Class of 2001 Commencement Exercises Eastview High School Independent School District 196 Apple Valley, Minnesota Friday, June 8, 2001 7:30p.m. Program PRELUDE “El Capitan” ...................................................................................................... John Philip Sousa “America The Beautiful” ................................................................................. arr. Carmen Dragon Eastview High School Band – Director, Frank Pasquerella PROCESSIONAL (Please stand for the Processional) “Pomp and Circumstance” ...................................................................... Edward Elgar/Grundman Eastview High School Band – Director, Frank Pasquerella JUNIOR ESCORTS ................................................................. Leslie Lindgren and Dina Vaynerman GREETINGS ..................................................................................................... Dr. J. Richard Dewey GRADUATE MESSAGE ............................................................................................. Kyle Robinson MUSICAL SELECTIONS “I Hope You Dance” ...................................................................................................... Arr. Lojeski “You’ll Never Walk Alone” .................................................................................... Arr. Johnny Mann Eastview High School Concert Choir – Director, Judy Sagen Accompanist - Mark Ertl FACULTY SPEAKER ............................................................................................... Robert Dettmer PRESENTATION OF GRADUATING CLASS .................................................. Dr. J. Richard Dewey PRESENTATION OF DIPLOMAS ....................................................................... Board of Education SENIOR READERS............................ Carolyn Bainbridge, Joseph Bents, John Lawrey, Kellen Fish, LeeAnn Rasachak, Katie Sachwitz, Christine Spearman, Natalie Speckman, Sara Polley RECESSIONAL ....................................... Eastview High School Band – Director, Frank Pasquerella Members of the Class of 2001 • National Honor Society + President’s Education Award H Honor Graduate HH Graduate with High Honors HHH Graduate with Highest Honors Michael George Achterling Eric Philip Adams Nichole Marie Ahrens Felicia Lynn Alexander Andrea Raquel Allen Jennifer Leigh Allen Athena Lynn Anderson Heidi Rae Anderson Jennifer Lynn Anderson Joel David Anderson Megan Elizabeth Angermeyr • Brandon Thomas Angstman Casey Jay Arnold Brent Michael Atherton •+ Jason Ryan Avramis Ayla Aymond Kate Colburn Babcock Alison Anne Bailey • David James Bailey Carolyn Ruth Bainbridge •+HH Benjamin Robert Bakken Kymberly Jane Bakker Nadia Paola Barahona Valerie Lynn Bartosh James Robert Bauer Matthew Justin Bauler •+HH Ralph Jordan Baxley Robert William Beattie III Patrick William Beaver Luke Conroy Beckman •+ Jillian Christine Bellah • Cecilia Bellido Gonzalo Javier Bellido Perrine Belvaux Joseph Douglas Bents + Andrew Cowan Anne Caroline Cowles • Allison Page Crabtree Daniel Philip Cregan H Adrienne Ashley Crewson Heather Danielle Cross •+HH Sara Marie Curlee Jessica Linn Curley Michael James Czech Nicholas Andrew Dahl •+HHH Kevin Michael Dalton Maureen Ellen Daly Heidi Jane Damico Rachel Mary Davis Joshua Michael Dean Laurie Grace Decknatel Patrick John Deeg Nicole Marie Deinert Justin Paul Devine Kristin Paige DeWeese Jeffrey J. Dewey •+HHH Bryan T. Dickerson Bethany Elise Diehl •H Mark Richard DiPasquale Danielle Lynn Dixson Brian Joseph Dockter Benjamin Trevis Doyle Danielle Rae Drahos Brian James Droske Paul Douglas Dunning Troy James Dye Bethany Joan Eighmy •+ Evan William Eittreim Natalie Ann Ekdahl Tiffany Noelle Ekey •+ Patrick Scott Bents Ahmi Rei Beppu Ryan Charles Bergen •+HH Sasha Rae Bergman Jennie Elizabeth Bierlein William Alexander Bierman Mark Norman Bietz Jill Ann Bjerke Lindsey Suzanne Blair Abby Lynn Blake Raquel Marie Bloch H Joseph Daniel Bloomquist Jon William Bogatzki •+ Natalie Marie Bogie Cory Tayib David Bolton H David Booth Erica Christine Borgen Eric Martin Bostow Katherine M. Bowles Nicholas Robert Brack Nicholas Adam Brakel Nicole M. Brecount Monty John Brink Melissa Ann Brookman Darlene Chimere Brown Eric Daniel Brown Lorraine Marie Makanani Bruchal Benjamin David Brueshoff •+ Eric Matthew Budd •+ Thien Nhien Thi Bui Zackary Troy Bullis Noah James Bushey Andrew Marcus Button Andrew C. Cadwell Lindsey Ann Cadwell Gregory Jackson Calhoun Dorothea Amanda Cannon •H Matthew D. Capatina Adam B. Carlson Anthony James Carlson Benjamin Joshua Carlson Laura Beth Carlson Dana Christen Caron Shane Thomas Carr Andrea B. Carrico Lindsey Elizabeth Carter Melissa Ann Carter •+H Tiffany Lynn Carver •+H Nicholas Martin Casalenda Susan Ann Casey Carolyn Ruth Cassin •+ Gena Martha Caughey Chad Micheal Cave Amanda Karol Cavegn David James Cegla Timothy Paul Chamberlain H Cheraphone Noy Chantara Benny D. Chanthasene Mark J. Charpentier Daniel David Chies Stephen Chu •+HHH Major Kevin Chumley Marah Rae Cole • Stephanie Jane Cole Sara Jane Compas •+HH Matthew Steven Conn Courtney Alayne Cook Katie Marie Corcoran Autumn Noel Cordova Elijah Hal Coulson Bridget Mary Ellis Ryan Roger Ericksen Amy Jo Ernst •H Corey Ettinger Allison Erickson Evans Nicole Diane Everding Christopher David Fashant Shannan Michelle Feeley •+HHH William Dean Feigal Anna Elizabeth Ferguson Nissa Rae Fischer Kellen Thomas Fish + Kevin J. Fitzke Jeremiah Richard Flinck Angela Joan Foertsch Adam Mark Fokken •+H Rachel Faith Selena Fowler Emily Carol Foxen + Maisa Jean Frank •+HHH Kimberly Jean Fransen Paul Owen Frederickson, Jr. + Corry William Freeman Matthew H. Freeman Patrick Anthony Freeman Julie Marie Freiberger Samuel Aaron Friedman Christopher Brian Frost Jake B. Fugleberg Cory Richard Fusco •+ Daniel Benjamin Gaard + Terra D. Gabbert Molly Marie Gansmoe Michael David Gant + Jonathan David Gardner Tracee Anne Garnsey Kathryn Marie Garry + Christopher Lee George Katie Elizabeth Gerrits Travis Russell Gilbertson Elizabeth Anne Goergen • Ashley Lauren Gold Megan Elise Gooch •+HH Megan Elizabeth Gosse Jessalin Janelle Gottas Alison Marie Graf •+HHH Desiree Marie Graham H John Paul Granos Matthew Leonard Graves Jana Marie Grcevich +HHH Christi Lea Greenhalge Rosemarie Anna Gregory Kara Nichole Greskamp William Dean Grogg Eric David Groonwald James Richard Grundman Blake Daniel Guither + Vanessa Nicole Gullett •H Jennifer Lynn Gustafson Kristen Rae Haenszel Jason Timothy Hagaman Crystal Lynn Haglund Natalie Marie Hammer Erin Marie Hansen David Glenn Hanson + Jonathan Paul Hanson Mark Thomas Hanson +HH Dustin Lee Harber •+ Andrew Jeffrey Hart Joseph Daniel Hartwell + Aaron Edward Hasek Danielle Korine Hassett Cody Brian Haug Maria K. Hayes Elad Chai Hayun Robert Joseph Heinzman Elisabeth Milena Heiss • Derek Gregory Helland Jessica Marie Helus Christian John Henjum Brian Lee Henk Barbara Jane Henninger Sarah Jane Henningsen • Shawn M. Henry Jaymeson Leigh Heppelmann •H Nicole Michelle Heppner •H Jeremiah Dean Herigstad Jesse Andrew Herrmann Richard Ian Hetland Michelle Annmarie Hettling •+ Mark Lawrence Hines II Joseph E. Hixson Mitchell Ray Hofer + Andrew James Hogan Adam Jeffrey Holten •+ Charles Edward Holtz Marietta Mume Hoogs Nicole Marie Host Kyle