Music, students are his passion BY WANDA LAUKKANEN | INSIDE

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 University Announcements | Page 4
April | 2013
Music, students are his passion
Aiello MA ’06 talks faster than a speeded-up
TV commercial. “I have to teach myself to slow down,” he
says with a laugh. “I tend to speed up when
I’m excited about things.”
And Aiello, who is director of
Residence Life at Pacific University, finds
himself excited about both his job at the
university, as well as his extracurricular
activities, including his indie band, Ill
Lucid Onset.
Aiello has been employed by Pacific’s
Residence Life since July 2002 and currently
runs the Office of Student Conduct,
which deals with both professional and
undergraduate student issues.
Photo by Parrish Evans
Connecting people and song are what inspires Student Life Director Ryan Aiello.
In addition, he is the founder, lead
Aiello graduated from Washington
vocalist and a songwriter for the Portland
achieve their goals, helping them through
alternative rock band, Ill Lucid Onset,
their struggles or challenge areas, and
State University with a bachelor’s degree in
founded in 2005. The band is currently in
helping them define their strengths and help
psychology in 1999 and was a Residence
the No. 2 spot on the Portland alternative
them grow those,” he said.
Life coordinator at Eastern Washington
rock band charts.
The two positions share a common goal,
he said.
“My job here (at Pacific) is about
connecting with students and helping them
“For me as a songwriter … I just want to
connect with people. If it’s something they
University before coming to Pacific. He earned a master’s degree in counseling
can really feel deep emotion with and they
psychology from Pacific in 2006 and noted
can connect to, that’s great. That’s where I
that some of his roles have to do “with the
think those roads parallel.”
See AIELLO, page 2 |
Pacific remembers professor, alumnus Paul Kohl
Dr. Paul Kohl, O.D. ’80, an optometry faculty member for more
colleagues and friends.
than 30 years, died, Feb. 27 following a long battle with cancer.
His passion for teaching was
A memorial service in his honor was held March 23 in the
immeasurable, and he took that love
University Center.
beyond the classroom, publishing
Dr. Kohl earned his doctorate in optometry at Pacific in 1980
several articles on pediatric and
and, in 1980-1981, became the first teaching fellow in the College
behavioral vision as well as providing
of Optometry.
presentations at and serving as chair
He went on to become a tenured faculty member and received
of continuing education conferences.
the Pacific University Distinguished Professional Faculty Award,
as well as the Pacific University Trustee Award to Young Faculty.
He retired from Pacific in 2011 and was awarded faculty
emeritus status.
He also served on several boards and committees at the university
throughout his career.
He is survived by his wife, Cathy, a daughter, Maja, and a son,
Jesse. His family suggests memorial donations be made in his honor
Dr. Kohl was a dedicated teacher, a close friend, and an open
to the Pacific University College of Optometry.
and caring man who took an interest in the lives of his students,
Aiello: Life experiences inspired university post
mother also worked different odd jobs. As a
Aiello said his background as a young
result, Aiello said, the family moved around
person gave him “my passion for students
terrible things that happen on campus,”
a lot, and he attended several different
who are struggling.”
everything from sexual assault to suicide
schools in California.
Continued from Page 1
In addition to the family who
ideation to other life-changing events. His
Life changed for him, however, when
encouraged him to continue his education,
job is to get students to grow within their
his parents divorced and his mother moved
Aiello’s aunt encouraged him to play music.
own development, he said.
with him to Vancouver, Wash., where there
“My aunt gave me a hand-me-down
“I think I work in the best field of
education: student affairs. I believe that
was family.
His mother became a nurse, and Aiello
guitar, an acoustic guitar, and I taught
myself how to play and just started taking
sometimes, that’s where the richest growth
graduated from Columbia River High
stabs on writing and really learning how to
happens and I really get to the issue of
School in Vancouver, lettering in theatre
sing,” he said.
people developing and growing,” he said.
and maintaining a 3.0 grade point average.
He comes to the role having faced
Aiello then went to college, but
His band’s name is a representation of his
life. The acronym “I.L.O.” — if each letter
many obstacles in his own childhood
attributes the idea of going on to further
is pronounced — indicates how Aiello’s last
and adolescence.
education to the family of a former high
name is pronounced. The words themselves
school girlfriend whose father was a
— “Ill Lucid Onset” — is “something cool,
“I actually grew up in Southern
California in a pretty rough lifestyle,” Aiello
said, adding that his father was a high
Harvard educated lawyer.
“They saw something in me,” he
transparent and new,” he said.
“It’s a very introspective sort of music, a
school dropout. “My dad, most of the time
said. “They encouraged me to look at
very thoughtful kind of atmospheric rock,”
until I was in high school, was dealing and
schools, even took upon themselves to
he said.
doing dope.”
say, ‘Hey, let’s go for a drive and visit these
In addition, Aiello said, his father
worked a variety of “on and off jobs.” His
“You’re not going to hear cheesy music
schools.’ If it wasn’t for their family, I’m not
from us. Most of our songs are about the
sure I would have considered college.”
human experience.” |
Faculty & staff highlights
was awarded “Honors of the Academy”
from the Minnesota Academy of
Audiology in February in recognition
of her outstanding contributions to
the organization. An active member
of the Minnesota academy for seven
years, Banerjee served the organization
in several capacities, including working
as an ad hoc volunteer, then serving
as a member and chair of several
committees, on the board of directors
and as president of the organization.
She recently was elected to a three-year
term on the American Academy of
Audiology’s Board of Directors.
JOBST, Physical Therapy, have
published a book, Physical Therapy
Case Files: Orthopaedics, a collection of
orthopedic cases that highlight the best
examination and treatment strategies.
was the guest conductor for the United
States Navy Band in a concert Feb.
15 at Willamette University. BurchPesses served in the U.S. Navy for
33 years, rising from seaman recruit
to commander, and was the former
executive officer, second in command
of the Navy Band before he retired and
came to Pacific.
presented a lecture at the annual
Northwest Congress of Optometry,
sponsored by the Optometric Extension
Program Foundation, Feb. 24 at Pacific
University. Laukkanen talked about his
2012 sabbatical work at Walter Reed
National Military Medical Center with
soldiers who displayed vision defects
due to traumatic brain injuries.
was recently named to the Oregon
Pacific grants TARGET awards for faculty innovation
Ten faculty members with six projects have been selected as recipients of Pacific University’s first
round of Teaching Advancement and Research Grants in Educational Technology. The TARGET
program’s aim is to encourage faculty to pursue thoughtful integration of technology into teaching
and learning and to explore course delivery in online and blended formats. Recipients are:
BRIAN JACKSON, Exercise Science, who plans to translate his lecture material into short online
videos and other Internet-based activities. He will use the face-to-face class time he previously
developed to lecture for active learning exercises.
TERRY O’DAY, Art, and STEPHANIE STOKAMER, Center for Civic Engagement, plan to create an
online component for a permaculture design course. The lecture-type instruction will be conducted
online, and face-to-face time will be used for interactive activities. Students will also do extensive
academic work online, including creating electronic portfolios framing the civic engagement portions
of the course.
JOHN SUROVIAK, Business, will redesign his face-to-face introductory accounting class into a
blended format by moving basic bookkeeping instruction online. That allows him to use class time to
focus on creative and critical problem solving skills necessary for practicing accountants.
BRENDAN STAMPER, Pharmacy, plans to create an online curriculum to provide students with
either a review of or instruction in the fundamental science and math skills necessary for success in
the pharmacy program.
RIK LEMONCELLO and AMANDA STEAD, Communication Science and Disorders, propose creating
a series of video tutorials and lectures that will serve as the basis for blended and flipped classes
across the school’s curriculum. Lemoncello and Stead will make these videos freely available online
so that they can be used both by alumni of Pacific’s program as well as by audiology and speechlanguage pathology students and professionals worldwide.
ANN MATSCHINER, Education, will develop a fully online program with core courses for the
Talented and Gifted Program.
ANITA ZIJDEMANS BOUDREAU, Education, and NANCY KRUSEN, Occupational Therapy, will
create an interdisciplinary, fully online course on teaching in higher education for those who wish to
pursue an academic career in the health professions.
Governor’s Prescription Drug Abuse
Force. The new task force is the
recipient of a grant by the National
Governor’s Association to develop
a plan to address the epidemic of
prescription drug abuse. Milliard has
been a pharmacist for 40 years, was
named the 1990 Oregon Pharmacist of
the Year, and has served in several other
advisory roles.
JAMES MOORE, Politics and
Government, spoke Feb. 21 at the
Rogue Valley League of Women Voters
meeting on “We’re All Globalized
Now: Politics, Economics and the
U.S. in the World.”
TAMMY SPENCER, Marketing &
Communications, has joined the
Audubon Society of Portland Board
of Directors. She brings extensive
knowledge and expertise in marketing
and communications strategy
development and implementation, as
well as event and volunteer experience
to the board, along with her passion
for protecting habitat, birding and
continuing the legacy of her father,
Ron Spencer, an active and engaged
member of the board and volunteer.
Submit your publication, presentation and
professional recognition news to Pacific
News at |
April Birthdays
1 Kathlene Postma
2 Connie Taylor
Sanchez Thwing
3 Dina Erickson
3 Suzanne Ahn
3 Jamy Borbidge
3 Jon-Erik Larsen
4 Jennifer Smythe
4 Tawny Flores
4 Eric Lambert
4 Liz Davis
4 Miguel Munoz
5 Troy Strass
5 Susan Schubothe
5 John Lockhart
5 Elaine Coughlin
5 Nicholas Fillis
7 Martha Rampton
8 Stephen Prag
8 Milo Holden
8 Doug Ryan
9 Amanda Stead
Patricia Parker
Beatriz Loper
Gregor Yanega
Rose Engelfried
Charles Carpenter
Heidi Grubbs
Junko Iijima
Arlyn Curtis
Hollie Garvin
Libby Schoene
Jason Lawson
Travis Gregory
Harold Vreeland
Kihei Castillo
Lisa Downing
Ian Doyle
Santha Zaik
Mike Geraci
Elena Sherbina
Brandon Holliday
Jenifer Wuite
de Valle
Nathan Nebergall
Terry O’Day
Sarah Thomas
16 Pam Kofstad
16 Karen Sellars
17 Phil Friesen
17 Anthony Dunn
18 Raquel Avalos
18 Timothy Hamlet
18 Curtis Ray
18 Mary Kay
Schwab Perry
18 Andrea Stewart
19 Staci Hallanzzini
19 Paula Simon
20 Denise Giesbers
20 Kay Waldron
20 Sandi Miles
20 Vicki McGee
21 Olivia Mandujano
21 John Lowery
21 Theresa Floyd
21 Linda Hunt
22 Chad Rosen
22 Beth Lynn
APRIL 2013
Office of Marketing
& Communications
Editor | Jenni Luckett
Associate Editor |
Wanda Laukkanen
Send your news to
CommonKnowledge, the libraries’ digital repository,
The scholarly and creative achievements of the
should contact Isaac Gilman, Pacific’s scholarly
of Pacific faculty
university’s faculty, staff and administrators will be
and staff have given
celebrated by the Pacific University Library with displays
to Pacific so far
on the Forest Grove Campus April 8 to 12 and at the
this fiscal year, as
Hillsboro campus April 15 to 19. Displays of the works
of March 21. Your
of published authors will be featured at each location
gift supports the
along with the works of grant writers, whose scholarly
University and our
work is often unsung and unpublished.
students. Consider
23 Erik Monson
24 Susan Menen
24 Lisa Frech
24 Elizabeth Klinger
25 Bill Ray
25 Saje Davis-Risen
26 Rebecca Schulte
26 Rachel Oakes
Riley Olivera
27 Jeremy Hughes
29 Bradley Baker
29 Mark Brist
29 Cassie McVeety
29 Michael Clark
30 Tamara Duvall
30 Deborah Parsons
30 Irene Arroyo
30 John Reid-Hresko
30 Claude Vanzant
30 Teresa Perrin
In addition, two receptions will be held to honor
a gift or a payroll
the authors: the first from 4 to 5:30 p.m. April 9, at
deduction today.
Forest Grove and the second from 4 to 5:30 p.m.
April 16 at Hillsboro.
Authors who would like their publications added
communications and research services librarian.
Coffee and goodies are available for university staff at
the Staff Senate’s monthly Boxer Boost. April’s event is
from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. April 18 in the Alumni Room at
the University Center on the Forest Grove Campus and
in Room 430 at the HPC2 building in Hillsboro. All
staff members are invited to come enjoy the treats and
meet their staff senators. |