Growth Responses of Zoysiagrass Influenced by Different Rates of Bio-Turf-Pro Abstract

Growth Responses of Zoysiagrass Influenced by Different
Rates of Bio-Turf-Pro
M. Pessarakli, D.M. Kopec, and Sarah C. Berry
Zoysiagrass (Zoysia spp.), cv. El Toro was used in this experiment to evaluate its shoot growth in
terms of length and dry weight under control and different levels of Bio-Turf-Pro applications in a pot
study. Four treatments [Control (no Bio-Turf-Pro), 8 Fl Oz/Gal (½ the recommended rate) per 1000
ft2, 16 Fl Oz/Gal (recommended rate) per 1000 ft2, and 32 Fl Oz/Gal (twice the recommended rate)
per 1000 ft2 of Bio-Turf-Pro], and six replications of each treatment were used in a RCB design in this
investigation. Plants were allowed to grow under the above treatment conditions for eight weeks.
Plant shoots (clippings) were harvested bi-weekly for the evaluation of the dry-matter production. At
each harvest, shoot lengths were measured and recorded and the visual growth was also evaluated
before the harvest was made. The harvested plant materials were oven dried at 60o C and dry weights
were measured and recorded. The shoot growth (length) was stimulated under any levels of Bio-TurfPro application rates compared with the control. Among the treatment rates, the 16 Fl Oz/Gal (the
recommended rate) per 1000 ft2] numerically stimulated the shoot length the most. However in most
cases, there was not statistically significant differences detected among the 8 (½ the recommended
rate) per 1000 ft2, 16 Fl Oz/Gal (the recommended rate) per 1000 ft2] and the 32 Fl Oz/Gal (twice the
recommended rate) per 1000 ft2] application rates of the compound on the shoot length of the grass.
The shoot (clippings) dry weights of the plants followed essentially the same pattern as the shoot
lengths. The visual evaluation of the grass supported the measured parameters.
Zoysiagrass (Zoysia spp.) is a warm season turf species used in warm regions of the United States and other parts of the
world. The species is relatively very tolerant to salinity, drought and heat stresses, all characteristics of the dry and hot
regions. These characteristics substantially reduce plant/turfgrass growth in arid and semi-arid regions where the soils
are usually saline/sodic and water and nutrients are limited for normal plant growth and development. There are
numerous compounds commercially available claiming to enhance plant growth and development. However, adequate
scientific evidence and experimental data are lacking to support these claims. Therefore, this investigation was conducted
to examine one of these products (Bio-Turf-Pro) on the growth of zoysiagrass.
The objectives of this study were to compare growth responses in terms of shoot length and shoot (clippings) dry
weights of zoysiagrass grown under control and different levels of Bio-Turf-Pro application rates.
This is a part of the University of Arizona College of Agriculture 2004 Turfgrass and Ornamental Research Report, index at:
Materials and Methods
Zoysiagrass, cv. El Toro was used in this experiment to evaluate its shoot growth in terms of length and dry weight under
control and different levels of Bio-Turf-Pro applications in a pot study.
The plants were vegetatively grown in squar surface pots 4" X 4" dimensions and 4" height. Soil (plant growing mixture)
was used as the plant anchor medium. The plants were well established (two years old) before the treatments were
started. Four treatments [Control (no Bio-Turf-Pro), 8 Fl Oz/Gal (½ the recommended rate) per 1000 ft2, 16 Fl Oz/Gal
(recommended rate) per 1000 ft2, and 32 Fl Oz/Gal (twice the recommended rate) per 1000 ft2 of Bio-Turf-Pro], and six
replications of each treatment were used in a Randomized Complete Block (RCB) design in this investigation.
Plants were allowed to grow under the above treatment conditions for eight weeks. During this period, plants were
received daily watering and bi-weekly fertilization to ensure adequate amount of plant essential nutrient elements and
moisture for normal growth and development.
Plant shoots (clippings) were harvested bi-weekly for the evaluation of the dry matter production. At each bi-weekly
harvest, shoot lengths were measured and recorded and the visual growth was also evaluated before the harvest was
The harvested plant materials were oven dried at 60o C and dry weights were measured and recorded. The recorded data
were considered the bi-weekly plant dry-matter production.
