group x receives spinal afferents primary probably comprise pathway. information so-called and to of a as one known projects to the vestibulo-cerebellum. The inferior olive is probably an important way station for convergence of spinal afferents commands upon the cerebellum. poor postural symmetry and, and descending motor Lesions of the olive result in during locomotion, unsteadiness and an asymmetric hindlimb gait. that the vestibulo-cerebellum may function result in This suggests to integrate proprioceptive information and motor commands with vestibular 220 - - information in order to correct posture. The nodulus, in particular, receives both secondary and otolith -type bilateral integration units input. and representation with primary and The presence of equal ratios of eX some from oculomotor Y units the and indicates vestibular neck strong nuclei. afferents, output may serve to regulate head and trunk position. By nodular - B.Y. 221 - Output -f the vestibulo-cerebellum Ito et al. (1968) Most studies to date confirm the of inhibitory the vestibulo-cerebellar cortex on the vestibular nuclei. This is consistent with the general principle cells exert that cerebellar nuclei; in to vestibulo-cerebellum respond Purkinje to cells canal four types of cells found in the vestibular nuclei. All of the vestibular nuclei vestibulo-cerebellum, the deep from horizontal stimulation with patterns similar to the various scanty. the both cases the Purkinje cells act to modulate tonic activity of the nuclei. (I to IV) Purkinje inhibition, and suggests that, in some aspects, the vestibular nuclei are functionally similar the influence although A general principle of flocculus projects primary vestibular to input from the the projection to the LVN is organization those afferents, receive and regions the applies also nodulus here: receiving and uvula project to roughly similar regions to which the contralateral fastigial describing nucleus also projects. fastigio-vestibular medial MVN, section projections.) and uvular projections terminate in and (See peripheral B.7.5 These nodular SVN, ventrocaudal DVN, group f, group x. caudal A few fibres also project to dorsocaudal LVN. The vestibulo-cerebellum seems to be primarily involved with oculomotor function, although it may have significance - 222 - Lesions for postural regulation. the in cortex of this region result in enhancement of vestibular-induced nystagmus, the of appearance of Lesions of the nodulus impair otolith influence habituation. on the oculomotor B.7.4 lack and nystagmus, spontaneous system. Direct projections .of- t he cerebellum spinal to the vestibular nuclei Ito et al. (1968) Ito et al. (1970b) The anterior vermis of the cerebellum, mostly spinal proprioceptive which information, dorsorostral DVN and dorsocaudal LVN. The receives projects to the spinal input to the vermis is generally ipsilateral, and the outflow from the vermis to the vestibular nuclei via the peduncle is also ipsilateral. inferior cerebellar Note that the dorsocaudal LVN to which the anterior vermis projects covers parts of both cells from the forelimb and hindlimb regions of this nucleus. A direct anterior vermis inhibitory to electrophysiologically, have also detected path the dorsal LVN Purkinje has been confirmed although some investigators claim excitatory stimulating anterior vermis. this via The pathway is 15 to 20 m/sec. efferents to LVN neurons by conduction velocity of possibilities over Difficulties of stimulation experiments of cerebellar cortex become evident here, number to since a complicate the interpretation; the - 223 - presence of basket and stellate cells inhibit Purkinje cells, the in the cortex which presence of Golgi cells which normally provide recurrent inhibition of parallel fibres, and possible antidromic activation of spinocerebellar afferents In general, which have collaterals to the fastigial nuclei. cerebellar cortex experiments are difficult to stimulation interpret. Fastigial nuclei B.7-.5 Ito et al. (1970a) An indirect pathway exists from the Purkinje cells vermal cortex to the vestibular nuclei via the fastigial the nucleus. fastigial nuclei. system, This route nucleus inhibitory includes and excitatory in synapses A very specific somatotopic mapping exists for also. Vermal pole regions of the fastigial nucleus. which is the forelimb region, pole of the fastigial hindlimb projection. of posterior vermis) of lobules I this to III, rostral The vermis of lobules IV and also projects to the rostral nucleus, but more medially than the Vermis of lobules IX projects the synapses in the vestibular corresponding to the hindlimb area, p'roject onto the V, in to the (hindlinb region caudal pole of the fastigial nucleus just medially to the hindlimb area. Most of the fastigio-vestibular fibres arising from the rostral half of the fastigial nucleus project ipsilaterally and those of the caudal half project contralaterally. The - crossed 224 - fastigio-vestibular fibres terminate ventral tip of MVN, ventral half of LVN, the SVN, ventrolateral DVN, Uncrossed fibres terminate in most of f, and group x. group in LVN, the MVN except for the most ventral tip, dorsal half of and that and crossed uncrossed fibres exception the with regions This pattern of innervation indicates DVN. dorsomedial of SVN. the different to project Excitatory fastigio-reticular connections are also numerous. during firing rate contralateral units are responses, also indicate that most units increase their tilt lateral during tilt ipsilateral (type found. indicating &X). tilt and Curarization proprioceptive seem to be velocity sensitive, to decays rate. during decrease A smaller number of 1 does not feedback Many of cause of the observed response patterns. to a step tilt; cats decerebrate Recordings from fastigial neurons in and alter X the not the is the units as indicated by their response the firing rate increases