Geoffrey Hostetter Brandon William Hreha Sheri Lynn Huffstutter Courtney Jo Hugstad-Vaa • Shawnee Lauren Marie Huie Jaclyn Frances Hulting Matthew Anthony Humbert Melanie Marie Hurlburt + Bryce David Hutchins +H Viet Hai Huynh Lynda Jayne Iglesia Jordan Charles Illsley Steven Joseph Imhoff Daniel James Ingalsbe Chanthamaly Inthisan Michael Duane Iverson •H Bryan Mitchell Jahr Keith Wallace Jasken Timothy Odell Jensen Nicole Danielle Jensen-Dutton Erin Marie Jessen Adam Jay Johnson Alissa Ann Johnson Erica Anne Johnson Krystal Kay Johnson Leif Bennett Johnson Lindsey Renee Johnson •H Nathan L. Johnson Sarah Angela Johnson • Shannon Therese Johnson Philip Ryan Jones Jennifer Ann Jorgensen + Krystal Rose Jostock Amy Jo Kadrlik Kevin Mikael Kane •+H Jenelle M. Kasdorf Kathryn M. Kassa Jonathan Daniel Kelehan Sara Marie Keller •+ Ryan Patrick Kelley Joshua Ray Keppler Johnny Khanhkeo Ashley Elisabeth Kile •+H Brooke Camille Kile •H Mark Henry Kingsbury •+HHH Monica Rose Kleen Sarah Jo Kletscher Christopher Robert Kluge James Andrew Knight Justin Robert Knoepfler + Bradley J. Kolle Breanna Marie Korsman •+HH Matthew John Kramer •+H Christina Ann Kressman Mackenzie Leigh Kristoff Kyle William Krivoruchka Leah Kathleen Krizak Jamie Elisabeth Kuhns Kristin Lee Kuklinski Lynne Michelle Kurdziel Anna Marie Kyllo •+HH Ryan Hamilton La Rue Sarah Lynn LaBrie Daniel R. Lambert Kathryn Jane Lammers + Meghan E. Langley Ka Lao Kelly Rose Laramy Brian David Larson Matthew John Latterner •+HHH Cassandra Leigh Lawin + John Patrick Lawless John Paul Lawrey Meredith Merrill Lawson David John Lee Gretchen Elaine Lee + Michael David Lee Sovanny Lee Courtney Marie Leean Geoffrey Thomas Lesher Henry Levak Brett James Lewis Dylan Parker Lidgard Zachary Joe Lieberman Tamara Alisha Lightsey Darren K. Lilja Heather Rose Limke Gregory Lindblom + Joshua Daniel Lindsay Katherine Elizabeth Lingen Eric Lleras Rhys John Lloyd Ryan Andrew Lloyd +H Jonathan David Lockhart Benjamin L. Loerzel Jared Lloyd Loewen Heidi J. Lohman Michael Elliott Lowe Joseph Paul Lowinske Angela Ruth Lucas H Justin Keith Lueken Michael Alexander Luken Katie J. Lynn Ryan James Mach Kari Beth Maland + Nathan Anthony Mann Anne Kathryn Marden Amanda Joy Marek + Sarah Jean Marquart Jonathan William Marshall Nicholas Alan Martin H Katrina Therese Matchinsky Kristin Marie Maus Kristina Nicole Mayer + John Patrick Mazurek Kathryn Mary Frances McCabe •+H Shannon Beth McIntyre + Christopher David McKenzie H Jacquelynn Frances McNamara • Shana Marie McNamara H Jordan Fischer Meade Joshua M. Mersha Tiffany Lori-Michelle Metzger Carolyn Renee Meyer •+ Anthony Steven Michels Stephanie Marie Michuda Carly Ann Mickelson Sarah Lindsey Mickelson Ladea Ann Miller Laura Elizabeth Miller • Michael Thomas Moe Jimmy Derek Moore Melissa J. Morical Holly Crishell Morrison Joshua Stephen Mueller Meghan Lynn Mulally Joshua Peter Mundahl •+ Brian Boru Murphy Colleen Ann Murphy Andrew John Muzic + Christopher James Nagel Jo Ann Mariska Nagy Jessica Lynn Napiorkowski Tyrel William Narva Trent W. Nelson Sarah Michelle Neuerburg •H Andrew Michael Newman • Hai Nguyen Zackary Alexander Nicklin Benjamin Raymond Nielsen Jason Allen Nielsen Tigest Nigatu Brian Corbett Nold Timothy Michael O’Brien Kathleen Marie O’Connor Megan Elizabeth O’Meara Todd D. O’Sita Nathan Ryan O’Tool Jessica Ann Ofstedahl Kelsey Jean Oie • Darcy Marie Olsen Jamie Rose Olson • Jason Randy Olson Jerry Kyle Olson Lauren Carol Olson H Cecilia Viktoria Olsson Derek John Oppelt Zarina Petrovna Orbidan Thomas Joseph Owens Katrina Leigh Packer Samuel Thomas Packwood Tiffany Angela Paino Crystal Cae Pankonin Sarah Elizabeth Paoletti Jung Jun Park Heather Michelle Parker H Michael John Parker Pamela Nichole Parrales Lindsay Marie Paselk Michael James Patten Katherine Jean Perkett •H Ryan A. Peroutky Jessica Lynne Peterson Kassandra C. Peterson Laura Jane Peterson Jessica Lyn Petrone Quoc P. Pham Yen Kim-Thi Pham Jesse Patrick Plautz + Derek Alan Pletcher Sara Jean Polley •+ Amy Elizabeth Post + Angela Samantha Pottratz Kimberly Jo Prange •+H Melissa Jeanne Pratt Melisa Nicole Prawdzik Ryan Joseph Prchal Ashley Lauren Preste •H Brian Daniel Prestegaard Michael Charles Prestidge Jordan Christopher Preston + Taylor Paul Price Kelly Nicole Pufahl David Neil Purdy •+HHH Brian Warner Putnam Vu D. Quach Nicholas Aaron Quale Eugenia Wendy Racca Jeanette Lillian Raczynski Jessica Lynn Raddatz •+HHH Elisa Catherine Ramirez Wendy Ann Rangitsch •+H LeeAnn T. Rasachak Benjamin C. Rasmussen David Alan Rasmussen Brandi Marie Rath Jason A. Reeves Jason Thomas Reger Kristin Elise Reither Emily Ann Renner Todd Allen Reutter • Cameron Jon Rick Scott James Riel Adrienne Jenise Rinaldi Anne Louise Roberts +H Christopher Paul Robinson Kyle James Robinson Tara Francine Rosenberg Brianna Christine Runke Sarah R. Rustad Rebecca Lee Ryan Tyler Joseph Ryan Kathryn Nicole Sachwitz • Chad Michael Salay Daniel Scott Sanders Emily Dee Sandoval Sam Anthony Sandquist Chelsea Anne Sauerbry •+ Kathleen Elizabeth Scheel Philip Rory Schept Lauren Marie Schletty Corey Ansgar Schlichter Jacquelin Marie Scholz Lia Grace Schultz Christopher J. Schwartz Craig William Schwarzbauer Jessica Suzanne Schweim Suzie Cathleen Seabright Sarvee Sek Rebecca Jeanette Seurer Danielle Ann Shimek •+H Eric Donald Sidler •+ Kamari Iman Simpson • Tommy Sinthavong Sivongsay Vitaliy Michael Skladanovskiy Aaron Robert Slavicek Glenn Jameson Smith + Kari Annette Smith Melissa Elizabeth Smith Ryan Thomas Smolarek + Sara Emily Snede Joanna Eve Snider Erin Louise Soldner Ryan Charles Soliday Amber Lynn Solmonson Paul Anthony Sommerstad •H Phousane Soukchareun Phousone Soukchareun Phaimani T.J. Souphaphone Patricia Holly Spahn Jennifer Marie Spangler Brooke Lindsay Spaulding Christine Michelle Spearman Natalie Lynn Speckman • Jonathan Robert Spohn Matthew Steven Stang Amber L. Steichen Corey Michael Steiner Nicole Marie Steinert Aaron Jacob Stender Thomas Michael Stertz Chad Michael Stigsell Tara Anne Stimach Brent Alan Stordahl Brandon Micheal Strand Annemarie Elizabeth Styles Elizabeth A. Sugg Danielle Faith Sumption Elisa Marie Swenson Andrea J. Swensson + Kelly Jo Tamte Dawn Kristina Taylor +H Amanda Christine Telischak Nicole Lynn Terry Shannon Roseanna Terry Estifanos Berhane Tesfe Siuleen Thai Brett Maurice Thomas Ryan C. Thompson Lindsay Lea Thorne Kyle David Thureen •+HHH Theresa Bond Thurnblad •+HHH Angela C. Thyren Robert Paul Timmerman Tonia Michele Tinetti Lindsey L. Tipler Nicole Jo Tonjum Tristan Nyisha Topps Tony Phong Tran + Erin Renee Trelstad Kelly Elizabeth Troester •H Katie Ann Troland H Marta Lillian Turk Nathan Philip Turnock Kelly Lynn Tutko Andrew Gregg Uzendoski + Jennifer Lynn Vankempen Molly Joy Varpness Anthony Peter Veldman Stanislav Vladimir Verenich Nguyen Dac Vo Danielle Margaret Vojta Christopher Lee Vondemkamp Kyle Anthony Vorachek Daniel Lee Voshell •+HH Donald Richard Wachter Matthew Gregory Wachter + Daniel Carl Wall Andrew James Weeden Katherine Eileen Wenn • Patricia Joan Wenzel Cassandra Sue Wertanen Mallory Kaye Wessel Andrew Stephen Westbrook Andrew David Westenberg Michelle Ann Westergren Jessica Ann Wheeler Thomas J. Whisenand Carl Richard White Katie Lyn Whittlef + Rachel R. Wiklund Ross David Wilken Cassie Ann