“Fanfare and Hymn of the Brotherhood” ..........................................................................Jay Bocook
“America the Beautiful” ..............................................................................................Carmen Dragon
Eastview High School Band – Director, Frank Pasquerella
(Please stand for the Processional)
“Pomp and Circumstance” .......................................................................................Edward Elgar
Eastview High School Band – Director, Frank Pasquerella
.................................................................... Malorie Booth and Irina Vaynerman
.....................................................................................................Dr. J. Richard Dewey
......................................................................................... James Hohmann
“For Good” ..................................................................................................................... Arr. Mac Huff
“When I Hear Music”.................................................................................................... Michael Martin
Eastview High School Concert Choir – Director, Judy Sagen
Accompanist - Margaret Boehlke
...................................................................................................... Mike Haugh
...................................................Dr. J. Richard Dewey
........................................................................Board of Education
.................. Grant Anderson, Jesse Cabak, Briana Hewitt and Amanda Jadgeo
“Ross Roy” .................................................................................................................. Jacob de Haan
Eastview High School Band – Director, Frank Pasquerella
Daniel Kenneth Aasen
Hassan Mohamed Abdi
Jasmine Latoy Abdullah
Patricia Jean Achterling
Christopher Kevin Adams
Adam Amjad Ahmad
Stephanie Lyn Ake •+ H
Alyssa Jean Alcorn
Hassan Abdi Ali
Charles Lyndon Allen
Justin William Allen
Ryan Robert Allen
Travis Jorge Allen
Kristina Kris Amata
Daniel Jared Ament
Jeffrey N. Amoako
Carl William Andersen
Grant Benjamin Anderson + HHH
Nicole Kathryn Anderson
Andrew Fred Askin
Tyler Aymond
Christopher Allen Babcock +
Christine Marie Balcerzak • H
Bryan L. Balfanz •+ HHH
Ashley Rae Barbosa
Andrew Colon Barone •+ HHH
Jesse Raymond Bassett
Samuel Richard Bauler
Holland Lauren Baxley
Courtney Marie Bear
Kane Michael Bechstein •+
Leigha Jean Beckman
Lyndsey Marie Belbeck
Keesha Marie Bellamy
Christopher Charles Belland
Rebecca Lee Benjamin
Nicholas Robert Bennett
Evan Joseph Bergstrom •+ HHH
Stephanie Ann Besch
Kendyl A. Blasier
Sara Marie Bleeker •+ H
Elizabeth Kathleen Blum •+ HHH
Andrew Lee Bocchi
Mari Holden Boe
Courtney Marie Boeff + H
Victoria Lynn Booth •+ HHH
Andrea Jeanne Boulka
Stuart Allen Boydston
Jaclyn Marie Brabec
Allison Sarah Louise Brakel
Jessica Lynn Brekken
Bryan Charles Bressler
John Patrick Brickley
Stephanie L. Bril
Laura Kristine Bringle
Amber Dawn Britton
Justin P. Brookman
Seth Christopher Brooks
Andrew Leslie Brown
Natalie Ann Brown H
Jacqueline Anne Bruchez
Aryn Rae Brunsen •+ HH
Emily Christine Bryan
Katie Rochelle Brzezinski
Chad Anthony Bublitz
Jeremy Michael Budd
Jennifer Erin Bulmer
Stephanie Anne Burdorf
Andrew David Burkstrand
William Andrew Burnett
Jessica Marie Cabak •+ HHH
Frank Arthur Cacich
Joshua Benjamin Warren Calder HH
Samuel Harrison Cannon
Lindsay Marie Capatina
Colin Michael Carleton
Katherine Ann Carlson
Tasha Ann Carlson •
Blake Alexander Carroll
Leslie Kim Carter
Molly Ann Cedarberg
James Matthew Cenci
Nicholas Joseph Cesarek •+ HHH
Kelley Chan •+ HHH
Jan Thomas Henry Yangco Cheng +
Andrew Cherland
Thomas Michael Chies +
Sara Ann Christenson +
Allen Evan Chung H
Nathaniel Adam Clay
Geoffrey Williams Cleveland
Joseph Robert Louis Coleman
Anne Charlotte Colson
Sarah Elizabeth Comfort
Megan Elizabeth Compas
Robert Martin Conley, Jr.
• National Honor Society
+ President’s Education Award
Honor Graduate
Graduate with High Honors
HHH Graduate with Highest Honors
Amber Lynn Conrade
Tyler Michael Cookas
Christopher William Coyle +
Shauna Noreen Cropsey
Jenna Marie Crumrine
Erin Rochelle Curley
Justin Paul Dahlke
Lindsay Morgan Dallas •+ H
Aaron Michael Dally +
Madison Harriet Darud
Katie Marie Debele
Allison Eileen DeBord •+ HH
Timothy Daniel DeBord H
Joseph Michael DeFrance
Derek Leon Dendy
Michael Books Deweese
Erik John Didrikson HHH
Sarah Katherine Dipasquale + HHH
Zachary Ronald Dorken +
Siri Rebecca Dove H
Joshua William Doyle
Mitchell Scott Dreier •+ HH
James Donald Droske
Andrew James Dunphy
Rob Michael Eilers
Alexandra Marie Elfner
Natalie May Elfner
Miles Joseph Eliason
Amanda Marie Ellsworth
Eric Casey Engstrom
Jared Carl Erickson •+ HH
Michael David Fangmeier •+ HH
Stephen Andrew Fashant
Amy Corinne Ferguson
Alyssa Ann Field
Jessica Lynn Fields •+ HHH
Karin Veronica Fischer
Daniel Patrick Fitzgerald
Whitney Marie Flohr + HHH
Ryan James Flugaur
Grant Edward Frame
Catherine Jean Frank H
Joshua Michael Franklin
Julie Ann Franzen
Michael Roy Freeman
Dillon Edwin Freidlund
Jonathan Eli Friedman + HHH
Michael John Fries
Rachel Anne Gallagher •+ HH
Natalie Evelyn Gansmoe
Christopher Joseph Gant
Amy Marie Gates
Alicia Torres Geary
Benjamin James Geary •+ HH
Pamela Carrie Gehrke •+ H
Emilee Anne Gelhaye
Travis Michael Genest
Matthew John Gephart
Nicholas William Gessell
Michael Patrick Gilmore
Amy Marie Gold •+ HH
Kyle Joseph Gold
Jacob Alexander Gotler
Lisa Marie Graf + H
Michael Alan Graves HHH
Nathan David Graves +
Steven Robert Graves
Valerie Lynn Green •+ H
Andrew Lee Greseth + H
Brent Robert Grolla
Daniel Thomas Gustafson + HHH
Tayci Valynn Gustafson
Johnathan Ivan Gutierrez
Rebecca Charlotte Habegger •+ H
Lucas Edwin Hafstad H
Michael Spencer Hagaman
Eric Theodore Hagen
Michael Douglas Hagen
Sarah Lynn Hagen
Corey Vincent Hale
Robert Nicholas Hambrock •+ HHH
Nicholas Donald Hammer
Paul Nicholas Hanninen •+ H
Chelsea Michele Hansell + H
Bryan James Hansen
Kristen Marie Hanson •+ HHH
Matthew Ross Hart •+ H
Briana Kiernan Hassett •+ HH
Rebecca Jean Havlicek
Stephanie Judith Hayes
Andrew James Heaton
Colleen Elizabeth Hegarty
Jonathan Brian Heinemann •+
Jennifer Jean Henderson •+ HHH
Nathan William Henry •+ HHH
Nicole Terese Heppelmann •+ HHH
Thomas Khouaker Her
Briana Corina Hewitt • H
Roland Michael Wellington Higgs, II +
Daniel Lee Hildebrandt
Chelsea Lynn Hinckley + H
Eric Hadley Hinderaker • HHH
Elizabeth Catherine Hinke
Kyle E. Hofer
Jenny Soh-Eun Hofferber HH
James Michael Hoffman
Marette Leigh Hoffman +
James Paul Hohmann •+ HHH
Molly Margaret Hokkanen H
Bethany Joy Holien
Julianne Mary Holt +
Chad R. Howard
Wendell Allen Hudspeth
Jessica Marie Hunter + HH
Nam Hai Huynh
Vincent DePaul Hyde
Lydia Anne Iglesia
Desiree Danyelle Issa
Joshua Alan Jacobs
Amanda Devi Jagdeo • H
Ashley Jarvis James
Ryan Davindra James
Tracy Elizabeth Jenks
Matthew Paul Jesse + H
Megan Leigh Jilk
Nathan Allen Jimerson
Nicholas Andrew Jimerson
Cody C. Jirava
Erik Dieter Johnsen + HH
