Thursday, March 27, 2008
Members Present: 47
Members Absent: 21
1. The meeting was called to order by the chairperson of the University Senate, Bruce Hozeski, at 4:00 p.m. Roll
Call was taken by initialing the roster located at the entrance to CM 125.
Members Present: M. Brown, J. Clark, G. Crawley, L. Deckers, F. Groom, M. Groover, M. Guntsche, M.
Harvey, M. Hawkins, B. Hozeski, S. Islam, K. Kalumba, E. Kelly, T. King, J. Ledbetter, M. Maggiotto, L.
Markle, J. McClure, W. McCune, M. McGrew, G. Murray, K. Neumann, J. Olesen, P. Parkison, R. Rarick, G.
Reid, J. Rybarczyk, D. Shawger, B. Smith, K. Speirs-Neumeister, G. Stamp, R. Stankewitz, A. Stegner, F.
Suppe, B. Umansky, C. Walker, A. Wieseke, B. Wills, T. Zivney
Substitutes: Sue Whitaker for B. Adams, Michael Voss for K. Ellis, Danny Morton for F. Hood, John Dahlgren
for S. Meier, Mitch Whaley for D. Pearson, Mark Masse´ for M. Popovich, Michael Pounds for M. Steib, Kyle
Ellis for M. Walker
Members Absent: N. Ahmed, D. Chen, J. Cross, R. Dolon, O. Dotson, J. Eflin, J. Gora, D. Haber, T. Hinds,
M. Jameson, C. Kapinus, C. Lehnertz, J. Manuel, C. Marlow, B. Mills, C. Munchel, C. Payne, W. Sharp, P.
Spengler, C. Updike, E. Zygmunt-Fillwalk
2. A motion was made and seconded (Clark/Reid) to approve the minutes of February 21, 2008.
The motion carried.
3. Announcements
A. The April 24 meeting date will include two meetings: one for the last meeting of 2007-08, and one for the
first meeting of 2008-09. Elections will be the only agenda item for the first meeting of 2008-09. It will
begin immediately following the last meeting of 2007-08.
B. The Diversity Policy Institute has changed its name to the Office of Institutional Diversity
C. The deadline for submitting departmental votes on the constitutional amendment is next Thursday, April 3,
by 5:00 pm. No late votes will be accepted.
D. The Beneficence Pledge and the revisions to the University Promotion and Tenure document were both
approved by the Board of Trustees at their meeting on March 21. It will be documented in the next agenda
of the University Senate.
E. College elections forms are due in the Senate office tomorrow, March 28.
F. The Chairperson of the Senate read a letter from President Gora concerning SJR 7, which was passed by the
University Senate at their meeting in February (Attachment #1).
4. Recognition of Deaths – Don O. Lyon, Charles (Wave) Myers
5. Committee Reports
A. Governance and Elections Committee
The Chairperson of the Senate reported that Dave is not at today’s meeting, but he asked Bruce to make
two announcements; one is regarding the deadline for the amendment to the constitution. The other is
University Senate Minutes
March 27, 2008
Page Two
regarding nominations for the election of University Senate officers and the member to the Senate Agenda
Committee. Please consider nominating yourself or nominating someone else. Members were requested to
contact the individual regarding their willingness to serve prior to forwarding their name to the Governance
and Elections Committee.
The committee is continuing their work on the editorial changes to the constitution.
B. Faculty Council – Brien Smith, Chairperson
Brien reported that the Council met in February and is reviewing the Student Academic Ethics Policy. The
revisions from the Graduate Education Committee are on today’s agenda.
Brien yielded the floor to Sue Whitaker, Chairperson of the UCC Subcommittee, and Michael Spillman,
Chairperson of the Undergraduate Education Committee, to present an update regarding the progress of
UCC-21. (Power Point Presentation, Attachment #2)
Discussion ensued after the presentation and questions were presented to the two chairpersons.
C. University Council – Adam Stegner, Chairperson
Adam reported that the council met last month and had a report from the task force on professional
personnel. The Council voted to form an investigative task force to look at specific issues regarding
professional personnel. The recommendations will be routed through the University Council and then
through the governance system.
D. Campus Council – Matthew Walker, Chairperson
Matthew reported that the council did not meet last month, but will meet for their last meeting in April to
elect officers.
