Council on Admission, Graduation and Academic Standards Minutes May 2, 2013 Members present: Clerc, Daytner, DeVolder, Engel, Harriger, Intrieri, Kirkland, Quesal, Solomonson Members absent: Divin, Meiers, Moreno Ex-Officio present: Bird, Bracey, Lynn, Williams Ex-Officio absent: Tingley The council met from 2:00 p.m. to 3:11 p.m. in the University Union Boardroom. The next meeting will be held Thursday, 5/28/13, at 9:00 a.m. in the University Union Boardroom. Waiver/Substitution Requests to waive 1 hour of social science APPROVED Requests a study abroad course “20th Century Australia” apply to the gen ed multicultural category APPROVED Requests a transfer class “Human Growth and Development” apply to the gen ed human well-being category APPROVED Overload Requests overload of 22 hours, FL13 Requests overload of 7 hours, SU13 Late Withdrawal Selective SOC 427-21 NURS 322-01 NURS 326-01 APPROVED APPROVED SP13 DENIED SP13 DEFERRED Academic Integrity Incident Report Resolved with instructor. Resolved with instructor. Resolved with instructor. Resolved with instructor. Resolved with instructor. CAGAS Minutes May 2, 2013 Page Two Resolved with instructor. Resolved with instructor. Resolved with instructor. Falsification of Admission Appeal Omitted DeVry University and the Illinois Institute of Art-Chicago on WIU application. FINDING: Guilty. PENALTY: No transfer credit from those two universities will be awarded. Council on Admission, Graduation and Academic Standards Summary May 2, 2013 Waiver/Substitution Approved - 3 Overload Approved - 2 Late Withdrawal Selective Denied -1 Deferred - 1 Academic Integrity Incident Report Resolved with instructor - 8 Falsification of Admission Appeal Guilty - 1