Austin Richard Johnson
Breanna Latoy Johnson
Justin Allan Johnson + HHH
Matthew Allen Johnson
Timothy Matthew Johnson +
Tyson Taylor Johnson
Zachary Allen Johnson
Natalie Jean Jones + H
Kelsey Ann Joosten •+ HH
Alicia Marie Kading H
Jeffrey Pierce Kallas
Allison Michelle Kariya + H
Joseph Howard Kaufmann
Michelle Joyce Kaus
Kaylin Anne Keating
Joshua Bryan Keeler
Erin Elizabeth Keller
Darren Lawrence Kent
Casey Dawn Kestler H
Kathryn A. Kidwell
Alexa M. King •+ HHH
Tanya Lea King
Halley Stephanie Klemm
Chris Alan Knoepfler + HHH
Phil L. Knudson
Ashley Ann Kocer
Joshua Neal Kor
Justin Dennis Kor
Shriya Kothur • H
Erin LouVicia Kranz
Jennifer Jean Kraus
Sarah Elizabeth Krautheim • H
Justin Eric Krech
John Ryan Kristoff •+ H
Anthony John Kuehne •+ HH
Andrew Hardy Gohlike Kuester
Casey Jay Kuester HH
Michael Paul Lallier
Michael Kent Landerholm
Allison Marie Larson
Joseph Gillette Larson
Nicholas Andrew Larson
Nicole Elizabeth Larson •+ H
Sarah Kate LaRue
Jerod Daniel Lass + H
Christina Ngoctran Le
Michael Douglas Lebeis
Nancy Lee
Daniel Seth Leeman •+ HH
Alexander Bradley Lemaire
Cora Denae Lenz
Christine Marie Lesch
Ashley Lynn Leschyshyn
Jessica Anne Lewis
Mandee Elizabeth Liberty
Andrea Renee Lieder •+ H
Ryan Michael Liggett
Michael Jeffrey Lindsay H
Duston Taylor Littlefield
Nicole Lynn Litzner •+ H
Megan Marie Loeck
Emily Marie Lother
Erin Ruth Lowinske +
Laura Beth Luchka + HH
Heather Nicole Lucken
Charles Richard Lukanen
Blaine Andrew Lukens
Kristin Annika Lund
Paul Donald Lundberg
Teresa Lee Lundin
Ryan William Lungstrom
Caitlin Marie Lynch •+ H
Ryan Lee Maas
Cassandra Marie Malkow
Steven Whitney Mann
Heather Sarah Manthey
Steven James Marek
Kristian Andrew Marinello +
Jason Kyle Martin
Andrea Rose Mason
Nicholas Steven Maxson
John McGavock McConnell
Maitland Ross McConnell
Lauren Connor McCormick
Michelle Dawn McCumber H
Crystal Marie McDevitt
Michael Andrew McDonough
Chantel Ashley McGrath
Megan Elizabeth McHugh
Chad Michael McKay
Madison Kathleen McKay
Stephanie Lynn McKenzie •
Candice Alice McLean
Stephen Gabriel McMoore
Austin Wesley Meade
Jessica Amy Mehl
William Ross Meiklejohn +
Jason Edwin Meinke
Brock Thomas Melander •+ HHH
Scott Gregory Menk
Mark Joe Mense
Kevin James Metcalf •+ HHH
Carey Irene Meyer
Michael Andrew Michuda • H
Kevin Brennan Miller
Luke Anthony Miller
Michael Thomas Miller
Timothy Louis Mills
Soma Minasie
Kamm Zachary Modrynski
Ashraf Osman Mohamed
Burhan Mohamed
John Michael Molinari
Tyler Krisorn Moore
Erin Elizabeth Moran •+ H
Jessica Lynn Moran
Katherine Rose Mraz •+ H
Matthew Victor Mulcahy
Jason Ryan Murphy
Trevor Patrick Murphy + H
Erin Elizabeth Mussoni H
Teisha Marie Mustonen
John Gregory Muzic + H
Sara Tesmer Naegeli • H
Katia Nazaryants
Alexander Travous Nee
Meron Eshetu Negussie
Adam John Nelson
Joshua Michael Nelson • H
Justine Rae Nelson
Tasha Marisa Nembhard
Christina Alexis Newland
Lyle Royce Newman •+ HHH
Dana Vo Nguyen
Lisa Nguyen H
Britta Kate Nicholson •+ HHH
Thomas Charles Noll
Cory James Nordahl
Sarah Elizabeth Novacek
Calla Jo Oftedahl
Corey Scott Olson H
John Richard Olson
Justin James Olson
Tanya Kay Olson
Timothy Jacob Olson
Jeff Michael Omelian
Jennifer Marie Ortendahl
Krista Marie Osadchuk •+ H
Sarah Lynne Osborne
Ryan Mark Oscarson
Venessa Pilling Ostergaard
Brandon Miguel Ostgard
Nathaniel Peter Ostroushko
Breanna Jean Overland
Erik Ronald Overlid HH
Nicholas V. Palmby
Jin Hyuk Park
Aisha Avinash Patel
Krista Rose Patient
Hannah Claire Paulson •+ H
Mark Evan Payne
Tana Marie Pekarek
Stephanie Frances Pesta •+ HH
Katina Lynn Petersen •+ HHH
Alyssa Ann Peterson
Ashley Marie Peterson
Kate Elizabeth Peterson
Matthew Alan Peterson
Peter Nhay Phetsavong
Shannen Nicole Pickens +
Amber Nicole Picone •+ HHH
Leanne Lorraine Piette
Ben David Polansky
Scott Matthew Polansky + HHH
Stephen Sean Ponce •+ H
Diane Elaine Pottratz • H
Emily Marie Prater
Benjamin Joseph-Braaten Pratt
Adam Nicholas Preston
Lisa Ashley Pugh H
Alecia Marie Puppe •
Jessica Ann Rademacher
Christine Ann Ramsay
Andrew Timms Rannells
Randi C. Raslack
Tarah Maureen Regan •+ HHH
Patrick A. Reiber
Jonathan David Reiners
Jennifer Thiffault Reinke H
Megan Brynne Reishus •+
Kathryn Lynn Richardson
Nicholas Paul Riippa
Maria Ann Robideau
Tricia Lynn Rogers
Samantha Joelle Rondeau •+ H
April Lynn Rose
Travis Brian Rotegard
Kelsey Marie Rowley
Inna Royzenfeld
Ryan David Ruckdashel •
Danielle Lynn Rud • H
Elling Christian Rusten
Danielle Renae Rux •+ H
Allison Ray Sackter
Malaythong Saengsouriya
Aisha Sundiata DeLusia Samuels
Andrew Jason Samuels
Alex Ryan Sandrock
Nicholas Scott Sarff
Judith Ann Sauer
Jolene Lynn Saunders
Debbie Bee Saycocie
Jennifer L. Schneider
Joshua Philip Schneider
Steven Barry Scholl H
Christopher Cody Schram
Emily A Schulzetenberg
Elise Marie Schwartz
Brandon Michael Schweim
Stacy Lee Seglem
Christopher Michael Selchow
Ali Marie Shackelford
Terrence Daniel Sheridan
Amy Lynn Shields
Katelin Patricia Shiels
Luke Jacob Sidler
Justin Michael Simonson
Christopher Todd Sipe
Seth Grayson Smart H
Ashley Patricia Smidl
Gergo Daniel Smuta
Ryan Daniel Soderholm
Stephen Erik Soderlund
Leigh Jacquelyn Solberg
Erica Ellen Solmonson
Jimmy Souvannavong
Andrew John Speidel
Kenneth Michael Sprague
Brian Patrick Spring
Gregory James Springer + HHH
Kelli Lynn Sroka
Matthew Albert St. Martin
Cori Christine Stanek H
Rachel Ann Stark
Kyle James Starkson
Matthew James Steele
Matthew David Steele
Kelsey Bree Steinman
Vivien Margot Stender
Alexander Rick Stevens
Cory Daniel Stewart +
Matthew Celestino Storland
Melanie Adoracion Storland
Christin Su
Blair Maureen Sullivan
Aleecia Jean Svien
Krista Emily Swanson H
Anna Ruth Talafous +
Jeffrey Allan Tate + HHH
Michael David Taverna
Lindsey Marie Taylor
Allison Joy Terlizzi • H
Sierra Rose Terrell
Luke X. Thao
Jonathan David Thompson
Shauna Lynn Thompson •+ HH
Tara Marie Thompson
Jack Thomas Thurnblad •+ HH
Stephen Paul Totushek Titcombe + H
Ali Marie Torborg •+ HH
Juan Carlos Torres
Tony T. Tran
Ashley Paige Trimble
Thuy Kim Trinh • H
Christopher Darius Tripp
Jaime Kay Aiko Tsurusaki
Becca Paige Turnbull
Jourdan Leigh Ulrich
Jenna Vera Van Beck + H
Andrew Michael Vankempen
Kevin Ngoc Vi
Bryan W. Viau
Chanell N. Victor
Madison Anne Vidman
Lewis Joel Vizard
Dana Michael Vorachek
Alex Thomas Voshell
Tianna Marie Vossen
Samuel Stephen Voyles
Daniella Voysey •+ HHH
Alexander John Wagner •+ HH
Geoffrey William Walter
Constance C. Wang
Amy Lynn Waples + H
Derek William Webber
Alyssa Linette Werner • H
Kimberly Kreis Wessel
James Patrick Whittaker
Sarah Brianne Wiese
Katherine Taimi Wilharm • H
Megan Marie Wilkinson
Sadie Elizabeth Williams •+ H
Stacy Ann Williams H
Kyle James Wilson
Kevin Kai-Hong Wong
Samantha Michelle Wood
Joseph Lebern Worrells
Kyle Stephan Writz
Winta Yacob
Natalie Lauren Yarbrough + H
Megan Flint Yeager
Elizabeth Marie Zabinski
Katie Ann Zalesky + HH
Amy Jean Zwiefel
Advanced Placement Scholar
Granted to students who receive grades of 3 or higher on three or more AP Exams on full-year courses (or the equivalent).
