Budgeting for Excellence Presentation to UMKC Faculty Senate on November 16, 2004 Budgeting for Excellence Just Do It Presentation to the Faculty Senate November 16, 2004 Update on Budget Advisory Committee Working Plan Recommendations This file was formatted to contain all information of the presentation to the Senate including all text pages provided in a handout. Budgeting for Excellence Just Do It Provost’s General Introductory Comments What Does This Mean to Academic Units 1 Budgeting for Excellence Presentation to UMKC Faculty Senate on November 16, 2004 2 Shifting of Sources of GRA: Academic Affairs Division Academic Affairs - 2002 General Revenue Allocation $102,057,064 Recovery of State F&A Appropriation $1,976,060 $53,459,224 2% 52% Tuition $46,621,780 46% Academic Affairs - 2005 General Revenue Allocation $108,581,853 Distribution percentages of General Revenue Allocation within Academic Affairs calculated identically to the overall composition of the overall GRA for the entire UMKC operating fund. Tuition - 46% State Appropriation - 52% Recovery of F&A - 2% Recovery of F&A $2,945,775 3% Tuition $60,521,726 55% Note: For illustration purposes, the allocation of GRA by major source of revenue is based on the % distribution of the major sources of revenue to the campus GRA revenue. Distribution percentages of General Revenue Allocation within Academic Affairs calculated identically to the overall composition of the overall GRA for UMKC operating fund. Tuition - 55% State Appropriation - 42% Recovery of F&A - 3% State Appropriation $45,114,352 42% Budgeting for Excellence Presentation to UMKC Faculty Senate on November 16, 2004 3 UMKC Budgeting for Excellence Revenue Allocation Model Enrollment Driven Aligns Resources to Goals & Priorities Responsibility Center Based CURRENT General Revenue Allocation State Appropriation $$$$ Incentive/ Performance Based Student Tuition Fees $$$$ Recovery F&A $$$$ General Revenue Allocation Designated Fees Allocated directly to Units Academic Units Campus Programs Support Units Proposed BFE General Revenue Allocation Model – Impact to Academic Affairs Units Student Fee Tuition $$ (Net of Scholarships) LESS: 10% for Infrastructure Existing State Appropriation LESS: 10% for Infrastructure Modulated by Performance Assigned Goals Provost Office New State Appropriation $$$ Just Do It BAC Allocated By Executive Cabinet ACADEMIC UNITS Budgeting for Excellence Update on Budget Advisory Committee Working Plan Recommendations Setting the Context UMKC Budgeting for Excellence Major Attributes: Vision & Value Driven Accountability Open Responsive Strategic Documented Recommendations: Stakeholder input Aligns resources to priorities Assigns accountability Communication Multi-year focused Budget Advisory Committee Faculty Senate (2) Staff (1) Assembly Deans (3) Admin (6) Support Budget Budget Advisory Advisory Committee Committee Students (1) Faculty (6) Budgeting for Excellence Presentation to UMKC Faculty Senate on November 16, 2004 4 Budget Advisory Committee Work in Progress ; COMPLETED: Discussion of proposed New Budget Process that aligns with the attributes from the Budgeting for Excellence model ; COMPLETED: “Grounded” on the current General Revenue Allocation model and current appropriation process ; COMPLETED: Need for funding campus priorities prior to any unit/division allocation of funds ; COMPLETED: Assumptions and methodology for Tuition Revenue allocations and Tuition Revenue Modeling for AY2003-2004 ; COMPLETED: Allocation Strategy for State Appropriations ; COMPLETED: Preliminary discussion concerning process to identify designated priorities and initiatives Budget Advisory Committee Work in Progress NOT COMPLETED: Specific %age allocations for core campus priorities Process for developing and reporting performance results Recommendations for campus stakeholder input Indirect Cost Recovery – Defer to future phases Interim performance criteria for first year until measures can be developed Setting the Context UMKC Revenue Allocation Model Recommendation 2: Proposed Revenue Model: Align resources to the ; Transparent campus priorities ; Open Net Revenue Allocation Model ; Responsibility centered Incentives and based rewards based on performance ; Incentive based -- Enrollment is everyone’s Partnerships and business cost-sharing -- Contributions to Campus incentives Goals and & Priorities Aligning Resources to Campus Priorities and Processes to Campus Values Transition to Budgeting for Excellence Revenue Allocation Model Old Paradigm Centralized Management Transition Phase: Exploration New Paradigm Responsibility Centered Management UMKC Budgeting for Excellence Revenue Allocation Model Enrollment Driven Aligns Resources to Goals & Priorities Responsibility Center Based Incentive/ Performance Based Budgeting for Excellence Presentation to UMKC Faculty Senate on November 16, 2004 Aligning Resources to Campus Priorities and Processes to Campus Values: Transition to Budgeting for Excellence: Revenue Allocation Model Recommendations Old Paradigm: Centralized Management New Paradigm: Responsibility Centered Management Transition Phase: Exploration Reversion of salary savings. Net revenue sharing FY02 Limited management of operating budget components (manage expenses but not revenues). Provost Leverage fund-FY03 Incremental budgeting. Professional school tuition distribution-FY04 Restrictions on use and transfer of funds between operating expense categories. Net tuition fees less "off-the-top" funding for core educational support (library, instructional equipment, instructional facilities R & R, academic excellence enrollment management, reserve) allocated directly to Schools/Colleges Proposed funding of operating cost for new facilities in academic units (SOD)-FY05 Silo effect, no shared goals directing resource allocation. State funds allocated to: Central administration assumes all responsibility for financial health of institution. Chancellor's innovation fund- FY04 Proposed 2% Performance AllocationFY05 Financial flexibility maximized. Property rights principle protects base budget. Proposed fund balance tax for facilities M & R-FY05 $14.0 Million "off budget" items. Supplemental fees & charges allocated to unit-FY04 Graduate cluster fee allocated to unitFY05 1. Core administrative support functions 2. Campus-wide infrastructure and improvements: a) Library b) Institutional Excellence c) Non-instructional capital R & R d) Research Equipment d) Technology f) Reserve 3. Balance of state funds to support for teaching, research and service missions based on performance. Allocate supplemental fees & charges directly to unit generating the revenue. Proposed Technology infrastructure fee allocated to IS. Required expenditure for infra-structure and ASP - FY05 5% of the amount of F & A recovery allocated to the campus reserved for research support & academic excellence, including partnerships. Dental School Construction Grant Match-FY02 Support faculty research through matching funds support. Reengineering Resources Allocation System Envision Resource Allocation as an Exercise in Investment: Scare Resources are Put to the Best Possible Use Draft 2/9/04 5 Budgeting for Excellence Presentation to UMKC Faculty Senate on November 16, 2004 6 FY 2005 Original Budget Sources of Revenues - $353,662,010 Transfers and Other Revenue $11,590,009 3% Grants and Contracts $35,700,000 10% Recovery of F&A $4,779,409 1% Endowment / Gift $15,546,473 4% Non-Taxable Sales $17,076,915 5% Beginning Balance $46,865,354 13% Tuition $105,159,700 31% Sales $35,240,812 10% State Appropriations $73,196,344 21% Other Student Fees $8,506,994 2% Setting the Context UMKC FY 2005 Original Budget $353,662,010 – All Current Funds Unrestricted Funds Operating Fund $ 234,293,307 Auxiliaries & Enterprise 43,316,586 Setting the Context – GRA as a Component of the FY 2005 Original Operating Budget - $234,293,307 Total Unrestricted Funds $ 277,609,893 Restricted Funds $ 40,352,117 Grants & Contracts $ 35,700,000 FY 2005 Budget $ 353,662,010 * * Including budgeted beginning fund balance General Revenue Allocation State Appropriation Tuition Fees Recovery of F&A GRA Total $ 73,080,834 98,309,713 4,779,409 $ 176,169,956 Other Revenues in Units $ 32,586,044 Beginning Fund Balances $ 25,537,307 TOTAL Operating Fund $ 234,293,307 Budgeting for Excellence Presentation to UMKC Faculty Senate on November 16, 2004 7 CURRENT General Revenue Allocation State Appropriation $$$$ Student Tuition Fees $$$$ New Model For General Revenue Allocation Recovery F&A $$$$ Existing State Appropriation Net Tuition Fees (Net of Operating Fund Scholarship/Fee Waivers) General Revenue Allocation Designated Fees Allocated directly to Units Academic Units Campus Programs (and F/A Recovery) 10% Upfront Funded Campus Priorities Support Units 90% Existing State $$$ to Academic & Support Units Performance Based Incentives 90% Net Tuition Fees to Academic Units Enrollment Incentives Future Year New State Appropriation $$ Designated Programs & New Initiatives Revenue Allocation Model Day-to-Day Campus Priorities Proposed Off the Top Funding Set-asides Instructional and institutional library support Instructional and capital research equipment Facilities M& R and Capital Improvements for both academic and support facilities Special Incentives for Academic Excellence and Institutional Excellence Central Emergency/Contingency Reserve Enrollment Management Initiatives Technology Improvements Proposed Revenue Allocation Model Assumptions (Based on Most Current Tuition Rates) Assumptions: Includes Excludes Fiscal Year Prior Year SCH 2004 None Term AY 2003-2004 None Course Jurisdiction On Campus SCH Continuing Education – On/Off Campus Univ of MO Video Network Student Jurisdiction On Campus Continuing Education – On/Off Campus; High School Advanced Credit Program; UMKC Northland; Ft. Leavenworth Residency Status All Residency Designations None Student Level Undergraduate/Graduate/ Professional Dual High School; PACE; EMBA Net Student Credit Hour (SCH) Allocation Criteria Student Level Undergraduate Majors Taking Home Academic Unit Courses 100% of Net SCH to Academic Unit Course Provider at the designated undergraduate tuition rate Net Student Credit Hour (SCH) Allocation Criteria Student Level Undergraduate Graduate 100% of Net SCH to Academic Unit Course Provider at the designated graduate tuition rate 100% of Net SCH to Academic Unit Course Provider at the designated professional school tuition rate 80% of Net SCH to Academic Unit providing Course Instruction at the designated Undergraduate tuition rate 20% of Net SCH provided by Other Schools for its Majors at the designated Undergraduate tuition rate Graduate Professional Schools Majors Taking OTHER Academic Unit Courses 80% of Net SCH to Academic Unit providing Course Instruction at the designated Graduate tuition rate 20% of Net SCH provided by Other Schools for its Majors at the designated Graduate tuition rate Professional Schools 100% of Net SCH to Academic Unit providing Course Instruction at the designated campus Graduate tuition rate (1) 100% of Net SCH to Professional School Academic Unit LESS NET SCH provided by Other Schools at the regular campus rate Graduate tuition rate (1) Except for Year 1& 2 Medical Students allocation at undergraduate rate) Budgeting for Excellence Presentation to UMKC Faculty Senate on November 16, 2004 EXAMPLE –Nursing School Revenue Sharing Gross SCH Tuition: Less: Allocated Unit Scholarships/Waiver Less: 10% Set Aside $ 2,420,000 (470,000) (195,000) Total SCH Net Tuition $$$ $ 1,755,000 Nursing School 100% SCH from Majors 80 – 20 Plan Nursing Majors Taking SCH Outside of School Earned by Providing Courses to Other Schools TO Other Schools LESS 80% SCH ($285,000) As Home Unit & Provider Earned 100% SCH $1,399,000 From Other Schools 80% SCH As Home Unit Earned 20% $88,000 $71,000 Tuition $$$ from Model $1,558,000 EXAMPLE – Law School Professional Revenue Sharing Gross Tuition from SCH: Less: Allocated Unit Scholarships/Waiver Less: 10% Set Aside Total Net Tuition $$$ $ 7,861,000 ( 1,172,500) ( 669,000) $ 6,019,500 100% Provider Plan Law School 100% SCH from Majors As Home Unit & Provider Earn 100% $5,964,000 Earned by Providing Courses to Other Schools From Other Schools PLUS 100% at Campus Graduate Rate $4,000 Law Majors Taking SCH Outside of School To Other Schools LESS 100% SCH at Campus Graduate Rate ($38,400) As Home Unit Earn 100% of SCH LESS Provider Share (At 100% Campus Graduate Rate) Tuition $$$ from Model $5,985,000 $17,000 Preliminary Modeling Results for Net Tuition Fees – Enrollment Incentive FY 2005 Academic Units GRA $89,937,261 Available Net Fee $$$ from Model $68,327,562 Funding Gap Current GRA to Model $(21,609,698) 8 Budgeting for Excellence Presentation to UMKC Faculty Senate on November 16, 2004 9 DRAFT - EXAMPLE OF BASE BUDGET ALLOCATION MODEL Unit Budgeted FY05 Base GRA Fee Income Earned from Model Variance Base to Model Fees Academic Units 18,681,845 19,318,359 636,514 Biological Sciences 6,427,754 2,543,469 (3,884,285) Business & Public Admin. 5,430,233 4,089,118 (1,341,115) Conservatory of Music 4,602,832 2,011,195 (2,591,637) Computing and Engineering 5,280,619 3,350,373 (1,930,246) 14,564,998 7,543,824 (7,021,174) Education 4,913,349 4,014,183 (899,166) Graduate Studies 1,611,275 161,275 (1,450,000) Law 6,159,208 5,985,264 (173,944) 13,099,703 13,452,857 353,154 Nursing 3,803,133 1,558,932 (2,244,201) Pharmacy 5,362,312 4,298,714 (1,063,598) $ 89,937,261 $ 68,327,562 $ (21,609,698) Arts and Science Dentistry Medicine Sub-total Academic Units: Modeling Assumptions: Examples assumes fee revenue shared 80-20 between provider and home unit; Revenue allocated net of 10 percent for set asides and net of scholarships and waivers. Revenue allocated based on FY2005 educational fee rates. Draft – October 6, 2004 Budgeting for Excellence Presentation to UMKC Faculty Senate on November 16, 2004 10 Allocation of Existing State Appropriation – Performance Incentive Based Allocation of Existing State Appropriation – Performance Incentive Based Existing State Appropriation (and F/A Recovery) 90% Existing State $$$ to Academic & Support Units 90% Existing State $$$ to Academic & Support Units Performance Based Incentives 10% Upfront Funded Campus Priorities Performance Based Incentives Block Allocation % Allocated Based on Performance Based Incentive Block Allocation Funding Stabilization Year 1 90% Funding Stabilization Funding GAP Performance Based Incentive Year 1 10% of GAP based on Performance Performance Incentive Plan Allocation of State Appropriation Performance Incentive Plan Allocation of State Appropriation Block Allocation – Academic Units: Based on preliminary modeling, in most instances, the current general revenue allocation academic units receive exceeds the amount of educational fee revenue currently generated by each academic unit, leaving a funding gap. In this proposal, academic units will receive a portion, or block allocation, of the funding gap in order to provide a stabilizing revenue base. The level of block allocation would be revisited on a regular basis – either annually or on some other regular interval. For example: Block Allocation – Support Units: Support units will receive a block allocation equal to a predetermined percentage of its 2005 general revenue allocation. The block allocation will be based on 90 percent of the units’ current general revenue allocation. As support units cannot generate fee revenue from student enrollment, this percentage will remain constant each year. The block