6. Report by the Chairperson of Senate – Bruce W. Hozeski (University Senate Agenda 3/27/08, Enclosure #1)
Most items have progressed through the senate system; however, some items still need attention. The Student
Senate resolutions will be reviewed by the Master Planning and Facilities Committee this next week.
7. Questions Directed to the President
The President was not in attendance at today’s meeting.
8. Question and Answer Period
There were no questions.
9. Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business.
10. New Business
A. Graduate Education Committee revisions (University Senate Agenda, 3/27/08, Enclosure #2)
University Senate Minutes
March 27, 2008
Page Three
A motion was made and seconded (Stegner/Kelly) to place on the floor for discussion.
John Scheib, Chairperson of the Graduate Education Committee, discussed the item with the Senate
The motion carried to approve the revisions to the Graduate Education document.
B. Changes to Salary Document (University Senate Agenda, 3/27/08, Enclosure #3)
A motion was made and seconded (Kelly/Guntsche) to place on the floor for discussion.
Provost Terry King discussed the issue with the Senate.
A motion was made and seconded (Zivney/McClure) to send it to the Salary and Benefits Committee for
review and discussion.
The Provost indicated his willingness to attend the next Salary and Benefits Committee to discuss it, as
there is a timeline issue involved as well.
The motion to forward the document to the Salary and Benefits Committee carried.
11. Other Items
There were no other items.
The meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m.
April 24, 2008
Bruce W. Hozeski, Chairperson
Eva Zygmunt-Fillwalk, Secretary
REVISED 9/4/08
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Members Present: 46
Members Absent: 17
1. The meeting was called to order by the chairperson of the University Senate, Bruce Hozeski, at 5:00 p.m.
Roll Call was taken by initialing the roster located at the entrance to LB 125.
Members Present: B. Adams, N. Ahmed, C. Airriess, R. Bremigan, M. Brown, P. Chandler, D. Chen, J.
Clark, G. Crawley, L. Deckers, E. Dugan, J. Faroh, J. Gora, J. Green, D. Grosnick, M. Guntsche, D. Haber,
M. Harvey, L. Helms, F. Hood, B. Hozeski, C. Kapinus, T. King, J. Ledbetter, M. Maggiotto, L. Markle, C.
Marlow, W. McCune, C. Munchel, P. Parkison, R. Rarick, T. Richardson, J. Rybarczyk, L. Shaffer, D.
Shawger, B. Smith, K. Speirs-Neumeister, G. Stamp, F. Sun, D. Supa, F. Suppe, B. Umansky, D. Waechter,
A. Wieseke, B. Wills, S. Woosley, T. Zivney
Substitutes: Sharon Bowman, for P. Spengler, Michael Pounds for M. Steib
Members Absent: R. Bellaver, O. Dotson, R. Fluegeman, M. Groover, T. Hinds, K. Kalumba, E. Kelly, D.
LeBlanc, C. Lehnertz, W. Sharp, G. Slater, C. Walker, M. Walker, E. Zygmunt-Fillwalk
2. The Chairperson yielded the floor to the Vice Chairperson of the Governance and Elections Committee,
David Pearson, for the purpose of elections.
3. A list of nominees for the election of Senate officers and Agenda Committee was presented.
The floor was opened for additional nominations for Chairperson. A motion was made and seconded to
close nominations.
Brien Smith was elected to serve as Chairperson, by acclamation.
The floor was opened for additional nominations for Vice Chairperson. A motion was made and seconded
to close nominations.
Eva Zygmunt-Fillwalk was elected to serve as Vice Chairperson.
The floor was opened for additional nominations for Secretary. A motion was made and seconded to close
Michael Brown was elected to serve as Secretary, by acclamation.
The floor was opened for additional nominations for Agenda Committee. A motion was made and seconded
to close nominations.
Gary Crawley was re-elected to serve a two year term, 2008-2010.
David Pearson yielded the floor back to the Chairperson of the Senate, Brien Smith. The Chairperson
reminded the Senate that item #22 states that Senate Agenda Committee may act on behalf of the University
Senate during the summer for emergency items, pending acceptance by the University Senate in the fall.
University Senate Minutes
April 24, 2008
Page Two
He also reminded the members that all current membership to committees continues through the summer
with new appointments seated in the fall.