transiently, then a rate which is slightly greater than the resting No anatomical evidence of macular or ampullar input to the fastigial nuclei has yet been found. The fastigial nuclei also receive input from many other sources, mostly in the form of collaterals from climbing and mossy fibres projecting to the cortex. spinal nuclei. proprioceptive The existence These sources include afferents and precerebellar reticular of fastigio-reticular positive - 225 may loops feedback - the explain to help rate high of continuous firing of most fastigial units. Electrical stimulation of the fastigial nucleus causes inhibition in SVN consistent of patterns excitation and neurons which can be independently classified as disynaptically inhibited by stimulation of the fastigial nucleus and monosynaptically contralateral excited Type II neurons ipsilateral fastigial nucleus. or Type I neurons are II by horizontal canal stimulation. type I type by are the excited by the contralateral fastigial nucleus, and monosynaptically probably function as inhibitory interneurones acting on type I cells. B.8 Reticular formation afferents to the vestibular nuclei Clendenin, et al. (1974) The organization of input from the reticular is not known in much is vestibular nuclei projecting elsewhere. derived Some from of of the input to the Most detail. collaterals the tracts collaterals to the vestibular nuclei are VST. The reticular formation is the the RST, as afferents. well axons of which sprout MLF and most probable link between the vestibular nuclei and more rostral parts brain, formation as acting as an additional of the relay for spinal - B.9j 226 - Efferents from vestibular nuclei to -reticular formation Peterson and Abzug (1975) All of the four major vestibular nuclei project to pontomedullary reticular formation, different pattern of termination. the LVN and reticular SVN nucleus project and the and each nucleus has a Of these projections, only to reticular nuclei (the lateral the nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis) which have projections to the cerebellum. Therefore, these two reticular nuclei cerebello- provide links in a vestibulo- reticulo- cerebellar loop. B.10 Influence of brainstem And cerebellum on spinal The descending motor tracts from the brainstem include mechanisms the reticulospinal (VST). lateral tract (RST) The latter can be subdivided VST into two tracts, cerebellar and These pathways transmit vestibular the processing to (-K motoneurones primarily through interneurones in the cord. the (lVST) and the medial VST (mVST), which is part os the descending MLF. of and the vestibulospinal tract results and 4Y spinal - B.11 227 - Lateral vestibulospinal tract (lVST) Grillner et al. (1970) Grillner (1969) Hongo et al. (1975) Kato and Tanji (1971) Nyberg-Hansen (1975) Peterson and Coulter (1977) Peterson et al. (1978) Pompeiano (1975) Wilson and Yoshida (1969) The lVST ipsilaterally. originates in the LVN and descends This tract is somatotopically organized; fibres originating in the rostroventral LVN terminate at cervical most the level (neck and forelimb segments), fibres from the central are as project to thoracic segments (trunk) and fibres from the dorsocaudal (hindlimb). fast, up LVN to lumbosacral project The conduction velocity of these fibres is to 100 m/sec. medial motoneurone cell group. border However, electrophysiological monosynapti c contacts exist, trees of O< which VII and VIII. are experiments indicate implies and hip and toe extensor X. recorded in flexor 4 through Electrical monosynaptically excites knee rarely bodies that dendritic motoneurones probably extend into lamina VIII. Polysynapti c effects are mediated laminae of Very few fibres reach laminae IX where most of the 0( motoneurone cell located. very Most of the fibres at all levels terminate in laminae VII and VIII of Rexed on the the segments interneurones in stimulation of the VST ankle extensor c< , but Disynaptic IPSP's have been and some hip extensor C(. Some of cells in lamina VIII send axons across the midline, the which may - effects upon stimulation of the VST. explain the bilateral The LVN, 228 - which receives primarily otolith input, functions to regulate tonic labyrinthine reflexes in the neck Most of the control it exerts is through VST axons and body. or directly which indirectly contact motoneurones of axial recorded from spinal 1 As a this rule, extensor shortly are responses CK, and can be with latencies as short as 3 neurons msec, with amplitudes of EPSP's Monosynaptic and proximal limb musculature. 4 to monosynaptic These mV. followed by polysynaptic potentials. excitation monosynaptic disynaptic recorded in the antagonist can IPSP's flexor (X. on impinges simultaneously be This inhibition is probably mediated via Ia interneurones. Unilateral lesions of the LVN in rats cause asymmetric posture with outward splaying of the limbs ipsilateral to the the body, staggering gait and tremor. tilting after lesion, prolonged fits of rolling The rats lie flattened against In monkeys, lesions the ground, unable to lift head or body. of the caudal LVN result in more severe postural disturbances than lesions of any other areas Symptoms include head tilt lesion. no in elevating nuclei. and falling toward the side of the SVN lesions result in similar symptoms, difficulty the body descending influence of a tonic nature much. vestibular the except that occurs, suggesting that is not affected as In all of these cases, some compensation occurs after 229 - - a period of necessary recovery. are activity tonic mechanisms The appears that the remaining areas for regaining the known in detail, but it not of the nuclei vestibular somehow compensate for the lost tonic activity. tract (mVST) Medial vestibulospinal B.12 Grillner et al. (1971) The mVST is less prominent than the lateral tract. the in originate fibres and MVN descend primarily