FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents Description Page Introduction ........................................................................... Helpful hints about this book.................................................. Soviet Ordnance Terms Ammunition Filler Codes................................................ General Ordnance Markings.......................................... Projectile Suffixes .......................................................... Soviet Projectile Weight Classifications ......................... Nomenclature-Caliber Relationships for Projectiles ....... Model Markings For Mines ............................................ Typical Mine Markings .................................................. Typical Bomb Markings ................................................ Transliteration of Russian Alphabet .............................. Foreign Projectile Terms Russian ........................................................................... Arabic .............................................................................. Chinese ........................................................................... Markings................................................................................ Graphic Symbols ................................................................... ii iii iv v vi vi vii vii viii viii ix Ordnance Bombs .................................................................................. Dispensers ............................................................................ Projectiles ............................................................................. Grenades .............................................................................. Rockets................................................................................. Guided Missiles..................................................................... Landmines ............................................................................ Naval Mines .......................................................................... Scatterable............................................................................ Page B-1 C-1 D-1 E-1 F-1 G-1 H-1 Q-1 T-1 x xiii xix xxii xxvi FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY i INTRODUCTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Introduction PURPOSE STATEMENT The Naval Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Division (NAVEODTECHDIV) generated this Operational Support Guide in support of the Joint Service EOD initiative in Iraq. The purpose of the guide is to provide ordnance identification information to ground troops. It should not be used for render-safe or disposal information or in-lieu of jointly approved publications, but provides a quick reference for users when computer or other resources may prove to be cumbersome. It also provides NAVEODTECHDIV with the opportunity to solicit feedback from field users. For ordnance items where color photos, dimensions or other information is unavailable, please make a point of recording this information before items are destroyed and forwarding the information to NAVEODTECHDIV so that it can be included in the next release of the guide. NOTE Portions of information contained within this document were derived from Classified AEODPS source publications which have been declassified, or, are in the process of being declassified and/or downgraded in accordance in with current security classification guidelines. Authorized holders of this document are encouraged to protect this information as "FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY". Authorized holders of the AEODPS are expected to protect that information in accordance with its assigned security classification (due to compilation of information) until it has been officially reviewed and revised in accordance current security classification guidelines. ii FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY HELPFUL HINTS Helpful Hints about this book… · Each weapon category is sorted by diameter (mm). Based on image source, the image may show US measurements followed by metric conversion. · Fuzes are included in each weapon category. · Classified items are not contained in this book. · Classified items are not listed in the “Ordnance used with” section. Please refer to AEODPS for a complete list. · Due to space limitations, not all of the ordnance items are listed in the “Ordnance used with” section (see example below). Please refer to AEODPS for a complete list. “Used with” list has been truncated. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY iii SOVIET ORDNANCE TERMS FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Marking Ammunition Filler Codes Marking À À-40 ÀÒ-40 À-80 ÀÒ-90 ÀÒÔ 40 À-IX-1 À-IX-2 À-IX-20 À-IX-Ï ÄÁ ÄÁÒ Ã ÃÀÈ-30 Ç Ì ÌÑ Ê-1 Ê-2 ÎÊÒÎÃÅÍ ÎÊÔÎË ÎÊÒÎË ÎË ÏÂÂ-5À iv Meaning Amatol (100% Ammonium Nitrate) Amatol (40% Ammonium Nitrate, 60% TNT) Amatol (40% Ammonium Nitrate, 60% TNT Pressed) Amatol (80% Ammonium Nitrate, 20% TNT) Amatol (90% Ammonium Nitrate, 10% TNT) TNT (40% Ammonium Nitrate, 60% TNT Pressed) RDX 94%, Wax 6% RDX 73%, Aluminum 23%, Wax 4% RDX 78%, Aluminum 19%, Wax 3% RDX with unknown suffix “Ï=P” Dinitrobenzol Dinitrobenzene and TNT Hexogen (cyclonite, RDX) RDX 30% Incendiary Picric Acid TNT, Aluminum, RDX TNT 70%, Dinitrobenzene 30% TNT 80%, Dinitrobenzene 20% HMX HMX 95%, wax 5% (normal composition) HMX and TNT HMX 95%, wax 5% (normal composition) Plastic Explosive Ò Ò-80 Òà ÒÃ-30 ÒÃ-50 ÒÃÀÔ-5 ÒÃÀÃ-5 ÒÄ-42 ÒÄ-50 ÒÄÓ ÒÑ Ø ØÒ P-4 P-5 PC PÞ P-15 P-2 P-35 P-43 P-55 P-74 PK-7 Meaning Trotyl (TNT) TNT 70%, RDX 30% TNT and RDX TNT 30%, Hexogen (RDX) 70% TNT 50%, Hexogen (RDX) 50% TNT 40%, RDX 40%, Aluminum 20% TNT 60%, RDX 20%, Aluminum 15%, Wax 5% TNT 42%, Dinitronapthalene 58% TNT 50%, Dinitronapthalene 50% TNT with spotting charge TNT sulfite Schneiderite (Ammonium Nitrate 88%, Napthalene 12%) Schneiderite and TNT White and Yellow Phosphorus Mustard gas (H) Lewisite gas (L) Phosgene gas (CG) Adamsite gas (DM) Hydrogen Cyanide gas (AC) Sarin gas (GB) Lewisite gas (L) Soman gas (GD) Mustard gas (H) Mustard/Lewisite mixture (H+L) FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Cyrillic General Ordnance Markings Cyrillic A Á Ç P ÁP ÁÇ ÁÇA ÁÇP English A B Z R BR BZ BZA BZR ÁM BM ÁÏ ÁÊ Ä ÄÖ O Ô OÔ Ã Oà OÔP BP BK D DTs O F OF G OG OFP OÔÇT OFZT OP OÇ OX OR OZ OKh Meaning Propaganda or fragmentation Armor-Piercing Incendiary Tracer Armor-Piercing, Tracer Armor-Piercing, Incendiary Armor-Piercing, Incendiary (improved) Armor-Piercing, Incendiary Tracer Armor-Piercing Discarding Sabot (fin or Spin Stabilized) HEAT Spin Stabilized HEAT Fin Stabilized Smoke Target Marker Smoke Fragmentation (Oskolochno) High Explosive (Fugaasnymi) Fragmentation, High Explosive Concrete-Piercing Fragmentation (launched grenades) Fragmentation, High Explosive, Tracer Fragmentation, High Explosive, Incendiary, Tracer Fragmentation, Tracer Fragmentation, Incendiary Fragmentation, Gas ÏÁP Ïà ÏÓ ÐÏÎ C CÏ Ø Ù X ÈÍÅÐÒ ÌÀÊÅÒ ÎÑÊÎË ÏÐÀÊÒ English PBR PG PU RPO S SP Sh Shch Kh INERT MAKET OSKOL PRACT FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY SOVIET ORDNANCE TERMS Meaning Armor-Piercing, Target Practice HEAT (launched grenades) Target Practice Infantry Flame Weapon Illumination Solid Shot, Armor-Piercing Shrapnel Canister Gas Inert Model Fragmentation Practice v SOVIET ORDNANCE TERMS FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Projectile Suffixes Cyrillic A Á Ä ÄÓ Æ K M Í Ï ÏK C CÏ Ó ÓM vi English A B D DU Zh K M H P PK S SP U UM Soviet Projectile Weight Classifications Meaning Cast Iron Improved Projectile (Mostly AP Types) Improved Projectile (Mostly AP Types) Improved Projectile (Mostly Frag Types) Sintered Iron Rotating Band Improved Projectile (Mostly AP Types) Usually HEAT Projectile (Copper Liner) Improved Projectile (Mostly Frag) Usually Improved HVAP Projectile Usually Improved HVAP Projectile Improved HEAT Projectile Improved AP Projectile Usually Improved AP Projectile Improved HEAT Projectile Symbol Meaning Ëà ------H + ++ +++ ++++ TÆ Greater than 3% below standard 2.33% to 3% below standard 1.66% to 2.33% below standard 1% to 1.66% below standard 0.33% to 1% below standard 0.33% below to 0.33% above standard 0.33% to 1% above standard 1% to 1.66% above standard 