The meeting adjourned at 5:20 p.m.
Brien Smith, Chairperson
Michael Brown, Secretary
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Members Present: 58
Members Absent: 6
1. The meeting was called to order by the chairperson of the University Senate, Brien Smith, at 4:00 p.m.
Roll Call was taken by initialing the roster located at the entrance to LB 125.
Members Present: B. Adams, N. Ahmed, C. Airriess, R. Bellaver, R. Bremigan, M. Brown, P. Chandler,
J. Clark, C. Cozad, G. Crawley, L. Deckers, E. Dugan, A. Farmer, J. Faroh, R. Fluegeman, J. Gora, J. Green,
M. Groover, D. Grosnick, M. Guntsche, L. Helms, F. Hood, B. Hozeski, M. Johnson, K. Kalumba, C. Kapinus,
T. King, D. LeBlanc, J. Ledbetter, M. Maggiotto, W. McCune, P. Parkison, R. Rarick, T. Richardson,
J. Rybarczyk, L. Shaffer, D. Shawger, G. Slater, B. Smith, G. Stamp, M. Steib, F. Sun, D. Supa, F. Suppe,
B. Umansky, D. Waechter, C. Walker, M. Whitlock, A. Wieseke, S. Woosley, T. Zivney, E. Zygmunt-Fillwalk
Substitutes: Jane Ellery for D. Haber, Martha Hunt for C. Marlow, Brian Meekin for C. Munchel, Eric Pierson
for K. Speirs-Neumeister, Jeong Han Kim for P. Spengler, Lisa Jarrell for B. Wills
Members Absent: D. Chen, O. Dotson, M. Harvey, T. Hinds, E. Kelly, W. Sharp
2. A motion was made and seconded (Supa/Clark) to approve the minutes of September 4, 2008
The motion carried.
3. Announcements
A. Next scheduled meetings
Senate Agenda Committee – October 27, 2008, 8:00 a.m., AT 202F
University Senate – November 6, 2008, 4:00 p.m., LB 125
B. Change of Chairperson for Teachers College Dean’s Search Committee
The chairperson of the search committee has changed from Dean Sabatine to Dean Maggiotto.
5. Recognition of Death – Dr. Peggy Ramstad
6. Committee Reports
A. Governance and Elections Committee – Eva Zygmunt-Fillwalk, Chairperson
Eva reported that the committee did not meet; no agenda items were sent forward.
B. Faculty Council – Barry Umansky, Chairperson
Barry reported that the council met and had a productive meeting. Two items were sent to the Office of the
Provost for review.
C. University Council – Laura Helms, Chairperson
Laura reported that the council met and were updated on the work of the task force on professional
personnel regarding compensation for external grant writing.
University Senate Minutes
October 2, 2008
Page Two
D. Campus Council – Matthew Whitlock, Chairperson
Matthew reported that the council met and has elected officers. The executive committee will meet soon to
appoint campus council representatives to the various committees.
7. Report by Chairperson of the Senate – Brien Smith (Senate Agenda, 10/2/08, Enclosure #1)
Brien reported that there are two new items in the senate system listed under the University Council and the
Faculty Council. A revised GANTT chart was available in the back of the room.
8. Questions to the President
A. A senator asked if Ball State has invested in Common Funds, Wachovia, for example. The President
responded that the university does have Foundation funds in these accounts.
President Gora reported that she just returned from visiting Dante Love. He is walking and should be released
from the rehabilitation hospital in three to four weeks. He is anxious to get back to class. His spirits are good
and the athletic department is taking good care of him.
Question and Answer Period
There were no questions.
Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business.
New Business
A. Policies and Procedures for Undergraduate Certificate Programs (Senate Agenda 10/2/08, Enclosure #2)
A motion was made and seconded (Umansky/Adams) to place on the senate floor for discussion.
Michael Spillman, chairperson of the Undergraduate Education Committee, was present to discuss the
issue and answer questions.
The motion to approve the Policies and Procedures for Undergraduate Certificate Programs carried.
The meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.
November 6, 2008
Brien Smith, Chairperson
Michael Brown, Secretary
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Members Present: 54
Members Absent: 11
1. The meeting was called to order by the chairperson of the University Senate, Brien Smith, at 4:00 p.m.
Roll Call was taken by initialing the roster located at the entrance to LB 125.