ipsilaterally with the MLF, along with fibres of the RST interstitiospinal led spinal the cord to some confusion of terminology in the literature. The confusion can be partly avoided by noting that and and The fact that the fibres of these tract. tracts are so closely associated in much of the has The descending MLF are not synonomous. the mVST Stimulation of the MLF at levels above the mid-thoracic segments will result No fibres of the mVST in stimulation of all of these tracts'. have been traced primary function mid-thoracic below is area) and Thus, the MVN the receive LVN (but primary not control the vestibular afferents suggests that the neck and forelimb are under direct its probably control of neck and forelimb. The fact that the forelimb areas of hindlimb segments. more of the vestibular senses than the hindlimbs. Conduction velocities of mVST fibres average 63 m/sec. Neurons in the MVN neck "C and exert monosynaptic inhibition monosynaptic excitation on forelimb flexor on O<. - 230 - Electrical stimulation of the labyrinths also produces disynaptic IPSP's in neck 6<, probably through a relay in the MVN. See figure B.5 on page 200. B,13 Caudal vestibulospinal tract Peterson and Coulter (1977) Peterson et al. (1978) A new projection from been has cord spinal the nuclei vestibular named discovered, to the caudal the of It projects from the caudal poles vestibulospinal tract. the MVN and DVN and from the cell group f to the cervical and lumbar spinal cord. IVST and mVST This tract is since it projects ventral and dorsolateral funiculi. much anatomically unlike the bilaterally in both the Conduction velocities are slower (12 m/sec) than for the 1VST and mVST. The mode of action on spinal motoneurones has yet to be determined. B.14 Reticulospinal tract (RST) Grillner et al. About reticular half of (1971) the neurons in the pontomedullary formation contribute fibres to the RST, especially neurons of the nucleus nucleus reticularis reticularis gigantocellularis. pontis as these fibres far as synapse Conduction velocities the on and This tract descends with the mVST in the MLF, but continues beyond segments caudalis the thoracic lumbosacral enlargement. Most of layers VII and VIII range from 90 to 130 m/sec, of which, Rexed. like - 231 - the fibres op the VST, is very fast. stimulation Electrical of the caudal pontine reticular formation evokes monosynaptic EPSPts in flexor fA and a few flexor polysynaptic IPSP's in extensor c( The 1VST and the deduced been with former as exceptions some includes other tracts in addition to do tracts the not below extend figure B.5 on page 200, an for a mid-thoracic limbs lower other See segments. of schematic mentioned these RST, the causes Although the MLF MLF stimulation. from 0(. constitute The effects of RST activity on the previously. have MLF of stimulation and activation, extensor the and Stimulation of the latter causes antagonist pair, as a rule. flexor activation, of tracts extensor- c (, toe and some hip and antagonist the principle of VST and MLF activation. B.15 Controll of the Y motor system Grillner (1969) brainstem The motoneurones and e is that and cerebellum is frequently However, movements. separate connections from o< to polysynaptic of activation Y have excitation blocking of the extrafusal may the in rule O( most what has been demonstrated 4Y activation is not dependent that control exert which is largely independent of o( control. coactivation intentional and can not occur. endplates, occur. been excitation, 0< upon Monosynaptic found, Following iY but weak selective motoneurones can - both activate will stimulation controlled by the vestibular nuclei by to control of of Y more extensor than r< Flexor Y , which exaggerated flexor bias ipsilateral to anterior the This depression is activity. eventually compensated to some extent. recover analogous mechanisms especially cerebellum, the depression cause 0Y' are probably c( units. Lesions of lobe, Y. o and in cerebellar Normally, contractions. spindle intrafusal resulting stimulation, cerebellar by fired be still 232 - to contribute an may the tend lesion. Beside abnormal posture, symptoms include hypotonia, pendular tendon and reflexes of patterns excitatory o' and the response to external disturbances of unchanged, basically It has cerebellum is to originating elsewhere level limb as a into the activity in "( position O6 tonic of postulated been act phasic remains although the general level of tonic activity is lower and the higher. lesions, cerebellar Following tremor. activity d is that one function of the switch, either excitation channeling CX or Y' activity. However, such conclusions seem highly speculative, given the of complexity of the strong excitatory and inhibitory degree effects of various neurons in the cerebellum. The previous generalizations concerning supraspinal control and apply (dynamic to the static motoneurones, a , Y since motoneurones) seem to be controlled quite - differently. In spontaneously, decreases, the decerebrate cat, both spinalization, after but ' but remain unchanged. are affected by supraspinal activated from by flexor reflexes, tonic dorsal reflex C( and 233 - I and fire rate the This implies that tonic influences, whereas root inflow. afferents, r 4 and segmental However, exclude the possibility of supraspinal are receive input in are coactivated. a a flexor this does not d control in certain circumstances. The functional motoneurones is significance that spindle velocity versus control of the activation is that discharge allow to of C discharge rate and as of the well the Y II firing result afferents increases and may as spindle of firing increases primary afferent velocity; Ia 4yd and adjustment of the muscle sensitivity, position resting 7Y the A much simplified summary of receptors. response they of the Y (Ia) resting decrease the velocity sensitivity of the Ia afferents. In order to