Williams Catherine Quinn Williams Myrika Michelle Williams Tammy Ann Williams Tiffany Jo Williams Carlene DeAnne Wolf Jeanette Wong Crystal Lynn Woodard Timothy Charles Woolery Brent Michael Worrel Erin Marie Wurzer Anna Viktorovna Yakovleva Choua Yang Michael Anthony Zacheretti Juan Pablo Zapata Thomas Richard Zechmeister Gabrielle Jin Zhuang + Erik Zidek Zachary W. Zimniewicz Jaime Zwers • Senior Award Winners Joel Anderson Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship Megan Angermeyr Academic Recognition Award - Iowa State National Honor Society Brent Atherton All-State Choir Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship Lake Conference Vocal Music Award Luther College Music Scholarship National Honor Society President’s Education Award Jason Avramis Baseball Scholarship - Waldorf College Alison Bailey Benedictine Scholarship - St. Scholastica National Honor Society Presidential Scholarship - St. Mary’s University Carolyn Bainbridge Academic Scholarship - U of St. Thomas Advanced Placement Scholar All-College Scholarship - Lutheran Aid Assoc. All-State Band All-State Orchestra Alumni Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus Graduate With High Honors Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship National Honor Society President’s Education Award Trustee Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus Kymberly Bakker Dean’s Scholarship - Rasmussen College (2000-2001 School Year) James Bauer Academic Scholarship - U of St. Thomas Athletic Scholarship - U of M- Duluth Athletic Scholarship – Valparasio US Marine Corps Distinguished Athlete Award Matthew Bauler Alumni Scholarship - Lawrence University Competitive Excellence Award - Iowa State Graduate With High Honors Honors College Tuition Grant - Michigan State National Honor Society President’s Education Award Assistantship Scholarship - Michigan State Luke Beckman Advanced Placement Scholar Alumni Scholarship - Lawrence University National Honor Society President’s Education Award Jillian Bellah National Honor Society Joseph Bents President’s Education Award Patrick Bents All-State Orchestra Ryan Bergen Graduate With High Honors National Honor Society National Merit Scholar - Commended President’s Education Award Sun Devil Award - Arizona State University Sasha Bergman All-American Cheerleader Academic Achievement Award-MSHSL/Jostens United States Cheerleader Achievement Award Jennie Bierlein Academic Scholarship - Iowa State Academic Scholarship - Loras College Athletic Scholarship - Loras College Raquel Bloch Honor Graduate Iron Range Merit Scholarship - U of M-Duluth Jon Bogatzki Competitive Excellence Award - Iowa State Harry Oakley Price Scholarship - Iowa State Miller Brothers’ Scholarship - Winona State National Honor Society President’s Education Award Presidential Honor Scholarship - Winona State Natalie Bogie Academic Scholarship - Augsburg College All-State Band Early Application Scholarship - Augsburg Fairview Ridges Hospital Scholarship Music Scholarship - Augsburg College Cory Bolton Foundation Scholarship - Koch Refinery Foundation Scholarship - St. Cloud State Honor Graduate Richard Green Scholarship - St. Cloud State Top Ten DECA Nationals Benjamin Brueshoff Alumni Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus American Legion Post 1776 Scholarship Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship National Honor Society Norelius Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus President’s Education Award Trustee Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus Eric Budd Air Force ROTC Scholarship National Honor Society President’s Education Award Lindsey Cadwell Academic Scholarship - St. Scholastica Academic Scholarship - West St. Paul Schools All-State Award - Carroll College EVAA Basketball Scholarship Financial Award - St. Mary’s Gregory Calhoun The Diversity Award - U of Missouri-Columbia Dorothea Cannon Engineering Excellence Award - U of Iowa Honor Graduate Honors Scholarship - Hamline University National Honor Society National Scholars Award - U of Iowa Opportunity at Iowa Award - U of Iowa Presidential Scholarship - Coe College St. Thomas Award - University of St. Thomas Tuition Scholarship - University of Iowa Lindsey Carter All-State Cheerleading Melissa Carter Academic Scholarship - MN State U-Mankato Academic Scholarship - U of St. Thomas Honor Graduate National Honor Society Norelius Service Award - Gustavus Adolphus President’s Education Award St. Thomas Award - University of St. Thomas Trustee Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus Tiffany Carver Benedictine Scholarship - St. Scholastica Blackhawk Middle School Alumni Scholarship Circle Award - St. Scholastica Honor Graduate National Honor Society President’s Education Award Presidential Service Award Scholarship Carolyn Cassin All-American Cheerleader All-State Academic Honor Team of Excellence Academic Achievement Award-MSHSL/Jostens EVHS Cheerleading Booster Club Scholarship National Honor Society President’s Education Award US Cheerleader Achievement Award Timothy Chamberlain Gopher Resource Scholarship Award Honor Graduate Lake Conference Scholar Award President’s Education Award Daniel Chies Presidential Academic Scholarship - Winona St. Stephen Chu Advanced Placement Scholar With Honors Fairview Auxiliary Scholarship - Fairview Ridges Graduate With Highest Honors Music Scholarship - BAMTA National Honor Society National Math Exam - High Scorer National Merit Scholar - Finalist National Merit Scholarship Nemerou Writing Scholarship - Washington President’s Education Award Presidential Scholar Program – Candidate Marah Cole National Honor Society Sara Compas A. R. McMicken Scholarship - U of Miami Academic Excellence Award - Iowa State Academic Achievement Award-MSHSL/Jostens EVHS Student Council Scholarship EXCEL Award Nominee - EVHS Graduate With High Honors Heritage Scholarship - Denison University Miami Scholar’s Award - University of Miami Mike Warter Memorial Girls’ Soccer Award National Honor Society President’s Education Award President’s Scholarship - University of Dayton SADD/Liberty Mutual Scholarship Trustee Honor Scholarship - Grinnel College Trustee Scholarship - Lawrence University Anne Cowles Achievement Award - Luther College All State Tournament Team - Basketball All-State Choir American Legion Post 1776 Scholarship Eastview Athletic Association Scholarship Marshall Fields’ Project Imagine Scholarship Music Lesson Scholarship - Luther College Music Scholarship - College of St. Benedict Music Scholarship - Colorado State University Music Scholarship - U of Wisconsin-Eau Claire National Honor Society Player of the Game - First Bank President’s Scholarship - St. Benedict’s Scott Highland Alumni Scholarship Valley Athletic Association Scholarship Weston Noble Music Scholarship - Luther Daniel Cregan Academic Award - Winona State University Academic Scholarship - Iowa State Engineering Excellence Scholarship-U of Iowa Foundation Scholarship - St. Cloud State Honor Graduate Academic Excellence Scholarship - Marquette Heather Cross Engineering Excellence Award - U of Iowa Graduate With High Honors Academic Excellence Scholarship - Marquette National Honor Society National Scholars Award - U of Iowa President’s Education