Members Present: N. Ahmed, C. Airriess, R. Bellaver, R. Bremigan, M. Brown, P. Chandler, J. Clark,
C. Cozad, G. Crawley, L. Deckers, O. Dotson, E. Dugan, A. Farmer, J. Faroh, J. Green, M. Groover,
D. Grosnick, M. Guntsche, M. Harvey, F. Hood, B. Hozeski, K. Kalumba, C. Kapinus, T. King, D. LeBlanc,
J. Ledbetter, M. Maggiotto, L. Markle, C. Marlow, C. Munchel, P. Parkison, R. Rarick, J. Rybarczyk,
L. Shaffer, D. Shawger, G. Slater, B. Smith, G. Stamp, F. Sun, D. Supa, B. Umansky, D. Waechter, C. Walker,
M. Whitlock, A. Wieseke, B. Wills, S. Woosley, T. Zivney
Substitutes: Eric Pierson for K. Speirs-Neumeister, Charles Payne for T. Richardson, Jeong Han Kim for P.
Spengler, Michael Pounds for M. Steib, Abel Alves for F. Suppe, Deborah Ceglowski for E. Zygmunt-Fillwalk
Members Absent: B. Adams, D. Chen, R. Fluegeman, J. Gora, D. Haber, L. Helms, T. Hinds, M. Johnson,
E. Kelly, W. McCune, W. Sharp
2. A motion was made and seconded (Supa/Hozeski) to approve the minutes of October 2, 2008.
The motion carried.
3. Announcements
A. Next scheduled meetings
Senate Agenda Committee – December 1, 2008, 8:00 a.m., AT 202F
University Senate – December 11, 2008, 4:00 p.m., LB 125
B. Notice of Change in Office/Department Name
Current Name:
Proposed Name:
Bureau of Business Research
Center for Business and Economic Research
C. Program Information – Revised Programs
Academic Posting 2008-09, Volume XL-2
Interdepartmental Programs
Women’s Studies
Major in Women’s Studies
Teachers College
Department of Elementary Education
Teaching Major in Elementary Education
Academic Posting 2008-09, Volume XL-3
College of Applied Sciences and Technology
School of Physical Education, Sport, and Exercise Science
Master of Arts or Master of Science in Physical Education and Sport
Doctor of Philosophy in Human Bioenergetics
University Senate Minutes
November 6, 2008
Page Two
College of Architecture and Planning
Department of Architecture
Master of Architecture
Master of Architecture II (MArchII)
College of Sciences and Humanities
Interdepartmental Programs – Science
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Science
Department of Biology
Master of Arts in Biology
Biotechnology Certificate
Department of English
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in English
Department of Geography
Master of Science (MS) in Geography
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Master of Arts in Actuarial Science
Master of Arts in Mathematics
Master of Science in Mathematics
Department of Modern Languages and Classics
Major in Spanish
Teaching Major in Foreign Language: Spanish
Department of Sociology
Master of Arts in Sociology
4. Committee Reports
A. Governance and Elections Committee – Eva Zygmunt-Fillwalk, Chairperson
The Governance and Elections Committee did not meet as no agenda items were sent forward.
B. Faculty Council – Barry Umansky, Chairperson
Barry reported that the council met on October 9 and will meet again next week, November 13. Discussion
will be continued regarding the athletic funding issue; Marilyn Flowers, Randy Howard, and T.C. Collins
will attend to answer questions. The Salary and Benefits Committee is working on their two issues; there
are two issues in the Provost’s Office. Two items from the Faculty Council are on today’s agenda.
C. University Council – Laura Helms, Chairperson (No Report)
D. Campus Council – Matthew Whitlock, Chairperson
Matthew reported that the issue concerning handicapped parking for faculty and staff has been resolved and
will be discussed at their next meeting.
Report by Chairperson of the Senate – Brien Smith (Senate Agenda, 10/2/08, Enclosure #1)
Questions to the President
The Chairperson reported that the President is in New York meeting with a donor and sends her regrets. Vice
President Terry King is in attendance today if there are questions.
University Senate Minutes
November 6, 2008
Page Three
There were no questions.
Question and Answer Period
There were no questions.
10. Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business.
