All-School Awards Assembly Eastview High School May 30, 2007

Eastview High School
All-School Awards Assembly
May 30, 2007
Eastview High School
All-School Awards Assembly
May 30, 2007
~ Program ~
Master of Ceremony................................................................. Mr. Bill Henry
Presentation of Awards
Curriculum and Co-Curricular Awards
and Scholarships.......................................................... Dr. J. Richard Dewey
Eastview Students of the Year...................................................Mr. Bill Henry
Department Coordinators
Arts Coordinator
Athletic Director
“TOP TEN” Grades 9, 10, 11.....................................................Mr. Bill Henry
Dr. J. Richard Dewey
“TOP TEN” Grade 12.................................................................Mr. Bill Henry
Dr. J. Richard Dewey
Academic Honors Criteria
Advanced Placement Scholar
Granted to students who receive grades of 3 or higher on three or more
AP Exams on full-year courses (or the equivalent).
Advanced Placement Scholar with Honor
Granted to students who receive an average grade of at least 3.25 on all
AP Exams taken, and, grades of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams
on full-year courses (or the equivalent).
Advanced Placement Scholar with Distinction
Granted to students who receive an average grade of at least 3.5 on all
AP Exams taken, and, grades of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams
on full-year courses (or the equivalent).
President’s Education Award
Granted to graduates with a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or better
and a score of 85% or better on the ACT, SAT or PSAT test.
Graduate with Honors
Granted to graduates who have an Honor Ranking or are ranked in the top ten
percent of the graduating class (regular ranking).
Graduate with High Honors - Granted to graduates with an Honors Rank, who also
have a score of 95% or better on the ACT, SAT, or PSAT.
Graduate with Highest Honors - Granted to graduates with an Honors Rank, who also
have a score of 98% or better on the ACT, SAT, or PSAT, and 45 or more core
classes taken at the AP or honors level.
*** National Honor Society
** Awards from 2006 - 2007
* Scholarships offered and accepted
-Scholarships offered but not accepted or awards from a previous year
Student’s Name
Michelle Aderhold
Grade Award
** Advanced Placement Scholar
** Graduate With Highest Honors
** National Merit Commended
** President’s Education Award
* Award for Competitive Excellence Scholarship - Iowa State University
* Dean’s Scholarship - Iowa State University
* Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship - EVHS
* Return to Iowa Scholarship - Iowa State University
- Delaware Scholar Scholarship - University of Delaware
- George Beadle Scholarship - University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Nevada I. Wheeler Memorial Scholarship - University of Nebraska
Sarah Ake
*** National Honor Society
** All-State Academic - Track and Field
** All-State Track and Field
Michael Alger
** All-State Journalist - Minnesota High School Press Assoc.
** Regional Emmy - Student Television Network
* Academic Scholarship - University of Minnesota-Duluth
Jessica Allen
Joshua Allen
* Cheerleading Scholarship - EVCF
** Advanced Placement Scholar
** Honor Graduate
** National Qualifier - Speech
** State Qualifier - Speech
Christopher Anderson
- State Qualifier - Speech (11)
** Region Champion - Speech
** State Qualifier - Speech
* Aaron Douglas Scholarship - University of Nebraska - Lincoln
* EVHS Student Council Scholarship - EVHS
Rachel Bachmeier
*** National Honor Society
** 4-H Key Award - U of M Extension Service
** Honor Graduate
** State Qualifier - DECA
* 4-H Auction Scholarship - Dakota County 4-H
* Apple Valley Lion’s Club Scholarship
* Cargill Community Scholarship - National FFA Organization
* Flint Hills Resources Scholarship - EVHS
* Ignatius Award - Creighton College
* Scott Highlands Alumni Scholarship - SHMS
* Skip Niman Chemistry Scholarship - Niman Family
- State Qualifier - DECA (11)
Student’s Name
Grade Award
Kathleen Bartczak
Kelsey Baubie
*** National Honor Society
** State Qualifier - Speech
Amanda Bauer
Benjamin Bauer
National Honor Society
Advanced Placement Scholar
Graduate With High Honors
President’s Education Award
Greenleaf Alumni Scholarship - Greenleaf Elementary
Regent’s/Trustee Scholarship - St. James University
McKenna Belgarde
National Honor Society
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
State Qualifier - Speech
Dakota Electric Association Scholarship - EVHS
Academic Recognition Award - Iowa State University
Academic Scholarship - Concordia College
Academic Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus College
Presidential Scholarship - Drake University
Presidential Scholarship - Luther College
Grant Benner
National Honor Society
Graduate With High Honors
President’s Education Award
State Qualifier - DECA
Class of 1984 Scholarship - Miami University
General Scholarship - Miami University
Oxford Scholarship - Miami University
** President’s Education Award
- State Qualifier - DECA (11)
David Benson
Jennifer Bentley
National Honor Society
Advanced Placement Scholar
Graduate With Highest Honors
President’s Education Award
State Qualifier - Speech
Coca Cola Bottling Midwest Co. Scholarship - EVHS
Dean’s Scholarship - University of Minnesota
Fairview Health Services Auxiliary Scholarship - Fairview Ridges Hospital
Iron Range Scholarship - University of Minnesota
Ignatius Academic Scholarship - Marquette University
Magis Enhancement Scholarship - Marquette University
* Freshman Academic Scholarship - North Dakota State University
** Honor Graduate
** President’s Education Award
Student’s Name
Grade Award
Kaye Lani Berg
*** National Honor Society
** State Qualifier - DECA
Grigoriy Berman
Amy Bierlein
Sean Bjordal
Kelsey Boeff
Daniel Bonnell
Caitlin Boon
Christopher Boyd
Cassandra Brady
Jake Branchaud-Linsk
** National Qualifier - Speech
** National Honor Society
** State Qualifier - Speech
National Honor Society
Honor Graduate
EVHS Girls Soccer Boosters Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
Music Lesson Scholarship - Luther College
President Scholarship - Luther College
Weston Noble Music Scholarship - Luther College
** All-State Swimming and Diving
** State Qualifier - DECA
- State Qualifier - DECA (11)
National Honor Society
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
Silver Award - Girl Scouts of America
St. Catherine of Alexandria Scholarship - College of St. Catherine
Founders Scholarship - Creighton University
Ignatian Scholarship- Creighton College
* EVCF Success Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
Graduate With High Honors
Adam Bauman Foundation Scholarship - Eagan Community Foundation
LDT Dance Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
Academic Scholarship - University of Iowa
Academic Scholarship - University of St. Thomas
National Honor Society
Advanced Placement Scholar
Eagle Scout - Boy Scouts of America
Honor Graduate
Louis Armstrong Jazz Award
President’s Education Award
University of Minnesota Honor Band
Ron Finger Scholarship - Scott Highlands Middle School
Honor Graduate
State Qualifier - Nordic Skiing
Dean’s Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus College
Eastview Athletic Association Scholarship - EVCF
President’s Scholarship - College of St. Benedict
Student’s Name
Grade Award
Kyle Brendalen
Stephanie Brogdon
Matthias Broner
** State Qualifier - DECA
Billy Bronson
** Honor Graduate
Alexis Brown
** All-State Academic - Tennis
Hien Bui
** National Honor Society
** State Qualifier - Speech
Colin Burke
Travis Burkstrand
Lauren Carlson
Timothy Casey
Kristen Chodek
Peter Christian
* EVHS Golf Boosters Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
Janet Chung
* Taffae Family Memorial Nursing Scholarship - EVCF
Jean Chung
** All-State PI Adapted Floor Hockey
** All-State PI Adapted Soccer
- All-State PI Adapted Soccer (11)
National Honor Society
Graduate With Highest Honors
Academic Scholarship - University of St. Thomas
St. Thomas Award - University of St. Thomas
*** National Honor Society
** All-State Band
** All-State Cross Country
** State Qualifier - Cross Country
*** National Honor Society
** All-State Band
** Graduate With High Honors
*** National Honor Society
** Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
Advanced Placement Scholar
All-State Choir
Graduate With Highest Honors
National Merit Finalist
President’s Education Award
Solo Ensemble Best in Site - MMEA
Chris Yannopouloa Scholarship - Emory University
National Merit Scholarship - Emory University
All-State Choir
Certificate of Merit - Society of Women Engineers
Echols Scholars Program - University of Virginia
National Math Exam - High Scorer
- State Qualifier - Speech
Student’s Name
Grade Award
Andrea Chvatal
** State Qualifier - Swimming and Diving
Mallory Cina
*** National Honor Society
** State Qualifier - DECA
Melissa Clawson
Susan Close
*** National Honor Society
** State Qualifier - Speech
Samantha Cozort
