1.3 – Problem Solving the marvelous.

1.3 – Problem Solving
In all things of nature there is something of
the marvelous.
Remember when solving an algebraic equation:
1) Perform distributive property.
2) Combine like terms on each side.
3) Get all of the variables on one side of the equation.
4) Undo addition and subtraction, then multiplication and division.
Ex1) 7 x  3  2( x  6)
Ex2) 10(1  2 y )  5(2 y  1)
Ex3) The width of a rectangle is 2 cm less than the length of
the rectangle. The perimeter of the rectangle is 76 cm. Find
the dimensions of the rectangle.
Solving when there are multiple variables: Use the same techniques.
Your answer will probably be a variable expression instead of a number.
Ex4) Solve for w.
V = lwh
Ex5) Solve for g.
S = ½gt2
Solving when there are multiple variables: More Practice…
Ex6) BH  BK  L for B
x 5
 3  c  10 for x
1.3 – Problem Solving
Homework: # 1, 9, 13, 17, 20, 23-27 odd,
31-35 odd, 36-46 even
In all things of nature there is something of
the marvelous.