11. New Business
A. Proposed amendment to Faculty and Professional Personnel Handbook (Senate Agenda, 11/6/08,
Enclosure #2)
A motion was made and seconded (Crawley/Umansky) to place on the senate floor for discussion. James
Jones, an ex officio member of the Teaching Evaluation Committee, was present to discuss the issue and
answer questions.
The motion to approve the revision of the Teaching Evaluation Committee responsibilities carried.
B. Proposed amendment to the Faculty and Professional Personnel Handbook (Senate Agenda, 11/6/08,
Enclosure #3)
A motion was made and seconded (Umansky/Faroh) to place on the senate floor for discussion. Dave
Pearson presented the issue and answered questions. Discussion ensued.
The motion to approve the revision of the Procedures for the Selection of a College Dean carried.
C. Request to increase membership of University Core Curriculum Subcommittee for Academic Year,
2008-09 (Senate Agenda, 11/6/08, Enclosure #4)
A motion was made and seconded (LeBlanc/Faroh) to place on the senate floor for discussion. Michael
Spillman, chairperson of the Undergraduate Education Committee, was present to answer questions.
Discussion ensued.
The motion to approve the request to increase the membership of the University Core Curriculum
Subcommittee for Academic Year 2008-09 carried.
The meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.
December 11, 2008
Brien Smith, Chairperson
Michael Brown, Secretary
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Members Present: 52
Members Absent: 13
1. The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m., by the chairperson of the University Senate, Brien Smith.
Roll Call was taken by initialing the roster located at the entrance to LB 125.
Members Present: B. Adams, C. Airriess, R. Bellaver, R. Bremigan, M. Brown, P. Chandler, C. Cozad,
G. Crawley, L. Deckers, O. Dotson, E. Dugan, A. Farmer, J. Faroh, R. Fluegeman, J. Gora, J. Green,
D. Grosnick, M. Guntsche, M. Harvey, L. Helms, F. Hood, B. Hozeski, M. Johnson, K. Kalumba, C. Kapinus,
T. King, D. LeBlanc, J. Ledbetter, M. Maggiotto, L. Markle, C. Marlow, P. Parkison, R. Rarick, T. Richardson,
J. Rybarczyk, D. Shawger, G. Slater, B. Smith, M. Steib, F. Sun, D. Supa, F. Suppe, B. Umansky, D. Waechter,
C. Walker, M. Whitlock, A. Wieseke, B. Wills, S. Woosley, T. Zivney, E. Zygmunt-Fillwalk
Substitutes: Eric Pierson for K. Speirs-Neumeister
Members Absent: N. Ahmed, D. Chen, J. Clark, M. Groover, D. Haber, T. Hinds, E. Kelly, W. McCune,
C. Munchel, L. Shaffer, W. Sharp, J. Kim (for P. Spengler), G. Stamp
2. A motion was made and seconded (Crawley/Supa) to approve the minutes of November 6, 2008.
The motion carried.
3. Announcements
A. Next Scheduled Meetings
Senate Agenda Committee – January 12, 2009, 8:00 a.m., AT 202F
University Senate – January 22, 2009, 4:00 p.m., LB Rm. 125
B. Notice of Change in Office/Department Name
Current Name:
Proposed Name:
Office of Academic Research and Sponsored Programs
Sponsored Programs Office
Please note: For information only. University policy does not require this name change to go through
the University Senate prior to Board of Trustees approval as it is not an academic unit.