further understand the significance of Y system, it properties.of the is necessary various to somatic review the efferents. the functional Ia and II afferents are present throughout the body of a muscle and are sensitive to intrafusal derivatives, impinging which muscle spindle length and higher depend on both overall muscle length and uy activity. The Ia afferents are more sensitive - 234 - to velocity and can be selectively activated by vibration; are the II afferents are much less affected by vibration and Ia afferents respond to the primarily sensitive to position. onset of stretch with a transient increase cessation of firing upon release. and a temporary Muscle spindles respond to local pressure with sustained firing. d and on the rs activation has a number of specific effects responses of Ia afferents to stretch which are summarized below: (1) With no K bias, resting discharge occurs and the afferent response has a high dynamic sensitivity to unloading and some sensitivity to stretch. (2) With d drive, dynamic sensitivity to stretch increases, but dynamic sensitivity to shortening decreases. (3) With Y drive, increases, the resting discharge rate and output is linearly related to length, with little dynamic sensitivity to either stretch or unloading. (4) With both and g drive, output has a high dynamic sensitivity to lengthening, but not to shortening. Other afferents are important in motor performance reflex regulation, and but are not directly modulated by efferent - 235 - tendon Golgi of stretch Thus, fibres. series with muscle or located in tendons, in are afferents, organ afferents, Group Ib control like the spindle receptors. tendon the acts as a measure of muscle tension, and the group Ib organs rates firing their increased during afferents increase tension. Ib afferents are relatively insensitive to passive muscle stretch. In addition to muscle receptors, receptors important are also cutaneous joint and Passive in spinal reflexes. joint sense is impaired after selectively blocking the position sense during active movement is not receptors, but impaired. Cutaneous receptors ipsilateral to the stimulus. soles of afferent sensations the are excites which reflex, flexion joint responsible fast flexor the for o( units The cutaneous receptors in the feet may be especially important in providing information for postural control. Differential of pressure from posterior to anterior and medial to lateral areas of the soles of the feet may provide substantial cues for body center of gravity determination. - 236 - Functional characteristics _Q. B.16 stretch reflex Dufresne et al. (1978) Ghez and Shinoda (1978) Herman et al. (1973b) Jack and Roberts (1978) Stein and Bawa (1976) In order to assess the capability of segmental reflexes to provide corrective movements, a number of characteristics are crucial: afferent discharge pattern, neural time tonic versus phasic motoneurone discharge, muscle stiffness (viscoelastic properties). is and delays, inherent The purpose here not to examine the details of particular reflexes, but to establish general qualities of the segmental will indicate the manner in reflexes which which supraspinal control is likely to be exerted. The mechanical properties of muscle contribute to "reflex" ankle muscles to small-amplitude indicate that most of the torque mechanical properties, neural reflex activity. quickly than significantly regulation of static posture during Studies of EMG and small disturbances. may since torque reponses of sinusoidal displacements can phase be lag accounted for by is independent of Peak torque was developed much more could be accounted for by reflex compensation. In addition, the frequency spectrum of the torque response to a not tendon tap contains higher frequency components which are present sinusoids. in This the frequency response obtained from suggests that nonlinear mechanical factors such as "stiction" act immediately to hinder small movements, - 237 - but as that the stiction is the overcome, more linear qualities of the muscle become dominant. For large postural disturbances, the segmental is reflex to insufficient position. the correct latency responses initiated by higher CNS structures most the of initiates corrective Proprioceptively posture during also account for circumstances. may corrections initiated provide system the upon depending ac.tion, Longer vestibular of can proprioception but instability, control descending powerful The action. corrective stretch occur either before or after vestibular corrections. With the aid of a servo-controlled platform which could effectively alter the gain of ankle feedback from +1 the to -1, Nashner was able to demonstrate adaptability the long latency response due to propriception. stood on the platform as a 200 in ankle torque occurred vestibular feedback. The subjects the platform only of functional stretch 120 300 msec demonstrated msec, reflex to later, due to ankle feedback gain was normal, When about half of the subjects developed of rotation of When ankle feedback was removed (gain=0), changes occurred. latency step (normal) which (FSR). was The a torque response referred to as the remaining subjects torque only after the longer "vestibular" latency. However, when ankle feedback gain was suddenly changed to -1, the subjects who responded with the FSR were destabilized. - 238 - After several more trials at a gain of -1, the FSR This disappeared. was interpreted as responses a for evidence mechanism which presets the state of segmental reflexes based on learning and an expectation of types of disturbances to be If the prediction is incorrect, then the reflex encountered. preconditioning must readapt to the new situation. D.17 X - interaction during reflexes and movement Allum (1975) Allum and Budingen (1976) Bizzi et al. (1978) Burke and Eklund (1977) Evarts et al. (1970) Henneman (1974e,f) Houk (1974) Houk