Award Nicholas Dahl Advanced Placement Scholar With Honors Graduate With Highest Honors National Honor Society National Merit Scholar - Commended President’s Education Award Rachel Davis Alumni Referral Scholarship - St. Catherine’s Laurie Decknatel All-State Swimming & Diving Alumni Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus Norelius Service Award - Gustavus Adolphus Trustee Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus Jeffrey Dewey Academic Scholarship - Cargill Scholars Academic Scholarship - Teamsters Central Reg. Advanced Placement Scholar All-State Band All-State Select Soloist - MN Music Educators ExCEL Award Nominee - EVHS ExCEL Award Winner - State of Minnesota Graduate With Highest Honors Harvard National Scholarship - Harvard Harvard Prize Book Award Herff Jones Leadership Award Hugh O’Brien Youth Leadership Award Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship Lake Conference Scholar Award Marshall Fields’ Project Imagine Scholarship “MSHSL “”Triple A”” Award” National Honor Society National Math Exam - High Scorer National Merit Scholar - Finalist National Merit Scholarship - NWA President’s Education Award Presidential Scholar - National Semi-Finalist Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship Student of the Year - MN Valley Exchange Toyota Scholar - National Semi-Finalist Bethany Diehl Honor Graduate National Honor Society Mark DiPasquale Advanced Placement Scholar National Merit Scholar - Semi-Finalist Paul Dunning Academic Scholarship - U of St. Thomas Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship President’s Scholarship - St. John’s University Presidential Scholarship - Drake University St. Thomas Award - University of St. Thomas Bethany Eighmy Advanced Placement Scholar EVHS Student Council Scholarship National Honor Society President’s Education Award SADD/Liberty Mutual Scholarship Washington D.C. Trip - Dakota Electric Tiffany Ekey A.D. Hulings Endowed Scholarship - AFS Advanced Placement Scholar American Association of U Women Scholarship Award of Competitive Excellence - Iowa State Eagan Foundation Scholarship FOCA National Scholarship National Honor Society President’s Education Award US Bank Scholarship Amy Ernst Academic Scholarship - U of M-Duluth Dean’s Scholarship - Bethel College Honor Graduate National Honor Society Student Scholarship Program - Inver Hills CC Wirsbo Company Scholarship Award Shannan Feeley Advanced Placement Scholar American Legion Post 1776 Scholarship Founder’s Scholarship - Syracuse University Graduate With Highest Honors Academic Excellence Scholarship - Marquette National Honor Society National Merit Scholar - Commended President’s Education Award President’s Scholarship - Butler University President’s Scholarship - U of Maryland Anna Ferguson Legacy Scholarship - Augsburg College Lutheran Leader Scholarship - Augsburg Kellen Fish Advanced Placement Scholar All-State Orchestra (2) Music Scholarship - Montana State University President’s Education Award Angela Foertsch Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship Adam Fokken 2nd Team All-Metro - Football - Star Tribune Academic Scholarship - U of St. Thomas All-Metro Wrestling All-State Academic Wrestling All-State Honorable Mention - Football All-State Wrestling EV Community Foundation - Shimek Scholarship Honor Graduate Individual Section Champion - Wrestling Individual State Champion - Wrestling KARE 11 Prep Athletic of the Week Minnesota Wrestling Coaches Scholarship National Honor Society Pioneer Press Athlete of the Week President’s Education Award Regent’s Scholarship - Augsburg College St. Thomas Award - U. of St. Thomas Star Tribune Athlete of the Week Sun Devil Scholarship - Arizona State US Army Reserve Natl Scholar Athlete Award USA Wrestling H M All-American Emily Foxen Advanced Placement Scholar Fairview Ridges Hospital Auxiliary Scholarship President’s Education Award Maisa Frank Dean’s Scholarship - Bradley University Foundation Scholarship - St. Cloud State Graduate With Highest Honors National Honor Society President’s Education Award Presidential Scholarship - Butler University Presidential Scholarship - MN State - Mankato Regents Scholarship - St. Olaf College Richard Greene Scholarship - St. Cloud State Paul Frederickson President’s Education Award Julie Freiberger American Legion Post 1776 Scholarship EVHS Student Council Scholarship Sam Walton Community Scholarship Samuel Friedman Advanced Placement Scholar National Merit Scholar – Commended Cory Fusco Academic Scholarhsip - U of St. Thomas Advanced Placement Scholar Eastview Athletic Association Scholarship National Honor Society President’s Education Award Tuition Scholarship - Eagan Foundation Daniel Gaard Advanced Placement Scholar National Merit Scholar - Commended President’s Education Award Michael Gant Advanced Placement Scholar Column’s Scholarship - U of Missouri-Columbia Journalism Scholar Award - U of Missouri President’s Education Award Valley Athletic Association Scholarship Kathryn Garry All-State Choir Josephine Duke Foundation Scholarship Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship President’s Education Award Presidential Scholarship - Drake University Vocal Music Scholarship - Luther College Elizabeth Goergen All-State Track and Field National Honor Society US Marine Corps Distinguished Athlete Award Minnesota Girls’ Hockey Coaches Association All-State Academic Team Megan Gooch Advanced Placement Scholar Graduate With High Honors Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship National Honor Society National Merit Scholar - Commended President’s Education Award Alison Graf Advanced Placement Scholar Graduate With Highest Honors National Honor Society President’s Education Award Regents Scholarship - Augustana College Desiree Graham Honor Graduate Jana Grcevich Advanced Placement Scholarship All-State Choir Graduate With Highest Honors National Merit Scholar - Commended President’s Education Award State Farm Foundation Scholarship Christi Greenhalge Excellence Scholarship - Concordia College President’s Student Service Challenge Presidential Services Scholarship Blake Guither President’s Education Award Vanessa Gullett Alumni Scholarship - Oklahoma State Honor Graduate National Honor Society Top Ten - DECA International Jennifer Gustafson Wirsbo Company Scholarship Award Erin Hansen Campus Honor - Bemidji State David Hanson Advanced Placement Scholar Award for Competitive Excellence - Iowa State President’s Education Award Mark Hanson Academic Scholarship - U of St. Thomas Advanced Placement Scholar Graduate With High Honors Iron Range Scholarship - U of St. Thomas NCTE - Achievement Award in Writing President’s Education Award Dustin Harber All-State Choir Exchange Scholarship-Youth for Understanding Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship National Honor Society President’s Education Award Joseph Hartwell President’s Education Award Danielle Hassett Academic Scholarship - U of St. Thomas Elisabeth Heiss National Honor Society Derek Helland Dakota Electric Association Scholarship Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship Jessica Helus Midwest Vending Scholarship Christian Henjum Advanced Placement Scholar Sarah Henningsen All-State Girls Track