Document 10854264

Class of 2010
Commencement Exercises
Eastview High School
Independent School District 196
Apple Valley, Minnesota
Saturday, June 5, 2010
7:00 p.m.
“Fanfare and Allegro”...................................................................................................Clifton Williams
“America the Beautiful”...............................................................................................Carmen Dragon
Eastview High School Band – Director, Frank Pasquerella
PROCESSIONAL (Please stand for the Processional)
“Pomp and Circumstance”........................................................................................Edward Elgar
Eastview High School Band – Director, Frank Pasquerella
JUNIOR ESCORTS..........................................................................Ami Gilbert and Matthew Seitzer
GREETINGS...................................................................................................... Dr. Randall Peterson
GRADUATE MESSAGE.................................................................................................Taylor Misiak
For Good (from the musical, Wicked)....................................................Steven Schwartz, Arr. M. Huff
Eastview High School Concert Choir – Directors, Judy Sagen and Greg Douma
FACULTY SPEAKER....................................................................................................... Mike Haugh
PRESENTATION OF GRADUATING CLASS.................................................... Dr. Randall Peterson
PRESENTATION OF DIPLOMAS.........................................................................Board of Education
SENIOR READERS...............Bryan Larson, Josiah Kennealy, Jordan McKeen and Paul Thompson
“Ross Roy”................................................................................................................... Jacob de Haan
Eastview High School Band – Director, Frank Pasquerella
The flags being displayed at the ceremony this evening represent countries of birth among our graduates.
They include the following 21 countries: Australia, Canada, Chile, China, Ethiopia, Germany, Honduras,
India, Japan, Kenya, Lebanon, Mexico, Nigeria, Philippines, Russia, Slovak Republic, Somalia, South
Korea, Turkey, United States and Vietnam.
Members of the Class of 2010
Olufunmilola Grace AdamsH
Nicholas James Allen
Veronica Maire Allen
Kevin Obed Alvarado
Marcus Allen Amundson
Bailey Alexis Anderson
Kelsey Grace AndersonHH
Tyler John Anderson
Kaitlyn Ann Andrus
Joshua Matthew Appel
Breanna Karissa Apple
Laura Ann Appleton+
Roberto Jesus Aragon
Elizabeth Ashley Aritt
James Davis Augustinack
Laura Anne Bachmeier•
Nicolai Stephen Bakardjiev
Joseph Mark Baratto
Matthew Adam Barker
Nicholas Joseph Barsness
Angela Rene Bauler
Brett Thomas Beattie+H
Peter Michael Beattie+HH
Michael Lance Berger
Mark Robert Besonen•H
Kaitlyn Faith Bettelli
Garrett Andrew Biddiscombe
Jayashree Susan Bierbaum
Vinard K. Birch
Gia Rae Blake
Devin Cody Blanding
Joshua Michael BloedowH
Scott Henry Boehm•+H
Julie Ruth Bonham•H
Katie Vichitta Bounkeovisane+H
Benjamin Charles BowarH
Kurtis Michael Bradley
Ross Walter Bradley•+HHH
Grace Ann Branning
Laura Marie Brenberg•+HHH
Mark Richard BrennanH
Matthias Broner•+H
Brittany Alyssa Brown+HH
Carl Austin Brown
Kelly Nicole Brown•H
Olivia Lynn Brownson•+H
Sarah Elise Brunsvold•+HHH
Michael Thomas BublitzH
Zakk Daniel Buckley•+HH
Maxwell Thomas Buechele
Ashley Paige Burdge+H
Scott Howard Burgess•+HH
Peter Carrol Burke
Sonja Mayu Burke
Mallory Lee BurnhamH
Emilia Katherine Burns•+H
Lance Barton Cabak+
Ruth Cabrera Tellez
Kayla Ann Calhoun
Cody Aldon Cambridge
Taylor Michelle Campbell•H
Jefferson Quenemoen Carpenter+HHH
Ryan Wayne Carriere
Bradley Allen Carstens+H
Tyler Louis Carter
Michael John Chacich
Calvin Chang•+HHH
Borimas Chareonjitt
Cheng Cheng
Amber Lynn Chihanski
Briah Joelle Christenson
Katelyn Wanda ClaibornH
Barbara Ann Close•+HHH
Jonathan Seth Cobb
Sean David Collins
Anthony Nicholas Companion
Brittany Marie Conroy
Katherine Elizabeth CoulsonH
Erica Mckenzie Counters•H
Kyle Matthew Cousins
Mallory Ann Crowe
Taylor Morgan Cullers
Kayla Marie Dahlke
Augustine Basil Dann
Ashley Amanda Davy
Daniel De La Cruz
Matthew Kirk Decovich
Kathleen Anne Degnan
Nicholas Aneillo Demarco
Clay Alexander Denicola
Steven Joseph Denzer
Melissa Marie Deonarine
Catherine Sue Determan
Patrick Alan Deziel+H
Lauren Catherine Dietemann
Michael Jerome Dill
Fahad Diriye
Tai Tri Do+H
Courtney Marie Dockter+H
Nicholas Denis Dodd•+HHH
Miguel Angel Dominguez
Kathleen Frances Donlan•+H
• National Honor Society
+ President’s Education Award
Honor Graduate
Graduate with High Honors
Graduate with Highest Honors
David Ryan Dorsch•+HHH
Erik Kyle Doucette+H
Trevor Alexander Downs+HH
Anna Ciah Drahos•H
Heather Marie Duehn
Taryn Marie Dwyer+H
Jacob Matthew Edwinson•
Jenna Lauren Ehrhart
Sydney Ann Elling
Elellaan Emmanuel
Brittany Lee EngH
Ashley Marie Engstrom
Collin Brice Erickson•+HHH
Danielle K. Erickson
Trent Austin Erickson
Matthew Robert Eull•+H
Anjelica Lauren Eyton-Cadogan
Jana Oussama Fares
Alexandra Kathryn Fees•+HHH
Kailey Ann FieldH
Sally Jane Fifield
Samantha Anne FisherH
Katie Patricia FloydHH
Erin Elizabeth Foley
Ashley Luella Forman
Marit Pauline Fraune•+H
Abigail Elizabeth FrawleyH
Kayla Janelle Frazee+HH
Kate Marie Fridley•+HH
Scott Anthony Fusco•+H
Matthew Michael Gantz•+HHH
Ariel Kate Garcia
Jay Michael Gaynor
Jeffrey Paul Gebert
Gabrielle Ann Geisel•H
Laura Anne GenglerH
Molly Ann Gerths
Nicole Rebecca Gettz
Zachary David Ghaffari-Nikou•+HHH
Abigail Judith Gibson+H
Anne Ruth Godin•+HHH
Elias Charles Golder
Lauren Marie Goodell
Miles Phillip-Wason Gottwig
Joseph Michael GramstadHHH
Lauren Michelle Grant
Ashley Elizabeth Green
Patrick Ming Greunke
Macie Louise Grieme
Michael Aaron Griepp
Traci Elizabeth Grillo
Cody Jacob Groskreutz•
Lauren McKenzie Grotkin
Kimberly Ann GullicksonH
Jordan Alesxandra Gunhus
Annica Lee Guyot
Peter John Hackett
Betsy Rose Hagen+H
Laura Mae Hamel
Jennifer Ann Handke
Kayla Elizabeth Hanson•+HHH
Ryan Christopher Hanson
Therese Catherine HarrahH
Lucas D. Harwell
Lucas Andrew Haug•+H
Maria Grace Haugen+HHH
Elizabeth Renee HawkinsH
Adam Quinn Hayden
Emily Jo HeinenH
Annelise Natalia Heinz
Hayden Scott Hengel
Thomas Kenneth Leo HensleyH
Ian Alexander Hernandez
Mohamed Muhidin Hersi
Kayla Sue Hestness
Keaton Scott Hewitt•
Salem Elias Hintz
Maxwell Dean Hiracheta
Nicholas Richard Hiracheta
Rebecca Elaine Hjellming•H
Kyle Robert Hoffman+
Victoria Marie Hoffman•+H
Laura Christine Holland•+HHH
Kate Anne Hollenbeck
Karen Louise Hovland
Michael William Howland
Gina Rene Hrypa
Joshua Akio Huber
Haley Eleanor Hudak
David John Hudson
Jonathan Daniel Iverson
Francisco Esteban Izquierdo
John Robert Janicki
Kari Lynn Jensen
Anthony Herdandez Jison+HH
Lauren Jean Johnsen+H
Alecxavier Steven Johnson
Ariana Lynne Johnson
Jordan Tyler JohnsonH
Thomas Khommuangpak Johnson•+HH
Zachary Davis Johnson
Timothy David Johnstad
Andrew Philip Johnsted
Krista Ann JohnstonH
Michael John Johnston+
Colton McCrae Jones
Raechel A. Jordan
Laura Kay Jorgenson
Raghav Reddy Julakanti•+HHH
Alexander Joseph Kalal
Benjamin Allen Kariya•+HHH
Macaela Terese KarnickH
Lindsay Anna Kauchick
Kelly Nicole Kayser•+H
Erik Michael Kelly
Paige Marie Kelly•+H
Josiah D. Kennealy
Tanner David Kent