C. Program Information – Revised Programs
Academic Posting 2008-09, Volume XL-4
College of Applied Sciences and Technology
School of Physical Education, Sport, and Exercise Science
Master of Arts or Master of Science in Exercise Science
College of Architecture and Planning
Department of Landscape Architecture
Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA)
Miller College of Business
Department of Information Systems and Operations Management
Teaching Major in Business and Marketing Education
College of Sciences and Humanities
Department of English
Master of Arts in English (General)
University Senate Minutes
December 11, 2008
Page Two
Master of Arts in English (Rhetoric and Composition)
Master of Arts in English (Creative Writing)
Master of Arts in English (Literature)
Master of Arts in Linguistics
Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages (TESOL)
Teachers College
Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services
Cognate Couples and Family Counseling
Academic Posting 2008-09, Volume XL-5
College of Applied Sciences and Technology
Department of Family and Consumer Sciences
Master of Arts in Family and Consumer Sciences
Master of Science in Family and Consumer Sciences
Master of Science in Dietetics
Department of Technology
Director of Career and Technical Education
College of Sciences and Humanities
Department of English
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in English
Department of Biology
Master of Arts in Biology
Biotechnology Certificate
Department of English
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in English
D. University Senate Action signed by President, does not require Board of Trustees Approval:
1. Request for electronic copies (only) of University Senate Agenda and materials
2. Policies and Procedures for Undergraduate Certificate Programs
3. Proposed amendment to Faculty and Professional Personnel Handbook (Teaching Evaluation
4. Proposed amendment to Faculty and Professional Personnel Handbook (Governance and
Elections Committee)
5. Suspension of Rules for Academic Year 2008-09, to increase membership of the University
Core Curriculum Subcommittee
4. Committee Reports
A. Governance and Elections Committee – Eva Zygmunt-Fillwalk, Chairperson
Eva reported that the committee met this morning. The first reading of the constitutional amendment is on
the agenda for today’s meeting.
B. Faculty Council – Barry Umansky, Chairperson
Barry reported that the council met on November 13. The issue of athletic funding was discussed and
subsequently removed from the GANTT chart. They heard a report on the progress of the UCC
Subcommittee from Sue Whitaker, Chairperson. The council also passed the new membership of the UCC
University Senate Minutes
December 11, 2008
Page Three
C. University Council – Laura Helms, Chairperson (Report given by M. Brown, Secretary of the Senate)
Sali Falling was present at the last meeting of the council to address workloads of professional personnel
and explain expectations of work hours.
D. Campus Council – Matthew Whitlock, Chairperson (no report)
Report by Chairperson of the Senate – Brien Smith (Senate Agenda, 12/11/08, Enclosure #1)
Questions to the President
President Gora commented on the following:
She has met with all colleges this semester, with the exception of the College of Architecture and Planning
(meeting with them in January), to discuss the capital campaign and the upcoming legislative session. She
made another presentation to the state budget committee on November 20 during the legislative session.
Two-thirds of the capital campaign goal has been reached - $133,366,262.00.
There are states going through mid-year budget cuts. Ball State is making an effort to tighten the purse
strings as it may get rough during the second semester of this year. The stock market affects the
endowment which in turn affects scholarships dollars. Our endowment is down between 20-30% and
they’re making up the scholarship dollars from other campus expenditures. She will be reporting to the
campus community as issues arise.
University pay raises are doubtful unless the stock market and the state finances change.
Emerging media – largely funded by new grant dollars and reallocated dollars. This is an important area
where there is a broad range of activity.
David Letterman Distinguished Lecture Series – first speaker on February 24, 2009, is Kathleen Jamison,
Elizabeth Ware Packard professor of communications and director of the Annenberg Public Policy Center
at the University of Pennsylvania.
Bracken Environmental Lecture Series – Robert Kennedy, Jr., February 18, 2009; Thomas Friedman,
author of The World is Flat – March 4, 2009.
This has been a winning and interesting football season; instead of going to Detroit, we will be going to
Alabama to play the University of Tulsa on January 6, 2009, in the GMAC Bowl. Package information
will be available on the web site.
If faculty are unable to attend, the President requested that they please consider contributing the ticket price
for a student to go. They would like to give away 500 tickets to students.
Arrangements are being made to have a big screen available on campus to see the game. It will more than
likely be at Emens Auditorium. More information will follow at a later date.
Question and Answer Period
There were no questions.
Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business.
New Business
A. Proposed amendment to the Constitution – First Reading (Senate Agenda 12/11/08, Enclosure #2)
A motion was made and seconded (Steib/Cozad) to place on the floor for the reading.
University Senate Minutes
December 11, 2008
Page Four
Eva Zygmunt-Fillwalk, chairperson of the Governance and Elections Committee, read the proposed
amendment to the membership of the senate. This is the first reading of the amendment. Discussion and
vote will take place at the January 22, 2009, meeting of the University Senate.
The Chairperson of the Undergraduate Education Committee, Michael Spillman, will be present at the
January meeting to answer questions.
10. Other Items
There were no other items.
The meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m.
January 22, 2009
Brien Smith, Chairperson
Michael Brown, Secretary