allocation piece of this model would be funded by revenue received by state appropriations. Year 1 - Academic units would receive 90 percent of the funding gap Year 2 - Academic units would receive 80 percent of the funding gap Year 3 - Academic units would receive 75 percent of the funding gap The block allocation of this model would be funded by revenue received by state appropriations. EXAMPLE – Nursing School State Appropriation Allocation Gross Tuition: Less: Allocated Unit Scholarships/Waiver Less: 10% Set Aside $ 2,420,000 (470,000 (195,000) Total Net Tuition $$$ $ 1,755,000 Current Nursing FY 2005 GRA $3,800,000 Tuition $$ from Model $1,558,000 GAP from Current Year GRA Budget $2,241,000 90% Block Allocation $2,016,900 10% Performance Based $224,100 Budgeting for Excellence Presentation to UMKC Faculty Senate on November 16, 2004 11 BASE BUDGET ALLOCATION MODEL 90% Block Allocation and 10% Performance Based Draft – October 6, 2004 Unit Budgeted FY05 Base GRA Fee Income Earned from Model Variance Base to Model Fees 90% Block Allocation Funding Differential Academic Units Arts and Science 18,681,845 19,318,359 636,514 - - Biological Sciences 6,427,754 2,543,469 (3,884,285) 3,495,857 (388,429) Business & Public Admin. 5,430,233 4,089,118 (1,341,115) 1,207,004 (134,112) Conservatory of Music 4,602,832 2,011,195 (2,591,637) 2,332,473 (259,164) Computing and Engineering 5,280,619 3,350,373 (1,930,246) 1,737,221 (193,025) Dentistry 14,564,998 7,543,824 (7,021,174) 6,319,057 (702,117) Education 4,913,349 4,014,183 (899,166) 809,249 (89,917) Graduate Studies 1,611,275 161,275 (1,450,000) 1,305,000 (145,000) Law 6,159,208 5,985,264 (173,944) 156,550 (17,394) Medicine 13,099,703 13,452,857 353,154 - - Nursing 3,803,133 1,558,932 (2,244,201) 2,019,781 (224,420) Pharmacy 5,362,312 4,298,714 (1,063,598) 957,238 (106,360) $ 89,937,261 $ 68,327,562 $ (21,609,698) Sub-total Academic Units: Examples assumes fee revenue shared 80-20 between provider and home unit; Revenue allocated net of 10 percent for set asides and net of scholarships and waivers. Revenue allocated based on FY2005 educational fee rates. $ 20,339,429 $ (2,259,937) Budgeting for Excellence Presentation to UMKC Faculty Senate on November 16, 2004 12 BASE BUDGET ALLOCATION MODEL 90% Block Allocation and 10% Performance Based Draft – October 6, 2004 Unit Budgeted FY05 Base GRA Fee Income Earned from Model Variance Base to Model Fees 90% Block Allocation Funding Differential Support Units: Chancellor 1,407,088 - (1,407,088) 1,266,379 (140,709) 323,151 - (323,151) 290,836 (32,315) Intercollegiate Athletics* 2,071,778 - (2,071,778) 1,864,600 (207,178) Student Affairs 7,798,857 - (7,798,857) 7,018,971 (779,886) Advancement 3,207,499 - (3,207,499) 2,886,749 (320,750) 17,913,328 - (17,913,328) 16,121,995 (1,791,333) 4,338,347 - (4,338,347) 3,904,512 (433,835) Provost 5,880,766 - (5,880,766) 5,292,689 (588,077) Information Services 5,424,021 - (5,424,021) 4,881,619 (542,402) Cultural Events 1,874,748 - (1,874,748) 1,687,273 (187,475) Library 5,465,057 - (5,465,057) 4,918,551 (546,506) $ 55,704,640 - $ (55,704,640) $ 50,134,176 $ (5,570,464) Scholarships** 22,003,370 - (22,003,370) 22,003,370 - Campuswide** 8,524,685 - (8,524,685) 7,672,217 (852,469) $ 30,528,055 - $ (30,528,055) $ 29,675,587 $ (852,469) $ 176,169,956 $ 68,327,562 $(107,842,394) $100,149,192 $ (8,682,869) Institutional Effectiveness Administration & Finance Research Academic Support Units: Sub-total Support Units: Campuswide Units: Sub-total Campuswide: TOTAL – ALL UNITS: Footnotes: * Intercollegiate Athletics subsidy is transferred from rate funds in the Campuswide department. ** Scholarships total includes $1,538,802 in funds allocated to Intercollegiate Athletics scholarships. *** Major funding areas in campuswide include: Utilities Insurance Fundamentals (Blocking and Tackling) Net revenue sharing 4,868,574 1,355,891 1,629,105 600,000 Budgeting for Excellence Presentation to UMKC Faculty Senate on November 16, 2004 13 State Appropriation Allocation Criteria STRATEGIC FOCUS TO UMKC GOALS Academic Focus to UMKC Goals Student Engagement, Learning & Success Goal 1: Attract, nurture & develop responsible community leaders Goal 3: Essential community partner & resource Research, Creative Activity & Scholarship Goal 2: National leader in scholarship & creative activity Organizational Effectiveness Goal 4: Workplace of choice Goal 5: Resources to fuel our vision Support Focus to UMKC Goals Service Quality Goal 1: Goal 3: Goal 2: Attract, nurture & develop responsible community leaders Essential community partner & resource National leader in scholarship & creative activity (Research, creative activity & scholarship) Organizational Effectiveness Goal 4: Workplace of choice Goal 5: Resources to fuel our vision State Appropriation Allocation Criteria Academic Unit Performance Criteria Student engagement, learning & success 40% • Student engagement and learning • Student degree success * • • Community partner/leadership success * Academic teaching success Research, creative activity & scholarship 20% • National recognition for scholarship/creative activity * Organizational effectiveness • Workplace of choice • Program efficiency * 40% State Appropriation Allocation Criteria Support Performance Criteria Service Quality • 50% Success of units in developing & delivering quality services to constituents Research, creative activity & scholarship Included As Part of 1st Criteria – Service Quality Organizational effectiveness • Workplace of choice • Program efficiency 50% Budgeting for Excellence Presentation to UMKC Faculty Senate on November 16, 2004 STRATEGIC FOCUS 14 PROPOSED ALLOCATION CRITERIA/MEASURE SCORE STUDENT ENGAGEMENT, LEARNING AND SUCCESS (UMKC GOALS 1 & 3) A. Student Success 80% of Unit/College students and recent alumni say they are satisfied with their UMKC experience (NSSE Survey) 40% % of Goal Achieved 10% B. Student Degree Success -- Graduation Rates % of Goal Achieved for Graduation Rate of Unit * 10% C. Community Partner/Leadership Success First-time Placements of Graduates within nine months of graduation % of Goal Achieved for Graduation Rate of Unit * 10% D. Academic Teaching Success - Unit Course Evaluations Average Course Evaluations of Faculty % to Goal Achieved 10% RESEARCH, CREATIVE ACTIVITY & SCHOLARSHIP (UMKC GOALS 2) E. National Recognition for Scholarship/Creative Activity % of Faculty and Students Receiving National/Regional Recognition and * 20% Publications/Journals and Research Grants/Contracts in Field 20% ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS (UMKC GOALS 4 & 5) F. Workplace of Choice Overall rating of 80% of Unit/School employees say that they enjoy working at UMKC % of Goal Achieved 40% G. 20% Program Efficiency Department/Unit Operating Budget Expenditures per SCH compared to National Median Peer Program/Schools % of Goal Achieved Compared to Peers * 20% TOTAL Evaluation completed by Provost based on Unit Discipline Norms. * 100% Budgeting for Excellence Presentation to UMKC Faculty Senate on November 16, 2004 STRATEGIC FOCUS 15 PROPOSED ALLOCATION CRITERIA/MEASURE SCORE SERVICE QUALITY (UMKC GOALS 1, 2 & 3) A. Success of Units in Developing Quality Service to Constituents Overall rating, 80% of the customers' surveyed rated the unit's delivery of support services as "Superior" % of Goal Achieved 50% 50% RESEARCH, CREATIVE ACTIVITY & SCHOLARSHIP (UMKC GOAL 2) Included As Part of Criteria A. - Service Quality ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS (UMKC GOALS 4& 5) B. C. 50% Workplace of Choice Overall 80% of Support Unit employees say that they enjoy working at UMKC % of Goal Achieved Program Efficiency Department's Operating Expenses compared to defined national benchmarks or indexes % of Goal Achieved for units/departments