Advanced Placement Scholar with Honor
Granted to students who receive an average grade of at least 3.25 on all AP Exams taken, and , grades of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams on full-year courses (or the equivalent).
Advanced Placement Scholar with Distinction
Granted to students who receive an average grade of at least 3.5 on all AP Exams taken, and , grades of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams on full-year courses (or the equivalent).
President’s Education Award
Granted to graduates with a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher and a score of 85% or higher on the ACT, SAT or PSAT test.
Graduate with Honors
Granted to graduates who have an Honors Ranking or are ranked in the top ten percent of the graduating class (regular ranking).
Graduate with High Honors
Granted to honors graduates with a score of 95% or higher on the ACT, SAT or PSAT.
Graduate with Highest Honors
Granted to honors graduates with a score of 98% or higher on the ACT, SAT or PSAT, and 45 or more core classes taken at the AP or honors level.
(2004-2005 School Year)
Jasmine Abdullah
All-State Cheerleading
Patricia J. Achterling
Girl Scout Gold Award
Christopher Adams
Dean’s Scholarship - St. John’s University
Stephanie L. Ake
Gloria Miller Educational Scholarship - SHMS
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Justin Allen
Basketball Scholarship - EVCF
Kristina Amata
Distinguished Journalist - MN HS Press Assoc.
St. Thomas Award - Univ. of St. Thomas
Grant Anderson
Advanced Placement Scholar
Alumni Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus
Congregations Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus
Coca Cola Bottling Midwest Scholarship - EVHS
Debate National Qualifier
Distinguished Journalist - MN HS Press Assoc.
Graduate with Highest Honors
President’s Education Award
President’s Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus
Tyler Aymond
Sport Court Scholarship - EVCF
Christopher Babcock
Academic Scholarship - North Central University
President’s Education Award
President’s Scholarship - Westmont College
Regent’s Scholarship - North Central University
Christine Balcerzak
Alumni Child Scholarship - St. Mary’s University
Christian Brothers Leadership - St. Mary’s Univ.
EVAA General Scholarship - EVCF
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
Presidential Scholarship - St. Mary’s Univ.
Rising Scholar Scholarship - Univ. of No.Dakota
Bryan Balfanz
Award for Competitive Excellence - Iowa State Univ.
Chancellor’s Scholarship - Univ. of Colorado
Graduate with Highest Honors
Kopp Family Scholarship - EVHS
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Purdue Academic Award - Purdue University
Andrew Barone
Advanced Placement Scholar
Graduate with Highest Honors
Honors Scholarship - Kansas State University
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Samuel Bauler
Boys Hockey Scholarship - EVCF
Great Eight Senior All-State Hockey Team
Holland Baxley
All-State Journalist
Eileen Wyatt Scholarship - DPMS
EVHS Cheerleading Scholarship - EVHS
Kopp Family Scholarship - EVHS
Shimek Family Scholarship - EVCF
Kane Bechstein
Football Boosters Scholarship - EVCF
Koch Scholarship - Koch Foundation
Graduate with High Honors
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Leigha Beckman
Academic Scholarship - Iowa State University
St. Thomas Award - Univ. of St. Thomas
Evan Bergstrom
Appointment to the US Air Force Academy
Dean’s Scholar Scholarship - Embry-Riddle
Aeronautics Univ.
Graduate with Highest Honors
National Honor Society
National Merit Scholar - Commended
President’s Education Award
US Air Force ROTC Scholarship - US Air Force
Sara Bleeker
Dean’s Scholarship - Bethel College
Dean’s Scholarship - Cornell College
ExCEL Award Nominee - EVHS
Girls’ Soccer Scholarship - EVCF
Honor Graduate
Lorette Lackey Scholarship - So. Dakota State Univ.
Methodist Leadership Award - Cornell College
National Honor Society
Presidential Freedom Scholarship - EVHS
President’s Education Award
St. Olaf Scholarship - St. Olaf College
Elizabeth Blum
Advanced Placement Scholar
Graduate with Highest Honors
National Honor Society
Presidential Award - Indiana University
President’s Education Award
Andrew Bocchi
Athletic Scholarship - Concordia University
Courtney Boeff
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
Victoria Booth
Advanced Placement Scholar
Anchor Bank Scholarship - EVHS
Bryn Mawr Book Award
Chancellor’s Scholarship - U of M
Excellence Scholarship - Concordia College
Graduate with Highest Honors
Minnesota Gold Scholarship - U of M
National Honor Society
National Honor Society Scholarship
National Merit Scholar - Commended
National Spanish Exam - High Scorer
Presidential Scholarship - St. Olaf College
President’s Education Award
Regent’s Scholarship - Luther College
Speech State Qualifier
Weston Noble Music Scholarship - Luther College
Justin Brookman
Imagine Scholarship - Career College Foundation
Natalie Brown
Carthage Endowed Scholarship - Carthage
Dean’s Scholarship - Carthage
Honor Graduate
Jacqueline Bruchez
Academic All-State Track and Field
All-State Track and Field
American Legion Scholarship - American Legion
Multi-Sport Scholarship - EVCF
Region Champion Track and Field
Aryn Brunsen
Graduate with High Honors
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Jessica Cabak
Academic Scholarship - Univ. of St. Thomas
Advanced Placement Scholar
EVHS Student Council Scholarship - EVHS
Excellence Scholarship - Concordia College
Graduate with Highest Honors
Phillips Family Scholarship - U of M
National Honor Society
National Honor Society Scholarship
Presidential Scholarship - U of M
President’s Education Award
President’s Scholarship - Bethel University
Joshua Calder
Graduate with High Honors
Tasha Carlson
1st Place National NFL Speech
Alumni Scholarship - Indiana University
Casey Vocal Music Scholarship - EVCF
Dean’s Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus
Theatre Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus
Norelius Service Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus
Lake Conference Prose Champion
National Honor Society
Scott Highlands Alumni Scholarship
Speech National Qualifier
Speech State Qualifier
Blake Carroll
Basketball Scholarship - EVCF
Nicholas Cesarek
Advanced Placement Scholar with Distinction
All-State Track and Field
Graduate with Highest Honors
Math Scholarship - EVCF
National Honor Society
National Merit Scholar - Finalist
National Merit Scholarship - Carleton College
National Honor Society Scholarship
President’s Education Award
Kelley Chan
Advanced Placement Scholar
Bunstruck Scholarship - St. Olaf College
Coca Cola Bottling Midwest Scholarship - EVHS
Graduate with Highest Honors
National Honor Society
National Honor Society Scholarship
National Merit Scholar - Commended
President’s Education Award
Speech State Qualifier
Trustee Scholarship - Lawrence University
Jan Cheng
President’s Education Award
Thomas Chies
Dugout Scholarship - EVCF
President’s Education Award
Sara Christenson
President’s Education Award
Sun Devil Scholarship - Arizona State University
Allen Chung
Advanced Placement Scholar
Dream Makers Scholarship - EVCF
Honor Graduate
Purdue Merit Scholarship - Purdue University
Merit Scholarship - Univ. of St. Thomas
St. Thomas Scholarship - Univ. of St. Thomas
Geoffrey Cleveland
Dakota Electric Association Scholarship - EVHS
Christopher Coyle
Boys Golf Scholarship - EVCF
Excellence Scholarship - University of Arizona
President’s Education Award
Shauna Cropsey
Academic Scholarship - Susquehanna University
Academic Scholarship - Wittenberg College
Coca Cola Bottling Midwest Scholarship - EVHS
Tuition Exchange Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus
Erin Curley
Academic Scholarship - Drake University
Advanced Placement Scholar
Lindsay Dallas
Competitive Excellence - Iowa State University
Engineering Scholarship - University of Iowa
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
National Scholars Scholarship - University of Iowa
President’s Education Award
Aaron Dally
National Arts Festival State Champion
President’s Education Award
Madison Darud
Girls Hockey Scholarship - EVCF
Allison DeBord
Advanced Placement Scholar
Coca Cola Bottling Midwest Scholarship - EVHS
Graduate with High Honors
National Honor Society
National Merit Scholar - Commended
President’s Education Award
Timothy DeBord
Advanced Placement Scholar
Honor Graduate
Joseph DeFrance
All-State Track and Field
EVAA Scholarship - Eastview Athletic Assoc.
