Class of 2003 Commencement Exercises Eastview High School Independent School District 196 Apple Valley, Minnesota Friday, June 6, 2003 7:00 p.m. Program PRELUDE “Washington Greys” March ............................................................................... Claudio S. Grafulla “America The Beautiful” ................................................................................. arr. Carmen Dragon Eastview High School Band – Director, Frank Pasquerella PROCESSIONAL (Please stand for the Processional) “Pomp and Circumstance” ...................................................................... Edward Elgar/Grundman Eastview High School Band – Director, Frank Pasquerella JUNIOR ESCORTS ...................................................................... Molly Sauerbry and Amanda Ward GREETINGS ..................................................................................................... Dr. J. Richard Dewey GRADUATE MESSAGE ...........................................................................................Kristen Mundahl MUSICAL SELECTIONS “If Music Be The Food Of Love” ................................................................................ David Dickau “You’ll Never Walk Alone”........................................................................................... Arr. Mac Huff Solos: Corrie Keating and Tracey Schlichter Eastview High School Concert Choir – Director, Judy Sagen Accompanist - Margaret Boehlke FACULTY SPEAKER ................................................................................................... Randy Bailey PRESENTATION OF GRADUATING CLASS .................................................. Dr. J. Richard Dewey PRESENTATION OF DIPLOMAS ....................................................................... Board of Education SENIOR READERS......................... Jason Cermak, Sarah Gant, Sarah Huhner and Claire Thielman RECESSIONAL ....................................... Eastview High School Band – Director, Frank Pasquerella Members of the Class of 2003 • National Honor Society + President’s Education Award H Honor Graduate HH Graduate with High Honors HHH Graduate with Highest Honors Kristyn Mae Aasen + HHH Katelyn Christine Abramson Eric Thomas Aderhold •+HHH Amelia Alida Ahmad Farhad E. Akale Nicholas E. Albertson Eric Kristian Albjerg +H Christopher Corey Allen + Jonathan Michael Alstrup Betsy Ann Anderson •+ HH Brian Carl Anderson Kathryn Marie Anderson Amanda Renee Angstman Jennifer Marie Armour • Amy Jo Atherton • Tegan Aymond Lauren Ashley Baker •+ Jory Nathaniel Balsimo Alyssa Renee Banks Theodore Joseph Bargabus Heather Rae Barker Samantha Ann Barker Kelley R. Barry Brandon Wayne Barse Brian Russell Barta Aaron Clarke Batten HH Amy Marie Bauer •+HH Heather Michele Baxley Lindsey Nicole Bechstein • Dane Alan Bechtholdt Trevor James Beckman Melissa Ann Beckmann Janina Bednar Bryce Aaron Benda Travis DePaul Berg Jeffrey Robert Berkebile +H Kathleen Jane Bierlein •+HH Elizabeth Ann Driessen + Caitlin Soon Hwa Dugan • H Kalika Soon Hee Dugan • H Christopher Ryan Dunshee + Lauren Elisabeth Edwards Justine Marie Egan + Matthew Paul Ellingson Brian Joseph Engel •+HH Melisa Ann Erickson Dustin Simon Erikstrup Angeline Michele Ernst Grant Austin Ernst Thomas A. Farrell Jeffrey Steven Fix Sean Eric Fjelstad + Taylor Brandon Floyd Melissa Sarah Flynn Vanessa Nicole Forslev Jessica Anne Fortune •+HH Kristina Marie Fortune •+ HH Kyle Brandon Foster Thomas Raymond Frank +HHH Jenna Marie Franson Blaire E. Freeman Molly Melinda Freeman • Daniel Ryan Freiberger Andrew Mark Freier Daniel Gregory Fries Eric Jon Frojd Matthew Philip Gaarder H Andrew Patrick Gansmoe Sarah Marie Gant •+HHH Michelle Renee Garnsey •+HHH Danielle Marie Gebhart • Timothy Kyle Gehrman Kelly Marie Gerrits John Thomas Getzke Katie Lynn Bilgrien Kenneth James Billington Nicolle Marie Birk • Kristie Ann Bishop Ashley Leanne Bissell •+HH Andrew James Bjorge Ashley Marie Bjorge • Annie Sue Blake +H Jessica G. Blaz Lindsay Kay Bliek Andrew David Block +H Mark Robert Bookman Joseph Lynell Bowen Michael Walter Bowles David Joseph Brabec +HH Joshua Tal Brackman Stephanie Marie Brakel •H Kristina Ann Branstad • Jason Scott Bressler Jamie Lee Broback Kristin Lee Brogdon •+HH Brittany Hanna Brost • Courtney D’ne Brown Jamie Celine Brule Zoya Brutsky Carl Lawrence Buchberger David Michael Buchert + Phillip Daniel Buckvold +H Victoria Aleksevna Bugayev Kimberly Kay Buller H Austin Lee Burdge H Andrea Lee Burgeson Brian James Burke +HHH Sean Michael Burnett Amanda Marie Caflisch Amber Nicole Cambridge Amanda Rose Carlson Annika Hedstrom Carlson •HHH Gregory Dean Moffitt Carlson Charles Anthony Carter Micheal John Carver Andrew Moen Casey •+HH Patrick John Cassada +HH Matthew Austin Caucutt Jason Michael Cermak •+H Michael James Chamberlain Thounchai Inthapath Chanthasene Matthew Tyler Chappelear Sovanny Poll Chav • Casey John Chellsen Samuel Chu •+HHH Lucy Katherine Cochran + Kristi Ann Colford James Joseph Colvin Erik Thomas Corbett Erin Marie Curry • Morgan Maree Curry Rachel Katherine Dahl Travis S. Dahl Cole D. Dambroten Deanna Marie Damico Anthony Peter Charles Dann Joshua Clayton Dauwalter John Nathan Day Adam Harm Decknatel • Joseph William Deeg Angela Nicole DeHate Nicole Theresa Delahanty Kevin Martin Deslauriers Jeremiah L. Dexter Joel Theodore Diekmann Allen Jeffrey Doyle Jonathan Kramer Dozier •+HH Amanda Izell Draeger Lindsay Elizabeth Gilmore Julie Ann Goltzman • Anna Marie Gonzalez Shawn Tyler Goodman Laura Beth Gorsuch •+H Michelle Christine Graf +H Jason Charles Graham Abbey Marie Grant Zachary Daniel Graves Alison Michelle Green Stephen Kemp Greenhalge Elizabeth Lynette Greenlee Laura Ann Grenander H Bryan August Grieme Elizabeth Irene Grosser • Ahren Paul Grunow Kyle David Guither Jonathan Michael Haagensen Samra M. Habib Brittany Jo Hacker Malorie Lou Hagemann •+H Alecia Marie Halvorson Jennifer Renee Halvorson •H Katherine Elizabeth Hambrock Corey Miachel Hamilton John Magdy Hanna Matthew David Harmon David James Harris •+HHH Kelly Nicole Hartmann + Timothy Glendon Hartung Keegan Dru Hasselmann •+HH Jesse Wells Haug Scott Jason Hausauer Timothy James Hauser H Jennifer Barbara Heiss Jennifer Helene Heist •+HH Patricia Ruth Heitzman •H Holly Marie Helm HH Mary Louise Henningsen • Laura Allison Henry •+H Cassi Lynn Heppelmann •+H Brian John Heuring Onalie Judith Hill Jonathan Arthur Hinke + Roger Godfrey Hoeben Lauren Ann Hoefle John Charles Hokkanen H Kristen Marie Holien Benjamin Allen Holten • Kelly Maren Holtz Cassandra Lynn Hortsch Thomas Cedric Houser Jamie Lynn Howard •H Blake Andrew Hreha Sarah Jane Hudson •+HH Sarah Louise Huhner •+HH Jennifer Alejandra Iburg William Robert Irwin Sarah Elizabeth Jackson Ashley Joy Jacobson •+ Geoffery Sean Jacobson Jenna Colleen Jacobson •+ Joanna Carol Jaeger Matthew James Jenks Nikolaus Jon Jensen Rebekah Marie Jilk Sheila Mary Jean Johannsen Brandon Lee Johnson Graham Edward Johnson Jenna Ann Johnson Kathleen Nicole Johnson Kaylea Sue Johnson Lisamarie Kawainohiamainalani Johnson Logan Scott Johnson HH Patrick Elias Johnson Cheerun Jones Megan Elizabeth Joosten +H Kirsten Linnea Jorgenson +HH Jon Robert Jukuri Joseph James Jungwirth Joshua James Jungwirth Pavitra Kannan •+HH Kimberly Ann Kantos Nicholas Charles Kariya •HH Michael Joseph Kasat James Frank Kaufmann HH Corrie Leigh Keating Derek Lee Kecker Ashley Bryn Keeler • Brian Cristian Keeler Mark C. Keeler Patrick Alexander Kehoe Sean-Michael Tone Kelly •+HH Christopher Ross Kemp •+HH Somsy Keomany Amy Marie Kidder Mitchell Ryan Kieffer H Bradley Joseph Kirtz Aleksandr Kladnitsky •+H Evan Donald Klefsaas •+ Cassandra R. Kleinwolterink Braeden Scott Kleven Christopher Ross Kluthe •+HHH Kendra Machele Knoll Nathan Allen Kocer Inna Koyrakh •+HH Michelle Marie Kraus Jarrett Michael Krensing Nicholas James Kressman Leslie Claire Krizak Joshua John Krob Benjamin C. Kryzer Kristin Leigh Kuester H Tara Lea Kurtz Peter John Lacount Christopher John Lammers Mark Richard Landgrebe Pao Lao Andrew Jerome Larsen Sarah Lynn Larson Aleron Ordell Latiker Laura Ann LeBrun Derek Michael Lee Molly Elizabeth Lee • Larisa Katharine Lehn •+H Jerad Dana Leigh Andrew John Lenertz Cassy Nicole Lenz Brian Joseph Lenzmeier + Kathryn B. Lescenski Abigail Jayne Lesher Catherine Anne Lesher •+ Amanda Kaye Lindstrom Jonathan Jason Lloyd H Ryan Nicholas Loeck •+HH Jeffrey Robert Loeding Dustin Jeremiah Luce Adam Douglas Lund Frank Daniel Maistrovich •+HH Paul M. Maloney Andrew Martin Malovrh Marcus Lee Manning Paul Nicholas Marden Marisa Mae Marek Anton Alexander Martynenko Michael John Masteller Ryan Lee Matheson Joshua Timothy Mathre Ryan Matthew Mattison •+HHH Kelly Ann Maus Hilary Paige Maxfield •+HHH Ashley Elizabeth Maxson Kevin James McBride Maggie Marie McCormick Kurt Gregory McCue + Cameron G. McGregor + Jonathan Robert McIntyre Steven Douglas McJunkin +HH David Anthony McLean H Megan Marie McLean Megan Marie McManus • Steven Lloyd McMichael Pamela Alyss McMoore •+H Gene A. McMurray Lindsay Alissa Meewes Ian Michael Melander •+HHH Lindsay Victoria Merrick-Thompson +HHH Tynika Mershunada Merrida Lindsey Anne Merten Vladimir I. Messing Jennifer Louise Michuda H Stephanie Christine Mikkelson David Robert Miles +HHH Troy Henry Miley Ashli Nicole Milgate + Gregory Lane Mills Rebecca Lee Mitchell +HH Kwynn Patrick Modrynski Mana Moini-Zolghadr + Anna Marie Moline Amrita Lea Moore Matthew John Keysboe Moore • Emily J. Morical Emmett Ryan Mulcahy Kristen Marie Mundahl •+H Andrew T. Muraski Erin Christine Murphy +HHH Joseph Charles Musolf Christopher Lee Myers Daniel Steven Myers Chad Christopher Myre Cory James Napolitan Jacquelin Debbie Nath Tanya Marie Nelson Sarah Nichole Nesheim •+H Catherine Nicole Newton An Dang Nguyen Peter Thanh Nguyen Andrew Faber Niederhauser Janelle Marie Nordeen • Robyn Melissa Nusser •H Ellen Sue Nystuen Sean Nicholas Oberg Kayla Lynn Offill Kari Lynn OKonek Ryan Gale Olsen Adam Michael Olson Anthony William Olson •+HHH Emily Pearl Olson Katherine Marie Olson Nicholas Charles Olson •H William C. Olson Joshua M. Orak Adam Michael Osborn Emily Ann Overland Micah Alexander Pace Joshua James Packer Paul David Packer Timothy Lawrence Packwood Joshua David Palmer •+H Alex John Panchenko H Stirling Sung-han Pankow HHH Jayson Dale Parker +H Jeffrey Robert Parker Brenton Christopher Patten Jessica Lee Paulson Matthew Jordan Paulson Dena Rae Pavlo Emily Jane Peckskamp •+HHH Amy Elizabeth Peer •H Shawna Devi Persaud •+H Charlene Pertusini Viosca Leah Marie Peters Daniel John Peterson •H Tessa Nanette Peterson Lindsey Catherine Petrulo Zachary C. Pierson Bryan Jacob Plaszcz Ashley Rose Poirier •H Mallory Lynn Poitras Miles Allen Polster Evan Michael Postier Zachary Paul Prax •HH Randall Thomas Price Stacy Kim Proctor • Kaitlin Terese Prouty James Chester Puzic Jeremy John Quilling Jessica Jean Quinn •H Amy Lynn Quist •+H Mikaela Marie Raddatz •+H Brandon Justin Rahn Michael Lawrence Ramey Anushka Mary Ranasinghe H Kristin Nicole Rarick H Daniel Scott Rasmussen Pavithra Kathryn Reddy H Brenna K. Regan •+HHH Daniel Tyler Reisdorfer Lindsey Marie Reishus H Mark Michael Rentz •+H Lindsay Anne Rickert H Abigail H. Ries HHH Kailey Erin Roberts •+H Ashley Marie Roehrich Christine Elyse Rolfshus Ryan Anthony Romano Andrea Catherine Roos Brandon C. Root •+HHH Dayna Christine Rose Chris Bradley Rosenberger James Gregory Rosinbaum Nicole Alicia Rowley • Joshua David Rud •+H Hannah Jean Rudie Kyle David Ruegg •+H Jason Daniel Russell Nathan Thomas Ryan + Megan Nelson Saatkamp •H Jenna Cheever Sachs •+HH Khamla Saengsouriya Scott Michael Sagnes + Matthew Leonard Sailer • Brady John Salay Amanda Marcus Sames Elizabeth Rae Schaeffer • Nicholas Andrew Schept Kurtis John Scheuerlein Tracey Alicen Schlichter Timothy D. Schlueter Timothy Harold Schmandt Casey Eric Schmidt Cortney Lynne Schram David John Schroeder Nicholas A. Schultz Nikolas Joseph Schutte Matthew Jared Schweim Brittany Lorraine Scott •+HHH Lindsay Kaye Scott Meghan A. Seguin Leslie Anne Sexton Kellee Rose Shackelford Steven Joseph Shega Lisa Nicole Sheppard Megan Michelle Sherwin • John Ries Shevlin •H Christopher Luke Shuck Jon Christian Simpson +HH Lindsey Kathryn Slattery Anna Marie Slostad Alexander Ryan Smith Michael Andrew Smith Brent Stephen Smolarek + Daniel Steven Soderlind H Matthew Thomas Sommerfeld Robert Allen Sowinski Steven Scott Speckman Joseph Paul Speidel Gregory Thomas Spring Joseph Steven Stadther Danielle Marie Stanard Matthew Craig Stanke Christopher Marcus Stark Nathan Duane Starkson Lance D. Stenlund Robert James Stertz Kelsey Corinne Stevenson John Allan Stiles + Sarah Elizabeth Stokes Tyler William Stokes •+HHH Jennifer Rae Streeter Cody Alden Strom John Peter Strom •+ Robert E. Styles Shannon Elizabeth Sunderlin Megan Ann Sutliff Lee Daniel Swartz Bethlehem Nigatu Taddesse Megan Elizabeth Tamble •+ Kristin Marie Tanner Jeffrey Alan Taverna •+ HHH Ashley Terlinde Claire Elizabeth Thielman •+H Jessica Nicole Thrasher • Randall Allen Tomes Han Ngoc Tran Kimberly Joy Trenda Emily S. Trevis Hieu Kim Trinh Phillip Fai Tse Judson Thomas Turk Neil Patrick Urbanski + Joel Reyer Usher H Emily Louise Viau H Sara Catherine Vizard Daniel Coulter Vogel Peter Eugene Vogel Stephanie Lynn Vought James Ronald Voyles Kyle Jeremy Wachter Katharina Wallutis Lisa Mae Walters Rhiannon Rose Way Stacey Kelly Wechsler Caroline Julia Wertis • Michael Charles Westergren H Chandra Beth Wheaton Mark Joseph White Tiffany Rose Whittier Holly Anne Whittlef •+ Mikayla M. Wick Philip David Wiese Jason Michael Wilde Lauren Rebecca Wilken Brent Steven Wilson Elizabeth Suzanne Wilson Nicole Kristine Wilson Aaron James Windseth Timothy James Wise Rachel Lynn Witcher Andrew David Wolf Andrew Joshua Wong • Matthew Kyle Woodford Toni Marie Woodward Keith Walter Yahnke Katrina Elizabeth Youngberg • Lars Erik Youngren Brianna Blair Zeigler Joseph Cannon Zerbo • Alexandra Elizabeth Zieman Shannon Marie Zimmerman In Memory of Tara Schewe 1985 - 2002 Brittany Callahan 1984 - 2002 Academic Honors Criteria Advanced Placement Scholar Granted to students who receive grades of 3 or higher on three or more AP Exams on full-year courses (or the equivalent). Advanced Placement Scholar with Honor Granted to students who receive an average grade of at least 3.25 on all AP Exams taken, and, grades of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams on full-year courses (or the equivalent). Advanced Placement Scholar with Distinction Granted to students who receive an average grade of at least 3.5 on all AP Exams taken, and, grades of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams on full-year courses (or the equivalent). President’s Education Award Granted to graduates with a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or better and a score of 85% or better on the ACT, SAT or PSAT test. Graduate with Honors Granted to graduates who have an Honors Ranking or are ranked in the top ten percent of the graduating class (regular ranking). Graduate with High Honors Granted to honors graduates with a score of 95% or better on the ACT, SAT or PSAT. Graduate with Highest Honors Granted to honors graduates with a score of 98% or better on the ACT, SAT or PSAT, and 45 or more core classes taken at the AP or honors level. Senior Award Winners Kristyn Aasen Advanced Placement Scholar All-State Orchestra Graduate With Highest Honors President’s Education Award Regent’s Scholarship - Luther College Trustee Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus University of Minnesota Honor Band Eric Aderhold Advanced Placement Scholar Award for Competitive Excellence - Iowa State Eagle Scout - Boy Scouts of America Engineering Scholarship - Iowa State University EVHS Math Department Scholarship - EVCF Graduate With