Council on Admission, Graduation and Academic Standards Minutes September 29, 2011 Members present: Benelli, Daytner, Engle, Filipink, Gabica, Harriger, Illovsky, Quesal, Sears, Steele Members absent: DeVolder Ex-Officio present: Lynn, O’Brien, Parsons, Tingley Ec-Officio absent: Bracey The council met from 2:00 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. in the University Union Boardroom. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, 10/06/11 in the University Union Boardroom at 2:00 p.m. Council on Admission, Graduation and Academic Standards Agenda September 29, 2011 Admission Appeals: 1. APPROVED Substitution/Waiver; Requests to have transfer credit for ENG 180 removed and hours and grade for SP08 occurrence of the course applied to record instead. APPROVED Requests to count 1 hour independent study Math 390 in the science/math gen ed category. APPROVED Late Registration: MUS 123-1 FL11 APPROVED COMM 356-Q01 FL11 APPROVED MUS 127-3 FL11 APPROVED CSTM 493-1 FL11 APPROVED PHYS 114-1 PHYS 114-21 FL11 APPROVED SOC 100-27 FL11 APPROVED KIN 115-1 FL11 APPROVED MATH 411-1 PSY 100-1 MATH 383-1 HIST 144-2 Heard together ANTH 201-1 ECON 232-5 ENG 280-5 KIN 121-31 MATH 488-1 STAT 490-31 FL09 APPROVED CSTM 493-1 SU11 APPROVED AAS 100-IC1 RPTA 323-Q01 RPTA 111-IC1 SP11 DENIED Late Withdrawal: Total: SP10 APPROVED Program Change: Requests section switch in MGT 349 from section 24 to section Q23 and HRM 353 from section 63 to section Q62, FL11 semester. APPROVED Requests section switch in LEJA 101 from section 3 to section 6, FL11 semester. APPROVED Academic Integrity Incident Report: Resolved with instructor. Resolved with instructor. Council on Admission, Graduation and Academic Standards Summary September 29, 2011 Admission Appeal: Approved - 1 Substitution/Waiver: Approved - 2 Late Registration: Approved - 7 Late Withdrawal: Total Approved Denied - 2 1 Program Change: Approved - 2 Academic Integrity Incident Report: Resolved 2