Overview Avant provides web-based language assessments that include one or more of the following elements: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking. This document provides technical information relative to computers and networks to help prepare for using one or more of the following assessments and/or instructional tools: STAMP 4S, STAMP 4Se, Placement, ClassPak. Note: Ensure this information is distributed to both your network administrator, as well as the person who is responsible for preparation and setup of computers in your lab or testing area. Networking Requirements The following section pertains specifically to network setup for the locations where testing will occur. Client Bandwidth and IPs 200Kbps of available bandwidth per test taker is recommended. Firewalls, Proxy Servers and Content Filters should be set to NOT proxy, filter or block Avant IP addresses. All inbound and outbound traffic for the applicable IPs shown below must be whitelisted: Your organization's Primary Contact for the Avant Assessment testing will contact you with additional information about which of our products (STAMP4S, STAMP4Se, Placement, ClassPak) will be used and the timeline for testing. STAMP4S • • • • • Web Servers (TCP 80, 443): stamp4s.avantassessment.com, stamp4ssample.avantassessment.com Flash Media Servers (TCP 80, 1935) : rtmp.avantassessment.com Flash Media Server Primary IP: Flash Media Server Backup IP: https://d2joq6qoyszh6j.cloudfront.net/ STAMP for Hebrew • Requirements are available in the STAMP for Hebrew Technology Guide located at: http://www.avantassessment.com/stamp4shebrewguides.html STAMP4Se • • • • • Web Servers (TCP 80, 443): stamp4se.avantassessment.com, stamp4sesample.avantassessment.com Flash Media Servers (TCP 80, 1935) : rtmp.avantassessment.com Flash Media Server Primary IP: Flash Media Server Backup IP: https://d2joq6qoyszh6j.cloudfront.net/ Placement • • • • • Web Servers (TCP 80, 443):, Web Domains: placement.avantassessment.com, flash.avantassessment.com Flash Media Servers (TCP 80, 1935) : rtmp.avantassessment.com Flash Media Server Primary IPs:, Flash Media Server Backup IP: APT (Arabic Proficiency Test) • Requirements are available in the APT Technology Guide located at: http://www.avantassessment.com/apt.html ClassPak: • • Web Servers (TCP 80,443):,,, (classpak.net) (quizpak.net) Flash Media Servers (TCP 1935, 443):, (rtmp1.onlinells.com, rtmp2.onlinells.com) Testing Equipment Preparation The following information pertains to setup of the computers that will be used for testing. Supported Browsers • • Windows - Internet Explorer 8+, Chrome 5+, Safari 4+ Mac - Safari 4+, Chrome 5+ Additional Information • • • • • • Required Equipment: PC or Mac, headset with microphone, keyboard, and mouse. Pop-ups should be enabled The selected browser must be set to allow cookies AND allow a Flash plugin to allow connections to outside servers Flash version should be version 10 or greater. Ensure that computers are not affected by power saving, screen saver, or shutdown processes that may affect test taking Activate the appropriate languages for testing in the corresponding language assessments (Arabic, Chinese or Japanese) Headset Guidelines All of Avant´s tests include a Speaking section. Some tests also include a Listening section. For ease of use, we recommend that USB headsets with microphones be used for both of those sections. Other headset and microphone options may work, but may require more preparation and setup. Headsets need to be plugged in before starting the test and test takers should be instructed on how to use the in-line controls on the headsets (if equipped with them). Character Activation Special letter or character-based input activation is required on computers that test takers will use for writing with special input systems. For example, Arabic, Chinese and Japanese all require special systems to be activated in order to write into the text entry fields in the test. For more information, see the Writing Input Guide, located at: http://www.avantassessment.com/docs/writingguide.pdf Avant Technology Check The Avant Technology Check can be used to check the configuration of each computer that will be used for testing. It is used to check headsets, audio streaming, recording, browser settings and more. The Technology Check needs to be done by someone familiar with browser settings (including security settings) and sound configuration. A link to the Technology Check can be found at the top of the following login pages for STAMP 4S, STAMP 4Se and Placement. https://stamp4s.avantassessment.com/stamp4s/do/login https://stamp4se.avantassessment.com/stamp4se/do/login https://placement.avantassessment.com/placement/do/testengine Troubleshooting Recording Issues All Avant Assessment’s tests include a Speaking section which relies considerably on both your network resources and workstation setup. If test takers are unable to record, have “choppy” recordings, or get the “low mic level” messages, try the following: • Make sure to use a supported browser (Internet Explorer, Chrome, or Safari) • Make sure the headset was plugged in before starting the test • Go to the Adobe Flash Player Settings Box and ensure that "Allow" has been selected • Make sure that pop-ups are not blocked • Refresh/reload the page • Check to see if you can record sound in a different application on the computer • If using a wireless connection, switch to a wired connection • Make sure you have the most recent version of Flash Player • Check to see if you have adequate bandwidth • If students log into student accounts on the computers, make sure that the student account for logging into the computer does not have restrictions that would affect recording • Run the Technology Check (on the menu bar of the testing website) • If only one or two test takers are affected, try a different headset or a different computer “Netstream” errors may require the assistance of a network administrator to: • Ensure that access to our Flash servers is not being blocked • Ensure adequate bandwidth for the number of test takers (200Kbps of available bandwidth per test taker is recommended)