National Honor Society Jaymeson Heppelmann Concordia Excellence Scholarship Honor Graduate National Honor Society Nicole Heppner Honor Graduate National Honor Society Sun Devil Scholarship - Arizona State Michelle Hettling Academic Scholarshiip - U of St. Thomas Advanced Placement Scholar National Honor Society President’s Education Award Presidential Scholarship - Drake University Top Ten Placement - DECA International Mitchell Hofer Eagle Scout - Boy Scouts of America Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship President’s Education Award University Scholarship - Moorhead University Adam Holten Freshman Scholarship - North Dakota State National Honor Society President’s Education Award Timothy Jensen American Legion Post 1776 Scholarship Auxillary Scholarship - AV American Legion High School Scholarship - Brown Institute Courtney Hugstad-Vaa Achievement Scholarship - Montana State All-American Girls Cross Country All-Metro Girls Cross Country All-State Girls Cross Country All-State Girls Track and Field American Legion Post 1776 Scholarship Athena Award Athletic Scholarship - Montana State EV Community Foundation - Shimek Scholarship National Honor Society Valley Athletic Association Scholarship Krystal Johnson St. Thomas Award - University of St. Thomas Melanie Hurlburt President’s Education Award Nathan Johnson American Legion Post 1776 Scholarship EVAA Basketball Leadership Scholarship Bryce Hutchins Honor Graduate Iron Range Scholarship - U of Minnesota President’s Education Award Michael Iverson Honor Graduate National Honor Society Bryan Jahr Athletic Scholarship - Charleston Southern Athletic Scholarship - U of W-Green Bay Athletic Scholarship - Western Illinois Lindsey Johnson Academic Award - University of St. Thomas All-State Track and Field Honor Graduate Lake Conference Scholar Award National Honor Society Norelius Service Award - Gustavus Adolphus St. Thomas Award - University of St. Thomas Trustee Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus Sarah Johnson Eastview Athletic Association Scholarship EVHS Student Council Scholarship National Honor Society St. Thomas Award - University of St. Thomas Shannon T. Johnson EVHS Student Council Scholarship Fairview Ridges Auxiliary Scholarship Jennifer Jorgensen Academic Scholarship - U of St. Thomas President’s Education Award St. Thomas Award - University of St. Thomas Kevin Kane Academic Scholarship - U of M - Duluth Alliss Scholarship - U of M - Duluth Congregations Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus Honor Graduate Josephine Ruhsam Scholarship National Honor Society President’s Education Award Trustee Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus Sara Keller National Honor Society President’s Education Award Ryan Kelley Advanced Placement Scholar Dean’s Scholarship - Gonzaga University Merit Scholarship - University of St. Thomas National Merit Scholar - Commended President’s Education Award Ashley Kile Academic Scholarship - U of St. Thomas Advanced Placement Scholar Arthur A. Schulte Jr. Scholar - U of Portland Ben Cheney Scholarship - U of Portland Charter Communications Student Scholarship Communications Scholarship - Marquette Honor Graduate Academic Achievement Scholarship - Marquette National Honor Society President’s Education Award Brooke Kile Advanced Placement Scholar Campion Scholarship - Seattle University Honor Graduate Irvington Scholar Award - Butler University Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship Music Audition Award - Butler University National Honor Society Provost Scholar Award - Seattle Pacific St. Thomas More Scholarship - St. Mary’s University Scholar Award - Bradley Mark Kingsbury Academic Scholarship - Augustana College Academic Scholarship - Northland College Advanced Placement Scholar All-College Scholarship - Lutheran Aid Academic Scholarship - U of M-Morris Academic Scholarship - Kenyon College All-State Band Graduate With Highest Honors Harold F. Johnson Scholarship - Hampshire Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship Lutheran Leadership Scholarship - St. Olaf Merit Scholarship - Grinnell College National Honor Society National Scholarship - University of Iowa President’s Education Award Presidential Scholarship - Hamline University Presidential Scholarship - St. Olaf College Presidential Scholarship - U of M-Morris Regent Scholarship - Luther College Speech National Qualifier in Drama Justin Knoepfler Advanced Placement Scholar With Distinction National Merit Scholar - Finalist President’s Education Award Breanna Korsman Advanced Placement Scholar All-American Gymnast All-State Gymnast Eagan Foundation Scholarship Graduate With High Honors National Honor Society President’s Education Award Regents Scholarship - Washington College Trustees Scholarship - College of St. Benedict Matthew Kramer Honor Graduate National Honor Society President’s Education Award Cassandra Lawin American Legion Post 1776 Scholarship Foundation Scholarship - Koch Refinery President’s Education Award Top Ten - DECA International John Lawrey Advanced Placement Scholar Boys State Placement Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship National Merit Scholar – Commended Meredith Lawson Apple Valley Rotary Scholarship Mackenzie Kristoff Presidential Scholarship - St. Norbert College Gretchen Lee Advanced Placement Scholar President’s Education Award Kyle Krivoruchka All-Metro Defense - Basketball All-State Track and Field Athletic Scholarship - MN State - Mankato EVAA Basketball Scholarship Gregory Lindblom Academic Scholarship - Bethel College Advanced Placement Scholar Eagan Scholarship - Bethel College President’s Education Award Kristin Kuklinski Assumption Catholic Church Scholarship National Qualifier – DECA Rhys Lloyd 2nd Team All-State - Football All-Metro - Football - KARE 11 All-Metro - Soccer - Star Tribune All-State - Soccer - Pioneer Press, Star Tribune All-State Honorable Mention – Soccer Anna Kyllo Advanced Placement Scholar Graduate With High Honors National Honor Society President’s Education Award Kathryn Lammers President’s Education Award Advanced Placement Scholar With Honors Graduate With Highest Honors National Merit Scholar - Commended President’s Education Award Ryan Lloyd Academic Recognition Scholarhsip - Iowa State Award for Competitive Excellence - Iowa State Honor Graduate Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship Lake Conference Scholar Award President’s Education Award President’s Scholarship - St. John’s University Presidential Scholarship - Hamline University Presidential Scholarship - U of M-Twin Cities Academic Scholarship - U of St. Thomas St. Thomas Award - U of St. Thomas Trustee Scholarship - U of St. Thomas Jonathan Lockhart Advanced Placement Scholar Kristina Mayer All-State Band Alumni Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus Music Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus Norelius Service Award - Gustavus Adolphus President’s Education Award Trustee Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus Kathryn McCabe Advanced Placement Scholar Honor Graduate National Honor Society National Merit Scholar - Commended President’s Education Award Shannon McIntyre President’s Education Award Sarah Mickelson American Legion