and Henneman (1974) Kots (1976) Marsden et al. (1977) Morin and Pierrot-Deseilligny (1977) Monosynaptic facilitation of O( motoneurones by spindle long been known, but the significance of such has afferents debated. feedback is still high not is reflex Allum has shown develop significant force. to enough The gain bof this that in subjects instructed to resist movement, deflection of the arm is countered by viscoelastic properties for the first followed by a long latency increase in force 100 msec, acts to fully restore position. The reflex increase at 100 The msec is probably due to the segmental reflex. spindle and, feedback also, preparation to for may the role be to activate suprasegmental facilitate the descending which corresponding impulses O of centers units to follow. as This - 239 - Yr theory is supported by the fact that many large receptive fields, which would units have unsuitable for seem precise reflex control via segmental reflexes, but to a potentiation effect upon 0< conducive be units by means of Time delays and muscle properties combine response disturbances. velocity would spindle feedback. generalized sluggish very to. corrective This can feedback, be which impulses compensated is to cause during to an a large extent by provided by the Ia afferents. However, according to experimental results, this does not stabilize or damp the response as is commonly proposed, since the relative gain at the resonant frequency velocity It feedback. was suggested is that oscillatory response to brief stretches is, with higher the damped in fact, due to such feedback and may be a source of normal tremor. Both during voluntary corrections and movements, coactivated. A contraction r allows bias the sensitive but with proper more oC and which to be c' postural are motoneurones remain Ia afferents during muscle in their most are ten times to small stretches than to larger stretches, d' activation, the sensitive maintained during active movements. to automatic increases spindles sensitive, region of operation. more and servo-assisted, so disturbances can be corrected. that region can be This allows the movement unexpected external 240 - - Most supraspinal movement exert often which kind of movement, 4 various controlled suppressed. and For are activated results Jd^ and in reflex but during movement, segmental during example, are usually velocity increased positions, is useful to regulate maintained and sensitivity and the differing requirements activity. activation 4) posture The advantages of this are affected. be appreciated by recognizing during control control of differential only the Sometimes, can centers of excitability the flexor reflex is not desirable and would tend to destabilize. has The administration of DOPA the determining during DOPA movement. norepinephrine, of patterns is been excited by dorsal root inactive. causes . regulatory In During afferents, locomotion, properties group II depressed, of and of position. III 01 of precursor are but in 4 cd are reflexly activation dL discharge, extension phase, however, regulation system but is not found the spinal cat, flexor suppression of flexor and r in relatively DOPA administration, norepinephrine is Following and released the important an useful which is a neurotransmitter at many synapses neurons. cord of activation in brain regions controlling locomotion, spinal very and total but excites extensor rapid flexion the flexors is must provide both rather than important. The movement and Short latency reflex effects from (cutaneous and joint) afferents but long latency reflexes are not affected. are This - 241 - suggests that group II afferents may be signaling reflexes. more important muscle length rather than for facilitating for spinal 242 - - B,18 Effects 2 on activity VST and LVN motor activity the myotatic initiated elsewhere Gernandt (1974) Pompeiano (1975) The LVN exerts facilitatory influence on of extension, which is essential for postural tone. reflexes effect This facilitation does not have a continuous but reflexes, segmental seems up by VST axons 15 msec, be in by VST Local reflex activity inhibits to 25 msec. activity up the VST impulses must act as that indicating may reflex preceded when the effect of VST impulses following the reflex to the as a trigger, even myotatic strength gastrocnemius increases in impulses the example, For act the by though the impulses transmitted continuous. to on triggers of local reflex activity, after which the segmental activity completely dominates. stimulation During high frequency nerve, both and flexor extensor the of segmental reflexes augmented, but a potent inhibition follows the the stimulation, potent inhibitory maintained ampullary firing nerve ipsilaterally and contralaterally. which lasts for is after-effect of thought reticulospinal stimulation limb several results flexion cessation minutes. to neurons. in vestibular limb be due are of This to Unilateral extension and curvature of the trunk - 243 - VST activity immediately When also intersegmental affects by precede stimulation of the brachial plexus stimulation reflexes. of the results in a much VST, reduced lumbosacral ventral root response, which is an intersegmental proprioceptive coordination reflex , is stimulated before the However, when the plexus lumbosacral VST, response is enhanced considerably, if the ventral interval root between plexus and VST stimulation is less than 40 msec. Another example of a is the inhibition of labrynthine reflexes during interaction normally accompanied After discharge. is reaction off-center maintained hindlimb reflexes. a transient hindlimb extensor by elimination replaced by head of inhibition and positions of This suggests that the neck afferents may extensor C(. impulses VST impulses also interact with corticospinal a during facilitation continuous this afferents, neck be responsible for inhibiting lumbosacral in