1.66% to 2.33% above standard 2.33% to 3% above standard Greater than 3% above standard FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY SOVIET ORDNANCE TERMS FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Nomenclature-Caliber Relationships for Projectiles 1st and 2nd Digit of Nomenclature 13 16 24 27 28 34 35 36 41 42 46 47 48 50 52 53 54 57 62 67 83 84 84 Model Markings For Mines Cyrillic Á B Ä Ý Ç K M Í O Ï C T Ó Ô Õ × Ø ß P Caliber 25 37 45 57 57 76 85 100 107 122 107 122 130 152 152 152 152 180 203 280 82 107 120 English B V D E Z K M N O P S T U F Kh Ch Sh Ya R Meaning Large or Paper Fuze Wooden Electrical Obstacle Shaped Charge Mine, Metal, or Improved Anti-Handling, Tread Operated, or Directional Fragmentation or Obstacle Anti-Personnel or Plastic Self Destruct or Booby-Trap Anti-Tank Training Explosive, FAE, or Dropped Chemical Clockwork or Timer Tilt Rod Box (Old Designation) or Anchored Water EXAMPLE: OF-412=Fragmentation, High Explosive, 100mm FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY vii SOVIET ORDNANCE TERMS FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Typical Mine Markings Cyrillic MBÇ ßM MÏM ÝXÇ ×Ç MB× ÓB MBØ OÇM TMÄ-Á ÇT TMK TMK ÏMÄ ÏOMÇ ÏMH BÏÔ TMÁ TM MB MBM MBH TMH MOÍ viii English MVZ YaM MPM EkhZ ChZ MVCh UV MVSh OZM TMD-B ZT MUV TMK PMD POMZ PMN VPF TMB TM MV MVM MVN TMN MON Typical Bomb Markings Meaning Mine Fuze Pressure Operated Anti-Tank Mine Wooden (Old Designation Mine-Bullet-Improved Electric Chemical Fuze Clockwork/Timer Fuze Clockwork Mine Fuze Pull Fuze Mine Fuze Tilt-Rod Fragmentation Obstacle Mine Anti-Tank Wooden Cased Time Fuze Igniter Mine Fuze Pull Anti-Tank Mine With Shaped Charge Anti-Personnel Mine Wooden Cased Anti-Personnel Mine Obstacle Anti-Personnel Mine Tread Operated All Ways Acting Fuze Anti-Tank Mine Paper Cased Anti-Tank Mine Mine Fuze Pressure Operated Mine Fuze Improved Mine Fuze Magnetic Influence Anti-Tank Mine With Anti-Handling Fuze Mine Fragmentation Directional Cyrillic ÔAÁ ÎÔAÁ ÁÐAÁ ÁÅÒAÁ ÏÒAÁ ÌAÁ ÀÎ ÇAÁ PPAÁ ÕAÁ ÊÐAÁ ÄAÁ OÄAÁ ÔOTAÁ AHAÁ AÁ ÄÑ AOX ÑAÁ ÀÃÈÒAÁ English FAB OFAB BRAB BETAB PTAB MAB AO ZAB RRAB KhAB or ChAB KRAB DAB ODAB FOTAB ANAB AB DS AOKh or AOCh SAB AGITAB FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Meaning General Purpose, High Explosive General Purpose, Frag-HE Semi-Armor Piercing Armor Piercing Anti-Tank Light-Case Blast Fragmentation Incendiary Container (Cluster) Chemical Toxic Smoke Incendiary Smoke Fuel Air Explosive Photo Flash Marker Float Propoganda Rocket Assisted Frag-Chemical Flare Leaflet FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY SOVIET ORDNANCE TERMS Transliteration of Russian Alphabet Reference: 60D-35-1-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ix FOREIGN PROJECTILE TERMS FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Russian x FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FOREIGN PROJECTILE TERMS Russian - Continued FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY xi FOREIGN PROJECTILE TERMS FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Russian - Continued xii FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FOREIGN PROJECTILE TERMS Arabic FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY xiii FOREIGN PROJECTILE TERMS FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Arabic - Continued xiv FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FOREIGN PROJECTILE TERMS Arabic - Continued FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY xv FOREIGN PROJECTILE TERMS FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Arabic - Continued xvi FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FOREIGN PROJECTILE TERMS Arabic - Continued FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY xvii FOREIGN PROJECTILE TERMS FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Arabic - Continued xviii FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FOREIGN PROJECTILE TERMS Chinese FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY xix FOREIGN PROJECTILE TERMS FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Chinese - Continued xx FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FOREIGN