Post 1776 Scholarship Laura Miller National Honor Society Michael Moe All-State Honorable Mention -Hockey Diversity Scholarship - U of St. John’s St. Thomas Award - U of St. Thomas Holly Morrison St. Thomas Award - University of St. Thomas Joshua Mundahl Advanced Placement Scholar National Honor Society Community Work Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus President’s Education Award Trustee Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus Angela Lucas Augustana Scholarship - Augustana College Heritage Award - Augustana College Honor Graduate Christopher McKenzie Honor Graduate Kari Maland All-State Swimming & Diving President’s Education Award Jacquelynn McNamara Bush Scholarship - Concordia College Concordia Scholarship - Concordia College Excellence Scholarship - Concordia College National Honor Society Andrew Muzic President’s Education Award Shana McNamara Academic Scholarship - U of St. Thomas Honor Graduate Honors Scholarship - Hamline University Sarah Neuerburg Dean’s Scholarship - Bethel College Honor Graduate National Honor Society Parkview Elementary Alumni Scholarship Scott Highlands Alumni Scholarship Amanda Marek Advanced Placement Scholar Music Scholarship - St. Benedict National Merit Scholar - Commended National Merit Scholarship - St. Olaf President’s Education Award President’s Scholarship - St. Benedict Nicholas Martin Honor Graduate Carolyn Meyer Academic Scholarship - U of Iowa Academic Scholarship - U of St. Thomas National Honor Society President’s Education Award St. Thomas Award - U of St. Thomas Jessica Napiorkowski All-State/International Participant – DECA Andrew Newman All-State Track and Field Athletic Scholarship - U of M-Duluth Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship National Honor Society Nathan O’Tool Advanced Placement Scholar St. Thomas Award - University of St. Thomas Kelsey Oie Academic All-State - Softball Academic Scholarship - U of M-Duluth All-Region 6AAA Softball Athletic Scholarship - U of North Dakota EVAA Basketball Scholarship Heritage Award - Augustana College National Honor Society St. Thomas Award - University of St. Thomas University Scholarship - MN State - Moorhead Waste Management Scholarship National Honor Society Lauren Olson All-State Academic - Hockey Bush Scholarship - Concordia College Concordia College Excellence Scholarsip Concordia Scholarship Honor Graduate Jesse Plautz Advanced Placement Scholar With Distinction Eagle Scout Scholarship - Boy Scouts of Am. President’s Education Award Sara Polley Alonzo Scholarship - Rollins College Excellence Award - National Forensic League Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship Lake Conference Scholar Award Member with Special Distinction - NFL National Honor Society President’s Education Award Amy Post Academic Award - Pacific Lutheran Academic Scholarship - Albertson College Dean’s Scholarship - Lewis & Clark College Dean’s Scholarship - University of Puget Sound President’s Education Award Trustee Scholarship - Whitworth College Samuel Packwood National Merit Scholar - Semi-Finalist Kimberly Prange Honor Graduate National Honor Society President’s Education Award Sarah Paoletti Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship Melissa Pratt University of Minnesota Honor Band Heather Parker Honor Graduate Melisa Prawdzik Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship Katherine Perkett Greenleaf Elementary Alumni Scholarship Honor Graduate National Honor Society Woodwind Scholarship - St. Cloud State Ashley Preste Academic Scholarship - U of M - Duluth All-State Cheerleader All-State Honor Team - Cheerleading Academic Award - MSHSL/Jostens Foundation Scholarship - St. Cloud State Honor Graduate National Honor Society US Cheerleader Achievement Award Jordan Preston President’s Education Award Kelly Pufahl Alumni Scholarship - SHMS David Purdy Advanced Placement Scholar Eagle Scout - Boy Scouts of America Eagle Scout Scholarship - Indianhead Council Eliot Scholarship - Washington University Graduate With Highest Honors MN Valley Exchange Student of the Year National Honor Society National Merit Scholar - Commended New York Life Scholarship - Carlsons President’s Education Award REAP Internship - MN Academy of Science Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship Rudy Hackett Scholarship - U of M Scholarship for Technology Careers Westinghouse Regional Semi-Finalist Yale Book Award Brian Putnam Academic Scholarship - U of M-Duluth EVHS Lightning Football Booster Scholarship Vu Quach Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship Jessica Raddatz Advanced Placement Scholar With Distinction Graduate With Highest Honors Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship Lake Conference Scholar Award “MSHSL “”Triple A”” Award” National Honor Society National Merit Scholar - Finalist National Merit Scholarship President’s Education Award University Scholarship - University of Chicago Elisa Ramirez EV Community Foundation Scholarship Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship Wendy Rangitsch All-State Track and Field Honor Graduate National Honor Society President’s Education Award Sun Devil Scholarship - Arizona State LeeAnn Rasachak Black Hawk Middle School Alumni Scholarship EVHS Student Council Scholarship St. Thomas Award - University of St. Thomas Todd Reutter National Honor Society Cameron Rick Norelius Service Award - Gustavus Adolphus Trustee Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus Anne Roberts Achievement Award - University of Redlands Honor Graduate Lake Conference Scholar Award President’s Education Award Presidential Scholarship - U of Redlands Sun Devil Scholarship - Arizona State Kyle Robinson 6AA Section Champion - Speech Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship State Speech Champion - Dramatic Duo Danielle Shimek Bailey Nutrition Scholarship - General Mills Eastview Community Foundation Scholarship Honor Graduate Lake Conference Scholar Award MN Valley Exchange Club Student of the Year National Honor Society President’s Education Award US Army Reserve National Scholar Athlete Rebecca Ryan Gloria Miller Scholarship - SHMS Eric Sidler Advanced Placement Scholar National Honor Society President’s Education Award Regents’ Scholarship - Luther College Kathryn Sachwitz Academic Scholarship - U of M-Duluth Academic Scholarship - Iowa State Academic Scholarship - U of St. Thomas Apple Valley Rotary Scholarship Ceridan Scholarship National Honor Society Kamari Simpson African-American Academic Achiever Award AKA Scholarship - Alpha Kappa Alpha Legacy Scholarship - Howard University Links Scholarship - Minneapolis/St. Paul Links National Honor Society Powers Knapp Scholarship - U of Wisc-Madison Chelsea Sauerbry National Honor Society President’s Education Award St. Thomas Award - U of St. Thomas St. Thomas Scholarship - U of St. Thomas Tommy Sivongsay Diversity Scholarship - St. John’s University St. John’s Abbey Scholarship - St. John’s Lauren Schletty Augustana Lutheran Church Scholarship Glenn Smith Award for Competitive Excellence - Iowa State President’s Education Award ROTC Scholarship - United States Navy Ryan Smolarek President’s Education Award Sara Snede Blackhawk Middle School Alumni Scholarship EVAA Softball