Abigail Crane
Bradley Cullen
Joseph Curry
*** National Honor Society
* Emerging Leader Scholarship - Virginia Tech Corp. of Cadets
* Navy ROTC Scholarship - U.S. Navy
Jason Dahlke
Antonia Damico
** All-State Dance Team
Michael Danley
*** National Honor Society
** State Qualifier - DECA
Travis Daudelin
** State Qualifier - DECA
Jeffrey Debele
*** National Honor Society
** Dartmouth Book Award
John DeFrance
Mackenzie Del Santro
Colin Desmond
National Honor Society
Advanced Placement Scholar
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
Founder’s Scholarship - Carthage College
Lincoln Finalist Scholarship - Carthage College
Presidential Scholarship - Valparaiso University
* St. Thomas Scholarship - University of St. Thomas
** State Qualifier - DECA
National Honor Society
Graduate With Highest Honors
President’s Education Award
Bilas Equity Scholarship - University of Wisconsin-Madison
Eliot Award Scholarship - University of Washington-St. Louis
National Math Exam - High Scorer
Oxford Scholarship - University of Miami (OH)
* Diamond Path Alumni Scholarship
* EVCF Success Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
** State Qualifier - Speech
* EVHS Girls Soccer Boosters Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
*** National Honor Society
** State Qualifier - Debate
Student’s Name
Grade Award
Benjamin Determan
National Honor Society
Graduate With High Honors
EVCF Science Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
Vilas Equity Scholarship - University of Wisconsin-Madison
Wisconsin Alumni Club Scholarship - Wisconsin Alumni Club of the Twin Cities
Kathryn Dickinson
** Advanced Placement Scholar
** Graduate With High Honors
Kaylah Dockter
** President’s Education Award
Nicole Dohmeier
** President’s Education Award
Jamie Dop
* Knights of Columbus Scholarship - Knights of Columbus
David Dougherty
* Apple Valley Rotary Scholarship - EVHS
* EVCF Fine Arts Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
Andrew Drake
Alyssa Ducatelli
John Dugan
* Eastview Athletic Association Scholarship - EVCF
Chad Dunshee
* Cal Murphy Scholarship - University of Montana
Laura Durnin
* Academic Scholarship - University of Minnesota-Duluth
Benjamin East
** All-State PI Adapted Floor Hockey
Stephen Edwards
** Graduate With High Honors
** President’s Education Award
* Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship - EVHS
Jill-Ann Eekhoff
** Honor Graduate
Ashley Egan
** All-State Dance Team
Kara Ehlert
David Elia
** All-State Swimming and Diving
- All-American Swimming
- All-State Swimming and Diving (11)
National Honor Society
Honor Graduate
Academic Recognition Award - Iowa State University
Dream Makers Scholar Athlete Scholarship - EVCF
National Honor Society
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
Silver Award - Girl Scouts of America
Presidential Scholarship - College of St. Benedict
Dean’s Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus College
** All-State Soccer
Student’s Name
Kelsey Eliason
Grade Award
*** National Honor Society
** Advanced Placement Scholar
** All-State Academic Track and Field
** All-State Band
** All-State Track and Field
** ExCEL Award - MSHSL
** Graduate With High Honors
** Lightning Award - Track and Field
** President’s Education Award
** U.S. Marine Corps Distinguished Athlete
** Wendy’s High School Heisman - Wendy’s Corp.
* Falcon Ridge Alumni Scholarship - FRMS
* Gioe Family AAA Award Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
- All-State Band (11)
- All-State Track and Field (11)
- ExCEL Award Nominee - EVHS
- ExCEL Award Winner
- St. Olaf Scholarship - St. Olaf College
- St. Thomas Scholarship - University of St. Thomas
Rebecca Ernst
** President’s Education Award
Jacqueline Evans
** Graduate With High Honors
* Eastview Athletic Association Scholarship - EVCF
*** National Honor Society
** President’s Education Award
Michael Ewen
Kevin Fitzgerald
* Mainstream Communications “Flash” Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
** All-State Swimming and Diving
- All-American Swimming
- All-State Swimming and Diving (11)
Angela Flom
*** National Honor Society
** Advanced Placement Scholar
** Graduate With Highest Honors
** President’s Education Award
* Instrumental Music Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
* Presidential Scholarship - Drake University
* Trustee Scholarship - Drake University
Jay Fluegge
* Academic Scholarship - Augustana College
* Heritage Scholarship - Augustana College
* Musical Scholarship - Augustana College
- National Undergraduate Scholarship - University of Northern Colorado
Student’s Name
Laura Folkerts
Grade Award
*** National Honor Society
** Honor Graduate
** President’s Education Award
** State Qualifier - DECA
Dawn Franklin-Erickson
- State Qualifier - DECA (11)
** Graduate With High Honors
* Diversity Scholars Award - University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
- Counselor’s Choice Award - University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse
Danielle Fraser
** State Qualifier - DECA
Kevin Freiberger
** Eagle Scout - Boy Scouts of America
* Apple Valley Legion Post 1776 Scholarship
* Coca Cola Bottling Midwest Co. Scholarship - EVHS
Christine Fries
*** National Honor Society
** All-State Academic - Track and Field
** All-State Track and Field
Kelly Galau
Jacob Garin
** Honor Graduate
* National Scholars Award - University of Iowa
*** National Honor Society
** Honor Graduate
* Dean’s Scholarship - St. Olaf College
* Music Recognition Scholarship - St. Olaf College
* St. Olaf Scholarship - St. Olaf College
Hillary Gebert
*** National Honor Society
** Honor Graduate
** State Qualifier - Speech
* Presidential Scholarship - Drake University
- Mary T. Schmidt Presidential Scholarship - Seton Hall
- Music Scholarship - Drake University
- Presidential Scholarship - Luther College
- State Qualifier - Speech (11)
Elizabeth Gephart
Daniel Getzke
* Cheerleading Scholarship - EVCF
** State Qualifier - Wrestling
Student’s Name
Sean Gibbons
Grade Award
*** National Honor Society
** Advanced Placement Scholar With Honors
** Graduate With Highest Honors
** National Merit Commended
** President’s Education Award
* Boys Hockey Scholarship - Eagan Foundation
* EVHS Blue Line Boys Hockey Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
- Dartmouth Book Award
- National Math Exam - High Scorer
Stephanie Gilmore
** Honor Graduate
** President’s Education Award
- Academic Scholarship - University of St. Thomas
- St. Thomas Award - University of St. Thomas
Melissa Goettig
*** National Honor Society
** Graduate With High Honors
** President’s Education Award
* Presidential Scholarship - University of North Dakota
- Academic Scholarship - University of Minnesota-Duluth
- Benedictine Scholarship - College of St. Scholastica
- Iron Range Scholarship - University of Minnesota-Duluth
- National Scholars Award - University of Iowa
- Old Gold Scholar - University of Iowa
Zach Goldbach
** Honor Graduate
Nicholas Gramstad
** Lightning Award - EVHS Football
** President’s Education Award
Julie Graner
* Football Boosters Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
*** National Honor Society
** All-State Academic - Dance Team
** Graduate With High Honors
** President’s Education Award
John Greene
- Academic Scholarship - University of St. Thomas
Nichole Greseth
*** National Honor Society
** All-State Band
** Honor Graduate
Student’s Name
Grade Award
Rebecca Griffith
National Honor Society
Advanced Placement Scholar
Graduate With Highest Honors
President’s Education Award
Silver Award - Girl Scouts of America
Alumni Fine Arts Scholarship - Illinois Wesleyann University
Luse Memorial Theatre Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
Dean’s Scholarship - DePaul University
Nicholas Grimme
Amy Guenther
** President’s Education Award
Noah Guither
** Advanced Placement Scholar
** Graduate With High Honors
** President’s Education Award
Brianna Gunnerson
** State Qualifier - DECA
Grace Habegger
** All-State Choir
Katie Hager
National Honor Society
Honor Graduate
Coca Cola Bottling Midwest Co. Scholarship - EVHS
Music Scholarship - South Dakota State University
Megan Hall
National Honor Society
Advanced Placement Scholar
Best in Site Solo Award - MSHSL
Graduate With Highest Honors
Outstanding Academic Athlete - EVHS Swimming
President’s Education Award
St. Olaf Honor Band
Edgren Scholarship - Bethel University
Music Scholarship - Bethel University
President’s Scholarship - Bethel University
Presidential Scholarship - St. Olaf College
Presidential Scholarship - Wheaton College
Molly Hall
Holly Hankes
Michelle Harvey
** All-State Dance Team
Dillon Hasselmann
** Advanced Placement Scholar
** Honor Graduate
** President’s Education Award
* EVHS Boys Football Boosters Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
* National Wild Turkey Federation Scholarship
- Language Department Scholarship - Hamline University
** All-State Choir
* EVCF Dream Makers Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
Student’s Name
Grade Award