President’s Scholarship - St. John’s University
St. Thomas Award - Univ. of St. Thomas
St. Thomas Scholarship - Univ. of St. Thomas
Erik Didrikson
Advanced Placement Scholar
Classic Debate State Qualifier
Dean’s Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus
Graduate with Highest Honors
Gustavus Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus
H.M.J. Klein Scholarship - Franklin and Marshall
National Debate Qualifier
Norelius Service Award - Gustavus Adolphus
President’s Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus
State Champion Classic Debate
Voice of Democracy Scholarship - VFW
Sarah Dipasquale
Advanced Placement Scholar
Graduate with Highest Honors
President’s Education Award
Zachary Dorken
President’s Education Award
Siri Dove
Academic Award - Winona State University
Honor Graduate
Olson Presidential Scholarship - Luther College
Mitchell Dreier
ABC Membership Scholarship
Academic Award - Michigan Technological Univ.
All-State Editor
All-State Journalist
Anderson Scholarship - Michigan Tech. Univ.
Football Scholar Athlete Scholarship - EVCF
Graduate with High Honors
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Alexandra Elfner
American Co-Ed Pageant Academic Scholarship
Miss Minnesota Teen 2004
Jared Erickson
Academic Scholarship - Pacific Lutheran Univ.
Alumni Scholarship - Illinois Wesleyan Univ.
Eagle Scout - Boy Scouts of America
Excellence Scholarship - Concordia College
Graduate with High Honors
Music Scholarship - Concordia College
National Honor Society
Presidential Scholarship - Valparaiso University
President’s Education Award
Regent’s Scholarship - Augsburg College
Michael Fangmeier
Advanced Placement Scholar
Eagle Scout - Boy Scouts of America
Graduate with High Honors
Music Scholarship - St. John’s University
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Regents’/Trustees’ Scholarship - St. John’s Univ.
Amy Ferguson
Apple Valley Rotary Scholarship - EVHS
Pemberton Dream Makers Scholarship - EVCF
Speech State Qualifier
Student Council Scholarship - EVHS
Alyssa Field
Academic Award - Winona State University
Legacy Scholarship - University of Nebraska
Jessica Fields
Academic Scholarship - Earlham College
Academic Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus
Academic Scholarship - Lawrence University
Academic Scholarship - Ripon College
Academic Scholarship - Univ. of St. Thomas
Advanced Placement Scholar
Bunstruck Scholarship - St. Olaf College
Graduate with Highest Honors
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Whitney Flohr
Advanced Placement Scholar with Honors
American Math Contest High Scorer
Graduate with Highest Honors
National Merit Finalist
President’s Education Award
Woodworth Scholarship - Washington University
Ryan Flugaur
2004 HS Page - MN House of Representatives
Kopp Family Scholarship - EVHS
St. Thomas Scholarship - Univ. of St. Thomas
Catherine Frank
Academic Scholarship - St. Mary’s University
Academic Scholarship - University of Iowa
Advanced Placement Scholar
Honor Graduate
National Spanish Exam - High Scorer
Michael Freeman
LaCrosse Scholarship - EVCF
Jonathan Friedman
Advanced Placement Scholar with Distinction
Bentson Family Scholarship - U of M
Graduate with Highest Honors
Math Student of the Year Scholarship - EVCF
National Merit Scholar - Commended
President’s Education Award
Young America Bowling Alliance Scholarship
Rachel Gallagher
All-State Orchestra
Buntrock Scholarship - St. Olaf College
Graduate with High Honors
Music Performance Scholarship - St. Olaf College
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
U of M Honor Band
Wells Fargo Scholarship - Wells Fargo Bank
Amy Gates
Speech Region Champion
Speech State Qualifier
State Champion Speech
Benjamin Geary
Graduate with High Honors
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Pamela Gehrke
Academic Scholarship - Iowa State University
Advanced Placement Scholar
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Michael Gilmore
Veronica Founder’s Scholarship - Alvernia College
Amy Gold
Academic All-State Softball
Advanced Placement Scholar
EVAA Softball Scholarship - EVCF
Graduate with High Honors
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Jacob Gotler
Academic Scholarship - U of M
Casey Family Scholarship - EVCF
Lisa Graf
Honor Graduate
Presidential Scholarship - Univ. of Sioux Falls
President’s Education Award
Michael Graves
Graduate with Highest Honors
Nathan Graves
President’s Education Award
Valerie Green
Award for Competitive Excellence - Iowa State Univ.
Dance Team Scholarship - EVCF
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Roger Thompson Scholarship - EVCF
Andrew Greseth
Academic Excellence Scholarship - Michigan
Technological University
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
Daniel Gustafson
Advanced Placement Scholar
Graduate with Highest Honors
President’s Education Award
Rebecca Habegger
All-State Choir
Alumni Talent Scholarship - Illinois Wesleyan Univ.
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Speech State Qualifier
Lucas Hafstad
Honor Graduate
Robert Hambrock
Academic Excellence Award - Michigan Tech. Univ.
Academic Success Award - Purdue University
Advanced Placement Scholar
All-State Jazz Band
Boys’ Nation Senator
Eagle Scout w/Bronze Palm - Boy Scouts of America
Graduate with Highest Honors
Indianhead Council Eagle Scout Scholarship
Math Scholarship - EVCF
National Honor Society
Outstanding Boys’ Stater
President’s Education Award
U of M Honor Band
West Group Scholarship - Eagan Foundation
Paul Hanninen
Academic Scholarship - Iowa State University
Flint Hills Scholarship - EVHS
Honor Graduate
MN Family Council Scholarship - Postal Cr. Union
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Shimek Family Scholarship - EVCF
St. Thomas Award - Univ. of St. Thomas
Sun Devil Scholarship - Arizona State University
Chelsea Hansell
Coca Cola Bottling Midwest Scholarship - EVHS
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
Kristen Hanson
Academic All-State Softball
Advanced Placement Scholar
Graduate with Highest Honors
National Honor Society
National Merit Scholar - Commended
President’s Education Award
Matthew Hart
Advanced Placement Scholar
Honor Graduate
Iron Range Scholarship - U of M
Kopp Family Scholarship - EVHS
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
US Bank Scholarship - US Bank
Briana Hassett
Academic All-State Basketball
Academic All-State Softball
Academic Scholarship - U of M
All-American Softball
All-State Fastpitch Softball
All-State Girls Basketball
Athena Award
Athletic Scholarship - Creighton University
Athletic Scholarship - U of M
Female Amateur Athlete Finalist - Lion’s Club
First Team All-State Softball
Graduate with High Honors
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Wendy’s Heisman Award
Jonathan Heinemann
Aaron Douglas Scholarship - Univ. of Nebraska
Chancellor Leadership Award - Univ. of Nebraska
E and D Scholarship - E and D Schulz
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Region Speech Champion
Speech State Qualifier
Jennifer Henderson
Advanced Placement Scholar
All-State Journalist
Graduate with Highest Honors
Iron Range Scholarship - U of M
Phillips Family Scholarship - U of M
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Nathan Henry
Academic Scholarship - Northwestern University
Advanced Placement Scholar
All-State Jazz Band
All-State Jazz Ensemble - MN Music Ed. Assoc.