Highest Honors Honors Scholarship - University of Illinois National Honor Society National Math Exam - High Scorer National Merit Scholar - Finalist National Merit Scholarship - Iowa State Univ. National Spanish Exam - High Scorer President’s Education Award Trustee Scholarship - Case Western Reserve U. West Group Scholarship - Eagan Foundation Eric Albjerg Honor Graduate Larsen Presidential Scholarship - Luther College Music Lesson Scholarship - Luther College President’s Education Award Weston Noble Music Scholarship - Luther College Christopher Allen President’s Education Award (2002-2003 School Year) Betsy Anderson Advanced Placement Scholar Congregations Scholarship - Gustavus Graduate With High Honors Church Scholarship - Gustavus Bjorling Music Scholarship - Gustavus National Honor Society Norelius Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus President’s Education Award Trustee Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus Jennifer Armour Faculty Award Scholarship - Indiana University National Honor Society Theatre Merit Award - Illinois Wesleyan Univ. Amy Atherton All-State Choir Garry Family Vocal Music Scholarship - EVCF Legacy Scholarship - Drake University Music Scholarship - Luther College National Honor Society Piano Scholarship - Drake University Presidential Scholarship - Drake University Vocal Music Scholarship - Drake University Lauren Baker Academic Scholarship - U of M-Duluth Academic Scholarship - Univ. of St. Thomas National Honor Society Norelius Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus Presidential Scholarship - Drake University President’s Education Award St. Thomas Award - Univ. of St. Thomas Trustee Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus Heather Barker Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship Aaron Batten Graduate With High Honors Presidential Scholarship - Drake University State Qualifier - Speech Amy Bauer Academic Scholarship - Univ. of St. Thomas Advanced Placement Scholar All-State Choir Graduate With High Honors Ignatius Scholarship - Marquette University National Honor Society National Merit Scholar - Commended President’s Education Award Shimek Foundation Scholar Scholarship - EVCF Speech State Participant in Drama Lindsey Bechstein All-State Honor Team - Cheerleading Cheer Boosters Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation National Honor Society Wirsbo Company Scholarship Dane Bechtholdt State Participant - Track & Field Jeffrey Berkebile Honor Graduate President’s Education Award Kathleen Bierlein Academic All-American - Soccer Academic Scholarship - University of Kansas All-State Track and Field Casey Family Soccer Scholarship - EVCF Graduate With High Honors National Honor Society President’s Education Award St. Olaf Scholarship - St. Olaf College Wendy’s Heisman Award Nominee Nicolle Birk National Honor Society Ashley Bissell Advanced Placement Scholar All-State Choir Coca Cola Bottling Midwest Co. Scholarship Graduate With High Honors National Honor Society President’s Education Award Ashley Bjorge Academic All State Softball - MN. Fastpitch EVAA Athletic Scholarship - EVCF National Honor Society Presidential Scholarship - Drake University Annie Blake Apple Valley Rotary Scholarship Eagle Scholars Scholarship - Northwestern Honor Graduate Horatio Alger MN Scholarship Lake Conference Scholar Award National Math Exam - High Scorer Presidential Scholarship - Northwstern College President’s Education Award Shimek Foundation Scholarship - EVCF Andrew Block Advanced Placement Scholar Honor Graduate President’s Education Award Joseph Bowen All-State Track and Field Athletic Scholarship - MN State-Mankato Athletic Scholarship - North Dakota State Athletic Scholarship - Winona State David Brabec Academic Scholarship - Northwest Iowa CC Graduate With High Honors Iron Range Scholarship - U of M Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship Lake Conference Scholar Award President’s Education Award Student Auto Skills Scholarship - Ford Motor Stephanie Brakel Academic All-State - Softball Honor Graduate National Honor Society Kristina Branstad National Honor Society Jamie Broback All Tournament Team - 2003 Associated Press All-State Athletic Scholarship - U of M McDonald’s All-American - Top 100 MN Basketball News - All-State MN Coaches Assoc. - All-State Ms Basketball Finalist St. Paul Pioneer Press - All-State Star Tribune All-Metro Star Tribune Co-Metro Player of the Year US Marine Corps Distinguished Athlete Kristin Brogdon Advanced Placement Scholar Alumni Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus Buntrock Dean’s Scholarship - St. Olaf College Catherine Lealtad Scholarship - Macalester Graduate With High Honors National Achievement Scholarship - NMSQT National Honor Society Norelius Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus President’s Education Award Trustee Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus Brittany Brost Advanced Placement Scholar Benedictine Scholarship - St. Scholastica Founders Scholarship - St. Scholastica National Honor Society Courtney Brown Academic Scholarship - St. John’s University Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship National Honor Roll Award David Buchert President’s Education Award Phillip Buckvold Advanced Placement Scholar Honor Graduate President’s Education Award Kimberly Buller Honor Graduate Austin Burdge Honor Graduate Brian Burke Advanced Placement Scholar Award for Competitive Excellence - Iowa State Coca Cola Bottling Midwest Co. Scholarship Eagle Scout - Boy Scouts of America Eagle Scout Scholarship - Indianhead Council Graduate With Highest Honors John S. Latta Scholarship - Iowa State Univ. National Honor Society National Merit Scholar - Finalist President’s Distinguished Scholarship - U of M President’s Education Award Sidney Swenson Scholarship - U of M University Scholarship - Univ. of Notre Dame Valley Athletic Association Scholarship Amber Cambridge All-State Soccer Athletic Scholarship - MN State Mankato Athletic Scholarship - Northern State Athletic Scholarship - Southwest State Annika Carlson Advanced Placement Scholar Graduate With Highest Honors National Honor Society National Merit Scholar - Commended Andrew Casey Academic Scholarship - Univ. of St. Thomas Chancellor’s Scholarship - Univ. of Denver Distinguished Scholars Award - Colorado State EVAA Basketball Scholarship - EVCF Graduate With High Honors Henry King Stanford Scholarship - Univ. of Miami National Honor Society President’s Education Award President’s Scholarship - St. John’s University Recognition Scholarship - St. John’s University Trustee Scholarship - University of St. Thomas US Marine Corps Distinguished Athlete Patrick Cassada Award for Competitive Excellence - Iowa State U. College of Engineering Scholarship - Iowa State U. Graduate With High Honors President’s Education Award US Navy ROTC Scholarship Jason Cermak All-State Academic - Dance Team Manager EVHS Student Council Scholarship Football Boosters Academics Scholarship - EVCF Honor Graduate National Honor Society President’s Education Award Nicole Delahanty Athletic Scholarship - University of North Dakota Sovanny Chav National Honor Society Elizabeth Driessen President’s Education Award Samuel Chu Advanced Placement Scholar Coca Cola Bottling Midwest Co. Scholarship Fairview Health Services Auxiliary Scholarship Graduate With Highest Honors National Honor Society National Merit Scholar - Finalist National Merit Scholarship - General Mills Corp. President’s Education Award Thomas H. Eliot Scholarship - Washington Univ. Caitlin Dugan Honor Graduate National Honor Society Lucy Cochran Academic Scholarship - Bethel College Dean’s Scholarship - Azusa Pacific University Edgren Scholarship - Bethel College President’s Education Award James Colvin Academic Scholarship - Drake University Athletic Scholarship - Mankato State University Casey