Scholarship Erin Soldner Dean’s Scholarship - College of St. Benedict Music Scholarship - College of St. Benedict Kelly Tamte All-State Swimming & Diving Athletic Scholarship - Mn State- Mankato Nicole Tonjum All-State Gymnast All-State Select Gymnast Ryan Soliday All-State Honorable Mention - Soccer All-State Soccer All-State Track and Field Sun Devil Scholarship - Arizona State Dawn Taylor Honor Graduate President’s Education Award Tristan Topps Academic Scholarship - Am. Coed Pageants All-American Cheerleader All-State Cheerleader EVHS Cheerleading Booster Club Scholarship US Cheerleading Achievement Award MSHSL Academic Achievement Award Paul Sommerstad Academic Scholarship - St. John’s University Academic Scholarship - U of St. Thomas Basketball Scholarship - Eastview Basketball Honor Graduate Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship National Honor Society St. John’s Award - St. John’s University St. Thomas Award - University of St. Thomas Sun Devil Scholarship - Arizona State Natalie Speckman Academic Scholarship - Iowa State University Academic Scholarship - Winona State National Honor Society St. Thomas Award - University of St. Thomas Tara Stimach Dakota Electric Association Scholarship Eastview Community Foundation Scholarship Andrea Swensson Achievement Award - Redlands University Honors Scholarship - Hamline University John Phillip Sousa Band Award Music Scholarship - Hamline University Music Scholarship - Redlands University President’s Education Award Presidential Scholarship - Redlands University Regents Promusica Scholarship - Augustana Estifanos Tesfe Page Education Foundation Scholarship Kyle Thureen Advanced Placement Scholar Freshman Merit Award - U of W-Madison Engineering Excellence Award - U of Iowa Fairview Hospital Physician’s Scholarship Fairview Ridges Auxiliary Scholarship Freshman Scholar Award - North Dakota State Graduate With Highest Honors Academic Distinction Scholarship - Marquette Lutheran Brotherhood Member Scholarship National Honor Society National Scholars Award - University of Iowa President’s Education Award Presidential Scholarship - North Dakota State Presidential Scholarship - University of Iowa U of M High School Honor Band Theresa Thurnblad Advanced Placement Scholar Graduate With Highest Honors Lake Conference Scholar Award Medical Staff Scholarship-Fairview Ridges Merit Scholarship - St. Olaf College National Honor Society National Merit Scholar - Finalist President’s Education Award Presidential Scholarship - St. Olaf College Tony Tran President’s Education Award Kelly Troester Academic Scholarship - U of Bridgeport Academy Scholarship - Merrimack College Eastview Athletic Association Scholarship Greenleaf Elementary Alumni Scholarship Honor Graduate Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship MASP Scholarship - U of Colorado-Boulder National Honor Society St. Thomas Award - University of St. Thomas Katie Troland Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship Regent’s Merit Scholarship - Augsburg Andrew Uzendoski Advanced Placement Scholar John Phillip Sousa Band Award Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship Louis Armstrong Jazz Band Award President’s Education Award Daniel Voshell Academic Scholarship - U of St. Thomas Advanced Placement Scholar Award for Competition Excellence - Iowa State Dean’s Scholarship - St. Olaf College Graduate With High Honors National Honor Society Norelius Service Award - Gustavus Adolphus President’s Education Award Trustee Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus Matthew Wachter Dean’s Scholarship - Bradley University Faculty Honors Scholarship - Calvin College Freshman Scholar Award - North Dakota State Norelius Service Award - Gustavus Adolphus President’s Education Award Trustee Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus Katherine Wenn National Honor Society Michelle Westergren Buschmann Award - Xavier University Drake University Achievement Award Katie Whittlef President’s Education Award Catherine Williams Advanced Placement Scholar Jeanette Wong Advanced Placement Scholar Presidential Distinguished Scholarship - U of M St. Olaf Scholarship - St. Olaf College Choua Yang Augsburg Regents Merit Scholarship Hmong American Partnership Scholarship Papa John’s Scholarship Michael Zacheretti Academic Scholarship - U of St. Thomas Boeser Memorial Scholarship - U of St. Thomas Dean’s Scholarship - St. John’s University Gabrielle Zhuang Academic Scholarship - U of St. Thomas Benedictine Scholarship - St. Scholastica EVHS Student Council Scholarship Honor Scholarship - Hamline University President’s Education Award Presidential Scholar - Drake University St. Thomas Award - University of St. Thomas Jaime Zwers Academic Scholarship - Iowa State University Academic Scholarship - University of Iowa National Honor Society Parent Hall of Fame Eastview High School is a school about people working together, about relationships, about a talented staff that cares about students, about exceptional students doing exceptional things, and about supportive and involved parents. Over the past seven years, literally hundreds of parents have contributed many thousands of hours of volunteer time on behalf of our programs and students. We have accomplished much with these important contributions. We are very grateful for this meaningful partnership. Eastview High School will begin a new tradition at the 2001 graduation ceremony, recognizing those parent volunteers who have made extraordinary contributions on a continuing basis, throughout their child’s(ren’s) years at EVHS. And, two of these parents were heavily involved in the planning phases of Eastview High School, even before the doors opened. As their youngest child graduates (or already has graduated) from Eastview High School, we want to provide special recognition for these parents. They are exceptional parents who have done exceptional things for all students, staff members and families in the Eastview Community. The legacy of the following EVHS Parent Hall of Fame inductees will live on: Graduating Class of 2000 1997 – 2001 Cindy Falkowski 1997 – 2000 Jon Falkowski 1997 – 2001 Cheri Moe Graduating Class of 2001 1994 – 2001 Jill Dewey 1997 – 2001 Candy Garry 1997 – 2001 Dan Garry 1997 – 2001 Kathy Kingsbury 1997 – 2001 Mark Krivoruchka 1994 – 2001 Terry Krivoruchka Congratulations! We have certainly been blessed having you as members of the Eastview Family. Please accept our warmest regards and best wishes. J. Richard Dewey, Ph.D. Principal – Eastview High School Class Information VALEDICTORIANS Jeffrey Dewey David Purdy Danielle Shimek PRESIDENTIAL SCHOLAR PROGRAM NATIONAL SEMI-FINALIST Jeffrey Dewey CANDIDATE Stephen Chu SALUTATORIAN Ryan Lloyd GRADUATES WITH HIGHEST HONORS NATIONAL MERIT PROGRAM NATIONAL MERIT FINALISTS Jeffrey Dewey Stephen Chu Justin Knoepfler Jessica Raddatz Theresa Thurnblad NATIONAL MERIT SEMI-FINALISTS Mark DiPasquale Samuel Packwood (GPA/National Test Scores/Advanced Placement) TOP TEN STUDENTS 1. Jeffrey Dewey, Valedictorian 1. David Purdy, Valedictorian 1. Danielle Shimek, Valedictorian 4. Ryan Lloyd, Salutatorian 5. Theresa Thurnblad 6. Kelly Troester 7. Anne Roberts 8. Jessica Raddatz 9. Mark Kingsbury 10. Bryce Hutchins Jeffrey Dewey David