Statistical Analysis
The data were subjected to Analysis of Variance, using SAS statistical package. The means were separated, using
Duncan Multiple Range test.
Results and Discussion
Shoot Length
The shoot growth (length) was stimulated under any levels of Bio-Turf-Pro application rate (Tables 1 and 2). The effect
of Bio-Turf-Pro on shoot length was shown from the first harvest at all application rates, including the lowest [8 Fl
Oz/Gal (½ the recommended rate) per 1000 ft2]. Among the treatment rates, the 16 Fl Oz/Gal (the recommended rate)
per 1000 ft2] stimulated the shoot length the most. However in most cases, there was not statistically significant
differences detected among the 8 (½ the recommended rate) per 1000 ft2, 16 Fl Oz/Gal (the recommended rate) per 1000
ft2] and the 32 Fl Oz/Gal (twice the recommended rate) per 1000 ft2] application rates of the compound on the shoot
length of the grass. There was no significant difference detected between the 8 Fl Oz/Gal (½ the recommended rate) per
1000 ft2] and the 32 Fl Oz/Gal (twice the recommended rate) per 1000 ft2] application rates of the compound on the shoot
length of the grass.
Shoot Dry Weight
The shoot (clippings) dry weights of the plants followed essentially the same pattern as the shoot lengths (Tables 1 and
2). For both lengths and dry weights of the shoots, the differences between the average values for different treatments
were wider as the growth period progressed. This indicates that the application of the Bio-Turf-Pro had a positive
response on zoysiagrass’s long-term growth and development. The visual evaluation of the grasses supported the
measured parameters. Since both the studied parameters showed a positive growth response (20 to 61% increase in
growth compared to the control, Table 2) of zoysiagrass due to the Bio-Turf-Pro application, it can be concluded that
this compound is beneficial to this grass and enhances its growth and development.
It should be noted that the results are only preliminary. To make any generalization, conclusions, and recommendations,
further research needs to be done and the product should be tested on some other grasses and the experiments should
be repeated for better validity of the results. In addition, with only these preliminary results, this investigators are not
in a position to make any recommendations on the usage of this product. After further investigations and research work,
the investigators will release the results of their findings to the public in oral presentation and/or written form.
This study was supported by the Opti-Gro a division of Chemsearch. Commercial Grounds/Landscape Specialists.
Table 1. Zoysiagrass growth (shoot length and shoot dry weight) under control and 3 rates of Bio-Turf-Pro (BTP)
applications for 4 bi-weekly harvests..
------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------Shoot
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Length D.W. Length D.W
Length D.W
Length D.W.
(cm) (g)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Control (0 BTP)
5.15c 0.56c 5.68c 0.62b 5.93c 0.55b 5.55c 0.43c
6.47b 0.90ab 7.05ab 0.66b 6.93ab 0.80a 6.65ab 0.62ab
8 Fl Oz BTP/1000 ft2
7.25a 1.03a 7.45a 0.87a 7.82a 0.84a 7.08a 0.72a
16 Fl Oz BTP/1000 ft2
32 Fl Oz BTP/1000 ft2
6.35b 0.90ab 6.87ab 0.76ab 7.07ab 0.91a 6.38ab 0.61ab
The values are means of eight replications.
All the values followed by the same letter in each column are not statistically different at the 0.05 probability level.
Table 2. Zoysiagrass growth (shoot length and shoot dry weight), average of 4 bi-weekly harvests under control and 3
rates of Bio-Turf-Pro (BTP) applications..
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Length D.W
Length D.W
Length D.W.
(% of Control) (% increase, based on Control)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Control (0 BTP)
6.78ab 0.75ab
8 Fl Oz BTP/1000 ft2
16 Fl Oz BTP/1000 ft2
6.67ab 0.80ab
32 Fl Oz BTP/1000 ft2
The values are means of eight replications.
All the values followed by the same letter in each column are not statistically different at the 0.05 probability level.