Council on Admission, Graduation and Academic Standards Minutes January 8, 2013 Members present: Clerc, Daytner, DeVolder, Divin, Engel, Harriger, Meiers, Moreno, Solomonson, Quesal Members absent: Kirkland, Intrieri Ex-Officio present: Bird, Bracey, Lynn, Parsons, Tingley Ex-Officio absent: None The council met from 9:00 a.m. to 2:23 p.m. in the University Union Boardroom. The next meeting will be held Thursday, 1/17/13 at 2:00 p.m. in the University Union Boardroom. Council on Admission, Graduation and Academic Standards Agenda January 8, 2013 Admission Appeals: 1. 2. DENIED APPROVED Substitution/Waiver: Requests to use COMM ELEC transfer course to meet the requirement for COMM 241. APPROVED Requests to waive two department rule of the human well-being requirement. APPROVED Overload Appeal: Requests overload of 19 hours, SP13 semester. APPROVED Requests overload of 19 hours, SP13 semester. APPROVED Requests overload of 24 hours, SP13 semester. APPROVED Late Registration: MUS 429 FL12 APPROVED PHIL 330 SOC 332 ENG 301 ARTH 394 SP12 DENIED ANTH 110 BIOL 100 ENG 280 POLS 101 SP12 APPROVED “N” ARTH 180 FR 121 MATH 101 PSY 250 FCS 300 FL10 DENIED ENG 280 SU12 APPROVEDPreviously Deferred MUS 151 FL12 APPROVED COMM 428 JOUR 305 FL12 DENIED KIN 265 SP12 DENIED ACCT 341 IS 340 FL12 APPROVED BC 208 FL12 APPROVED “N” HIST 125 FL12 DENIED Late Withdrawal: Total Selective Readmission Appeal: 20 down from 2.0 2 dismissals SP11, SP12 DENIED Class Switch: Requests class switch from ACCT 421 to ACCT 441, SU12. DENIED Academic Integrity Incident Report: Resolved with instructor. Resolved with instructor. No resolution with instructor. Resolved with instructor. Resolved with instructor. Resolved with instructor. No resolution with instructor. Resolved with instructor. Resolved with instructor. Resolved with instructor. Resolved with instructor. Resolved with instructor. Special Appeals for Readmission: 1. 5 hours down from 2.0 2. 15 hours down from 2.0 3. 6 hours down from 2.0 4. 4 hours down from 2.0 5. 1 hour down from 2.0 6. 5 hours down from 2.0 7. 10 hours down from 2.0 8. 13 hours down from 2.0 9. 40 hours down from 2.0 10. 3 hours down from 2.0 11. 9 hours down from 2.0 1 suspension 1 suspension 1 suspension 1 suspension 1 suspension 1 suspension 1 suspension 1 suspension 1 suspension 1 suspension 1 suspension 2nd offense DENIED DENIED DENIED DENIED APPROVED APPROVED DENIED DENIED DENIED APPROVED DENIED Council on Admission, Graduation and Academic Standards Summary January 8, 2013 Admission Appeals: Approved Denied - 1 1 Substitution/Waiver: Approved - 2 Overload Appeal: Approved - 3 Late Registration: Approved - 1 Late Withdrawal: Total Approved Denied - 2 (1 “N”) 2 Selective Approved Denied - 3 (1 “N”) 3 Readmission Appeal: Denied - 1 Class Switch: Approved 1 - Academic Integrity Incident Report: Resolved with instructor No resolution Special Appeals for Readmission: Approved 8 Denied 3 10 2