operating costs per Benchmark TOTAL 25% 25% 100% Budgeting for Excellence Presentation to UMKC Faculty Senate on November 16, 2004 Allocation of Future Year New State Appropriation Funds Future Year New State Appropriation $$ Designated Programs & New Initiatives 16 UMKC Requests for New Spending Initiatives Updated as of July 25, 2004 17 Each year, the campus will develop criteria on which new program initiatives will be evaluated and new funding awarded. The criteria will be approved by the Executive Cabinet and distributed to units by September 1 of each year. Based on these criteria, units are encouraged to submit requests for new funding. Requests for designated program initiatives are due to the Campus Budget Office by October 1. The source of the additional funding will be new state appropriations or the Chancellor’s Innovation Fund. The funding is designed to provide the means to support new initiatives or new programs that will further the mission of UMKC. The submission requests should include the following, as applicable: I. Designated Programs/Special Initiatives – These are enhancements to existing programs or the creation of new programs that extend UMKC’s ability to fulfill its mission and critical priorities. II. Staffing enhancement requests – As the mission of the campus evolves, staffing needs change across campus. Through this process, units are able to request new positions – faculty or staff – in order to continue to meet their mission or unit plan. All new positions must be justified with supporting documentation outlining workload, market demand and salary projections. III. Technology Plan- Instructional and Non-Instructional – Major improvements to the information infrastructure of a unit must demonstrate connectivity to the units’ mission and action plan, UMKC’s mission and strategic priorities, and also to the campus technology plan. New spending requests in this area should be congruent with the technology strategy of the campus; requests for this type of new spending will be reviewed by the campus Technology Strategy Committee. New spending request submissions should outline a three-year budget. In all spending requests, the following should be considered and included as applicable: 1. Personnel costs (salary and benefits) of any new faculty or staff, full-time or part-time needed for this program to operate. 2. Expense and Equipment budgets should include planned expenditures broken into the following categories. i. Operating Expenses – This is the portion of the budget used for office supplies, meeting expenses, business travel, maintenance on equipment and other expense items used to support daily activities of a unit. 1. Operating expenses due to program enhancements such as new building openings, program expansions, or additional staff and faculty; 2. Planned business meetings, conferences or professional development; 3. Maintenance on equipment 4. Professional consulting services needed for staff development, feasibility studies or facilitating. 5. Rental expenses – need to include any foreseeable increase in lease agreements. 6. Maintenance, both custodial and grounds, for newly opened facilities. 7. Utilities – especially on newly opened facilities as well as current facilities with projected cost inflation. UMKC Requests for New Spending Initiatives Updated as of July 25, 2004 18 ii. Equipment purchases of small equipment (unit price of less than $5,000) should also be planned. Larger equipment items with a unit price greater than $5,000 are included in capital equipment purchases. 1. Life cycle replacement of small office items such as fax machines, scanners, desk top computers and copy machines. 2. Office equipment needed for new programs, new offices and new employees should also be included in the planned budget. 3. Major Capital Equipment purchases (unit value greater than $5,000) should also be planned in detail. i. This would include life cycle replacement for items such as vehicles, lab equipment, and other equipment. ii. Purchases of equipment to outfit a new facility, classroom or program. iii. Maintenance on current and new equipment. New spending initiatives will be evaluated on the following draft criteria. As the University of Missouri system goals and campus strategic priorities evolve, these criteria could change. Each year, the Executive Cabinet will review and revise the criteria as needed, and present these to the campus by September 1. The units will have until October 1 to submit requests for funding of new initiatives. After a review by the Chancellor and Executive Cabinet, preliminary new funding allocations will be announced by December 1, pending the finalization of state appropriation funding. Criteria for Evaluation A. Contribution to UMKC’s vision: a community of learners making the world a better place, creating new standards in higher education. - Describe the new spending program or new initiative and what impact does the new spending initiative have to the contribution of UMKC’s vision? - Describe the extent to which the process for accomplishing the project demonstrates UMKC’s values. How will the project implementation process be collaborative, accountable, etc. B. A clear statement of intended outcomes with some ability to measure those outcomes. Show the linkage of the intended outcomes/performance measures to one or more of UMKC Goals. C. Illustrate the centrality of the new spending initiative to one of the four mission areas of UMKC. How and why is the new spending proposal central to one or more of: - Lead in the Life and Health Sciences - Deepen and expand Strength in the Visual and Performing Arts; - Develop a Professional Workforce; Collaborate in Urban Issues and Education - Create a Vibrant Learning and Campus Life Experience. UMKC Requests for New Spending Initiatives Updated as of July 25, 2004 19 UMKC 2006 Goals and Measures Aligned with new UM System Goals - (May 11, 2004 Draft) I. Access to Learning: Enable students to achieve their full academic potential and to cultivate their personal development. Strategic Goals: 1. UM should grow its overall enrollment by 10,000 students over the next five years, with diversity that reflects that of the state of Missouri and with priority on graduate and professional students. 2. UM should be the first choice for Missouri’s top students. 3. UM should develop tuition and financial aid policies that support access and affordability for the citizens of Missouri. 4. UM should lead the state in student retention and graduation rates. 5. UM alumnae should be recognized leaders in their respective careers. UMKC Goal 1 We attract, nurture, and develop responsible community leaders. Enrollment management and diversity-in-action project goals are achieved, which include ranking among the top universities in graduating students of color and first generation college students. 80% of students and recent alumni say they are satisfied with their UMKC experience on selected NSSE items, the "Campus Aliveness Index," "Alumni Career Satisfaction and Citizen-Leader Inventory," or other approved satisfaction inventories. 85% of businesses/organizations who employ/engage UMKC alumni say UMKC graduates are citizen-leaders, as reported on the "Employer Follow-up of Career Performance and Citizen-Leader Survey". II. Academic Achievement and Quality: Achieve a nationally competitive position in research, scholarship, and academic programs in selected areas consistent with each campus mission. Strategic Goals: 1. UM should invest in selected programs that will raise its national standing. 2. UM should hire and retain an additional 10 National Academy faculty over the next three years. 3. UM should achieve doctoral-research extensive status for UMKC, UMSL and UMR and support enhancement of UMC’s status as an AAU institution. 4. UM should become a national leader in life science research. 5. UM should enhance its interdisciplinary research and instructional programs. UMKC Goal 2 We are a national leader in scholarship and creative activity. Sponsored program awards reach $60 million per year, of which $40 million are Federalfund awards. Ten academic programs are ranked by national standards in the top ten. Five academic support programs are ranked by national standards in the top ten. UMKC Requests for New Spending Initiatives Updated as of July 25, 2004 20 UMKC 2006 Goals and Measures Aligned with new UM System Goals - (May 11, 2004 Draft) III. Community-University Engagement: Set new standards of quality for community-university engagement that will constitute a national model of service and outreach to the state, the nation, and the world Strategic Goals: 1. UM should coordinate academic year calendars across the campuses to permit electronic course delivery. 2. UM should collaborate and partner within and without the System. 3. UM should increase public support for the state’s public research university. 4. UM should continue to operate and maintain a system network of providers to improve the delivery of quality, cost effective health care services to the citizens and residents of the State of Missouri and enhance the availability of and access to health care services. 5. UM should promote innovation and economic development through private-public partnerships that identify critical workforce needs, promote technology transfer and commercialization, address the research and development needs of Missouri industry, and enhance the entrepreneurship capacity of the state. UMKC Goal 3 We are an essential community partner and resource. 90% of community leadership says UMKC is one of the top 5 community assets. 50% of UMKC faculty, students and staff, respectively, engage in public scholarship, communitybased or service learning, or community service IV. Valuing People and Creating a High-Performing Organization: Within a high-performing organization, develop an eminent faculty and highly talented staff who are engaged, productive, diverse, and committed to achieving the University’s vision. Strategic Goals: 1. UM should strengthen accountability for outcomes through its performance leadership process. 2. UM should improve the compensation of faculty, and the benefits for graduate and professional students. 3. UM should create additional opportunities to support faculty and staff in their respective responsibilities. 4. UM should recruit and hire senior faculty within its recognized peer group or beyond. 5. UM should recruit and hire junior faculty primarily from AAU institutions. 6. UM should competitively compensate and offer development opportunities to maintain a highly competent staff. UMKC Goal 4 We are a workplace of choice. 80% of employees say they enjoy working at UMKC, as indicated by a rating of 4 or higher on a scale of 1 to 5 on the workplace survey. 50% of our applicants cite our vision and values as one of their primary reasons for applying. The goals of the diversity-in-action project are achieved. UMKC Requests for New Spending Initiatives Updated as of July 25, 2004 21 UMKC 2006 Goals and Measures Aligned with new UM System Goals - (May 11, 2004 Draft) V. Improving Core Processes: Develop and maintain effective and efficient academic and administrative processes that support the University’s vision and create value for constituents Strategic Goals: 1. UM should promote and achieve greater academic and administrative efficiencies throughout the university system. 2. UM should build the highest quality information technology infrastructure that will meet the instructional and research requirements of faculty and students. VI. Developing and Managing Resources: Establish and maintain the financial and physical resource base required to support the University’s vision and sustain organizational improvement Strategic Goals: 1. UM should permit different tuition levels among the campuses to allow for market variance, program differences and resource requirements. 2. UM should improve the physical plant and infrastructure throughout the entire system. 3. UM should secure $300 million in external research funding annually. 4. UM should expand its private fund-raising campaigns with a goal of reaching the $1.0 billion mark over the next five years. 5. UM should improve the financial performance of its hospitals and clinics. UMKC Goal 5 We have the resources to fuel our vision. Our composite financial health index is 7.5 on a 10-point scale. Our revenue growth and diversification goals for financial freedom are achieved. Our resources are allocated to priorities such that our core programs/services have their resource needs fully met and $2 million are available annually for innovation. Budgeting for Excellence Presentation to UMKC Faculty Senate on November 16, 2004 Revenue Allocation Model Next Steps For Year 1- Just Do It October/November/ December - 2004 January/February - 2005 Finalize revenue allocation model for FY 2006 budget planning Campus discussions on proposed model attributes Budget Advisory Committee continues revenue allocation discussions Review of modeling assumptions with Schools/Units Communicate plan to campus Release of New Revenue Allocations for FY 2006 Budget March to May - 2005 Designation of proposed new initiatives and designated priorities Develop future year (FY 2007) performance criteria measures and reporting systems Develop Year 1 (FY 2006) allocation criteria for Block Allocation Process Future Year Calendar Highlights of Major Changes/Improvements August SCH Modeling and certification October Requests for Designated Spending Priorities and New Funding Initiatives Performance measures/criteria finalized December Communication/Approval of Designated Funding Priorities Preliminary Release of Funds • Tuition Fee Allocation • Block Grant Allocation & and Incentive Funding 22 Budgeting for Excellence Presentation to UMKC Faculty Senate on November 16, 2004 23 UMKC PROPOSED Annual Budget Planning Cycle Milestone Date SUMMER Department Task/Activity: Aug. 1 Sept. 1 FALL WINTER College/School Student Credit Hour Allocations Certified (Allocations based on prior year SCH/FTE/Major student data) Updated Criteria and Submission Requirements distributed for Designated Programs Initiatives Oct. 1 Department/Unit Submission of Budget Requests for Designated Program Initiatives Oct. 1 Round I – Chancellor Innovation Fund Awards Due Oct. 15 State Appropriation Allocation Criteria Measures Validated Nov. 15 Student Activity/Housing Fees/ Professional Tuition Fee and Graduate Fee Cluster Revenue Due Dec. 1 New: Chancellor/Executive Cabinet approves New Spending Requests for Next FY Dec. 1 PRELIMINARY Department/Unit “Block Allocations” State Appropriations Awards made PENDING State Appropriation Funding Levels & PROPOSED Tuition Fee Levels Dec. 1 Colleges/Schools/Departments Revenue Forecasts for Non-Operating Funds (Auxiliary & Service Operations and Restricted/Gift Funds) Jan. 5 Revenue and Expense Planning Assumptions Presented for Cabinet Discussion Revenue Assumptions for Tuition Revenues Revenue Assumptions for Student Activity/Housing Fees Expense Assumptions for Personnel/Benefits Revenue and Expense Forecasts for Operating Fund based on Preliminary Estimates Jan. 15 February SPRING Draft Mar. 1 Mar. 15 Late March Preliminary Release of General Fund Allocations Tuition Fees based on New Revenue Model “Block Allocation” State Appropriations (Up to x% of GRA Differential) Incentive Plan Criteria Allocation (Gap Funding) Campus Budget Forums/Town Hall Meetings Preliminary Multi-Year Forecasts and Highlights of Revenue Allocation Model Designated Initiatives for Future Year Budget Round II – Chancellor Innovation Fund Awards Due Final Release of General Fund Allocations Board Approves Tuition Revenues Mid-April All Department Budgets Completed/Finalized in System Late May Board Finalizes/Approves State Appropriation Allocations to Campuses UMKC Budget Advisory Committee January 2003 24 Preface: The primary accountability for the financial integrity of the University of Missouri Kansas City campus resides in the Office of the Chancellor. The Chancellor, as the Chief Executive Officer of the campus, has final administrative responsibility for financial planning, revenue development, and allocation of resources to the various academic and administrative entities of the campus. Purpose of the Budget Advisory Committee: The Budget Advisory Committee is an advisory committee that advises the Chancellor on matters related to budget planning and policy. The Budget Advisory Committee also has responsibility to assist the Chancellor in ensuring that the budget planning process and resource allocation decisions occur in an environment that encourages open honest communication, promotes opportunities for input from the campus stakeholders, and provides clear concise and easily understood information regarding the University’s budget. The Budget Advisory Committee’s role and responsibilities shall not supersede or replace the day-to-day financial management of the University, which has been delegated by the Chancellor to the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance. The specific charges to the Committee are to: 1. Review and advise on a proposed resource allocation plan for both academic and support unit that clearly support UMKC’s mission and strategic goals. 2. Review and advise on a proposed framework for the annual reporting on performance measurement system for both academic and support units to ensure accountability in the performances of the units in achieving UMKC’s strategic plan. 3. Review and advise on a proposed framework and structure for submission of new resource and/or program funding requests. All new funding initiatives and program priorities need to include a realistic proposed budget and established priorities that are aligned to UMKC’s strategic goals. 4. Advise the Chancellor on the annual revenue allocation process to ensure that revenues are aligned to support campus vision and values, and that the budget process aligns financial resources to the UMKC’s mission and strategic goals. 5. Ensure that relevant budget information and background materials are made available to campus constituents with responsibility for advising on planning and budgeting issues. 6. Review of annual revenue estimates and spending assumptions and advise the Chancellor on their appropriateness. 7. Review interim financial and program performance report of the University including review of annual operating budget, financial statements and performance measures in meeting UMKC stated goals and objectives. 8. Other budgetary reviews or financial analyses as designated by the Chancellor. UMKC Budget Advisory Committee January 2003 25 Prerequisites for Membership Appointment: Members of the Budget Advisory Committee will have a demonstrated understanding and knowledge of the University of Missouri System and UMKC campus budget processes and financial planning methods. Staff training and development will be emphasized to ensure the Committee members develop the understanding and knowledge of the budget process and financial planning methods. It is key that Advisory Members are committed to the University and its strategic goals. Rotation of committee appointments will be based on the discretion of the Chancellor and also based on the willingness of the representatives to serve and exert the time and commitment to provide meaningful input and represent the interests of the UMKC stakeholders and community. Communication and Relationship to Existing Campus Committees and Offices: 1. The Budget Advisory Committee should meet at least quarterly. 2. Budget Advisory Committee should interact regularly with the Chancellor’s Cabinet and Extended Cabinet, as well as the Faculty Senate, Staff Assembly and Student Government Association to facilitate the flow of information among all campus stakeholders. 3. The Budget Advisory Committee should present recommendations to the Chancellor based on input solicited from campus stakeholders as well as the Committee’s own educated recommendations. 4. The UMKC Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance will coordinate efforts to ensure the regular and timely provision of financial information to the Budget Advisory Committee and will provide the staff support for the Committee. 5. The Office of Institutional Research on behalf of the Chancellor’s Office will be responsible for the coordination of the regular and timely submission of unit performance measurements and reporting on the campus/unit progress in meeting UMKC’s five strategic goals. Budgeting for Excellence Presentation to UMKC Faculty Senate on November 16, 2004 26 PREAMBLE BUDGETING FOR EXCELLENCE Budget Advisory Committee The Budgeting for Excellence Committee was formed as a result of a common desire for the redevelopment of a budget process that supports the vision and values of the University of Missouri – Kansas City campus. A team of ten university stakeholders, ranging from faculty to support staff to campus administrators, served as members of this committee from May 2001 to August 2002. In its final report published in August 2002, the Budgeting for Excellence Model encompass the following six attributes that describe the basic characteristics of good budgeting: Vision & Value Driven: The budget process clearly links funding to support the state University vision and values Strategic: The budget process represents a multiyear, realistic plan identifying current and future needs and opportunities Accountable: The budget process supports accountability by aligning authority and responsibility to Units for decisions made Open: The budget process is understandable, allowing for input from all stakeholders, with no hidden agendas Responsive: The budget process allows for change One of the first recommendations and best practice elements of The Budgeting for Excellence Committee was that UMKC should identify opportunities for stakeholder input. Key to this recommendation was that UMKC should establish a Budget Advisory Committee to provide an avenue for input from faculty, staff, administration and students. As prescribed by the University of Missouri System collective rules and regulations, the Committee should be charged with the responsibility to advise on educational planning, appraisal of resources needed and the allocation or reallocation of resources. The Budget Advisory Committee was envisioned to assist the Chancellor in ensuring that the budget planning process and resource allocation decisions occur in an environment that encourages open honest communication, promotes opportunities for input from the campus stakeholders, and provides clear concise and easily understood information regarding the University’s budget. The Budgeting for Excellence Committee recommended that a campus Budget Advisory Committee be set up to advise the Chancellor and the composition of the committee be made up of the following constituents totaling 19 members: Six members from the University faculty; two members from the Faculty Senate; One member of the Staff Assembly; Three Academic Deans; One representative of the Student Government Association; and Six members representing administrative support units and functions. Following the framework of the Budgeting for Excellence report, including its guideline for Advisory Committee constituents, the