Council on Admission, Graduation and Academic Standards Minutes March 24, 2016 Members present: Edmund Asare, Mark Cole, Chris Iwanicki, Kris Kelly, John Kennealy, Marty Maskarinec, Esmeralda Moreno, Ioannis Papakyritsis, Kathryn Pohlpeter, Steve Rock Members absent: Ken Clontz, Amanda Divin Ex-Officio present: Angela Lynn, Lisa Melz-Jennings, Tracy Scott Ex-Officio absent: Patty Mason, Ron Williams The Council met from 2:00 p.m. until 3:16 p.m. in the Board Room of the University Union. The next meeting will be on Thursday, 3/31/16, at 2:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the University Union. Waiver/Substitution Waive 15 of the final 30 hours must be from WIU req’t Waive math competency requirement APPROVED APPROVED PHIL 140 or CS 114 “C” or better Waive two hours in human well-being requirement DEFERRED Waive one hour of social sciences requirement APPROVED 7 hours SU16 APPROVED MATH 128-08 SP16 APPROVED MKTG 327-04 FL15 APPROVED Overload Late Registration Late Withdrawal Total Program Change from COMM 130-01 to COMM 241-14, SP16 APPROVED 28 hours down from 2.0 1 suspension/1 dismissal APPROVED 37 hours down from 2.0 2 suspensions/1 dismissal APPROVED New Start CAGAS Minutes March 24, 2016 Page Two Appoint Math Competency Waiver Subcommittee Kris Kelly and Steve Rock will serve on the subcommittee. It will meet on Tuesdays at 2:00 p.m. Please contact Steve Rock if you are interested in joining. Meeting adjourned. Council on Admission, Graduation and Academic Standards Summary March 24, 2016 Waiver/Substitution Approved – 3 Deferred – 1 Overload Approved – 1 Late Registration Approved – 1 Late Withdrawal Total Approved – 1 Program Change Approved – 1 New Start Approved – 2 Appoint Math Competency Waiver Subcommittee Kris Kelly and Steve Rock