Kelsey Hayden
** Honor Graduate
Brian Heimerl
** Honor Graduate
** President’s Education Award
Kimberly Hensley
Robyn Heppelmann
** All-State Choir
*** National Honor Society
** Honor Graduate
* Excellence Scholarship - Concordia College-Moorhead
* Fairview Health Services Auxiliary Scholarship - Fairview Ridges Hospital
* Taffae Family Memorial Nursing Scholarship - EVCF
- Dean’s Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus College
- Lutheran Leadership Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus College
- Paul Rucker Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus College
Abigail Herman
*** National Honor Society
** Advanced Placement Scholar
** All-State Choir
** Graduate With Highest Honors
** National Merit Commended
** President’s Education Award
* Dick Hanson Scholarship - EVHS
* Regent Scholarship - Luther College
* Weston Noble Music Scholarship - Luther College
- All-State Choir (11)
- Dean’s Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus College
- Presidential Scholarship - Drake University
Siri Hill
*** National Honor Society
** Advanced Placement Scholar
** Graduate With High Honors
** Outstanding Academic Athlete - EVHS Basketball
** Outstanding Academic Athlete - EVHS Volleyball
** President’s Education Award
* EVAA Girls Basketball Scholarship - EVCF
* Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship - EVHS
* Lutheran Scholar Award - Wittenberg University
* Provost Scholarship - Wittenberg University
* Witt Alumni Music Scholarship - Wittenberg University
- Presidential Scholarship - St. Olaf College
- St. Olaf Scholarship - St. Olaf College
Hannah Hinckley
** Honor Graduate
** President’s Education Award
Student’s Name
Grade Award
Laura Hinderaker
National Honor Society
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
Dean’s Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus College
Alison Hirsch
National Honor Society
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
Miller Academic Merit Award - University of Wisconsin-Madison
Anna Hoeschen
National Honor Society
Honor Graduate
State Qualifier - Speech
Food & Nutrition Scholarship - EVHS
Presidential Scholarship - College of St. Benedict
Sarah Horak
National Honor Society
Advanced Placement Scholar
Graduate With High Honors
President’s Education Award
Eastview Athletic Association Scholarship - EVCF
Scott Horvath
Nicole Howard
All-American Football - Prep Star Magazine
All-Metro Football - KARE 11
All-Metro Football - Star Tribune
All-State -
All-State Football - Pioneer Press
Mr. Football Finalist - MN Coaches Association
Athletic Scholarship - St. Cloud State University
All-Metro - Randy Shaver KARE 11 (11)
All-Metro - Star Tribune (11)
All-State Football - Associated Press (11)
All-State Football - Minnesota Vikings (11)
Athletic Scholarship - Augustana College
Athletic Scholarship - University of Minnesota-Duluth
National Honor Society
Graduate With Highest Honors
President’s Education Award
State Qualifier - DECA
Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship - EVHS
Presidential Scholarship - University of Minnesota-TC
Study Abroad Scholarship - University of Minnesota-TC
Founder’s Scholarship - Syracuse University
State Qualifier - DECA (11)
- University Scholarship - Syracuse University
Student’s Name
Katherine Howland
Grade Award
*** National Honor Society
** Honor Graduate
** President’s Education Award
** U. S. Army Reserve National Scholar/Athlete
* Athletic Scholarship - Minnesota State University-Moorhead
* Diamonds and Dreams Scholarship - MN Twins Community Fund
* EVAA Softball Scholarship - EVCF
* Presidential Honors Scholarship - Minnesota State University-Moorhead
Jonathan Hsiao
Ally Huang
** American Invitation Math Exam High Scorer
** American Math Contest High Scorer
*** National Honor Society
** All-State Band
** ExCEL Nominee - EVHS
** ExCEL Winner - State
William Jackson
** All-State Wrestling
Claire Jacobson
** State Qualifier - Speech
Kjirsten Jacobson
** State Qualifier - Gymnastics
** State Qualifier - Track and Field
Angela Jansen
Kate Janson
* Presidential Scholarship - Drake University
** State Qualifier - DECA
* Academic Scholarship - Winona State University
* Taffae Family Memorial Nursing Scholarship - EVCF
- State Qualifier - DECA (11)
Heather Jensen
* EVCF Success Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
Lindsey Jensen
** State Qualifier - DECA
Parvathi Jithendranathan
*** National Honor Society
** Advanced Placement Scholar With Distinction
** Graduate With High Honors
** President’s Education Award
* College of Arts and Sciences Scholarship - New York University
* EVHS Student Council Scholarship - EVHS
* Local #28 Scholarship Award - St. Paul Federation of Teachers
- Academic Scholarship - University of St. Thomas
- Dean’s Scholarship - Fairleigh Dickinson University
- President’s Distinguished Student Scholarship - University of Minnesota
- Regent’s Scholarship - University of the Pacific
- Trustee Honor Scholarship - Grinell College
Student’s Name
Thomas Johnsen
Grade Award
** Advanced Placement Scholar
** Graduate With High Honors
** President’s Education Award
Danielle Johnson
Seth Jonker
* EVAA Softball Scholarship - EVCF
*** National Honor Society
** All-State Academic - Basketball
** Honor Graduate
** Lightning Award - EVHS Boys Basketball
** President’s Education Award
** U.S. Marine Corps Distinguished Athlete
Devin Kalafut
* Basketball Leadership Scholarship - EVCF
*** National Honor Society
** All-State Band
** American Math Contest High Scorer
Sean Kalafut
Pallavi Kannan
** President’s Education Award
** Science Olympiad State Champion
*** National Honor Society
** Advanced Placement Scholar
** Graduate With Highest Honors
** MCA Writing Scholar With Distinction
** MCA Writing Scholar With Honors
** National Merit Finalist
** President’s Education Award
* Duke University Scholarship - Duke University
* Fairview Ridges Auxiliary Scholarship - Fairview Ridges Hospital
* Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship - EVHS
* National Merit Scholarship - General Mills
- 3M Alumni Scholarship - University of Minnesota-TC
- Distinguished Academic Scholarship - Kenyon College
- John F. Oberlin Scholarship - Oberlin College
- National Spanish Exam - High Scorer
- Phillip Family Scholarship - University of Minnesota-TC
- Presidential Distinguished Student Scholarship - University of Minnesota-TC
- Presidential Scholarship - University of Minnesota-TC
- Study Abroad Scholarship - University of Minnesota-TC
- Trustee Honor Scholarship - Grinell College
Emily Kaus
** All-State Academic - Track and Field
Student’s Name
Grade Award
Alexandra Kehoe
National Honor Society
Advanced Placement Scholar
Graduate With High Honors
President’s Education Award
Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship - EVHS
Lauren Kelley
*** National Honor Society
** Advanced Placement Scholar
** Honor Graduate
Amanda Kelly
Hannah Kennealy
Colleen Kiron
Tyler Kistner
** Honor Graduate
* National Scholars Award - University of Iowa
Alexander Kleven
** Honor Graduate
** President’s Education Award
Katie Knutson
** All-State Academic - Track and Field
Michael Koch
** Honor Graduate
- Academic Scholarship - University of St. Thomas
Benjamin Kofoed
Nicholas Kor
Matthew Kraus
** Honor Graduate
* Academic Scholarship - University of St. Thomas
* St. Thomas Award - University of St. Thomas
National Honor Society
Honor Graduate
EVCF Dream Makers Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
Excellence Scholarship - Concordia College-Moorhead
Bethel Faculty Scholarship - Bethel University
St. Thomas Award - University of St. Thomas
St. Thomas Scholarship - University of St. Thomas
Emmy - Best Documentary - MHSPA
Emmy - Best Sports News Story - MHSPA
MN Wild Hockey Story Contest - MHSPA
Spring Nationals 1st Place Sports Story - MHSPA
*** National Honor Society
** All-State Band
* Dream Makers Instrumental Music - EVCF
* St. Thomas Award - University of St. Thomas
* Sunberg Family Scholarship - University of St. Thomas
All-State Orchestra
Graduate With Highest Honors
President’s Education Award
All-State Band (11)
Student’s Name
Grade Award
Peter Krueger
Ashley Kuehne
Elise Kuhlmann
** President’s Education Award
Joseph Kujawa
** Eagle Scout - Boy Scouts of America
* Erickson Success Scholarship - EVCF
Diane Kulseth
National Honor Society
Advanced Placement Scholar
Graduate With Highest Honors
President’s Education Award
EVCF Alumni Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
Music Ministry Alive! Scholarship
St. Thomas Award - University of St. Thomas
Presidential Scholarship - College of St. Catherine’s
Presidential Scholarship - St. Mary’s University
St. Cecilia Scholarship - St. Mary’s University
Sara Lacount
National Honor Society
Advanced Placement Scholar
Graduate With High Honors
Academic Scholarship - University of St. Thomas
Alyssa Landin
*** National Honor Society
** All-State Band
Kirk Landin
** Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
All-State Journalist - Minnesota High School Press Assoc.