head Movements of the maintained off-center head positions. are intersegmental complex somewhat manner which is very dependent on temporal sequencing. If a volley of VST impulses preceeds an evoked impulse by 10 to 15 msec, the corticospinal response in the corresponding motor nerve is abolished. preceeds the corticospinal corticospinal nerve response is enhanced. impulse If by the VST 30 msec, volley the motor - - 244 Descending tracts from the vestibular nuclei also a of degree Stimulation of pathways. terminals, which monosynaptic results in reflex stretch because the depolarization of the afferent feedback. the spinal afferent ascending in areas afferent presynaptic causes over control the vestibular nuclei of and Ib depolarization L( Ia The inhibition. presynaptic is have though, enhanced, still outweighs the of reduction Similarly, stimulation of the caudal fastigial nucleus results in facilitation of contralateral ( and presynaptic afferent depolarization. B.19 Flex= reflex interaction with the vestibular system Anderson, Berthoz, et al. (1977) Anderson, Soechting, et al. (1977a) Anderson, S-oechting, et al. (1977b) Bruggencate and Lundberg (1974) Coulter et al. (-1974) Hinoki and Ushio (1975) Tokita et al. (1972) The flexor pathway reflex afferent (FRA or can be influenced by LVN stimulation. generally excitatory, the vestibular nuclei, anterior vermis. spinoreticular) The effect is providing a positive feedback loop with inhibitory control exerted to by the The FRA pathway can be subdivided into two components: the bilateral ventral flexor reflex tract (bvFRT) and the ipsilateral forelimb tract (iFT). activated by diffuse bvFRT neurons are flexion of all four limbs, and can be directly modulated by descending VST activity by monosynaptic excitation. The bvFRT crosses at the segmental level and 245 - - proceeds to a relay in the lateral which efferents spinocerebellar tract ventral the afferent similar transmits iFT All of these of those from which terminates directly in (VSCT), The cerebellum. to analogous are the forelimbs to the ipsilateral reticular from information nucleus, arise to the anterior vermis. characteristics the reticular nucleus, from which fibres project to the anterior vermis. Stimulation of the LVN by characterized are which in contralateral to LVN stimulation. conditioning of the the contralateral from receives input probably provide In addition, reflex FRA a muscle, major and joint source tract facilitates The FRA tract, to VST stimulation. ipsilateral EPSP's response stimuli noxious to flexion and extension ipsilateral contralateral reflexes, crossed facilitates skin which receptors, of tonic excitability to maintain movements evoked by higher CNS centers. Proprioceptive impulses from the muscles lumbar and thoracic to the vestibular system can become strong enough in symptoms cases of whiplash injuries and scoliosis, such that appear disturbances. nystagmus, Such ability. symptoms and nausea. all include with vertigo, of vestibular spontaneous In these cases, righting ability may Procainization of the painful also be impaired. decreases associated usually are which these symptoms These results indicate the and loci righting restores importance often of spinal 246 - - input to the brainstem vestibular centers. B.20 Sources .DLdecerebrate rijgidiiy. Modianos and Pfaff (1976) Schaefer (1974) Soechting et al. (1977) Decerebrate of means rigidity has been studied extensively brainstem mechanisms to this extreme cat, decerebrate a number of provide an interplay of excitatory and inhibitory on the motor system. the remain which still sources In state. tonic a cerebellar and of contribution the determining as influences Total deafferentation abolishes this rigidity, demonstrating the importance of sensory feedback as a tonic source. However, post-brachial section of the cord restores rigidity to the forelimbs. release the of forelimb spinal This results segments section, the from inhibitory If, instead of a influences arising in the lumbosacral area. post-brachial from the complete cerebellum, the either anterior vermis, or the fastigial nucleus has been destroyed, a similar difficult disinhibition to interpret, results. since a latter finding is This complex interplay of within the Labyrinthine input is also a source of rigidity in the inhibitory and excitatory influences occur cerebellum itself. decerebrate preparation. Unilateral vestibulo-cochlear (eighth) nerve causes ipsilateral limbs, but if the section flaccidity opposite nerve of in is the the also 247 - - discussed As important. are influences inhibitory crossed that indicating returns, rigidity sectioned, secondary previously, the return of spontaneous discharge in is lesions nerve not the both from arises inhibition Crossed understood. eighth after neurons vestibular contralateral vestibular nuclei via commissural fibres and at to the segmental level through inhibitory interneurones nerve abolished by bilateral eighth cat. of the interruption are 6f and motoneurones to restore tonic necessary is by influences. labyrinthine by cerebellum the Therefore, the loop. directly affected Apparently, ) altered significantly not are effects These rigidity section, abolished in the decerebellate decerebrate are opisthotonus rigidity is not decerebrate Although limb.. contralateral the nerve activity to descending pathways after bilateral eighth section. B.21 Eighth nerve section in Precht (1974a) Putkonen et al. intact animals (1977) Section of the eighth nerve in otherwise intact animals (including humans, transient severe weakness of dogs, disturbance extensor spontaneous head turning nystagmus, tremor, tone toward pigs) results in a guinea cats, including equilibrium, of of the the side and staggering gait. to several weeks, depending upon the ipsilateral of the limbs, lesion, After several days species, most of the - 248 - symptoms diminish