Corrections to the Equations in the 1995 VDMOS Model Paper Many equations are incorrect in the VDMOS model paper by I. Budihardjo and P. O. Lauritzen, " The lumped-charge power MOSFET model, including parameter extraction", IEEE Trans. Power Electronics, Vol. 10, No. 5, May 1995. The corrected equations are listed below. Equations that are not listed should be correct in the original paper. If you find additional corrections or changes please send them to: [ ] γ B2 = (VTB − V fbB − φSB ) 2 φSB = GB 1. The equation in the text following (5) should be: 2. Equation (14) should be: qadD = mCGDonγ D (φ t × e(ψ SD φ t ) −ψ SD − φt ) 3. Equation (15) should be: qiD = QCD − qadD 4. The equation immediately following (15) should be: 5. 6. 7. 8. cross-sectional area of the drain. In Equation (16) the symbol q daD should be qadD . The symbol GD , which is first used in (23), is defined in (29) and (B10) In (27) VGDH and VGDL are the gate-drain voltages at the intersections of regions 4 & 3 in Figure 6. Equation (28) should be: QGL 9. CGDonγ D = Adrain 2 qε s N D where Adrain is the 12 4(VGDL − V fbD ) CGDonGD − 1 + 1 − + CGDon (VGSM − V fbD ) where VGSM is the gate= 2 GD source "Miller" voltage in the horizontal region of Figure 6. The first sentence in Appendix A and Equation (A1) should be: The interface charge QCD described in equation H5 of Appendix H of [12] for an N-type substrate can be expressed by QCD = m Adrain 2qε s N D ψ − 2φFN ⋅ ϕ t exp sD − ψ sD − φt + exp φt φt 10. Equation (A2) should be: qadD = mCGDonγ D 11. Equation (A3) should be: qiD = QCD − qadD 12. Equation (A4) should be: ψ sD = vGD − V fbD + 13. Equations (B6) and (B8) should be: 14. Equation (B7) should be: Kp = − ψ sD + VBD ⋅ φt exp φt (φ × e (ψ sD φt ) t Wµ CGSon LAbody 16. Equation (B10) should be: 17. Equation (B13) should be: GB = γ B = Abody GD = γ D = Adrain ) qiD + qadD CGDon where Abody is the area of the body. VTB = V fbD + φ SB + (GBφ SB ) 15. Equation (B9) should be: − ψ sD − φ t V + ψ sD − φt exp BD φt 2q ε s N A 2 CGSon 2qε s N D 2 CGDon VTD = V fbD − φ DB − (GDφ DB ) Latest update: April 11, 2001 by