Graduate With High Honors
President’s Education Award
National Honor Society
All-State Band - Jazz
Graduate With High Honors
President’s Education Award
Achievement Scholarship - University of Illinois - Champaign-Urbana
Gioe Family AAA Award Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
School of Music Scholarship - University of Illinois-Champaign-Urbana
State Farm Agents Scholarship - Eagan Foundation
Academic Scholarship - University of Miami (FL)
All-State Band (11)
Freshman Honor Scholarship - University of Wisconson-Eau Claire
Jazz Scholarship - University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Merit Scholarship - University of Michigan
National Math Exam - High Scorer
National Scholar of Excellence - Michigan Technical University
- Wind/Percussion Division Scholarship - University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Student’s Name
Alexandra Larsen
Grade Award
** Honor Graduate
* Mark Twain Non-Resident Scholarship - University of Missouri-Columbia
Zachary Larsen
** All-State Band
Melissa Larson
** State Qualifier - DECA
William Larson
** Advanced Placement Scholar
** Graduate With High Honors
- Academic Scholarship - University of St. Thomas
- St. Thomas Award - University of St. Thomas
Annie Le
Tiffany Le
** State Qualifier - DECA
Rachel Lee
*** National Honor Society
Joel Leeman
** Honor Graduate
Patrick Lenertz
* ACE Award Scholarship - Minnesota Valley Exchange Club
*** National Honor Society
** All-State Band
** All-State Academic Football - MSHSL
** All-State Band - Jazz
** Honor Graduate
** President’s Education Award
** University of Minnesota Honor Band
* EVHS Football Scholar Athlete Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
* Ferguson Family Scholarship University of Minnesota
* Music Scholarship - University of Minnesota
- All-State Band (11)
Justine Lentz
*** National Honor Society
** Graduate With High Honors
** President’s Education Award
Mariya Leyderman
** Advanced Placement Scholar
** Honor Graduate
Kimberly Lieder
** All-State Track and Field
Roberto Lleras
Christine Loher
** President’s Education Award
Brett Lucke
** Honor Graduate
* Midwest Vending Scholarship - EVHS
Student’s Name
Grade Award
Ryan Lynch
National Honor Society
Advanced Placement Scholar
Graduate With Highest Honors
President’s Education Award
Actuarial Science Out of State Grant - University of Nebraska-Lincoln
David Distinguished Scholarship - University of Nebraska-Lincoln
EVAA Boys Basketball Scholarship - EVCF
Forrest C. Blood Jr. Scholarship - University of Nebraska-Lincoln
George Beadle Scholarship - University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Nebraska Actuaries Club Scholarship - NAC
Rachel Mahoney
National Honor Society
Advanced Placement Scholar
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
Vilas Equity Scholarship - University of Wisconsin-Madison
Micah Maland
*** National Honor Society
** Graduate With High Honors
** President’s Education Award
William Malchodi
*** National Honor Society
** Honor Graduate
Nicholas Mangano
Barbara Marchevsky
*** National Honor Society
** National Qualifier - Speech
Adam Mateen
** President’s Education Award
Scott Matthews
** State Qualifier - Debate
National Honor Society
Advanced Placement Scholar
Graduate With Highest Honors
National Merit Commended
President’s Education Award
Spirit of Service Award - Prudential Financial
Best Buy Children’s Foundation Scholarship - Best Buy Corp.
EVHS Math, Stats, Computer Science Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship - EVHS
Presidential Scholarship - University of Minnesota
Sydney Swensrud Fellowship Scholarship - University of Minnesota
Undergraduate Research Opportunities Award - University of Minnesota
ExCEL Award Nominee - EVHS
National Math Exam - High Scorer
University of Minnesota Honor Band
Vilas Equity Scholarship - University of Wisconsin-Madison
Yale Book Award
Student’s Name
Jean Mbachu
Grade Award
** Graduate With High Honors
** Minnesota Brain Bee Regional Qualifier
** National Merit Achievement Finalist
** President’s Education Award
* EVHS Math, Stats, Computer Science Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
* National Achievement Scholarship - National Merit Scholarship Corp.
* Sal Walton Community Scholarship - Wal- Mart
- McGuire Scholarship - University of Minnesota
Kelly McCumber
** State Qualifier - DECA
Jonathan McDonald
*** National Honor Society
Hanna Mckeen
** All-State Swimming and Diving
*** National Honor Society
** Advanced Placement Scholar
** Graduate With Highest Honors
** President’s Education Award
* Fairview Ridges Medical Center Scholarship - EVHS
- Forensics Scholarship - Concordia College
- Forensics Scholarship - University of Texas
- Harvard Prize Book Award
- Iowa Heritage Scholarship - University of Iowa
- National Spanish Exam - High Scorer
- NCTE Achievement Award in Writing
- Old Gold Scholarship - University of Iowa
- Principal’s Leadership Award
- Scholars Award - University of Iowa
Ephreme Megenta
** National Qualifier - Speech
Samantha Mehr
** All-State Academic - Track and Field
Nicholas Mehring
** All-State Swimming and Diving
** President’s Education Award
* EVAA Baseball Scholarship - EVCF
- All-State Swimming and Diving (11)
Bailey Meiklejohn
Alexis Meisner
* Academic Scholarship - Wartburg College
* Meistersinger Music Scholarship - Wartburg College
** State Qualifier - DECA
* Founders Scholarship - University of Minnesota
* Horatio Alger Scholarship - Horatio Alger
* Peterson Family Dream Makers Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
- State Qualifier - DECA (11)
Student’s Name
Grade Award
Mckenzie Melander
National Honor Society
All-State Academic - Track and Field
All-State Cross Country
All-State Track and Field
Andrew Melhus
National Honor Society
Advanced Placement Scholar
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
State Qualifier - DECA
EVCF Success Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
Stephanie Melton
Kathryn Merkley
Drew Merten
Sean Metcalf
Todd Meyer
Sara Michalski
** Honor Graduate
* Eastview Athletic Association Scholarship - EVCF
National Honor Society
Honor Graduate
Coca Cola Bottling Midwest Co. Scholarship - EVHS
Dakota County Elks Scholarship - Elks Lodge #2832
President’s Scholarship - College of St. Benedict
- All-State Band
National Honor Society
Graduate With High Honors
President’s Education Award
Bilas Equity Scholarship - University of Wisconsin-Madison
* Academic Excellence Scholarship - Creighton College
* Athletic Scholarship - Creighton College
* EVHS Boys Soccer Boosters Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
National Honor Society
Advanced Placement Scholar
Dakota Electric Youth Tour Delegate Top Honors
Graduate With Highest Honors
National Merit Commended
President’s Education Award
Anchor Bank Scholarship - EVHS
EVHS Math, Stats, Computer Science Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
G & J Aresty Scholarship - University of Miami (FL)
University Scholarship - University of Miami (FL)
Bentson Family Scholarship - University of Minnesota
Bryn Mawr Book Award
Ethel Barnes Memorial Scholarship - Miami University (OH)
Honors Award Scholarship - Miami University (OH)
State Qualifier - DECA (11)
U-Guide/Entrepreneuer Scholarship - University of Minnesota
Student’s Name
Grade Award
Justin Modrynski
** Honor Graduate
** President’s Education Award
* Dugout Club Baseball Scholarship - EVCF
Semira Mohammed
*** National Honor Society
** State Qualifier - Speech
Nina Moini-zolghadr
National Honor Society
Advanced Placement Scholar
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
State Qualifier - Speech
Edward and Ellen Khiep Scholarship - University of Missouri-Columbia
Mark Twain Scholarship - University of Missouri-Columbia
State Qualifier - Speech (11)
Abby Moran
National Honor Society
Advanced Placement Scholar
Graduate With Highest Honors
President’s Education Award
Patrick Moran
*** National Honor Society
** All-State Choir
Laura Mullaney
*** National Honor Society
** All-State Band
Matthew Muller
Erin Mushro
Megan Myslinski
*** National Honor Society
** Honor Graduate
Raija Naegeli
** Honor Graduate
** President’s Education Award
National Honor Society
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
Dr. Dewey Educator Scholarship - EVCF
Presidential Scholarship - Drake University
Roger Thompson Scholarship - EVHS
Excellence Scholarship - Concordia College
St. Thomas Award - University of St. Thomas
St. Thomas Scholarship - University of St. Thomas
National Honor Society
Advanced Placement Scholar
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
EVAA Cross Country Scholarship - EVCF
Student’s Name
Grade Award
Alicia Nelson
** Athena Award
* Athletic Scholarship - Stony Brook University
Caroline Nelson
Graduate With High Honors
President’s Education Award
Accountancy Scholarship - University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse
EVCF Success Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
Flint Hills Resources Scholarship - EVHS
Academic Scholarship - Iowa State University
Ignatius Academic Scholarship - Marquette University
Magnus Scholarship - Marquette University
St. Thomas Award - University of St. Thomas
Jacob Nelson
Honor Graduate
State Qualifier - Wreslting
Eileen Wyatt Scholarship - Diamond Path Elementary
EWA Wrestling Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
Rising Scholar Scholarship - University of North Dakota