PROJECTILE TERMS Chinese - Continued FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY xxi MARKINGS FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Below is a list of common AlphaNumeric markings that may be found on ordnance. AlphaNumeric Markings 9M AA AK AMA AMC APX ARF ARGES ARS AS AS ASS AT ATM AZDM AZZ BAE BCK BCK BK BL BMP BPD BR BR BRP BT C xxii Country USSR USSR NETHERLANDS DENMARK FRANCE FRANCE ITALY AUSTRIA FRANCE FRANCE USSR FRANCE USSR NORTH KOREA GERMANY (FEDERAL REPUBLIC POST WWII) GERMANY (FEDERAL REPUBLIC POST WWII) UNITED KINGDOM GERMANY (FEDERAL REPUBLIC POST WWII) GERMANY (PRE WWII) USSR FRANCE BELGIUM ITALY SPAIN USSR SPAIN FRANCE CANADA AlphaNumeric Markings CAA CIS CSA CSS CSSC DM DM DYNAMITE NOBEL EAB ECIA ECN ECP EF EHD EM ET ET EURO EVR F F F FAB FB FB FERRANTI FFR FFV FL FMK FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Country CHINA SINGAPORE CHINA CHINA CHINA GERMANY (FEDERAL REPUBLIC POST WWII) GERMANY (FEDERAL REPUBLIC POST WWII) GERMANY (FEDERAL REPUBLIC POST WWII) FRANCE SPAIN FRANCE FRANCE SINGAPORE BELGIUM CHINA CHINA USSR NETHERLANDS CZECHOSLOVAKIA CHILE SWEDEN USSR USSR CHILE ITALY UNITED KINGDOM SWEDEN SWEDEN NETHERLANDS ARGENTINA MARKINGS FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY AlphaNumeric Markings FN FROG FrSv FUI GIAT H HBS HP IMB IMI JNS KAAKAA KB KV/YU KY/KU L LOS LU LUL M M M M M M M M M M M M.Md1 Country BELGIUM USSR CZECHOSLOVAKIA FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE UNITED KINGDOM AUSTRIA UNITED KINGDOM ISRAEL NETHERLANDS EGYPT YUGOSLAVIA YUGOSLAVIA YUGOSLAVIA UNITED KINGDOM GERMANY (FEDERAL REPUBLIC POST WWII) FRANCE FRANCE BELGIUM CHILE ISRAEL ITALY SOUTH AFRICA SPAIN SWEDEN SWEDEN SWEDEN SWEDEN YUGOSLAVIA FRANCE AlphaNumeric Markings MA MA MAUSER MCR MDH MK MK MK MK MK MK MKE MKS MKS MLE MN MOD MODEL MODEL MODEL MODEL MODEL MODEL MODEL MODEL MODEL MODEL MP MPA MR MVA FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Country BELGIUM NETHERLANDS GERMANY (FEDERAL REPUBLIC POST WWII) BELGIUM VIETNAM FRANCE ISRAEL ITALY PAKISTAN SWEDEN UNITED KINGDOM TURKEY ISRAEL UNITED KINGDOM FRANCE ITALY TURKEY AUSTRIA BELGIUM EGYPT FRANCE FRANCE GERMANY (FEDERAL REPUBLIC POST WWII) ITALY SPAIN SWEDEN SWITZERLAND CHINA BELGIUM FRANCE SWEDEN xxiii MARKINGS AlphaNumeric Markings MZ NASR NICO NICO NO. NO. NO. NR NR NWN NZ O OF OF OZM OZT P P PBR PDB PDM PDM PI PI P-ISV PL PMA PMA PMP PO POM xxiv FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Country CZECHOSLOVAKIA EGYPT GERMANY (FEDERAL REPUBLIC POST WWII) GERMANY (PRE WWII) AUSTRIA ISRAEL UNITED KINGDOM BELGIUM NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS CZECHOSLOVAKIA USSR CZECHOSLOVAKIA USSR USSR CZECHOSLOVAKIA ITALY PAKISTAN BELGIUM SPAIN BULGARIA USSR GERMANY (FEDERAL REPUBLIC POST WWII) GERMANY (PRE WWII) CZECHOSLOVAKIA CHINA CZECHOSLOVAKIA YUGOSLAVIA GERMANY (PEOPLES REPUBLIC POST WWII) SPAIN YUGOSLAVIA AlphaNumeric Markings PP PPD PP-MI PRB PRB PROM PS PSM PSV PT PT-MI R77 RBK RBS RHEIMENTALL RKV RKVDIR RMS RO RTE RYN S S S SA SAE SC SET SM SNILA SOL FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Country CZECHOSLOVAKIA NORWAY CZECHOSLOVAKIA BELGIUM NETHERLANDS YUGOSLAVIA SOUTH KOREA BULGARIA CZECHOSLOVAKIA CZECHOSLOVAKIA CZECHOSLOVAKIA PHILIPPINES USSR SWEDEN GERMANY (FEDERAL REPUBLIC POST WWII) SWITZERLAND SWITZERLAND FRANCE CZECHOSLOVAKIA FRANCE FRANCE ITALY SINGAPORE USSR USSR FRANCE FRANCE USSR FRANCE ITALY ISRAEL FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY AlphaNumeric Markings SPRA SS SS TAAS TAM TECTEL TMA TMA TYPE TYPE TYPE TYPE TYPE TYPE UMR UPM UT UTI UTM UTU V V VS W WALLOP YAM ZAB MARKINGS Country UNITED KINGDOM FRANCE USSR ISRAEL FINLAND SOUTH AFRICA CZECHOSLOVAKIA YUGOSLAVIA CHINA DENMARK FRANCE GERMANY (FEDERAL REPUBLIC POST WWII) GERMANY (PRE WWII) JAPAN YUGOSLAVIA YUGOSLAVIA YUGOSLAVIA YUGOSLAVIA YUGOSLAVIA YUGOSLAVIA FRANCE USSR ITALY SPAIN UNITED KINGDOM USSR USSR FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY xxv MARKINGS FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Below are common graphic symbols and markings found on ordnance. xxvi FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY