UU I 856 156 .0735 0735 no.58-5 SCHOOL OF SCO ENGE PA Sc,ho re LO STUDY 0 eanogra phy ' c ate University 2ffS Oregon 97331 - ZGON STATE COLLEGE- - r Co l STATUS REPORT Oregon Ocearographic Studies Office of Naval Research Contract Nonr 1286(02) Project NR 083-102 Ref. 58-5 Sept. 1958 Wayne V. Burt Bruce McAlister October 18, 1958 Mr. Gordon G. till, Read f phyys Code cs Branch Office of Naval Research Washington 25, D. C. Referenoe: Dear Office of Naval Research Contract Rohr 1286(02) Project 083-102 Mr. tllt This is a status report as of this date for the months of June, July Aunt, and September for the above contract. The nature of the work undertaken has included current research and preparation of papers and reports for publication. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following: I Research in Progress. 1. The continuing quarterly survey of the Oregon estuaries made during duly for the summer quarter for the Coos, a, Siuslaw, Alsea Silets, Tilllamoo; Nehalem, and Netarts estuaries. This is the last regular survey that is scheduled in which salinity and temperature are the primary factors examined. Lure surveys will be scheduled for the purpose of athering supplementary and special data in individual estuaries. The program of semi-monthly stations in the Yaquina estuary was completed during the quarter to give a year c s data on conditions in this typical estuary. was 2. A 24, :hour station was occupied In the Coos estuary during September and the Taquina during June and September for the purpose of estimating photosynthesis, respiration, and diffusion of oxygen. This is a continuation of the pollution research designed to estimate the potential of the estuaries for oxidising possible pollutants. ^acn-ntj STATE UNIVERSITY CORVALLIS A start was made on the study of local coastal oceanography with three one day cruises aboard a Coast card boat stationed at I ulna. One trip was made each month of the quarter. Stations were run in a line perpendicular Salinity, to the coast for about 20 miles off shore. temperature, and oxygen data were gathered. Dr. John Isaacs of Scripps Institution of Oceanography visited Corvalli.s. He is quite interested in the above data in order to correlate these data with that gathered has suggested that by 310 on the Marine Life Program. 5IC will aid us by furnishing equipment and moral support. For this reason, we intend to increase the data gathering program to Include the standard data gathered by $10 ss the ML 7 ships. It is hoped that we also may be able to increase the distance of the sections in the future. 4. Chemical analysis of the E1$ T .OPIG filtered material progressed through the quarter. (See last two quarterly reports.) The graduate student doing the analysis has not submitted a report on the results as yet, although the analyses have been completed. Preliminary reports indicate the possibility of marginal red is from the standpoint of publication. II Reports and Papers Published. 1. Reprints of "Can Mid-Latitude Storms be as were an Tropical Typhoons and Rurricanes?" were sent out to the ONR oe iographio distribution list. III Reports and Papers in 1. Preparation. Estuarine hydrographic data taken between June 1956 and the end of this quarter (September 30, 1958) are in the being typed for a data report which lest stages of should be completed next quarter. 2. Yr. Moklister is currently spending most of his time on the compilation of an "Atlas of Rydrographio Conditions in Oregon Estuaries". The atlas will represent a m=mary of all available information on the hyeirogz aphic 'conditions in the Oregon estuaries and their variations. IV Miscellaneous. 1. Dr. Burt participated in the last half of Scripps Institution of Oceanography's IG! Cruise Doldrums during September 1958. . Dr. Ptirt was appointed Commanding Officer of red Research Reserve Co. 13-5 on duly 1, 1958. . Richard Callavay began part time work on the contract during September. He has a 83 degree in Oceanography from the University of Washington, and recently completed two years with the U. S. Fish and Wildlife POM project at 8 1. No to working toward an degree here in General Science with emphasis on oceanography truly yours, Associate Burt Bruce $oAlister Research Associate in act aan On Giif lien n Franoisce Seattle Oceanography o grphy