Victoria Nelson
Advanced Placement Scholar
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
Erickson Success Scholarship - EVCF
Ignatius Academic Scholarship - Marquette University
National Scholars Award - University of Iowa
St. Thomas Award - University of St. Thomas
Jacob Neutz
** President’s Education Award
Jessica Olson
Stephanie Olson
Kyle O’Neill
* EVHS Boys Soccer Boosters Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
Ashley Osborne
* Girls Hockey Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
Erin Overvig
* National Academic Award - Northern Michigan University
* Outstanding Achievement Award - Northern Michigan University
- Academic Scholarship - University of New England
National Honor Society
Advanced Placement Scholar
Graduate With High Honors
President’s Education Award
Presidential Scholarship - Jamestown College
Dean’s Scholarship - Gettysburg College
Presidential Scholarship - Bethany Lutheran College
Presidential Scholarship - Drake University
Regents Scholarship - Luther College
Regent’s Scholarship - Wartburg College
** Honor Graduate
Student’s Name
David Pachuta
Grade Award
** President’s Education Award
Jennifer Pagh
** Graduate With High Honors
* Eastview Athletic Association Scholarship - EVCF
** Honor Graduate
** Lightning Tennis Award - EVHS Tennis
** Region Champion - Speech
** State Qualifier - Speech
* EVHS Speech Tourney Scholarship - EVHS
* Excellence Scholarship - Concordia College
* Speech Scholarship - Concordia College Forensics
- State Qualifier - Speech (11)
Gina Pan
Christopher Paradeise
*** National Honor Society
** All-State Band
** All-State Swimming and Diving
- All-State Swimming and Diving (11)
Jiin Park
Michelle Patten
* E.L.L. Scholarship - EVCF
*** National Honor Society
** State Qualifier - Debate
** State Qualifier - Speech
Elise Pederson
*** National Honor Society
** All-State Dance Team
** Honor Graduate
Rachael Pederson
* LDT Dance Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
*** National Honor Society
** Harvard Prize Book Award
** State Qualifier - Speech
Nicholas Pekarek
*** National Honor Society
** All-State Band
** American Math Contest High Scorer
** Honor Graduate
** President’s Education Award
** University of Minnesota Honor Band
* School of Music Scholarship - University of Minnesota
- All-State Band (11)
- Viennese Ball Scholarship - University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Nicholas Pelant
** State Qualifier - DECA
Student’s Name
Kristin Petersen
Grade Award
*** National Honor Society
** All-State Academic Track and Field
** Honor Graduate
** President’s Education Award
- National Scholars Award - University of Iowa
- President’s Scholarship - Western Washington University
Laura Peterson
*** National Honor Society
** Honor Graduate
** National Qualifier - Speech
** Outstanding Performance in a Lead Role - Spotlight Musical Theatre
** President’s Education Award
** Region Champion - Speech
** State Champion - Speech
** State Qualifier - Speech
* Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship - EVHS
* Lightning Award Scholarship - EVHS Speech Boosters
* McKeen Memorial Speech Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
- Presidential Scholarship - Drake University
- State Champion - Speech (11)
- State Qualifier - Speech (11)
Natalie Peterson
Zachary Philbrick
** Honor Graduate
* Eastview Athletic Association Scholarship - EVCF
*** National Honor Society
** Advanced Placement Scholar
** Honor Graduate
Michael Placeway
Anna Pojman
*** National Honor Society
** All-State Swimming and Diving
** Honor Graduate
** President’s Education Award
* St. Thomas Award - University of St. Thomas
* St. Thomas Scholarship - University of St. Thomas
Alison Prater
Marissa Price
*** National Honor Society
** State Qualifier - Debate
** All-State Academic - Track and Field
Student’s Name
Sarah Prosen
Grade Award
*** National Honor Society
** All-American Gymnastics
** All-State Gymnastics
** Honor Graduate
** State Qualifier -Gymnastics
* Dream Makers Gymnastic Scholarship - EVCF
* Hamline Honors Scholarship - Hamline University
* LDT Dance Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
- Dean’s Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus College
- Dean’s Scholarship - Winona State University
Jennifer Przeslawski
Andrew Pudwill
* Dakota Electric Association Scholarship - EVHS
* Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship - EVHS
*** National Honor Society
** Honor Graduate
** Lightning Award - EVHS Wrestling
Caitlin Race
*** National Honor Society
** Advanced Placement Scholar
** American Math Contest High Scorer
** Graduate With Highest Honors
** National Merit Commended
** President’s Education Award
** University of Minnesota Honor Band
* EVHS Math Student of the Year Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
- Certificate of Merit - Society of Women Engineers
- DeWitt Scholarship - Macalester College
- National Math Exam - High Scorer
- National Spanish Exam - High Scorer
- Presidential Award - St. Olaf College
- Presidential Scholarship - University of Minnesota-TC
Cory Rademacher
Joseph Radermacher
** Advanced Placement Scholar
*** National Honor Society
** Honor Graduate
** President’s Education Award
* 6th Man Club Basketball Scholarship - EVCF
- Gustie Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus College
Aksharananda Rambachan 11
*** National Honor Society
** National Qualifier - Speech
** State Qualifier - Debate
** State Qualifier - Speech
Student’s Name
Grade Award
Meghan Rangitsch
Samuel Rauchwarter
*** National Honor Society
** All-State Swimming and Diving
Shannon Reidlinger
Daniel Reilly
** Graduate With High Honors
** President’s Education Award
Gregory Reimer
** State Qualifier - DECA
Jenna Reishus
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
Larsen Presidential Scholarship - Luther College
Music Scholarship - Luther College
Weston Noble Music Scholarship - Luther College
Dean’s Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus College
Excellence Scholarship - Concordia College
Legacy Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus College
Presidential Scholarship - Augustana College
Presidential Scholarship - Drake University
Joshua Retka
Hoby Baker Award Nominee
Lightning Award - EVHS Hockey
U. S. Army Reserve National Scholar/Athlete
Benedictine Scholarship - College of St. Scholastica
Dugout Club Baseball Scholarship - EVCF
Academic Scholarship - University of Minnesota-Duluth
Honors Scholarship - Hamline University
University Scholar - St. Louis University
Carl Rettke
** All-State Band
** Graduate With Highest Honors
Advanced Placement Scholar
Honor Graduate
Technical Theatre Award for Costumes - Spotlight Music Theatre
Academic Scholarship - Savannah College of Art and Design
Eastview Athletic Association Scholarship - EVCF
National Honor Society
Advanced Placement Scholar
Graduate With Highest Honors
President’s Education Award
Presidential Scholarship - St. Olaf College
St. Olaf Scholarship - St. Olaf College
Wayne Knopp Memorial Fund - Rodney Knopp
Presidential Scholarship - Lawrence University
** President’s Education Award
- National Math Exam - High Scorer
Student’s Name
Grade Award
Flynn Rico-johnson
** State Qualifier - DECA
* EVHS Boys Soccer Boosters Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
- State Qualifier - DECA (11)
Graham Rico-johnson
** State Qualifier - DECA
Aaron Riippa
** State Qualifier - DECA
- State Qualifier - DECA (11)
Adam Rondeau
Megan Rowley
National Honor Society
Distinguished Academic Achievement Award - Softball-MSHSL
Distinguished Journalist - MHSPA
Emmy Award - MHSPA
Honor Graduate
Adam Banman Foundation Scholarship - Eagan Community Foundation
EVAA Softball Scholarship - EVCF
Rebecca Rudolph
National Honor Society
Honor Graduate
Academic Scholarship - University of Minnesota-Morris
LDT Dance Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
Andrew Ryan
National Honor Society
All-State Academic - Golf
Graduate With High Honors
President’s Education Award
State Qualifier - Golf
Claire Sagstuen
National Honor Society
Honor Graduate
Dean’s Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus College
Legacy Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus College
Lutheran Leadership Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus College
Amanda Salveson
** State Qualifier - DECA
* Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship - EVHS
- State Qualifier - DECA (11)
Amy Sanders
** State Qualifier - DECA
- State Qualifier - DECA (11)
Alexander Scheuerlein
** Eagle Scout - Boy Scouts of America
All-State Academic - Soccer
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
State Qualifier - DECA
EVHS Boys Soccer Boosters Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
Student’s Name
Alec Schimke
Grade Award
** Honor Graduate
** State Qualifier - DECA
* EVHS Football Boosters Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
- Academic Scholarship - Iowa State University
- Academic Scholarship - Luther College
Abigail Schneider
** Honor Graduate
* Academic Scholarship - Minnesota State University-Moorhead
* Eastview Athletic Association Scholarship - EVCF
Andrew Schneider
** Eagle Scout - Boy Scouts of America
Jami Schultz
** Honor Graduate
* Academic Scholarship - University of Minnesota
* Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship - EVHS
Alexia Sebesta
** All-State Choir
- All-State Choir (11)
