ù<rPOCifiC rLS \7\ University ' Student Health 2043 Center 503-352-2269 fax# 503-3 52-3105 Collegevay Foresr Grou:", Oti 971r6 OTEgON- CONSENT/AUTHORIZATIONTO DISCLOSE MEDICAL RECORDS DOB Name I hereby Consent and Authorize Pacific University, Student Health CHECK AT LEAST ONE _ _ (check all that apply) To /From Send a copy of my specific health information to person or organization Receive a copy of specific health information from person or organization Orally exchange specific health information with person or organization Record CONSTSTING OF - Services to: Entire Medical Most recent Arurual and Pap (include Cytology & Exam ) -- Name Lab[Pathology reports Diagnostic imaging reports Immurization Information Address City/Stzte/Zip Phone FOR Tm PIJRPOSE OF ü Continuing Care t Other If the information to be disclosed contains any of the types of records or information listed below, additional laws relating to the use and disclosure of the information may apply. I understand and agree that this information will be disclosed if I place my INITIALS in the applicable space next to the type of information. HIV/AIDS information This area must be initialed in order for to be included in your request. it Mental health information Drug/alcohol diagnosis, heatment, or referral information You do not need to sign this authorization. Refusal to sign the authorization will not adversely affect your ability to received health care sãrvices. The only ci¡cumstance when refusal to sign will mean you will not receive health services is if the health services are solely for the purpose of providing health information to someone else and the authorization is necessary to make that disclosure. Your refusal to sign this authorization does not adversely affect your enrollment in a health plan or eligibility for health benefits. You may revoke this authorization in writing at any iime. If you revoke your authorizatior¡ the information described above may no longer be used or disclosed for the purposes described in this written authorization. Any uses or disclosures already made with your permission cannot be undone. To revoke this authorization, please send a written statement to Pacific University Student Health Center at the authorization. add¡ess above and state that you are I understand that the information used or disclosed pursuant to the authorization may be subject to redisclosure and no longer be protected under federal law. However, I also understand that federal or state law may restrict redisclosure of ¡ilV¡emS information, mental health information, and drug/alcohol diagnosis, ffeaünent or referral information. I have read this authorization and I understand it. Unless revoked, this authorization will expire in one year or specify_. If I fail to specify an expiration date o¡ event, this authorization will expire on year from the date on which it was signed. (signaturQ O I DO O I DO NOT Created 01126106 ( date) þhone#) Consent to faxing with the understanding that the confidentiality at the receiving end cannot always be guaranteed.