American Math Contest High Scorer
Engineering Merit Scholarship - Univ. of So. Calif.
Gioe Family AAA Scholarship - EVCF
Graduate with Highest Honors
Louis Armstrong Jazz Award - EVHS
National Honor Society
National Merit Scholar - Commended
Presidential Scholarship - Univ. of So. Calif.
President’s Education Award
Nicole Heppelmann
Advanced Placement Scholar
Dean’s Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus
Graduate with Highest Honors
Ignatius Academic Scholarship - Marquette Univ.
Magis Scholarship - Marquette University
National Honor Society
Norelius Service Award - Gustavus Adolphus
President’s Education Award
President’s Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus
Briana Hewitt
Academic All-State Softball
Congregations Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus
Dean’s Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus
EVAA Softball Scholarship - EVCF
EVHS Student Council Scholarship - EVHS
Honor Graduate
HSD Program at Princeton University
National Honor Society
Norelius Service Award - Gustavus Adolphus
USHSD Program in Japan - AIU Ins. Co., Tokyo
Roland Higgs
Cal Murphy Scholarship - University of Montana
Football Boosters Scholarship - EVCF
Legacy Foundation Scholarship - Univ. of Montana
National Merit Scholar - Commended
President’s Education Award
Daniel Hildebrandt
Football Boosters Scholarship - EVCF
Chelsea Hinckley
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
Eric Hinderaker
Advanced Placement Scholar with Honor
Graduate with Highest Honors
National Honor Society
National Merit Scholar - Semi-Finalist
Kyle Hofer
EVAA Scholarship - EVCF
Jenny Hofferber
Graduate with High Honors
James Hoffman
EVHS LaCrosse Scholarship - EVCF
Marette Hoffman
President’s Education Award
Regent’s Scholarship - Augsburg College
James Hohmann
Advanced Placement Scholar with Distinction
All-Minnesota Editor - MN State HS Press Assoc.
Eagle Scout - Boy Scouts of America
Flint Hills Resources Scholarship - EVHS
Graduate with Highest Honors
Hugh O’Brien Youth Leadership
Impax Dream Makers Scholarship - EVCF
MHSPA All-State Journalist
National Congressional Debate Qualifier
National Honor Society
National Honor Society Scholarship
National Honor Society Scholarship - NHS
National Lincoln Douglas Debate Qualifier
Order of the Arrow - Boy Scouts of America
Premier Distinction Award - Natl Forensic League
Presidential Scholarship - Geo Washington Univ.
President’s Education Award
Service Award - Sons of the American Revolution
Silver Palm Award - Boy Scouts of America
Speech National Champion Natl Forensic League
Speech National Qualifier
Speech State Qualifier
State Champion Debate
Voice of Democracy Scholarship - VFW Post 5833
Washington Crossing Foundation Scholarship
Molly Hokkanen
Honor Graduate
Bethany Holien
Academic Achievement Award - Luther College
Academic Award - Winona State University
Excellence Scholarship - Concordia College
Julianne Holt
President’s Education Award
Wendell Hudspeth
Shimek Family Scholarship - EVCF
Jessica Hunter
Advanced Placement Scholar
Graduate with High Honors
President’s Education Award
Amanda Jagdeo
EVHS Student Council Scholarship - EVHS
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
Matthew Jesse
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
Erik Johnsen
Graduate with High Honors
President’s Education Award
Justin A. Johnson
Advanced Placement Scholar with Distinction
Financial Services Mgt. Champion - DECA
EVAA Scholarship - EVCF
Graduate with Highest Honors
Lake Conf. Academic Interscholastic Award
National Math Exam - High Scorer
President’s Distinguished Scholarship - U of M
President’s Education Award
Undergraduate Advisory Board Scholarship-
Carlson School of Management
Timothy Johnson
President’s Education Award
Tyson Johnson
Eagle Scout - Boy Scouts of America
Order of Arrow - Boy Scouts of America
Silver Pathfinder - Boy Scouts of America
Zachary Johnson
Academic All-State Basketball
All-State Basketball
Athletic Scholarship - Augustana
Athletic Scholarship - Bemidji State
EVAA Basketball Scholarship - EVCF
Natalie Jones
All-State Editor - MN HS Press Assoc.
All-State Journalist - MN HS Press Assoc.
Excellence Scholarship - Northeastern Univ.
Honor Graduate
Mark Twain Scholarship - University of Missouri
President’s Education Award
Sun Devil Scholarship - Arizona State University
Kelsey Joosten
Graduate with High Honors
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
St. Thomas Award - Univ. of St. Thomas
Alicia Kading
Advanced Placement Scholar
Honor Graduate
Allison Kariya
Ace Scholarship - Iowa State University
Geo Washington Carver Scholarship - Iowa St. Univ.
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
Michelle Kaus
Academic Scholarship - Creighton University
All Metro First Team Basketball - Star Tribune
All State First Team Basketball - MN Coaches Assoc.
All Tournament Team - Basketball
All-Star Game Basketball - MSHCA
All-State Basketball
All-State Basketball Hon. Mention - Pioneer Press
All-State Basketball Hon. Mention - Star Tribune
Athletic Scholarship - Creighton University
EVAA Basketball Scholarship - EVCF
Joshua Keeler
EVAA Basketball Scholarship - EVCF
Darren Kent
All Tournament Team Basketball
All-State Basketball
Athletic Scholarship - Kansas State University
Basketball Booster Scholarship - EVCF
Casey Kestler
Honor Graduate
Kathryn Kidwell
Belle Sorenson Scholarship - U of M
Weston Noble Music Scholarship - Luther College
Alexa King
Advanced Placement Scholar
Alumni Memorial Scholarship - Colgate Univ.
Graduate with Highest Honors
Math Scholarship - EVCF
National Honor Society
National Merit Scholar - Commended
Presidential Scholarship - Drake University
President’s Education Award
Chris Knoepfler
Advanced Placement Scholar with Distinction
Graduate with Highest Honors
Lincoln Douglas Debate State Qualifier
National Merit Scholar - Commended
President’s Education Award
Shriya Kothur
Schumacher Scholarship - Fairview Ridges Hosp.
Medical Staff Scholarship - Fairview Ridges Hosp.
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
Speech State Qualifier
Sarah Krautheim
Academic Scholarship - Iowa State University
Achievement Scholarship - Clark University
Advanced Placement Scholar
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
John Kristoff
Advanced Placement Scholar
Centennial Scholarship - DePaul University
Honor Graduate
Ignatius Scholarship - Marquette University
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Anthony Kuehne
Academic Scholarship - Marquette University
Graduate with High Honors
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Casey Kuester
Advanced Placement Scholar
Graduate with High Honors
Japan Bowl - Japan America Society
Nicole Larson
Academic Scholarship - U of M
Advanced Placement Scholar
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
President’s Scholarship - College of St. Benedict
Chemistry Scholarship - Skip Niman Foundation
Sarah LaRue
EVHS Cheerleading Scholarship - EVHS
Jerod Lass
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
Christina Le
Health Services Scholarship - Fairview Ridges Hosp.
Daniel Leeman
Advanced Placement Scholar
All-State Band
Bjorling Music Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus
Garry Family Vocal Scholarship - EVCF
Graduate with High Honors
Music Scholarship - Concordia College
Music Scholarship - Bethel University
National Honor Society
Norelius Service Award - Gustavus Adolphus
Presidential Award - Concordia College
President’s Education Award
President’s Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus
Regent’s Scholarship - Luther College
Weston Noble Music Scholarship - Bethel Univ.