Tracy Shega
** Honor Graduate
Casey Sherwin
** Advanced Placement Scholar
Cecilia Simbana
** Graduate With High Honors
** Honor Graduate
- Academic Scholarship - University of Minnesota
- Arizona Devils Scholarship - Arizona State University
Caitlin Sirany
** President’s Education Award
* Academic Scholarship - University of St. Thomas
- Dean’s Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus College
- Presidential Scholarship - College of St. Benedict
Hannah Skalbeck
Sarah Sloat
** All-State Choir
*** National Honor Society
** Graduate With High Honors
** President’s Education Award
Jennifer Smidl
** Honor Graduate
** President’s Education Award
* Presidential Study Abroad Scholarship - Michigan State University
* University Scholars Award - Michigan State University
Student’s Name
Tara Smith
Grade Award
*** National Honor Society
** All-State Academic Track and Field
** All-State Journalist - Minnesota High School Press Assoc.
** All-State Track and Field
** Region Champion - Track and Field
- All-State Academic - Track and Field (11)
- All-State Track and Field (11)
Jessica Spurr
** President’s Education Award
Kristine Sroka
** Honor Graduate
* Freshman Honor Scholarship - University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
*** National Honor Society
** Honor Graduate
** President’s Education Award
* EVCF Dream Makers Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
* Paradigm Foundation Scholarship - Eagan Community Foundation
Rachael Stack
*** National Honor Society
** All-State Academic - Track and Field
* Academic Scholarship - University of Minnesota-Duluth
* Athletic Scholarship - University of Minnesota-Duluth
* EVAA Track Scholarship - EVCF
Matthew Stafford
Alexandra Steege
Alexandra Stehlin
** Honor Graduate
* EVHS Girls Hockey Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
*** National Honor Society
** Honor Graduate
** President’s Education Award
* Bjorling Music Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus College
* Dean’s Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus College
* Dream Makers Vocal Music Scholarship - EVCF
Lauren Stenzel
*** National Honor Society
** Honor Graduate
* Eastview Athletic Association Scholarship - EVCF
* Sam Walton Community Scholarship - Wal-Mart
Ryan Stepan
*** National Honor Society
** Honor Graduate
* Dream Makers Scholar Athlete Scholarship - EVCF
* Rising Scholar Scholarship - University of North Dakota
- Academic Scholarship - University of Minnesota-Duluth
Student’s Name
Grade Award
Krista Strobel
National Honor Society
All-State Academic - Dance Team
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
LDT Dance Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
Magis Award - Creighton College
Ignatian Scholarship- Creighton College
Heidi Svien
Gwendolyn Szempruch
** Academic Scholarship - North Dakota State University
** Advanced Placement Scholar
** Honor Graduate
Jamie Thompson
Sarah Thovson
Philip Titcombe
Joshua Tollefson
*** National Honor Society
** American Math Contest High Scorer
Jeffrey Townsend
* Imaging America Scholarship - Imagine America
Cole Trace
* St. Thomas Award - University of St. Thomas
Kelsey Turnbull
Kaitlin Ullrich
Honor Graduate
President’s Education Award
Academic Scholarship - Southwest Minnesota State University
EVCF Dream Makers Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship - EVHS
President’s Award - Southwest Minnesota State University
*** National Honor Society
** Yale Book Award
** All-State Cheerleading
* Cheerleading Scholarship - EVCF
National Honor Society
Academic Excellence Award - MSHSSCA
Achievement Award in Writing - NCTE
Advanced Placement Scholar
All-State Academic - Soccer
Graduate With High Honors
President’s Education Award
Delta Dental Scholarship - Eagan Foundation
EVHS Boys Soccer Boosters Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
Southern Twin Cities Association of Realtors Scholarship
** President’s Education Award
** State Qualifier - DECA
- State Qualifier - DECA (11)
*** National Honor Society
* Award of Excellence - Iowa State University
Student’s Name
Jenna Ulrich
Grade Award
*** National Honor Society
** Honor Graduate
** President’s Education Award
Michael Urbanski
* EVAA Girls Basketball Scholarship - EVCF
** Graduate With High Honors
** President’s Education Award
* EVHS Math, Stats, Computer Science Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
Gebisa Urgessa
Lucas Vanderlinden
* EVCF Success Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
*** National Honor Society
** Advanced Placement Scholar
** Graduate With Highest Honors
** Lightning Award - EVHS Cross Country
** National Merit Commended
** President’s Education Award
Ashley Venning
* Impax Public Speaker Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
** All-State Competition Cheerleading
* Cheerleading Scholarship - EVCF
- All-State Competition Cheerleading (11)
Kalyn Wadsworth
James Wagner
** President’s Education Award
Marie Walmsley
*** National Honor Society
** Honor Graduate
** President’s Education Award
*** National Honor Society
** Advanced Placement Scholar
** Honor Graduate
** President’s Education Award
* EVCF Community Volunteer Scholarship- Eastview Community Foundation
* Presidential Scholarship - College of St. Benedict
- Academic Achievement Award - University of Minnesota-Duluth
- Merit Scholarship - University of Minnesota-Duluth
- Presidential Scholarship - Mankato State University
- Presidential Scholarship - University of St. Thomas
Travis Walstrom
Joseph Weise
** All-State Choir
*** National Honor Society
** Advanced Placement Scholar
** Graduate With High Honors
** President’s Education Award
Student’s Name
Grace Welter
Grade Award
*** National Honor Society
** Chancellor’s Talent Award - University of Massachuetts-Amherst
** Commonwealth Scholarship - University of Massachuetts-Amherst
** Graduate With High Honors
** President’s Education Award
Jeffrey Wessel
** All-State Choir
* Academic Award for Excellence - Iowa State University
* Music Scholarship - Iowa State University
- All-State Choir (11)
Jennifer Wesser
*** National Honor Society
** Advanced Placement Scholar
** Honor Graduate
** Lightning Award - EVHS Soccer
** President’s Education Award
* President’s Scholarship - College of St. Benedict
* Spaniol Family Girls Soccer Scholarship - Eastview Community Foundation
* Thomson West Scholarship - Thomson West
- Dean’s Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus College
- Larsen Presidential Scholarship - Luther College
- Regent’s Scholarship - Concordia University
James Whisler
*** National Honor Society
** Advanced Placement Scholar
** Graduate With Highest Honors
Blake Williams
** Athletic Scholarship - New Mexico Highlands University
** Highland Academic Scholarship - New Mexico Highlands University
- Academic Scholarship - MSU
- Athletic Scholarship - MSU
Meghan Williams
*** National Honor Society
** All-State Academic - Tennis
** Honor Graduate
* Presidential Scholarship - Drake University
- Dean’s Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus College
- Presidential Scholarship - Luther College
Jessica Woelfel
