Hindawi Publishing Corporation Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society Volume 2012, Article ID 619197, 10 pages doi:10.1155/2012/619197 Research Article Some Identities on Laguerre Polynomials in Connection with Bernoulli and Euler Numbers Dae San Kim,1 Taekyun Kim,2 and Dmitry V. Dolgy3 1 Department of Mathematics, Sogang University, Seoul 121-742, Republic of Korea Department of Mathematics, Kwangwoon University, Seoul 139-701, Republic of Korea 3 Hanrimwon, Kwangwoon University, Seoul 139-701, Republic of Korea 2 Correspondence should be addressed to Dae San Kim, dskim@sogang.ac.kr Received 15 May 2012; Accepted 28 June 2012 Academic Editor: Lee Chae Jang Copyright q 2012 Dae San Kim et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. We study some interesting identities and properties of Laguerre polynomials in connection with Bernoulli and Euler numbers. These identities are derived from the orthogonality of Laguerre ∞ −x2 polynomials with respect to inner product f, g 0 e fxgxdx. 1. Introduction/Preliminaries As is well known, Laguerre polynomials are defined by the generating function as ∞ exp−xt/1 − t Ln xtn 1−t n0 1.1 see 1, 2. By 1.1, we get ∞ ∞ exp−xt/1 − t −1r xr tr Ln xtn 1 − t−r1 1 − t r! n0 r0 ∞ ∞ −1r xr r s! n0 r0 r!r!s! trs ∞ n −1r nr n0 r0 r! 1.2 xr tn . 2 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society Thus, from 1.2, we have Ln x n −1r nr r0 r! xr . 1.3 By 1.3, we see that Ln x is a polynomial of degree n with rational coefficients and the leading coefficient −1n /n!. It is well known that Rodrigues’ formula is given by 1 x dn −x n e e x n! dxn Ln x 1.4 see 1–27. From 1.1, we can derive the following of Laguerre polynomials: L0 x 1, L1 x −x 1, n 1Ln1 x 2n 1 − xLn x − nLn−1 x, Ln x Ln−1 x − Ln−1 x 0, xLn x nLn x − nLn−1 x 0, n ≥ 1, n ≥ 1, n ≥ 1. 1.5 1.6 1.7 By 1.7, we easily see that u Ln x is a solution of the following differential equation of order 2: xu x 1 − xu x nux 0. 1.8 The Bernoulli numbers, Bn , are defined by the generating function as ∞ tn t Bt e B n n! et − 1 n0 1.9 see 1–28, 28, with the usual convention about replacing Bn by Bn . It is well known that Bernoulli polynomials of degree n are given by n n Bn x B x Bn−l xl l l0 n 1.10 see 2, 26. Thus, from 1.10, we have Bn x dBn x nBn−1 x dx 1.11 see 3–12. From 1.9 and 1.10, we can derive the following recurrence relation: B0 1, where δn,k is Kronecker’s symbol. B 1n − Bn δ1,n 1.12 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 3 The Euler polynomials En x are also defined by the generating function as ∞ 2 tn xt Ext e e En x t n! e 1 n0 1.13 see 27, 28, with the usual convention about replacing En x by En x. In this special case, x 0, En 0 En are called the nth Euler numbers. From 1.13, we note that the recurrence formula of En is given by E0 1, E 1n En 2δ0,n 1.14 see 24. Finally, we introduce Hermite polynomials, which are defined by 2 e2xt−t eHxt ∞ tn n! Hn x n0 1.15 see 29. In the special case, x 0, Hn 0 Hn is called the n-th Hermite number. By 1.15, we get n Hn x H 2x n n l0 l Hn−l 2l xl 1.16 see 29. It is not difficult to show that ∞ e−x Lm xLn xdx δm,n , m, n ∈ Z N ∪ {0}. 