ALGEBRA II Polynomial and their Factors quiz.

ALGEBRA II Polynomial and their Factors quiz.
1. Given P(x) = -3x3 – 2x + 6 tell me or sketch the end behavior of the polynomial.
Look on 312 if you forget patterns!
2. Given P(x) = 4x6 – 10x2 + 10x – 14 tell me or sketch the end behavior of the polynomial.
3. Create a polynomial that has zeros of 3, -4, and 5.
4. Create a polynomial that has zeros of 2 w/ multiplicity of three.
5. Find the zeros of P(x) = -2x3 – 10x2 + 2x + 10 on your calculator. List all the zeros.
6. Factor and find the zeros and their multiplicity if any. P(x) = x3 +7x2 +10x
7. Factor and find the zeros. P(x) = 3x3 -3x.
8. Is x – 4 a factor of 2x3 – 10x2 + 10x + 12?
9. Use LONG DIVISION to divide x + 3 into 2x2 -5x + 3 and find the remainder if any.
10. Use synthetic division to figure out if when you plug in a -6 does P(x) = 3x3 + 12x2 -35x + 6
turn into zero?
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