Anou Keohavong
Allen KeomongkothH
Stephanie Joyce Kerber
Kellen Hendrick Kersten
Lauren Okjoo Kim
Maxwell Compton King
Madison Jayne Kistner
Nathaniel Thomas Kline
Bridget Nicole Klingsheim
Madeline Claire Kofoed•+HHH
Sophia G. Kor•H
Steven Michael Kubinski
Jordan Thomas KuhnH
Vanessa Christine Lamanna
Kelsey Lynne LaMott
Joshua Charles Landru
Bre’Anna Lynne Lark
Nicole Elizabeth Larsen
Brooke Marie Larson
Bryan Michael Larson•+H
Luke William Lassonde•+HHH
Whitney Ann LatorracaH
Alexandra Paige Lawrence
Courtney Jordyn Lawrence
Citto T. Le
Matthew David Lebeis
Mackenzie Ann Lecy•+H
Brittany Anne Leeder
Nicole Marie LenersH
Colleen Anne Lesch•+H
Brianna Lynn Leubner
Mariah Michelle Lewis
Shirley Xueli Liao•+HHH
Matthew Robert Lilledahl•+H
Austin Lee Lindemann
Adam Gregory Lindstrom
Elaine Anna Linh
Yameng LiuH
Yadira Lopez-Cabrera
Bradley Allen Losee•+H
Robert Joseph LuebbertH
Katerina Lynn Lundberg
Ross Martin Lundholm
Coral Banta Luoma
Yashraj Yogesh Mahida
Samantha Elizabeth Mahoney•+HH
Nicholas Taylor Mako
Nikola Makovinyova
Sarah Marie Malaske•+HHH
Chase Jerold Malkow
Paige Genevive MalloyH
Kevin Karvey Mar•+HHH
Sean Michael MarbenH
Dominique Irene Martin
Kelsey Christine Martin
Samantha Kay Martineau
German Galvan Martinez
Elizabeth Mary Massie
Byron Matthews
Molly Alexandra MaxsonH
Elizabeth Ann May
Amanda June McAlpine
Jack Michael McDevittH
Rebecca Clair McDonald
Michelle Marie McGuire•+H
Errin Elydia McIsaac+H
Jordan Luse McKeen•+HHH
Ian Robert McMann
Andrew Bradley Melroe
Lindsay Christina Merchant
Allison Jean Merkley•H
Laura Ann Meyer
Jonathan Alan MilesHHH
Hunter Aird Miller•+HHH
Jacob Jerald Miller-Alderman
Jordan Clark Miller-Alderman
Taylor Catherine MisiakH
Carly Jo Mithun
Julia Margaret Mitrenga
Sara Ann Moe
Jibril Farah Mohamed
Amanda Kathleen Molitor
Spencer Robert Moore
Kayleigh Elizabeth Montgomery•H
Bridget Mary Moran•+H
Sarah Terese Moran
Alexandra Marie Mullenberg+
Lauren Jean Murray
Jesse S. Myers•+HHH
Michael Dale Myslinski•H
Austin Lees Nelson
Lindsay Nicole Nelson
Alicia Kelly Neu
Allan Joseph Newman•+HHH
Peter Tuan Nguyen
Robert Thomas Niederer
Alexandra Nicole Nielsen
Tiffany Francine Marie Norton
Princess E. Nwaudo+
Susan Nyanswe Nyaanga
Ross Leonard Nygren•+H
Ryan Thomas Nystuen
Steven Karl Ochs+H
Caitlin Marie Ochtera
Chelsea Anne Ochtera+H
Carly Anne Odegard
Alex Y. Oleynik
Sara Rae Olson•+HH
Fabian Bernardo Omana Marin
Ryan Richard O’Shea
Kaitlyn Mary Ostenson
Karl Lee OttoH
Jack Robert Overby•+HHH
Rebecca Margaret Pachuta•+HH
Julia Lynn Pagh
Amy Ashley Palmby
Darren LaFonce Palmer
Keaton James Palo+H
Derrick Anthony Parker
Dominique Nyaisha Latrice Parker
Andrew Cory Patel
Amanda Sue Patrick
Brian Albert Patten
Ben Becker Paulus
Mindy Michelle Paurus
Jessica Nicole Payne
David Alexander Pearcill
Kailyn Elisabeth Pederson•H
Nels Arendt Pederson•+HH
Kati Carmela Teresa Pendino•+
Keilanie L. Peralta
Erin Grace Peterson•+HH
Erin Nicole Peterson+HHH
Joseph Paul Peterson+H
Rachel Lynn Peterson
Alexander James Petrovich
Ilona Vladimirovna Petruk•H
Steven Phomphackdy
Charlotte Marie Picone•+H
Molly Lyn Placeway•+H
Christopher Ray Pletcher Tomczyk
Joseph Ryan Poblocki•+HHH
Jacqueline Mary Poli+
Adam Jeffery Polinchock
Matthew David Powers
David Allen Prahl
Evan Charles Prokop
Nicholas Steven Pufahl
Kelsey Roberta Quade+H
Michael James Radermacher
Mohsin Amir Rafi
Breanna Kayla Rancourt
Christina Marie Range•H
Allyssa Marie Rasmussen
Tiffany RatsamyH
Nicole Marie Rechtzigel•+HHH
Divya ReddyHH
Martin Andrew Reichert
Kelsey Elise Retherford•H
Nicholas Michael Reynolds
Darcey Faye Rice
Victoria Jean Richmond•+H
Amanda Kay Rickert
Graham Michael Rico-Johnson
Joseph Otto Riechel
Teagan Elizabeth Riehle+HHH
Steven Edward Rikess
Eric Alan Ritacco
Asad Ali RizviH
Kyle Robert Robotka•+H
Blake Patrick Rodich+HHH
Elizabeth Kay Roeske•+HHH
Adam John Ronhovde
Rhett John Ronhovde
Ellen Marie Rorman
Kayla Donisha Latoure Rosenbloom
U-niquewa Daevon Rosenbloom
Philip Steven Rother
Bradley Gregory Rudolph•H
Brian Joseph Rush•+HH
Kyle Edwin Salveson
Jorge Alberto San Martin
Arnaldo N. Sanchez
Rex Lee Sanders
April Marie Sandquist
Andrea Janelle Sandrock
Dena Annie Saycocie
Emily Ann Schatz+
Katherine Ann Scheidler•H
Paige E. Schirmers
Tyler Patrick Schlepuetz
Daniel John Schliesman
Julia Catherine Schneider•+H
Olivia Beth Schneider
Katelyn Mary Schnobrich
Eric James Schreiner
Alisa Joy Schultz•+H
Hanna Grace Schulzetenberg
Caitlin Christine Scott•H
Joseph Earle Scott
Jessica Lynn Seline•+HHH
Erik Allyn Senst
Huntae Seo
Madeline Susan Settle•+HHH
Amy Kathleen Shega
Brett William SheppardH
Megan Lee Sheridan+H
Derek Jason Shonka
Philip James Sims
Rachel Rose Siteman•+HH
Chelsea Nicole Skog
Gregory Ward SmidlH
Erika Danielle Solberg
Sneha Sunil Somani•+HHH
Lindsay Marie Spanton•H
Wyatt Stanton SpruckH
Paul Elie St. Germain
David Clayton St. Peter+
Anthony Michael StagnerHHH
Brent Patrick Stapleton•+HHH
Zachary Marin StehlinH
Kristin Elizabeth Stockton+H
Benjamin John Stofferahn
Corey Bernard Styles
Ae Nok Suh+
Gaila Emily Sullivan
Samantha Jean SwansonH
Sara Helen Sweeney
Varun Kairus Tarapore•H
Nicholas John Taschner
Aaron Gabriel Taylor
Alec James Teagarden
Gavriil D. Telkov
Blake Andrew Telshaw
Christopher Khounary Tep
Samuel Ladd Terzich+H
Mackenzie Louise Thomas
Marcus Anthony Thomas
Haley Michelle Thomforde
Darryl Reando Thompson
Paul Andrew ThompsonHHH
Daniel Paul Thornton
Madelinn Mackenzie Tipler
Nolan Alan Titchner
Michelle Mai To
Annika Lily Torbenson+H
Hayley Marie Trace
Erica Michelle Tramonte•H
Amy Elizabeth Traub
Luke Joseph Trepanier
Trevor Michael Trombley
Nicole Ann Trummer+H
Brendan Yuanlan Tsai•+H
Cameron Anthony Tse
Braden Reynolds TunsethH
Evan Stone Turnbull
Ashley Nicole Turner
Ellen Marie Twistol
Jennifer Ann Udicious•+HH
Kelly Marie Uhrich+H
Jason Michael Vanderlinden•+HHH
Kayla Michelle VanDyke
Alexander Khahshahriar Vasseei
Cassandra Joanne Vaughan
Mikala Patrice VigH
Allan Anthony Viotay
Joseph Lyle Voss•+HH
Justin Timothy Vossen
Robert Jon Vossen
Michael William Wachter
Carlie Jean WagnerH
Luke Russell WagnerH
Brooke Tyler Wallace
Michael Joseph Walmsley+
Denis Patrick Walsh
James Daniel Webb
Alex Michael Weckerly
Rebekah Kathryn Weidenhaft•+HHH
Joshua Paul WeinbergH
Jenna Lea WernekeH
Erika Mary Werner
Stephanie Suzanne Wessel
Patricia Kay Westergren
Taylor Nicole Wewel•+H
Lindsey Beth White
Robert Hogan Wietecha•+HHH
Sarah Margaret Wiley•+H
Maxwell Stuart Williams
Tyler David Williams+HHH
Tamara Jean WillisH
Kyra Monique WitcherH
Logan Joseph Worke•+HHH
Christopher Andrew WrightHH
Tricia Alicen Wyatt
Beka A. Yahya
Andrey Valeryevich YanyukH
Kiersten Meland Yndestad•+HHH
Brooke Anne Zemien
Abel Zelalem Zewdie
Joseph James Zieminski•+H
Academic Honors Criteria
Advanced Placement Scholar
Granted to students who receive grades of 3 or higher on three or more AP Exams on full-year
courses (or the equivalent).
Advanced Placement Scholar with Honor
Granted to students who receive an average grade of at least 3.25 on all AP Exams taken, and,
grades of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams on full-year courses (or the equivalent).
Advanced Placement Scholar with Distinction
Granted to students who receive an average grade of at least 3.5 on all AP Exams taken, and,
grades of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams on full-year courses (or the equivalent).