Family Boys’ Basketball Scholarship - EVCF Jonathan Dozier Graduate With High Honors National Honor Society President’s Education Award Kalika Dugan EVAA Scholarship - EVCF Honor Graduate National Honor Society Christopher Dunshee President’s Education Award Lauren Edwards Girl Scout Silver Award - Girl Scouts of America Justine Egan EVHS Nursing Scholarship President’s Education Award Erik Corbett Basketball Sportsmanship Scholarship - EVCF Brian Engel Graduate With High Honors Iron Range Scholarship - U of M-Twin Cities National Honor Society President’s Education Award Erin Curry National Honor Society Sean Fjelstad President’s Education Award Adam Decknatel National Honor Society Vanessa Forslev John F. Kennedy Scholarship - St. Norbert College Leadership Activity Award - Univ. of Evansville Webb Award - St. Norbert College Jessica Fortune Advanced Placement Scholar Fine Arts Scholarship Fund - Drake University Graduate With High Honors Gustavus Music Award - Gustavus Adolphus Maurer Presidential Scholarship - Beloit College National Honor Society Presidential Scholarship - Drake University President’s Education Award Trustee Scholarship - Drake University Trustee Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus Kristina Fortune Advanced Placement Scholar All-State Orchestra Fine Arts Music Scholarship - Drake University Graduate With High Honors National Honor Society Presidential Scholarship - Drake University President’s Education Award Trustee Scholarship - Drake University Trustee Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus Thomas Frank Advanced Placement Scholar With Honor American Math Exam - High Scorer Graduate With Highest Honors McDonald’s Scholarship National Merit Scholar - Finalist President’s Education Award Jenna Franson Dean’s Scholarship - College of St. Benedict Sommerstad Family Scholarship - EVCF Survivor Scholarship - American Cancer Society Wirsbo Company Scholarship Molly Freeman National Honor Society Daniel Freiberger Apple Valley American Legion Scholarship Eagle Scout - Boy Scouts of America H.W. Anderson Scholarship - EVCF Technical Achievement Award - Dakota Technical Matthew Gaarder Honor Graduate Sarah Gant “FLASH” Scholarship - EVCF Advanced Placement Scholar Boston College Scholarship - Boston College Kniep Memorial Scholarship - U of Missouri EVHS Student Council Scholarship Graduate With Highest Honors MainStream Communications Scholarship - EVCF National Honor Society National Merit Scholar - Commended Non-Resident Scholar - U of Missouri-Columbia President’s Education Award Michelle Garnsey Advanced Placement Scholar All-State Swimming & Diving Graduate With Highest Honors Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship Lake Conference Scholar Award Meliora Grant - University of Rochester National Honor Society Presidential Scholarship - U of New Hampshire President’s Education Award Rush Rhees Scholarship - U of Rochester US Army Reserve National Scholar-Athlete Danielle Gebhart Academic Scholarship - U of M-Duluth National Honor Society John Getzke All-State Freestyle Wrestling All-State Greco Roman Wrestling Coaches Scholarship - Minnesota Wrestling Coaches Association Julie Goltzman All-State Academic - Softball All-State Competition Cheerleading All-State Honor Team - Cheerleading EVAA Athletic Scholarship - EVCF National Honor Society Laura Gorsuch Advanced Placement Scholar Dartmouth Book Award Honor Graduate Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship Lake Conference Scholar Award National Honor Society Presidential Scholarship - Drake University Presidential Scholarship - U of M President’s Education Award Michelle Graf Dean’s Scholarship - Bradley University Honor Graduate North Park Dean’s Award - North Park University Presidential Scholarship - DePaul University President’s Education Award Trustees Scholarship - St. Norbert College Laura Grenander Honor Graduate Elizabeth Grosser National Honor Society Samra Habib Communication Workers of America Scholarship Waste Management Scholarship Malorie Hagemann Advanced Placement Scholar Bryn Mawr College President’s Book Award Chancellor’s Scholarship - U of M-Morris Fairview Health Services Auxiliary Scholarship Honor Graduate Lake Conference Scholar Award National Honor Society Presidential Scholarship - U of M-Morris President’s Education Award Jennifer Halvorson Academic Scholarship - Lawrence University Academic Scholarship - Univ. of St. Thomas AxA Dollars for Scholars Scholarship Gloria Miller Educational Scholarship - SHMS Honor Graduate National Honor Society Scott Highlands Alumni Scholarship Leadership Scholarship - St. Olaf College St. Olaf Scholarship - St. Olaf College St. Thomas Award - University of St. Thomas Trustee Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus Katherine Hambrock Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship National Honor Society Presidential Scholarship - St. Benedict Presidential Scholarship - St. John’s University Presidential Scholarship - Wartburg College Matthew Harmon Technical Achievement Award-Dakota Tech College David Harris Academic Scholarship - Creighton University Advanced Placement Scholar All-State Orchestra Coca Cola Bottling Midwest Co. Scholarship Academic Scholarship - Creighton University Dean’s Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus Excellence Scholarship - Concordia College Faculty Scholarship - Concordia College Graduate With Highest Honors Gustavus Music Award - Gustavus Adolphus Iron Range Scholarship - U of M-Twin Cities Jussi Bjorling Music Scholarship - Gustavus Music Dept. Scholarship - Hamline University Music Lesson Scholarship - Luther College Music Performance Scholarship - Concordia Music Scholarship - University of St. Thomas National Honor Society Norelius Scholarship-Gustavus Adolphus Partners in Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus Presidential Scholarship - Hamline University President’s Education Award Regent’s Scholarship - Luther College Regent’s Scholarship - St. Olaf College St. Thomas Award - University of St. Thomas U of M Honor Band Weston Noble Music Scholarship-Luther College Winston Cassler Scholarship - St. Olaf College Kelly Hartmann President’s Education Award Timothy Hartung Great 8 Hockey Team Selection Pioneer Press All-State - Hockey Star Tribune Hockey All-Metro 2nd Team Keegan Hasselmann Advanced Placement Scholar Benedictine Scholarship - St. Scholastica Chancellor’s Scholarship - U of M-Morris Dean’s Scholarship - St. Olaf College Graduate With High Honors Ignatius Scholarship - Marquette University Iron Range Scholarship - University of Minnesota James E. Casey Scholarship - UPS Foundation John Philip Sousa Band Award National Honor Society Presidential Scholarship - U of M-Morris President’s Education Award Timothy Hauser All-State Band Honor Graduate University of Minnesota Honor Band Jennifer Heist Academic Scholarship - University of Arizona Graduate With High Honors McKissick Scholar Award - Univ. of South Carolina National Honor Society President’s Education Award Patricia Heitzman Advanced Placement Scholar Dean’s Scholarship - North Park University Honor Graduate National Honor Society Presidential Scholarship - Trinity Intl. University Presidential Scholarship - Wartburg College Holly Helm Graduate With High Honors Mary Henningsen National Honor Society Laura Henry All-State Band All-State Orchestra All-State Select Soloist Buntrock Academic Scholarship - St. Olaf College Cassler Music Scholarship - St. Olaf College Honor Graduate Minnesota Band Director’s Honor Band Music Merit Scholarship - Northwestern University Music Merit Scholarship - University of Michigan National Honor Society President’s Education Award University of Minnesota Honor Band Cassi Heppelmann Excellence Scholarship - Concordia College Honor Graduate National Honor Society Norelius Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus College President’s Education Award Trustee Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus College Jonathan Hinke President’s Education Award Regent’s Scholarship - Wartsburg College John Hokkanen Honor Graduate Presidential Scholarship - Luther College Kristen Holien Academic Scholarship - U of M-Morris Founder’s Scholarship - U of M-Morris Benjamin Holten National Honor Society Kelly Holtz EVAA Track/Cross Country Scholarship - EVCF Jamie Howard All-State Swimming & Diving Carlson Family/New York Life Scholarship Heritage Scholarship - Denison University Honor Graduate Iron Range Scholarship - University of Minnesota National Honor Society Sun Devil Scholarship - Arizona State University Sarah Hudson Graduate With High Honors Jussi Bjorling Music Scholarship - Gustavus Lion’s Club Scholarship - Apple Valley Lion’s Club National Honor Society Norelius Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus College President’s Education Award State Champion JV Classic Debate Trustee Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus College Sarah Huhner Advanced Placement Scholar EVHS Student Council Scholarship Fairview Ridges Service Award Graduate With High Honors Hugh O’Brien Youth Leadership Award Mervyn’s Scholarship National Honor Society Presidential Scholarship - Boston University Presidential Scholarship - St. Olaf College President’s Education Award Triple “A” Award Ashley Jacobson Achievement Scholarship - Baylor University National Honor Society President’s Education Award Jenna Jacobson Academic Scholarship - Drake University National Honor Society President’s Education Award Jenna Johnson EVAA Scholarship - EVCF Jackrabbit Scholarship - South Dakota State Univ. Presidential Scholarship - Drake University Logan Johnson Graduate With High Honors Megan Joosten Advanced Placement Scholar Honor Graduate President’s Education Award Kirsten Jorgenson Chancellor’s Scholarship - U of M-Morris Graduate With High Honors National Honor Society Presidential Scholarship - Hamline University Presidential Scholarship - U of M-Morris President’s Education Award St. Olaf Scholarship - St. Olaf College Pavitra Kannan Advanced Placement Scholar All-American Scholar - US Achievement Academy AxA Dollars for Scholars Scholarship Certificate of Merit - Society of Women Engineers Degree of Merit - National Forensic League Fairview Health Services Auxiliary Scholarship Fairview Ridges Medical Scholarship General Mills Foundation Scholarship - General Mills Graduate With High Honors Lake Conference Scholar Award National Honor Society Presidential Scholarship - U of M-Twin Cities President’s Education Award Trustee Honors Scholarship - Grinnell College Nicholas Kariya Academic Scholarship - Iowa State University Advanced Placement Scholar With Honor Classic Debate State Champion Graduate With High Honors National Honor Society National Qualifier - Congressional Debate Student Congress National Qualifier US Air Force ROTC Scholarship James Kaufmann Advanced Placement Scholar Graduate With High Honors Ashley Keeler Academic Scholarship - U of M-Duluth All State Academic - Softball All-State Softball Dance Boosters - EVCF EVAA Athletic Scholarship - EVCF National Honor Society Senior All Star Game - MSCA Patrick Kehoe Dean’s Scholarship - St. John’s University St. Thomas Award - University of St. Thomas Sean-Michael Kelly Advanced Placement Scholar Graduate With High Honors National Honor Society President’s Education Award Christopher Kemp Casey Family Football Scholarship - EVCF Graduate With High Honors National Honor Society President’s Education Award Mitchell Kieffer Academic Scholarship - University of St. Thomas Football Boosters Essay Scholarship - EVCF Honor Graduate St. Thomas Award - University of St. Thomas Tara Kurtz Dakota Electric Association Scholarship Bradley Kirtz All-State Band Sarah Larson All-American Cheerleader - NCA All-State Competition Cheerleading EVAA Track/Cross Country Scholarship EVHS Nursing Scholarship Aleksandr Kladnitsky Advanced Placement Scholar Honor Graduate National Honor Society President’s Education Award Andrew Larsen Athletic Scholarship - Univ. of South Dakota Molly Lee National Honor Society Evan Klefsaas Baseball Dugout Club Scholarship - EVCF National Honor Society President’s Education Award Triple “A” Award Larisa Lehn All-State Academic Dance Team Honor Graduate National Honor Society President’s Education Award Christopher Kluthe Advanced Placement Scholar Fairview Health Services Auxiliary Scholarship Graduate With Highest Honors National Honor Society National Merit Scholar - Commended President’s Education Award Brian Lenzmeier Advanced Placement Scholar President’s Education Award Inna Koyrakh Graduate With High Honors Lake Conference Scholar Award National Honor Society National Merit Scholar - Commended President’s Education Award Yale Book Award Kristin Kuester Honor Graduate Abigail Lesher Howard Steumpert Memorial Academic Scholarship Catherine Lesher Advanced Placement Scholar National Honor Society Presidential Merit Award - Drake University President’s Education Award Jonathan Lloyd Academic Scholarship - Univ. of St. Thomas Flint Hills Resources Scholarship Hamline Honors Scholarship - Hamline University Honor Graduate Honors Scholarship - University of North Dakota St. Thomas Award - University of St. Thomas Ryan Loeck Academic Scholarship - Michigan Tech Award for Competitive Excellence - Iowa State U. Graduate With High Honors John Philip Sousa Band Award National Honor Society President’s Education Award Frank Maistrovich Advanced Placement Scholar Award for Competitive Excellence - Iowa State U. Buntrock Academic Scholarship - St. Olaf College Buntrock Presidential Scholarship - St. Olaf College Graduate With High Honors National Honor Society President’s Education Award Trustee Honor Scholarship - Grinnell College Ashley Maxson All-American Gymnastics All-State Elite Gymnastics All-State Gymnastics All-State Select Gymnast Maggie McCormick All-State Academic Track & Field All-State Track and Field Athletic Scholarship - University of St. Thomas Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship Kurt McCue President’s Education Award Cameron McGregor President’s Education Award Ryan Mattison Advanced Placement Scholar Anchor Bank Scholarship Gold Scholarship - University of Minnesota Graduate With Highest Honors Harrington Scholarship - University of Minnesota Harvard Book Award Lake Conference Scholar Award National Honor Society President’s Education Award Robert C. Byrd Scholarship State Qualifier - Speech Steven McJunkin Graduate With High Honors President’s Education Award Hilary Maxfield Advanced Placement Scholar Graduate With Highest Honors Ignatius Scholarship - Marquette University Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship National Honor Society National Merit Scholar - Commended President’s Education Award University Scholarship - Univ. of Notre Dame Air Force ROTC Commander’s Scholarship US Air Force ROTC Type 7 Scholarship Steven McMichael St. Thomas Award - University of St. Thomas David McLean Founder’s Scholarship - U of M-Morris Honor Graduate Megan McManus EVAA Scholarship - EVCF National Honor Society Presidential Services Scholarship Pamela McMoore Advanced Placement Scholar Honor Graduate IOTA Gamma Tau Scholarship National Honor Society National Qualifier - Speech President’s Education Award State Qualifier - Speech Ian Melander Academic Success Award - Purdue University Advanced Placement Scholar Engineering Dean’s Scholar - Purdue University Graduate With Highest Honors National Honor Society President’s Education Award Lindsay Merrick-Thompson Graduate With Highest Honors National Merit Scholar - Commended President’s Education Award Tynika Merrida Cecil E. Newman Scholarship Vladimir Messing Football Boosters Scholarship - EVCF Jennifer Michuda All-State