Tremaine Woodson
** Graduate With High Honors
** President’s Education Award
** Honor Graduate
Student’s Name
Jaclyn Wylie
Grade Award
*** National Honor Society
** Advanced Placement Scholar
** Graduate With Highest Honors
** President’s Education Award
* Academic Scholarship - University of St. Thomas
- Academic Scholarship - University of Minnesota-Duluth
- Dean’s Scholarship - Gustavus Adolphus College
- Presidential Scholarship - University of Minnesota - Duluth
- Region Champion - Speech (11)
- State Qualifier - Speech (11)
Zachary Yarbrough
** Honor Graduate
** President’s Education Award
* Basketball Sportmanship Scholarship - EVCF
* Distinguished Academic Achievement Award
Jennifer Zanatta
Andy Zhao
** President’s Education Award
Leah Zimmerman
** Honor Graduate
** Honor Graduate
** President’s Education Award
** Honor Graduate
National Honor Society
Emma Austin
Rachel Bachmeier
Alexander Bakardjiev
Kathleen Bartczak
Robert Bartczak
Kelsey Baubie
Benjamin Bauer
Thomas Bauer
Brittany Bawden
Lindsay Becker
McKenna Belgarde
Allison Benner
Grant Benner
Hayley Benner
Kaye Lani Berg
Grigoriy Berman
Kelsey Bestul
Amy Bierlein
Jennifer Bissell
Kelsey Boeff
Christopher Boyd
Matthew Brennan
Stephanie Brogdon
Benjamin Brumm
Blake Brunn
Matthew Brunsvold
Emily Bryant
Caitlin Buckvold
Ryan Budin
Hien Bui
Colin Burke
Stacia Burtis
Kalie Caetano
Serena Calder
Michelle Caple
Lauren Carlson
Bethanne Carpenter
Rachel Cassada
Alex Chen
Vincent Cheng
Kristen Chodek
Jean Chung
Mallory Cina
Melissa Clawson
Susan Close
Amanda Corbett
Tyler Cozort
Shannon Crawford
Bradley Cullen
Joseph Curry
Michael Danley
Stephen de Guzman
Jeffrey Debele
Colin Desmond
Kevin Desmond
Benjamin Determan
Laurel Determan
Steven Deyo
Kelsi Doran
Daniel * Dorsch
Addison Dowd
Alyssa Ducatelli
Steven Ducatelli
John Dukatz
Kelsey Eaton
Adam Edwinson
Kelley Egan
Reagan Eggert
Kara Ehlert
Kelsey Eliason
Brooke Elliott
Hannah Ericksen
Grant Erickson
Kelsey Ericson
Andrew Eull
Jacqueline Evans
Erik Fabry
Lauren Falkenberg
Christine Fifield
Rachel Fischer
Nicole Fitzgerald
Angela Flom
Laura Folkerts
Christine Fries
Derek Funk
Sarah Gabert
Alyssa Galloway
Cristina Gannon
Kaitlyn Gantz
Jacob Garin
Emily Geary
Gabriela Geary
Hillary Gebert
Daniel Gengler
Michelle Ghaffari-nikou
Sean Gibbons
Erin Goblirsch
Melissa Goettig
Tarini Goyal
Katherine Granat
Julie Graner
Lindsay Green
John Greene
Rebecca Griffith
Miranda Gromen
Emily Groves
Emily Gruenhagen
Heidi Hager
Katie Hager
Amanda Halfond
Alison Hall
Kayla Hall
Megan Hall
Daran Han
Amalia Hansen
Blake Hanson
Brittany Hanson
Jenna Hanson
Robyn Heppelmann
Abigail Herman
Julie Hill
Siri Hill
Alison Hinderaker
Laura Hinderaker
Alison Hirsch
Paul Hjellming
Anna Hoeschen
Rachel Holt
Sarah Horak
Weiming Hou
Katherine Hove
Nicole Howard
Katherine Howland
Ryan Howley
Ally Huang
Jessie Huff
Mary Hyland
Emily Jackson
Keesha Jindra
Parvathi Jithendranathan
Benjamin Johnson
Kari Johnston
Elizabeth Jones
Katharine Jones
Seth Jonker
Michael Kaiser
Devin Kalafut
Pallavi Kannan
Alexandra Kehoe
Lauren Kelley
Hannah Kennealy
Tanvir Khondakar
Emily Kimball
Erik Klefsaas
Kathleen Klima
Megan Koenen
Benjamin Kofoed
Shishira Kothur
Gregory Koutnik
Konstantin Kravchenko
Megan Krusenstjerna
Ashley Kuehne
Christopher Kulseth
Diane Kulseth
Andrew Kump
Sara Lacount
Alyssa Landin
Kirk Landin
Cristin Langevin
Grace Larson
Rachel Lee
Joel Leeman
Justine Lentz
Kelsey Lewandowski
Ryan Lynch
Rachel Mahoney
Micah Maland
Erica Malchodi
William Malchodi
Martin Maloney
Jacquelyn Mangano
Nicholas Mangano
Barbara Marchevsky
Matthew Marinello
Alaina Martin
Timothy Massie
Ryan Mccormick
Jonathan McDonald
Hanna Mckeen
Samantha McNabney
Samantha Mehr
Mckenzie Melander
Andrew Melhus
Kathryn Merkley
Deirdre Metcalf
Sean Metcalf
Collin Meyer
Sara Michalski
Daniel Miesen
Thomas Mitsch
Michael Mittelsteadt
Semira Mohammed
Nina Moini-zolghadr
Abby Moran
Katherine Moran
Patrick Moran
Matthew Mraz
Laura Mullaney
Erin Mushro
Jenna Mushro
Drake Myhrman
Megan Myslinski
Raija Naegeli
Claire Nelson
Hannah Nelson
Kyle Nesheim
Hannah Newman
Kelsey North
Jennifer Nygren
Paige Ofstedahl
Anna Olson
Stephanie Olson
Adam Overvig
Gina Pan
Jennifer Patch
Michelle Patten
Alyssa Paulsen
Ann Peckskamp
Elise Pederson
Rachael Pederson
Alyssa Peer
Nicholas Pekarek
Lauren Pellicci
Alisa Petersen
Kristin Petersen
Laura Peterson
Zachary Philbrick
Christopher Phillips
Michael Placeway
Rebekah Power
Alison Prater
Spencer Pratt
Ryan Price
Sarah Prosen
Andrew Pudwill
Caitlin Race
Joseph Radermacher
Aksharananda Rambachan
Lauren Rath
Samuel Rauchwarter
Brittany Rayman
Deepti Reddy
Kelsey Reger
Shannon Reidlinger
Samantha Rettke
Megan Rowley
Brittany Rud
Rebecca Rudolph
Nicole Russell
Andrew Ryan
Claire Sagstuen
Rachel Sams
Stephanie Santarriaga
Brittany Sawyer
Sara Schaenzer
Kate Schletty
Alex Schrader
Elle Schultz
Daniel Schumann
Lauren Schweich
Mary Schweich
Cassandra Sheppard
Laura Siebenaller
Elana Siegel
Sarah Sloat
Sonja Smidt
Brenton Smith
Tara Smith
Michael Spaniol
Kristine Sroka
Rachael Stack
Shannon Stadther
Alexandra Stehlin
Lauren Stenzel
Ryan Stepan
Krista Strobel
Colleen Swenson
Jamie Thompson
Philip Titcombe
Joshua Tollefson
Carli Torborg
Kaitlin Ullrich
Jenna Ulrich
Lucas Vanderlinden
John VanOverbeke
Daniel Volk
Kalyn Wadsworth
Benjamin Wagner
Heather Walls
Marie Walmsley
Joseph Weise
Grace Welter
Daniel Wesser
Jennifer Wesser
James Whisler
Katherine Whisler
Kristine Wietecha
Molly Wiggin
Anna Williams
Meghan Williams
Rachel Wong
Alexandra Wylie
Jaclyn Wylie
Samantha Zieminski
Mark Zingler
World Language National Honor Societies
Elise Allen
Sarah Anagnostou
Kelsey Anderson
Kirsten Anderson
Kasia Bartczak
Emily Bryant
Ryan Budin
Hien (Holly) Bui
Abbey Burkel
Michelle Caple
Alex Chen
Christie Cutter
Laurel Determan
Grant Erickson
Jacquie Evans
Christine Fries
Alyssa Galloway
Dan Gengler
Amy Graves
Heidi Hager
Paul Hjellming
Jessica Hogan
Nicole Howard
Lindsey Jensen
Parvathi Jithendranathan
Katharine Jones
Emily Kimball
William Kor
Konstantin Kravchenko
Kathryn Kristoff
Grace Larson
Jean Mbachu
Semira Mohammed
Anna Moorse
Laura Mullaney
Amy Newland
Hannah Newman
Rachel Pederson
Rebekah Power
Brittany Rud
Alyson Ryan
Rachel Sams
Laura Siebenaller
Cecilia Simbana
Luke Sims
Caitlin Sirany
Jamie Thompson
Maureen Tierney
Linh-Dan Trinh
Kaiti Wachter
Kristine Wietecha
Molly Wiggin
Taylor Wild
Tao Zhu
Samantha Zieminski
Alexander Bakardjiev
Benjamin Bauer
Shelby Bleeker
Jenna Cerrato
Janisa Chumley
Andrew Drake
Trevor Flaten
Jessica Frawley
Chelsea Fuller
Beth Gephart
Zach Goldbach
John Grotkin
Craig Harnagel
Thomas Johnsen
Lauren Kapalka
Alex Kleven
Patrick Lenertz
Brett Lucke
Scott Matthews
Nicholas Mehring
Collin Meyer
Matthew Muller
Caroline Muzic
Jennifer Pagh
Alisa Petersen
Kristin Petersen
Adam Rondeau
Claire Sagstuen
Abigail Schneider
Holly Schwarzbauer
Taylor Sharpe
Micayla Sipe
Laura Spelbrink
Jessica Spurr
Arielle Trom
Megan Bauer
Cassandra Brady
Samuel Clark
Jonathan Hsiao
Ally Huang
Hayley Hughes
Abigail Keller
Sarah Kleven
Michael Koch
Alyssa Landin
Rachel Lee
David Ly
Scott Matthews
Carissa McMoore
Robert Mohr
Jennifer Nygren
David Pachuta
Alicia Ranasinghe
Carl Rettke