markedly, indicating neural compensation. A number of sources may be responsible for such compensation. proprioceptive, Tactile, and feedback visual assume much greater importance for maintaining balance. Electrophysiological vestibular affected recordings nuclei of units that indicate in the spontaneous discharge, which is drastically reduced immediately following the lesion, recovers to a significant degree. During the initial post-operative stage, type II neurons ipsilateral the lesion are not affected, since they receive from the contralateral vestibular nuclei. to horizontal to the lesion. type. In Type their input I responses canal stimulation cannot be found ipsilateral Type I neurons are normally the most neurons, spontaneous the lesion. which further decreases discharge in vestibular Eventually though, spontaneous discharge. Whether spontaneous or mechanism, nuclei type this whether possibility seems unlikely, by type the general level of I is ipsilateral to neurons regain a due to a truly other afferent channels sprout collaterals to provide excitation is not latter common to the removal of the primary source of addition excitatory input, many type I neurons are inhibited II to since known. lesions The of the reticular formation do not prevent the resting discharge from returning. 249 - - B.22 Fastigial1 lesions and atonia Unilateral destruction of the fastigial nucleus, similar to the effect of LVN lesions, abolishes extensor tone Only ipsilaterally, but increases tone contralaterally. the rostral pole of the fastigial nucleus needs to be lesioned in After a order to observe this effect. symmetric lesion of the contralateral fastigial nucleus, rigidity returns due to the removal of crossed vestibular nuclei A influences called lesion of the crossed fastigial atonia caudal fastigial nucleus. symptoms are analogous to rostral fastigial that the contralateral ipsilateral crossed extensors extensors are facilitated activity the due influences in the are occurs lesions, are Following fastigial inhibition. crossed inhibitory tonic at and the spinal cord. syndrome following inhibitory atonic to The except and release the from lesions in general, sufficient disfacilitated side. to suppress The fastigial nuclei in the normal person probably function to balance and adjust interlimb inhibitory influences. Corticobulbar Purkinje axons, in their inferior cerebellar the fastigial nuclei. anterior increases, vermis, peduncle, to the pass just rostrolaterally to If this bundle, which arises from the is interrupted, ipsilateral extensor tonus due to release of tonic inhibition. tonus decreases course due to an increase of crossed Contralateral inhibition. - B.23 250 - Brainstem and cerebellar function during locomotion Grillner (1975) Hayes and Clarke (1978) Kornhuber (1974b) Shik and Orlovsky (1976) Soechting et al. (1978) Stein (1974) Thach (1978) it movements, instructive is examine to cat locomotion is Supraspinal movement, it is apparent contained control and once it that in the the of of the basic. pattern for spinal provides the has started, been role the From studies descending pathways ,during locomotion. spinal during control To understand the issue of equilibrium cord itself. to initiate trigger the supraspinal controllers provide additional tonic and phasic excitation to maintain the movement and make fine adjustments in force. They do not modify the basic pattern of motion, including the timing and interlimb include pathways coordination. the The descending corticbospinal, reticoluspinal (RST) and vestibulospinal (VST) motor rubrospinal, tracts. The VST, for example, seems to exert descending control of each limb only during the extension phase. This fact is consistent with results of electrical stimulation of the in spinal reflexes, which depend upon the timing relative to on-going reflex activity. Speed activity of and locomotion descending corticospinal is controlled by the power developed by the limbs during the stance phase of each and VST it is reasonable that equilibrium limb, should be also be 251 - - controlled by fine adjustment of this power during the stance phase. The bipedal locomotion of humans can be viewed as a continuously unstable process, during in fall one direction is which a tendency by corrective countered developed by the extended leg such that the flexed fall at an optimal pivot point. to forces leg will Large errors must also be accompanied by active participation of the flexed leg and the arms. The RST, which.is in many respects, the the complement of VST, exerts facilitatory influence on flexion during the flexion phase. Electrical stimulation of this extension no effect. has phasic control are read, in a sense, Actually, phasic theoretically be sufficient to since the descending control commands only during activity during locomotion, during Therefore, continuous activity in both the RST and VST might exert tract but does such the appropriate occur phasic in phase. the RST and VST activity requires an intact cerebellum. The cerebellum is also necessary to permit of a movement without oscillation. termination This is achieved by a precisely timed contraction of antagonist muscle at of are a movement. suppressed coordination, the end As a movement is initiated, the antagonists before together the agonists contract. Such with the observed phasic activity of the RST and VST, suggests that both ascending proprioceptive - 252 - cues and corticospinal impulses may be used by the cerebellum to control a switch which selectively activates the RST during the appropriate phases of movement. VST and During the initiation of locomotion, the corticospinal, rubrospinal, and reticulospinal tracts are all activated to facilitate flexion of the starting limb, while VST activity is suppressed. - 253 - - 254 - APPENDIX C EMG PROCESSOR SCHEMATIC AND SPECIFICATIONS For a schematic of one channel of the EMG