Chancellor has recently created the first BAC committee comprising of the following members: Budgeting for Excellence Presentation to UMKC Faculty Senate on November 16, 2004 27 CURRENT BUDGET ADVISORY COMMITTEE (BAC) MEMBERSHIP: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Assignment: Name Member Term Bryan Le Beau Betty Drees Homer Erekson 3 years 2 years 1 year Bob Weirich Deep Medhi VACANCY - Cathy Carroll Thad Wilson Michelle Beattie 1 year Jeff Thomas 1 year 3 years 3 years 2 years 2 years Jim Durig Gary Ebersole 3 years DEANS: FACULTY: FACULTY SENATE: 1 year SUPPORT UNITS: Eric Vestal Pam Becker * Ed Ellyson Carla Wilson Bill Phillips Patty Cahill 3 years 3 years 2 years 2 years 1 year 1 year Mark Johnson 1 year STAFF ASSEMBLY: STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION: Tom Kernan * 2 years Original appointment of Mary Lou Hines who assigned to Pam Becker, Manager of Business/Fiscal Operations for Provost Office Budgeting for Excellence Presentation to UMKC Faculty Senate on November 16, 2004 28 SCHOLARSHIP DISTRIBUTION Academic Year 2003 – 2004 Directly Tied to Academic Unit Academic Unit Arts and Sciences $ Biological Sciences 3,748,852 Allocation of Balance Unassigned Scholarships $ 241,627 Total Allocation $ 3,990,479 410,299 22,736 433,035 Business 1,414,733 84,637 1,499,370 Conservatory of Music 1,920,565 102,216 2,022,781 Computing and Engineering 1,316,061 72,585 1,388,646 Dentistry 2,869,132 149,957 3,019,089 Education 1,059,563 68,225 1,127,788 867,826 45,449 913,275 Law 1,109,922 62,624 1,172,546 Medicine 2,844,251 154,105 2,998,356 Nursing 444,859 24.735 469,594 Pharmacy 469,420 25.274 494,694 Graduate Studies TOTAL in Academic Units $ 18,475,483 $ 1,054,170 $ 19,529,653 Intercollegiate Athletics $ 1,666,700 $ - $ 1,666,700 TOTAL Scholarships $ 20,142,183 $ 1,054,170 $ 21,196,353 Budgeting for Excellence Presentation to UMKC Faculty Senate on November 16, 2004 29 Academic Year 2003 - 2004 Scholarships and Waivers Individual Scholarships with Activity Exceeding $100,000 $$ Amount Administrative Waiver Arkansas Dental N.R. Scholarship Chancellor Non Resident - International Chancellor Award Non Resident DF Chancellor Minority Non Resident Chancellor Non Resident Award Chancellor Non Resident BA/DDS Chancellor Scholarship Award Chancellors Transfer Award Curator Freshman Scholarship Curators Renewal Scholarship Exchange Partner Award GTA Award 6 Hours GTA Award 9 Hours GTA Non Resident Waiver - A&S GTA Non Resident Waiver - Pharmacy GTA Non Resident Waiver - SCE International CC Transfer K.C.A.S.E. Kansas Exchange - Non Resident KC Urban Teac Fel Ed Fee Med School Waiver Ed Fees Med School Waiver Non Resident Mo Tax Non Resident Waiver - Doctorial Only Non Resident - Law Part-Time Non Resident Midwest Exchange Part-Time Non Resident Part-Time Non Resident Dental 1-3 Special Chancellor Non Resident UMKC Freshman Grant UMKC Grant UMKC Tax Waiver OTHER Scholarships (Less than $100,000 in Activity) % of Total Scholarships 1,353,230 0.54% 0.59% 6.99% 0.49% 5.58% 6.28% 4.08% 5.24% 0.93% 0.49% 1.60% 0.56% 2.39% 0.52% 0.99% 0.58% 0.72% 0.59% 0.63% 5.13% 0.72% 3.76% 0.61% 10.53% 1.16% 0.79% 1.19% 8.75% 0.75% 2.05% 1.31% 2.35% 1.91% 6.38% $ 18,475,483 87.16% Total Scholarships - General Allocation Distribution $ 1,054,170 4.97% Intercollegiate Athletics $ 1,666,700 7.86% TOTAL SCHOLARSHIP ACTIVITY $ 21,196,353 Total Scholarships Directly Tied to Academic Units 115,101 124,666 1,480, 734 103,071 1,182,393 1,332,158 864,496 1,110,609 198,000 103,250 340,083 117,679 506,081 110,303 209,829 121,910 153,033 125,029 134,099 1,086,857 151,748 796,159 129,382 2,232,084 245,088 167,075 253,140 1,854,812 159,866 433,812 277,474 498,048 404,185 Budgeting for Excellence Revenue Allocation Model Budget Advisory Committee Recommendations Executive Summary 30 The Budgeting for Excellence Project evolved from the acknowledgement that historically the budgeting process at UMKC was surrounded by secrecy, confusion, misperceptions and lack of trust and creditability. The campus identified the need to redesign a budget process that was understandable, transparent, open, clearly articulated and tied to unit performance. In August 2002, the Budgeting for Excellence Committee presented recommendations to the Executive Cabinet that revamped the budgeting process and suggested several changes to the method and delivery of the budget. There were five major recommendations of the project committee, one of which spoke specifically to allocation of resources: “The UMKC budget aligns available resources to the campus department priorities, which are based on the institutional mission, goals, vision and values.” Based on that recommendation and with the approval of the Executive Cabinet, a Budget Advisory Committee was formed. The committee’s charge was to further examine the budget of UMKC and design a budget process that would meet the campus needs of accountability, openness, and performance incentives. The Budgeting Advisory Committee (BAC) has met regularly over the past two years, focusing mostly on a revenue allocation model. One of the first priorities for the Committee was to understand the campus’ current revenue allocation method. Currently, units annually receive a general revenue allocation, which basically comprises the operating base budget for the units. This base is an historical budget which has been incrementally increased or decreased over the years to address salary and benefit issues, new spending initiatives, and reductions or withholdings of state funding. The general revenue allocation has three components: student fees, state appropriations and recovery of indirect costs for grant activity. All three of these revenue sources are allocated to one “pot” of money, which in turn, is allocated to the units. The following graphic illustrates the current model of revenue at UMKC. Budgeting for Excellence Revenue Allocation Model Budget Advisory Committee Recommendations Executive Summary State $$$ Student Fee $$ Recovery F&A $$ GENERAL REVENUE ALLOCATION Academic Units Support Units 31 Budgeting for Excellence Revenue Allocation Model Budget Advisory Committee Recommendations Executive Summary 32 The current allocation model is not tied to enrollment revenue generated by a specific unit; it does not award units for superior performance; and it doesn’t link the revenue allocation to the units’ contribution to the campus goals. Based on the initial charge of the budget redesign process, the Budget Advisory Committee has recommended a new revenue allocation model that provides three basic components to address “financial freedom”: A. Incentives for units to meet enrollment goals B. Ties revenue allocation to the campus goals; and C. Awards units/divisions for superior performance in meeting and exceeding those goals. Essentially, the revenue allocation model segregates the revenue previously lumped together in the general revenue allocation pool and uses those funds to allocate resources to units based on enrollment and success in achieving campus goals and priorities. It also sets aside revenue to fund campus priorities that cannot directly self-generate operational revenue. These would include core library support, capital equipment funding for instruction and research, technology improvement and reserves. In the model, educational fee revenue, net of scholarships and waivers and net of campus set-asides, would be allocated to the academic units. Funds from state appropriations would be used for both academic and support units in a block allocation designed to stabilize the operating budget base for units. State appropriations would also be allocated to close funding gaps between revenue allocated to units; these funds would be awarded based on performance. The indirect cost recovery would be allocated to research incentives and core institutional priorities. The Budget Advisory Committee has not discussed to date the recommendation from the original report for modification to the allocation of indirect cost recovery funds. The following graphically describes the revenue allocation model, as recommended by the Budget Advisory Committee. Budgeting for Excellence Revenue Allocation Model Budget Advisory Committee Recommendations Executive Summary 33 General Revenue Allocation Model Student Fees and State Appropriations Student Fee Revenues $$ (Net of Scholarships) Existing State Appropriation $$ New State Appropriation $$ Designated Priorities/ Initiatives 10% for Campus Priorities 90% to Academic Units 10% for Campus Priorities Academic Units Block Allocation Support Units Funding Gap (Performance based) Academic Units Support Units Budgeting for Excellence Revenue Allocation Model Budget Advisory Committee Recommendations Executive Summary 34 Academic Unit Model: The following describes the allocation model used for the academic units. 