Cells Investigate and identify cellular processes including homeostasis, permeability,



Investigate and identify cellular processes including homeostasis, permeability, energy production, transportation of molecules, disposal of wastes, function of cellular parts, and synthesis of new molecules

1. What organelle in plants captures light energy and converts it to chemical energy? a. nucleus b. chloroplast c. mitochondrion d. cytoskeleton

2. If you observed a cell under a microscope and noticed that it contained a plasma membrane, cell wall, and ribosomes, but none of the other organelles, what could you conclude? a. It is an eukaryotic cell. b. It is a prokaryotic cell. c. It is an animal cell. d. It is damaged.

3. Once proteins are made, where do they go? a. endoplasmic reticulum b. vacuoles c. Golgi apparatus d. mitochondrion

4. What is the difference between plant and animal cells? a. Plant cells contain a cytoskeleton and animal cells do not. b. None, they contain the same features. c. Plant cells have a cell wall and chloroplasts, animal cells do not. Plant cells usually are larger and contain one large vacuole. Animal cells contain centrioles. d. Animal cells contain a nucleus. Plant cells do not contain a nucleus.

5. Which organelle pictured is responsible for transforming energy? a. nucleus b. chloroplast c. mitochondrion d. Golgi apparatus

6. Which process does an organism use to move large molecules into a cell?

a. simple diffusion b. facilitated diffusion c. exocytosis d. endocytosis

7. What are the characteristics of an isotonic solution? a. When the concentration of dissolved substances in the solution is higher than the concentration of dissolved substances inside the cell. b. When the concentration of dissolved substances in the solution is lower than the concentration of dissolved substances inside the cell. c. When there is no concentration of dissolved substances in the solution and there is minimal concentration of dissolved substances inside the cell. d. When the concentration of dissolved substances in the solution is the same as the concentration of dissolved substances inside the cell.


Look at the illustration of an animal cell. What does the illustration represent? a. a hypertonic solution b. an isotonic solution c. concentration gradient d. a hypotonic solution

9. __________ is when water diffuses across a selectively permeable membrane. a. Osmosis b. Exocytosis c. Endocytosis d. Diffusion

10. Which of these statements about simple diffusion and active transport is true? a. Simple diffusion and active transport both use the concentration gradient for their direction of movement. b. Simple diffusion and active transport are both classified as active methods of moving materials across the cell membrane. c. Simple diffusion requires energy input from the cell, while active transport does not. d. Simple diffusion does not use transport proteins, while active transport uses carrier proteins for transport.

11. Which organisms are composed of cells that do not contain nuclei? a. eukaryotes b. prokaryotes c. animals d. plants

12. The cell structure that attaches carbohydrates to protein molecules is the a. mitochondrion. b. Golgi apparatus. c. lysosome. d. ribosome.

13. Which two organelles occur in plant cells but not animal cells? a. nuclear envelopes and nuclei b. cell membranes and chromosomes c. cell walls and chloroplasts d. ribosomes and chloroplasts

14. Which process does an organism use to move large molecules into a cell? a. exocytosis b. endocytosis c. simple diffusion d. facilitated diffusion.

15. ______ is the process by which a cell flows around a particle, totally engulfing it.


1. b

2. b

3. c

4. c

5. c

6. d

7. d

8. d

9. a

10. d

11. d

12. c

13. c

14. b

15. phagocytosis