Tournament Team - Soccer Girls Soccer Scholarship - EVCF Honor Graduate National Honor Society Pioneer Press All-State Honorable Mention - Soccer David Miles Advanced Placement Scholar American Math Exam - High Scorer Award for Competitive Excellence-Iowa State Univ. College of Engineering Scholarship-Iowa State Univ. Eagle Scout - Boys Scouts of America Eagle Scout Scholarship - Indianhead Council Engineering Merit Scholarship-USC Engineering Research Scholar Award-USC Graduate With Highest Honors Greenleaf Booster Association Scholarship National Honor Society National Math Exam - High Scorer National Merit Scholar - Finalist National Merit Scholarship - Iowa State Univ. Presidential Scholarship-Case Western Reserve U Presidential Scholarship - USC President’s Education Award Target All-Around Scholarship Ashli Milgate Dean’s Scholarship - Syracuse University Honor Graduate National Honor Society President’s Scholarship-Truman State University President’s Education Award President’s Honorary Scholarship-Truman State U. Scott Highlands Alumni Scholarship Shimek Foundation Scholarship - EVCF Rebecca Mitchell Advanced Placement Scholar College of Arts and Science Scholarship Founder’s Scholarship - Syracuse University Graduate With High Honors Iron Range Scholarship - U of M Merit Scholarship - Syracuse University National Honor Society President’s Scholarship-Truman Univ. President’s Education Award President’s Honorary Scholarship-Truman Univ. Kwynn Modrynski 6th Man Club Scholarship - EVCF DECA State Qualifier EVAA Basketball Scholarship - EVCF Scott Highlands Alumni Scholarship Mana Moini-Zolghadr Advanced Placement Scholar Honor Graduate National Honor Society President’s Education Award Amrita Moore Amy Robertson Scholarship - Simpson College Matthew Moore Honor Graduate National Honor Society Kristen Mundahl Academic Scholarship - U of M Academic Scholarship - U of M-Duluth Academic Scholarship - University of St. Thomas Achievement Award - Oklahoma City University All-State Academic - Dance Team Dance Boosters Scholarship - EVCF ExCEL Award Nominee - EVHS Flint Hills Resources Scholarship Honor Graduate National Honor Society Norelius Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus College President’s Education Award Scott Highlands Alumni Scholarship St. Thomas Award - University of St. Thomas Thrivent Financial Scholarship Trustee Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus College Erin Murphy Academic Scholarship - U of M-Duluth Advanced Placement Scholar Combined Ability Scholarship-Truman State Univ. Graduate With Highest Honors Midwest Student Exchange-Truman State Univ. National Merit Scholar - Commended President’s Education Award Sarah Nesheim Advanced Placement Scholar American Legion Post 1776 Scholarship Chancellor’s Academic Scholarship - U of M Dean’s Scholarship - St. Olaf College Honor Graduate Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship Luther Legacy Award - Luther College National Honor Society Norelius Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus President’s Education Award Regent’s Scholarship - Luther College Trustee Scholarship - St. Olaf College Weston Noble Music Scholarship-Luther College Catherine Newton Academic All-State - Softball All-State Softball Casey Family Softball Scholarship - EVCF Senior All Star Game - MSCA Peter Nguyen Diversity Scholarship - St. John’s University Page Education Foundation Scholarship Janelle Nordeen National Honor Society Scholarship - Fairview Health Services Robyn Nusser Fairview Health Services Auxiliary Scholarship Honor Graduate National Honor Society Anthony Olson Academic Scholarship - St. Olaf College Academic Scholarship - Univ. of St. Thomas Advanced Placement Scholar AxA Dollars for Scholars Scholarship Boy’s State Delegate - American Legion Auxiliary Coca Cola Bottling Midwest Co. Scholarship ExCEL Award Nominee - EVHS Graduate With Highest Honors Hugh O’Brien Youth Leadership Award National Honor Society President’s Education Award Regent’s Scholarship - St. Olaf College Regent’s Scholarship - Univ. of St. Thomas Trustee’s Scholarship - Univ. of St. Thomas Nicholas Olson Honor Graduate National Honor Society Joshua Palmer Advanced Placement Scholar Honor Graduate National Honor Society President’s Education Award Alex Panchenko All-State Honorable Mention - Hockey Great 8 Hockey Team Selection Honor Graduate Star Tribune All-Metro Hockey 2nd Team Stirling Pankow Advanced Placement Scholar Graduate With Highest Honors Jayson Parker Advanced Placement Scholar Eagle Scout - Boy Scouts of America Honor Graduate National Honor Society President’s Education Award Jessica Paulson National Honor Society Emily Peckskamp Advanced Placement Scholar Anderson Foundation Scholarship - U of Wisc. Graduate With Highest Honors Iron Range Scholarship - U of M National Honor Society National Merit Scholar - Finalist National Merit Scholarship - U of M National Spanish Exam - High Scorer President’s Education Award Regent’s Scholarship - Luther College University of Minnesota Honor Band Weston Noble Music Scholarship - Luther College Amy Peer Casey Family Vocal Music Scholarship - EVCF Honor Graduate National Honor Society Music Scholarship - U of Wisc.-Eau Claire Scott Highlands Alumni Scholarship Shawna Persaud Advanced Placement Scholar Honor Graduate National Honor Society President’s Education Award State Champion JV Classic Debate Daniel Peterson Academic Scholarship - U of M-Duluth Award for Competitive Excellence - Iowa State U Honor Graduate National Honor Society Bryan Plaszcz Great 8 Hockey Team Selection Ashley Poirier Coca Cola Bottling Midwest Co. Scholarship Honor Graduate National Honor Society President’s Scholarship - College of St. Benedict Zachary Prax Advanced Placement Scholar With Honor Apple Valley Rotary Scholarship Graduate With High Honors National Honor Society National Qualifier - Congressional Debate Speech National Qualifier State Qualifier - Lincoln-Douglas Debate Stacy Proctor Multi-Cultural Scholarship - Luther College National Honor Society Presidential Scholarship - Luther College Kaitlin Prouty Coca Cola Bottling Midwest Co. Scholarship Jessica Quinn All-State Academic Dance Team Honor Graduate National Honor Society Amy Quist Academic Scholarship - Univ. of St. Thomas All Tournament Team - 2003 All-American Scholar - Soccer All-State Academic - Softball All-State Tournament Team - Basketball All-State Tournament Team - Soccer EVAA Basketball Scholarship - EVCF Girls’s Soccer Booster Scholarship Honor Graduate National Honor Society President’s Education Award St. Paul Pioneer Press - All Defensive Team St. Paul Pioneer Press - All-State Honorable Mention Star Tribune Honorable Mention All-State Mikaela Raddatz All-State Academic - Basketball All-State Academic - Track & Field All-State Basketball All-State Track and Field Athena Award Athletic Scholarship - University of Colorado Athletic Scholarship - Winthrop University Athletic Scholarship - Vanderbilt University Athletic Scholarship - University of Minnesota EVAA Basketball Scholarship - EVCF Honor Graduate Krivoruchka Scholarship McDonald’s All-American - Top 1000 MN Basketball News - All-State National Honor Society President’s Education Award St. Paul Pioneer Press - All Defensive Team St. Paul Pioneer Press - All-State Star Tribune All-Metro Honorable Mention State Champion - Track and Field Brandon Rahn Achievement Award - Dakota Tech. College Michael Ramey Midwest Vending Scholarship Anushka Ranasinghe Honor Graduate Presidential Scholarship - University of Dayton Trustee Scholarship - Loyola University Kristin Rarick All-State Band All-State Jazz Ensemble Music Scholarship - New England Conservatory Honor Graduate Howard Hanson Grant-Eastman School of Music Music Scholarship - New England Conservatory Music Scholarship - Indiana University Music Scholarship - Lawrence Conservatory