President’s Education Award
Granted to graduates with a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher and a score of 85%
or higher on the ACT, SAT or PSAT test.
Graduate with Honors
Granted to graduates who have an Honors Rank and have taken 32 or more core classes at the AP
or honors level or are ranked in the top ten percent of the graduating class (regular ranking).
Graduate with High Honors
Granted to graduates with an Honors Rank, who also have a score of 95% or better on the ACT, SAT, or PSAT and have taken 32 or more core classes at the AP or honors level.
Graduate with Highest Honors
Granted to graduates with an Honors Rank, who also have a score of 98% or better on the ACT, SAT,
or PSAT, and 45 or more core classes taken at the AP or honors level.
Senior Award Winners
Olufunmilola Adams
French National Honor Society
Honor Graduate
Ignatian Scholarship - Loyola University
Kelsey Anderson
Graduate with High Honors
Kaitlyn Andrus
Cheerleading Scholarship - EVCF
Laura Appleton
Craig Hanson Memorial Scholarship - EVCF
President’s Education Award
Elizabeth Aritt
Cheerleading Scholarship - EVCF
German National Honor Society
Laura Bachmeier
Apple Valley Lions Club Scholarship
Auction Scholarship - Dakota County 4-H
CHS Foundation Scholarship
Dakota County Farm Bureau Scholarship
Heartland Limousine Association Scholarship
Holden Farms Scholarship
Leon and Pat Endres Farms Scholarship
Mn Livestock Breeders Assoc. Scholarship
National Honor Society
State Qualifier - BPA (‘08)
Brett Beattie
Hockey Scholarship - EVCF
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
State Qualifier - DECA (‘10)
Peter Beattie
Graduate with High Honors
President’s Education Award
(2009-2010 School Year)
Mark Besonen
Advanced Placement Scholar
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
Joshua Bloedow
Honor Graduate
Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship - EVHS
Scott Boehm
Advanced Placement Scholar
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Spanish National Honor Society
Julie Bonham
Chancelor’s Scholarship - Univ. of MN-Morris
EVAA Basketball Scholarship - EVCF
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
Katie Bounkeovisane
Advanced Placement Scholar
Honors Scholarship - Hamline University
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
Benjamin Bowar
Advanced Placement Scholar With Honor
Honor Graduate
Kurtis Bradley
State Qualifier - DECA (‘10)
Ross Bradley
Advanced Placement Scholar
Graduate with Highest Honors
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Rotary Club of Eagan Scholarship
Spanish National Honor Society
Laura Brenberg
Advanced Placement Scholar
Graduate with Highest Honors
National Honor Society
National Merit Scholar - Commended
President’s Education Award
Spanish National Honor Society
Triple “A” Award
Triple “A” Scholarship - EVCF
Trustee’s Scholarship - Purdue University
Mark Brennan
Honor Graduate
Matthias Broner
Advanced Placement Scholar
Diversity Scholarship - Luther College
ELCA Tuition Benefit - ELCA
French National Honor Society
Honor Graduate
Presidential Scholarship - Luther College
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Brittany Brown
All State - Band (‘09)
Eagle Scholarship - Northwestern College
Graduate with High Honors
Instrumental Music Award - Northwestern College
National Merit Scholar - Commended
President’s Education Award
Kelly Brown
Achievement Award-Montana State University
Advanced Placement Scholar
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
Olivia Brownson
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
NDSU Academic Freshman Year Scholarship
President’s Education Award
Sarah Brunsvold
Advanced Placement Scholar
German National Honor Society
Graduate with Highest Honors
Engineering Scholarship - Valparaiso University
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Presidential Scholarship - Valparaiso University
Michael Bublitz
Honor Graduate
Zakk Buckley
Graduate with High Honors
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Ashley Burdge
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
Scott Burgess
Advanced Placement Scholar
Graduate with High Honors
Merit Scholarship - Colorado School of Mines
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Peter Burke
RAK Football Scholarship - EVCF
Sonja Burke
State Qualifier - BPA (‘09)
Mallory Burnham
All State - Girls Track and Field (‘09)
Honor Graduate
RAK Athlete Scholarship - EVCF
St. Thomas Award - University of St. Thomas
Emilia Burns
Advanced Placement Scholar
Emersonian Scholarship - Emerson College
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Spanish National Honor Society
Lance Cabak
President’s Education Award
Taylor Campbell
All State - High Kick Dance Team (‘10)
Dance Team Scholarship - EVCF
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
Jefferson Carpenter
Advanced Placement Scholar With Honor
Graduate with Highest Honors
National Merit Scholar - Commended
President’s Education Award
Ryan Carriere
Alumni Scholarship - EVCF
State Qualifier - BPA (‘10)
Bradley Carstens
Advanced Placement Scholar
German National Honor Society
Honor Graduate
NCTE Writing Award
President’s Education Award
Presidential Scholarship - St. Johns University
Calvin Chang
Advanced Placement Scholar
Graduate with Highest Honors
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
State Champion - Classic Debate (‘09)
State Qualifier - Classic Debate (‘09)
State Qualifier - Debate (‘10)
Katelyn Claiborn
Honor Graduate
Barbara Close
Advanced Placement Scholar
Graduate with Highest Honors
National Honor Society
National Qualifier - NFL Speech (‘10)
President’s Education Award
State Qualifier - Speech (‘09)
Sean Collins
German National Honor Society
Anthony Companion
Golf Scholarship - EVCF
Katherine Coulson
Honor Graduate
Erica Counters
Advanced Placement Scholar
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
Spanish National Honor Society
Taylor Cullers
All State Academics - Basketball (‘10)
Alumni Scholarship - Diamond Path
EVAA Basketball Scholarship - EVCF
State Qualifier - DECA (‘09)
State Qualifier - DECA (‘10)
Catherine Determan
Advanced Placement Scholar
Presidential Scholarship - Winona University
Patrick Deziel
Advanced Placement Scholar With Honor
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
Lauren Dietemann
State Qualifier - DECA (‘09)
Tai Do
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
Courtney Dockter
Founders Award - Creighton University
Honor Graduate
Ignatian Award - Creighton University
President’s Education Award
Nicholas Dodd
Advanced Placement Scholar
Graduate with Highest Honors
National Honor Society
National Qualifier - BPA (‘09)
National Qualifier - BPA (‘10)
President’s Education Award
Presidential Scholarship - Drake University
State Qualifier - BPA (‘10)
Trustee Scholarship - Drake University
Wrestling Scholarship - EVCF
Kathleen Donlan
Advanced Placement Scholar
EVAA Scholarship - EVCF
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Presidential Scholarship - Augustana College
Science Day Scholarship - Augustana College
Trustees Scholarship - Augustana College
David Dorsch
All State - Band (‘09)
EVAA Scholarship - EVCF
Graduate with Highest Honors
National Honor Society
National Qualifier - Science Olympiad (‘10)
President’s Education Award
State Champion - Science Olympiad (‘09)
State Champion - Science Olympiad (‘10)
Erik Doucette
Advanced Placement Scholar
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
Trevor Downs
Graduate with High Honors
President’s Education Award
Anna Drahos
Female Scholar Athlete - EVCF
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
Taryn Dwyer
All State - Track and Field (‘09)
All State Academic - Track and Field (‘09)
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
State Qualifier - DECA (‘10)
Jacob Edwinson
Alumni Scholarship - Diamond Path Elementary
National Honor Society
Post 1776 Educational Scholarship
Brittany Eng
Academic Scholarship - Univ. of MN, Morris
Honor Graduate
Make a Difference Scholarship - Univ. of MN
Collin Erickson
3M Scholarship - National Merit Scholarship
Advanced Placement Scholar With Honor
American Invitational Math Exam Qualifier
American Math Contest High Scorer (‘10)
Boy Scout Scholarship - North Star Council
French National Honor Society
Graduate with Highest Honors
Math Scholarship - EVCF
National Honor Society
National Qualifier - Science Olympiad (‘09)
National Qualifier - Science Olympiad (‘10)
President’s Education Award
State Champion - Science Olympiad (‘09)
State Champion - Science Olympiad (‘10)
Matthew Eull
Advanced Placement Scholar
German National Honor Society
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Soccer Scholarship - EVCF
Alexandra Fees
Advanced Placement Scholar With Honor
Graduate with Highest Honors
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
State Qualifier - DECA (‘10)
Kailey Field
Anchor Bank Award - Anchor Bank
Honor Graduate
National Qualifier - NCFL Speech (‘10)
National Qualifier NFL Speech (‘09)
Qualifier - Speech (‘09)
Spanish National Honor Society
State Qualifier - Speech (‘10)
Samantha Fisher
Honor Graduate
Katie Floyd
Advanced Placement Scholar With Honor
Graduate with High Honors
St. Thomas Award - University of St. Thomas
Erin Foley
Academic Recognition Award - Iowa State Univ.
Band Scholarship - EVCF
Ashley Forman
ACE Scholarship - MN Valley Exchange Club
Marit Fraune
Advanced Placement Scholar
All-State Academic - Tennis (‘10)
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Presidential Scholarship - College of St. Benedicts
State Qualifier - DECA (‘09)
Abigail Frawley
All State - Band (‘09)
German National Honor Society
Honor Graduate
Kayla Frazee
All State Jazz Ensemble - (‘09)
All-State Academic - Tennis (‘10)
Dean Scholarship - University of Denver
Graduate with High Honors
President’s Education Award
Spanish National Honor Society
Kate Fridley
Advanced Placement Scholar
All State - Band (‘09)
Creative Arts Scholarship - EVCF
Graduate with High Honors
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Spanish National Honor Society
Westview Alumni Scholarship
Winston Cassler Scholarship - St. Olaf College
Scott Fusco
Academic Scholarship - Univ. of St. Thomas
Advanced Placement Scholar
Blue Cross Blue Shield Scholarship
EVAA Scholarship - EVCF
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Spanish National Honor Society
Matthew Gantz
Advanced Placement Scholar With Honor
French National Honor Society
Graduate with Highest Honors
National Honor Society
National Qualifier - Science Olympiad (‘09)
National Qualifier - Science Olympiad (‘10)
President’s Education Award
Presidential Award - Concordia College
Science Scholarship - EVCF
State Champion - Science Olympiad (‘09)
State Champion - Science Olympiad (‘10)
Gabrielle Geisel
Advanced Placement Scholar
French National Honor Society
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
Laura Gengler
Honor Graduate
Zachary Ghaffari-Nikou
Advanced Placement Scholar
Dakota Electric Assoc. Scholarship - EVHS
Graduate with Highest Honors
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Abigail Gibson
Advanced Placement Scholar
Alexandria Scholarship - St. Catherine Univ.
French National Honor Society
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
Anne Godin
Advanced Placement Scholar
Graduate with Highest Honors
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Lauren Goodell
State Qualifier - DECA (‘09)
State Qualifier - DECA (‘10)
Joseph Gramstad
Advanced Placement Scholar With Honor
Graduate with Highest Honors
Lauren Grant
All Metro First Team - Volleyball (‘09)
All State - Volleyball (‘09)
All State - Volleyball (‘10)
All State Tournament Team - Volleyball (‘09)
Athletic Scholarship - University of Cincinnati
Cody Groskreutz
German National Honor Society
National Honor Society
Northwestern Academic Scholarship
Northwestern Athletic Scholarship
Triple “A” Award
Triple “A” Scholarship - EVCF
Kimberly Gullickson
Achievement Scholarship - Rasmussen College
Honor Graduate
Midwest Vending Scholarship - EVHS
Jordan Gunhus
American Legion Educational Scholarship
St. Catherine of Alexandria Academic Scholarship
Betsy Hagen
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
Jennifer Handke
Soccer Scholarship - EVCF
Kayla Hanson
Advanced Placement Scholar
All State - Band (‘09)
EVAA Scholarship - EVCF
Fairview Ridges Medical Center Scholarship
Graduate with Highest Honors
Music Award - Gustavus Adophus College
Music Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus College
Leadership Award - Gustavus Adolphus College
National Honor Society
National Merit Scholar - Commended
President’s Education Award
President’s Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus
Spanish National Honor Society
Ryan Hanson
Academic Scholarship - Univ. of St. Thomas
French National Honor Society
Therese Harrah
Advanced Placement Scholar
Honor Graduate
Merit Scholarship - Art Institute of Chicago
Lucas Haug
EVAA Baseball Scholarship - EVCF
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Shepherd of the Valley Church Scholarship
Maria Haugen
Accounting Scholarship - Univ. of Wisconsin
Graduate with Highest Honors
President’s Education Award
Elizabeth Hawkins
All State - Choir (‘09)
Alumni Scholarship - Luther College
Honor Graduate
Music Lesson Scholarship - Luther College
Nursing Scholarship - EVCF
Presidential Scholarship - Luther College
Weston Noble Music Scholarship - Luther College
Adam Hayden
State Qualifier - DECA (‘10)
Emily Heinen
French National Honor Society
Honor Graduate
Thomas Hensley
Academic Scholarship - Univ. of St. Thomas
Advanced Placement Scholar
American Legion Post 1776 Scholarship
Honor Graduate
Mohamed Hersi
ELL Scholarship - EVCF
Keaton Hewitt
Drake Grant - Drake University
EVAA Scholarship - EVCF
National Honor Society
Presidential Scholarship - Drake University
Rebecca Hjellming
Advanced Placement Scholar
French National Honor Society
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
Kyle Hoffman
President’s Education Award
Victoria Hoffman
Advanced Placement Scholar
All State Academic - Track and Field (‘09)
Athletic Scholarship - MN State University
Dragon Scholarship - MN State University
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Soccer Scholarship - EVCF
Spaniol Family Soccer Scholarship
Spanish National Honor Society
Laura Holland
Advanced Placement Scholar
Graduate with Highest Honors
Morris Scholars Award - Univ. of Minnesota
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Spanish National Honor Society
Joshua Huber
RAK Scholarship - EVCF
Anthony Jison
Graduate with High Honors
President’s Education Award
Spanish National Honor Society
Lauren Johnsen
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
Ariana Johnson
RAK Scholarship - EVCF
Jordan Johnson
Advanced Placement Scholar
Honor Graduate
Thomas Johnson
Advanced Placement Scholar With Honor
Columbus Scholarship - Univ. of Minnesota
Food and Nutrition Scholarship - EVHS
Graduate with High Honors
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Timothy Johnstad
Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship - EVHS
State Qualifier - Speech (‘10)
Krista Johnston
Excellence Scholarship- University of Arizona
Honor Graduate
State Qualifier - Speech (‘10)
Michael Johnston
President’s Education Award
Laura Jorgenson
Spanish National Honor Society
State Qualifier - BPA (‘10)
Raghav Julakanti
Advanced Placement Scholar
Community Volunteer Scholarship - EVCF
Dartmouth Book Award (‘09)
Fairview Ridges Junior Volunteer Scholarship
Flint Hills Scholarship - EVHS
Graduate with Highest Honors
National Honor Society
National Merit Scholar - Commended
President’s Education Award
Provost Scholarship - Saint Louis University
Spanish National Honor Society
State Qualifier - Debate (‘10)
Alexander Kalal
Band Scholarship - EVCF
Lesson Scholarship - Luther College
Presidential Scholarship - Luther College
Instrumental Music Scholarship - Luther College
Benjamin Kariya
Advanced Placement Scholar With Distinction
Graduate with Highest Honors
Japanese National Honor Society
Math Scholarship - EVCF
MN Assoc. of Honor Societies Scholarship
National Honor Society
National Honor Society Scholarship
National Merit Scholar - Finalist
National Merit Scholarship National Qualifier - Science Olympiad (‘10)
President’s Education Award
Skip Niman Scholarship - Niman/Telshaw Family
State Champion - Science Olympiad (‘10)
Trustee Scholarship - Purdue University
Valley Athletic Association Scholarship - VAA
Macaela Karnick
Honor Graduate
National Qualifier - BPA (‘09)
President’s Scholarship - College of St Benedict
RAK Scholarship - EVCF
State Qualifier - BPA (‘09)
State Qualifier - BPA (‘10)
State Qualifier - DECA (‘09)
Lindsay Kauchick
Hockey Scholarship - EVCF
State Qualifier - DECA (‘09)
Kelly Kayser
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Paige Kelly
Honor Graduate
Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship - EVHS
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
State Qualifier - Debate (‘10)
Allen Keomongkoth
Honor Graduate
Madison Kistner
Dakota County Farm Bureau Scholarship
MN School Counselors Assoc. Scholarship
State Qualifier - DECA (‘10)
Madeline Kofoed
Advanced Placement Scholar
All State - Band (‘09)
Alumni Scholarship - Luther College
Communications Scholarship - EVCF
Graduate with Highest Honors
Music Excellence Award - Luther College
Music Lesson Scholarship - Luther College
National Honor Society
National Merit Scholar - Commended
NCTE Writing Award
President’s Education Award
Regent Scholarship - Luther College
Spanish National Honor Society
Weston Noble Scholarship - Luther College
Sophia Kor
Advanced Placement Scholar
Dakota Electric Assoc. Scholarship - EVHS
Honor Graduate
Music Scholarship - St Olaf College
National Honor Society
Jordan Kuhn
EVAA Scholarship - EVCF
Honor Graduate
Kelsey Lamott
Info Tech Marketing Scholarship - EVHS
Bryan Larson
EVAA Scholarship - EVCF
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
National Qualifier Debate (‘10)
President’s Education Award
Luke Lassonde
Advanced Placement Scholar With Honor
Graduate with Highest Honors
Honor Society Scholarship - No. Dakota State Univ.
Lacrosse Scholarship - EVCF
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Presidential Scholarship - No. Dakota State Univ.
Spanish National Honor Society
Whitney Latorraca
Honor Graduate
Alexandra Lawrence
EVAA Track Scholarship - EVCF
Mackenzie Lecy
Advanced Placement Scholar
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
President’s Scholarship - College of St. Benedict
Brittany Leeder
State Qualifier - DECA (‘09)
State Qualifier - DECA (‘10)
Nicole Leners
Advanced Placement Scholar
German National Honor Society
Honor Graduate
Colleen Lesch
Advanced Placement Scholar
Chancellor’s Scholarship - Univ. of Wisconsin
Dr. Dewey Educator Scholarship
German National Honor Society
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Shirley Liao
Advanced Placement Scholar With Honor
All State - Band (‘09)
German National Honor Society
Graduate with Highest Honors
IBM Watson Memorial Scholarship
Math Scholarship - EVCF
National Honor Society
National Merit Scholar - Finalist
NCTE Writing Award
President’s Education Award
Matthew Lilledahl
Athletic Scholarship - EVCF
Dean’s Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Austin Lindemann
Community Volunteer Scholarship - EVCF
State Qualifier - DECA (‘09)
State Qualifier - DECA (‘10)
Yameng Liu
Swanson Family Scholarship - U of MN
Honor Graduate
Bradley Losee
Anchor Bank Scholarship - Eagan Foundation
Basketball Scholarship - EVCF
German National Honor Society
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Robert Luebbert
Apple Valley Lions Club Scholarship
Honor Graduate
Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship - EVHS
Coral Luoma
Team Leadership - University of North Dakota
Samantha Mahoney
Advanced Placement Scholar
Graduate with High Honors
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Spanish National Honor Society
Sarah Malaske
Advanced Placement Scholar
French National Honor Society
Graduate with Highest Honors
National Honor Society
National Honor Society Scholarship - EVHS
National Honor Society Scholarship - NASSP
National Qualifier Debate (‘10)
Overcoming Challenges Scholarship - EVCF
President’s Education Award
President’s Scholarship - MAHS
Shepherd of the Valley Scholarship
State Qualifier - Speech (‘09)
State Qualifier - Speech (‘10)
Thomson Reuters Scholarship - Eagan Foun.
Youth in Music Student Scholarship
Paige Malloy
Advanced Placement Scholar
Honor Graduate
Alexandria Scholarship - Co. of St. Catherine
Kevin Mar
Advanced Placement Scholar With Honor
Chinese American Ass. of MN Scholarship
Fairview Ridges Junior Volunteer Scholarship
Graduate with Highest Honors
National Honor Society
National Merit Scholar - Commended
President’s Education Award
Sean Marben
Honor Graduate
Japanese National Honor Society
Kelsey Martin
All State - Jazz Dance Team (‘10)
Dance Team Scholarship - EVCF
Molly Maxson
Honor Graduate
Elizabeth May
Academic Scholarship - St. Catherine Univ.
Spanish National Honor Society
Jack McDevitt
Honor Graduate
University of St. Thomas Scholarship
Michelle McGuire
Advanced Placement Scholar
Engineering Scholarship - Univ. of Nebraska
Geo. Beadle Scholarship - Univ. of Nebraska
Honor Graduate
Nash Finch Scholarship National Honor Society
National Qualifier - Debate
President’s Education Award
Spanish National Honor Society
Errin McIsaac
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
Jordan McKeen
Advanced Placement Scholar
Cross Country Scholarship - EVCF
Graduate with Highest Honors
National Honor Society
Natl Indiv. Trmt. of Champions - Speech
President’s Education Award
Spanish National Honor Society
Leadership Scholarship - Univ. of So. Calif.
Andrew Melroe
FLASH Scholarship - EVCF
Allison Merkley
Academic Award - Iowa State University
EVAA Softball Scholarship - EVCF
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
Jonathan Miles
Advanced Placement Scholar
Award of Excellence - Iowa State University
Graduate with Highest Honors
Greenleaf Alumni Scholarship
National Merit Scholar - Commended
National Qualifier - Science Olympiad (‘10)
State Champion - Science Olympiad (‘10)
Hunter Miller
Advanced Placement Scholar With Honor
Academic Scholarship - Univ. of Wisconsin
Graduate with Highest Honors
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Soccer Scholarship - EVCF
Taylor Misiak
Advanced Placement Scholar
Honor Graduate
Lightning Scholarship - Speech Booster Club
MN Scholar of Distinction in Theatre Scholarship
National Qualifier - NCFL Speech (‘10)
National Qualifier - NFL Speech (‘10)
National Qualifier - Speech (‘09)
Spotlight Award - Leading Role (‘10)
Spotlight Award - Supporting Role (‘09)
Theatre Scholarship - EVCF
Kayleigh Montgomery
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
Toro Company Employee Scholarship
Bridget Moran
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Alexandra Mullenberg
President’s Education Award
Jesse Myers
Advanced Placement Scholar With Honor
All State - Band (‘09)
Chancellor’s Scholarship - Un. of Massachusetts
Graduate with Highest Honors
Music Scholarship - Un. of Massachusetts
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Michael Myslinski
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
Allan Newman
Advanced Placement Scholar With Honor
Graduate with Highest Honors
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
West Point Scholarship - EVHS
Princess Nwaudo
President’s Education Award
State Qualifier - FCCLA (‘09)
Ross Nygren
Freshman Scholar Award - No. Dakota State Un.
Honor Graduate
Male Scholar Athlete - EVCF
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Steven Ochs
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
Chelsea Ochtera
Honor Graduate
Iron Range Scholarship - Univ. of MN
President’s Education Award
Sara Olson
Advanced Placement Scholar
Graduate with High Honors
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Karl Otto
Basketball Scholarship - EVCF
Honor Graduate
State Qualifier - DECA (‘10)
Jack Overby
Advanced Placement Scholar With Honor
Graduate with Highest Honors
Math Scholarship - EVCF
National Honor Society
National Merit Finalist Scholarship
National Merit Scholar - Finalist
President’s Education Award
Rebecca Pachuta
Advanced Placement Scholar
All State Academic - Cross Country (‘09)
EVAA Scholarship - EVCF
Graduate with High Honors
Ignatius Scholarship - Marquette University
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Julia Pagh
Vocal Music Scholarship - Northwestern College
Keaton Palo
Cross Family Nursing Scholarship - Luther College
Honor Graduate
Nursing Scholarship - EVCF
President’s Education Award
Regent Scholarship - Luther College
Dominique Parker
Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship - EVHS
Andrew Patel
State Qualifier - Speech (‘10)
Mindy Paurus
Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship - EVHS
David Pearcill
Athletic Scholarship - MN State University
EVAA Basketball Scholarship - EVCF
Presidential Scholarship - MN State Univ.
Talent Scholarship - MN State Univ.
Kailyn Pederson
Advanced Placement Scholar
All State - High Kick Dance Team (‘10)
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
Nels Pederson
EVAA Scholarship - EVCF
Graduate with High Honors
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Kati Pendino
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Spanish National Honor Society
Erin G. Peterson
Advanced Placement Scholar
Apple Valley Rotary Scholarship - EVHS
Best Buy @15 Scholarship Program Bryn Mawr Book Award (‘09)
Graduate with High Honors
Kwik Trip Community Scholarship
Music Scholarship - Northwestern College
National Honor Society
National Honor Society Scholarship
President’s Education Award
Presidential Scholarship - Northwestern Co.
Spanish National Honor Society
Erin N. Peterson
Graduate with Highest Honors
President’s Education Award
Joseph Peterson
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
Ilona Petruk
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
Vocal Music Scholarship - EVCF
Charlotte Picone
Advanced Placement Scholar With Honor
EVAA Scholarship - EVCF
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
President’s Scholarship - Bethel University
Molly Placeway
Honor Graduate
Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship - EVHS
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Spanish National Honor Society
Joseph Poblocki
Advanced Placement Scholar
Graduate with Highest Honors
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
President’s Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus
Jacqueline Poli
President’s Education Award
Kelsey Quade
Advanced Placement Scholar
French National Honor Society
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
Michael Radermacher
EVAA Basketball Scholarship - EVCF
State Qualifier - BPA (‘10)
Christina Range
Dance Team Scholarship - EVCF
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
Tiffany Ratsamy
Advanced Placement Scholar
Honor Graduate
Spanish National Honor Society
Nicole Rechtzigel
Advanced Placement Scholar
Community Volunteer Scholarship - EVCF
Diversity Scholarship - College of St. Benedict
Graduate with Highest Honors
Junior Volunteer Scholarship
National Honor Society
National Honor Society Scholarship
President’s Education Award
Regents’ Scholarship - College of St. Benedict
Reunion Scholarship - College of St. Benedict
Spanish National Honor Society
Divya Reddy
Advanced Placement Scholar
Graduate with High Honors
National Merit Scholar - Commended
State Qualifier - FCCLA (‘09)
Kelsey Retherford
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
Darcey Rice
Athletic Scholarship - Winona State University
Victoria Richmond
Advanced Placement Scholar
All State - Choir (‘09)
Excellence Scholarship - Concordia College
German National Honor Society
Honor Graduate
Music Scholarship - Concordia College
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Graham Rico-Johnson
State Qualifier - DECA (‘07)
Teagan Riehle
Advanced Placement Scholar
French National Honor Society
Graduate with Highest Honors
President’s Education Award
Trustee Scholarship - Allegheny College
Eric Ritacco
Hockey Scholarship - EVCF
Asad Rizvi
Honor Graduate
Kyle Robotka
French National Honor Society
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Blake Rodich
Advanced Placement Scholar
Graduate with Highest Honors
President’s Education Award
Elizabeth Roeske
Advanced Placement Scholar
Beta Sigma Phi Scholarship
Graduate with Highest Honors
National Honor Society
National Merit Scholar - Commended
President’s Education Award
Spanish National Honor Society
State Qualifier - Speech (‘09)
State Qualifier - Speech (‘10)
Tennis Scholarship - EVCF
Yale Book Award (‘09)
Ellen Rorman
Cheerleading Scholarship - EVCF
Kayla Rosenbloom
Overcoming Challenges Scholarship - EVCF
Bradley Rudolph
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
Brian Rush
EVAA Scholarship - EVCF
Graduate with High Honors
National Honor Society
Postal Credit Union Scholarship President’s Education Award
State Qualifier - BPA (‘10)
Jorge San Martin
DCTC Scholarship - EVHS
RAK Scholarship - EVCF
Rex Sanders
Athletic Scholarship - Johns Hopkins Univ.
April Sandquist
St. Thomas Award - University of St. Thomas
Emily Schatz
President’s Education Award
Soccer Scholarship - EVCF
State Qualifier - DECA (‘09)
State Qualifier - DECA (‘10)
Katherine Scheidler
Advanced Placement Scholar
All State - Jazz Dance Team (‘10)
Dance Team Scholarship - EVCF
Honor Graduate
St. Paul Fed. of Teachers Scholarship Trust
National Honor Society
Julia Schneider
Advanced Placement Scholar
German National Honor Society
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
Nursing Scholarship - EVCF
President’s Education Award
President’s Scholarship - Viterbo University
Katelyn Schnobrich
Christian Leadership Scholarship - No. Central
Dean Scholarship - North Central
Alisa Schultz
EVAA Scholarship - EVCF
Honor Graduate
Music Scholarship - Luther College
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Presidential Scholarship - Luther College
Spanish National Honor Society
Hanna Schulzetenberg
Athletic Scholarship - DCTC
Catholic Aid Association Scholarship
Soccer Scholarship - EVCF
Caitlin Scott
Advanced Placement Scholar
Honor Graduate
Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship - EVHS
National Honor Society
Jessica Seline
Advanced Placement Scholar
All-State Academic - Tennis (‘10)
EVAA Scholarship - EVCF
Graduate with Highest Honors
Greenleaf Booster Association Scholarship
National Honor Society
Post 1776 Educational Scholarship
President’s Education Award
Spanish National Honor Society
Madeline Settle
Graduate with Highest Honors
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Spanish National Honor Society
Brett Sheppard
Community Scholarship - Univ. of No. Dakota
Honor Graduate
Leadership Award - Univ. of No. Dakota
Spanish National Honor Society
Megan Sheridan
Advanced Placement Scholar
Continuing Education Scholarship
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
Spanish National Honor Society
Rachel Siteman
Academic Scholarship - Univ. of St. Thomas Advanced Placement Scholar
All State - Band (‘09)
Graduate with High Honors
Music Scholarship - Univ.of St. Thomas
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Spanish National Honor Society
Gregory Smidl
Honor Graduate
Sneha Somani
Advanced Placement Scholar With Honor
Flint Hills Scholarship - EVHS
French National Honor Society
Graduate with Highest Honors
Junior Volunteer Scholarship - Un of MN
Math/Stats Scholarship - EVCF
National Honor Society
National Qualifier Debate (‘10)
President’s Education Award
Presidential Scholarship - Un of MN
Sam Walton Community Scholarship
Lindsay Spanton
Augustana Academic and Athletic Scholarship
EVAA Softball Scholarship - EVCF
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
Wyatt Spruck
Honor Graduate
Legacy Scholarship - Rider University
Provost Scholarship - Rider University
David St. Peter
Academic Scholarship - No. Dakota State Univ.
President’s Education Award
Anthony Stagner
Advanced Placement Scholar With Honor
Graduate with Highest Honors
National Qualifier Debate (‘10)
Brent Stapleton
Advanced Placement Scholar With Honor
Graduate with Highest Honors
National Honor Society
National Qualifier - Science Olympiad (‘10)
President’s Education Award
State Champion - Science Olympiad (‘10)
Zachary Stehlin
Honor Graduate
Kristin Stockton
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
Benjamin Stofferahn
Academic Award - Luther College
Alumni Scholarship - Luther College
Music Lesson Scholarship - Luther College
Music Scholarship - Luther College
Ae Suh
President’s Education Award
Samantha Swanson
Honor Graduate
Presidential Scholarship - Luther College
Varun Tarapore
Excellence Scholarship - Northeastern Univ.
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
State Qualifier - DECA (‘10)
Blake Telshaw
Spanish National Honor Society
Samuel Terzich
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
Mackenzie Thomas
All State - High Kick Dance Team (‘10)
Haley Thomforde
All State - Basketball (‘10)
Athletic Scholarship - MN State University
Paul Thompson
Graduate with Highest Honors
Budden Scholarship - Univ. of British Columbia
National Merit Scholar - Commended
Michelle To
Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship - EVHS
Annika Torbenson
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
Hayley Trace
Athena Award Winner
PepsiCo Foundation ExCEL Award
State Qualifier - BPA (‘10)
Tommie Award - University of St. Thomas
Erica Tramonte
All State - High Kick Dance Team (‘10)
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
Luke Trepanier
State Qualifier - DECA (‘10)
Trevor Trombley
Community Scholarship - Univ. of No. Dakota
Dick Hanson Scholarship - EVHS
Shepherd of the Valley Senior Scholarship
Nicole Trummer
Kniep Memorial - University of Missouri
Honor Graduate
Jr. Volunteer Scholarship - Fairview Ridges (‘09)
Jr. Volunteer Scholarship - Fairview Ridges (‘10)
President’s Education Award
Brendan Tsai
Advanced Placement Scholar With Honor
Fairview Ridges Junior Volunteer Scholarship
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
National Qualifier - Science Olympiad (‘10)
President’s Education Award
President’s Volunteer Service Award Presidential Scholarship - Purdue University
Spanish National Honor Society
State Champion - Science Olympiad (‘10)
Braden Tunseth
Honor Graduate
Evan Turnbull
State Qualifier - DECA (‘09)
State Qualifier - DECA (‘10)
Jennifer Udicious
Advanced Placement Scholar
Graduate with High Honors
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Spanish National Honor Society
Kelly Uhrich
Academic Scholarship - Univ.of Nebraska
Engineering Scholarship - Univ.of Nebraska
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
Jason Vanderlinden
Advanced Placement Scholar
French National Honor Society
Graduate with Highest Honors
National Honor Society
National Merit Scholar - Finalist
National Qualifier - NFL Speech (‘10)
National Qualifier Debate (‘10)
President’s Education Award
Speech Scholarship - EVCF
Mikala Vig
Honor Graduate
Allan Viotay
RAK Scholarship - EVCF
Joseph Voss
Baseball Scholarship - EVCF
Graduate with High Honors
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Academic Scholarship - St. Olaf College
Michael Wachter
State Qualifier - BPA (‘10)
Carlie Wagner
Honor Graduate
Luke Wagner
Honor Graduate
Michael Walmsley
President’s Education Award
Presidential Scholarship - No.Dakota State Un.
Alex Weckerly
The U Promise Scholarship
Rebekah Weidenhaft
Advanced Placement Scholar
General Mills Foundation Scholarship
Graduate with Highest Honors
Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship - EVHS
Music Scholarship - Concordia College
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Presidential Award - Concordia College
Joshua Weinberg
Advanced Placement Scholar
Honor Graduate
Jenna Werneke
Dean’s Gold Scholarship - Baylor University
Honor Graduate
Taylor Wewel
Honor Graduate
Jostens Scholarship - Jostens
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Presidential Scholarship - Drake University
Spanish National Honor Society
Vocal Music Scholarship - Drake University
Voice of Democracy Scholarship
Lindsey White
National Qualifier - NCFL Speech (‘10)
National Qualifier - NFL Speech (‘10)
National Qualifier - Speech (‘09)
State Champion - Speech (‘09)
State Qualifier - Speech (‘09)
State Qualifier - Speech (‘10)
Robert Wietecha
Advanced Placement Scholar
Science and Engineering Scholarship - U of MN
EVAA Scholarship - EVCF
Freshman Scholarship - U of MN
Graduate with Highest Honors
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Sarah Wiley
Gates Scholarship - Lake Forest College
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Presidential Scholarship - Lake Forest College
Tyler Williams
Graduate with Highest Honors
President’s Education Award
Tamara Willis
Honor Graduate
Music Scholarship - Wartburg College
Spanish National Honor Society
Kyra Witcher
Honor Graduate
St. Thomas Award - University of St. Thomas
Spanish National Honor Society
State Qualifier - BPA (‘09)
UST Grant- University of Saint Thomas
Logan Worke
Advanced Placement Scholar With Honor
EVAA Scholarship - EVCF
FIC Scholarship - Minnesota Credit Unions
Graduate with Highest Honors
National Honor Society
National Merit Scholar - Commended
President’s Education Award
Spanish National Honor Society
Trustee Scholarship - University of Purdue
Christopher Wright
Baylor Provost Gold
Graduate with High Honors
Andrey Yanyuk
Honor Graduate
Kiersten Yndestad
Advanced Placement Scholar
Graduate with Highest Honors
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Joseph Zieminski
All State - Soccer (‘10)
All-State Academic - Soccer (‘10)
Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
President’s Education Award
Presidential Scholarship - Drake University
Soccer Scholarship - EVCF
Parent Hall of Fame
Eastview High School is a school about people working together, about relationships, about a talented staff that cares
about students, about exceptional students doing exceptional things, and about supportive and involved parents.
Over the past fourteen years, literally hundreds of parents have contributed many thousands of hours of volunteer time
on behalf of our programs and students. We have accomplished much with these important contributions. We are very
grateful for this meaningful partnership.
Eastview High School has a tradition initiated by our founding principal, Dr. J. Richard Dewey, of recognizing those parent
volunteers who have made extraordinary contributions on a continuing basis, throughout their child’s(ren’s) years at
As their youngest child graduates, we want to provide special recognition for these parents. They are exceptional
parents who have done exceptional things for all students, staff members and families in the Eastview Community.
The legacy of the following EVHS Parent Hall of Fame inductees will live on:
Class of 2010
Debra Dahlke
Deb Newman
Donna Eull
Beth Pederson
Judy Fusco
Debra Pederson
Sheryl Hjellming
Kevin Pederson
Dale Kariya
Paul Pederson
Mark Losee
Deb Range
Paula Losee
Gary Range
Cynthia Luse-McKeen
Tony Vossen
Congratulations! We have certainly been blessed having you as members of the Eastview Family. Please accept our
warmest thanks and best wishes.