Purdy Theresa Thurnblad Jessica Raddatz Mark Kingsbury Stephen Chu Alison Graf Shannan Feeley Maisa Frank Nicholas Dahl Kyle Thureen Matthew Latterner Jana Grcevich NATIONAL MERIT COMMENDED Ryan Bergen Nicholas Dahl Shannan Feeley Samuel Friedman Daniel Gaard Megan Gooch Jana Grcevich Ryan Kelley Matthew Latterner John Lawrey Amanda Marek Kathryn McCabe David Purdy STUDENTS OF THE YEAR Art ................................................................................................................... Sarah LaBrie Business ................................................................................................... Cassandra Lawin Dance ........................................................................................................Dorothea Cannon English/Language Arts ........................................................................... Andrew Uzendoski Family & Consumer Science ................................................................... Adrienne Crewson Instrumental Music ......................................................................................... Jeffrey Dewey Mathematics ..................................................................................................... David Purdy Physical Education/Wellness/Safety Education ................................................. Jerry Olson Science ........................................................................................................... Jesse Plautz Social Studies ............................................................................................ Bethany Eighmy Special Education .......................................................................................... Jessica Helus Technology Education ................................................................................ Joshua Mundahl Vocal Music .................................................................................................... Anne Cowles Vocal Music ................................................................................................... Kathryn Garry Work Program ................................................................................................ Elisa Ramirez World Language ............................................................................................. Dustin Harber Fine Arts Student of the Year ........................................................................ Kyle Robinson Performing Arts Student of the Year ................................................................... Sara Polley Student Scholar Artist of the Year ..................................................................... David Purdy Student Athletes of the Year ............................................................. Courtney Hugstad-Vaa Adam Fokken Student Scholar Athletes of the Year .......................................................... Danielle Shimek Adam Fokken Minnesota State High School League “Triple A” Award .................................. Jeffrey Dewey Jessica Raddatz Athena Award ................................................................................... Courtney Hugstad-Vaa PLANS FOR THE FUTURE 86.0 percent of the graduates will attend a four-year college/university or two-year college/technical college next year 2.0 percent will enter military service 1.0 percent will work full-time 11.0 percent are undecided about future plans Independent School District 196 and Eastview High School Staff BOARD OF EDUCATION Jackie Magnuson, Chairperson Bruce Endler, Vice Chairperson Mike Roseen, Clerk Kevin Sampers, Treasurer Rob Duchscher, Director Judy Lindsay, Director Robert Schutte, Director SUPERINTENDENT Dr. John T. Haro ADMINISTRATION Dr. J. Richard Dewey Randall Peterson Robert Franchino Kim Martinson Bruce Miller Matthew Percival SPECIALIST Doug Baird Doug Nelson Rob Rachow Nancy Snoeyenbos Ed Heier Connie O’Sullivan ART Nancy Alexander Scott Gustafson BUSINESS Barb Groth • Leah Lencowski Andrea Mohr Mick Ramboldt ENGLISH/LANGUAGE ARTS Julie Atkinson Bradley Bayer Kevin Brennan Robert Dettmer Kelli Donais Scott Durocher Nicholas Fornicoia Joy Hanson Charlie Hokkanen Tyler Krebs Jennifer McCarty Plucker Karin Miller Sue Rolfson Christine Rutt Kellie Sagmoen Scales Patty Strandquist • Ann Strey Nicole Wright FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCE Kay Huhner • Diane Lane Carolyn Russell MATHEMATICS Randy Bailey Len Bierlein Kathryn Bochman Geri Feiock Bonnie Guercio Jim Halvorson • Mike Haugh Susan Honrud Robin Kieffer Travis Lee Shane Peters Dennis Petrich John Raymond Kelly Sherwin Jennifer Snobeck Tom Strey Troy Swanson MUSIC AND DANCE Holly Beneventi Mark Betters Emily DeWees Mark Ertl Marcie Hagen Bill Henry • Ruth Palmer Frank Pasquerella Jeanine Robinett Judy Sagen Marshall Urban PHYSICAL EDUCATION/ WELLNESS/SAFETY EDUCATION Mary Dye Chris Franken Michael Gibbons Paul Goetz Mark Groebner Shannon Humbert Tony Olsen Deb Peterson • Mark Warder Deb Willerscheidt-Olson SCIENCE Todd Breuer Bradley Coulthart Carolyn Fruin Amanda Gavin Julie Geiselhart Gerry Hill Helen Lee Eric Nelson Paul Nelson Jeremy Paschke Jane Porterfield Michelle Schaffer Tom Sharp Allen Stoye Mark Tollefson • • Department Coordinator SOCIAL STUDIES Todd Beach Mary Carberry • Andrew Frost Mark Gerber Kurt Habeck Jodi Hanson Vande Berg Jon Hegerle Todd Hering Michelle Huss Dean Jaderston David Jankowski Roger Maupin Allison Moon Dave Nord Ginger O’Neill • Scott Oxley Richard Purrington Eric Vande Berg Dale Wessel SPECIAL SERVICES Deb Barloon • Lori Dauner Alexandra Drivas Nancy Ericson Jorjean Fischer Kari Heikkila-Kleven Kathleen Hetterick Mary Jacobson Cathleen Johnson Joel Kiekbusch Suzanne Knudsen Mary Lokensgard Wendy Mandigo Nancy McLain Robert O’Hara Graff Deeann Reihsen Carrie Robb Dan Rooney Karey Sinette Ann Soderlind Gretchen Sundberg Kevin Witherspoon TECHNOLOGIES ACROSS THE CURRICULUM Freddie Berberena WORK PROGRAM Rosanne Gold Ron Morss • Kathleen Newell WORLD LANGUAGES Kathleen Aydin Bruce Buscho • Laura Gomez Pam Harens Sherrie Hernandez Patricia Hoveland Yu Ito Mary Kuettner • Laura Norman Elizabeth Perona Karla Sonnenberg David Swanson Dianne Telshaw GUIDANCE Mark Gerber Terri Greener Mary Hanson Suzanne Luse Anne Scholen Jerry Vollmer Mark Wanous SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST Dr. Andrea Bie NURSE Deborah Holzmeister CLERICAL Denise Baird Joan Beckmann Beth Bergacker Ellen Connolly Cheryl Cross Maureen Czapiewski Judy Hall Marilou Harrison Barb Highum Joni Hoyland Cynthia Johnson Patricia Lindgren Jerril Madsen Margaret Mann Diane Mathews Dea McEachern Rosemary McGrath Carol Meszaros Melissa Meszaros Carla Norris Janice O’Connor Angel O’Regan Brenda Schadewald Joleen Skolte Dave Telshaw Roxanne Thompson Brenda Ward Rosann Weber Julie Wilharm Debbie Winslow CUSTODIAL Thomas Beckers Lori Daniels Jeffrey Dold • Roger Fahrenkrug Brian Fischer Linda Karlson Jeffrey Lawrence Anna Mike Hun Ngor Hanh Nguyen Jason Olson Susan Stein Tom Steinle Roger Thompson Pamela Wilcox FOOD SERVICE Barbara Alexon Nancee Bohlke Renae Day Mary Kay Duerr Connie Gilson Diane Graves Dorothy Jensen Jean Martin • Diane McGuffee Susan Moore Joanne Mueller Karen Phillips Vicki Shafer Lynn Shank • Department Coordinator