National Music Competition Award Winner University of Minnesota Honor Band Pavithra Reddy Academic Scholarship - College of St. Catherine’s Coca Cola Bottling Midwest Co. Scholarship Honor Graduate Academic Scholarship - Univ. St. Cloud Academic Scholarship - Univ. St. Thomas St. Thomas Award - Univ. of St. Thomas Brenna Regan Advanced Placement Scholar Dean’s Scholarship - Boston University Graduate With Highest Honors Lake Conference Scholar Award National Honor Society President’s Education Award Trojan Scholarship - Univ. of So. California Lindsey Reishus Academic Scholarship - Concordia College Honor Graduate Presidential Scholarship - Concordia College Mark Rentz Academic Scholarship - Iowa State University Academic Scholarship - University of Iowa Academic Scholarship - Univ. of St. Thomas Football Boosters Volunteer Scholarship - EVCF Honor Graduate National Honor Society President’s Education Award St. Thomas Award - Univ. of St. Thomas Lindsay Rickert Advanced Placement Scholar Award for Competitive Excellence - Iowa State U Honor Graduate Trustee Scholarship - Loyola University Abigail Ries Advanced Placement Scholar Graduate With Highest Honors Kailey Roberts Advanced Placement Scholar Honor Graduate National Honor Society Presidential Scholarship - College of St. Catherine President’s Education Award Brandon Root Advanced Placement Scholar Carlson Family Foundation/New York Life Graduate With Highest Honors National Honor Society President’s Education Award Nicole Rowley “FLASH” Scholarship - EVCF EVAA Track/Cross Country Scholarship - EVCF National Honor Society Natl. Television Academy Scholarship - KARE 11 Sun Devil Scholarship - Arizona State University Joshua Rud Basketball Scholarship - EVCF Honor Graduate National Honor Society President’s Education Award US Army Reserve Natl. Scholar-Athlete Award Kyle Ruegg Academic Scholarship-Columbus College Faculty Award Scholarship - Columbus College Honor Graduate National Honor Society President’s Education Award University of Minnesota Honor Band Nathan Ryan Great 8 Hockey Team Selection President’s Education Award Megan Saatkamp Academic Award - Winona State University Honor Graduate National Honor Society Jenna Sachs Graduate With High Honors National Honor Society President’s Education Award Scott Sagnes President’s Education Award Matthew Sailer EVAA TrackCross Country Scholarship - EVCF Honors Scholarship - University of North Dakota National Honor Society Shimek Scholar Athlete Scholarship - EVCF Elizabeth Schaeffer Scholarship - U of M National Honor Society Ray Koenig Memorial Scholarship John Shevlin All Midwest Team - Prep Star All-Metro Linebacker - KARE 11 All-State Football All-State Linebacker - Associated Press All-State Track and Field Athletic Scholarship - University of Minnesota Honor Graduate National Honor Society Kurtis Scheuerlein Eagle Scout - Boy Scouts of America Jon Simpson Graduate With High Honors President’s Education Award Cortney Schram Ronald McDonald House Award The Kelsey Cup - Ronald McDonald House Alexander Smith Gold Palm Award - Boy Scouts of America Eagle Scout - Boy Scouts of America Brittany Scott Academic Scholarship - Maryland College of Art Advanced Placement Scholar Eagan Foundation Scholarship Founder’s Scholarship - Syracuse University Graduate With Highest Honors Hudson Scholarship-Washington U of St. Louis National Honor Society Presidential Scholarship - Pratt Institute Presidential Scholarship - Ringling School of Arts President’s Education Award Trustee Scholarship - Maryland College of Art Brent Smolarek President’s Education Award Kellee Shackelford All-State Comp.Cheerleading Cheer Boosters Scholarship - EVCF Steven Shega All-State Choir ACDA National Choral Award Garry Family Vocal Music Scholarship - EVCF National Qualifier - Speech State Qualifier - Speech Daniel Soderlind Honor Graduate John Stiles Presidential Scholarship - Northwestern College President’s Education Award Vocal/Choral Scholarship - Northwestern Tyler Stokes Advanced Placement Scholar Eagle Scout - Boy Scouts of America Graduate With Highest Honors Lake Conference Scholar Award National Honor Society National Merit Scholar - Finalist National Spanish Exam - High Scorer Presidential Services Scholarship President’s Education Award Presidential Scholarship - Grinnell College State Qualifier - Speech Trustee Scholarship - Grinnell College John Strom Academic Scholarship - Univ. of St. Thomas All-State Swimming All-State Swimming & Diving Dakota Electric Association Scholarship Music Talent Grant - MN State University-Mankato National Honor Society President’s Education Award Shimek Foundation Scholarship - EVCF St. Thomas Award - University of St. Thomas Wendy’s Heisman Award Megan Sutliff Lightning Dance Boosters Scholarship - EVCF Megan Tamble National Honor Society President’s Education Award Jeffrey Taverna Mathematics Scholarship - U of Wisc-LaCrosse Eagan Foundation Scholarship EVAA Scholarship - EVCF Graduate With Highest Honors National Honor Society President’s Education Award Susan & Fred Breidenbach Scholarship Claire Thielman Advanced Placement Scholar EVHS Student Council Scholarship Faculty Award Scholarship - Indiana University Honor Graduate National Honor Society Presidential Scholarship - DePaul University President’s Education Award Jessica Thrasher Casey Family Girls’ Basketball Scholarship - EVCF National Honor Society Neil Urbanski Advanced Placement Scholar Liberty Diversified Industries Scholarship President’s Education Award Joel Usher Dean’s Scholarship - U of M-Morris Honor Graduate Emily Viau All-State Swimming & Diving Honor Graduate Kyle Wachter All-State Band University of Minnesota Honor Band Caroline Wertis All-State Soccer Athletic Scholarship - College of Charleston Athletic Scholarship - Iowa State University Athletic Scholarship - Miami University Athletic Scholarship - University of Minnesota Athletic Scholarship - University of Rhode Island Athletic Scholarship - University of Richmond National Honor Society Michael Westergren Honor Graduate US Air Force ROTC Scholarship - U of M Holly Whittlef National Honor Society President’s Education Award St. Thomas Award - University of St. Thomas Andrew Wong Blue Line Club Scholarship - EVCF National Honor Society Katrina Youngberg National Honor Society Joseph Zerbo National Honor Society Parent Hall of Fame Eastview High School is a school about people working together, about relationships, about a talented staff that cares about students, about exceptional students doing exceptional things, and about supportive and involved parents. Over the past nine years, literally hundreds of parents have contributed many thousands of hours of volunteer time on behalf of our programs and students. We have accomplished much with these important contributions. We are very grateful for this meaningful partnership. Eastview High School has a tradition of recognizing those parent volunteers who have made extraordinary contributions on a continuing basis, throughout their child’s(ren’s) years at EVHS. As their youngest child graduates from Eastview High School, we want to provide special recognition for these parents. They are exceptional parents who have done exceptional things for all students, staff members and families in the Eastview Community. The legacy of the following EVHS Parent Hall of Fame inductees will live on: Class of 2003 Paul Armour Vicki McGregor Mary Casey Bruce Newton Dave Cermak Donna Newton Mary Cermak Kris Strom Anne Gant Lee Strom Mary Hartung Steve Vogel Congratulations! We have certainly been blessed having you as members of the Eastview Family. Please accept our warmest thanks and best wishes. J. Richard Dewey, Ph.D. Principal – Eastview High School Class Information GRADUATES WITH HIGHEST HONORS (GPA/National Test Scores/Advanced Placement) VALEDICTORIANS Annie Blake Ryan Mattison SALUTATORIANS Pavitra Kannan