Dr. Randall Peterson
Principal – Eastview High School
Class Information
Kayla Hanson
David Dorsch
Brian Rush
by Rank
Kayla Hanson
David Dorsch
Brian Rush
Raghav Julakanti
Joshua Bloedow
Matthew Lilledahl
Benjamin Kariya
Madeline Kofoed
Elizabeth Roeske
Laura Brenberg
Zakk Buckley
Paige Kelly
Ross Bradley
Laura Brenberg
Sarah Brunsvold
Jefferson Carpenter
Calvin Chang
Barbara Close
Nicholas Dodd
David Dorsch
Collin Erickson
Alexandra Fees
Matthew Gantz
Zachary Ghaffari-Nikou
Anne Godin
Joseph Gramstad
Kayla Hanson
Maria Haugen
Laura Holland
Raghav Julakanti
Benjamin Kariya
Madeline Kofoed
Luke Lassonde
Shirley Liao
Sarah Malaske
Kevin Mar
Jordan McKeen
Jonathan Miles
Hunter Miller
Jesse Myers
Allan Newman
Jack Overby
Erin N. Peterson
Joseph Poblocki
Nicole Rechtzigel
Teagan Riehle
Blake Rodich
Elizabeth Roeske
Jessica Seline
Madeline Settle
Sneha Somani
Anthony Stagner
Brent Stapleton
Paul Thompson
Jason Vanderlinden
Rebekah Weidenhaft
Robert Wietecha
Tyler Williams
Logan Worke
Kiersten Yndestad
Benjamin Kariya
Shirley Liao
Jack Overby
Jason Vanderlinden
Laura Brenberg
Brittany Brown
Jefferson Carpenter
Kayla Hanson
Raghav Julakanti
Madeline Kofoed
Kevin Mar
Jonathan Miles
Divya Reddy
Elizabeth Roeske
Paul Thompson
Logan Worke
Art.................................................................................................................Therese Harrah
Business.........................................................................................................Nicholas Dodd
Dance........................................................................................................... Ariana Johnson
English/Language Arts......................................................................................... Paige Kelly
Family & Consumer Science.......................................................................... Elizabeth May
Instrumental Music.......................................................................................... David Dorsch
Mathematics...................................................................................................... Jack Overby
Physical Education/Wellness/Safety Education................................... Alexandra Lawrence
Science.......................................................................................................... Collin Erickson
Social Studies................................................................................................ Sarah Malaske
Special Education..............................................................................................Laura Meyer
Technology Education.......................................................................................Amy Palmby
Vocal Music.......................................................................................................... Julia Pagh
Work Experience............................................................................................Darren Palmer
World Language..........................................................................................Benjamin Kariya
Fine Arts Student of the Year................................................................. Jason Vanderlinden
Performing Arts Student of the Year................................................................. Taylor Misiak
Student Scholar Artist of the Year............................................................... Madeline Kofoed
Student Athletes of the Year............................................................................. Hayley Trace
Cody Groskreutz
Student Scholar Athletes of the Year.........................................................Rebecca Pachuta
Brad Losee
Minnesota State High School League “Triple A” Award............................... Laura Brenberg
Cody Groskreutz
Athena Award................................................................................................... Hayley Trace
Independent School District 196 and
Eastview High School Staff
Jackie Magnuson, Chairperson
Rob Duchscher, Vice
Art Coulson, Clerk
Bob Schutte, Treasurer
Joel Albright, Director
Mike Roseen, Director
Kevin Sampers, Director
Jane K. Berenz
Dr. Randall Peterson
Dr. Robert Franchino
Kim Martinson
Bruce Miller
Matthew Percival
Jodi Hanson
Doug Baird
Todd Breuer
Chad Harris
Dawn Lough
Doug Nelson
Connie O’Sullivan
James Puzic
Rob Rachow
Nancy Snoeyenbos
Scott Gustafson •
Leah Lencowski •
Andrea Mohr
Ericka Phelps
Jessica Crooker
Alex Currie
Robert Dettmer
Kelli Donais
Kymm Durocher
Scott Durocher
James Fedje
Nicholas Fornicoia
Kari Gilbertson
Joy Hanson
Charlie Hokkanen
Dr. Tyler Krebs
Dr. Jennifer McCarty Plucker
Dave Nord
Susan Olsen
Jessica Reller
Sue Rolfson
Kellie Sagmoen Scales
Ann Strey •
Mia Hendrickson
Kay Huhner •
Janice Svaren
Randy Bailey
Len Bierlein
Kathryn Bochman
Mary Bostrom
Geri Feiock
Susan Furtney
Jim Halvorson •
Mike Haugh
Judy Hoffman
Travis Lee
Dennis Petrich
Kelly Sherwin
Patty Sherwin
Tom Strey
Troy Swanson
Mike Tomlinson
Rich Berggren
Greg Douma
Brian Duffy
Bill Henry •
Jessica Mahr
Frank Pasquerella
Judy Sagen
Kelley Sundin
Jessica Arnold
Bob Boldus
Mary Dye
Jim Egan
Rebecca Egan
Paul Goetz
Mark Groebner
Tony Olsen
Deb Peterson •
Deb Willerscheidt-Olson
Emily Barkley
Kelley Benedict
Bradley Coulthart
Kevin Engstrom
Todd Frost
Carolyn Fruin
Julie Geiselhart
Gerry Hill
Elizabeth Houtz
Erin Mathews
Stephen Meyer
Jane Porterfield
Michelle Schaffer
Tom Sharp
Mark Tollefson •
Dr. Todd Beach
Mary Carberry •
Michelle Dumonceaux
Mark Gerber
Kurt Habeck
Todd Hering
John Kelly
Rebecca Lieffort
Roger Maupin
Dave Nord
Kari Okonek
Ginger O’Neill
Scott Oxley
Krista Pawlicki
Eric Vande Berg
James Wagner
Dale Wessel
• Department Leader
Team Leader
Jeff Anderson
Deb Barloon •
Lori Dauner
Jorjean Fischer
Tom Gravatt
Mike Griffith
Herb Harvey
Mary Hawes
Michelle Horak
Joel Kiekbusch
Becky Kjeldsen
Mary Lokensgard
Nancy McLain
Coralie Nelson
Sonja Nyssen
Karen Pachan
Sarah Papineau
Sonya Roe
Ann Soderlind
Luke Podmers
Rosanne Gold •
Ron Morss
Kathleen Newell
Bruce Buscho •
Michael Cesteros
Nancy Ericson
Laura Gomez
Pam Harens
Masumi Hori †
Patricia Hoveland
Ann Johnson
Mary Kuettner •
Ann McCarthy
Elizabeth Perona †
Karla Sonnenberg
Dianne Telshaw
Chris Franken •
Carita Green
Terri Greener
Mary Hanson •
Anne Scholen
Mark Wanous
Ann DeMarco
Alexandra Drivas
Peggy Mesarchik
Chris Aden
Luann Albright
Joan Beckmann
Beth Bergacker
Marilyn Buhta
Diane Clark
Cheryl Cross
Laurie Danley
Yolanda Edwards
Kelly Genest
Patricia Gerrits
Caroline Gettz
Connie Gilson
Julie Ginader
Judy Hall
Terrie Harmsen
Karen Harvey
Barb Highum
Lynn Hilton
Cynthia Johnson
Julie Kitchener
Patricia Lindgren
Jerril Madsen
Diane Mathews
Debra Millington
Suzanne Nelson
Carla Norris
Barbara Parranto
Karen Phillips
Lorraine Sherwin
Michelle Slater
Susan Tellman
Dave Telshaw
Georgia Thurnblad
Julie Tussing
Nyki Uhrich
Rosann Weber
Julie Wilharm
Debbie Winslow
John Blom
Thomas Brown
Patrick Cason
Brian Fischer •
Jim Hinke
Ron Linke
Hun Ngor
Hanh Nguyen
Ron Okonek
Gene Pritchard
Brian Reinhart †
Tom Steinle
Roger Thompson
Shelby Walker
Barbara Alexon
Artelia Brown
Julie Engstrom
Gui Fang
Jo Gagnon
Nancy Gibbons
Madeleine Krieger
Jean Martin •
Kathy McDonald
Deborah McMenomy
Paige Molder
Chris Nelson
Aurelia Phillips
Tracy Rosenquist
Sharon Rourke
Barbara Schauer
Vicki Shafer
• Department Leader
Team Leader