1.17 0 In the present paper, we investigate some interesting identities and properties of Laguerre polynomials in connection with Bernoulli, Euler, and Hermite polynomials. These identities and properties are derived from 1.17. 2. Some Formulae on Laguerre Polynomials in Connection with Bernoulli, Euler, and Hermite Polynomials Let Pn px ∈ Qx | deg px ≤ n . 2.1 Then Pn is an inner product space with the inner product p1 x, p2 x ∞ e−x p1 xp2 xdx, p1 x, p2 x ∈ Pn . 2.2 0 By 1.17, 2.1, and 2.2, we see that L0 x, L1 x, . . . , Ln x are orthogonal basis for Pn . 4 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society For px ∈ Pn , it is given by px n Ck Lk x, 2.3 k0 where Ck px, Lk x ∞ 0 1 e Lk xpxdx k! −x ∞ 0 dk −x k e x pxdx. dxk 2.4 Let us take px xn ∈ Pn . From 2.3 and 2.4, we note that dk −x k −n ∞ dk−1 −x k n e x x dx e x xn−1 dx k! 0 dxk−1 dxk 0 −n−n − 1 ∞ dk−2 −x k e x xn−2 dx k! dxk−2 0 1 Ck k! ∞ 2.5 ··· −1k nn − 1 · · · n − k 1 k! ∞ e−x xn dx −1k 0 n n!. k Therefore, by 2.3, 2.4, and 2.5, we obtain the following theorem. Theorem 2.1. For n ∈ Z , one has n x n! −1 L x. k k k0 n n k 2.6 Let us consider px Bn x ∈ Pn . Then, by 2.3 and 2.4, we get dk −x k −n ∞ dk−1 −x k e x Bn xdx e x Bn−1 xdx k! 0 dxk−1 dxk 0 −n−n − 1 ∞ dk−2 −x k e x Bn−2 xdx k! dxk−2 0 1 Ck k! ∞ ··· 2.7 −1k ∞ n−k nn − 1 · · · n − k 1 n−k e−x xkl dx Bn−k−l l k! 0 l0 n−k Bn−k−l n n−k n − k kl k −1 . Bn−k−l k l! n!−1 k l0 l k − k − l! n l0 k Therefore, by 2.3, 2.4, and 2.7, we obtain the following theorem. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 5 Theorem 2.2. For n ∈ Z , one has Bn x n! n n−k −1k k0 l0 Bn−k−l kl Lk x. k n − k − l! 2.8 Let us take px En x ∈ Pn . By the same method, we easily see that n n−k En−k−l k kl En x n! Lk x. −1 k − k − l! n k0 l0 2.9 For px Hn x ∈ Pn , we have Hn x n Ck Lk x, 2.10 k0 where dk −x k −2n ∞ dk−1 −x k e x Hn xdx e x Hn−1 xdx k! 0 dxk−1 dxk 0 −2n−2n − 1 ∞ dk−2 −x k e x Hn−2 xdx k! dxk−2 0 1 Ck k! ∞ ··· −2n−2n − 1 · · · −2n − k 1 k! ∞ e−x xk Hn−k xdx 2.11 0 ∞ n−k −1k 2k nn − 1 · · · n − k 1 n−k e−x xkl dx Hn−k−l 2l l k! 0 l0 n−k Hn−k−l n n−k n − k kl k kl k l −1 . 2 2 Hn−k−l k l! n!−1 k l0 l k − k − l! n l0 k Therefore, by 2.10 and 2.11, we obtain the following theorem. Theorem 2.3. For n ∈ Z , one has Hn x n! n−k n k0 l0 Let px n k0 −1k 2kl Hn−k−l kl Lk x. k n − k − l! 2.12 Bk xBn−k x ∈ Pn . Then we have px n k0 Bk xBn−k x n k0 Ck Lk x, 2.13 6 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society where 1 Ck k! ∞ 0 dk −x k e x pxdx. dxk 2.14 In 15, it is known that n Bk xBn−k x k0 n−2 2 n2 Bn−l Bl x n 1Bn x. l n 2 l0 2.15 By 2.14 and 2.15, we get 1 Ck k! ∞ k n−2 d −x k 2 n2 e x Bl xdx Bn−l l n 2 l0 dxk 0 ∞ k d −x k n 1 e x Bn xdx . dxk 0 2.16 From 2.16, we can derive the following equations 2.17-2.18: 1 Cn−1 nn 1!−1n−1 − −1n−1 n 1!. 2 Cn −1n n 1!, 2.17 For 0 ≤ k ≤ n − 2, we have l−k n−2 Bl−k−m 2 n2 km l!−1k Bn−l Ck l k n 2 lk m0 l − k − m! −1k n 1! n−k km m0 k 2.18 Bn−k−m . n − k − m! Therefore, by 2.13, 2.17, and 2.18, we obtain the following theorem. Theorem 2.4. For n ∈ Z , one has n n−2 Bk xBn−k x k0 k0 l−k n−2 2 Bl−k−m n2 km Bn−l −1k l! l k n 2 lk m0 l − k − m! Bn−k−m Lk x −1 n 1! k n − k − m! m0 1 nn 1!−1n−1 − −1n−1 n 1! Ln−1 x −1n n 1!Ln x. 2 2.19 k n−k km Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society Let us take px n k0 7 Ek xEn−k x ∈ Pn . By 2.3 and 2.4, we get px n n Ek xEn−k x Ck Lk x, k0 2.20 k0 where 1 Ck k! ∞ 0 dk −x k e x pxdx. dxk 2.21 It is known see 15 that n Ek xEn−k x k0 n−1 n 1 nk k0 n−k1 n El−k En−l − 2En−k Ek x 2n 1En x. 2.22 lk From 2.20, 2.21, and 2.22, we can derive the following equations 2.23-2.24: −1n 2n 1n!2 2−1n n 1!. n! Cn 2.23 For 0 ≤ k ≤ n − 1, we have Ck n−1 n 1 nl lk n − l 1! 2n 1!−1 n l−k El−k−p kp Em−l En−m − 2En−l −1k l! k l−k−p ! p0 ml n−k kp k p0 k 2.24 En−k−p . n−k−p ! Therefore, by 2.20 and 2.24, we obtain the following theorem. Theorem 2.5. For n ∈ Z , one has n k0 Ek xEn−k x ⎧ n−1 ⎨ n−1 n n 1 nl k0 ⎩ lk n − l 1! Em−l En−m − 2En−l El−k−p k n−k kp p0 kp −1 l! k p0 ml 2n 1!−1 l−k−p ! × l−k k k En−k−p ⎫ ⎬ Lk x n − k − p !⎭ 2−1n n 1!Ln x. 2.25 8 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society It is known that n n 4 n2 Ek xEn−k x px − En−k1 Bk x k n 2 k0 k0 2.26 see 15. From 2.20, 2.21, and 2.23, we have 1 Ck k! ∞ 0 dk −x k e x pxdx dxk n 4 1 ∞ dk e−x xk n2 − Bl xdx En−l1 l n 2 lk k! 0 dxk 2.27 l−k n Bl−k−m 4 mk n2 k l! − . −1 En−l1 k l n 2 lk m0 l − k − m! Therefore, by 2.20 and 2.27, we obtain the following theorem. Theorem 2.6. For n ∈ Z , one has n Ek xEn−k x k0 n l−k n Bl−k−m 4 mk n2 k l! Lk x. − −1 En−l1 k l n 2 k0 lk m0 l − k − m! 2.28 Remark 2.7. Laguerre’s differential equation ty 1 − ty ny 0 2.29 is known to possess polynomial solutions when n is a nonnegative integer. These solutions are naturally called Laguerre polynomials and are denoted by Ln t. That is, y Ln t are solutions of 2.29 which are given by y Ln t n nr −1r r0 r! tr , L0 1 1. 2.30 From 2.30, we note that Laplace transform of y Ln t is given by r n 1 1 s − 1n n L y LLn t . −1r s r0 r s sn1 2.31 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 9 It is not difficult to show that L s − 1n et dn −t n e t . 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