Jessica Lewis
Distinguished Scholarship - U of M
Andrea Lieder
Advanced Placement Scholar
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
President’s Scholarship - College of St. Benedict
Michael Lindsay
Academic Scholarship - Bethel University
Honor Graduate
Nicole Litzner
Dream Makers Scholarship - EVCF
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Erin Lowinske
President’s Education Award
Laura Luchka
Graduate with High Honors
President’s Education Award
Heather Lucken
Sport Court Entrepreneur Scholarship - EVCF
Charles Lukanen
Athletic Scholarship - U of M
Lion’s All-State Baseball
Caitlin Lynch
Academic All-State Track and Field
Academic Scholarship - University of Tulsa
All-State Track and Field
Athletic Scholarship - University of Tulsa
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Region Champion Track and Field
Steven Marek
Dean’s Scholarship - St. John’s University
Eagle Scout - Boy Scouts of America
Music Scholarship - St. John’s University
Kristian Marinello
President’s Education Award
Lauren McCormick
St. Thomas Award - Univ. of St. Thomas
Michelle McCumber
Academic Award - Univ. of St. Thomas
EVAA Basketball Scholarship - EVCF
Food and Nutrition Scholarship - EVHS
Honor Graduate
Padgett Business Service Scholarship
Stephanie McKenzie
All-State Editor - MN HS Press Assoc.
National Honor Society
Presidential Scholarship - St. Cloud State Univ.
Jessica Mehl
Academic Scholarship - Cornell College
Augustana Scholarship - Augustana College
Presidential Scholarship - Wartburg College
William Meiklejohn
President’s Education Award
The “Flash” Scholarship - EVCF
Brock Melander
Advanced Placement Scholar
Graduate with Highest Honors
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Scott Menk
Speech State Qualifier
Kevin Metcalf
Graduate with Highest Honors
National Honor Society
National Merit Scholar - Commended
President’s Education Award
Michael Michuda
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
Timothy Mills
All-State Band
Music Scholarship - Univ. of Wisc.
U of M Honor Band
Ashraf Mohamed
Midwest Vending Scholarship - EVHS
Shimek Family Scholarship - EVCF
Erin Moran
Academic Honor Scholarship - Univ. of Wisc.
Dick Hanson Scholarship - EVHS
Kopp Presidential Scholarship - Univ. of Wisc.
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Katherine Mraz
Honor Graduate
Music Scholarship - Coe College
National Honor Society
Nursing Scholarship - EVCF
Presidential Academic Scholarship - Coe College
Presidential Award - Drake University
President’s Education Award
Writing Fellowship Scholarship - Coe College
Matthew Mulcahy
EVAA Baseball Scholarship - EVCF
Trevor Murphy
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
Shimek Family Scholarship - EVCF
Erin Mussoni
Advanced Placement Scholar
Alcan Scholarship - Alcan Inc.
Honor Graduate
John Muzic
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
Sara Naegeli
Academic Scholarship - U of M
Dean’s Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
Katia Nazaryants
St. Thomas Award - Univ. of St. Thomas
Adam Nelson
Community Leadership Award - EVCF
Eagle Scout - Boy Scouts of America
Joshua Nelson
Academic Scholarship - Univ. of North Dakota
American Legion Scholarship - Post 1776
Athletic Scholarship - University of North Dakota
Alumni Scholarship - Diamond Path Elementary
EVHS Dugout Scholarship - EVCF
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
Leadership Scholarship - Univ. of North Dakota
Scott Highlands Alumni Scholarship
Tasha Nembhard
Apple Valley Rotary Scholarship - EVHS
Casey Dream Makers Scholarship - EVCF
Lyle Newman
Advanced Placement Scholar
Casey Family Multi Sport Scholarship - EVCF
Distinguished Journalist - MN HS Press Assoc.
Eagle Scout - Boy Scouts of America
Graduate with Highest Honors
Leadership Award - Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst.
National Honor Society
National Scholars Scholarship - Univ. of Iowa
Order of the Arrow - Boy Scouts of America
President’s Education Award
Snyder Scholarship - Lehigh University
U of M Honor Band
Lisa Nguyen
Honor Graduate
Sport Court Scholarship - EVCF
Britta Nicholson
Academic Scholarship - Northwestern University
Advanced Placement Scholar
All State Journalist - MN HS Press Assoc.
American Math Contest High Scorer
Annenberg Scholar - University of So. California
Bentson Family Scholarship - U of M
Dean’s Scholarship - Pepperdine University
Dean’s Scholarship - U of M
Graduate with Highest Honors
Natl Council of Teachers of English Writing Award
National Honor Society
National Merit Scholar - Commended
President’s Education Award
Scholastic Writing Award
Trustee Scholarship - University of So. California
Corey Olson
Honor Graduate
Krista Osadchuk
Advanced Placement Scholar
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Sarah Osborne
Dream Makers Scholarship - EVCF
Venessa Ostergaard
All-State Track and Field
Athletic Scholarship - Bradley University
Erik Overlid
Graduate with High Honors
Nicholas Palmby
Academic Scholarship - Univ. of St. Thomas
St. Thomas Award - Univ. of St. Thomas
Aisha Patel
Dream Makers Scholarship - EVCF
Hannah Paulson
Advanced Placement Scholar
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
U of M Honor Band
Mark Payne
St. Thomas Award - Univ. of St. Thomas
Stephanie Pesta
Graduate with High Honors
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Katina Petersen
Academic All-State Track and Field
Advanced Placement Scholar
All-State Track and Field
Presidential Scholarship - Miami Univ.- Ohio
Graduate with Highest Honors
Hegman Scholarship - U of M
Kopp Family Scholarship - EVHS
Math Scholarship - EVCF
Minnesota Gold Scholarship - U of M
National Business Professionals Qualifier
National Honor Society
National Honor Society Scholarship
National Merit Scholar - Finalist
Oxford Scholarship - Miami University - Ohio
Presidential Freedom Scholarship - EVHS
President’s Education Award
Robert Byrd Honors Scholarship - MN Dept. of Ed.
Thomas A. Keller Scholarship - U of M
Waller Scholarship - U of M
Yale Book Award
Shannen Pickens
Academic All-State Dance Team
All-State Dance Team
Coca Cola Bottling Midwest Scholarship - EVHS
Miss Dance Drill Team USA Scholarship
President’s Education Award
Amber Picone
Advanced Placement Scholar
General Scholarship - Miami University
Graduate with Highest Honors
Mary Elwell West Scholarship - Miami University
National Honor Society
Oxford Scholarship - Miami University - Ohio
President’s Education Award
Regent’s/Trustee’s Scholarship - Coll. of St. Benedict
Scott Polansky
Foundation Scholarship - St. Cloud State Univ.
Graduate with Highest Honors
Presidential Scholarship - Drake University
President’s Education Award
Soccer Booster Club Scholarship - EVCF
Stephen Ponce
Coca Cola Bottling Midwest Scholarship - EVHS
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Diane Pottratz
Guarantee Scholarship - So. Dakota State Univ.
Honor Graduate
Music Scholarship - So. Dakota State Univ.