processor, see figure C.1 on page 250. All of the operational amplifiers are type A47 4 1 . Because full wave rectification is a nonlinear process, the band-pass stage preceding the rectifier and the averaging filter following the rectifier are analyzed separately. The gain, low pass, high pass stages are by linear transfer functions, which are listed characterized The overall magnitude function for in Table C.1 on page 251. the and band-passing preceding rectification is plotted in figure C.2 on page 252. Following rectification, conditions the signal computer at 500 Hz. averager the is averager Butterworth comparison. a third order averaging filter prior The overall to output for sampling by the transfer also listed in table C.1. is plotted filter step in of the The step response of figure C.3 responses function are on also page 252. shown for eZ, ~ ~ ~ 2 91 ~c IraLg 5 ~I 13?cR 47 -- + I ~~313 SO 33K HR619 (D l C: 0( C)t * ~ t 0 -ISO '417I 256 - Table C.1 Transfer functions for individual stages of the EMG proces a-9eg e e... *t*ee In p0 .eutg ai n00est a0e0 Hc(s) = 00 0 0000 *e.. < s 0a S+ 30 s+ *0 . e* . e0.. . *e oe a0a00 0*000 e 000g......a00 aa0 9 <10 0e~ 0*00* 040e. ~ g ee c . Low pass -3.3 (a')_ -,/R -I 1 C2C3 , (s) -e -')C 0g 0e S2 + e e0 .. .. . l'+3.(0 a C*O o g 0000 9*0* 0000 0000 High pass +- Ic+ Ks 2 + RSC5 s0 + O.25 sZ 4. i 9 + ± 9\ \Cs k R13Ci + - C C4 0. Y5 P' 7 High pass filtering due to C S PC'' S , S+ ee ee ee c ge cee g ... e S? e e e ee e e e e g 00g g c e Averaging filter *r C C 7 =CS=C, Rmr\14 RI-S CS IL RIq R 17 R 15 R 17 k1 R \Z PAV R R, IR 12 Rif , R ao, C '3- ( R C-s+ .2T S + 12L? S3 5A + 12T'S'+ 60~Ts z R] LR1 R, 1 R + ~VerQ t- ) 2.o 1) ~' " +L >S 0s sec - ad 040 0 0 . . 0* - 257 - 200 500 1.0. 0.10,I 2o Figure C.2. /6C So IcCo Zeo0 (H7.) Magnitude plot for bandpass stage of EMG processor 1.0 - .-- averaging filter ,o o 1 st order Butterworth 3rd order --- Butterworth /0 racc = 0 .% C) 0 C) 0 .0, '*0 N 0~~~ - 0 C 0 Figure C.3. 1C4 ZC 30G 10 5CC (Hz-) Step response of third order averager compared to Butterworth filters. - 258 - APPENDIX D STATISTICAL ANALYSIS PROCEDURE Assuming that some measure, data X ,6, is obtained from the for a given subject, block, and drop test, this measure can be modelled as a sum of components contributed each by source of variation: ++ (X - =total deviation from mean for entire experiment '.) X variation due to differences between individuals =variation due to differences between blocks (effect of testing sequence) ( Kvariation due to parameters of the fall + ) block by column interaction term = remainder term Since each block uses a different group of r x c, and r x b x c interactions subjects, b x, r, are meaningless for the - split plot design. Thus, 259 - the corresponding terms are absent from the model. Each component of the additive model gives estimate. variance vanish.) The (All formulas rise to a cross product terms can be shown to for these are estimates in given Table D.1 on page 256 (McNemar, 1969). The expected values of these estimates are also given. In order to prevent spurious detection of "significant" F-test values, those F-tests which are suspected to be significant must be chosen beforehand, along with appropriate levels of significance. posteriori must'attain a Any higher such level tests of performed significance a to compensate for the fact that among a large number of F-tests, several tests are more likely to exceed the significance level even though the null hypothesis may be true. If N F-tests are performed collected, after the data has been and a level of significance, P, , is desired, then the level of significance, P, at which each individual must be performed must be determined as follows: test - 260 - Prob m or more tests out of N null will exceed the sigificance hypothesis level is true 1 1) l(=O for nk '. s Therefore, the criterion for P becomes: Or where P 1- P) (101(o is the maximum significance level For example, if N= 20 and o 1P) l P (O.A) tolerated. 0.05, . CO .0it 0 0005 This last constraint requires choice of a standard P value of 0.001. From the expected values of the variance Table are: D.1, it can be seen that estimates in the relevant F-test ratios - 261 Variance estimates for main and interaction Table D.l. terms of three way split plot experimental design. 6* * * 9. . . . . estimate 00 S . . . .. * 00 6 0 0 0 000 0060. . *00 sum of squares #deg. of freedom variance 60 0X .00O60 0 0 90 E £s]=expected value .. 0. 005070 00 0*774*0 . expanded formula for computation . *.-.. y . -L 0 0 0 0 0a00a04 0000600. . 0.... .00 0 60 0 90 . 0*00009*0*000*00* . 000*0000*4 0 00 .*0 sIc- .0.*0 0w0 4 a00 000a a*0 4*0 . a0 . . a.. .. 9 *0 S', R13 0 . . 0* . + arc C-1 -- - o c-I C b --L RC 1" C + R13C Ls * S 6 6 a 2A- + . (6-)(0-) e ' + - bb cc Y- 6 P 00000000 * Definitions: 0 * 9 0 a 0 6 0 0 RC0 0 a 0 6 4 0 a 0 0 a a 0 a a 0 e+c. S, , = (ZT X,6, 2 A,6 A. *rC S-L 6 C 4 -C. 2. . -)(C-) ( -~ 060 .C a0.. -c 2-I 00*00a0 C '3- " RC *.a.0.0 0 a004*0 true individual variance error .= - variance due to non-zero rxc interaction = measurement = (A .6. - .P., * Ac= ( p.. - ., A .- = (,p.6c - '. ix= true mean ) ) -/L.C +... ) - 262 - which tests for significant differences due to testing sequence differences due to drop test parameters b) ! SK differences due to b x c interaction (testing sequence by drop test) If results of a particular F-test indicate insignificant main block effects and insignificant block by column interaction, then columns may be averaged over all then and columns F-tests significant may and subjects, be averaged over all blocks and subjects, performed block blocks between columns. However, since (testing sequence) and block by drop test interactions are likely, column interpreted with caution. average F-tests should be - 263 - BIBLIOGRAPHY Aggashyan, R.V. and Pal'tsev, Y.I. (1975). 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