1. Academic units will receive revenue generated by their unit based on the student Student Fees: credit hours generated the previous academic year, less scholarships and waivers attributable to that academic unit, and less campus set-asides. Revenue will be allocated based on current educational fee rates. For example, for FY2006, final student credit hour data from FY2004 will be used at the FY2005 educational fee rates. For students taking classes in their home academic unit (i.e., major), all revenue, net of scholarships and waivers, will be allocated to that academic unit. For students taking classes in other academic units, the revenue will be shared between the academic unit providing the course instruction (80 percent) and the home unit (20 percent). Note: Educational revenue in this model does not include continuing education, dual high school credit, EMBA, PACE and video network courses. Units currently receiving supplemental fees such as clinical nursing fees, applied music fees, and other supplemental fees will continue to receive that revenue. Since FY 2003, all supplemental educational course fees (e.g., clinical nursing, computer science, conservatory, technology infrastructure fee) are now being directly allocated to the various units. Scholarships and waivers are allocated to academic units based on the actual operating fund waiver and scholarship expense in the campuswide scholarship and waivers department, excluding those awarded for Athletic scholarships. These expenses can be directly traced by purpose of scholarship and waiver so that the expense can be allocated to the academic unit which has awarded the financial aid and fee remission. The educational fee revenue will be certified and distributed each year during the Summer so that units will understand the fee allocation portion of this model for planning purposes. 2. Block Allocation: In most cases, the current general revenue allocation academic units receive exceeds the amount of educational fee revenue currently generated by each academic unit, leaving a funding gap. In this proposal, academic units will receive a portion, or block allocation, of the funding gap in order to provide a stabilizing revenue base. The level of block allocation would be revisited on a regular basis – either annually or on some other regular interval. For example: Year 1 - Academic units would receive 90 percent of the funding gap; Year 2 - Academic units would receive 80 percent of the funding gap; Year 3 - Academic units would receive 75 percent of the funding gap; The block allocation of this model would be funded by revenue received by state appropriations. Budgeting for Excellence Revenue Allocation Model Budget Advisory Committee Recommendations Executive Summary 3. 35 State Appropriations: Although the academic units will receive educational fee revenue and a block allocation, a funding gap (based on current general revenue allocation) may still remain, especially as the block allocation is reduced on regular intervals. State appropriation funding will be allocated to academic units based on units’ contributions to the campus goals and priorities. Units will be awarded state funds for their achievement and performance in student learning and success, research and scholarship and organizational effectiveness. The criteria for funding awards will be based on measurable goals. As units’ performances either increase or decline, state funding will be adjusted accordingly. 4. Designated Program Initiatives: These are enhancements to existing programs or the designation of new program/initiatives that extend UMKC’s ability to fulfill its mission and critical priorities. Each year, the Executive Cabinet will develop criteria on which new program initiatives will be evaluated and new funding awarded. These criteria will be released to the units by September 1, and designated funding requests will be due back in October. The new designated initiative funding awards will be announced by December 1 for campus and unit budget planning purposes. The source of funding for designated initiatives is new state appropriation funds or the Chancellor’s Innovation fund. Budgeting for Excellence Revenue Allocation Model Budget Advisory Committee Recommendations Executive Summary 36 Support Units: In general, support units will be allocated funding only from the state appropriations. Details of the revenue model for the support unit are as follows. 1. Student Fees: Support units do not generate student educational fees and will not receive any allocation of educational fee revenue under this model. The only exception would be units that directly receive supplemental fees such as the technology infrastructure fee (instructional computing), transcript fees, application fees and other fees currently directly designated to that unit. These units currently receive that revenue directly and that practice will continue under this model. 2. Block Allocation: As in the case with the academic units, support units will receive a block allocation equal to a pre-determined percentage of its FY2005 general revenue allocation. The block allocation will be based on 90 percent of the units’ current general revenue allocation. As support units cannot generate fee revenue from student enrollment, this percentage will remain constant each year. The block allocation piece of this model would be funded by revenue received by state appropriations. 3. State Appropriations: Although the support units will receive a block allocation, a 10 percent funding gap of its current revenue allocation will still need to be recovered by the unit. State appropriation funding will be allocated to support units based on the units’ contributions to the campus goals and priorities. Units will be awarded state funds for their achievement and performance in service quality and organizational effectiveness. The criteria for funding awards will be based on measurable goals. As units increase performance or decline, state funding will be adjusted accordingly. 4. Designated Program Initiatives: These are enhancements to existing programs or the designation of new program/initiatives that extend UMKC’s ability to fulfill its mission and critical priorities. Each year, the Executive Cabinet will develop criteria on which new program initiatives will be evaluated and new funding awarded. These criteria will be released to the units by September 1, and designated funding requests will be due back in October. The new designated initiative funding awards will be announced by December 1 for campus and unit budget planning purposes. The source of funding for designated initiatives is new state appropriation funds or the Chancellor’s Innovation fund