National Honor Society
Benjamin Pratt
6th Man Basketball Scholarship - EVCF
Lisa Pugh
Academic All-State Softball
Academic Award - U of M
Diamond Path Alumni Scholarship
Honor Graduate
Iron Range Scholarship - U of M
Undergraduate Research Scholarship - U of M
Alecia Puppe
All-State Dance Team
Dance Team Scholarship - EVCF
National Honor Society
Andrew Rannells
Sport Court Scholarship - EVCF
Tarah Regan
Advanced Placement Scholar
EVAA Cross Country Scholarship - EVCF
Gioe Family AAA Scholarship - EVCF
Graduate with Highest Honors
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Trustee Scholarship - Lawrence University
Walter Brattain Scholarship - Whitman College
Jennifer Reinke
Honor Graduate
Megan Reishus
Academic Scholarship - Augustana College
Advanced Placement Scholar
Faculty Scholarship - Concordia College
General Mills Foundation Scholarship
Graduate with Highest Honors
National Honor Society
Presidential Scholarship - Drake University
Presidential Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus
Presidential Scholarship - St. Olaf College
President’s Education Award
Regent’s Scholarship - Luther College
Maria Robideau
Speech State Qualifier
Tricia Rogers
Academic Scholarship - U of M
Samantha Rondeau
All-State Academic Track and Field
All-State Track and Field
Faculty Scholarship - Concordia College
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Region Champion Track and Field
Soccer Booster’s Scholarship - EVCF
Travis Rotegard
Basketball Booster Scholarship - EVCF
Ryan Ruckdashel
All-Metro Football Team - KARE 11
All-State Football
Athletic Scholarship - Ball State University
Athletic Scholarship - Iowa State University
Athletic Scholarship - Michigan State University
Athletic Scholarship - U of M
Athletic Scholarship - Univ. of Northern Illinois
ExCEL Award Nominee - EVHS
ExCEL Award Winner - State of Minnesota
First Team All-State Football - Associated Press
First Team All-State Football - Pioneer Press
National Honor Society
U.S. Army Reserve National Scholar Athlete
U.S. Marine Corps Distinguished Athlete
Wendy’s Heisman Award
Danielle Rud
Advanced Placement Scholar
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
Danielle Rux
All-State Swimming and Diving
Dean’s Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
Norelius Service Award - Gustavus Adolphus
President’s Education Award
Rising Scholar Scholarship - Univ. of No.Dakota
Shimek Family Scholarship - EVCF
Aisha Samuels
Circle Discipline Scholarship
Metro Transit Scholarship - MN DOT
Debbie Saycocie
Dream Makers Scholarship - EVCF
Jennifer Schneider
All-State Competition Cheerleading
Steven Scholl
Honor Graduate
Christopher Schram
Arts Scholarship for Vocal Music - EVCF
Stacy Seglem
Hobey Baker Award - Easton Hockey
Hockey Boosters Scholarship - EVCF
Katelin Shiels
State Speech Medalist
Christopher Sipe
Academic Achievement Award - Luther College
Academic Award - Bethel University
Seth Smart
Honor Graduate
Ashley Smidl
Midwest Champion - US Dressage Federation
Performance Horse Training Champion
Regional Champion Performing - Horse Registry
Gregory Springer
Advanced Placement Scholar
Graduate with Highest Honors
President’s Education Award
Cori Stanek
Honor Graduate
Matthew J. Steele
Region Speech Champion
Speech State Qualifier
Cory Stewart
President’s Education Award
Region Speech Champion
Speech National Qualifier
Speech State Qualifier
State Champion Speech
Sun Devil Scholarship - Arizona State University
Aleecia Svien
Dream Makers Scholarship - EVCF
Krista Swanson
Honor Graduate
Steppe Scholarship - Northwestern College
Anna Talafous
Academic Scholarship - Bethel University
Edgren Scholarship - Bethel University
President’s Education Award
Jeffrey Tate
Advanced Placement Scholar with Honor
Bentson Family Scholarship - U of M
Dartmouth Book Award
Graduate with Highest Honors
Kopp Family Scholarship - EVHS
National Merit Scholar - Finalist
President’s Education Award
University Scholarship - Univ. of Notre Dame
Academic Scholarship - Vanderbilt University
Wetterstrom Family Scholarship - U of M
Allison Terlizzi
Academic Scholarship - Bethel University
Honor Graduate
Leadership Award - Northwestern College
Leadership Scholarship - Northwestern College
Music Scholarship - Bethel University
National Honor Society
Presidential Scholarship - Northwestern College
Weston Noble Vocal Scholarship - Luther College
Shauna Thompson
Academic All-State Dance Team
Advanced Placement Scholar
All-State Dance Team
Graduate with High Honors
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Jack Thurnblad
All-State Orchestra
Graduate with High Honors
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Shimek Family Music Scholarship - EVCF
U of M Honor Band
Stephen Titcombe
Dean’s Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus
Dean’s Scholarship - U of M
Honor Graduate
Norelius Service Award - Gustavus Adolphus
President’s Education Award
Church Honors Scholarship - Hope College
Service Leadership Scholarship - St. Olaf College
Ali Torborg
Academic All-State Softball
EVAA Softball Scholarship - EVCF
Graduate with High Honors
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
U.S. Army Reserve National Scholar Athlete
Thuy Trinh
Academic All-State Track and Field
All-State Track and Field
Casey Family Scholarship - EVCF
Dakota Electric Association Scholarship - EVHS
Honor Graduate
Iron Range Merit Scholarship - U of M
National Honor Society
Presidential Scholarship - U of M
West Group Scholarship - Eagan Foundation
Jaime Tsurusaki
All-American Gymnast
All-State Gymnast
Alumni Legacy Scholarship - Illinois St. Univ.
Diversity Scholarship - Ohio Wesleyan
George Rokotani Memorial Scholarship - JACL
Memorial Scholarship - Kansas State University
Norelius Service Award - Gustavus Adolphus
Paul Rucker Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus
Jenna Van Beck
Academic Scholarship - Iowa State University
Coca Cola Bottling Midwest Scholarship - EVHS
Honor Graduate
National Scholars Award - University of Iowa
President’s Education Award
Bryan Viau, Jr
All-State Academic - Basketball
All-State Basketball
Basketball Leadership Scholarship - EVCF
Dana Vorachek
Eagle Scout - Boy Scouts of America
Order of the Arrow - Boy Scouts of America
Silver Pathfinder - Boy Scouts of America
Daniella Voysey
Advanced Placement Scholar
Bentson Family Scholarship - U of M
Fairview Ridges Medical Scholarship - EVHS
Graduate with Highest Honors
Harvard Book Award
Lincoln Douglas Debate State Qualifier
National Honor Society
National Honor Society Scholarship
National Merit Scholar - Finalist
National Merit Scholarship - St. Olaf College
President’s Education Award
Regent’s Scholarship - St. Olaf College
Robert Byrd Honors Scholarship - MN Dept. of Ed.
Speech National Qualifier
State Champion Classic Debate
State Champion Debate
Alexander Wagner
All-State Band
Bentson Family Scholarship - U of M
Dean’s Scholarship - University of Rochester
Graduate with High Honors
Jussi Bjoling Music Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus
Music Scholarship - U of M
Music Scholarship - Univ. of Wisc.
National Honor Society
Presidential Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus
President’s Education Award
U of M Honor Band
Constance Wang
Academic Scholarship - Univ. of St. Thomas
All-State Dance Team
Miss Congeniality 2005 - Miss Dance Team Pageant
St. Thomas Award - Univ. of St. Thomas
Amy Waples
Academic Award - Winona State University
Coca Cola Bottling Midwest Scholarship - EVHS
Dean’s Scholarship - Bethel University
Excellence Scholarship - Concordia College
Honor Graduate
Larsen Presidential Scholarship - Luther College
Presidential Scholarship - College of St. Catherine
Presidential Scholarship - Northwestern College
President’s Education Award
Alyssa Werner
EVHS Cheerleading Scholarship - EVHS
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
Katherine Wilharm
Coca Cola Bottling Midwest Scholarship - EVHS
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
Sadie Williams
Academic Scholarship - Univ. of St. Thomas
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
Poetry Editor’s Choice Award - Poetry.com
Presidential Scholarship - U of M
President’s Education Award
St. Thomas Award - Univ. of St. Thomas
Stacy Williams
Honor Graduate
Kyle Wilson
EVAA Wrestling Scholarship - EVCF
Natalie Yarbrough
Academic All-State Cross Country
Academic All-State Track and Field
All-State Cross Country
All-State Nordic Skiing
Athletic Scholarship - University of Montana
EVAA Track Scholarship - EVCF
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
Trustee Scholarship - University of Montana
U.S. Marine Corps Distinguished Athlete
Katie Zalesky
Graduate with High Honors
President’s Education Award
Amy Zwiefel
EVAA Softball Scholarship - EVCF
Eastview High School is a school about people working together, about relationships, about a talented staff that cares about students, about exceptional students doing exceptional things, and about supportive and involved parents.
Over the past ten years, literally hundreds of parents have contributed many thousands of hours of volunteer time on behalf of our programs and students. We have accomplished much with these important contributions. We are very grateful for this meaningful partnership.
Eastview High School has a tradition of recognizing those parent volunteers who have made extraordinary contributions on a continuing basis , throughout their child’s(ren’s) years at EVHS.
As their youngest child graduates from Eastview High School, we want to provide special recognition for these parents.
They are exceptional parents who have done exceptional things for all students, staff members and families in the
Eastview Community. The legacy of the following EVHS Parent Hall of Fame inductees will live on:
Mark Bauler
Sandy Bauler
Melodee Cannon
Peter Frank
Terry Frank
Paul Hassett
Tere Hassett
Michael Holien
Class of 2005
Blake Keeler
Shelly Keeler
Carol Michuda
Mary Rowley
Chris Schram
Brian Viau
Patty Zwiefel
Congratulations! We have certainly been blessed having you as members of the Eastview Family. Please accept our warmest thanks and best wishes.