TOP TEN STUDENTS 1. Annie Blake, Valedictorian 1. Ryan Mattison, Valedictorian 2. Pavitra Kannan, Salutatorian 3. Tyler Stokes 4. Malorie Hagemann 5. Brenna Regan 6. Michelle Garnsey 7. Hilary Maxfield 8. Sarah Nesheim 9. Laura Gorsuch 10. David Brabec Kristyn Aasen Eric Aderhold Brian Burke Annika Carlson Samuel Chu Thomas Frank Sarah Gant Michelle Garnsey David Harris Christopher Kluthe Ryan Mattison Hilary Maxfield Ian Melander Lindsay Merrick-Thompson David Miles Erin Murphy Anthony Olson Stirling Pankow Emily Peckskamp Brenna Regan Abigail Ries Brandon Root Brittany Scott Tyler Stokes Jeffrey Taverna PRESIDENTIAL SCHOLAR PROGRAM HONORABLE MENTION - ARTS Kristin Rarick NATIONAL MERIT PROGRAM NATIONAL MERIT FINALISTS Eric Aderhold Brian Burke Samuel Chu Thomas Frank Lindsay Merrick-Thompson David Miles Emily Peckskamp Tyler Stokes NATIONAL MERIT ACHIEVEMENT FINALIST Kristin Brogdon NATIONAL MERIT COMMENDED Amy Bauer Annika Carlson Sarah Gant Christopher Kluthe Inna Koyrakh Hilary Maxfield Erin Murphy STUDENTS OF THE YEAR Art .................................................................................................................. Brittany Scott Business ........................................................................................................... Erik Corbett Dance .............................................................................................................. Megan Sutliff English/Language Arts ................................................................................... Ryan Mattison Family & Consumer Science ................................................................... Katrina Youngberg Instrumental Music ............................................................................................Laura Henry Instrumental Music ......................................................................................... Kristin Rarick Mathematics ................................................................................................... Eric Aderhold Physical Education/Wellness/Safety Education ................................................ Joshua Rud Science .................................................................................................... Michelle Garnsey Social Studies .................................................................................................... Amy Bauer Special Education ........................................................................................... Ellen Nystuen Technology Education ............................................................................. Kurtis Scheuerlein Vocal Music ................................................................................................... Amy Atherton Work Program ........................................................................................................ Pao Lao World Language ............................................................................................... Samuel Chu Fine Arts Student of the Year ........................................................................... Zachary Prax Performing Arts Students of the Year ........................................................... Jennifer Armour Pamela McMoore Student Scholar Artists of the Year ................................................................... Tyler Stokes Student Athletes of the Year ...................................................................... Mikaela Raddatz John Shevlin Student Scholar Athletes of the Year ............................................................... Katie Bierlein Andy Casey Minnesota State High School League “Triple A” Award .................................. Evan Klefsaas Sarah Huhner Athena Award ............................................................................................ Mikaela Raddatz PLANS FOR THE FUTURE 91.0 percent of the graduates will attend a four-year college/university or two-year college/technical college next year 3.0 percent will enter military service 3.0 percent will work full-time 3.0 percent are undecided about future plans Independent School District 196 and Eastview High School Staff BOARD OF EDUCATION Mike Roseen, Chairperson Jackie Magnuson, Vice-Chairperson Bruce Endler, Clerk Rob Duchscher, Treasurer Judy Lindsay, Director Kevin Sampers, Director Bob Schutte, Director INTERIM SUPERINTENDENT John Currie ADMINISTRATION Dr. J. Richard Dewey Randall Peterson Robert Franchino Kim Martinson Bruce Miller Matthew Percival SPECIALISTS Doug Baird Todd Breuer Jeff Flugum Bryn Lloyd Doug Nelson Rob Rachow Nancy Snoeyenbos Connie O’Sullivan ART Nancy Alexander Scott Gustafson • BUSINESS Barb Groth • Leah Lencowski Andrea Mohr ENGLISH/LANGUAGE ARTS Julie Atkinson Jessica Crooker Robert Dettmer Kelli Donais Kymm Durocher Scott Durocher Nicholas Fornicoia Joy Hanson Charlie Hokkanen Susan Kinney Tyler Krebs Jennifer McCarty Plucker Karla Mortel Dave Nord Sue Rolfson Christine Rutt Patty Strandquist • Ann Strey FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCE Darci Cyr Mia Hendrickson Kay Huhner • Meghan Jones Janice Svaren MATHEMATICS Randy Bailey • Len Bierlein Kathryn Bochman Geri Feiock Mike Haugh Teresa Hayne Travis Lee Bonnie Pendergast • Shane Peters Dennis Petrich Kelly Sherwin Patty Sherwin Jennifer Snobeck Tom Strey Troy Swanson Mike Tomlinson Carrie Vollmer MUSIC AND DANCE Anna Bachman Greg Douma Brian Duffy Bill Henry • Frank Pasquerella Jenny Raiche Judy Sagen PHYSICAL EDUCATION/ WELLNESS/SAFETY EDUCATION Mary Dye Rebecca Egan Michael Gibbons Paul Goetz Mark Groebner Shannon Humbert Tony Olsen Deb Peterson • Sarah Rutherford Deb Willerscheidt-Olson SCIENCE Emily Barkley Bradley Coulthart Kevin Engstrom Todd Frost Carolyn Fruin Amanda Gavin Julie Geiselhart Gerry Hill Bridget Michalek Ben Nelson Jane Porterfield Michelle Schaffer Tom Sharp Erin Shaw Mark Tollefson • Dustin Zachman SOCIAL STUDIES Todd Beach Mary Carberry • Michelle Dumonceaux Mark Gerber Kurt Habeck Jodi Hanson Vande Berg • Department Coordinator Todd Hering Rebecca Lieffort Roger Maupin Matt Menne Dave Nord Rob Norris Ginger O’Neill Scott Oxley Richard Purrington Eric Vande Berg James Wagner Dale Wessel SPECIAL SERVICES Jeff Anderson Deb Barloon • Katie Cronin Lori Dauner Nancy Ericson Jorjean Fischer Mike Griffith Michelle Horak Joel Kiekbusch Mary Lokensgard Nancy McLain Ron Morss Sonja Nyssen Deeann Reihsen Ann Soderlind Molly Spencer Gretchen Sundberg Cynthia Welle-LaSalle TECHNOLOGIES ACROSS THE CURRICULUM Nancy Alexander Freddie Berberena WORK PROGRAM Rosanne Gold • Kathleen Newell Daniel Siefert WORLD LANGUAGES Kathleen Aydin Bruce Buscho • Nancy Ericson Laura Gomez Pam Harens Patricia Hoveland Sherrie Jarama Mary Kuettner • Laura Norman Elizabeth Perona Karla Sonnenberg Dianne Telshaw Tracy Walter Jennifer Wattnem GUIDANCE Chris Franken Terri Greener Mary Hanson Becky Keller Anne Scholen Jerry Vollmer • Mark Wanous SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST Dr. Andrea Bie NURSE Peggy Mesarchik CLERICAL Chris Aden Joan Beckmann Beth Bergacker Judy Burns Ellen Connolly Cheryl Cross Laurie Danley Patricia Gerrits Connie Gilson Julie Ginader Judy Hall Barb Highum Lynn Hilton Fatima Idris Cynthia Johnson Sheri Kump Patricia Lindgren Jerril Madsen Diane Mathews Dea McEachern Sue McKinley Carla Norris Geraldine Sauser Lorraine Sherwin Joleen Skolte Kristin Strom Dave Telshaw Roxanne Thompson Mary Jo Verhaeghe Rosann Weber Julie Wilharm Debbie Winslow Lori Daniels Roger Fahrenkrug Brian Fischer • Curtis Mark Hermanson Linda Karlson Mark Kesti Jeffrey Lawrence Hun Ngor Hanh Nguyen Tom Steinle Roger Thompson FOOD SERVICE Barbara Alexon Nancee Bohlke Mary Kay Duerr Jo Gagnon Kay Kaus Jean Martin • Diane McGuffee Joanne Mueller Karen Phillips Tracy Rosenquist Barbara Schauer Vicki Shafer Lynn Shank CUSTODIAL Thomas Beckers John Blom Thomas Brown • Department Coordinator