Tim Schlotzhauer
Luke Sims
Inga Strinz
Kai Su
Matthew Wasilowski
Gary Wong
Tony Xayavong
Sarah Ake
Katelin Albers
Lauren Albers
Joshua Alland
Emma Austin
Lindsay Becker
Allison Benner
Grant Benner
Kaye Lani Berg
Greg Berman
Kelsey Bestul
Thomas Bierman
Jennifer Bissell
Caitlin Boon
Matthew Brennan
Colin Burke
Serena Calder
Lauren Carlson
Bethanne Carpenter
John Clawson
Amanda Corbett
Sarah Covington
Abigail Crane
Brad Cullen
Stephen de Guzman
Jeffrey Debele
Colin Desmond
Kevin Desmond
Kelsi Doran
Daniel Dorsch
Jack Dukatz
Kelley Egan
Brooke Elliott
Hannah Ericksen
Erik Fabry
Lauren Falkenberg
Christine Fifield
Colleen Fisher
Derek Funk
Cristina Gannon
Kate Gantz
Gabriela Geary
Erin Goblirsch
Melissa Goettig
Tarini Goyal
Katherine Granat
Lindsay Green
Rebecca Griffith
Rachael Haesemeyer
Blake Hagen
Amanda Halfond
Megan Hall
Daran Han
Jenna Hanson
Kristin Havercamp
Ryan Henry
Alison Hinderaker
Jamie Hoffman
Vivian Hou
Katherine Howland
Jonathan Hsiao
Ally Huang
Jessie Huff
Mary Hyland
Madison Hystad
Danielle Isaacson
Emily Jackson
Kate Janson
Michelle Jesse
Keesha Jindra
Kari Johnston
Elizabeth Jones
Michael Kaiser
Pallavi Kannan
Kathleen Klima
Megan Koenen
Tyler Krob
Christopher Kulseth
Diane Kulseth
Andrew Kump
Joel Leeman
Justine Lentz
Mariya Leyderman
Jacquelyn Mangano
Barbara Marchevsky
Shelby Martin
Ryan McCormick
Jonathan McDonald
Megan McKeown
McKenzie Melander
Andrew Melhus
Deirdre Metcalf
Sara Michalski
Michael Mittelsteadt
Abby Moran
Matthew Mraz
Kyle Nesheim
Joshua Noah
Ashton Nordskog
Kelsey North
Paige Ofstedahl
Stephanie Olson
Kevin Osgar
Adam Overvig
Gina Pan
Alyssa Peer
Lauren Pellicci
Jimmy Petran
Vadim Petruk
Michael Placeway
Anna Pojman
Alyssa Poquette
Alison Prater
Ryan Price
Sarah Prosen
Caitlin Race
Sara Race
Lauren Rath
Jenna Reishus
Nicole Russell
Anthony Santoorjian
Sara Schaenzer
Stephanie Schilz
Kate Schletty
Elle Schultz
Jami Schultz
Daniel Schumann
Cassie Sheppard
Elana Siegel
Sonja Smidt
Brenton Smith
Rachael Stack
Samantha Tapia
Joshua Tollefson
Kaitlin Ullrich
Jenna Ulrich
Michael Urbanski
Kellie Van Beck
Tram Vo
Daniel Volk
Marie Walmsley
Meghan Williams
Scott Wobschall
Alexandra Wylie
Jaclyn Wylie
Brittney Wysocki
Evan Yakowicz
Students of the Year
Art......................................................................................................... Andrew Mar
Business..............................................................................................Aaron Riippa
Dance............................................................................................. Michelle Harvey
English/Language Arts....................................................................Hanna McKeen
Family & Consumer Science.............................................................. Tracie Frame
Instrumental Music.................................................................................Kirk Landin
Mathematics......................................................................................... Caitlin Race
Physical Education/Wellness/Safety Education.................................Jacob Nelson
Science.............................................................................................. Jean Mbachu
Social Studies............................................................................Nicholas Mangano
Special Education..............................................................................Jason Dahlke
Technology Education....................................................................... Michael Ewen
Vocal Music.......................................................................................... Jacob Garin
Work Program................................................................................. Tony Xayavong
World Language...............................................................................Pallavi Kannan
Fine Arts Student of the Year
Angie Flom
Performing Arts Student of the Year
Laura Peterson
Student Scholar Artist of the Year
Jean Chung
Student Athletes of the Year
Alicia Nelson
Josh Retka
Student Scholar Athletes of the Year
Kelsey Eliason
David Pachuta
Eastview Triple “A” Award
Kelsey Eliason
Kirk Landin
Academic Top Ten By Grade
Grade 9 Top Ten
Grade 10 Top Ten
Grade 11 Top Ten
Grade 12 Top Ten
David DorschH............................... 1
Betsy Hagen.................................... 1
Kayla HansonH................................ 1
Raghav JulakantiH.......................... 1
Kelly KayserH................................... 1
Matthew Lilledahl........................... 1
Bradley Losee................................ 1
Kelsey Retherford......................... 1
Brian RushH...................................... 1
Nicole Trummer.............................. 1
Jack OverbyH.................................6
Laura BrenbergH...........................7
Jesse MyersH.....................................7
Ross NygrenH..................................7
Charlotte PiconeH.........................7
Lindsay SpantonH. ........................7
Joshua Alland...................................1
Colin BurkeH....................................1
Brooke ElliottH................................1
Ty GroskreutzH...............................1
Weiming HouH..................................1
Ryan HowleyH..................................1
Andrew Johnson.............................1
Gregory KoutnikH..........................1
Barbara MarchevskyH.................1
Matthew MrazH................................1
Jenna Mushro...................................1
Claire NelsonH.................................1
Elana SiegelH...................................1
Daniel DorschH............................... 1
Ally HuangH..................................... 1
Devin KalafutH................................ 1
Laura MullaneyH............................ 1
Jennifer NygrenH........................... 1
Aksharananda RambachanH...... 1
Brittany RudH................................. 1
Gina PanH........................................ 8
Emily SamesH................................ 8
Jamie ThompsonH........................ 8
Hanna McKeenHHH......................... 1
Sara MichalskiHHH........................... 1
Nicholas ManganoHHH................. 3
Sean GibbonsHHH.......................... 4
Pallavi KannanHHH......................... 4
Caitlin RaceHHH.............................. 4
Siri HillHH............................................7
Nicole HowardHHH..........................7
Kirk LandinHH...................................9
Laura PetersonH...........................9
Alison HirschH. ............................. 10
Patrick LenertzH......................... 10
Indicates Honors Rank
Graduate with:
High Honors
Highest Honors
School Board
Rob Duchscher, Chairperson
Jackie Magnuson, Vice Chairperson
Mike Roseen, Clerk
Joel Albright, Treasurer
Bruce Endler, Director
Kevin Sampers, Director
Bob Schutte, Director
John D. Currie
EVHS Administration
Dr. J. Richard Dewey, Principal
Dr. Randall Peterson, Associate Principal
Dr. Robert Franchino, Assistant Principal
Kim Martinson, Assistant Principal
Bruce Miller, Assistant Principal
Matt Percival, Assistant Principal