J. Richard Dewey, Ph.D.
Principal – Eastview High School
Daniella Voysey
Katina Petersen
1. Daniella Voysey, Valedictorian
2. Katina Petersen, Salutatorian
3. Whitney Flohr
4. Bryan Balfanz
5. Jeffrey Tate
6. Victoria Booth
7. Britta Nicholson
8. Alexa King
9. Alexander Wagner
10. Jennifer Henderson
(GPA/National Test Scores/Advanced Placement)
Grant Anderson
Bryan Balfanz
Andrew Barone
Evan Bergstrom
Elizabeth Blum
Victoria Booth
Jessica Cabak
Nicholas Cesarek
Kelley Chan
Erik Didrikson
Sarah Dipasquale
Jessica Fields
Whitney Flohr
Jonathan Friedman
Michael Graves
Daniel Gustafson
Robert Hambrock
Kristen Hanson
Jennifer Henderson
Nathan Henry
Nicole Heppelmann
Eric Hinderaker
James Hohmann
Justin Johnson
Alexa King
Chris Knoepfler
Brock Melander
Kevin Metcalf
Lyle Newman
Britta Nicholson
Katina Petersen
Amber Picone
Scott Polansky
Tarah Regan
Megan Reishus
Gregory Springer
Jeffrey Tate
Daniella Voysey
Nicholas Cesarek
Whitney Flohr
Katina Petersen
Jeffrey Tate
Daniella Voysey
Eric Hinderaker
Evan Bergstrom
Victoria Booth
Kelley Chan
Allison DeBord
Jonathan Friedman
Kristen Hanson
Nathan Henry
Roland Higgs
Alexa King
Chris Knoepfler
Kevin Metcalf
Britta Nicholson
Art ........................................................................................................... William Meiklejohn
Business ....................................................................................................... Paul Hanninen
Dance .......................................................................................................Shannen Pickens
English/Language Arts .................................................................................Britta Nicholson
Family & Consumer Science .......................................................................Emilee Gelhaye
Instrumental Music ...................................................................................Robert Hambrock
Mathematics ..........................................................................................Jonathan Friedman
Physical Education/Wellness/Safety Education .......................................Nicholas Cesarek
Science ................................................................................................... Alexander Wagner
Social Studies ............................................................................................James Hohmann
Special Education .......................................................................................... Eric Engstrom
Technology Education .........................................................................Stephanie McKenzie
Vocal Music ................................................................................................. Kathryn Kidwell
World Language ....................................................................................Nicole Heppelmann
Fine Arts Student of the Year .....................................................................James Hohmann
Performing Arts Students of the Year ............................................................ Tasha Carlson
Student Scholar Artists of the Year ............................................................. Daniella Voysey
Student Athletes of the Year .......................................................................... Eric Engstrom
Briana Hassett
Student Scholar Athletes of the Year ........................................................Nicholas Cesarek
Natalie Yarbrough
Minnesota State High School League “Triple A” Award .................................Nathan Henry
Tarah Regan
Athena Award ............................................................................................... Briana Hassett
Rob Duchscher, Chairperson
Kevin Sampers, Vice-Chairperson
Mike Roseen, Clerk
Jackie Magnuson, Treasurer
Joel Albright, Director
Bruce Endler, Director
Bob Schutte, Director
John D. Currie
Dr. J. Richard Dewey
Randall Peterson
Robert Franchino
Kim Martinson
Bruce Miller
Matthew Percival
Doug Baird
Todd Breuer
Chad Harris
Bryn Lloyd
Doug Nelson
Rob Norris
Rob Rachow
Nancy Snoeyenbos
Connie O’Sullivan
Nancy Alexander
Scott Gustafson •
Barb Groth •
Leah Lencowski
Andrea Mohr
Scott Wojtanowski
Julie Atkinson
Robert Dettmer
Kelli Donais
Kymm Durocher
Scott Durocher
Nicholas Fornicoia
Joy Hanson
Charlie Hokkanen
Susan Kinney
Dr. Tyler Krebs
Jennifer McCarty Plucker
Karla Neuenschwander
Dave Nord
Sue Rolfson
Kellie Sagmoen Scales
Patty Strandquist •
Ann Strey
Darci Cyr
Mia Hendrickson
Kay Huhner •
Janice Svaren
Randy Bailey
Len Bierlein
Kathryn Bochman
Geri Feiock
Jim Halvorson •
Mike Haugh
Judy Hoffman
Travis Lee
Bonnie Pendergast
Dennis Petrich
Kelly Sherwin
Patty Sherwin
Tom Strey
Troy Swanson
Mike Tomlinson
Don Donais
Greg Douma
Kari Douma
Bill Henry •
Frank Pasquerella
Jenny Raiche
Judy Sagen
Jessica Arnold
Mary Dye
Rebecca Egan
Michael Gibbons
Paul Goetz
Mark Groebner
Shannon Humbert
Tony Olsen
Deb Peterson •
Deb Willerscheidt-Olson
Emily Barkley
Char Bezanson
Bradley Coulthart
Kevin Engstrom
Todd Frost
Julie Geiselhart
Gerry Hill
Chris Johnston
Erin Mathews
Bridget Michalek
Jane Porterfield
Michelle Schaffer
Tom Sharp
Mark Tollefson •
Dustin Zachman
Todd Beach
Mary Carberry •
Michelle Dumonceaux
Mark Gerber
Kurt Habeck
Jodi Hanson
Todd Hering
Rebecca Lieffort
Roger Maupin
• Department Coordinator
Dave Nord
Ginger O’Neill
Scott Oxley
Richard Purrington
Karla Sonnenberg
Eric Vande Berg
James Wagner
Dale Wessel
Jeff Anderson
Deb Barloon •
Rebecca Brown
Lori Dauner
Nancy Ericson
Jorjean Fischer
Mike Griffith
Mary Hawes
Michelle Horak
Joel Kiekbusch
Mary Lokensgard
Nancy McLain
Ron Morss
Sonja Nyssen
Karen Pachen
Sarah Perkins
Dee Ann Reihsen
Sonya Roe
Mary Sandbo
Ann Soderlind
Molly Spencer
Betty Woods
Freddie Berberena
Rosanne Gold •
Kathleen Newell
Daniel Siefert
Jody Waxtan
Kathleen Aydin
Bruce Buscho •
Nancy Ericson
Laura Gomez
Pam Harens
Masumi Hori
Patricia Hoveland
Ann Johnson
Laura Koga
Mary Kuettner •
Elizabeth Perona
Karla Sonnenberg
Dianne Telshaw
Chris Franken
Terri Greener
Mary Hanson
Anne Scholen
Jerry Vollmer •
Mark Wanous
Dr. Andrea Bie
Alexandra Drivas
Peggy Mesarchik
Chris Aden
Wendy Bachman
Joan Beckmann
Beth Bergacker
Marilyn Buhta
Diane Clark
Natalie Coles
Cheryl Cross
Laurie Danley
Yolanda Edwards
Kyoko Garrison
Kelly Genest
Patricia Gerrits
Connie Gilson
Julie Ginader
Judy Hall
Terrie Harmsen
Barb Highum
Lynn Hilton
Marsha Jaffe
Cynthia Johnson
Tomohiro Koga
Therese Lesch
Patricia Lindgren
Jerril Madsen
Diane Mathews
Dea McEachern
Susan Nields
Carla Norris
Elisa Ramirez
Lorraine Sherwin
Dave Telshaw
Roxanne Thompson
Mary Jo Verhaeghe
Rosann Weber
Julie Wilharm
Debbie Winslow
Kris Wirth
Thomas Beckers
John Blom
Thomas Brown
Lorie Daniels
Roger Fahrenkrug
Brian Fischer •
Jerry Holliday
Jeffrey Lawrence
Steven Lyman
Hun Ngor
Hanh Nguyen
Mark Rosenquist
Tom Steinle
Roger Thompson
Barbara Alexon
Nancee Bohlke
Christine Carlson
Mary Kay Duerr
Jo Gagnon
Jean Martin •
Diane McGuffee
Joanne Mueller
Karen Phillips
Tracy Rosenquist
Sharon Rourke
Barbara Schauer
Kristi Serba
Vicki Shafer
Lynn Shank
• Department Coordinator